Unit 8 Test B: Use of English: Grammar [PDF]

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Unit 8 Test B

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2 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words.

Use of English: Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given. 1 The tsunami __________ (detect) at the monitoring station ten minutes before the wave hit the shore. 2 Several cows escaped the flood and __________ (see) walking through the town centre yesterday. 3 Amanda Jones __________ (take) to hospital by ambulance when it hit a cow. 4 Since the earthquake, it has been decided that the next nuclear power station __________ (build) in a different area. 5 Tests __________ (regularly do) to check volcanic activity in the mountain.


1 They expect that this area will be under water by tomorrow morning. TO This area ______________________________ by tomorrow morning. 2 People hope that scientists can learn many lessons from this disaster. IS ____________________________________ can learn many lessons from this disaster. 3 They say that an expert is coming to look at the damage. SAID An expert _____________________________ to look at the damage. 4 A newspaper reports that several people have been found alive after the earthquake destroyed the building. ARE Several people __________________________ found alive after the earthquake destroyed the building. 5 People believe that the temperature will get much hotter in the near future. IT ___________________________________ the temperature will get much hotter in the near future.


Gateway B2 Tests © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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3 Complete the text with the correct alternatives. An interesting science programme was shown on Channel 3 last night. It was about the improvements that (1) ___ in tsunami warnings since the devastating tsunami of 2004. It appears that precise predictions of the height and timing of a tsunami (2) ___ to areas in danger within minutes of an earthquake happening at sea. The money that (3) ___ into developing the technology to enable scientists to do this has been considerable, and it has been estimated that thousands of lives (4) ___ in recent years because of this. Having said that, the scientists on the programme insist that there is still a lot of work to be done in this field and that (5) ___ further financial support will help them develop the necessary technology even further. 1 A have made B have been made C were made 2 A are now be sent B could now be sending C can now be sent 3 A is been put B has been put C it puts 4 A are been saved B are being saved C have been saved 5 A it hopes B it is hoping C it is hoped


Class ...............................................

4 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. 1 The teacher gave us lots of tests at school, and we hated that. HATED We ____________________ lots of tests at school by the teacher. 2 It was necessary for the aid agencies to give food and water to the victims of the famine. NEEDED The victims of the famine ____________________ food and water by the aid agencies. 3 They believed that the avalanche hadn’t killed any skiers. WAS The avalanche ____________________ killed any skiers. 4 They gave me the arrival time of the airplane over the phone. TO The arrival time of the airplane ____________________ over the phone. 5 I give my friends lifts in my car, and they enjoy that. GIVEN ____________________ lifts in my new car.


Gateway B2 Tests © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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7 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words given.

Use of English: Vocabulary 5 Complete the sentences with the correct natural disasters. 1 There was quite a bad flu __________ last year, and the doctors recommended vaccinating all children under five years old. 2 A lot of people lost their homes when __________ __________ raged through some parts of California earlier this year. 3 It must have been so frightening when the __________ crashed over the sea walls and continued for half a kilometre inland. 4 There hasn’t been a(n) __________ from this volcano for 50 years at least. 5 The heavy rainfall caused a __________ just outside the village, and some of the houses on the hill ended up 50 kilometres away in the valley.

1 The __________ (drama) rescue of some climbers stuck on the mountain was shown on the news last night. 2 The __________ (punish) for starting a forest fire is sometimes a prison sentence. 3 There was a __________ (collide) between two ships in the fog, and several people had to be rescued. 4 Experts are __________ (gradual) learning how to predict earthquakes more accurately. 5 The hurricane caused a lot of __________ (destroy) as it swept across the coastal area.


/5 6 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1 Three casualties/injuries from the car crash were taken to hospital. 2 Lava/Ash from the eruption filled the sky, and it was like night time. 3 Refugees/Victims of the spring floods have demanded compensation from the government. 4 The hurricane passed the coastal town quickly and caused little destruction/damage to any buildings. 5 After the landslide, many of the fields were covered in thick mud/smog.


Gateway B2 Tests © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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8 Choose the correct answer alternatives to complete the email. Hi Emma, Are you doing anything for the disaster day appeal this Friday? All week I’ve been watching the special programmes on TV, and it (1) ___ that more and more people are getting involved this year. Last night, there were (2) ___ from some celebrities who have just returned from spending a month living in an African village with victims of the earthquake two months ago. They were explaining what the money raised by the appeal would be spent (3) ___. It was really moving to see how strong these people are after what they’ve been through. We complain about so many silly things but at least we don’t have to worry about the earth moving and (4) ___ our homes. On Friday, I’ll be running a marathon to raise money and I’ll be dressed up as a monkey! It’s going to be pretty hot, I imagine. I’ll send you some pictures from my phone on the day. By the way, I apologise (5) ___ forgetting your birthday last month. I always get it confused with my cousin’s. I’ll treat you to dinner at the new Italian restaurant when you come over. Do let me know if you’re doing anything for the appeal. See you soon! Emily xxx 1 2 3 4

A looks B seems C feels D makes A reviews B blogs C reports D interviews A on B at C for D in A knocking B collapsing C cutting D destroying 5 A of B for C at D on


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Reading 9 Read the article from which some sentences have been taken out. Choose the correct sentences A–F to fill the gaps. There is one sentence you do not need. Areas in certain parts of the world have recently been hit by disastrous floods, and others by a sequence of earthquakes. Most of us know someone who has been caught up in the devastation caused. Away from earthquake zones, one of most worrying problems these days is flooding and it is predicted that as a result of the changes in climate, this type of disaster will occur with more and more frequency in the future, affecting the lives of millions of people. (1) ___ Firstly, there are those (one in five people in Britain) who live in constant fear of heavy rainfall. Every time it rains for longer than a day or two, they are asking, ‘Will it be us this time? Will it be our house, our road, our town that is flooded?’ (2) ___ People become trapped in their own homes when the road becomes a river and need to be rescued by ill-prepared or too widely stretched rescue services. And people die in floods. They drown, trapped in cars or swept away by fast-moving rivers. Then we have the emotional and financial cost of flooding. (3) ___. How will it be paid for? Some insurance companies refuse to cover properties in certain areas because of the high risk of flooding. Therefore, some people may not have sufficient insurance to carry out the repairs to their flood damaged houses; others may have none. Rescue services regularly carry out flood simulation emergency practice where they get vital realistic practice of what to do if the real thing should happen. This is welcome and will no doubt mean that they will be able to evacuate and save more people in the event of a massive flood. (4) ___ What we really need to deal with is preventing the flooding in the first place. It is accepted that we cannot reverse climate change, but we can certainly spend money on improving sea and river defences. There are also many ways people can improve defences to their own homes. The problem is that, as always, these things cost a lot of money. (5) ___. It is something that the government needs to take seriously because it’s a problem that is not going to go away. A After the fear, comes the reality; tons of water spilling over the river banks, into roads, houses and over fields.

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B However, surely it is worth investing this money now, if it will prevent even greater monetary loss later. C However, this is like a doctor treating the symptoms and not the cause of a problem. D There are many victims of flooding. E Lifelong possessions are lost, security disappears, and there is the worry over restoration. F Unscrupulous builders develop low-lying land that is in great danger of flooding.

/5 Listening 10

You are going to hear an extract from a radio phone-in programme. Listen and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Martin’s holiday to Spain was a break before he took some important exams.


2 They heard the news about the ash cloud on their way to the airport.


3 The family didn’t stay at the airport on the first day.


4 There were young children in Martin’s family.


5 Martin’s family are hoping to rearrange their holiday to Spain.


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Writing 11 Write an opinion essay with this title: Climate change is inevitable, so there’s no point in trying to do anything about it. Write 180–250 words. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________




Gateway B2 Tests © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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