Toefl 1 [PDF]

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Structure Directions : Questions 1-4- are complete sentences you will see, four words or phrases, market (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentences . 1.

A dominant animal is best defined as one …. Actions are not constrained by possible responses of its fellows. a) With b) That is c) Whose * d) Where its


In general, …. Have a professional obligation to protect confidential sources of information. a. Which journalists b. Journalists, they c. Journalists* d. Journalists that


Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appreance,… a. Is hard b. Although hard c. Has hardness d. And hardness*


…. Explores the nature of guilt and responsibility and builds to a remarkable conclusion. a. The written beautifully novel b. The beautifully written novel* c. The novel beautifully written d. The written novel beautifully


He is a man …. To have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion. a. Who appears* b. He appears c. Who appear d. He appear

6. …. Getting the highest result in the class, john still had problems with his teacher. a. Despite of b. In spite of c. Even though* d. Nonetheless 7. This new service will be available to all users …. Up for paid membership. a. That signed* b. That signed it

c. d.

Which signed Sign

8. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her …. a. Totally behavior irresponsible b. Behavior totally irresponsible c. Irresponsible totally behavior d. Totally irresponsible behavior* 9. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people …. a. Hear b. Hearing them c. Do* d. Do them 10. Of all economically important phants,palms have been … a. The least studied* b. Study less and less c. Study the least d. To study the less 11. With the passing of the time and the emoarchement of people, the habitat of garillas … to decrease a. Containing b. Continius ( seharusnyo continues) c. Which continue d. Continue* 12. …. Social meeting birds that build their nests in tress and on clifis. a. Most stocks are* b. Stocks most c. The most stocks d. Most are stocks 13 ….. was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for this work on the phoneletric effect. a. That enstein b. It was enstein c. Enstein who d. Enstein* 14..Emma Thompson was nominated for an Academy Award as both a Screenwriher…an actress in 1996. a) Also b) Or c) In addition d) And* 15. Because of its warm tropical climate, howards…. Subzero temperature. a) Almost experience never

b) Expreriance never almost c) Experiences almost never d) Almost never expreriance* ( seharusnyo alsmost never experiences) 16. from the inception of his long and distingshed carrer, frank lieyd wright was concerned with how … architecture with topography. a) Integrating b) To integrate* c) Did the integrate d) Integrated 17. Egyptian pyramids were regurally robbed despire their intricate pessegewrys, byzantine mazes, and … a) Walls which were false b) They had false walls c) False walls d) Walls of falsity* 18. The Duncan sofa, …. Is highly valued in todays antique furniture market. a) A colonial masterpiece* b) A colonial masterpiece which c) It is a colonial masterpiece that d) Whose colonial masterpiece 19.Maine’s coastline is a major attraction and vista of sandy beaches contrasted… rockbound shoreline. a) To the rugged* b) By the rugged c) On the rugged d) At the rugged 20. At the seventh international ballet competions, Fernando Bujones won the first, gold modal ever … to a Unites States make dancer a) That award b) Should be awarding c) To be awarded* d) To award 21. the best-known diffuse nebuls is the great Orion Nebuls …. Can be seen by the narked eye. a) It b) Which* c) One d) Who 22. Over time the young students will perfect the art of piano playing. After all, such …. Needs delicate handling . a) A tuned instrument finely b) A finely instrument tuned

c) An instrument tuned finely d) A finely tuned instrument* 23, before Johnson and smith reached great heights in the business world, … encountered many great difficults in promoting their theories and methods. a) They* b) Who c) Which d) He 24. …. Air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent oxygen is a little known fact on the streets. a) How that* b) When c) That* d) However 25. Nearly all treets contain a mix of polymets that can burn like petrolurn ….property extracted. a) If* b) Is c) After d) When it 26. Mr. Smith is going to plant this rosebush in his… a) Flower garden* b) Garden of flower c) Garden flower d) Flowers garden 27. My sister needs to buy some clothes for her … daughter. a) Two-year-old b) Two-years-age c) Two-years-old* d) Two-years-olds 28. I wish that they could … to the party last night . a) Come* b) Be coming c) Have come d) Had come 29. What would you have done if you … to make that decision. a) Have had b) Had c) Had have d) Had had* 30. three responsibilities … are to search out, identify, and assess patentable inventions and technologies. a) To a patent manager

b) With a patent manager c) On a patent manager d) Of a patent manager* 31. too little thyroid hormone will lead to sluggishness and inertia; too much results in rapid heartbeat …. And higher oxygen consumption. a) It increases mental activity b) Increased mental activity* c) Mental activity to increase d) Mental activity is increased 32. …. Of Willa Catha presents an unadorned picture of life on the prairies of the Midwestern United States during the 19th century. a) The novels that b) That the novels c) The novels which d) The novels* (seharusnyo the novel, dak pakek s)

a) That was the supreme commander of northern forces b) Who supremely commanding northern forces* c) He was the supreme commander of northern forces d) The supreme commander of northern forces. 38. John knows, that he had better … his algebra skills before the mict-form exam a) Brush up on* b) Brush on up c) Brushing up on d) Brushing on up 39. …. For his poetry but also for his six-volume life of Abraham lincon a) Not only Carl Sandburg is know* b) Carl Sandburg, knowing not only c) Carl Sandburg is known not only d) Carl sanburg, who is known not only

33. With neither a naturally aggreasive disposition …. A particularly large size, the mimic octopus survives quite easily because o Of its natural adaptions. a) And b) With c) Nor* d) Or

40. Jane Addams, …. Lived to see the realization of many of the reforms for which she fought a) Her social work and humanitarianism b) Whose social work and humanitarism c) She was a social worker and humanitariam d) Social worker and humanitarian*

34. circulating column of air at the core of a tornado …. In excess of 250 miles per hour. a) Almoust never reachers* (almost never reaches) b) Reachers almoust never c) Almoust reachers never d) Reachers never almoust


35. Unless an observer knows … an eclips properly, severe retinal and cornea darmage can results. a) To observing b) How observe c) How to observe* d) To have observed 36. pipeline network, …. 4.000 miles, provides natural gas from texas to homes and industries on the east coast. a) Totaling b) Totals* c) Total* d) It totals 37. Ulysses S. Grant …. Showed great magnanimity in receiving the surrender of his arch-rival, Robert. E Lee at the end of the Civil War.

Though they were not trained naturalists, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in their explorations of North America in the early nineteenth century came across enough unfamiliar birds, mammals, and reptiles to fill a zoo. In keeping with President Jefferson's orders they took careful note of 122 species and subspecies that were unknown to science and in many cases native only to the West. Clark made sketches of any particularly intriguing creature. He and Lewis also collected animal hides and horns and bird skins with such care that a few of them were still intact nearly two centuries later. While Lewis and Clark failed to meet the mythological monsters reputed to dwelt in the West, they did unearth the bones of a 45 - foot dinosaur. Furthermore, some of the living beasts they did come upon, such as the woolly mountain goat and the grizzly bear, were every bit as odd or as fearsome as any myth.

In their collector's enthusiasm, they even floated a prairie dog out of its burrow by pouring in five barrelfuls of water, then shipped the frisky animal to Jefferson alive and yelping.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) President Jefferson's pets (B) Collector's techniques for capturing wildlife (C) Discovery of animal species by Lewis and Clark (D) Jobs for trained naturalists 2. "In keeping with" in line 3 could best be replaced by which of the following? (A) Following (B) Managing (C) Retaining (D) Delaying 3. It can be inferred from the passage that President Jefferson ordered Lewis and Clark to (A) bring back animals for a zoo (B) train to be naturalists (C) compile sketches for a book (D) record newly discovered species of animals 4. In line 8, what does the word "they" refer to? (A) Lewis and Clark (B) Dinosaur bones (C) Mythological monsters (D) Western dwellers 5. The author compares which of the following animals to mythological monsters? (A) The grizzly bear (B) The prairie dog (C) A tropical bird (D) A poisonous reptile 6. According to the passage, Lewis and Clark poured water into a prairie dog's burrow because they wanted to (A) bathe the animal (B) capture the animal (C) give the animal water (D) teach the animal to float