Soal Kelas B: Physical Appearance [PDF]

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SOAL KELAS B Soal Listening TOT SMKN 7 2019 Physical appearance


A. B. C. D.

The man has straight hair The woman has the same height The man has slanted eyes like a chinese people The woman on the left has kinky hair


2. A. B. C. D.

The engineer is designing an automobile The man is working with electronic tools The mechanic is repairing the engine The repairman is going to sell the car

Condition / Situation


A. She is going to play piano and guitar B. The pictures are hanging on the wall C. She is playing the violin beautifully D. The vintage violin is on the table LISTENING SECTION PART II. Question - Responses 4. Ihsan :Which is better, going by bus or by bike ? Farhan : “…..” a. b. c. d.

You should go by bus, it’s faster You will go by bus You will go by bike Perhaps you can go by bus

5. Lili Fahmi a. b. c. d.

: We will have a long holiday. How about take an English conversation class ? : “…..”

No, let’s playing game. I bought new version How about spend holiday time together? I want take a rest, don’t do anything and saving energy. I agree with you. It’s a useful activity to do.

Materi: Offering help/service Indikator: Diperdengarkan sebuah pertanyaan/pernyataan dengan empat pilihan jawaban, peserta didik dapat menentukan satu respon yang tepat terkait penawaran jasa.

6. Man: What room are you staying at, Jane? Woman: I’ll stay in room 102, Mike. Man: Shall I carry your luggage to your room? Woman: ……… Narrator: What is the woman likely to respond? A. B. C. D.

Give me a hand, Mike Oh, come on, Mike. It seems very heavy. Yes please. I can manage it Oh, yes, please, Mike. Thanks.

. Materi: Invitation 7. Woman: Hi Tom, is everything going OK with you? Man: Things are great. How about you? Women: Pretty good. Anyway, I am having a party on Friday night and was wondering if you would be available? Man …. Narrator: What is the man likely to respond? A. B. C. D.

I am so sorry, you should join me at that time. I am free that night, and a party sounds good. Oh yeah, it sounds like you will have a great party Of course not, I will pick you up to the party.

Daily Activity 8. Woman

: How do you like working as a security guard?


: The job is hard, but the museum is a great place to work.


: You’re right. I’d love to be around all those paintings every day. They have

great exhibits there. Where does the man work? A. At a paint store B. At an airport C. At an art museum D. At a restaurant Expressing past event

9. Man

: Tommy called today. He’s in the hospital.


: Is he okay? I spoke with him yesterday and he was fine.


: He had a motorcycle accident yesterday evening on his way home from campus.

What happened to Tommy? A. He had an accident B. He couldn’t find the hospital C. He bought a new motorcycle D. He was fined by a policeman Introducing one self 10. What does the woman want? A. Additional sessions B. Great visual aids C. Better speakers D. A marketing position Listening Comprehension Transcript — Hi, I'm Darryl Johnson with Tri-Core Industries. — Marcia Watson, Balfour Inc. Pleased to meet you. How are you enjoying the presentations so far? — Oh they're wonderful. The speakers are really well-prepared, and the visual aides are great. I'm learning so much. What do you think? — I agree, though I wish there were more sessions on niche marketing. That's my specialty.

Announcement at the workplace 11. Where is the conversation probably taking place? A. In a laboratory B. At a staff meeting C. In a computer sore D. At a company party Listening Comprehension Transcript — Thank you Karl, that was a good summary from accounting. Next on the agenda is a report from the research department. Laura, how are you coming on the new web browser?

— Well, the project is a little behind schedule, because last month's storm delayed a shipment of computer chips from Taiwan. But we're testing a prototype browser, and hope to have it in beta stage within eight weeks, which will be an exciting step for the company. This browser will host an internet platform, meaning all customers will need is our browser to access the World Wide Web. — That's exciting news, indeed, Laura! Do you have all the components you need now to complete the testing before it goes to beta? Is there anything else we need to order? — We should have everything we need, barring unforeseen circumstances. Hashkeem and Martin are working on the prototype practically 24/7, and they'll let me know if anything unexpected comes up.

Announcement Good morning all passenger. We are sorry for this inconvenient schedule. Because of the bad weather , our fight schedule will be changed for a while just for gate 10 and 15.The flight from get 10 and 15 will be replaced in gate 18 and 19. Thank for your attention and have a nice flight 12. Where can we get this information? A . At the airport B. At the bus station C. At the office D. At the station 13. What will be changed ? A .The schedule B. The passenger seat C. The gate number D. The bad weather Describing process: Visiting Regulation NOTICE FOR VISITOR Dear visitors. Welcome to Pustaka Indonesia. There are some rules must be obeyed. 1st. No food or drink in the room. 2nd. No smoking in the reading rooms. 3rd. Magazines and reserved books may not be borrowed.

4th. Students may borrow up to four books at a time. 5th. Records and cassettes may not be borrowed. 6th. Articles and parts of books may be copied for personal use. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day. 14. What is the notice about? A. School regulations. B. Library regulations. C. An office announcement. D. A bookstore advertisement. 15. How many books may students borrow at a time? A. Just one B. Up to three C. Less than five D. More than two



: Good morning, Mr. Ahmad. It’s me, Ella. How are you today ?

Mr. Ahmad

: Hi, Ella. I’m fine and ready for my breakfast.


: ……………….. , I’ll wash my hands and bring your breakfast , Mr. Ahmad.


You want your meal


If you’re comfortable



C. D.

I’m glad to meet you

What a man

: Did I type the letter correctly ?


: Actually, you didn’t. you typed it rather poorly.


: Oh ? …………………….


: You’ve made several spelling mistakes, but don’t worry about it. You’re new on

this job.


What did I do wrong ?


What is going wrong


How should I forward it?


Did you get the emails ?



: Would you mind mailing these packages for me ?


: Sure. When they have to arrive ?


: …………….. by Tuesday at the latest.


: OK. I’ll do it this afternoon.


They have arrived


They are being mailed


They must be delivered


They had been sent


Adam : Kathy, wre’re going for a stroll at the new mall. Why don’t you join us ?

Kathy : I’d love to Adam, …………………….. Adam : Well, maybe next time. You’d like the design of the mall. A.

And will take my sister and brother


But I have some chemistry homework to do


Although it is not too far from my house


As long as there are some good cafes there



: What do you think of Indonesian cultures ?

Rosa : I find there are so many kinds of cultures in Indonesia. I think it is because Indonesia has many Islands Rina

: ………………….. Different cultures can also be found in the same regency.


I agree with you


I don’t think so


I’m in line with your opinion


Couldn’t agre with you more


Olivia : let’s go to the restaurant at the student center.

Tania : the last time I was there, it was so crowded and I had to wait in the line for almost an hour. Olivia : Really ? …………………. I Can’t wait too long because I have a test at three. A.

Let’s go somewhere else then


How do I get to the restaurant ?


You’re absolutely right


If it were too crowded.


Nizar : Do you always go home on time ?

Tasya : No, I don’t. I usually do the work at my friend’s house Nizar : So do you always do your hme activities regularly? Tasya : No, I don’t. sometimes, …………….. and get home late. A.

I am very busy


I am too sleepy


I don’t know what to do


I don’t have anything to do


Father : You have saved a lot in your bank account. What are you going to do ?

Andika: ……………. The old one is frequently out of order. Father : I’m glad that you have learned to be independent. You make me proud. A.

Perhps I’ll buy a new computer


I’m going to buy a new computer


I was going to buy a new computer


I’m thinking about looking for new computer




: …………..


: So, how I go to school ? when will it get fixed ?


: it will be done tomorrow bill. In meanwhile, I’ll take you to the school.


It is being washed by your brother


It is being repaired by the mechanic


It was stolen by somebody last night


It was parked near the school by him

: Daddy, where is my bicycle ? have you seen it ?


Mr. Andika

: Would you like to visit our factory while you’re in Mojokerto next

week ? Mr. Park

: ……………….. I’ve always wanted to see you operation firsthand

Mr. Andika

: Ok, Let me know when you’re available and I’ll show you around.


I Can’t. I’m sorry


That would be great


You’re cordially invited


I would like to invite you


Joanne : Whre is my breakfast meal mom ?

Mom : it’s on the table, dear. Joanne : Who cooked the meal, mom ? the taste is not like the usual one. Mom : ………………, dear. He is a good chef, too A.

It is made by your dad


It was given by your aunty


It is prepared by the waiter


It was bought by your sister




: Thanks . . . I have been admitted to an apprenticeship program there.


: That will be good for your portfolio


I was going to Singapore


Perhaps I’ll go to Singapore


I’m going to Singapore


I think I want to go to Singapore



Leonardo Adriana

: Congratulation on your graduation. What will youdo after this?

: Is everything ready for the ball tomorrow?

: Don’t worry . . . : Thanks a lot. I know I can count on you.


The hall will be renovated


The hall has been prepared


The hall is being constructed


The hall is going to be built


Daniel : This place is too noisy. I need to find a quiet one to finish my tasks.

Sinta : . . . You can also find many references there. A.

Why don’t you take a rest?


I could meet you in your office.


You should turn on the radio.


How about the library?



: I’m hungry. Do you have anything I can eat?

Deasy : Sure. . . . Rika

: I’ll go get it, then.


I have something to do.


I can have some snack here.


You may take a bar of chocolate there.


You will have to go out quickly.



: I need three tickets, please.

Seller : We are sorry, but we have no more ticket left. Fira

: I should have come earlier.

According to the dialogue, we know that . . . A.

Fira got the tickets.


Fira came early to the cinema.


Fira came late.


The show already started.



: What about your English assignment ? is it done ?

Jeffery : Not yet, …………… Kahtrin

: You’d better take a rest, then.


If I didn’t have a terrible headache, I could finish it.


If I were you, I would ask someone to make it


I’ll be able to finish it if I have enough money


I can type it quickly if I have a computer

GROUP 3 READING SECTION Questions 33-35 are based on the following text The northern coast of Rakata Island, facing Anak Krakatau, was hit by massive waves (up to approx 30 m high) during the catastrophic landslide and tsunami on the evening of 22 Dec. The entire beach and the slightly higher, up to 50 m wide forested platform behind it, separating it from the cliff, have been washed away and/or collapsed in landslides following the receding wave. Surviving fishermen who were in the caldera at the time of the event reported seeing massive waves sweeping over the entire, lower island of Sertung (west of Anak Krakatau), estimating them to be about 25 m in height. 33. The text mainly tells about… A. The most popular coast in Java B. The massive waves near Anak Krakatau C. A surviving fishermen in coast of Rakata Island D. A Rakata Island beach destroyed by tsunami waves 34. What was being hit by massive waves on the evening of December 22nd? A. Fishermen in the Caldera B. The lower island of Sertung C. The coast of Anak Krakatau D. The northern coast of Rakata Island 35. What can be inferred from the text? A. The fishermen were surviving B. The island of Sertung was estimating C. The intire beach was receding waves

D. A Rakata Island beach destroyed by tsunami waves This text is for 36 to 38 Do you want to leave your Instagram but not delete your profile from the app? Here are some steps to do: •

First, you need to go to on a browser and log in since deactivating an

Instagram account can’t be done from within the app. You can do this on a desktop computer, laptop, table or mobile. •

Then, click the person icon at the top right corner and go to Edit Profile.

After that, scroll down and at the bottom right corner, click Permanently disable my

account. •

Choose an option for why you are disabling your account and Instagram will ask you to

enter your password again. •

Confirm the disabling of your account.

36. who mostly likely make use of this instruction ? A.

A person who has instagram


A student who has application


A colleague student who has social media


A man or woman who use internet application

37. What should you do if you have clicked the disabling account button? A. determine your choice in enabling your account. B. determine your choice on your activating your account. C.choose the reason in making your account inactive again. D.choose the reason of inactivating your account permanently.

38. •

After that, scroll down and at the bottom right corner,.. What does the underlined word refer to…








Enter Nias Island is one of the islands which has a unique culture in is located on the

wester coast of Sumatra. It is an island which has many unique wonderful art, habits, beliefs, mythology, and traditions. Many kinds of its traditions make Nias different from other tribes. One of the unique traditions is Hombo or stone jumping. It make Nias so famous not only in Indonesia, but also the world. Every village has a large stone called Megalithic used by people there to be stronger. This tradition has been done since the time of ancestors. A young man will be considered a mature man if he has done this stone jumping. It becomes a symbol of maturity. The jumpers have to be able to not only cross the large big stone, but also have to use techniques to jump and land. The stone is like a pyramid with a flat surface. The height of this pyramid is not less than 2 meters and 60 centimeters long. They have to jump and land in the right position. Unless, they get bad consequences such as broken bones. Basically, they must be and smart while doing it.


What benefit for the reader after reading the text?


They able to jump the stone.


Nias island has unique things to visit.


The Reader knew Nias was so famous.


To describe about pyramid stones in Nias.

40. What competencies should they have to cross the stone? A.

Knowledge about the description of the stone.


Techniques of jumping and landing.


Maturity in personality.


Bravery to jump.

41. “...The height of this pyramid is not less than 2 meters....” the underlined words have meaning? A.








CRISTIANO RONALDO Cristiano ronaldo was born on february 5 in 1985. He is a portuguese football player as a winger for the spanish club Real Madridand serves as a captain of the portuguese national team. His contract with real madrid is believed to have made him the highest paid football player in the world. Ronaldo begun his carreer as a youth player of Andhorina, when he played for two years, then moved to National.Ronaldo precocious talent caught the attention Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson. The next season, Ronaldo won his first club honour, the FA cup, and reached the UEFA Euro 2004final with Portugal, in a tournamen he scored his first international goal. In 2008, Ronaldo won his first UEFA Chamions league title and was named player of the tournament.


What is the aim of the text?


Roinaldo’s life.


Ronaldo’s football career.


Ronaldo’s football club.


The football player.


In what tournament Ronaldo scored his first international goal?


UEFA Champion League.


UEFA Euro 2004.


The FA Cup.


English Premier League.


What is the conclution of the text?


Ronaldo is a succesful football player.


The best tournament of Ronaldo.


The best of Ronaldo`s goal.


The highest Ronaldo`s paid.

Text is for questions number 45, 46, and 47. To

: Managers from all divisions.

From : Tony Stark. We will hold our monthly research meeting in the conference room at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, January 25th 2019. John and Jane will report on the meeting with their French counterparts. Each of us should be prepared to give an update on our current projects. I think John and Jane's report will be of special interest to the additives division. If you cannot make the meeting, be sure your assistant is prepared to give your report. 45. Where can we find the announcement? a. Tony Stark’s email. b. In a library. c. At the office. d. Managers’ rooms. 46. What is the text mainly tells us about? a. John and Jane’s report. b. Routine meeting.

c. New project. d. Addition of new divisions. 47. What can be concluded from the text above? a. The assistants should be prepared enough for the meeting. b. John and Jane will report on the meeting with their French counterparts. c. The meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, January 25th 2019.. d. The divisions should give updates on their current projects in the meeting.

March 13, 2018 The Personal Manager Race Hotel PO BOX 31209 Jl. R. Sukanti Palembang Dear Sir, I am applying for the position as a Public Relation officer advertised in Sumatra Express on March 12, 2018. I have always been interested in that field. I am 25 years old and I graduated from Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung. Enjoying meeting and talking to people, I have been working with Astra Public Relations Division for 2 years. To provide you with my particulars, I enclose my Curriculum Vitae, a recent photograph, academic records and a letter of reference from my previous employer. I am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, Yuliana

48. Why the writer is interested in applying for the advertised job? A.

She is 25 years old.


She gets the information from Sumatra Express.


She has been interested in Public Relations.


She has been working with Astra Public Division.

49. What is one of the strong points the applicant has? A.

She will help others in chasing their career goals.


She is friendly and loves meeting people.


She will give a chance to develop useful skills.


She can speak many different languages.

50. “… I enclose my Curriculum Vitae, a recent photograph, academic records and … .” The underlined word is closest in meaning with… A.






