Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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Mata Ujian

: Bahasa Inggris





1. Mulailah dengan membaca bacaan basmalah. 2. Isikan identitas Anda pada Lembar Jawaban SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B. 3. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada LJUSBN. 4. Jagalah LJUSBN agar tidak rusak, sobek ataupun terlipat. 5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 90 butir pilihan ganda dengan 5 (empat) pilihan 6. Periksa dan bacalah setiap butir soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya. 7. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap. 8. Periksa kembali pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian. 9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret. 10. Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah maka hapuslah jawaban yang salah tersebut sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkanlah kotak pada huruf jawaban lain yang Anda anggap benar. 11. Setiap bentuk kecurangan adalah pelanggaran.

SOAL SBMPTN BAHASA INGGRIS Text 1 Studies indicate that human being use two kinds of memory, long term and short term. When we use short term memory, we retain information for a very brief period of time. For example, we use short term memory when we lock up a phone number and remember it only long enough to dial. When we use long term memory, we retain for information for a considerable length of time. A young child, for example, may memorize a poem and remember it for next twenty years. 1. What is the topic of the paragraph? a. Human memory studies b. How to memorize a poem c. How a child memorize a poem d. Looking up the phone number e. Human being memory Jawaban : E 2. What is the main idea of the passage? a. The child use long term memory b. The old generation use short term memory c. Human being use two kinds of memory d. Studies show two kinds of memory e. The child has a better long term memory Jawaban : C Text 2 Interest is the sum charged for borrowing money for a period of time : Principal is the term used for money that is borrowed, and rate of interest in the percent per year of the principal charged for its use. Most of the profit for a bank are derived from the interest that they charge for the use of their own or their deposits’ money. All problems in interest my be solve by using one general equation that may be started as follows : Interest = Principal x Rate x Time Any one of the four quantities-that is, interest, principal, rate, or time – may be found when the other three are known. The time is expressed as a decimal fraction. Thus, 6 percent interest means six cents charged for the use of principal borrowed for one year. Although the time may be less than one year, most applications for loans are for periods of less than one year. For purposes of computing interest for short periods, the commercial year or 360 days is commonly used, but when large sum of money are involved, exact interest is computed on the basis of 365 days.

3. Commercial year is used to compute ………... a. exact interest b. interest for one month c. interest on large principal d. interest on long sum of money e. interest for short periods of time Jawaban : E 4. Which the following is the best definition of interest? a. Rate x time b. Money borrowed c. Money to be paid back d. A fee for the use of money e. The number of years a bank allows a borrower to repay a loan Jawaban : D 5. Which of the following would be correct expression of an interest rate as stated in the equation for computing interest? a. four b. 4 c. 0,04 d. 4/100 e. 4/1000 Jawaban : D 6. Interest is the sum charged for borrowing money … (paragraph 1). The underlined word means……. a. Institution b. costumer c. formula d. amount e. number Jawaban : D Text 3 According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurt streams of solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth. A typical sunspot consist of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and dark threads extending out from the centre like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for color. Typically, the temperature in the sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K. Sunspot range in size from tiny granule to complex structures with areas stretching for

billions of square miles. About 5 percent of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for several thousand years. Sunspots have been observed in arrangements of one to more than on hundred spots, but they trend to occur in pairs. There is also a mark tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given sunspot is closely related to the spot`s size. Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspots, several models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the north and south poles of the sun. 7. The passage mentions all of the following facts about sunspot EXCEPT….. a. A sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light. b. A sunspot cannot be seen without instrument because the large are about 5 percent of the spots. c. Sunspot stands up with dark threads extending out from the centre like the spokes of a wheel. d. The temperature in the sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra registers 5700 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K. e. Observation of sunspots have been done in arrangements of one to more than on hundred spots. Jawaban : D 8. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage? a. Observations of sunspots have been recorded for several hundred years. b. There are several models of theory which explain the nature and function of sunspots. c. The sunspots are hotter than the rest of the photosphere. d. The temperature in the sunspot umbra is higher than the temperature in a penumbra. e. The strength of the magnetic field associated with any given sunspot is closely get in touch with the spot`s size. Jawaban : E 9. Which of the following would most likely be the topic of the next paragraph? a. Theories of sunspot b. Several theories related to the phenomenon to magnetic fields. c. Phenomenon of sunspot which have ever occurred. d. The impact of sunspot to the Earth. e. Magnetic fields in the sunspot. Jawaban : B 10. What is the author`s main purpose in the passage? a. To argue for the existence of magnetic fields in sunspot. b. To compare the umbra and penumbra in sunspot.

c. To propose a theory to explain sunspot. d. To criticize the old theory of sunspot. e. To describe the nature of sunspot. Jawaban : E Text 4 Text A In consigning this manuscript to a desk drawer, I am comforted by the behavior of baseball players. There are no pitchers who do not give up home runs. There are no batters who do not strike out. There are no major league pitchers or batters who have not somehow learned to survive giving up home runs and striking out. That much is obvious. What seems to me less obvious is how these `failures` must be digested, or put to use, in the overall experience of the player. A jogger once explained to me that the nerves of the ankle are so sensitive and complex that each time a runner sets his food down, hundreds of messages are conveyed to the runner`s about the nature of the terrain and the requirements for weight distribution, balance, and muscle-strength. I`m certain that the ninth-Inning home run that Dave Henderson hit off Donny Moore registered complexly and permanently in Moore`s mind and body and that the next time Moore faced Henderson. His pitching was informed by his awful experience of October 1986. Moore`s continuing baseball career depended to some extent on his converting that encounter with Henderson into something useful for his pitching. I can also imagine such an experience destroying an athlete, registering in his mind and body in such a negative way as to produce a debilitating fear. Of the many ways in which athletes and artists are similar, one is that, unlike accountants or plumbers or insurance salesmen, to succeed at all they must perform at an extraordinary level of excellence. Another is that they must be willing to extend themselves irrationally in order to achieve that level of performance. A writer does not have to write all- out all the time, but he or she must be ready to write all-out any time the story requires it. Hold back and you produce what just about any literate citizen can produce, a `pretty-good` piece of work. Like the cautious pitcher, the timid writer can spend a lifetime in the minor leagues. And what more than failure-the strike out, the crucial homerun given up, the manuscript criticized aid rejected-is more likely to produce caution or timidity? An instinctive response to painful experience it to avoid the behavior that produced the pain. To function at the level of excellence required for survival, writers, like athletes, must go against instinct, must absorb their failures and become stronger, must endlessly repeat the behavior that produced the pain. Text B The athletic advantages of this concentration, particularly for an athlete who was making up for the absence of great natural skill, were considerable. Concentration gave you an edge over many of your opponents, even your betters, who could not isolate themselves to that degree. For example, in football if they were ahead (or behind) by several touchdowns, if the

game itself seemed to have been settled, they tended to slack off, to ease a little, certainly to relax their own concentration. It was then that your own unwavering concentration and your own indifference to the larger point of view paid off. At the very least you could deal out surprise and discomfort to your opponents. It was more that that. Do you see the ritual of physical concentration, of acute engagement in a small space while disregarding all the clamor and demands of the larger world, was the best possible lesson in precisely the kind of selfish intensity needed to create and to finish a poem. A story, or a novel. This alone mattered while all the world going on, with and without you, did not. I was learning first in muscle, blood, and bone, not from literature and not from teachers of literature or the arts or the natural sciences, but from coaches, in particular this one coach who paid me enough attention to influence me to teach some things to my self. I was learning about art and life through the abstraction of athletics in much the same way that a soldier is, to an extent, prepared for war by endless parade ground drill. His body must learn to be soldier before heart, mind, and spirit can. Ironically, I lend to dismiss comparisons of athletics to art and to `the creative process.` but only because, I think, so much that is claimed for both is untrue. But I have come to believeindeed I have to believe it insofar as I believe in the validity and efficacy of art-that what comes to us first and foremost through the body, as a sensuous affective experience, is taken and transformed by mind and self into a thing of the spirit. Which is only to say that what the body learns and is taught is of enormous significance-at least until the last light of the body fails. 11. Why does the writer of text A consign the manuscript to a desk drawer? a. To protect it from the inquisitive eyes of his family b. To prevent its getting lost or disordered c. Because his publisher wishes to take another look at it d. Because he chooses to watch a televised baseball game e. To set it aside as unremarkable in its current state Jawaban : E 12. In the final two paragraph of text A, the author appears to……… a. Advocate the importance of literacy to the common citizen b. Romanticize the writer as someone heroic in his or her accomplishments c. Deprecate athletes for their inability to react so experience instinctively d. Minimize the travail that artists and athletes endure to do their work e. Suggest that a cautious approach would reduce the likelihood of future failure Jawaban : B 13. “…….the game itself seemed to have been settled, they tended to slack off, …. (Text B, paragraph 1) The word `settled` means……

a. Judged b. Decided c. Reconciled d. Pacified e. Inhabited Jawaban : B 14. The writers of both texts would agree that….. a. The lot of the professional writer is more trying than that of the professional athlete b. Athletic has little to do with the actual workings of the creative process c. Both artists and athletes learn hard lessons in the course of mastering their art d. It is important to concentrate on the things that hurt us in life e. Participating in sports provides a distraction from the isolation of a writer`s life Jawaban : C 15. How would the writer of text B respond to the author of text A`s viewpoint that a failure as giving up a key home run can destroy an athlete? a. If an athlete plays without holding back, he will surpass athletes who are more inherently adept. b. An athlete learn through his body that failure is enormously significant and affects him both physically and spiritually. c. Athletes of great natural skill suffer less from the egonies of than less accomplished athletes do. d. If the athletes focuses on the job at hand and not on past errors, he will continue to function successfully. e. Athletes are highly sensitive performers who need to be sheltered from the clamor and demands of the larger world. Jawaban : D SOAL SBMPTN BAHASA INGGRIS LATIHANA 2 Text 1 A renewable-energy "oasis" scheduled to be built more may serve as a proving ground for new technologies designed to bring green living to the desert.The planned research center is part of the Sara Forest Project which doesn't mean it'llbebuilt in Africa. The center is meant to bea small-scale version of massive green complexes that project managers hope to build in deserts around the globe. Experts are now examining arid sites in Australia, the U.S., the Middle East, and Africa that could support the test facility. "The Sahara Forest Project is a holistic approach for creation of local jobs, food, water, and energy, utilizing relatively simple solutions mimicking design and principles from nature," said Frederic Hauge. For instance, special greenhouses would use hot desert air and seawater make fresh water for growing crops, solar energy would be collected to generate power, and algae pools would offer a renewable and easily

transportable fuel supply. In addition, planting trees near the complex would trap atmospheric greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide while restoring any natural forest cover that has been lost to drought and timber harvesting. "From my perspective as an environmentalist, this could be a game changer in how we produce bio-mass for food and energy, and how we're going to provide fresh water for the future," Hauge said. But not all experts are as enthusiastic about the project. In terms of the reforestation plans, "trying to grow trees in the Sahara desert is not the most appropriate approach," said a forest ecologist of the University of California. After all, even though it was literally green in the past, the Sahara was never heavily forested. 16. It is clear from the passage that the author's purpose of writing the passage above is to ... A. expose research to change desertinto green living B. explain advances in green technology in desserts C. demonstrate the foresting of desert into oases D. describe an experiment to provide fresh water E. show activities in the Sahara Forest Project Jawaban : A 17. Unlikethe information in paragraph 3, paragraph 2 in the passage containsinformation on ... A. predictive studies B. opposite outlooks C. positive opinions D. optimistic views E. strong refusals Jawaban : D 18. What does the word "it" in "...whichdoes not mean it will be built in Africa." (paragraph 1 line 5)refer to? A. desert B. center C. project D. ground E. research Jawaban : B 19. Which of the following is relevant withthe idea of 'a small-scale version' (paragraph 1 line 6) described in thepassage? A. Grade XII students work in groups in the biology laboratory. B. Budi focuses his research on thephysical aspects of the temple. C. Anita studies the chance of growing an apple with little water in a pot. D. The project surveys the number of cars passing by the bridge a day. C. Tina examines the relationshipbetween physical fitness and learning.

Jawaban : C 20. Obviously the author views that the experts' estimation of success on the project mentioned in the passage is ... A. uncertain B. mistaken C. inaccurate D. dissimilar E. undeniable Jawaban : D Text 2 Everyone likes to group things. Language students group words as verbs, nouns, and so on; collections of words are classified as phrases, or clauses, or sentences, and these again are reclassified according to their function. In the same way, botanists classify plants as algae or fungi, or gymnosperms, etc. Zoologists classify animals as vertebrates and invertebrates. The vertebrates can be furtherclassified as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, etc. Classification enables us to keep holdof more information and if it is based on right data, enables us to understand better the ideas we arestudying. Chemists are no exception. The chemical classification of materials, if it is basedon a good system, should enable us to understand better of many substances which exist in our world. What is to be the basis ofour classification? Perhaps the most obvious one is appearance. Materials could be classified as solid, liquid or gas with some mixed types as, for example, mud beingsolid/liquid material and steam a liquid/gas material. Appearance could enable us to subdivide our main classification groups a little further: the solid may be green, orblack, powdery or crystalline; the liquid may be colored, oily, thick, or free flowing: the gas may be colored. However, we soon realize that many probably quite different materials have the same appearance Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas are colorless, odorless gases, but we would not like to group them as the same thing. Many different liquids are colorless, water-like materials. 21. The examples provided in paragraph 2 clarify that... A. many kinds of liquid should be grouped as one. B. different kinds of gas can be colorless and odorless. C. materials in chemistry should be classified differently. D. taxonomy can be made and applied further to other areas. E. chemistrymaterials have more complicated classification. Jawaban : E 22. Paragraph 2 exemplifies the idea about classification that... A. chemicals may be solid, liquid, and gaseous B. appearance is not a useful basisin chemistry

C. the use of colors is better than that appearance D. colors should be included for identifying appearance E. both colors and appearance should be considered Jawaban : E 23. The sentence "chemist are no exception" (paragraph 2 line 1) could possibly be restates as.. A. chemical materials can also be put into classification B. classification of chemical materials is without exception C. when appearance is the basis, chemist are not involved D. chemists may also classify materials using certain criteria E. in material classification, chemicals should not be included Jawaban : A 24. The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with the classification of... A. flora and fauna B. human sounds C. human behaviors D. liquids and gasses E. words and phrases Jawaban : D 25. How does the author organize the ideas? A. Putting the main idea with examples B. Presenting causes followed by effects C. Interpreting different ways of classifying D. Presenting the strengths of the main idea E. Exposing supporting details chronologically Jawaban : C Text 3 We all know that mobile phones, cell phones, hand-phones, whatever we want to call them (and shouldn't we all be calling them the same thing?) are changing our lives. But it takes a good old-fashioned survey to wake us up to the glaring reality: they have changed who we are. The mobile phone has indeed changed the way we behave. But perhaps we don't realize how much we have become its slave. Consider other elements of the Siemens Mobile Survey: With the exception of Australia, in every country surveyed the majority polled said they would go back for their phone if they left it at home (in Australia it was a respectable 39%). If you've endured the traffic in Indonesia the Philippines and India, you'll know what kind of sacrifice some two-third of those surveyed are making. I can't think of anything I would go back for-except my wallet, maybe, or my clothes. And even if we remember to bring it, we're still not happy. Many of us get anxious if it hasn't rung or a text massage hasn't appeared for a while (a while being about an hour). Once again of those surveyed, Indonesians (65%) and Filipinos (17%) get particularly jittery. Australians

are more laid back about this (20%), but every other user in Asia seems to be glancing at the phone every few second. This statistic, I have to say, is highly believable, and the instinct highly annoying. There's nothing worse than chatting to someone who constantly checks his or her hand-phone. Then there's the fact that mobile are not only enslaving the user, they're trampling the rights of everyone else. Around a third of folk surveyed acknowledge they get so engrossed in mobile conversations that they're often unaware of speaking loudly white discussing their private lives in public. At least most of us agree on one thing: With the exception of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the increasing use of mobile phones has led to a decline in courtesy and considerate behaviour. The bottom line here is that we are more than a little bit out of control. Mobile phones are great: but if we allow them to dominate our lives to this extent - interrupting conversation with those around us to take a call, staring at our phones rather than relating to the world and people around us, sending flirty text massages to random numbers - then I can only asssume that in another 10 years, society as we know it will no longer exist. All we'll see is a blur of digital data going out and having all the fun, socializing, falling in love and taking sneaky pictures of each other. 26. The main purpose of the writer is to inform the readers about … a. the percentage of cell phone users in Asia. b. the popularity of communication technology. c. the effects of cell phones on the behaviour of users. d. the various kinds of hand-phones available in the market. e. the advantages of using cell phones in many Asian countries. Jawaban : C 27. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? a. Cell phones have made users quite enslaved. b. By using cell phones people can change their lives. c. The writer is not one who is enslaved by Cell phones. d. The change in people's behaviour may be caused by Cell phones. e. People become upset when they forget to bring their Cell phones. Jawaban : B 28. What makes Asian users of Cell phones different from Australian ones? a. They mostly use their Cell phones for chatting. b. They are much more dependent on their Cell phones. c. The number of users in Asia greater than in Australia. d. Their Cell phones ring every hour throughout the day. e. They became angry when nobody calls or sends messages.

Jawaban : B 29. Cell phones have not only enslaved the users but have also... a. made the users behave impolitely. b. eliminated the existence of social life. c. caused the user to become quite considerate. d. disturbed other people's conversation in public. e. prevented people from socializing with each other. Jawaban : A 30. The phrase 'trampling the rights of everyone else' in lines 29-30 means... a. ignoring the rights of other people. b. making use of other people's property. c. interfering with somebody else's affairs. d. prohibiting somebody else's right to talk. e. rejecting to acknowledge one's ownership. Jawaban : A SOAL SBMPTN BAHASA INGGRIS LATIHAN 3 Text 1 ducation is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of, 'What is education?' However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates. As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues some before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to compete with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community. (SNMPTN 2009)

31. The author's main concern in the first paragraph of the passage is that......... (A) there is no exact definition about education. (B) education is a fundamental individual's right. (C) everyone has the right to get quality education. (D) education occurs in any place not just schools. (E) development can be gained through education. Jawaban : A 32. If the author is right concerning the role of education, the following might be predicted to take place, EXCEPT......... (A) longer life expectation (B) lesser birth rates (C) improved welfare (D) better quality living (E) more job opportunities Jawaban : B 33. The following sentences reflect the author's opinions in the passage, EXCEPT ....... (A) everyone has the right to get education. (B) education cannot be easily defined. (C) EFA provides quality education by 2015. (D) education is basic to human development. (E) The EFA goals are faced with serious challenges. Jawaban : C 34. The situation the author shows in the passage is best described as a follows ........ (A) quality education fundamentally ensures quality living in all sectors. (B) education is essentially everyone's right yet it still has its challenges. (C) there are problems in education in spite of its significant role. (D) as long as nations compete, education cannot progress. (E) absence of an exact definition causes problems in education. Jawaban : B 35. The part following the passage above would likely discuss ......... (A) lack of access to technology in developing countries to support educational practices. (B) needs of modem digital technology to back up the implementation of EFA in education. (C) roles of technology in providing individuals with cheap and accessible quality education. (D) inability of developing nations to compete with developed countries in technology. (E) government's roles and responsibilities in managing education for their citizens. Jawaban : C Text 2 Sometimes experience in other countries can help people to understand their own identity better. Mahatma Gandhi was born 1869 at Portandar in Western India. After studying in

India, he dreamt of going to England to study. He was told that his Hindu religion did not allow voyages abroad. However, Gandhi was very determined and he finally left for England in 1887. At first he tried to learn to believe like an English gentleman, but he soon learnt that it was better to be himself. He studied law in London, qualifying in 1891. He also learnt about other religious. He returned home to India and worked as a lawyer for two years. After problems, he was offered a job in Africa. Here, he experienced racism as the member of the Indian community. He decided to fight for the rights of Indian using "passive resistance". He had three main beliefs, namely non-violence, religious tolerance, and truth. When he finally returned to India in 1915, he became a great political leader. During the fight for independence he was often put in prison, but his beliefs never changed. Gandhi had studied in Britain, so he understood British better than they understood him. Gandhi's leadership led to independence, but, on Independence Day on 15 August, 1947, Gandhi refused to celebrate. He was in favor of Hindu-Muslim unity but Hindus and Muslims could not agree, so a separate Muslim state was formed in Pakistan. In 1948, Gandhi started fasting to death as a protest against fighting between India and Pakistan. He was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic on 30th January 1948. India and Pakistan are still fighting in Kashmir today. The fight for independence was a difficult one, but not as difficult as the fight for non-violence, religious tolerance, and truth. 36. The following statements are true about Mahatma Gandhi, EXCEPT.... (A) Mahatma Gandhi's studying in Britain was against Hinduism principle (B) Mahatma Gandhi believed in non-violence, religious tolerance, and truth (C) Mahatma Gandhi learned and understood about some religious well. (D) Mahatma Gandhi fought hard for unity of his nation (E) Mahatma Gandhi did not like the idea of Hindu-Muslim unity in India Jawaban : E 37. The passage above mainly deals with Mahatma's Gandhi's.... (A) search for principles of his three main beliefs (B) fighting against racism in South Africa (C) political career as an important national leader (D) experience to identify his life principle (E) political struggle for India's independence Jawaban : C 38. We can infer from the following about Mahatma Gandhi, EXCEPT.... (A) He understood Hindu and Islam equally well (B) He knew well the characteristics of English people (C) He had good knowledge about law issues (D) He had the hardest time fighting for independence for his nation (E) He experienced racism when he was in South Africa

Jawaban : D 39. Mahatma Gandhi got his university degree in …. (A) 1887 (B) 1915 (C) 1891 (D) 1947 (E) 1948 Jawaban : C 40. The word non-violence in 'He had three main beliefs, namely non-violence, religious tolerance, and truth' can be best replaced by .... (A) favorable conducts (B) peaceful actions (C) political spirits (D) religious prejudices (E) passive behaviors Jawaban : B Text 3 The first ancient DNA sequences to be gathered ‐ 3400 base pairs from a 2400‐year‐old Egyptian mummy were a proof of principle. A full genome sequence would be far more informative perhaps explaining what killed King Tut, for instance. At present, Inuk's is the only published ancient human genome. However, a team led by Svante Paabo and Ed Green at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, will soon publish the complete genome sequence combined together from several Neanderthals, from between 38,000 and 70,000 years ago. Neanderthals are not the only hominids whose genomes could be sequenced, says Willerslev. Homo rectus, a species that emerged in Africa about 2 million years ago, survived in east Asia until less than 100,000 years ago. If well‐preserved bones can be found, a genome might be possible, Willerslev says. Willerslev's laboratory has just received bones from Spain belonging to Homo heidelbergensis, the predecessor to Neanderthals. "We are basically starting on it right now," he says. If these genomes ever materialize ‐ and that's a big if ‐ they could lead to a better understanding of how different hominid species are related, and when and where they branched off. If the genetic information is good enough, it may tell us something about the nature of past people possibly even what they looked like. Ancient human genomes could give us insights into the evolution of our own species, explaining when genes involved in disease and higher cognitive skills emerged. However, DNA is not forever. As it ages, its long strands shred into ever smaller pieces. Eventually, they become too small to reassemble, and all information is lost. "There seems to

be a time horizon of 100,000 years or so under most preservation conditions during which intact DNA survives," Green says. Stephan Schuster at Pennsylvania State University, who led the woolly mammoth genome project, thinks ancient genomics is already plateauing. Large chunks of Inuk's genome couldn't be filled in because his DNA had crumbled into small pieces. "We will face an uphill battle in trying to apply this to a large number of human remains," he says. 41. The writer mainly deals with the topic on … A. the past life of the Neanderthals. B. the role of DNA in fossil studies. C. DNA research on the Neanderthals. D. the use of ancient DNA in anthropology. E. DNA engineering in the Max Planck Institute. Jawaban : D 42. The writer is mainly on the opinion that tracing ancient humans’ life using their DNA … A. is technologically possible though it has natural challenges. B. promises a new horizon of understanding past illnesses. C. is a new breakthrough in modern anthropological studies. D. provides a better picture of old peoples’DNA structures. E. requiring a longer chain of complete DNA sequences. Jawaban : C 43. The physical look of hominid species can even be reconstructed using the DNA technology under the condition that … A. the DNA had not been smaller in chunks. B. the sequence of the DNA pieces is systematic. C. the DNA sequences can be easily reassembled. D. the DNA forms a solid fossil in a good shape. E. the genetic information in the DNA is high‐quality. Jawaban : E 44. Based on the text, the following would be the kind of information that could be revealed about ancient people through modern genome analyses, EXCEPT … A. typical illnesses. B. nutritional patterns. C. thinking potentials. D. evolutionary phases. E. migratory directions. Jawaban : E 45. Based on the text, soon Darwin’s human evolution theory will be most likely empirically valid ated, if contemporary DNA analyses are by the following factors, EXCEPT .... A. modern genomic laboratories. B. expertise associated with ancient DNA.

C. better management in fossil excavation D. more discovery of early human remains. E. availability of complete ancient human genomes. Jawaban : E