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SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Online Computer Based Training is a kind of user assistance. Most online Demonstration is designed to give assistance for the use of a software application, operating system and other applications like networking, and can also be used to present information on a broad range of demonstration of training courses.

Introduction Purpose: The main purpose for preparing this document is to give a general insight into the analysis and requirements of the existing system or situation and for determining the operating characteristics of the online system.

Scope: This Document plays a vital role in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), as it describes the complete requirements of the system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basic during testing phase. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through formal change approval process.

Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations: The application consists of the following features: User registration: This feature deals with the registration of a new user.

User and administrator login: This feature allows the already registered user as well as the administrator to login to the website to access most of the features of this application.

User Profile: This feature allows logged in user to search for desired subject and to view the selected subject details and videos, and other features like simulations. User can communicate with other user who has logged in to the site.

Administrator Profile: This feature gives the rights to the Administrator to ad the new courses, contents, or to remove existing contents from the list, and it also allows the Administrator to generate the quizzes and can check the quiz results of every user. .



Online Computer Based Training Software is developed in order to give an easy and helpful way to learn the different courses and easy to understand the concept. The website contains different types of informations of different types of subjects. It is a very good way to communicate and to learn different subjects with several modes of learning systems like document tutorials, PowerPoint slides, video, audio modules, demonstrations and simulations etc. Moreover it is a website and anyone can access from anywhere can get the informations. It is helps to take test of each subject to check the knowledge and skills through online. It also provides an easy communication way between the different users who are logged in by using the chat application in the module.

Overall description Product Perspective The major inputs for the Online Training System can be categorized module -wise. Basically all the information is managed by the software and in order to access the information one has to produce one's identity by entering the user-id and password. Every user has his/her own domain of access beyond which the access is dynamically refrained rather denied.

Product Functions The functions will include the following steps; •

Initially the user has to register to the website to access most of the features of the application. The user has to specify his/her details like name, address, email id, etc . After the registration the user is directed to the login page, where he can login to the website to access most of the features of the application.

After login the user is directed to his profile where he can search for a desired course from the different courses categories, and can view the selected content details along with different modules.

In the user profile the user has got the privilege to update his registration details.

The user can also make use of chat application provided by the user profile where he can type and post the queries and can take quiz for each subjects.

After login the administrator is directed to his profile where he can add new courses or can delete an existing course or can modify from any course category.

The administrator profile also allows the administrator to clear the queries raised by the users.

The administrator is also having the option to change his password and can also see the details of existing users.

User Characteristics: The user of this course is supposed to be fairly educated about the usage of the computers. He should understand how to open web pages and must be able to understand all the features of the website. A person who has no knowledge of computers will find it difficult to understand the system. But with a little knowledge it will be very easy to handle the project.

General Constraints The constraints of this project are the system must support the runtime files of visual studio 2005 and must be able to run all the web pages.

Assumptions and Dependencies The project depends on the users ability to understand the features of the Online Computer Training website and able to use to the best of his/her use. The system which uses the product will have to be able to install this component.

Specific Requirements External Interface Requirements: User Interfaces: The user interface is designed in Visual studio 2005 Professional version. The developer will have to study the designing of the web application. The use of the controls which is attached to the product from the add items feature of the ASP.Net. The user of the product will get very user friendly forms which will be very easy to work with.

Software Interfaces: The software is developed with all the basic controls and class provided in ASP.Net and database support is SQL Server 2005.

Functional Requirements: User registration: This feature deals with the registration of new user. Input: New user should enter all his/her details .The user has to specify his/her details like name, address, email id, etc Output: Registration successful and user is allowed to log in the website so that he/she can access most of the features available in the website. User Login: This feature allows the registered user to log in by entering his\her username and password. Input: Registered user should enter his/her username and password.

Output: If the user enters correct username and password, then he will be directed to his profile, else an error message will be displayed. Choose Course(Select Course): This feature allows the user to select a Course for viewing its details and contents. Input: After the successful login each user enters his profile, where he can select a product for its demonstration. Output: User can see the description as well as the videos of the selected Course. Chat Profile: This feature allows the user to chat with the other users who are online. Input: User gets msgs sent by the other user to him and he can post his reply to other user and wise versa. Output: All the msgs are transferred between and communication is possible. Take a Quiz: This feature allows the user to write the online exams like quiz on related subjects. Input: User has to answer all the questions appearing in the screen. Output: The result is displayed after the exam in user screen and also stored in the database. Administrator Login: This feature allows the administrator to log in by entering his username and password. Input: Administrator should enter his username and password. Output: If the administrator enters correct username and password, then he will be directed to administrator profile, else an error message will be displayed.

Add a new Course Details:

This feature allows the administrator to add new Courses and its contents like audio, video, documents related to it. Input: Administrator will update or upload a list of courses; he has to select a product category and has to browse the files corresponds to that particular and upload it in its directory. Output: A new course will be added to the course list(group) under category and which is available for the user. Delete (Remove) the Course: This feature allows the administrator to delete(Remove) selected Course from the Course content list. Input: Administrator will get a list of all the Courses which already uploaded under different category where he can select and delete a particular product. Output: The selected course details will be deleted from the group. Change Password: This feature allows the administrator to change his password for security reasons. Input: Administrator has to enter his old password as well as his new password in the specified fields. Output: The old password will get change to his new password..

Performance Requirements: The system is supposed to be having good memory space and a Bigger Ram above 256 MB preferably

Design Constraints: The product is designed by keeping in mind that user has registered to access the features of the website. The administrator has to login to access the admin features in the website.

Software Constraints:

Operating system Windows XP, 2003

Microsoft Visual Studio2005 MS SQL Server 2005

Hardware constraints:

Computer: INTEL compatible RAM: 2gb or higher

System Attributes: Computer: INTEL compatible RAM: 2gb MB or higher Operating system Windows XP, 2003 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 MS SQL Server 2005

Other Requirements: None