Tugas Pidato Bhs Inggris [PDF]

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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable, all audiences. Let's thank to Allah, The Creator of the Whole World. And Let's say Sholawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW. In this occasion, I would like to give a speech about the important of 9 years study. All audiences I love, we are obliged to study at least for 9 years, at least from Elementary School to Junior High School. The purposes are very simple: we can read and write, and also have a good character as having been taught by our teachers. Those three purposes surely have effects on our lives in the future.

If we can read, we can learn many things through books. If we can write, we can write something useful for the others. But both of them are not enough if we don’t have a good character. Because of a good character, we must do all religious teaching as good as possible, and we are able to respect one another, we will love our family, our neighbor, our friends, our teachers and the other human beings in the world. Finally, let's pray we can hopefully do all of them for our better lives.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable, all audiences. Let's thank to Allah, The Creator of the Whole World. And Let's say Sholawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW. In this occasion, I would like to give a speech about the important of 9 years study. All audiences I love, we are obliged to study at least for 9 years, at least from Elementary School to Junior High School. The purposes are very simple: we can read and write, and also have a good character as having been taught by our teachers. Those three purposes surely have effects on our lives in the future.

If we can read, we can learn many things through books. If we can write, we can write something useful for the others. But both of them are not enough if we don’t have a good character. Because of a good character, we must do all religious teaching as good as possible, and we are able to respect one another, we will love our family, our neighbor, our friends, our teachers and the other human beings in the world. Finally, let's pray we can hopefully do all of them for our better lives.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yang terhormat semua hadirin. Mari kita bersyukur kepada Allah, Sang Pencipta Seluruh Alam Raya. Juga, mari bersholawat kepada Nabi kita, Nabi Muhammad SAW. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan menyampaikan pidato tentang pentingnya pendidikan 9 tahun. Para hadirin, kita diwajibkan belajar selama 9 tahun lamanya, setidaknya dari mulai SD hingga SMP. Tujuannya sebenarnya sederhana, yaitu kit a bisa membaca dan menulis serta memiliki akhlak yang baik seperti diajarkan oleh para guru kita. 3 Tujuan belajar tentu memiliki pengaruh terhadap kehidupan kita di masa depan nanti. Jika kita bisa membaca, secara otomatis kita bisa mempelajari banyak hal melalui buku. Jika kita bisa menulis, kita bisa menuliskan hal-hal yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Keduanya, baik membaca dan menulis, tidak akan cukup jika kita tidak memiliki akhlak yang baik. Dengan akhlak yang mulia, kita pasti mengamalkan ajaran agama dengan sebaik mungkin serta kita bisa saling menghormati sesama manusia, baik dengan keluarga, tetangga, sahabat, guru dan lainnya. Akhirnya, mari kita berdo'a semoga kita bisa melakukan hal itu semua demi kehidupan kita yang lebih baik.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.