Soal UPK Bahasa Inggris Paket C [PDF]

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MATA PELAJARAN Mata Pelajaran Jenjang Program Studi

: Bahasa Inggris : Paket C setara SMA : IPS

WAKTU PELAKSANAAN Hari, Tanggal Waktu Jam

: : 90 menit :

PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Periksalah Naskah soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi : a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman atau urutannya. b. Kelengkapan dan urutan nomor soal. c. Kesesuaian Nama Mata Pelajaran yang diujikan dan program studi yang tertera pada bagian atas Naskah Soal. 2. Jawablah soal-soal pada Lembar Jawaban Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan (LJUPK) yang telah disediakan. 3. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada LJUPK yang disediakan. 4. Laporkan kepada Pengawas ruang ujian jika terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUPK yang rusak atau robek untuk mendapat gantinya. 5. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk mengisi LJUPK dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : a. Tuliskan Nama Anda pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya. b. Tuliskan Nomor Peserta dan Tanggal Lahir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai huruf/angka di atasnya. c. Tuliskan Nama Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda pada kotak yang disediakan. 6. Waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal adalah 90 menit. 7. Naskah terdiri dari 50 butir soal yang masing-masing dengan 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban. 8. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya. 9. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah. 10. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas Ruang Ujian. 11. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret, sedangkan LJUPK tidak boleh dicorat-coret.

SELAMAT MENGERJAKAN Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal, Kerjakan dengan jujur, karena kejujuran adalah cermin kepribadian. The Text is for number 1 to 3



Announcement Pay attention! Our PKBM will have a debate competition -Participant : All students in our PKBM -It will be held from 10th -12th Aug 2015 -Prizes : I Rp. 2.000.000 II Rp. 1.500.000 III Rp. 1.000.000 Please join us! 1. What is the announcement about? a. A school debate. b. A school competition . c. A debate competition. d. Extracurricular activities. e. Participants of the debate. 2. When will a debate competition be held ? a. From 11th – 12th Aug 2015 b. From 10th – 12th Aug 2015 c. From 10th – 12th Aug 2016 d. From 11th – 12th Aug 2016 e. From 12th – 12th Aug 2016 3. According to the text the competition ........... a. Is only for students with good english. b. Invite student from another PKBM c. Is in the form of the written argument. d. Will be held 10 – 11 th August 2017. e. Will run for two days. The Text is for number 4 to 5

Angel Baby Oil Cares and protect Ingredients : Mineral oil, parfum, sweet almond oil Help to soften your baby ‘s skin. Apply on the skin, especially the scalp, skin folds as well as elbows,heels, and thighs.

4. What is the Adverstisment tell us about ? a. Parfum b. Mineral oil c. Baby Oil Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




d. Skin fold e. Oil and gas 5. From the text we know that Angel baby oil make the baby’s skin. .......... a. Hard. b. Rough. c. Sweet. d. Soft. f. Sweet almond oil The text is for question number 6 to 7 Hello, my friends ! For a long time, I have been waiting for my special day. Finnaly it is coming. I will be 15. Please come and gather at my home to have a nice party at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 4th, 2014 Sandra’s home Nahdlatul Wathan street, East Jakarta 6. What is the purpose the text above? a. To inform someone about the party celebration. b. To congratulate some one on the birthday. c. To invite someone to attend the party. d. To describe a birthday party. e. To make special day 7. When will the party will be held? a. In the morning. d. in the evening. b. In the afternoon. e. At night c. In Mid Day The text is for number 8 to 10 One day a countryman was going to the nest of his goose and found there was an egg with a yellow and glittering colour. When he took it up, it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on the second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was pure gold. Every morning the same thing occured and he soon became rich by selling the eggs. As he grew greedy and greedy he thought to get at once all the gold the goose could give. He killed the goose opened and opened it only find nothing. 8. Where did the country man get a gold egg? a. At the nest of goose. d. In his goose stomach. b. At his own house. e. In the gold mine. c. At the goldsmith. 9. What is the main topic of paragraf 2 ? a. The goose has many eggs in its stomach b. The goose did not give eggs anymore. c. The egg was pure gold. d. He become rich and greedy. Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




e. He thought the goose had lot gold in his body. 10. “ Every morning the same thing occured and ......... The synonym of the word “occured” is .......... a. Happened. d. Disappeared. b. Arose. e. Transpired. c. Took part. The text is for number 11 to 13 A laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the same function as PC (personal computer), but it is smaller, lighter and of different sizes. Nowdays, most people choose laptops for several reasons. A laptop is a portable device. This portability is very helpful for our work, study and other activities. We do not need complicated cable installation to activate a laptop, and with laptop, we can do our work anytime anywhere. More ever, a laptop allows us to access the internet in public places which provide free access called hot spot areas. Some poeple like to use this facility to carry out their tasks. Finally, a laptop consumers energy more efficiently than a PC does. This device uses a rechargeable batery as as a source of electric energy. So if we prefer using laptop, it means that we support the government program to save energy. That’s why a laptop has become very popular recently. 11. From the we know that........... a. A laptop is usually more exspensive than a PC b. More poeple like a laptop better than PC c. More poeple like PC better than a laptop d. For a mobile person a laptop is more handy than a PC e. A laptop is cheaper now than it was before 12. A laptop has become very popular because................... a. It is portable b. It allows us to access internet c. It gives several benefits to the user d. It doen’t need complicated cable instalations e. We can do our work with it anytime anywhere 13. A public place where we can have free acces to the internet is a/an ............ a. Free access b. Hot spot c. Internet instalation d. laptop facility e. hot spot area The text is for number 14 to 16

Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10.35 p,m. Last night. The dead were all passengers of the cars. The police believed the car might have been trying to over take the bus when it was struck by truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might not have been using lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching. The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, because overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car – a small Japanese car – should not hsve been carrying more than five poeple. If the passangers had brought thier identity cards, the police would have identified the names of the victims easily. 14. The text report about ............ a. An accident between a bus, a car and a truck. b. Police investigation on the accident. c. An activity on Jalan Sultan at night. d. The victims of the accident. e. The names of the victims. 15. According to the police, the collision happened because .............. a. One of the driver was sleepy. b. The bus driver didn’t see the truck. c. Jalan Sultan was very dark at night. d. Jalan Sultan was full of traffic last night. e. The car driver was trying to over take the bus. 16. The purpose of the text is to ............. a. Entertain the audience. b. Describe someone. c. Inform news of the day. d. Report scientific research. e. Explain a natural phenomena Texts is for number 17 to 19 Bad weather comes in many different forms. One kind of bad weather is the Tornado. A tornado is powerful, twisting windstorm. It is one of the most desructive of all the storms that we have on earth. A tornado is long cloud that comes down from the sky. It looks like funnel and consists of wind that whirls around and around extremely fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speed of more than 900 km per hours. Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when a tornado will occur. Fortunately, the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long. There are about two hundred tornadoes annually in the United States, but in some years there are many more. Tornadoes that occur over water are called waterspours. 17. What does the text mainly tell us about ? a. Bad weather b. The Tornado c. The Windstorm d. Natural disaster e. Dangerous weather 18. The author suggest that one good thing about a tornado is that it ......... a. Cannot be predicted b. Goes on for the short time Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




c. Occurs only over water d. Whirls around very fast e. Does not cause much destruction 19. “ it looks like a funnels and consist of winds which whirls around and around.....” ( paragraph 2 ). The underlined word means........ a. Spins b. Strikes c. Moves d. Rounds e. Speeds The text is for number 20 to 22 Cars should be banned in the city. As we all known, cars can create pollution, and cause a lot of roat casualtiondlyes and other accidents. Firstly, cars as we all know, contribute to most of polution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that cause illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and triggers off asthma. Some these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Sechicondly , the city is very busy . pedestarian wander every where and cars commonly hit pedestarian in the city, which causes them die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night or concrentrate on your homework, and especially talk to some one. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reason meantioned above. 20. Cars produce deadly gas that cause .................. a. Crowd b. Illnesses c. Road casualties d. Road accidents e. Noise pollution 21. The text tells about ........... a. b. c. d. e.

Road accident by car Gas pollution by car Illnesses by car polution Reasons car banning The fatality of killer car

22. Cars can cause illnesses ever death of poeple in the city became ............. a. b. c. d. e.

Cars are very noiisy Cars can be the biggest killers Cars always wander every where Cars make difficlties for the poeple to relax Cars can send out deadly gases in environment

The text is for number 23 to 24

Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




Order Today and SAVE UP TO 80% OFF

Starting at $6.36 - $9.49 High-quality shirts are a great way to market your business or send as a gift 

100% preshrunk cotton T-Shirt

Easy to design and order

Available sizes are: S, M, L, XL and XXL

23. Which of the following statements is not true based on the text? a. b. c. d. e.

The T-Shirts are made of cotton. The customers can get 80% discount. The biggest size which is available is XXL. The T-Shirts are meant only to be a gift for the customers The price starting at $6.36 - $9.49

24. How many sizes are offered to the customers? a. b. c. d. e.

Five. Four. Three. Two. One

The text is for number 25 to 26

To : Scholarship Candidates From : Guidance and Conseling The following are steps for scholarship candidats : You are expected to aririve on time. To arrive late clearly makes a very bad impression. Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




Arrive with plenty of time to spare is really necessary. Be yourself to have good chance. Know exactly where you have to sit If you fail the inter view it is not the end of the world. As i told you before, there are other more important things in life.

25. What is the aim of the text above? a. b. c. d. e.

To tell the scholars about their duty. To give information to the jobseekers. To invite the students to get scholarship. To warn the scholars about the schedule. To remind the students about the test to be follewed.

26. What makes bad impression ? a. b. c. d. e.

Arriving late Guiding late Consulting late Coming early Failing early

Text for number 27-28 CAUTION Unpredictable Waves and Currents, Rocks and Coral in water May be a Hazard Dangerous Shorebreak 27. What does the caution mean? A.

Swimming in the area is dangerous SWIM AT YOUR RISK B. The swimming activity causes no risk C. The wave in the area is predictable D. Rocks and Coral can be found in the area 28. “SWIM AT YOUR RISK” . It means …. a. Visitors are prohibited to swim in the area b. The management is responsible at risk c. A risk is responsible for swimmer themselves d. Swimmers can get a risk in the area Text for number 29-30 Congratulations SMA Jakarta hereby congratulates the following students on their success to be our best ten students at the first tryout of the final examination for academic year 2016-2017 Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




Indrawan (12A) Kaleb Yohanes (12D) Regina Bunga F (12D) Indiana Shinta (12D) Suryadi (12C) Amirul Haviz (12A) Dwi Puspitasari (12D) Rima Mustafa (12B) Ruth Unesti S (12A) We’re proud of you, Keep on learning and be good student models for others Principal, Arjun Naja 29. Why does the headmaster write this text? a. b. c. d. e.

To give rewards to best student To congrulate on his succsess students To announce their success students To tell the first try out of the final examination To remind the students to keep on learning

30. ‘’...good student models for others..” The underlined word refers to.... a. b. c. d. e.

Principal Students SMA Jakarta students Arjun Naja Ten best students’ friends

The following text is for questions 31 to 34 A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since temperature rises approximately 1 F for every sixty feet under the earth's surface, and pressure increases with depth, the water that seeps down in crack and fissures until it reaches very hot rock in the earth interior becomes heated to temperature in excess of 290 F. Because of the greater pressure, the water shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a geyser. In order to function, then a geyser must have a source of heat, reservoir where water can be stored until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an opening through which the hot water and steam can escape, and underground channels for resupplying water after an eruption. Favorable conditions for geyser exist in some regions of the world including New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old Faithfull in Yellow Park. Old Faithfull erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption. 31. What is the text about?

Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




A.To explain how the geyser formed. B. To describe what the geyser is C. To inform the result of the geyser. D. To tell the definition of the geyser . E. To explain the benefit of the geyser. 32. Steam and hot water shoot out of the surface because of .... A. hot rock and water B. temperature and pressure C. greater pressure D. high temperature and increased pressure E. underground temperature and increased pressure 33. Reservoir where the water can be stored will be after eruption and resupplying again ..... A. hot B. narrow C. reveal D. empty E. Unstable 34. "... and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption." (Paragraph 2) The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... A. heating B. melting C. wasting D. supplying E. Discharging The following text for number 35-37 Beggars have become a big problem for us today. They come as a musicians, street boys, “sick” people, “lost” people, or just beggars. As their number is getting bigger, the municipal government feels the need to set a regulation to ban beggars. Many people support this. They say that begging makes people lazy and bad survivors. They are like parasites. Criminals take advantage of their existence. Car driver are strongarmed in crossroads, motorbikes are seized, trucks are hijacked, etc. A man in a rural area takes them to the city with his truck in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. They have made an agreement to share what they get. Some children are reported to have been kidnapped not for ransom. They are forced to be beggars. They become beggars because they have no choice. What they get everyday is only enough for buying food. Being a beggar is better than being a thief or a robber. So it is a high time to apply their religious teaching to care for others. In addition, what they do is to help the government to check crime-rates. Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




Despite the controversy of their existence, beggars continue to color the life of urban people. 35. The positive argument of the beggars assistance is ... A. They like to be parasites B. They are forced to be beggars. C. They survive by begging others D. They say that begging makes people lazy. E. They help the government to check crime-rates. 36. After reading the text we know that ... A. There is disadvantages of being beggars B. The biggest problem of today is beggars. C. There is a set of regulation to ban beggars D. There are positive and negative opinion of beggars. E. There are close relation between beggars and criminals. 37. Why do people become the beggar ?because A. The government thinks negative B. Beggars make them being rich B. Some people disagree to them C. they have no choice. D. The beggars disturb the citizens. Text for number 38-40 Mr. Hasan Renaldi PT. Jaya Sentosa Jl. Hasanudin 73 Makasar Dear Mr. Hasan Renaldi, In response to your letter of December 20, 2015 we apologize for the error in shipment. We are sending immediately the additional 500 boxes of glossy photo papers, that were not included in the shipment. We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be assured that this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our new products. Sincerely yours, Hilman Manager of order Department 38. The purpose of sending the letter is to... A. request the paper excluded in the previous shipment. B. complete another request from PT Jaya Sentosa. C. request more orders of glossy photo papers. D. ask for apology for the error in shipment. E. enclose some new cataloques. Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




39. We know from the text that the first shipment was … . A. not complete B. not insured C. damaged D. wrong E. late 40. what is Mr. Hilman? A. The customer B. The director C. The deliverer D. The consultant E. The manager Text for number 41-43 Undead, Unwed, and I also wish I could say unread! Okay so here I think I have finally sunk to the bottom of the barrel to try to catch up and complete my challenge. I do have a bit of a thing for vampire novels! And that said I bought three different first in the series, to see if it would help me catch up and bring me back to target. Seriously, this was one of the trashiest novels I have ever read! It was OK and fun, but I feel like a complete fraud and fake adding this to the list of books I’ve read this year! But I did nevertheless read it! So it’s going to be added. Maybe one day when I’ve forgotten how bad this book was and just how trashy, I’ll read a few more in the series! But seriously guys I wouldn’t recommend it! 41.

The Undead an Unwed is….

A. an horror novel B. an romantic novel C. very interesting novel D. not a sequence novel E. made into the movie 42. Which of the following statement does not represent the writer’s opinion? A. The novel is very trashy. B. It really good and interesting novel. C. I will not add this novel to my book list. D. Don’t read this novel or you will be upset. E. I do really want to forget this bad novel soon.

43. what is the similar meaning of the word “trashy”? Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017




A. good B. interesting C. satiesfying D. nice E. bad 44. Arrange the following words into a good order! the SIM - insert – card- being -installed – after 1 2 3 4 5 6 A. 1-2-4-3-6-5 B. 1-2-4-5-6-3 C. 2-1-3-5-4-5 D. 2-6-1-4-3-5 E. 2-1-4-3-5-6 The following incomplete text is for number 45-47 One day there was a class of kids at school. They were(45).... a hard time concentrating on the work because it was snowing so hard outside. They were just waiting for that (46).....announcement of the rest of the day off. Suddenly, the intercom beeped and they heard the voice of their principal; “Attention, students. Due to the weather conditions, we will only be attending school a half (47)....the day this morning.” After all the students’ cheers had stopped, the principal continued; “And we will be attending the other half this afternoon.” 45. A. Having B. spending C. joining D. doing E. finding 46. A. dissapointed B. annoyed C. blessed D. bored E. frightened 47. A. in B. under C. on D. above E. of The following text is for number 48-50

To apply for a new drive (48)...., come to the BRI to buy a form. Then bring (49)....the form you’ve completed to the license office Monday through Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. You will take a written test and a driving test after you fill in other forms from the license office. There will be a fee but not(50).... Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat 13 Tahun Akademik 2016/2017



48. A. form B. license C. card D. identity E. test 49. A. slowly B. quickly C. suddenly D. indirectly E. directly 50. A. little B. more C. much D. many E. some

Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan PKBM Al Ishlah Jakarta Pusat Tahun Akademik 2016/2017