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Nama : I Kadek Surya Adi Pranata Nim : 045184644

1. Anda baru saja lulus dan melihat iklan lowongan pekerjaan di koran Herald sebagai Staf Pendaftaran di sebuah rumah sakit. Buatlah surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan:  tentang diri Anda,  jabatan yang dilamar,  dari mana Anda mengetahui lowongan tersebut,  ketertarikan Anda terhadap jabatan tersebut,  alasan mengapa Anda cocok untuk jabatan tersebut, dan  ucapan terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan untuk mempertimbangkan Anda. You are a fresh graduate and saw a job vac anc y/opening in the Herald newspaper for an Admissions Offic er in a hospital. Write a c over letter in English stating: 

who you are,

the position you are applying to,

where you found the opening/vac anc y,

your interest in the position,

reasons why you are a good fit to the position, and

thanking them for taking the time to c onsider you.


Bali , 20 June 2022 Subjec t: Employment Applic ation Dear, Mr. Prof.dr. Addison Bart, M.Sc .

St George's Hospital New York,USA

yours faithfully, My name is Surya, I am rec ent a MBA graduate from Harvard Business Sc hool. I wish to apply for the Registration staff position at St.George's Hospital posted in Daily Times Job advertisement sec tion. I'm very interested in the field of management and would welc ome the opportunity to c ontribute my writing and management skills, and experienc e to your prestigious hospital. I am exc ited about St.George's Hospital's c ommitment to medic al researc h. As a biology student in high sc hool, I'm very aware of the importanc e of health and hygiene as the foundation for a well balanc ed life. Your emphasis on "HELP THE NEEDY and FREE HEALTHCARE ARMED FORCES" is a benc hmark for c harity. I am always been a team player and have c ompleted 5 projec t works as projec t leader. In addition to my c onc entration in Management, I have c ompleted advanc ed c oursework in Medic inal testing. My ac ademic work has strengthened my researc h and writing skills as well as my understanding of the ec onomic s of business growth and development. Being a member of the Exec utive Committee, I managed c ampus advertising and soc ial media c ampaigns that inc reased overall membership and attrac ted more than 400 students from 14 different sc hools to our annual Interc ollegiate Fall Conferenc e.

To follow up on the information, I, the undersigned: Name : Surya (S.Mn.) Plac e/Date of Birth : Bebandem, September 19, 2003 Educ ation : S1 Management Marital Status : Not Married Tel : 082340178372 Along with this letter, I inc lude my availability to fill the position. Bec ause the position is in ac c ordanc e with my educ ational bac kground in S1 Management. For c onsideration, I also attac h the following supporting data: 1. Curric ulum Vitae; 2. Photoc opy of diploma and transc ript (Legalized); 3. Photoc opy of Certific ate and Training; 4. SKCK (Certific ate of Polic e Rec ords); 5. SKS (Health Certific ate); 6. Rec ent passport size 3×4 (3 sheets);

Thank you for your c onsideration. I very muc h look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in person about my interest in this position

Sinc erely,



Bac alah perc akapan di bawah ini. / Please read the c onversation below.

Rec eptionist: Hello. Welc ome to Uptown Medic al Centre. How c an I help you? Linda: Hi. I need to see the doc tor, please. Rec eptionist: Have you been here before? Linda: No, I haven’t. Rec eptionist: Okay. Can I have your name, please? Linda: It’s Linda Newton. Rec eptionist: Now, c an you desc ribe your health c onc ern? Linda: I have been having skin problems that aren't going away. Rec eptionist: Are you in any pain? Linda: No. Exc ept for the rash, I feel fine. Rec eptionist: Noted. Today, we had a c anc ellation at 3 p.m. Is that okay? Linda: .............................................................................. Rec eptionist: Okay, then. I will set you up today at 3 p.m. See you then. Linda: Thank you. See you. Pertanyaan / Questions Isilah perc akapan yang kosong di atas dengan kalimat/ekspresi yang tepat. / Please fill in the blanks with the proper expression that is suitable with the c onversation.

ANSWER : Rec eptionist : Hello. Welc ome to Uptown Medic al Centre. How c an I help you? Linda

: Hi. I need to see the doc tor, please.

Rec eptionis

: Have you been here before?


: No, I haven’t. Rec eptionist: Okay. Can I have your name, please?


: It’s Linda Newton.

Rec eptionist : Now, c an you desc ribe your health c onc ern? Linda

: I have been having skin problems that aren't going away.

Rec eptionist : Are you in any pain? Linda

: No. Exc ept for the rash, I feel fine.

Rec eptionist : Noted. Today, we had a c anc ellation at 3 p.m. Is that okay? Linda

: "Yes of c ourse. I have no problem with that. I'm free at 3 pm. Will you set up a sc hedule for me, please?”

Rec eptionist : Okay, then. I will set you up today at 3 p.m. See you then. Linda


: Thank you. See you.

Bac alah dialog berikut. / Please read the dialogue below.

Neil Smith: We are establishing a new offic e in Tokyo, and we are interested in purc hasing a large amount of goods from your c ompany. Of c ourse, provided that you give us a good offer. Adam Jac kson: What amount approximately are we talking about? Neil Smith: We would need around 500 tables and twic e that of c hairs, as well as some other offic e furniture. We will dec ide on the exac t numbers no later than next Thursday. Adam Jac kson: I see. We c ould definitely offer a disc ount for suc h an amount of goods. Neil Smith: So, how muc h of a disc ount would you be willing to offer to us? I know that this is on short notic e, but I'd like to add that we are on the hunt for a long-time partner. Adam Jac kson: I would like you to c onsider our offer of 5% off for the upc oming purc hase and maybe a little bit more after the c ontrac t for a longer-term relationship is signed. How does that sound to you? Neil Smith: (1) I am afraid that might not be enough to c lose the deal. We are evaluating offers from other suppliers, too. Adam Jac kson: You drive a hard bargain! I guess c ompetition is fierc e these days. What about a fixed rate of 7% disc ount? That is my last word. Neil Smith: (2) That sounds reasonable. I think we have a deal. Thank you very muc h. It is always a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Jac kson. Pertanyaan / Questions

Identifikasi ungkapan apa yang tersirat dalam kalimat yang bergaris bawah nomor 1 dan 2. / Identify what expression is implied in eac h underlined sentenc e 1 and 2. ANSWER : a. In the first sentenc e, Neil Smith says "I am afraid that might not be enough to c lose the deal." This sentenc e implies an expression of disagreement and disapproval. By saying that he's afraid that it might not be enough to c lose the deal, he means that he does not want to settle with the given disc ount. He made use of the words "I am afraid" as this is a polite way to rejec t or oppose someone if you do not agree with or c annot do what they want. b.

In the sec ond sentenc e, "That sounds reasonable. I think we have a deal", the

Implied expression is agreement or ac c eptanc e. He means that after taking everything into c onsideration, the new offer given to him is more just and ac c eptable. By saying that they have a deal, the expression of agreement or approval is shown.

4. Ubahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa sederhana. / Simplify the c onc lusions below into simple phrases.

ANSWER : 1. Consistent working c apital management at some point during the year remains a foc al area to ensure the business runs as effic iently as possible eac h day. 2. We think this the essenc eog digital transformation, is the c orporate c ulture and the transformation of employee mindset.