Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 1 [PDF]

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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban A. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BY CROSSING ( X ) A, B OR C ! Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Benar Dengan Memberi Tanda Silang ( X ) Pada A, B Atau C! 1. the spelling of m – o – t – h – e – r is … a. em – o – te – ha – i – er b. em – o – ti – eij – i – er c. em – o – te – ha – i – er 2. r – e – h – a – t – f the correct word is … a. mother b. father c. brother 3. y – e – n – o – m – k the correct word is … a. yellow b. sunday c. monkey 4.

rani have a … a. cat b. elephant c. cow 5. ini adalah sapi the english sentences is … a. this is cow b. this is dog c. this is camel


i love …. a. dog b. rabbit c. sheep 7. elephant in indonesian language is … a. kerbau b. domba c. gajah 8. one – two – tree – four – …. – six – seven a. nine b. five c. ten 9. the number before nine is … a. ten b. seven c. eight 10. the number after ten is … a. eleven b. nine c. twelve 11.

bagas have …. apple a. nine b. seven c. Six


the colour of watermelon is … a. red b. blue c. green 13. saya punya apel merah the english sentences is … a. i have green apple b. i have white apple c. i have red apple 14. blue in indonesian language is … a. biru b. putih c. kuning 15.

the picture above is … a. ear b. eye c. hand 16. we walk using … (kaki) a. foot b. hand c. mouth

17. kita punya dua tangan the english sentences is …

a. we have two hand b. we have two leg c. we have two ear 18. head in indonesian language is … a. kepala b. perut c. pipi 19. we have two ear the indonesian language is …. a. kita punya dua mata b. kita punya dua kaki c. kita punya dua telinga 20. this is my father the indonesian language is … a. ini adalah ibuku b. ini adalah kakakku c. ini adalah ayahku 21. my mother is teacher the indonesian language is … a. ibuku adalah guru b. nenekku adalah guru c. kakakku adalah guru 22. saudara laki-laki in english is … a. sister b. brother c. grandfather 23. aunt in indonesian language is … a. paman b. keponakan c. bibi 24. ini adalah kamar tidur the english sentences is … a. this is kitchen b. this is bedroom c. this is living room 25. living room in indonesian language is … a. ruang belajar b. kamar mandi c. ruang keluarga B. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER ! Isilah titik-titik yang ada dengan jawaban yang benar! 1. L – W – L – Y – E – O The corret word is …. 2. the spelling of O – R – A – N – G – E is ….


Mr. Sukamto have a … 4. chicken in indonesian language is … 5. sepuluh in english language is … 6. sinta have twelve pencil the indonesian sentences is sinta mempunyai …. pensil. 7.

the colour of grape is … 8.

the colour of banana is …


the colour of indonesian flag is …. and …. 10.

the picture above is … 11. warna gigi itu putih the english sentences is the colour of ….. is white. 12. grandfather in indonesian language is …. 13. saudara perempuan in english is …. 14. bathroom in indonesian language is kamar …. 15. my mother is cooking in the ….. KUNCI JAWABAN SOAL ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER 1 BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 1 SD A. JAWABAN 1. b. em – o – ti – eij – i – er 2. b. father 3. c. monkey 4. a. cat 5. a. this is cow 6. b. rabbit 7. c. gajah

8. b. five 9. c. eight 10. a. eleven 11. a. nine 12. c. green 13. c. i have red apple 14. a. biru 15. b. eye 16. a. foot 17. c. we have two ear 18. a. kepala 19. c. kita punya dua telinga 20. c. ini adalah ayahku 21. a. ibuku adalah guru 22. b. brother 23. c. bibi 24. b. this is bedroom 25. c. ruang keluarga B. JAWABAN 1. yellow 2. o – er – ei – en – gi – i 3. cow 4. ayam 5. ten 6. 12 ( dua belas ) 7. purple 8. yellow 9. red and white 10. nose 11. Tooth 12. kakek 13. sister 14. mandi 15. (dapur) kitchen