Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 1 [PDF]

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Ringkasan Materi SD Kelas 6 Semester 1

1st Semester 1. Directions and Locations a. Menanyakan letak tempat. - Where is ... ? - Can you shhow me the way to ...? - Can you tell me where ... is? b. Menanyakan letak suatu daerah. - Where is ... located? - Do you know where ... is? Vocab : - In : di dalam - On : di atas - At : di (letak tempatnya) - In front of : didepan - Behind : dibelakang - Beside : disamping - Between : diantara 2. Holiday a. Simple Present Tense Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi atau kejadian yang sedang terjadi,selalu terjadi,atau kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan (habitually). Pola  ( + ) S + V1/s ( - ) S + Do/Does + NOT + V1 ( ? ) Do/Does + V1 ? She He It


di tambah s

Time signal/keterangan waktunya : usually,always,every,habitually. Contoh : Shinta goes to school every morning. Shinta does not go to school every morning Does Shinta go to school every morning?

b. Simple Past Tense Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang sudah berlalu. Dimulai dan berakhir diwaktu lampau. Pola  ( + ) S + V2/ed

( - ) S + Did + NOT + V1 (?) Did + S + V1? Time signal/keterangan waktu : yesterday, last(night, week, year), ago. Contoh : - Shinta went to school last week. - Shinta did not go to school last week. - Did shinta go to school last week? Untuk menanyakan kemana seseorang biasanya liburan: 1. Where does (she/he/nama orang hanya 1) usually go on holiday? 2. Where do (you/we/they/nama orang lebih dari 1) usually go on holiday? Untuk menanyakan kemana seseorang AKAN pergi liburan: 1. Where will (she/he/you/we/they/nama orang 1 atau lebih) go next holiday? a. Simple Future Tense Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang akan terjadi dimasa yang akan datang. Pola ( + ) S + Will + V1 ( - ) S + Will + NOT + V1 ( ? ) Will + S + V1?


Time signal/keterangan waktu : tomorrow, next(week,year). Contoh : Shinta will go to school tomorrow. Shinta will not go to school tomorrow. Will shinta go to school tomorrow?

b. Present Progressive Tense Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang sudah dimulai diwaktu lampau,saat ini masih dalam proses, dan mungkin akan selesai diwaktu yang akan datang.


Pola  ( + ) S + Am, Is, Are + V-ing ( - ) S + Am, Is, Are + NOT + V-ing ( ? ) Am, Is, Are + S + V1? Time signal/keterangan waktu : right now, now. Contoh : Shinta is going to school now. Shinta is not going to school now. Is shinta go to school now?

3. Describing People and Object Jenis kata sifat 1 - 2 suku kata

Adjective Long Fast

Positive (as ... as) As long as As fast as

Comparative ( ... er than) Longer than Faster than

Superlatif (the ... est) The longest The fastest

Old Dirty Ugly

As old as As dirty as As ugly as

Older than Dirtier than Uglier than

The oldest The dirtiest The ugliest

3 suku kata/lebih

Diligent Handsome

As diligent as As handsome as


Good Bad Much/many

More diligent More handsome Better Worse More

The most diligent The most handsome The best The worst The most

4. Shopping a. Simple Present Tense Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi atau kejadian yang sedang terjadi,selalu terjadi,atau kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan (habitually). Pola  ( + ) S + V1/s ( - ) S + Do/Does + NOT + V1 ( ? ) Do/Does + V1 ? She He It


a. b. c. d. e. f. -

di tambah s

Time signal/keterangan waktunya : usually,always,every,habitually. Contoh : Shinta goes to school every morning. Shinta does not go to school every morning Does Shinta go to school every morning? Cara yang digunakan untuk menanyakan harga. What is the price of this .... ? It is ... What are the price of these ...? They are ... How much does this ... cost? It costs ... How much do these ... cost? They cost ... How much is this ... cost? It costs ... How much are these ... cost? They cost ... Cara menyebutkan harga dalam bahasa inggris: Contoh :


Rp 4, 500 Rp 20, 450 Rp 738, 693 rupiahs. Rp 9, 665, 321 twenty one rupiahs.

: four thousand and five hundred rupiahs. : twenty thousand and four hundred fifty rupiahs. : seven hundred thirty eight thousand and six hundred ninety three : nine million six hundred sixty five thousand and three hundred

Nama-nama toko dan penjual nya : Toko Penjual Butcher’s (daging) Butcher Shop (toko) Shopkeeper Florist (bunga) Stationery (alat tulis) Fishmonger (ikan) Drugstore (obat) Greengrocer (sayuran) Bakery (kue) 5. Ownership S




I You We They She He Silvi Rian

Me You Us Them Her Him Silvi’s Rian’s

My Your Our Their Her His Silvi’s Rian’s

Mine Yours Ours Theirs Hers His Silvi’s Rian’s

Reflectives (pantulan dari A) Myself Yourself/Yourselves Ourselves Their selves Herself Himself Herself Himself

Contoh : a. I have a cap - The cap belongs to me - It is my cap - It is mine b. She has a cap - The cap belongs to her - It is her cap - It is hers 6. Folktale Pola yang digunakan untuk folktale adalah pola PAST TENSE.

Pola  ( + ) S + V2/ed + Object/Adverb ( - ) S + Did + NOT + V1 + Object/Adverb (?) Did + S + V1 + Object/Adverb ?

setiap ketemu kata kerja

( + ) S + Was/Were + Adjective/ Noun/Adverb ( - ) S + Was/Were)+ NOT + Adjective/Noun/Adverb (?) Was/Were + S + Adjective/Noun/Adverb ?

setiap ketemu kata sifat


Adjective (kata sifat) : beautiful, handsome, ugly, rich, poor, clever, lazy, diligent, stupid, excellent, clean, dirty, neat, ect. - Noun (kata benda) : table, chair, book, castle, king, queen, emperor, robber, witch, dwarf, beggar, giant, knight, fish, erupted volcano, etc. - Adverb (kata keterangan) : time (waktu) : long time ago, hundred years ago, thousand years ago, yesterday, tomorrow, last(week, year, month), next(week, year, month), etc. Adverb of place (tempat) : on the table, in the living room, at school, etc. Adverb of manner (cara) : carefully, happily, sadly, kindly, softly, etc.


Cara menanyakan tempat asal suatu cerita. Where is the ... of ... from ? Berikut adalah penjelasan tentang Ownership (Kepemilikan) Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6. Silahkan disimak.

Perhatikan Tabel Berikut!

Pada gambar di atas sudah disebutkan pola-pola perubahan, jadi kalian tinggal mempelajari.

Contoh Kalimat. 1. Ananda has a doll. (Saya mempunyai sebuah boneka.) dari kalimat di atas, jika kita rubah menggunakan pola possesive adjective, maka: - The doll is hers. (Boneka itu milik dia.) - The doll belongs to her. (Boneka itu milik dia.) 2. I have a bag. (Saya mempunyai tas.) dari kalimat di atas, jika dirubah maka: - The bag is mine. (Tas itu milik saya.) - The bag belongs to me. (Tas itu punya saya.)

Perhatikan perubahan kalimatnya: - I have a pencil. (Saya mempunyai pensil.) - This is my pencil. (Ini adalah pensil saya.) - The pencil belongs to me. (Pensil itu punya saya.) - The pencil is mine. (Pensil itu punya saya.)

Contoh Kalimat 1. I have a house. (Saya mempunyai sebuah rumah.) The house is mine. (Rumah itu punya saya.) 2. Rindi has a story book. (Rindi mempunyai sebuah buku cerita) It is her story book. (Bukacerita itu miliknya.) 3. My aunt has a cat. (Bibi saya mempunyai seekor kucing.) The cat belongs to her. (Kucing itu miliknya.) 4. We have a new car. (Kami mempunyai sebuah mobil baru.) It is our car. (Itu adalah mobil baru kami.)

5. Ardi has a ball. (Ardi memiliki sebuah bola.) The ball belongs to him. (Bola itu miliknya.) 6. Alya has a new laptop. (Alya memiliki laptop baru.) The laptop belongs to her. (Laptop baru itu miliknya.)

Untuk menanyakan kepemilikan, kita bisa menggunakan: 1. Kalimat tanya yang diawali dengan kata Whose...? Contoh: A: "Whose book is that?" (Buku siapa itu?) B: "That is Ms. Yuli's book." (Itu adalah buku Ibu Yuli.) 2. Kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan Whom do/does ..... belong to? Contoh: A: "Whom does the book belong to?" (Buku itu milik siapa?) B: "The book belongs to Ms.Yuli." (Buku itu milik Ibu Yuli.)

Expression (Ungkapan) Untuk menanyakan/meminta sesuatu secara sopan, bisa digunakan ungkapan: - May I ..... - Would you please ..... Penggunaan dalam kalimat: - May I borrow your book? (Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?) - May I give you a question? (Bolehkah saya memberi kamu sebuah pertanyaan?) - May I ask you something? (bolehkah saya bertanya padamu tentang sesuatu?) Itulah Ownership (Kepemilikan) Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan. Semoga bermanfaat. Read more: http://www.kursusmudahbahasainggris.com/2016/10/ownership-kepemilikanbahasa-inggris-sd.html#ixzz4PNQVXvEH

6. Materi kelas 4 “Parts of Body” Iramanya seperti lagu Kalau kau suka hati tepuk tangan. If You’re Happy

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hand (clap clap) If you’re happy and you know it clap your hand (clap clap) If you’re happy and you know it then you really ought to show it If you’re happy and you know it clap your hand (clap clap) Clap your hand bisa diganti stomp your feet, say stomach etc.

Kosakata 1. King: raja 2. witch: tukang sihir 3. fairy: peri 4. unicorn: kuda bertanduk 5. queen: ratu 6. prince: pangeran 7. princess: puteri 8. wise: bijaksana 9. hero: pahlawan 10. robber: perampok 11. beggar: pengemis 12. cruel: kejam 13. knight: kesatria

14. powerful: sangat kuat 15. interesting: menarik 16. giant: raksasa 17. dwarf: orang kerdil 18. poor: miskin 19. beautiful: cantik 20. story: cerita

Contoh Dongeng 1. a poor beggar. (seorang pengemis yang miskin.) 2. a powerful giant. (seorang raksasa yang kuat.) 3. a beautiful fairy. (seorang peri yang cantik.) 4. a kind dwarf. (orang kerdil yang baik hati.) 5. a wise king. (seorang raja yang bijak.) 6. a giant snake. (seekor ular raksasa.) 7. a lucky golden nail. (seekor keong mas yang beruntung.)

Contoh Kalimat - I like the story of Malin Kundang. (Saya suka cerita Malin Kundang.) - The story of mouse deer belongs to a fable. (Cerita kancil termasuk cerita tentang binatang.) - The witch has a magical power. (Tukang sihir itu mempunyai kekuatan sihir.) - Do you know the story of Malin Kundang? (Apakah kamu tahu cerita tentang Malin Kundang.) Yes, I do. (Ya) No, I don't. (Tidak) - Have you ever read the story of Alladin? (Apakah kamu pernah membaca cerita Alladin?) Yes, I have. (Ya) No, I haven't. (Tidak)