Susunan Acara Akhirussanah Translate Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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yang kami muliakan segenap alim ulama wabil khusus selaku pengasuh pondok pesantren bardan wasalaman ,yang senantiasa kami harapkan Fatwa dan Mauidloh Khasanahnya. Segenap jajaran Panitia Haflah Pondok Pesantren Bardan Wasalaman, jajaran pengurus Yayasan Al burdah, bapak Kepala sekolah SMK Bardan wasalaman beserta segenap dewan guru dan staf. Segenap Dewan asatidz Madrasah Diniyah Bardan Wasalaman. Anggota Majlis Ta'lim beserta Toriqoh Assyadziliyah yang dirahmati Allah.jajaran muspida kabupaten Batang, Muspida kecamatan Batang, Bapak Lurah Sambong atau yang mewakili. Segenap tamu undangan, Bapak /ibu orang tua wali santri beserta santriwan Santriwati Nadrasah diniyah Bardan Wasalaman. Hadirin- hadirat , segenap kaum Muslimin Muslimat Rahimakumullah. Pertama marilah kita panjatkan Puja dan Puji syukur Kita kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan Rahmat-Nya kepada kita semua sehingga kita bisa hadir di majlis yang mulia ini dalam keadaan sehat walafiat. Sholawat dan salam semoga terlimpah kepada nabi muhammad SAW.Yang kita semua mengharapkan syafaat dihari kiamat. hadirin sekalian Rahimakumullah. untuk tertib acara pada malam hari ini maka akan kami bacakan susunan acara haflah akhirussanah Pondok Pesantren Bardan Wasalaman sebagai berikut: pembukaan Pembacaan ayat suci alQuran lantunan sholawat Nabi prakata panitia sambutan sambutan acara inti doa penutup marilah kita mulai acara ini dengan memasuki acara yang pertama yaitu pembukaan memasuki acara yang kedua pembacaan ayat suci alquran yang akan dibacakan oleh.. acara yang ketiga, lantunan sholawat yang akan dibawakan oleh.. acara yang keempat prakata panitia akhirussanah yang akan disampaikan oleh.. acara berikutnya , sambutan sambutan, sambutan pertama dari....

yang akan disampaikan oleh..

sambutan kedua dari... sambutan ketiga dari.. sambutan keempat dari... demikian sambutan sambutan dari......

semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

tibalah saatnya memasuki acara yang keenam, acara yang kita tunggu. Mau'idloh Khasanah dalam rangka haflah akhirussanah pondok pesantren Bardan Wasalaman. yang akan disampaikan oleh bapak Kyai.. kepada beliau waktu dan tempat kami haturkan demikian Mau'idloh Khasanah yang disampaikan oleh bapak KH.... semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. memasuki acara terakhir doa penutup kami mohon kepada bapak .. untuk memimpin doa, waktu dan tempat kami haturkan. dengan berakhirnya doa maka berakhir pula acara kita pada malam hari ini. Kami selaku pembawa acara mohon maaf yang sebear besarnya.

we glorify all the teachers as nannies wabil special boarding school bar, and wasalaman, which we always expect Fatwa and Mauidloh Khasanahnya. All levels of Boarding Schools Committee haflah Bardan Wasalaman, Yayasan Al Burdah management ranks, Mr. Bardan wasalaman vocational school Head and the entire board of teachers and staff. The entire Board of Madrasah asatidz Diniyah Bardan Wasalaman. Ta'lim Majlis members are blessed with Toriqoh Assyadziliyah Allah.jajaran Muspida Batang county, district Muspida Trunk, Mr. Headman Sambong or its representative. All invited guests, Mr. / mother guardians of students and their parents santriwan santriwati Nadrasah diniyah Bardan Wasalaman. Ladiespresence, all the Muslims Moslem Rahimakumullah. First let us pray We Puja and Praise to Allah who has bestowed His mercy to us all so we can be present at this glorious majlis in good health. Sholawat and salam to the Prophet Muhammad may terlimpah SAW.Yang we all expect intercession on the day of Resurrection. Ladies and gentlemen Rahimakumullah. for orderly event tonight then we'll read the order haflah akhirussanah Boarding Bardan Wasalaman as follows: opening Recitation of the Holy Quran chant sholawat prophet foreword committee welcome speech core event

closing prayer Let's start this event by entering the first event of opening entering the second event recitation from the Quran to be in......... entering the second event recitation from the Quran to be read by .. The third event, chanting Sholawat which will be hosted by .. The fourth event akhirussanah preface committee that will be delivered by .. The next event, welcome speech, The first speech of .... which will be delivered by .. welcome both of ... The third speech of .. fourth speech of ... so welcome greeting from ...... hopefully useful to us all. it's time to enter the sixth event, the event that we wait. Mau'idloh Khasanah in order haflah akhirussanah Bardan Wasalaman boarding school. which will be delivered by the father Kyai .. to his time and place are due Thus Mau'idloh Khasanah delivered by Mr. KH .... may be useful for us all. entering the final event closing prayer we beg you .. to lead the prayers, time and place are due. with the end of the prayer ended the show we did on this night. We as the master of ceremonies asked..................

TEXT OF MC Preliminary Tribute a. Honorable…. b. Respectable…. 3. The praises a. All praises be to Allah, the almighty has been giving us healthy until we can attend in this agenda that is…. May peach be upon the chosen creature, our prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family, companions, and his followers until the Day of Judgment 1. 2.


Praises be to Allah, the God of whole the world who teaches us with pen and teaches human beings of what they do not know. May peach be always on the messenger of Allah, the noblest human being, the teacher of all people, Muhammad SAW along with his family, companions and all people who follow his teaching well. c. Etc. 4. Reading of arrangement of agendas Example: Ladies and gentlemen Standing in front of you all I/we as master of ceremony I/we would like to read the agenda in this meeting one by one. The first agenda is opening The second is reciting of holy Qur’an The third is welcoming speeches The fourth is core event The fifth is praying The last is closing Opening , let’s open this agenda by reciting ” Basmalah” Reciting of holy Qur’an, it will be recited by…… Welcoming speeches a. The fist speech will be presented by… b. The second speech will be delivered by…. c. Etc 8. Core event, that is…. 9. Praying, it will be lead by….. 10. Closing, let’s close our agenda by reciting “Hamdalah” 5. 6. 7.

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. ì Ladies and Gentleman We are happy to be here with you all to have this big program “the twenty nine or the recitation of Akhirus Sanah for this academic year 2007-2008 today on monday the eighteen of sya’ban 1428 Islamic Year or 18 th of Augustus 2008. lets start the program now. 1. The first the opening 2. The second reading holy Quran and Shalawat Nabi 3. The third Mujahadah Tahlil 4. The fourth preface of comite 5. The fifeth the speeches 6. The sixth Golden Speech 7. The seventh the closing prayer ì Ladies and Gentleman The distinguished, to begin our program today, first of all, let start by the opening of al-Quran to the distinguished Mr. KH. Asnawi Dahlan, the floor is yours. ì Ladies and Gentleman The next program, is the recitation of al-Quran verses. Followed by reading Shalawat Nabi it will be delivered by Mr. Ky. R. Najib Fathurrahman, S. Ag.

ì Ladies and Gentleman The next program will be Mujahadah Tahlil, which will be lead by Mr. KH. Chafidz Dimyati/ Mr. KH. Asyhuri Abdulhadi. To Mr. KH. Chafidz Dimyati/ Mr. KH. Asyhuri Abdulhadi, please come forward. ì Ladies and Gentleman For the next program, there will be a speech from the leader of the comite. Which will be delivered by brother „Athourrahman, SHI. To brother „Athourrahman, SHI, please come forward. ì Ladies and Gentleman Now we would have some speeches. 1. The first speech, on behalf of the graduates and parents association of the student AnNawawi Islamic Boarding School. Which will be given by Mr. Drs. H. R. Machsun Zein. to M r. Drs. H. R. Machsun Zein, the floor is yours. Before we come to next speech we would like announce the degree of “SANTRI TELADAN” of An-Nawawi Islamic Boarding School Berjan Purworejo, Academic 14281429 or 2007-2008.To the student whose name are announced, would you please come forward. To the stag to get the degree. Which will be given by the distinguished Mr. KH. Achmad Chalwani the head of An-Nawawi Islamic Boarding School Berjan Purworejo. Now we would have the speech from the head of An-Nawawi Islamic Boarding School Berjan Purworejo. To Mr. KH. Achmad Chalwani, the floors is yours 1. The next speech is a speech from the regent of Purworejo, Mr. H. Iklil Kelik Sumrahadi, S.Sos., MM. to Mr. Kelik Sumrahadi, please the floor is yours ì Ladies and Gentleman The sixth program is the “Mau’idlatul Chasanah” and to Close this program which will be given by Mr. KH. Muhammad Husain Rifa’i, the head of “JABAL NOER” Islamic Boarding School, Geluran Taman Sidoarjo North Java. Sir, Please the floor is yours ì With reading of the pray, ladies and gentleman, we would to end our program Khataman Akhirus Sanah and Haul Muassis in An-Nawawi Islamic Boarding School Berjan Purworejo, academic year 1428-1429 0r 2007-2008. thank you very much for your kind attention. We do ask your apologize for all the inconvenience./@ahmadnaufa@Panitia KhatamanPP AnNawawi Berjan Purworejo 2008 Wassalamu’alaikum wr. W’ The Excellency...........who always gives motivation and advice to come closer with God’s guidance yang terhormat …….yang selalu memberikan motivasi dan nasehat untuk selalu dekat dengan hidayah Allah The chief of Islamic boarding house, who never gives up to guide us in learning Yang terhormat ………ketua pesantren,yang tidak pernah menyerah untuk membimbing kami dalam belajar The Unforgettable, all of invitation guests, committees and all students of Islamic boarding house.

Dan yang takterlupakan semua tamu undangan,panitia,seluruh santri pesantren

First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah, who gives us his guidance and mercy. So that why we can attend and participate in this program without any obstacle. Pertama-tama,Marilah kita panjatkan rasa yukur kita kehadirat Allah yang telah memberikan hidayah dan karunianya kepada kita sehingga kita dapat hadir dan mengikuti acara ini tanpa suatu halangan apapun. Praise and salutation upon him, our prophet Muhammad the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person who is able to save us from Jahiliyah era. Sholawat dan salam untuk nabi Muhammad akhir zaman,contoh terbaik di alam semesta ini sekaligus orang yang mampu menyelamatkan kita dari jaman jahiliyah As a master of ceremony, I will read several sequences of our agenda Sebagai pembawa acara,saya akan membacakan beberapa urutan acara kita a.The first agenda is opening ( Acara pertama pembukaan ) b.The second agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an (Acara yang kedua pembacaan ayat suci alqur’an ) c.The third agenda is greetings ( Acara yang ketiga sambutan-sambutan ) d.The fourth agenda is advice and rest (Acara yang ke-empat nasehat and istirahat ) e.The fifth agenda is closing and prayer (Acara yang ke-lima penutup dan Do’a )

Let’s start this agenda by reciting “ Bismillah hirrohmanirrahim “ Mari kita mulai acara ini dengan bacaan “ Bismillah hirrohmanirrahim “ Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an who will be recited by (our brother/sister) …….. (Time is yours) Menginjak acara selanjutnya adalah pembacaan ayat suci alqu’an yang akan di bacakan oleh ( saudara/saudari )….(waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan) The third agenda is greetings: Acara yang ke-tiga sambutan-sambutan The first greeting from chief of Islamic boarding house, (our brother/ sister) …… (Time is yours)

Sambutan yang pertama dari ketua pondok,(saudara/saudari)…...(waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan) The second greeting from chief of the committee,(our brother/ sister) …… time is yours Sambutan yang pertama dari ketua panitia,(saudara/saudari)…..waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan. Let’s keep on to the next agenda is advice, It will be delivered by, (our sister/brother) …….. (Please, time is yours) Mari kita lanjutkan acara berikutnya nasehat dan istirahat,yang akan di sampaikan oleh, ,(saudara/saudari) ….. waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan The last agenda as uthe final agenda is closing and prayer. That will be led by (our sister/brother) …… As master of ceremony, from the deepest my heart I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this ceremony. May this good relationship is going on ……. (Time is yours) Acara yang etrakhir sekaligus acara akhir adalah penutup dan do’a yang akan di pimpin oleh (saudara/saudari)………sebagai pembawa acara, dari lubuk hati saya yang paling dalam saya minta maaf atas kesalahan dalam membawakan acara ini. Semoga kita tetap bisa menjaga silaturahim ini …..(waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan)

s  Al-Mukarrom the ulama 'Special-wabil Mr. KH. Thohirin Jauhari as principal of bardan wasalaman boarding school.  Dear Mr. KH.......................... we always hope advice and his Mau’idloh khasanah.  Dear All of commitee of Haflah Akhirus Sanah of Bardan Wasalaman Boarding School  Dear All of management of Al Burdah institution,  Dear Headmaster of SMK of Bardan Wasalaman and All of council of teachers and Staffs.  Dear All of council of Asatidz Madrasah Diniyah of bardan wasalaman islamic boarding school.  Dear All of members of Majlis ta’lim and Specialist of Toriqoh Assyadziliyah who is the blessed gods  Dear Muspida batang regency and muspika of batang subdistrict,and village chief of sambong or its representative.  All the invited guests, the parents and students of smk of bardan wasalaman and the parents and students of Madrasah Diniyah of Bardan wasalaman.  all the Muslims Moslem Rahimakumullah.

First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah, who gives us his guidance and mercy. So that why we can attend and participate in this program without something wrong happen. Secondly,sholawat and salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad, who can give guidance to all of us at the end world. Ladies and gentlement rahimakumullah, As a master of ceremony, I will read several sequences of our agenda 1. The first agenda is opening 2. The second agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an 3. The third agenda is reciting sholawat to our prophet Muhammad 4. The fourth agenda is preface of comite 5. The fifth agenda is greetings a. The first greetings from Chief of Al Burdah islamic boarding school b. The second greeting from headmaster of SMK bardan Wasalaman c. The third greeting from principal of bardan wasalaman islamic boarding school d. The fourth greeting from regent, subdistrict head and village chief of batang or its representative. 6. The sixth agenda is core agenda 7. The seventh agenda is closing and prayer Let’s start this agenda by reciting “ ilaa hadlrotinnabiyyil mustofa Muhammadin SAW Wa’alaa hadzihinniyah...Al fatihah. “

Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an who will be recited by ust Lukmanul Hakim …….. (Time is yours)

Praise and salutation upon him, our the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person who is able to save us from Jahiliyah era.

-The Honorable Mr. H. MOHD. SAID Zamachsyari as Principals Tsanawiya Al - Hikmah Pucangsimo Mr. Mother Board-teacher we always respect and obey -All the invited guests, and friends of the family beloved MTs. Al-Himah Pucangsimo happy. Infinite gratitude, let us always haturkan Allah SWT, because we are all still given a chance to live on this earth to enjoy all the facilities that have been provided on it, so that with age we can gather in order Muwadda'ah students / IX grader Mts. Al-Hikmah Pucangsimo the period 2010/2011 without a hitch whatsoever.

And my audience is happy Just go through the end of exams, I hope all of our friends passed without anyone behind.This is a blessing from Allah SWT and Innayah that is given to us all, therefore let us give thanks to Allah SWT with the study even harder and organize themselves in this life, not to violate the rules of this beloved country Indonesia . My Temam all that we hold dear always Without the time has changed the day goes by so precisely, bulanpun dawning, and years went by so fast. Three years already without us feel it to school. Ups and downs of sweet and bitter friends we have traveled together, hopefully make the experience and lesson for us all. Wipe up any mistakes in the door of forgiveness and pray for one another. We are not separated for divorce disarray but this separation will pave the way for us to success. Father's mother Council teacher who we respect so patient and ikhlasnya Ladies science teacher in giving us, but we were not able to reply to Mr Ibu teachers toil. Only our prayers accompany strands may Allah SWT reward each teacher with charity Ladies doubled so that a perpetual charity. Amen YES Robbal Alamin. Ladies Teachers Council, on behalf of the representative of the class IX, beg with seikhlasikhlasnya. Sorry Mr. Mom gruru for us all. Without forgiveness and blessing of Mr. Mom teacher will burden every step our foot to reach all the ideals we uphold the values of religion and the state with the bless of Allah SWT. Our hope with this farewell in the evening, let us open the door wide open our hearts to forgive salaing. Finally, No precepts that we can not tell unless ................