The Effectiveness of Using Text Twist Game To Improve The Student's Vocabulary [PDF]

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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING TEXT TWIST GAME TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE ELEVENTH GRADE OF SMAN 1 SAPURAN IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013 A THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Attainment of Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education

By : Isnaini Hidayat 092120157



Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change themselves (QS. Ar-Ra’du: 11) Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind (Albert Einsten) Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do (Johan Wolfgang)


With Gratitude and love, this thesis is dedicated to  My beloved parents, (my father and my mother) “Alhamdulillah for the love, support, and motivation they have given. I know that their love will never end till the end of time. I always remember all the things they have given and have done for me”  To my brother “I„ll remember the things we have shared. Hope we can share it again soon. Wish you will be my best brother ever”  My beloved Lina Triana Sari “Thank you very much for your true love, attention, and support that you have given to me”  My dearest all of best friend “Thank you very much for your true love, attention, and support that you have given to me”


In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. All praises be to Allah, the lord of the worlds, who has given the health and strength to the writer in completing this thesis. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon His final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad, his family and his companions. This thesis is presented to the English Department of Muhammadiyah University of purworejo as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree of first strata. It is the great honor for the researcher to make acknowledgement of indebtedness to convey her sincere gratitude to Mrs. Titi Rokhayati, M. Pd., who has patiently given valuable advice and guidance to finalize this thesis. Alhamdulillah, the researcher has finished this thesis. Absolutely it is not only an effort by her self alone, there are many hands help her. In this occasion, he presents great honor to: 1. Drs. H. Supriyono, as the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo; 2. Drs. H. Hartono, M.M, the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo; 3. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd, the Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo; 4. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd, as the researcher’s consultant who has given her time, support, guidance, kindness, contributions, and patience in correcting and helping his in finishing this thesis;


Title Page .........................................................................................................


Approval Page ..................................................................................................


Ratification Page ..............................................................................................


Statements ........................................................................................................


Mottos ..............................................................................................................


Dedications .......................................................................................................


Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................


Table of Contents .............................................................................................


List of Appendices ...........................................................................................


Abstract ............................................................................................................


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................


A. Background of the Study............................................................................


B. Identification of the Problem .....................................................................


C. Limitation of the Problem ..........................................................................


D. Problem Statement .....................................................................................


E. The Objectives Study .................................................................................


F. Significance of the Study ...........................................................................


G. Definition of key term ................................................................................


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED THEORY ...................................


A. Theoretical Framework ..............................................................................


1. Definition of Teaching .......................................................................


2. Definition of Learning .......................................................................


3. Relationship between Teaching and Learning ....................................


4. Vocabulary ..........................................................................................


a. Definition of Vocabulary ..............................................................


b. Types of Vocabulary .....................................................................


c. Vocabulary ....................................................................................


5. Definition of Game .............................................................................


6. Text twist game ...................................................................................


B. Conceptual Framework ..............................................................................


C. Hypothesis ..................................................................................................


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ....................................................


A. Type of the Research ..................................................................................


B. Variabel of the Research ............................................................................


C. Population, Sampling Technique, and Sample ..........................................


D. Research Instrument ...................................................................................


E. Technique for collecting data .....................................................................


F. Technique of Data Analysis .......................................................................


1. Descriptive Statistics ...........................................................................


2. Inferential Statistics ............................................................................




A. Descriptive Analysis ..................................................................................


1. The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test .................................................


a. The Result of the Pre-test .............................................................


b. The Result of the Post-test ...........................................................


c. The Result of the Pre-test and Post-test .......................................


B. Inferential Analysis ....................................................................................


1. Prerequisite Analysis Test...................................................................


a. Test of Normality .........................................................................


b. Test of Homogeneity....................................................................


c. T-test findings ..............................................................................


C. Test of Hypothesis......................................................................................


1. Level of Significance ..........................................................................


2. Null Hypothesis ..................................................................................


D. Discussion and Result of the Research ......................................................


1. Descriptive Analysis Interpretation ....................................................


a. The Pre-test of vocabulary mastery ............................................


b. The Post-test of vocabulary mastery ...........................................


2. Inferential Analysis Interpretation ......................................................


CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................


A. Conclusion..................................................................................................


B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................




Letters ................................................................................................

Appendix I

Instrument of the Research................................................................

Appendix II

The sample of pre-test ......................................................................

Appendix III

The sample of post-test .................................................................... Appendix IV Table..................................................................................................

Appendix V


Hidayat Isnaini. 2013. The Effectiveness of Using Text Twist Game to Improve The Students’ Vocabularies Mastery at The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Sapuran in Academic Year 2012/2013. A Thesis. English Department, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Science, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant: Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd. Keywords: Effectiveness, Text Twist game, Vocabulary mastery. The objective of this research is to describe whether the use of Text twist game is effective or not to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013. The researcher used Text twist game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery as a teaching method to improving students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013. This is a preexperimental research. In this research, the researcher took 40 students at the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Sapuran as the sample . Then, the researcher gave pre-test and post-test. The researcher taught vocabulary by using Text twist game to the experimental class. The researcher then statistically analyzed the data by using t-test separated variance. After analyzing the data, the researcher concluded that Using Text twist game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013 is effective. As the fact, the result of t-value is 5.39. Based on the 0.05 significant level, the value of t-table is 1.684. The result of computation shows that t-value is higher than t-table, that is 5.39>1.684. Another fact shows that the method used is effective. It is shown by the mean of post-test that is higher than the mean of pre-test. In the post-test, the mean is 78.25. On the contrary, the mean of pre-test is 70.7. Based on the result finding, the researcher concluded that the used of Text twist game to improve students vocabulary mastery as a teaching method is effective in improving students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013. It can be shown that the students’ vocabulary mastery increased.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study English is spoken all over the world. It is used as a means of international communication such as in daily life and international affairs among countries. English is the first foreign language in Indonesia. Beside that English is applied in many aspects of life like book are written in English, information about technology is often using English etc. That is why Indonesian government obliges English is being taught at every school from elementary school until university. English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case; students from the beginner up to the senior high school. In developing the students’ ability in mastering English, it cannot be separated from vocabulary mastery. Because it can be a measurement of students, understand in English. English teaching involves of four language skills, there are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. In teaching and learning a language, there are four aspects that support four language skills above such as: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation that are also taught in English teaching and learning process. Vocabulary is important aspect in the learning process. It is the basic in learning English because it will be needed by students when learn skill like reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students who learn English must have a strong foundation on vocabulary in order to make them able to learn English easily.

Teaching vocabulary can be done through some ways or some techniques. One of it is by using game in teaching activities. In this case, students allow finding the words, which has same to the main word. They can work in-group or individually. They learn to share knowledge and information about targeted content, and willingly do this because it is naturally following part of the class activity. Using games to teach, the students will be more relaxed and more excited of course. One of it is Text twist game. Text twist game is one way to improve vocabulary mastery. By using Text twist game in teaching, indirectly, students might be improved their knowledge of English vocabulary. At least it will be raised their self-confidence for expressing themselves openly, especially in understanding the word. Students can share their knowledge and experience from others, including respectful listening and appropriate sharing of personal perspectives. Students also reported that their understanding of concepts were expressed and considered, at least we hope students can do not only in developing their vocabulary but also they are able to practice either in speaking or understanding of meaning of words. The researcher want to prove that using Text twist game is one of technique for the students in second grade for improving their vocabulary mastery. To be proved how far the text twist game could be influenced students’ vocabulary skill, in this occasion the researcher tries to elaborate everything related to the effectiveness of using Text twist game to improve the students’ vocabularies mastery.

B. Identification of the problem In studying English, there are four skills that we need to complete communication. They are reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In teaching and learning a language, there are four aspects that support four language skills above such as: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation that are also taught in English teaching and learning process. Vocabulary is important aspect in the learning process. It is the basic in learning English because it will be needed by students when learn skills like reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students who learn English must have a strong foundation on vocabulary in order to make them able to learn English easily. Vocabulary mastery is extremely important for every person. It gives a big influence through the whole communication process and learning process. As a student of English department, the researcher realizes how vocabulary is extremely important. Vocabulary is a must and the aspect of vocabulary mastery should be mastered by students. There are several factors that influence the mastery vocabulary, such as: 1. Method Method greatly influences vocabulary mastery. Methods to teach vocabulary to students usually less variable. Because the teachers usually focus on the material being taught. 2. Techniques Technique is very important to teach vocabulary. There are many techniques to teach vocabulary to students. Good technique will produce better results.

3. Situation The situations also influence vocabulary mastery. Favorable situation greatly influences the students to increase their vocabulary. Situations in which students can learn vocabulary safely and comfortably. 4. Facilities Facilities also influence vocabulary mastery. In this modern era, it is a lot of facilities that can be used to teach vocabulary to students. From several factors that influence the vocabulary mastery, the methods greatly influence students’ mastery on vocabulary, because method is very important to be used in teaching learning process. In Senior High School, students are still in growth period to become adolescent; they still like playing and having fun. Teacher should use the students’ characteristic in using teaching method. Based on the statement above, the researcher chooses Text twist game as a teaching method, because it will improve the students’ understanding of the vocabularies, make the students more active in the classroom and also improve the students’ motivation. There are some of the problems when student learning English, especially in vocabulary mastery: 1. Students lack of the vocabulary mastery 2. Teacher does not use various method in teaching English 3. Students get bored and lose their interest in learning English, so they become passive students.

C. Limitation of the problem The researcher limits the study about, how to improve vocabulary for the students at the senior high school, through Text twist game in teaching learning English for the eleventh grade on the Senior High School. In this research, the researcher focus on to study about the effectiveness of the Text twist game, apply in teaching learning activity to build up students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Problem formulation Based on the importance of this research and the effort for increasing students in vocabulary mastery, to build up their understanding in vocabulary as many as possible, the researcher would like to formulate the problem in his research as follows: Is the use of Text twist game effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in the academic year of 2012/2013?

E. Objective of the study Based on the reason above, through this research the researcher wants to describe whether the use of Text twist game is effective or not to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013.

F. Significance of the study a. For student 1) The students are able to increase their skill in vocabulary mastery indirectly. 2) By applying Text twist game in teaching learning activity, hopes it can dig the student’s interest in English because the method is more fun and enjoyable. 3) Students will be more attracted in learning English without under pressure feeling and forced. b. For the teacher 1) The teacher can motivate the students to improve their vocabulary through some models of the Text twist game. 2) Teaching vocabulary by using Text twist game is attractive and variously, so, it is able to improve student’s interest. 3) It makes the students sharing with their friend, about their favorite things that can be implemented in their class. c. For the Institution The Text twist game can be applied for all purposes English learning to increase student’s skill. It is not only for improving students’ vocabulary skills but also, it can be applied in writing learning, even though for increasing students in reading skill relate to translate of difficult words. For the institution Text twist game can help students in general to develop their English capabilities so the School (the

institution) gets the achievements and prestige among the education institution. d. For the public (the readers in general) The implementation of Text twist game for improving students’ ability in increasing their vocabulary, hoped, it can be followed by another teacher in teaching learning English activity. For improving students’ vocabulary skill and capabilities in reading comprehension, writing skill and so on. G. Definition of the key term To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation on the topic discussed, the researcher thinks it is better to state the definition of each key word or phrase stated in the title his choose: 1. Effectiveness Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome,







( 2. Text twist game Text Twist is an online Java based game available at and the inspiration of Scrabble Flash. (Lewis & Ferlazzo, 2011: 3) 3. Vocabulary Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. He also says that vocabulary is all the words known to person or used in particular book, subject, etc. (Hornby, 1995: 1331)

4. Mastery Mastery is great skill or knowledge. (Oxford Learner Dictionary New Edition, 1995, Oxford University Press)


1. Definition of teaching Definition of teaching has developed from time to time, so that was not been a precise definition of teaching which cover all sides. However, numerous definitions of term have been generated from the way people actually teach. Hornby (2001: 1) says that teaching is derived from the word “teach”. It means to show somebody how to do something so that they will able to do it themselves. Besides, teaching is to give information to somebody about particular subject or help somebody to learning something. Brown (2000: 7) states that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn and setting the condition for learning. Teaching means showing or helping someone to learn how does something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Teaching is to give some knowledge or instruct or train someone, or to show somebody how to do something or to do change somebody‟s ideas. Teaching is about transmission of knowledge from teacher to students, or is it about creating conditions in which, somehow, students learn for themselves (Harmer, 2002: 56). Seeing many kinds of the definition about teaching above, there is no definition can be said perfect and satisfied by encompassing all aspect from many kinds of definition, the researcher make conclusion that teaching is an 9

activity of teacher to help or guide his students to be able to master something taught by him. 2. Definition of Learning. The definition of learning depends on the theory of learning which is done by someone. Learning is the process of getting knowledge. The word learning is derived from a word „learn‟ by means again knowledge or skill in a subject or activity by a study. Learning is human activity which is done since they were born until die. Because learning is a process that is very important for human, without learning human cannot change himself to be better, so they will no more or less than animals that never think about how to change out their live, attitude, and behavior. According to Harmer (2002: 70), learning is human activity which at least needs manipulation by other. It is obtained from the people who know more or whom we called them as teacher. Another definition of learning is a process of creative construction involves trial and error. Brown (2000: 7) states that learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study experience, or experience. According to Brown, the components of the definition of learning are: 1. Learning is acquisition or getting something. 2. Learning is retention of information or skill. 3. Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization.

4. Learning involves active conscious focus on and acting upon events outside or inside organism. 5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject forgetting. 6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforce practice. 7. Learning is change in behavior. According to the definitions above, the researcher can conclude that learning is the process of activity done by person to get something and to change his behavior or attitude. 3. Relationship between Teaching and Learning Teaching and learning are not two sides of coin, but are essentially different activities, although they both take place in the public area of the classroom. The success of learning cannot be neglected from teacher‟s role. However the success of teacher‟s working cannot be separated from student‟s participant. It means that the teaching and learning cannot work without the involvement of both teaching and learning. Brown (2007: 7) states that teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. The concept to teach is different interpreted to the concept of learning. Brown defines teaching as showing / helping someone learns, giving interaction, guiding the study of something, providing knowledge, causing to know or understand. Based on the descriptions above, the researcher can conclude that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learning and improve their skill and attitudes.

4. Vocabulary a. The Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary is one of the language components which have to be mastered by students in learning a new language. The students will get difficulties in using English if they are lack of vocabularies. In general most people agree that vocabulary is one the most important factors in mastering language. By mastering the vocabulary, people will be able to convey their ideas, message, an even they can express their feeling as well. Of course they can do these better if they can also master speaking skill. Vocabulary is also considered as the important component of a language, because it will help the learner to increase their ability. According to Hornby (1995: 1331) says that vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. He also says that vocabulary is all the words known to person or used in particular book, subject, etc. Napa (1991: 10) states that vocabulary is one of components of language and that no language exists without words. Words are sign or symbols of ideas. It means that words tell our ideas, feelings, thoughts, either spoken or written. According to Hanson and Padua (2011: 5) state that vocabulary refers to words we use to communicate in oral and print language. They have divided vocabulary in specific reference, such a word: a) Receptive vocabulary refers to the words we understand through reading and listening.

b) Productive vocabulary refers to the words we use to communicate through writing and speaking (Lehr, Osborn, & Hiebert, 2004). In order to communicate effectively using oral and print language, we must be able to flexibly use words that we recognize and understand. Based on the definition above it can be concluded that vocabulary is the list of words or spoken unit of language which has meaning. It has important role in language, because the language existed because of words. b. Types of vocabulary According to Elena (2008: 2), there are many types of vocabulary, such as: 1) Reading vocabulary Reading vocabulary is words we know when we see them in print. This means it is the words understood by the reader when he or she is reading a piece of written text. The person is able to recognize the form of the letters and how they correspond to one another, and how their sum is understood. This also includes understanding a word‟s spelling, meaning and the exact meaning in its context. 2) Listening vocabulary Listening vocabulary is words we understand when others talk to us. The listener is able to link the words being spoken to their meaning. This level of understanding is aided by word context, intonation and, if there is visual contact with the speaker, by

gestures and facial expressions. Listening is, like reading, an interpretational form of vocabulary. 3) Writing vocabulary Writing vocabulary is words we use when we write. Writing is the active vocabulary equivalent to reading. With reading, it forms the core skills needed for someone to be literate. The writer demonstrates his or her knowledge of a word in terms of its meaning and how to spell it and use it correctly. 4) Speaking vocabulary Speaking vocabulary is words we use when we talk to others. Speaking is one of the types of vocabulary that demonstrates a person‟s knowledge of words. It is an active demonstration that can also rely on other elements such as facial expressions, intonation, pitch and gestures to help others understand its meaning. Knowledge of a word is demonstrated by its good usage and pronunciation.

5. Vocabulary mastery All language has a vocabulary, a set of words that is the basic for making and understanding sentences (Milner: 1991). Therefore, without some knowledge of that vocabulary, neither language production nor language comprehension would be possible. In previous information and interpretation, says that vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. He also says that vocabulary is all the words

known to person or used in particular book, subject, etc. (Hornby, 1995: 1331). While Hanson and Padua (2011: 5) state that vocabulary refers to words we use to communicate in oral and print language. Next, the researcher will explain the definition of “mastery”. According to Hornby (1995: 721) mastery is (1) complete knowledge; great skill; (2) control. The word mastery also defines as a complete of great skills of something. While Morehead (2001: 495), defines mastery as rule, victory; ascendancy, supremacy; skill. There are two concepts which can be noted here. First, mastery refers to a thorough understanding. Second, mastery refers to remarkable ability to do something. Accordingly, mastery is principally, nor merely due to knowledge but also due to skills. Therefore, the students‟ mastery of vocabulary indicates the students‟ thorough understanding or knowledge of the words of language. The students‟ mastery of words of a language is indicated by their skillful ability in producing the words. Thus, from the theory above, it can be concluded that vocabulary mastery means the students‟ competence in understanding the word in context, or someone ability to understand a number of vocabulary items. In this case, vocabulary mastery refers to the vocabulary test. It means that vocabulary test is used to measure the students‟ mastery of vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or receive a lot of words. By having and mastering vocabulary we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context. Measuring vocabulary helps to avoid making mistakes in understanding.

6. The Definition of Game Hadfield (1999) states that a game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun. He defined game into two categories; competitive games and cooperative games. 1. Competitive games, in which player or teams race to be the first to reach the goal. 2. Cooperative games, in which players or teams work together towards a common goal. According to Salen and Zimmerman (2003: 80) state that a game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome. According to Maroney (2001) states that a game is a form of play with goals and structures. Based on the definitions above, the researcher can conclude that a game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.

7. Text Twist game Teach with text twist game is one activity to increase student‟s vocabulary in English. It often teaches to be one of the most effective ways of integrating language skills in the language classroom. Though the terms „text twist‟ have been interpreted in many different ways by both teachers and textbook writers, both activities offer a flexible yet principled way of tailoring intergraded skills to learner needs.

According to Lewis & Ferlazzo (2011: 3) states that Text Twist is an online Java based game available at and the inspiration of Scrabble Flash. Games like this are useful for developing student‟s vocabulary in 2 contexts. One is through repetitive play, with family or friends. The main drawback in this scenario is that only student already possessing a good vocabulary are more likely to be interested in playing this games. The second important drawback is that most of this game does not actively contribute to vocabulary development. They depend on the players' existing knowledge, and enthusiasm to discuss and look up words in the dictionary, for direct vocabulary development. The other scenario is when such games are used as classroom supplement. In such cases, games serve. The important function of keeping the student's interest alive in the classroom, adding a fun element to regular coursework and to reduce levels of anxiety thus contributing to better learning .While these are important factors, vocabulary learning still happens indirectly. Mc Donough (1994:217) states that: “Network vocabulary and simulation work, on the other hand, usually requires the learners to take part in communication which involves personal experience and emotion”. Games are useful and effective tools that should be applied in vocabulary classes. The use of vocabulary is a way to make the lessons more interesting, enjoyable and effective. By definition above, the researcher conclude that Text Twist game is one kinds of method to improve vocabulary mastery. It is easy to use and can be applied to teach vocabulary to students.

B. Conceptual Framework Traditionally, vocabulary has not been a particular subject for students to learn, but has been taught within lessons of speaking, listening, reading and writing. During the lesson, students use their own vocabulary and are introduced to new words provided by the teacher and classmates which they apply to classroom activities. For many learners of English, whenever they think of vocabulary, they think of learning a list of new words with meanings in their native language without any real context practice. A number of learners may share the same experience of looking up words in a bilingual dictionary to find their meanings or definitions when they encounter new words. They may even write down lines of new words without any idea of the real use of them in context. Working this way, after a short period of time, many learners may find out that learning vocabulary in lists does not satisfy themselves, and they think the cause for it is just their bad memorization. Research and publications have shown that this is not a very effective way to study. Decarrico (2001); states that words should not be learnt separately or by memorization without understanding. Moreover, "learning new words is a cumulative process, with words enriched and established as they are met again", Nation (2000: 6). Therefore, the "look and remember" way of vocabulary learning seems to be not very effective for learners of the English language. Learners of English have to deal with unfamiliar vocabulary during their language acquisition. In order to learn and retain new words, learners should participate in different task-based activities in their classroom whether it is a

guessing task, a describing exercise or conversation making. Such activities also include vocabulary games which especially focus on helping learners develop and use words in different contexts by making the lessons enjoyable. Therefore, it is necessary to explore whether students learn vocabulary effectively through games and how they learn it. To teach vocabulary can be done in several ways, one of which is by using games. In this case the researcher chose Text Twist games to teach vocabulary. Text Twist game is one kind of methods to improve vocabulary mastery. It is easy to use and can be applied to teach vocabulary to students. Games are useful and effective tools that should be applied in vocabulary classes. The use of vocabulary is a way to make the lessons more interesting, enjoyable and effective.

C. HYPOTHESIS Based on the theoretical review and the conceptual framework, a hypothesis is proposed in this study. The hypothesis in this research is as follows: 1. Ho: The use of text twist game in teaching vocabulary to eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013 is not effective. 2. Ha: The use of text twist game in teaching vocabulary to eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013 is effective.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the researcher would like to present the way to carry out the research. It is in order to solve the problem easier. The researcher presents type of research, research variables, population, technic sampling, and sample, research instruments, technique for collecting data, and technique for analyzing data. A. Type of research This research is a pre experimental research, because the researcher is doing experiment and giving treatment to find out whether or not the Text Twist game is effective in improving students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013. Some views on the definition of the preexperimental method stated as follow: According to Sugiyono (2011: 74) states that pre-experimental design is not yet a truly experimental. Because, there are outside variables that take effect on the formation of the dependent variable. So the result of an experiment which is the dependent variable was not solely influenced by the independent variable. This happens because there are no control variables, and the sample was not randomly selected. Based on the statement above, the researcher could determine that preexperimental research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the possibility of causal effect by giving treatment to compare the result.

B. Variable of the research


According to Sugiyono (2011: 38) states that variable is anything that shaped what is defined by the researchers to be studied in order to obtain information about them, and then drawn conclusions. In this research, the researcher employs two kinds of variable. There are: 1. Independent variable. The independent variable is the major variable, which is used by researcher to investigate. According to Sugiyono (2011: 39) Independent variable is a variable that affects or is the cause of the change of the dependent variable. The independent variable of this research is teaching vocabulary using Text Twist Game, which is symbolized by X. 2. Dependent variable. Dependent variable is the variable that the researcher observes and measures to determine the effect of the independent variable. The dependent of this research is the students’ vocabulary mastery, which is symbolized by Y.

C. Population, Sampling Technique, and Sample

1. Population According to Sugiyono (2011: 80) states that population is a generalization which consists of: objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that applied by researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions. While according to Arikunto, (2006:115-117) states that: “Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of population”. In this case, the researcher has chosen the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sapuran. There are 140 students in the eleventh grade of SMA 1 Sapuran.

2. Sampling Technique

Sampling technique is a certain technique to take sample. According to Sugiyono (2011: 81), there are two types of sampling namely probability and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling includes simple random, proportionate stratified random, disproportionate stratified random, and area random. Non-probability sampling includes systematically sampling, quota sampling, accidental/incidental sampling, purposive sampling, saturated sampling, and snowball sampling. The researcher uses purposive sampling in taking sample. The reason of the researcher chooses this sampling is because based on the consideration that the limitation of time, energy and fund and other factors so he cannot take a bigger sample.

3. Sample According to Sugiyono (2011: 81) states that sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. According to Arikunto (2006:34) the minimum percentage of sample as follows: Table 1: percentage Sample Population


Less than 100






More than 1000


In addition, sample is subset of individuals or cases from within population. The number of sample and the way of taking sample must represent the population. In this research, there would be 40 students chosen through the random sampling.

D. Research Instrument An instrument is very important to collect data required in an experiment research. To collect the data, the researcher needs an instrument. Instrument includes a part of the way used by the researcher to collect the result of obtaining the data. Sugiyono (2011: 102) research instrument is a tool which is used to measure the natural phenomenon and social phenomenon that is observed. Research instrument is means by which something is performed or affected, and is a device for precise measurement. The instrument used to collect data in this research is a test about vocabulary. A test can be true false, multiple choices, matching, completion or essay. In this research the researcher uses multiple choices test and matching test. There are 10 items multiple choices and 15 matching test in the research instrument. The test is pre-test and post-test to know the students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Technique For Collecting Data The data collection is carried out on May 29th – June 3rd 2013 with the cooperation of the principal and the English teacher in SMA N 1 Sapuran. 1. The researcher gives pre-test the vocabulary before the researcher gives a treatment on May 29th, 2013 at 7.15 am until 8.00 am. 2. The researcher gives the treatment by using Text twist game to teach vocabulary to the student. The material is about kinds of text words. In chosen the material, the researcher is requiring the consideration of English teacher of SMA N 1 Sapuran. The time allocations of the treatment:

Teaching using Text twist game is on May 29th, 2013 at 8.00 am until 8.45 am.

3. The time allocations of the post-test: After giving the treatment, the researcher gives post-test. The researcher uses the test as the instrument to collect the data. Giving post-test is on June 3rd, 2013 at 8.45 am until 9.30 am. 4. The researcher compares and finds the result of the pre-test and post-test

F. Technique of Data Analysis To analyze the data, the researcher applies an appropriate technique to find out whether it is effective or not teaching using Text twist game on students’ vocabulary mastery at eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in the academic year 2012/2013. There are three kinds of techniques of data analysis: 1. Descriptive Analysis The descriptive analysis is used to describe the variable of this research that is the use of Text twist game for improving English vocabulary mastery. The researcher also uses statistic to compute the students’ ability. The statistics used are mean analysis and standard deviation analysis. Additionally, the mean, mode, median, standard deviation, the lowest score, and the highest score are also used to analyze the data.

2. Inferential Analysis

a. Prerequisite Analysis Test In this analysis, the researcher analyzes the data to the hypothesis. This analysis is done to find out the effectiveness of using Text twist game in teaching vocabulary. 1) Test of normality Sugiyono (2009:172) gives certain technique in testing the normality of data. He uses Chi Square (x2). It is done by comparing normal curve formed from the gathered data (B) and standard normal curve (A). If B is not different significantly with A, so B is included in the normal distribution data. The formula is as follows:

Where: x2 = the chi square value fo = the observed frequency fh = the expected frequency The result of the computation is consulted to the table. The data are normal if the obtained x² value is lower than the critical value of x² in the table, and the data are not normal if it is higher than the critical value in the table. 2) Test of Homogeneity

Sugiyono (2009:199) gives certain technique in testing the homogeneity of data. To determine the t-test formula, the researcher applies the variance homogeneity test to test the variance of two samples. To know whether the variance of two samples is homogeneous or not, the researcher uses F test. The computation of F test is as follows:

If F value is lower than F table for the level of significant 5% and 1% (Fh< Ft (5%)< Ft (1%)) so the data that will be analyzed is homogen or if F value is higher than F table, it means that the variance is not homogen. 3) Test of Hypothesis This test is used to know whether it is effective of teaching vocabulary using Text twist game on students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Sapuran in the academic year of 2012/2013. To decide which hypothesis that will be accepted or rejected, the t-test formula is used to compare two samples. The t- test formula: The t- test formula:



X1  X 2 2






s s n n Which is: t

: t-value


: the mean of experimental group


: the mean of control group

S12 : variance of post-test group S22 : variance of pre-test group n1 : number of sample of post-test n2 : number of sample of pre-test Sugiyono (2009:138) In this inferential analysis, hypothesis testing is done. In this testing, the hypothesis will be analyzed through t-test. The ttest is to see the score difference between the two variables; the students’ vocabulary achievement of the experimental group and the control group. After getting the result of t-value, then the tvalue is consulted to the t-table to be interpreted.


In this chapter, the researcher presents the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary using Text Twist game to the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Sapuran in the academic year of 2012 / 2013. To find out whether it is effective to teach vocabulary using Text Twist game on the students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher analyzes the result of pre-test and posttest, before and after conducting the treatment. A. Descriptive Analysis Before doing the analysis, the researcher would like to give some explanations. The type of this research was quantitative, which was preexperimental research. The researcher used pre-test and post-test as the instruments of collecting data. To collect the data, the researcher came to SMA N 1 Sapuran. The researcher used pre-test and post-test which consists of 10 items of multiple choices, and 30 items of matching test. In conducting the research, the data were collected after doing a research toward 40 students as sample among 140 populations of the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran which became the sample in this research. By using the test, the researcher collected some data concerning the test result. To compute learning achievement test result, it was based on criteria of scoring. The level of skill shown in the table was defined by based on the criterion referenced scales (Arikunto, 2006:245). They are as follows.


Table 2. Classification of the Students’ Learning Achievement Range


Criteria of ability stage

80 - 100


Very good

66 - 79



56 - 65



40 - 55



0 – 39


Very low

The researcher collected the data of students by using test. In conducting this research, the researcher used the result of pre test and post test. 1. The result of Pre-test and Post-test Table 3. The result of Pre-test and Post-test No





sample 1




sample 2




sample 3




sample 4




sample 5




sample 6




sample 7




sample 8




sample 9




sample 10




sample 11




sample 12




sample 13




sample 14




sample 15




sample 16




sample 17




sample 18




sample 19




sample 20




sample 21




sample 22




sample 23




sample 24




sample 25




sample 26




sample 27




sample 28




sample 29




sample 30




sample 31




sample 32




sample 33




sample 34




sample 35




sample 36




sample 37




sample 38




sample 39




sample 40



a. The result of pre-test

From the score table, the researcher concluded that the highest score (H) was 82. The lowest score (L) was 49. The median (Me) was 71, the mode (Mo) was 71, the range (R) was 33, and the total score of pre-test (T) was 2828. From the data (available on appendix), the researcher tried to find the mean of the data by applying the mean formula and then the researcher tried to find the mean, the standard deviation, and the variance of pre-test. The mean (M) was 70.7, the standard deviation (S1) was 6.284, and the variance (S2) was 39.497. According to the student’s category (table 2), the mean belonged to good, because the mean was in the score class of

66 - 79.

According to Arikunto (2006: 245) the criteria of assessments of the students’ achievement of pre-test were shown in the following table. Table 4. Degree mastery of pre-test score Interval




80 – 100

Very Good



66 – 79




56 – 65




40 – 55




< 39

Very Low


0% 100%

Based on the table above, the researcher concluded that there were no student belonged to very low category, 1 student (2.5%) belonged to low, 7 students (17.5%) belonged to fair category, 31 students (77.5%) belonged to good category, 1 student (2.5%) belonged to very good category.

b. The Result of The Post-test From the score table, the researcher concluded that the highest score of the post-test (H) was 94, the lowest score (L) was 65, the range (R) was 30, the median (Me) was 77.5, the mode (Mo) was 77, and the total score of post-test (T) was 3130. From the data (available on appendix), the researcher tried to find the mean of the data by applying the mean formula and then the researcher tried to find the mean, the standard deviation, and the variance of post-test. The mean (M) was 78.25, the deviation standard (S1) was 6.319, and the variance (S12) was 39.936. According to Arikunto (2006:245), the criteria of assessment of the students’ reading comprehension of post-test were shown in the following table. Table 5. Degree mastery of post test score Interval




80 – 100

Very Good



66 – 79




56 – 65




40 – 55




< 39

Very Low


0% 100%

Based on the table above, the researcher concluded that there was no student belonged to very low category, no student belonged to low category, 1 student (2.5%) belonged to fair category, 22 students (55%)

belonged to good category, and 17 students (42.5%) belonged to very good category. c. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test The table below is the summarized scores of the pre-test and post-test. Table 6. The result of Pre-test and Post-test vocabulary mastery Sources









9 6








Pre-test 2


3 3

6.28 70.7

8 77.








77 test





Notes: H : the highest score

Mo : the mode

L : the lowest score

T : the total scores of the students

R : the range

M : the mean

Me : the median

SD : the deviation standard

The result of pre-test and post-test vocabulary mastery was reported here in the form of chart. The vertical line with numbers beside showed the percentage of students for each grade. The horizontal line showed the grade of vocabulary mastery scores that was obtained by the students. There were two charts describing the research findings. The first chart showed the frequency range of vocabulary mastery result of pre-test and

post-test. Finally, the sixth chart showed the percentage range differences of vocabulary mastery result of pre-test and post-test. Chart 1. The chart of frequency range of vocabulary mastery result of pre-test and post-test.

Frequency Range of Pre-test and Post-test 35


number of students

30 25



17 Pretest



10 5

7 1






0 Very Good




very low


The chart above showed the effectiveness of using Text twist game to improve vocabulary mastery that was applied in experiment class. Very good category was reached by 17 students of post-test. On the contrary, there was only 1 student of pre-test who belonged to very good category. Another fact showed the strategy used by the researcher effective was that there was no student of post-test who belonged to low category. Chart 2. The chart of percentage range of Pre-test and Post-test vocabulary mastery.

Precentage Range of Pre-test and Posttest 77.5%

80.00% 70.00%



60.00% 50.00%




30.00% 20.00% 10.00%


17.5% 2.50%



0% 0%

0.00% Very Good




very low


This chart showed the frequency range of the result of pre-test and post-test vocabulary mastery. The mode of pre-test belonged to good category. And, the mode of post-test belonged to good category. There was 42.5% of post-test belonged to very good category. Meanwhile, there was only 2.5% of the pre-test belonged to very good category. B. Inferential Analysis 1. Prerequisite Analysis Test The object of the study is to know the effectiveness of using Text twist game to improve the vocabulary mastery. The researcher applied the statistical analysis. In this case, t-test is used to analyze the data. However, before applying the statistical analysis, the researcher applied prerequisite test analysis to test normality, and homogeneity. a. Test of Normality

The researcher using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Technique. A data is said normal if the value of p is higher tha 0.05 (Sugiyono, 2011: 46). The table below showed the result of computation done by SPSS. Table 7. The summary of normality test based on SPSS 16.0

Based on the computation above, it showed that both students’ pretest and post-test were higher than 0.05. They were 0.06 and 0.44 it means that the data was normal. b. Test of Homogeneity This test is to see whether the score of the sample was homogenous or not. The computation of test normality and test homogeneity were done manually, the print out is attended on the appendix.

F = 39.936 39.497 = 1.01 From the calculation, the value of F is 1.01. Then, it is compared with the value of F table with df of numerator and denominator (40-1=39). Based on the table on F table, it is known that at the F value on the significant level 0.05 is 1.01. Because F

obtained is lower than the value of F table (1.01 2.02. Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. It means that the use of text twist game in teaching vocabulary is effective to improve vocabulary mastery at eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013.”. The value of t-test is 5.39 After computing t-test separated variance, and after knowing that the hypothesis is accepted, the theory meets the fact in this case. Then, from the computation exist in the previous section; the researcher concluded that the use of text twist game in teaching vocabulary is effective to improve vocabulary mastery at eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013.


In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusion of the data analysis that has been discussed before. Besides, the researcher tries to give some suggestions related to the result of the data analysis that might be useful for the teacher and for the students. The objective of this study is to describe the

effectiveness of using Text twist game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013. A. Conclusion Using Text twist game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran in academic year 2012/2013 is effective. It can be seen from the result of t-value is 5.39. Then, the researcher consults the critical value on the t-table using the 5% (0.05) alpha level significance and the degree of freedom is 1.684. It shows that the t-value is higher than ttable (5.39>1.684). It means that the method used by the researcher is effective in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Sapuran. Therefore, the researcher’s hypothesis with 0.95 or 95% of significance level is accepted and consequently null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Another fact shows that the method used is effective. It is shown by the mean of post-test that is higher than the mean of pre-test. In the posttest, the mean is 78.25. On the contrary, the mean of pre-test is 70.7.


B. Suggestion In this final section, the researcher would like to present some suggestions. a. For the teacher The teacher should try a new method with interesting technique. Teaching vocabulary by using Text twist game is attractive and variously, so, it is able to improve student’s interest. It makes the students sharing with their friend, about their favorite things that can be implemented in their class. At least, the teacher can motivate the students to improve their vocabulary through some models of the Text twist game. b. For the student The students should pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. Therefore, they could catch the material given by the teacher, not only know about the new words, but also understand the meaning of some words. The student should also have high motivation to and practice what they have read and learn from their teacher everywhere and every time. The students are able to increase their skill in vocabulary mastery indirectly. By applying Text twist game in teaching learning activity, hopes it can dig the student’s interest in English because the method is more fun and enjoyable. Students will be more attracted in learning English without under pressure feeling and forced.

c. For other researchers

Other researchers are expected to do a similar research with a similar topic by using a wider scope and larger population. Therefore, the result will be more applicable in a tertiary level. The researcher hopes there will be some corrections and critics from the other researcher who read and investigate the same field to make it more perfect.


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Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston MA: Heinle/Thomson. Salen, Katie; Zimmerman, Eric (2003). Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT Press. Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta. -------------. 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.


Appendix I


Appendix II Instrument of the Research


Nama Sekolah

: SMA N 1 Sapuran

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester

: XI / 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi

: Memahami kosa kata dan maknanya dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk game

Kompetensi Dasar

: Memahami kosa kata dan maknanya dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk game dengan menggunakan Text Twist Game.


: Memahami kosa kata dan maknanya dalam bentuk teks esei berbentuk game.

Alokasi Waktu

: 2 X 45 menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran: Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat : menjawab pertanyaan berbentuk game dengan teliti dan benar. B. Materi Pembelajaran: 

Memberikan contoh bermain Text twist game.

Memberikan pengajaran dengan menggunakan Text twist game

C. Metode / Tehnik:  Modelling D. Langkah-langkah kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: a. Salam dan tegur sapa (greeting) b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa c. Memberikan contoh cara bermain Text twist game Kegiatan Inti: a. Siswa diminta untuk membuat kosakata baru dari huruf yang ada pada game text twist. b. Siswa diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan di depan kelas sebagai model Kegiatan Akhir: a. Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama kegiatan pembelajaran

b. Menugaskan siswa untuk berlatih di rumah E. Sumber Belajar:  Netbook (text twist game)

F. Penilaian:  Tehnik

: text twist game

 Bentuk

: read the text carefully and answer the question with carefully


Wonosobo , Mei 2013

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Suprapti, S.Pd

Isnanini hidayat


NIM. 092120157


Nama Sekolah

: SMA N 1 Sapuran

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester

: XI / 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi

: Memahami kosa kata dan maknanya dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk game

Kompetensi Dasar

: Memahami kosa kata dan maknanya dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk game dengan menggunakan Text Twist Game.


: Memahami kosa kata dan maknanya dalam bentuk teks esei berbentuk game.

Alokasi Waktu

: 2 X 45 menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran: Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat : menjawab pertanyaan berbentuk game dengan teliti dan benar. B. Materi Pembelajaran: 

Memberikan contoh bermain Text twist game.

Memberikan pengajaran dengan menggunakan Text twist game

C. Metode / Tehnik:  Modelling D. Langkah-langkah kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: a. Salam dan tegur sapa (greeting) b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa c. Memberikan pretest kepada siswa Kegiatan Inti: c. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan soal pretest Kegiatan Akhir: c. Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama kegiatan pembelajaran d. Menugaskan siswa untuk berlatih di rumah

E. Sumber Belajar:  Netbook (text twist game)

F. Penilaian: A. Benar x 1 B. Benar x 3 C. Benar x 3


Wonosobo , Mei 2013

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Suprapti, S.Pd

Isnanini hidayat


NIM. 092120157

PRE-TEST A. Choose the correct answer! 1. Back a. To do something b. The part behind the front c. To damage severely, to destroy d. To give up using or having e. A container, usually made of glass, to hold liquid 2. Advise a. To try to hear b. To help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision c. To warn of a fault, lightly scold d. To give reasons for; to make clear e. To try to do as well as, or better than, another or others 3. Again a. A cloth cover used to keep warm b. The hard material in the body c. To say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored d. To cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc. e. Another time; as before 4. Age a. To divide or injure with a sharp tool; to make less b. The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage c. To work as an official; to be employed by the government d. A picture of the earth’s surface or part of it e. How old a person or thing is 5. Admit a. To sit, lie down or sleep to regain strength b. To accept; to express one’s guilt or responsibility c. Of a different or unusual kind; not for general use d. A plant that lasts for several years; Lasting a very long time, enduring e. An area of open land, usually used to grow crops or to raise animals 6. Any

a. One or more of no special kind b. A long-established belief or activity of a people c. From higher to lower; in a low place d. To return to good health; to cure e. A situation in which a choice between opposing modes of conduct is necessary

7. Announce a. To mix up in a confused or bungling manner b. Different as possible; completely different from c. A strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used a drug d. To make know publicly; to declare officially e. The science of changing the genes of a living organism 8. Across a. At the end; last b. A structure built over a waterway, valley or road so people and vehicle can cross from one side to the other c. A building in which people live; a country’s parliament or lawmaking group d. From side to side; to the other side e. The side of the road 9. Ask a. To guard or fight against attack; to protect b. Any business the produces goods or provides services; c. To question; to say something is wanted d. A device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from airplane or helicopter to ground e. Being without restraint 10. Amount a. The number, size or weight of anything b. To have life; to exist c. Having a thin edge or small point that can cut or hurt; causing hurt or paint d. To drive something e. To make a hole or gap in, to break through

B. Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. Family

a. An animal, usu. domesticated or tamed, kept in one's home for companionship rather than practical use.

2. pup

b. To desire; wish for:

3. sorry

c. To allow; permit:

4. ask

d. Allowing entry or access; not shut, enclosed, or fastened.

5. island

e. A dog that is not fully grown; puppy.

6. poor

f. To put a question to:

7. cub

g. Feeling regret, pity, sympathy, or the like:

8. open

h. A body of land smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water.

9. want

i. without money, possessions, or other means of livelihood.

10. pet

j. To gain; obtain; acquire.

11. eight

k. A group consisting of parents and their children.

12. seven

l. The number represented by the Arabic numeral 8 and by the Roman numeral VIII.

13. let

m. Past tense and past participle of meet1.

14. get

n. To indicate; show:

15. met

o. The number represented by the Arabic numeral 7 and by the Roman numeral VII.

C. Match the vocabulary words on the left with the antonym on the right. 1. Young

a. Back

2. High

b. Close

3. Front 4. Long

c. Down d. Enjoy

5. Strong

e. Good

6. Cold

f. Happy

7. Sick

g. Health

8. Big

h. Hot

9. Sad

i. Lose

10. Bad

j. Low

11. Won

k. Old

12. Boring

l. Short

13. Clever

m. Small

14. Up

n. Stupid

15. Open

o. Weak


Good luck -

Key answer A.

B. 1.


C. 1.




2. B

2. E

2. J

3. E

3. I

3. A

4. E

4. F

4. L

5. B

5. G

5. O

6. A

6. H

6. H

7. D

7. N

7. G

8. D

8. D

8. M

9. C

9. B

9. F

10. A

10. A

10. E

11. L

11. I

12. O

12. D

13. C

13. N

14. J

14. C

15. M

15. B

Appendix V Table


The result of Pre-test and Post-test Name Pre-test



sample 1




sample 2




sample 3




sample 4




sample 5




sample 6




sample 7




sample 8




sample 9




sample 10




sample 11




sample 12




sample 13




sample 14




sample 15




sample 16




sample 17




sample 18




sample 19




sample 20




sample 21




sample 22




sample 23




sample 24




sample 25




sample 26




sample 27




sample 28




sample 29




sample 30




sample 31




sample 32




sample 33




sample 34




sample 35




sample 36




sample 37




sample 38




sample 39




sample 40