Review Text Peminatan Kelas 12 [PDF]

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Mata Pelajaran. : Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas/semester. : XII/ GANJIL Materi.

: Review Text



Review Text A. Definition Review Text or review text is an evaluation of publications with the aim of assessing or reviewing a work. Tinjauan Teks atau teks ulasan merupakan suatu evaluasi publikasi dengan tujuan untuk menilai atau meninjau suatu karya. Review means “review, summary, review.” If there is a phrase book review, it means a book review. Therefore, review text can be interpreted literally as text that is used to review. So review text is a text that is intended to review a work, be it films, books and so on, to find out the quality, advantages and disadvantages of the work. Review bermakna “tinjauan, ringkasan, tinjauan ulang.” Jika ada frasa book review berarti bermakna tinjauan buku. Karenanya, review text bisa diartikan secara harfiah sebagai teks yang difungsikan untuk meninjau. Jadi Review text adalah teks yang ditujukan untuk meninjau suatu karya, baik film, buku dan sebagainya, untuk mengetahui kualitas, kelebihan serta kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh karya tersebut. Mulai dari: Film, video game, komposisi musik, buku; perangkat keras seperti mobil, alat rumah tangga, atau komputer; atau acara atau pertunjukan, layakya konser musik langsung, sandiwara, pertunjukan teater musikal hingga pertunjukan tari.

B. The Purpose of Review Text a. Review texts are used to evaluate/review/criticize events and works of art for listeners and readers (for the general public). =>Teks ulasan dimanfaatkan guna mengevaluasi/ meninjau/

mengkritik peristiwa maupun karya seni untuk pendengar maupun pembaca (untuk khalayak umum). b. Knowing and informing the quality, advantages, and disadvantages of a work. => Mengetahui sekaligus menginformasikan kualitas, kelebihan, dan juga kekurangan yang ada pada suatu karya.

C. Generic Structure 1. Introduction Dalam bagian ini berisikan pengenalan pada pokok atau gambaran umum mengenai sebuah karya atau benda yang nantinya akan diulas. Gambaran umum itu bisa berupa fungsi, nama, atau yang lainnya. 2. Evaluation Di bagian satu ini memberikan gambaran dari kelebihan, keunikan, kualitas, dan juga hal terkait lainnya yang membuatnya menarik dengan cara memberikan gambaran yang lebih mendetail kepada sebuah karya atau benda yang akan diulas. Namun harus berdasarkan dengan fakta tanpa memasukan pendapat atau opini si penulis. 3. Interpretation Pada bagian satu ini, para penulis akan menunjukan pendapat atau pandangannya kepada karya maupun benda yang telah diulas oleh mereka. Tentu saja dalam bagian satu ini hanya bisa dilakukan selepas melakukan evaluasi yang cukup kepada suatu karya atau barang itu sendiri. 4. Summary (Kesimpulan) Dan untuk bagian terakhir, seorang penulis akan memberikan kesimpulan kepada pembaca kepada suatu karya atau benda yang sudah diulas sebelumnya.

D. Language Feature   

Use the present tense. Using adjectives such as bad, good, valuable, and others. Using long and complex clauses

 

Use a metaphorical style in the review (perumpamaan) Focus on spesific participants

E. Example of review text 1. Contoh Review Text Lagu Review Text of the song let it go Introduction Let it go is a song from the 2013 disney animated film frozen , with music And lyrics composed by Kristen Anderson-lopez and Robert lopez . this song is recycled By singer demi Lovato . the son was released on October 21, 2013. Evaluation: This is the story of a woman who dared to live alone and start his new life To forget everything memories once he had experienced . with all the effort That he passed finally he could happily ever . Interpretation: Demi Lovato singer has a similar story with the song “let it go” dark story in the past made him a strong and capable woman through all the problems in his life . through his story so that it makes Anderson-lopez appointed to sing “let it go” until they become the song that is favored youth n recent years . Summary: This song is very attractive . coupled with the existence of this song in the Movie called frozen makes this song more popular and is very nice to be Heard 2. Contoh Review Text film Maze Runner Director: Wes Ball Producer: Lee Stollman, Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, Marty Bowen, Wyck Godfrey Casts: Dylan O’Brien as Thomas

Kaya Scodelario as Teresa Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Newt Will Poulter as Gally Aml Ameen as Alby Ki Hong Lee as Minho Blake Cooper as Chuck Chris Sheffield as Ben Dexter Daren as Frypan Jacob Latimore as Jeff Randall D. Cunningham as Clint Alexander Flores as Winston Patricia Clarkson as Ava Paige Joe Adler as Zart Rose Leslie as Stephanie Production Company: Gotham Group, Temple Hill Entertainment, TSG Entertainment Released date: September 11th, 2014. Duration: 113 minutes. Country: United States. Review Text Introduction: Maze runner is a movie which is adapted from James Dashner novel with the same name. This movie tell us about a group of people who tried to get out from a place called Glade, but they need to go through the maze which have a danger creature called Grievers. Evaluation:

This movie tells about a boy named Thomas, wakes up inside an underground service elevator with no memory of his identity. A group of male youths greet him in a large grassy area called the Glade that is enclosed by tall, stone walls. Every month, a new boy and supplies arrive in the elevator. The boys, called Gladers, have formed a rudimentary society with each assuming specialized tasks, they have been in the Glade for about three years. Alby, their leader and the first to arrive in the Glade, says every boy eventually recalls his name, but none remember their past. The boy learns that a vast Maze surrounding the Glade may provide the only way out. During the day, designated Runners search the Maze for an escape route, returning before nightfall when the entrance closes. No one has ever survived a night inside the Maze. Then, the condition of the Glade starting to change when a female named Teresa come as the last person in the Glade. One day, the leader Alby get stung by a Griever. Then Thomas replace Alby place as the runner and he become Minho’s partner. The two of them then try to find way out from the maze. Interpretation: The acting of all the casts is awesome. The development of the character is also good. But, the movie would be more alive if there is a romance scene. Because, as we know that romance is often catch the audience attention. Summary: I think this movie is a great science-fiction movie. The movie shows us how to fight for life. The movie also shows that we can live with any races. For example are Minho and Alby. So, this movie is good for anyone to watch.