TOEFL Structure-Reading Practice Test 2 [PDF]

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Practice Test 2

~ Structure and Written Expression Time: 25 minutes This section tests your ability to recognize grammar and usage suitable for standard written English. This section is divided into two parts, each with its own directions.

Structure Directions: Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these sentences, there are four words or phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that best completes the sentence. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected. Example!

Sample Answer

Pepsin ____ an enzyme used in digestion. (A) that (B) is (C) of

(D) being This sentence should properly read "Pepsin is an enzyme used in digestion." You should fill in (B) on your answer sheet. Example II

Sample Answer

____ large natural lakes are found in the state of South Carolina. (A) There are no (B) Not the (C) It is not (D) No This sentence should properly read "No large natural lakes are found in the state of South Carolina." You should fill in (D) on your answer sheet. As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this part.





Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression


1. Sharp knives are actually safer to use _ _ _ _ __ (A) as dull ones (B) as ones that are dull (C) than dull ones (D) that are dull ones 2. Daniel Webster, Thaddeus Stevens, and many others _ _ _ _ _ _ prominent in public life

began their careers by teaching school. (A) they became (B) once they became (C) became (D) who became 3. As coal mines became deeper, the problems of draining water, bringing in fresh air, and

_ _ _ _ _ _ to the surface increased. (A) transporting ore (B) to transport ore (C) how ore is transported (D) ore is transporting 4.

because of the complexity of his writing, Henry James never became a popular writer, but his works are admired by critics and other writers. (A) It may be (B) Perhaps (C) Besides (D) Why is it

5. Piedmont glaciers are formed _ _ _ _ _ _ several valley glaciers join and spread out over a

plain. (A) by (B) when (C) from (D) that 6. As late as 1890, Key West, with a population of 18,000, _ _ _ _ _ _ Florida's largest city. (A) that was (B) to be (C) was (D) it was 7. A mastery of calculus depends on _ _ _ _ _ _ of algebra. (A) an understanding (B) is understood (C) to understand (D) understand



Practice Test 2

eeeeeeeeeeee 8.

he was not a musician himself, Lawrence Hammond developed an electronic keyboard instrument called the Hammond organ. (A) Although despite + phrase (B) That despite not being a musician (C) Despite (D) For

9. Agnes De Mille's landmark musical play Oklahoma! was _ _ _ _ _ _ of story, music, and dance. (A) successfully combined (B) a successful combination (C) to combine successfully (D) successful combining

single dialect of American English has ever become dominant.

10. (A) No

(B) Not only a Not (D) Nor a


11. In 1837 the University of Michigan became the first state university of regents elected by the voters of the state. (A) under the control (B) it was controlled (C) being controlled (D) to be controlled

_ _ _ _ _ by a board

12. Indoor heating systems have made _ _ _ _ _ _ for people to live and work comfortably in temperate climates. (A) it is possible (B) possible (C) it possible (D) possibly (which allow —> allowing) 13. Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, _ _ _ _ _ _ to float on the surface of the water. (A) allowing them (B) allows them (C) they are allowed (D) this allows them 14. Considered America's first great architect, (A) many of the buildings at Harvard University were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson (B) Henry Hobson Richardson designed many of the buildings at Harvard University (C) Harvard University has many buildings that were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson (D) it was Henry Hobson Richardson who designed many of the buildings at Harvard University 15.

is caused by a virus was not known until 1911. (A) That measles (B) As measles (C) Measles ~ (D) What if measles @.i.hi(.ihti;rtiiWn-~

Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression


eeeeeeeeeeee Written Expression Directions: The items in this part have four underlined words or phrases, CA), CB), (C), and CD). You must identify the one underlined expression that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and fill in the space corresponding to the letter.

Sample Answer

Example I

Lenses may to have either concave or ABC

convex shapes. --D-

This sentence should read "Lenses may have either concave or convex shapes." You should therefore select answer (A).

Example II

Sample Answer

When painting a fresco, an artist is applied paint A


directly to the damp plaster of a wall.



This sentence should read "When painting a fresco, an artist applies paint directly to the damp plaster of a wall." You should therefore select answer CB). As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this section.



Practice Test 2

eeeeeeeeeeee made of : material made up of : the parts that form something

16. Dreams are commonly made up of either visual and verbal images. A


--C-- both


17. The Yale Daily News is oldest than any other college newspaper still in operation in the A




United States.



18. Mary Rinehart was a pioneer in the field of journalist in the early twentieth century. A




19. The Dave Brubek Quartet, one of the most popular jazz bands of the 1950's, had a particularly college campuses



loyal following on campuses college. C



20. In the architecture, a capital is the top portion of a column. --A--




21. Today, successful farmers are experts not only in agriculture, but also in market, finance, and ABC


accounting. D


fuel uncountable

22. In the early days of jet development, jet engines used great numbers of fuel. --A--BC -0so

23. Georgia has too many types of soil that virtually any temperate-zone crop can be grown there. ABC -Dthe sum —> the number —> the amount —> the total (singular)


24. The sum of all chemical reactions in an organism's living cells are called its metabolism. A B C

0 pulled

25. River transportation in the United States consists primarily of barges pull by towboats. A B C


drop both

26. Most modern barns are both insulated, ventilated, and equipped with electricity. A B C



27. Many bridges in New England were covered with wooden roofs to protect it from -AB C rain and snow. D

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Section 2 • Structure and Written Expression


eeeeeeeeeeeel 28. It is their nearly perfect crystal structure that gives diamonds their hardness, brilliance, and A B C


transparent. D

relatively difficult

29. Needles are simple-looking tools, but they are very relatively diff1cult to make. A B C



30. Ducks are less susceptible to infection than another types of poultry. ~ B -cD

another kalo cuma1


31. Unlike competitive running, race walkers must always keep some portion of their feet A



in contact with the ground. D


32. One of the most beautiful botanical gardens in the United States is the wildly and lovely A B C

Magnolia Gardens near Charleston, South Carolina. D


33. Composer John Cage used many unusual objects as instrument in his music, including A B C

cowbells, flower pots, tin cans, and saw blades. D

34. Woody Guthrie wrote thousands of songs during the lifetime, many of which became classic A B C

his lifetime

folk songs. D


35. RunnerWilma Rudolph win three gold medals at the 1960 Olympics, and she set the A B C

world record for the laO-meter dash in 1961. D

the first ordinal —> the

36. Some critics have called Theodore Dreiser's book Sister Carrie a first modern novel because -BA c it broke so many traditions. D

when / in which

37. Abigail Adams' letters to her husband present a graphic picture of the age which she lived. --A-




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Practice Test 2

•••••••••••• ease

38. Viscosity is a measurement describing the relative difficulty or easy with which liquids flow. A





39. More than 10,000 years ago, glaciers moved across the Minnesota region four time, leveling A



most of the land. [)


40. The discover of gold and silver in the rugged mountains of Nevada in 1858 attracted many A B C

fortune-seekers to that area. o


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Section 3 • Reading Comprehension


@] Reading Comprehension Time: 55 minutes This section of the test measures your ability to comprehend written materials.

Directions: This section contains several passages, each followed by a number of questions. Read the passages and, for each question, choose the one best answer-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-based on what is stated in the passage or on what can be inferred from the passage. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that matches the letter of the answer that you have selected. Read the following passage: Like mammals, birds claim their own territories. A bird's territory may be small or large. Some birds claim only their nest and the area right around it, while others claim far larger territories that include their feeding areas. Gulls, penguins, and other waterfowl nest in huge colonies, but even in the biggest colonies, each male and his mate have small territories of their own immediately around their nests. Male birds defend their territory chiefly against other males of the same species. In some cases, a warning call or threatening pose may be all the defense needed, but in other cases, intruders may refuse to leave peacefully.

(line) (5)



Sample Answer

What is the main topic of this passage l (A) (B) (C) (D)

Birds that live in colonies Birds' mating habits The behavior of birds Territoriality in birds

The passage mainly concerns the territories of birds. You should fill in (D) on your answer sheet.


Practice Test 2

Example 1/

Sample Answer

According to the passage, male birds defend their territory primarily against (A) (B) (C) (D)

female birds birds of other species males of their own species mammals

The passage states that "Male birds defend their territory chiefly against other males of the same species." You should fill in (C) on your answer sheet. As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this section.

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Section 3 • Reading Comprehension


Questions 1-11

(line) (5)





The time when humans crossed the Arctic land bridge from Siberia to Alaska seems remote to us today, but actually represents a late stage in the prehistory of humans, an era when polished stone implements and bows and arrows were already being used, and dogs had already been domesticated. When these early migrants arrived in North America, they found the woods and plains dominated by three types of American mammoths. These elephants were distinguished from today's elephants mainly by their thick, shaggy coats and their huge, upward-curving tusks. They had arrived on the continent hundreds of thousands of years before their human followers. The wooly mammoth in the North, the Columbian mammoth in middle North America. and the imperial mammoth of the South, together with their distant cousins the mastodons, dominated the land. Here, as in the Old World, there is evidence that humans hunted these elephants, as shown by the numerous spear points found with mammoth remains. Then, at the end of the Ice Age, when the last glaciers had retreated, there was a relatively sudden and widespread extinction of elephants. In the New World, both mammoths and mastodons disappeared. In the Old World, only Indian and African elephants survived. Why did the huge, seemingly successful mammoths disappear? Were humans connected with their extinction? Perhaps, but at that time, although they were cunning hunters, humans were still widely scattered and not very numerous. It is difficult to see how they could have prevailed over the mammoth to such an extent.

1. With which of the following is the passage primarily concerned' (A) Migration from Siberia to Alaska (B) Techniques used to hunt mammoths (C) The prehistory of humans (D) The relationship between man and mammoth in the New World 2. The word "implements" in line 4 is closest in meaning to (A) tools (B) ornaments (C) houses (D) carvings 3. The phrase "these early migrants" in line 6 refers to (A) mammoths (B) humans (C) dogs (D) mastodons

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Practice Test 2

4. Where were the imperial mammoths the dominant type of mammoth? (A) In Alaska (B) In the central portion of North America (C) In the southern part of North America (D) In South America 5. It can be inferred that when humans crossed into the New World, they (A) had previously hunted mammoths in Siberia (B) had never seen mammoths before (C) brought mammoths with them from the Old World (D) soon learned to use dogs to hunt mammoths 6. Which of the following could best substitute for the word "remains" in line 17? (A) Bones (B) Drawings (C) Footprints (D) Spear points 7. The word "seemingly" in line 23 is closest in meaning to (A) tremendously (B) apparently (C) formerly (D) obviously 8. The passage supports which of the following conclusions about mammoths? (A) Humans hunted them to extinction. (B) The freezing temperatures of the Ice Age destroyed their food supply. CC) The cause of their extinction is not definitely known. CD) Competition with mastodons caused them to become extinct. 9. The word "cunning" in line 25 is closest in meaning to (A) clever (B) determined (C) efficient (D) cautious 10. Which of the following is NOT true about prehistoric humans at the time of the mammoths' extinction? (A) They were relatively few in number. (8) They knew how to use bows and arrows. CC) They were concentrated in a small area. (D) They were skilled hunters. 11. Which of the following types of elephants does the author discuss in the most detail in the passage? (A) The mastodon (B) The mammoth CC) The Indian elephant (D) The African elephant


Section 3 • Reading Comprehension


Questions 12-23


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Just before and during World War I, a number of white musicians came to Chicago from New Orleans playing in an idiom they had learned from blacks in that city. Five of them formed what eventually became known as the Original Dixieland Band. They moved to New York in 1917 and won fame there. That year they recorded the first phonograph record identified as jazz. The first important recording by black musicians was made in Chicago in 1923 by King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, a group that featured some of the foremost jazz musicians of the time, including trumpet player Louis Armstrong. Armstrong's dynamic trumpet style became famous worldwide. Other band members had played in Fate Marable's band, which traveled up and down the Mississippi River entertaining passengers on riverboats. The characteristics of this early type of jazz, known as Dixieland jazz, included a complex interweaving of melodic lines among the cornet or trumpet, clarinet, and trombone, and a steady chomp-chomp beat provided by the rhythm section, which included the piano, bass, and drums. Most bands used no written notations, preferring arrangements agreed on verbally. Improvisation was an indispensable element. Even bandleaders such as Duke Ellington, who provided his musicians with written arrangements, permitted them plenty to freedom to improvise when playing solos. In the late 1920's, the most influential jazz artists in Chicago were members of small bands such as the Wolverines. In New York, the trend was toward larger groups. These groups played in revues, large dance halls, and theaters. Bands would become larger still during the next age of jazz, the Swing era.

12. What is the main topic of this passage(A) The early history of jazz (B) The music of World War I (C) The relationship of melody and rhythm in jazz (D) The New York recording industry in the 1920's 13. The word "idiom" in line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) slang (B) tempo (C) tune (D) style 14. The musicians who made the earliest jazz recordings were originally from (A) New Orleans (B) Chicago (C) New York (D) Mississippi



Practice Test 2

15. When was the first important recording by black jazz musicians made? (A) In 1917 (B) In 1923 (C) In the late 1920's (D) In the early 1930's 16. According to the passage, Louis Armstrong was a member of which of the following' (A) The Original Dixieland Band (B) Fate Marable's riverboat band (C) King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band (D) The Wolverines 17. The word "steady" in line 17 is closest in meaning to (A) constant (13) basic (C) urgent (I)) happy IR. According to the passage, which of the following instruments helped provide the beat for Dixieland jazz? (A) The cornet (B) The piano (C) The trombone (D) The clarinet 19. Duke Ellington is given as an example of a bandleader who (A) could not read music (B) did not value improvisation (C) discouraged solo performances (D) used written arrangements 20. Which of the following phrases would be LEAST likely to be applied to Dixieland jazz' (A) Relatively complex (B) Highly improvisational (C) Rhythmic and melodic (D) Carefully planned 21. According to the passage, who were the Wolverines? (A) A band that played in large dance halls (B) A New York group (C) A Swing band (D) A small group 22. The author provides the most detailed description of early jazz music in the (A) first paragraph (B) second paragraph (C) third paragraph (D) fourth paragraph

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Section 3 • Reading Comprehension


23. The paragraph following this one most likely deals with (A) the music of small bands (B) the Swing era (C) music that influenced Dixieland Jazz (D) other forms of music popular in the 1920's

Questions 24-32

(line) (5)






A pioneering study by Donald Appleyard made the astounding discovery that a sudden increase in the volume of traffic through an area affects people in the way that a sudden increase in crime does. Appleyard observed this by finding three blocks of houses in San Francisco that looked much alike and had the same kind of middle-class and working-class residents, with approximately the same ethnic mix. The difference was that only 2,000 cars a day ran down Octavia Street (LIGHT street, in Appleyard's terminology) while Gough Street (MEDIUM street) was used by 8,000 cars daily, and Franklin Street (HEAVY street) had around 16,000 cars a day. Franklin Street often had as many cars in an hour as Octavia Street had in a day. Heavy traffic brought with it danger, noise, fumes, and soot, directly, and trash secondarily. That is, the cars didn't bring in much trash, but when trash accumulated, residents seldom picked it up. The cars, Appleyard determined, reduced the amount of territory residents felt responsible for. Noise was a constant intrusion into their homes. Many Franklin Street residents covered their doors and windows and spent most of their time in the rear of their houses. Most families with children had already left. Conditions on Octavia Street were much different. Residents picked up trash. They sat on their front steps and chatted with neighbors. They had three times as many friends and twice as many acquaintances as the people on Franklin. On Gough Street, residents said that the old feeling of community was disappearing as traffic increased. People were becoming more and more preoccupied with their own lives. A number of families had recently moved, and more were conSidering it. Those who were staying expressed deep regret at the destruction of their community.

24. The word "astounding" in line 1 is closest in meaning to (A) startling (B) disappointing (C) dubious (D) alternative



Practice Test 2

25. The three streets mentioned in this passage are different in that (A) they are in different cities (B) the residents are of different ethnic backgrounds (C) they have varying amounts of traffic (D) the income levels of the residents vary considerably 26. Approximately how many cars use Fntnklin Street daily? (A) 2,000 (13) 8,000 (C) 16,000 (D) 20,000 27. All of the following are direct results of heavy traffic EXCEPT (A) increased amounts of trash (B) greater danger to residents (C) more pollution (D) more vibrations 28. The author's main purpose in the second paragraph is to (A) discuss the problems of trash disposal (B) point out the disadvantages of heavy traffic (C) propose an alternate system of transportation (D) suggest ways to cope with trafflc problems 29. On which street is there the most social interaction? (A) Octavia Street (B) Gough Street (C) Franklin Street (D) There is no significant social interaction on any of the three streets. 30. The word "chatted" in line 23 is closest in meaning to (A) joked (13) talked (C) argued (D) walked 31. Which of the following is NOT a statement you would expect from a resident of Gough Street? (A) People on this street are unhappy because the neighborhood is deteriorating. (13) People on this street think mostly of themselves. (C) People on this street have more and more space for which they feel responsible. (D) A number of people are preparing to leave this street. 32. In what order does the author present detailed discussions of the three streets? (A) LIGHT, MEDIUM, HEAVY (B) HEAVY, MEDIUM, LIGHT (C) HEAVY, LIGHT, MEDIUM (D) LIGHT, HEAVY, MEDIUM

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Section 3 • Reading Comprehension


Questions 33-42

(line) (5)




Rachel Carson was born in 1907 in Springsdale, Pennsylvania. She studied biology at college, and zoology at Johns Hopkins University, where she received her master's degree in 1933. In 1936, she was hired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where she worked most of her life. Carson's first book, Under the Sea Wind, was published in 1941. It received excellent reviews, but sales were poor until it was reissued in 1952. In that year she published The Sea Around Us, which provided a fascinating look beneath the ocean's surface, emphasizing human history as well as geology and marine biology. Her imagery and language had a poetic quality. Carson consulted no fewer than 1,000 printed sources. She had voluminous correspondence and frequent discussions with experts in the field. However, she always realized the limitations of her non-technical readers. In 1962 Carson published Silent Spring, a book that sparked considerable controversy. It proved how much harm was done by the uncontrolled, reckless use of insecticides. She detailed how they poison the food supply of animals, kill birds and fish, and contaminate human food. At the time, spokesmen for the chemical industry mounted personal attacks against Carson and issued propaganda to indicate that her findings were flawed. However, her work was vindicated by a 1963 report of the President's Science Advisory Committee.

33. The passage mainly discusses Rachel Carson's work (A) as a researcher (B) at college (C) at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (D) as a writer 34. According to the passage, what did Carson primarily study at Johns Hopkins University? (A) Oceanography (ll) History (C) Literature (D) Zoology 35. When she published her first book, Carson was closest to the age of (A) 26 (B) 29 (C) 34 (D) 45



Practice Test 2

36. It can be inferred from the passage that in 1952, Carson's book Under the Sea Wind (A) was outdated (B) became more popular than her other books (C) was praised by critics (D) sold many copies 37. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the passage as a source of information for The Sea Around Us? (A) Printed matter (B) Talks with experts (C) A research expedition (D) Letters from scientists 38. Which of the following words or phrases is LEAST accurate in describing The Sea Around Us? (A) Highly technical (B) Poetic (C) Fascinating (D) Well-researched

39. The word "reckless" in line 18 is closest in meaning to (A) unnecessary (B) limited (C) continuous (D) irresponsible 40. According to the passage, Silent Spring is primarily (A) an attack on the use of chemical preservatives in food (B) a discussion of the hazards insects pose to the food supply (C) a warning about the dangers of misusing insecticides (D) an illustration of the benefits of the chemical industry

41. The word "flawed" in line 22 is closest in meaning to (A) faulty (B) deceptive (C) logical (D) offensive 42. Why does the author of the passage mention the report of the President's Science Advisory Committee (lines 23-24)? (A) To provide an example of government propaganda (B) To support Carson's ideas (C) To indicate a growing government concern with the environment (D) To validate the chemical industry's claims

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Section 3 • Reading Comprehension


Questions 43-50

(line) (5)




What is meant by the term economic resources? In general, these are all the natural, man-made, and human resources that go into the production of goods and services. This obviously covers a lot of ground: factories and farms, tools and machines, transportation and communication facilities, all types of natural resources, and labor. Economic resources can be broken down into two general categories: property resources-land and capitaland human resources-labor and entrepreneurial skills. What do economists mean by land? Much more than the noneconomist. Land refers to all natural resources that are usable in the production process: arable land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and so on. What about capital? Capital goods are all the man-made aids to producing, storing, transporting, and distributing goods and services. Capital goods differ from consumer goods in that the latter satisfy wants directly, while the former do so indirectly by facilitating the production of consumer goods. It should be noted that capital as defined here does not refer to money. Money, as such, produces nothing. The term labor refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce goods or services (with the exception of a certain set of human talents, entrepreneurial skiIIs, which will be considered separately because of their special significance). Thus the services of a factory worker or an office worker, a ballet dancer or an astronaut all fall under the general heading of labor.

43. What is the author's main purpose in writing this passage? (A) To explain the concept of labor (B) To criticize certain uses of capital (C) To contrast capital goods and consumer goods (D) To define economic resources

44. In lines 3-4, the author uses the expression "This obviously covers a lot of ground ..." to indicate that (A) the factories and farms discussed in the passage are very large (B) economic resources will be discussed in great depth (C) the topic of economic resources is a broad one (D) land is an important concept in economics 45. When non-economists use the term "land," its definition (A) is much more general than when economists use it (B) is much more restrictive than when economists use it (C) changes from place to place (D) includes all types of natural resources

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Practice Test 2

46. The word "arable" in line 11 is closest in meaning to (A) dry (B) fertile (C) developed (D) open

47. The phrase "the latter" in line 15 refers to (A) economists (B) non-economists (C) capital goods (D) consumer goods 48. Which of the following could be considered a capital good as defined in the passage? (A) A railroad (B) Money (C) A coal deposit (D) Human skills

49. The word "heading" in line 24 is closest in meaning to (A) direction (B) practice (C) category CD) utility

50. The skills of all the following could be considered examples of labor, as defined in the passage, EXCEPT

(A) artists and scientists (B) workers who produce services, not goods

(C) office workers (D) entrepreneurs


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