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Tgl. Berlaku :

TUJUAN Prosedur ini dibuat untuk mengatur pelaksanaan proses kegiatan departemen maintenance dalam menjaga infrastruktur, mesin dan bangunan di Serenity Eco Guest house.


RUANG LINGKUP Mencakup kegiatan-kegiatan maintenance yang di bagi menjadi 4 jenis : 1. Predective Maintenance (Pemeliharaan prediktif) Pemeliharaan yang dilakukan dengan cara memprediksi kondisi suatu peralatan listrik atau suatu bangunan. 2. Preventive Maintenance (Pemeliharaan Rutin) Pemeliharaan yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya peralatan atau bangunan secara tiba-tiba breakdown dan untuk mempertahankan kerja peralatan secara optimal sesuai dengan umur teknis peralatan tersebut. 3. Corrective Maintenance (Pemeliharaan korektif) Pemeliharaan yang dilakukan secara berencana pada waktu-waktu tertentu 4. Breakdown Maintenance (Pemeliharaan darurat) Pemeliharaan yang dilaksanakan setelah terjadi kerusakan secara tiba-tiba yang waktunya tidak tertentu dan bersifat darurat


PENANGGUNG JAWAB Berikut adalah penanggung jawab yang mengikuti SOP ini : 1. Operational Manager, yang mengawasi segala proses operasional di Serenity Eco Guest house termasuk kegiatan maintenance



Maintenance Coordinator, yang mengawasi dan memberikan instruksi terhadap Maintenance team dalam kegiatan maintenance di Serenity Eco Guest house


Maintenance Team, yang menjalankan proses kegiatan maintenance di Serenity Eco Guest House


Sebelum melaksanakan kegiatan maintenance pelaksana kegiatan harus  Berkoordinasi dan menginformasikan dengan departemen terkait  Siapkan petunjuk/informasi/instruksi kerja yang diperlukan  Siapkan peralatan yang diperlukan  Pahami langkah kerja dan aspek K3 (Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja) yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan


Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan maintenance maka perlu diperhatikan aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang meliputi :  Diri sendiri Diri sendiri berarti orang yang melaksanakan pekerjaan harus memperhatikan dan menggunakan alat-alat pelindung diri, contohnya : - Memakai baju pengaman / baju kerja yang lengkap - Memakai Sarung tangan, Helm/Kacamata pelindung jika diperlukan, dll  Orang lain Pada saat melaksanakan pekerjaan harus diperhatikan pula keselamatan orang lain salah satu contohnya yaitu : - Memberi tanda atau peringatan - Menempatkan barang-barang yang jauh dari jangkauan orang lain  Peralatan kerja


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Tgl. Berlaku :

Peralatan kerja yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan apa yang seharusnya menjadi tugas dari peralatan tersebut dan harus dipastikan bahwa peralatan tersebut masih berfungsi dengan baik  Lingkungan Lingkungan disekitar pekerjaan dilaksanakan harus diamankan untuk menghindari kerusakan lingkungan sekitar 3.

Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan maintenance tidak boleh mengganggu tamu di Serenity Eco Guest house mulai dari aspek visual, suara dan fisik.


Proses kegiatan maintenance yang menimbulkan suara besar harus dilaksanakan jauh dari ruang tamu dan harus dimulai di atas jam 09.00 WITA


Sebelum memulai proses kegiatan maintenance yang menimbulkan debu/kotoran lain harus dipastikan bahwa lingkungan sekitar sudah dikosongkan dan dilindungi agar tidak terkena debu/ kotoran lain tersebut



Pembuat Ide

Kaizen Idea Sheets

Planning Control

Kaizen Idea Sheets yg sudah diisi

Komite Penilai Ide

Kaizen Idea Sheets yg sudah diperiksa


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Tgl Buat :

Disetujui oleh

Revisi :

Revisi ke- :




Terima dan cek :


- Konfirmasi Penjualan - Lampiran KP - Purchase order customer Konfirmasi pemakaian stock


Buat dan tanda tangan Surat Perintah Kerja


Cek dan tandatangan Surat Perintah Kerja


Serahkan Surat Perintah Kerja ke Produksi


Arsip dokumen



















? YA











MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROCEDURES PURPOSE To ensure a systematic follow up on repairs by maintenance department.

POLICY Any complaint or repairs requested from a guest or staff in an occupied room shou PROCEDURES Maintenance Order form. ( work Order)

Ø To be filled out in triplicate original and first copy goes to the engineerin

Ø The form is to be completed in a cleary legible handwriting and has to b

Ø Any urgent request where engineering had been advice by telephone firs

Ø Once the maintenance order has been completed the first copy is to retu Ø The clerk will bundle up the second copy after copying the information


Ø A guest request should be followed up by either front office or housekeepi Ø Engineering is to be advice by the department concerned whenever there

Ø A weekly list of all outstanding item is to prepared and to be forwarded to

A regular meeting between manager housekeeping,F & B Director and maintenan


Ø All request made are to be recorded on the sheet of which the supervisor h

Ø By the beginning and at the end of every morning shiff,the supervisor hav

Ø Every first week of the month,the supervisor will have to update and recor


Ø Before any equipment is ordered,the local supplier must make the machin

Ø The test is generally for the purchased is adequate easy to maintain. Ø One representative form the engineering department should be present. Ø Criteria,which must be covered : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Material of cover. Bumpers around body for protection. Easy to handle and to clean. Type of machine serves to purpose. Size of machine versus area to clean. Spare parts readily available. Duration of guaranteed service contact after purchase. After sales service. Price.

OTHER CONSIDERATIONS TO INVESTIGATE SHOULD BE : Ø A complete maintenance contract for all machine,usually on a yearly cont Ø Preventive maintenance for all machines purchased.

After the testing of the machine is completed,quantities,the requirement and the s


RECEIVING Ø On arrival,all the equipment must be inspected for damaged pieces and re

Ø The accepted machines will be inventoried with the respective information STOCK CARDS Ø For all equipment an individual record is maintained by the maintenance

Ø Following information is recorded in the equipment stock card for each m i. ii.

Purchase information Technical information

: Date,price,supplier,manufacturer. : Brand and model number.



Repair record

: Record all repair carried out on each of equipment stating Description spares,date and cost. Preventive maintenance : Starting date,type of maintenance

EQUIPMENT – PROCEDURES Ø The purchase of equipment for the maintenance department also take a p

STORAGE Ø Extreme care has to be taken in providing proper storage,free of water lea

EQUIPMENT – RETIREMENT Equipment which is not repairable must be officially removed from the operating e The following procedures are to be carried out : Ø Equipment,which is irrepairable or not economic to continue repair by ma

Ø The maintenance will inspect the equipment and will decide on the retirem

Ø An information,preferably in memo form,should be sent to the general ma Ø Equipment inventory and stock cards have to updated.

Ø Retirement will be filled to assist in the next budget for equipment replace


PURPOSE Ø To ensure the security and safety of the guests item and hotel’s properties

POLICY Ø Under no circumstances should the housekeeping or maintenance open t

Ø When opening the door of an occupied room to a hotel employee,the main

PROCEDURES Ø For guest/strangers( both occupied and vacant )

Ø Never open any guestroom doors for any guests of strangers. Always call d Ø The staff will say.

“I’m sorry sir/madam,for security reasons,I am not permitted to open the d

Ø Go to the next room to call the reception or use the telephone on the floor


Ø When maintenance staff makes repairs on occupied rooms,their superviso

Ø If the supervisor maintenance opens the door of a vacant room,she will ha

Ø If the maintenance staff needs only a few minutes to fix the defects in an o


Ø When reception inform maintenance the contractor coming.The maintena

Ø If in the case of shortage of maintenance staff to accompany the contracto


Ø To control the usage of walkie talkie and ensure that the status of each to

Ø Prepare one sheet per day,but special information has to be carried over,w No………..Given for repair ect.Follow up daily check progress.

GENSET Like all diesels the genset need this item to run the genset : v Clean fuel. v Adequate coolant. v Sufficient fresh air. v Fresh air.(cool generator itself) EQUIPMENT :


v Place the unit where it is well ventilated but safe from moisture and spray

v Likewise,avoid oils and oily air.Blow –by from other engines in the compa

v Position the unit so the service side is easy to reach,and there is adequate v Use rings or grommets on the wire ends in the junction box.

v Install a pump to facilitate oil changes.On some units the lip of the oil cat v Use circuit breakers. v Use a good bonding system.

v Put the unit on its own fuel,cooling and exhaust systems.Use a separate s

v Bolt the base frame to a thick,rigid material like a board or piece of plywo

v Altough it may contribute to electrolytic corrosion in the heat exchanger a

Possibility of dangerous electrical shock.However,certain classification socie


v In recreational and passenger vessels,and in fishboats retrofitted with gen

v Between the water lift muffler and exhaust outlet the hose must contain a

v If the point of water injection into the exhaust( at the outlet of the exhaus


v Use only the flat-type seawater inlet through-hull.The scoop type could ca v Use a good marine ball valve immediately above the seawater inlet and a v Allow no “ belly ”or low spot in the exhaust hose that can trap water.This

v Maximum height between the water lift muffler and the top of the exhaus

v Don’t allow the engine to crank more than one minute without starting.Ac

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ü Daily. ü Before first start.

EXINGE AND ENGINE BAY,GENERAL INSPECTION ü Oil level,checking and filling. ü Coolant,cheking level. EVERY 50 HOUR / AT LEAST EVERY 12 MONTH ü Primary fuel filter.Dra in water / contami nation.

AFTER 50-600 HOUR / AT LEAST EVERY 12 MONTH. ü Engine oil,changing. ü Oil filter / by-past ,change. ü Primary fuel filter,change.

ü Fuel filter,changing. Important : · Oil change intervals vary,depending on oil grade and sulphur content of t · Change the filters during each oil change. EVERY 400 HOUR / AT LEAST EVERY 12 MONTHS ü Fuel tank ( SLUDGE TRAP ) ,drain. ü Drive belts,inspection. ü Batteries,cheking the electrolyte level.


Otherwise,unless you are a trained electrician there isn’t a lot of repair you Even when not in operation,capasitors on some units can deliver a fatal cha

Follow the instructions in the manual,and you small genset should cran

SAFETY BOX EQUIPMENT ü Master key. ( no room ) ü Test pen.( to open the battery knob )

INSTRUCTIONS To set your code to lock safety box : 1) Press the red button and the yellow light will light on.

2) Key in your three ( 3 ) digits code number and press button A or 3) Close the safety box door and turn the knob until you heard the 4) Your safety box is now locked. To open :

1) Key in your same 3-digit code number and turn the knob until d To re-lock : 1) Repeat the same instruction as stated above (A)

ü If already don’t have battery AA,just use master key for room that have pr

REMOTE AIRCOND HOW TO USE REMOTE AIRCOND : : This symbol mean aircond - mode cool. 24

: Vol –this standard and better not change it to 16 : there have 3 bar that u can set up for the aircond. v One bar = normal. v Two bar = medium. v Three bar = large. ( it will make u aircond cool even u set it for 24 ). : mode-u can choice either the aircond swing or not.

: timer-when u set up the aircond setting,don’t set up for the Timer. (Only when have guest request ) REMARK : OTHER SETTING IS NOT VERY IMPORTANT.BUT IF HAVE GUEST NEED MAINTENANCE TO SET UP U JUST CHANGE IT.


SERVICE AIRCOND : ü We must always check aircond at room,corridor,office,lobby area and con

ü If maintenance don’t know how to handle or fix the aircond problem,just m Example : WORK ORDER From……………………

To : LION CITY REF & ELECT SERVICE Tel : 088-221095 Fax : 088-261371


Date : W.O.No :




Remark :……………………………………………………………………………………………… Issued By, ……………………..


EQUIPMENT ü Brush. ü Sponges. ü Screwdriver. ü Test pen. ü Spray bottle with multi purpose cleaner. ü Ladder 8 step. ü Towel. v Master card maintenance. PROSEDURS Ø Check the room status either vc or oc. Ø Clean filter aircond only at room vc and vd.

Ø Inform the housekeeping and reception if u clean room under vc (to let th Ø Turn off the suis of aircond before start cleaning. Ø Use ladder 8 step to climbing ladder.( don’t use chair ) Ø Take out the filter aircond. Ø if the aircond dirty,use screwdriver to open nat and put down the body of

Ø Bring the filter and body to toilet and clean it using multi purpose cleaner

Ø Use towel to remove water for the filter and the body.Cant put this thing i Ø Use brush to clean the dust or dirty. Ø Put back the body casing and the filter of aircond back to the place. Ø Turn on the suis and wait until the aircond running smooth.

Ø Double check the setting of remote aircond and make sure that the aircon

Ø Vacuum carpet near the aircond. Ø Before leave the room,please make sure the suis is turn off.


CARD READER EQUIPMENT : ü Test pen. ü Wayer tape. ü Cutter. ü Screwdriver x. v Master card. v Card reader.


Ø When attend complain about card reader from reception.Take note which Ø Make sure that u bring a new card reader and 4 card that already set up Ø Inform reception either the room still have guest or already change room. Ø Before enter the room,press doorbell once and make announce presence

Ø Wait for a respone.If there is none,just use master card for open the door.

Ø Inform guest that u want to change the card reader and need 15 minute t

STEP TO CHANGE CARD READER : 1. Turn off DB. 2. Open casing card reader,use test pen. 3. Use screwdriver to open screw of casing card reader. 4. There have 3 connection of card reader :

N = Neutral. L-IN = Life. L-Out =Cable Supply.

5.when u take out the supply for 3 connection from card Reader.make sure u remember the colour of the cable. Don’t put the wrong connection.Especially neutral and life.if two join touching.( danger ) 6.Last,turn on the DB.Then the LED1 at the card reader will show blue colour.It mean the connection is correct.


· Card.( 4 card ) · Computer at front office. PROSEDURS Ø Password. ( Yen ) Ø Card. (4) Ø System id cards. Ø Tick Using for setting initlslizel lock : ü First : with ( ) mark 1 card sid set. ü Second : without ( )mark 1card sid set. Ø Issue. Ø Room number. Ø Right click. Ø Lock setting. Ø Try 2 of card u issue -card u mark. -card u issue without mark. Ø Test the 2 card on the card reader and one at the lock set.

Ø Test put card room into card reader and wait if the light on.It mean the c HOW TO MAKE DIRECT LINE WITHOUT MASTER CARD NEUTRA L =N L-IN = Life L-OUT = Cable supply

ATT : Don’t put wrong neutral touching life. ( Danger ) NEUTRAL : Use wayer tape to cover the courn. L-IN + L-OUT : Put it together use wayer tape. EQUIPMENT : ü Test pen. ü Cutter. ü Wayer tape. PROCEDURS Ø Turn off main suis.(DB) Ø Take out card reader. Ø Use test pen to check the cable fo safety even u alyeady turn off the DB. Ø Cover the neutral cable with wayer tape. Ø L-IN +L-OUT =Put it together also use wayer tape. Ø Put back the card reader to the place.

Ø No need put card into the card reader.when turn on the DB just try switch

SECOND LOCK INSIDE ROOM EQUIPMENT : ü Test pen. ü Master card. PROSEDUR Ø Open the door with master card.

Ø Use test pen to open black ring around the nat of the second lock up and

Ø Press the nat to take it out from the place where the lock hanging.up and

Ø When the door already open.Put back the nat into the lock with the black Ø Double check to make sure the second lock still can be used.




HOW TO CHANGE BATTERY OF LOCK SET EQUIPMENT : ü Manual key ( master key ) ü Battery AA. ü E-L key. ü Lock set programmar. PROSEDUR 2 STYLE TO HANDLE THE LOCK SET PROBLEM. 1.ONLY CHANGE THE BATTERY : Ø Open the door use manual key.

Ø After that,open screw at the back door inside room of lock set use E-L key Ø Open the battery from battery pad to put the new battery AA. Ø Put back the battery pad and then close it back.

Ø Try to open the lock set use master card.If the PCB have led green light a 2.CHANGE THE BATTERY AND RESET USE PROGRAMMER : Ø Change the battery.

Ø If after change the battery the lock set still didn’t function,try to set up th

Ø If still cant, open back the lock set and reset the red button near the PCB

Ø Make sure when u reset the button,the battery connect and u will hear so Ø Close back the lock set. Ø Setting the lock set use the programmer.

Ø Make sure,when u set up the PCB the green light appare and the program

Ø Try use the master card to open the lock set.If can it mean the lock set fu Ø Inform reception that the lock set function.


PROGRAMMER LOCK SET PROSEDUR · Press ( * ) for 5 second to swith on the programmar. · Press ok. · Enter PW : 1234. · Press ok. · Press button down ( ) : 1. Set up sys pw. 2.Connection with PC. 3.sucess. · Press C :button down ( ) : 1.Set up lock set info. 2.Ok. 3.Ok. 4.Just choose the room number. Exp : 00020100 =201 5.Ok. · Press C : 1.Check lock’s time. 2.Ok. · Press C : 1.Adjust lock’s time. 2.Ok. · Press C : 1.Check lock’s battery. 2.Ok. · Press C : Welcome. · Press ( * )for 5 second to switch off the programmar.

· Use the download lock’s info only if connect the programmar link to the c PICTURE OF PROGRAMMER :

TOWEL RACK EQUIPMENT : ü E-L key. ü Screwdriver. ü Wall plug. ü Hammer. ü Ladder 5 step.

PROSEDURS v Use E-L key to open the head of towel rack. v Use screwdriver to open the screw from the head of towel rack. v Take out the old wall plug.

v Put a new wall plug but make sure it tight when u put back the towel rac v If the wall plug still not tight,just use a sillicon and wait until the cillicon v Try to put towel at towel rack.If ok it mean the towel rack ready to use. v Always remember after finished fix it.Inform reception that the job done.

FIX TOILET & ROOM LAMP EQUIPMENT : ü Bulbs essential .( warm white ) ü Bulbs 2 pin. ( daylight ) ü Chock. ( short type ) ü Test pen. ü Cutter. ü Wayer tape. ü Touchlight. ü Ladder 8 step. ü Fitting 2 pin. ü Player. PROSEDURS Ø Their have 2 type of celling light inside room : 1.Toilet light =use bulbs 2 pin. ( day light ) 2.Room light = use essential bulbs.( warm white ) Ø Before change the bulbs,make sure turn off the suis of the lamp.

Ø Make sure the area is clear from anything equipment and tool maintenan

Ø If u change bulb at toilet,make sure the floor not wet when stand the ladd Ø Use hand towel to open the toilet bulb if it still hot. Ø After u installing new light bulb,try to turn on the light. Ø If the bulb still cant on.Turn off the suis. Ø Open back the new bulb and put it in the table outside the toilet. Ø Open the casing of the toilet lamp. Ø Turn on the suis and check the supply at the fitting 2 pin. Ø If connected,turn off the suis back. Ø Use touchlight to check the chock either it burn or not. Ø Change the burn chock inside the celling to the new chock.

Ø Double check the cable inside the celling.If have some cable cut by rat jus Ø Put back the casing and the new bulb. Ø Turn on the suis for the toilet lamp. Ø Inform the reception that the lamp already fix.

Ø For the celling light at the room.Just follow the step by step.But use the b

FIX BED LAMP EQUIPMENT : ü Tubelight- 36 W (warm white ) ü Chock. ( long type ) ü Test pen. ü Cutter. ü Wayer tape. ü Player. ü Cable 1.5. ü Screw driver. PROSEDURS Ø Switch off suis . Ø Take out the pillow and the insert duvet so u can stand up to change the Ø Take out the tubelight. Ø Use screw driver to open the nat from casing. Ø If the chock already burn just cut the cable if cant open use the test pen. Ø Change the burn chock with the new one. Ø Put back the casing and the tubelight. Ø Try to switch on the suis. Ø If still can on,just change the starter.

Ø Touch up back the insert and the fillow u take out.( inform reception that

FLUSH INLET FITTING FOR TOILET BOWL EQUIPMENT : ü Inlet fitting. ü Spanner 12. ü Master key for the riser room.

ü Master card maintenance.

PROSEDURS Ø When u receive complain from reception or housekeeping please ask them

Ø If the room under vd and vc,u can enter the room.Bu t if the room still occ u must press the door bell before enter the room.

Ø When u press the door bell and have guest inside the room,say greet and verify complain .

Ø Wait for a response ,if you don’t hear an answer announc e once more.

Ø If guest answers, tell that u receive complain from reception and want to fix the problem.

Ø Say thank you if the guest allow u to fix it.

Ø Before u start,ope n the riser room use master key and turn off the supply water connect to the room.

Ø Take out the cover of the toilet bowl.

Ø Use spanner to open the nat of the green hose connect to the inlet fitting.

Ø Open also the nat of the inlet fitting down the tank of the toilet bowl.

Ø Take out inlet fitting inside the toilet bowl.

Ø Take the new inlet fitting and put the inlet inside the toilet bowl tank.

Ø Put the nat of the inlet down the ke sure the nat is tight.

Ø Then put back the hose connect to the inlet fitting.

Ø Try to turn back the supply of water inside the riser room.

Ø Make sure the hose and the fitting don’t have leaking.

Ø Try press the toilet system to remove the water and after that wait until the inlet can supply the water back inside the bowl tank.

Ø Put back the cover of the toilet bowl and press the button of toilet system.

Ø Make sure after fix it,clean back the messy and the dirty.

Ø Inform the guest that the flush already fix.say thank you before u leave the room.

Ø Inform also the reception and the houseke eping to let them know the problem fix by mainten ance.

e department.

an occupied room should be given first priority,engineering staff should attend to the prob

y goes to the engineering department and the last copy remains in the originating departm

ndwriting and has to be signed by an authorized staff.

advice by telephone first has to be allowed by a written maintenance order. the first copy is to returned to the originating department.

pying the information into the file.

nt office or housekeeping( whoever received the request)with engineering after 30 minutes.

erned whenever there might be a delay in repairing and has to set another target time for

and to be forwarded to the chief supervisor engineering by the department head for action.

Director and maintenance supervisor should take place and outstanding areas should be m

which the supervisor have to carry with them while on the floors.

hiff,the supervisor have to update the sheet.

ave to update and record all outstanding work order on the her sheets.A photocopy of the o

must make the machines available for testing.

easy to maintain.

nt should be present.


sually on a yearly contract.

requirement and the supplier will be determined.

damaged pieces and returned to the supplier for replacement. respective information into the equipment cardex card.

ed by the maintenance department. stock card for each machine.

supplier,manufacturer. model number.

repair carried out on tating ate and cost. te,type of maintenance.

partment also take a part of large amount after housekeeping department of capital cost to

torage,free of water leaks to make sure all tool of maintenance is on good condition.

ed from the operating equipment inventory.

o continue repair by maintenance.

ill decide on the retirement.Spare parts of the equipment should be untilized either by eng

sent to the general manager,copy admin & account in listing the equipment and action ta

t for equipment replacement.

m and hotel’s properties.

or maintenance open the door to any guests or stranger claiming they left their keys in the

otel employee,the maintenance staff has to wait till the person does his task and close the

strangers. Always call down to housekeeping or reception so that we can get them to assist

ermitted to open the door for anyone.However,I will call the reception to assist you.Could y telephone on the floor.

d rooms,their supervisor maintenance must be present before the door is opened for them.

vacant room,she will have to check the room to verify if it is occupied.If it is,she needs to ch

o fix the defects in an occupied room,the supervisor maintenance is allowed to open the do

coming.The maintenance must assist them to accompany the contractors to the room.

company the contractors who are regularly doing defect works in the guessroom and who

at the status of each to know at any one time.

has to be carried over,walkie talkie.

om moisture and spray.Windlings inside the case are coated with expoxy or other insulatio

r engines in the compartment clings to the windings,creating an additional layer insulatio

h,and there is adequate overhead space to fill the expansion tank,remove the valve cover,a

ction box.

its the lip of the oil catch pan is too high to allow effective oil drain by gravity alone.

stems.Use a separate starting battery rather that wiring it into the main ‘s starting bank.

board or piece of plywood,to reduce sound transmission.

n the heat exchanger and other parts,the AC neutral conductor should be grounded to the

tain classification societies prohibit grounding,so if your boat is built to classification stand

oats retrofitted with gensets,heat exchanger/wet exhaust systems are common.They are qu

he hose must contain a loop with a high point at least a foot higher that the through – hull

he outlet of the exhaust manifold )is less that a foot above the waterline,there must be ven


The scoop type could cause seawater to flood the engine when the boat is underway and th

e seawater inlet and a sea strainer between it and the raw water pump.A clear barrel make

at can trap water.This trapped water can flow back into the engine when the boat takes a

d the top of the exhaust loop can be no more that four feet.If the genset is situated lower in

ute without starting.Accumulated cooling water in the muffler can back up and flood the e

nd sulphur content of the fuel.

sn’t a lot of repair you can do as the operator.If you can read a wiring diagram,u can cons s can deliver a fatal charge.

mall genset should crank out a steady 120 volts at 60Hz for around 8,000 to 10,000 hours

will light on.

and press button A or B within 30 seconds.

ob until you heard the ( click )sound.

d turn the knob until door is open.

y for room that have can take it from reception.

ond cool even u set

set up for the


ice,lobby area and conference room to make sure that the aircond work properly and don’t aircond problem,just make work order to the company and their will settle it.

ELECT SERVICE ax : 088-261371


oom under vc (to let them know that maintenance inside the room )

d put down the body of aircond. multi purpose cleaner and use water to clean it.

y.Cant put this thing if still wet.

back to the place.

g smooth.

ke sure that the aircond cool.

turn off.

ter services the aircond.If the room status under vd no need to inform them.

ption.Take note which room have a problem.

rd that already set up for card reader. already change room.

e announce presence which identify yourself as “maintenance’’.

card for open the door.If guest answer,greet and make excuss to enter their room.

r and need 15 minute to do it.Enter when guest say YES.if not just wait until the guest lea


e light on.It mean the card reader already set n can be use.

yeady turn off the DB.

n the DB just try switch on the suis of lamp,done.

he second lock up and down.

e lock hanging.up and down.

the lock with the black ring around the nat.

n be used.



of lock set use E-L key.

battery AA.

B have led green light appare so the lock set is fuction.

unction,try to set up the lock set using the programmer.

d button near the PCB.

nect and u will hear sound ( bip )after u press the button.The PCB also appare green light.

ppare and the programmar sucess.

it mean the lock set function.

ogrammar link to the computer.

f towel rack.

put back the towel rack. wait until the cillicon enough to hold the towel rack.

el rack ready to use.

tion that the job done.

s of the lamp.

nt and tool maintenance.

et when stand the ladder inside the toilet.

side the toilet.

w chock.

me cable cut by rat just use wayer tape to fix it.

p by step.But use the bulb essential not bulb 2 pin.Beacuse the fitting is not same.

tand up to change the bed lamp.

open use the test pen.

( inform reception that the lamp already fix. )

eeping please ask them if the room under VC,OC or VD.

ould attend to the problems immediately upon receiving the complaint.

he originating department.

ering after 30 minutes.If not the urgency of the matter has to be explained to the engineeri

nother target time for completion.

rtment head for action.

ding areas should be made.

ts.A photocopy of the outstanding work orders will be submitted to maintenance by the m

rtment of capital cost to the hotel.

good condition.

untilized either by engineering to repair other machines of if a maintenance contract with

uipment and action taken.The statement will be signed by the manager housekeeping and

ey left their keys in the rooms alternatively,lost their keys.

his task and close the door after he has left the room.

can get them to assist the guests.

n to assist you.Could you please wait here?”

oor is opened for them.

d.If it is,she needs to check and take note whether the room has any valuables lying aroun

allowed to open the door but will have to remain in the room until the person has comple

ractors to the room.

e guessroom and who be trusted,the supervisor would open the door,one room at the tim

xpoxy or other insulation designed to keep moisture out,but salt crystals erode the coating

ditional layer insulation.This leads to overheating and could cause a fire.

move the valve cover,and work around the rear end bracket on the generator.

by gravity alone.

main ‘s starting bank.

uld be grounded to the bondling system.To not to do so creates the

t to classification standards,check with the society to ensure compliance.

e common.They are quiet,relatively simple to install and minimize fire hazard.However ,th

that the through – hull.( Ideally,the through-hull should be another foot above the load wa

line,there must be vented loop in the between the raw water pump and the heat exchanger

oat is underway and the genset is not running.

mp.A clear barrel makes it easy to check for debris and it has to be located where it can be

when the boat takes a hard roll and it creates back pressure in the exhaust system.A sure

set is situated lower in the hull than that,a special exhaust system has to be made.

back up and flood the engine.If you have to crank longer,such as to bleed the injectors,clo

ng diagram,u can consult texts,such as Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual,b

8,000 to 10,000 hours.Bigger sets with industrial diesels,especially the 1200 rpm units,ca

work properly and don’t have problem.

ll settle it.

rm them.

ter their room.

wait until the guest leave the room.

also appare green light.

ng is not same.

plained to the engineering department.( there after follow ups to made frequently until item

maintenance by the manager housekeeping for physical follow up or an explanation.

ntenance contract with a supplier exists the equipment should be returned and credit note

ager housekeeping and maintenance supervisor.

y valuables lying around the room.Under no circumstances supervisor to assume the room

the person has completed her work and departs.In addition,she has to check to ensure no

or,one room at the time.

stals erode the coating and eventually moisture works its way in,corroding the windings.If


ire hazard.However ,they pose special installation problem.

foot above the load water line.This can be problem in a vessel whose load line changes m

and the heat exchanger.This is to prevent back siphon,which could destroy the engine or

located where it can be opened and cleaned.

exhaust system.A sure sign is water surging from the exhaust outlet rather that spraying

has to be made. bleed the injectors,close the seacock and remove the raw water impeller first.

d Electrical Manual,by Nigel calder,for instructions on diagnosing generator output probl

the 1200 rpm units,can be good for tens of thousands hour.

de frequently until item has been rectified.)

r an explanation.

turned and credit note,for the reusable spare parts,forwarded to the hotel.

or to assume the room is vacant or checkout a physical check. to check to ensure nothing valuable is lying around.

rroding the windings.If wet exhaust is used,try to route the exhaust hose away from genera

e load line changes markedly as fish are taken on board.) destroy the engine or even sink the boat.

et rather that spraying evenly.Maintain a downward slope of at least one-half inch per foot

peller first.

generator output problem.But remember, 120-VOLT AC CAN KILL YOU.DO NOT ATTEMPT A

hose away from generator so that if any leaking occurs it wont destroy expensive winding,

one-half inch per foot from the top of the exhaust hose loop to the outlet.


roy expensive winding,brushes or bearings.