Untuk Soal Nomor 34-73, Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Paling Tepat [PDF]

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Untuk soal nomor 34-73, pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat. 34. Jika N adalah luas persegi yang sisinya 31 cm, dan M adalah luas lingkaran yang diameternya 35 cm, maka ..... a. M < N b. M > N c. M = N d. M = 3N e. Hubungan M dan N tidak dapat ditentukan 35. Jika 7 < a < 12 Dan 8 < b < 13 Maka pernyataan yang benar adalah..... A. a dan b tak bisa ditentukan B. a pasti lebih besar dari b C. b pasti lebih besar dai a D. a – b = -1 E. b = a + 1 36. x adalah 19,95% dari 77. Dan y = 77% dari 19,95. Maka pernyataan yang benar..... A. x dan y nilainya sama B. x – y = bilangan negatif C. x /y = 1/77 D. y > x E. y = x + 1/19,95 37. Sebuah bujur sangkar panjang sisinya adalah 8. Jika x = 3/2 keliling. Dan y = 2/3 luas. Maka pernyataan yang benar adalah..... A. y = x B. y < x C. x/y = 1/2 D. y –x = bilangan positif E. x dan y tak bisa ditentukan 38. Jika p = -2x2 + 6 dan q = -3x2 + 4, maka ..... A.p > q B.p < q C.2p = 3q D.3p = 2q E.hubungan p dan q tidak dapat ditentukan

Ig: @fia_alifiaa

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39. 5 < X < 7, dan 4 < Y < 6, maka ..... A.X > Y B.X < Y C.X = Y D.X = Y - 1 E.X dan Y tidak bisa ditentukan 40. Jika 5 adalah 25% dari 10% dari sebuah bilangan, berapakah bilangan tersebut? A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400 E. 500 41. Jika 4y – 9y = 38 dan -2x + 7y = 39 maka -7x – 3y = ..... A. - 29 B. - 19 C. - 1 D. 1 E. 34 42. (0,31)2 = …..

A. 0,0691 B. 0,0661 C. 0,0991 D. 0,0971 E. 0,0961 43. Diketahui ac + ad + bc + bd = 15 dan c + d = 5. Maka tentukan nilai dari (a + b + c +d) = ..... A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 7 E. 9 44. Bilangan yang dapat habis dibagi dengan 3 dan 88 adalah ..... A. 88.888 C. 8.888.888 B. 88.888.888 D.888.888 E. 888.888.888 45. X = rata-rata dari 5n, 3n, dan 7; Y= rata-rata dari 2n, 6n dan 9, maka….. a. X > Y b. X = Y c. X < Y d. X = 2Y e. Hubungan X dan Y tidak dapat ditentukan

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46. Berapakah 65% dari 15/6? A. 8/13 B. 39/8 C. 13/24 D. 13/8 E. 3/13 47. Jika 323x – 19y = 133 maka nilai dari -187x + 11y adalah..... A.-88 B. 88 C. -77 D. 77 E. 66 48. Jika x = y = 2z dan x.y.z = 256, maka x sama dengan..... A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16 E. 18 49. Diketahui s adalah bilangan bulat positif dan s = r + 3. Jika x - 2 = (r + 2)(r + 4) dan y = 2 (r + 4)2, maka ..... A.x > y B.x = y C.x + y > 1 D.x < y E.hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan 50. Banyaknya angka 6 pada bilangan 0 sampai dengan 100 adalah ..... A.9 B.10 C.20 D.18 E.19 51. Jika n/7 + n/5 = 12/35, maka n = ..... A.1 B.20 C.12 D.6 E.10 52. Jika 7 + 10 = 5; 8 + 5 = 1; dan 4 + 11 = 3; maka 9 + 7 = .... A.5 B.6 C.3 D.4 E. 2

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53. Jika sebuah persegi panjang lebarnya ditambah 25% dan panjangnya dikurangi 25%, bagaimana perubahan luasnya? a. Berkurang 6,25% b. Bertambah 7,25% c. Berkurang 6,75% e. Bertambah 7,65 % d. Tetap 54. Sebuah kubus dengan volume 16 L dengan perbandingan panjang, lebar, dan tinggi adalah 2:2:1, dibelah menjadi beberapa kubus dengan ukuran terbesar. Berapakah panjang rusuk rusuk kubus tersebut? a. 19,2 m b. 18, 8 m c. 19 m d. 17,6 m e. 18 m 55. Tiga botol sari buah masing-masing berisi 1500 ml, 1000 ml & 1900 ml, masing-masing botol terjadi penyusutan isi sebessar 10%, 11,5% dan 15%. Jika isi ketiga botol diatas digabung menjadi 1 dalam botol yang besar, maka presentaase penurunan isinya menjadi….. a. 12,5% b. 13,5% c. 12,2% d. 14,1% e. 15,2% 56. Dalam suatu pemilihan presiden, calon presiden (capres) X mendapatkan suara 1/3 lebih banyak daripada suara yang diperoleh capres Y, dan capres Y mendapatkan suara ¼ lebih sedikit daripada suara yang didapat oleh capres Z. Jika capres Z mendapatkan 24 juta suara, berapakah jumlah suara yang didapatkan oleh capres X? a. 18 juta b. 24 juta c. 26 juta d. 32 juta e. 40 juta 57. Pak Budi membagikan tanah warisan kepada enam orang anaknya dengan bagian yang sama besar. Anak sulung Pak Budi mengelola 1/3 bagian warisannya menjadi tambak udang, dan ½ dari sisanya akan dibangun menjadi sebuah rumah tinggal, Jika luas tanah yang akan dijadikan rumah tinggal oleh anak sulung Pak Budi 185 m2, berapa m2 luas tanah warisan Pak Budi tersebut..... A. 370 B. 1110 C. 2220 D. 6660 E. 3330 58. 30% dari p adalah 3 m dan 30% dari p adalah ¹/3 n. Berapa persenkah m + n dari p? A. 50 B. 65 C. 80 D. 100 E. 56

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59. Seorang tukang kayu membuat sebuah pigura untuk lukisan dinding yang cukup besar. Lukisan tersebut berbentuk persegi panjang. Jika rasio dari persegi panjang tersebut adalah 5:3 dengan sisi yang lebih pendek berukuran 33 sentimeter. Berapakah bahan yang diperlukan oleh tukang kayu untuk membuat pigura tersebut? a. 88 b. 176 c. 66 d. 132 e. 55 60. Ahmad membeli sepeda motor dengan harga Rp 15.000.000 dengan pajaknya 10 %, setelah beberapa tahun Ahmad menjual mator tersebut dengan harga Rp 11.500.000. Berapakah kerugian yang diderita Ahmad? A. Rp500,000 B. Rp600,000 C. Rp1,000,000 D. Rp2,500,000 E. Rp4,000,000 61. Dari sekelompok masyarakat diketahui bahwa 22 orang memiliki televisi, 27 orang memiliki radio dan 2 orang memiliki keduanya. Berapa persentase jumlah orang yang tidak memiliki keduanya jika jumlah orang yang ditanyai ada 50 orang .....%. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. 7 62. Sebuah pesawat terbang dari Medan ke Makasar dengan waktu tempuh 1 jam 15 menit. Jarak yang ditempuh pesawat tersebut adalah 281,25 km. Pesawat itu berangkat dari Medan pukul 07.27. Pada jam berapakah pesawat tersebut sampai di Medan? A. 08.42 B. 09.42 C. 10.42 D. 11.42 E. 12.45 63. Uang Amir Rp. 20.000 lebih banyak daripada uang Budi ditambah dua kali uang Hasan. Uang Amir, Budi, dan Hasan adalah Rp. 100.000. Selisih uang Budi dan Hasan adalah Rp. 5000. Uang Amir adalah.... A.Rp22.000 B. Rp33.000 C. Rp51.000 D. Rp67.000 E. Rp34.500 64. Umur sang ayah saat ini 24 tahun lebih tua daripada anaknya. Dua tahun yang lalu, umur sang ayah 4 kali lebih tua daripada umur anaknya. Berapa umur anaknya sekarang? A. 9 tahun B. 10 tahun C. 8 tahun D. 12 tahun E. 7 tahun

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65. Didik adalah seorang tukang cat kerajinan papan catur. Dalam 5 menit dia mampu mengecat 25% dari papan berwarna hitam. Berapa lamakah dia mengecat sampai selesai keseluruhan papan catur ? (Keterangan: sebuah papan catur terdiri dari 64 kotak) A. 20 menit B. 40 menit C. 50 menit D. 80 menit E. 30 menit 66. Dari persediaan 5 ton beras seorang pedagang hanya bisa menjual maksimal 90% dari

persediaannya. Bila harga beli beras Rp 9000/kg, berapakah harga jual beras per kg agar ia tetap mendapat untung 15%? A.Rp10.350,00 B.Rp10.500,00 C.Rp11.350,00 D.Rp11.500,00 E.Rp12.500,00 67. Sebuah survei sampling melaporkan bahwa dalam 1000 kelahiran bayi, 4 diantaranya meninggal. Di kota A terjadi kelahiran bayi sejumlah 750 pada tahun ini. Berapakah jumlah peluang bayi yang tidak meninggal jika didasarkan pada survei tersebut ? A. 740 B. 710 C. 700 D. 720 E. 705 68. Dua buah kereta api berjalan dalam jalur yang sama dengan kecepatan rata-rata 25 dan 30 mil per jam. Jika kereta pertama berjalan satu jam lebih awal, berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan oleh kereta kedua agar dapat menyusul kereta pertama? A. 3 jam B. 4 jam C. 5 jam D. 6 jam E. 7 jam 69. Diantara 100 siswa di sekolah A, 20 siswa senang sepak bola, 20 siswa tidak suka voly, 10 orang tidak suka bermain dua-duanya. Berapa siswa yang senang bermain kedua-duanya ? A. 15 B. 20 C. 50 D. 40 E. 10 70. Diperlukan 16 hari bagi 48 wanita menyelesaikan sebuah pekerjaan. Apabila dilakukan oleh 16 orang pria membutuhkan 24 hari untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu. Jika 12 orang pria memulai pekerjaan tersebut dan setelah 14 hari, 12 wanita bergabung membantunya. Berapa hari diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut setelah wanita bergabung ? A. 12 B. 21 C. 24 D. 16 E. 10 Ig: @fia_alifiaa

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71. Garuda Airways tetap menjadi salah satu penerbangan paling sukses di dunia. Pada tahun 1996 – 1997 penerbangan ini mengumumkan laba sebelum pajak sebesar $650 juta atau 10% lebih tinggi dari laba tahun sebelumnya. Berapa laba pajak untuk tahun 1995 – 1996? A. $590 juta B. $670 juta C. $520 juta D. $500 juta E. $550 juta 72. Rata-rata gaji 12 pekerja dan 3 manajer adalah Rp600,000. Ketika seorang manajer yang bergaji Rp720,000, diganti dengan seorang manajer baru, maka rata-rata gaji mereka menjadi Rp580,000. Berapakah gaji manajer yang baru? A. 380,000 B. 390,000 C. 400,000 D. 410,000 E. 420,000 73. Dari kota X ke kota Y dilayani oleh 3 bis dan dari kota Y ke kota Z oleh 4 bis. Ali berangkat dari kota X ke kota Z melalui kota Y kemudian kembali ke X lagi juga melalui Y. Jika saat kembali dari Z ke X, ia tidak mau menggunakan bis yang sama, maka banyak cara perjalanan yang dapat ditempuh oleh Ali adalah..... cara. A. 12 B. 36 C. 72 D. 96 E. 105

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Diagram berikut untuk nomor 74-76 Perhatikan data nilai hasil ujian fisika dari 150 siswa SMA Sorong seperti grafik di bawah ini!

Nilai Ujian Fisika Nilai 90 16%

Nilai 100 4% Nilai 50 8%

Nilai 80 50% Nilai 70 14%

Nilai 60 8%

74. Median dari hasil ujian fisika tersebut adalah..... A. 50 B. 80 C. 60 D. 70 E. 90 75. Range dari hasil ujian fisika tersebut adalah ..... A. 50 B. 40 C. 45 D. 55 E. 60 76. Nilai mean (rata-rata) dari hasil ujian fisika tersebut adalah ..... A. 76,7 B. 78,0 C. 73,5 D. 80,6 E. 77,0

Untuk soal nomor 77-86, pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat. 77. 50, 100, 67, 200, 85, 400, 104, 700, ... A. 120 B. 800 C. 1000 D. 124 E. 123

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78. 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, ..., ..., ... A. 6 – 11 – 4 B. 7 – 11 – 4 C. 7 – 12 – 5 D. 6 - 12 – 3 E. 8 – 11 – 5 79. 8, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 4, 9, 9, ..., ..., ... A. 3 11 11 B. 2 10 10 C. 2 10 11 D. 2 11 10 E. 3 11 10 80. 4, 8, 6, 18, 10, 14, 12, 36, 16, 20, 18, 54, ..... A.92 B.26 C.24 D.22 E.21 81. 4, 5, 4, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9, 8, ..., ... A.9, 9 B.10, 11 C.9, 10 D.10, 10 E.11, 10 82. 8, 2, 16, 4, 24, 8, 32, 16, ..., ... A.32, 24 B.40, 24 C.40, 32 D.48, 24 E.48, 32 83. 2, 3, 4, 2, 6, 8, 2, 18, 24, …, … A. 33, 2 B. 4, 62 C. 72, 2 D. 5, 27 E. 2, 72 84. 4, 10, 22, 52, 108, … A. 40 B. 120 C. 140 D. 200 E. 240

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85. FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH ..... A.HAL B.HAK C.JAI D.JAK E.KAL 86. X, Y, K, X, U, L, X, Q, ..... A.M B.N C.V D.X E.H

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BAGIAN KEDUA TES BAHASA INGGRIS (NOMOR 121 s.d. 180) STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Select the correct answer from the four choices given! 121. I like playing billiards. Billiards _______ an interesting game. A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Has been 122. In the view of the lectures, it is essential that discipline _______ maintained in the classroom. A. Be B. Is to be C. Is D. Was 123. Neither of these schools _______ for our pilot project. A. Meets the requirements B. They meet the requirements C. Meeting the requirements D. Meet the requirements 124. We would not have lost our bagil if we _______ it in the hotel. A. Left B. Have left C. Had left D. Would have left 125. If I _______ A. Know your phone number, I would call you B. Have known your phone number, I would call you C. Have known your phone number, I would have call you D. Had known your phone number, I would have called you 126. If she had spare time, she would join us, means _______ A. She did not have spare time B. She has spare time C. She does not have spare time D. She did not join us 127. By the end of this week, I _______ from China. A. Am back B. Have been back C. Would be back D. Will have been back

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128. The acids, salts, and vitamins that friuts fumish are very helpful _______ a balanced and healthful diet. A. To keep B. Kept C. Keeping D. They keep 129. Lafon's reagent, a solution of ammonium or sodium selenite, finds use as test _______ codeine. A. Detection B. To detect C. To detectable D. To be detected 130.


: I like that film very much

Rahmat : _______ I have seen it three times. A. So am I B. I am too C. So do I D. I don't either


Children have a strong curiosity. The more you forbid, _______ they're interested.

A. The more B. Better C. The most D. Best


The black hat is _______ then the blue one.

A. As expensive B. Expensive C. Most expensive D. More expensive


Not only _______ a strong swimmer but also, as its name suggest, it can walk for miles with little rest.

A. The booby blue footed is B. The blue footed booby is C. is the blue footed booby D. Footed is the booby blue

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Even at the peak of its power, the circulating of air at the core of a tornado _______ in excess

of 250 miles per hour. A. Almost never reaches B. Almost reaches never C. Reaches almost never D. Reaches never almost


' I wonder where my reading glasses are. Have you seen them? ' ' No, I haven't. You _______ left them in the office. '

A. Should have B. Could have C. Ought have D. Must be having



: "Stop the car, please!"

Driver : "OK" A. Galih told the driver stop the car B. Galih said that the driver stop the car C. The driver told Galih to stop the car D. Galih told the driver to stop the car


'Do you really want to buy this old crumbling house?' 'Yes we know the house need _______, but we love the surrounding.'

A. To repair B. To be repairing C. Be repaired D. Repairing


At one time many scientist were actively anti-religius _______ the open conflicts between religion and scientist.

A. Instead of B. Regardless of C. In order to D. Because of

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The living room was _______ that I had to move to another room to continue my reading.

A. Much noisy B. Too noisy C. So noisy D. Very noisy


Why don't you _______ your secretary do it?

A. Ask B. tell C. Get D. Have


I wish you _______ tomorrow.

A. Have gone B. Are going to go C. Will go D. Would go


'You look tired. Why don't you take a rest?' 'I wish _______, I still have to finish this report.'

A. I would be able B. I can C. I could D. I had been able


After listening to his mother's _______ words, the baby stopped crying.

A. Comfort B. Comforting C. Comfortably D. Comfortable 144.

The teacher should be _______ at all the time.

A. Tolerant B. Tolerate C. Tolerable D. Tolerance

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145. There are many good people in the world _______ you can trust to take care of your children. A.whom B.which C.of which D.whose 146. The slipper which she bought is_______ one in the promo. A.the cheaper B.the cheapest C.cheaper D.cheapest 147. Mr. Yusuf received _______ tie as a gift from his wife. A.a burgundy elegant silk B.a burgundy silk elegant C.an elegant silk burgundy D.an elegant burgundy silk 148. One of my brothers lives in London and _______ lives in Tokyo continuing her study. A.the other B.another C.other D.the others 149. Aflah asked, "Agung, where did you go last night?" Aflah asked Agung _______ A.where he had gone last night B.where he went the night before C.where he went last night D.where he had gone the night before 150. Although she wrote her for several times, she has never met his sister, _______ ? A.did she B.is she C.does she D.has she ERROR RECOGNITION Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English! 151.The Hammerhead shark is (A) usual found in (B) warm (C) temperate (D) waters. A.usual B.warm C.temperate D.waters 152. As one (A) climbs high up a mountain, the air (B) becomes both colder (C) or (D) thinner. A.climbs B.becomes C.or D.thinner

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153. I (A) have (B) spent four (C) weeks in New York (D) last December. A.have B.spent C.weeks D.last 154. When a bone is (A) broke into several (B) pieces, doctors my (C) pin the pieces together for proper (D) healing. A.broke B.pieces C.pin D.healing 155. (A) Recently, (B) the work (C) had been being done (D) by Haekal. A. Recently B. The C. Had been being D. By 156. The sony camcorder (A) was fun and impressive (B) but it is not (C) as better as (D) Microsoft’s. A. Was fun B. But C. as better as D. Microsoft’s 157. (A) The witnesses saw that (B) most of (C) the fire in the hills (D) were extinguished. A. The B. Most C. The fire D. were extinguished 158. (A) The wedding ring, (B) is made of yellow (C) and white gold, (D) is very expensive. A. The B. Is made C. And D. Is 159. (A) As soon as the taxi (B) gets here , we (C) can (D) leaving for the airport. A. As soon as B. Gets C. Can D. Leaving 160. He (A) told me that his hobby was (B) similar to mine but different (C) than my (D) brother’s. A. Told B. Similar to C. Than D. Brother's

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READING COMPREHENSION Read the passage carefully and select the one correct answer from the four choices (A, B,C or D)! READING 1 for questions 161-166 People express their personalities in their clothes, their cars, and their homes. A study shows that our diets are also an expression of our personalities. Perhaps we don’t choose foods only for taste and nutrition. We might choose them because they “tell” people something about us. For example, some people eat mainly gourmet foods, such as caviar and lobster, and they only eat in expensive restaurants (never in cafeterias or snack bars). They might want to “tell” the world that they know about the “better things in life”. Human beings can eat many different kinds of food, but some people choose not to eat meat. These vegetarians often have more in common than just their diet. Their personalities might be similar, too. For example, vegetarians in the United States may be creative people, and they might not enjoy competitive sports or jobs. They worry about the health of the world, and they probably don’t believe in war. Some people eat mostly “fast-food”. One study shows that many fat-food eaters have a lot I common with each other, but they are very much different from vegetarians. They are competitive and good at business. They are also in a hurry. Many fast-food eaters might not agree with this description of their personalities, but it’s a common picture of them. Some people also believe that people of the same astrological sign, have similar food personalities. Arians (born under the sign of Aries, between March 21 and April 19) usually like spicy food, with a lot of onions and pepper. People with the sign of Taurus (April 20 to May 20) prefer healthful fruits and vegetables, but they often eat too much. Sgittarians (November 22 to December 21) like ethnic foods from many different countries. Aquarians (January 20 to February 18 ) can eat as much meat and fish as they want, but sugar and cholesterol are sometimes problems for them. 161. What’s the suitable title for the text? a. Types of Food b. How a the Personality of a Vegetarian is Connected with Their Food c. Food Personalities d. Food and the Zodiac 162. According to the text, it is possible that people choose their foods because….. a. They tell the person what interests them. b. They tell them what’s tasty and nutritious. c. They are an alternative to clothes and cars d. They tell people something about those who eat them. 163. What’s the main idea of paragraph two? a. Vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat. b. There are many vegetarians in the US who don’t enjoy competitive sports and jobs. c. Vegetarians in the US don’t believe in war. d. Vegetarians are not only similar in their diet, but they’re also similar in personality. 164. The word their in paragraph three refers to..... a. fast food b. vegetarians c. description d. fast food eaters Ig: @fia_alifiaa

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165. The word ethnic in paragraph four has the closest meaning to the word….. a. traditional b. national c. old-fashioned d. tribal 166. Which is true according to the text? a. Some people choose not to eat meat because they dislike competitive sports or jobs. b. Fat food eaters have a lot in common with vegetarians. c. People born on the 23rd of April are said to like healthful fruits and vegetables. d. Sugar and cholesterol are objects of no concern to Aquarians. READING 2 for questions 167-172 The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred Bernhard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each. prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars. 167. What does this passage mainly discuss? A. Alfred Bernhad Nobel B. The Nobel prizes C. Great contributions to mankind D. Swedish philanthropy 168. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded? A. Five time a year B. Once a year C. Twice a year D. Once every two years 169. A Nobel prizes would NOT be given to..... A. An author who wrote a novel B. A doctor who discovered a vaccine C. A composer who wrote a symphony D. A diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement 170. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel? A. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes B. He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy C. He is now living in Sweden D. He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes

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171. Which individual or organization serves as administrator for the trust? A. The king of Sweden B. The Nobel Foundation C. The Central Bank of Sweden D. Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes 172. Why are the awards presented on December 10? A. Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden B. Because Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that day C. Because that date was established in Alfred Nobel's will D. Because the Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust. READING 3 for questions 173-180 The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities themselves. The Bureau of Census regards any area with more than 2500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs. According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more. At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for 75 percent of the U.S. population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes eighteen megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious megapolises includes a chain of hundreds of cities and suburbs across ten states on the East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia, including Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of 45 million inhabitants is concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is the California coast from San Francisco through Los Angeles to San Diego. 173. Which the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Metropolitan Statistical Area B. Types of Population Centers C. The Bureau of Census D. Megapolises 174. Where do most Americans live? A. In the center of cities B. In the suburbs surrounding large cities C. In rural areas D. In small towns 175. According to the Bureau of Census, what is an urban area? A. An area with 2500 people or more B. An area with at least 50,000 people C. The eighteen largest cities D. A chain of adjacent cities

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176. Which of the following are not considered important in defining an urban area? A. Political boundaries B. Transportation network C. Social relationships D. Economic systems 177. According to the Bureau of Census, what is an MSA? A. The center of a city with a population of 50,000 people to the boundaries of the surrounding suburbs B. A city and its suburbs with a total population of at least 50,000 people C. The surrounding suburbs of a city with a total population of 50,000 people D. Any area with a total population of 50,000 people 178. How many MSAs are there are in the United States? A. 10 B. 18 C. 280 D. 2500 179. A Megapolis is..... A. One of the ten largest cities in the United States B. One of the eighteen largest cities in the United States C. One of the one hundred largest cities between Boston and Washington D. Any number of continuous adjacent cities and suburbs 180. How many people live in the Eastern Corridor? A. 4 to 5 million B. 10 million C. 45 million D. 75 million

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34. B N = 31 x 31 = 961 M = 22/7 x 17,5 x 17,5 = 962,5 M>N 35. A a dan b tak bisa ditentukan Karena a boleh sebuah angka (8,9,10 atau 11) Sedangkan b boleh sebuah angka (9,10,11 atau 12) 36. A x = 19,95% dari 77 = (19,95/100) . 77 y = 77% dari 19,95 = (77/100) . 19,95 Jadi nilai dari x = y 37. B x = 3/2 . 32 = 48 y = 2/3 . 64 = 42,6 Jadi yang benar adalah y < x 38. A Untuk menjawab soal ini, dapat dilakukan substitusi x dengan angka real, nilai x² pasti positif karena dikuadratkan. jika x = 1 p = -2(1²)+6 = -2 + 6 = 4 q = -3(1²)+4 = -3 + 4 = 1 jika x = 10 p = -2(10²) +6 = -200 + 6 = -194 q = -3(10²) +4 = -300 + 4 = -296 jika x = 0 p=6 q=4 kesimpulan: p > q 39. E X=6 Y = 5 dan 6

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40. B Artikan dahulu pengertian dari soal seperti ini : “5 adalah(=) 25% dari (x) 10% dari (x) sebuah bilangan (misalkan b)” Jadi bisa diartikan 5 = 25% x 10% x b 5 = 25% x 10% x b 5 = 250/10000 x b 5 = 1/40 x b b = 40 x 5 b = 200 41. C Ingat !! (dalam soal seperti ini carilah penyederhanaan yg termudah) 4y – 9x = 38 atau -9x + 4y = 38 -2x + 7y = 39 _ -7x – 3y = -1 42. E (0,31)2 = (31 x 10-2)2 = 312 x 10-4 = 961 x 10-4 = 0.0961 43. C ac + ad + bc + bd = 15 (rasionalkan) a(c + d) + b(c + d)= 15 (a + b)(c + d) = 15 (a + b). 5 = 15 (a + b) = 3, dan c + d = 5 maka, (a + b + c +d) = 3 + 5 = 8 44. A Cara mudahnya adalah dengan menjumlahkan unsur angka tersebut, jika hasilnya dapat dibagi 3, maka bilangan tersebut bisa dibagi 3. 8+8+8+8+8+8=48, dapat dibagi 3 Agar dapat dibagi 88, jumlah digit bilangan itu harus genap, 888.888, ada 8 digit (genap) sehingga bisa dibagi 88 45. C X= (5n+3n+7)/3=(8n+7)/3 Y= (6n+2n+9)/3=(8n+9)3 Dari kedua nilai rata-rata tersebut, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Y>X, karena nilai konstanta Y, yaitu 9 lebih besar dari konstanta X (hal ini berlaku karena variable n memiliki nilai yang sama yaitu 8n)

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46. D (65%)(15/6) = (65/100)(15/6) = 13/8 47. C 323x – 19y = 133 -19( -17x + y) = 133 -17x +y = -7 -187x + 11y = 11(-17x +y) = -77 48. C x = y = 2z x.y.z = 256 x.x.1/2 x = 256 x3 = (256) (2) x3 = 512 x=8 49. D Substitusikan nilai s dengan bilangan bulat positif, dapat diperoleh nilai x selalu lebih kecil daripada y. 50. C 6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96 >> ada 11 angka 6 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69 >> ada 9 angka 6 sehingga jumlahnya ada 20 51. A n/7 + n/5 = 12/35 (5n + 7n) / 35 = 12/35 5n + 7n = 12 12 n = 12 n=1 52. D 7 + 10 (-12)= 5 8 + 5 (-12)= 1 4 + 11 (-12)= 3 9 + 7 (-12)= 4 (-12 dicari selisih antara jawaban sebenarnya dengan jawaban di soal) 53. A Luas persegi baru : Luas persegi lama (100 + 25) (100 – 25) : 100 x 100 75 x 125 : 100 x 100 9375 : 10.000 Berarti ada pengurangan sebesar 6,25%

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54. A (2x)(2x)(x) = 32 4x3 = 32 x3 = 8 x = 2, sehingga masing2 panjang, lebar, dan tinggi = 4 dm, 4 dm, 2 dm jika dibuat kubus dengan ukuran maksimal, maka banyaknya kubus yang dapat dibuat adalah (4:2) (4:2) (2:2) = 4 kubus. Sehingga panjang seluruh rusuk kubus = 2 dm x 12 x 4 = 192 dm = 19,2 m 55. A Besar penyusutan masing-masing botol adalah : Botol I: 10/100 X 1500=150 Botol II: 11,5/100 X 1000= 115 Botol III: 15/100 X 1900= 285 Total penyusutan dari ketiga botol adalah: 150+115+285= 550 Presentase penyusutan ketiga botol terhadap keseluruhan isi botol adalah: 550/(1500+1000+1900) X 100% = 550/4400 X 100% = 12,5 % 56. B Trik : untuk soal seperti ini, mulailah mengerjakanya dari belakang (dari data yang sudah jelas diketahui) Z= 24.000.000 Y = 1/4 lebih sedikit dari Z = 24.000.000 - 1/4 X 24.000.000 = 18.000.000 X=1/3 lebih banyak dari Y =18.000.000 + 1/3 X 18.000.000 =24.000.000 57. E Bagian tiap anak= 1/6x sisa yang dijadikan rumah= 1/6x – 1/3(1/6x) = 2/18x ½ dari sisa dijadikan rumah berluas = 185m2 ½ (2/18) x = 185 1/18 x = 185 x = (18) . (185) = 3330 58. D 30 % p = 3 m, maka m = 10% p 30% p = 1/3 n, maka n= 90% m + n = 10%P + 90%P = 100 % 59. B Sisi yang lebih panjang adalah : 5/3 x 33 = 55 Bahan yang diperlukan sama dengan keliling pigura yaitu : 2 x (p+l) = 2 x (55+33) = 176

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60. E Diketahui: harga beli Rp 15.000.000 Pajak 10 % = 10 % x 15.000.000 = Rp 500.000 Harga jual Rp 11.500.000 Ditanya: kerugian? Jawab: Besar modal ( harga beli + pajak) = Rp 15.000.000 + Rp 500.000 = Rp 15.500.000 Rugi = Rp 15.500.000 – Rp 11.500.000 = Rp 4.000.000 Jadi kerugian yang diderita Ahmad adalah Rp 4.000.000. 61. D. 6% (22-2)+(27-2)+2+X=50 47+X=50, X=3 Persentase= 3/50*100%=6% 62. B Pesawat menempuh perjalanan 1 jam 15 menit. 07.27 + 01.15 = 08.42 Karena Makasar memiliki waktu 1 jam lebih awal dari WIB (Medan), jawaban yang benar adalah 09.42 63. D A = 20.000 + B + 2H A+B+H = 100.000 Substitusikan maka menjadi -2B – 3H = - 80.000 B – H = 5.000 B = H + 5000 Substitusikan menjadi -2(H +5.000) – 3H = - 80.000 H= 14.000 Jadi A = 67.000 64. B Misal umur Ayah = p dan umur anak = q p = 24 + q p -2 = 4 (q-2) p = 4q -6 Subsitusikan menjadi 24 +q = 4q – 6 3q = 30 Q = 10 65. B Dalam 5 menit bisa mengecat 25% x 64/2 (ingat hitam saja) = 8 kotak Jadi untuk keseluruhan papan, 64/8 x 5 menit = 40 menit.

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66. D. Rp 11.500,00 Harga Beli 5.000 kg x Rp 9.000,00 = Rp 45.000.000,00 Untung 15% x Rp 45.000.000,00 = Rp 6.750.000,00 Total harga jual Rp 45.000.000,00 + Rp 6.750.000,00 = Rp 51.750.000,00 Beras yang bisa dijual 90% x 5.000 kg = 4.500 kg Harga jual/kg Rp 51.750.000,00 : 4500 kg = Rp 11.500,00/kg 67. D Jumlah bayi yang hidup: 750 - (4/100 x 750) = 720 bayi. 68. C Benda yang saling menyusul menggunakan rumus : S1 = S2 V1 . t1 = V2 . t2 25 (t + 1) = 30t 25t + 25 =30t t = 5 jam 69. E Tidak main voly = 20 Berarti bermain voly = 80 (20 + 80 + 10) – 100 = 10 siswa yang main keduanya 70. A 16 hari x 48 wanita = 24 hari x 16 pria 48 wanita = (16.24) / 16 = 24 pria Maka : 48 wanita = 24 pria 2 wanita = 1 pria ♦ sisa beban kerja pria setelah 14 hari = (16 x 24) – (12 x 14) = 216 ♦ beban kerja 1p = 2w 6p = 12w 12p + 6p = 18 pria 216/186 =12 hari 71. A N x 1,10 = 650 650/1,1 = 590 72. E Yang lama : 15 x 600,000 = 9,000,000 9,000,000 – 720,000 = 8,280,000 Yang baru : 15 x 580,000 = 8,700,000 Maka : 8,700,000 – 8,280,000 = Rp420,000

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73. C X ke Y = 3 cara Y ke Z = 4 cara Maka : Pergi = 3 x 4 = 12 Dan ingat, kalau “ia tidak menggunakan bis yang sama waktu pulang” Jadi, pulang: 3 x 2=6 Banyak cara 12 x 6 = 72 cara 74. B. 80 Bila disusun secara berurutan dari nilai terkecil sampai terbesar, median terletak pada nilai siswa ke 75 dan 76 Nilai 50 = 8% . 150 = 12 siswa Nilai 60 = 8% . 150 = 12 siswa Nilai 70 = 14% . 150 = 21 siswa Nilai 80 = 50% . 150 = 75 siswa  median Nilai 90 = 16% . 150 = 24 siswa Nilai 100 = 4% . 150 = 6 siswa 75. A. 50 Range = nilai terbesar – nilai terkecil = 100 – 50 = 50 76. E. 77 Mean = [(50 . 12) + (60 . 12) + (70 . 21) + (80 . 75) + (90 . 24) + (100 . 6)] / 150 Mean = (600 + 720 + 1470 + 6000 + 2160 + 600) / 150 Mean = 11550/150 = 77 77. D Ada dua seri 50 67 85 104 124 dst (selisih +17, +18 dst) 100 200 400 700 (selisih +100, +200 dst) 78. B Ada tiga seri 1 2 3 4. dan 5 6 7 dan 9 10 11 79. B Ada tiga seri angka Seri 8 6 4 2 dan 7 8 9 10 dan 7 8 9 10

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80. D 4, 8, 6, 18 +6, +6, +6, +18 10, 14, 12, 36 +6, +6, +6, +18 16, 20, 18, 54 +6, +6, +6, +18 selanjutnya: 22, 26, 24, 72 81. B Terdapat 3 pola yaitu 454676898 Pola 4, 6, 8, 10, dst. Dan 5, 7, 9, 11, dst. Dan 4, 6, 8, 10, dst. Maka bilangan selanjutnya adalah 10, 11, 10 82. C Barisan ini terdiri dari 2 pola yaitu pola I : 8, 16, 24, 32 (kelipatan 8) pola II : 2, 4, 8, 16, (dikalikan 2) Jadi urutan selanjutnya adalah 40 dan 32 83. E Angka 2 hanya sebagai jeda, sedangkan sisanya memiliki pola: 3, 4 (x2) 6, 8 (x3) 18, 24 (x4) 72, 96. Sehingga yang dimasukkan ke dalam titik adalah 2, 72. 84. E Pola dari deret ini adalah bilangan awal ditambah (bilangan prima + kuadrat bilangan prima tersebut) 4 +(2+4) 10 +(3+9) 22 +….. 108 +(11+121) 240 85. D pola : berurutan maju dan kebalikan, huruf A hanya sebagai tambahan F, G, H, I, J, K maka deret selanjutnya adalah JAK, KAJ 86. A Pola I : X, X, X Pola II : Y, U, Q Pola III : K, L, M

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TBI 121. B. Are Billiards merupakan uncountable noun. Maka to be yang tepat untuk pernyataan umum seperti pada soal adalah is. 122. C. Is Klausa setelah that merupakan pernyataan umum dengan subyek berupa kata benda abstrak. Maka to be yang digunakan adalah is. 123. A. Meets the requirements Benda jamak yang diawali neither of... dianggap tunggal, maka jawaban yang tepat harus diawali kata kerja bentuk pertama yang mendapat tambahan -s. 124. C. Had left Untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut, harus sesuai dengan pola S + Would Have + V3, if + S + had V3. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah had left. 125. D. Had known your phone number, I would have called you Diantara pilihan jawaban yang memenuhi pola conditional sentence adalah if I had known your phone number, I would have called you yaitu sesuai dengan pola conditional sentence bentuk III. 126. C. She does not have spare time Kalimat di atas merupakan conditional sentence bentuk ke II. Maka fakta dalam bentuk present tense dan berlawanan makna : she doesn't have spare time, so she doesn't join us. 127. D. Will have been back By the end of this week merupakan keterangan waktu untuk future perfect tense. Polanya : S + Will + Have + V3 128. A. To keep Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan to infinitive sebagai modifier untuk menjelaskan kata sifat helpful. 129. B Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan to infinitive sebagai modifier untuk menjelaskan kata benda test. 130. C. So do I I like that film very much Kata kerja pada kalimat di atas adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama sehingga dengan kata bantunya adalah do. Bentuk eliptic yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah so do I atau I do too.


A. The more

Kalimat bentuk comparative degree ini juga hendak menyatakan makna "semakin" pola (adjective + er/more + adjective) + S + P sehingga yang tepat adalah the more they're interested.

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D. More expensive

the black hat is ______ than the blue one. Comparative degree menggunakan kata than sebagai indikasi pembentuknya. Sehingga untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas jawaban yang tepat adalah more expensive.


B. The blue footed booby is

Not only_______ a strong swimmer but also, as its name suggest, it can walk for miles with little rest. Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan subyek dan predikat dengan susunan yang benar maka jawaban yang tepat adalah The blue footed booby is dimana subyeknya adalah frase benda dengan susunan determinet+color+participle+head.


A. Almost never reaches

Never termasuk ke dalam kategori adverb of frequency sedang almost merupakan adverb of degree. Posisi adverb of degree selalu diletakkan sebelum kata yang diterangkannya sehingga susunan yang tepat adalah almost never reaches.


A. Should have

Kalimat kedua dalam percakapan yang di awali kata No, I haven't menunjukkan bahwa pendapatnya hanya berupa kemungkinan. Maka untuk menyatakan ke-mungkinan di masa lalu bisa digunakan modal perfect should have.


D. Galih told the driver to stop the car

Galih : "Stop the car, please!" Untuk membentuk kalimat tidak langsung kata perintah diganti dengan to infinitive dan tidak terjadi perubahan waktu. Maka bentuk kalimat tidak langsung yang tepat adalah: Galih told the driver to stop the car.


D. Repairing

Bentuk pasif untuk to infinitive adalah to + be + V3 tetapi kata need + Ving juga sudah membentuk makna pasif. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat menjadi repairing.

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D. Because of

At one time many scientist were actively anti-religius _______ the open conflicts between religion and scientist. Untuk membuat kalimat tersebut tepat, konjungsi yang digunakan harus menunjukkan sebab-akibat yaitu because of yang berarti 'pada suatu saat banyak ilmuan yang anti agama secara aktif (dikarenakan) konflik terbuka antara agama dengan ilmu pengetahuan.


C. So noisy

Jawaban yang tepat adalah yang bisa memenuhi pola so + adj + that untuk menyatakan hubungan sebab-akibat sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah so noisy.


D. Have

Why don't you ________ your secretary do it? Pola S + have + obyek aktif + V1 sehingga akan menjadi tepat dengan phrase have.


D. Would go

Keterangan waktu "tomorrow" dalam kalimat menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut merupakan present subjunctive yang memiliki pola lengkap S + wish + (that) + S + V2 Maka jawaban yang sesuai pola adalah: would go


C. I could

I still have to finish this report. Kalimat tersebut merupakan fakta dalam bentuk present tense. Maka pengandaian menggunakan present subjunctive yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan. Pola lengkap present subjunctive dengan wish adalah S + wish + (that) + S + V2 Maka jawaban yang sesuai pola adalah: I could.


D. Comfortable

After listening to his mother's ________ words, the baby stopped crying. Kata yang sesuai untuk diletakkan diantara determiner yang berupa keterangan milik dan kata benda seperti pada kalimat di atas adalah adjective (Det + Adjective + Noun). Kata jadian yang merupakan adjective/kata sifat adalah comfortable.


A. Tolerant

Be diikuti oleh adjective/V-ing/V2 Yang dibutuhkan oleh kalimat ini adalah kata sifat. Yang merupakan kata sifat adalah tolerant (bisa mentoleransi) dan tolerable (dapat ditolerir). Dari pemaknaan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah tolerant.

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145. A whom : untuk orang sebagai objek whose : untuk menyatakan kepunyaan which : untuk benda dalam kalimat menjelaskan orang sebagai objek pembicaraan. 146. B the cheapest one artinya yang paling murah, cheaper : lebih murah (harus ada yang dibandingkan) 'the' menunjukkan lebih spesifik 147. D Urutan keterangan benda : 1. opinion (beautiful, elegant) 2. size (big, large, little) 3. Age (young, old, new) 4. Shape (square, flat) 5. Color (blue, red) 6. Origin (French, Indonesian) 7. Material (silk, gold) 8. Purpose (meeting, touring) Berdasarkan urutan, maka jawaban yang benar adalah an elegant silk burgundy. 148. A lives pada kalimat kedua menyatakan bahwa saudaranya tunggal, maka kata yang tepat untuk menyatakan saudara yg lainnya adalah the other (tanpa s). 149. D kalimat tidak langsung menggunakan had + V3 dan keterangan waktunya diubah last night menjadi the night before 150. D Karena sebelumnya menggunakan has. 151. A Kata "usual" seharusnya "usually" karena kata ini merupakan adverb of frequency, sedangkan usual adalah adjective. Yang bisa ditempatkan antara to be dan verb hanyalah adverb. Kata "waters" meskipun merupakan uncountable noun, tetapi benar bila dijamakkan karena menunjukkan jenis-jenis air. 152. C Pasangan conjunction word yang tepat adalah both...and...; either...or.... 153. A. Bentuk present perfect continuous dengan penunjuk waktu since. "last" seharusnya diganti "since" juga karena sebagai penunjuk dimulainya suatu perbuatan pefect tenses. 154. A Kalimat tersebut merupakan passive voice, sehingga setelah to be seharusnya V3. Pola: S + to be + V3

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155. C "Recently” merupakan penanda waktu untuk kalimat Present Perfect Tense sehingga seharusnya menggunakan “have been being done”. 156. A Kalimat setelah “but” berbentuk Simple Present Tense. Sehingga seharusnya menggunakan “is fun” 157. D Were seharusnya diganti menjadi was. Karena subjek nya adalah most of the fire (uncountable) 158. B Ingat! Dalam kalimat appositive tak boleh ada Subject/Predikat Is, are, am = adalah Predikat 159. D Can (modal) selalu di ikuti V1 Leaving menjadi leave 160. C different tidak diikuti THAN tetapi FROM 161. C 162. D 163. D 164. D 165. A 166. C 167. B The other choices are secondary ideas that are used to develop the main idea, "the Nobel prizes." Choices (A), (C), and (D) are historically significant to the discussion. 168. B "The Nobel Prizes, awarded annually . .." Because of the reference to annually. it must be concluded that the prizes are awarded once a year. Choices (A), (C), and (D) are not mentioned and may not be concluded from information in the passage. 169. C "The Nobel Prizes [are] awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace." Since there is no prize for music, a composer, in Choice (C) would not be eligible for an award. Choice (A) could be awarded a prize for literature. Choice (B) would be awarded a prize for medicine. Choice (D) could be awarded a prize for peace.

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170. A "The Nobel Prizes ... were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose ... by Alfred Bernhard Nobel." Because of the reference to bequeath, it must be concluded that Nobel left money in a will. In Choice (B), Nobel was the founder of the prizes, not a recipient. Choice (C) refers to the place where Nobel was born, not to where he is living now. Since Nobel has bequeathed fonds, it must be concluded that he is dead and could not serve as chairman of a committee as in Choice (D). 171. B "The prizes . .. are administered by the Nobel Foundation." Choice (A) refers to the person who presents the awards, not to the administrator of the trust. Choice (C) refers to the organization that endowed a prize for economics. Choice (D) refers to the judges. 172. B "The awards are . . . presented . .. on December 10 ... on the anniversary of his [Alfred Nobel's] death." Choice (A) is incorrect because it is a tribute to Nobel, not to the King of Sweden. Choice (D) contradicts the fact that the Nobel Foundation, not the Central Bank of Sweden, administers the trust. Choice (C) is not mentioned and may not be concluded from information in the passage. 173. B The passage includes descriptions of various kinds of population centers. Choices (A) and (D) are two kinds of population centers described in the passage. Choice (C) refers to the source of the information about population centers, not to the topic of the passage. 174. B " ... more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities themselves." Choice (A) contradicts the statement that more Americans live in the suburbs. Choices (C) and (D) are not mentioned and may not be concluded from information in the passage. 175. A "The Bureau of Census regards any area with more than 2500 people as an urban area .... " Choice (B) refers to an MSA, not to an urban area. The number in Choice (C) refers to megapolises, not to urban areas. Choice (D) refers to the definition of a megapolis. 176. A " ... the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems ...." Because the political boundaries are less significant, it must be concluded that the factors in Choices (B), (C), and (D) are more significant.

Ig: @fia_alifiaa

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177. B " ... an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs, and has a total population of 50,000 or more." Choice (A) contradicts the fact that an MSA includes the surrounding suburbs. Choice (C) contradicts the fact that an MSA includes the city. Choice (D) is too general because it does not specify that a city and its surrounding suburbs must be included. 178. C " ... the bureau reports more than 280 MSAs ...." The number in Choice (A) refers to the number of states in the Eastern Corridor, not to the number of MSAs. The number in Choice (B) refers to the number of megapolises. The number in Choice (D) refers to the number of people in an urban area. 179. D " . . . the bureau recognizes eighteen megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas." Choices (A), (B), and (C) contradict the fact that a megapolis includes more than one adjacent city. 180. C "In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of forty-five million inhabitants is concentrated." In Choice (A), the number forty-five is misinterpreted as four to five. The number in Choice (B) refers to the number of states included in the Eastern Corridor. The number in Choice (D) refers to the percentage of the population living in 280 MSAs.

Ig: @fia_alifiaa

35 | P a g e TO PAKET I