TNav - How To Use VFP Designer [PDF]

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How to Use VFP Designer

Trainings 2019

Rock Flow Dynamics

VFP Designer advantages


 Full integration with tNavigator project  integration with PVT Designer for fluid composition settings (black oil model, compositional model)  integration with Assisted History Matching for matching of VFP tables with measurements (pressure drop)  integration with Network Designer (Standalone wells)  integration with Model and Geology Designers for editing, importing or exporting VFP projects  integration with Simulator (keyword IMPORT_PROJECT)

 Interactive and intuitive graphical user interface  VFP Designer is included in license of Geology Designer, Model Designer, Network Designer Description of VFP Designer functionality is available in the VFP Designer User Guide


Training description


In this example we create VFP table for oil producing well using the VFP Designer via the following steps: 1. Creation and visualization of well geometry 2. Creation of well construction using casing, tubing, perforation etc. 3. Set fluid properties using the PVT Designer 4. Addition of the experimental data (pressure drop measurements) 5. Calculation of VFP tables by correlations (Beggs-Brill, HagedornBrown, Orkiszewski, Gray etc.)

6. Matching of VFP tables with measurements (pressure drop) 7. Export of VFP table 8. Additional tools: VFP table normalization, IPR tables, multilateral

wells 3

New Project in VFP Designer


1. tNavigator main window. VFP Designer. New project 2. Unified tNavigator project (with extension *.tnavproject) will be created. Enter Project name (e.g., my_project) 3. VFP project will be included in the unified project

New VFP Designer project window


Starting project


1. Settings. Units Manager (METRIC, FIELD, LAB). Choose METRIC

Choose units


Basic Data 1. Go to the tab Basic Data 2. Specify Name of the object as well1, Object as Well, Well Type as Producer etc. 3. Most of the parameters are set in the simulator using the kw. WELSPECS

These parameters are set in the simulator via the keyword WELSPECS


Well geometry: loading 1. 2. 3. 4.

To load well trajectory press Import button located on the right panel Press Add Rows and select file Press Load Data Created well geometry is visualized on the right (TVD and Deviation Survey) Trajectory points can be copied to the table from a text file or a spreadsheet

Import well trajectory


Well geometry: edit 1. 2. 3. 4.

Points of well trajectory can be edited manually in the table cells (on the left) For example, change the value of Y coordinate (line 15) from 22593,666306 to 22600 Visualized on the right point will be moved automatically If point’s coordinate is not in agreement with coordinates of neighboring points they will be marked by red color. Change then the value back to initial 22593,666306

Coordinate 22600 is not in agreement with other two (22591,88 and 22595,73)


3D view 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to 3D tab Press the button Show Paint Settings on the right panel General Settings. Specify Trajectory Thickness - 4 Tick Equal Aspect Ratio

Show Paint Settings


Dogleg Severity 1. 3D tab. Press the button Show Paint Settings on the right panel 2. Trajectory Settings 3. Tick Dogleg Severity. DLS is the measure of the rate of change in direction of a well bore over an interval of the length equal to 30 m

Show Paint Settings

Show/Hide Log Table

You can change the value of DLS


Log visualization in 3D 1. 2. 3. 4.

3D tab. Press the button Import Logs on the right panel Add Rows. Select the file well1.las Press the button Show paint settings. Trajectory Settings Tick Log curve GK to visualize it in 3D Show paint settings Import Logs


How to save VFP project 1. Press Save button to save current modifications of your project


Well construction: Casing and Open Hole 1. Well Construction. Select an object in the library, click and drag to draw the object on visualization tab. Add Casing 2. Active object is highlighted by red and its parameters are shown in the table on the right 3. Object’s parameters can be modified manually 4. Holding Ctrl you can drag selected objects with a mouse up and down (top and bottom depth will be changed in the table automatically) 5. Specify the second casing with Bottom at 2086. Ticks Open Hole


Open Hole

You can change object parameter value by left clicking on a cell

Object’s library tab


Well construction: Tubing and Bottom Hole 1. Well Construction. Select an object in the library and hold left mouse button to add it on visualization tab. Add Tubing and Bottom Hole 2. Active object is highlighted by red and its parameters are shown in the table on the right 3. Object’s parameters can be modified manually 4. Holding Ctrl you can drag selected objects with a mouse up and down (top and bottom depth will be changed in the table automatically) You can change object parameter value by left clicking on a cell


Bottom Hole 14

Well construction: Perforation, Filter and Packer 1. Well Construction. Select an object in the library and hold left mouse button to add it on visualization tab. Add Perforation, Filter and Packer 2. Active object is highlighted by red and its parameters are shown in the table on the right 3. Object’s parameters can be modified manually 4. Holding Ctrl you can drag selected objects with a mouse up and down



Filter 15

Sample: adding experimental data To load the experimental data (pressure drop measurements) 1. Go to Samples tab. Select Samples For VFPPROD. Sample 1 2. Add measurement data as shown in the picture (copy data from the file Sample1.txt)

Add Sample for VFPPROD

Add Sample for VFPINJ 16

Set fluid properties In order to specify fluid properties for the VFP project: 1. Press the button PVT →VFP in the top panel 2. Press the button to create a new PVT project - pvt_project. OK 3. PVT Designer window will pop up and PVT project will appear in the Dependencies window 4. If there are PVT projects in the tNav project using the Dependencies dialog you can: edit PVT (a PVT Designer project will pop up )

Create PVT

PVT Designer window Add





Set fluid properties: water We are going to create Oil, Water and Gas properties via correlations in PVT Designer 1. In PVT Designer select Black Oil Variants. Variant 1 2. Select tab Water 3. Press Correlations Options on the right panel. Select parameters by default. OK

Correlations options


Set fluid properties: gas and oil 1. Press the button to add Oil and Gas to fluid 2. Press Correlations Options on the right panel for Oil and Gas. Select options as shown in pic. 3. Press button Set as a Fluid for Designer. Variant 1 becomes fluid in VFP Designer

Correlations options

Correlations options


Add VFP table: Fluid properties 1. Go back to the VFP Designer project 2. Press and select Calculate VFP Table 3. In the Add VFP Table window go to the Dependencies tab 4. Select Black Oli Variants. Variant 1 of the pvt_project 5. Press the button Set. The Variant 1 is set as fluid properties for the VFP project Additional information (see slides at the end of tutorial). Any PVT models can be created: Black oil model, compositional model, thermal model



Add VFP table: Correlation parameters 1. In the Add VFP Table window go to the tab Correlation parameters 2. Different correlations can be specified for vertical, deviated and horizontal parts of the wellbore 3. Use the Hagedorn-Brown corr. for vertical part and Beggs-Brill corr. for deviated and horizontal parts. Friction multiplier and Hydrostatic component of the correlation can be specified as well 4. Specify Angles as shown in the pic Deviated




Add VFP table: VFPPROD Points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Specification of VFPPROD Points to calculate correlations in the table form VFPPROD Points will occur automatically after correlation parameters are defined Specify VFPPROD Points as shown in the picture. WCT up to 0,5. OK VFP table will be calculated (see next slide)

VFPPROD points


Calculated VFP table 1. In order to change correlations parameters for VFP table press the button Correlations parameter on the right panel 2. In order to change VFPPROD points press the button VFPPROD points on the right panel VFPPROD points


Visualization of correlation type in 3D 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to 3D tab Press the button Show Paint Settings on the right panel Trajectory Settings. Tick Correlations Select VFP table from which correlation types will be taken

Show Paint Settings

You can change color of correlation type by clicking on the cell 25

Visualization of Samples on VFP graphic 1. Press the button Sample Selection and tick Sample 1 2. Left click on a point (e.g., Point 1) in the list to make automatic visualization adjustment (sliders will move to the proper position for visualization) 3. OR move sliders to set GOR values equal to value in Sample 1 in order to see measurement’s data on the tab VFP 1

Mismatches with measurements


Matching VFP tables with measurement’s data  

Select measurement’s data (Samples) for matching For matching the following variables can be used:  Settings of well construction objects  Correlation options (Friction and Hydrostatic components)  Types of correlations  Choose optimization algorithm

After Before


Select Samples for matching 1. 2. 3. 4.

Press the button Sample Selection located on the right panel Select Sample 1. OK Matching will be done for Sample 1 To do matching for several samples tick required samples in the Sample Section dialog

Sample Selection


Use settings of construction object as variable 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to the tab Well Construction Select an object Tubing 1 In the object settings table (to the right) right click on Inside Diameter In the pop up menu select Matching. Use for Matching


Settings of Matching 1. Go to the tab VFP1. Press the button Matching located on the right panel 2. In the dialog Matching select variables for matching: correlation variables – Friction and Hydrostatic, Correlation Types 3. Tubing 1 Inside Diameter is a variable. Set its Max equal to 0,0845 4. Select optimization algorithm – Particle Swarm Optimization. Run Matching



Matched VFP table 1. On the tab VFP2 matched with measurements VFP table is shown

Mismatches with measurements


Applying Well Objects Matched Parameters 1. Press the button Well Objects Matched Parameters on the right panel. The appeared window contains a current value and a value used for VFP table matching (matched value) 2. Press Apply All and go to the Well Construction tab 3. Select Tubing 1. The Inside Diameter value is the matched value 0,0820446

Well Objects Matched Parameters


Export of the created VFP table 1. Press the button Export on the right panel. Calculate a table before exporting. 2. Specify Table Number and File Name. Ok 3. The file VFP2.vfp will be saved in the project’s folder





1. Press the button Cases 2. The current case (Case 1) is marked with green tick 3. Tick projects corresponding to your model



Additional functionality


Convert VFP table to a Table 1. Any calculated VFP table can be converted to the table 2. Press the button Convert to table on the right panel 3. After converting table a recalculation of VFP table is not possible, however you can still do some editing (see next slides)

Convert to Table


Import VFP table from file 1. Press and select in drop-down menu Import VFP table from file 2. Press Add Rows and select file additional_functionality/VFP_for_norm.vfp. Press Load Data 3. Set X axis: FLO:LIQ and Show Graphs with Fixed: WFR:WCT


Normalize VFP graphs 1. If VFP curve is not monotonic you can use Normalize option 2. Press the button Normalize on the right panel

Non monotone behavior


Monotone behavior


IPR table: Well test Data 1. Return to VFP Designer project window. 2. Press and select in the drop-down menu IPR Table (Inflow Performance Relationships) 3. Add data manually as shown in the picture or copy form the file IPR table.txt


IPR table: Vogel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Press and select in drop-down menu IPR Table (Inflow Performance Relationships) Select Vogel IPR model. Vogel Coefficient - 0.5, Reservoir Pressure -150, Max Rate -120 Test data point: BHP 60 and Volume Rate 60 IPR curve will cross this point


Well geometry: multilateral well 1. Create a new VFP project using the button Create in the Project Tree window 2. Load a well trajectory additional_functionality/ using the Import button on the right panel. On the tab Basic Data specify well name - well2 3. Imported Object: Well, Untick Invert Z-coordinates and set Skip Lines 0

Import well trajectory

Add branch


Well geometry: branches 1. To add branches press button 2. Load well branches using the Import button. Files are additional_functionality/ and additional_functionality/ 3. Trajectories Import settings: Imported Object: Branch, Untick Invert Z-coordinates and set Skip Lines 0

Import well trajectory


3D: multilateral well 1. Go to 3D to see a multilateral well


Well Construction: multilateral well 1. Go to the tab Well Construction 2. For each branch you can create construction (see slides 13-15) 3. To switch to a branch double click on junction node with the branch number



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