Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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: ___________________________


: ___________________________


: ___________________________

TABLE OF CONTENT (Daftar Isi)  Alphabet  Greeting and Parting  Number  Day, month, date and time.  Time table  Noun  Pronoun  Descriptive text  My family member  Article  Preposition  Verb  Adjective  Command  Apologize  Simple present continuous  Thanks  Simple present tense  Daily needs  like and dislike  I want to and I need to  Question words

 Story  Things around us  Hobby  Profession  Counting/ ounce/grams/slice/  Simple past tense  Asking and giving opinion  Procedure text  Asking clarification  Personal description  Suggestion  Request  Asking for instruction  Asking about condition  Looking for the implicit information  Simple future

Personal Data/ Self Identity (Data diri) -

Full name

: ______________________

(nama lengkap) -

Nick name

: ______________________

(nama panggilan) -

sex (jenis kelamin)



: Male/ Female L /P : _______ Years old

(umur) -


: ______________________

(pekerjaan) -

place of birth

: ______________________

(Tempat lahir) -

date of birth

: ______________________

(Tanggal lahir) -


: ______________________

(Sekolah) -


: ______________________

(tingkatan) -


: ______________________

(Alamat) -

post code

: ______________________

(kode pos) -


: ______________________

(Warga negara) -


: ______________________

(Agama) -

blood type

: ______________________

(golongan darah) -

Phone number

: ______________________

(nomor telepon)

Signature (tanda tangan)


1. Alphabet / abjad







ei B

ef G

key L

pi Q

yu V

way Z

bi C

Ji H

el M

kyu R



si D

ech I

em N

ar S

Double yu X

di E

ai J

en O

es T






1.1 Introduction / perkenalan Yandi

: what is your name?


: My name is yuliana


: How do you spell it?


: way- yu- el- ai- ei- en- ei


: nice to meet you


: nice to meet you too

Exercise / latihan:  Make short dialogue about introduction  Spell your friend’s name


2. Greeting and Parting a. Greeting / salam Expression (ekspresi)

RESPONSE (respon)





Good morning

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good afternoon

Good evening

Good evening

Good night

Good night

How are you?

I am fine thank you.

How are things?

I am very well, thank you.

How is everything with you?

I am so so

How are you doing?

I am not feeling well

How have you been?

I am feeling so bad.

How it’s going?

Not too bad.

How do you do?

How do you do?

What do you do?

I eat

What are you doing?

I am eating

What happened?

No things

What’s the matter?

b. parting / perpisahan EXPRESSION (Ekspresi)

RESPONSE (respon)

Partings /perpisahan Good bye

Good bye





See you

See you

See you later

See you later

See you tomorrow

See you tomorrow

Till we meet again

Till we meet again

Nice to see you.

Nice to see you too.

Glad to see you.

Glad to see you too.

Please remember me to ………

Yes, of course

Please give my kind regard to …….


Please say my love to …….


Please send my love to …..

Yes I will

Please say hello to ….. Please give my kind remembrance to … Dialogue: A: Hello B: Hello A: Good morning. B: good morning. A: How are things? B: I am fine, thank you. A: Please remember me to dian. B: Certainly A: See you B: See you Exercise / latihan:  Make short dialogue use greeting and parting expression

3. Number / angka Number terdiri atas 3 jenis yaitu:  Cardinal number (bilangan urutan)  Ordinal number (bilangan tingkatan)  Fraction (bilangan pecahan)

Number Cardinal 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine 10 Ten 11 Eleven 12 Twelve 13 Thirteen 14 Fourteen 15 Fifteen 16 Sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 Eighteen 19 Nineteen 20 Twenty 21 Twenty one 22 Twenty two 30 Thirty 31 Thirty one 50 Fifty 100 One hundred ♦ decimal

NUMBER Number Ordinal 1st First nd 2 Second rd 3 Third 4th Fourth 5th Fifth 6th Sixth 7th Seventh 8th Eighth th 9 Ninth th 10 Tenth 11th Eleventh 12th Twelfth 13th Thirteenth 14th Fourteenth th 15 Fifteenth 16th Sixteenth 17th Seventeenth 18th Eighteenth th 19 Nineteenth 20th Twentieth st 21 Twenty first nd 22 Twenty second 30th Thirtieth st 31 Thirty first 50th Fiftieth th 100 One hundredth

Number 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 2/3 2/5 2/6 2/8 2/9 3/4 3/5 3/8 4/5 5/6 5/8 6/9

Fraction One second One third One forth One fifth One sixth One seventh One eighth One ninth One tenth Two third Two fifth Two sixth Two eighth Two ninth Three forth Three fifth Three eight Four fifth Five sixth Five eighth Six ninth

Decimal/ desimal adalah jenis bilangan yang menggunakan koma (,). contoh 4,5 = four point five atau four comma five 1. Cardinal number (bilangan urutan) Cardinal number adalah bentuk bilangan yang menunjukan urutan. contohnya satu, dua, tiga, ………(one, two, three, …..) untuk bilangan belasan diberi akhiran teen, kecuali 11 dan 12. untuk bilangan puluhan diberi akhiran ty

, contoh 60= sixty

2. Ordinal number (bilangan tingkatan) Ordinal number adalah bentuk bilangan yang menunjukan tingkatan. bilangan ini diartikan ke- …. contohnya ke satu, ke dua,ke tiga, ………(first , second, third …..) 3. Fraction (bilangan pecahan)

fraction ádalah jenis bilangan pecahan. cara membaca bilangan ini adalah dengan menggunakan bilangan cardinal pada bilangan pembilang dan menggunakan bilangan ordnal pada bilangan penyebut. contohnya: 2 --------- pembilang---- two--- Cardinal


3 --------- penyebut ----- third  Ordinal


_ two third

Exercise / latihan: Fill in the blank with suitable number! Number 1 5 26 32 86


Number 15th

NUMBER Ordinal

Number Fraction 1/2 One second One third 2/3 4/5 1/4

Twenty Second 36


Seventy sixth 17th

oprasi hitung: +

: Plus


: times


: equal / is


: minus


: divided by


: point/ comma

Example: 1. 10 + 2 – 5 X 3 : 7 = 3 ----- ten plustwo minus five times three devided by seven equal three Exercise/ Latihan: 1. 15 + 3 = ……

6. 17+ 5 X2 = ……..

2. 108- 2 = ……

7. 12 -2 : 5 = ………

3. 15 X 6 = ……

8. 16 X 3 + 2 = ……..

4. 100: 4 = ……

9. 23 X 5 : 4 = …….

5. 14 X 5 = ……

10. 72 + 2 : 3 = ……

4. Day, month, date and time a. Day No 1

Hari Minggu















Nama nama

Name of days / Nama Hari

Senin Selasa Rabu


= sekarang


= sekarang hari ini

Tomorrow = besok Yesterday =kemarin

Kamis Jumat Sabtu

Exercise Answer the following question! 1. What day is today? 2. What day is tomorrow? 3. What day is the day after tomorrow? 4. What day was yesterday? 5. What day is after Tuesday?

b. Month / bulan no 1 2 3 4 5 6

month January February March April May June

bulan Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni

no 7 8 9 10 11 12

Exercise Answer the following question 1. What is the first month? 2. What is the seventh month?

month July August September October November December

bulan Juli Agustus September Oktober November Desember

3. What is the last month? 4. What is the name of month after September? 5. What is the name of month before September? 6. What is the second month? 7. How many months are there in a year? 8. July is ………….month 9. How many days in august? 10. June is the …….month c. Date/ tanggal Cara membaca tanggal dalam bahasa inggris, menggunakan bilangan ordinal. contoh: 13 Desember 2011 13th of December 2011 July, 13th 2011 d. Time What time is it now? Pukul berapa sekarang?

O’ clock (tepat) 12

a quarter To


a quarter 3

Lima belas menit (menuju/kurang)


a half (setengah) Contoh: 06.00: six o’clock 06.15: a quarter past six

/ six fifteen

06.30: a half past six

/ six thirty

06.45: a half to seven

/ six forty five

06:10: ten minutes past six

/ six ten

06.55: five minutes to seven

/ six fifty five

Exercise Tell the time below correctly! A. 1. 07.00: __________________________ 2. 08.00: __________________________ 3. 09.15: __________________________

Past Lima belas menit (lewat/lebih)

4. 07.35: __________________________ 5. 09.45: __________________________ 6. 10.30: __________________________ 7. 11.12: __________________________ 8. 12.00: __________________________ 9. 02.15: __________________________ 10. 04.50: __________________________ B. 1. a quarter past seven = ________ 2. a half past three = _________ 3. a half past nine=_________ 4. eleven o’clock=_________ 5. twelve o’clock=_________ 6. fifty minutes past five=_________ 7. seventeen minutes past seven=_________ 8. eleven thirty=_________ 9. seven minutes to six=_________ 10. five forty= _________ e. Time table (jadwal) Subject matter Religion: Agama


civic : PKN

Biology: Biologi

History : Sejarah

Physics: Fisika

Art: Kesenian

Local content:mulok

Complete this time table! No Time monday


Indonesian: Bahasa Indonesia

Guidance and counseling: BP

Electronics: teknik elektro

Physical training: olah raga

wednesday thursday


f. Noun No 1.

Rooms House (rumah) living room / ruang tamu

School (sekolah) Class room / ruang kelas

bed room / kamar tidur

Teacher Office / kantor guru


2. 3. 4.

bath room / kamar mandi

Headmaster office / kantor KS

dining room / ruang makan

Library/ perpustakaan

kitchen / dapur

Health care unit/ UKS

garage/ garasi

Administration room/ ruang administrasi

storage room/ gudang

Canteen / kantin

5. 6. 7.

Task! Looking for 5 things in these rooms N o

A. Things in your house Living Bed Bath room







Storage room

1 2 3 4 5 B. Things in your school N




Teacher Headmaster office



1 2 3 4 5 Exercise Answer the following question! 1. Where do you find bath tub? 2. What can you see in the bed room (2)? 3. What can you see in the dinning room (2)? 4. What can you see in the library (2)? 5. What can you see in the class room (2)?

Health care unit





e. Article (kata sandang) Article

Definite Article - article tertentu (the)digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu benda yang hanya ada satu di dunia atau yang sudah diketahui oleh umum. contoh : the earth, the sun, the moon, etc Indefinite Article - article tidak tentu (a/ an). article a digunakan pada kata benda yang memiliki huruf awal yang dibaca konsonan. contoh: a book, a car, a cat, etc. article an digunakan pada kata benda yang memiliki huruf awal yang dibaca vokal. contoh: an apple, an ashtray, etc. Article a/an diartikan sebuah.

Exercise Fill in the blank with suitable article.

Direction- Compass

1. _____ Camel 2. _____ Bicycle 3. _____ University 4. _____ Umbrella 5. _____ Mattress 6. _____ Cow 7. _____ Eraser 8. _____ Ruler 9. _____ Elephant 10. ____ Eel F. Preposition (kata depan) - at

= pada

- next to

= di sebelah

- in

= di dalam

-on the corner= di pojok

- on

= di atas

- near by

= di dekat

- over

= di atas

- from

= dari

- below

= di bawah

- for

= untuk

- under

= di bawah

- with

= dengan

- beneath

= di bawah

- by

= oleh

- behind

= di belakang

- in front of

= di depan

- beside

= di samping

There is a/ an : ada sebuah …. There are

: ada banyak ….

(lebih dari satu)

- between = di antara - among

= diantara

Exercise A. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian! 1.

There are pens on the table.

2. There is a chair on the corner. 3. There are tables in the class room. 4. There are computers in the laboratory. 5. There is a hole punch in the office. 6. There are mirrors in the living room. 7. There is an ashtray under table. 8. There are books in front of class room. 9. There is a table cloth behind the up board. 10. There are some lamps over the table. 11. There is no candle in front of plate. 12. There is no picture beside Amir. 13. There are six classes in front of the library. C.

Translate the following sentences into English!

1. ada banyak kapur di dalam kotak. 2. ada sebuah peniti di bawah kursi. 3. ada sebuah tas di depan rak. 4. ada banyak sapu di belekang lemari 5. ada sebuah panci di dekat kompor 6. ada tiga buah kasur di dalam kamar tidur. 7. ada sebuah pensil di dalam tempat pensil. 8. ada banyak baju di atas ranjang. 9. ada sebuah pisau di bawah piring. 10. ada sebuah lemari es di dalam dapur 11. tidak ada karpet di dalam ruang tamu. 12. tidak ada penghapus di atas lemari. This is

= ini adalah …….. (hanya satu)

These are = ini adalah …….. (lebih dari satu)


This is a pen These are pens

(This dan These digunakan untuk menunjuk benda yang dekat) That is

= itu adalah …….. (hanya satu)

Those are = itu adalah …….. (lebih dari satu)

That is a pen Those are pens

(That dan Those digunakan untuk menunjuk benda yang jauh)

f. Pronoun / kata ganti N o


Personal pronoun (kata ganti personal) as subject as object (sbg subject) (sbg objek) I / saya

2 You / kamu 3 We / kita 4 They/mereka 5 She/ dia pr 6 He/ dia lk

me / saya You Us Them Her Him

7 It / dia benda It

Possessive pronoun

Reflexive pronoun

Kata ganti kepemilikan

(Kata ganti

as adjective (sbg kt. sifat) my / kepunyaan saya

as pronoun (sbg kt ganti) mine / milikku

Your Our Their Her his

Yours Ours Theirs Hers His



refleksif) Myself/ saya sendiri Yourself Ourselves Their selves Herself himself itself

The use in the sentences (penggunaan dalam kalimat) n pronoun sentences meaning o 1 subject pronoun I like you Saya suka kamu 2 object pronoun I like you Saya suka kamu 3 possessive adjective My book Buku punya saya 4 possessive pronoun This book is mine Ini milikku 5 Saya membela diri saya sendiri reflexive pronoun I defend myself (dilakukan oleh diri sendiri) Exercise Make 3 sentences using subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive adjective, possessive pronoun, and reflexive pronoun. n pronoun sentences meaning o 1 1 1





subject pronoun



3 1

3 1



3 1

3 1

possessive adjective 2


3 1

3 1



3 1

3 1





object pronoun

possessive pronoun

reflexive pronoun

g. Descriptive text Descriptive text is a text that describe feature of someone, something, or place. (teks deskripsi adalah teks yang menggambarkan gambaran seseorang, benda, atau tempat). This text consist of (text ini terdiri atas:) a. Introduction/ introduction It is a part that introduces character (ini bagian yang mengenalkan karakter) b. Description It is a part that describes character (ini bagian yang menggambarkan karakter

h. My family member (Anggota Keluargaku) - kakek

= grand father

- nenek

= grand mother

- ayah

= father

- ibu

= mother

- anak lk

= son

- anak pr

= daughter

- cucu lk

= grand son

- cucu pr

= grand daughter

- paman

= uncle

- bibi

= Aunt

-saudara lk grand parent

= brother

-saudara pr = sister

parent child/ children

-adik ……

= younger….

-kakak …..

= older …..


= cousin

- ayah mertua= father in law - ibu mertua = mother in law

grand child

- menantu lk = son in law

- menantu pr =daughter in law - ipar pr

= sister in law

- keponakan lk = nephew

- ibu tiri

= step mother

- keponakan pr = niece

- saudara tiri = step sister

Exercise make your family tree and explain it! (buatlah pohon keluarga mu dan beri penjelasan)

i. Verb (kata kerja) - Get up

= bangun tidur

- go to school

= pergi sekolah

- take ablution

= wudhu

- study

= belajar

- take a pray/ say prayer

= shalat

- going home return home

= pulang

- take a bath

= mandi

- arrive

= tiba

- put on cloth

= ganti baju

- play

= bermain

- cook

= memasak

- study

= belajar

- prepare

= bersiap siap

- doing home work = mengrjakan pr

- say good bye

= pamit

- sleep/ go to bed

- have breakfast - have dinner

= sarapan

= tidur

- have lunch = makan siang

= makan malam

- have supper= makan malam2

Task / tugas. Make your time schedule! Daily Activity kegiatan sehari - hari No

Time (waktu)

Activity (kegiatan)


j. Adjective (kata sifat) -

good = baik

- wise

= bijaksana

stupid= bodoh



= buruk

- fat

= gemuk

greedy= tamak



= kaya

- thin

= kurus



poor = miskin

-handsome =tampan

brave =berani



- beautiful

= cantik

busy = sibuk


short = pendek

- honest

= jujur




= cepat

- diligent

= rajin

easy =mudah



= lambat

- arrogant


smart =cerdas


small = kecil

- famous

= terkenal

clever = pintar



= besar

- useful

= berguna

difficult= sulit



= sedih

- interesting = menarik


happy = bahagia

= panjang

- Important

= ramah

= malas

= penting

♦ Adjective Phrase (frase adjective) Adjective phrase adalah suatu bentuk penggabungan kata menjadi sebuah frase. Adjective phrase ini adalah penggabungan antara adjective + kata benda. contoh: good girl (gadis baik)

: fat person (orang gemuk)

: long hair (rambut panjang)

: smart person (orang cerdas)

Task! Make your adjective phrase using the adjective above. 1. _______________________________

6 ________________________

2. _______________________________

7 ________________________

3. _______________________________

8 ________________________

4. _______________________________

9 ________________________

5. _______________________________

10 ________________________

VERB (Part 2) Open : buka


Close : tutup

cheat : mencontek


: makan

Read : membaca



: tunggu

Write : menulis

touch : menyentuh

Draw : menggambar


Collect: mengumpulkan

work : bekerja

Speak : berbicara


Send : mengirim

stand : berdiri

Come : datang

teach : mengajar



: mengunjungi

: memukul : memegang : berjalan : duduk

: menangis

drink : minum

Command/ kata perintah Command adalah bentuk perintah. command dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu: positif command (verb and adjective) dan negative command(verb and adjective). 1. command dengan menggunakan Verb (k.kerja) Command Positive Command (perintah positif) Negative Command (perintah negatif) Positive Command (perintah positif) Negative Command (perintah negatif) adalah bentuk perintah yang tidak

adalah bentuk perintah yang

menggunakan kata tidak atau jangan.

menggunakan kata tidak atau jangan.

Polanya: verb + !

Polanya: don’t +verb + !

Contoh : go ! (pergi)

Contoh : don’t go ! (jangan pergi)

2. command dengan menggunakan Adjective (k.sifat) Command Positive Command (perintah positif) Negative Command (perintah negatif) Positive Command (perintah positif) Negative Command (perintah negatif) adalah bentuk perintah yang tidak

adalah bentuk perintah yang

menggunakan kata tidak atau jangan.

menggunakan kata tidak atau jangan.

Polanya: be + adjective+ !

Polanya: don’t +be + adjective !

Contoh : be happy! (bahagialah) Note:

Contoh : don’t be happy!

Sebagai penanda sopan atau untuk memperhalus kalimat dapat digunakan penambahan kata “please” yang diartikan mohon / tolong. contoh: Go please! / Please go!

------------- mohon pergi

Don’t go please! / Please don’t go! -------- mohon jangan pergi Be happy please/ please be happy -------- tolong bahagialah Don’t be happy please/ please don’tbe happy -- tolong jangan bahagia Exercise! Complete this table below! Command Verb






L. Apologize (permintaan maaf) & Thanks (ucapan terimakasih) EXPRESSION (Ekspresi)

RESPONSE (respon)

Apologize / sorry/ excuse/ (ucapan maaf)

It’s ok / Ok.

Excuse me

Don’t worry

I am sorry

Take it easy

Pardon me

Never mind

I beg your pardon

Be calm

I do apologize

Dialogue: A: Pardon me

May I be excused?

B: it’s ok

Forgive me EXPRESSION (Ekspresi)

RESPONSE (respon)

Thanks (ucapan terima kasih) thank you

Your welcome

thank you very much

Never mind

thank you so much

It’s okay

thank a lot

It’s ok


Don’t worry

thank for everything

Take it easy

thank for your help

It’s all right

I am much obliged I am very grateful


I can’t thank you enough

Anna: thank you Shila

I don’t know how to thank you

Shilla: your welcome

I can’t find word how to thank you I will remember it forever Exercise Make a dialogue of apologize and thanks with your friend.

k. Simple present continuous Simple present continuous adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada saat kalimat itu diucapkan. pola kalimat dari simple present tense itu adalah: + ) S + to be + v-ing + adverb

to be : are, am, is

- ) S + to be + not + V- ing + adverb

are ----- They, We, You Am ----- I Is ------ She, He, it.

? ) to be + S

+ V-ing

+ adverb

Adverb of time yang biasa digunakan adalah now /at present yang artinya sekarang. contoh: 1. +)

I am standing at present

(saya sedang berdiri sekarang)


I am not standing now

(saya tidak sedang berdiri sekarang)


am I standing now?

(apakah saya sedag berdiri sekarang)


yes, I am


No, I am not



you are standing at present

(kamu sedang berdiri sekarang)


you are not standing now

(kamu tidak sedang berdiri sekarang)


are you standing now?

(apakah kamu sedag berdiri sekarang)


yes, you are


No, I you are not



3. +)

she is standing at present (dia perempuan sedang berdiri sekarang)


she is not standing now

(dia perempuan tidak sedang berdiri sekarang)


is she standing now?

(apakah dia perempuan sedag berdiri sekarang)


yes, she is


No, she is not


Exercise A. Fill in the blank with suitable to be. 1. She …… studying

6. John …….student

2. I …….. walking

7. Shilla and Ruby….. teacher

3. We ……sitting

8. They ……..standing

4. They …… working

9. They ……..praying

5. You and I …… reading

10. Thomas ……..eating

B. Make sentences in simple present continuous tense form. 1. we/ read/ now + ? = 2. he / write/ at present + ? = 3. I /walk/ now + ? = 4. she/ sit/ at present + ? = 5. they/ open/ at present + ? =

l. Simple present tense Simple present tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan, fakta / kebenaran umum (general truth) atau peritiwa yang berlangsung sekarang. ciri dari tenses ini adalah penggunaan Verb1 (kata kerja bentuk ke 1) pola kalimat dalam tenses ini adalah: +)S



- ) S + do/ does + Not + V1 ? ) Do/ Does +

S + V1

= ) yes, S + do/does N o, S + do/does + not Note: kata kerja Bantu yang digunakan pada tenses ini adalah do/ does. seperti yang telah divas pada materi sebelumnya subject pronoun ada 7 yaitu : They, we, I, You, She , He, It. kata kerja bantu Do digunakan untuk subject They, we, I, You. sedangkan untuk kata kerja bantu Does digunakan untuk subject She, He, dan It. untuk subject she, he, it pada kalimat positif (affirmatif) kata kerjanya (verb1) -ditambah akhiran s untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf konsonan (sits) - ditambah akhiran es untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf vokal (goes) kata keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan pada tenses ini diantaranya: every day (setiap hari), twice a week(dua kali seminggu), …. Example: +)

I go

(saya pergi)



I do not go (saya tidak pergi)


Do I go?(apakah saya pergi)


Yes, I do No I do not

She goes

(dia perempuan pergi)


She does not go (dia perempuan tidak pergi)


Does she go? (apakah dia perempuan pergi)


Yes, She does No she does not

kata keterangan waktu untuk menyatakan kebiasaan dan menyatakan frekuensi/ seberapa sering peristiwa itu terjadi diantaranya: Adverb of time (frequency) 1. alwa ys

= selalu

2. ally

usu = biasanya

3. n 4.

ofte = sering som

sentence 1.

You always go


you usually go


you often go


you sometimes go


you seldom go


you never go

etimes = kadang2 5.


om = jarang 6.


er = tidak pernah Exercise A. Make sentences using simple present tense form. 1. We/ read

6. She/ Sleep +

+ ?

? =

= 7. He /pray 2. They / write + ?

+ ? =

= 8. John /visit 3. Rudy and I /eat + ?

+ ? =

= 9. Cindy / understand 4. They/ sit + ?

+ ? =

= 10. I/ work 5. I/ Study/ + ?

+ ? =


B. complete these negative sentences using do/does.

1. She ……..not go to forest. 2. Joana and Susan ……..not work. 3. George ……not bring a flower. 4. James, Suryo, and Galuh ……not play foot ball. 5. I …..not cry.

n. Daily needs  cloth -


: Seragam

- pyjama

: piyama



: Topi

- Shirt

: Kemeja



: Dasi

- T-shirt

: kaos



: kaos kaki

- vest

: rompi



: Sepatu

- Trousers

: celana panjang



: Sarung tangan

- Shorts

: celana pendek


handkerchief : Sapu tangan

- dress

: gaun



: Syal

- skirt

: rok



: Sabuk

- pin




: Tas


: Jaket



: Jas

- slipper

: sandal

 stationary -


: pensil

- ruler

: penggaris


pencil box

: kotak pensil

- glue

: lem



: penghapus

- ink

: tinta


pen knife

: pisau pensil



: kertas

 food and drink -


: nasi

- milk

: susu



: mie

- Coffe

: kopi



: bubur

- Tea

: teh


meat ball

: bakso

- soft drink

: soda



: sup

- Juice

: jus

- Spinach

: bayam

 fruits and vegetables -


: bengkuang


Pomegranate: delima

- cabbage

: kubis



: jambu biji

- lettuce

: selada



: nanas

- broccoli

: brokoli



: seledri

- cucumber : mentimun



: jamur

- egg plant

: terong

m. like and dislike (suka dan tidak suka) A: I like avocado, what do you like? B: I like guava C: I like pomegranate, do you like it? D: yes I like it / no I don’t like it/ no, I dislike it. I want and I need kata want to (ingin) dan need to (butuh) digunakan untuk menyatakan keinginan atas suatu benda. contoh: I want a cup of coffee (saya ingin secangkir kopi) I need sugar in my tea (saya butuh guladi the saya )

Task! Make short conversation use: -

like and dislike expression


Want and need

Question words Question (pertanyaan) dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu: ♦ Yes Or No Question Yes or no question adalah bentuk pertanyaan yang jawabannya selalu dimulai dengan yes/ no. bentuk pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang diawali oleh to be, atau kata kerja bantu yang lainnya (do, does, will) contoh: 1. Are they happy?

(apakah mereka bahagia)

= yes, they are

No, they are not

yes, they are happy 2. Am I student?

No, they are not happy (apakah saya seorang siswa)

= yes, I am

no, I am not

yes, I am student

no, I am not student

3. Is she success?

(apakah dia sukses)

= yes, she is

no, she is not

yes, she is success

no she is not success

4. Do you study? (apakah kamu belajar) = yes I do

no, I do not (don’t)

yes, I study

no, I do not study

5. Does she go? (apakah kamu pergi) = yes she does

no, she does not (doesn’t)

yes she goes

no, she does not go

6. Did they go? (apakah mereka pergi) = yes they did

no, they did not (didn’t)

yes they went

no, they did not (didn’t) go

7. Will you come? (akankah kamu datang) = yes I will

no, I will not (won’t)

Yes I will come

no, I will not come

♦ explanation question explanation question adalah pertanyaan yang membuhkan penjelasan sesuai dengan apa yang ditanyakansehingga dikenal pula question word (kata kata tanya). Question words (kata Tanya) tersebut diantaranya: -

what = apa

- whose

= punya siapa



- how

= bagaimana


when = kapan

- how many = berapa banyak


where = diman

- how much = berapa harganya



- how long

= berapa lama


whom = siapa (objek)

- explain

= jelaskan


which = yang mana

= siapa

= mengapa

- describe= gambarkan

- mention =sebutkan