Surat Pribadi Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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Karanganyar, 21st December 2015 To : Hery Karanganyar Street No 23 Demak 59582 Dear Hery, Hi Hery, how is everything? I hope you are fine. I am well in these few days. Her, I want to tell you about my holiday. I went to Cibodas last holiday. I went to Waterfall. It was interesting. I took some picture there. I bought some souvenir for you. I think that all. I am looking forward to hear from you. Love Nida

Karanganyar, 21 Desember 2015 Untuk: Hery Karanganyar Street No 23 Demak 59582 Sayang Hery, Hi Hery, bagaimana adalah segalanya? Saya harap Anda baik-baik saja. Saya juga dalam beberapa hari. Nya, saya ingin memberitahu Anda tentang liburan saya. Aku pergi ke Cibodas terakhir liburan. Aku pergi ke Air Terjun. Itu menarik. Aku mengambil beberapa gambar di sana. Saya membeli beberapa souvenir untuk Anda.

Saya berpikir bahwa semua. Saya melihat ke depan untuk mendengar dari Anda. Cinta Nida

Dear Eka, Eka how are you today? I hope you’re okay. I want to tell you about my birthday. At that point I got really good shoes gift from my father. And when the evening, I wear shoes and bring sleep. The shoes I wear to the school directly. Because the shoes are so beautiful, I always want to wear it. I hope you will also get a gift you want on your birthday later. Maybe that’s all I can tell you. I’ll see you again my friend. Your Best Friend,


Eka Sayang, Bagaimana kabarmu Eka? Semoga kamu baik-baik saja. Aku ingin bercerita padamu tentang hadiah ulang tahunku. Pada saat itu aku mendapat hadiah sepatu yg sangat bagus sekali dari ayahku. Dan ketika malam hari, aku pakai sepatunya dan membawanya tidur. Sepatu itu langsung aku pakai ke sekolah. Karena sepatunya yang sangat indah, aku selalu ingin memakainya. Aku harap kamu juga akan mendapat hadiah yang kamu inginkan di hari ulang tahunmu nanti. Mungkin hanya itu yang bisa aku ceritakan padamu. Sampai jumpa lagi kawan. Teman Terbaikmu,


Bandar Lampung, 14 februari 2014 Anggie Jln. Ir. Soekarno Bandung 10110 Hello my friend, how are you doing, there? I hope you are in good condition. I am sending this letter to give you some good news. It's been one year we separated, since you moved to makassar. I miss you so much. I'm really looking forward to meeting with you soon. After waiting for so long, i finally granted permission to visit you in makassar. Maybe next month i will go there by plane. When i got there, you have

to take me around to the tourist attractions there. I really wanted to visit the Losari beach. See you there buddy. Your friend,

Lukman Bandar Lampung, 14 februari 2014 Anggie Jln. Ir. Soekarno Bandung 10110 Halo temanku, bagaimana kabarmu di sana? Aku berharap kamu dalam keadaan yang baik. Aku kirim surat ini buat kasih kabar baik ke kamu. Udah setahun lebih kita pisah, semenjak kamu pindah ke Makassar. Aku kanen banget. Aku sangat berharap bisa ketemu dengan kamu segera. Setelah nunggu sekian lama, akhirnya aku dikasih izin untuk mengunjungimu di Makassar. Mungkin bulan depan aku akan pergi kesana dengan menggunakan pesawat. Ketika aku sampai disana, kamu harus mengajakku berjalanjalan ke tempat wisata disana. Aku sangat ingin mengunjungi pantai losari. Sampai jumpa di sana kawan. Teman mu,

Lukman Jakarta, 15th June, 2016 Merak 9, Bandung Jawa Barat

Dear Meinar,

I’d like to thank you for the letter inviting me to see the play next week. I believe the play will be very interesting because some talented actors and actresses will play in it. However, I haven’t made up my mind about that. Now, I’m very busy preparing for my semester test. I hope you will understand. I’ll be happy if you tell me about the play later. As soon as the test is done, I will visit you. Send my best regards to your parents.

Your sincerely,


Friday, April 1st 2016

Dear Andrew,

Hi bro, how are you? I had received your letter two days ago. I am so happy if you will come to my country. I am waiting you bro, I hope you can come faster.

By the way, our culture is different, isn’t it? So, I think you have to bring simple clothes like DaGaDu  which we bought in Jogjakarta.

And also, keep your money carefully bro, okay! As we know that Indonesia is a danger country. I am waiting you…


Ari Sanjaya

Jumat, 1 April, 2016

Sayang Andrew, Hi bro, bagaimana kabarmu? Saya telah menerima surat Anda dua hari yang lalu. Saya sangat senang jika Anda akan datang ke negara saya. Saya menunggu Anda bro, saya harap Anda bisa datang lebih cepat. By the way, budaya kita berbeda, bukan? Jadi, saya pikir Anda harus membawa pakaian sederhana seperti Dagadu yang kami beli di Jogjakarta. Dan juga, menyimpan uang Anda dengan hati-hati bro, oke! Seperti kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia adalah negara bahaya. Aku menunggumu… Hormat kami,

Ari Sanjaya

Thursday, March 10th 2016 Dear My Beloved friend, Hay Anita? How are you? I miss you so much. Long time no see. I hope you are fine. By this letter I want tell about my life here. I live at Raja Basa. I live together with my uncle’s family. They are very kind to me. I get one room which very comfortable for me. The neighbors near my uncle’s house are very respectful to around people that live around us and to another people that come another region .The environment are very clean for me. It makes me comfortable to live here till I finish my study. I am so happy here. There are many things that make me be so glad to pass my days here. I need your story there, Ani. Please tell me about anything there. Your Friend,

Putri Rahmawati

Kamis, 10 Maret, 2016 Dear teman Kekasih saya, Hay Anita? Apa kabar? Aku sangat merindukanmu. Lama tidak bertemu. Saya harap Anda baik-baik saja. Dengan surat ini saya ingin menceritakan tentang kehidupan saya di sini. Aku tinggal di Raja Basa. Saya tinggal bersama dengan keluarga pamanku. Mereka sangat baik padaku. Saya mendapatkan satu ruangan yang sangat nyaman bagi saya. Para tetangga dekat rumah paman saya sangat hormat kepada sekitar orang-orang yang hidup di sekitar kita dan untuk orang lain yang datang kawasan lingkungan .suatu lain yang sangat bersih bagi saya. Itu membuat saya nyaman tinggal di sini sampai aku menyelesaikan studi saya. Saya sangat senang di sini. Ada banyak hal yang membuat saya begitu senang melewati hari-hari saya di sini. Saya perlu cerita Anda di sana, Ani. Tolong katakan padaku tentang apa pun di sana. Temanmu, Putri Rahmawati

Saturday, May 14th 2016 Dear Erwin Meraldi, Hello Win! How are you? I want to say something about my college. My college is a simple college, because the building just has seven parts. I am happy I could pass the test before I got the college although, my college has limit facilities. The first I do not like with my college is too many students in each class. It makes me not concentrate to learn in the class. My college also has not enough accreditation. I do not know why it can be happened. My college must be able to have higher accreditation than before. How about your college, Win? Oh yeah, I will say about my daily activities. In the morning, I always go to my college and I come back in the afternoon. After that, I go to my course to improve my knowledge. I have to do it because it is very important for my future. And then, I teach my student in the evening at 7 o’clock until 9 o’clock. How about you? Okay, all about my story, I hope you can reply my letter too.

Your Best Friend,

Agus Farid Ikhsanudin

Sabtu, 14 Mei, 2016 Sayang Erwin Meraldi, Hello Win! Apa kabar? Saya ingin mengatakan sesuatu tentang kuliah saya. kuliah saya adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi yang sederhana, karena bangunan hanya memiliki tujuh bagian. Saya senang saya bisa lulus tes sebelum aku kuliah meskipun, kuliah saya memiliki fasilitas batas. Pertama saya tidak suka dengan kuliah saya terlalu banyak siswa di setiap kelas. Itu membuat saya tidak berkonsentrasi untuk belajar di kelas. kuliah saya juga belum cukup akreditasi. Saya tidak tahu mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi. kuliah saya harus mampu memiliki akreditasi yang lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya. Bagaimana tentang perguruan tinggi Anda, Win? Oh ya, saya akan katakan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari saya. Di pagi hari, aku selalu pergi ke kuliah saya dan saya datang kembali pada sore hari. Setelah itu, saya pergi ke kuliah saya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan saya. Aku harus melakukannya karena sangat penting bagi masa depan saya. Dan kemudian, saya mengajar mahasiswa saya di malam hari pada pukul 7 sampai 9 jam. Bagaimana dengan kamu? Oke, semua tentang cerita saya, saya harap Anda dapat menjawab surat saya juga. Sahabatmu, Agus Farid Ikhsanudin Bandar Lampung, February 20, 2015

Dear my best friend, Hay Nabila, It’s been 8 months we did not see each other since you moved to Jogjakarta. How are you there? I hope you are always healthy and happy just like me here. I’m glad finally I am able to write this letter to you because I miss you so much. I missed the times when we spent time together like reading a book in the library, going to school together, playing at your house and many more. When can we meet and do something together again? I’m so looking forward to that day. Hmm, do you still remember with mango tree that we planted in front of my house? Now it has turned into a big tree. The fruit is big and very sweet. But unfortunately, you’ve never tasted it yet. If you come here you have to taste it. Anyway, how is your school? I heard that you were awarded as the best student there. Congratulations! Actually I’m not too surprised by that news because I have already known that you’re a smart and diligent girl. Therefore I’m sure you deserve it. I want to know your plan after graduating from high school. I will continue my study at University of Gadjah Mada. Please pray for me! I hope I can learn there and meet you in Jogjakarta. Alright then! Hopefully we can meet again someday and please tell your parents I miss them too. I am waiting a reply from you.

Your best friend,


Dear Marcela, I’m so exited about your visit. There are at lot of different fun things to do here.We can go watch a movie, bowling our go snowmobiling. We can also visit my friends in Salt Lake. These are the directions Is north to ctt8, then you will be on I-80 east take exit 9. Go straight on 2.300 east, until 3300 south you well see a 7 eleven on your right turn left go to the fourth light, my house is on the right. See you in four weeks. Love,


Favorite Tere, How are you? I am very glad, because I know that you is coming, I have many plans to enjoy together that I am sure we will never forget. Here the snow is like the beach in Mexico,a place where you can run,climb and sky. First I want to go to eat in Argentina Restaurant, later we can go to Salt Lake to visit the Temple Square, and in the weekend we can go to the mountain and camp there,don’t worry for the cold. I going to get a sleeping’s bag couple this week,but please don’t forget to bring your lantern, Okay? Now, I going to explain how get home. In front of the airport there is a post office, so went you are in front of it ,you can go down toward right,for five blocks,you will be in Bulldog Avenue. Turn right at the first street after the Smith’s. Then make a left turn onto Temple. My house is almost ten steps from it. My house’ number is 14. You can park your car in my garage,because I crash my car last week,so my car is at the mechanic.

Please advise if you get some trouble. See you later. Sincerely,


Dear Ching, How are you today? Is everything ok? I didn’t know you address or phone number, how I could find you. Now that I have your address, I can write a letter to you. I’m very well here, the weather is snowing, and it’s also very cold. Next week, my friends and I will go skinning. Do you want go to ski with us? But I need you to tell me your answer, and then I can prepare some things. We decided to gather my house. I’ll give you my house’s map, and then you can find my home. My apartment is on University Ave, You can ride bus I15 to Provo, and then you can see a big signboard for Denny’s. In next block is University Ave, you can see there is an apartment camper, that’s the Glenwood, that’s my house, my apartment number is 148, you can find me very easy, if you have any questions, you can call me, my phone number is 370-2123.

Finally, I hope you have a good day, I hope you are very well in your work, study, or anything, if you have any problem, I already gave you my phone number, so you can tell me your answer. Good Luck! Love,


Mutia Jln. Seroja 24 Makassar Mutia Hello my friend, how are you there? I hope you are alright. I miss you because we have not met. Do you miss me too? If you are on vacation, came to the field, I am sure you will love it because it is a beautiful city. I will take you to many of the most beautiful sights in Indonesia. I know that you love travel, so I recommend you to visit here a couple of weeks. Hopefully we can meet as soon as possible, my best friend. Your friend,


Andika Jln. Mewangi, 45 Medan Andika Hello my friend, how are you now? I have a lot of stories in my new city. Apparently, this city is a very beautiful city and I decided to stay here in the long term. Last week, I was on vacation to various tourist attractions, such as beaches, waterfalls and hot spring baths. I went with the family in the morning to visit the beach and surfing. According to I are best surfing ever. If you are on vacation to my city, you will find the waves are so big and you'll definitely love it. Two days later, I went to the waterfall. While there, I feel how a waterfall fell into my body and it was a very pleasant thing. And what about the hot water bath? I do not want to tell me now, because I want you to visit here so we can enjoy it together. It is a very complete,

especially regarding tourist destination. Hopefully we can meet as soon as possible, my best friend.

Your friend,

Dear Lucy, Hai Lucy, how are you, there? Well, another year has passed. I just can’t believe that it went so quickly. I’ve been studying for my exams and gratefuly I finished high school. Now I start my studies at medical college and I really miss the time that we spent together. I am so sorry because I didn’t send letters for you. Actually I lost your address and I was lucky to find it again. And how are you? I hope that you and your family are all right. Did you join the Interior Design College as you always wished? I really want to know your latest news and know everything about your studies.

I’m writing to tell you that I have been to Europe and it was great. Do you believe that I met our friend Yara in France? It was by accident. She has been there for five years. She got married and she is waiting for her baby now. Well that’s all about me and we’re all doing fine here. Take care! Your best friend,


To : Andina Jl. Sukamenanti, 16 Semarang 2030

Hello my friend, how are you there? I hope you are good. I miss you because we have not met in a long time. Do you miss me too? If you are on vacation, I hope you can visit Lampung. I’m sure you will love it because it is a beautiful city. I will take you to many places like Kiluan bay and to the most beautiful places in Indonesia. I know that you love surfing and I have so many secret places for you to surf, so I recommend you to visit here a couple of weeks.

Hopefully we can meet soon, my best friend..

Your friend,


Eliza Jl. Kamboja, 16 Semarang 2030

Hi my companion, how are you there? I trust you are great. I miss you on the grounds that we have not met in quite a while. Do you miss me as well? On the off chance that you are out of town, I trust you can visit Lampung. I'm certain you will love it in light of the fact that it is an excellent city. I will take you to numerous spots like Kiluan inlet and to the most delightful places in Indonesia. I realize that you cherish surfing and I have such a variety of mystery spots for you to surf, so I prescribe you to visit here a few weeks.

Ideally we can meet soon, my closest companion..

Your companion,


Eliza Jl. Kamboja, 16 Semarang 2030 Hello temanku, bagaimana kabarmu disana? Saya harap kamu baik-baik saja. Saya merindukanmu karena kita sudah lama tidak bertemu. Apakah kamu merindukanku juga? Jika kamu sedang berlibur, datanglah ke Lampung, saya yakin kamu akan menyukainya karena ini adalah kota yang indah. Saya akan membawamu ke banyak tempat sepert teluk kiluan hingga tempat berselancar yang paling indah di Indonesia. Saya tahu bahwa kamu sangat suka berselancar, sehingga saya merekomendasikanmu untuk berkunjung kesini beberapa minggu. Semoga kita dapat berjumpa secepatnya, teman baikku.



Rita Jl. Sudirman, 14 Bandar Lampung 1453

Hi my companion, how are you there? I have a ton of stories in my new city. Clearly, this city is exceptionally wonderful and I think I would stay here in a drawn out stretch of time. A week ago, I visit to numerous extraordinary places, for example, shoreline, waterfall, and hot showering spot. My family and I went in the morning to visit the shoreline and we went for surfing. As I would like to think, that was the best surfing place ever. In the event that you are traveling to my city, you will locate the huge waves and you'll adore it. At that point, I went to the waterfall. I felt how the waterfall falling into my

body and it was extremely energizing. Shouldn't something be said about the hot washing spot? I would prefer not to let you know now, on the grounds that I need you to visit here so we can appreciate those spots together. It is a decent city, particularly for the traveler destinations. Ideally we can meet soon, my closest companion. Best Regard,


Rita Jl. Sudirman, 14 Bandar Lampung 1453 Hello temanku, bagaimana kabarmu disana? Saya punya banyak cerita di kota baruku. Ternyata, kota ini adalah kota yang sangat indah dan saya pikir saya akan tinggal disini dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Minggu kemarin, saya berlibur ke banyak tempat seperti pantai, air terjun, dan pemandian air panas. Saya bersama keluarga pergi di pagi hari untuk mengunjungi pantai dan berselancar. Saya pikir ini adalah tempat berselancar terbaik yang pernah ada. Jika kamu berlibur ke kotaku, kamu akan menemukan ombak yang begitu besar dan kamu akan menyukainya. Dua hari selanjutnya, saya pergi ke air terjun. Saya merasakan bagaimana air terjun jatuh ke tubuh saya dan itu adalah hal yang

sangat mengasyikkan. Kemudian, bagaimana dengan pemandian air panas? Saya tidak ingin menceritakannya sekarang, karena saya ingin kamu berkunjung kemari agar kita bisa menikmatinya bersama-sama. Ini adalah kota yang sangat lengkap, terutama mengenai tujuan wisata. Semoga kita dapat berjumpa secepatnya, teman baikku. Temanmu,
