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Monday, July 11th, 2016 Universitas Airlangga initiates an event entitled “Airlangga International Student Competition (AISC): The Role of the Youth to Be Agents of Change for Community Empowerment.” Which will be held in Surabaya, Indonesia, on 7 – 10 November 2016. UNAIR is pleased to invite you all to participate in the event. As an AUN members, Universitas Airlangga intends to increase more international cooperation which is a very important factor. Moreover, this event aims to increase the number of student mobility in Universitas Airlangga. This program runs for three days and consists of the following activities: 1. International Seminar Community Empowerment. 2. Competitions Participants can join various competitions, including: a. Paper Competition b. Poster Presentation Competition c. Photography Competition 3. Workshop on photography focused on “Nature and Journey Photography” and “Capturing the Best Moments.” Furthermore, the events do not only involve students but also lecturers. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact International Office & Partnership Universitas Airlangga Amerta 206-208 (2nd floor) – Kantor Manajemen Universitas Airlangga. 1. The announcement informs us about? a. How to enroll at Universitas Airlangga b. The students’ participation in competition c. The events for students held by Universitas Airlangga d. Seminar held by Universitas Airlangga e. Workshop on photography in Universitas Airlangga 2. “If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact…” The underline word means… a. Worry b. Doubt c. Miss d. Believe e. Consider Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about an article in last Monday’s newspaper, “School fails low-income children.” As the head teacher in one of the largest Junior High Schools, I feel strongly that the article does not describe our school. My school has children from many different economic backgrounds, but a large percentage come from lower-income families. Nevertheless, our tests show that the children do well and benefit from the excellent work our teachers do. Last year, our school moved from the 24th to 5th place according to the official assessment by the government. This is clearly not the “failure” that the article suggests. I would strongly recommend that more careful research should be conducted in the future so that newspaper will more realistically describe the true situation in our school. Yours sincerely, Joan Gonzales 3. What does the letter tells you about? a. Different economic background of students b. Achievement of low-income children c. Complain about the result of the unreal research d. The percentage of the official assessment e. The failure of low-income students in study 4. What does the writer’s propose to Monday’s newspaper? a. To present more information b. To carry out the study accurately c. To describe the school clearly d. To be more careful in its report

e. To report the low-income students To fill this semester vacation, there will be an excursion program to Pulau Seribu held by the SMANSA Students Board. The program will be held on December 23, 2018. There will be interesting programs during the excursion. Please be registered before December 20, 2018. For detailed information, please contact Adinda, the program coordinator at 08577846817. 5. When is the due date of the registration? a. On December 20, 2018 b. On December 23, 2018 c. Before December 20, 2018 d. After December 23, 2018 e. Before December 23, 2018 Should people Shop in Online Shop? Nowadays, the activity of online shopping has risen steadily around the world. It has become a new lifestyle for people in modern city since 21st century. Even though there are still many people who prefer buying their daily needs in a market to shopping online, shopping online for certain people has more advantages than its drawbacks. There are strong arguments in favour of online shopping. For some people, particularly working people, they argue that the existence of online shop is very utilitarian in their life. That is because they do not have to go to a market which they may spend much time. Moreover, online shop has offered many types of goods that customers can buy, so they have many preferences to select the best ones. Furthermore, nowadays, there have been many online shops which put some buyer testimonies on their websites. If customers feel worried about the quality of the goods, they can see and read some testimonies concerning the quality of the goods. Therefore, with the presence of testimony, customers can easily determine whether the quality of goods is decent or not. In conclusion, online shopping has advantages and merits for many people. Thus, people can utilize online shopping as a new lifestyle due to its benefits. 6. Based on the text, which of the following statements is the reason why people choose online shopping? a. The high price b. It can be done everywhere c. The limited kind of goods d. The laziness of the customer e. The practicality of transaction 7. “Therefore, with the presence of testimony, customers can easily determine the quality of goods is decent or not.” (Paragraph 3) The underline word may be best replaced with…. a. Consider b. Credit c. Respect d. Rely e. Accept Lately, concerns have arisen that Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and its immediate surroundings are threatened to experience a clean water crisis in 2025. Clean water, which is produced by two private operators- PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja) and Astra Air Jakarta - currently totals 18.7 m3 per second. However, by 2025, demand for clean water will reach 41.3 m3/second as the population of Jakarta is estimated to grow to 14.6 million people from 9.6 million currently (the unofficial figure is possibly much higher). It has been reported that city-owned property developer Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) and city-owned developer Pembangunan Jaya will acquire a combined 100 percent stake in Palyja. If the Jakarta administration has a direct stake in the city water operators, it will increase public supervision on the local clean water industry. PAM Lyonnase Jaya, which manages the clean water supply in the west side of Jakarta, is a private water operator that is partly controlled by Astra International through its subsidiary Astratel Nusantara. Palyja has been active in Jakarta for about 16 years. However, last year, a lawsuit was filled demanding that the court will annual the agreement between city water operator pam Jaya and Palyja and Aetra Air Jakarta (Aetra) claiming that public access to affordable clean water has been hindered. Based on the information from the World Bank, Indonesia plans to achieve universal clean water access by 2019 but almost half of the population still do not have access to clean water at present.

8. What is the text about? a. The growth of water supply b. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya c. Clean water industry d. City water operators e. Clean water crisis 9. What is predicted to happen in 2025? a. Public access to affordable clean water b. Indonesia to achieve universal clean water access c. There will be more water supply operators d. The demand for clean water will decrease e. Jakarta will experience water crisis 10. Paragraph one discusses… a. The demand for clean water b. Clean water crisis in Jakarta in 2025 c. The rapid growth of Jakarta population d. The production of clean water in Jakarta e. Two private operators producing clean water Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all that water get into the sky? Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows. The world is like your bathroom, the water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds meet cold air in the sky and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from oceans makes clouds and more rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans. So the rain on your head was on other heads before! The water in your garden was in other gardens in other countries. 11. What is the best title of the text? a. Why water gets into the sky b. How clouds goes up and makes rain c. Why rain falls into the river d. Where does rain come from? e. How oceans make clouds 12. Why is the world like your bathroom? Because…. a. When the water is warm, it goes up b. The heat makes rain rise and fall again c. It makes thunder and forms electricity d. When the water drops, it produces rain e. Rain on our head was on other heads before 13. According to the text, what is the result when warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows? a. There are drops of water b. The cloud is formed c. The water moves to the river d. The water moves to the ocean e. The rain makes a cloud 14. “The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it.” The underline word in the third paragraph refers to…. a. The water in the oceans b. Bathroom water c. Grey cloud d. The sun shone e. Water in the rivers

Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA) – Forest and land fires occurring in Riau province between February and April 2014 caused economic losses worth more than Rp.20 trillion as per data furnished by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB). “It should be kept in mind that once the fires break out, it will be difficult to extinguish them and can cause huge losses,” BNPB Chief, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, recently stated here. The haze disaster triggered by the fires disrupted around 30 percent of the economic activities and caused monetary losses in Riau. The BNPB had spent around Rp.164 billion, or one-third of its budget to deal with the fires nationally. The fires also cause environmental damage as more than 21.9 thousand hectares of forest and plantation areas were gutted by the fires. The haze also affected the health of several residents in Riau and the neighboring provinces, such as in West and North Sumatra. The largest loss caused by forest and land fired in Indonesia was in 1997, when fires wiped out millions of hectares of forest and plantations areas and caused losses worth US$2.45 billion. 15. What is the author’s ultimate intention to write the text? a. To calculate the loss suffered by Riau b. To appeal people take action to stop forest fires c. To inform people that they should avoid fire in the forest d. To tell about the forest fires happened in Riau e. To discuss how forest fires started in Riau 16. From the text we can conclude that…. a. There was disruption around 32 percent of the economic activities b. Riau Province economy became stable because of the forest fires c. There were economic losses for about 20 trillion rupiahs because of the 2014 forest fires d. The 2014 forest and land fires resulted in a loss worth Rp.164 billion e. Riau Province bore losses worth US$2.45 billion in 2014 Company, Inc. 123 Alphabet Drive Los Angeles, California 90002 15 December 2017 Dr. Kris Johnson Marketing Representative Creativity Plus, Inc. 824 Imagination Lane Miami, Florida 33111 Dear Kris, Working with Creativity Plus, Inc., for the past four months has been a wonderful experience. Regrettably, Company, Inc., no longer has need of your service. We have decided to move our company in a different direction, and that decision requires that we make a number of changes to our infrastructure. To that end, we have decided to keep all of our current marketing efforts in-house, so we can no longer make use of your marketing consultation on services. Thank you for the excellent work you have done for us. I hope to remain on good terms with you and Creativity Plus, Inc. and if we require services similar to what you have provided for us in the past, we would certainly like to consider you again. Warm regards, Sam Brown. 17. What is the topic of the text? a. Changes direction of the Company, Inc. b. Decision to move the company to a house c. Consultation of changing direction of the company d. Discontinuation of marketing consultation services

e. Consideration of having a new marketing consultation services does 18. Why does Mr.Brown discontinue the cooperation with Mr. Johnson’s company as their marketing consultation? a. To run the marketing for the company internally b. To change some company’s infrastructure c. To require another best marketing service d. To get the good location for the company e. To find the good marketing team 19. What can we conclude from the text? a. Creativity Plus, Inc. will have a new office in a house b. Company, Inc. will require a new marketing consultation c. Company, Inc. will apply their own marketing strategies d. Creativity Plus, Inc. will have new directors of the company e. Company, Inc. will focus on changing directors of the company 20. “I hope to remain on good terms with you and Creativity Plus, Inc…” the underline word is closest in meaning to… a. Hit b. Strike c. Locate d. Adjust e. Continue Nowadays, many people has realized that agriculture is much more important than other supporting tools in economic development. In Indonesia, agriculture should be the priority of development because of some good reasons. First of all, the agriculture’s contribution in the beginning of the development of the country was the highest of all sectors. At present, almost half of the total Indonesian labors are working in the agriculture sector, but the contribution of the agriculture sector does not reach 30 percent. Second, the agriculture sector is expected to fulfil the need of food in the country. As the number of population increases in an alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase, but the agriculture production per capita never increases more than one percent each year and in some extreme cases, it is even stagnant. Last but not least, without agricultural development, the growth of the industrial sector will be hampered because the growth that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal economy in that country. In turn, this gap will create serious poverty problems, wider inequality of income distribution and increase unemployment. 21. What does the text mainly talk about? a. Agriculture contribution to Indonesia’s development b. Agriculture development should be prioritized c. Agriculture is an unpopular field in Indonesia d. Agriculture creates poverty in Indonesia e. Agriculture development in Indonesia 22. How is the writer’s view on agriculture development? a. Supportive b. Indifferent c. Opposing d. Doubtful e. Persistent 23. According to the text, in order to support economic development, the government should…. a. Produce more food b. Reduce labors in the agriculture sector c. Supply more food for the national needs d. Increase the industrial sector as the first priority e. Prioritize the development of agriculture Cracked skin happens usually when our skin becomes way too dry. As our skin dries, it loses flexibility and the pressure of everyday use causes it to crack. These cracks can be painful but they’re also a giant beacon for infections. It’s important to treat cracked skin before you end up with a much more serious health problem. The first thing to do to treat your cracked skin is start checking for signs of infection.

Secondly, soak your skin with a disinfectant. Start treatment of basic cracks by soaking your skin. Disinfectant will help cut down on chances for the cracks to become infected. Thirdly, gently exfoliate. Using a clean washcloth, gently rub the affected area. This will remove dead skin cells and allows the products you’ll place on your skin to absorb better. Next, give your skin a final rinse and then apply a layer of moisturizer. After that, if you have time, such as if you can treat your skin overnight or on a weekend, wet dressings may help heal the skin and can at least provide you with greater comfort. Then, for treatment during the day, fill the cracks with liquid or gel “bandage” product, or at least with an antibiotic product. Lastly, you just have to be patient while the cracks heal. Be sure to keep the affected area clean and covered to prevent further irritation. 24. What could be the author’s intention to write the text? a. To promote the product of skin moisturizer b. To retell the author’s experience when treating his/her cracked skin c. To discuss the technique of treating cracked skin d. To inform readers how to treat cracked skin e. To describe what cracked skin is 25. What will probably happen is we do not soak the skin in disinfectant water? a. It will not be dried b. It will be infected by bacteria c. It will be hard to be exfoliated’ d. The soaks will not be easily checked e. The gel put on the cracks will not be absorbed 26. From the text, we know that… a. We should uncover the affected area so that it heals quickly b. The cracked skin should be treated day and night c. We should lubricate the affected area with gel bandage while we sleep d. The cracked skin can be healed in a couple of minutes e. After we check the sign of infection, we should soak the skin with gel bandage 27. Thirdly, gently exfoliate…” (Paragraph 4). The underline word is defines as…. dead skin. a. Removing b. Covering c. Soaking d. Healing e. Cutting PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT It has come to our attention that persons have been receiving SMS stating the message below (or something similar) “Congrats! You are the lucky winner from Yuni Mart. Call us, Thank you!” Our investigation have shown that once the sender is contacted, persons are asked to input a code on their phone in order to activate the promotion. Please be advised that Yuni Mart is not currently conducting any promotion using text message service from any telecom provider, is neither aware of nor associated with developers of this programme. 28. What is the announcement about? a. Yuni Mart’s promotion event b. Yuni Mart’s rebuttal of SMS fraud c. Yuni Mart’s apology to its customers d. The police’s information about Yuni Mart’s fraudulence e. Yuni Mart’s promotion event winner 29. Who is this announcement most likely addressed to? a. To all Yuni Mart’s customers b. To the fraud perpetrator c. To the police investigators d. To all employees of Yuni Mart

e. To the telecom provider 30. Why does the announcement maker investigate the case? a. Because Yuni Mart holds a fake promotion event b. Because Yuni Mart has accepted many complaints about their stores c. Because Yuni Mart has accepted issues about the fraud on behalf of Yuni Mart d. Because Yuni Mart has sent unwanted messages to all its customers e. Because Yuni Mart cooperated with a telecom provider to deceive its customers SOUTH AFRICA.: A suspected rhino poacher has been trampled on by an elephant then eaten by a pride of lions in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Accomplice poachers told the victim’s family that he had been killed by an elephant on Tuesday. Relatives notified the park ranger. A search party struggled to find the body but eventually found a human skull and a pair of trousers on Thursday. The managing executive of the park extended his condolences to the family. “Entering Kruger National Park illegally and on foot is not wise,” he said “It holds many dangers and this incidents is evidence of that.” Kruger National Park has an ongoing problem with poaching and there remains a strong demand for rhino horn in Asian countries. On Saturday, Hong Kong airport authorities seized the biggest haul of rhino horn in five years valued at $2.1 m (£1.6 m). 31. What does the text highlight? a. The rhino poacher killed by animals in a national park b. The rhino poachers caught by national park rangers c. The rhino poaching case in Kruger National Park d. The rhino horn illegal trade in Africa and Asia e. The rhino keeper killed by elephant and lion 32. The reason why the rhino poacher was killed is because…. a. He sold rhino horn in Asia b. He wanted to kill the rhino c. He was shot by the park rangers d. He was trampled by the elephant e. He tried to fight back a pride of lions 33. “Hong Kong airport authorities seized the biggest haul of rhino horn…” (Paragraph 3). The underline word has the closest meaning to…. a. Broke b. Halted c. Caught d. Ceased e. Stopped UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We regret to advise you that this week’s CCRI (Community and Countryside Research Institute) Seminar, due to be presented by Professor Johan Fredrik Rye, from the Department for Sociology and Political Science, National University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway on Thursday, 15th September, has been cancelled due to sickness. Please see our seminar website page for details of other forthcoming seminar. Julie Ryan. 34. What is the announcement about? a. The details about upcoming seminar in the University of Gloucestershire b. The cancellation of calling professor Johan Frederick Rye as the speaker c. The cancellation of a seminar due to the speaker’s health problem d. The movement of seminar venue to Trondheim e. The change of schedule for CCRI seminar 35. Who is the most likely to make the announcement? a. Professor Johan Frederick Rye b. The mayor of Trondheim, Norway

c. The committee of the CCRI Seminar d. The rector of the University of Gloucestershire e. The head of the department for sociology and political science