Tietze, Harald W. - Dowsing Manual [PDF]

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By Harald W. Tietze This challenging book explores geopathogenic (geo = earth,pathogen = disease provoking) radiation emitted from the earth in certain locations. The study of the Earthray phenomenon is rapidly providing new insights to be used in traditional health care. For thousands of years the harmful effects of Earthrays on plants, animals and humans has been observed and understood by many cultures. This understanding is now brought back and furthered by Harald Tietze and other researchers. Harald's research in Germany, Austria, Italy, Papua New Guinea, Peru and Mexico now adds a new dimension to an ancient tradition. Tietze raises public awareness of the role Earthray's play in the increasing threat of modern diseases such as cancer, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism and more. There are many other harmful pollutants which people have in their bedrooms such as electric, magnetic, radioactive, chemical (paint). etc. When our protective subconscious starts to warn us, we grab sleeping tablets or alcohol - Good Night! To regain and maintain health, it is vital to detect the sources of harmful radiation and then eliminate the cause or know how to avoid them. This book is a practical manual for a healthy environment - a must for all health conscious readers. " Where plants perish and animals are absent. there you also should not live. The place is unhealthy. You will experience disharmony and lose your poise. When you, however, find the place where happy. vital. and healthy people live, and many old folk in good health, then stay there. You soon do without medicine or physicians. The mysterious forces of Earth make you healthy." Michael Nostradamus

Dowsing Manual


Dowsing Manual

This publication seeks only to demonstrate the traditional and modern knowledge of Earthrays etc. on various disorders in the human body, but it is stressed that the contents of this book.are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professional medical personnel. The contents of this publication are solely the opinion of the author(s). People with health problems should consult their physician.

Harald W. Tietze

All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced without permission of the author. However, anyone may quote up to 400 words of this text (but not third party sources), without specific permission, as long as proper credit is given. Copyright 1983, 1997, 2003 Harald W. Tietze

Harald W. Tietze Publishing Ply. Ltd.

ABN 27078377198

P.O. Box 34, Bermagui NSW 2546 Australia Fax: 02-6493 4900 [International +61-2-6493 4 900] Telephone: 02-6493 4552 www.wise-mens-web.com

Illustrations by:

A. Jones, 31 San Simeon Drive, Clear Waters, Old. 4226 Aias Tietze, Kandanga, Old. Photos: Harald W. Tietze Printed in India by B. Jain Publishers at J.J.Offset Printers, New Delhi, Printed on recycled paper.


Dowsing Manual


Dowsing Manual

This publication seeks only to demonstrate the traditional and modern knowledge of Earthrays etc. on various disorders in the human body, but it is stressed that the contents of this book.are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professional medical personnel. The contents of this publication are solely the opinion of the author(s). People with health problems should consult their physician.

Harald W. Tietze

All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced without permission of the author. However, anyone may quote up to 400 words of this text (but not third party sources), without specific permission, as long as proper credit is given. Copyright 1983, 1997, 2003 Harald W. Tietze

Harald W. Tietze Publishing Ply. Ltd.

ABN 27078377198

P.O. Box 34, Bermagui NSW 2546 Australia Fax: 02-6493 4900 [International +61-2-6493 4 900] Telephone: 02-6493 4552 www.wise-mens-web.com

Illustrations by:

A. Jones, 31 San Simeon Drive, Clear Waters, Old. 4226 Aias Tietze, Kandanga, Old. Photos: Harald W. Tietze Printed in India by B. Jain Publishers at J.J.Offset Printers, New Delhi, Printed on recycled paper.


Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual


Foreword 11 Ancient Knowledge 12 Radiation for Higher Energy. 12 Instant healing - Faith healing 16 Healing yourself. 17 Earth-energy places - Power places 18 Earth-energy concentration at Attila Hill in Hungary 18 Malaysia - "Put your illness in a box". 19 Spiritual healing in Carapina/Brazil 20 Instant healing in Alti:itting 22 Meteor Point - A place of high energies. 25 What is Earth Radiation? 26 How Earth Radiation Works. 26 The Danger of Permanent Damage. 26 Does Earth Radiation Cause Car Accidents? 27 Radiation Lines Do Change. 27 Dowsing for Health 31 How to Find Radiation Lines. 31 Do not analyse dowsing! 33 Lack of self confidence 33 Trnst yourselfl 34 Using intuition is a matter of self-trust. 34 Asking the wrong question 34 Forcing an answer 35 It will happen if you say "don't". 35 Real enlightenment. 36 Trying to access the subconscious mind The "Try Test" Believing in the 'right tool'. 38 The Right Tool is Simply the Self-confident Mind. 39 Handling the Rod. 39


How it is usually done. 40 Making a Rod. 42 Crossing the Line in a Right Angle for Better Results. 43 Start at Zero. 44 The Circle. 45 The Rod Shows Exactly the Opposite Reaction 46 The Wires Go Apart Instead of Crossing. 46 Hints for Beginners. 47 Map Dowsing. 47 Two other methods to access the subconscious mind. 48 Pendulum. 48 Muscle Testing (Kinesiology). 49 Steps tc Muscle Testing: 50 The ideal medication? 51 Plants 52 Tree Cancer. 52 Forest Death. 54 Pests Have Their Favourite Trees. 55 The Gap in The Hedge. 56 Trees as Lightning Conductors. 57" Seek the Beeches and Avoid the Oaks. 58 Trees - Sign Posts and Teachers for Dowsers. 59 Animals 70 The Pig is Particularly Sensitive 70. Do Cattle Know Things Which we do not Know? 72 Hens A voiding the Perch. 72 The Case of the Healthy Dog and the Sick Master. 73 Cats Need Radiation. 74 Busy Bees and Earth Radiation. 74 Wasps Prefer Multi-Radiation. 75 Ant Acid - a Remedy _for Rheumatism. 76


Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual


Foreword 11 Ancient Knowledge 12 Radiation for Higher Energy. 12 Instant healing - Faith healing 16 Healing yourself. 17 Earth-energy places - Power places 18 Earth-energy concentration at Attila Hill in Hungary 18 Malaysia - "Put your illness in a box". 19 Spiritual healing in Carapina/Brazil 20 Instant healing in Alti:itting 22 Meteor Point - A place of high energies. 25 What is Earth Radiation? 26 How Earth Radiation Works. 26 The Danger of Permanent Damage. 26 Does Earth Radiation Cause Car Accidents? 27 Radiation Lines Do Change. 27 Dowsing for Health 31 How to Find Radiation Lines. 31 Do not analyse dowsing! 33 Lack of self confidence 33 Trnst yourselfl 34 Using intuition is a matter of self-trust. 34 Asking the wrong question 34 Forcing an answer 35 It will happen if you say "don't". 35 Real enlightenment. 36 Trying to access the subconscious mind The "Try Test" Believing in the 'right tool'. 38 The Right Tool is Simply the Self-confident Mind. 39 Handling the Rod. 39


How it is usually done. 40 Making a Rod. 42 Crossing the Line in a Right Angle for Better Results. 43 Start at Zero. 44 The Circle. 45 The Rod Shows Exactly the Opposite Reaction 46 The Wires Go Apart Instead of Crossing. 46 Hints for Beginners. 47 Map Dowsing. 47 Two other methods to access the subconscious mind. 48 Pendulum. 48 Muscle Testing (Kinesiology). 49 Steps tc Muscle Testing: 50 The ideal medication? 51 Plants 52 Tree Cancer. 52 Forest Death. 54 Pests Have Their Favourite Trees. 55 The Gap in The Hedge. 56 Trees as Lightning Conductors. 57" Seek the Beeches and Avoid the Oaks. 58 Trees - Sign Posts and Teachers for Dowsers. 59 Animals 70 The Pig is Particularly Sensitive 70. Do Cattle Know Things Which we do not Know? 72 Hens A voiding the Perch. 72 The Case of the Healthy Dog and the Sick Master. 73 Cats Need Radiation. 74 Busy Bees and Earth Radiation. 74 Wasps Prefer Multi-Radiation. 75 Ant Acid - a Remedy _for Rheumatism. 76


Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual

The Effect on Humans 78 AreaHHouses Under Radiation? 78 Papua New Guinea. 79 Garagassi-Gorendu. 83 The Mountain Magician. 84 Ghost Villages. 86 Earth Radiation - The trigger for Disease. 88 Our Body is an antenna for Earthrays 90 Electric currents as amplifiers of earth radiation. 90 The Cancer House. 96 Rheumatism. 100 Asthma is Predictable. 101 Bronchitis - Bad Bed Location Found by the Rod. 105 Ladies Bed Straw and Pregnancy. 105 Cot Death. 106 Children Have a Protective Sense. 107 Bed Desertion. 108 Bed Wetting Healed Overnight. 109 The Moon Influences Our Life. 109 Shielding against earth radiation? 110 Natural Protection - Bed Straw. 111 Copper -A Temporary Solution. 112 Car Neutralisers 114 Natural Remedies from Radiated Herbs 115 St. John's WortAssists in Healing. 116 Elderberry Prefers Earth Radiation. 116 Back to Nature. 117 Man-made Pollution 119 Our Home - Environmental Problem No I. 119 Magnetic Fields 123 Electric Fields and Body Voltage 126 Electro-Charges 130


High Frequencies, Microwaves, Radio and TV Signals 134 How can you protect yourself from electro- pollution? 138 Feng Simi 141 Feng Shui and Dowsing 141 Inner Feng Shui with Love Remedies 142 TheAura 143 We are our own worst enemy· 144 Are you a victim of your emotions? 144 Stop and prevent destructive negative emotions 145 How to identify blockages with Love Remedies 146 Love Remedies can be used for protection 146 When do we need protection? 147 Inner Feng Shui Remedies 149 Acid or Alkaline = Ageing or Youthing. 153 Ageing is organic waste build up 153 Reversing ageing and curing age related 154 Why is ionised alkaline water so important? 155 Alkaline water is not alkaline water! 156 Why should I use ionised acid water? · 156 Some basics of pH in our body. 157 The right balance is important. 157 The basic minerals in our body and in our food. 162 Acid-fanning Electro-pollution 166 Magnetic fields can change the pH of blood. 168 Health Insurance Pays for House Survey! 169 Stress 170 Emotional imbalances 170 Bibliography 173


Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.


This "Dowsing Manual" is not a new book with all new information. It was actually the first book I wrote. The title was "Earthrays the Silent Killer" and was published in 1984. "Earthrays and Man Made Pollution" was the title of the second edition with more information on electro pollution. There were more practical hints about shielding against electro pollution and other additional feedback in the third edition with the title "Pollution Solutions". Many people think that dowsing is a very special gift. I disagree, since we are all born with this gift. Animals also have the same gift but do not suppress it with the logic mind. Dowsing is so simple that every ox in the paddock can do it. I was therefore tempted to name this book "Oxology". We can use our intuition to answer questions of our logical mind with our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind has the answer immediately while the logical mind works through a very long and difficult process, with the potential for many mistakes. Accessing the subconscious mind is simple. "There are no limitations to the subconscious mind except those we acknowledge".


I have travelled to all continents, visiting nearly 50 counhies in my search for the effects of Earthrays and traditional healing methods, including miracle healing. All religions and cultures use the effects of Earthrays and all have miracle healing. 8




Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.


This "Dowsing Manual" is not a new book with all new information. It was actually the first book I wrote. The title was "Earthrays the Silent Killer" and was published in 1984. "Earthrays and Man Made Pollution" was the title of the second edition with more information on electro pollution. There were more practical hints about shielding against electro pollution and other additional feedback in the third edition with the title "Pollution Solutions". Many people think that dowsing is a very special gift. I disagree, since we are all born with this gift. Animals also have the same gift but do not suppress it with the logic mind. Dowsing is so simple that every ox in the paddock can do it. I was therefore tempted to name this book "Oxology". We can use our intuition to answer questions of our logical mind with our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind has the answer immediately while the logical mind works through a very long and difficult process, with the potential for many mistakes. Accessing the subconscious mind is simple. "There are no limitations to the subconscious mind except those we acknowledge".


I have travelled to all continents, visiting nearly 50 counhies in my search for the effects of Earthrays and traditional healing methods, including miracle healing. All religions and cultures use the effects of Earthrays and all have miracle healing. 8





Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual

religions and cultures use the effects of Eaiihrays and all have miracle healing. you do not have to go to other countries to find miracle healing. You can find it everywhere. The ability to dowse is not a matter of educating the logic mind. It is more about ignoring the logic mind and accessing the subconscious mind And it does not matter which method you use to access your subconscious mind. Dowsing with the dowsing rods or sticks, a pendulum, Kinesiology, cards or whatever one trusts in. They are all equally good but they only a key to the subconscious mind. We can avoid unnecessary stress like Earthrays to our body. We only have to detect them and act on the findings. This means maybe shifting your bed to another corner or sleeping in another room. You only have to do it once.

Why suffer? Solve the problem! Enjoy life!

Foreword from the previous edition

Eaiihrays are mostly natural underground water veins that are responsible for around 95% of geological stress to our health. Other forms of geopathic stress can come from interfering crossing grid lines, mineral deposits, earth fault lines etc. Since water veins are the main pati of geopathogenic (Geo = earth, pathogen = disease producing) locations all these radiations are commonly called Earthrays or water veins. The positive and negative effects of eaiih radiation on our body are often forgotten, ignored or simply unknown. Every living thing, trees and animals - as well as humans, use water veins to regain energy. Animals (with some exceptions) and humans develop health problems when water veins affect their sleeping areas. Home environment stress, including geopathic stress, will never be seen on a death cetiificate; neither will a broken heart be mentioned to explain why the deceased was ill in the first place. The diagnosed illness leading to death is only the final stage of the illness - not the cause of it. "All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. "

Schopenhauer 10

Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Manual

religions and cultures use the effects of Eaiihrays and all have miracle healing. you do not have to go to other countries to find miracle healing. You can find it everywhere. The ability to dowse is not a matter of educating the logic mind. It is more about ignoring the logic mind and accessing the subconscious mind And it does not matter which method you use to access your subconscious mind. Dowsing with the dowsing rods or sticks, a pendulum, Kinesiology, cards or whatever one trusts in. They are all equally good but they only a key to the subconscious mind. We can avoid unnecessary stress like Earthrays to our body. We only have to detect them and act on the findings. This means maybe shifting your bed to another corner or sleeping in another room. You only have to do it once.

Why suffer? Solve the problem! Enjoy life!

Foreword from the previous edition

Eaiihrays are mostly natural underground water veins that are responsible for around 95% of geological stress to our health. Other forms of geopathic stress can come from interfering crossing grid lines, mineral deposits, earth fault lines etc. Since water veins are the main pati of geopathogenic (Geo = earth, pathogen = disease producing) locations all these radiations are commonly called Earthrays or water veins. The positive and negative effects of eaiih radiation on our body are often forgotten, ignored or simply unknown. Every living thing, trees and animals - as well as humans, use water veins to regain energy. Animals (with some exceptions) and humans develop health problems when water veins affect their sleeping areas. Home environment stress, including geopathic stress, will never be seen on a death cetiificate; neither will a broken heart be mentioned to explain why the deceased was ill in the first place. The diagnosed illness leading to death is only the final stage of the illness - not the cause of it. "All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. "

Schopenhauer 10

Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Ma:nual

Ancient Knowledge

Earth radiation is part of the natural environment and influences all living organisms. All civilisations of the world recognised eatih radiation and made allowances for it in their daily activities. In China, an old custom dating back thousands of years is to have expert diviners determine suitable positions for new buildings. The Egyptians used the effect of Eatihrays to slow down the process of decomposition to aid in mummification of Old Getmanic and Scandinavian legends bodies. frequently mention the use of the divining rod. Then in the middle ages, the practice of divining for earth radiation was rejected as superstition.

were the churches of Roman origin. The Romans chose the place of the three fountains near Rome for the execution of St Paul. The monastery of Trefontana was later erected on this spot and produced many well­ known monks throughout history.


It is only since the beginning of this century that the far­ reaching effects of radiation have again been recognised. Radiation for Higher Energy. Although earth radiation is a contributing factor in disease, it also has positive effects which stimulate and activate our physical and spiritual reserves. Our ancestors erected their places of worship over zones of radiation and this is a practice that is still followed today, mostly by native people. These gathering places make use of the special energy created by the radiation but only for short-te1m activities such as meetings and worship. Large oak trees which reach a particularly old age over crossings were venerated by the ancient Germanic tribes.

Dowsing for minerals. Picture from the 16'" century (Germany)

From legend we know that courts were held and feasts celebrated under the ding oak. Also, the temples of antiquity were built over strong radiation zones, just as

All old churches are built on radiation lines and may have two or more crossings under the altar. The amplifying effect of high radiation seems to be the



Dowsing Manual

Dowsing Ma:nual

Ancient Knowledge

Earth radiation is part of the natural environment and influences all living organisms. All civilisations of the world recognised eatih radiation and made allowances for it in their daily activities. In China, an old custom dating back thousands of years is to have expert diviners determine suitable positions for new buildings. The Egyptians used the effect of Eatihrays to slow down the process of decomposition to aid in mummification of Old Getmanic and Scandinavian legends bodies. frequently mention the use of the divining rod. Then in the middle ages, the practice of divining for earth radiation was rejected as superstition.

were the churches of Roman origin. The Romans chose the place of the three fountains near Rome for the execution of St Paul. The monastery of Trefontana was later erected on this spot and produced many well­ known monks throughout history.


It is only since the beginning of this century that the far­ reaching effects of radiation have again been recognised. Radiation for Higher Energy. Although earth radiation is a contributing factor in disease, it also has positive effects which stimulate and activate our physical and spiritual reserves. Our ancestors erected their places of worship over zones of radiation and this is a practice that is still followed today, mostly by native people. These gathering places make use of the special energy created by the radiation but only for short-te1m activities such as meetings and worship. Large oak trees which reach a particularly old age over crossings were venerated by the ancient Germanic tribes.

Dowsing for minerals. Picture from the 16'" century (Germany)

From legend we know that courts were held and feasts celebrated under the ding oak. Also, the temples of antiquity were built over strong radiation zones, just as

All old churches are built on radiation lines and may have two or more crossings under the altar. The amplifying effect of high radiation seems to be the