Tugas Tutorial Ke-3 [PDF]

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TUGAS TUTORIAL KE-3 BAHASA INGGRIS Soal Nomor 1 (Skor 60) Anda baru saja lulus dan melihat iklan lowongan pekerjaan di koran Herald sebagai Staf Pendaftaran di sebuah rumah sakit. Buatlah surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan:  tentang diri Anda,  jabatan yang dilamar,  dari mana Anda mengetahui lowongan tersebut,  ketertarikan Anda terhadap jabatan tersebut,  alasan mengapa Anda cocok untuk jabatan tersebut, dan  ucapan terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan untuk mempertimbangkan Anda. You are a fresh graduate and saw a job vacancy/opening in the Herald newspaper for an Admissions Officer in a hospital. Write a cover letter in English stating:  who you are,  the position you are applying to,  where you found the opening/vacancy,  your interest in the position,  reasons why you are a good fit to the position, and  thanking them for taking the time to consider you. Answer: Sasnita Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 5 Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 32511 081373085333 [email protected] 26 November 2022 Mr. Bramantyo Head Manager of Yukum Jaya Hospital Bandar Jaya, Lampung

Dear Mr. Bramantyo My name is Sasnita and I am writing to express my interest in the administrative staff position with Yukum Jaya Hospital. I read your advertisement for that position in the Herald newspaper. I am excited for the opportunity to work for Yukum Jaya Hospital and really want to help in hospital administrative services with my interpersonal skills. I would be like perfect candidate for the administrative staff because I have interpersonal skills, can communicate well, broad-minded and have taken the appropriate competencies. This position fits that for me because it's a growth role that will benefit me professionally because I'm going to be able to learn and develop more skills. As I do well, I'm going to be paid financially and personally in terms of personal satisfaction. It's a stepping stone to the next role. It's an opportunity to hone my skill set. As a recent graduate from the University of Indonesia with a degree in hospital administration I have the required training needed for the administrative staff at Yukum Jaya Hospital. Relevant course work included library service. One thing that attracted me most to Yukum Jaya Hospital is that it’s one of the best hospital in Lampung. I want to work at your hospital so that I can improve my knowledge and abilities that I currently have. I look forward to meeting you in person during an interview to further discuss my qualifications and how I will be an asset to Yukum Jaya Hospital. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Sasnita Soal Nomor 2 (Skor 10) Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below. Receptionist: Hello. Welcome to Uptown Medical Centre. How can I help you? Linda: Hi. I need to see the doctor, please. Receptionist: Have you been here before? Linda: No, I haven’t. Receptionist: Okay. Can I have your name, please? Linda: It’s Linda Newton. Receptionist: Now, can you describe your health concern? Linda: I have been having skin problems that aren't going away. Receptionist: Are you in any pain?

Linda: No. Except for the rash, I feel fine. Receptionist: Noted. Today, we had a cancellation at 3 p.m. Is that okay? Linda:……………………………………………………………… Receptionist: Okay, then. I will set you up today at 3 p.m. See you then. Linda: Thank you. See you. Pertanyaan / Questions Isilah percakapan yang kosong di atas dengan kalimat/ekspresi yang tepat. / Please fill in the blanks with the proper expression that is suitable with the conversation. Answer: Linda : That’s fine. I will see you then. Soal Nomor 3 (Skor 10) Bacalah dialog berikut. / Please read the dialogue below. Neil Smith: We are establishing a new office in Tokyo, and we are interested in purchasing a large amount of goods from your company. Of course, provided that you give us a good offer. Adam Jackson: What amount approximately are we talking about? Neil Smith: We would need around 500 tables and twice that of chairs, as well as some other office furniture. We will decide on the exact numbers no later than next Thursday. Adam Jackson: I see. We could definitely offer a discount for such an amount of goods. Neil Smith: So, how much of a discount would you be willing to offer to us? I know that this is on short notice, but I'd like to add that we are on the hunt for a long-time partner. Adam Jackson: I would like you to consider our offer of 5% off for the upcoming purchase and maybe a little bit more after the contract for a longer-term relationship is signed. How does that sound to you? Neil Smith: (1) I am afraid that might not be enough to close the deal. We are evaluating offers from other suppliers, too. Adam Jackson: You drive a hard bargain! I guess competition is fierce these days. What about a fixed rate of 7% discount? That is my last word. Neil Smith: (2) That sounds reasonable. I think we have a deal. Thank you very much. It is always a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Jackson.

Pertanyaan / Questions Identifikasi ungkapan apa yang tersirat dalam kalimat yang bergaris bawah nomor 1 dan 2. / Identify what expression is implied in each underlined sentence 1 and 2.

Answer : (1) The costumer are not satisfied with the offer and wanted more discounts, so that is an offer rejection. (2) The costumer agreed with the new offer and accepts it.

Soal Nomor 4 (Skor 20) Ubahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa sederhana. / Simplify the conclusions below into simple phrases. Original Conclusion

Revised Conclusion

1. Consistent working capital management throughout the year continues to be a key focus area to ensure we are running the business as efficiently as possible every day.

Keep working as efficiently as possible

2. Thus, if asked what we think is the essence of digital transformation, we would answer that it is the corporate culture and the transformation of employee mindset.

Corporate culture and employee mindset are the key

Sumber referensi : BMP MKWI4201/Modul 7-9