Sponsorship Proposal [PDF]

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C City of Atlantaa      Officee of Cultural A Affairs  blic Art Prograam                                                                                                                                                  Pub

Spo onso orsh hip Prop P posal  20011 Launch of Elevate E , Art Abbove Unndergrouund, an l Affairss. initiiative off the Citty of Atlanta Offfice of Cultura C




City of Atl C lanta Dow wntown P Project Initiative   

  Elevate At A Glance

Dates: Friday,, August 26th, 2011 throughh Sundayy, October 300th, 2011 Large opening and closing eventss Selected prrogramming througghout Adverttising will conntinue througghout the enttire exhibit – over 2 months Admisssion: FREE for all perform mances and large events e Audiennce: Generaal public incluuding residennts and visitoors Sponsoor Recognitioon: VIP enntitlements Recognnition Dinnerr Onsitee brand preseence Print brand b presencce Social Media brand presence Other media presence Art on Loan


Thee Event Backed by four of the moost effectivee organizattions in Pubblic Outreach in Atlanta, Elevaate, Art Aboove Underground is ann initiative of Thhe City of Atlanta Officce of Culturral Affairs. wn Elevvate will hoost a series of exhibits throughout downtow Atlaanta in the fall f of 2011. Elevate booasts exceptionally higgh calibber work frrom local, national n andd international artists. With support from f Centraal Atlanta Progress, P ACCVB, A MARRTA and Attlanta’s Frennch Consulaate, Undderground Atlanta, presss has alreaady grabbedd on to thee project and we expecct to gainn national press p attenttion for thiss culturally forward initiative. We are pleased to announce that thhis 2011 exhiibition is taking shappe and will successfullly reach a broad audieence of view wers to insppire, inform m and entertain. days, beginning on Elevvate will lasst a total off 66 conseccutive th Auggust 26 and closing on October 300 . The Offfice of Cultuural Affaairs is a suppporter of Art A on the Beltline, B FLUUX and Atlaanta Celeebrates Phootography. These are aligning a artts events thhat takee place throoughout thee duration of o Elevate within w dow wntown areeas. Through this collecctive prograamming wee lookk to brand this t time peeriod of cultural activitty as a reasson for more visitoor traffic and increasedd downtow wn participation. y and your companyy’s logo willl be beforee As a sponsor, you manny of Atlantta’s financiaally and cullturally invoolved publicc. Thiss is a unique chance foor you to bee publicly associated a w with all of o the above mentioneed organizaations and align a yourseelf as an a outstandding culturaal developerr for the Citty of Atlantta.




Benefitss   Company placementt on all banne er  materiaal  Host co ommittee inco orporation  

Host   Title Position Prem mium 

Gold     Sub b ‐title position 




Private sponsor dinn ner and VIP  preview w with artists and press loccated  at the eexhibition epicenter 

  10 seeats 

  5 seeats 

  2 seats 

On Site signage displayed throughout  the eveen t (2.5 montths)  

Prem mium Placemeent on  all siggnage 


On speciffic  sponsoreed project

Logo feeatured in all programmingg  brochures and print materials  (posters, flyers and d downtown  lightboxxes/kiosks)  Logo feeatured in seleect programm ming  brochures 

Prem mium location n along  with company name  within host comm mittee  categgory   

Gold status  placcement alongg  with h company  nam me   

Group listing 

Name ffeatured in all press materrials  promotting the eventt including  websitee, social mediia sites   Logo an nd sponsorship on specificc  artist display  

Featured mention n and  quotte 






Selected Art on loan n for 6monthss – 1  year following close of  

First selection of  artw works  


Public aacknowledgem ment and thaanks  at even nt opening and closing alon ng  with aligning status –– stage menttion  


Following  seleection of  artw works   

Newsleetter mention disseminated by  OCA, CA AP, ACBB and d Undergroun nd 

Prem mium 

Seco ondary 












Sponso orship Costs  




Silv ver

Sponsoreed  project 


2 2 seats  On specific  O sponsored pro oject     – – if applicable G Group listing

S Sponsored Pro oject 

S Situational 


000  $5,0 Project Sponsor  *In‐Kind value  welccome 

G Group  

$1000 – belo ow  LLocation Spon nsor  Vendor Spon nsor  *In‐kind value  welcomee 





  ACCEPTA ANCE OF SSPONSOR RSHIP PAC CKAGE  dvantage of tthis advertisin ng opportunitty, please email or post to Courtney Hammond, Projject  To take ad Coordinattor (see detaiils below). Up pon receipt off written intent to accept aa sponsorship p pachage an  invoice an nd sponsorship agreementt will be issueed, along with h instructions regarding loggos, signage aand  other spo onsor supplied d items.  DATE:_______________ _________________________________________________________________________  COMPANYY NAME  (As it shou uld appear on n all recognitiion materials)    ADDRESS  CITY:________________ _________________ 

STTATE:_______ ____ZIP_________________________________ 

PHONE:_____________ ______________________________________  EMAIL:______________ ______________________________________  SPONSOR RSHIP LEVEL       (Select on ne)   

HO OST       


VER       SILV


SIGNATUR RE: ________ _________________________________________________________________________  SUBMITTEED BY: _____ __________________________________________________________________________  Courtney Hammond  Project Co oordinator  City of Atllanta  Office of C Cultural Affairs  Harris Tow wer, Suite 170 00  233 Peach htree St.   Atlanta, G GA 30303  Email: Pub blicArt@Atlan ntaGA.gov  Telephone: 404.658.59 910