The Lightworkers Guide To The Pendulum [PDF]

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Lightworker’s Guide to the Pendulum By Nicole Guillaume

Copyright © 2013 by Nicole Guillaume
 Revised © 2016 Produced, published and distributed in the United States by: Guiding Echoes: All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews without prior written permission of the publisher. If you would like to use material from the book for something other than articles or review purposes, prior written permission must be obtained by the publisher at [email protected]. The author does not encourage readers of this book to use any treatment for physical or medical problems in place of, or without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. All information provided here is offered to help you with your general sense of emotional and spiritual well being. If you choose to use any information in this book for yourself or those you know or don't know, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

4th edition August 2016

Also by Nicole Guillaume Books No Bones About It: True Stories of Pet Professionals Audio Recordings Love Yourself And Release Negativity (Guided Meditation)
 Healing With Angels (audio book) Chakra Balancing With Angels (Guided Meditation) Meet Your Guardian Angel (Guided Meditation) Heal Your Broken Heart (Guided Meditation) Ask Your Angels For Help (Guided Meditation) Heal Your Money Karma (Guided Meditation) Card Decks: Healing for the Broken Heart Guidance Cards

To You: This book is dedicated to those curious, sensitive souls who long to live a life of meaning and purpose. To those souls who intuitively know that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. To you, I tip my hat, and congratulate you for having the courage to walk against the grain, to step out in faith, and to follow the calling of your heart. This book is to all of those black sheep who long to connect with the Divine on their own terms. This book is dedicated to you.

"I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” Albert Einstein

TABLE OF CONTENTS Authors' Preface: My Introduction To The Pendulum Chapter 1: What is a Pendulum? Chapter 2: Choosing a Pendulum Chapter 3: Cleansing and Dedicating Your Pendulum Chapter 4: Decoding Your Pendulum Chapter 5: Communicating With Spirituality Chapter 6: Beyond Yes and No Chapter 7: Healing Chapter 8: When Your Pendulum Lies Chapter 9: Dowsing For Other People Conclusion Crystal Appendix

Authors' Preface: My Introduction To The Pendulum The first time I saw a pendulum in use, I was in a Reiki 1 workshop. I was a student and felt intimidated by the wonderful, highly gifted group of intuitive and sensitive souls around me. During our break, one of the girls took a pendulum off her wrist, (it had been created so that she could wear it as a bracelet), and began asking it questions. It spun and moved in different ways, almost as if it was talking in code. I was intrigued. “How does that work?” I asked. She went on to explain in some technical terms that I didn't, and still don't, understand and then showed me how every person's yes or no may be different. She held up her pendulum and said “Show me yes.” The pendulum moved in a circle. Then she said “Show me no” and it moved back and fourth. A few others in the class had their own pendulums and were amazed at how quickly hers had responded. I was excited and fascinated by this awesome little tool, and made no effort to hide my excitement when I asked “Can I try?!” She smiled and handed the pendulum to me. I said “Show me yes”, and it moved in a circle. I then said, “Show me no” and it moved back and forth, just like it did with her. From the moment I saw it I was hooked, and after my Reiki 1 attunement, all I could think about was how I needed to get a pendulum. I think this is what it must feel like for a drug addict who's waiting for their next fix. I had a friend who was both an intuitive and a jewelry designer. She had created some of the most beautiful handmade jewelry that I had ever seen. I also knew that she was keen when it came to detecting the energy of different stones. I wanted my first pendulum to be special. I didn't want something that had been mass manufactured or created only for the sake of profit. So, I asked my friend to make one for me, and she happily agreed to my request. It only took about a week for her to create and send my pendulum to me, but it felt like months. I checked the mailbox every day and couldn't wait for it to come in. Then one day, I finally received a small package in the mail. In it lay my very first pendulum. She was beautiful and I was so excited to have her. She was on a black chain and was adorned with 9 different stones. This first pendulum was my gateway drug. One just wasn't enough and so I added another to my collection, which was also designed my friend (whom I affectionately referred to as 'The Stone

Architect' because she's so good with them). At the time, I was new to pendulums and devoured any information I could get on how to work with them. Some of the knowledge I received came from books, friends and websites, but some of it was intuitive too. A lot of books on the market can be confusing, and as with any subject, the information is sometimes jumbled and conflicted as well. This ebook will teach you the basics to get you started.

Chapter 1

What is a Pendulum? When you think of a pendulum, your mind probably envisions a beautiful gold or silver chain with a smooth, pointed crystal dangling from the end. While this is the most common type found in spiritual stores, it's not the only type of pendulum available. A pendulum can be anything that hangs on a chain or piece of string. You can even attach a piece of yarn to an empty toilet paper roll and that could work as a pendulum. As an experiment, I've even held a full bag of trash by the draw strings to see if I could get it to sway the same way my pendulums do, and not only did it work, but the answers were accurate. Who would have known that a bag full of trash could confirm my favorite color and the year of my car? Now, if you're like most people, you probably don't want to walk around with a bag of trash or an empty toilet paper roll for the purpose of divination (and if you do, you should probably seek professional help which is beyond the scope of this book). Not only is it impractical, but it's not very pleasing to the eye. So, if you want a pendulum but can't afford one, you can always opt to make one yourself. Something small and inconspicuous like thread on a bottle-cap can work easily. It's small, compact, fits into your pocket and won't attract suspicious stares from mall cops, as it would if you were to use the actual bottle and not just the cap. The only issue with using items like thread, bottle caps, buttons and things of that nature is that you will have to throw them away after a few uses because their answers will eventually become totally unreliable. See, pendulums absorb a lot of energy, and that is why most are made with stones. When designed the right way, these pendulums can be self-cleansing. And even if they aren't, you can still cleanse them in a number of ways. Stones are also great healers of the earth. They are constantly taking in negative energy and transmuting it into positive energy. This makes them the ideal conduits for pendulums and energy work. Pendulums range in price from $10 and up. To this day, I have never purchased a generic pendulum (though there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing so) and all of my pendulums have been made specifically for me. If you can afford it, I highly recommend going with an energy worker who has a clear understanding of crystals, gems and pendulums. Whenever you have a knowledgeable person creating this type of tool for you, then you can rest assured that the energy between you and your stones will be a perfect match.

Chapter 2

Choosing a Pendulum Choosing a pendulum is almost as controversial as the age old question of which came first, the chicken of the egg. Well, not really, but many pendulum pros have their own views (and superstitions) about how to choose the right pendulum. They'll tell you that you must always test a pendulum in your left hand, or to hold it over your stomach to see if it causes you any pain. Personally, I've never had a pendulum cause me any pain . . . except for that one time when I accidentally hit myself in the eye with it. But besides that, I've never had any discomfort, dizziness, nausea or whatever associated with just holding a pendulum. If I did, this would simply tell me that the last person who handled it may not have had good intentions and that the pendulum needed a good, old fashioned sea salt cleansing. (We will discuss cleansing in the next chapter.) Some will insist that you must make your own pendulum so that your energy can merge with it. The truth is, your energy will merge with any item so long as you make it your intention to do so. Personally, I've never created a pendulum for three reasons. 1. I don't want to. 2. I don't want to. 3. Did I mention that I don't want to? In all honesty, I don't have the time or interest in creating my own pendulum (not sure that I made that last point clear). But if you do, then go for it! Purchase some chains, cords, crystals and any items that appeal to you and get to work. Allow your creativity to take over. You might even find that you enjoy it so much that you'll want to create some to sell or to give to your friends as gifts. The benefit of creating your own pendulum is that you can design it to be the right weight and the right elements needed to help you with the type of dowsing that you will need your pendulum for. For example, Brecciated Jasper is an excellent choice of stone to have in your pendulum if you want to enhance your communication and healing skills in the animal world and Kambaba Jasper will help to answer your questions regarding the akashic records. Every stone and every metal has its own gift and skill that it brings into the world. Of course, you can still purchase a pendulum that has the exact metals that you need. (Be sure to see the Crystal Appendix at the end of this book to see a list of the most common stones

used for pendulums, and what areas they are most helpful in.) If you're like me and you would prefer to purchase your pendulum, then all you need to do is know what you want to use it for and go with your intuition. You will find that you are naturally attracted to different sizes, shapes, colors and stones. Perhaps you prefer a shorter cord, or maybe you prefer a longer one. Maybe you want something with a simple cord or maybe you want something with more decoration and pizazz to it. Whatever you want is just fine, because choosing a pendulum is a personal choice. I do think that you should have some type of connection to it, right when you see it or feel it. As with Harry Potter, the wizard doesn't choose the pendulum. The pendulum chooses the wizard . . . or dowser. Not to be confused with downer. You can purchase a pendulum online or in person. If you purchase them online, again, make sure you get a good feel for it. When you see your pendulum (or rather, when your pendulum sees you), you will get a feel for its energy and you'll know that you just have to have it! Kind of like how a menopausal woman knows she just has to have chocolate. And ice cubes. If you're unsure about your decision to purchase a pendulum online, you can use another divination tool – such as tarot cards, candle flame, dice, another pendulum or even visualization to confirm whether or not this is a good fit for you. Of course, you can always hire a jewelry maker who specializes in gems and energy to create the perfect pendulum for you too. In person, you can choose a pendulum in much the same way, only you can take it a step further by actually working with it. Choose the pendulum that you are drawn to, hold it in the hand of your choice (I like to hold it in my right hand because I'm a rebel) and ask it to show you yes, no and maybe. (More on this in Chapter 4) Take note of how quickly it responds to you and your touch. Is it fast? Is it sluggish? Once you ask it to show you yes, no and maybe, you can then test it's accuracy by asking simple questions that you already know the answers to. You may feel like you have an instant bond with it, or you may not be too sure about it. If you're not too sure, put it back and think about it before you make your purchase. You can also flat out ask the pendulum questions like: • • • •

Should I purchase you? Do you want to come home with me? Are you a good fit for me? Do you want to work with me?

If the pendulum answers no to any of these questions, simply thank it for it's time and put it back. Also, please don't be offended if this happens. It doesn't mean that the pendulum doesn't like you. It only means that the pendulum was intended for someone else.

Chapter 3

Cleansing and Dedicating Your Pendulum Yes, yes, yes . . . I know you're eager to get to work with your pendulum but hold your horses kiddo! There are two very important steps we need to take before you can play with your new toy. Before you use your pendulum for the first time, you will need to cleanse and dedicate it. You can do both at the same time by making a ritual out of it, or you can do them separately. Whatever works best for you is fine. First, let's start with the importance of cleansing. Knowing how to cleanse your pendulums is extremely important, because as mentioned in the first chapter, pendulums soak up A LOT of energy. Whenever you ask your pendulum a question, you are transmitting your ideas, thoughts and feelings about that question into your pendulum. After a while, your pendulum will become stagnant and will need a good, thorough cleaning. And no, I'm not talking a shower or bubble bath. • Sunlight / Moonlight – This is the easiest way to cleanse your pendulums and it won't cost you a dime. All you have to do is lay your pendulum out in an area where it can soak up energy from the sun or moon. The window sill works fine, but outside is best. Disclaimer: Some stones, such as amethysts, will actually fade in the sunlight, so it's a good idea to do some research to see which light (sun or moon) would be best for your stone. Once you know how to program your pendulum (you'll learn this in Chapter 4), you can also ask your pendulum which method of cleansing it prefers. • Sea Salt – This stuff is both cheap and powerful and before you ask: No, you cannot substitute table salt. To cleanse your pendulum, put it in a glass container (the glass should be clear without any writings or pictures on it), a ceramic bowl or even a small cardboard box. Do not use plastic. Place your pendulum in the container and cover it with sea salt. Leave it in there for 8 hours or more. To give it an extra boost of cleansing, place it in the sunlight. It usually takes only an hour or two to cleanse when using the combination of sun and salt. Once you pendulum is clean, toss out the salt. You never want to use the same salt twice. • Sage – I am not a fan of sage, (the scent gives me headaches), but there is no denying that it gets the job done. Using sage on your pendulum is the fastest way to cleanse it and if any mischievous or darker energies have attached itself to your pendulum, saging is the best way to get rid of them. To sage your pendulum, place your lit sage in a fire proof bowl. As the smoke rises, place your pendulum in the path of the smoke stream. Your pendulum will begin to dance and spin in the way a child joyfully plays in the sprinklers on a hot, summer day. You will know when your pendulum is clear because it will stop dancing and spinning in the smoke. You may be tempted to pull your pendulum away from the smoke once it begins to slow it's movements, but don't. Often times, pendulums will slow down a bit only to pick up speed again later. Allow your pendulum to

stop fully on it's own and don't interrupt the process. Cleaning your pendulum this way usually takes 1-5 minutes. • Reiki – If you're a Reiki practitioner, or if you use other forms of hands-on healing, then this can be a good way to clear your pendulum in-between uses. Simply place your hands on your pendulum with the intent of bringing cleansing light into it. There are some instances when this may not work so well, but after light usages, this method can be quite effective. • Pyramids – Now, I have never tried this method, but I've heard it is very effective. Place your pendulum in or under a pyramid and leave it in there for 3 hours or longer. Now that your pendulum is clean, you are ready to dedicate it to the light. There are so many different ways to do this, and I believe that allowing your intuition to guide you is the best way to do it. Your dedication should be special, as it signifies a special bond between you, your pendulum and the energies you will be working with. Though I'm not sold on any one way of dedicating a pendulum, I will show you how I dedicate my pendulums, just to give you some ideas and inspiration on how to go about it. Whenever I receive a new pendulum, I set up a little altar (I don't have a permanent one) and place different things on it that are important to me, and that hold spiritual significance to me. I have a magic lamp, some affirmation cards, a couple of stones and necklaces and a white candle that I place on the altar. I hold the candle in my hands and infuse it with positive energy and prayers. I then ask for all the angels and guides of light to be with me during this sacred time. I put the candle down, light it and then pick up the pendulum. I close my eyes and hold the pendulum towards my heart, so that I can become in-tune with its energy. I then say whatever prayer comes to mind, and in every dedication I make it clear that ONLY beings of the light are allowed to work with this pendulum, and I make this clear by declaring out loud, “I dedicate this pendulum to the light for use only of the light” three times. At this time, you may wish to set the intention of the pendulum. If you will be using it for divination, claim that. If you will be using it for energy healing, let that be known. Setting the intention allows your pendulum to fully commit and focus on the task you need it to do. And don't worry; pendulums and stones are always happy to help you with any type of life affirming task you would like. They are extremely enthusiastic helpers and love to work with humans and animals. If you do not know what you want to use your pendulum for, then don't worry about setting the intention. You can do that later. For now, you'll at least want to cleanse it, dedicate it and then get a feel for it, to see what type of partnership would be best for the two of you. Once I have set the intention and declared its use of and for the light, I place the pendulum over the flame of the candle and into the rising smoke. The pendulum dances and rejoices as it soaks up the prayers and positive energies that have been infused into that candle. Once the pendulum stops moving, the dedication is complete. I thank all of the energies and guides who were there to aid me in the dedication and blow out the candle (though you may prefer to allow it to burn itself out).

Instead of using a candle, you could use a bundle of sage. This will allow you to dedicate and cleanse the pendulum at the same time. Your dedication doesn't have to be nearly as involved in this one. In fact, you can simply place the pendulum by your heart, state its intention and declare its use for the light and BAM! You're done. The most important part of this dedication is saying out loud that this will be for use of the light and only by the light. So long as you make that intent and declaration clear, you are good to go.

Chapter 4

Decoding Your Pendulum Before you can begin to communicate with your higher self, God, angels, guides and what have you, you first need to decode your pendulum. You need to know what each swing or circle means. Generally, there are four ways a pendulum moves. • • • •

Forward and Back Side to Side Clockwise Counter Clockwise

So, here's where the fun starts. Take your pendulum in your dominant hand (the one you write with), and say, “Show me yes.” Take special note of the direction that your pendulum moves in, because that is your “yes.” Now, say to your pendulum, “Show me no.” However it moves is your code for no. Go back and fourth plenty of times with this to really get a sense of what your “yes” and “no” look like. This is called programming your pendulum. Remember, that your “yes” or “no” may be different from someone else's. My yes is a side to side swing, and no is a clockwise circle. Your yes could be a counter clockwise circle and your no could be a side to side swing. Again, it's different for everyone. The next thing you'll want to program is an indifferent answer, one that isn't a clear yes or no. This can be a “maybe,” “I can't answer that,” or “I don't know.” So, take your pendulum and say, “show me maybe or I don't know.” Your pendulum will move in a way that will indicate that answer for you. Now, you are left with one more swing, and that swing can mean many things. For example, my pendulum sometimes moves counter clockwise which does not have an assigned meaning. It doesn't mean yes, no or I don't know. In fact, it usually does this when it wants to communicate an important message to me that is outside the scope of yes or no. One day, I was looking for my pedometer. I couldn't find that sucker anywhere. I picked up my pendulum, brought it into each room and asked, “Is my pedometer in here?” When I went into my bedroom, I asked that same question and got a weird response. It began to turn counter clockwise. Something in me said to check the closet, which was on the other side of the wall that I was facing. So I did, and that's where I found my pedometer. Another time I received the counter clockwise spin was when I was trying to pick out the right

affirmation card from the “I Can Do It” deck from Louise L. Hay. These are wonderful little cards that help you to direct your thoughts toward things that are positive and life-affirming. They are double sided so they have affirmations on both sides of the cards. I dealt some cards out and said to my pendulum, “Please swing yes over the affirmation that is right for me today.” I swung my pendulum over many cards and it gave me a “no.” Then, when I got to one of them, it swung counter clockwise. I was frustrated as I couldn't figure out what it was trying to tell me. Finally, I flipped the card over and the pendulum began to swing YES! And sure enough, the affirmation that the pendulum picked out for me was perfect for that day. Pendulums and the beings that run them are highly intelligent; they will know how to use the pendulum to get your attention. So, now that you have decoded your pendulum, let's put it to work. On a sheet of paper, make a list of 10- 20 statements or questions that you already know the answer to and make a note of how many it got correct and how many were wrong. Here are a few pre-written questions to get you started. • • • • • • • •

My car is yellow. My car is red. My car is black. My car is blue. My favorite drink is diet cola. I have 3 brothers. I am a werewolf. (If it says yes to this one, there might be a problem.) My child's name is Wendy.

Alright, how did you do? If you got 90-100% right, that is outstanding! Your pendulum is in tune with you and you are ready to move on. If you got 70-80% right, that's still good, but that number could use a little work. You may need to work on your decoding again, or simply carry your pendulum with you throughout the day (carrying it in your pocket is fine) so that it can become better attuned to you. If you got less than 70% right, then your pendulum may need some clearing. So, give it a proper moon, sun, sage or salt bath and try again the next day. If you still get a lot of incorrect answers, then ask the pendulum if it is being run by a light being. If it says no, then you need clean it again and ask your angels and guides to get rid of the energy that is playing with your pendulum. If it says yes, ask to connect to an angel (a being of the highest light) and run through the questions again. Once your guardian angel is running your pendulum, you should find that your accuracy will shoot up close to 100%.

Chapter 5

Communicating with Spirit I remember when I first began contacting spirits with my pendulum. I was a little nervous, as my religious upbringing taught me that we should NEVER contact spirits. But isn't praying to Jesus or God a form of contacting spirits? I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to do what I was doing. I felt like a child who was about to get away with doing something very naughty, like eating a tub of cookies without getting caught. Of course, after eating a tub of cookies, you may not get caught, but you would probably feel sick after eating so much sugar. I wondered what type of repercussions there might be if I indulged in some innocent dowsing with my pendulum. I was also nervous about opening doors that would allow bad spirits to cross over and mess with me. I told one of my friends about this concern, and she assured me that pendulums do not open doors or portals. All they do is allow you to make contact with whatever is already there. So, in case you are wondering (as I was), using a pendulum will not open portals like Ouija boards and certain rituals do. They only allow you to communicate with what is already here and yes, sometimes that includes bad spirits. That is why it's so important to dedicate your pendulum to the light before working with it. Have I stressed that last point enough? There are many beings who can communicate with you through the use of your pendulum. Ghosts, angels, ascended masters, gods and goddesses and even the higher self of you or your friends who are living can come through. Whoever you work with does influence the accuracy of your answers. Let's say that my dear old Grandmother who has passed on is working with me through my pendulum. I may ask her “Is my neighbor's name Fred?” My grandma has limited access to information that does not pertain to me, our family or her mission as a guide so she may answer with “I don't know” or she'll try to guess and give the wrong answer. However, an angel, ascended master or being of the highest light has access to the infinite mind where all things are known, so if you were to ask the same question to one of these guides, they will most likely get the answer right. I should clarify that all beings have access to the infinite mind, including us. It is where all knowledge and consciousness is stored. We are all a part of this mind and we all have access to it, but some of us don't know how to use the key to get in. The same can be true of guides who have passed on. They are still the same people we knew them to be on earth, and they may not have discovered how to tap into this unlimited consciousness or they only know how to tap into parts of it. Personally, I do a lot of pendulum work with angels. I do have an ascended master (Oshun) come

through to work with me from time to time. But as it stands, I mostly work with angels and my personal spirit guides. I feel safe with them and have grown to love their charming personalities. I communicate with them more easily. I've never given a spirit who has passed on (in other words, a ghost) permission to work with my pendulum, as I haven't had a need to do so. But in the future, depending on the need, I could very well ask a specific spirit to come through, and you can do the same thing. How To Keep Dark Energies From Working Your Pendulum One thing that I learned from the book Pendulums and the Light: Communication With The Goddess by Diane Stein is to always confirm who is working with your pendulum before you begin your session. The two questions she poses in the book that I use in my own practice are these: Are you absolutely energetically clear? Is a being of the (highest) light working this pendulum? If the answer to either of these are no, then do not proceed. Cleanse your pendulum in the way that is appropriate and try again later. If the answer to the second question is “no,” ask the angels to remove the spirit from you and take it to wherever it needs to be. Ask that if it is evil, it be destroyed. I have found that asking Arch Angel Michael to bounce those gnarly spirits is extremely effective, but you can use whatever guides, angels or masters that you already have a connection with. I remember the first time my pendulum said “no” to the second question. I kind of freaked out. I didn't feel as if there was anything malicious or evil near me, and I briefly saw an image of a girl who was in a nightgown and covered in sores. This was a spirit who was seeking help or answers, and somehow she made her way to me. I stopped working with the pendulum and asked the angels to get her the help that she needed. In my mind's eye, I saw her being led away by two loving angels. After that, she hasn't returned. I remember thinking, “What in the world allowed her to use my pendulum?” and in hindsight, I can see a few things that I did wrong. I remember reading that you should never, ever attempt energy work when you are tired or not feeling well. This decrease in energy can allow other spirits to sneak right past you and before you know it, you're getting weird answers from pendulums, tarot readings that don't make sense, funky dreams and so on. When your energy level is higher, you are much more aware of what is coming through to you. When it's lower, you're less aware and lower energies can make their way through. Well, when this girl came through, I had been working with the pendulum when I was extremely tired. On top of that, we had a crazy, humid summer storm that had loads of electric static in the air. Storms have a way of throwing energy around in a way that is totally crazy, so I'm positive that the mixture of my being tired and the storm was what allowed this girl to contact me. Although I will never let my guard down like that again, I was glad that this incident had happened. I was fortunate that a bad/dark spirit hadn't come through, and that this girl, whoever she was, was able to get the loving assistance she

needed from the angels who could help her. It was a very valuable lesson and reminder to me to never use the pendulum when I'm tired or don't feel well. To prevent unwanted spirits from coming through, you can also cast a circle or surround yourself with sea salt. Sea salt is my method of choice when it comes to protecting myself and my household from unwanted entities. Simply pour some salt into your hands, visualize light pouring into it, and say whatever prayer you are guided to say that will infuse it with the power it needs to protect you from unwanted spirits. You could say something like “Holy of most Holies, please bless and infuse this salt with light and power to protect me and this household from unwanted spirits.” Whatever you choose to say, make it yours and remember that the intent is what is most important. You may also wish to sage the room before you begin your practice. Anything dark will not want to cross into an area that has been recently saged.

Contacting the Deceased If you wish to commune with those who have passed on, all you have to do is hold the pendulum in your hand and focus on who it is you would like to contact. Hold the picture of that person in your mind's eye, and once they have connected, you will see that your pendulum will move to “yes”. When it does ask, “Is (insert name) running this pendulum?” It should say yes, but if it says no, simply inform the spirit that it's got the wrong number, ask the angels to take it to where it needs to go, and try again. Working with pendulums can be tricky for spirits who have never worked with one before, so you may notice that it moves at a different pace than it would when your higher self or being of light contacts it. Now, one thing I cannot stress enough is that you need to be well protected when contacting deceased spirits. Other spirits, such as tricksters, or those who are stuck here and really want to get their message across, can come through. They will pose as the person you are trying to contact and will give you some very bizarre answers. So, for an extra precaution, ask your angels to be on guard and to allow through only the person you want to make contact with. As mentioned previously, you may even want to sage the room or protect yourself by laying sea salt in the corners of the room before you start. This will serve as insurance that only the person you want to contact will come through. Contacting Angels, Ascended Masters and Beings of the Highest Light Contacting beings of the Highest Light is just as easy as contacting someone who has passed on. I have found that for most people, their guardian angels are the ones running the pendulum anyway, so long as they have asked a being of the Highest Light to work with them.

It's fun to ask your angels questions about themselves. You can ask if they are male or female, what color hair or eyes they have, and so on. To contact a specific angel, ascended master, god or goddess, simply hold that intent in your mind, and when you feel their presence, ask the pendulum, “Is (insert name) running this pendulum?” Usually the answer is yes, but sometimes it is no. If it is no, you can ask if that angel, ascended master or whomever you wish to speak to is present. Sometimes, a guide or angel will run your pendulum even if the spirit you requested is there. You may feel a slight change in pressure or notice a difference in the way your pendulum is behaving. This is sometimes because the pendulum has switched hands. The angel who was originally working with it passed it on to another being of light. If you have any pictures or symbols related to the angel, ascended master, god or goddess that you would like to contact, holding that item in your hand, or placing it in front of you, can help you tune into the frequency of that archetype a bit better and will encourage them to make contact with you through your pendulum.

Chapter 6

Beyond Yes and No So let's be honest about these yes or no questions. They can be frustrating!!! If I have several different options to choose from, and I'm asking my pendulum which one is best for me, it would take forever to ask for each yes or no individually. Let's say I'm about to bring a dessert to my great aunt Matilda's birthday party. It might take a long time to ask: Should I bring fudge? Should I bring a cake? Should I bring cookies? Should I bring homemade candy? Should I bring mousse or pudding? And even if it were to say yes to one of these, I would have a ton of different options. Once it told me that yes, I should bring the cake then I would have to ask: Should I bring a white cake? Should I bring a strawberry cake? Should I bring a German chocolate cake? Should I bring a regular chocolate cake? Should I bring an ice cream cake? Should I bring a.....oh hells bells this is ridiculous! I'm going to buy whatever cake is on sale at the bakery and bring that!!! Now I'm sure you have better things to worry about than what type of dessert to bring to the next family party (and if that's your biggest concern in life right now, allow me to congratulate you on how awesome your life must be), but when it comes to deciphering big choices with lots of options, you may want a better way to ask your pendulum which choice would be the best one for you. Using Lists Lists are one of my favorite things to work with. They are easy to make, easy to read and easy for your pendulum to maneuver through. I remember when I first got my pendulum and I was new to the art of dowsing. I was tired of yes or no answers and thought “Hey, I'll write out a list of options to see which options my guides believe are best for me!” I was so proud of myself, thinking that I came up with this awesome idea that no one else had thought of yet.

Pffffth!!! Boy was I wrong! I've since seen this technique posted on websites, blogs and in other books. Guess I'm a little more tapped into the Universal Mind than I thought! How do you use lists? To start, look at something that is near you. Notice the color of it. Now, take a piece of paper and write out a list of colors. If the color of the object that you're looking at is on the list below, then feel free to use this list. Your list should look something like this: • • • • • • • • • •

Red Green Yellow Blue Black White Silver Gold Purple Orange

Now ask your pendulum, “What color is the (insert name of object)?” Swing the pendulum over each answer and notice it's movements. You should notice that it either swings “no” or doesn't swing at all over the wrong colors. Once you get to the color (or colors) of the object, it will swing “yes,” or it may even circle or underline it. You can also make a list with different answers on it, similar to 8 ball answers such as: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Signs point to yes. Yes. Reply hazy, try again. Without a doubt. My sources say no. As I see it, yes. You may rely on it. Concentrate and ask again. Outlook not so good. It is decidedly so. Better not tell you now. Very doubtful. Yes - definitely. It is certain. Cannot predict now. Most likely. Ask again later.

• My reply is no. • Outlook good. • Don't count on it. Of course, if you're going to go through the trouble of mimicking 8 ball answers, you may as well get an 8 ball. They can be just as useful and accurate as a pendulum . . . but don't tell the pendulum I said so. You can also use the phone book as a list too. Maybe you're looking for the most reliable real estate agent in your area, or you're in the mood to try a new restaurant. You can use your pendulum to find the one that meets your needs. When asking questions about a new business, I ask things such as: • Are their prices within my range? • Is this company reputable? • Are they trustworthy? And if it's a restaurant: • Is their food safe? There are no right or wrong questions to ask your pendulum, so ask away. However, remember to be as detailed as possible. You may end up getting the wrong answer because you failed to ask the right question. Using Charts Charts are also very helpful in pendulum work. The simplest chart that's easily available is a calendar. Let's say you're wondering which day of Comic Con will be the least crowded (yeah, that's right . . . I said Comic Con. Don't judge). You can take your calendar, open it up to the correct dates and ask your question: “Which day at Comic Con will be the least crowded?” Hold your pendulum over the dates and see which date the pendulum chooses. You may notice that your pendulum responds differently to charts than it does to lists. My pendulum swings side to side to give me a YES answer on lists, but will circle dates on a calendar as a way of saying YES. (Typically, circles mean no or something other than yes for me.) Yet, it uses its regular side to side swing on different types of charts. Pendulums work well with divination charts and astrology charts. In fact, you can visit http:// for some free charts to print up. They even have some blank ones so that you can create your own. Finding Things Pendulums can be useful in finding objects, people, pets or anything that is lost. Sometimes, when I see a picture of a missing person on a website, I'll hold my non-dominant hand toward the picture and hold my pendulum in the other hand. I will ask whether that person is still alive or dead, if he or she was abducted, if he or she will return home safely, and things of that nature. I do the same thing with missing pets. I would say that nine times out of ten, the answers that I get from the pendulum are

correct. You can use this same method to find missing people or items. If you don't have a picture of what you are looking for, then you can close your eyes, and focus on who or what is missing until you see it crystal clear in your mind. Once you are able to hold that image, open your eyes and begin to ask the pendulum questions about its whereabouts. Now, this part is very important. If we are emotionally attached to what we are looking for, our own vibration can sabotage the answers we are receiving from the pendulum. We may unconsciously influence it to give us the answers we want to hear, or the answers we expect, instead of what is actually true. So, when asking questions about missing people or objects, be sure to do so with a calm mind. If you have a map, you can use it to find the area (though it may not be exact) of where your missing item or person is. For example, you may be able to see that you lost your wallet in a certain city, but you may not be able to pinpoint which store you lost it in. If you are able to pin point the store, you may not be able to locate the precise room or department. This is not a foolproof way of finding people, so I don't suggest that you run to your nearest sheriff's office and volunteer to find missing people with the use of a map and a pendulum. However, you may be able to come up with leads that can help you or your friends to find what you are looking for. On a lesser scale, if you are someone who is constantly losing her keys in your own home (like moi), then you can easily take your pendulum into each room and ask if they are in there. You can also make a map of your home and use that too. I'm strangely attached to my keys in a weird emotional way (I get so frustrated when I can't find them!) so I often sabotage my own efforts to find them with a pendulum. However, I've been able to find just about everything else, and so will you.

Chapter 7

Healing the Body and Balancing Chakras The more I talk about pendulums, the more excited I get. These little tools (along with their helping guides and our clear intentions) can do so much, and healing is just one more service they offer. Reiki masters, massage therapists, and practitioners of other types of alternative healing are often aware of the healing power of stones. And since most pendulums are made with a series of stones, this makes them extraordinary little helpers when it comes to healing. Before attempting any of the methods below, please be sure that your pendulum is completely clear. Otherwise it won't be able to do its job properly. Clearing Chakras There are lots of ways to clear and balance chakras. These include massages, meditation, sound frequency (acutonics) and more. But so far, my favorite method of healing, clearing, and balancing chakras is through the use of my pendulums. There are a variety of ways to do this and all of them are very simple. Using a Chart Using a chart is awesome, and it can be used for yourself or someone you know. Simply set the intention that the chart represents you, your friend, relative or whoever. State clearly, “This chart represents .” Hold a picture of that person in your mind's eye and when you feel the connection has been made, you are ready to go to work. Place your pendulum over each chakra on the chart and ask, “Does this chakra need healing or balancing work?” The pendulum will say either yes or no. If it says no, move on to the next chakra. If it says yes, ask the pendulum to balance it and allow it to do its work. As with the candle or sage smoke, the pendulum will move around in circles and will swing back and forth until the job is done. The nice thing about this method is that your friend doesn't have to be present, so it's great for distance healing/ balancing. Remember, if the pendulum begins to slow down, don't stop it, as it may pick up speed again later. Allow the pendulum to stop on its own before moving to the next chakra. You can use the chakra chart on the next page for this exercise.

Chakra Chart

Using Your Hand So you've misplaced this book (shame on you) and can't find a chakra map. You want to balance your chakras, but what can you do? Well fortunately, the power to balance your chakras lies in your own hands. Open your hand with your palm facing the ceiling and place the pendulum over it. Visualize a ball in your hand that is the color of the chakra you want to work on. So let's say you want to work on your heart chakra. You would visualize a green ball of light in the palm of your hand, since green corresponds to that chakra. Your pendulum will begin to move to balance that chakra. Once it stops, it has completed the work. Shake your hand off, as if you were shaking water off of your hands, and reposition it to work on the next chakra. If you can't remember the color of the chakra you want to work on, that's okay. You can envision a ball of white light instead. In-Person Balancing I've recently incorporated this method of chakra balancing along with my work as a Reiki practitioner. Once I give an in-person session to a friend or client, I then pull out my pendulum to help clear any residual energies and to hit any chakras I either missed or that Reiki skipped over. Have your friend lay down flat on his or her back, with his or her arms and legs uncrossed. Place your pendulum in your dominant hand and slowly work your way up or down your friend's body. Once the pendulum finds a spot that needs assistance, it will begin to do its work. To help the pendulum along, you can send white light (or the color of the chakra that it's working on) to the pendulum as it moves. *Caution: Be mindful of the stones and metals on your pendulum before attempting an in-person healing session with your pendulum. There are some stones and metals that can be harmful to people with certain medical conditions. For example, copper is known to react badly with people who have pacemakers and defibrillators. Using a Doll You can also use a doll in the same way that you would do an in-person session. Simply use the intent that the doll represents the person you want to send that energy to, and get to work. I have used this method many times, and the results are amazing. Healing Headaches, Boo-boos and More

A few weeks ago, some type of bug bit me. I don't know if it was a mosquito, spider or what, but whatever it was left a nasty little bump on my toe. Not only did it make my toe red but it made it itchy as hell! Oh my goodness, it was miserable. The idea of using my pendulum to heal my toe popped into my head and I figured . . . what the heck? I may as well try it. I placed my pendulum (the crystal clear quartz) above my toe and watched it spin. As it was spinning, I received a visual thought of placing the pendulum directly on my toe. I dismissed this thought but it kept coming back to me, so finally I gave in and placed it on my toe. The rock felt cold on my flesh, and that alone helped with the itching. Then, I began to see my rock suck out the energy that was causing my toe to itch (it was black and gooey) and hold it inside its belly. Then, it lit up into this bright white and golden light, and transmuted that black stuff into pure energy. After that, my toe didn't itch anymore. A couple of days later, the bump and redness were gone too. I've since tried a similar method with headaches, sore spots and more. If you have a headache, place your pendulum on the spot where the pain is radiating from. Close your eyes and ask your guides and angels to work with the pendulum to heal this pain. Be attentive to what comes to mind. You may see your stone going to work, like I saw with my toe, or you may have a memory of something that bothers you. Other thoughts of worry or doubt may creep into your mind, and that could be an indication of what is causing your pain. Ask your angels and guides to help you to heal this situation, and imagine that your pendulum has become very bright with white light. Place your worries into the light as a symbol of letting go, and ask your pendulum to absorb the pain of the situation and its physical manifestation, so that it can be transmuted into something positive. Place your pendulum there for as long as you need to or until the pain lessens or goes away. My personal experience with this exercise has been good. Most times, the headache goes away. Sometimes, this practice simply keeps it from getting worse. Of course, there are some things that can cause headaches (poor diet, dehydration, etc.) that the pendulum won't be able to cure, simply because your body or guides are telling you that you need to pay attention to something else. If you don't want to place your pendulum directly on the area that hurts, you can use a doll as a replacement. Once you have used your pendulum to clear your headache, bug bite, owie, or other form of pain, there are two more things you will want to do. The first is to place your open hand in front of you, with your palm facing the ceiling. Tell your pendulum that your hand represents the area where your pain came from. Ask the pendulum to clear any residual energies that could cause the pain to reappear. Your pendulum will then swing and dance the same way it did when you were using your hands to clear your chakras. This step is optional but I highly recommend it. Last, but certainly not least, it is time to clear your pendulum. It is of absolute importance that you always clear your pendulum after doing any type of healing work. Otherwise, any residual energy that

your pendulum wasn't able to clear on its own may attract negative energies that will hinder your work.

 Chapter 8

When Your Pendulum Lies
 You asked your pendulum if it was clear and if a being of light was running it. And of course, your pendulum swung yes to both of these, so you proceeded to ask it if you were going to get that promotion that you wanted, and it said no. Feeling hurt, you put your pendulum away and are totally surprised when your boss calls you in the next day and offers you the promotion. 
 “Wait a sec,” you think to yourself, “My pendulum said I wouldn't get this promotion. What the heck?” Or, you asked your pendulum if the pain in your side was serious. It said “yes” so you rushed yourself to the ER expecting the worst and the rude, stalky, balding doctor, who ironically resembles a shorter version of Kevin James, informs you that the pain in your side was only gas. His advice: “Take some Gas-X and stay out of the ER unless it's an actual emergency!”
 Embarrassed and humiliated, you consider yelling at your pendulum or simply throwing it away. The simple fact of the matter is that sometimes, our pendulums don't give us accurate information. This can happen for a number of reasons. 1. Your pendulum is overworked – This may sound laughable, but even people claim to be “okay” when they are overworked. Many times, they don't realize how exhausted they are, and they just keep plugging on. You ask them for favors or for help and they do a half-ass job. Why? Because they've been working too much and they're such good friends that they don't want to turn down your request. For this reason, you should ask your pendulum if it needs time to rest. When you phrase this, be specific. Ask “Does this pendulum need to rest? Is it currently being overworked?” The reason that it's important to specify that you're asking this about the pendulum is because you don't want the being running it to think that you are talking to him/ her/it. Most likely, the being running your pendulum never gets tired, so if you ask, “Are you tired and overworked? Do you need a break?” Your being will probably say, “No. I could go all day and night!” 2. Your pendulum isn't really clear. A trickster or other being not of the light may have attached itself to your pendulum and is playing jokes on you. Why? Cause it's fun. In this case, cleanse your pendulum with salt or sage. Also tell this being that it needs to go. If sage or sea salt doesn't work, try splashing it with holy water. Lower entities hate holy water and sometimes tolerate it less than sage. You may have to do this a few times. If it never lets up, give your pendulum a proper burial and thank it for it's time with you. If an energy won't leave your pendulum, then it's not a good idea to use it or to keep it around anymore. 3. Your own energy is low. You're tired, edgy, cranky or sick when working with your pendulum.





Yes, your mood and energy level effects the answers that you get, so as a rule of thumb, ask questions to your pendulum when your mood is stable and when you're feeling well. You can still use your pendulum for healing yourself when you are sick, but always remember to cleanse it afterward. You're not clear about your question. This happens a lot. You may be asking your pendulum a question while your mind is somewhere else, or you're focusing on too many things at once. Perhaps you're simultaneously thinking about all the possible outcomes while you're asking the pendulum a question. Don't do that. Clear your mind and ask your questions clearly and concisely. You made the pendulum answer the way you wanted it too. This is another common mistake that people make. They ask their pendulum a question and mentally, they're already thinking “yes,” “no,” or whatever. So naturally, your pendulum swings in accordance with what you are thinking, and not in accordance with what you are asking. You let someone else play with it. There's really nothing wrong with letting someone else handle your pendulum so long as your pendulum doesn't mind. But once they're done, be sure to cleanse it before you work with it again. (Are you seeing a trend with this whole “cleansing” and “clearing” thing?) Your pendulum just isn't good at it. One of the things I have noticed with pendulums is that they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some are good at healing while others are better at dowsing. Some are good at finding lost items and others seem to be leading you along some wild goose chase. I really do believe that pendulums are like young children in the sense that they really want to please you. So even if they're not good at something, like fortunetelling, they're going to try it anyway because they love you and want to help you. This is why pendulum fanatics have more than one pendulum. We recognize that some pendulums just have a knack at a certain thing. This has a lot to do with the stones, metals and other materials that were used in creating the pendulum in the first place.

There are other reasons as to why your pendulum may not be answering your questions correctly, but these are the most common. Each pendulum, each person, and each situation is unique. If your pendulum is giving you funky or incorrect answers, use other divining tools to find out why. Throw down some tarot cards, consult your crystal ball, or ask your friendly neighborhood shaman or psychic what the heck is going on.

Chapter 9

Doing Readings for Other People Some pros will claim that it's a cardinal sin to do readings for other people with your pendulum. They say that the readings will be inaccurate, as the pendulum requires the person who has the question to hold the pendulum so that it can soak up the energy. But here's the thing: energy is energy. Doing readings for someone with a pendulum is no different than doing readings with tarot cards or a crystal ball. Once you've tapped into someone's energy, you can ask any question that you want and your pendulum will respond. In fact, I have found that people often get more accurate answers when someone else asks the pendulum for them. Why? Because the person doing the reading is not emotionally attached to the question being asked: therefore their emotions cannot get in the way of the reading by influencing the answers of the pendulum. Tapping into someone's energy to ask questions is easy. You can either hold their hand or an item that belongs to them in your non-dominant hand while you hold your pendulum in your dominant hand. This way, you have something to concentrate on and both you and the pendulum are feeling the person's energy. If you are doing a distance session and cannot hold something that belongs to the person, simply close your eyes and focus on their name, face or voice while working with the pendulum.

Conclusion Congratulations! You are now ready to rock your pendulum! (Pun intended!) Remember that working with your pendulum should always be a pleasant experience, even when you're asking serious questions. Pendulums offer us a clear way to communicate with our guides and angels. They remind us that we all are on this journey together. Whenever you pick up your pendulum, you are working with a higher power and that moment becomes sacred. Remember to treat your pendulum, and the beings who work with you, with the utmost respect. Always be polite when making requests. Say “Please,” “Thank you,” and if need be “I'm sorry.” Thank you for choosing this book. If you have any questions or comments regarding anything you read here, please contact me at [email protected]. Remember to check out my website at

Crystal Appendix This list is made up of the most common gems used for pendulums. However, pendulums come in a variety of stones and colors. Amber Relieves: Congestion, chest problems, digestive disorders and depression Promotes: Self-confidence, creativity, wisdom and patience; also known to balance left and right hemispheres of the brain Chakra: Sacral, solar plexus and throat Element: Fire Amethyst Relieves: Addictions, cellular disorders, headaches, insomnia, nightmares, respiratory disorders Promotes: Focus, memory, motivation, increased intuition, and psychic abilities Chakra: Crown and third eye Element: Air Aventurine (green) Relieves: Chest pain, heart disorders, and emotional discomfort caused by separation, divorce or heartbreak Promotes: Compassion, empathy, decision making, healthy heart, and nervous system Chakra: Heart Element: Air Bloodstone Relieves: Negative energy in the aura, poor eyesight, skin rashes, and eliminates toxins from the blood Promotes: Healthy blood, bladder, kidneys intestines and liver; also aids in spiritual grounding Chakra: Base, heart and sacral Element: Earth Botswana Agate Relieves: Difficulties with addictions, especially those of smoking, depression, fear of the unknown, negative thinking and repression Promotes: Healthy attitude, positive thinking, clarity of thought, sound decision making and aids in oxygenating the body Chakra: Crown Element: Air Brazilian Agate
 Relieves: Depression, emotional and spiritual blocks Promotes: Balance, spiritual growth, and awareness

Chakra: Crown Element: Earth Brecciated Jasper Relieves: Emotional toxins 
 Promotes: Communication with animals; physical, spiritual and emotional well-being Chakra: Base and Sacral Element: Fire Chalcedony
 Relieves: Depression, effects of dementia, poor eyesight
 Promotes: Balance, blood and circulatory system, enthusiasm, and generosity
 Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus
 Element: Air Citrine
 Relieves: Depression, negative thinking
 Promotes: Balance, healthy self-esteem, joy, prosperity, and success 
 Chakra: Crown, Sacral, and Solar Plexus
 Element: Air Clear Quartz
 Relieves: Physical pain and illnesses, spiritual and emotional blocks, pains and scars
 Promotes: Balanced chakras, communication with angels and beings of light, healthy body and increases psychic powers and intuition
 Chakra: All 
 Element: Fire Dalmatian Jasper
 Relieves: Constipation and IBS, blocks in aura, and exposes financial scams
 Promotes: Financial abundance, good energy in any environment, telepathic communication, and healing with animals (especially dogs)
 Chakra: Base
 Element: Earth Fire Agate Relieves: Anxiety, digestive issues, intestinal issues, fear, effects of gossip, and negative energy Promotes: Balance, digestion, courage, healing energies, intuition, protection, psychic abilities, and strength Chakra: Base
 Element: Fire Kambaba Jasper
 Relieves: Digestion issues, mental fog, and urinary tract infections
 Promotes: Boosts immune system, feelings of self-worth, inspiration and courage, mental clarity, and helps to access akashic records
 Chakra: Heart
 Element: Fire

 Relieves: Depression, disorders of the bones, bone marrow and blood, fatigue, grief, and sorrow
 Promotes: Good fortune, happiness, relaxation, self-control, and self-confidence
 Chakra: Base
 Element: Fire Rose Quartz
 Relieves: High blood pressure, chest and lung problems, issues with kidneys and adrenals, and physical heart and circulatory issues
 Promotes: Calmness, friendship, inner-healing, self-love, self-trust, and self-worth
 Chakra: Heart
 Element: Earth
 For a more exhaustive list of crystals and gems, check out any of the following books: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall
 The Crystal Bible 2 by Judy Hall
 The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall
 The Crystal Healing Bible: Practical Divination Techniques that Harness a Million Years of Earth Energy to Reveal you Lives, Loves and Destiny by Sue Lilly

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About The Author

Nicole Guillaume is an accomplished tarot reader, energy healer, angel communicator and dream interpreter. She is also the owner of Guiding Echoes. Nicole has had an interest in spiritual ideas, beings and items since she was a child, but kept these interests to herself due to her strict, religious upbringing. At a young age, Nicole discovered that she had the ability to interpret dreams. She offered her skill online in different chat rooms and received excellent praise. She walked away from her gifts and spiritual interests for a while to pursue the American dream of having a good job, making an honest wage and owning her own home. This dream proved to be more of a nightmare and after doing some deep soul-searching, she returned to her spiritual interests which she practices with great joy today. You can connect with Nicole here: