Software Requirements Specification [PDF]

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Health Information System & Crisis Response

Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0

Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0

Revision History Date







Usman Shafi



Overall Description

Burcin Dede



Specific Requirements

Burcin Dede Usman Shafi



Non- Functional Requirements

Burcin Dede Usman Shafi



Fixing date correction in revision Burcin Dede history and update table of content Usman Shafi



Reviewing Functional Requirements

Burcin Dede Usman Shafi



Merging Functional Requirements, Document Review

Burcin Dede

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Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0






1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

4 4 4 4

Purpose Scope Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Overview









System features 3.1.1 User Management 3.1.2 Announcement 3.1.3 Forum 3.1.4 Instant Messaging 3.1.5 Frequently Asked Questions 3.1.6 Diagnosis Service 3.1.7 Blogs and Social Networks 3.1.8 Search 3.1.9 Subscription Service 3.1.10 Online Reservation System 3.1.11 Map 3.1.12 Health information

5 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19

Non-Functional Requirements



Reliability 4.1.1 Availability 4.1.2 Fault tolerance 4.1.3 Recoverability 4.2 Security 4.2.1 User Authentication and Concurrency Controls 4.3 Usability 4.4 Scalability

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22 22 22 22 22 23 24 Error! Bookmark not defined.

Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0

1. INTRODUCTION This software requirement specification document provides full and comprehensive Health Information System web application description. The document presents functional requirements of the whole system in the form of text descriptive using Use Case Modeling technique supported by Use Case diagrams.

1.1 Purpose This document is constructed to describe entirely the external behavior of the Health Information System web application. The document aims to help stakeholders to understand functional behavior of the application in details and to present a clear vision of the system to the development team for implementation in order to achieve business objectives of the project mentioned in Vision document. The document is also designed to assist the end users to interact with the final product.

1.2 Scope This document provides only functional requirements of the Health Information System web application. This product will serve the users with services to establish a communicative and informative bridge between the people of Sweden with medical authorities at national health agency offices.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations SRS – Software Requirement Specification RUP – Rational Unified Process FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1.4 Overview During the development life cycle, we comply Rational Unified Process modeling. It is adopted in thousands of projects worldwide, and has been proven very effective for software project management. Although in RUP there are 4 phases, in this document we apply only 2 phases, these are inception and elaboration. Requirements analysis takes place both in inception and elaboration phases. In inception phase, after business case study, architectures should be able to understand and elicit users or stakeholders’ requirements and write a preliminary requirement specification. Elaboration phase is the most critical one of the four phases. It contains the most important decision makings. In elaboration phase, all requirements should be qualitatively identified, so we can predictably determine detail schedule and risks.

2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION The overall goals of the system are analysis the epidemiological situation for infectious diseases in humans and give information about the various types of crisis situations, as well as providing possibility of online tracking the queue number for appointment in health centers and communication between people who have knowledge about infectious diseases. This system also helps medical authorities monitoring internal purposes to make statistics. The most important features of the system include providing web based communication platform that provides patients direct communication opportunity with medical authorities beside of controlling the crisis situations and making them aware of infectious diseases. Web based communication platform includes instant messaging, diagnosis service and online reservation system. Patient can fill the form in diagnose service and send it to the medical authorities to give some basic information about their Page 4

Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0

diseases before starting messaging with them instantly. According to the conversation with medical authorities, they can make an appointment online if they need to go to health centers immediately. Another group of features is for making people aware of infectious diseases generally and giving opportunity to share their knowledge about diseases with other people in common platform. This group includes Health Information which will allow users to quickly get the idea of infectious diseases, Blogs and Social Networks which people can read other people’s opinions and experiences about diseases, Forum which will give opportunity to communicate with other people and patients. The rest of the features are mainly for support of the features above. They include user registration and setting permissions (User Management section), providing the list of recently found treatment methods (Announcement management section), subscribing different alerts via email and mobile (Subscription section), getting the exact locations of health centers and hospitals (Map section) and search engine, which allows users to easily find information that they need in system. One of the most important non-functional requirements is usability, as the website is intended to support people when are sick in quickest and easiest way. That is why using of the system should not become a barrier. For the same reason reliably is also important issue.

3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 3.1 System features 3.1.1 User Management Create User

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member user can be created in order to access different sections of the system depending upon the privileges.

Stimulus/Response sequence

User clicks on "Register" link on the "Start Page”. System displays a form to be filled. User enters the information in the form. User clicks "Create User" button. System validates the user information and save it.

Associated functional requirements

Display notify message

If the username is already exist or the password is not strong enough then system notifies guest user with a message.

Data validation

System checks if guest user entered correct data and notifies user of any errors. Login

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member users, admin users and organization users can login into the system after authentication.

Stimulus/Response sequence

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All users enter user name and password in the login form and click on "Login" button. System checks that account is available with the user name supplied and password is correct. Validation redirected to start page. Start Page of the application is shown to the user.

Associated functional requirements Forget password In case all users who forget their password can receive their password by email by providing valid email address with which they are registered into the system. Manage Users

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can manage privileges given to other admin accounts and organization users. Admin can edit and validate their information and can view all the users in order to keep control on the system. Member user can also manage their account from their own control panel.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, all users will be redirected to the homepage. By clicking on “My pages” all users can view and edit their information.

Associated functional requirements Remove user Member user can also able to remove their accounts.

3.1.2 Announcement Create Announcement

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can create announcements about new treatment of infectious diseases. Announcement should include treatment’s name, description and the places that are applied.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, user who was mentioned above clicks on the link to create announcement or is redirected to create announcement page from other sections. Then he/she fills in the displayed form and submits.

Associated functional requirements Display an error message System checks if admin user filled the mandatory fields and notifies user of any errors.

Data validation

System checks if this topic has been added before or not. If the topic is added before, admin user will see a message which shows this topic is redundant. View Announcement

Introduction/Purpose of feature Page 6

Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0

All users can view any announcements.

Stimulus/Response sequence

All users click on the link to view announcement. Announcement view page is displayed. Modify Announcement

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can modify any announcements.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication admin user clicks on the announcement management link or he/she is redirected to announcement management page from other sections. When admin clicks on modify announcement link that is under each announcement he/she will be able to makes changes in announcements and then he/she must click yes to save changes.

Associated functional requirements

Data validation

System checks if admin user filled the mandatory fields and notifies member user of any errors. Remove Announcement

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can remove any announcements.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, user who was mentioned above clicks on announcement management link or he/she is redirected to announcement management page. Admin user clicks on the remove button to remove the specific announcement. Confirmation message appears and if admin user confirms that he wants to remove announcement. The announcement is removed from the system.

Associated functional requirements

Confirm removing

System asks the admin user if he/she is sure that he/she wants to remove announcement.

3.1.3 Forum View topic

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view any listed topic.

Stimulus/Response sequence

All users click on the Forum link. List of forum topics are displayed. Add topic (ihtiyaç varmı)

Introduction/Purpose of feature

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Admin user/member user/organization user can add topics to forum.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, user who was mentioned above can clicks on add topic link in forum page. He/she writes his/her topic in the displayed box and then clicks “Add “button. After that he/she will see a confirmation message that he/she must click yes to confirm it.

Associated functional requirements

Confirmation Adding

Admin user/member user/organization user confirms that he/she wants to add a topic by clicking on yes.

Data Validation

System checks if this topic has been added before or not. If the topic is added before, admin user/member user/organization user will see a message which shows this topic is redundant.

Show message for adding

After adding a topic, admin user/member user/organization user will see a message that tells him his/her topic has been added. Add post

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user/member user can either add post to topics or reply other posts under topics.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Organization user/member user goes to the link of the topic that he/she wants to add a message there. He/she adds his/her message to the empty box and then clicks on Add. Then he/she will see his/her message at the top of the other messages.

Associated functional requirements

Show message for adding

After adding a message, organization user/member user will see a message that tells him/her his/her message has been added to the topic which he/she wanted. View post

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view any posts under each listed topic.

Stimulus/Response sequence

All users click on the Forum link then they are directed to the page that contains list of forum topics. When they click on the topic, all posts that are under it will be displayed. Remove topic

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can remove any topic.

Stimulus/Response sequence Page 8

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After authentication, admin user goes to forum page. He/she can see Remove button under all the topics that has been added since now. For deleting a topic he/she clicks on the delete button that is under each link. After clicking, he/she can see a confirmation message. After confirming the message he/she can delete the topic.

Associated functional requirements

Confirmation Removing

Admin user confirms that he/she wants to delete a specific topic by clicking on yes. Remove post

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user/member user/organization user can remove posts. Member user/organization user can remove posts which he/she added himself/herself.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user/member user/organization user goes to forum page. Member user/organization user can see Remove button under all the posts that he/she has added since now. For deleting a post he/she clicks on the delete button that is under each post. After clicking, he/she can see a confirmation message. After confirming the message he/she can delete the post.

Associated functional requirements

Confirmation Removing

Admin user/member user/organization user confirms that he wants to delete a specific post by clicking on yes. Search Topic

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can search any topic that is shared before in forum section.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Users open Forum search page then write the possible key words that topic can include and clicks on search button. List of matching forum topic are displayed.

Associated functional requirements

Display topics

If topic was found, system displays the list of matching forum topic.

Display not available message

If topic was not found, system displays not available message. Search Post

Introduction/Purpose of feature

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All users can search any post that is shared before in forum section.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Users open Forum search page then write the possible key word that post can include and clicks on search button. List of matching post are displayed.

Associated functional requirements

Display posts

If topic was found, system displays the list of matching forum post.

Display not available message

If topic was not found, system displays not available message. Rate/Comment Post

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member user/organization user can evaluate other member/organization users’ post under any topic in forum.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Member user/organization users click on the Forum link then he/she is directed to the page that contains list of forum topics. When they click on the topic, he/she can see all posts that are under clicked topic. After authentication, he/she clicks on Evaluate link under post then an evaluation box is appeared. In that box, there are five stars and each star has unique number from one to five to determine rank and there is also comment space. If member user/organization user thinks that post is useful, he/she clicks on the star that has high rank otherwise he/she clicks on the star that has low rank. Member user/organization users can also write comment to explain why they think that post is good or not and submit it. Rating is saved.

Associated functional requirements

Display an error message

If member user/organization user clicks on more than one star at the same time, system shows error message.

Confirm rating

System asks the member user/organization user if he/she is sure about his/her evaluation.

View comments

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view comments of any post.

Stimulus/Response sequence

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All users click on the Forum link then they are directed to the page that contains list of forum topics. When they click on the topic, they can see all posts that are under each topic. Then they click on the post, all comments will be displayed under related post.

Remove comment

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user/member user/organization user can remove comments. Member user/organization user can remove comments which he/she added himself/herself. Admin user can delete any comments.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user/member user/organization user click on the Forum link then they are directed to the page that contains list of forum topics. When they click on the topic, they can see all posts that are under each topic. Then they click on post, they can see all comments under the related post. Member user/organization user can delete the comments that they have written but admin user can delete any comment that he/she wants.

Associated functional requirements Confirmation Removing Admin user/member user/organization user confirms that he wants to delete a specific comment by clicking on yes.

3.1.4 Instant Messaging Join Chat

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user/ member user can chat.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, organization user/ member user clicks on the “Live support” button to join chat. System let the member user to contact with one of the personal from regional health agencies in their local area. The chat window will be displayed to both users.

Associated functional requirements Video Conversation After joining chat member user can see the representative from the regional health agency for assistance. They can send and receive messages and make video conversation if required. Send Message

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member user/ organization user can send messages to each other. After joining the chat, chat window will be displayed to both users. They can type a message in the text area of the chat window and press “send” button to send the messages to each other in order to communicate.

Stimulus/Response sequence

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Member user and organization user can type their messages in the message box and press enter or Send button to send the message to each other. Receive Message

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Users in the chat can view messages from each when they receive.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Member user/ organization user can receive messages and see it in the chat window. After joining the chat, chat window will be displayed to both users. Users in the chat window they can type a message in the text area of the chat window and clicks on “send” button. System sends the message and other user receives it and can see it in the chat window. Sent message will be shown by the system in the chat window.

3.1.5 Frequently Asked Questions View Question

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can see questions.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Users can click on FAQ link that is on the left hand side of main page. They are directed to the FAQ page. List of FAQ is displayed. Add Question/Answer

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can add question with its answer.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, he/she clicks on FAQ link. He/she writes question that are frequently sent by users with its answer and clicks on Add button. Question and its answer are added.

Associated functional requirements

Show message for adding

After adding a question and answer, admin user will see a message that tells new question and answer has been added. View Answer

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can see answers.

Stimulus/Response sequence

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Users can click on FAQ link that is on the left hand side of main page. They are directed to the FAQ page. They can see list of FAQ then they click on the question that they want to know answer of it. Answer of question is displayed. Modify Answer

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin can edit the answer of questions.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Admin user can click on FAQ link that is on the left hand side of control panel. He/she is redirected to the FAQ page. He/she can see all questions then click on the question. Then he/she clicks on modify button that is under each answer and he/she must click yes to save changes in answer.

Associated functional requirements Data Validation System checks the format of the information that admin user enters in information boxes. If it is incorrect, he/she will see an error below it. Categorize Questions

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can categorize the questions.

Stimulus/Response sequence

Admin user clicks on FAQ link that is on the left hand side of control panel. He/she is directed to the FAQ page. He/she can see all questions then he/she clicks on categorize button and a box that contains group name is appear. He/she writes name of category and clicks on next button then he writes the related question under it then click on save. Questions are categorized.

3.1.6 Diagnosis Service Send Diagnosis Form

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member user can fill diagnosis form.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, member user clicks on diagnosis service link then diagnosis form is displayed to him/her. Then he/she fills in the displayed form and clicks on the send button. Diagnosis form is sent.

Associated functional requirements

Show message for sending

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After sending diagnosis form, member user will see a message that tells him/her his/her form has been sent to the medical officers. View Diagnosis Form

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user can view diagnosis forms that are sent by member users.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, organization user clicks on diagnosis service link then he/she can see the list of diagnosis form sent by member users. He/she clicks on the View button under each form. The form is displayed. Send Pre-Diagnosis Form

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user can evaluates diagnosis form.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, organization user clicks on diagnosis service link then he/she can see the list of diagnosis form. He/she clicks on the View button under each form. Then he/she evaluates it and clicks on the Reply button to send pre-diagnoses to the related user. Prediagnosis is sent.

Associated functional requirements

Show message for sending After sending pre-diagnosis, organization user will see a message that tells him/her his/her pre-diagnosis has been sent to the patient. View Pre-Diagnosis

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member user can view pre-diagnosis forms that are sent by organization users.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, member user clicks on “My pages” link then he/she can see the link of his/her pre-diagnosis. Then he/she clicks on that link. Pre-diagnosis is displayed.

3.1.7 Blogs and Social Networks Connect Blogs

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin users and organization users can connect as many blogs as they want.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user/organization user connects the links the only those blogs which provide valid and authentic information about different diseases, upcoming challenges to the world and latest updates about health globally and locally. System display the latest posts from the blogs on the site when any user clicks on the specific blog.

Associated functional requirements Page 14

Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0 Link Blog After linking, admin and organization user can get the latest posts from these blogs externally. Connect Social Networks

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin users and organization users can connect as many social networks as they want.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user/organization user connects the link to get the feeds of only those social networks which provide valid and authentic information about different diseases, upcoming challenges to the world and latest updates about health globally and locally. System displays the feeds of those social networks on the site when any user clicks on the specific social network.

Associated functional requirements Link Blog After linking, admin and organization user can get the latest posts from these blogs externally. View All Blogs

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view the linked blogs and their description.

Stimulus/Response sequence

When all users click on the “Blogs & Social networks” button, they can view all the blogs under the blogs section on the page.

Associated functional requirements Categorize blogs All users can view blogs in different orders. They can view the blogs in alphabetical order by clicking on letters. In order to view chorological order, users click on “Latest updates” button. System displays the blogs categorized in an alphabetic order or in chronological order. View All Social Networks

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view the linked social networks (facebook, twitter, etc.) and their description.

Stimulus/Response sequence

When all users click on the “Blogs & Social networks” button, they can view all the social networks under the social networks section on the page.

Associated functional requirements

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Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0 Categorize Social networks After authentication, admin user/organization user connects the link to get the posts of only those blogs which provide valid and authentic information about different diseases, upcoming challenges to the world and latest updates about health globally and locally. System displays the feeds of those blogs on the site when any user clicks on the specific blog.

3.1.8 Search Search Keyword

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user/member user/guest user can search specific information generally within the website. With this feature, users don’t need to spend time to find exactly what they want. Stimulus/Response sequence Organization user/member user/guest user select the field where they want to search from dropdown list next to the search field. Then they type the keyword in the search field. When they click on search button, system shows them available resources that include those key words.

Associated functional requirements

Display resources

If there is a resource that is related with user searched, system displays link of that resource.

Display not available message

If there is no resource that is related with user searched, system displays not available message. View Search Result

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user/member user/guest user can view content of any displayed resource.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After system shows all available resources, organization user/member user/guest user clicks on the links of founded resources. The content of link displayed.

3.1.9 Subscription Service Subscribe for newsletter email/Mobile alert

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Subscription features let the users to get the mobile alerts and newsletter emails about health and disease information. Stimulus/Response sequence All users who want to subscribe for newsletter email, they type their e-mail or mobile number in the text field to receive Newsletter/alerts in the subscription section. Then they click on “Subscribe” button. Page 16

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Associated functional requirements Sending Newsletter E-mail/Mobile Alerts Subscribed users can get the newsletter email and mobile alerts from the system when any newsletter or mobile SMS alert is sent. Create Newsletter email / Mobile alert

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can create the newsletter email and mobile alert.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user redirect to the admin control panel. Admin user clicks on “Subscription” button. He/she can view the form to create the subscription. After filling the subscription form, he/she clicks on “Continue and Save” button. When he/she will clicks on the Send button, subscription will be sent. Manage Newsletter email / Mobile alert

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can manage the newsletter email and mobile alert.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user redirect to the admin control panel. Admin user clicks on “Subscription” button. He/she can view the existing subscriptions. If there are any prior changes required by the authorities before sending to the subscribers, he/she clicks on Modify button to update the subscription. After updating the subscription, he/she clicks on “Save” button. Subscription is modified.

3.1.10 Online Reservation System

Reserve Appointment

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Member user can reserve appointment from schedule by choosing a preferred time. Stimulus/Response sequence Member user chooses their desired time and clicks on “Continue” button. System displays editable patient information form. After member user edits that form, he/she clicks on ”Submit” button. System stores patient’s requests and information into database and sends modification mail to the member user.

Associated functional requirements Update Database After each appointment reservation, database which contains selected reservation is updated. Display error message

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If member user enters invalid information to the patient information form, system displays an error message.

View Appointment

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user/ member user can view their appointment. When member user get the appointment the system automatically reserve the time for the member user and provides the information based on the purpose of appointment such as where and to whom they have appointment with. And that specific medical officer will receive email as well as they can also see when they login into the system. Stimulus/Response sequence After authentication, member user clicks on “My page” link then member user see the sub links under “My page”. When member user clicks on “My Appointment” link, system displays the appointment to the member user.

Associated functional requirements Print Member user clicks on the “Print” button in order to print the appointment. Display not available message If there is no appointment, system will show “No Appointment available to display.

3.1.11 Map

View Tags

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view the tagged hospitals and regional health agencies on the Google map.

Stimulus/Response sequence

When users will click on each tag the information for the specific hospital or regional healthy agency will be displayed. Associated functional requirements Moreover users can be redirected to the URLs of the websites for tagged hospitals and regional health agencies in order to get more information if required.

Make Tags

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user and organization user can make the tags for hospitals and regional health on Google map.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, organization user and admin user can tag the hospitals and regional health on Google map and provide description, URL and contact information.

Associated functional requirements Symbolic representation

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Hospitals and regional health agencies will be tagged with a unique symbolic icon in order to differentiate easily between the hospital and regional health agency.

3.1.12 Health information

View Content

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can get information about health issues.

Stimulus/Response sequence

When users open website, users directly see general health information. They click on more info link that is under each brief information and system directs them to the page contains whole information.

Add Content

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can add the health information.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user clicks on health information management page and types information then clicks on Add button. After adding the information, he/she clicks on submit button.

Associated functional requirements Show message for adding After adding a message, admin user will see a message that tells new content has been added.

Modify Content

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Admin user can edit the content of health information page.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user clicks on health information management page. He/she clicks on more info link that is under each brief information and system redirects them to the page contains whole information. He/she can see edit button under previous information that he/she wants to change. After changing the information he/she clicks on submit button.

Associated functional requirements Data Validation System checks the format of the information that administrator enters in information boxes. If it is incorrect, he/she will see an error below it.

Remove Content

Introduction/Purpose of feature

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Admin user can remove the content of health information page.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user clicks on health information management page. User clicks on more info link that is under each brief information and system redirects them to the page contains whole information. He/she clicks on Remove button. Content is removed.

Associated functional requirements Confirmation Removing Admin user confirms that he wants to delete a specific content by clicking on yes.

Make Comment

Introduction/Purpose of feature

Organization user/member user can make comment on information.

Stimulus/Response sequence

When organization user/member user opens website, start page is opened. They click on more info link that is under each brief information and system redirects them to the page contains whole information. After authentication, he/she clicks on Evaluate link under information then an evaluation box is appeared. In that box, there are five stars and each star has unique number from one to five to determine rank and there is also comment space. If organization user/member user thinks that information is useful, he/she clicks on the star that has high rank otherwise he/she clicks on the star that has low rank. Registered user can also write comment to explain why they think that post is good or not and submit it. Comment is saved.

Associated functional requirements Display an error message If organization user/member user clicks on more than one star at the same time, system shows error message. Confirm rating System asks the organization user/member user if he/she is sure about his/her evaluation.

View Comment

Introduction/Purpose of feature

All users can view the comments of information.

Stimulus/Response sequence

All users click on more information link that is under brief information in start page and system redirects them to the page contains whole information. They click on Comments link under information, comments are displayed.

Remove comments

Introduction/Purpose of feature

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Admin user/member user/organization user can remove comments on health information. Member user/organization user can remove comments which he/she added himself/herself. Admin user can delete any comments.

Stimulus/Response sequence

After authentication, admin user/member user/organization user clicks on more information link that is under brief information in start page and system redirects them to the page contains whole information. He /she clicks on Comments button to see all comments and clicks on Remove button. Comment is removed.

Associated functional requirements Confirmation Removing

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Admin user/member user/organization user confirms that he wants to delete a specific comment by clicking on yes.

4. Non-Functional Requirements In systems and requirements engineering, non-functional requirements are defined as requirements that specify criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This should be contrasted with functional requirements that specify specific behavior or functions. In general, functional requirements define what a system is supposed to do whereas non-functional requirements define how a system is supposed to be. The non-functional requirements are often called qualities attributes of a system and the underlying design principles should be made according to them. The Health Information System & Crisis Response as a web-based software application has high requirements for a number of quality attributes that should underlie all decisions made in development of this system. This section provides the non-functional requirements that are important for development of Health Information System & Crisis Response online system. These requirements are motivated by the domain analysis of Health Information System & Crisis Response and should be the qualities underlying all decisions made to produce the system.

4.1 Reliability The Health Information System & Crisis Response should be reliable from both system and information reliability aspect. It should be reliable and maintain its level of performance under routine circumstances as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances for a stated period of time. It's not enough to show that system can do something once. If a system does not work reliably (for instance, while under load, or when systems fail, and so on), then it's not going to serve the user needs. It is also important for the patients to reach the information as fast as possible so if our website does not work well, the users do not use it more and simply point their browser to a different URL. The reliability of the information is also important for recruiting people to use our website. Because of the importance of health issues, people want to get reliable and helpful information especially when are they are sick. If the system does not provide reliable information to the people, they won’t use this service anymore so we will lose our users and in businesses we will not succeed since there are lots of health care websites in a competitive market. The following sections describe the sub characteristics for the reliability attribute of Health Information System & Crisis Response:

4.1.1 Availability The system should be accessible from anywhere via the Internet. The application should be accessible at least 99.9%.


Fault tolerance The system should be fault tolerant to maintain a specified level of performance in cases of happening faults and do not let the crash of whole system.

4.1.3 Recoverability To support the recoverability the system should be able to re-establish a specified level of performance and recover the data directly affected in the case of a failure.

4.2 Security The system should be secure enough against the possible assault. There must also be proper data validation controls. In this case, the invalid data that may make the system vulnerable Page 22

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will not be entered into the application. The data must be securely stored in the application servers and should be accessible only by the authenticated users based on the privileges given to the users. The security should be provided to Health Information System & Crisis Response to protect information and data so that unauthorized persons or systems cannot read or modify them and authorized persons or systems are not denied access to them.

4.2.1 User Authentication and Concurrency Controls The application Health Information System & Crisis Response has three types of users having different kind of privileges and access rights:  

Guest User: This user only has the access to the public information of the website. This user cannot add, edit, or remove any information on the web application. Member User: This user has all the end user’s privileges and additionally can interact with the application by using its features and access to the information that is shared with him/her. This user basically will contribute to the information flow in forums, social networks and blogs, etc. Admin User: This user has all the privileges of end user and additionally plays the role of the administration of the web application by having access to the administration control panel. This user can remove some registered users’ membership; control the content of the health information, blogs, forums, etc. This user also can administer the privileges of registered user, for example, it can ban a user from editing a blog or forum or kicking a registered user out of a community. Organization User: This user has all the end user’s and member user’s privileges and additionally can interact with the application by supporting health information as an expert. This user basically will support most reliable information related with health issues.

There must be proper data validation controls. In this case, the invalid data that may make the system vulnerable will not be entered into the application.

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The data must be securely stored in the application servers and should be accessible only by the authenticated users based on the privileges given to the users. The personal information such as name, email address, address, telephone number, date of birth, nationality, and religion and etc. belonging to the user A should only be accessible for the user B with the permission of the user A.

4.3 Usability Our system will be used by all kinds of users therefore interface of application should be easy and usable in a way that any user belonging to any age group or having any sort of aptitude feels easy while browsing and traversing the application. The application’s layout should be like other popular application’s to which user is already familiar e.g., So that user may not feel strange or difficulty in using and traversing any feature. Applications map should be easy so that user can access any module or section of application by making at most 4 clicks and by browsing less links.


Scalability The application should be designed in a way that it may be extended in terms of hardware if needed in future. In near future if the numbers of user are increasing then the application should be flexible enough that after adding one or more application servers, load can be distributed and performance and speed of the application will not be affected. The application must remain always able to authenticate thousands of users concurrently. At the time of crisis situation it is predicted that the system is to be used by hundreds of users in start and within the passage of time the number of users will increase rapidly. Therefore, it must have ability to accept such high transaction volume. In this case, after adding new database servers it must be able to manage that many transactions of thousands of users.

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