Soal Uukk BHS Inggris KL X 2013 [PDF]

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Listening Section. In this part of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special direction for each part. Part 1. Question 1 to 4. Direction : In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear : Boy : Do you use the internet very often ? Girl : Yes, I do. I use it for communication. Boy : How do you communicate with it ? Girl : I send and receive emails, and speak with my friends using voice mail. Narrator A. B. C. D. E.

: What is the topic of the conversation ? How to use email. Internet usage. Receiving email. Voice mail. Communication.

The best answer to the question is “ Internet usage.” Therefore, you should choose answer (B) 01. a. Drink b. Apple c. Market

d. Refrigerator e. Favourite fruits

02. a. English b. Landscaping c. Family Planning

d. Chemistry e. Forestry

03. a. Silver castle b. Crystal Jade c. Blue Diamond

d. Sparkling Stone e. Gold Coin

04. a. One b. Two c. Three

d. Four e. Five

Part II. Questions 5 – 7. Direction : In this part of the test you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You must choose the best response to each question Now Listen to a sample question. Man : Where are you going to stay ? Woman : At the Sun Hotel, near the beach. Man : Why there ? Woman : …… What will the woman most likely reply ? A. Stay there. B. It provides excellent service. C. There’s a hotel there. D. It’s on the beach. The best answer to the question is choice B “ it provides excellent service.” Therefore, you should choose answer B. 05. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 06. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 07. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Part III.

Question 8 – 11. Direction : In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five provided in your test book, and decide which on would be the most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have hard. 08.
























Part VI. Question 11 – 15. Direction : In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard 12. a. b. c. d. e.

A Mixer How to use a hand mixer Two balloons whisks bowl of ingredients An electric motor device

13. a. b. c. d. e.

Select the setting you want Place the mixer in your bowl of ingredients Plug the mixer into the socket Turn the mixer on by pushing a switch Move the bowl while using your mixer

14. a. b. c. d. e.

A fairy god mother A barleycorn seed A beautiful flowers. A little girl A poor man who live in the forest.

15. a. b. c. d. e.

She was a kind girl. She was a sweet little girl. She was a long as a thumb. She came from a barleycorn seed. The fairy asked the woman to give the name. This is the end of the listening section

This text is for questions 16 to 17. Attention, please. In order to give you more knowledge about story writing, there will be a workshop about how to write a good story. The speakers will be journalist from our local newspaper, the Daily SoloPos Newspaper. The workshop will be held in the hall on Saturday, June 15, 2013 starting at 8 a.m. Please enroll before Wednesday, June 5, 2013. One more thing, this workshop is a must for all the wall magazine staff. Thank you. 16. What is the purpose of the text? A. To tell students how to write a good story. B. To announce a story writing contest. C. To advertise a local newspaper. D. To announce a coming event. E. To announce a workshop. 17. Which of the statements is true based on the announcement? A. The participants may enroll until Saturday. B. The workshop will be held in the afternoon. C. The Daily Solo Pos Newspaper is a national newspaper. D. The workshop speakers are journalist. E. All students and teachers must attend the workshop.

This text is for questions 18 to 22. A long time ago, there was a Kingdom in East Java called Kediri. Once it was ruled by Tunggul Ametung after the former king, Kertajaya was defeated. Tunggul Ametung had a very beautiful wife named Ken Dedes. In the meantime, there lived Ken Arok, the ruler of Tumapel who built his own empire called Singosari. One day, Ken Arok accidentally saw Ken Dedes and decided that he had to have Ken Dedes as his wife, at any risk. However, Ken Dedes was Tunggul Ametung’s wife, so he decided to kill Tunggul Ametung. Then he ordered a “keris” from priest named Mpu Gandring. It took a long time to make the weapon because the priest had to perform some rituals. Ken Arok was impatient to wait for the keris to be completed. He wanted to marry Ken Dedes very quickly. So he visited Mpu Gandring and asked whether the keris was completed. Mpu Gandring said that it wasn’t completed yet. On hearing the priest’s answer, Ken Arok became so angry then he took the semi-completed keris and stabbed the priest. Before he died, the priest cursed the keris. This weapon is well known as the Mpu Gandring’s keris. Later, Ken Arok lent the keris to Kebo Ijo, a petty criminal. Kebo Ijo was so proud that he showed it to everyone. At night, Ken Arok retrieved it and successfully killed Tunggul Ametung. Kebo Ijo was framed as the killer, but before he could talk, Ken Arok killed him with the keris. In the 5th years of his reign, a man called Anusapati wanted the throne of Singosari from Ken Arok. Anusapati then killed Ken Arok using the Mpu Gandring’s keris. Later Tohjaya, the son of Ken Arok and his concubine named Ken Umang, wanted to take revenge for his father death. During the 21st year of Anusapti’s rule, Tohjaya invited Anusapati to gamble and when Anusapati was having fun, Tohjaya killed Anusapati, again with Mpu Gandring’s keris. After Anusapati’s death, his son Ranggawuni wanted the throne. Tohjaya sent Lembu Ampal to attack Ranggawuni and his companion, Mahesa Cempaka. However, Lembu Ampal realized that Ranggawuni was the right person to be king so he joined Ranggawuni and they fought against Tohjaya. Tohjaya was killed with Mpu Gandring’s keris. In the end, it is said Ranggawuni and Mahesa Cempaka realized that Mpu Gandring’s keris would only cause chaos and death, so they threw the keris into the Java Sea. The legend said that it turned into a dragon. Taken from PR Bahasa Inggris X, Intan Pariwara 2012.

18. What is the story about? A. Ken Arok and Ken Dedes. B. The ruin of Kediri Kingdom. C. The Singosari’s thrones. D. The Mpu Gandring’s keris. E. The tragedy in Kediri Kingdom. 19. Why did Ken Arok kill Kebo Ijo? A. To prevent Kebo Ijo reveal Ken Arok’s crime of killing Tunggul Ametung. B. To dethrone Tunggul Ametung as the King of Kediri. C. To take revenge on Kebo Ijo who had killed Tunggul Ametung. D. To cover Ken Arok’s crime of killing Mpu Gandring. E. To protect his throne from Kebo Ijo’s rebellion plan. 20. What is the main idea of paragraph four? A. Ken Arok ordered keris from Mpu Gandring. B. It took a long time to make a powerful keris. C. Ken Arok wanted to marry Ken Dedes very quickly. D. Ken Arok killed Mpu Gandring using his keris. E. Mpu Gandring cursed his keris before he died.

21. How many people were killed with the Mpu Gandring’s keris? A. a. Four. D. Eight.

B. b. Six. E. Ten. C. c. Seven. 22. What is the moral of the story? A. Ken Arok is an arrogant person. B. Mpu Gandring is a powerful priest. C. The chaos is begun of impatience. D. Ken Dedes is a beautiful woman. E. Awareness comes at the end. This text is for questions 23 to 26. Have you ever heard of Sasando? My uncle introduced the term to me. Sasando is a harp-like traditional string musical instrument from Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The name of Sasando derives from “sasandu” which means vibrating or sound instrument. My uncle has one. He can’t play it really well, but knows the technique of how to play it. He bought it during a trip to East Nusa Tenggara last year. My uncle’s Sasando is a bamboo tube that serves as the frame of the instrument. The tube is surrounded by several wooden wedges, where the strings are stretched from the top to the bottom. The wedges are to hold the strings higher than the tube surface, to produce various lengths of strings which create different musical notations. The bamboo tube is surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried lontar or palmyra leaf, which is used as the resonator. My uncle once showed me how to play it; that is with both hands reaching the strings on bamboo tube through the lontar opening on the front and the player’s fingers pluck the strings similar playing a harp. Source: PR Bahasa Inggris X, Intan Pariwara.

23. What kind of musical instrument is Sasando? A. It is lontar or palmyra leaf traditional musical instrument. B. It is a bamboo tube traditional musical instrument. C. It is a harp-like traditional string musical instrument. D. It is my uncle’s traditional string musical instrument. E. It is a traditional musical instrument from Rote Island. 24. Where did Sasando originate from? A. My uncle’s journey from East Nusa Tenggara. B. It originated from Rote Island. C. It came from one of island in Indonesia. D. It came from bamboo tube as string instrument. E. It is a harp-like traditional string instrument. 25. What is part of Sasando to keep the strings higher than the tube surface? A. It is bamboo. B. It is wooden wedges. C. It is lengths of strings. D. It is lontar. E. It is the resonator. 26. What does paragraph three tell us about? A. It tells parts of Sasando. B. It tells how to play Sasando. C. It tells how to show Sasando. D. It tells my uncle’s playing Sasando. E. It tells where Sasando originated from.

This text is for questions 27 to 30. Kelimutu Lakes are striking summit crater lakes of varying colors. It has recently become a popular tourist attraction because of its uniqueness and spectacular panorama. Situated on

Mount Kelimutu, Kanata village, Willowware sub-district, Ended, Flores, the lakes appear to have different colors that change over time due to the chemical formation of the salt, iron, sulfates and gas pressure. Volcanic activity and sunlight also have a major factor on the colors of Kelimutu. The local community considers these lakes a sacred place, where the souls of the died lie. The name of Kelimutu itself was derived from the word ‘keli’ means mountain and ‘mutu’ means boil. Currently, the three lakes have a black-green color in the east lake, green in the middle lake and black in the west lake. Previously, the east lake was red and the middle lake was blue. The East lake is also called “tiwu ata polo” or lake for evil spirits, while the middle one is called “tiwu nua muri koo fai” or lake for young souls, and the west lake is called “tiwu ata mbupu” or lake for elderly and wise people’s souls. Some of the areas in Kelimutu lakes are dangerous and thus restricted. Kelimutu lake was found by Van Such Telen. It became famous after Y.Bouman wrote in his note in 1929, so people from all over the world come to see the beauty of Kelimutu Lake. Morning is the best time to witness the beauty of Kelimutu Lake. Close to the midday and at evening the scenery of Kelimutu Lake is blocked with thick mist. You can travel by motor taxi, car or public transportation to take you to a parking lot before Kelimutu peak. Buses plying the Ende-Maumere route will pass Moni. From here, you have to walk 30 minutes along the mountain side. Adapted from:

27. The text tells about…. A. the discoverer of Kelimutu Lake. B. the Three-colored Lakes of Kelimutu. C. the chemical formation of color changing in Kelimutu Lake. D. the located of Kelimutu Lake. E. the way to get Kelimutu Lake. 28. The following statements are correct based on the text, except…… A. the east lake has a black-green color. B. b. the lakes were found by Van Such Telen in 1929. C. c. the lakes are considered places where the souls of the death lie. D. d. visitors cannot enjoy the lakes best during midday, because of the thick mist. E. e. the lakes change colors because of chemical formation of the salt, iron, sulfates and gas pressure. 29. “Kelimutu Lakes are striking summit crater lakes of varying colors.” (Paragraph 1) The underlined word is similar to …… A. shallow. B. bottom. C. diverse. D. wide. E. peak. 30. “From there, you have to walk 30 minutes along the mountain side.” (Last paragraph) The bold word means……. A. The Ende-Maumere. B. Moni. C. Kelimutu Lakes. D. Mount Kelimutu. E. Flores.

Twenty-one Killed in Road Accident

SAUDI ARABIA: Twenty-one people were killed when two vehicles collided on a highway near the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, a newspaper reported on Saturday. Al-Riyadh newspaper said that the accident occurred on Friday when a vehicle carrying 14 Yemenis and two Saudis tried to avoid a police check-point by going around it, and rammed into an incoming car carrying five passengers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Sudan. Around 4,000 people die each year in road accidents in Saudi Arabia mainly due to recklessness Reuters. (Taken from The Jakarta Post, August 6, 2006 in Look Ahead 1 Penerbit Erlangga.)

31. …. two saudis tried to avoid a police check point by going around it, and rammed …. The underlined word refers to …. A. Al-Riyadh newspaper. B. a police check point. C. a vehicle D. the accident E. the Red Sea port city of Jeddah 32. What is the main source of accident in Saudi Arabia? A. Responsibility B. Capability C. Ability D. Carefulness E. Carelessness 33. What is the background of the accident? A. A vehicle with 14 passengers tried to avoid the police checkpoint. B. A vehicle of 16 passengers tried to avoid the police checkpoint. C. The five and two Saudis tried to avoid the police checkpoint. D. The five passengers tried to avoid the police checkpoint. E. The police tried to make checkpoint in the main road. 34. Al-Riyadh newspaper said that the accident occured on Friday….” What is the similar meaning of the underlined word? A. Took place B. Took care C. Cured D. Be happening E. Got 35. What is the text about? A. There a many accident in Saudi Arabia B. The Accident in Saudi Arabia occurred every year C. Road accident D. Killing in the road E. The Carelessness driver

The following text is for questions 36 to 38. PHILIPPINES is the “firmly entrance” of the bird flu virus in Asia and its pandemic among humans remains possible, a World Health Organization expert warned Wednesday. While Asian countries are more prepared to react to any outbreaks than before and have vaccine stockpiles, death and infections have continued, noted Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s regional adviser for communicable disease surveillance and response. “The virus has firmly entranced in this region, I’m afraid.” Kasai told reporters during an exercise to test the Philippines’ preparations against the disease.” The virus itself keep changing, so the risk of pandemic persist.” Experts fear the virus, which is usually spread directly from birds to human, could mutate into a form easily Transmissible between people, sparking a deadly global pandemic. 36. What is the text about? A. Experts struggle to fight against the virus. B. The virus has “firmly’ entranced” the world. C. Some preparations to fight the disease have been done. D. The bird flu virus comes to Asia as pandemic among humans. E. Deaths and infections caused by the virus have continued to spread. 37. What does Takeshi Kasai do? He is an/a ….. A. Asian reporter B. WHO’s adviser C. WHO’s reporter D. WHO’S surveillance E. WHO’s regional adviser 38. Which of the following is stated in the text? A. Expert predict that virus could not transmit between people. B. Bird flu virus seldom spread directly from birds to humans. C. Asian countries can create vaccine to cure the victims. D. Pandemic of bird flu is impossible. E. Bird flu virus has spread in Asia. 39. ….. which is usually spread directly from birds to human ... What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Disseminate B. Contribute C. Strew D. Strick E. Throw

The following questions are not related to the text. 40. Mr. Ahmad : Do you know R.A. Kartini. Andi? Andi : Of course. R.A. Kartini … Was born in 1879 is one of the heroes in Indonesia. Mr. Ahmad : Great ! A. whom B. which C. whose D. who E. where 41. Fery Margareth

: Who is your favourite Indonesian Idol Singer? : Ehmm…!!! I like all of them, but one of the Indonesian Idol singer … I like very much is Dion.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which E. what 42. Teacher Class leader

: What are the students doing? : The students are collecting money, food and clothes for the people ... houses were destroyed in the fire last week.

A. who B. whom C. where D. what E. whose 43. Atsar : “Did she leave a message for me?” Birma : “Yes, she said ... tonight.” A. B. C. D. E.

she called you she would call her you called her she would call you I would call you

44. Ana : What did you buy at the grocery store yesterday? Anto: What did you say? Ana : I wanted to know what you … at the grocery store yesterday. A. B. C. D. E.

buys would buy had to buy had bought have bought

45. Mother : Clean your room, Siska! Siska : Yes, Mom. Vinda : What did your mother tell you, Siska? Siska : She told me …. A. B. C. D. E.

clean my room to cleaned my room to clean my room cleaned my room clean your room

46. Yania : Why do you look so unhappy? Zaskia: As usual, I … for the dorm-rent by the landlady. A. B. C. D. E.

am dunning am dunned dun am to be dunned am to dun

47. A wooden bridge … here next month. A. is going to build B. is to build C. is building D. is built E. will be built 48. ‘Some workers were painting our new house.’ The passive from the above sentence is: ‘Our new house … by some workers’ A. B. C. D. E.

was painted was painting be painted was being painted are to be painted

49. Uncle : Gina, tomorrow is the beginning of your holiday. Here is some money to buy tickets for you and your brother to go to Bali by plane. Gina : You’re very generous, uncle. Thanks a lot. Uncle: …. I want you to have a really good time on your birthday. A. B. C. D. E.

No, I don’t All right I am not No, thanks Not at all.

50. Aunti : Have you heard that you have been promoted to a higher position? Yenny: Oh, …. Thank God. A. B. C. D. E.

It’s really wonderful it is terrible I haven’t heard about it I’m sorry to hear that it’s a nuisance

Essay 51. Please combine these sentences by using relative pronoun. a. I graduated from the Indonesian University 3 years ago. My father teaches there every Saturday. b. The President Director of Bank Utama will go to Singapore. We met him yesterday at the meeting room. 52. Change the following sentences into passive voice. a. Some workers were loading the containers into the van. b. She can read an English magazine fluently. 53. Complete these sentences below using indirect speech. a. Meyda : “Raisya, are you absent today?” It means: Meyda asked Raisya …. b. Setiawan told me, “I will return your bicycle tomorrow”. This sentence means: Setiawan told me that …. 54. Complete this dialogue using the appropriate expression. Jasmine : Hi, good morning all. Zery and Bob: Morning, Jasmine. Jasmine : My mother is better now. The doctor says that my mother is able to go home. Zery : (a)…. That's good news. Jasmine : Thanks Zery. Zery : How if we finish your homework together. Bob : Yeah. Why don’t? Jasmine : (b)…. You are all my best friends. 55. Here is the part of news item from BBC News. The issue of whether or not to raise fuel prices in Indonesia even become a trending topic on Twitter this week - with "Turunkan harga BBM" (Cut fuel prices) becoming a Twitter meme, according to the Jakarta Globe. Raising fuel prices is politically sensitive in Indonesia, where it's thought almost half the population lives on $2 a day. But with international oil prices rising above $100 (£63; 75 euros) a barrel, the Indonesian government says it is not able to sustain subsidies for much longer. It wants to raise the price of fuel by 33% from current prices of about $0.50 a litre (4,500 Indonesian rupiah) to $0.65 a litre (6,000 Indonesian rupiah).

a. Please write headline that is suitable for the news above. b.

Mention the information sources that you find out.

The Key 31. B 32. E 34. B 35. C 36. E 37. E 38. E 39. A 40. D 41. B 42. E