Sword World 2.0 - Core Rulebook III Revisited [PDF]

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Contents Introduction


Part 1 Characters


Additional Data for PC Creation


High Level Characters


Creating a High-Level Characters


Part 2 Game Rules


Rules for Riding




Mounted Combat


Supplemental Rules


Part 3 Data










Combat Feats




Part 4 World Faith and Divine Power


Magitech of Al Menas


Northern Terastier


Adventuring in Raxia


Part 5 Game Mastery 3





Divine Magic of the Malevolent Gods






Equipment Commentary





Go to Even More Adventures! Ever dreamed of magnificent adventures, soaring in the skies with dragons, manipulating massive magical spells in order to call down meteorites, and even watching a deity show up in front of you? Have you ever longed to be a hero, one who can defeat everything in front of them endlessly? This book will give you the chance to become a hero such as those, carving your own legacy out to sit among the ones that have come before. The time has finally come for your adventure to become a legend! This book contains data for levels 11 to 15, the highest a humanoid can naturally attain. As such, there are a number of new spells, Combat Feats, and other abilities to make your character as powerful as the legends say. Of course, this power doesn't come overnight, and even getting to 10th level is an accomplishment in and of itself. However, what lies within is especially powerful, due to the requirements needed to attain them. Additionally, with new powers and abilities come new monsters to use them on. These new foes are quite powerful in their own rights, often strong enough to repel a full-frontal attack on their own. Some may be even more powerful than a whole party at 15th level, so proper tactics learned over your characters' long adventures, in addition to new abilities, will be the way forward. Additionally, the new class "Rider" appears in this book. Becoming a Rider allows you to take your favorite horse, mythical beast or magitech construct into battle and fight as a single unit in the wilderness, plains, and even the sky and sea. Also, the new "Valkyrie" race has been introduced, as well as 6

rules for creating a new character at higher levels of play in case a new player wishes to join an already-existing campaign. There's also additional rules for various other situations that may occur during play, such as structural destruction, connecting with celebrities and NPCs, and new lists of NPCs and regions. As long as you continue your journey, the adventure never ends. Time to carve out your own legend! Good luck! Precautions When Using This Book References to Core Rulebook I and Core Rulebook II When it is necessary to refer to “Core Rulebook I” or “Core Rulebook II” in this book it will be done in brackets “(see in Core Rulebook I)” or “(see CR I)”. Riders and Character Sheets With the new "Rider" class comes new Stunts to be used while riding. These Stunts have their own place on the character sheet already, so there's no need to try and add them in somewhere else. Additionally, "Rider" levels can be used for Monster Knowledge rolls, but only to determine the monster's stats, not it's Weak Point. Rider Mount Management In this book, the rules and data of the Mounts are posted along with Rider Stunts. This information is necessary to make sure the player is using the Rider's Stunts correctly. When using Mounts, it is recommended to copy the data of the Mount right off of the page, in order to have it handy when necessary.


Part 1 Characters


Human Jockey


Character Commentary A human jockey armed with a one-handed spear and leather armor. He is a rider class and fights on horseback. Rider class allows you to skillfully manipulate riding animals, mythical beast, and magitech (collectively referred to as mount). Allows to move quickly and attack while on them. As you level up, you will get an ability called stunt to control mounts. This character has [Attack Obstruction] stunt, which avoids attacks if he is riding on a mount, and [Charge] stunt, which allows to charge while riding. When riding, mount can also attack with jockey, which can help greatly in combat. However, you should also be aware of mount's HP, as mount can also be the target of attacks. If you purchase a from an organization called the Rider’s Guild, you will be able to rent a mount. This character has a Mount Contract Certificate for a Horse, so he can rent Horse (see part 2) at any time at the Rider’s Guild. With enough money you can buy another mount. If you choose to use level up grown version of this character, you will be able to perform more stunts and you will have better equipment for riding. You will also have Aramid Coat, armor with the required of strength +10. Ride your steed and hit your enemies with all your might! 10





Elf Wizard


Character Commentary He is a magic prodigy who has mastered both spiritualism magic and truespeech magic. You can learn a lot of spells and magic and use abundant amount of MP to cast use magic as you see fit. Use truespeech magic's [Energy Bolt] or spiritualism magic's [Spark] when you want to attack, and spiritualism magic's [Protection] or [Enchant Weapon] when you want to support your friends. He also has combat feat [Magic Magnification / Number], so you can take bold actions to affect more enemies or allies. After growth weapon and armor are not conspicuous, but this is compensated by different magic items, like Mana Ring with magic damage increased by +1 and Ring of the Mind with a +1 bonus for Willpower. Also, your Calling Studs will allow you to have a conversation with others even if you are far away. You can also use your familiars created by [Familiar] spell to survey surroundings and contact with allies. Be the greatest wizard of them all!






Tabbit Magitech


Character Commentary You are magitech, you shoot your enemies with your gun. While attacking they can shoot bullets with magic power inside and use magitech to support their allies. You have plenty of MP, so don't hesitate to use [Targeting Sight]. Use your [Precise Shot] combat feat, to aim true. Will leveling up, your style of shooting enemies with your gun does not change. You can charge your bullets with [Laser Bullet] and improve its accuracy [Homing Laser]. You can use high level magitech spells that can be used in various situations such as [Life Sensor] and [Medical Kit]. With your growth your strength will also rise. You will have a powerful magic gun . You also have a with a lot of magazines as a spare even in long-term battles. Keep in mind that different guns have different fire ranges. Help your friends with your magical gun and defeat powerful enemies!






Runefolk Gladiator


Character Commentary It is a gladiator character who fights with fists, kicks, and throws. It also can empower its abilities with enhancer class. Since this character has mastered Weapon Proficiency/Wrestling combat feat, you can expect high damage from early levels. Sometimes rush of attacks with fists and kicks can do more than a warrior's most powerful weapon. From enhancer class you will have [Gazelle Feet] technique, which can cover your Defense by improving evasion. The enhancer class does not increase MP, but by being a runefolk you have racial ability [HP Conversion] that can increase the number of times you use your techniques. When exploring you can use your ranger class. Your potions will also be more effective with ranger class, so if you have more money to spare, buy various potions and upgrade your equipment. After growing up, you will become a skillful fighter who can use many techniques. You will have and . Both are Magic weapons that have a high attack power. You will have Sranked armor , taking advantage of your high strength. You will also useful [Counter] combat feat. Slash your way through enemies as a gladiator!






Nightmare Priest Warrior


Character Commentary This character is a nightmare who is master of both weapons and divine at the same time. He can be good frontline warrior and a reliable healer. You can stand be in heat of battle and heal yourself and your friends while taking attacking head-on. You were born as dwarf and fire is your weak point, but you are cleric of Grendal, God of Fire. If you can cleverly roleplay this imbalance, your character will become more distinctive. As this character grows, it his healer/attacker role will become more prominent. Combat Feat [Toughness] will increase the maximum HP further, and by using [Multi Action], it is possible to both attack and heal in one turn. Some of Grendal's special divine magic spells are aggressive, and in case of emergency, his spells can attack the enemies in front of you. Also, since you have mastered "Weapon Proficiency II / Sword", you have equipped. It is a Magic weapon with the highest power of its level. High strength allows you to have powerful armor and shield to be equipped with the required strength +10. Conquer the flames and baptize enemies who stand in your way!






Grassrunner Light Warrior


Character Commentary This is a grassrunner light warrior with weapons in both hands. One-handed weapon doesn’t do much damage, but holding in both two hands and attacking twice fixes that (two attacks will result in a -2 accuracy penalty). However, you can have problems while attacking enemies in powerful armor, so it is a good idea to have your friends magically support you when fighting such foes. You also will be a pretty good scout and because of that will be good at exploring and investigating. You can easily act alone. You can quickly escape enemies even if they find you. If you choose to use high level version, you will maximize your area of expertise. Combat feats [Fast Action] and [Shadow Sneak] will allow you to slip through battlefield and attack enemy wizards and bosses behind enemy lines. Your evasion will also increase significantly, to support hit-and-run fighting style. After battle is over you can find treasure location perceptively with combat feat [Treasure Hunt]. You will have two with adjusted Strength required so that they can be used by fencer such as you. Play smart and disturb enemies with you tricky fighting style!






Valkyrie Heavy Cavalry


Character Commentary She is a valkyrie jockey who rides on a horse into battle. She is frontline ready equipped with her one-handed sword and metal armor. Unlike Human Jockey (see sample character before) she has metal armor that can reduce incoming damage and she can have different combat feat like [Power Strike] to defeat enemies. Valkyrie's race ability Light Wings of the War-Maiden will allow ignore damage from falling. Another race ability Blessing of the War-Maiden can enhance mounts and other characters. Both are fitting to her Rider class. You will know [Elevated Attack] stunt which increases your extra damage by 2 points when riding. Combined with Power Strike, you can make powerful attacks that can surpass even two-handed weapons. In addition your mount can also attack which will also increase your damage output. Note that rider class is 1st level, but mount has 2nd level. Your combat feats will reduce your evasion, but techniques will reduce the incoming damage. High level variant will grant you many more Stunts and allow you to mount stronger mounts. You can increase your attack power even more by riding mounts with unique skills such as wyverns and dragons. If you purchase multiple Mount Contract Certificates, you can carry multiple Mounts as statues or store them in the spheres, so you can change the mounts you mount according to the situation. Defeat enemy with your overwhelming attack power and your mounts without allowing the enemy's counterattack!






Additional Data for PC Creation

A New Race Appears Below is listed the Valkyrie, a race new to Raxia. Additionally, there is a background chart included, allowing for even lowlevel Valkyries to be introduced into your game. New Races and Backgrounds Next you can find descriptions of new races Lildraken, Grassrunner, and Newman and their background tables used for Normal Creation (see Core Rulebook I).

Valkyrie These rare maidens are the result of a mutation before birth, similar to nightmares. Born only to humans, and only as females, they are commonly referred to as "Children of God". One possible origin of the valkyries is that they are reincarnated from souls that were absolutely pure, with no soulscars at all. However, why such souls were chosen to reincarnate, and not proceed on into the afterlife, is still unknown. Like humans, valkyries reach maturity at the age of 15, and commonly live to around 100 years of age. Though they appear similar to humans, there are patterns resembling small wings on the back and ankles of every valkyrie. These bloom into full wings of light when the racial feature [Light Wings of the War-Maiden] is used. Additionally, valkyries are adept at dealing with Mythical 51

Beasts and other animals and can help others with their racial feature [Blessing of the War-Maiden]. While they have been touched by a divine presence, there are those valkyries who do not choose the Priest class. However, many do at least take up arms in the name of some god, if not become fully fledged holy warriors. Starting Languages: Can read and write local language and Trade Common. Restricted Classes: None Racial Abilities [Light Wings of the War-Maiden]: If you would fall from any significant height, you can create a set of wings made out of light in order to slow your fall. So long as you're conscious, you can fall from any height and land without taking fall damage or falling prone. You can't move freely in the air as though you were flying, but you can hold on to other characters and equipment to a weight of 200 kg. [Blessing of the War-Maiden]: Offers a blessing to a character in the same area, other than the valkyrie or any mount the valkyrie may be using. Once per day, as a Minor Action, the valkyrie can give any target a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower for 3 minutes (18 rounds). This effect only works on Humanoids, Animals, and Mythical Beasts.


Valkyrie Background 2d 2-4 5-6 7 8-9 1012

Background Agile Warrior Warrior Cleric Rider Scholar

Starting Classes Fencer

Starting Abilities 11/9/6

Fighter Priest Rider Sage

9/10/7 7/9/10 9/8/9 7/7/12

Experience 2500 2000 2000 2500 2500

Ability Scores The Valkyrie's Ability Scores are rolled using the number of dice below. Rolling Ability Scores A 2d B 1d C 2d D 2d E 1d F 1d+6


High Level Characters

High Level Sample Characters Pages earlier present high-level sample characters. There is all you might need to start to play at high level when you don't have time to make a character. You can find hint on how to play these sample characters in their character commentary. Some abilities of those characters are introduced in this book, so make sure to read it before play. In addition, you can find character sheets of same characters at low level. You can use them as ready characters or for reference for character growth. High level sample characters have grown 30 times, have additional experience points of 41,000 points (total experience points of 44,000 points), have money cash of 75,000, and have 750 reputation. Character Growth up to 15th Level The following is a table showing the experience points both Major and Minor classes require in order to advance up to the maximum of 15th level. The parenthetical number is the total accumulated experience needed, assuming the character did not have any levels in the class to begin with.


Experience Points and Classes up to 15th Level Level Major Class (Cumulative XP) 1 1000 2 1000 (2000) 3 1500 (3500) 4 1500 (5000) 5 2000 (7000) 6 2500 (9500) 7 3000 (12500) 8 4000 (16500) 9 5000 (21500) 10 6000 (27500) 11 7500 (35000) 12 9000 (44000) 13 10500 (54500) 14 12000 (66500) 15 13500 (80000)


Minor Class (Cumulative XP) 500 1000 (1500) 1000 (2500) 1500 (4000) 1500 (5500) 2000 (7500) 2500 (10000) 3000 (13000) 4000 (17000) 5000 (22000) 6000 (28000) 7500 (35500) 9000 (44500) 10500 (55000) 12000 (67000)

Creating a High-Level Characters Here, you can find information how to create a high-level characters by giving experience points to the low level character created in Normal Creation (see Core Rulebook I). The creation procedure is basically the same. Guidelines for Creating a High-Level Characters When creating a higher-level character, the first thing that should be done is to figure out the Adventurer Level for the character to be created. Once this is determined, the following chart gives a number of statistics important to the character, such as Growth Points to spend on Ability Scores, Experience Points and Money to spend on Classes and Items, and Total Reputation. These are all added to the starting character's statistics, as rolled from their specific race's Background tables. High-Level Character Creation Avg. Adventurer Level 7-8 8-9 9 - 10 10 - 11 11 - 12

Growth Points

Add'l Experience

Add'l Money

Total Reputation

15 18 23 30 39

17000 23000 31000 41000 53000

30,000 40,000 55,000 75,000 100,000

300 400 550 750 1,000


Determining Ability Scores and Spending Growth As with creating a starting character, creating a high-level character requires the player to roll for their race's Ability Scores, and add them to the starting Skill, Body and Mind scores as determines by the character's Background. After, they then have a number of Growth Points, which are added to their stats as Growth Points normally are, which is to roll 2d and choose one of the stats shown by the dice. However, as high-level characters have a great number of Growth Points, and not everyone wants to sit around rolling 2d some 20, 30 or more times in a row, the table below splits up the number of Growth Points into six average results. This way, the player can just choose which of their six Ability Scores get which Growth Points added to them, and it will save a lot of time and rolling on everyone's part. Growth Rate Average Table Growth Points 15 18 23 30 39


Score ① 5 6 8 10 12

Score ② 4 5 6 7 9

Score ③ 2 3 3 4 6

Score ④ 2 2 3 4 5

Score ⑤ 1 1 2 3 4

Score ⑥ 1 1 1 2 3

Learning Classes Creating a high-level character begins the same way as creating a starting character, as mentioned previously. When it comes to the character's classes, determine the starting classes as per the character's Background, add the Experience Points given to the character at that point to the additional Experience Points as per the chart above, and then proceed to buy levels in both Major and Minor classes. However, in order to save time, there are also charts below that spend those Experience Points for you, whether to expedite a character being created on the fly, to aid in doing what may be seen as difficult math, or to help a player make a choice when they might be overwhelmed by their options. Along with each class shows how many Experience Points are being spent on levels in those classes, so that can be tracked appropriately. These tables assume each class is bought using Experience Points without having a level already. If you wish to advance in a class that you already have a level in from your Background, you can add the Experience Points that that level would have cost back to your Experience Points. For example, starting with a level in a Major Class would refund 1000 Experience Points, while each level in a Minor Class refunds 500 Experience per level. Additionally, these samples are just that, and may be changed so long as the Experience Point totals remain the same.


Classes for Level 7-8 Characters (20,000 Exp. Pts.) Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Class 1

Class 2

Major 8 (16500) Major 7 (12500) Major 7 (12500) Major 7 (12500) Minor 8 (13000) Minor 7 (10000) Minor 7 (10000) Minor 7 (10000)

Minor 3 (2500) Major 5 (7000) Major 4 (5000) Minor 5 (5500) Minor 5 (5500) Major 6 (9500) Major 5 (7000) Minor 5 (5500)

Class 3

Remaining Exp. Pts.





Minor 3 (2500) Minor 2 (1500)

0 500





Minor 3 (2500) Minor 4 (4000)

500 500

For example: Fighter 8/Ranger 3, or Grappler 7/Priest 5, etc.

Classes for Level 8-9 Characters (26,000 Exp. Pts.) Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Class 1

Class 2

Major 9 (21500) Major 8 (16500) Major 8 (16500) Major 8 (16500) Minor 9 (17000) Minor 8 (13000) Minor 8 (13000)

Minor 4 (4000) Major 6 (9500) Major 5 (7000) Minor 5 (5500) Minor 6 (7500) Major 7 (12500) Major 6 (9500)

Class 3

Remaining Exp. Pts.





Minor 3 (2500) Minor 4 (4000)

0 0





Minor 3 (2500)



Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Remaining Exp. Pts.


Minor 8 (13000)

Minor 6 (7500)

Minor 5 (5500)


For example: Sorcerer 8/Conjurer 6, or Marksman 8/Artificer 6/Sage 3, etc.

Classes for Level 9-10 Characters (34,000 Exp. Pts.) Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Class 1

Class 2

Major 10 (27500) Major 9 (21500) Major 9 (21500) Major 9 (21500) Minor 10 (22000) Minor 9 (17000) Minor 9 (17000) Minor 9 (17000)

Minor 5 (5500) Major 7 (12500) Major 6 (9500) Minor 6 (7500) Minor 7 (10000) Major 8 (16500) Major 7 (12500) Minor 7 (10000)

Class 3

Remaining Exp. Pts.





Minor 3 (2500) Minor 4 (4000)

500 1000





Minor 4 (4000) Minor 5 (5500)

500 1500

For example: Fighter 9/Priest 6/Sage 3, or Fencer 10/Fairy Tamer 7, etc.

Classes for Level 10-11 Characters (44,000 Exp. Pts.) Sample

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3


Major 11 (35000) Major 10 (27500) Major 10 (27500)

Minor 6 (7500) Major 8 (16500) Major 7 (12500)


Remaining Exp. Pts. 1500



Minor 4 (4000)


2 3



Class 1

Class 2

Class 3


Major 10 (27500) Minor 11 (28000) Minor 10 (22000) Minor 10 (22000) Minor 10 (22000)

Minor 7 (10000) Minor 8 (13000) Major 9 (21500) Major 8 (16500) Minor 8 (13000)

Minor 5 (5500) -

5 6 7 8

Remaining Exp. Pts. 1000 3000



Minor 5 (5500) Minor 6 (7000)

0 1500

For example: Grappler 10/Enhancer 7/Ranger 5, or Fencer 11/Scout 8, etc.

Classes for Level 11-12 Characters (56,000 Exp. Pts.) Sample

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3


Major 12 (44000) Major 11 (35000) Major 11 (35000) Major 11 (35000) Minor 12 (35500) Minor 11 (28000) Minor 11 (28000) Minor 11 (28000)

Minor 7 (10000) Major 8 (16500) Major 8 (16500) Minor 8 (13000) Minor 9 (17000) Major 10 (27500) Major 9 (21500) Minor 9 (17000)


Remaining Exp. Pts. 2000



Minor 4 (4000) Minor 6 (7500) -





Minor 5 (5500) Minor 7 (10000)


2 3 4 5 6 7 8



For example: Sorcerer 12/Sage 7, or Fencer 11/Rider 9/Ranger 5, etc.


Important Note! Classes to Learn! When creating characters, it is important that someone in the adventuring party has mastered the Scout and Sage classes (though it doesn't have to be the same character with both classes). Without Scouts, the party will have trouble navigating their way through cities and dungeons and will almost certainly be on the backfoot when it comes to monsters and combat initiative. Without Sages, it's difficult to figure out what kind of monsters you may be fighting, and the party can be taken advantage of by attacks and defenses that remain unknown. Additionally, searching through ruins and labyrinths becomes significantly more difficult without the knowledge of a Sage handy. Please consult with the other players when creating characters, in order to make sure your adventuring party has all of the appropriate classes covered!

Language Acquisition Learning languages as high-level characters is the same as learning languages as a starting character. However, if a character ends up taking levels in either the Sage or Bard classes, these classes offer the chance to learn additional languages. Exactly which languages the character learns through these classes is up to the player.


Determining Adventurer Level, HP and MP At this point, enough information should be available to determine the character's Adventurer Level, HP, and MP. Remember, Adventurer Level is the highest level of all classes the character has levels in, while HP is the character's total Vitality plus three times their Adventurer Level, and MP is still the character's Spirit added to three times the combined levels of all spellcasting classes the character has. Learning Combat Feats A high-level character's Combat Feats begin with those learned as a starting character. Once the starting Combat Feats are determined, new Combat Feats are picked, up to a maximum based upon the character's Adventurer Level as shown in the table below. However, this does not consider those Combat Feats learned automatically (such as [Chain Attack] and [Throw Attack] when a level in Grappler is taken). Don't forget to list those Combat Feats as well. Combat Feats by Adventurer Level Adventurer Level Number of Combat Feats 1-2 1 3-4 2 5-6 3 7-8 4 9 - 10 5 11 - 12 6 13 - 14 7 15 8


Automatically Acquired Combat Feats Class

Level Combat Feat 7 Toughness Fighter 13 Battle Master 1 Chain Attack 1 Throw Attack Grappler 7 Counter 13 Battle Master 5 Treasure Hunt 7 Fast Action Scout 9 Shadow Sneak 12 Treasure Master 15 Skill Master 5 Healing Aptitude 7 Indomitable Ranger 9 Potion Master 12 Fleet Footed 15 Shukuchi 5 Keen Eyes 7 Weakness Exploit Sage 9 Mana Save 12 Mana Resistance 15 Sage's Wisdom Here, you can find explanation the riding rules for handle when riding a horse or motorcycle. It also contains additional rules for situations that were not explained in “Core Rulebook II”.


Purchasing Equipment and Spending Reputation Equipment can be freely purchased for high-level characters by using the large amount of money and Reputation. These stores of wealth can be used to purchase a lot of higher rank magical items and equipment, but don't forget to purchase the equipment needed for your classes. When purchasing Accessories, it's helpful to not only copy the name, but also the effect of the accessory (if any) onto the character sheet as well. When running low on money, it's not a bad idea to pick up some healing items and consumables, such as potions and Mako Stones, all at once. Finishing Up At this point, once the character is outfitted with equipment, they should be ready to begin play. Unlike starting characters, high-level characters are able to tackle much more difficult challenges, whether it be combat against a fierce dragon or arguing in the court of a king. Go out and enjoy the adventures that await!


Part 2 Game Rules


Rules for Riding This section covers rules for riding. For clarification, the term "riding" is referring to any time a character is on a horse, motorcycle, or other object or being that is capable of moving on its own separate from the mounted character. Riding and Mounts As mentioned above, riding is when a character is on a horse, motorcycle or other object or being that moves on its own. Objects and animals capable of being ridden are collectively referred to as "Mounts". When riding, it's assumed that the character riding has some control of the mount, whether it be the speed of the mount, the direction the mount is going, etc.

Riders and Jockeys While anyone can ride on a horse, for example, and be called a rider, there are those who can take the time and master everything there is to know about their mounts. These gifted individuals are better known as "Jockeys," having mastered the Rider class. Rider Restrictions Characters who wish to mount up, but do not have levels in the Rider class, are limited in the mounts they can choose. Specifically, such riders are limited to Horses, War Horses, and Manabikes (both normal and minibikes). Additionally, they are unable to do much more than steer their mount. A jockey, on the other hand, is able to ride nearly any mount, so 67

long as their Rider class level is equal to or higher than the Mount's Appropriate Level. Benefits of Riding The most obvious benefit of riding a mount is being able to move using the Movement Speed and movement methods of the mount in question, regardless of the rider's own Movement Speed. For example, riding a Pegasus will allow the rider to not only move at the Pegasus' speed, but also fly through the sky at the Pegasus' Flying speed. If the character has levels in the Rider class, they can use their Adventurer Level to enhance the skills of the mount. Additionally, jockeys have access to Riding Stunts, special techniques only Riders can perform, coaxing out the full power of the mount.

Strengthening Mounts Whenever a jockey is riding a mount, they can push the mount to its limits, drawing out more from the mount than nonjockeys. When the jockey is riding a mount, the mount's "Mount Level" is the same as the jockey's Adventurer Level. If the jockey's Adventurer Level is higher than the maximum value of the mount's Appropriate Level, then the mount's Mount Level is considered to be the maximum value instead. Adventurer Level Reference Under the revised riding rules, the mount will now use the jockey's Adventurer Level as long as the jockey meets the minimum required level to ride. As a result, the jockey and mount will tend to be much closer in level, making the mount much easier to handle after this revision.


Perception when Riding and Commanding the Mount Each mount has a set perception, separate from that of the jockeys. If a rider or jockey gives a command to a mount, and the mount cannot understand the command due to a lack of perception (i.e., it cannot find the destination or appropriate target), then the command will end up ignored. Any bonuses and penalties to perception will be handled separately between jockey and mount.

Restrictions when Riding When riders and jockeys mount up, they are bound by certain restrictions. Riders, for example, must take up the method of control (whether reins, handlebars, or something else) in both hands, and cannot use either hand for something other than controlling their mount. Jockeys, on the other hand, are able to ride one-handed, and so can use their other hand for weapons, items, spells, magical implements, etc.

Riding Behavior and Riding Checks Normally, riders and jockeys do not need to make any sort of check while riding or controlling mount. However, there may be special circumstances where the GM may rule that the mount is becoming skittish, unstable, or something along those lines. In such cases, the GM may call for a Riding check in order to keep the mount under control. Riding Checks when not Mounted Even if the jockey is not riding the mount when the GM calls for a Riding check, if the jockey and mount are in close proximity to each other is it assumed that the jockey has control of the mount in some manner (reins in hand, holding 69

handlebars, etc.). In such cases, the Riding check would be made as though the jockey was actually riding the mount. Mount Behavior If a mount must make a check while away from a jockey, they have a standard value given as part of their data, and this standard value is what gets used. In this situation, the mount's level is calculated using the Adventurer Level of its jockey. If the mount needs to make a check and there is no given reference value, assume the value is equal to the Mount Level.

Falling and Mounts If either the rider (or jockey) or the mount would fall over while riding, the rider falls prone and will take falling damage. In this situation, the fall distance is equal to 1/20th the distance moved in the previous turn (rounded up), with a minimum of 2m. As with regular falling damage, the character may attempt a Tumble check to reduce the damage taken from falling off of a mount.

Passengers and Double Riding A rider or jockey can have another character riding on the same mount. Such a character is known as a "Passenger", and riding with a passenger is "Double Riding". Even with a passenger, a mount does not change its Movement Speed or types of movement, and the mount's data does not change. Additionally, both the rider and passenger will move at the mount's Movement Speed, taking their Moves simultaneously. It takes a Major Action for a character to either mount or dismount as a passenger.


When double riding, all riders (including jockeys) receive a -4 penalty to all checks. In addition, passengers cannot use their hands for anything but holding on to the mount, and the only Action they may take, Major or Minor, is to dismount the mount. Jockeys Unlike other riders, having levels in the Rider class and becoming a jockey will help a character get the best out of anything they choose to mount. There is also the possibility to join the Riders' Guild and rent a mount, purchase a Mount Contract Certificate, and shop for other rider- and mountrelated equipment.

Mount Contract Certificates and Renting Mounts Jockeys are able to rent mounts from the Riders' Guild, so long as they have a Mount Contract Certificate. This certificate shows that the character has the requisite knowledge and skill to ride that particular type of mount, and so for each different mount offered, a new Mount Contract Certificate must be purchased. However, once this is taken care of, that mount may be rented any number of times. Returning the Mount At the end of the session, mounts rented from the Riders' Guild must be returned. However, if the mount's HP is 0 or less, the Guild will look down on the character as someone who can't protect their mount and will give the character a Dishonor Mark.


Mount Upkeep Whether buying a mount to own, or renting one from the Guild, upkeep and maintenance costs will need to be paid. To keep bookkeeping simple, the upkeep and maintenance costs for a mount is the same as the PC for both food and shelter. Magitech-Type mounts, as well as those that are animated statues, do not require such upkeep and maintenance costs. About Mount Upkeep These costs are not paid on a session-by-session basis, but rather only when a PC would be eating or sleeping.

Mount Control and Strengthening a Mount Another benefit of being a jockey is being able to control the mount with one hand, leaving the other open. Additionally, the jockey is more accurately able to command the mount, due to their training. Also, when the jockey is riding a mount, the mount's "Mount Level" is the same as the jockey's Adventurer Level. If the jockey's Adventurer Level is higher than the maximum value of the mount's Appropriate Level, then the mount's Mount Level is considered to be the maximum value instead.

Learning and Using Stunts By taking levels in the Rider class, the character is able to learn different Stunts that they can have the mount perform. For each level in the Rider class the character has, they may learn one Stunt, as listed in the Rider's class description later on.


Jockey Benefit Summary • • • • • •


Able to control a mount with one hand Minor Action instead of a Major Action to mount or dismount Make Riding Checks Use your Adventurer Level instead of the mount's Mount Level Perform Stunts Rent a mount free of charge from the Riders' Guild with appropriate Mount Contract Certificate

Mounts Definition of a Mount A mount is an object or character intended to be controlled by a rider, through holding a bridle and reins or a control stick, riding, and issuing commands. All mounts are operated by a single rider, moving, and acting based upon the rider's intentions. Additionally, jockeys can also enhance a mount, and have learned how to get the most out of any mount they ride.

Riding Conditions and Proper Level In order to ride a mount properly, the rider's levels in the Rider class must at least equal the mount's minimum Appropriate Level, if not higher. Mount Ownership In order to protect a mount from being stolen or manipulated by others, the jockey needs to establish ownership of the mount they're using. In doing so, the mount will recognize the jockey as the one in control and will refuse to work with others. Mounts owned by the jockey will exclusively respond to the jockey's commands, and no others. In order to show knowledge of the mount and to establish a contract with the Riders' Guild, the jockey needs to have a Mount Contract Certificate. However, to show ownership of a specific mount, the jockey also needs to have a Mount 74

Proprietary Certificate. One of the benefits of the Proprietary Certificate is the jockey can transform the mount in question into a statue form.

Securing Ownership and Certificates The Mount Contract Certificate is a paper showing that the character has a contract with a particular mount. The Contract Certificate does not need to be equipped, just in the character's possession. When renting a mount at the Riders' Guild, the character presents the Contract Certificate and signs a contract in order to temporarily become the mount's master. When making a contract, a simple ritual is performed, and a magical mark is engraved onto the mount in order to show ownership. This contract lasts until the mount is returned to the Riders' Guild, at which point the mark disappears. If either the jockey or mount die, the magical mark is not removed. A jockey cannot rent a mount from the Riders' Guild without a Mount Contract Certificate. The name of the mount is attached to the certificate as well, so there is no generic Mount Contract Certificate, but a character may have a Horse Contract Certificate, or a Draconet Contract Certificate. Each mount's contract is sold by the Riders' Guild, and the price of each Certificate is listed in the Mount Data. Mount Contract Sphere For Magitech-Type mounts, the Riders' Guild offers magispheres instead of certificates. However, the uses are practically the same as a certificate.


Proprietary Certificates and Spheres If a character ends up actually purchasing a mount from the Riders' Guild, and not just renting one, the character is given a Proprietary Mount Certificate or Proprietary Mount Sphere. This is proof that a character owns a particular mount. The Proprietary Mount Certificate is prepared for an individual mount, and the character's name is added to the Certificate as well, so it would end up being "(Character Name)'s Proprietary Mount Certificate". Even if someone else has a Mount Contract Certificate for the same type of mount, the mount cannot have the Guild's seal ritual performed on it, and it will not listen to anyone other than its owner. Additionally, any mount whose owner has a Proprietary Certificate (or Sphere) increases all sections' maximum HP by 10. Exclusive Certificates and Normal Contracts Purchasing a mount from the Riders' Guild doesn't preclude the jockey from continuing to rent mounts from the Guild. In fact, it is possible to have an owned mount and a rental mount from the Guild at the same time. While a rental mount still needs to abide by the rules in the contract with the Riders' Guild, a purchased mount does not need to abide by the same rules. Mounts without Contracts Without a Mount Contract Certificate, a mount is not considered to have any sort of owner, Riders' Guild or otherwise. However, even without a Certificate, a character riding a mount is temporarily considered the mount's owner. Wild animals, having not been trained by the Riders' Guild and used to having a rider, cannot be considered mounts as 76

they are. However, with the GM's permission, a character can try and communicate with the animal in order to turn it into a mount. In that case, the character can receive a Proprietary Mount Certificate when registering that mount with the Riders' Guild free of charge.

Ownership Restrictions Mount ownership remains valid as long as Jockey keeps the Mount Contract Certificate and a Mount Proprietary Certificate. However, Jockey can have active Stunt effects on one mount at the same time. Transfer of Ownership If you have multiple Mount Contract Certificates and Mount Proprietary Certificates, you can carry around multiple mounts as statues or in enclosures or ride them as jockey see fit. Even if jockey takes hold of another jockey’s Mount Contract Certificate, the ownership will not be transferred. Neither Mount Contract Certificate nor Mount can be used by others. However, jockey who does not have its Mount Contract Certificate will not be able to mount contracted mount and will not be able to perform stunt with it. If you lose your Mount Contract Certificate, you will need to pay the same amount to reissue it. Ownership and Rent of Multiple Beasts If you own different types of Mount Contract Certificates or Mount Contract Spheres, you can rent them all from the Rider’s Guild, one body at a time. However, you cannot control more than one mount at the same time. 77

Mount Statues A jockey can have a mount turned into a statue by affixing a Mount Certificate, Proprietary Certificate or other paperwork used in the contract ritual (such as a Reduction Tag) directly to the mount. In doing so, the mount becomes a statue and shrinks to be about the size of one's palm, making it impervious to harm and easy to carry around. However, the jockey must own the mount in question, and if they lose ownership of the mount, it cannot be recalled from a statue form. A mount in statue form cannot move on its own and is treated as though time has not passed at all once recalled from statue form. In order to recall the mount, the attached tag must be removed from the statue. It is greatly advised that the statue be placed on the ground before the tag is removed, as the mount will return to normal size upon tag removal. Difference Between Certificates and Reduction Tags When turning a mount into a statue, or recalling a mount from a statue, if a Mount Certificate or Proprietary Certificate is used in the process, it is a Major Action to either affix or remove the Certificates. However, when using any of the Reduction Tags (I to III), it is only a Minor Action to affix or remove the Tag. Storing and Recalling Magitech-Type Mounts Magitech-type mounts can be stored and recalled similar to other mounts, though the specifics differ. For Magitech-type mounts, Mount Spheres, Proprietary Spheres, and Manabike Storage Spheres are all built around a particular mount, which is stored within the magisphere. In order to either store or 78

recall a Magitech-type mount, the jockey must spend 1 MP while holding the appropriate magisphere. This MP may come from a Mako Stone, if so desired. As with Contract Certificates, Mount Spheres and Proprietary Spheres require a Major Action to either store or recall a mount, while the Manabike Storage Sphere only uses a Minor Action. Reduction Tag Interference Reduction Tags aren't the strongest of magics, so when two mounts turned into statues via these Tags are in close proximity to each other, the magic of one Tag will interfere with the other, causing both mounts to revert to normal size. Because of this interference, a jockey may only turn one mount into a statue via Reduction Tags. However, the magic in the Reduction Tags does not interfere with any Certificates or Spheres, allowing the jockey to use those to carry more stored mounts with them. Promoting Mounts Horses purchased and owned by jockeys may undergo special training at the Riders' Guild, and if successful can be trained as War Horses. These War Horses can be trained further, becoming Legendary Horses, and finally Divine Horses. However, in order to receive such training, both rider and horse must be a part of the Riders' Guild, and the appropriate training costs must be paid. Once this is taken care of, it will be assumed that the training happens during downtime between adventures, and the mount will be promoted at the beginning of the next session. 79

Even if a mount is promoted this way, the original Proprietary Certificate for the mount will still be valid proof of ownership. Promotion Expenses Before Promotion After Promotion Cost (G) Horse War Horse 7,500 War Horse Legendary Horse 15,000 Legendary Horse Divine Horse 40,000 Death of a Mount Here, we will explain what to do if the mount dies.

Loss of a Mount If a mount rented from the Riders' Guild is reported as deceased, the rider who rented it will receive a Dishonor Mark, showing that they were neglectful enough to allow a mount to die. However, no other compensation is required. If a mount that was owned by the rider dies, not only is the mount lost, but the corresponding Proprietary Certificate/Sphere is also rendered useless and cannot be used to create a contract with another mount. Magitech-Type Mounts and Destruction Magitech-type mounts are not considered to be either alive or dead, even when functioning. If a Magitech-type mount's HP reaches 0, however, it is considered to be immediately destroyed. If the mount was rented from the Riders' Guild and returned while destroyed, the rider will receive a Dishonor Mark just the same as they would with other mounts.


Reviving Dead Mounts As a general rule, a mount cannot be revived using the "Resurrection" spell once dead. However, if both the GM and PC can come to an agreement, "Resurrection" may just work to resuscitate a dead mount. In doing so, the mount does receive soulscars as a PC would. Additionally, Resurrecting a mount rented from the Riders' Guild will still give the rider a Dishonor Mark upon return.

Mounts with Multiple Sections Mounts with multiple sections do not die until either all sections have their HP reduced to 0, or the main section has its HP reduced to 0. If a non-main body section has its HP reduced to 0 and it fails its Death Check, it will be treated as a Disabled Section. Disabled Sections cannot recover HP, nor have effects such as "Awaken" used on them. However, the item "Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration" will restore the Disabled Section to full functionality. Returning a rented mount with Disabled Sections to the Riders' Guild will give the rider a Dishonor Mark. "Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration" This magical tincture will restore all Disabled Sections (other than the Main Section) to 1 HP and restores their functions. The medicine takes 10 minutes to fully work. It is possible to buy some Secret Medicine from the Riders' Guild and use it on mounts just before returning them to the Guild. While not the most ethical thing to do, it will allow the return of a mount without giving the renter a Dishonor Mark like returning a mount with Disabled Sections would. Additionally, this medicine can be sold directly to the Guild, 81

and will almost always fetch straight market value due to the potency of the medicine combined with how rare it is to find. Dishonor Marks If a mount rented from the Riders' Guild dies over the course of an adventure, the rider does not get reimbursed for the money they paid to rent the mount. Additionally, a Dishonor Mark is not only attached the rider's rental account but is also spread to other Riders' Guild locations. Dishonor Marks on a rental account show that the rider is reckless and has let a mount die under their control before.

Disadvantages of Dishonor Marks If a rider attempts to rent a mount from the Riders' Guild and they have a Dishonor Mark on their account, then an additional charge is applied before the rental can occur. This additional fee is determined by not only the price of the Mount Contract, but also which type of Dishonor Mark the prospective rider has. For example, if the rider has the Dishonor Mark of Horse Killer, then they will need to pay an extra 125 Gamels in order to rent a horse, but an additional 500 gamels to rent a manabike. Dishonor Marks Type of Mark Horse Killer Abandoner Guild Ruiner Mount Killer Corpse Rider

Additional Fee 0.5x 1x 2x 3x Temporary Banishment

Rep Required for Expunging 20 30 50 70 100 82

Increasing Dishonor If a rider continues to have mounts die or be destroyed under their watch, the type of Dishonor Mark will change, increasing in severity. Not only will additional rental fees continue to be applied, but the Reputation needed to get the Dishonor Mark expunged increases. In increasing severity, the Marks go from “Horse Killer” to "Abandoner", "Guild Ruiner", "Mount Killer", and finally "Corpse Rider". Temporary Banishment A character who has earned the most disgraceful Dishonor Mark, "Corpse Rider", will be banned temporarily from the Riders' Guild. Not only will they not be able to rent or purchase any mounts, but they are also prohibited from purchasing any other items from the Guild as well.

Removing Dishonor Marks Dishonor Marks are treated as titles offering 0 Reputation, but they cannot be removed by the PC without permission from the Riders' Guild. In order to expunge a Dishonor Mark, the PC will have to pay Reputation. The PC may pay Reputation at any time in order to remove the Dishonor Mark, but even if the Reputation is paid immediately upon death of the mount, the character still has to wait until the next session to be able to rent another mount from the Guild. Not all Dishonor Marks can be removed through payment of Reputation. However, most Dishonor Marks can be expunged, though the payment of Reputation should be kept track of. For example, removing the most basic Dishonor Mark, "Horse Killer" would be noted under Reputation purchases as "Horse Killer (1st time, expunged)". 83

As with most Reputation payments, paying Reputation to remove Dishonor Marks will result in a loss of Total Reputation. Removing Higher Dishonor Marks If a character has a higher Dishonor Mark, then they will only drop down to the next highest Dishonor Mark when paying Reputation to expunge Dishonor Marks. For example, if a character has the "Guild Ruiner" Dishonor Mark and pays the appropriate Reputation to have that removed (in this case, 50 Reputation), then their Dishonor Mark will drop to "Abandoner", rather than be removed entirely. If the character has enough unspent Reputation, they can remove more than one Dishonor Mark at a time. As with most Reputation payments, paying Reputation to remove Dishonor Marks will result in a loss of Total Reputation. Re-Earning Dishonor Marks Once a character has their Dishonor Marks fully expunged but managed to have a rental mount killed or destroyed under their watch again, they will earn the lowest Dishonor Mark, "Horse Killer", again. To distinguish this from the last Dishonor Mark, it should be noted as "Horse Killer (2nd Time)".


GM Guide: Handling Mounts During Gameplay As GM you must be aware of the extent to which the mounts can go. For example, it's difficult, if not nearly impossible, to have a mount in the narrow passageways of a barrow mound, nor would it be socially acceptable to ride a mount into a highlevel aristocrat's mansion. Players with the Rider class may feel that their choice of class is wasted if they are constantly being placed in positions where having a mount is unacceptable. In order to prevent such feelings, it is suggested that the GM incorporate scenarios where having a Rider in the party would be useful, and have places designed for a Rider character to be able to mount up and use their class to the fullest. As a player, it should be your prerogative to actively devise ways to allow your Rider skills to be useful, such as encouraging an enemy into a larger arena where a mount would be usable. If you have a small dungeon or one-shot session or special scenario that doesn’t mount-friendly, talk to your players that plan to use rider class, so everyone is on board.


Mounted Combat

Notes Regarding Mounts in Combat When a rider brings a mount into combat, there are a few changes to the flow of combat. This section will go into detail regarding those changes.

Riding in Battle When engaging in combat, both the mounted PC and mount can actively participate. The mounted PC and mount are considered to have the same coordinates, and the movement type and speed used are those of the mount. While riding, the mount moves and performs Major Actions as commanded by the rider. As a general rule, if the mount is nor being ridden, it will not move or take Major Actions on its own, but will act on its own instincts. Just like a monster with multiple sections, a mount and rider can act independently from each other, and are targeted separately for effects.

Mount Weaknesses Just as with most monsters, mounts do have weaknesses, though specifics depend upon the type of mount. If an enemy spellcaster appears, it is a possibility that these weaknesses might be exploited. Unlike monsters, whose weaknesses are found through a Monster Knowledge check, a mount's weaknesses are 86

discovered through a contested roll at the start of the battle. The jockey's Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus is compared to the character with the highest Magic Power among the enemies, and if the jockey is successful, the mount's weaknesses are unusable. However, if the monsters win, then all enemies (not just the spellcaster) may take advantage of the mount's weaknesses. This check is made during the "Begin Combat" step. Actions While Riding in Combat

Rider Behavior The actions available for a rider to take in combat depends upon the mount's movement. For example, if the mount takes a Normal Move, then the rider is also limited to actions available after a Normal Move, and so on. Weapon Restrictions while Riding As a general rule, Wrestling type weapons cannot be used while mounted. Additionally, at least one hand must be used to control the mount, so any two-handed weapon cannot be used while mounted. Mounting and Dismounting In order for a character to mount up or dismount from a mount during combat, if that character does not have any levels in the Rider class, then they must mount up or dismount as a Major Action. However, if they have any levels in the Rider class, then these actions become Minor Actions. A character may choose to mount up or dismount either before or after the mount's movement, but can only choose to either mount up or dismount once per turn. 87

Sealing and Unsealing Statues in Combat For more details on sealing a mount into a statue, unsealing a mount from a statue, or calling a mount from a magisphere, see "Mount Statues".

Behavior of Mounts in Combat Mounts can, as their Major Action, use melee attacks and special abilities appropriate to the combat at hand. If there are any abilities that can be used as Minor Actions, they will be noted as such. Any special abilities the mount has are considered to be those able to be used after a Normal Move, unless otherwise noted. Generally, anything a PC can do during combat, a mount can also do. For example, attacking with ranged weapons or magic are actions that would require the mount to take a Limited Move. Mounts with Multiple Sections For mounts with multiple sections, only one section can be commanded per turn, but that section is able to use both Major and Minor Actions. It is possible to command different sections over the course of multiple turns. In order to command multiple sections in the same turn, Stunts such as "Lion's Fury" or "Versatility" must be used.

Forcefully Dismounting In situations where either the rider or mount is knocked prone, the rider falls off the mount, and is forced to stop riding. Similarly, if either the rider or the mount is forced to move, the rider will become unmounted as they will be at different coordinates after the forced movement. For example, if only the rider (or mount) is forced to move, the mount (or rider) will remain at its original coordinates, and the rider will 88

fall prone after moving. If both the rider and mount are forced to move to the same coordinates, however, the rider will remain mounted. Notes on [Throw Attack] and Similar Effects When using [Throw Attack], or any other effect that involves counting the number of sections a character has, for convenience the rider and mount are considered to have the same number of sections as the mount normally + 1 (for the rider). When a Rider or Mount Loses Consciousness If either the rider or mount loses consciousness (i.e. from being put to sleep magically, having their HP drop to 0, etc), the rider falls prone off of the mount. If the rider is the one falling unconscious, they may not Tumble in order to prevent falling damage. Passengers If a rider is forcefully dismounted and would fall prone, any passengers that may be riding along will also fall prone off of the mount.


Riders without Rider Class Levels When a rider who does not have class levels in the Rider Class participates in combat, the rider themselves are in a state where both hands are unable to be used. Without a hand free to guide them, mounts cannot perform Major Actions in combat when mounted by such a rider. Enemy Riders and Mounts When an enemy with Rider levels appears, the rider and mount are considered two different monsters for determining Initiative, Reputation and Weakness. However, the handling of [Throw Attack] and similar effects, as well as forced dismounting, are treated the same as they would for a PC. Also, defeating both a mount and rider will offer the chance for loot from both enemies.


Supplemental Rules New Skills Detect Calculation: Adventurer level + Intelligence modifier Use Time: 10 seconds (1 round) Effect: Allows you to see through illusions, detect lies, and see through falsehoods. Details: If you have a suspicion that something may not be what it seems, the GM may allow you to try and Detect the truth. If successful, you can: • • •

see through illusions and disguises; know if someone is trying to lie to you; notice inconsistencies in stories (such as someone pretending to be an amnesiac, or a high-level adventurer pretending to be a fledgeling); tell if a Barbaros is taking human form.

The target number for this skill is usually determined by the GM. In the case of trying to see through a disguise, it is a contested roll against the original Disguise check.


Using Detect in Play If players go around trying to Detect everything they come across, illusory or not, the progress of the game will grind to a halt. However, never allowing players a chance to catch disguised opponents is no fun either. The GM needs to weigh the options of using the skill, and could only allow it where there is an actual possibility of discovering falsehoods. At the same time, if PCs never think to look for illusions and disguises, or players blindly accept testimony that their characters would notice as false, it may not be a bad idea for the GM to call for a Detect check.

Discovering the Nature of Hidden Monsters Some monsters, like mimics and gargoyles, are able to disguise themselves using their special abilities to seem like they are something else. The Detect skill can be used to uncover these monsters while hiding, as well as other NPCs using magic to hide their true appearance. In these situations, the GM should make a Detect check in secret for each of the PCs, allowing players whose characters succeed to make Monster Knowledge checks after they determine that something is wrong. The target number for these Detect checks should be based on the information and clues that the PCs have come across, being easier if PCs have done their work and are attentive to their surroundings, or having a higher target number if the characters are doing little more than blindly flailing around. As a general rule, Detect checks are something the GM calls for. No matter how suspicious an NPC may act, Detect checks are not something the PC can actively ask the GM to roll for. 92

Riding Calculation: Rider level + Dexterity modifier Use Time: Instant Effect: Maintains control over a mount during difficult circumstances. Details: When riding a mount in difficult circumstances, such as "riding across a log bridge", or "riding through deep mud in a rainstorm", a successful check allows you to stay on your mount. A failed check will halt movement, and in some situations may even throw the rider off the mount. Taking Minor Actions as Major Actions In addition to such actions like mounting or dismounting a mount, actions that can be done as Minor Actions may also be performed as a character's Major Action for the turn. This includes such actions as "Receiving a Weapon" or "Standing from Prone". However, this does not allow for circumventing a "once per turn" limitation on some Minor Actions by performing them both as a Minor Action and a Major Action. Also, some Minor Actions are specifically only able to be performed as Minor Actions, and so cannot be performed as a Major Action.

New Range/Area: Breakthrough Area: Breakthrough The user of an effect with Area: Breakthrough will move in a straight line to any point within the range of that character's Full Move, and will affect all characters within that path. While 93

using an effect with Area: Breakthrough, the user is unaffected by movement obstruction, and will always perform a Full Move (even if they don't move their full distance). The specified end point must be visible before using an effect with Area: Breakthrough, and such effects cannot be used while already engaged in melee with enemies. If the center of a battlefield is included in the path, the effect is treated the same as an effect with Area: Line. Enhanced Racial Features (11th Level) The following are further enhancements for racial features once a character's Adventurer Level is 11th or higher. Typically, there is one ability that is preferred to be used over others due to ease of use, and so those will be listed below. Valkyries will also have their 6th Level Enhanced Ability shown below as well. Use This as Option Rule Please use this rule as an optional rule. If using these rules, refer to Core Rulebook II for 6th level enhancements.

Race Summary


Strengthened [Sword's Racial Feature Salvation/Change Fate] When using [Sword's Salvation/Change Fate], add +2 to the result. However, this will not work if changing double 6's to double 1's (which will also cause an automatic failure), or vice versa. When using a Power Table, the maximum result is 12.


Race Summary

Race Summary

Race Summary

Race Summary

Race Summary

Race Summary



Strengthened Racial [Sword's Salvation/Gentle Feature Water] By soaking your whole body in water for 1 hour, you can recover HP and MP as though sleeping 6 hours. This can be done once per day and does not interfere with normal sleeping and recovery.


Strengthened Racial [Sword's Salvation/Body Feature of Flame] You now resist Energy-type damage from any source as well. When dealt Energy-type damage, it is automatically halved. If the source of the damage has Resist: Half, then a successful Fortitude or Willpower check (as appropriate) will reduce damage to 0 instead.

Tabbit Strengthened Racial Feature [Danger Sense] When making a Danger Sense check, add +4 to the result.


Strengthened Racial [HP Feature Conversion] [HP Conversion] can now be used twice per day.


Strengthened Racial [Alternate Feature Form] When in [Alternate Form], all Accuracy and Spellcasting checks receive a +1 bonus.


Strengthened Racial [Moonlight's Feature Protection] Willpower is increased by an extra +2 (to +6), while Poison, Curse and Disease damage are reduced by an additional -3 (to -6).



Race Summary

Race Summary

Race Summary


Strengthened Racial Feature

[Sword's Salvation/Wings of the Wind] Flying using [Sword's Salvation/Wings of the Wind] can last up to 12 rounds per day.


Strengthened Racial [Mana Feature Interference] When fighting monsters with "Perception: Magic", you receive a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion.


Strengthened Racial [Child of Feature Magic] All Magic Power is increased by an additional +1 (to +2).


Strengthened Racial Blessing of the Feature War-Maiden 6th Level: In addition to the bonus to Fortitude and Willpower, increase the target's Defense by -3, and reduce all magical damage received by -3. 11th Level: [Blessing of the War-Maiden] can now be used twice per day.

Destroying Structures During the session, there may arise a situation where the players want to destroy some structure, like a box, building, door, etc. The following section covers rules for such situations.

Structure Data Each structure has a thickness, Defense and HP. Depending upon the materials and tools used, it may be impossible to critically damage a structure, let alone actually do any damage 96

at all. Keep in mind that a structure's Defense is only half as effective against magical damage.

Destroying Structures Destroying structures is similar to attacking monsters, except the structure cannot use any sort of Evasion to dodge attacks. Essentially, this means that a character will hit a structure on any roll except double 1's. However, a character can only damage a structure once per attack per round (so [Dual Technique], [Chain Attack], and other methods of attacking multiple times allows multiple instances of damaging structures). If a structure isn't taken down with one attack, it can be attacked again until destroyed. Poison-type, Curse-type, Disease-type, and Psychic-type effects deal no damage to structures.

Structures and Magic in Combat During combat, it's likely that a large area of effect will inevitably include structures, such as walls and doors. In situations like this, typically if there is no intention to destroy the structures, they will not be damaged. The GM may change this if they feel it necessary, though.

List of Structures Information for typical structures is listed below, and should be referred to when necessary. However, should the circumstances warrant it, the GM may choose to increase the thickness of a structure, increasing its HP accordingly.

Wooden Door (Thickness: 2 cm) 97

Wooden Door (Thickness: 2 cm) Defense: 6 HP: 20 No Criticals: Bow Summary: A relatively sturdy door often found in dungeons and private homes. It can be reinforced with iron, making it more robust. Iron Door (Thickness: 2 cm) Defense: 16 HP: 40 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: An iron door, occasionally seen in dungeons. Being solid iron, it's extremely tough and difficult to break through. Wooden Wall (Thickness: 5 cm) Defense: 8 HP: 30 No Criticals: Bow Summary: The outer wall of a standard private home. Stone Wall (Thickness: 20 cm) Defense: 18 HP: 60 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: A standard wall made of stone, often seen in dungeons.


Brick Wall (Thickness: 10 cm) Defense: 12 HP: 50 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: A wall made of hardened bricks, typically seen as outer walls for upper-class private homes. Iron Wall (Thickness: 5 cm) Defense: 22 HP: 80 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Axe, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Slash, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: A wall made of solid, thick iron. The thicker it gets, the harder it is to penetrate. Wooden Fence (Thickness: 2 cm) Defense: 4 HP: 15 No Criticals: Bow Summary: A simple barrier meant to run the perimeter of rural areas. Often used to corral and protect livestock from predators, as well as delineate multiple fields of farmland. Stone Outer Wall (Thickness: 1 m) Defense: 22 HP: 120 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: An outer wall made of solid stone, designed to protect small-to-medium fortified towns and cities.


Stone Rampart (Thickness: 2 m) Defense: 30 HP: 300 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: A standard rampart. Wooden Gate (Thickness: 8 cm) Defense: 10 HP: 40 No Criticals: Bow Summary: A double-sided gate, often seen used in walls surrounding mansions. When used in outer walls and ramparts, it can be two to three times as thick. Iron Gate (Thickness: 8 cm) Defense: 26 HP: 200 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Axe, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Slash, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: A sturdy iron gate, often seen in fortified castle walls. It's hard to find a better gate than solid iron. Wooden Chest (Thickness: 1 cm) Defense: 6 HP: 15 No Criticals: Bow Summary: A standard chest made of hardwood. Destroying the chest may also damage or destroy any fragile contents.


Iron Chest (Thickness: 1 cm) Defense: 16 HP: 30 No Criticals: Sword, Spear, Thrown, Bow, Crossbow, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water/Ice Summary: A sturdy iron chest. Destroying the chest may also damage or destroy any fragile contents. New Uses for Reputation Here are some new things you can do with your reputation.

Personal Connection with NPCs By using the Reputation currently available, it is possible to create a personal bond between a PC and an NPC. Connections are treated the same way as Honored Items, tracked as "Connection: **/(NPC's name)", where // is the particular level of the bond. In order to form a connection with an NPC, the PC must refer to the chart below and spend the appropriate Reputation on that person in order to create a bond. If a PC is looking to bond with a particular character, they must first create a connection by knowing each other, even if it's only in passing. This is to prevent PCs from attempting to bond with characters they haven't met just yet. Deeper connections with that particular NPC are paid from the PC's Reputation towards increasing that bond to the level of "Friend", and later, "Confidant". Aquaintance The most basic of bonds, this shows that the NPC has acknowledged the character as someone of note, and will 101

usually remember the character by name. There may be a working relationship, where the NPC can trust the PC to take care of some simple business or task, but that's about the extent of the connection. Friend The PC and NPC have gotten to know each other, and will often allow the other to call them by nicknames, or at least be less formal with each other. The NPC and PC have a relationship close enough to help the other out in case of dire straits, but won't go so far as to put themselves out when doing so. The NPC positively reacts to hearing about the PC, and will often seek them out first if the strength of an adventurer is needed to handle some business or other. Confidant The PC and NPC are very close, able to share deep feelings both publicly and privately. Private worries and secrets are freely discussed, as is otherwise confidential information. A bond this deep is a relationship that has been tested and found to be strong, even in the face of adversity. In case of a crisis, the NPC will do everything in their power to help their friend out, and will wholly trust the PC with their life if necessary. Lost Connection A connection becomes strained if there is action taken against the NPC that is extremely detrimental, whether physically, socially, financially, etc. A loss of trust and faith in the PC will cause an existing connection to drop one level, alienating the NPC and causing a loss of Total Reputation. However, this does not apply if the PC was acting in good faith, and only caused harm to their NPC friend through the whims of fate. 102

If the NPC dies, there is no lost connection between them and the PC. However, at that point the PC cannot spend Reputation and build a stronger connection. Utilizing NPC Connections If a PC and NPC become particularly close during the course of a session, the GM may wish to grant the PC a connection with that NPC. To do so, the appropriate Reputation should also be given out, in order to allow the PC to pick up that connection. If the NPC is one created by the GM, and not one listed below, the GM should use the chart to determine an appropriate amount of Reputation in order to connect with a PC. If the PC has a connection with an NPC, the GM should actively try to bring the NPC into sessions at some point, in order to reinforce the connection between the characters. However, connections represent a relationship built on trust; if the PC tries to use the NPC in a situation convenient for the PC and not the NPC, or generally tries to take advantage of the connection between the two characters, the GM should warn the PC that they may be straining the connection, possibly losing the connection if the behavior continues.


Connection Table Main Residence

Acquaintanc e

Frien d

Confidan t

Emperor Julius Krause Luther Ellerden Drucken Gardel

Lukythra Imperial Palace Blue Thunder Swords Lukythra Institute of Magitechnolog y Durlesburg Fourth Army Kashkarn Garrison Fendil Royal Palace

























Port of Rocyletta Kudelia Bandit Guild "Deathcrimson " Razeldawn


















Lukythra Temple District Luferia, Rocyletta Luferia Main Temple Lukythra Thieves' Guild

















Magdalen a Yates Howl Barkman Kokul and Rafensa Dan Shirow Gertrude

Albert Duraland Blue Lip Revett Nono Vanillatte Amelia Skyfish Batelden Erra Shawn Graham


NPC Name


King Alfred III Marquis Cader Kudelia Rasun El Charade Shadorni k Shuligan James Kovar Valentin Carnot Adela Calvert Simon Bonnefoit Jorgen Reigliff Helmin Kartz Ishmael Church Seth Susaro Bernard Falk Bastian Bair Fulmeri Bergamen t 105

Main Residence

Acquaintanc e

Frien d

Confidan t

"Dark Night's Falcons" Durlesburg Palace Kudelia









Fendil Royal Palace Lonely Dragon









Kashkarn Consulate Fendil









Rocyletta Parliament Rocyletta Parliament Rocyletta Parliament Free City Alliance Council Temple of Lyfos in Lukythra Home in Kashkarn Duvall Royal Palace Duvall Royal Palace Dordea Fortress






































NPC Name

Main Residence

Acquaintanc e

Frien d

Confidan t

Sherio Trato Pampani

Unknown Miraboa Tabbit Autonomous Region Regalia Palace

200 50

400 100

800 200






Alphort Palace





Miraboa Palace Great Temple of Sephilia Great Temple of Sephilia Temple of La Lumeia Unknown





















Rudea Mountains Kerkyra Island La Lumeia Palace Barnad Council Mist Forest

















Xavier Hoaguel Bellanger Castanier Ixelles Jennebert Ismael Vizcaino Ulrika Atstelberg Raul Alfonso Marika No.3 Almiralda Volkreia Valerio Silvestri Emilio Pablo Blumkvist


NPC Name


Part 3 Data


Classes Riders, Mounts and Stunts Rider

Minor Class

A class designed to control mounts of various types, those with Ricer class levels are colloquially known as jockeys. While not a class designed to teach aptitude in combat with spells or steel, they can still participate and use their mounts to turn the tides. Jockeys become familiar with a number of different mounts and can control a mount with minimal movements. Restrictions: None • • • • • •

Rider levels influence the following: First Aid checks Riding checks Tumble checks Cartography checks Monster Knowledge checks ※

※ Identifying monsters only; cannot determine Weaknesses

Uses of Rider Class When riding a mount as a jockey, you can have the mount move and act according to your orders. No vocalizations or gestures are needed to issue such commands, however at least one hand needs to be in control of the mount in order to control and command the current mount. Controlling mount is a Minor Action, and the jockey is able to have the mount 108

take its Move, perform a Major Action, and perform any number of Minor Actions (within reason).

Acquiring Stunts When a character becomes a Rider, they also learn how to get the most out of any of the mounts they ride, whether animal, vehicle or otherwise. When taking a level of the Rider class, including the first, the character is able to choose a Stunt from the Stunts available to them. Some stronger Stunts are restricted by level, limiting their use to the more experienced Riders. As a general rule, Stunts can only be performed while riding a mount, are typically not magical effects, and do not cost MP to perform. How to Read Stunts

① Name

The name of the Stunt. The symbol in front of the name shows the type of Action, if any, needed to perform the Stunt. 109

౦: These Stunts are always active. ☆: These Stunts are performed as Minor Actions. It may be possible to perform multiple Minor Action Stunts at the same time. Ж: These Stunts are performed as Major Actions. ᐁ: These Stunts automatically occur once the appropriate conditions are met. ② Prerequisites

A list of the Stunts needed to be learned beforehand, if any. ③ Compatible

The types of mounts that are able to perform the Stunt in question. ④ Area

The area of the mount which is actually performing the Stunt and receiving the benefit thereof. None: This Stunt has no effect on the mount, and instead affects the Rider and passengers. Main: This Stunt only affects the Main Section of the mount if the mount has multiple Sections. All: This Stunt affects the entirety of the mount. ⑤ Summary

A quick overview of the Stunt and its effects. 110

⑥ Effect

Detailed descriptions of the Stunt and its effects. For Stunts that refer to stats such as "Rider Class Level" or "Intelligence Bonus" (for example), refer to the jockey's stats.

List of Stunts

1st Level Rider Required ☆ Intimidation Prer. Sum.


None Animals, Mythical Beasts Comp. Area Main -1 on certain checks The mount states at a target in the same battlefield with lethal intent, intimidating and frightening them. A contested roll is made between the rider's Rider Class Level + Spirit Bonus against the target's Willpower. If the Stunt is successful, the target receives a -1 penalty to Accuracy, Spellcasting and any checks made for Major Action Unique Skills. This is a Psychictype effect and can only be performed once every 10 seconds (1 round). Using this Stunt causes the mount to spend 5 MP.

౦ Remote Command Prer. Sum.



None Comp. Animals, Mythical Beasts Area All Command a mount from up to 30m away With this Stunt, the jockey can be up to 30m away and issue commands to their mount. A mount that is either an Animal or a Mythical Beast is able to hear their jockey and perform the command to the best of their abilities. The mount can also perform Stunts, and the Area of those Stunts can be shifted to either Main or All as the jockey sees fit. This Stunt has no effect while the jockey is riding a mount.

౦ Enhance Mount Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Main or Area Beasts, Magitech All Strengthens the mount temporarily This Stunt tightens the control the Rider has over the mount, increasing the mount's Accuracy and Evasion by +1. If the mount has multiple Sections, then only the Main Section receives such a bonus; if the mount has no sections at all, then the whole mount will be affected. None


ᐁ Mount's Devotion Prer. Sum.


Animals, Mythical Main Area Beasts If jockey would fall to 0 HP or lower, mount takes hit instead When being ridden by a jockey at the same coordinates, if the jockey would receive damage that would reduce them to 0 HP or lower, the mount may take the damage instead. After determining the total damage that would be dealt to the jockey, reduce the mount's HP by that much instead. If a mount has multiple sections, only the Main Section can be a substitute in this way. This Stunt can only be used once per battle. None


౦ Attack Obstruction Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area None Beasts, Magitech Rider/Passenger Evasion +1 The mount is maneuvered in such ways as to provide the rider and any passengers a +1 bonus to Evasion while riding. None



౦ Elevated Attack Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area None Beasts, Magitech Rider/Passenger Physical Damage +2 When riding a mount, this Stunt increases the physical damage done by the rider and any passengers by +2. This includes not only melee attacks, but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well. None


౦ Search Command Prer. Sum.


Animals, Mythical Main Area Beasts Mount can use Track, Danger Sense and Search The jockey can command the mount to attempt to use the Track, Danger Sense and/or Search skills. These skills are resolved using Rider class level + Intelligence bonus and utilize the enhanced senses of the mount in order to find what the rider is looking for. In order to make a skill check, the rider must be dismounted and holding the reins of the mount. None


౦ Tandem Prer. Sum. Eff.


Animals, Mythical Area None Beasts, Magitech Passengers may perform Actions at disadvantage By shifting their weight and supporting themselves with one arm, passengers may perform Major and Minor Actions while riding along with the jockey. However, they do receive a -2 penalty to all Actions when doing so. None


☆ Charge Prer. Sum.


Animals, Mythical All Area Beasts, Magitech Increase damage by attacking after movement Before moving, the jockey can declare a Charge. In doing so, the mount takes a Normal Move, and the first melee attack made this turn by either the jockey or mount deals an extra +1 damage per 5m moved (rounded up). The distance moved is measured by the shortest path between the mount's starting point and the attack target, regardless of the actual route taken. If the attack misses, the damage bonus is lost. If the mount cannot take a Normal Move, this Stunt cannot be used. None


౦ HP Enhancement Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Beasts, Area All Magitech Mount Max HP +10 Increase the Maximum HP of all sections of the mount by +10. None


5th Level Rider Required ☆ Limit Drive Prer. Sum.


None Magitech All Comp. Area Runaway mount gives +2 Accuracy, +4 damage, -2 Evasion When this Stunt is used, for the next 10 seconds (1 round), the Accuracy of all sections of the Mount are increased by +2, and all damage dealt by the mount is increased by +4. However, the Evasion of both the mount and jockey are reduced by -2 until the beginning of the next turn. This Stunt can only be used once per battle.


☆ Lion's Fury Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical All Area Beasts, Magitech Take up to two Major Actions If the mount has multiple sections, this Stunt can be used to give up to two of those sections a Major Action during the mount's turn. Any section that takes a Major Action with this Stunt receives a -2 penalty to their Evasion until the beginning of the next turn. None


౦ Riding as One Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area None Beasts, Magitech Ride a mount using no hands With training, the jockey can control the mount using only commands and by shifting their weight. This allows the jockey to ride while having both hands free to perform Actions with. None


౦ Improved Elevated Attack Prer. Sum. Eff.


Animals, Mythical Beasts, Area None Magitech Rider/Passenger Physical Damage additional +2 (total +4) When riding a mount, this Stunt further increases the physical damage done by the rider and any passengers by +2, to a total of +4 damage. This includes not only melee attacks, but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well. Elevated Attack


౦ Special Ability Release Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area All Beasts, Magitech Use special abilities of mounts With this Stunt, mount abilities that have "Prerequisite: Special Ability Release" can now be used. Additionally, abilities with "Enhance: Special Ability Release" can be used to their full extent. None


Ж Trample Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area All Beasts, Magitech Move and attack with Area: Breakthrough Before moving, the jockey can declare they are going to trample. Make a melee attack once with any section of the mount (including the jockey) on all targets within "Range: Mount's Full Move" and "Area: Breakthrough". Accuracy is rolled for each attack separately. Charge


Ж Magic Command Prer. Sum. Eff.



Animals, Mythical Beasts



Mount can use magic If the mount is one that can use magic spells, this Stunt allows the jockey to command the mount to cast a spell as a Major Action. The mount can cast spells as appropriate, such as being able to ignore metal armor penalties, the presence of the jockey, language barriers, etc.


౦ Improved HP Enhancement Prer. Sum. Eff.

HP Animals, Mythical Comp. Area All Enhancement Beasts, Magitech Mount Max HP additional +10 (total +20) Increase the Maximum HP of all sections of the mount by an additional +10, to a total of +20.

౦ MP Transfer Prer. Sum.


Animals, Mythical Main Area Beasts Jockey can use Mount's MP With this Stunt, the jockey is able to use the MP of the mount currently being ridden. This Stunt is treated the same as if the jockey were using MP from a Mako Stone (though this Stunt cannot also be combined with the use of a Mako Stone when spending MP). The amount of MP that can be used in this manner is equal to the character's Rider class levels, and MP can only be transferred from the Main Section (if the mount has multiple sections). Comp.


10th Level Rider Required ౦ Improved Enhance Mount Prer. Sum. Eff.


Animals, Main Mythical Beasts, Area or All Magitech Mount receives additional enhancements With this Stunt, the mount is significantly more mobile, increasing the mount's Accuracy and Evasion by an additional +1 (for a total of +2). If the mount has multiple Sections, then only the Main Section receives such a bonus; if the mount has no sections at all, then the whole mount will be affected. Enhance Mount


Ж Mounted Command Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area None Beasts, Magitech Riders and Companions Accuracy +2 By surveying the battlefield, the rider can lead others to success. As a Major Action, the jockey can grant all allies in the same battlefield (including the mount) a +2 bonus to Accuracy. None


౦ Greater Elevated Attack Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Comp. Area None Beasts, Magitech Rider/Passenger Physical Damage additional +4 (total +8) When riding a mount, this Stunt further increases the physical damage done by the rider and any passengers by +4, to a total of +8 damage. This includes not only melee attacks, but any ranged attacks and thrown weapons as well. Improved Elevated Attack

౦ Rampage Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area All Beasts, Magitech Additional Major Action after Charge After making a Charge attack, the jockey can take one additional Major Action (using the section that made the melee attack from Charge) at the coordinates where they finished making their Charge. Charge



౦ Supercharge Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area All Beasts, Magitech Charge even after a Full Move This Stunt allows the jockey to declare a Charge even after taking a Full Move. As with Charge, only one section of the mount (including the jockey) can make a melee attack. If the jockey uses Supercharge to make a Charge attack, they cannot also use Rampage. Charge


౦ Overdrive Prer. Sum. Eff.

Charge Magitech All Comp. Area Charge even after a Full Move This Stunt allows the jockey to declare a Charge even after taking a Full Move. As with Charge, only one section of the mount (including the jockey) can make a melee attack. If the jockey uses Supercharge to make a Charge attack, they cannot also use Rampage.

౦ Improved Attack Obstruction Prer. Sum. Eff.


Animals, Mythical Beasts, Area None Magitech Rider/Passenger Evasion Additional +1 (Total +2) The mount is maneuvered to provide the rider and any passengers an additional +1 bonus to Evasion while riding, for a total of +2. Attack Obstruction


౦ Special Ability Perfect Release Prer. Sum. Eff.

Special Animals, Mythical Ability Comp. Area All Beasts, Magitech Release Use all special abilities of mounts With this Stunt, mount abilities that have "Prerequisite: Special Ability Perfect Release" can now be used. Additionally, abilities with "Enhance: Special Ability Perfect Release" can be used to their full extent.

Ж Orochi's Fury Prer. Sum. Eff.

Lion's Animals, Mythical Comp. Area All Fury Beasts, Magitech Take Major Actions with all sections If the mount has multiple sections, this Stunt can be used to take a Major Action with each of those sections during the mount's turn. Any section that takes a Major Action with this Stunt receives a -2 penalty to their Evasion until the beginning of the next turn.

౦ Balance Prer. Sum. Eff.

Animals, Mythical Area None Beasts, Magitech Jockey acts independently of mount The jockey can steady themselves while riding, allowing them to take any Action that would be possible after a Limited Move, even if the mount moves during the same turn. None



Mount Chart Below is the list of mounts available to Riders. Name Horse Dolphin War Horse Legendary Horse Divine Horse Hippogryph Pegasus Wyvern Draconet Lesser Dragon Mini Manabike Manabike Superior Manabike Skybike

Classification Appropriate Level Animal 1-4 Animal 2-5 Animal 4-7 Animal 7 - 10 Animal 10 - 13 Mythical Beast 4-6 Mythical Beast 5-7 Mythical Beast 7-9 Mythical Beast 10 - 12 Mythical Beast 13 - 15 Magitech 1-2 Magitech 3-6 Magitech 7-9 Magitech 11 - 13

How to Read Mount Data ① Name

The name of the mount. If there is a reference page, that page shows data for the mount as a monster. ② Price

How much (in Gamels) it takes to acquire the mount. The first number is the price for purchasing the mount outright, while the second price is the cost for a Contract Certificate or Contract Sphere. If the mount has multiple sections (in this book, only Wyvern, Draconet and Lesser Dragon), the cost 121

for one dose of the "Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration" is listed after those prices. ③ Mount Data

Appropriate Level: The range of levels possible for the mount. Intelligence: The Intelligence of the mount. As a general rule, as long as a jockey can give instructions, the mount will act according to those instructions, but will revert to instincts when not commanded. Perception: The means of perception the mount has available. 122

Language: The languages the mount can speak. If the jockey and mount can speak the same language, communication between the two is possible. Reputation and Weak Points: How well known the type of mount is, as well as any weaknesses the mount has. Movement Speed: How fast the mount moves. Mount Level: The statistics for the mount at each possible level. The level referenced in combat will be the same as the jockey's Adventurer Level. ④ Sections/Main Section

If a mount has multiple sections, the number of sections is listed, with a Main Section specifically noted. ⑤ Special Abilities

All special abilities of the mount are noted here. Unless specifically noted, a special ability can be used after the mount has taken a Normal Move. Also, if the special ability mentions Rider class level or Intelligence Bonus, the jockey's stats are used unless mentioned otherwise. If the special ability has any Stunt prerequisites, they will be mentioned here. Also, if a special ability is enhanced by a Stunt known by the jockey, it will also be mentioned here. ⑥ Description

This is the description of the mount.


Mount List

Animals Horse

Price: 5,000G/250G

2 3 4 5


3 4 5 6


Hoof Hoof Hoof Hoof


1 2 3 4

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 1 - 4 Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 4 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 30


3 4 5 6

2d 2d+1 2d+2 2d+3

2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

25 28 31 31


8 9 10 11

Special Abilities [Loyalty] Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks against Psychic-type and Curse-type effects. Description A typical horse, built for running long distances. Horses that allow riders have been well trained and will listen to the commands of the rider without fail.


Dolphin (see part 5)

Price: 5,000G/500G

4 5 6 7


4 5 6 7


Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle


2 3 4 5

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 2 - 5 Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Marine Mammal Rep: 6 Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Move Spd: 25 (Swimming)


4 5 6 7

2d+2 2d+3 2d+4 2d+5

3 4 5 6

3 3 4 5

23 30 37 44


9 11 13 15

Special Abilities [Underwater Only] Cannot move outside of water, nor be mounted outside of water. While underwater, both jockey and mount can move freely and do not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. Description Dolphins are able to move freely underwater and are the premier mount for any sort of underwater travel. However, they are all but useless on land, and even transporting a dolphin mount overland is difficult. This is why dolphins are typically only seen available at Riders' Guilds near the seaside.


War Horse

Price: 10,000G/1,000G

6 7 8 10


7 8 10 11


Hoof Hoof Hoof Hoof


4 5 6 7

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 4 - 7 Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 5 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 25


6 7 8 9

2d+4 2d+6 2d+7 2d+9

5 6 7 8

4 5 6 7

40 44 48 52


15 17 19 21

Special Abilities [Loyalty] Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks against Psychic-type and Curse-type effects. [Techniques / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] Use the "Beetleskin" and "Bear Muscle" Techniques as Minor Actions. Description A professionally trained horse for combat. Under the command of an expert jockey, it is strong enough to send weak monsters scattering.


Legendary Horse

Price: 20,000G/2,000G

10 11 12 13

10 11 13 14


11 12 13 15


Hoof Hoof Hoof Hoof


7 8 9 10

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 7 - 10 Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 6 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 25


2d+10 9 2d+12 10 2d+13 12 2d+15 13

8 9 10 11

60 65 70 75


25 28 31 34

Special Abilities [Loyalty] Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks against Psychic-type and Curse-type effects. [Techniques / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] Use the "Beetleskin" and "Bear Muscle" Techniques as Minor Actions. [Indomitable / Prerequisite: Special Ability Perfect Release] If the Legendary Horse's HP drops to 0 or less, it may make a Death Check in order to stay standing, taking actions as normal. However, if it fails a Death Check, it dies. Description A well-traveled war horse that grew into a legendary figure. It has excellent capabilities when it comes to defending its rider and are often seen in the service of high-ranking generals and aristocrats.


Divine Horse

Price: 50,000G/5,000G

14 15 16 18


15 16 17 18


Hoof Hoof Hoof Hoof


10 11 12 13

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 10 - 13 Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 7 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 30


14 15 16 17

2d+16 2d+17 2d+19 2d+21

13 14 15 16

12 14 15 16

82 88 96 104


40 44 48 52

Special Abilities [Loyalty] Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks against Psychic-type and Curse-type effects. [Techniques / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] Use the "Strong Blood", "Beetleskin", "Recovery (5 HP)" and "Bear Muscle" Techniques as Minor Actions. [Indomitable / Prerequisite: Special Ability Perfect Release] If the Legendary Horse's HP drops to 0 or less, it may make a Death Check in order to stay standing, taking actions as normal. However, if it fails a Death Check, it dies. Description A horse consecrated by the gods; it is believed that it will return from combat unharmed in order to protect its master. However, it will not allow anyone to ride it unless the rider is also without equal.


Mythical Beasts Hippogryph (see Core Rulebook II)

Price: 15,000G/1,500G

5 7 8


6 7 9


Beak Beak Beak


4 5 6

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 4 - 6 Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 12 Weak Point: Slash Damage +3 pts. Move Spd: 25 / 50 (Flying)


5 7 8

2d+4 2d+6 2d+8

5 6 8

2 4 5

25 35 45


8 12 16

Special Abilities [Flight] Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey and mount. [Continuous Attack / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] If the Hippogryph successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second attack on that same target without rolling Accuracy. Description A winged beast capable of flight, Hippogryphs are agile mounts in combat. Capable of high speeds while flying, a Hippogryph is a formidable monster on its own, let alone under the command of a capable rider.


Pegasus (see Core Rulebook II)

Price: 20,000G/2,000G

6 7 8


6 7 8


Hoof Hoof Hoof


5 6 7

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 5 - 7 Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 9 Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Move Spd: 20 / 40 (Flying)


7 8 9

2d+5 2d+6 2d+8

6 7 8

3 5 6

41 46 51


33 36 39

Special Abilities [Flight] Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey and mount. [Poison/Disease Immunity] Immune to all Poison-type and Disease-type effects. [Passenger / 1 / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] One extra character can ride a Pegasus as a passenger. This passenger can take Major Actions without being penalized for bad footing but can only take such Major Actions as would be possible after a Limited Move. Mounting a Pegasus as a passenger is a Major Action, but dismounting is only a Minor Action. Description A white horse with wings on its back, a Pegasus isn't as capable in combat as other mounts. However, they compensate by allowing a passenger to ride as well.


Wyvern (see part 5)

Price: 40,000G/4,000G/1,000G







Bite (Head) Wing (Wings) x2 Tail (Tail) Bite (Head) Wing (Wings) x2 Tail (Tail) Bite (Head) Wing (Wings) x2 Tail (Tail)



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 7 - 9 Int: Low Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Rep: 8 Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Flying)










































































Fort Will

Sections: 4 (Head / Wings x2 / Tail)


Main Section: Head

Special Abilities • Wyvern [Techniques] Use the "Cat's Eyes", "Beetleskin" and "Recovery (5 HP)" Techniques as Minor Actions.


• Head [** Breath / Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus / Fort / Half] As a Major Action, spit an elemental mass up to a range of 20m. Upon reaching the desired distance, the mass explodes into a 3m radius area, dealing "Power 20 + Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus" damage to up to 5 targets in the area. The element can be one of Fire, Water/Ice, Lightning or Poison, and can be chosen upon rental or purchase of the mount. This ability cannot be used in consecutive rounds. • Wings [Flight] Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey and mount. If either Wing is reduced to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. • Tail [Tail Sweep] As a Major Action, use the tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same battlefield. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds. Description Often thought of as a "flying dragon", a Wyvern is a mount known for their ferocity. However, because they have been trained by the Riders' Guild from the time it hatched from an egg, it will provide unwavering service to their jockeys. The different types of Wyverns available vary from city to city, and not every branch of the Riders' Guild will have Wyverns available.


Draconet (see Core Rulebook II) Price: 100,000G/10,000G/3,000G







Bite (Body) Wing (Wings) x2 Bite (Body) Wing (Wings) x2 Bite (Body) Wing (Wings) x2



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 10 - 12 Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Dragonic Rep: 15 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 12 / 25 (Flying)





2d+14 12















2d+15 13







2d+11 11







2d+17 14







2d+12 12




Fort Will

Sections: 3 (Body / Wings x2)

Main Section: Body

Special Abilities • Draconet [** Immunity] A Draconet will suffer no effects and receive no damage from certain types of elemental attacks. The element can be one of Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, or Energy, and can be chosen upon rental or purchase of the mount. • Body [** Breath / Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus / Fort / Half / Enhance: Special Ability Perfect Release] As a Major Action, spit an elemental mass up to a range of 20m. Upon reaching the desired distance, the mass explodes into a 3m radius area, dealing "Power 20 + Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus" damage to up to 5 targets in the area. The element of the 133

breath will be the same element chosen for [** Immunity] above. This ability cannot be used in consecutive rounds. Enhance: If the jockey has the Stunt "Special Ability Perfect Release", the Draconet can choose the targets within range, and exclude any targets they wish. • Wings [Flight] Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey and mount. If either Wing is reduced to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. [All-Out Attack / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] As a Minor Action, a Wing can ready itself to deal an additional 8 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by either of the Wings that used this ability this turn receives a -3 penalty. Description A very young dragon, difficult to ride due to its fiery temperament. Only very skilled jockeys can attempt to ride one of these rare mounts, and only a few branches of the Riders' Guild even have a Draconet available. However, they are smart enough to communicate with the jockey, assuming a common language is used.

Lesser Dragon (see CR II)

Price: 180,000G/18,000G/ 4,500G





Bite (Head) Tail (Body) Wing (Wings) x2



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 13 - 15 Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Trade Common, Arcana, Dragonic Rep: 12 Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Flying)





2d+18 15






2d+16 13

16 103 30




2d+14 13


Fort Will



28 134



Bite (Head) Tail (Body) Wing (Wings) x2 Bite (Head) Tail (Body) Wing (Wings) x2




2d+20 16





2d+17 14

18 116 36




2d+16 14





2d+22 17

16 105 96




2d+18 15

20 129 42




2d+18 15


Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wings x2)







Main Section: Head

Special Abilities • Lesser Dragon [** Immunity] A Lesser Dragon will suffer no effects and receive no damage from certain types of elemental attacks. The element can be one of Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, or Energy, and can be chosen upon rental or purchase of the mount. [Techniques] Use the "Strong Blood", "Beetleskin", and "Recovery (7 HP)" Techniques as Minor Actions. • Head [Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power 14 (21)] Prerequisite: Magic Command Cast both Truespeech and Spiritualism Magic up to 10th level. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] Prerequisite: Special Ability Perfect Release Learn the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Guided Magic] and [Wordbreak]. [** Breath / Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus / Fort / Half/ Enhance: Special Ability Perfect Release] As a Major Action, spit an elemental mass up to a range of 20m. Upon reaching the desired distance, the mass explodes into a 6m 135

radius area, dealing "Power 40 + Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus" damage to up to 20 targets in the area. The element of the breath will be the same element chosen for [** Immunity] above. This ability cannot be used in consecutive rounds. Enhance: If the jockey has the Stunt "Special Ability Perfect Release", the Lesser Dragon can choose the targets within range, and exclude any targets they wish. • Body [Passenger / 2 / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] Two extra characters can ride a Lesser Dragon as a passenger. These passengers can take Major Actions without being penalized for bad footing but can only take such Major Actions as would be possible after a Limited Move. Mounting a Lesser Dragon as a passenger is a Major Action, but dismounting is only a Minor Action. [Tail Sweep] As a Major Action, use the tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same battlefield. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds. [Large] Unless the Body of the Lesser Dragon is reduced to 0 HP or less, the Head may not be engaged in melee combat. • Wings [Flight] Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey and mount. If either Wing is reduced to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. [All-Out Attack / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] As a Minor Action, a Wing can ready itself to deal an additional 8 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by either of the Wings that used this ability this turn receives a -3 penalty. Description This dragon has just recently grown from a Draconet but is still younger than 500 years old. The few jockeys who can tame these massive beasts are called "Dragoons", and the combined combat power is simply unmatched. Whole battlefields can be scorched with a minimum of effort, and even entire counties will respect dragoons and their mounts.


Magitech Magitech-type mounts differ from other mounts in that they have no instincts to run off of and are treated as though they were Constructs. Additionally, Magitech-type mounts are immune to Poison-type, Disease-type and Psychic-type effects and damage. Mini Manabike

Price: 3,000G/300G

3 3


3 3


Tackle Tackle


1 2

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 1 - 2 Int: None Perc: Mechanical Lang: None Rep: 6 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 40


3 4

2d+2 2d+3

1 2

3 3

40 40



Special Abilities [Off-Road Handling] Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. Description A mana-powered motorcycle meant for beginning riders, they are commonplace among the Riders' Guild. Not only are mini manabikes smaller and easier to handle than a living mount, but they are also stronger than a living mount of the same level. An Artificer can choose to make a mini manabike when using the "Automobile" spell instead of a normal manabike.



Price: 10,000G/1,000G

6 6 6 6


6 6 6 6


Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle


3 4 5 6

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 3 - 6 Int: None Perc: Mechanical Lang: None Rep: 8 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 50


5 7 8 9

2d+4 2d+6 2d+8 2d+10

5 7 8 9

5 5 5 5

50 50 50 50



Special Abilities [Off-Road Handling] Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. [Grenade Launcher / Rider Class Level + Dexterity Bonus / Will / Half] As a Major Action, launch a grenade up to 20m. Upon landing, it explodes into a 3m radius, dealing "Power 20 + Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus" Fire damage to up to 5 targets in the area. This ability's C Value is 10 and costs the jockey 10 MP to use (Mako Stones may help to pay this cost). Description A Magitech-type mount on the market at the Riders' Guild, these machines can be safely stored inside manaspheres and carried from place to place without much hassle. The standard manabike created by the Artificer's "Automobile" spell works the same as these mounts, only it doesn't require any MP to be spent in order to store or recall the bike (assuming the spell is still active).


Superior Manabike

Price: 30,000G/3,000G

10 10 10



Tackle 10 Tackle 10 Tackle 10


7 8 9

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 7 - 9 Int: None Perc: Mechanical Lang: None Rep: 9 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 50


10 2d+10 9 11 2d+12 11 12 2d+14 12

9 9 9

90 90 90



Special Abilities [Off-Road Handling] Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. [Grenade Launcher / Rider Class Level + Dexterity Bonus / Will / Half / Enhance: Special Ability Release] As a Major Action, launch a grenade up to 20m. Upon landing, it explodes into a 4m radius, dealing "Power 30 + Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus" Fire damage to up to 10 targets in the area. This ability's C Value is 10 and costs the jockey 15 MP to use (Mako Stones may help to pay this cost). Enhance: If the jockey has the Stunt "Special Ability Release", they can choose which targets within the explosion area are damaged. Description A high-performance manabike, these machines can be purchased from the Riders' Guild. Larger than the standard manabike, it also had improved operations and durability, and can withstand the rigors of combat quite well.



Price: 60,000G/6,000G

14 14 14 14


14 14 14 14


Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle


11 12 13 11

Fort Will



Fighting Style

Mount Data App. Lvl: 11 - 13 Int: None Perc: Mechanical Lang: None Rep: 10 Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Move Spd: 50 / 50 (Flying)


14 16 17 14

2d+14 2d+16 2d+18 2d+14

14 16 17 14

14 14 14 14

140 140 140 140



Special Abilities [Flight] Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to both jockey and mount. [High-Speed Maneuvers / Prerequisite: Special Ability Release] When taking a Full Move, the jockey may use this ability to give both the jockey and mount the Combat Feat [Shadow Sneak]. This ability costs the mount 50 HP to use. [Weapon Platform] Equip up to 3 additional armaments. [Laser Gun / Rider Class Level + Dexterity Bonus / Evasion / Negated / Enhance: Special Ability Perfect Release] As a Major Action, shoot a laser at a target up to 50m away. The laser has Area: Line, and deals "Power 50 + Rider Class Level + Intelligence Bonus" Energy damage to the target. This ability's C Value is 10 and costs the jockey 10 MP to use (Mako Stones may help to pay this cost). Enhance: If the jockey has the Stunt "Special Ability Perfect Release", they can exclude any target within the area of effect. Description A manabike capable of flight, this machine is the top of the line when it comes to both offensive capabilities and maneuverability. In fact, it very well may outperform most of the riders in the Riders' Guild. The manabike created by the Artificer's "Skybike" spell is handled in the same way as this mount. 140

Mount Equipment List The following are various items and equipment meant for both rider and mount.

Contract Certificates Name


Mount Contract Certificate Mount Contract Sphere Proprietary Mount Certificate Proprietary Mount Sphere

Allows rental of a type of Animal or Mythical Beast mount Allows rental of a type of Magitech mount Proves ownership of a living mount Proved ownership of a magitech mount Tag designed to control Animals and Mythical Beasts level 3 or lower Tag designed to control Animals and Mythical Beasts level 7 or lower Tag designed to control Animals and Mythical Beasts level 13 or lower Manasphere specifically designed to hold manabikes

Mount Reduction Tag I Mount Reduction Tag II Mount Reduction Tag III Manabike Storage Sphere

Price (G) 250+ 300+ 0 0 100


2,000 10,000

Equipment for Animal and Mythical Beast Mounts Animal and Mythical Beast mounts can be equipped with one weapon and one type of armor per body section. It takes 10 minutes to put on or take off mount equipment.


Mount Weapons Blade Horn is a slashing weapon, while the rest are all bludgeoning weapons. Name Big Horn Iron Rivet Flicker Hammer Blade Horn

Description Price (G) Damage +1 800 Damage +2 2,000 Accuracy +1 3,000 Damage +3 5,000

Mount Armor Name Leather Barding Chain Barding Plate Barding Wind Coat

Description Price (G) Defense +1 300 Defense +2 1,000 Defense +3 3,000 Evasion +1, Defense +2 4,000

Mount Items Name Quality Reins Azure Amulet Crimson Amulet

Description Price (G) Riding Checks +2 1,000 Mount's Fortitude +1 5,000 Mount's Willpower +1 5,000


Magitech Armaments Magitech mounts can equip one armament unless otherwise noted. Name


Spiked Chain

Damage +3, Evasion -1, Max HP 5 Defense +3, Accuracy -1

Full Cowl Armor Heavy Shield

Defense +2, Max HP +10, Evasion -1

Price (G) 1,000 2,000 3,000

Magitech Items




Restore Kit Repair Patch Repair Tape I

Restores one section from "destroyed" to 1 HP. 10 min. to take effect Heals 10 HP to one section. 1 min. to take effect Major Action to heal "Power 10 + Rider Level + Dexterity Bonus" HP to one section.

Price (G) 5,000 200 100


Truespeech Spell List (11-15 Levels) Thunder Bolt Target 1 Character

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Fires a bolt of lightning at the target Effect

Cost 13MP Resistance Half Type Lightning

Deals Power 50 + Magic Power damage.

Slow Target 1 Character

Cost 8MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 1 minute (6 r) Summary Slows target's movements and actions Effect The target moves at half their normal speed (rounded up). At the beginning of their turn, if they roll a 1-2 on 1d, they cannot take a Major Action that turn.


Familiar II Target 1 Object

Cost 30MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/Permanent Summary Create an intelligent follower Effect This spell works as "Familiar", but the created familiar has intelligence, and can speak in the Arcana language. As with "Familiar", the possible choices of bird, cat and frog are merely placeholders, and can be substituted out for similar animals if the caster so wishes.

Weapon Mastery II Target 1 Character

Cost 8MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Infuse the target with mana in order to unlock understanding of their weapons Effect The target gains the use of one of the following Combat Feats: [Weapon Mastery II/**] (one type), [Weapon Master], [Pinpoint Attack], [Pinpoint Attack II], [Aimed Attack II], [Aimed Attack III], [Power Attack II], or [((Mow Down))]. By casting the spell repeatedly, you can enable a target to use multiple feats. This spell's effect can stack with "Weapon Mastery".

Shock Target 1 Character

Cost 15MP Resistance Can't Type Bludgeoning

Range/Area Duration 50m/Shot Instant Summary Attacks with pure mana Effect Deals Power 30 + Magic Power damage to both the target's HP and MP.


Polymorph Target Caster

Cost 10MP Resistance None

Range/Area Duration Self/1 Day Summary Change physical appearance Effect The caster can change their shape into any creature that the caster has seen, other than Undead, Constructs or Demons. All of the caster's Classes, Combat Feats and mental abilities remain the same, but the physical abilities of the new form will be gained. If the character uses fixed values, that data can be used as-is. For example, if the caster were to turn into a Drake Baron (Dragon Form), they could use the Energy Breath and Flight abilities, but not the Spiritualism Magic, Magic Aptitude, Techniques or Humanization abilities. It is ultimately up to the GM which abilities are granted, and which are ignored.

Desultory Target 1 Character

Cost 9MP Resistance Temporary Type Psychic

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 30 seconds (3 r) Summary Disturbs concentration and disrupts magic Effect The target's Spellcasting checks receive a -4 penalty for the duration of the spell.

Teleport Target 1 Object

Cost 15MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 10m/Target Instant Summary Instantly move to a location of the caster's choice Effect Move the target to either a place the caster has previously been, or a place within sight up to 1km away. The size of the target can be no larger than 1m radius or 2m high. The spell ignores walls, shields, and other obstructions, but will fail if there is no safe place for the object to exist at the destination. 146

Cost 19MP Resistance Temporary Type Thunder

Lightning Bind Target 1 Character

Range/Area Duration 10m/Target 1 minute (6 r) Summary Restrain and attack target with lightning rope Effect The target cannot move and takes a -2 penalty to all skill checks. In addition, the target is dealt Power 20 + Magic Power at the end of each turn. While bound, the target automatically fails any Willpower checks from damaging spells with "Resist: Half" or "Resist: Null". This damage cannot critical. Cost 23MP Resistance N/A

Dimension Gate Target Any Point

Range/Area Duration 10m/Target 30 seconds (3 r) Summary Creates a gate to a distant destination Effect Creates a 3m radius gate at the foot of the caster. The exit of this gate is at any point the caster knows and specifies when casting this spell, regardless of location or distance. However, the gate may not be created while inside a building.



Cost 18MP Resistance




Dimension Sword Target Any Point/Special

Summary Attack with a blade that cleaves through space itself Effect Deals Power 60 + Magic Power damage.


Type Slashing

Magic Reflection Target Caster

Cost 17MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Reflects magic spells back to caster Effect A spell with "Target: 1 Character" may be reflected back to that spell's caster. The caster of Magic Reflection may choose to know the result of the Spellcasting check for a spell before using this effect. After a spell is reflected with this effect, the spell ends. If the spell is reflected, the caster may try to resist the spell. If the spell does not reflect, the target may attempt to resist the spell as normal. If the reflected spell's caster is already included in the area of the spell, reflecting the spell only makes the caster affected, it does not give the caster a second attempt to resist.

Save The World Target 500m Radius

Cost 50MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/1 Hour Summary Creates a mana barrier that protects buildings Effect A hemispherical barrier forms at the edge of the targeted area, protecting it from any outside influences or interference. This barrier cannot be broken or removed by any means, physical, magical, or otherwise, even by spells like Perfect Cancellation. The caster must concentrate for the duration of the spell to maintain the effect. If the caster moves or takes any sort of Action, the effect dissipates, and the barrier disappears.


Perfect Cancellation Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 33MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Eradicates all traces of mana within range Effect All magic, including spells, spellsongs, special abilities, monsters' unique skills, etc., within range are subject to cancellation. For each effect within range, if this spell's Spellcasting check is greater than the effect's caster, that effect is cancelled. If this spell is cast with an hour's casting time, it may also affect magical items. The Spellcasting check of the magical item depends upon the era the item was made in, and any items from the Schnell period or earlier are unaffected. Magic Item Era Magic Power Current Day 25 Al Menas 30 Durandal 40

Meteor Strike Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 30MP Resistance Half Type Bludgeoning

Range/Area Duration 50m/Target Instant Summary Calls a meteor to fall on the opponent. Effect Deals Power 100 + Magic Power damage. The caster must be able to see the sky, and the subject must be visible from the sky, in order for this spell to succeed. The caster can spend an hour casting this spell. In doing so, the Target increases to "500m radius", and the Range is "1km". When casting the spell this way, the Combat Feats [Magic Control] and [Magic Convergence] cannot be used. This version of the spell deals damage to structures and buildings as well. The buildings' Defense is ignored when dealing damage, and this spell criticals on 8 or higher against buildings.


Spiritualism Spell List (11-15 Levels)

Range/Area 30m/Target

Cost 8MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 7MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area 30m/Target

Cost 18MP Resistance N/A

Earth Heal II Target 1 Character

Duration Instant Summary Target absorbs life energy from the earth in order to heal Effect Heals Power 30 + Magic Power HP. Undead and Constructs can be healed by this spell. This spell cannot critical.

Sneak Target 1 Character

Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Shrouds target in mist, hiding it from magical perception Effect The target cannot be seen by those with Magical or Mechanical means of perception for the duration of the spell. If the character takes a Full Move, attacks, or uses magic on another target, this effect ends immediately. Characters using 5 Senses as means of perception can see the character normally.

Haste Target 1 Character

Duration 1 minute (6 r) Summary Increases movement of the target Effect Increase the target's Movement Speed by +12m. Additionally, the target rolls 1d at the end of each of their turns, and if the result is 5 or higher, they may take a second Major Action that turn.


Cost 8MP Resistance N/A

Sonic Weapon Target 1 Character

Range/Area 30m/Target

Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Wraps wind around weapon to increase damage Effect When the target makes a melee or ranged attack, the weapon used in that attack now deals Wind-type damage, increases its damage by +2, and lowers the critical value by -1 (to a minimum of 8). For fixed-value characters, increase their damage by +4 instead.

Change Position☆ Target 1 Doll

Range/Area 30m/Target

Duration Instant Summary

Cost 12MP Resistance N/A

Swaps positions with doll Effect The caster swaps their position with a doll or puppet within range of the spell. Walls, barriers, etc. are bypassed by this magic, but if there is not enough space for the caster to safely exist in the doll's space before the replacement, the spell fails. Casting this spell is a Minor Action. This spell may only be used once per round.

Mana Seal Target 1 Character

Duration 1 minute (6 r) Summary Blocks the target's use of mana Effect Targets that fail to resist this spell cannot use more than 10 MP in a single turn, regardless of how they would spend it. For example, three Techniques would only allow the use of one more MP that turn, so a fourth Technique could not be used. MP used from Familiars or Mako Stones does not count towards this limit. 151

Range/Area 10m/Target

Cost 16MP Resistance Null

Create Golem III Target 1 Object

Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 20/32MP Resistance N/A

Duration 1 Day Summary Creates a strong golem from elemental materials Effect Same as “Create Golem” (see Core Rulebook I) but can create the strongest types of golems under the Conjurer's control.

Create Golem Mana Costs Golem Type Rock Golem Iron Golem

MP Cost 20 32

Ingredient Enchanted Rock Enchanted Iron

Raging Earth II Target 10m Radius

Range/Area 10m/Target

Cost 18MP Resistance N/A

Duration 30 seconds (3 r) Summary Draws vitality from earth to heal all in an area Effect Each creature in the area regenerates 10 points of damage at the end of their turn. This even heals creatures of the Undead and Construct categories.


Wraith Form Target Caster

Range/Area Self/-

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Duration 1 Day Summary Take form of a wraith, separating mind and body Effect The consciousness of the caster breaks free, taking the form of a Wraith. The caster's physical and mental abilities remain the same, but their perception changes to Magic, and they float through the air while moving. Additionally, the caster's Wraith form has the Unique Skills [Normal Weapon Immunity] and [Fog Body]. While a Wraith, the caster's body lies unconscious. If the duration elapses or the caster wishes, they may return to their body regardless of location. However, if the caster's body is destroyed or otherwise lost while in Wraith form, the spell becomes permanent, and the caster remains as a Wraith, unable to return to their body.

Create Undead II Target 1 Corpse

Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 22-36MP Resistance N/A

Duration 1 Day Summary Animate more powerful Undead Effect Same as "Create Undead" (see Core Rulebook I), but the types of Undead created are much stronger.

Create Undead Mana Costs Undead Type Specter Ghost Horse Cast Armor


MP Cost 22 29 36

Undead Type Specter Ghost Horse Cast Armor

Copy Doll Target 1 Doll

Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Duration 1 Year Summary Creates a doll indistinguishable from the caster Effect The caster creates a doll duplicate of themselves and can shift their consciousness into the doll at any time. Despite being a doll, the caster can manipulate the new body as if it were their own, retaining all physical abilities, down to still requiring food and sleep. While separated, the caster's original body is unconscious. At any time, the caster can know the condition of their body. If the doll's HP drops to 0, the caster returns to their original body, while the doll body crumbles into useless dust.

Steal Memory Target 1 Character

Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 19MP Resistance Null

Duration Permanent Summary Acquires a memory from the target Effect The caster creates a doll duplicate of themselves and can shift their consciousness into the doll at any time. Despite being a doll, the caster can manipulate the new body as if it were their own, retaining all physical abilities, down to still requiring food and sleep. While separated, the caster's original body is unconscious. At any time, the caster can know the condition of their body. If the doll's HP drops to 0, the caster returns to their original body, while the doll body crumbles into useless dust.


Immortality Target 1 Character

Range/Area 30m/Target Summary Become indestructible

Duration 1 minute (6 r)

Cost 30MP Resistance N/A Type Curse

Effect The target becomes immune to all Poison-, Disease-, Curse- and Psychic-type damage and effects, and does not fall unconscious when their HP falls to 0 or lower. Any Death Checks will automatically succeed for the duration of the spell. However, HP cannot be recovered in any way while this spell is active, and if the target's HP is still at 0 or below when the spell ends, a Death Check must be made at that time, based on the character's current HP.

Death Cloud Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 26MP Resistance Half Type Curse

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Creates a cursed cloud of roiling death Effect Deals Power 60 + Magic Power damage. If this reduces a character's HP to 0 or less, they receive a -20 penalty to their next Death Check.

Revenant Curse Target 1 Character

Cost 30MP Resistance Null Type Curse

Range/Area Duration Touch/1 Day Summary Brands the living to rise as a Revenant when dead Effect If the target dies after casting this spell, they gain 5 soulscars temporarily and rise as a Revenant. Once the duration of this spell ends, the target is fully and permanently a Revenant. However, if the spell is cancelled via Remove Curse before then, the extra 5 soulscars disappear, and the body becomes a normal corpse once more. 155

Basic Divine Spell List (11-15 Levels) Surrender Target 1 Character

Range/Area Touch/-

Duration Instant Summary

Cost 13MP Resistance Null

Dampens the fighting spirit Effect Barbaros who fail to resist this spell stop fighting and will follow the caster as a friend. If the target has more than 1/10th of their Maximum HP remaining, this spell does not work. Cost 12MP Resistance Null

Bless II Target 1 Character

Range/Area 30m/Target

Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Grants a divine blessing to all abilities Effect Increase all of the target's ability scores by +6, resulting in a +1 bonus to all of his modifiers. This will also increase derived ability scores, such as Maximum HP and MP. For fixed-value characters, increase their Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude and Willpower by +1, and Maximum HP and MP by +6.



Cost 9MP Resistance




Holy Light II Target 6m Radius/20

Summary Blinding light burns away Undead Effect Deals Power 50 + Magic Power damage to Undead in the area. Targets who fail to resist this spell also receive a -2 penalty to Willpower for 3 minutes (18 rounds). 156

Escape Target 1 Character

Range/Area 30m/Target

Cost 3MP Resistance N/A

Duration Instant Summary Call on the divine to leave a bad situation Effect The target immediately teleports to the closest temple of the god that the caster believes in. This spell ignores any sort of walls, barriers, etc.

Range/Area Self/-

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 17MP Resistance N/A

Sacred Field Target 100m Radius

Duration Instant Summary Creates a barrier blocking that hostile to your god Effect The target area has a barrier formed around it, preventing any Barbaros or Undead from passing through. This barrier also prevents any spells or abilities from Barbaros or Undead form passing through as well. This barrier does not move with the caster; once the spell is cast, the caster is free to move, and the barrier will remain where it is. When this spell is cast, if there are any Barbaros or Undead already within the area of this spell, the barrier will not form. Additionally, if this effect overlaps with the range of a Vice Field spell, both spells' effects end immediately.

Rescue Target 1 Character

Duration 1 Day Summary Know the target's health, and save them from dire situations Effect For the duration of the spell, the caster knows the current HP of the target, regardless of distance. With the target's consent, the caster can call the target to their side as a Minor Action. This can bypass walls, barriers, etc., but will fail if there is not enough space for the target to safely exist before the movement. Once this effect is used, or if the caster casts this spell on another target, the spell ends 157

Erase Soulscar Target 1 Character

Range/Area Touch/-

Duration Instant Summary

Cost 50MP Resistance N/A

Heals a soulscar Effect Remove one of the target's soulscars. This cannot remove the innate soulscar of a Nightmare. If this is used a second time on a character, the spell will automatically be resisted. This spell takes one day to cast.

Oracle Target 10km Radius

Range/Area Self/-

Cost 14MP Resistance N/A

Duration 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Project your voice to distant believers Effect The caster can project their voice to any character within the range of the spell who is also a follower of the same god. Only characters with at least 1 level in the Priest class can hear the caster. The caster cannot hear any responses from those he talks to, regardless of faith.

Cure Motary Target 1 Character

Range/Area 50m/Target

Cost 10MP Resistance Null

Duration Instant Summary Heal wounds and cleanse undead with the blessing of the divine Effect Heals the target for Power 70 + Magic Power HP. No effect on Constructs. If the target is Undead, deals Power 70 + Magic Power damage. This damage cannot critical.


Jihad Target 500m Radius

Range/Area Self/-

Cost 40MP Resistance N/A

Duration 6 Hours Summary Strengthen those of the same faith Effect The caster chooses one Warrior-type class, and all those within the target area increase their level in that class by 3 for the duration of the spell. This does not increase the character's Adventurer Level, nor does it allow the acquisition of Combat Feats (including those gained automatically by class). Fixed-value characters increase their Accuracy, Evasion, and damage by +3 instead. This spell has no effect on Tabbits or Runefolk.

Purify Soul Target 1 Character

Duration Instant Summary Bring peace to the souls of the dead Effect Only effective on Undead monsters Level 13 or lower. Sets the target's HP and MP to 0. If they fail to resist the spell, their soul is sent to the afterlife, under the care of the god of the caster. If the monster is willing, this spell will affect an Undead regardless of Level.


Range/Area Touch/-

Cost 20MP Resistance Null

Reincarnation Target 1 Corpse

Cost 30MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Duration Touch/Instant Summary Give a departed soul a new life Effect Only effective on a corpse less than 24 hours old. The target's soul will be reborn in a child within the next 7 days but will not remember anything from their previous life until they reach a certain age, as determined by this spell's Spellcasting check. However, the child has all of the same ability scores as the old character, and once they reach a certain age they regain their memories of their past life, including class levels and Combat Feats. This spell takes 1 hour to cast. Spell Check Age to Regain Memory 25 or less Will not regain memory naturally 26 - 27 30 years old 28 - 29 20 years old 30 - 31 10 years old 32+ 5 years old


Call God Target 1 God

Range/Area 30m/Target

Cost 50-200MP Resistance N/A

Duration 1 minute (6 r) Summary Call down the god you believe in. Effect This spell calls upon the caster's deity and pleads them to help in times of dire need. Only those who have mastered the Priest Class and are of the same faith as the caster will notice that a god has appeared. This spell's MP and casting time depends upon the type of God being called. Ancient God - 200 MP Calling an Ancient God takes one year to prepare the correct rituals, and an additional week to actually cast the spell. Once summoned, the god can perform massive miracles, such as creating massive fissures in the continent, creating whole islands, and other miracles that vastly change the face of Raxia. Characters with an Adventurer Level or monster Level 35 or lower can be wiped out without effort. Once this spell is complete, the caster's soul leaves with their god, preventing the caster from being resurrected. Major God - 100 MP Calling a Major God takes one month to prepare the correct rituals, and an additional day to actually cast the spell. Once summoned, the god can perform large-scale miracles, such as leveling an entire mountain, or turning the land within the caster's vision into deep forest. Characters with an Adventurer Level or monster Level 25 or lower can be wiped out without effort. Once this spell is complete, the caster immediately dies, regardless of their current HP value. Minor God - 50 MP Calling a Minor God takes 6 rounds to prepare the correct rituals, and the spell may be cast immediately afterwards. Once summoned, the god can perform small-scale miracles, such as moving an immense boulder, or causing an entire hillside to burst into blooming flowers. Characters with an Adventurer Level or monster Level 15 or lower can be wiped out without effort. Once the spell is complete, the caster falls to 0 HP, and has their Maximum MP reduced by 50 for the next 7 days. 161

Restoration Target 1 Character

Range/Area 50m/Target

Cost 18MP Resistance N/A

Duration Instant Summary Purifies and fully heals the target Effect The target heals to their Maximum HP, and can choose any number of effects, detrimental or otherwise, to get rid of. This spell has no effect on Undead or Constructs.

Specialized Divine Spell List

Specialized Divine Spells of Lyfos, God of Creation Promise Circle Target 3m Radius/5

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Share and collaborate with teammates Effect Whenever a target uses an effect that would cost MP during their turn, they may instead use MP from another target or targets within range.


Specialized Divine Spells of Tidan, God of the Sun Evangel Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Channel the sun to heal Effect Attempts to remove all Poison-, Disease-, Curse-, and Psychic-type effects on the target. For each target, this spell's Spellcasting check must equal or exceed the effect's check to remove the effect. This spell can only be cast in direct sunlight, or while within the range of Daybreak, but in that case the effect of Daybreak is lost.

Specialized Divine Spells of Sien, God of the Moon Wishing Star Target 1 Character

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 50m/Shot 30 seconds (3 r) Summary Create a star made of mana and bless the target Effect The target is surrounded by small stars made of mana. When the target would make a Fortitude or Willpower check, they automatically succeed instead.


Specialized Divine Spells of Lu Lode, God of Wanderers Air Cushion Target Any Point

Cost 20MP Resistance Can't

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Swirling wind lifts all within range Effect A small whirlwind, 20m radius, springs forth from the target point. A character entering this whirlwind will be lifted off of the ground slightly and will not receive any penalties for moving through difficult terrain. Additionally, a character falling prone within this whirlwind will receive no damage.

Specialized Divine Spells of Zaiya, God of Knights Armor of Zaiya Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 15MP + Optional HP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Project an imitation of the armor that protected the god Lyfos Effect By spending HP, the caster can increase the Defense of all targets of this spell. For every 10 HP the caster spends, increase the Defense of all targets by +1. The caster cannot spend more than 100 HP in this manner (for a maximum bonus of +10 Defense) and cannot pay HP if they would go to 0 HP or lower. This spell does not affect other Priests of Zaiya.


Specialized Divine Spells of Kilhia, God of Wisdom Completion ☆ Target Caster

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/10 seconds (1 r) Summary Temporarily learn magic by seeing through Kilhia's eyes Effect The caster will temporarily gain the ability to cast up to 10th level spells of one of Truespeech, Spiritualism, or Fairy Magic. The Magic Power for any of those spells become "Priest Class level + Intelligence Bonus". The caster may ignore any material requirements for spells, such as needing a Magical Implement, but these spells will still consume MP as normal. This spell may be cast as a Minor Action.

Specialized Divine Spells of Luferia, God of Water Ice Dome Target 30m Radius

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/1 Hour Summary Creates a hemisphere of protective ice Effect A dome of ice is created around the perimeter of the target area, allowing sight but blocking movement, attacks, and spells with Area: Shot. The dome itself is 30cm thick, has 100 HP, 0 Defense, and is immune to all damage but Fire-type damage. The dome breaks at the end of the spell's duration, or if its HP is reduced to 0. If the perimeter of this spell would cross through any buildings or characters, the spell does not take effect.


Specialized Divine Spells of Asteria, God of Elves Panic Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 15MP Resistance Null Type Psychic

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Confuses enemies and allies in combat Effect When the target makes a melee attack, ranged attack, or casts a spell with "Target: One Character", the target for the attack is chosen at random from all available characters in the same battlefield. Wide-area effects or effects that target multiple characters are unaffected by this spell.

Specialized Divine Spells of Grendal, God of Dwarves Offensive Fire Target Any Point/Special

Range/Area Duration Special/Breakt Instant hrough Summary Charge through enemies and set them on fire Effect

Cost 20MP Resistance Half Type Fire

Deals Power 90 + Magic Power to all within the Breakthrough area.


Specialized Divine Spells of Sacaros, God of Drinking Nectar Rain Target 10m Radius

Cost 8MP Resistance Can't

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Fragrant liquor rains and heals Effect Characters in the area heal 5 HP at the end of each round. When this spell has ended, all characters who healed in this way are drunk for 1 hour, receiving a -1 penalty to all skill checks. This spell has no effect on Undead or Constructs.

Specialized Divine Spells of Lills, God of Love Embrace Target 1 Character

Cost 24MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Temporarily transfer magic and abilities Effect All of the class levels, spells and Combat Feats known by the caster (other than the Priest class and spells) are transferred to the target for the duration of the spell. While transferred, the caster cannot use any of these class abilities or Combat Feats. The target of this spell must be a humanoid or Barbaros of the opposite sex of the caster. In order to cast this spell, the priest must have both hands free.


Specialized Divine Spells of Nilda, God of Clothing Hidden Dress Target 1 Character

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/10 minutes (60 r) Summary Creates a transparent garment to hide from sight Effect While worn, the transparent garment created by this spell will render the wearer undetectable by Magic perception, as well as the 5 Senses. If the character takes a Full Move, attacks, or uses magic on another target, this effect ends immediately. Characters using Mechanical means of perception can see the character normally.


Fairy Spell List (11-15 Levels) Water Edge Target 1 Character

Range/Area 30m/Shot Summary Attack with a blade of water

Duration Instant

Cost 8MP Resistance Half Type Water/Ice

Effect Deals Power 20 + Magic Power damage. Targets that fail to resist this spell receive a -2 penalty to Accuracy for 30 seconds (3 rounds).

Forget Target 1 Character

Cost 16MP Resistance Null Type Psychic

Range/Area Duration 10m/Target 7 Days Summary Dark fairies rob a week of memories Effect The target immediately forgets everything that has happened over the past week, including the memory of losing their memories. This does not cause the loss of class levels or Combat Feats. When this spell ends, the missing memories immediately return.

Flame Coat Target 1 Character

Cost 7MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Fiery garment protects from cold Effect The target takes -5 damage from all Water/Ice-type effects. Additionally, any penalties from adventuring in cold weather or snowstorms are ignored for the duration of the spell.


Invisibility ☆ Target Caster

Cost 16MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/10 seconds (1 r) Summary Light fairies hide the caster Effect The target cannot be seen by those that use 5 Senses for perception for the duration of the spell. The caster stays invisible regardless of their movement, and any character attacking or attacked by the caster receives a -4 penalty, as if "Both eyes cannot be used" to accurately attack or evade. This spell may be cast as a Minor Action.

Current Target Special

Cost 24MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 1 Day Summary Ask water fairies to change rivers and tides Effect This spell targets one river or stream within the caster's sight. The caster can choose the speed at which the water flows, from "slowly walking" up to "50 km/h", as well as changing the direction the water flows. With this spell, a river can be a roaring stream uphill while slowing a raging waterfall to a gentle sprinkle. If the caster is in a boat, this spell affects the water directly underneath them instead.

Firestorm Target 5m Radius/15

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Call fire fairies to dance and attack Effect

Cost 13MP Resistance Half Type Fire

Deals Power 40 + Magic Power damage. 170

Cost 12MP Resistance N/A

Fairy Treatment Target 1 Character

Range/Area Duration Touch/Instant Summary Ask fairies to help remove bad ailments Effect The caster is able to remove any number of bad ailments or effects the target may be suffering from, except Curse-type effects.

Maelstrom Target 6m Radius/20

Range/Area 30m/Target Summary Creates a fierce vortex of water

Duration Instant

Cost 13MP Resistance Half Type Water/Ice

Effect Deals Power 30 + Magic Power damage. If any targets are underwater, those targets receive an additional 5 damage.

Whirlwind Target 1 Character

Cost 8MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 1 Hour Summary Carry the target in a fairy's wind Effect The target takes flight and automatically heads towards a location set by the caster which is either known or within sight. The target can fly at any speed, up to 50 km/h, but cannot take Major Actions while flying this way.


Earthquake Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 28MP Resistance Half Type Earth

Range/Area Duration Self/Instant Summary Violently shake and crack the earth Effect Deals 50 damage. Targets who fail to resist this spell fall prone. This spell has no effect on creatures who aren't standing on the ground. While casting the spell, the caster must have both hands on the ground. They can remain in this pose and keep the earthquake going, dealing no additional damage, but causing anyone moving through the area to take a -2 penalty to all actions due to poor footing. If the caster keeps the earthquake going for 10 minutes (60 rounds), all buildings and structures within the range will collapse. If the caster moves or takes any other action, the earthquake ends.

Tornado Target Any Point

Range/Area Duration 50m/Line Instant Summary Create a tornado that attacks everything in its way Effect

Cost 13MP Resistance Half Type Wind

Deals Power 40 + Magic Power damage.

Neutralize Target 6m Radius/20

Cost 44MP Resistance Can't

Range/Area Duration Self/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Suppresses the elements Effect While within the area, any Fire-, Water/Ice-, Earth-, or Wind-type effects are negated, spells and special abilities of those types cannot be used, and all damage of those types is reduced to 0. This applies even if the source of the damage is outside of and casting into the range of this spell. 172

Avoid Fairy Target 1 Character

Cost 15MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Causes fairies to flee Effect Fairies Level 15 or lower flee as far as possible from the caster. If the target is a fairy called by the caster, this spell cannot be resisted.

Chaos Smash Target 6m Radius/20

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target Instant Summary Combine the power of all fairies to attack Effect

Cost 18MP Resistance Half Type Energy

Deals Power 60 + Magic Power damage.

Fairy Lord Target Any Point

Cost Special MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/10 seconds (1 r) Summary Call a powerful Fairy for an errand Effect Summons a Fairy Level 17 or less to serve the caster. The summoned fairy will carry out any orders to the best of its ability, including those commands that may end up being harmful to the fairy. Commanding the summoned fairy is a Minor Action. This spell costs "Summoned Fairy's Level x 3" MP to cast.


Magitech Spell List (11-15 Levels) Skybike Item Large

Range/Area Duration Touch/1 Hour Summary

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Create a Skybike Effect Creates a Skybike for the caster to ride. While riding the Skybike, you may not use the targeted large magisphere for any other spells.



Cost 5MP Resistance


10 seconds (1 r)


Sniper Range ☆ Item Small/Medium /Large

Summary Extend the range of ranged weapons Effect When the target makes a ranged attack, increase the range of that attack by 10m (small)/30m (medium)/50m (large). This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Panacea Light Item Medium

Range/Area Duration 30m/Shot Instant Summary Calls a warm light that purifies the mind Effect

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Removes all Psychic-type effects from the area.


Prism Effect Item Small

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Refracts light to appear invisible to machines Effect The caster cannot be seen by Mechanical means of perception, whether from monsters or magical items designed to record. Even if the caster would show up, they appear to be invisible. If the caster is the target of an attack from a monster with Mechanical perception, 1d is rolled before the attack. On a 1-3, the caster must use their Evasion to dodge the attack as normal. On a 4-6, the caster automatically dodges the attack, no Evasion roll required. Characters that use 5 Senses or Magic Perception can see the character normally.

Cannon Bullet ☆ Item Medium, 1 Shot


Cost 4MP Resistance

Duration 10 seconds (1 Touch/N/A round) Summary Compress a large amount of mana into a bullet Effect This spell creates a bullet that deals Power 50 + Magic Power damage. When firing, the caster receives a -1 penalty to their Accuracy. This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.

Sphere Shed Item Large

Cost 10MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/Instant Summary Store tools and equipment in magispheres Effect A tool or other inanimate object, no larger than 1m radius and 2m tall, can be stored inside a magisphere. Only one item can be stored per magisphere and living things and corpses cannot be stored. While an item is stored in a magisphere, that magisphere cannot be used for other magic use. This spell can be recast on the same magisphere in order to recall the stored item. 175

Chaff Grenade Item Medium

Cost 9MP Resistance Null

Range/Area Duration 10m/Shot Instant Summary Scatter debris to interfere with mana Effect A grenade explodes in an area of 5m Radius/15, releasing a large number of debris and preventing magical items from being used for 30 seconds (3 rounds). Mako Stones may not be used to draw MP from, and any increased Accuracy, Evasion and damage from magical weapons and armor are lost temporarily. However, this does not prevent the use of Magical Implements, Holy Seals, Gems or magispheres.

Effect Protector Item Large

Cost 15MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Creates a barrier to protect from effects Effect The next time the caster becomes the target of a spell or special ability with "Resist: Can't", the caster is unaffected by that spell or ability. If a spell or ability is canceled by this spell, the magisphere used for this spell shatters into unusable dust, and the spell's effect immediately ends.

Copy Item Large

Cost 30MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/1 Day Summary Transforms magisphere into a duplicate of an item Effect The magisphere becomes an exact copy of an item held in the caster's hand. The item to be copied must be from the Al Menas era or later and cannot be an item larger than one held in both hands. Living creatures cannot be copied with this spell. While this spell is in effect, the chosen magisphere cannot be used for other spells. This spell takes 10 minutes (60 rounds) to cast. 176

Return Item Large

Cost 18MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/1 Year Summary Recall to a previously established magisphere Effect When this spell is cast, the caster sets a magisphere to float in position. While in this position, the magisphere cannot be used for any other spells. Once a magisphere has been set in this way, the caster can recall themselves to the magisphere's position as a Minor Action. At the caster's discretion, characters touching the caster or in the same battlefield can also be recalled. After the caster uses the recall feature, casts this spell again to set a second magisphere, or the set magisphere is destroyed, the spell ends and the magisphere used crumbles into useless dust. The caster knows if the magisphere is destroyed before using this recall effect. This spell takes 10 minutes (60 rounds) to cast.

Machine Repair Item Large x 1 - 3

Cost 40MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/Permanent Summary Repair modern tools and equipment Effect The caster is able to repair any item or structure built during the Al Menas era or later, depending upon the number of magispheres they use for this spell. One magisphere will repair something around the average size of a human, two magispheres can repair objects the size of a hut, while three magispheres will repair anything the size of a small fort or smaller. However, at least 70% of the tools and materials must be from the original object. This spell can repair Runefolk bodies as well as Constructs, however it does not restore any HP. This spell takes 1 hour to cast.


Mana House Item Large

Cost 15MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/1 Day Summary Creates a comfortable house to rest in Effect A smallish house, approximately 70 ft2, appears on the spot. There are three bedrooms, a living room, dining room and kitchen, and about 5 people can live inside comfortably. Barbaros Level 5 or higher and all Undead are unable to come closer than a 50m radius around the house. The house itself has 100 HP and 10 Defense. If the building itself is attacked, or a Barbaros is within 10m of the house, an alarm will sound. While this spell is in effect, the chosen magisphere cannot be used for other spells.

Minimum Leap ☆ Item Medium

Cost 15MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/Instant Summary Teleport across short distances Effect The caster teleports the target anywhere within 10m. Walls, barriers, etc. are bypassed, but the destination must be within sight of the caster. This spell can be cast as a Minor Action. This spell can only be cast once per turn.


Quick Rampage Item Large

Cost 18MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/3 minutes (18 r) Summary Create a manipulator arm from the magisphere Effect An arm extends from the magisphere, able to be controlled as a separate arm of the casters. Dexterity checks made using this arm (other than Accuracy) receive a +4 bonus. If this spell is used in combat, the manipulator arm may make a melee or ranged attack in addition to the caster's normal actions. A manipulator arm is treated as one hand for the purposes of wielding weapons and is unaffected by the caster's Combat Feats. While this spell is in effect, the chosen magisphere cannot be used for other spells.

Skyship Item Large x 5

Cost 40MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Touch/1 Day Summary Create a small ship that can fly through the air Effect This spell requires 5 Large magispheres to cast and requires 10 minutes to cast. The caster creates a flying ship large enough to hold 10 passengers comfortably. While this spell is in effect, the chosen magispheres cannot be used for other spells. If the Skyship is destroyed, the chosen magispheres are also destroyed, and crumble into useless dust.


Genocide Bullet ☆ Item Medium, 1 Shot


Cost 10MP Resistance

Duration 10 seconds (1 Touch/N/A round) Summary Creates the strongest magical bullets Effect This spell creates a bullet that deals Power 70 + Magic Power damage. When firing this bullet, the range of the gun is halved, but the area increases to a 6m Radius/20. If the shooter has the Combat Feat [Magic Control], the targets may be chosen at will. This spell can be cast as a Minor Action.



List of Techniques

10th Level Enhancer Required Chameleon Camouflage ☆ Sum. Eff.





30 seconds (3 r)

Cannot Fall Prone The user's lower body becomes like that of a kraken's tentacles, becoming immune to falling prone by any means. This Technique is only effective if the user is standing on solid ground or on the seafloor.

Jii Prophecy ☆ Sum.

30 seconds (3 r)

Increased Stealth The user gains a +4 bonus to Stealth checks and cannot be seen by 5 Senses Perception from more than 10m away. The user also cannot be the target of melee or ranged attacks while using this Technique.

Kraken Stability ☆ Sum.



1 Hour

Detect Incoming Danger The user is able to see into the future for a second or two, allowing them to gain a +2 bonus to both Initiative and Danger Sense.

Strider Walk ☆ Sum. Eff.




3 minutes (18 rounds)


10 seconds (1 round)

Strengthen Kicks As a Major Action, the user can kick a 1m radius hole into a wall less than 1m thick, creating a loud noise while doing so. If the wall is more than 1m thick, the kick instead creates a hemispherical divot in the structure. This Technique cannot be used on Iron or harder material and cannot be used while in combat.

Troll Vitals ☆ Sum.


Create Multifunctional Silk Threads Spin thick threads of strong silk from the user's fingertips to aid in movement. The silk works the same as the Artificer spell Wire Anchor (i.e., the user can climb walls better, and use it to entrap opponents), but uses the user's Enhancer Level + Strength Bonus if a check is needed.

Titan's Foot ☆ Sum.

3 minutes (18 rounds)

Walk on Water The user can walk on water and dense clouds. However, when using this Technique, they cannot take a Full Move.

Spider Web ☆ Sum.



30 seconds (3 rounds)

Magic Damage -4 The user's vital organs become like that of a Troll's, causing them to take -4 magical damage from any source.


Balloon Seed Shot ☆ Sum. Eff.





3 minutes (18 rounds)

Grow Fangs The user's canines extend, allowing a Bite attack to be made as a Wrestling weapon, using their Enhancer Level + Dexterity Bonus for Accuracy and Enhancer Level + Strength Bonus for damage. If the user already has a Bite attack, then they can use this Technique to increase either their Accuracy by +1 or damage with the Bite by +2. This Technique's effects are cumulative, to a total of +2 Accuracy and +4 bonus damage. This Technique can be used once per round. Attacks with this Technique can only be used once per round as a Minor Action.

Healthy Body ☆ Sum.

30 seconds (3 r)

Use Weapons with Mouth The user can use Thrown weapons with their mouth, using their Enhancer Level + Dexterity Bonus for Accuracy and Enhancer Level + Strength Bonus for damage. Attacks with this Technique can only be used once per round as a Minor Action.

Fenrir's Bite ☆ Sum.




Removes Negative Effects Remove a Poison-, Disease-, or Psychic-type effect from the user.


List of Spellsongs

10th Level Bard Required Amazing Sum.






20 seconds (2 rounds)



Force others to clap along Bird Pet Anyone hearing the Bard's rhythmic clapping has the urge to clap along, dropping anything they may be holding. While clapping, characters cannot take any Actions that would require the use of their arms.

Chorus Sum.



Randomly copy the effect of another known Pet Spellsong By playing a melody off the cuff, the Bard is able to copy the effect of another Spellsong that they know. Any Prelude or Singing requirements for the copied song are ignored, and the Spellsong takes effect immediately. If the Spellsong requires a check to be made, it is made with a +2 bonus.

Clap Sum.



10 seconds (1 round)



Force others to sing along Pet Anyone hearing the Bard's relaxed, yet catchy melody will have the urge to sing along. While singing, characters can only take Limited Moves, and cannot use any magic that requires vocalization. 184

Sonic Voice Sum. Eff.







10 seconds (1 round)




20 seconds (2 rounds)



Force listeners to dance Pet Passionate melodies cause listeners to dance violently, reducing their Accuracy and Evasion by -2. Characters with Grappler Class Levels are immune to this Spellsong's effects.

Fall Sum.


Prevent the use of Active Combat Feats Frog Pet This jarring noise disrupts concentration, preventing the use of any Active Combat Feats.

Dance Sum.


Create damaging sonic shockwaves Insect Pet This high-pitched frequency deals Power 20 Wind-type damage each round to those within the Spellsong's area of effect. This damage cannot critical. This song affects those who would normally be immune to Psychic-type effects.

Dare Sum.



20 seconds (2 rounds)



Cause flying characters to drop Bird Pet This heavy screaming causes any flying characters to crash into the ground, dealing them falling damage. Additionally, characters cannot benefit from any "Flight" special abilities and cannot take flight until they are out of the range of this Spellsong.

March Sum. Eff.





20 seconds (2 rounds)



Reduce MP consumption Insect Pet A peaceful tune, this Spellsong reduces any MP consumption within range by -1 (but cannot reduce it to 0 or lower).

Lazy Sum.


Normalize movement speed Frog Pet The Bard chooses a movement speed from 1 to 24 meters. While within the area of this Spellsong, all characters will move at the chosen speed when taking a Normal Move. This Spellsong does not change a character's Agility.

Reduction Sum.




10 seconds (1 round)



Bird, Frog, Insect This languorous number causes those who hear it to temporarily lose a level in each Class they have. This reduction will affect Adventurer Level but will not reduce Maximum HP or MP. Reduction of Class Levels may cause the loss of Combat Feats and Techniques, in which case the most recent of each is lost. If a Class Level is reduced to 0 this way, it is as though the character does not have a level in that Class at all. Fixed-value characters reduce their Accuracy, Evasion, Fortitude, Willpower, and all Magic and Special Ability checks by -1. Lower Class Levels



Combat Feats

Automatically Acquired Combat Feats The following is a list of Combat Feats that are automatically acquired when each class reaches a certain level. These Combat Feats are all Passive Feats. Automatically Acquired Combat Feats Class Level Combat Feat Fighter 13 Battle Master Grappler 13 Battle Master 12 Treasure Master Scout 15 Skill Master 12 Fleet Footed Ranger 15 Shukuchi 12 Mana Resistance Sage 15 Ancestor's Wisdom


Passive Combat Feats List Fleet Footed Req. Sum. Effect

Ranger Level 12 Class Increases mobility The character's Normal Move increases by 10m, and their Full Move increases by 30m. You automatically learn this feat when your Ranger level is increased to 12. You may not learn it any other way.

Guardian Req. Sum. Effect

Adventurer Level 9, Class [Cover] Protect a target from multiple attacks This feat enhances [Cover]. When you declare [Cover], you can choose to redirect up to 5 attacks towards each character you're Covering to yourself.

Capacity Req. Sum. Effect

Adventurer Level 11 Class Increase MP capacity Your Maximum MP increases by +15. Grassrunners cannot take this Combat Feat.

Sage's Wisdom Req. Sum.


Sage Level 15 Class Sage Become perfectly proficient as a Sage Once per check, the Sage may reroll the result of a skill check influenced by their Sage Class Levels. The choice to reroll can be made after seeing the result of their first roll. Both dice must be rerolled, and the new result must be taken. You automatically learn this feat when your Sage level is increased to 15. You may not learn it any other way. 188

Shukuchi Req. Sum. Effect

Ranger Level 15 Class Take Actions after a Full Move The Ranger is able to take any Actions normally possible after a Normal Move and can take them after taking a Full Move as well. You automatically learn this feat when your Ranger level is increased to 15. You may not learn it any other way.

Skill Master Req. Sum.


Scout Level 15 Class Scout Become perfectly proficient as a Scout Once per check, the Scout may reroll the result of a skill check influenced by their Scout Class Levels. The choice to reroll can be made after seeing the result of their first roll. Both dice must be rerolled, and the new result must be taken. You automatically learn this feat when your Scout level is increased to 15. You may not learn it any other way.

Treasure Master Req. Sum. Effect

Scout Level 12 Class Notice the choicest treasure and monster parts when looting When rolling for Loot Recovery during Post-Combat Cleanup, add an additional +1 to the roll (for a total of +2). You automatically learn this feat when your Scout level is increased to 12. You may not learn it any other way.

Battle Master Req. Sum. Effect


Fighter or Grappler Level Class 13 Combine the effects of two Active Combat Feats Two Active Combat Feats can be used per round. Apply each effect (and any penalties) separately. You automatically learn this feat when your Fighter or Grappler level is increased to 13. You may not learn it any other way.

Weapon Master Req. Sum. Effect

Adventurer Level 11, [Weapon Proficiency Class II/**] Improved skill at arms allows the use of any weapon. You can equip any weapon without penalty.

Armor Master Req. Sum. Effect

Adventurer Level 11, Class [Armor Proficiency II/**] Improved skill at arms allows the use of any type of armor. You can equip any armor or shield without penalty.

Mana Resistance Req. Sum. Effect

Sage Level 12 Class Sense the movements of mana and protect oneself By feeling the movement of mana, the Sage can tell when a magical attack is coming and prepare appropriately, reducing all Magic Damage they receive by -5. You automatically learn this feat when your Sage level is increased to 12. You may not learn it any other way.

Greater Mana Strike Req. Sum. Effect

Adventurer Level 9, Class [Mana Strike] Improve Accuracy of [Mana Strike] When you use [Mana Strike], you can add your Intelligence Bonus to the attack's Accuracy. However, you suffer an additional -1 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks (for a total of -2) when using [Mana Strike].


Pinpoint Attack II Req. Sum. Effect

Adventurer Level 9, Class [Pinpoint Attack] Strike true, regardless of weapon Increase your Accuracy with melee and ranged attacks by an additional +1 (for a total of +2 Accuracy).

Active Combat Feats List Infight Req. Sum. Effect

Grappler Level 9 Class Grappler Rush in to attack, disregarding safety Increase your Accuracy by +3 but decrease your Evasion by -3.

Mirage Arrow Req. Sum. Effect

Marksman Level 9 Class Marksman Make two attacks and take the better result When using Thrown or Bow weapons, the Marksman may make two attack rolls against the same target, taking the better of the two rolls. Using this Combat Feat expends two ammunitions.

Nerve Strike Req. Sum.



Grappler Level 9 Class Grappler Aim at vital points, reducing the damage from physical attacks When declaring an attack, you can say you're going for a [Nerve Strike]. If that attack hits, for the next 10 seconds (1 round), the target's physical melee and ranged attacks will deal -8 damage. This cannot reduce the damage to 0 or lower, and only one damage reduction effect may be active on a target.

Flying Kick Req. Sum. Effect

Grappler Level 9 Class Grappler End movement with a flying kick At the end of a Normal Move, if the Grappler was able to move 10m or more, they may immediately make an attack using the Wrestling weapon. While this is treated as a Major Action, the Grappler may take one additional Major Action during that same turn.

Cleave Req. Sum. Effect

Fighter Level 9 Class Fighter Swing a two-handed weapon to attack multiple targets When wielding a Sword, Axe, Mace or Warhammer that requires two hands to wield, the Fighter can attack up to 5 targets in the same battlefield. Each attack requires its own Accuracy check, made with a -2 penalty, and each target hit must make their own Evasion check.



Melee Weapons All SS-Rank weapons are treated as magical weapons, and the Combat Feat [Weapon Master] is required in order to wield one of these weapons. They cannot be wielded in any other way. SS-Rank weapons also cannot be custom-forged, but they can eventually be made into a character's Favored Weapon (see Core Rulebook II).


Crit Rate

Min STR Accuracy Power



SS-Rank Swords Price

Angel Feather 1H 2 +2 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ 60,000 Hyperion

1H† 20 +1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩


2H 20 +1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ Geister ※

2H 30 +1 70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 ⑩ 95,000

※: While equipped, user takes 5 damage at the end of each turn.


③④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪ ⑫

Crit Rate


Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

SS-Rank Axes Price

Dynast 2H 40 -1 90 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26 ⑪ 114,000

A-Rank Spears


Crit Rate


Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Spear] may equip the following weapons.


Normal Lance ※ 1H 20 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ 1,200 ※:+2 damage while riding

S-Rank Spears


Crit Rate


Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Spear] may equip the following weapons.


Heavy Lance ※ 1H 25 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ 8,280 ※: +3 damage while riding



Crit Rate


Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

SS-Rank Spears Price

Fatal Lance ※ 1H 25 - 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ 66,000 ※: +5 damage while riding


Zeno 2H 28 +3 53 5

Crit Rate

Min STR Accuracy Power



SS-Rank Maces Price

7 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 15 ⑫ 92,000


Crit Rate


Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

SS-Rank Staves Price

Magus ※ 2H 14 +1 44 4 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 14 12 100,000 ※: Wielder can spend HP instead of MP to cast spells.



Crit Rate


Min STR Accuracy Power


SS-Rank Flails Price

1H† 15 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑨ Silver Comet

71,000 2H 15 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑨


Crit Rate


Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

SS-Rank Warhammers Price

Rosenhagen 2H 19 -1 39 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13 ⑧ 87,700

③④⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪ ⑫

Crit Rate

Min STR Accuracy Power



B-Rank Wrestling Price

Bite 2H# 1 - 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑨ -



Crit Rate


Min STR Accuracy Power


SS-Rank Wrestling Price

Hands of Glory 1H 10 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ 45,000 ※1 Legs of Honor 1H# 10 - 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑪ 58,000 ※2 ※1: A weapon that strengthens one's punches. Defense +1 ※2: A weapon that strengthens one's kicks. Defense +1

Ranged Weapons All SS-Rank weapons are treated as magical weapons, and the Combat Feat [Weapon Master] is required in order to wield one of these weapons. They cannot be wielded in any other way. SS-Rank weapons also cannot be custom-forged, but they can eventually be made into a character's Favored Weapon.

SS-Rank Thrown Weapons


Crit Rate

Min STR Accuracy Power



These weapons have a range of 20m.


Tri-Edge ※ 1H* 15 +2 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ 46,000 ※:Returns to owner at end of turn.


SS-Rank Bows



Crit Rate

Stance Min STR Accuracy Power

These weapons have a range of 40m.


Ruindahlia ※ 2H 18 +1 48 4 6 7 9 10 12 12 13 13 15 ⑩ 73,000 ※:Can deal Wind-type damage at user's discretion

SS-Rank Crossbows



Crit Rate Add'l Dmg

Min STR Accuracy Power



These weapons have a range of 40m.

Gard 2 80,00 26 +1 56 5 8 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 ⑩ 18 e H 0

SS-Rank Guns Only those with [Weapon Proficiency II/Gun] may equip the following weapons.


Max Min Magic Crit Stance Accuracy Range Price Magazine STR Power Rate

Full Fire ※






20m 60.000







60m 80,000

※:Cannot be loaded with a Quick Loader.


Ammunition Name

Quiver ※

Equipment Slot


Back, Waist, Other


Effect Holds 24 arrows or quarrels

Bullet Pouch Back, Waist, Leg, 100 Holds 24 bullets Other ※ ※:Requires [Weapon Proficiency/Bow], [Weapon Proficiency/Crossbow] or [Weapon Proficiency/Gun] to equip.

Armor The Combat Feat [Armor Master] is required in order to wear one of the following suits of armor. They cannot be worn in any other way. SS-Rank armor also cannot be custom-forged, but they can eventually be made into a character's Favored Armor.

SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor Name

Min STR 6

Evasion Defense

+1 Astral Guard ※1 Phoenix Cloak 17 +2 ※2 ※1: Reduces Magic Damage by -3. ※2: Grappler only.







SS-Rank Metal Armor Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price 30 -1 14 100,000 Imperial ※ ※:Reduces Magic Damage by -3.

A-Rank Shields Only those with [Armor Proficiency/Shield] may wear the following armor. Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price 15 +2 1,250 Knight Shield ※ ※: Also increases Defense of a mount if equipped while riding.

SS-Rank Shields Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price Glorious 15 +1 +4 47,000


General Equipment This is a collection of items, daily necessities, etc. that are useful for adventurers to keep on hand. If you buy weapons and armor and have enough money, you may want to buy some of this general equipment.

Chemicals/Herbs Name

Price Notes

Dexterity Drink as a Major Action to increase Accuracy 2,000 Potion by +2 for 3 rounds Drink as a Major Action to increase Normal Speed 2,000 Movement Speed by +5 (+15 for a Full Move) Potion for 6 rounds Anti-Magic Drink as a Major Action to absorb up to 13 3,000 Potion points of Magic Damage for 6 rounds

Wizards' Items Name Command Stone Enchanted Rock Enchanted Iron


Price 100

Notes Magic stone used to change the given command of a Golem

2,000 Material for a Rock Golem 8,000 Material for an Iron Golem

Accessories Head Accessories Name Goddess's Veil

Price Notes 20,000 [Magic] Rarely make healing magic hyper effective. Women only

Neck Accessories Name Curse Rebellion

Price Notes 60,000 [Magic] Damage dealt to Demons +3; damage taken from Demons -3

Waist Accessories Name Tinder Tail Champion Loincloth

Price Notes 3,000 [Magic] Start small fires 30,000 [Magic] Guarantee an attack hit once per day. Men only

Foot Accessories Name Centipede Boots Hundred Boots

Price Notes 12,000 [Magic] Replicate desired footsteps 12,000 [Magic] Replicate sound of many footsteps


Magic Items List

List of Magic Weapons (by Price) Price

Category and Rank


Staff B


Sword B

13,000 ※

Sword B



Sword A

Death Scythe


Axe A



Sword A

Name Fi Star Rossum Elemental Blade Berserker's Soul

Blessed 30,000 Sword Judgment 32,000 Spear 96,000 Staff of House ※ ※: Cannot be bought.

Sword B Spear B Staff B

Effects Strengthens Spellsongs Adds any type to weapon Attack at the cost of life Can critical any enemy Increases damage with vitality Ignores Defense when attacking Recovers HP Blocks enemies from moving Creates a small house

List of Magic Armor (by Price) Price

Category and Rank

Yscaean Magical Armor


Metal Armor B

Mana Coat


Nonmetallic Armor B



Effects Improve [MultiAction] Combat Feat while worn Clothing with latent magical power


Category and Rank



Nonmetallic B

Reduce Magic Damage by -3


Shield B


Nonmetallic Armor B

Name Combat Maid's Outfit Asteria's Defense Robe of Wild Roses

Reduces elemental damage Damages incoming attackers

Other Magical Items (by Price) Name Sake Seeds Guardian Stone

Price 100 100+

Message Rouge




Magical Cabal Coffer


10,000 ※ Flying Broom 25,000 72,000 Mirror of Truth ※ 167,000 Eternal Chronoglass ※ ※: Cannot be bought. Jack in the Box

Category and Rank Turn water into sake Reduce Magic Damage Leave a message up to 30 seconds long Record and play back landscapes Randomly generate magic Contains either magitech robots or magical treasure Fly at a speed of 20m Uncover the truth Take two Major Actions


Asteria's Defense Popularity Summary


Small discEquip shaped shield Reduces elemental damage Durandal Era This is a B-Rank Shield, a graceful circular shield blessed by the God Asteria. While equipped, the user receives -3 damage from Fire-, Water/Ice-, Wind- and Earth-type sources, whether physical or magical. Name Min STR Evasion Defense Asteria's Defense 6 +1 19


Yscaean Magical Armor Popularity Summary



Base Price: 40,000

Base Price: 14,000

Mithril armor with luxurious Equip decorations Improve [Multi-Action] Durandal Era Combat Feat while worn This is B-Rank Metal Armor, full mithril plate armor with ornate filigrees and luxurious decorations. While wearing this armor, when the user activates the Combat Feat [Multi-Action], they increase their Accuracy and Magic Power by +1. Min Name Evasion Defense STR Yscaean Magical 20 +7 Armor 15


Robe of Wild Roses Popularity Summary


Robe covered in translucent Equip thorny vines Damages incoming attackers Durandal Era This is B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor, a simple robe with a wild rose motif embroidered into it. The thorny vines are infused with a small amount of magic, appearing to be wrapping around the wearer. However, the vines have no substance until the wearer is in danger, when they will magically materialize. When the wearer of the robe is the target of a melee attack or a spell with "Range: Touch", the robe will automatically deal 2d Magic damage back to the attacker. The wearer of the robe cannot be damaged by their own robe's effect. Name Min STR Evasion Defense Robe of Wild Roses 2 +2 15


Eternal Chronoglass Popularity Summary Effect

Base Price: 40,000

Base Price: 167,000 (Not for sale)

Hourglass with rainbow-colored Equip sand Take two Major Actions Durandal Era A mysterious hourglass that is able to stop time around it temporarily. When used as a Minor Action, the user is able to take two Major Actions during the same round. The Chronoglass may only be used once per day. 16



Elemental Blade App.


1H 5 +1 10 1

Curse Rebellion Popularity Summary





3 3



5 6

Crit Rate Add'l Dmg




Short sword with rainbow-colored Equip blade Adds any type to weapon Durandal Era This is a B-Rank Sword, a short blade with a rainbow hue. With a command word and a Minor Action, the blade will take on any one of the following types: Fire, Water/Ice, Earth, Thunder or Wind. 16

Min STR Accuracy Power


Base Price: 12,000

7 ⑩ +1

Base Price: 60,000

26 App. Simple necklace Neck Equip Damage dealt to Demons +3; damage taken from Demons Durandal Era -3 When the wearer of this necklace makes a melee or ranged attack or casts a spell that targets a Demon, they deal an extra +3 damage to that Demon. Additionally, when a Demon would make an attack on the wearer, reduce the damage from that attack by -3.

Berserker's Soul




2H 17 +1 27 2

Combat Maid's Outfit Popularity Summary




6 6



Crit Rate Add'l Dmg


Two-handed sword with a black Equip blade Attack at the cost of life Durandal Era This is a B-Rank Sword, burned black from the grudge of the warrior who died while wielding it. The warrior's grudge still infuses the weapon, and its curse (a Curse-type effect with a value of 20) seeps into the mind of the new wielder. When an attack is made using this sword, the MP of the wielder is reduced by 5, regardless of if the attack hits or misses. Once the user's MP is reduced to 0, HP begins to decrease at the same rate (with any excess MP reduction rolling over to HP). When the user's HP drops to 0 from this effect, they fall unconscious and immediately make a Death Check. Once this sword is used in battle, the user may only move closer to enemies and attack with this sword. Any other Actions, such as using a different weapon, or any Minor Actions, cannot be taken. App.


Min STR Accuracy Power


Base Price: 13,000 (Not for sale)

9 9 10 ⑧ +1 Base Price: 38,000

Maid's outfit designed not to Equip restrict movement Reduce Magic Damage by -3 Al Menas Era This is B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor, a fancy maid's outfit reinforced for combat uses. Specifically designed to prevent damage from firearm usage, this outfit reduces all incoming magical damage by -3 points. Name Min STR Evasion Defense Combat Maid's Outfit 10 +1 0 15



Command Stone Popularity Summary


Lead-colored stone with Equip magical power Change the given command Durandal Era of a Golem The user of this item can change the commands given to a Golem or Undead created via "Create Golem" or "Create Undead". As a Major Action, the stone must be touched to the monster in question and a new command given. Once used, this stone will crumble to dust. This stone can only be used on monsters created by the caster and will not work on those created by another character. 10


Sake Seeds Popularity Summary



Base Price: 100

Base Price: 100 (10 seeds) Sake-scented Equip grain seeds Turn water into sake Durandal Era These seeds come from a specially produced grain fruit, altered with magic to create a fruit whose seeds can turn water into sake. One seed changes a mug-full of water, dissolving completely, though multiple seeds will create stronger alcohol. There are fruits that can produce different liquors as well, and rare Sake Seeds will fetch a high price at market. 6


Zantetsuken App.


2H 15 +1 30 2

Jack in the Box Popularity Summary




6 7


Crit Rate Add'l Dmg




Single-edged longsword with a Equip saw-like blade Ignores Defense when attacking Durandal Era This is an A-Rank Sword, a jagged sword capable of tearing through armor like paper. If an attack using this sword is an Automatic Success, the defender's Defense is treated as 0 for that attack only. 14

Min STR Accuracy Power


Base Price: 25,000

9 10 10 10 ⑩ +1

Base Price: 10,000 (Not for sale)

An ordinary Equip treasure chest Contains either magitech Al Menas Era robots or magical treasure A popular toy made during the Al Menas period; it was originally used to test one's luck. However, due to their inherent danger, they were often discarded until only a few remain in functional shape. They are quite useful for trapping and protecting dungeons, however. Inside the rather ordinary-looking chest is either a magitech-powered automaton or some amount of money, though the contents are only known once the box is opened. Despite the small interior of the chest, the automatons that may spring out are full-size, and having them fit back into the chest is impossible. The chart below shows the contents in an easy-torandomize format. If an automaton does end up coming out of the box, it will attack the person opening the lid. Regardless of the contents, however, once opened the chest is just an ordinary treasure chest. 15



Contents of "Jack in the Box" Roll 1 2 3

Contents Rigaqua Barringer Nothing

Roll 4 5 6

Contents Gorghan Gar-UI Gamels (2d x 2,000G)

Judgment Spear



Crit Rate Add'l Dmg

Effec t


Min STR Accuracy Power


Long spear with three-pronged Equip blade Blocks enemies from moving Durandal Era This is a B-Rank Spear, a three-pronged spear with the power to stop the sinful in their tracks. In olden days, these were used en masse by city guards in order to protect the walls. If an attack using this spear is an Automatic Success, the defender cannot move or take any Actions for 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is a Psychic-type effect with a value of 20 and has no effect on those who are immune to Psychic-type effects. 16



Base Price: 32,000

1H 18 - 23 2 †

2 3



7 7


2H 18 +1 28 2

3 4



8 9

9 10 10 ⑩ +1

9 10 ⑩ +1

Blessed Sword Rapier with platinum blade

Guardian Stone





1H 10 +1 10 1



Recovers HP Durandal Era This is a B-Rank Sword, a thin platinum blade blessed by the gods. This blade cannot harm another being instead, when an attack is made with this sword, it instead heals the defender for what would be the calculated damage. This effect can only be used once per day per character. This effect cannot heal Undead or Constructs.






3 3



5 6

Crit Rate Add'l Dmg



Min STR Accuracy Power


Base Price: 30,000

7 10 +1

Base Price: 100+

Glossy small blue Equip stone Reduce Magic Damage Al Menas Era A shiny blue stone, about the size of the tip of a thumb, this stone is able to absorb magical damage that would otherwise affect the caster. If the holder would receive any magical damage, they may redirect that damage to this stone. Only one stone may be used in this way at a time, though multiple stones may be carried at once. The cost of this stone is equal to 100G times the square of the HP of the stone. For example, a 5 HP stone would be 2,500G (5 HP x 5 HP x 100G). When the HP of the stone reaches 0, it crumbles into dust. 13



Mirror of Truth

Sum. Effect

Full-length mirror Equip with silver edging Uncover the truth Durandal Era A magical mirror that will show true appearances, it stands at 1m wide by 2m tall. This mirror will always show one's true appearance, no matter how much it is changed via magic and special abilities. The mirror does not dispel any of those effects, however. 15


Staff of House




An oak tree cane Equip with a spiral tip Creates a small house Durandal Era This is a B-Rank Staff, a weathered oak cane with a spiral on one end. When the spiral end is stabbed into the ground and a command word is spoken, the cane transforms into a small but fully furnished house over the course of 30 seconds (3 rounds). The house needs a 20m radius to be called forth but remains where it is until the command word is spoken a second time. App.


Min STR Accuracy Power


Base Price: 96,000 (Not for sale)


2H 1 +2 11 1

Flying Broom Pop. Sum.





3 3



6 6

Crit Rate Add'l Dmg


Base Price: 72,000 (Not for sale)

7 ⑫ +1

Base Price: 25,000

An ordinary Face Equip broom Fly at a speed of 20m Durandal Era What appears to be an ordinary broom is actually a magical tool often found in old Al Menas era ruins. Each of these brooms allows a character to fly for up to an hour per day, moving at a rate of 20m per round, or 60m when taking a Full Move. Due to its size, only two characters can ride on any given broom, though one rider may be replaced with up to 200kg of luggage and other inanimate belongings. 8


Champion Loincloth Pop. Sum.


Men's waistband Waist Equip with flashy colors Guarantee an attack hits once Durandal Era per day A waistband with very bright and conspicuous colors (red and white are popular), this loincloth is designed to make a welltrained man look even better. While wearing the Champion Loincloth, the user's melee Accuracy is reduced by -1. However, once per day as a Minor Action, the user can declare their next attack to be an Automatic Success and does not need to roll Accuracy. It takes 30 seconds (3 rounds) to both put on and take off the Champion Loincloth, and it may only be worn by men. 12


Tinder Tail Pop. Sum.


Base Price: 30,000

Base Price: 3,000

A bushy, foxlike Waist Equip tail Start small fires Durandal Era A convenient tail, it allows you to create fire even without normal tinder and setup. As a Minor Action, the tail can be shaken and, if something scratches the tip, a small fire appears there. However, this fire will go out in the same round unless some other form of kindling is available to keep the fire going. This fire cannot be used in combat to deal damage. 10



Death Scythe


2H 17 +1 37 3



7 8



Single-edged twoEquip handed sword Can critical any enemy Durandal Era This is an A-Rank Sword, a large, single-edged sword built to chop through anything. An attack made using this sword can critical, even if the defender is normally immune to criticals. 21





2H 20 +1 35 3


9 10 11 12 12 ⑪ +1

Base Price: 15,000

Min STR Accuracy Power


Crit Rate Add'l Dmg




7 8

Crit Rate Add'l Dmg




A jet-black scythe Equip more than 2m long Increases damage with vitality Durandal Era This is an A-Rank Axe, an eerie black scythe etched with unsettling patterns whose aura radiates death. Once per round as a Minor Action, the user can spend 5 HP in order to increase this weapon's damage by +5 for the round. 14

Min STR Accuracy Power


Base Price: 16,000

9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ +1

Versatiles Pop. Sum.


Base Price: 5,000

Disc-shaped tiles with a mirror Equip finish Record and play back Al Menas Era landscapes A set of tiles from the famous wizard "Oblivion" Versa, who lived during the Al Menas era. Each tile can fit in the palm of one's hand, is about as thick as a few sheets of paper stacked upon one another, with a surface as smooth and reflective as a mirror. By holding one in your hand and speaking the command word, the tile will record all of the surrounding landscape reflected in it for the next 10 minutes. Once started, this recording cannot be stopped. After the recording is complete, a second command word will reproduce the recorded landscape as an image on the surface of the tile. When used in combat, activating either effect of a Versatile is a Major Action. The command words for both recording and image reproduction are the same for all Versatiles and are well known among veteran adventurers. Unless special precautions are taken, these words will be known to the adventurer when they succeed on their Appraise check. Only one image can be stored in each Versatile, and once an image is recorded it cannot be erased. Additionally, each Versatile is about as sturdy as pottery, and with little effort can be completely destroyed. 12


Centipede Boots Pop. Sum.


Base Price: 12,000

12 App. Red leather shoes Foot Equip Replicate desired footsteps Durandal Era These magical shoes have a special malleable sole. Once per hour, as a Major Action, the user can change their footprints to appear as those of another person or a monster for the next 3 minutes (18 rounds). When activating the shoes, the user must know the name, face, and physique if copying a person, and must have succeeded on a Monster Knowledge check if copying a monster. 216

Hundred Boots Sum.


12 App. Blue leather shoes Foot Equip Replicate sound of desired Durandal Era footsteps These magical shoes have a special sole that makes a unique noise. Once per hour, as a Major Action, the user can change their footprints to sound as those of another person or a monster for the next 3 minutes (18 rounds). When activating the shoes, the user must know the name, face, and physique if copying a person, and must have succeeded on a Monster Knowledge check if copying a monster.

Fi Star Ossum




A green wand with a Equip bifurcated tip Strengthens Spellsongs Al Menas Era This is a B-Rank Staff, a replica of an instrument used by a very popular female bard. When held in one's hand and a Spellsong is recited, the Spellsong will affect all within its area, even those would normally be immune to Psychic-type effects. 14


Min STR Accuracy Power


1H 5 +2 5


Base Price: 10,000


0 1



2 3



Crit Rate Add'l Dmg


Base Price: 12,000

5 5 ⑫ +1

Magical Cabal Coffers Pop. Sum.

Base Price: 9,000

Bottle filled with colorful magical Equip stones Randomly generate magic Durandal Era A bottle filled with various magic; it will randomly generate a magical effect from the following table when thrown in combat. This item has a range of 10m and does not consume any MP for its effects. Treat all spells as having a Magic Power of 10. Once used, this item will disappear. 10


Random Magic Table Effect

Roll 1 2 3 4 5

Spell Light Spark Poison Cloud Fireball Acid Cloud



Mana Coat Popularity Summary


Overview Illuminates area Attack with lightning Poisons small area

Reference See CR I See CR I See CR I

Attack with fire Acidic air burns and melts Creates local blizzard

See CR I See CR II See CR II

Base Price: 28,000 Coat made of Equip light fabric Clothing with latent magical Al Menas Era power This is B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor, a special coat designed by a wizard to aid in protection. This coat's Defense is equal to the user's Intelligence Bonus. Name Min STR Evasion Defense Mana Coat 1 Special 14



Goddess's Veil Popularity Summary


Base Price: 20,000

Pure white veil Head Equip with ribbons Rarely make healing magic Durandal Era hyper effective A gorgeous, pure white veil, it is a symbol of grace and charity throughout Raxia. A woman who wears the Goddess's Veil can treat healing magic as though it had a C Value of 10; i.e., healing spells can critical and will heal more than usual. Men may also wear the Goddess's Veil, but do not gain any benefits from doing so. 14


Message Rouge Popularity Summary



Base Price: 1,000

Light-colored lipstick in a Equip small shell Leave a message up to 30 Durandal Era seconds long This lipstick is used by lovers to leave messages for one another. Occasionally, someone may stumble across these messages and find a particularly sordid secret. By making a kiss mark with Message Rouge on your lips, a message of up to 30 seconds long can be stored in the mark. This message will remain until the kiss mark is reduced to just traces of rouge. To hear the stored message, all one has to do is point a finger at the kiss mark with the mental intention of hearing any message inside, and the magic of the rouge will allow the message to be heard. Once Message Rouge is used to store a message, the rest of the lipstick will disappear. 14


Part 4 World


Faith and Divine Power The strength of the gods' power that they can exert on Raxia is directly proportional to the number of followers they have. Therefore, in regions where there are few followers of a particular god, the priesthood of that god also weakens. Conversely, in regions where a god is worshipped by the general masses, the priesthood is quite powerful. However, the exact relationship between the number of followers a god has in a region and their power has not been fully determined. What is known is that temples, monuments, and even old totems dedicated to a god will increase their influence, as well the number of believers in that particular region. It is assumed that the spiritual power that was poured into these physical vessels, combined with the power of prayer from followers, that allow a god to retain their power in a given area. Priests performing miracles in areas will also create believers in that particular god, giving rise to a sect of that god in the area, allowing other priests to perform more powerful miracles, etc. A Holy Seal, a physical affirmation of the god's blessing upon a priest, is required in order to perform Priest spells.

Ancient Gods The most venerable of the gods, such as Lyfos and Tidan, are well-known anywhere on Raxia, with a large number of followers. Because of this, their power will not decrease anywhere in Raxia. At the same time, though, these ancient 221

gods cannot devote as much time and effort to each individual priest, and so it is unlikely that calling on them will give a direct revelation to one of their priests.

Major and Minor Gods Major gods, such as Zaiya and Lu Lode, are well known throughout the entirety of a continent, and will retain power in that area. However, when traveling to a faraway area, whether by land or by sea, the sphere of influence those gods have diminishes, and it will be unlikely that inhabitants of the new region have heard of these distant gods. Minor gods, such as Luferia, aren't even as lucky as that. Being gods that have recently ascended to godhood, they have not established a base of followers too far from their own region. When moving away from that region, priests of this god will find it harder to call upon their god in times of need. Priest spells of major gods will cost an additional +1 MP when traveling outside of the continent of their god's influence. However, Priest spells of minor gods increases their costs by +2 MP when traveling out of the region of their god's influence. This increase in MP consumption does not change depending upon exactly how far away the Priest travels. For example, the minor god Lills is worshipped in the Zalts region but is rarely worshipped in the Agia region in the north and the Liezen region in the south. Thus, Priests of Lills have their spells' MP costs increased by +2 when adventuring outside of the Zalts region.


However, the god Zaiya is known throughout the entirety of the Terastier continent but is only starting to make a foothold in the continent of Razeldawn to the north. While in Terastier, Zaiyan Priests cast spells as normal, but when adventuring in Razeldawn, their Priest spells cost an additional +1 MP to cast.

Increasing a God's Area of Influence A Priest can consecrate ground in the name of their god in order to bring MP costs back into line. By spending 1,000G and 3 days, the Priest can consecrate a 1km patch of land in the name of their god, allowing them to cast their spells without any extra MP consumption. Additionally, if a Priest can perform missionary services and convert even 1/200th of a city's population (i.e., 10 people out of a city of 2,000) to their god, they can ignore the increased MP consumption while adventuring within that city. These people can already be following a god of their own or be nonreligious. So long as they know the existence of a god, are respectful of that god, and attend temple services at least once a week, that person can be considered a believer. However, despite how much they may respect the gods, Tabbits and Runefolk can never be considered a believer. Aid from a Minor God While minor gods cannot exert influence over much more than a small area, they are able to appear to mortals much more often than older gods. Occasionally, they will appear directly as a divine being, or will disguise themselves in mortal form in order to contact the PCs. Either way, the GM may not only use the god as a means to offer up information and use a Priest character as an oracle but can also use the god as a 223

patron for the PCs' adventuring party, hiring the players to help the god out where they cannot hold influence. Apotheosis Adventurers trying to reach 15th level will eventually become aware of a path to becoming a god. Through a number of adventures, the players must have overcome events that threatened the entirety of Raxia, or maybe have even fought against a god indirectly. In doing so, they have become touched by the will of the gods. Adventurers who reach 15th level have attained the maximum of human growth and are quite rare in Raxia. Only by taking a step towards the divine, whether by being sponsored by a god, or overthrowing one with violence, can a character advance beyond 15th level. It is said that one takes the first step on becoming a god by grasping the First Sword, Lumiere, after reaching the height of their progress. There are also stories of those who had been particularly blessed by the gods and were allowed to touch Lumiere before even reaching 15th level, though the truth of the matter remains a mystery.


Magitech of Al Menas 300 years ago, the Al Menas civilization fell. In part due to the Great Catastrophe, many great magitech works and knowledge regarding the creation of such were lost to the widespread destruction. What follows is what is currently known about magitech on Terastier. Airship Magicores Airships, while still incredibly rare, have been rebuilt from the remains of older Al Menas airships. Despite their rarity, these airships represent a significant amount of power and money to the general public, as only the wealthy and powerful are able to put together the expeditions to find and recover airship wreckages. The manufacturing method of the magicores that power these flying marvels has been lost, so most of the expeditions are to find older wrecks, recover the magicore if it is still there, then rebuild a hull around the magicore to create a new airship. What is known about the magicores is that they are mostly made of a metal called "manatite", an ore in which it appears that mana itself has crystallized inside the metal, then both crystal and metal have been compressed under immense pressure. Manatite is a rather hard metal, harder than steel, yet almost weightless. For obvious reasons, manatite is an excellent conductor of magical energy, and it also has the fairly unique property of repelling gravity.


A magicore itself is a small sphere or cylinder, little more than the size of an adult's hand, with a number of thin plates of high purity manatite layered inside. These plates are skillfully designed to interfere with each other's magical fields in such a way as to generate an incredible amount of lift. Currently, the methodology and skill of smelting manatite has been lost, and if there were any machines designed to help in this process, they have been either destroyed by the Barbaros or lost to time. Because of this impossibility to recreate such high purity manatite in the current day, functioning magicores have been known to fetch prices of 1 million Gamels, and even higher, to the right buyer. Swords of Protection Many Swords of Protection were created during the Al Menas period, though at that time they seemed more like semipermanent magical items. However, because of the various raids of the Barbaros, quite a few of these Swords have been destroyed, to the point where the current number of known Swords of Protection cannot feasibly protect the entirety of the civilized races. To make matters worse, the protection granted by these Swords is waning, and needs to be maintained through the collection and usage of Sword Shards. Barrier Maintenance Ritual In many cities and larger towns, with the assistance of both the temples as well as the Institute of Magitechnology, rituals are held just about once each week in order to maintain the protective barrier granted through the Swords of Protection.


In most cases, this ritual is a day's work, lasting from dawn to dusk. Certain procedures need to be followed, rituals and spells cast in particular orders, and crushed Sword Shards applied to the Swords of Protection in a specific manner. During this ritual, the Sword will lose all power to drive off the Barbaros and undead. For cities with multiple Swords of Protection, these rituals are staggered over a couple of days, rotating from one sword to another, so as to not put the entire city at risk of an attack. Smaller towns, with but a single Sword of Protection, are not as lucky. Additionally, without enough Sword Shards to fuel the ritual, the protection provided may cease suddenly during the week. There are more than enough examples of border town ruins, places where the protection from the Swords ran out too early and the Barbaros overwhelmed the locals. Distribution of Swords of Protection No doubt these Swords of Protection are quite useful in civilized lands, but they can also be considered archaeological treasures as well, and as such will tend to congregate around cities and areas where there are large communities that can deal with archaeology and the treasures found. Thus, larger cities will tend to have one of these Swords per 2,000 permanent residents, where smaller towns and villages will have 1 Sword for every 10,000 residents (or more). Almost ironically, the larger the city, the more protection it will have between walls, guards, and such, and the less protection it will need from a recovered Sword. Each sword also varies in power somewhat, but in general each ritual to restore a Sword of Protection will erect a barrier about 1km in diameter, which will diminish over the course of the week as the Sword slowly loses power. 227

Barrier Resistance Passed down among the Barbaros are items that allow them to bypass the barrier from a Sword of Protection. Such items are quite rare and valuable, and so taking even one of these into battle is a show of power from the Barbaros that does so. Often taking the form of a ring, bracelet, or other armband, these items block the protection from a Sword of Protection for a limited time, usually around an hour or so before losing all durability and crumbling away. Occasionally, a leader of a large band of Barbaros will have multiple bands and will be able to not only break through the protective barrier but stay within the radius of the Sword of Protection for a significant period of time, much longer than the usual hour or so. This is often seen as a sign of a much larger Barbaros invasion looming. Teleporters One of the most amazing ways the Al Menas society was prospering was through the various methods of transportation. Various vehicles and motorbikes took to the ground, fleets of boats sailed across the waters of Raxia, and airships flew through the clear skies. And the most powerful of these was the teleporter. A teleporter required a massive location specifically designed for its use, allowing anything and anyone to be moved across the planet instantly. These teleporters allowed massive quantities of food, materials, and workers to travel to the exact location where they were needed in order to keep everything maintained. During the heyday of the Al Menas civilization, these teleporters were even used by civilians, allowing 228

someone to travel halfway across the planet to another of a number of facilities without a second thought. Nowadays, there are a few teleports still able to be used, but nothing near to the extent during the Al Menas days. A massive magical circle inside of a closed room is a fairly good indicator of an old teleporter, though activation may be locked behind old passwords and lost rituals. Even then, teleports will fail to work if even one side is unsafe, though as time has continued on these failsafe’s may not always function as intended. Teleporter facilities were undoubtedly important facilities, and many may still be heavily guarded by magitech automatons.


Northern Terastier On the northern end of the Terastier continent, there are three major humanoid regions, each with their own power base: Zalts, Liezen, and Dagnia. Each region has a minimum level of security, and the general public will definitely take advantage of that, but the various Barbaros are always on the outskirts of such areas, waiting to pick off any they can, seeing humanoids as weak and vulnerable. Conversely, this is a wonderful place for one to take up adventuring in the wilderness, hunting for treasures and driving back the Barbaros. Climate The weather in the northern regions is very clearly divided into the four seasons, though on the average the temperature is on the warmer side. Winters are often not very cold, and snow really only shows up in the southern mountains before quickly melting away. On the contrary, summers will be fairly hot, though the humidity isn't high enough to be oppressive. If one sits in the shade, it will often be enough to relax comfortably on a summer's day. Terrain The land is quite rugged, with large forests and quite a few rivers coming down out of the mountains, making the region a great place for humans to live. At the same time, because of the fertile land and abundance of natural resources, Barbaros are also after control over the land, and are willing to drive out anyone in their way. 230

The southern reaches of the region are covered by the Rudea Mountains, which are used as a launching point for the Barbaros to attack the surrounding areas. There are also large Barbaros bases in the Dagnia area, and conflict is quite common throughout. Ruins Ruins of the older days can be seen scattered throughout Terastier, hollow reminders as to what can happen should the Barbaros be unopposed. At the same time, these ruins can also hold remnants of the past, relics and treasures waiting to be found by courageous adventurers. The Liezen Region Located inland in the northern part of the Terastieran continent, the Liezen region is protected to its south by the Rudea Mountains, and to the west by the vast Tilla Forest. These natural barriers protect the inhabitants from the Barbaros, though the region itself isn't largely populated. There is some trade with Zalts to the north, and Dagnia to the east, but the current trade routes aren't the safest routes, so only well-protected caravans will travel throughout Liezen. The southern side of the Rudea Mountains is also a large Barbaros gathering ground, and a number of Barbaros incursions begin as they pour out of the mountains into lower Liezen. The southern kingdoms of Duball and Regalia have prepared for such incursions, and not only have highly trained guards and soldiers at the ready, but also have a number of skilled adventurers on call as well.


Popular gods worshipped in this region include Kilhia and


Zaiya, drawing followers from the soldiers and tacticians protecting the region from the Barbaros. Tidan, Grendal, and even Nilda also find followers among the general populace, as light, heat and clothing are staples for human society. Additionally, Asteria is another popular god to follow in the region, though whether that's less to do with her particular sphere of influence and more to do with protection against the fey in the Tilla Forest is up for debate. "Fairy Land" Alphort Kingdom A small kingdom located in the northwest of Liezen, it is on the edge of the Tilla Forest and is quite well known for its forestry and lumber industry. Currently governed by Queen Belanger Castagniers (37 years old), there are around 50,000 inhabitants of the kingdom, a large number of them elves. Alphort is known as a prime place to study Fairy magic, due to its close proximity to such a large forest, as well as much of the cityscape taking advantage of the natural surroundings. Many of the buildings are constructed around the trunks of ancient trees, and a number of streams and small rivers flow throughout alongside the roadways. Even without an interest in Fairy magic, it is worthwhile to take a trip out to see such a large city built to be in harmony with nature. Animal husbandry and beast capturing is also a fairly lucrative industry as well, considering how close Alphort is to the Tilla Forest. These animals, once tamed, are often used in cultivating the land, pulling caravans, and even military service. There is some trade with the Free Cities of the Zalts region, and every so often whole caravans of tamed animals can be seen heading north from Alphort.


Around the time of the Great Catastrophe, the nearby land was in constant turmoil, conflict erupting at a moment's notice between the Barbaros and Alphort. However, in part due to the taming and usage of animals in the military, it has been fairly peaceful and prosperous as of late. There is still a number of soldiers who ride tamed beasts into battle, ready to protect the kingdom, if necessary, though military spending has decreased in recent years. Queen Castagniers is well known among the fairies and is more than happy to accommodate them in the court, however, politics do not necessarily seem to be her strong suit. Thankfully, both the Chancellor and Minister have been competent enough to keep the kingdom functioning, and there are no major complains with regards to national affairs. That being said, there are rumors that the Queen is buying jewels from the fairies using military money, and the citizens are worried as to what may happen were a large-scale Barbaros attack to break out. "Dragon Citadel" Duball Kingdom The largest kingdom in the region, Duball is in the southwest of Liezen. Ruled by King Bernard Falk (53 years old), the city of Duball holds around 70,000 inhabitants. Known for having a strong army, King Falk has taken the time to fortify many of the cities Duball protects due to the constant threat of Barbaros invasion, making the kingdom seem like a series of interconnected castles. However, Duball gets its name from the Dragon Knights, a prestigious title granted only to those strong enough and worthy enough to take it. Only a Dragon Knight can be king, and there are but five in the entirety of the kingdom, including King Falk. Each Dragon Knight has control over both a 234

Draconet and a Lesser Dragon, and even one Dragon Knight taking their mounts out to a battle is on par with most other kingdoms' entire armies. However, the king's dragon, Grundart, is over 500 years old, and is stronger than even a Lesser Dragon in combat power, though he rarely leaves his roost at the royal palace. Roger Falk, the founding king who built the kingdom shortly after the Great Catastrophe and King Falk's ancestor, made an agreement with the Great Dragon of the Rudea Mountains, Ardeltaid, in order to gain aid in fighting against the Barbaros. This act was what had given rise to the Dragon Knight, and in honoring the agreement with Ardeltaid, Duball has become a fearsome military force against the constant Barbaros incursions. To this day, aspiring knights are sent to Ardeltaid in an attempt to overcome numerous trials and become another Dragon Knight, gifted with Ardeltaid's own eggs to raise. Those who are found unworthy of the title may yet still serve the kingdom, though riding Wyverns instead of Dragons. However, these knights are not ridiculed or looked down upon, as the trials to become a Dragon Knight are quite arduous indeed, and even making the attempt is something to be proud of. Even with such a strong army at his command, King Falk must still deal with no end of Barbaros invasions. While the kingdom's knights help drive back many of these attempts, it is only with the aid of adventurers that Duball is able to repel the Barbaros fully. "Legacy of the Magical King" Miraboa Kingdom The smallest kingdom in the Liezen region, the kingdom of Miraboa lies in the northeast, with approximately 20,000 235

inhabitants calling the kingdom home. The current king, Ixelles Jennebert (43 years old), claims to be the descendant of the legendary "Magic King" of the Durandal. The kingdom itself is built around a large crack in the earth created during the Great Catastrophe, commonly called the "Well of Wisdom". This name came from the large amount of ancient magical ruins uncovered by the earth cracking, and a nation came to be established around the various camps and buildings that had sprung up for excavation and research. Because of this, magical research is incredibly popular in the kingdom, and a number of universities and magical research towers dot the kingdom. This pursuit of knowledge has drawn the attention of many tabbits over the course of their life, and to this day Miraboa has a significant number of tabbits as citizens. Tabbits are known for wandering and learning as they travel, so for a significant number of their race to settle down and devote time to studying the ruins is unusual, to say the least. The first king, Harold Jennebert, established a formal School of Magic after taking the throne, and encouraged the growth of new magicians in the area. King Jennebert was also quite active in excavating the ruins and uncovering a number of magical items and artifacts and took the time to learn of the various adventurers and scholars who came to challenge the ruins alongside him. King Ixelles has inherited his father's wishes and is constantly promoting the establishment of magical schools and supporting research of the ruins in hopes of uncovering some valuable information that has been previously lost due the either the ravages of time, or the destruction of knowledge at the hands of the Barbaros. 236

Recently, though, King Jennebert has shut down sections of the ruins, and claims that "something dangerous has been found" or that the crown is "monopolizing valuable knowledge" have begun to fly left and right. Regardless of the truth of the matter, there are still new adventurers and scholars drawn to the kingdom because of the ruins, and veteran explorers just see the restricted area as yet another obstacle to be overcome. "Iron Wall Fortress" Kingdom of Regalia The Kingdom of Regalia is found in the southeastern part of the Liezen region, its five fortresses tucked in a valley between the Rudea and Drakia Mountains. Also known as the "FiveLayered Shield", this heavily fortified kingdom is currently ruled by King Xavier Boaguel (29 years old). The capital of Regalia, the fortress city of Mantoise, is home to around 40,000 inhabitants, with each other city holding anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 civilians on top of a number of soldiers. There are a significant number of dwarves who call Regalia home and are often seen training to repel any Barbaros invasions that may arise. Due to the large number of Barbaros coming out of the south, the southernmost city, Bourde, was built to be the most fortified of the five cities, and it's 1,000 soldiers have never let a Barbaros invasion get past them to this day. However, the other cities do not let Bourde's successes allow them to grow complacent. The other cities of Ritel (with 200 active soldiers), Dordea (100 soldiers), Mantoise (700 soldiers) and Hyurte (100 soldiers) have also seen their fair share of military service to the kingdom. Among the five cities, Dordea is best known for their soldiers being the elite out of all serving in Regalia. Being a fortress city 237

with a high dwarven population, many of the Dordean soldiers



end up being dwarves striving to live up to the reputation their

predecessors earned. With the Rudea Mountains close by, mining operations are also big business in Dordea, drawing in not only a number of dwarves looking to mine the mountains out, but also a number of smiths, looking to hone their craft while forging arms and armor for the soldiers. Because of these factors, Dordea is currently home to about 2,000 dwarves, though that number is continuing to rise. Overall, Regalia is a very brave and physical kingdom, albeit with little in the way of magical studies. However, the study of magitech uncovered by the mining operations, as well as martial strategies and techniques, more than makes up for any magical shortcomings. "Dragonhome" Rudea Mountains Also known as the "Dragon King Mountains", the Rudea mountain range is home to a large number of dragons. With a number of sheer cliffs, many peaks rise well over 3,000m above sea level, with more than a few having never had a humanoid set foot on them. Only the kingdom of Duball regularly has adventurers make their way into the mountains, and even those brave souls often stick to the well-tread paths. However, there are many untouched ruins, some rumored to go as far back as the Durandal era, with a significant number supposed to have fallen underground due to the numerous upheavals. The great dragon, Ardeltaid, known for his dealing with the Duball Kingdom, was said to have been cursed by a powerful wizard from the Durandal era, and part of the pact that King Roger Falk made was to figure out what the curse was and to break it. Even without dealing with Ardeltaid and their brood, a significant number of dragons call the Rudea Mountains 240

home. As another part of the pack between Ardeltaid and Falk, dragons will leave humans alone unless they interfere with the hunt for food, or humans encroach into nesting areas and ruin their homes. Because of this, the true number of dragons in the region is much larger than reports will say, though dragon encounters remain a rarity. However, Barbaros have begun to be more active in the mountains, often trying to invade the various kingdoms of the Liezen region and gain a foothold outside of the mountains. A number of foreign adventurers have also been active in the mountains, driven by the thought of raiding dragon nests for eggs to sell on the black market. These incidents have begun to erode the trust between humans and dragons, though what will come of this remains to be seen. "Beast's Paradise" Tilla, the Sea of Trees A vast forest that comprises most of the western border of the Liezen region, massive enough to be called the "Sea of Trees", the Tilla forest is an ancient home to equally massive flora and fauna. Each of these massive beasts have their own territory, and will attack mercilessly to defend it from intruders, whether another beast or an adventuring party. There is also an enormous plateau that can be seen sticking above the treetops, though it is said to be home to a large colony of roc birds. There are theories that the Al Menas created massive forests like the Tilla in order to store large animals there, both for preservation as well as defense of their own lands, but there is thus far no evidence to support these theories. Despite all of the dangers, there are still ruins from the Al Menas civilization buried in the overgrowth, and so adventurers will often try to delve into the forest to find these secrets. There are some guides in the Kingdom of Alphort, 241

though many of these will not go very far into the forest due to the dangers. Well of Wisdom The so-called "Well of Wisdom" is a massive fissure found in the Miraboa Kingdom. Buried within are massive ruins dating back at least to the times of the Durandal, and while there have been significant excavations and recoveries of magical items, it is rumored that what has been explored is not even 10% of the entirety of what is buried. In addition to the numerous archaeological finds and magical items, these ruins also host a number of deadly traps, making it so even veteran explorers are wary of delving too deep. There are also stories of an increased number of encounters with various Demons, just waiting to take advantage of foolish adventurers exploring too far in order to be free from their imprisonment. There have been some arguments as to whether or not this fissure is really just a massive Sword Labyrinth... Forest of Magic Fog A vast forest that stretched between the Liezen and Dagnia regions, it is always covered in a dense fog, making normal passage impossible. Only by following the two rivers that flow through the forest are the surest way to pass, and even then, there's often deadly animals and plants waiting for unsuspecting travelers. There is a legend of young Yggdrasil trees deep within the forest, occasionally able to be seen with a telescope from far outside the forest. However, the dense fog makes such observations questionable at best, and to date there have not 242

been any adventurers who have been able to verify the presence of such trees and return safely. "Murderous Waterside" Zoma Marsh The Zoma Marsh is a large wetland that extends north of the Forest of Magic Fog and is home to a large number of aquatic Barbaros, including Lizardmen. What towns were nearby have long been destroyed and overrun by the Barbaros, who now control the area entirely. The Lizardmen tend to stick to the old ruins of the towns, while more dangerous Barbaros and other monsters live just under the water's surface. "Spine of Terastier" Drakea Mountains A large mountain range opposite the Rudea Mountains, the Drakea Mountains are a massive range, extending far beyond the borders of the kingdom of Regalia. Because of the size of the mountain range, it is often referred to as the "Spine of Terastier". The southern part of the mountain range plateaus off, becoming home too larger Barbaros such as Ogres and Giants. However, even the smaller Barbaros in the area are quite strong, making traveling through the area a dangerous affair. "The Calamitous Land" Karzoral Plateau At the southern end of both the Rudea and Drakea Mountains lies the large Karzoral Plateau, taking up much of the center of the Terastieran continent. A desolate land, it hides the old capital of the Barbaros underneath the wastes. This massive underground city was used as a starting point for the Great Catastrophe, and many Barbaros still live within the labyrinthine city. In fact, there are so many Barbaros hiding under the Karzoral Plateau that the kingdom of Regalia is unable to make any sort of meaningful excursion to the city, 243

and so the armies watch each other across the Rudea Mountains, waiting for any sign of weakness. "Kingdom of Darkness" Underground City Tabaljid A massive underground city located beneath the Karzoral Plateau. Over the course of hundreds of years, Barbaros flocking to the city have excavated it and expanded the space, creating a massive maze-like structure home to thousands of Barbaros. Rumors abound that there have been separate nations based upon the race of Barbaros created within the city itself, and that there have been wars between these nations. Even today, the Barbaros in the city live a very chaotic life. Naturally, no humanoid has ever been able to set foot inside Tabaljid and return to tell the tale. The Dagnia Region The Dagnia region is a large area located on the eastern side of Northern Terastier. Home to the Danos Sea, much of the region was built near the waterfront in order to take advantage of water-based shipping and tourism. However, since the Great Catastrophe, much of the region lies in ruins, with most remaining civilized settlements located near the western border, close to the Zoma Marsh. As with the Liezen region, much of the history of the Dagnia region lies within its conflicts with the Barbaros. In particular, both the Kerkyra and Corfu islands in the Danos Sea are home to a sizable population of Barbaros. The Dagnia region is also home to many religious peoples, especially followers of both Lyfos and Tidan. The Holy Kingdom of Sephilia is home to an enormous temple dedicated to Lyfos, and many pilgrims travel from all across 244

Terastier in order to see the sacred beauty. In order to protect these pilgrims as they travel, many in the priesthood have taken up arms, and have become powerful warriors in their own right. Though Lyfos and Tidan have sizable congregations in the land, other gods, such as Kilhia, also have a good following in the region. At the same time, though, rules and regulations in the region are very strict behind the scenes, and more free-spirited adventurers see the area as "full of stuffed shirts". In particular, those with any sort of soulscars are looked down upon with disdain, and Nightmares are especially discriminated against. "The Divine Storehouse" Holy Kingdom of Sephilia Located in the far west of Dagnia, the country is a very religious nation ruled over by Pope Ismael Vizcaino (56 years old). The capital, Aale, is located at the mouth of the Sefur River, and alone has a population over 100,000 citizens. Many of these are pilgrims who have traveled to the city to pay homage to the state religion of Lyfos the Divine Ancestor and settled in the capital rather than attempting to head back to their original home. Aale is one of the few cities to have survived the Great Catastrophe, though the fortified city was considered to be a sacred place long before those events. However, during the rise of magitechnology, many of the elders in Sephilia believed that such works would turn people away from the light of the divine, and so research into magitech was frowned upon. While this has meant that much of the work around Sephilia has to be done by hand, instead of being aided with magitech machines, this does give the city an oldfashioned appearance.


Religious artwork and sculpture are quite common, as well.


While much was destroyed during the Great Catastrophe, there are still displays of breathtaking paintings and splendid architecture to be found all throughout Aale. Even now, the city attracts many artisans, painters and sculptors who wish to restore much of what was lost during the Catastrophe. Pope Vizcaino holds worship of Lyfos highest among the gods and preaches respect for order and decrying those who would scar their own soul. His teachings stir many in the city to uphold the laws, and the majority of the citizens are polite and morally driven. At the same time, though, adventurers appear to be "ruffians" and "ne'er-do-wells", and those with free spirits find the kingdom a hard place to live within. Additionally, Pope Vizcaino shows an absolute intolerance for the Barbaros, and will often send troops to both Kerkyra and Corfu in order to fight the Barbaros. However, despite frequent attacks on the islands, there is yet to be any sort of decisive action in this conflict, and there are concerns among the citizens that troops are being wasted unnecessarily. As a result, despite their supposed reputation, more and more adventurers are being hired by the Papacy in order to travel and fight the Barbaros. There are some Lyfos warrior-priests who take vows in order to protect the weak and fight off evils wherever they may be. Such warrior-priests take on the name "Paladin", and only the best of their numbers may identify themselves as anything else. Paladins are seen by the populace as the object of admiration and respect, though their vows, including such restrictions as being forbidden to lie, put them at odds with adventurers. While worship of Lyfos is seen as the state religion, and many of the public do follow the teachings of the Pope, there are almost as many who follow Tidan, God of the sun. There is 247

even a temple of Tidan near the grand temple of Lyfos, and there is no ill blood between priests of the two temples. Despite this, there are unproven stories that Lyfosian priests might face some sort of censure if they were to help lesser priests, like those of Tidan. Because of the views on soulscars, there are no priests in the entire kingdom who are willing to resurrect fallen adventurers, and so dying in combat is a very dangerous and very real possibility. Nightmares are also discriminated against, due to their inherent soulscars, and often find themselves shunned at best, though attacks on Nightmares are not unheard of. Oddly, Tabbits and Runefolk also find themselves as outcasts in Sephilia, due to their various issues with connecting to the divine, though they are not actively looked down upon like Nightmares are. "Ruined City" Republic of Barnad Located in the center of the Dagnia region, the republic inherited its name from the ruins of Barnad, a Durandal era city destroyed during the Great Catastrophe. A young citystate, it has only been around 100 years or so, though its population is currently around 15,000. The current city of Barnad occupies only about one-fifth of the original city, the remainder being ruins yet to be explored to any significant extent. There have been some archaeologists from Sephilia who have made small expeditions into the ruins, sending caravans back to Sephilia, Regalia and beyond with their findings. There have been efforts to traverse the Istan River as well, in hopes of having a waterway to Regalia, though little headway has been made.


Inheriting the customs of the old city, Barnad is a republic, ruled by a parliament of elected officials to determine the fate of the country. However, it takes quite a few Gamels to even run for a position, and so the parliament is mostly made of successful adventurers and rich merchants. The driving motivation of the parliament, outside of protecting themselves and their citizens from the Barbaros, is "how to make money". To that end, studies of magitech and other archaeological items is welcome, as are wizards and sages who are able to identify the various magical and magitech devices left behind in the ruins. A number of Runefolk have also begun to settle in the area, almost as if they're looking to find information about previous civilizations. However, rumors of unscrupulous operations using Runefolk as unskilled hard labor and servants have become common as of late, though the parliament has currently turned a blind eye to such unsubstantiated tales. "Kingdom of the Sun" La Lumeia Kingdom A nation in the south of the Dagnia region, the Kingdom of La Lumeia is home to a great number of Tidan, god of the sun. Even the current king, King Valerio Silvestri (24 years old), and his royal family are devout followers of the sun god. With more than 60,000 residents, La Lumeia is well known for having some of the most fertile land in the Dagnia region, and provides many crops across not only Dagnia, but Liezen and Zalts as well. However, the current feeling among the populace of La Lumeia is that of unease, due to numerous Barbaros attacks. While not as strict as the Holy Kingdom of Sephilia, La Lumeia does not look kindly on those with soulscars, and also prohibits any sort of resurrection. At the same time, there are 249

specially trained exorcists who go on excursions to eradicate the undead that plague the kingdom. Unlike the Paladins of Sephilia, these exorcists are willing to do whatever it may take and sacrifice whatever is necessary in order to eradicate the threat of the undead. This leads the exorcists to be both trusted and feared among the general populace, and even the Paladins of Sephilia are often at odds with the methods used, though they do not argue with the results. Soldiers in La Lumeia are highly skilled, and often join in on excursions to the various islands in the Danos Sea with Sephilian troops in order to quash the Barbaros there. There is an alliance between the two kingdoms, and many followers of Lyfos have found their way to La Lumeia to start a new life. Despite the outside influence, La Lumeia doesn't look down on adventurers as harshly, and they are almost accepted as a normal way of life in the kingdom. Even with the more accepting public, though, adventurers' reputations will never surpass those of the Paladins. "Glory of the Gods" Danos Sea A bay-like sea in the middle of the Dagnia region. It is said there used to be a floating city in the middle of the bay, and its prosperity had people calling it the "Glory of the Gods". However, this floating city was destroyed during the Great Catastrophe, and the ruins lie at the bottom of the sea, its knowledge and relics lost to the deep. It is said, though, that the underwater city that sat underneath the floating city is still active, though it supposedly remains covered by a dome-like canopy. At present, however, the Danos Sea is the territory of the Barbaros, and so any sort of underwater exploration or recovery efforts are extremely dangerous. From their bases on 250

both the Kerkyra and Corfu islands, powerful Barbaros leaders command various sea faring Barbaros, and are a great threat to the human race. However, the Paladins of Sephilia will never stop in their attempts to recover what was once known as the "Glory of the Gods". Kerkyra and Corfu These islands in the Danos Sea, also known as the "Demon Islands" and "Barbaros Paradise", are the home base for Barbaros in the Dagnia region. Kerkyra Island is a large, curved island, while Corfu is long and narrow. A large fortress was built on the islands during the Durandal era, and now the Barbaros have taken control and turned it into a terrifying symbol. Led by a Nosferatu named Volkreia, the Barbaros on the islands have fallen under the sway of his immeasurable charisma and have turned the islands into their playground. With this constant threat looming over them, the Holy Kingdom of Sephilia has sent troops over to the islands in order to deal with the Barbaros living there. However, between Volkreia's charm and power, as well as the number of both Barbaros and undead under his control, such attacks have been consistently repelled. Retaliatory strikes against the various kingdoms have also proven dangerous, as while Swords of Protection can protect against both Barbaros and undead, these swords will not prevent humans enthralled by Volkreia and his vampires from getting into these cities and taking them down from the inside. However, Volkreia will only send retaliatory attacks after one of the subjugation assaults from Sephilia has failed and does 251

not take the initiative when attacking. This has led some in Sephilia to express caution about making another attack on the islands, and as of late there has not been an attempt to gather forces for another assault. "Ancient Cursed Battlefield" Saltra Plains The Saltra Plains are the area to the south and east of the Danos Sea, and long ago these shores were prosperous, with numerous cities all along the water. However, during the Great Catastrophe many of these cities were destroyed, and countless human and Barbaros lives were lost in the conflicts. Since then, the land has been a barren waste, the innumerable ruins only inhabited by undead cursed to walk the land, as even Barbaros are afraid to set foot in these lands. Now, only foolhardy adventurers and hardened Tidanite exorcists will dare step into the area, testing their resolve against the living dead.


Adventuring in Raxia

Riders' Guilds The Riders' Guild is an organization that works alongside the Adventurer's Guild in order to capture, train and outfit mounts for those able to ride. After the collapse of society across Terastier following the Great Catastrophe, the demand for various trained mounts for transportation and defense greatly increased, and those that rose to meet this need became the Riders' Guild. Taking cues from various horse-riding clubs that had existed during the Al Menas days, the Guild has risen to become one of the most prominent guilds across Raxia. New branches of the Guild are being established all the time, and with newer technology and innovations when it comes to not only the mounts themselves, but their equipment as well. While it would appear that adventurers are the most common riders among guildmembers, it is actually merchants and caravanners who are always looking for both pack animals willing to carry their various wares as well as other riders and mounts that may wish to make a quick bit of money doing guard duties. While it may appear that all Riders' Guilds are all the same, it is actually a conglomerate of independent guilds under the same name. While most guilds typically have some combination of animals and magitech vehicles available for mounts, in especially large cities multiple guilds may be 253

competing against each other, often preferring one particular type of mount over another. However, in more rural areas, the Adventurer's Guild may double as a Riders' Guild outpost, with a small stable of mounts not far from the guildhouse. Occasionally, there are guild branches operated by the local state, and in such guilds preferential treatment may be given to those willing to go out on adventures that would advance the state's interests. On the other hand, there are guild halls owned by the Institute of Magitechnology, and such guild branches will have significantly more manabikes available to ride and may even be willing to sell one to the right buyer. Under normal circumstances, the Riders' Guild deals with a good number of animals that do require some space to roam while in Guild custody, and so many of the guildhalls and warehouses can be found on the outskirts of any given city. In certain cases, the stables are set up outside the city walls themselves.

Mounts Mounts used by the Riders' Guild will always have a mark denoting ownership unique to that particular guild branch somewhere on the mount itself. For the various animals, a branding iron may be used in order to create a permanent mark, though magical markings passed down from the old horse-riding clubs of the Al Menas are used quite often. These magical markings are also common on the various vehicles, as branding them would almost assuredly damage the vehicle. The animals used by the Riders' Guild start out as completely wild beasts and are trained by Guild teachers using specialized methods for each type of beast in order to become proper mounts. Adventurers are involved in these processes as more 254

than just a renter or buyer but may also be asked to find young animals to train, as well as occasionally recovering an animal that has escaped from its training.

Mount Reduction Tags These tags contain the power to reduce a mount and their equipment in size, as well as preserve them in stone until the mount is needed. This magic can extend to any drawn carriage as well, making it easy to transport over a large distance. It is thought that these tags were a form of petrification preservation technology being actively researched in the latter half of the Al Menas era. This technology would put the animal into a state of suspended animation, reducing its size and turning it into stone. The thought behind this process was to reduce both the maintenance and upkeep of such an animal and make it easier to transport that animal from one location to another without using any sort of teleportation, while still being able to call upon the beast should the situation prove it necessary. Once such experiments were proven successful, the magic of these tags were heavily utilized over the following years. Mount Contract Certificates and Proprietary Mount Certificates

In recent years, the Riders' Guild has been approving the use of both Mount Contract Certificates and Proprietary Mount Certificates among its members. These Certificates have very similar powers as the Reduction Tags when applies to a mount but are able to be used and reused much more often than the Reduction Tags. Additionally, while the magical interference between multiple Reduction Tags has not been fully resolved, these Certificates do not have such restrictions, and many 255

adventurers have a number of different mounts and Contracts depending upon the purpose. As adventurers and riders become more trusted within the guild, many of the guild branches are willing to lose out on rental fees, so long as the adventurer purchases one of these Certificates. However, this trust does not come right away, and must not only be earned by the adventurer, but also maintained through their deeds. Celebrities in Northern Terastier In this section are short descriptions of famous NPCs found throughout Northern Terastier. It is up to the GM to make use of these NPCs as they see fit, whether as clients and sponsors for adventuring jobs, rivals searching the same deserted ruins for treasure, or adversaries willing to take out competition. Feel free to change any aspect of the following NPCs, such as their age or personality, as the scenario needs.


Liezen Region "The Dragon Knight (Human/Male/53 yrs.)





"Let's go, Grundart. There's Barbaros to hunt." The King of the Duball Kingdom, Bernard Falk is a fair and honest man, with a strong temperament. As a ruler, he is a benevolent leader, and is respected and admired by those in the Duball Kingdom. He will do everything in his power to protect his kingdom against the attacks of the Barbaros, and when he calls upon the great dragon Grundart for combat, they make a truly ferocious team. At the same time, King Falk has been the target of Barbaros assassins on a number of different occasions and has died numerous times. His major flaw is he is an unrivaled lover of liquor and alcohol, and it is only when he is drunk that he is unaware of any assassin. However, King Falk continues to drink without hesitation, despite the fears and worries of his aides.


"Dragon Marquis" Bastion Bair (Human/Male/33 yrs.)

"For His Majesty and the people. That's why I became a Dragon Knight." A young Dragon Knight with the rank of Marquis. Because of his status as a Dragon Knight, as well as his rank in the courts, it is rumored that Bastion will be the next in line to become King of Duball. Having lost his parents at a young age, Bastion dotes fondly on his younger brother, Jean-Jacques. There are those who would say that this affection is his only weakness, though anyone who would say such things do so out of earshot of Bastion. Between his promising future, beauty, and currently being single, he has many followers among the lower courts, and will even earn grudges from others without his knowledge. "Mother General" Fulmeri Bergament (Dwarf/Female/97 yrs.)

"Hey, speak up! What, did you drop the ball or something?" The dwarf in charge of the soldiers at Dordea, Fulmeri looks like a young girl, and yet is nearly a century old. Nicknamed the "Mother General", she has six sons and three daughters, and is the head of a family of over 30 members, including her greatgrandchildren. 258

Despite her childlike appearance, Fulmeri is a very harsh and intimidating general, and more than one headstrong dwarf has found himself shrinking away from her never-ending tirade. In peacetime, she trains recruits, and anyone who thinks to be a troublemaker quickly finds themselves on the wrong end of a number of training exercises. At the same time, though, Fulmeri lost her husband due to the war against the Barbaros and is constantly being followed by a number of suitors. "Fairy Princess" Sherio (Fairy/Female/?)

"I found some treasure over there. I can guide you if you want..." A fairy that resembles a beautiful elf. While her identity is unknown, it's possible Sherio may be a water fairy, as she will show up near water. Regardless of whether she shows up in a city, or out in the countryside, she will invite people to follow her to a mysterious place. Whether this is malicious or not is arguable, as some never return from such treks. Even those who do end up returning often have some of their memories removed, despite returning with treasures. Either way, Sherio's true purpose is completely unknown, though it is believed that it is just having fun. Some adventurers have heard the tales and look forward to finding her and going on an adventure, while others believe that she is a harbinger of evil that must be struck down.


"Demon Obsessed" Trato Pampani (Tabbit/Male/27 yrs.)

"If you're aware of the origins of demons, you may know something about us tabbits as well..." A tabbit researcher in the so-called Tabbit Autonomous Region in Miraboa, Trato is obsessed with demons and their origin, and how that may relate to the origin of tabbits. His relentless thirst for knowledge has seen him hire a number of adventurers to delve into the Well of Wisdom, in hopes of finding that elusive bit of evidence that would prove his theories true. However, while he is obsessed with the research he is doing, many believe that Trato is just wasting his time, and there has been nothing found because there is no evidence to be found. Although he is an excellent wizard in his own right, Trato dislikes fighting, and will insist to be a sagely scholar, nothing more. When trying to capture a demon alive, however, he has no qualms about fighting fiercely, unleashing powerful magic in the hopes of disabling the target instead of killing it. "Iron Man" Xavier Hoaguel (Human/Male/29 yrs.) A warlord in the kingdom of Regalia, Xavier earned recognition fighting alongside King Falk of Duball. His nickname came from his unearthly stamina, as he was able to fight on for hours fully armed without stopping. While his large, rough appearance and heavy armaments make him appear to be a wild king of the wastes, Xavier is actually a brutally effective tactician, taking advantage of every 260

opportunity he can to turn the tides against the Barbaros. He is also fairly proficient with magitech and has no qualms with firing a gun at the enemy. A brilliant and pleasant man, he has earned the respect of both soldiers and civilians throughout the Liezen region. "Queen of Jewels" Queen (Human/Female/37 yrs.)



The current ruler of the Kingdom of Alphort, Queen Castagniers took the throne as a matter of hereditary succession. With youth and beauty that belie her age, she is more apt to be a Fairy Tamer than a ruler of a kingdom. Queen Castagniers does show enthusiasm when it comes to fashion and collecting jewelry, and some believe that she is funding her passion projects using national money. While she does have a husband, the Queen has become a patron for a number of young adventurers, and rumors have it that she has taken a lover on the side from among them. "Magic King" Ixelles Jennebert (Human/Male/43 yrs.) The current king of Miraboa, King Jennebert is a master of Truespeech, Spiritualism, and Magitech spells, giving him unparalleled magical might as a ruler and the right to nickname himself the "Magic King". Unfortunately, his overconfidence has led to crisis in the past, as he has been known to have a lack of awareness of the plight of his subjects. On the other hand, anyone looking to study magic has the backing of the state, and Miraboa is a major destination when it comes to learning a variety of different styles of magic. Occasionally, King Jennebert has given special lectures regarding the uses of magic, though due to the subject matter only a few dedicated magicians showed up to hear the king speak. 261

Dagnia Region "Battle Pope" Ismael Vizcaino (Human/Male/56 yrs.)

"To purify one's soul is to purify oneself. This is the way the gods have shown us." The Pope of the Church of Lyfos, and leader of the Holy Kingdom of Sephilia. Pope Vizcaino is a radical exclusionist, and does not tolerate anyone who bears soulscars, whether Barbaros or otherwise. Sparing no expense, he has sent a number of soldiers to the islands in the Danos Sea in hopes of crushing the Barbaros who live there, but as of, yet subjugation efforts have proved fruitless. While many still hold support for the Pope for taking strong actions against an obvious threat, there are those who look at the failed attacks on the Barbaros as a waste of manpower and resources and think that the Pope is overstepping his authority.


"Pure White Knight" Ulrika Atstelberg (Human/Female/17 yrs.)

"How can you overlook someone in need?" A Lyfosian warrior-priest, Ulrika is training in order to become a Paladin herself. As many of the populace would tell it, she is very pretty, smiles a lot, and will go out of her way to help someone in need, almost radiating an aura of safety and security around her. However, it is obvious that she still needs training, and this shortcoming does tend to cause more trouble than not. Ulrika is also an active combatant against the Barbaros, but is hesitant to take the life of another, even if they are as evil as she is told. As of late, she is wondering about the state of the church and her future within the church. This internal debate is writ large all over her face as she goes out to help the less fortunate, her smile a little less bright as she questions her faith.


"Hunter of the Dead" Raul Alfonso (Nightmare/Male/31 yrs.)

"Tidan, let these poor souls find some rest..." In order to overcome the stigma of being born a Nightmare, Raul took it upon himself to become an exorcist of Tidan, a symbol of fear among the devout. By using a variety of guns, advanced Divine spells, and martial prowess, he has become one of the premier exorcists in the church today. However, when dealing with the undead, Raul is dangerously aggressive and doesn't appear to fear death, his recklessness making even other exorcists fearful of his powers. "Troublesome Doll" Marika No.3 (Runefolk/Female/22 yrs.)

"...Why was I born?" Marika is one of many Runefolk produced for archaeological exploration, one of many meant to go delving into the Well of Wisdom. However, none of the Runefolk produced for this purpose have remained in sync with each other, and so Marika has been able to go out into the world and explore it on her own terms. Though she appears to be a young woman, Marika is an accomplished Artificer, and has been fighting on the front 264

lines against Barbaros for about 20 years. Her appearance only serves to confuse and distract would-be enemies from the power that she wields. However, due to her penchant for being in dangerous situations, Marika has noticed that she is not seen as an equal among adventurers and is worried for what the future may bring on that front. "Beautiful Destroyer" Almiralda (Drake/Female/?)

"Burn it down! Destroy it all! Then we can make this world ours!" The leader of the Barbaros in the Rudea Mountains. Almiralda is a powerful drake even among other drakes, and her ruthless and warlike personality have given her a reputation as one of the most dangerous Barbaros in northern Terastier. Holding a grudge against humans for killing her husband, she often gathers large armies of Barbaros in order to attack the civilized races and is willing to make any sacrifice necessary in order to achieve her goals.


"Quiet Immortal" Volkreia (Nosferatu/Male/?)

"Why look for a fight? I'll give one to you if you wish, but I must say I'm tired of this..." A Barbaros king with a castle on Kerkyra Island, Volkreia has been a threat to the Dagnia region since the Great Catastrophe. A vampire of Clan of Frau, he was a dangerous foe who led an army of the undead against civilization. However, as of late he has been rather disinterested in endless combats and would like to live quietly alone. Rumor has it that Volkreia found a human girl and fell in love with her, only to watch her die in combat against the Barbaros he led. Now, Volkreia only calls for attacks on the humans in retaliation for their assaults on his castle. Even then, he does not go out into combat himself anymore, but merely sends subordinates off to war. "Dawn King" Valerio Silvestri (Human/Male/24 yrs.) A fairly young king, Valerio took the throne of La Lumeia just recently due to his father, the previous king, dying in combat against the Barbaros. A devout believer in Tidan, the sun god, King Silvestri has a number of battle honors of his own and has worked with Sephilia in attacking the Barbaros in Danos Sea. However, he knows of the history of Sephilia and how they have relentlessly provoked the Barbaros for generations, how retaliatory attacks tend to disproportionately affect La Lumeia, 266

and is not happy with having his whole kingdom and citizens be a shield for Sephilia to hide behind. As a result, there is a definite tension between King Silvestri and Pope Vizcaino, which can even be seen in formal communications, let alone if they were to meet face to face. "Death Dealer" Emilio Pablo (Human/Male/39 yrs.) One of the 11 councilors from the Republic of Barnad. He has been researching, developing, and restoring old magitech weapons from the ruins of the old city of Barnad, and has been selling them in massive quantities. In particular, caravans full of various weapons have been making their way to the kingdom of Regalia as of late, with the number of exports increasing yearly. However, there are critics who claim that he's more worried about making money and putting business first, rather than dealing with the imminent threat of the Barbaros. There are also rumors that some of his weapons are being sold into Barbaros hands as well, but nothing can be proven at this point. "Young Yggdrasil" Blumkvist (Yggdrasil Sapling/?/?) A sampling of an Yggdrasil tree, hiding in the Forest of Magic Fog. It seems as though Blumkvist can see the entire forest clearly, and it is said that if something were to happen that would bring great harm to the forest, an old voice sounds out of nowhere in order to give warning. Legend has it that, during the time of the Great Catastrophe, it sought the aid of adventurers passing through in order to drive away the Barbaros who were attempting to destroy the forest. Since then, it has been relatively tolerant of the civilized races, assuming they give the forest the proper respect when traveling through. 267

Part 5 Game Mastery


Scenario Sample Scenario: "Dragon Eater"

Scenario Overview The goal of this scenario is to find a missing Dragon Knight in training, as well as recover a stolen dragon egg from the hands of the Barbaros. The PCs are asked to find out what happened to a prominent knight who was headed to the dragon Faraliel in order to join the ranks of the Dragon Knights of Duball. Upon arriving at Faraliel's lair, they do not find the knight, but instead a seriously wounded dragon. The party is then told how Barbaros attacked the dragon's lair and stole one of Faraliel's eggs, and the Dragon Knight-to-be left on a quest to find and retrieve the egg. Following the trail of the knight, the party will come across the lair of the Barbaros who had stolen the egg. Deep within the lair lies a demon that had been sealed away during the Durandal period, and the Barbaros hope to use the power contained within the dragon's egg as a sacrifice to free the demon. It is up to the party to stop the profane ritual and save both the dragon's egg and the knight.

Scenario Preparation This scenario is designed for 5 PCs, with an average Adventurer Level of 10. The session should take about 4-5 hours, depending upon how focused the players are. If there 269

is a different number of players, there will be guidelines to adjust the number of monsters and Sword Shards in the adventure as necessary. If there are two or less players, it is recommended that the PCs are an average Adventurer Level of 13 or higher, instead of 10.

Scenario Setting The setting for this scenario is in the Liezen region of Northern Terastier. Specifically, the party will begin in the kingdom of Duball, known as the "Dragon Citadel" due to its particular reverence for the great monsters. Duball is the frontline when it comes to Barbaros invasions and is constantly under attack. There are a number of uncharted territories that border Duball, and even the experienced adventurer should be careful when passing through. Because of this constant conflict, though, a number of veteran adventurers are drawn to the region, in order to give their aid against the Barbaros.

Reading the Scenario In the following text, some text will be in italics. These sentences are meant to be read aloud by the GM, in order to set the scene in each player's mind. Other, non-italicized text is for the GM to know what is going on in the scene, as well as any tricks, traps and treasure that may be found.

The Main Story "Dragon Knight" - The highest title in the Kingdom of Duball. Even members of the royal family cannot take the throne unless they are also a Dragon Knight, that's how much the title means to the Kingdom. Once the heir to the throne can ride atop a dragon of their own, only then will the populace of Duball will truly recognize their future king. 270

A young man has gone to the mountain where the great dragon of Duball, Ardeltaid, lives, in order to become a Dragon Knight himself. The first test of any true Dragon Knight, as anyone in Duball will tell you, is to have one of the dragon's lineages give the knight one of their eggs to raise. However, the knight has not returned. The great Dragon Marquis, Bastion Beirre, is looking for competent adventurers to help him search for his younger brother. Has something happened to the younger Beirre, and why has he not returned to Duball? Has he angered the dragons, or worse? Story Timeline The Day Before the Request Barbaros attack the dragon Faraliel, steal an egg Jean-Jacques chases after the Barbaros Jean-Jacques attacks the Barbaros, is defeated The Night Before the Request Jean-Jacques' wyvern returns to Duball, Jean-Jacques nowhere to be found The Day of the Request Jean-Jacques applies some first aid to himself, gives chase again The Second Day After the Request Jean-Jacques finds the cave of the Barbaros, is seriously wounded PCs find the cave of Faraliel, follow Jean-Jacques' trail 271

The Second Night After the Request PCs discover the cave of the Barbaros, confront the Barbaros within. Scenario Flowchart



Duball, the kingdom of Dragon Knights. The Kingdom of Duball is in a dangerous place, located at the border between civilized lands and the wilds that are home to the Barbaros hordes. In particular, those Barbaros that have crossed the Rudea Mountains to the south of the kingdom are often quite strong and are rarely able to be driven off by normal troops. Often, only the presence of a Dragon Knight is enough to handle these powerful enemies. Because of the constant conflict with the Barbaros, many veteran adventurers are drawn to Duball, and offer their skill to defend the kingdom. Your party is among the more famous groups of adventurers who have traveled this far, and your reputation precedes you. So much so that upon arriving in town you are approached by a courier, who carries a message from one Bastion Beirre, known among the populace as the Dragon Marquis, and is one of the few Dragon Knights of the kingdom. The PCs in this scenario are assumed to be veteran adventurers, whether they have come to Duball in search of new adventures and thrills, or local adventurers who have worked their way up to their current position. Either way, the party is well known even before coming to the capital city of Duball, and part of their reputation is taking on a number of high-risk high-reward jobs and returning successfully. If the PCs are looking to stay at the local Adventurer's Guildhall, "Pike's Glory" is the place to be. The hall is known for its abnormal number of higher-level adventurers and difficult jobs and is more than happy to have famous adventurers like the party stay while they're in town. 273

Almost immediately after arriving at "Pike's Glory", a courier comes specifically asking for the party. If they ask who the message comes from, they will be informed that the message is from the "Dragon Marquis" Bastian Beirre. Marquis Beirre is a Dragon Knight, an elite knight capable of riding a dragon in battle and is considered to be the heir to the throne once King Falk passes away. Beirre is only 33 years old, but his skill at arms and treatment of his dragon mount are said to be unmatched within the kingdom. He is also known to be quite affable when he's not dealing with a Barbaros attack, and is the perfect client with regards to status, credibility, and personality. Request of Marquis Beirre, Dragon Knight

Upon informing the party that the Dragon Marquis personally requested they come to his mansion, the courier steps outside and waits next to a grand carriage. With little fanfare, you step in and find a seat, as the carriage makes its way through the city of Duball. It is not long before the carriage comes to a large mansion, complete with a gated wall and a large garden in the front of the building. The courier leads you into the building, and to a small reception room just off of the entranceway. The room has a good amount of luxurious, yet practical furniture, and it is not long before a gentleman enters the room. Marquis Bastian Beirre apologizes for the wait and greets the party. It is obvious from his expression that there is something weighing heavily on his mind, though exactly what remains to be seen. Marquis Beirre introduces himself to the party and asks if they wouldn't mind relaxing while he addresses the reason for the sudden calling. A maid comes into the room not long after, pushing a cart with tea and other small appetizers to serve the party. 274

"Let me not beat around the bush, as I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here. My younger brother, JeanJacques, has gone missing, and I wish for you to find him. "Jean-Jacques, my dear younger brother, has taken to following in my footsteps, to the point where he wanted to attempt the trials to become a Dragon Knight. The first step in doing so is to head into the Rudea Mountains to the south, find a dragon's cave, and care for one of their eggs until it hatches. The dragons found in the mountains are of the brood of the great dragon Ardeltaid and will assist those from Duball as per an ancient pact made by King Falk's ancestor. "However, just last night Jean-Jacques' wyvern mount returned to the mansion, with my brother nowhere to be seen. The wyvern, as well as much of the riding tack, was covered in small scratches, as though it had seen some intense fighting before coming back. I have no doubt something has happened to my brother, and my task to you is to find out exactly what. "As shameful as it is to say, Jean-Jacques is my only family, and I care deeply for him. So much so that I am willing to pay 8,000G to each of you if he is brought back alive. If..." At this point Bastian closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, then opens his eyes again and continues. "If he is found dead, I will still pay you 5,000G for the return of his body. "Of course, I wouldn't send you out completely unprepared. I do have a map to lead the way to Jean-Jacques' last known location, the cave of the dragon Faraliel, as well as 10 days' worth of food and drink. I also have a Dexterity Potion and a good-sized Mako Stone, one of which I'd be willing to offer if necessary. You may also need to show proof that you're working on my behalf, so I have this small token showing you're in my employ. 275

"When you have everything together, I beg of you to hurry and find my brother as soon as you can. The Rudea Mountains are quite dangerous, even for a knight like myself, so I could only imagine how my poor brother is doing. Please, find him quickly." Jean-Jacques Beirre is a young lad of 20 years, with boyish good looks and striking blonde hair. Though he is a bit foolhardy, he is quite personable, and is quite capable of becoming a Dragon Knight. Bastian thinks the world of his younger brother and has supported Jean-Jacques' decision to follow in his footsteps. As soon as the PCs accept the request, Marquis Beirre will have a pair of butlers come into the room, one pushing a part with a number of packages on it, the other carrying a small metal plate and a scroll. The packages are 10 days of food and drink, one per member of the party, and will not spoil while traveling during this scenario, as well as either the Dexterity Potion or the 10-point Mako Stone, whichever the party chose. The metal plate is a palm-sized engraving of the crest of the Dragon Knights, which will provide proof that the party is acting on behalf of Marquis Beirre, while the scroll is a map to the cavern of the dragon Faraliel, where Jean-Jacques was heading. If the party has horses to ride, they will arrive at the dragon's cave in two days. However, if they choose to walk, it will take twice as long (four days). The party will not run into any encounters while traveling to the Rudea Mountains.


To the Dragon's Mountain Lair

The Rudea Mountains are a range of steep, rugged mountains, difficult to climb even in the best of weather. As the party travels closer to the mountain range, you pass by a number of small groves of trees, following ancient trails through the woods that appear to be rarely used. Were it not for the map from the Marquis, it is unlikely you would have found your way to the mountains. Eventually, you come across what appears to be a byroad into the mountains, with a small carving in a nearby tree matching a symbol on your map. Following the byroad for most of the day, you eventually come across a massive cave entrance. As you check your map to make sure this is the right place, you get the feeling that you're sitting in front of a dragon's gaming maw, staring down its dark throat. Confirming your position, you enter the cave, taking in just how massive it really is. The entrance is 10m wide, while the ceiling quickly moves upward and away, disappearing into darkness. Continuing on, this cave is easily large enough for a dragon to live in. As the players enter the cave, a Scout or Ranger can make a Danger Sense check (TN 15). If successful, they notice the coppery smell of blood, emanating from further on in the cave. The PCs can also look for footprints, requiring a Track check (TN 15), and if successful they will notice there were a number of footprints heading into and out of the cave. If the Track check result is over 20, the footprints can be determined to be specifically those of a large species of Barbaros, at least 10 in number.


The Wounded Dragon

The smell of blood is in the air. As you head deeper into the cave, the smell becomes strong, almost irritating to breathe. The scent becomes overwhelming as you all arrive at the back of the cave and come across a gruesome scene. A large red dragon lies on the floor, in the middle of a pool of blood. There are several blackened Barbaros corpses nearby, the end of a fierce battle that took place quite recently. As you look around the carnage, the dragon stirs, not dead, but not quite alive either. It opens its eyes slightly as the party comes closer. The fallen dragon is the Lesser Dragon Faraliel, a mildmannered dragon who does not tend to attack without provocation. However, she has been attacked by the Barbaros recently, and so she is more cautious than normal. Faraliel is severely injured, with all sections but their head at -10 HP, and the Head only at 60 HP. Faraliel currently has 0 MP, as she has been casting healing spells since the Barbaros attack in order to stay alive. If the PCs approach cautiously and show the dragon the coat of arms from Marquis Beirre, she will visibly relax. If asked what happened, she will relay the following information to the PCs.

"I was attacked by some Barbaros the other day. There were quite a few of them, and they had managed to take me by surprise. I tried my best to stop them, but there was just so many, and they were well-organized for a group of Ogres. 278

Their purpose was to steal one of my eggs I had recently laid... My precious egg... "After stealing my egg from me, the Ogres ran away as fast as they could, as if they had more important things to do. In their haste, they didn't make sure I was totally dead, which is a small favor itself. Jean-Jacques, that young man, came upon my poor self not long afterwards, and healed me as best as he could. However, he was no trained healer, and so he couldn't heal all of my wounds. "The young man tried his best, though, and as he kept at it, I told him what had happened. After dressing my wounds, he took his arms and headed out towards the Ogres. I wish he hadn't, though, as he doesn't stand a chance against that many Barbaros, especially as well-trained as they were. At this point, I can only imagine the poor lad has been killed... "The way they came in and attacked, it seemed like the Ogres were specifically looking for one of my eggs. I can only imagine it is going to be used for some vile ritual. Please, I ask of you to stop them and bring my egg back if you can." At this point, Faraliel tries to lift herself up off the floor of the cave and fly out, but crashes back to the ground. The wounds on her wings have not healed, and she cannot fly. If the PCs are able to heal Faraliel, she will follow the PCs in their search for Jean-Jacques. If they return the egg safely, Faraliel will also gift the party with an Eternal Chronoglass, a powerful artifact and one of Faraliel's most treasured items from her hoard. If the PCs are greedy and choose to attack Faraliel, she will fight as best as she can give her weakened state. If the party 279

defeats the dragon, they will find the Eternal Chronoglass and around 200,000G worth of treasure. However, Faraliel is one of the most important dragons in Duball and killing her will be sure to bring the full wrath of the kingdom down upon the party. Following the Knight, Jean-Jacques

As the party looks near the mouth of the cave, it is obvious now that Jean-Jacques has followed the footsteps of the Ogres who attacked Faraliel. The Ogres were more likely too preoccupied with the dragon's egg to notice the lone knight following behind. However, as the trail winds through the mountains, the way becomes quite steep, with no roads to be found. Continuing on will become quite difficult, with hard work ahead. If the PCs have healed Faraliel, she will offer to let the PCs ride on her back, making the travel to the mouth of the cave and beyond quite easy. She can instinctively track the location of the egg, so it is unnecessary to have the PCs do any sort of tracking. However, if the PCs are heading out on their own, they need to make a Track check (TN 13) in order to keep the footprints in sight. A failed check loses the trail, and the PCs will lose a day getting back on track. The Sealed Cave

As you pass a hollow in the mountainside, there is a fairly large cave opening. At 5m wide, it is much larger than you would expect for a hidden cave entrance. From a distance, it is difficult to see, but as you approach the cave, it is quite easy to find the cave due to the Ogre guards out front. These two 280

Ogres are strong, but they're unlikely to be a match for skilled adventurers like yourselves. Standing as lookouts are two Lesser Ogres, who should be fairly easy for the PCs to surprise. The area surrounding the cave entrance is quite rugged, so sneaking up on the Ogres should be trivial. However, should either of the Lesser Ogres be alive after two rounds, reinforcements will come from the cave, drawn to the sounds of battle. 4 Ogres and 2 Ogre Berserkers will join the battle during the third round of combat, while the Ogres remaining in the cave will be alerted to intruders and cannot be further surprised. If the PCs are with Faraliel, the Lesser Ogres will attempt to run inside for help. However, between her attacks and Flame Breath, they will not make it far enough into the cave to alert the other Ogres. Into the Cave

A strange, heavy presence can be felt emanating from the cave. From the looks of it, the cave was originally a natural cave that had been sealed by a rockfall in front of the entrance, hiding its presence and making it nearly invisible. It appears, though, that the Ogres have cleared away the fallen rocks, and moved into the cave without much of an issue. The cave is 5m high inside, large enough that a rider with a single-section mount can enter quite easily. However, if Faraliel is with the party, the Lesser Dragon will not be able to continue on, as the cave is too small for her.

"Pshah, of course those cowards would retreat into such a small cave. Were they only out here, I would set them all 281

ablaze! However, I must entrust the care of my egg to you, and hope that you can defeat these Ogres in my stead." With that, Faraliel will wait outside for the party to emerge. If the party captures the Lesser Ogres alive, they will tell the party the following information.

"We've got a plan to kill the humans, we do." "Dorgan, he's our leader, and the strongest around. His Succubus mistress is really good at magic, so they stay on top of the other Ogres." "Between the dragon and the knight, we've lost a couple fighters, but there's still more than 10 of us!" "The knight? He killed two of the guards, but he got beaten up too. He's back in the cave, but I hope he's dead by now." a: Entrance

The cave is a natural cave, its walls smooth and worn. There are a number of small, branching paths, but only the one path leading forward is large enough for both humans and Ogres to pass through. There are no distinguishing features of the entrance to the cave, outside of the footprints. If a character succeeds on a Track check (TN 13), they will know there are a number of Ogres who are still deep within the cave. b: Groundwater Spring

The sound of slow-moving water echoes in the large chamber. On the far side of the room, a groundwater vein slowly meanders from one side of the room to the other, filling a small pond with water. Near the edge of the water, you can see a body lying on the ground.



There is a small spring here, filled with clean, clear water. At

the bottom of the spring is a groundwater vein, flowing from "h". If a PC wishes to swim, it is 30m entirely underwater, and so a Swim check needs to be made to swim against the current, TN 15 if there is a light the PC can use underwater, TN 19 if not. If the PC is an Elf, or has "Underwater Aptitude", no check needs to be made. If the PC is unsuccessful, they will be pulled past the spring into a narrow part of the stream and become trapped. Without aid, the PC will die. Lying by the spring is Jean-Jacques Beirre. He had managed to fight his way past the Ogre guards but was defeated by more Ogres farther in and knocked unconscious. After waking up, he attempted to retreat and find help, but was attacked by one of the Alchemy Tooths in "c". IF the party has lost a day or more's travel before arriving at the cave, Jean-Jacques will be dead from the Golden Disease. A PC can attempt to cast "Resurrection" on him, and he will return to life. However, if there is no attempt to mitigate the Golden Disease, whether through "Cure Disease" or some other method, he will succumb to the disease and die again within 24 hours. A successful Monster Knowledge check (TN 14) will let the PCs know that this disease is caused by an Alchemy Tooth, and that there is a serum that can be acquired from a dead Alchemy Tooth that will cure the disease. If Jean-Jacques can be brought to consciousness, he will tell the party the following information.

"Thank you for your aid. My name is Jean-Jacques Beirre, from the kingdom of Duball. I had tracked a number of Barbaros from the lair of the dragon Faraliel here, in order to reclaim a stolen egg and stop a dark ritual. You see, deep 284

within this cave is sealed an ancient demon, and the Ogres wish to bring it back into the world by using the dragon egg as a sacrifice. "According to folklore, there are a few demons capable of destroying entire nations, who have been sealed away for some time. I dread that this demon is one of those, and so when I had heard them talking about the demon's power and the ritual, I tried to escape and warn others in Duball about the situation... Until I ended up getting poisoned from one of those monsters and ended up in this mess. "As shameful as it is, I must put aside my pride and ask. Will you join me, and help me put a stop to this ritual?" If the PCs ask him for a reward, Jean-Jacques will offer all of the money he has on him, as well as a ruby ring with the Beirre coat of arms on it. The ring itself is not magical, but it can be sold for 8,000G as a work of art. A successful Appraise check (TN 13) will inform the PCs of its value. If there are 3 or fewer PCs, the GM should try and have JeanJacques accompany the party if possible. If the party has 5 or more PCs, his presence is not needed as much (but may still be welcome). If Jean-Jacques accompanies the party, his information is as follows. In the case his help is not needed or refused, he will wait outside of the cave (with Faraliel if she is there) for the party to emerge. c: Snake Nest

As you enter the room, there seems to be a chasm on the other side of the room, cutting the room in half. The cave continues on beyond this chasm, but your attention is drawn to the strange, golden snakes that have come out of the shadows. As you approach, they raise their heads, getting ready to attack. 285

Jean-Jacques Beirre (Human/Male/20 yrs.) 24 (+4) 20 (+3) 25 (+4) 18 (+3) 16 (+2) 17 (+2) Level 8 5 10 3 Trade Common (Read/Speak) Regional Dialect (Liezen) Known (Read/Speak) Languages Barbaric (Speak) Dragonic (Speak) Magitech (Read) Money Cash 3,000G

Adventurer Level Fortitude 13 HP Willpower 12 MP Combat Feats, Techniques/Spellsongs

10 63 17

Weapon Proficiency/Spear Armor Proficiency/Metal Armor Cover Pinpoint Attack Armor Proficiency II/Metal Armor Toughness Healing Aptitude ☆ Charge ౦ Enhance Mount ౦ Attack Obstruction ౦ Elevated Attack ౦ Remote Command ☆ Lion's Fury ౦ Riding as One Ж Trample ౦ Improved Elevated Attack ౦ Special Ability Release

Pike +1 (1H)

13 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩


Pike +1 (2H)

13 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩


Bastard Sword 14 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ +1


Equipment Mithril Plate Kite Shield






Crit Rate


Accuracy Power

Dexterity Agility Strength Vitality Intelligence Spirit Class Fighter Ranger Rider Sage

Extra Damage

Equipment, Items, etc. Adventurer's Kit, Treat Potion x6, Mount Contract Certificate (Wyvern)


Three Alchemy Tooths are in the room and will attack if the players attempt to get to the chasm on the other side. Enemies: Alchemy Tooth x3 Behind the Alchemy Tooths lies a chasm, about 6m away from the party. Upon closer inspection, the chasm is 10m deep, and a failed check to cross it will result in a terrible fall. d: Force Wall

As the party walks down the corridor, they come to an abrupt halt as a strange, transparent wall fills the tunnel. Its reddishpurple glow sheds some light in the tunnel, but not much. Seeing beyond the wall is quite difficult, and it is likely that trying to pass by force would end up going poorly. A character touching the Force Wall receives Power 40 + 20 Thunder-type damage (with a C Value of 10). A successful Willpower check (TN 22) can reduce this damage by half. Characters with the Racial Trait "Mana Interference" are unaffected by this damage. Regardless, the wall doesn't actually stop anyone from passing through, though it does block line of sight for magical effects. The device in room "g" is used to control this door. e: Guard Unit

A fairly spacious room, though there are a few Barbaros here loitering. Upon seeing the party approach, they gather their weapons and move in to attack. Enemies: Ogre Berserker x1, Ogre x3 Lying on the floor are three unidentifiable bodies, barely recognizable as more than piles of bones. The Ogres will fight 287

to the death and will refuse to speak to the PCs even if captured alive. f: Sealed Door

The tunnel widens, and as it does you notice a door set into the wall. This door is obviously man-made, a clear difference to the natural rock walls everywhere else in the cave. Complex patterns and sigils were carved into the door, intended to keep something sealed behind. However, the door now hangs slightly ajar, the seal obviously broken. Behind the door lies the room where a powerful demon was sealed into this cave, and the Barbaros are about to begin the ritual to revive it. The door is open slightly, allowing the players to open it without issue, however there are three Ogres standing watch that will attack the players as they enter the room. A successful Hide check (TN 18) will allow that PC to look through the gaps in the door unnoticed, through which they will see room "i". However, if the PC fails, they are close enough to the Ogres (10m) for them to move and attack in the same round of combat. Door Engraving The following is engraved on the door, written in the Arcana language.

Sealed beyond lies the Lord of the Great Woe, the Incarnation of Destruction, the Demon Lord Bargadaras. His power has brought the Ten Kingdoms to ruin, slaying the Seven Emperors of Magic. To unleash this power is to know destruction and be doomed. 288

A Sage or Bard can make an Insight check (TN 22) in order to remember the lore of Bargadaras. It is said he was one of the most powerful Demons known to Raxia and was said to have destroyed a number of great kingdoms during the Durandal period, and many great wizards are said to have died by his hand. However, his true identity is unknown, and there are debates as to whether Bargadaras even existed, let alone performed all of the foul deeds attributed to him if he did. g: Force Wall Control Panel

There is a pedestal here, carved of a stone different from that found in the cave. Polished smooth, it is about 1m high and finely engraved with many letters, glowing dimly with a magical light. This pedestal controls the force wall found in "d". The engravings are words in Arcana, and by speaking the words there and holding a hand over the panel, one can turn the force wall on or off. A Sage can use an Appraise check (TN 18) to figure out how to use it. The pedestal cannot be destroyed or removed. h: Groundwater Vein

Groundwater has collected in the deeper crevasses of the cave, creating a large pond of clear water. There seems to be a slow flow of water from the eastern side of the room, heading south in the cave. This pond is connected to the spring in "b" by a groundwater vein. If a PC wishes to swim, it is 30m entirely underwater, and so a Swim check needs to be made. The PC would be swimming with the current, and so the TN is 13 if there is a light the PC can use underwater, TN 17 if not. If the PC is an Elf, or has "Underwater Aptitude", no check needs to be made. 289

If the PC is unsuccessful, they will be pulled past the spring into a narrow part of the stream and become trapped. Without aid, the PC will die. i: Room of Sealing

Inside is a room carved by hand, smoothed out from the natural walls of the rest of the cave. On the far side of the room is an altar, a large, heavy stone similar to a coffin set on top. There are three large eggs set in front of the altar; these must be the stolen dragon eggs. Also in the room are an exceptionally large Ogre, as well as a half-nude woman with thin wings coming from her back, both facing the altar. Three Ogres are standing watch, facing the only door into the room, looking to prevent unwanted visitors from entering. This room is the chamber where the ancient demon lord was said to be sealed. Three Ogres are in the 10m corridor right behind the door, while the Ogre leader and woman are performing a ritual in the 15m x 20m room beyond. The Ogres are looking to unseal Bargadaras in hopes of bringing untold destruction to Terastier. They think they can control the ancient demon lord, but unknown to them their rituals are incomplete, and the demon will never be subdued by the Ogres. If the PCs enter the corridor, the Ogre Warlord and Succubus will stop the ritual and turn to attack the party.

"You persistent insects! If you want to interfere with our ritual, we will crush you!" Enemies: Ogre Warlord x1, Succubus x1, Ogre x3 290

The Ogre Warlord has 13 Sword Shards with him and will attempt to use [Multi-Action] to make a magical attack against the Rearguard while melee attacking the Frontline. The Succubus will use magic to attack and will attempt to use "Indecent Dreams" in order to incapacitate foes. All foes will fight to the death and will not surrender. If there are 4 or fewer PCs, reduce the number of Sword Shards carried, and remove the 3 Ogres entirely. If there are 6 or more PCs, use 2 Ogre Berserkers instead of 3 Ogres. If the Barbaros are defeated, the scenario will end.

End Defeating the Ogre Warlord and Succubus and returning with Jean-Jacques will end the scenario. No special encounters will occur on the way back to Duball, though if Faraliel was with the party, she may fly them back to the city for a grand entrance. Marquis Beirre will be delighted if the PCs are able to bring back Jean-Jacques alive. In the future, the Marquis will be treated as a "friend" of the PCs (adding 400 points to their Total Reputation, as though they had spent it on the bond between characters). In addition to the reward, the party will receive 1,000 + (1d x 10) Experience Points, as well as the Experience Points for all of the monsters defeated along the way.

Subsequent Developments Through this incident, the PCs will not only become acquainted with Marquis Beirre but will also have performed a valuable service in the name of the Kingdom of Duball. The 291

party will become famous within the kingdom, and any PCs with Rider levels will be able to rent a Dragonet as a mount. At the same time, it is apparent that the Barbaros were attempting to destroy not only the kingdom, but the rest of the continent as well. A grave threat such as this cannot be ignored, and there is no doubt the Barbaros will try more and more radical plans. While adventurers will undoubtedly be drawn into this conflict, it is possible the PCs could follow up on this attack and make an excursion into Barbaros lands. However, if the PCs were underhanded and killed Faraliel, their duplicity will undoubtedly be discovered before long, and the Marquis Beirre will disavow any knowledge of the party. They will be treated as outlaws in the Dragon Kingdom and have their own bounty hunters chasing them to the ends of the earth in order to extract justice for the slain dragon.


Divine Magic of the Malevolent Gods Replacement Basic Divine Spells Priests of the Malevolent Gods have a few different spells in their arsenal than those of the Gods of Light. Specifically, the 11th level spell "Surrender", the 12th level spell "Sacred Field", and the 13th level spell "Erase Soulscar" are not learned. Instead, the 11th level spell "Resignation", the 12th level spell "Vice Field", and the 13th level spell "Instant Soulscar" are learned in their place. Resignation Target 1 Character

Range/Area Touch/Summary Dampens the fighting spirit

Duration Instant

Cost 13MP Resistance Null Type Psychic

Effect Targets who fail to resist this spell will receive a -4 penalty to their Accuracy and Spellcasting checks when one of the targets is a Barbaros. If the target has more than 1/10th of their Maximum HP remaining, this spell does not work.


Vice Field Target 100m Radius

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration Self/Instant Summary Creates a barrier blocking that hostile to your god Effect The target area has a barrier formed around it, preventing any humanoid or Undead from passing through. This barrier also prevents any spells or abilities from humanoids or Undead form passing through as well. This barrier does not move with the caster; once the spell is cast, the caster is free to move, and the barrier will remain where it is. When this spell is cast, if there are any humanoids or Undead already within the area of this spell, the barrier will not form. Additionally, if this effect overlaps with the range of a Sacred Field spell, both spells' effects end immediately.

Instant Soulscar Target 1 Character

Cost 20MP Resistance Temporary

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 1 minute (6 r) Summary Gives the target a temporary soulscar, weakening humanoids and strengthening Barbaros Effect The target receives one soulscar for a split second. Depending upon the target, this spell will act differently: If the target is a humanoid, then they must roll a die at the beginning of their next turn. If the result is 3 or less, then no movement or Major Actions may be taken that turn. If the target is a Barbaros, then they must roll a die at the beginning of their next turn. If the result is 4 or greater, that Barbaros may take two Major Actions that turn.


Specialized divine spells of Dalkhrem, God of War Fatal Explosion Target 6m Radius/20

Range/Area Duration Self/Instant Summary Call upon Dalkhrem's power to create a massive attack Effect

Cost 22MP Resistance Half Type Bludgeoning

Deals Power 80 + Magic Power damage.

Specialized divine spells of Bragzabas, God of Decay Pollution Target 100m radius

Cost 17MP Resistance Can't

Range/Area Duration 30m/Target 3 minutes (18 r) Summary Makes the area and everything within more susceptible to poison and disease Effect All characters within the spell receive a -3 penalty to resist all Poisonand Disease-type effects. The land within range becomes barren, and any non-character plants in the spell's range will immediately die. The land remains fallow for a year, and nothing will grow until then.


Specialized divine spells of Metissier, God of Immortality Unholy Soil Target 100l of soil

Cost 50MP Resistance N/A Type Curse

Range/Area Duration Touch/Permanent Summary Desecrate soil with unholy power Effect If the caster would die, or otherwise have their body destroyed, their spirit will seek out this specially prepared ground, and create a new body from the soil. The character will still receive a soulscar as with a normal resurrection, and their MP will remain as it was when they died, but this new body will be in perfect health, and their HP will be restored to its maximum. If this spell is cast on a new target, the previous target becomes inert soil. This spell takes one day to cast.

Specialized divine spells of Laris, God of Madness Call Demon Target Any Point

Cost 20MP Resistance N/A

Range/Area Duration 10m/Target Instant Summary Summons a demon from another world. Effect Calls a Demon Level 13 or lower to assist the caster. The summoned Demon cannot use a Major Action on the turn they are summoned but will act on their own initiative every turn thereafter.


Bestiary There are many new monsters to add to Sword World, ranging from weak Level 1 monsters to powerful Level 20 monsters. When using such high-level monsters, they will often have a number of powerful abilities, and so the GM should be aware of what the PCs can do in combat and adjust accordingly. On the other hand, if it appears that the PCs will overwhelm the monsters with little effort, think about powering the monster up using Sword Shards. New Additions This book adds a few new additions to monster effects. "/ Can't" Special Abilities As with some spells, there are some monster special abilities that just cannot be resisted. Whenever such an ability is used, it will automatically take effect, and does not give the targets a chance to resist or evade the effect. Special Abilities using Multiple Sections There are a few new abilities of monsters that require multiple sections to work in conjunction with each other in order to be used. In such cases, the sections needed must still be alive, and must not have taken a Major Action that turn. After using such an ability, all sections used will be considered to have taken their Major Action for the turn. Sometimes, there will be abilities that don't require a specific set of sections but will grow stronger the more sections are 297

available to be used. For example, an ability may deal "2d x (Remaining Sections)" damage, where the (Remaining Sections) is however many sections remain that have not taken their Major Action that turn. Combat with NPCs When fighting humanoid NPCs with specific character data, a Monster Knowledge check can still be made to figure out how strong that NPC is. The target for that check is going to be the character's Adventurer Level +3, and if successful the target's race, classes (and levels), and any equipment will be known. Named equipment can be determined by a subsequent Appraise check to determine what abilities it has. Upon defeat, the NPC will award (Adventurer Level x 10) experience points.


Barbaros 5

Goblin Shaman

Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Goblin, Sylvan Hab: Forest, Mountains, Caves Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 13 / 16 Init: 12 Move Spd: 11 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 8 (15) Fighting Style Weapon







6 (13)


7 (14)




Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. [Fairy Magic (Level 5) / Magic Power Loot 8 (15)] 2-5 Bag of Silver (1d A Goblin Shaman may cast Fairy x 30G) Magic as a fifth-level Fairy Tamer. For 6-9 Gemstones (1d x individual spell effects, refer to that 150G) spell's description. 10+ Luxury [Divine Magic (Level 2) / Magic Accessories (1d x Power 5 (12)] 500G) A Goblin Shaman may cast Divine Magic as a second-level Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Goblin Shaman can use the Combat Feat [Metamagic/Targets]. A high-ranking Goblin that can use Fairy Magic in addition to their usual combat prowess. While they look like normal Goblins, Goblin Shamans are often adorned with colorful feathers and flashy jewelry to help them stand out from other low-ranking Goblins.



Lizardman Mariner

Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Barbaric, Lizardman, Dragonic Hab: Swamp, Wetlands Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 12 / 16 Init: 15 Move Spd: 14 / 14 (Swimming) Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17) Fighting Style Weapon







10 (17)


9 (16)




Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts. [Cooperation] Loot A Lizardman Mariner gains a bonus 2-9 None to their Accuracy equal to the number 10+ Silver Medal of other Lizardman Mariners in the (700G) same battlefield, up to a maximum of +4. [Revenge] When another Lizardman in the same battlefield is defeated, the Lizardman Mariner gains a cumulative +2 bonus to damage for 10 seconds (1 round). [Underwater Aptitude] A Lizardman Mariner is able to move in water without penalty. A member of an elite group of Lizardmen, trained to rush into enemy territory and create openings for other Barbaros from within. In the past, there was worry that these elite Lizardmen would take down cities under a united leadership. However, with no central power to unite them, they pose less of a threat nowadays.


10 Yeti Int: Low Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Giantish Hab: Cold Regions, Snowy Mountains Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 14 / 17 Init: 15 Move Spd: 17 Fort: 15 (22) Will: 12 (19) Fighting Style Claw (Upper Body) Kick (Lower Body)







13 (20)


12 (19)




12 (19)


10 (17)




Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Body) Main Section: Upper Body Unique Skills

Loot None White Fur Pelt (1,000G) Silver Fur Pelt (9,000G)

2-6 • Yeti [Water/Ice Immunity] 7 - 12 A Yeti takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects. 13+ • Upper Body [Continuous Attack] If a Yeti successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second attack on that same target without rolling Accuracy. • Lower Body [Large Body] As long as the Yeti Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, the Upper Body receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. A snow giant covered in white hair, a Yeti stands tall at over 5m. Often found in cold and snowy areas, Yetis are quite territorial, and will mercilessly defend their territory from any invaders. Their arms are larger than their body, and their devastating claw attacks can rend steel with little effort, so retreat is recommended if accidentally angering one.


11 Ogre Berserker Int: Low Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Ogrish, Drakish Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 19 Init: 17 Move Spd: 19 Fort: 16 (23) Will: 13 (20) Fighting Style Weapon







15 (22)


12 (19)




Unique Skills [Continuous Attack II] If an Ogre Berserker successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second and third attack on that same target without rolling Accuracy. [Power Attack II] An Ogre Berserker can deal an additional +12 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Ogre Berserker this turn receives a -2 penalty.

W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. Loot 2-8 Bag of Silver (200G) 9 - 12 Gemstones (1d x 500G) 13+ Golden Berserker Accessory (4,500G)

While these Ogres cannot shapeshift or use magic like their brethren, their relentless attacks and savage strength more than make up for those shortcomings. While dumb in comparison, Ogre Berserkers are quite happy to just be able to fight and will find joy in running down those weaker than them.


11 Leanan Sidhe Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Nosferatu, Trade Common Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 22 Init: 18 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 13 (20) Will: 16 (23) Fighting Style Claw







15 (22)


14 (21)




Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1 [Bloody Temptation / 14 (21) / Will / Loot Negated] Always Leanan Sidhe On a successful Claw attack, the Blood (1,000G) Leanan Sidhe can choose to drink 2-8 None blood instead of dealing damage. 9 - 12 Barbaros Decree When doing so, the target must make (500G) a Willpower check or be affected by 13+ Ring of Ruddy the Leanan Sidhe's curse, whose Complexion effects depend upon how many times (9,500G) they have failed the Willpower check. This curse has a target power of 21 for "Remove Curse” but can also be broken if the target drinks the blood of the same Leanan Sidhe that has drunk theirs. This ability can only be used once per day per target. 1 - 3: The target will act as though the Leanan Sidhe is a trusted ally and will try to sabotage any combat between the Leanan Sidhe and the party. The target will help the Leanan Sidhe, so long as it does not cause any loss of life, property, or status. 4 - 5: The Leanan Sidhe's wants, and needs will be the highest priority, with even the target's own life, property and status being secondary. When in combat, the target will at first take no action against the Leanan Sidhe but will move to help them as an ally once their HP has been reduced. 6: The Leanan Sidhe is an equal to the target, who is willing to part with everything short of their own life in order to keep the Leanan Sidhe alive and happy. The target will not hesitate to join the Leanan Sidhe should combat break out. 7: The target exists solely to serve the Leanan Sidhe, and would die for the Leanan Sidhe, were they to command it. [Spy Knowledge] The Leanan Sidhe is immune to the effects of Swords of Protection. 303

A Barbaros created by the whims of an immortal Nosferatu, the Leanan Sidhe appears as a beautiful woman with pale skin, a slim body, and sharp fangs. Usually seen as a servant to the highest-ranking Barbaros in the area, they can also slip past the protection offered by Swords of Protection in order to carry out espionage missions. Unlike other Nosferatu, the Leanan Sidhe can walk around in sunlight without any ill effects, making them incredibly dangerous foes if they need to dirty their hands in combat. Leanan Sidhe, when working in human territory, will try and find their target, get close to them, and then drink their blood. Doing so puts their target under their thrall, while the target thinks of the Leanan Sidhe as a new lover, living their life as normal otherwise. Due to the effects of the curse, however, the target will become weakened and pale as time passes.

12 Succubus Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 17 / 20 Init: 19 Move Spd: 19 / 38 (Flying) Fort: 15 (22) Will: 17 (24) Fighting Style Claw







13 (20)


13 (20)




Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. [Spiritualism Magic, Divine Magic Loot (Level 12) / Magic Power 16 (23)] Always Succubus A Lesser Manticore may cast both Perfume (400G) Spiritualism and Divine Magic as a 2-8 None twelfth-level Conjurer and Priest. It is 9 - 12 Beautiful Tail up to the GM to determine any (3,000G) Special Divine Spells. For individual 13+ Captivating Tail spell effects, refer to that spell's (7,000G) description. [Magic Aptitude] A Succubus can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], and [Wordbreak]. 304

[Indecent Dreams / 16 (23) / Will / Negated] A Succubus can drain energy from a target within a 20m radius, dealing them 2d Curse-type damage to either their HP or MP and causing them to fall asleep immediately. The Succubus must choose whether to target HP or MP for each use of Indecent Dreams and will regain HP or MP equal to the damage dealt. This ability will still affect those who don't normally sleep. [Flight] A Succubus receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. Appearing as a beautiful person with bat wings, these Barbaros are commonly called a Succubus, though technically males of the species are an Incubus. Regardless of the name, these Barbaros will invade dreams and turn them quite salacious, draining energy from their victims through lewd acts. They can even cause sleep in those who would not normally sleep, meaning no one is off limits to their energy draining abilities.


13 Ogre Warlord Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Drakish, Ogrish, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 20 Init: 20 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 18 (25) Will: 18 (25) Fighting Style Weapon







17 (24)


14 (21)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Truespeech Magic (Level 10) / Magic Loot Power 14 (21)] 2-8 Bag of Gold An Ogre Warlord may cast (1,400G) Truespeech Magic as a tenth-level 9 - 12 Luxury Sorcerer. For individual spell effects, Accessories (2d x refer to that spell's description. 500G) [Magic Aptitude] 13+ Royal Treasured An Ogre Warlord can use the Sword (8,000G) Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action], and [Wordbreak]. [Master Warrior] An Ogre Warlord can use the Combat Feat [Battle Master]. [Mana Strike] An Ogre Warlord may deal an additional +14 damage to their next melee attack. If they do, they receive a -1 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks until their next turn. Though unable to transform, Ogre Warlords are a higher breed of Ogre, able to learn combat and become master tacticians like no other Ogre can. While not much different in outward appearances, Ogre Warlords will often stand out due to an abundance of various crowns, necklaces, and other such ornamentation they wear. Additionally, every Ogre Warlord has a fancy sword, more treasure than weapon, that shows their dedication to the Barbaros cause.


15 Hecatoncheires Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Giantish Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 22 Init: 20 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 21 (28) Will: 19 (26) Fighting Style Upper Body Weapon (Arm) x6 Kick (Lower Body)









19 (26)




21 (28)


21 (28)




19 (26)


18 (25)




Sections: 8 (Upper Body / Arm x6 / Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 Lower Body) Main Section: Upper pts. Body Unique Skills Loot Always Massive Weapon • Arm x6 (1,800G) [Swords Dance / Can't] The Hecatoncheires does a strange, 2-7 None flailing dance that deals 2d + 8 - 12 Lump of Silver (Remaining Arms) + 5 Physical (3,600G) damage to one target in the same 13+ Lump of Gold battlefield. Because of the weird (18,000G) movements of the dance, this attack cannot be Evaded. All remaining Arms must be able to take a Major Action to use this ability. [Limited Attacks] Due to the size of the Hecatoncheires, only two Arms can make attacks on a single target during a single round. • Lower Body [Large Body] As long as the Hecatoncheires Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, the Upper Body receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. A giant with 12 arms, 6m tall, the Hecatoncheires is built solely for war. With six arms holding weapons and six holding shields, it will honor 307

those who are willing to stand firm and challenge his might, while spurning those who would use cowardly tactics. These giants are often entrusted to guard important locations, often vaults and other valuable storerooms, and are rarely encountered outside.

15 Leanan Sidhe Assassin Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Nosferatu, Trade Common Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 18 / 25 Init: 22 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 19 (26) Will: 22 (28) Fighting Style Claw







21 (28)


20 (17)




Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1 [Bloody Temptation / 20 (27) / Will / Loot Negated] Always Leanan Sidhe On a successful Claw attack, the Blood (1,000G) Leanan Sidhe can choose to drink 2-8 None blood instead of dealing damage. 9 - 12 Kinship Decree When doing so, the target must make (5,000G) a Willpower check or be affected by 13+ Ring of Crimson the Leanan Sidhe's curse, whose Complexion effects depend upon how many times (12,000G) they have failed the Willpower check. This curse has a target power of 27 for "Remove Curse” but can also be broken if the target drinks the blood of the same Leanan Sidhe that has drunk theirs. This ability can only be used once per day per target. 1 - 3: The target will act as though the Leanan Sidhe is a trusted ally and will try to sabotage any combat between the Leanan Sidhe and the party. The target will help the Leanan Sidhe, so long as it does not cause any loss of life, property, or status. 4 - 5: The Leanan Sidhe's wants, and needs will be the highest priority, with even the target's own life, property and status being secondary. When in combat, the target will at first take no action against the Leanan Sidhe but will move to help them as an ally once their HP has been reduced. 6: The Leanan Sidhe is an equal to the target, who is willing to part with everything short of their own life in order to keep the Leanan Sidhe alive 308

and happy. The target will not hesitate to join the Leanan Sidhe should combat break out. 7: The target exists solely to serve the Leanan Sidhe, and would die for the Leanan Sidhe, were they to command it. [Bloody Change / 20 (27) / Will / Negated] On a successful Claw attack, the Leanan Sidhe can choose to drink blood instead of dealing damage. When doing so, the target must make a Willpower check or be affected by the Leanan Sidhe's curse, whose effects depend upon how many times they have failed the Willpower check. This curse has a target power of 26 for "Remove Curse” but can also be broken if the target drinks the blood of the same Leanan Sidhe that has drunk theirs. This ability can only be used once per day per target. 1st time: The Leanan Sidhe knows the target's name and will be able to take their appearance. 2nd time: The Leanan Sidhe knows the target's most common mannerisms, quirks, and tone and can reproduce them, though close friends and family will notice something off. Additionally, the Leanan Sidhe knows the target's family and close acquaintances. 3rd time: The Leanan Sidhe can perfectly copy all of the target's mannerisms, quirks, and tone, undetectable to even close friends and family of the target. The target begins to notice they are becoming more forgetful but will rationalize it away. 4th time: The Leanan Sidhe gains a wide range of the target's memories and can call upon a good deal of the character's knowledge. The target now suffers from significant memory loss and will have some trouble with everyday life. Past experiences, old promises, and even locations of stored items and equipment are all difficult, if not impossible, to recall. 5th time: The Leanan Sidhe gains the lowest-level class of the target (randomly determined if more than one), while the target loses access to that class entirely. 6th time: The Leanan Sidhe knows all of the target's memories, as well as the highest-level class of the target (randomly determined if more than one). The target will have lost enough memory and ability to the point where even daily life is difficult. 7th time: The Leanan Sidhe has access to all of the target's combat abilities, Combat Feats, all classes, etc., and for all intents and purposes can become an exact copy of the target. Meanwhile, the target is little more than a living corpse. [Spy Knowledge] The Leanan Sidhe is immune to the effects of Swords of Protection. 309

Among the Leanan Sidhe, there are only a few elites who are skilled enough to call themselves "Assassins". Under the command of older Nosferatu, these Assassins will infiltrate large cities in order to find and impersonate important targets, whether high-ranking officials or famous adventurers. Once this impersonation is complete, the Assassin will open the city to Barbaros invasions, taking down civilization from the inside.


17 Drake Count (Human Form) Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Drakish, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 18 / 25 Init: 23 Move Spd: 30 / 60 (Flying) Fort: 23 (30) Will: 23 (30) Fighting Style Weapon







23 (30)


21 (28)




Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. [Spiritualism Magic (Level 15) / Magic Loot Power 21 (28)] Always Heraldic Ring A Drake Count (Human Form) may (3,000G) cast Spiritualism spells as a fifteenth2-7 None level Conjurer. For individual spell 8 - 12 Beautiful effects, refer to that spell's description. Draconian Horn [Magic Aptitude] (4,200G) A Drake Count (Human Form) can 13+ Noble Draconian use the Combat Feats [Guided Horn (12,000G) Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Distance], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Master Warrior] A Drake Count (Human Form) can use the Combat Feat [Battle Master]. [Techniques] A Drake Count (Human Form) can use the "Beetleskin", "Cat's Eyes", "Recovery (9 HP)", "Giant Arms", and "Sphinx Knowledge" Techniques. [Flight] A Drake Count (Human Form) receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Greater Mana Strike] A Drake Count (Human Form) may gain a +6 bonus to Accuracy and deal an additional +21 damage with their next melee attack. If they do, they receive a -2 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks until their next turn. [Dragonification] As a Major Action, the Drake Count transforms into a draconic form, healing all HP and MP. Any lingering magical effects are removed as 311

well. For more information, see the Drake Count (Dragon Form) data. A Drake Count cannot transform for an hour after using this ability. One of the highest-ranking Barbaros, Drake Counts have a regal air about themselves that lesser Drakes do not. While they may be the same as other Drakes physically, a Drake Count's appearance and mannerisms have that noble look about them, unconsciously showing off their status to other Barbaros. At the same time, Drake Counts are masterful combatants and tacticians, able to control thousands of Barbaros beneath them with ease.

18 Drake Count (Dragon Form) Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Drakish, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 19 / 26 Init: 23 Move Spd: 30 / 60 (Flying) Fort: 24 (31) Will: 24 (31) Fighting Style Bite (Body) Wing (Wings) x2







23 (30)


22 (29)




24 (31)


19 (26)




Sections: 3 (Body / Wings x2) Main Section: Body Unique Skills • Drake Count (Dragon Form) [Master Warrior] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) can use the Combat Feat [Battle Master]. [Techniques] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) can use the "Beetleskin", "Cat's Eyes", "Recovery (9 HP)", "Giant Arms", and "Sphinx Knowledge" Techniques.

Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Always 2-7 8 - 12


Loot Heraldic Ring (3,000G) None Beautiful Draconian Horn (4,200G) Noble Draconian Horn (12,000G) 312

[Shimmering Scales] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) takes no damage from Energy-type effects. [Humanification] As a Minor Action, a Drake Count (Dragon Form) can change from a draconic form to a human. However, any HP lost as a dragon is carried over as a human, which may cause death if enough HP is lost. For more information, see the Drake Count (Dragon Form) data. • Body [Spiritualism Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 21 (28)] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) may cast Spiritualism spells as a fifteenth-level Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Distance], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Energy Breath II / 23 (30) / Fort / Half] The Drake Count (Dragon Form) may vomit a mass of pure energy, directed towards a single point. The energy travels up to a range of 50m, exploding upon impact into a 6m radius explosion of pure energy, dealing 2d + 25 Energy-type damage to up to 20 targets in the area. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Greater Mana Strike] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) may gain a +6 bonus to Accuracy and deal an additional +21 damage with their next melee attack. If they do, they receive a -2 penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks until their next turn. • Wings [Flight] A Drake Count (Dragon Form) receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. A massive beast, the dragon form of a Drake Count is much larger than those of the Drake Barons underneath them. With glistening translucent green scales, its glory is only surpassed by its frightening combat ability.


19 Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Nosferatu, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 21 / 27 Init: 25 Move Spd: 27 / 54 (Flying) Fort: 25 (32) Will: 26 (33) Fighting Style Claw







23 (30)


25 (32)




Unique Skills

W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts. Loot

[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic, Divine Magic (Level 15) / Always Tainted Ashes Magic Power 24 (31)] (10,000G) A Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) 2-8 None may cast Truespeech, Spiritualism 9 12 Immortal Cloak and Divine Magic as a fifteenth-level (10,000G) Sorcerer, Conjurer and Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special 13+ Rose Coat of Divine Spells. For individual spell Arms Accessory effects, refer to that spell's description. (20,000G) [Magic Aptitude] A Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Time], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Flight] A Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Normal Weapon Immunity] A Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver or magical weapons. [Rose Enchantment / 22 (29) / Will / Negated] By releasing a fragrance that smells like a rose's, the Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) can enthrall a target within a 20m radius. The target will follow the Vampire Rose's orders for 10 seconds (1 round) but has a -2 penalty on all Actions as they are not in full control of their body. This ability happens automatically at the beginning of the Vampire Rose's turn, with the Vampire Rose able to give commands as a Minor Action during their turn. This is a Psychic-type effect. 314

[Double Claws] When dealing damage with a Claw attack, damage is rolled twice and added during damage calculation. [Blood Suck] On a successful Claw attack, the Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) can choose to drink blood instead, dealing 2d + 30 damage. The Vampire Rose heals HP equal to the total damage dealt. If the target is reduced to 0 HP or lower from this attack, they receive a -15 penalty to their next Death Check. If the character fails this Death Check, they receive an extra 5 soulscars, and rise as a Blood Sucker. If the Vampire Rose does not use this ability at least once every 7 days, they lose 9 HP and MP per week (cumulative) that they do not drain blood, and also cannot use their "Regeneration" ability. These penalties immediately go away once the Vampire rose successfully drains blood. [Regeneration] At the end of each round, a Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) recovers 9 HP. [Vampire Body] As long as a Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) is under sunlight, it receives a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion Checks. Additionally, the Vampire Rose cannot use their "Regeneration" or "Normal Weapon Immunity" abilities, and at the end of each round, the Vampire Rose is dealt 9 Magic damage. This damage cannot be reduced by any means. [Bat Form] As a Minor Action, the Vampire Rose transforms into a myriad of bats, each about 10cm long. For more information, see the Vampire Rose (Bat Form) data. A Vampire Rose cannot transform during the same turn they use their [Vampire Form] ability. [Resurrection] After 7 days, the Vampire Rose will revive itself from the collection of tainted ashes that it leaves behind when "killed". In order to prevent this from occurring, the ashes must be dispersed into free-flowing water or stored in a place sacred to one of the Gods of Light. However, in order for these methods to be effective, the character performing the deed must have succeeded on their Monster Knowledge check enough to know the Vampire Rose's Weakness. If they have not, then the Vampire Rose will still resurrect itself after 7 days, even if these deeds are performed. One of the highest-ranking Barbaros, Drake Counts have a regal air about themselves that lesser Drakes do not. While they may be the same as other Drakes physically, a Drake Count's appearance and mannerisms 315

have that noble look about them, unconsciously showing off their status to other Barbaros. At the same time, Drake Counts are masterful combatants and tacticians, able to control thousands of Barbaros beneath them with ease.

19 Vampire Rose (Bat Form) Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Barbaric, Trade Common, Nosferatu, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 21 / 27 Init: 25 Move Spd: 54 (Flying) Fort: 25 (32) Will: 26 (33) Fighting Style None









25 (32)




Unique Skills

W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts. Loot

[Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic, Divine Magic (Level 15) / Always Tainted Ashes Magic Power 24 (31)] (10,000G) A Vampire Rose (Bat Form) may cast 2 8 None Truespeech, Spiritualism and Divine 9 12 Immortal Cloak Magic as a fifteenth-level Sorcerer, (10,000G) Conjurer and Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine 13+ Rose Coat of Spells. For individual spell effects, Arms Accessory refer to that spell's description. (20,000G) [Magic Aptitude] A Vampire Rose (Bat Form) can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Time], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Flight] A Vampire Rose (Bat Form) receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Normal Weapon Immunity] A Vampire Rose (Bat Form) is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver or magical weapons.


[Resurrection] After 7 days, the Vampire Rose will revive itself from the collection of tainted ashes that it leaves behind when "killed". In order to prevent this from occurring, the ashes must be dispersed into free-flowing water or stored in a place sacred to one of the Gods of Light. However, in order for these methods to be effective, the character performing the deed must have succeeded on their Monster Knowledge check enough to know the Vampire Rose's Weakness. If they have not, then the Vampire Rose will still resurrect itself after 7 days, even if these deeds are performed. [Vampire Form] As a Minor Action, the Vampire Rose transforms into its original vampire form. For more information, see the Vampire Rose (Vampire Form) data. A Vampire Rose cannot transform during the same turn they use their [Bat Form] ability. [Bat Dance / Can't] The Vampire Rose (Bat Form) swarm around a single target in the same battlefield, dealing Physical damage equal to 1/3 the Vampire Rose's Current HP (rounded down) + 10. Because of the number and size of the bats, this attack cannot be Evaded. [Swarm] When targeting the Vampire Rose (Bat Form) or another character in the same battlefield, the Combat Feats [Precise Shot], [Guided Magic] and [Magic Control] cannot be used. Vampires are immortal Nosferatu, with shining red eyes and sharp, pointed fangs. In order to keep themselves alive, they must feed on the blood of humanoids. Many vampires can trace their lineage to the head of the clan, proven leaders both in and out of combat. However, some Lesser Vampires are initiated into the clan through a "Sanguine Vow", a bloody deal from the head of the clan drawn up in order to introduce new vampires into the clan. These vampires are often leading a number of Lesser Vampires, as well as a few Leanan Sidhe. In order to become even a Lesser Vampire, however, A Vampire must perform a ritual called a "Blood Kiss". This ritual involves giving their own blood to the vampire-to-be over the course of seven consecutive nights. After the seventh Blood Kiss, the recipient rises as a Lesser Vampire, in thrall to their Vampire elder and unable to disobey their orders. Vampire Roses are one of a few different branches under the Frau clan, along with the Vampire Lily, Vampire Daisy, and Vampire Shamrock branches. Each of these is so named as the vampires will exude a faint 317

scent of the flower they are named after, even if they have been reduced to ashes by adventurers. Vampire Roses in particular often dress in flashy red velvet outfits and move with an unearthly grace. The scent of roses is always about them, and this scent has been known to be disorientating and can fascinate the simple-minded.


Animals 2

Giant Centipede

Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands, Caves Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 7 / 11 Init: 9 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 3 (10) Will: 2 (9) Fighting Style Bite







3 (10)


2 (9)




Unique Skills [Poison / 3 (10) / Fort / Negated] If the Giant Centipede hits with their Bite attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 6 Poison-type damage.

W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts Loot 2-5 None 6-9 Chitin Shell (30G) 10+ Quality Chitin Shell (100G)

A huge centipede, measuring 1m long all together, that has developed large fangs. Giant Centipedes will attack humanoids and animals alike, feeding on their flesh. It's said that a light tonic can be made by crushing its shell, though the effectiveness of such a drink is in question.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sea Animal Hab: Ocean Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 6 / 11 Init: 11 Move Spd: 25 (Swimming) Fort: 4 (11) Will: 4 (11) Fighting Style Tackle







4 (11)


3 (10)




Unique Skills [Underwater] The Dolphin doesn't receive penalties for moving or taking Actions in water. However, it can't perform any Action without water.

W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. Loot 2-5 None 6-9 Pearl Fragments (50G) 10+ Ocean Pearl (200G)

This species of Dolphin grows to around 3m long, and is highly intelligent, able to speak their own language. While Dolphins often livein groups out in the seas and open ocean, they will rarely come to the coast and attempt to make contact with humanoids. There are some who have even been trained by humans to allow riders on their back, though preparations need to be made to allow the rider to breathe underwater.




Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands, Caves Disp: Hungry Rep/Weak: 8 / 12 Init: 11 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 4 (11) Fighting Style Constrict







5 (12)


3 (10)




Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. [Tightening Constriction] Loot A successful hit from a Constrict 2-5 Snakeskin (20G) attack entangles the target. Each 6-9 Fine Snakeskin round, the entangled target is hit (150G) automatically by the Anaconda, and 10+ Premium makes all Accuracy and Evasion Snakeskin Checks with a -2 penalty. (320G) Removing the entangling constriction requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength bonus) Check opposed by the Anaconda's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not entangled anymore. A large snake, an Anaconda measures around 2m in length. Its preferred method of attack is to hide in trees as though it were a large vine, then drop down onto unsuspecting prey. The coils of an Anaconda can constrict and suffocate something as large as a cow. The skin of the Anaconda is prized for its capabilities when turned into leather, and adventurers are often sent to procure such skins.




Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Mountains, Forest Disp: Hungry Rep/Weak: 9 / 13 Init: 15 Move Spd: 30 (Flying) Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13) Fighting Style Beak







6 (13)


5 (12)




Unique Skills [Flight] A Vulture receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying.

W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. Loot Always Flight Feathers (100G) 2-8 Cheap Meat (100G) 9+ Fine Meat (200G)

A large bird of prey that tends to live in high mountains or canyons. A Vulture's wingspan can reach up to 3m, and with that it can easily carry away both livestock and humanoids. Normally, they are content to fly high above, but when hungry will descend to catch prey to bring back to their nest.




Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 14 Move Spd: 22 Fort: 8 (15) Will: 7 (14) Fighting Style Bite







7 (14)


8 (15)




Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1 [Fast Action] Loot During the first round of combat, if Always Large Fangs the Tiger won initiative, it may take (100G) two Major Actions that round. 2-6 None However, it can only take one Move. 7 - 12 Tiger Pelt (200G) [Continuous Attack] 13+ Fine Tiger Pelt If the Tiger successfully hits a target in (600G) melee, they may make a second attack on that same target without rolling Accuracy. A four-legged carnivore with black and orange stripes. A ferocious feline, these large cats are experts at hunting alone, hiding with their striped camouflage and striking unexpectedly. Their fur is prized by fashion enthusiasts, and high-quality pelts can fetch a good price at the market.




Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Coast Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 10/ 20 (Swimming) Fort: 8 (15) Will: 5 (12) Fighting Style Snapping Bite







5 (12)


5 (12)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Underwater Aptitude] Loot A Hippopotamus is able to move in 2-6 None water without penalty. 7 - 12 Large Fang [Loud Roar] (150G) As a Major Action, the 13+ Large Fangs x4 Hippopotamus can let loose a loud (600G) bellowing roar, able to be heard up to 100m away, then rolls 2d. If the result is 10 or more, then another Hippopotamus will join combat after 1d rounds, looking to help their comrades. The GM may adjust the number of Hippopotamuses appearing from this ability (even to 0, if appropriate), according to the situation. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. A rotund mammal with thick, pebbly grey skin, a Hippopotamus is actually made mostly of thick muscle, not fat. While not always traveling in the tightest of groups, Hippos will rarely travel alone, and others are little more than a bellowing roar away. They are quite mild animals, only becoming hostile if attacked, or to protect their young. Once provoked, however, they are quite powerful animals, and have incredible strength for an animal of their size. If a Hippopotamus feels like it is outmatched, it will attempt to call on others to help take down threats tougher than itself.



Iron Turtle

Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Ocean, Coast, River, Swamp Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 17 Init: 10 Move Spd: 10 / 30 (Swimming) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 8 (15) Fighting Style Tackle







7 (14)


7 (14)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Underwater Aptitude] Loot An Iron Turtle is able to move in 2-8 Sturdy Shell water without penalty. (200G) [Shell Guard] 9+ High-Quality As a Major Action, the Iron Turtle Shell (1,200G) can retract into its shell, increasing its Defense to 20 for 10 seconds (1 round). [Cover] As a Minor Action, the Iron Turtle can cover an ally in the same battlefield for 10 seconds (1 round), so that the next melee or ranged attack against the ally is made against the Iron Turtle instead. A large turtle, ranging anywhere from 1 to 3 m in size, it gets its name because of its shell being as hard as iron. These turtles are fairly docile, slow to move and unlikely to cause any harm. However, because their shell is used in a variety of crafts, overfishing has led to a decline in their population and the Iron Turtle is becoming harder to find in the wild.



Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 16 Init: 14 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 8 (15) Fighting Style Tusk (Head) Trample (Body) 325







8 (15)


7 (14)




8 (15)


6 (13)




Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head

Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.

Unique Skills Loot 2-6 Damaged Ivory • Head Tusk (100G) [Throw / 5 (12) / Evasion / Negated] The Elephant attempts to grab a 7 - 12 Ivory Tusk target. If successful, the target is (500G) thrown out of the battlefield 15m in a 13+ Fine Ivory Tusk direction of the Elephant's choice. (2,000G) Upon landing, the target will receive 15 physical damage and is knocked prone. [Loud Roar] As a Major Action, the Elephant can let loose a loud trumpeting, able to be heard up to 100m away, then rolls 2d. If the result is 10 or more, then another Elephant will join combat after 1d rounds, looking to help their comrades. The GM may adjust the number of Elephants appearing from this ability (even to 0, if appropriate), according to the situation. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. • Body [Large Body] As long as the Elephant Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. [Trample with Both Feet] The Elephant may Trample twice during the same turn but must attack two different targets when doing so. Elephants are massive mammals, often 5m tall or larger, found in grasslands and wilderness. Despite its size, they are fairly easygoing and tend not to attack unless threatened. Some Elephants have even been trained as exotic mounts, instead of training horses. Their tusks are highly valued for crafts and fashion, and ivory poachers are a constant threat.


Grizzly Bear

Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest, Mountains Disp: Hungry Rep/Weak: 12 / 16 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 6 (13) 326

Fighting Style Claw







8 (15)


7 (14)




Unique Skills W. P.: Magic Damage +2 pts. [Double Attack] Loot A Grizzly Bear can make two Claw Always Bear Fur (150G) attacks each round, though each 2 - 12 Bear Paws attack requires its own Accuracy (300G) check. 13+ Aromatic Bear [Bear Hug] Paws (1,200G) If the Grizzly Bear successfully hits with both Claw attacks, they can then entangle the target. Each round, the entangled target is hit automatically by the Grizzly Bear, dealing 2d + 16 damage, and cannot move or make any melee or ranged attacks. Removing the bear hug requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength bonus) Check opposed by the Grizzly Bear's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not entangled anymore. The Grizzly Bear cannot attack another target while holding a Bear Hug but can release it as a Minor Action. [Power Attack] The Grizzly Bear can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Grizzly Bear this turn receives a -2 penalty. A large bear with grey-brown fur, Grizzlies can stand on their hind legs to intimidate would-be predators, standing around 2-3m tall when doing so. In the summer, they will rarely appear to those wandering in the wilderness, but as the seasons change, they will attack livestock in order to build up bulk for their winter hibernation. Grizzlies are especially dangerous during the springtime, as they are ravenously hungry after their hibernation. Bear paws, specifically the right paw, are used as ingredients in high-end cuisine, as the right paw is the one used to scoop honey. It is said that honey has infused itself into the skin of the bear, giving the paw an almost sweet, gamey flavor. The left paw, however, is rarely used and often discarded as there is little demand for it.



Sabertooth Tiger

Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands, Mountains Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 14 / 18 Init: 17 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 9 (16) Fighting Style Bite







10 (17)


9 (16)




Unique Skills [Double Bite] When dealing damage with a Bite attack, damage is rolled twice and added during damage calculation. [Power Attack] The Sabertooth Tiger can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Sabertooth Tiger this turn receives a -2 penalty.

W. P.: Accuracy +1 Loot 2-6 Long Fang x2 (200G) 7 - 12 Sharp Fang x2 (400G) 13+ Shining Fang x2 (1,200G)

Similar in appearance to a normal tiger, the Sabertooth Tiger has two very large, very sharp canine teeth that give it its name. These fangs are said to be strong enough to easily penetrate metal armor.



Sea Serpent

Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Ocean Disp: Hungry Rep/Weak: 14 / 19 Init: 16 Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Swimming) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 10 (17) Fighting Style Bite (Head) Constrict (Body)







10 (17)


10 (17)




11 (18)


8 (15)




Sections: 2 (Head / Body) Main Section: Head

Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts.

Unique Skills Loot Always Sea Serpent • Sea Serpent Scales (200G) [Underwater Specialization] A Sea Serpent can breathe and 2-6 None vocalize while underwater and does 7 - 12 Parasitic Shellfish not suffer any penalties for moving Husk (200G) while underwater. While outside of 13+ Shining Parasitic water, all actions receive a -2 penalty. Shellfish Shell • Head (1,000G) [Flame Breath / 9 (16) / Fort / Half] The Sea Serpent spits a large fireball around itself, dealing 2d + 5 Firetype damage to up to 10 targets within a 5m radius of the Sea Serpent. • Body [Large Body] As long as the Sea Serpent Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. [Long Body] The Head can make a melee attack on any target within 10m, whether they're in the same battlefield or not. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. [Entangling Constriction] A successful hit from a Constrict attack entangles the target. Each round, the entangled target is hit automatically by the Constrict, and makes all Accuracy and Evasion Checks with a -2 penalty. This penalty is not cumulative. Removing the entangling constriction requires an 329

(Adventurer Level + Strength bonus) Check opposed by the Sea Serpent Body's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not entangled anymore. This ability can be used even if the Sea Serpent is already entangling a target. A giant ocean snake, a Sea Serpent can measure up to 20m long, causing sailors to believe they had encountered an aquatic dragon. Under normal circumstances, they are solitary monsters, content to eat fish but will attack boats when desperately hungry. There are subspecies of Sea Serpents that are able to live in fresh water, and some cities have even enshrined a Sea Serpent as the embodiment of a water god.




Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 17 Move Spd: 10 / 40 (Flying) Fort: 12 (19) Will: 11 (18) Fighting Style Beak (Head) Wing (Wings) x2 Tail (Body)







12 (19)


11 (18)




11 (18)


9 (16)




13 (20)


10 (17)




Sections: 4 (Head / Wing x2 / Body) Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Main Section: Head pts. Unique Skills Loot 2-6 Saurian • Raptoras Membrane [Limited Attacks] (100G) Due to the size of the Raptoras, only two attacks can be made on the same 7 - 12 Black Membrane target during a single round. (500G) • Head 13+ Obsidian [Gale Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half] Membrane The Raptoras breathes a mass of (3,000G) compressed air around itself, dealing 2d + 8 Wind-type damage to up to 10 targets within a 5m radius of the Raptoras. • Wings [Flight II] A Raptoras receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. [Violent Winds / 12 (19) / Fort / Negated] The Raptoras creates a corridor of high-speed winds, dealing 2d + 8 Wind-type damage to every target up to 20m in front of it, and knocking them prone. This ability requires both Wings to be alive, with neither having taken an Action during the round this ability is used. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. 331

• Body [Giant] As long as the Raptoras Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked, whether melee or ranged. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. A featherless monster that flies using its giant wings, the Raptoras can reach up to 10m long with wings fully extended, and even 5m without. Thought to be some type of pterosaur, its skin is scaly like a reptilians, but without the constant shedding. Ferocious even when unprovoked, they will swoop down and swallow prey whole. Its skin is prizes among leatherworkers due to the natural black color, as well as the quality.

12 Dolgiras Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 17 / 20 Init: 18 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 17 (24) Will: 15 (22) Fighting Style Horn (Head) None (Body) Tail (Tail)







15 (22)


14 (21)






13 (20)




13 (20)


14 (21)




Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Tail) Main Section: Head

Weak Point: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.

Unique Skills Loot Always Hard Frill (300G) • Head [Charge / 14 (21) / Evasion / Negated] 2-5 None The Dolgiras charges full force in a 6 - 12 Large Horn straight line up to 45m, dealing 2d + (1,000G) 20 Physical damage to anything in its 13+ Great Horn path and knocking it prone. This is (3,000G) treated as an "Area: Breakthrough" effect and requires both the Head and Body in order to use this ability. If the Dolgiras Charges, they cannot attack or use any special abilities with the Tail that round. 332

[Double Attack] A Dolgiras can make two Horn attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. [Discharge / 15 (22) / Fort / Half] The Dolgiras can unleash an electrical bolt from its horns, attacking a single target up to 20m away, dealing it 2d + 12 Thunder-type damage. • Body [Large Body] As long as the Dolgiras Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. • Tail [Tail Swing] A Dolgiras can use their tail to attack up to 5 targets. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds. A large animal, similar to a Rhinoceros, with two horns jutting out from its forehead and its neck covered by a bony frill. At least 7m in length, a Dolgiras is solid muscle, though its herbivorous diet leads it to be mostly docile. However, once threatened, it will relentlessly attack the threat, either driving it from the Dolgiras' territory or trampling its corpse into the ground.


14 Kraken Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: None Hab: Ocean Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 21 Init: 21 Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Swimming) Fort: 18 (25) Will: 17 (24) Fighting Style Tackle (Body) Tentacle (Tentacle) x5







18 (25)


15 (22)




19 (26)


17 (24)




Sections: 6 (Body / Tentacle x5) Main Section: Body Unique Skills

Weak Point: Thunder Damage +3 pts. Loot Large Tentacle (500G) Spoiled Squid Ink (100G) Squid Ink (2,000G) Fire Squid Ink (5,000G)

Always • Kraken [Soft Body] Bludgeoning weapons treat the 2-6 Kraken's Defense as 5 points higher. In addition, Thrown weapons deal no 7 - 12 damage. [Underwater Specialization] 13+ A Kraken can breathe and vocalize while underwater and does not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. While outside of water, all actions receive a -2 penalty. • Body [Ink Spray / 17 (24) / Fort / Negated] The Kraken sprays a stream of ink up to 30m away in a straight line. Those who fail to resist this ability are blinded and take a -4 penalty to all skill checks (other than Fortitude and Willpower). Wiping the ink from one's eyes is a Major Action and may be done by another character. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. • Tentacles [Rampage / Can't] The Kraken flails its tentacles, dealing 2d + (Remaining Tentacles) Physical damage to one target in the same battlefield. This attack cannot be Evaded. All remaining Tentacles must be able to take a Major Action to use this ability. 334

[Long Reach] Each Tentacle can make a melee attack on any target within 10m, whether they're in the same battlefield or not. [Interposing Tentacles] The Kraken's Body cannot be attacked by melee or ranged attacks. When three or more Tentacles fall to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. Krakens are infamous sea monsters, having a bit of a reputation out on the open waters as ruthless shipwreckers. Towering over most ships at a whopping 20m long, Krakens tend to see ships as little more than toys. More than a few voyages have found their end at the wrong end of a Kraken's crushing tentacles.


14 Roc Int: Animal Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Mountains Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 21 Init: 25 Move Spd: 15 / 60 (Flying) Fort: 19 (26) Will: 17 (24) Fighting Style Beak (Head) Claw (Wing) x2 None (Body) x2 Talon (Foot) x2







17 (24)


17 (24)




18 (25)


17 (24)






15 (22)




19 (26)


17 (24)




Sections: 7 (Head / Wing x2 / Body Weak Point: Accuracy +1 x2 / Foot x2) Main Section: Head Unique Skills

Loot Strange Flight Feathers (500G) None Beautiful Feathers (1,200G) Vivid Feathers (3,000G)

Always • Head [Continuous Attack] If a Roc successfully hits a target in 2-6 melee, they may make a second attack 7 - 12 on that same target without rolling Accuracy. • Wing 13+ [Flight II] A Roc receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. [Windstorm / 18 (25) / Fort / Negated] The Roc flaps its wings, creating high winds in a 20m radius around itself, dealing 2d + 12 Wind-type damage to all targets within the area and knocking them prone. Both Wings must be alive and able to take a Major Action in order to use this ability. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. • Foot [Clutch] A successful hit from a Talon attack will automatically grab the defender as well. The grabbed target cannot move, and melee attacks can only hit 336

the grabbing foot. While held, the Roc can only attack the target with a Talon attack (even the Roc's Storm will not hit the target), but the Talon attack will automatically hit. Prying the grabbing foot open requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength bonus) Check opposed by the Roc Talon's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not grabbed anymore. The Roc may also release the grabbed target as a Minor Action. • Body [Large Body] The Roc's Head and Wings cannot be attacked by melee or ranged attacks. When both Body sections fall to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. A monstrous bird whose wingspan reaches 30m, the Roc is a wondrous sight to see. They live in the higher altitudes of most mountain ranges, though their massive form and vivid coloring can be seen from quite far away. With their massive talons, they can grab even mature cows and fly away with them, let alone a full-grown humanoid.


Plants 1


Int: Low Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common Hab: Grasslands, Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 9 / 12 Init: 7 Move Spd: 10 Fort: 2 (9) Will: 4 (11) Fighting Style Tackle







1 (8)


3 (10)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Piercing Scream / 3 (10) / Will / Loot Negated] 2-8 None As a Major Action, the Alraune can 9+ Mysterious Seed make a high-pitched Psychic-type (100G) scream, causing everyone within 20m to immediately fall unconscious. Another character may take a Major Action and wake up anyone knocked unconscious by this effect, though the awoken character is still prone. Alraunes are plant monsters that look like small children, around 80 cm tall, with large white flowers blooming out of their heads. Very timid, they will attempt to escape immediately when startled, but are curious and will watch from a distance if possible. Alraunes have a child-like personality, and if treated appropriately can be made to be fond of humans.



Spin Blossom

Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Grasslands, Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 11 / 13 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 (Floating) Fort: 4 (11) Will: 4 (11) Fighting Style Petals







4 (11)


3 (10)




Unique Skills [Mindless] A Spin Blossom is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects.

W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. Loot 2-8 None 9+ Rotating Petals (200G)

This plant monster gets its name from the way it moves, lazily drifting on the breeze, its sturdy petals positioned so it will gently rotate and float through the sky while the wind blows. While not a great threat on its own, Spin Blossoms have been noted to swarm into large areas and have ruined small communities. Because of this threat, they are often the target of low-level extermination missions for adventurers, in the hopes of culling numbers before the blossoms become dangerous. On rare occasions, the flowers will still rotate even when removed from the stem and can be sold to the right buyer for a decent bit of coin.




Int: Average Perc: Magic Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 18 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17) Fighting Style Branch (Trunk) x2







9 (16)


8 (15)




Sections: 2 (Trunk x2) Main Section: None

Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts.

Unique Skills Loot [Fairy Magic (Level 8) / Magic Power Always Ent Leaves 10 (17)] (100G) An Entlet may cast Fairy Magic as an 2-6 None eighth-level Fairy Tamer. For 7 - 12 Mysterious Seed individual spell effects, refer to that (100G) spell's description. 13+ Mysterious [Magic Aptitude] Sapling (500G) An Entlet can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Metamagic/Distance], [Hawk Eye] and [Wordbreak]. A giant tree that roams around, using its roots as feet to walk. Entlets are said to be over 100 years old and have a wide variety of knowledge they can be persuaded to share with others. Their leaves are said to be herbs that increase one's wisdom, and teas brewed with them are especially popular among mothers. Entlets tend to be gentle giants and will be friendly if they are treated in kind.



Ripper Leaf

Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 14 Move Spd: 20 (Floating) Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17) Fighting Style Leaf







11 (18)


9 (16)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Double Attack] Loot A Ripper Leaf can make two Leaf 2-6 None attacks each round, though each 7 - 12 Sharp Leaves attack requires its own Accuracy (100G) check. 13+ Keenly [Regeneration] Sharpened At the end of each round, the Ripper Leaves (500G) Leaf recovers 5 HP. [Mindless] A Ripper Leaf is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. An evolved form of the Spin Blossom, Ripper Leaves have a series of razor-sharp leaves around the rotating petals keeping it aloft. These leaves will shred any prey attracted by the bright flowers, and it is thought that the Ripper Leaf was able to evolve into its current state by drinking the blood of fallen prey through its roots.


12 Belladonna Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 20 Init: 12 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 16 (23) Will: 14 (21) Fighting Style Vine (Upper Body) Tackle (Lower Body)







15 (22)


14 (21)




13 (20)


13 (20)




Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Body) Main Section: None Unique Skills Loot Always Belladonna • Belladonna Leaves (1d x [Poison / 16 (23) / Fort / Negated] 150G) If the Belladonna hits with a melee attack, the target must immediately 2-8 None make a Fortitude check. If they fail to 9+ Poisonous resist, they receive an extra 2d PoisonFlower (500G) type damage, and will continue to take this damage every hour. The leaves of the Belladonna can be turned into an antidote for this poison, with one leaf curing one person. [Mindless] A Belladonna is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. • Upper Body [Snaring Vines / 14 (21) / Fort / Negated] As a Major Action, the Belladonna can use its Vine to ensnare a target in the same battlefield. If the target fails to resist, they are ensnared, unable to move and receiving a -4 penalty to Evasion checks. Removing the ensnaring vines requires an (Adventurer Level + Strength bonus) Check opposed by the Belladonna's Accuracy check. This check may be made by another person as well. If successful, the target is not ensnared anymore. This ability can be used even if the Belladonna is already ensnaring a target.


A Belladonna appears at first glance to be a green-skinned humanoid, but upon closer investigation is actually a plant whose vines have been so entwined with each other they are able to take the shape of a human. By taking a humanoid shape, the Belladonna is able to move much more easily to attack prey, and will drain nutrients from anything it has killed, animal or otherwise. It will also hide in forests, using its plant body to disguise itself before surprising prey. The vines of a Belladonna contain a horrific poison, causing high fevers, nausea and even death from just a touch. However, the leaves from the Belladonna's vines can be turned into an antidote for this contact poison, so it is recommended to slay the Belladonna before the poison spreads throughout the victim's body.

20 Yggdrasil Sapling Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 23 Init: 20 Move Spd: 0 Fort: 25 (32) Will: 27 (34) Fighting Style None (Trunk) Branch (Branch) x5









22 (29)




25 (32)


24 (31)




Sections: 6 (Trunk / Branch x5) Main Section: Trunk Unique Skills • Yggdrasil Sapling [Water/Ice, Earth Immunity] An Yggdrasil Sapling takes no damage from Water/Ice-type or Earth-type effects. [Limited Attacks] Due to the size of the Yggdrasil Sapling, only two Branches can make attacks on a single target during a single round. 343

Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts.

Always 2-6 7 - 12 13+

Loot Yggdrasil Leaf (5,000G) None Yggdrasil Branch (15,000G) Great Yggdrasil Branch (50,000G)

• Trunk [Fairy Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 27 (34)] An Yggdrasil Sapling may cast Fairy Magic as a fifteenth-level Fairy Tamer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Breath of the World Tree] At the end of each round, the Yggdrasil Sapling recovers 20 HP and MP. [Magic Aptitude] An Yggdrasil Sapling can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Time], [Metamagic/Area], [Hawk Eye], and [Wordbreak]. [Triple Action] The Yggdrasil Sapling may take three Major Actions during each of its turns. • Branches [Long Branches] Each Branch can make a melee attack on any target within 20m, whether they're in the same battlefield or not. [Branch Cover] If the Yggdrasil Sapling's Trunk would be attacked by a melee or ranged attack, a spell with "Area: Shot", or other similar abilities, a Branch may move in the way of the attack, taking the damage instead automatically (no Evasion, Fortitude or Willpower check needed). Each Branch may only do this once per round. This does not protect the Trunk from "Area: Target" spells or wide-area effects. [Branch Flurry / Can't] The Yggdrasil Sapling thrashes its Branches at a single target, dealing 2d + 5 x (Remaining Branches) Physical damage. Because of the speed and size of the flailing branches, this attack cannot be Evaded. All remaining Branches must be able to take a Major Action to use this ability. In Raxia, the name "Yggdrasil" is known as the name of the great World Tree, the largest tree known to mankind, that has been rooted in Raxia since the beginnings of the Schnell Civilization. This young tree is but a sapling of another Yggdrasil, the result of a seed flung far from the original tree that has taken root. Though it is young compared to the original World Tree, the Yggdrasil Sapling is still large enough to scrape the heavens and remains unable to be accurately measured using current equipment. It is said that the history of Raxia lies engraved in its leaves and branches, and those who are able to find even a fallen twig of the tree can find themselves with a wealth of knowledge. 344

Undead 4

Skeleton Archer

Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 6 / 13 Init: 8 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 6 (13) Fighting Style Weapon







6 (13)


5 (12)




Unique Skills

W. P.: HP Recovery (deals damage instead) +3 pts. Loot 2-8 Sturdy Bone (30G) 9+ Magical Bone (250G)

[Bow] Instead of making a Weapon attack, the Skeleton Archer can fire its bow. This attack is treated as a ranged attack from a Bow category weapon, with a range of 30m. This attack uses the same Accuracy and damage as the Skeleton Archer's Weapon attack. [Precise Shot] Ranged attacks fired into a battlefield cannot misfire. [Bone Body] A Skeleton Archer is immune to criticals from edged weapons. [Mindless] A Skeleton Archer is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects.

These Skeletons have been armed with a bow and arrows, which they fire relentlessly at any living thing that draws close enough. Skeleton Archers can be created using the Spiritualism spell "Create Undead", costing 16 MP for each Skeleton Archer raised.



Skeleton Soldier

Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 7 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 21 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 7 (14) Fighting Style Weapon







8 (15)


5 (12)




Unique Skills

W. P.: HP Recovery (deals damage instead) +3 pts. Loot 2-8 Sturdy Bone (30G) 9+ Magical Bone (250G)

[Power Attack] A Skeleton Soldier can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Skeleton Soldier this turn receives a -2 penalty. [Bone Body] A Skeleton Soldier is immune to criticals from edged weapons. [Mindless] A Skeleton Soldier is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects.

Skeleton Soldiers are heavily armed and armored shock troopers, expendable yet still dangerous in their own right. Often seen carrying large weapons, these mindless undead actively seek out intruders and attack relentlessly. Skeleton Soldiers can be created using the Spiritualism spell "Create Undead", costing 20 MP for each Skeleton Soldier raised.




Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 11 / 17 Init: 18 Move Spd: 16 (Floating) Fort: 8 (15) Will: 9 (16) Fighting Style Tackle (Core) Ram (Object) x4







11 (18)


11 (18)




11 (18)


11 (18)




Sections: 5 (Core / Object x4) Main Section: Core

Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts.

Unique Skills Loot 2-6 Broken • Poltergeist Memento (500G) [Object Camouflage] A Poltergeist's Core is 7 - 12 Memento indistinguishable from the other (1,000G) Objects it is using at the start of 13+ Enchanted combat. However, once the Core uses Object (2,000G) any spells, or either the "Command Weapon" or "Rush" abilities, the Core is easily identified. Melee attacks don't directly identify the Core, but knowledgeable characters are able to make inferences based upon the damage received. • Core [Spiritualism Magic (Level 8) / Magic Power 10 (17)] A Poltergeist may cast Spiritualism spells as an eighth-level Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Poltergeist can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Distance], [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control] and [Wordbreak]. [Command Weapon / Can't] The Poltergeist possesses the weapon of a target in the same battlefield up to 20m away and forces it to attack its wielder. Because the weapon is attacking the character holding it, this attack cannot be Evaded. The damage dealt is equal to the weapon's Power + 8, but the attack is 347

otherwise the same as though the wielder used the weapon normally. This ability cannot command any Gun category weapons. • Objects [Rush / Can't] The Poltergeist causes all remaining Objects to simultaneously rush at a single target in the same battlefield, dealing 2d x (Remaining Objects) to the target. Because of the erratic movement of the various Objects, this attack cannot be Evaded. All remaining Objects must be able to take a Major Action to use this ability. Poltergeists are formed when someone passes away while still holding an unusually strong attachment to a particular object. This object becomes the core of the Poltergeist, regardless of what the object may be, and through this object the spirit may manipulate other objects in order to affect the living world. Typically, common Poltergeist cores are various pieces of jewelry, favored items of the original owner, or other innocuous mementos. The commonality of such objects makes it easy for the Poltergeist to hide its core among other objects it is manipulating. However, only the core of the Poltergeist can cast spells or manipulate other objects, so it becomes very apparent where the core is when combat begins.




Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 12 / 19 Init: 17 Move Spd: 21 (Floating) Fort: 10 (17) Will: 13 (20) Fighting Style Claw







10 (17)


12 (19)




Unique Skills W. P.: Energy Damage +2 pts. [Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Loot Magic (Level 9) / Magic Power 13 2-7 Crystal Tears of (20)] Resentment A Banshee may cast both Truespeech (500G) and Spiritualism Magic as a ninth-level 8+ Crystal Tears of Sorcerer and Conjurer. For individual Sorrow (1,000G) spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Banshee can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Accuracy]. [Metamagic/Area], and [Metamagic/Targets]. [Disorienting Wail / 13 (20 / Will / Negated] Once per round, as a Major Action, the Banshee can make a highpitched Psychic-type wail, causing everyone within 20m to immediately attack the closest target regardless of whose side they're on. The attack must be made with the weapon currently wielded, and Active Combat Feats may be used as normal. If there are multiple valid targets, the attack target is chosen at random. [Double Action] The Banshee may take two Major Actions during each of its turns. A Banshee is the vengeful spirit of a woman who died in sorrow after suffering a terrible betrayal, seeking to share its fate with others. Its screams can shake even the most stoic of adventurers, and it is said that death comes to those who've heard the wail of a Banshee. Though they tend to appear as a beautiful woman, Banshees turn as ugly as a mummy when unleashing their wail on others. Upon defeat, a Banshee will disappear entirely, leaving behind only beautiful crystals, physical remnants of their powerful emotions.


10 Ghost Horse Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 22 Init: 20 Move Spd: 36 Fort: 15 (22) Will: 13 (20) Fighting Style Hoof (Front) Hoof (Rear)







13 (20)


12 (19)




13 (20)


11 (18)




Sections: 2 (Front / Rear) Main Section: Front

Weak Point: Water/Ice Damage +3 pts.

Unique Skills Loot Always Fiery Hoof • Ghost Horse (500G) [Fire Immunity] A Ghost Horse takes no damage from 2-6 Evil Eye (400G) Fire-type effects. 7 - 12 Fiery Evil Eye [Shadow Body] (800G) When in shadowy areas or at night, 13+ Incandescent Evil the Ghost Horse automatically melds Eye (3,000G) with the shadows, becoming impossible to see without Darkvision. While unnoticed, it can also move through otherwise solid obstacles, such as walls and barriers. However, while being seen by a character, this ability is lost. • Front [Burning Gaze / 13 (20) / Fort / Negated] The Ghost Horse gazes at a single target within 20m, igniting it and dealing 2d + 10 Fire-type damage. • Rear [Double Barrel / 13 (20) / Evasion / Negated] The Ghost Horse rears and kicks with both hind legs, launching the target out of the battlefield 20m in a direction of the Ghost Horse's choice. Upon landing, the target will receive 20 Physical damage and is knocked prone. A pitch-black horse made of shadow with a mane of flames, the Ghost Horse is dangerous on its own, but is often seen as a mount for more powerful undead. Its eyes are a piercing blood-red, and its body will occasionally have gouts of flame burst forth. 350

11 Dullahan Lord Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana, Magitech Hab: Unknown Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 17 / 24 Init: 22 Move Spd: 40 Fort: 15 (22) Will: 16 (23) Fighting Style Sword (Body) Ram (Manabike )

Accurac y

Damag e

Evasio n

Defens e


15 (22)


12 (19)



14 (21)


11 (18)



Sections: 2 (Body / Manabike) Main Section: Body

M P 12 3 43

Weak Point: Energy Damage +3 pts.

Unique Skills Loot Always Manabike Parts • Dullahan Lord (500G) [Normal Weapon Immunity] A Dullahan Lord is immune to 2-6 None damage from normal weapons and 7 - 12 Mithril (2,600G) can only be harmed with silver or 13+ Pure Mithril magical weapons. (8,800G) [Iron Body] The Dullahan Lord is immune to criticals from edged weapons. • Body [Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic, Magitech (Level 11) / Magic Power 9 (16)] A Dullahan Lord may cast Truespeech and Spiritualism Magic and Magitech spells as an eleventh-level Sorcerer, Conjurer and Artificer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Dullahan Lord can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Accuracy], and [Multi-Action]. [Power Attack] A Dullahan Lord can deal an additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Dullahan Lord this turn receives a -2 penalty. • Manabike [Magitech (Level 11) / Magic Power 15 (22)] The Manabike may cast Magitech spells as an eleventh-level Artificer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. 351

[Mounted Guns / 14 (21) / Evasion / Negated] The Manabike is able to attack with a mounted gun, whose Max. Magazine is 5 and range is 30m. [Precise Shot] Ranged attacks fired into a battlefield cannot misfire. [Sonic Blaster / 15 (22) / Fort / Negated] The Manabike can unleash a sonic blast in a 30m radius, and targets who fail to resist are dealt 2d Magic damage, receive a -2 penalty to Accuracy and Evasion, and cannot take Minor Actions for 10 seconds (1 round). This ability cannot be used in consecutive rounds. [Downswing] As long as the Manabike's HP is 1 or higher, the Body deals an extra +2 damage. When the Manabike falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. [Large Chassis] As long as the Dullahan Lord Manabike's HP is 1 or more, the Body cannot be attacked in melee. When the Manabike falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. An improved Dullahan, the Dullahan Lord still wears beat-up white armor and tucks its head underneath one arm. However, the Dullahan Lord is familiar with magitech, and takes advantage of an ancient Manabike instead of the old horse-drawn carriage.



12 Ghost Ship Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ocean Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 17 / 20 Init: 19 Move Spd: 50 (On Water) Fort: 17 (24) Will: 16 (23) Fighting Style None (Hull) Cannon (Turret) x2 Slap (Oars) x4









12 (19)




16 (23)


14 (21)




15 (22)


13 (20)




Sections: 7 (Hull / Turret x2 / Oars Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. x4) Main Section: Hull Unique Skills

Loot Ghost Ship Wood (500G) Nautical Charts (500G) Ocean Navigation Maps (1,000G) Treasure Map (5,000G)

Always • Hull [Spiritualism Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power 13 (20)] 2-6 A Ghost Ship may cast Spiritualism spells as a tenth-level Conjurer. For 7 - 12 individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] 13+ A Ghost Ship can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Distance], [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control] and [Wordbreak]. • Turrets [Howitzer / 17 (24) / Evasion / Negated] The Turret shoots a shell up to 100m, exploding on contact into a 6m radius fireball, dealing 2d + 12 Magic damage to up to 20 targets. This ability cannot be used on targets in the same battlefield. [Ammunition] The Turret's Cannon can only hold one shot and has a range of 100m. Reloading happens automatically after firing.


[Friendly Fire] If a Turret attacks a target in the same battlefield, the damage dealt is also done to the Ghost Ship's Hull, regardless of whether the original target evaded the attack or not. • Oars [Oar Flurry / Can't] The Oars of the Ghost Ship begin to gyrate wildly, beating one target for 2d x (Remaining Oars) Physical damage. Because of the number of oars, this attack cannot be Evaded. All remaining Oars must be able to take a Major Action to use this ability. [Stop Boarding] The Ghost Ship's Hull and Turrets cannot be attacked in melee. When three or more Oars fall to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. The remnants of a ship that has been lost at sea. Ghost Ships are a more common sight out on the open ocean, where dangerous sea monsters and inclement weather have ended innumerable voyages. The size of the Ghost Ship depends upon the initial ship's size, but usually the larger the original ship, the larger and more powerful the Ghost Ship will become. Ghost Ships also tend to have a number of undead crew, sailors from the original ship doomed to sail with the Ghost Ship forever. However, some unfortunate souls lost at sea may also find themselves drawn to a traveling Ghost Ship, and it is said that there is even a Ghost Ship out there with Dragon Zombies on board as well.


13 Wraith Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Trade Common Hab: Unknown Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 23 Init: 25 Move Spd: 26 (Floating) Fort: 16 (23) Will: 19 (26) Fighting Style None









17 (24)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Spiritualism Magic (Level 13) / Magic Loot Power 18 (25)] 2 - 12 None A Wraith may cast Spiritualism spells 13+ Frozen Mana as a thirteenth-level Conjurer. For (5,000G) individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Normal Weapon Immunity] A Wraith is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver or magical weapons. [Fog Body] Bludgeoning weapons treat the Wraith's Defense as 5 points higher. In addition, Thrown weapons deal no damage. The Wraith automatically halves any incoming Magical damage, even before any resistance checks. [Magic Aptitude] A Wraith can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Accuracy] and [Wordbreak]. When using the spell "Wraith Form", this is the form the Conjurer takes. This data is for a typical Wraith, one whose body has been lost for some reason, and cannot return to their original form. However, stronger Conjurers will make for stronger Wraiths, adding their own abilities to the spiritual form. However, there are some Wraiths who had never been a Conjurer in their previous life, and these so-called "natural" Wraiths are curious oddities to those who study monsters. Though the Wraith's body is formed out of fog and mist, it is unnaturally cold. In rare cases, the magical power of the Wraith will itself freeze and coalesce into a solid lump of frozen mana. This frozen mana is so cold that, under normal weather, it will not melt, making it very valuable among researchers on the open market. 356

14 Meaningless Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 14 / 21 Init: 20 Move Spd: 20 (Floating) Fort: 16 (23) Will: 17 (24) Fighting Style Death Grip







17 (24)


18 (25)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Spiritualism Magic (Level 14) / Magic Loot Power 16 (23)] Always Mementos A Meaningless may cast Spiritualism (500G) spells as a fourteenth-level Conjurer. 2-6 Mementos For individual spell effects, refer to (500G) that spell's description. 7 - 12 Expensive [Magic Aptitude] Mementos A Meaningless can use the Combat (1,000G) Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic 13+ Extravagant Convergence], [Magic Control] and Mementos [Metamagic/Distance]. (6,000G) [Summon Undead] As a Minor Action, the Meaningless can summon an Undead monster Level 11 or lower by spending MP equal to that monster's level. The summoned Undead is able to act during the same round. This ability cannot be used in consecutive rounds. [Ghostly Rush / Can't] The Meaningless can make a melee attack on any target within 10m, whether they're in the same battlefield or not. This attack cannot be Evaded. [Normal Weapon Immunity] A Meaningless is immune to damage from normal weapons and can only be harmed with silver or magical weapons. [Unliving Aura] At the end of each round, all Undead within 10m of the Meaningless recover 10 HP. Formed from the countless souls of both humans and Barbaros that died in combat, a Meaningless is singularly focused on the destruction of the living. Any living creature, humanoid or Barbaros, is not safe from the 357

assault of a Meaningless. Though it looks like an unstable fog, it can control the souls contained within to rise again from death and attack anything it wishes. Because of this, fighting a single Meaningless can feel like fighting an entire army.

15 Giant Zombie Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 13 / 20 Init: 19 Move Spd: 25 Fort: 22 (29) Will: 19 (26) Fighting Style Weapon (Upper Body) Kick (Lower Body)







19 (26)


17 (24)




20 (27)


16 (23)




Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 Body) Main Section: Upper Body pts. Unique Skills Loot Always Giant Rotting • Giant Zombie Weapon (500G) [Regeneration] At the end of each round, each section 2-6 None of the Giant Zombie recovers 10 HP. 7 - 12 Gold Bracelet This has no effect on sections with 0 (5,000G) HP. 13+ Giant's Treasure • Upper Body (10,000G) [Bellowing Roar / 16 (23) / Will / Negated] The Giant Zombie can let loose a bellowing roar, a Psychic-type effect that scares those within 10m. Those who fail to resist are frightened, receiving a -2 penalty on all skill checks for 30 seconds (3 rounds). [Simultaneous Attack] A Giant Zombie's Weapon can attack all characters in the same battlefield, but a separate Accuracy Check is needed for each character. Each Accuracy Check is made with a -2 penalty.


• Lower Body [Large Body] As long as the Giant Zombie Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, the Upper Body receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. Created from the corpses of massive Barbaros, Giant Zombies are massive undead hulks that know nothing but war. This particular data is for an average Giant Zombie, but there could be stronger variations, depending upon the original race of the Barbaros corpse used.

20 Dragon Zombie Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 20 / 27 Init: 21 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 27 (34) Will: 27 (34) Fighting Style Bite (Head) Claw (Body) Wing (Wing) x2 Tail (Tail)







25 (32)


25 (32)




26 (33)


22 (29)




23 (30)


23 (30)




24 (31)


23 (30)




Sections: 5 (Head / Body / Wing x2 / Weak Point: HP Recovery (deals Tail) Main Section: Head, Body damage instead) +4 pts. Unique Skills • Dragon Zombie [Regeneration] At the end of each round, each section of the Dragon Zombie recovers 10 HP. This has no effect on sections with 0 HP. [Miasma Vortex] The Dragon Zombie is surrounded by a protective veil of miasma, and all ranged attacks against it receive a -4 penalty to Accuracy. 359

Always 2-6 7 - 12 13+

Loot Decaying Dragon Scales (10,000G) Dragon Eye (7,000G) Dragon Eye x2 (14,000G) Dragon's Treasure (20,000G)

• Head [Corrosive Breath / 25 (32) / Fort / Half] The Dragon Zombie spits a gas bubble up to 20m away, which erupts on contact into a 6m radius cloud of corrosive miasma, dealing 2d + 20 Poison-type damage to up to 20 targets. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. • Body [Large Body] As long as the Dragon Zombie Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. [Twin Strike & Double Attack] A Dragon Zombie can make two Claw attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack. • Wings [All-Out Attack] A Dragon Zombie Wing can deal an additional 8 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Wing this turn receives a -3 penalty. • Tail [Tail Swing] A Dragon Zombie can use their tail to attack up to 5 targets. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack. This ability cannot be used in consecutive rounds. Dragon Zombies are the reanimated corpse of a dragon, decayed over a number of years and returned to unlife after being corrupted. Typically, Dragon Zombies are of lower intelligence due to their brain having decomposed over years, but rarely there are intelligent Dragon Zombies capable of speech and magic. However, the organs that would produce fire in a living dragon have rotted and decayed, and now the Dragon Zombie can only exhale a rotten miasma. Often, Dragon Zombies have some sort of unfinished business in the world of the living, whether to get revenge on their slayer, to protect the remnants of their plundered horde, or something else altogether. The need to take care of this business drives the Dragon Zombie, to the point where nothing will stand in their way in order to accomplish their goals.


Constructs 3

Obsidian Dog

Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 13 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 5 (12) Will: 5 (12) Fighting Style Bite







6 (13)


5 (12)




Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1 [Camouflage] Loot An Obsidian Dog can choose to 2-8 Small Gemstones appear as though it was stone. Its true (100G) form cannot be detected by the 9+ Enchanted normal eye, but Sense Magic will Gemstones reveal the truth. A Danger Sense (250G) check with a value of 12 or higher will let the PC know there is something amiss, however. [Continuous Attack] If an Obsidian Dog successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second attack on that same target without rolling Accuracy. A type of autonomous stone statue, Obsidian Dogs are often found in ruins guarding various objects and places. Able to sit silently next to actual statues, an Obsidian Dog is able to surprise any would-be thieves and looters. However, once it begins to move, it is almost indistinguishable from a real animal.



Improved Familiar: Cat

Int: Average Perc: Shared w/Master Lang: Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 10 / - Init: 15 Move Spd: 12 Fort: - (-) Will: - (-) Fighting Style Claw







8 (15)


8 (15)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Improved Familiar] Loot Please refer to the 'Characteristics of None Improved Familiars' for more information. [Feline Finesse] Can pass through narrow gaps, etc. Physical ability is the same as an ordinary housecat. An improved version of the standard Cat Familiar. While there are a lot of similarities, improvements made not only give the familiar a will of its own, but also allow it to speak the Arcana language as well.

Characteristics of Improved Familiars Improved Familiars have all of the same characteristics of normal Familiars, as listed under "Characteristics of Familiars", with one exception. Improved Familiars do not have "•A Familiar has no free will of its own." Instead, Improved Familiars have the following: • •

Improved Familiars have their own free will and can communicate via the Arcana Language. The Master may cast spells as though they were in the location of the Improved Familiar, using the sight of the Familiar to direct the spell. In this case, both the Master and Familiar must spend their Major Action to cast a spell. 362


Improved Familiar: Bird

Int: Average Perc: Shared w/Master Lang: Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 10 / - Init: 16 Move Spd: 30 (Flying) Fort: - (-) Will: - (-) Fighting Style Beak







7 (14)


7 (14)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Improved Familiar] Loot Please refer to the 'Characteristics of None Improved Familiars' for more information. [Avian Agility] Capable of flight. Physical ability is that of a normal bird. [Flight] An Improved Bird Familiar receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. An Improved Familiar in the guise of a bird. Conversation between the Master and Familiar is now possible, but outside of that bond, this is just an ordinary bird.



Improved Familiar: Frog

Int: Average Perc: Shared w/Master Lang: Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 10 / - Init: 13 Move Spd: 5 / 10 (Swimming) Fort: - (-) Will: - (-) Fighting Style Tongue







7 (14)


6 (13)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Improved Familiar] Loot Please refer to the 'Characteristics of None Improved Familiars' for more information. [Amphibious Avoidance] Can be tucked into a pocket to avoid a wide range of effects. Physical capability is equal to that of a normal frog. An Improved Familiar that looks like a frog. Able to communicate with its Master, the Familiar still prefers to hide in pockets when entering dangerous areas or when attacked. Not counting the bond with its Master, this appears to just be an ordinary frog.


10 Alchemy Tooth Int: Animal Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Forest, Ruins, Caves Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 14 / 17 Init: 14 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 12 (19) Will: 13 (20) Fighting Style Bite







14 (21)


11 (18)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Golden Disease / 15 (22) Fort / Loot Negated] Always Golden Serum If the Alchemy Tooth hits with their (1d x x300G) Bite attack, the target must 2-8 None immediately make a Fortitude check. 9+ Golden Scales If they fail to resist, they immediately (600G) receive an extra 2d Disease-type damage, as well as an additional 1d Disease-type damage at the end of each round. As the disease deals damage, golden spots spread from the wound, eventually turning the whole-body gold. If the target dies from this disease, after 24 hours their entire body is stiff gold, and the character cannot be resurrected. The Golden Serum earned from defeating an Alchemy Tooth can be used to cure this disease (but not the HP lost). If taken in advance, it will prevent the character from catching this disease for up to 24 hours. [Continuous Attack] If an Alchemy Tooth successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second attack on that same target without rolling Accuracy. The Alchemy Tooth is a small snake construct that was designed to deliver poisons and diseases through its bite. This particular construct has a bacterium that causes what is called the Golden Disease, as it eventually turns a person's entire body into gold. It is thought that the ancient wizard who created the Alchemy Tooth did so in order to collect creatures, obsessing over anatomy that they could not carve themselves. While someone with the Golden Disease eventually dies and stiffens into a golden statue, their entire body is not actually gold. However, unscrupulous salesmen will attempt to sell these bodies as golden statues in hopes of duping people out of their hard-earned money.


12 Evil Index Int: Low Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 18 Init: 18 Move Spd: 15 (Floating) Fort: 14 (21) Will: 16 (23) Fighting Style Tackle







14 (21)


14 (21)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Loot Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power 15 Always Golden (22)] Bookmark An Evil Index may cast both (1,000G) Truespeech and Spiritualism Magic as 2-6 Spellbook a tenth-level Sorcerer and Conjurer. (500G) For individual spell effects, refer to 7 - 12 Esoteric that spell's description. Spellbook [Magic Aptitude] (1,500G) A An Evil Index can use the Combat 13+ Sophisticated Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Research Data Convergence], [Magic Control], (4,000G) [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Time], [Metamagic/Area], [Hawk Eye] and [Wordbreak]. [Double Action] The Evil Index may take two Major Actions during each of its turns. A strange construct, the Evil Index appears to be an ordinary thick book. However, it can fly through the air and use the sharp fangs that line its binding in order to attack any would-be thieves, appearing to laugh after doing so. It is thought that this is actually a trap monster, built to disguise itself among other books and protect the wizard's home and research from intruders. Numerous spells are written within, and the Evil Index is capable of using these spells in order to protect itself and the wizard's trove.


14 Skyship Int: None Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Unknown Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 16 / 19 Init: 19 Move Spd: 50 (Flying) Fort: 18 (25) Will: 17 (24) Fighting Style None









15 (22)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Flight] Loot A Skyship receives a +1 bonus to Always Broken Magical Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Components x5 Evasion while flying. (250G) [Passenger / 2] Ten extra characters can ride a Skyship as a passenger. These passengers can take Major Actions without being penalized for bad footing and can freely move around on the Skyship. Mounting a Skyship as a passenger is a Major Action, but dismounting is only a Minor Action. A small ship that can fly through the sky, a Skyship is a wondrous sight to see soaring through the skies of Raxia. While wreckages have been found buried deep in old ruins around the Terastieran continent, nowadays Skyships are far more common to see formed via the Artificer spell, though they are not quite as durable as the custom-built ones. Able to hold up to 10 passengers along with the captain, a Skyship is surprisingly roomy, and some even have sails in order to take advantage of the wind currents while flying from place to place.


15 Dragon Fortress Int: Servant Perc: Mechanical Lang: Magitech Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 17 / 20 Init: 22 Move Spd: 20 / 50 (Flying) Fort: 21 (28) Will: 19 (26) Fighting Style Bite (Head) Main Battery (Body) x2 Secondary Gun (Wing) x2 Claw (Foot) x2







17 (24)


18 (25)




19 (26)


16 (23)




20 (27)


17 (24)




18 (25)


17 (24)




Sections: 7 (Head / Body x2 / Wing Weak Point: Thunder Damage x2 / Foot x2) Main Section: Head +2 pts. Unique Skills Loot Always Rare Magical • Dragon Fortress Components [Mechanical Body] (900G) The Dragon Fortress is immune to criticals from edged weapons. 2-6 Unknown Magical • Head Components [Breath Weapon / 18 (25) / Will / (2,400G) Half] The Dragon Fortress shoots a volatile 7 - 12 Trove of Magical mass of energy up to 50m away, Components exploding upon impact into a 6m (7,600G) radius explosion dealing 2d + 13 13+ Newly damage to up to 20 targets. The type Discovered of damage is chosen upon usage Magical between Fire, Water/Ice and Components Thunder. (25,000G) • Body & Wings [Ammunition] The Dragon Fortress's Main Battery holds 3 bullets, and has a range of 30m, while the Secondary Gun has a 10m range and holds 6 bullets. 368

Once the magazine is empty, the Dragon Fortress must take a Major Action to replicate ammunition and reload its guns before firing again. [Hawk Eye & Precise Shot] Attacks fired into a battlefield cannot misfire. The Dragon Fortress can attack characters in front of it that are outside the battlefield or under cover. [Volley] The Dragon Fortress makes an attack with the chosen weapon, with a set Accuracy of 30. 3 bullets must be loaded and used in order to use this ability, and a target may only be hit by one "Volley" each turn. • Body [Giant] As long as either of the Dragon Fortress Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked, whether melee or ranged. When either Body section falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. [Stalled] If both Body sections are reduced to 0 HP or lower, the Head receives a -4 penalty to Evasion. • Wings [Flight II] A Dragon Fortress receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. A large construct in the shape of a dragon, the Dragon Fortress is a huge machine, measuring around 50m long and 15m high. Able to fly at high speeds, its weapons are able to cause destruction on a massive scale. The interior of the Dragon Fortress is able to hold 10 passengers comfortably, and it was thought that these massive machines were used more to defend against invasions and attempts at declaring war. It is thought to be the top of the line when it comes to mobile defense and comes outfitted with a wide variety of weapons. However, its whereabouts are unknown, and so the leaders of various regions have sent out teams in order to help find the missing behemoth.


20 Mithril Golem Int: Servant Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 19 / 25 Init: 20 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 26 (33) Will: 25 (32) Fighting Style Fist (Upper Body) x2 Kick (Lower Body) x2







24 (31)


23 (30)




22 (29)


22 (29)




Sections: 4 (Upper Body x2 / Lower Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Body x2) Main Section: None Unique Skills Loot Always Mithril (2d x • Mithril Golem 2,600G) [Mithril Body] The Mithril Golem is immune to Always Pure Mithril (1d x criticals from edged weapons and all 8,800G) Magic damage. The Mithril Golem's melee attacks are treated as silver weapons. • Upper Body [Aimed Attack] When attacking, the Mithril Golem can gain a +4 bonus to Accuracy but receives a -8 penalty to damage dealt when doing so. [Twin Strike & Double Attack] A Mithril Golem can make two Fist attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack. • Lower Body [Stomp] A Mithril Golem can attack up to 5 targets in the same battlefield with a single Kick. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack. [Earthshaker / 25 (32) / Fort / Negated] The Mithril Golem shakes the ground, and those who fail to resist immediately fall prone.


[Large Body] As long as either of the Mithril Golem Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, the Upper Body cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When both of the Lower Body sections fall to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. [Unsteady Footing] If either of the Mithril Golem Lower Body sections are reduced to 0 HP or lower, the other section cannot use their "Stomp" or "Earthshaker" abilities. A humanoid golem created entirely out of the magical metal mithril; the Mithril Golem is a 10m tall behemoth. The sheer amounts of mithril required to create one make them incredibly rare to find, though it is assumed they are protecting incredibly valuable treasure whenever one is found. However, the Mithril Golem is one of the most dangerous monsters known to exist in the entirety of Raxia, so defeating one and taking the treasure it, guards is much easier said than done. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Conjurer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the mithril Golem. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the mithril Golem's Weakness.


Mythical Beasts 4


Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Dragonic Hab: Ocean Disp: Friendly Rep/Weak: 5 / 12 Init: 10 Move Spd: 5 / 30 (Swimming) Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13) Fighting Style Tackle







5 (12)


5 (12)




Unique Skills [Underwater Specialization] A Kamawet can breathe and vocalize while underwater and does not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. While outside of water, all actions receive a -2 penalty. [Water/Ice Immunity] A Kamawet takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects.

W. P.: Thunder Damage +3 pts. Loot 2-6 Chipped Fangs (100G) 7+ Kamawet Fangs (500G)

Kamawets are sea-based mythical beasts, similar in appearance to a dragon without wings. Only a few meters long, they are mild-mannered and rather friendly, and are able to coexist with humanoids quite easily. Subsisting on a mostly fish diet, they rarely travel outside of the water. There are some Kamawets, though, that have been trained as seaborne mounts for skilled riders.




Int: Low Perc: 5 Senses Lang: None Hab: Mountains Disp: Hungry Rep/Weak: 8 / 15 Init: 16 Move Spd: 15 / 30 (Flying) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 8 (15) Fighting Style Fang (Head) Talon (Wing) x2 Tail







11 (18)


10 (17)




10 (17)


9 (16)




10 (17)


8 (15)




Sections: 4 (Head / Wing x2 / Tail) Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Main Section: Head Unique Skills Loot 2-6 Dragonic • Head Patagium (500G) [Flame Breath / 11 (18) / Fort / Half] The Wyvern may vomit a mass of 7 - 12 Black Dragon superheated air, directed towards a Patagium single point. The hot air travels to a (1,000G) range of 20m, and explodes into a 3m 13+ Lustrous Black radius fireball upon impact, dealing Dragon Patagium 2d + 10 Fire-type damage to up to 5 (5,000G) targets in the area. [Techniques] A Wyvern can use the "Beetleskin", "Cat's Eyes", and "Recovery (5 HP)" Techniques. • Wings [Flight] A Wyvern receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. • Tail [Tail Swing] A Wyvern can use their tail to attack up to 5 targets. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds.


Wyverns are an offshoot of dragons, similar in appearance, though their wings have taken the place of their forelimbs. These particular Wyverns are covered in fine black scales that glitter with a dark luster while the Wyvern is in motion. Fully outstretched, the bat-like wings average a span of around 10m, giving the Wyvern a fearsome appearance even in the dark. It is the patagium, or membrane, of these wings that are highly coveted, as they are used as the basis for a number of premium leather products.

15 Sphinx Int: High Perc: 5 Senses Lang: All Hab: Ruins Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 25 Init: 20 Move Spd: 20 / 40 (Flying) Fort: 20 (27) Will: 22 (29) Fighting Style Bite (Head) Claw (Body) Wing (Wing) x2







20 (27)


17 (24)




21 (28)


16 (23)




19 (26)


18 (25)




Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wing x2) Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 Main Section: Head pts. Unique Skills • Head [Wizardry / Magic Power 19 (26)] A Sphinx may cast Truespeech, Spiritualism, Divine and Fairy Magic and Magitech spells as a thirteenthlevel spellcaster. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Avatar of Magic] The Sphinx can use all Combat Feats related to magic and spellcasting.

Always 2-9

10 - 12 13+

Loot Feathers (1,000G) Ancient Runestones (2,000G) Engraved Signet Ring (5,000G) Mysterious Lithograph (10,000G)


[Riddle / 20 (27) / Adventurer Level + Intelligence Bonus / Negated] Once per turn, as a Minor Action, the Sphinx can ask one character within 100m a riddle. The target then makes an opposed (Adventurer Level + Intelligence bonus) check in order to come up with the correct answer, becoming unable to move or take any Actions for 30 seconds (3 rounds) if they fail this check. This temporary paralysis is a Curse-type effect and will affect characters even if they cannot hear the Sphinx. A successful "Remove Curse" will end this effect prematurely. • Body [Large Body] As long as the Sphinx Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. • Wings [Flight] A Sphinx receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. The Sphinx is a mythical beast about 5m tall, with the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and the face of a beautiful human woman. Highly intelligent and a powerful wizard in their own right, Sphinxes can speak any language and cast most known magic spells, regardless of Class. Sphinxes are often seen in serving as gatekeepers for ancient magicians, welcoming those who can answer their riddles as friends of the magician. However, failing to come up with the correct response will lead to a dire fate.


17 Hraesvelgr Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: Arcana Hab: Mountains Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 25 Init: 24 Move Spd: 10 / 50 (Flying) Fort: 22 (29) Will: 22 (29) Fighting Style Beak (Head) Tackle (Body) Wing (Right Wing) Wing (Left Wing)







22 (29)


20 (27)




21 (28)


19 (26)




20 (27)


20 (27)




20 (27)


20 (27)




Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Right Weak Point: Poison Damage +3 Wing / Left Wing) pts. Main Section: Head Unique Skills • Hraesvelgr [Aversion to Soulscars] If an opponent has one or more soulscars, the Hraesvelgr gains a +1 bonus to all checks. • Head [Truespeech Magic, Divine Magic (Level 10) / Magic Power 15 (22)] A Hraesvelgr may cast Truespeech and Divine Magic as a tenth-level Sorcerer and Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description.

Always 2-7

8 - 12


Loot Soft Feathers (1,000G) Phantom Flight Feathers (1,000G) Developed Flight Feathers (5,000G) Wind and Thunder Flight Feathers (10,000G)


• Body [Large Body] As long as the Hraesvelgr Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked in melee. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. • Wings [Flight II] A Hraesvelgr receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. • Right Wing [Rain of Thunder / 21 (28) / Fort / Half] The Hraesvelgr can cause the thunder on its right wing to downpour onto the battlefield, shooting it up to 20m away. The thunder will detonate on contact, becoming a 6m radius electrical shockwave that deals 2d + 20 Thunder-type damage to up to 20 targets. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Thundering Wing / 20 (27) / Fort / Negated] A character attacking the Hraesvelgr's Right Wing must make a Fortitude check, taking 2d + 10 Thunder-type damage if they fail to resist. This check is made regardless of if the original attack hits or not. • Left Wing [Razor Wind / 21 (28) / Fort / Half] The Hraesvelgr can shoot the wind circling its left wing up to 20m away. This wind will erupt on contact, becoming a 6m radius hurricane that deals 2d + 20 Wind-type damage to up to 20 targets. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Gusting Wing / 20 (27) / Fort / Negated] A character attacking the Hraesvelgr's Left Wing must make a Fortitude check, taking 2d + 10 Wind-type damage if they fail to resist. This check is made regardless of if the original attack hits or not. Appearing as a giant eagle, the Hraesvelgr is said to be the father of wind and thunder. Its wingspan can reach 20m, and each wing has control over one of those elements, destroying everything they touch. The Hraesvelgr also detests the undead, finding them through the soulscars they carry. However, even those with soulscars that aren't undead, such as nightmares and even some veteran adventurers, are at risk of being torn apart by the Hraesvelgr.


18 Peluda Int: High Perc: Magic Lang: None Hab: Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 20 / 27 Init: 24 Move Spd: 31 Fort: 24 (31) Will: 23 (30) Fighting Style Crushing Bite (Head) Tackle (Body) Kick (Foot) x4 Tail (Tail)







22 (29)


21 (28)




20 (27)


20 (27)




21 (28)


20 (27)




21 (28)


21 (28)




Sections: 7 (Head / Body / Foot x4 / Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Tail) Main Section: Head pts. Unique Skills Loot Always Peluda Fangs • Peluda (1,000G) [Techniques] A Peluda can use the "Bear Muscle", 2-6 Peluda Venom "Cat's Eyes", and "Recovery (9 HP)" (1,000G) Techniques. 7 - 12 Peluda Venom • Head (1d x 1,000G) [Flame Breath / 24 (31) / Fort / Half] 13+ Peluda Venom The Peluda may vomit a mass of Sac (10,000G) superheated air, directed towards a single point. The hot air travels to a range of 20m, and explodes into a 6m radius fireball upon impact, dealing 2d + 20 Fire-type damage to up to 20 targets in the area. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. • Body [Poison Spike / 24 (31) / Fort / Negated] If the Peluda's Body hits with their Tackle attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 15 Poison-type damage. [Large Body] As long as the Peluda Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. 378

• Feet [Trampling Rush / Can't] The Peluda stomps its feet rapidly, dealing 2d + (Remaining Feet) + 5 Physical damage to all other targets in the same battlefield. This attack cannot be Evaded. All remaining Feet must be able to take a Major Action to use this ability. [Large] The Peluda's Body receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When two or more Feet fall to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. • Tail [Tail Swing] A Peluda can use their tail to attack up to 5 targets. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds. A Peluda is a massive beast, measuring 40m long, with the body of a snake, four clawed legs, and hair like a lion's mane all throughout its body. Additionally, massive spikes jut out from its back at regular intervals, whose touch can inject a massive dose of poison into a target even after the Peluda is dead. However, the poison from these spikes can be used by researchers in order to produce valuable antivenoms, and so it is worthwhile for adventurers to go out and collect this monster's terrible poison. There are also rumors that a monster has singlehandedly burned down a city overnight in a fit of rage, and it is commonly thought this monster was a Peluda.


Fairies 3


Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan Hab: Hot Springs Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 10 / 14 Init: 10 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 6 (13) Will: 6 (13) Fighting Style Fist







5 (12)


3 (10)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 3) / Magic Loot Power 5 (12)] None A Bannik may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Water Screen" and "Purification" as a third-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Bannik can use the Combat Feat [Metamagic/Distance]. [Healing Hot Spring] The Bannik can change water into a hot spring at the optimal temperature for bathing, at a rate of 2 MP per 50 liters of water to be changed. Soaking in the waters for an hour will recover 5 HP and MP but staying in longer than an hour will not recover any more. [Water Body] A Bannik takes no damage from Water/Ice-type effects. Bludgeoning weapons treat the Bannik's Defense as 3 points higher. [Underwater Specialization] A Bannik can breathe and vocalize while underwater and does not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. [Flame Vulnerability] When the Bannik is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. A spirit that takes the appearance of a nude woman, Banniks are subservient fairies found around hot springs and other naturally occurring warm water. They only wish to see cleanliness and may even offer to create a hot spring in order to help travelers wash away dirt and grime. However, Banniks are known to become irrationally angry if someone dirty refuses to head to a hot spring and will lash out in anger. 380

In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Bannik. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Bannik's Weakness.


Swarm of Muryans

Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan Hab: Forest, Grasslands Disp: Friendly Rep/Weak: 8 / 14 Init: 9 Move Spd: 11 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13) Fighting Style None









4 (11)




Unique Skills W. P.: Wind Damage +3 pts. [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 3) / Magic Loot Power 6 (13)] None A Swarm of Muryans may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Snare" and "Stone Guard" as a third-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Swarm of Muryans can use the Combat Feat [Metamagic/Targets]. [Spellsongs / 5 (12)] A Swarm of Muryans can use the "Ambiance" and "Healing" Spellsongs. For individual Spellsong effects, refer to that Spellsong's description. Spellsongs have an effective range of 30m, centered on the Swarm of Muryans. [Swarming Attack / Can't] The Muryans swarm around all other targets in the same battlefield, dealing Physical damage equal to 2d + 1/5 the Swarm of Muryans's Current HP (rounded down). Because of the number and size of the Muryans attacking, this attack cannot be Evaded. [Swarm] A Swarm of Muryans is immune to criticals and cannot be attacked with the "Throw" Wrestling weapon. When targeting the Swarm of Muryans or another character in the same battlefield, the Combat Feats [Precise Shot], [Guided Magic] and [Magic Control] cannot be used. 381

[Earth Body] A Swarm of Muryans takes no damage from Earth-type effects. [Wind Vulnerability] When the Swarm of Muryans is hit by Wind-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. What appears to be an ant at first is really a very small earth fairy, dressed in a dark hat and coat. Muryans are tiny fairies that travel in swarms and will typically be seen as a part of a large group, rather than individually. Because of their small size, they tend to avoid conflict when possible, and are rather easygoing. If a group of Muryans sees someone who's not having a good time, they will try and put on a little song and dance to bring some cheer. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Muryans. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Muryan's Weakness.



Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Various Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 33 (Flying) Fort: 7 (14) Will: 9 (16) Fighting Style Tackle







7 (14)


7 (14)




Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1 [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 5) / Magic Loot Power 9 (16)] None A Shade may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Sanity" and "Distraction" as a fifth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Shade can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets] and [Metamagic/Time]. [Dark Mind / 8 (15) / Will / Negated] As a Major Action, the Shade attempts to wrap the minds of every target in 30m in shadow, preventing them from taking any sort of deliberate 382

action. Those who fail to resist are held still for 30 seconds (3 rounds), unable to move, cast spells or take an Action. Involuntary checks, such as Evasion, Fortitude and Willpower may still be made. [Shadow Protection] A Shade takes no damage from Psychic-type effects. [Flight] A Shade receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. Dark fairies standing around 30cm tall, Shades are cloaked entirely in darkness. However, if one were to be able to see through and see the real appearance of a Shade, they appear to be tall, almost gaunt fairies wearing well-made clothing created entirely out of ephemeral darkness. Said to be able to influence the spirit of a person, Shades will rarely appear in areas with a high population, preferring more rural areas. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Shade. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Shade's Weakness.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Various Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 15 Init: 12 Move Spd: 33 (Flying) Fort: 9 (16) Will: 7 (14) Fighting Style Tackle







7 (14)


7 (14)




Unique Skills W. P.: Accuracy +1 [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 5) / Magic Loot Power 9 (16)] None A Sprite may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Healing Water", "Whisper Heal" and "Basic Healing" as a fifthlevel Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Sprite can use the Combat Feat [Metamagic/Targets]. [Flash / 8 (15) / Fort / Negated] Once per round, as a Minor Action, the Sprite unleashes a bright flash of light, dazzling all within 30m. Those who fail to resist will receive a -2 penalty to all Accuracy and Evasion checks for 30 seconds (3 rounds). [Light Protection] A Sprite takes 5 less damage from all Magic effects, regardless of type. [Flight] A Sprite receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. Fairies of light, Sprites are similar to Shades in size and stature, only being around 30cm tall and glowing with a bright light. Their true appearance is that of a slim blonde woman dressed in a robe of white light, though the light given off by the robe is enough to obscure this view. Said to be able to restore one's vitality, having the aid of a Sprite is quite important for Fairy Tamers. However, Sprites are incredibly shy, and are a rare sight in public areas. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Sprite. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Sprite's Weakness. 384



Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest, Mountains, Caves Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 11 / 16 Init: 13 Move Spd: 16 Fort: 9 (16) Will: 8 (15) Fighting Style Fist







11 (18)


8 (15)




Unique Skills W. P.: Wind Damage +3 pts. [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 7) / Magic Loot Power 10 (17)] None A Gnome may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Snare" and "Stone Guard" as a seventh-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Gnome can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets] and [MP Save]. [Quake / 10 (17) / Fort / Negated] As a Major Action, the Gnome can cause a localized earthquake, affecting all targets within 30m. Those who fail to resist fall prone and cannot stand up for the next minute (6 rounds). [Earth Body] A Gnome takes no damage from Earth-type effects. [Wind Vulnerability] When the Gnome is hit by Wind-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. An earthen fairy, Gnomes are small in stature, typically appearing as 1m tall bearded old men. However, there are also female and child Gnomes, though they do not usually appear outside Gnome settlements. The older male Gnomes will fight fiercely to protect these other Gnomes. Because of this, Gnomes have a reputation of valuing strength in the face of adversity, as well as protecting friends and family. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Gnome. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Gnome's Weakness.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Forest Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 19 Init: 15 Move Spd: 13 Fort: 11 (18) Will: 12 (19) Fighting Style Fist







11 (18)


10 (17)




Unique Skills W. P.: Fire Damage +3 pts. [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 9) / Magic Loot Power 12 (19)] None A Dryad may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Snare", "Stone Guard", "Fairy Step" and "Stone Blast" as a ninth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Dryad can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Time] and [MP Save]. [Mesmerize / 12 (19) / Will / Negated] As a Major Action, the Dryad can speak enchanting words to a male character within 30m, this Psychic-type effect causing them to think of the Dryad as their partner. Anyone who attacks the Dryad is considered to be an enemy, and the mesmerized character will move to protect the Dryad. This effect lasts as long as the Dryad remains within 30m of the character. [Tree Assimilation] As a Major Action, the Dryad can step into a chosen tree and hide inside, becoming invulnerable to attacks. Burning a tree where a Dryad is hiding will force the Dryad out, otherwise exiting a tree is also a Major Action. Choosing a new tree will override the previous chosen tree, so a Dryad can only choose one tree at a time. [Wood Body] A Dryad takes no damage from Earth-type effects. [Flame Vulnerability] When the Dryad is hit by Fire-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.


These tree fairies take the shape of a beautiful, yet mysterious woman with long, flowing green hair wrapped around her limbs. Often appearing nude, Dryads are known to be man-charmers, and will have a pile of bodies at the base of their tree. These are the corpses of men that they had mesmerized, providing fertilizer in death as they did protection in life. There are stories of men who have escaped the clutches of a Dryad, though, by threatening to cut their tree down. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Dryad. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Dryad's Weakness.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Sylvan Hab: Mountains Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / 19 Init: 16 Move Spd: 33 (Flying) Fort: 11 (18) Will: 11 (18) Fighting Style Fist







10 (17)


12 (19)




Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts. [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 9) / Magic Loot Power 13 (20)] None A Puck may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Wind Voice", "Wind Guard", "Wind Cutter", "Silent Move", "Hovering", "Shoot Arrow", "Windstorm" and "Missile Protection" as a ninth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Puck can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Time] and [Metamagic/Area]. [Distant Voice] The range of the Puck's spells is doubled. When using [Metamagic/Distance], this ability doubles the range of the spell before the Combat Feat is applied. [Windfall] At the beginning of the Puck's turn, they may take a Normal Move before taking their turn. This does not count as their movement for the turn, so if the Puck takes a Limited Move, they may still cast a spell that turn. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Wind Body] A Puck takes no damage from Wind-type or Slash-type effects. Slashing weapons treat the Puck's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Puck receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Earth Vulnerability] When the Puck is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.


A Puck is a tree spirit that takes the appearance of a small boy, dressed in green clothes and hat. Often seen flying around, they are happy fairies who love music, and will often sing or whistle along to a tune they enjoy. Pucks are often talkative to the performers, and will generally be friendly, but they are also quite mischievous and will prank mountain climbers just as quickly. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Puck. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Puck's Weakness.

15 Skadi Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Cold Regions, Snowy Mountains Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 21 Init: 21 Move Spd: 44 (Flying) Fort: 21 (28) Will: 21 (28) Fighting Style Ram







20 (27)


19 (26)




Unique Skills

W. P.: Fire & Earth Damage +3 pts. Loot None

[Limited Fairy Magic (Level 13) / Magic Power 19 (26)] A Skadi may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Water Screen", "Purification", "Ice Bolt", "Seabed Walk", "Sink", "Mist Hide", "Ice Coffin", "Water Edge", "Current" and "Maelstrom" as a thirteenth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Skadi can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Time], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Icicle Spear / 21 (28) / Fort / Half] Once per round, as a Minor Action, the Skadi can create spears of frost and ice to attack up to 3 targets 30m away for 2d + 20 Water/Ice-type damage. 389

[Blizzard Body] An Skadi takes no damage from Water/Ice-type, Wind-type, or Slashtype effects. Bludgeoning and Slashing weapons treat the Skadi's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Skadi receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Flame/Earth Vulnerability] When the Skadi is hit by Fire-type or Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. An ephemeral fairy of snow and ice, Skadis are beautiful women, often with an innocently sly smile on their face. With frozen armor and an icicle spear, they are at home in the middle of freezing weather. Skadis are drawn to strong men and will occasionally give them a jewel to call on the fairy in times of need. When such a gifted man dies, the Skadi will take the corpse away, and it is said that the body is stored in the Skadi's ice palace deep within the snowy mountains. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Skadi. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Skadi's Weakness.


15 Sleipnir Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Grasslands, Mountain Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 18 / 21 Init: 22 Move Spd: 44 / 88 (Flying) Fort: 21 (28) Will: 21 (28) Fighting Style Hoof







21 (28)


21 (28)




Unique Skills W. P.: Earth Damage +3 pts. [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 13) / Loot Magic Power 19 (26)] None A Sleipnir may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Wind Voice", "Wind Guard", "Wind Cutter", "Silent Move", "Shoot Arrow", "Windstorm", "Missile Protection" and "Whirlwind" as a ninth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Sleipnir can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Area], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Gale Movement / 20 (27) / Fort / Negated] The Sleipnir charges full-force in a straight line up to 132m, dealing 2d + 20 Wind-type damage to anything in its path and knocking it prone. This is treated as an "Area: Breakthrough" effect and can only be used if the Sleipnir could take a Full Move. This ability can only be used while the Sleipnir is on the ground and cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Wind Body] A Sleipnir takes no damage from Wind-type or Slash-type effects. Slashing weapons treat the Sleipnir's Defense as 3 points higher. [Flight] A Sleipnir receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Earth Vulnerability] When the Sleipnir is hit by Earth-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage.


Wind fairies that take the shape of an 8-legged horse, Sleipnirs are known as "gale fairies" due to their incredible speed. Able to move at unnoticeable speeds, Sleipnirs will create massive gusts of wind behind them when traveling. Quite temperamental, a Sleipnir can run down from a mountain past a village in a rage, only to have the wind it creates destroy the village with little effort. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Sleipnir. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Sleipnir's Weakness.

17 Ifrit Int: High Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Sylvan Hab: Volcano, Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 19 / 22 Init: 23 Move Spd: 40 (Flying) Fort: 23 (30) Will: 23 (30) Fighting Style Fist (Upper Body) Kick (Lower Body)







22 (29)


20 (27)




21 (28)


20 (27)




Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Weak Point: Water/Ice Damage Body) Main Section: Upper Body +3 pts. Unique Skills Loot None • Ifrit [Twin Strike & Double Attack] An Ifrit can make two Fist attacks and two Kick attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack. [Mana Ignition Strike] The Ifrit can ignite its limbs, which deal an additional +23 damage and turning the attacks into Fire-type damage. If they do, they receive a -1


penalty to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower checks until their next turn. [Fire Immunity] An Ifrit takes no damage from Fire-type effects. [Flight] An Ifrit receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Water/Ice Vulnerability] When the Ifrit is hit by Water/Ice-type damage, it takes an extra 3 damage. • Upper Body [Limited Fairy Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 23 (30)] An Ifrit may cast the Fairy Magic spells "Fire Bolt", "Heat Metal", "Flame Coat" and "Firestorm" as a fifteenth-level Fairy Tamer. For spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] An Ifrit can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Metamagic/Area], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Dance of Flame / 23 (30) / Fort / Half] Once per turn, as a Minor Action, the Ifrit scatters fire in a 30m radius around itself, dealing 2d + 22 Fire-type damage to all targets in the area. [Flame Ruler] As a Major Action, the Ifrit can choose and negate the Racial Ability "Sword's Salvation/Flame Body" of a single target for 10 seconds (1 round). • Lower Body [Large Body] As long as the Ifrit Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, the Upper Body cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. Ifrit are 5m tall giant volcanic fairies, often appearing as great horned humans wreathed in flame. Found in volcanos and deep caves near Salamanders, Ifrits will rarely appear to outsiders. Although usually cheerful, they do tend to lose their temper quickly, and a raging Ifrit will turn everything around it into charcoal in an instant. In addition, if the PC has any levels in the Fairy Tamer class, they automatically know the lore and value of the Ifrit. A Monster Knowledge check is still required in order to determine the Ifrit's Weakness. 393

Demons 2


Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Goblin, Demonic Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 12 / 15 Init: 9 Move Spd: 10 / 10 (Flying) Fort: 3 (10) Will: 4 (11) Fighting Style Tail







3 (10)


4 (11)




Unique Skills W. P.: Slash Damage +3 pts. [Divine Magic (Level 2) / Magic Loot Power 4 (11)] Always Demon's Blood An Imp may cast Divine Magic as a (100G) second-level Priest. It is up to the GM 2-8 None to determine any Special Divine 9+ Poison Tail Spells. For individual spell effects, (150G) refer to that spell's description. [Paralyzing Poison / 3 (10) / Fort / Negated] If the Imp hits with their Tail attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive a -2 penalty to Evasion checks for 30 seconds (3 rounds). [Flight] An Imp receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. Imps are small hairless demons with brown skin, bat-like wings, and a tail pointed like a spear. Often used as messengers for the King of Demons, Imps are typically sent to help others who may do the work of the Demon King. As such, seeing an Imp nearby may mean stronger Demons are not far off.




Int: Servant Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: None Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Instructed Rep/Weak: 14 / 15 Init: 10 Move Spd: 14 Fort: 7 (14) Will: 6 (13) Fighting Style Talon







5 (12)


5 (12)




Unique Skills

W. P.: Bludgeoning Damage +3 pts. Loot Always Demon's Blood (100G)

[Twin Strike & Double Attack] A Spawn can make two Talon attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack. [Mindless] A Spawn is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. [Poison/Disease Immunity] A Spawn is immune to all Poison-type and Disease-type effects.

A husk of a creature, created by demons to assist in their diabolical works. Spawn are often created in the image of the demon summoning them, and some demons even use this similar appearance to trick unaware adventurers. While a Spawn may be able to look like and act like a greater demon, it cannot use any elemental breath weapons, cast spells, etc.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 19 Init: 16 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 12 (19) Will: 12 (19) Fighting Style Talon







12 (19)


11 (18)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Invisible] Loot The Godbell is invisible, causing Always Crystallized attacks against it to receive a -4 penalty Demon's Blood to Accuracy. Additionally, characters (800G) receive a -4 penalty to Evasion when 2 - 10 None attempting to dodge the Godbell's 11+ Transparent attacks. Spells with "Target: One Leather (1,400G) Character" do not affect the Godbell unless it is also "Range: Touch". [Double Attack] A Godbell can make two Talon attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. [Blink] The Godbell can blink through space, travelling through solid objects, walls, barriers, etc. and reappearing up to 2m away. [Surprise Assassination] When moving into the area where the Godbell is, the lead character needs to make a Danger Sense check against a value of 16. If unsuccessful, the Godbell may Ambush the party (when Ambushed, the party automatically loses Initiative for that round, and all Actions are made at a -2 penalty for the turn). [Mindless] A Godbell is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. [Poison/Disease Immunity] A Godbell is immune to all Poison-type and Disease-type effects. Godbells are subservient demons, also known as "formless demons". They are completely invisible, even after death, so their true appearance is unknown. Their unique skills, however, allow Godbells to be extraordinary assassins.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Ruins, Labyrinths Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 15 / 20 Init: 13 Move Spd: 40 (Flying) Fort: 12 (19) Will: 13 (20) Fighting Style Tackle







12 (19)


12 (19)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Divine Magic (Level 9) / Magic Loot Power 13 (20)] Always Crystallized A Tikira may cast Divine Magic as a Demon's Blood ninth-level Priest. It is up to the GM (800G) to determine any Special Divine 2-6 None Spells. For individual spell effects, 7 - 12 Demon Feathers refer to that spell's description. (350G) [Magic Aptitude] 13+ Rainbow Demon A Tikira can use the Combat Feats Feathers [Metamagic/Distance], (1,500G) [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Underworld Logic] The Tikira can cause spells that would recover HP to deal Magic damage instead by spending twice as much MP to cast those spells. [Flight] A Tikira receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Schadenfreude] The Tikira find failure hilarious, and will begin uncontrollably laughing when anyone, friend, or foe, Automatically Fails on a roll. While laughing, the Tikira cannot use magic until the end of their next turn. [Unluck] The first time a character would roll double 6's (other than the Tikira), that roll gets changed to double 1's instead (which would trigger the Tikira's "Schadenfreude" ability). It is possible to change the roll back to double 6's using "Sword's Salvation/Change Fate", however this ability would then affect the next roll of double 6's. If there are multiple Tikiras on the battlefield, each one of them can use this ability.


20cm high, the Tikira is a small demon that looks similar to a human but has the compound eyes of a dragonfly and feathered wings. They love to fly around and cause mischief, taking pleasure in someone else's poor troubles.

10 Melbiz Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 16 / 20 Init: 16 Move Spd: 13 / 20 (Swimming) Fort: 13 (20) Will: 12 (19) Fighting Style Talon (Upper Body) Tail (Lower Body)







13 (20)


12 (19)




12 (19)


11 (18)




Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Body) Main Section: Upper Body Unique Skills Loot 2-8 None • Melbiz [Mindless] 9 - 12 Demon Scales A Melbiz is unaffected by any Psychic(600G) type effects. 13+ Jade Scales [Poison/Disease Immunity] (1,600G) A Melbiz is immune to all Poison-type and Disease-type effects. [Underwater Adaptation] A Melbiz can breathe and vocalize while underwater and does not suffer any penalties for moving while underwater. • Upper Body [Acid Breath / 12 (19) / Evasion / Negated] The Melbiz spits a gob of acid at a single target up to 20m away, dealing 2d + 7 Poison-type damage. A target hit will have one of their worn pieces of armor (of the player's choice) lose 1 point of Defense permanently.


Armor with 0 Defense is destroyed permanently, and damaged armor can be repaired at 1/10th the cost. If Acid Breath is used underwater, it instead becomes a 5m cloud of poison around the Melbiz, dealing 2d Poison-type damage to up to 15 targets. This form of the attack cannot be Evaded, but also does not damage armor. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. [Twin Strike & Double Attack] A Melbiz can make two Talon attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack. Melbiz are low-rank demons adapted to water, sporting shiny green scales and a dorsal fin. Standing just slightly taller than an average human at 2.5m tall, they are well adapted to the water and will sneak into civilized lands through rivers and canals. High-ranking demons will often use a contingent of Melbiz to spearhead an attack, coming from the water to attack unsuspecting cities.


13 Tiki Tiki Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Ruins, Labyrinths Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 17 / 22 Init: 20 Move Spd: 50 (Flying) Fort: 16 (23) Will: 18 (25) Fighting Style Tackle







19 (26)


17 (24)




Unique Skills W. P.: Physical Damage +2 pts [Divine Magic (Level 12) / Magic Loot Power 18 (25)] Always Crystallized A Tiki Tiki may cast Divine Magic as Demon's Blood a twelfth-level Priest. It is up to the (800G) GM to determine any Special Divine Always Demon Feathers Spells. For individual spell effects, (2d x 350g) refer to that spell's description. 2-9 None [Magic Aptitude] 10+ Rainbow Demon A Tiki Tiki can use the Combat Feats Feathers (1d x [Metamagic/Distance], 1,500G) [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Underworld Logic] The Tiki Tiki can cause spells that would recover HP to deal Magic damage instead by spending twice as much MP to cast those spells. [Flight] A Tiki Tiki receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. [Schadenfreude] The Tiki Tiki find failure hilarious, and will begin uncontrollably laughing when anyone, friend, or foe, Automatically Fails on a roll. While laughing, the Tiki Tiki cannot use magic until the end of their next turn. [Unluck] The first time a character would roll double 6's (other than the Tiki Tiki), that roll gets changed to double 1's instead (which would trigger the Tiki Tiki's "Schadenfreude" ability). It is possible to change the roll back to double 6's using "Sword's Salvation/Change Fate", however this ability 400

would then affect the next roll of double 6's. If there are multiple Tiki Tikis on the battlefield, each one of them can use this ability. [Split/Reform] As a Minor Action, the Tiki Tiki can split itself into a swarm of smaller demons, or reform into one large demon. When split, the Tiki Tiki cannot make melee attacks or cast spells but gains the "Swarm" special ability. The Tiki Tiki cannot Split and Reform during the same turn. [Swarm] When targeting the Tiki Tiki or another character in the same battlefield, the Combat Feats [Precise Shot], [Guided Magic] and [Magic Control] cannot be used. The Tiki Tiki demon is actually a multitude of smaller Tikiras that have come together to form a much larger and more intimidating presence. Moving in concert as a single creature, the Tiki Tiki has the appearance of a human-sized Tikira. While taking this larger form, the Tikiras share thoughts and perceptions, making it move and act like it is actually one creature instead of a swarm.


13 Foregone Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Ruins, Labyrinths Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 18 / 22 Init: 19 Move Spd: 16 Fort: 19 (26) Will: 18 (25) Fighting Style Horn (Head) Talon (Body) Kick (Foot)







15 (22)


16 (23)




16 (23)


15 (22)




15 (22)


14 (21)




Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Foot) Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 Main Section: Head pts. Unique Skills Loot Always Crystallized • Foregone Demon Blood [Mindless] (800G) A Foregone is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. 2-8 None [Poison/Disease Immunity] 9 - 12 Demon Horn A Foregone is immune to all Poison(600G) type and Disease-type effects. 13+ Great Demon • Head Horn (1,400G) [Divine Magic (Level 12) / Magic Power 16 (23)] A Foregone may cast Divine Magic as a twelfth-level Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Foregone can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [MultiAction] and [Wordbreak]. • Body [Twin Strike & Double Attack] A Foregone can make two Talon attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack.


[Large Body] As long as the Foregone Body's HP is 1 or more, the Head cannot be attacked in melee, and receives a +4 bonus to Evasion against ranged attacks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. A lesser demon, Foregones are 6m tall giants with red-black skin, with one horn protruding from its forehead and the lower body of a goat. Often used as shock troopers by high-rank demons, they are quite dangerous with both spell and claw.

15 Doppelganger Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Arcana, Demonic Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 19 / 23 Init: 21 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 21 (28) Will: 21 (28) Fighting Style Claw (Upper Body) Trample (Lower Body)







20 (27)


18 (25)




19 (26)


17 (24)




Sections: 2 (Upper Body / Lower Weak Point: Slash Damage +3 Body) Main Section: Upper Body pts. Unique Skills Loot Always Crystallized • Doppelganger Great Demon [Truespeech Magic (Level 15) / Magic Blood (1,600G) Power 21 (28)] A Doppelganger may cast Truespeech 2-7 None Magic as a fifteenth-level Sorcerer. 8 - 12 Black Hide For individual spell effects, refer to (4,600G) that spell's description. 13+ Shadowy Hide [Magic Aptitude] (12,000G) A Doppelganger can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak].


[Shapeshift] As a Major Action, the Doppelganger can change its shape into another's, with the quality of the transformation based on the time the Doppelganger has observed the target. A quick glance at a target allows the Doppelganger to copy the target's physical appearance, including any belongings. One minute's observation (6 rounds) allows for the copying of the target's tone and mannerisms, while one hour's observation gives a complete copy of the target's abilities and memory. This last transformation will also allow the Doppelganger access to any Classes and magic the target may have learned. This ability lasts until the Doppelganger reverts to its base form, taking a Major Action to do so. • Lower Body [Tall] As long as the Doppelganger Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, the Upper Body receives a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. One of the high-rank demons, a Doppelganger's base form is that of a black-skinned giant 3m tall. A single red line splits the face where its mouth would be, but its face is otherwise featureless. When it transforms, it can take on the appearance and memory of a given target, based on how long the Doppelganger was able to watch the target, and can use all of the targets equipment, Classes, and abilities. The Doppelganger can still use its original spells, abilities and Combat Feats while transformed, giving them an advantage if they get discovered while in a different form.


16 Lada Adroda Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 19 / 24 Init: 22 Move Spd: 15 / 20 (Flying) Fort: 22 (29) Will: 21 (28) Fighting Style Bite (Head) x2 Talon (Body) Wing (Wing) x2 Tail (Tail)







20 (27)


20 (27)




21 (28)


18 (25)




18 (25)


19 (26)




20 (27)


18 (25)




Sections: 6 (Head x2 / Body / Wing Weak Point: Slash Damage +3 x2 / Tail) pts. Main Section: Head (Both) Unique Skills Loot Always Crystallized • Lada Adroda Great Demon [Mindless] Blood (1,600G) A Lada Adroda is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. 2-7 None [Poison/Disease Immunity] 8 - 12 Great Demon A Lada Adroda is immune to all Horn (4,800G) Poison-type and Disease-type effects. 13+ Large Great [Techniques] Demon Horn A Lada Adroda can use the "Gazelle (12,900G) Feet", "Cat's Eyes", "Scale Leggings", "Strong Blood", "Beetleskin", "Bear Muscle", "Centaur Legs", "Giant Arms", "Demonfinger" and "Recovery (10 HP)" Techniques. • Head [Divine Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 21 (28)] A Lada Adroda may cast Divine Magic as a fifteenth-level Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. 405

[Magic Aptitude] A Lada Adroda can use the Combat Feats [Guided Magic], [Magic Convergence], [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Hawk Eye], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Poison / 22 (29) / Fort / Negated] If the Lada Adroda hits with their Bite attack, the target must immediately make a Fortitude check. If they fail to resist, they receive an extra 2d + 12 Poison-type damage. • Body [Twin Strike & Double Attack] A Lada Adroda can make two Talon attacks each round, though each attack requires its own Accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters with each attack. [Large] As long as the Lada Adroda Body's HP is 1 or more, both Heads receive a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. • Wings [Flight] A Lada Adroda receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion while flying. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. • Tail [Tail Swing] A Lada Adroda can use their tail to attack up to 5 targets. Accuracy and Damage is the same as a normal attack, and this attack cannot be used in consecutive rounds. Lada Adroda are high-ranking demons in the same family as the Ragnakang. However, the Lada Adroda is much larger, and has two heads instead of one. These demons are commonly seen as commanders of demon attacks and incursions, and hundreds of lesser demons wait on its every beck and call.


19 Geldam Int: High Perc: 5 Senses (Darkvision) Lang: Demonic Hab: Labyrinths, Ruins Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 22 / 27 Init: 26 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 25 (32) Will: 24 (31) Fighting Style Horn (Head) Weapon (Upper Body) Trample (Lower Body)







24 (31)


22 (29)




25 (32)


20 (27)




23 (30)


19 (26)




Sections: 3 (Head / Upper Body / Weak Point: Bludgeoning Damage Lower Body) Main Section: Head +3 pts. Unique Skills Loot Always Crystallized • Geldam Great Demon [Mindless] Blood (1,600G) A Lada Adroda is unaffected by any Psychic-type effects. Always Great Demon [Poison/Disease Immunity] Glaive (3,200G) A Lada Adroda is immune to all 2-9 Great Demon Poison-type and Disease-type effects. Earrings [Miasma Shroud / 25 (32) / Fort / (6,900G) Half] 10+ Great Demon A character attacking the Geldam Ring (14,000G) must make a Fortitude check, taking 2d + 10 Poison-type damage if they fail to resist. This check is made regardless of if the original attack hits or not. Additionally, the miasma protects the Geldam from ranged attacks, as the Fairy Magic spell "Missile Protection". • Head [Divine Magic (Level 15) / Magic Power 21 (28)] A Geldam may cast Divine Magic as a fifteenth-level Priest. It is up to the GM to determine any Special Divine Spells. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description.


[Magic Aptitude] A Geldam can use the Combat Feats [Magic Control], [Metamagic/Targets], [Multi-Action] and [Wordbreak]. [Poison Smoke / 21 (28) / Fort / Negated] The Geldam belches forth a cloud of poisonous smoke, dealing 2d + 20 Poison-type damage to all targets in the same battlefield. • Upper Body [Magic Weapon] The Geldam's next Weapon attack has a fixed Accuracy result of 35. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. [Power Attack II] A Geldam can deal an additional +12 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Geldam this turn receives a 2 penalty. [Sweeping Attack] A Geldam's Weapon attacks all other characters in the same battlefield. This ability cannot be used in consecutive turns. • Lower Body [Large] As long as the Geldam Lower Body's HP is 1 or more, both the Head and Upper Body receive a +4 bonus to melee Evasion checks. When the Lower Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. This goat-like demon is one of the highest-ranking demons, subservient to only the Demon King. Geldams are large, muscular goatmen, 5m tall, and carry a massive glaive. These glaives are larger an adult human, and magically bonded to the Geldam that carries them, so it is impossible to claim one as the spoils of battle. Consummate commanders of other demons, Geldams have hundreds of lesser demons at their command. Because of their service to the Demon King, however, they will rarely appear in Raxia themselves, preferring to send any number of lesser demons in their stead.


Humanoids 3

Mounted Bandit

Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Hab: Various Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 6 / - Init: 11 Move Spd: 16 / 33 (Horse) Fort: 5 (12) Will: 5 (12) Fighting Style Spear (Rider) Hoof (Horse)







5 (12)


5 (12)




4 (11)


3 (10)




Sections: 2 (Rider / Horse) Main Section: Rider Unique Skills

Weak Point: None Loot None Weapon (30G) Bag of Silver (1d x 50G)

2-6 • Rider [Sword's Salvation / Change Fate] 7 - 12 Once per day, a Mounted Bandit may 13+ choose to change the result of an Action Check or Damage roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides. • Horse [Downswing] As long as the Horse's HP is 1 or higher, the Rider deals an extra +2 damage. When the Horse falls to 0 HP or lower, this ability cannot be used. A thug on horseback, this bandit attacks travelers and merchants for money. Armed with a simple spear, the Mounted Bandit can use their horse to block off escape routes while their friends to the robbing. This data may also be used for low-level soldiers, as well as armed villagers.




Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Hab: City Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 10 / - Init: 14 Move Spd: 15 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 10 (17) Fighting Style Weapon







10 (17)


9 (16)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Feint Attack] Loot A Knight receives a +1 Accuracy Always Bag of Silver (1d bonus to the next attack. Characters x 100G) wearing Metal Armor are unaffected. 2-6 None [Cover] 7 - 12 Bag of Silver (2d As a Minor Action, the Knight can x 100G) cover an ally in the same battlefield for 13+ Well-Maintained 10 seconds (1 round), so that the next Weapon melee or ranged attack against the ally (1,000G) is made against the Knight instead. [Sword's Salvation / Change Fate] Once per day, a Knight may choose to change the result of an Action Check or Damage roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides. An ordinary knight, given leave from the castle they typically protect. Known for having both a noble personality and a strong sword arm, knights are seen as reliable protectors of the weak. Knights often take pains to keep their weapons and armor well maintained, so they don't give off a weak appearance and cause the public to worry about their safety.



Famous Hunter

Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Hab: Forest, City Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 10 / - Init: 15 Move Spd: 20 Fort: 10 (17) Will: 9 (16) Fighting Style Bow







11 (18)


10 (17)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Bow] Loot The Famous Hunter's Bow attack is 2-6 None treated as a ranged attack from a Bow 7 - 12 Bag of Silver (2d category weapon, with a range of 30m. x 100G) [Hawk Eye & Precise Shot] 13+ Well-Maintained Attacks fired into a battlefield cannot Weapon misfire. The Famous Hunter can (1,000G) attack characters in front of it that are outside the battlefield or under cover. [Sword's Salvation / Change Fate] Once per day, a Famous Hunter may choose to change the result of an Action Check or Damage roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides. A master of hunting, they know every inch of the forest like the back of their hand. These outdoorsmen are incredibly knowledgeable about every facet of hunting wild game and put it to use to bring game meat and pelts into local villages.



Proud Strongman

Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Regional Dialect Hab: Various Disp: Neutral Rep/Weak: 12 / - Init: 15 Move Spd: 18 Fort: 14 (21) Will: 12 (19) Fighting Style Fist







13 (20)


12 (19)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Twin Strike] Loot A Proud Strongman can make two 2-6 None Fist attacks each round, though each 7 - 12 Bag of Silver (2d attack requires its own Accuracy x 100G) check. 13+ Large Bag of [Power Attack] Silver (2d x The Proud Strongman can deal an 300G) additional 4 damage on their next attack. However, any Evasion Check made by the Proud Strongman this turn receives a -2 penalty. [Counter] A Proud Strongman can use the Combat Feat [Counter]. [Sword's Salvation / Change Fate] Once per day, a Proud Strongman may choose to change the result of an Action Check or Damage roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides. This brave man is one who has become proud of his power, training his body to the maximum. Traveling across the Terastieran continent, the Proud Strongman is in search of a worthy rival. Having steeled his mind and honed his body, his physique will undoubtedly remain in one's mind long after he passes through.


10 Heretic Priest Int: Average Perc: 5 Senses Lang: Trade Common, Regional Dialect, Arcana Hab: Various Disp: Hostile Rep/Weak: 13 / - Init: 7 Move Spd: 12 Fort: 12 (19) Will: 14 (21) Fighting Style Prayer Staff







4 (11)


4 (11)




Unique Skills W. P.: None [Divine Magic (Level 10) / Magic Loot Power 15 (22)] Always Bag of Silver (2d A Heretic Priest may cast Divine x 100G) Magic as a tenth-level Priest. It is up to 2-6 None the GM to determine any Special 7 - 12 Bag of Silver (2d Divine Spells. For individual spell x 200G) effects, refer to that spell's description. 13+ Large Jewel [Spiritualism Magic (Level 7) / Magic (4,000G) Power 12 (19)] A Heretic Priest may cast Spiritualism Magic as a seventh-level Conjurer. For individual spell effects, refer to that spell's description. [Magic Aptitude] A Heretic Priest can use the Combat Feats [Metamagic/Targets], [Metamagic/Distance], [Guided Magic], [Hawk Eye] and [Wordbreak]. [Sword's Salvation / Change Fate] Once per day, a Heretic Priest may choose to change the result of an Action Check or Damage roll, by switching the faces of the rolled 2d to the opposite sides. A priest who found the calling of the Malevolent Gods, such as Metissier and Bragzabas, powerful and alluring. However, such faiths are not permitted among humanity, and so the priest must keep their worship a secret. These heretics also serve as Barbaros spies, able to pass through the barriers from the Swords of Protection and deliver information to the enemy.




Equipment Commentary B-Rank Swords Knife (see


A small, single-edged blade no longer than 20cm. Also, usable outside of combat with little difficulty.

A large two-handed sword. The blade is more of a cone-shape, designed to pierce rather than slash. Long Sword (see CR I)

A durable, double-edged blade between 20 and 30cm long, it is also able to be thrown if need be.

A double-edged sword with a straight blade just over 1m long. One of the most commonly seen swords, it can be used one or twohanded.

Short Sword (see CR I)

Broad Sword (see CR I)

A blade about 40cm long. Because it's easy to use with one hand, it is often useful in self-defense, or as a spare weapon.

A two-handed sword with a wide double-edged blade.

Rapier (see CR I)

A sword with a long hilt and a 1.5m long blade, it can easily be used one or two-handed.

Dagger (see CR I)

A slender sword, mainly used with a thrusting stance. The thin blade is just under 1m long and can flex quite a bit. Saber (see CR I) A 1m long single-edged sword with a slight curve in the blade, it is especially well made for slashing.


Estoc (see CR I)

Bastard Sword (see CR I)

Falchion (see CR I) A single-edged sword with a 1.5m long curved blade. Zweihander (see CR I) A massive, 2m long sword designed to be used in both hands.

Shamshir (see CR I)

Defender (see CR II)

A large sword with a large, warped single-edged blade. The total length of the blade is typically between 1.5 and 1.8m long.

A straight blade 1m long, it has a large basket hilt designed to protect the user.

Great Sword (see CR I)

Steel Blade (see CR II)

A long, two-handed sword with a thick, straight blade 2m long.

A steel sword made with sophisticated technology. It boasts a 1.2m long hardened steel blade.

A-Rank Swords

S-Rank Swords

Flissa (see CR I)

Piercer (see CR II)

A single-edged sword around 1m long. The blade itself is slightly warped but retains sharpness surprisingly well.

A 20cm long dagger designed for piercing, it can punch through gaps in armor and attack key points.

Flamberge (see CR I)

Mithril Sword (see CR II)

A long sword, it's 1.5m long blade is quite wavy. These waves are supposed to be reminiscent of flames and reinforce the blade.

A long sword made of mithril, with a blade just over 1m long. While light, it is razor sharp, and counts as a silvered weapon.

Dragonslayer (see CR I)

Slasher (see CR II)

A huge sword, well over 2m in length. It's said that this sword is strong enough to cut through even the neck of a dragon.

Similar to the Shamshir, this single-edged blade has a slight warp to emphasize sharpness. The blade is close to 1.5m long, and it is difficult to handle well.

Fast Spike (see CR II) A small, 10cm needle-like dagger. While small, it can hit key points quite accurately.

Claymore (see CR II) A two-handed sword with a large crossguard and hilt. It's massive straight blade is easily more than 2m long. 416

Sentinel (see CR II)

Battle Axe (see CR I)

A huge two-handed sword with a double-edged blade over 2m long, the sight alone causing enemies to flee in fear.

A double-bladed axe, these range from 80cm to 1m long.

SS-Rank Swords

A 1.5m long axe designed to be used in two ha (see CR I)nds.

Angel Feather (see part 3)

Heavy Axe

A slender, straight sword lighter than a feather and razor-sharp. The total length of the blade is around 60cm.

A large, single-bladed axe over 1.5m long. While sharp, it relies more on the weight of the axe to cut through enemies.

Hyperion (see part 3)

Bullova (see CR I)

A 1.5m long sword with a shining blade, this sword is gracefully designed to give off a noble appearance.

A 1.5m long axe. This axe has some stigma around it, as they are often seen in the hands of executioners.

Geister (see part 3)

Minotaur's Axe (see CR I)

A 2m long black sword, the blade has a terrifying pattern forged into it. There is also a sickly miasma around the blade, affecting even the wielder.

Over 3m in length, this war axe is much larger and heavier than most, and so few people can actually use it effectively.

B-Rank Axes Hand Axe (see CR I) A one-handed axe, about 60cm long. While it can be used in melee, it's also weighted to be able to be easily thrown.


Great Axe (see CR I)

A-Rank Axes Halberd (see CR I) Easily more than 2m long, this weapon has a spear tip attached to the haft behind the axe-head, allowing for both slashing and piercing attacks.

Tabarzin (see CR II) A lightweight one-handed axe. It's crescent-shaped head sits at the end of a 1m long handle. Long Axe (see CR II) A long-handled axe, just under 2m in length. It has a spear tip attached to the haft, suitable for piercing thrusts as well.

S-Rank Axes Hatchet (see CR II) A small axe, 30 to 50cm. Able to be thrown, it is also a useful tool for hikers and adventurers. Mithril Axe (see CR II) A 1m long battle axe made of mithril. It is incredibly deadly for its size and counts as a silvered weapon. Voulge (see CR II) A long-handled weapon with a pointed axe at the end, these powerful weapons can reach up to 3m in length.

SS-Rank Axes Dynast (see part 3)

B-Rank Spears Javelin (see CR I) A 1m long spear, designed specifically to be thrown. Short Spear (see CR I) A 1m long spear, it is able to be wielded in one hand with little effort. Spear (see CR I) A standard 2m long spear. It can be used either one- or twohanded. Long Spear (see CR I) A spear whose haft is longer than 2m.

A-Rank Spears Ahlspeiss (see CR I) This spear is roughly 1.5m long, though the actual metal tip of the spear has been extended to about half of that length. Pilum (see CR II) A one-handed spear 2m long, it is made entirely out of metal. Its weight allows it to pierce metal armor quite easily.

A 2m long two-handed battle axe with an incredibly large, beautifully detailed blade. 418

Trident (see CR II)

Heavy Lance (see part 3)

A 2m long spear, its tip is forked into three sharp points. Able to be thrown, it is also often used in fishing.

A much heavier lance, the weight of the weapon greatly increases its destructive ability.

Pike (see CR II) A 3m long or longer spear, designed to counter cavalry charges by impaling the mounts. Normal Lance (see part 3) An assault spear, designed to be used from horseback. About 3m long, it can also be used on foot, though to lesser effect.

S-Rank Spears

Fatal Lance (see part 3) A powerful lance, blessed by fate. When riding, its offensive power is outstanding.

B-Rank Maces Light Mace (see CR I) A lightweight hammer, its small size (50cm) allows for easy onehanded usage.

Partisan (see CR II)

Heavy Mace (see CR I)

A long spear, usually 2m or so, with a broad spearhead.

70cm long, this hammer is larger and heavier than the Light Mace, making it easier to crush enemies.

Mithril Spear (see CR II) 2m long, this lightweight spear is easily able to pierce through heavy metal armor. Corsesca (see CR II) A spear between 2 and 2.5m long, it has two wide blades extending from the tip.


SS-Rank Spears

Maul (see CR I) Little more than a large iron ball on a handle, some mauls can reach up to 2m long and require two hands to wield properly. Ogre Maul (see CR I) A much heavier Maul, this great weapon requires significant strength to pick up and use.

A-Rank Maces Biliong (see CR I) A strange weapon, a hammer head extends from the 1m long handle at a right angle. Despite the odd appearance, it is still a deadly weapon. Steel Blow (see CR II) A club with quality steel covering the ends of the hammer. Only around 50cm long, it is easy to swing one-handed.

to even pick this up, but it can crush foes in one blow.

SS-Rank Maces Zeno (see part 3) A 2m long mace with a large head. It is said to be able to track its target while in combat, ensuring it will never miss.

B-Rank Staves Mage Staff (see CR I)

Ball Mace (see CR II)

A straight wooden staff, typically between 1 and 1.5m long. It can be used as a Magical Implement.

Over 2m long, this is a version of the Light Mace only meant to be used two-handed.

Quarterstaff (see CR I)

S-Rank Maces Bludgeon (see CR II) A crude weapon, around 1m long. What it lacks in appearance it more than makes up in sheer power. Mithril Mace (see CR II) 70cm long, this mace is made of solid mithril. Trading weight for speed, it can deliver lightning-fast crushing blows. Troll Buster (see CR II)

This solid wood staff is just under 2m long and can be used as a spellcaster's Magical Implement.

A-Rank Staves Mana Staff (see CR I) A small magical wand, less than 1m long, with spent Mako Stone shards and other jewels embedded in the ends. Leech Staff (see CR II) Over 2m long, this ornate staff has its own magical power that skilled spellcasters can tap into.

A massive hammer, over 3m in length. It takes incredible strength 420

S-Rank Staves Black Rod (see CR II) This magical wand allows the user to conserve mana. About 2m long, it can easily be identified by its blackened wood. Sorcerer's Staff (see CR II) This 2m long staff has a large jewel inlaid into one end. Just holding it enhances one's concentration.

SS-Rank Staves Magus (see part 3) This staff is embedded with bloodred jewels, dully glowing with an inner light. Holding it allows one to channel life into mana.

B-Rank Flails Light Flail (see CR I) Suitable for one-handed use, this 50cm long flail is little more than a single weight chained to a handle. Flail (see CR I) Typically, between 70 and 80cm long, a normal flail had multiple chains attached to a single handle, each with their own weight. Morningstar (see CR I) Though this weapon is a spiked ball at the end of a chain, the 421

danger comes from its crushing weight, rather than the spikes. Heavy Flail (see CR I) Originally a grain threshing tool, this weapon is a slightly smaller rod chained to the 1m long handle.

A-Rank Flails Goedendag (see CR I) A stick made of chains and reinforced with spikes is attached to a 2m long handle. Rising Sun (see CR II) Similar to the Morningstar, though this weapon replaces the iron spikes with deadly sharp blades. Scorpion Tail (see CR II) A 1m long handle that has three small, spiked balls chained to it.

S-Rank Flails Jail Impact (see CR II) An iron ball sits at the end of a 2m long chain, which swings in unexpected ways. Titan Flail (see CR II) A chain longer than 2m is attached to a handle, a massive iron ball at the end of the chain. A direct hit with this is devastating.

SS-Rank Flails Silver Comet (see part 3) 1.5m long, it is similar in style to the Morningstar. However, this weapon leaves a silver trail behind when swung, allowing for accurate attacks.

B-Rank Warhammers Pick (see CR I) A small pickaxe, this 80cm long weapon can also be used as a mining tool. Warhammer (see CR I) A combat hammer with claws on one side of the head. Just under 1m long, it can easily be used onehanded. Mattock (see CR I) A large pickaxe, typically between 1 and 1.5m long. While not suited for combat, it is powerful, nonetheless.

A-Rank Warhammers Bec-De-Corbin (see CR I) A long-handled weapon, this 2m long weapon has a spear tip and a pick similar to that of a raven's beak at the end.

War Pick (see CR II) A 1m long pick with a wider blade, designed specifically as a weapon. Guisarme (see CR II) This weapon has a razor-sharp, hooked blade at the end of its 3m long handle.

S-Rank Warhammers Chekan (see CR II) A 50cm long sickle-like weapon. Difficult to wield correctly, but powerful when used properly. Bec-De-Faucon (see CR II) Similar to the Bec-De-Corbin, this 2m long weapon has a wide blade instead of the pick at the end. Heavy Anchor (see CR II) A massive steel weapon in the shape of an anchor. Little can stand up to a swing of this gargantuan weapon.

SS-Rank Warhammers Rosenhagen (see part 3) 1.5m long, this warhammer has an ornate design with thorny roses and flowers. However, it is still a deadly weapon.


B-Rank Wrestling Cestus (see CR I)

Tonfa (see CR II)

Metal plates attached to fist wrappings; they may occasionally have spikes as well.

A hooked club with a right-angled handle, tonfas are often reinforced with iron rods. Usually 30 to 50cm long, they can be swung or punched with.

Spiked Boots (see CR I) Durable shin-high boots reinforced with metal plates, the spikes on the bottom allow for dangerous kicks.

A-Rank Wrestling Hard Knuckles (see CR I) Fist wraps that support larger metal plates, these reinforce the knuckles and backs of the hand for stronger punches. Stompers (see CR I) Boots specifically designed for fighting; they have metal reinforced soles. Power Wrist (see CR II) Bracelets specifically designed to stiffen the wrist, allowing for accurate, powerful strikes. Power Anklet (see CR II) Anklets that stiffen the ankle and foot, allowing for straighter, more explosive kicks.


S-Rank Wrestling

Accel Brogue (see CR II) A perfectly designed pair of fighting boots, these leather kneehigh boots may be reinforced with metal studs.

SS-Rank Wrestling Hands of Glory (see part 3) Luxurious gloves, these cover up to one's elbows while still allowing for full range of movement. Legs of Honor (see part 3) These leather knee-high boots provide both offense and defense, all while being beautifully and skillfully engraved.

A-Rank Thrown Chakram (see CR I) A steel ring, between 15 and 30cm in diameter. Thrown by holding the inner side, as the outer edge is a razor-sharp blade.

Dirk (see CR II) A small dagger, only about 20cm long, its wide blade designed specifically for throwing. Boomerang (see CR II) A thin metal plate, about 50cm long, with a large bend in the middle. When thrown in a large arc, it will return without fail. Soliferrum (see CR II) A thin, 1.5m long throwing spear made entirely of metal. Its heavy weight and design give it a lot of power, despite a short range.

S-Rank Thrown Mithril Dirk (see CR II) A Dirk whose blade is entirely mithril, it is only half the size, at 10cm long, but much more easily concealed. Assegai (see CR II) A short spear that resembles an arrow. Typically, only 30 to 50cm long, it is unwieldy, but quite dangerous in the right hands. Francisca (see CR II) A large throwing axe, typically between 50 and 70cm long. For a thrown weapon, it can be incredibly powerful.

SS-Rank Thrown Tri-Edge (see part 3) A throwing weapon with three 10cm blades protruding from it. It can be folded for storage and will always return when thrown.

B-Rank Bows Short Bow (see CR I) A lightweight bow, it's small size (less than 1m long) means that even weak people are able to use it effectively. Normal Bow (see CR I) A standard wooden bow, around 1.5m long. Long Bow (see CR I) 2m long, this bow's extra length allows it to shoot arrows farther and more powerfully than other bows. Heavy Bow (see CR I) A strong bow, between 1.5 and 2m long. Pulling the string back requires the whole body to flex, not just the arms.

A-Rank Bows Wrapped Bow (see CR I) A synthetic bow, made of wood and animal tendons. Though it's 424

only 1.5m long and smaller than a Long Bow, it is just as powerful. Light Bow (see CR II) A Normal Bow that has been stripped of excess weight for a better flex. Fast Bow (see CR II) A bow that's easy to use, hunters favor this 1.5m long bow for its speed and accuracy.

S-Rank Bows Sniper (see CR II) 1.5m long, this bow has been expertly constructed and tuned to accurately hit long-range targets. Composite Bow (see CR II) Made of layers of wood, animal tendons and skins, this 1.2m long bow is much more powerful than it would appear.

SS-Rank Bows Le Indalia (see part 3) This 1.2m long bow is elegantly designed with a wind motif. Blessed by wind fairies, its accuracy and power are incredible.


B-Rank Crossbows Light Crossbow (see CR I) A lightweight crossbow. Only 30cm long, it is not difficult to carry or use. Normal Crossbow (see CR I) A standard crossbow, usually anywhere between 30 and 50cm long. Quarrels are fired with the press of a trigger. Heavy Crossbow (see CR I) Just over 50cm long, this crossbow is more heavy-duty than the others, so a good amount of strength is needed to fire.

A-Rank Crossbows Thami (see CR I) A portable crossbow, designed to be disassembled for travel. Around 50cm long, it is powerful enough. Bowgun (see CR II) 20 to 30cm long, this miniaturized crossbow is able to be used onehanded. Arbalest (see CR II) A 1m long crossbow, used in numbers during a siege. A stirrup is attached to the front to aid in loading.

Cranequin (see CR II)

Toradar (see CR I)

This 1m long crossbow is a work of art, with a crank and pulley to help load. However, it is also quite awkward to carry.

A long-barreled rifle-type gun, its 1m long barrel allows for accurate long-distance shots.

S-Rank Crossbows String Bow (see CR II) An expertly crafted 50cm long crossbow, it is able to be used as a musical instrument while retaining its accuracy.

Jezail (see CR I) A 1.5m long rifle-type gun with better range and power than the Toradar.

A-Rank Guns Derringer (see CR I)

A 1m long crossbow with a good range.

A one-handed gun designed to fit into one's pockets. Downside is the small number of bullets it can hold.

Ballista (see CR II)

Tempest (see CR I)

The largest man-portable crossbow, these siege weapons are nearly 2m long.

Though it's a rifle-type gun, it has a full magazine and is suitable for longer battles without reloading too often.

Despair (see CR II)

SS-Rank Crossbows Garde (see part 3) Over 1m long, this large crossbow trades ease of use for overwhelming power. Even loading it takes a lever mechanism.

B-Rank Guns Serpentine (see CR I) A simple one-handed gun, only about 20cm long, that is fired using a lit match.

Longbarrel (see CR I) A single-shot rifle over 1.5m long, it boasts high power, accuracy, and range.

S-Rank Guns Bullet Shower (see CR II) A 20cm long gun, this small package is quite reliable, and can hold a decent number of bullets for its size. 426

Lancaster (see CR II)

Bullet (see CR I)

A high-performance rifle, this single shot gun is over 1.5m long. With this gun's power, a single shot is all that's needed.

Gun ammunition. The size of a fingertip, made of a ceramic derived from crushed Mako Stones, occasionally laced with silver. The hardness and power change depending upon the amount of Magic Power the user can generate. Shatters upon impact.

Carnage (see CR II) 2m long, this massive gun trades accuracy for unmatched power among guns.

SS-Rank Guns Full Fire (see part 3) 80cm long, this short-barreled gun can keep firing long after other guns have had to reload. Desperado (see part 3) This massive gun, nearly 2m long, has excellent range and power. To own one is to own a masterpiece of gunsmithing.

Ammunition Arrow (see CR I) Bow ammunition. Typically made of either an iron or silver head attached to a wooden shaft, with fletchings to guide it mid-flight. Quarrel (see CR I) Crossbow ammunition. Shorter than arrows, the straight shaft is entirely metal, usually iron or silver, with no fletchings. 427

Arrow Case (see CR I) A cylindrical case that can hold up to 12 arrows or quarrels. Comes with a cover to keep moisture out. Gun Belt (see CR I) A belt that holds up to 12 bullets, protecting them from shattering and making reloading during combat much easier. Quiver (see part 3) A leather box that holds 24 arrows or quarrels. With no cover, arrows and quarrels can fall out much easier, so only skilled archers use these. Bullet Pouch (see part 3) A pouch that can hold 24 bullets. Some skill is required to wear, so bullets don't accidentally get crushed when moving.

B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Bone Vest (see CR II)

Cloth Armor (see CR I)

Soft armor reinforces with animal bone and horn. When used correctly, it can even be harder than metal armor.

Armor made of thick, padded cloth. Not very durable, but better than nothing. Point Guard (see CR I) Waxed leather armor worn only in key areas, such as the chest, shoulders, arms and shins. Used to parry attacks. Soft Leather (see CR I) Armor made of tanned leather. Because it's not hardened, it does not impede movement. Hard Leather (see CR I) Leather armor boiled in wax to harden it. While it retains its shape, it is still fairly lightweight.

S-Rank Nonmetallic Armor Lynx Vest (see CR II) Armor made from high-quality animal fur. While not the greatest defensively, it still allows for a great deal of mobility. Dragon Scale (see CR II) Scales of leather, boiled in wax and layered to look like dragon scales. Because of its non-metallic nature, it makes little noise.

SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Astral Guard (see part 3)

Aramid Coat (see CR I)

Cloth armor embroidered with threads of mana, this armor prevents both physical and magical damage to the wearer.

Made of a special fiber used during the Al Menas era, this light yet tough coat can even deflect blades. Breast Armor (see CR I) A soft leather armor, providing defense and covering vital points in the chest area.

Phoenix Cloak (see part 3) Cloth armor with a flame motif. Only those who are physically and mentally fit can take advantage of this armor.


B-Rank Metal Armor Splint Armor (see CR I) Armor made by sewing plates onto cloth. Knights often wear this during peacetime because of its protection and elaborate designs. Chainmail (see CR I) Fine chains of metal are woven into a full suit of armor. The metal reinforcing plates used do hinder mobility, though. Plate Armor (see CR I) Armor made from sheets of metal worked into shape. It does restrict movement some but does offer great protection. Suit Armor (see CR I) Finely made armor, with a minimum of gaps. Despite its high Defense, movement is at a minimum.

A-Rank Metal Armor Brigandine (see CR I) Similar to Splint Armor, Brigandine has chains sewn into the armor as well. However, movement is also restricted a little more.


Fortress (see CR I) This armor attempts to improve the mobility of Suit Armor by using thicker torso armor instead of restricting the limbs. Weight is still an issue, though. Steel Guard (see CR II) A type of Splint Armor made with solid steel plates; the Steel Guard improves Defense without sacrificing mobility.

S-Rank Metal Armor Mithril Chain (see CR II) Made with woven chains of mithril, this armor is much lighter than normal Chainmail, while offering better protection. Full-Metal Armor (see CR II) An improvement on the Fortress using high-quality steel. The joint structure is much more refined, allowing better movement. Mithril Plate (see CR II) Armor made of massive plates of mithril. To the average knight, this armor is second to none.

SS-Rank Metal Armor

A-Rank Shields

Imperial (see part 3)

Spiked Shield (see CR I)

A strong armor, made of an alloy of manatite and steel. Current technology cannot create more of this alloy, only reshape it, making these suits of armor incredibly valuable.

A large circular shield with deadly spikes attached. For when offense is the best defense.

B-Rank Shields Buckler (see CR I) A small shield, with a diameter typically between 20 and 30cm. These shields are usually used to parry enemy attacks. Round Shield (see CR I) A circular shield, with a diameter 60 to 80cm long. While made of wood, the edges and center are reinforced with metal. Kite Shield (see CR I) A large wooden shield, curved at the top but extending to a point at the bottom. Key areas are reinforced with metal. Tower Shield (see CR I) A massive rectangular shield that hides one's whole body. Made of metal-reinforced wood, it takes some strength to use correctly.

Mirror Shield (see CR II) A small, 50cm diameter shield made of polished, reflective metal. Heater Shield (see CR II) Similar to a Kite Shield, though the top is flat instead of curved. Family crests are often painted on these shields. Great Wall (see CR II) A large metal shield, it provides incredible protection as one can hide entirely behind it. Knight Shield (see part 3) A large heater shield, covering down to one's feet. Made of wood and reinforced with metal, it is extremely sturdy. Because of the size, riders often have one to protect their mounts.

S-Rank Shields Mithril Shield (see CR II) A large shield made entirely of mithril, they can come in a number of sizes and shapes. 430

Blade Killer (see CR II) A large oval shield with blades on the top and bottom to attack with. Terrifyingly heavy, it is also incredibly sturdy.

SS-Rank Shields Glorious (see part 3) A Heater Shield made of manatite. Its beautiful design inspires an overwhelming sense of awe in all who see it.


Power Tables Power 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

② * * * * * * * * * * *

③ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

④ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

⑤ 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

⑥ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

⑦ 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3

⑧ 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

⑨ 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5

⑩ 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5

⑪ 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6

⑫ 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7

Power 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

④ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

⑤ 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

⑥ 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

⑦ 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

⑧ 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6

⑨ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7

⑩ 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8

⑪ 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9

⑫ 7 7 3 8 8 8 8 8 9 10

Power 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

④ 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

⑤ 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

⑥ 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6

⑦ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7

⑧ 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8

⑨ 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9

⑩ 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10

⑪ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10

⑫ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 432


Power 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

④ 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

⑤ 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6

⑥ 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7

⑦ 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9

⑧ 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10

⑨ 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11

⑩ 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11

⑪ 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12

⑫ 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13

Power 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

④ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

⑤ 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8

⑥ 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10

⑦ 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

⑧ 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12

⑨ 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12

⑩ 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13

⑪ 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14

⑫ 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15

Power 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

④ 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9

⑤ 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

⑥ 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11

⑦ 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12

⑧ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13

⑨ 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14

⑩ 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15

⑪ 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16

⑫ 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18

Power 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

④ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

⑤ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

⑥ 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12

⑦ 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14

⑧ 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16

⑨ 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17

⑩ 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18

⑪ 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19

⑫ 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19

Power 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

④ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

⑤ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

⑥ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

⑦ 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16

⑧ 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18

⑨ 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20

⑩ 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21

⑪ 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22

⑫ 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 23 23 23

Power 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7

④ 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10

⑤ 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12

⑥ 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15

⑦ 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18

⑧ 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

⑨ 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21

⑩ 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23

⑪ 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25

⑫ 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26


Power 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100


② * * * * * * * * * *

③ 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

④ 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12

⑤ 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15

⑥ 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 18

⑦ 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19

⑧ 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

⑨ 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

⑩ 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24

⑪ 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27

⑫ 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 30

Staff List Game design Kei Kitazawa

Development Group SNE

System Design Samurai Tanaka

Supervisor Hitoshi Yasuda Ryo Mizuno Miyuki Kiyomatsu

World Design Kei Kitazawa, Miyabi Akita, Sanae Fujisawa Data Сreation Tadaaki Kawahito, Takashi Moroboshi, Yutaka Kono, Yuki Oi Cover Illustration Kususaga Rin, Anji Majima Sample Character Illustrations Kususaga Rin, Anji Majima NPC Illustrations Hiroyuki Aigamo, Usui Rina, Mikako Mikaki, Haruyuki Morisawa, Midori Hitoiro

Editting Shinobu Murakawa Yuki Ito Kiyoshi Kaneko Masaru Ogasawara Keiji Kariya (Arclight Co., Ltd.) Design Mihoko Deguchi (Arclight Co., Ltd.) Hiroyuki Kiyono (Arclight Co., Ltd.) Cover Design Yoshikazu Production Fukuda Minoru Yuko Nagase

Map and Item Illustrations Yuya Kobayashi Monster Illustrations Koji Nishino 436

Revised Staff List Cover Illustration Kususaga Rin Anji Majima

Editing Katsuya Okumura

Cover Design Yoshikazu

Editorial Cooperation Keiji Kariya (PoSiCo Co., Ltd.)

Sample Character illustration (Valkyrie) so-bin

Design Shinya Sasaki (Arclight Co., Ltd.)

English Translation Lead Translator Aniodia Additional Translation and Editing Auquid

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