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Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook by v. Ganapathy

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ganapathy, V. Waste heat boiler deskbook / by V. Gartapathy. p. cm. Includes Index. ISBN 0-88173-122-6 1. Waste heat boilers--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title. TJ319.G36





Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook / By V. Ganapathy. ©1991 by The Fairmont Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any' means, ~lectronic or mechan~cal, including photocopy, r.ecprd~g,. 01: finy information .storage and retneval system, wIthout permIssIon m wntmg from the publisher. Published by The Fairmont Press, Inc. 700 Indian Trail Lilburn, GA 30247 Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 0-88173-122-6


ISBN 0-13-950890-2


While every effort is made to provide dependable information, the publisher, authors, and editors cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Distributed by Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Simon & Schuster Company Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited, London Prentice-Hall of Australia Ply. Limited, Sydney Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., Toronto Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, S.A., Mexico Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi Prentice-Hall of Japan, Inc., Tokyo Simon & Schuster Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasil, Ltda., Rio de Janeiro


Preface ......................................................................................... xi Acknow ledgements ..................................................................... xiii List bf Frequently Used Abbreviations .......................................... xv Introduction .............................................................................. xvii CHAPTER 1: Heat Recovery Systems ............................................. 1 HRSGs for gas turbines ........................................................... 5 Natural versus forced circulation boilers ................................. 6 Auxiliary firing ..................................................................... 9 Computing fuel requirements ................................................. 20 HRSG system efficiency ....................... ;............................... 30 Fresh air firing .................................................................... 31 HRSG design features ........................................................... 33 Finned surfaces and design ................. ;.................................. 33 Steaming economizers ........................................................... 34 Emissions of NOx and CO ..................................................... 35 Methods of reducing pollutants ............................................. 37 Bypass dampers ................................................................... 41 Recent trends ........................................................................ 44 STIG and Cheng cycle systems ............................................... 47 Enhanced on recovery applications ...................................... 51 Reciprocating engine heat recovery ....................................... 52 Hydrogen plant waste heat boilers ....................................... 52 Boilers for sulfuric acid plant ............................................... 57 Incineration and heat recovery ............................................. 62 Solid waste incineration ....................................................... 62 RDF firing ........................................................................... 72 Fluid bed combustors for MSW .............................................. 74 Hazardous waste incineration .............................................. 76 High temperature corrosion .................................................. 77


Heat recovery boilers ........................................................... 80 Incineration of wood wastes, tires ......................................... 84 Incineration of liquids, fumes, VOCs ..................................... 87 Air heating applications ...................................................... 91 References ............................................................................ 93 CHAPTER 2: Fire Tube Boilers ...................................................... 97 Guidelines for fire tube boilers .............................................. 99 Design procedure ................................................................. 100 Determination of tube side coefficient .................................. 101 Example of design ""'"'''' ""'" ....................... ""'"'' ............. 103 Effect of tube size on design .................. """ .......................... 108 Simplified approach to design ............................................ 109 Predicting boiler performance .............................................. 117 Simplified approach to predicting performance ................... 119 Checks for fouling ............................................................... 120 Effect of scale on boiler performance .............. " ...... " ............. l21 Hydrogen plant boilers ..................... """"""'''''''' ............... 123 Gas bypass flow calculations ............................................... 124 Determining heat losses from boiler ..................................... 125 References ........................................................................... 126 Nomenclature ..................................................................... 126 CHAPTER 3: Water Tube Boilers ................................................ .131 Guidelines for water tube boilers .......................................... 133 Heat transfer calculations ................................................... 135 Convective heat transfer coefficient .................................... 135 Determination of tube side coefficient .................................. 139 Non-luminous heat transfer coefficient ................................ 140 c~ Gas pressure drop calculations ............................................. 148 In-line versus staggered arrangement ................................... 153 Design of evaporators .......................................................... 155 Performance calculations ..................................................... 162 Selecting designs with low pinch and approach points ............................................................ 165 Comparison of bare versus finned evaporator .......... " ............ 167 Radiant heat transfer ............................. "" ........................ 168 HRSG configuration and circulation""""""" ........ "" ........ " .170 vi

Design of superheaters ........................................................ 176 Design procedure ................................................................. 179 Performance calculations ..................................................... 181 NTU method of performance calculations ............................. 181 Metal temperature calculations .../ ...................................... .182 External radiation .............................................................. 186 Flow in parallel streams ..................................................... 189 Minimizing tube wall temperatures ..................................... 190 Steam temperature control. .................................................. 191 Design of economizers ......................................................... .196 Performance of complete HRSG ............................................ 197 References ...........................................................................201 Nomenclature .....................................................................201 CHAPTER 4: Simulation of HRSG Design and Performance ............................................ 205 Importance of HRSG simulation ........................ '" ................ 205 Design and performance calculations .................................... 206 Design temperature profile ..................................................207 Guidelines for selecting pinch and approach points ............................................................209 Example of design ............................................................... 213 Performance calculation procedure ....................................... 216 Software for HRSG simulation - COGEN ............................. 228 Supplementary firing and HRSG efficiency .......................... 231 Improving efficiency of HRSG ............................................. 231 Deaeration steam calculations ............................................. 238 Steam turbine calculations ................................................... 241 Optimizing temperature profiles using COGEN .................... 245 Using field data to simulate HRSG performance ..................248 Multi-pressure HRSG design and performance simulation ................................................. 250 References ...........................................................................254 Nomenclature ..................................................................... 255 CHAPTER 5: Specifying Waste Heat Boilers ............................... 257 Application or system design ............................................~ .. 257 Space and layout guidelines ................................................ 259 vii


Gas data ............................................................................. 260 Boiler duty .........................................................................263 Auxiliary fuel data .............................................................. 264 Emission data .................................................................... .265 Feed water analysis, blow down .......................................... 265 Surface area, fin configuration ............................................. 270 Cost data for fuel, electricity and steam............................... 271 Drum sizing ......................................................................... 271 References ........................................................................... 274

APPENDIX A: Finned Tubes ........................................................ 275 Heat transfer calculations ................................................... 276 Fin efficiency and effectiveness ........................................... 278 Gas pressure drop ................................................................ 278 Tube wall and fin tip temperature ........................................ 280 Design example .................................................................. .281 Comparison of bare versus finned evaporator ........................ 286 Comparison of in-line versus staggered arrangement ................................................. .287 Fin configuration and performance ....................................... 290 Importance of tube side coefficient ....................................... 291 Effect of fouling factors ........................................................ 292 Surface area and duty .......................................................... 300 Nomenclature .....................................................................304 References ...........................................................................306

APPENDIX B: Low Temperature Corrosion .................................. 307 Causes and cures .................................................................. 307 Methqds of avoiding cold end corrosion ................................312 Condensation on surfaces ......................................................314 Corrosion is stacks, ducts ......................................................315 Heat loss calculations through multi-layer insulation ...................................................320 Hot casing design ................................................................322 Nomenclature .....................................................................326 References ...........................................................................326


APPENDIX C: Heat Transfer Equipment Vibration ........................................................... 327 APPENDIX D: Gas Turbine Data ................................................. 337 APPENDIX E: Gas and Steam Properties ...................................... 349 Specific heat, viscosity, thermal conductivity of gases ........................................349 Enthalpy of gases ............................................................... .351 Estimating flue gas properties .............................................351 Effect of pressure on heat transfer ........................................353 Converting % volume to % weight ........................................ 355 Properties of steam and compressed water ............................355 APPENDIX F: Tube Thickness Calculations ..................................377 Tubes and pipes subject to internal pressure ........................... 377 Designing vessels and tubes subject to external pressure ..................................... 381 APPENDIX G: Conversion Factors ................................................391 INDEX ....................................................................................... 395





Preface During the past 20 years I have had the opportunity of engineering a wide variety of industrial boilers and Heat Recovery Steam generators. During the past 7 years at ABeO Industries in particular I have had the pleasure of custom designing over two hundred fire tube and water tube waste heat boilers, each with different gas/steam parameters, which are in operation in the USA and abroad; these units were built for diverse heat recovery applications such as gaseous, liquid, solid waste and hazardous waste incineration systems, gas turbine exhaust, effluents from chemical plants such as sulfuric acid and hydrogen plants, petrochemical plants, cat crackers in refineries and for effluents from clean as well as dirty processes; the gas flow ranged from 2000 to 1.5 million pounds per hour, which implies a wide variety of boiler configurations and design features as you will see in the text. Energy management programs are vital to the economic life of any industry and heat recovery boilers playa dominant role in those projects which otherwise waste energy from hot flue gases. I decided to write this book after reviewing hundreds of specifications for heat recovery boilers prepared by consultants and would be users of the equipment; unfortunately several of them are poorly written without emphasis on the process aspects and optimization of installed plus operating costs, with a result that the end user or the owner gets an equipment which perhaps meets the budget requirement but which could incur significant operating costs in the form of higher gas pressure drop or fuel consumption or lower steam production year after year. The book addresses various aspects of heat recovery boilers, such as engineering, specifying, system design, optimization and performance evaluation. Hence engineers and managers involved in several disciplines of energy management including plant operation will find the book useful and informative. xi

The book is dedicated to professionals involved in any way with energy conservation and heat recovery. As pointed out by one, the earth is not for man, but man is for earth. Hence let us use the limited natural energy resources wisely with the future of mankind and the next generation in mind.

V. Ganapathy






I would like to thank ABCO Industries for their encouragement and support in the preparation of this book and for the use of several ABCO illustrations and photographs.


I would also like to thank the following publications for permitting me to use my articles, which originally appeared in them:



Power Power Engineering Chemical Engineering Oil and Gas Journal Hydrocarbon Processing Heating, piping and Air-conditioning Sci-Tech Publications Pennwell Books Marcel Dekker Inc. I would also like to thank ESCOA Corp for permitting me to use their correlations for extended surface heat transfer calculations. Several readers from various continents have been writing to me regarding my publications during the past several years, which has been indeed been motivating and I would like to thank them for their interest.

V. Ganapathy










List of Frequently Used Abbreviations ABMA - American Boiler Manufactures Association ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers CO - Carbon Monoxide EOR - Enhanced Oil recovery FrB - Fire tube boiler GTE - Gas turbine exhaust HRSG - Heat Recovery Steam Generator MSW - Municipal Solid Waste NIMBY - Not in my back yard NOx - Nitrogen oxides NWL - Normal water level PPB - Parts per billion PPM - Parts per million RDF - Refuse Derived Fuel SCR - Selective Catalyst Reduction System STIG - Steam Injected Gas Turbine TDS - Total dissolved solids WHB - Waste Heat Boiler WTB - Water tube boiler VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds




Introduction The book is aimed at engineers, consultants and managers involved in specifying, operating, engineering, marketing and procuring waste heat boilers (WHBs) or heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). It offers valuable information on not only the heat recovery systems in chemical plants, gas turbine cogeneration and combined cycle plants, solid waste, liquid and gaseous incineration systems and flue gas heat recovery in general, but also provides the characteristics of each system such as gas analysis, fouling and slagging tendencies, high and low temperature corrosion potential and the impact of these on design and performance aspects of HRSGs. During the past 15 years and particularly during the last 7 years at ABCO Industries I have had the opportunity of engineering a wide variety of fire tube and water tube waste heat boilers for different types of applications as mentioned above. Having designed over two hundred boilers with gas flows varying from 2000 to 1.5 million pounds per hour and steam flows varying from 2000 to 250,000 pounds per hour, I feel that custom designing HRSGs is an art as well as a science, as there are numerous configurations possible depending on economics, cleanliness of gas, gas and steam parameters and layout considerations. I have had also the opportunity of authoring four books and over 175 articles on heat recovery boilers and steam plant systems in journals such as Power, Power Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Heating Piping Air-Conditioning, Oil and Gas Journal, Hydrocarbon Processing, Plant Engineering; the feed back from the readers has been very encouraging, which prompted me to bring out this work. Another reason was that in the course of reviewing specifications on HRSGs from various consultants and engineering organizations, I felt that less emphasis was being placed on process and optimization aspects, which is very important in the long run to the owner of the plant. Due to lack of knowledge on HRSGs and their performance


aspects, several of the specifications are poorly written and do not furnish adequate information to engineer an economically and technically sound design. Many engineers also lack knowledge or do not know how to evaluate alternate design options. For example if you read Appendix A, several examples are given to show that with finned tubes one can have a lower surface area and still transfer more energy by proper choice of fin configuration. Several engineers and purchase managers still purchase HRSGs for critical applications based on surface area and are of the view that more the surface area the better and a design with a lower surface area would not perform. Also, I have come across several specifications which do not place emphasis on HRSG operating costs; during the life time of the HRSG, the cost of moving the gas through the system due to high gas pressure drop or the cost of fuel which is required to generate a desired quantity of steam may be very significant. While the consultant looks at the initial cost alone, to the owner of the plant who has to pay for the fuel and electricity for years to come, the life cycle cost of the HRSG is important. Hence addition of secondary heat recovery surfaces such as condensate h;eater or economizer may have to be looked into, though the initial cost may be slightly more. A few examples on the subject of evaluating operating and life cycle costs are discussed in the book. This book offers useful information on design and off-design performance aspects of Heat recovery systems and components such as superheaters, evaporators and economizers, which are elaborated by over 65 fully worked out examples. You will find quantitative answers to commonly asked questions on heat recovery boilers and systems; some of them are: • • • • • •

How can one improve the efficiency of a HRSG system? What is the effect of auxiliary firing on system efficiency? How to compute the fuel requirements and oxygen consumption for gas turbine exhaust boilers? How to select pinch and approach points? How do they vary with gas inlet conditions? What is the effect of scale on boiler performance and tube wall temperatures and heat flux? How to compute the dew points of hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrobromic acid, nitric acid?


• • • • • • • • • • • •

Which is better arrangement for bare and finned tubes, in-line or staggered? How do boilers with finned tubes compare with bare tube design for the same duty? How to compute the gas temperature at the SCR at off-design conditions. How to avoid high and low temperature corrosion problems? How to use field data to predict off-design performance or fouling of HRSGs? With finned tubes can you transfer more duty with less surface area? What is the effect of fin configuration? How to size and predict off-design performance of fire tube and bare/finned water tube boilers, superheaters, economizers? How to compute tube wall and fin tip temperatures? How to compute thickness of tubes subject to internal or external pressure? How much gas should be bypassed for gas temperature control? What is the effect of gas pressure on heat transfer? How to evaluate HRSGs for possible noise and vibration problems?

The first chapter deals with heat recovery systems. HRSGs are used in various applications such as gas turbine exhaust, incineration systems, chemical plants and refineries to mention a few. In order to design a HRSG for any application, the characteristics of the gas stream are important. For example, auxiliary firing in gas turbine HRSGs is discussed in depth with examples on computing fuel requirements, oxygen consumption, impact on system efficiency and emissions. Features of boilers such as natural or forced circulation, single or multiple gas pass design, insulated casing or fully water cooled membrane wall construction are discussed, along with methods of minimizing steaming concerns in economizers. Various aspects of WHBs in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) applications, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) fired units and other incineration systems are discussed with emphasis on type of boilers, whether fire tube or water tube, fouling and slagging concerns and high and low temperature corrosion potential. Methods of minimizing these concerns through boiler design and selection of steam parameters are addressed. The second and third chapters deal with Design and off-design performance calculation procedures for fire tube and water tube


boilers with bare and extended surfaces. Plant engineers can use the simplified procedures described in the text for instance to check for fouling, estimate bypass flow for gas temperature control or estimate the gas temperature at the Selective Catalytic Reduction system SCR) at different load conditions. Effect of tube size and arrangement whether in-line or staggered on design and performance is elaborated quantitatively. Examples are also given on how to compute the tube wall temperatures, including the effect of scale. Arrangement of headers on flow mal-distribution in superheaters and the effect of tube configuration on direct radiation to tubes are also discussed. Circulation aspects are also discussed along with various configur- . ations available for superheaters, evaporators and economizers. Simulation of single or multi-pressure unfired or fired HRSGs can be performed using the methodology described in chapter 4. Guidelines on selecting pinch and approach points are discussed. One can predict the performance of complex unfired and fired multipressure HRSGs under different load conditions without actually designing the unit. Such studies would be helpful to consultants in simulating the entire combined cycle or cogeneration plant behavior and economics. Methods of improving the efficiency of HRSG systems through addition of condensate heater, deaerator coil or heat exchanger are addressed. Examples illustrate how one can also optimize the temperature profiles b;y rearranging the heating surfaces. Methods of computing deaeration steam requirements and power output from steam turbines are discussed with examples. The software COGEN which is used in HRSG evaluations is recommended to those involved in engineering combined cycle and cogeneration projects, as on can simulate complex HRSG systems without actually designing the plant, saving a lot of engineering time Chapter 5 shows how one should specify waste heat boilers from the process view point. Adhering to the guidelines will save a lot of time for both the boiler designer and the purchasing manager responsible for evaluating alternate bids. Advantages of extended surface over bare tube is discussed in detail with examples in Appendix A. Effect of arrangement of tubes i.e. in-line versus staggered and the selection of fin configuration are elaborated. Examples also show how one can transfer more energy with less surface area with finned tubes. The effect of tube side xx

coefficient and tube and gas side fouling factors on tube wall and fin tip temperatures are illustrated with examples. Appendix B cites the causes of low temperature corrosion and suggests methods of minimizing the problems. Dew points of hydrochloric, sulfuric and hydrobromic acid may be computed using the correlations given. Heat losses thrqugh casing may be evaluated using the program described. One can evaluate an HRSG design for possible noise and vibration due to vortex shedding using the methods discussed in Appendix C. Gas turbine based HRSGs are widely used in cogeneration and combined cycle plants. Appendix D gives the exhaust gas data for several widely used machines. Gas and steam properties are provided in Appendix E with correlations for saturated and superheated steam. Example illustrates how one can compute gas mixture properties. The effect of gas pressure on heat transfer inside and outside tubes is also addressed. Appendix F shows the method of computation of thickness of tubes subject to internal and external pressures according to recent ASME code procedures. In sum, over sixty five examples from real life situations are worked out covering design and off-design performance aspects of various types of waste heat boilers and systemsi in addition, elaborate matter of fact discussions on systems and equipment should make this book indispensable to engineers involved in various disciplines of heat recovery. This book in the authors view would be an invaluable addition to the library of engineers and consultants involved in operation, maintenance, engineering, specifying or purchasing waste heat boilers. Since no single book can cover all of the aspects of the subject, the author suggests that serious professionals involved with heat recovery systems and waste heat boilers should acquire the other books and the software COGEN written by himi for more information, please contact the author at : V. Ganapathy, P.O. Box 673, Abilene, Texas 79604, USA.




Chapter 1

Waste Heat Boilers

Waste heat boilers (WHBs) or Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) as they are often called are used to recover energy from waste gas streams such as those encountered in sulfuric acid or hydrogen plants, refineries, solid, liquid and gaseous incineration systems, power plants and in cogeneration systems using gas turbines and reciprocating engines. With rising fuel costs and limited supply of premium fuels, it is prudent to maximize the energy recovered from waste gas streams whenever possible. Basically HRSGs can be classified into two broad categories: 1. Those which are required to cool gas streams to a desired temperature range from process considerations; examples could be found in hydrogen or sulfuric acid plants; in these plants, the energy recovery aspect is of secondary importance; the exit gas temperature from the boiler has to be controlled within a narrow range of temperatures for further downstream process purposes and methods such as gas bypassing would be used to achieve this objective. 2. In the other category of waste heat boilers, the objective is to maximize energy recovery compatible with considerations of high or low temperature corrosion and economics. Examples could be found in gas turbine based combined cycle or cogeneration systems, incineration plants and flue gas heat recovery in general. There is no standard design methodology or procedure for engineering of waste heat boilers, since one comes across a wide range of gas temperatures, gas analysis, pressures and steam parameters Table 1-1 shows some of the gas streams encountered in the industry. If the gas pressure is high, a fire tube boiler is preferred, Figure 1-1.



Table 1-1 Composition of Typical Waste Gases

Gas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Pressure, atm

300-1,000 250-500 250-850 200-1,100 300-1,100 500-1,000 200-500 300-1,200 100-600 175-1000 250-1350 150-1000 300-1450

1 1 3-10 1 30-50 25-50 200-450 40-80 1 1 1 1 1.5



78-82 80-82 65-67 8-10 70-72 12-13 13-15 18-20 0.2-0.5 70-80 70-75 75-80 65-72 50-55


18-20 16-18 40-41 34-36



8-10 10-12 5-7 2-3



8-11 0.5-1.0





9-10 6-8 13-15







30-32 38-40 56-60 45-49

1-5 0.3-0.5 6-10 8-12 6-10 16-25 20-25

13-16 5-8 3-5 1-3 3-5

4-6 46-48 3-4 10-13 6-8 4-6 5-7 2-3





traces 5-7





1. Raw suller gases 2. ~ from converter 3. Nitrous gases 4. Primary reformer flue gases 5. Secondary reformer gases 6. Converted gases 7. Synthesis gas 8. Shell gasifier effluent 9. Gas turbine 10. Modular MSW incinerator 11. Chlorinated plastics incinerator 12. Fume incinerator 13. Sulfur condenser

::r:: (1)





(1) ....

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Waste Heat Boilers


Figure 1-1. Elevated drum fire tube boiler [courtesy ABea Industries]

If the gas flow is large and several levels of steam pressure are used,

a water tube boiler as shown in Figure 1-2 may be appropriate. More discussions on fire tube versus water tube type could be found in Chapters 2 and 3. Another important aspect to the type of boiler is the cleanliness of the gas stream; if clean, extended surfaces could be used and the boiler may be made compact as in gas turbine applications; on the other hand if the gas stream is dirty as in municipal solid waste systems, the tube surfaces should be bare, with provisions for cleaning and ash removal. A large water cooled membrane wall radiant section may be required to cool the gases below the fusion points of eutectics before entering the convection section. Ample consideration should be given to high and low temperature corrosion aspects.



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4'-g~J(lssified as.l'adia!lt,~~Ir\i~ ~ia~~~Q!,~SQl!YE!~tive. In general, if the stearn temperature is not high, say below 900oP, superheaters are designed as convective units.

DESIGN PROCEDURE A sup~rh~ ts and Tg4> twl


If the pinch point or approach is selected arbitrarily, it is likely that T g4 can be lower than tw l, causing a temperature cross situation. Substituting ts for T g3 and twl for T g4 , we can obtain a critical inlet temperature T glc, above which the feed water temperature governs the temperature profile and below which, the pinch point governs the temperature profile.

From (4-7) , (Tglc-ts)j(Tglctwl)= X or Tglc = (ts-Xtw l)j(l-X)

(4-9) (4-10)

Example Let steam pressure = 585 psig, steam temperature = 700°F, Feed water temperature = 250°F. Let approach point = 20°F. ts = 488°F; hence tw2 = 468°F. From steam tables, hs2 = 1351.8, hwl = 219.5, hw2 =


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

450.7. then X = .796. Prom (4-10) Tglc = (488-.796 x 250)/(1-.796) = 1416°P. Above 1416°P, the feed water temperature governs the profile. To illustrate this, let us assume that we selected a pinch point of 30 0 P when Tgl = 1600oP. The Tg3 =488 + 30 =518°P. Then from (4-7), (1600-518)/(1600-Tg4) = .796 or Tg4 = 240 oP, which is below 250oP, resulting in a temperature cross situation, which is not practical. Let us say we selected 2800 P for Tg4, then: (1600-T g3)/(1600280) = .796 or T g3 = 550 oP, a pinch point of 62°F. This is a feasible value. With a higher approach point, Tlgc increases and the pinch point would not be governing the temperature profile. Let us select tw2 = 400 0 P in the above case. Then X = .862. Hence Tglc = 1974°P. Since Tgl = 1600oP, the pinch point can now be lower. Try 30oP. Then (1600-518)/(1600-Tg4) = .862 or Tg4 = 345°P, which is higher than T wl and hence thermodynamically feasible. However whether it is feasible from a mechanical size consideration has to be seen. Thus temperature cross situations can easily be handled by increasing the pinch or approach points or both. However the point that has been brought out is that they cannot be arbitrarily selected, and the inleegas temperature plays a role. Hence one has to be careful in selecting pinch and approach points in the case of fired units or in HRSGs where the gas inlet temperature is high above 1000o P. It is suggested that pinch and approach points not be selected in the fired mode (in the case of gas turbine HRSGs) for the above reason. Note that the gas flow does not matter. 2. Pinch point has to be selected such that the HRSG evaporator is of reasonable size or one that can be built and shipped. If a very low value is selected, then the surface area required may be too much and the HRSG will be cost prohibitive. If a very high value is used, then one may not be able to recover adequate energy from the gas stream. See Chapter 3 for an example on optimum pinch point selection. Choice of Pinch and approach points are also affected by the type of surface used, whether bare or finned. With bare tubes, it is impractical to obtain a pinch point of less than 100 to 150°F. The number of tube rows would be too many and hence the gas pressure


HRSG Design and Performance Simulation

drop would be very high. Appendix A compares two designs with bare and finned tubes for the same pinch and approach points . . The following table may be used as a guide for selecting pinch and approach points. The author suggests that for gas turbine HRSGs, these values be selected in the unfired mode even though the unit may be operating in the fired mode .. Table 4-1. Suggested Pinch and Approach Points Pinch Point, F a. Evap type


Approach Point,F


b. Inlet gas temp, F

1200-1800 750-1200

130-150, 30-60 80-130 10-30

40-70 10-40

Por a gas turbine application, pinch and approach points of 15 to 20 0 P are reasonable in the unfired mode. Por a dirty gas application such as MSW, with a gas inlet temperature of 1500 to 1800o P, a pinch point of 130 to 1500 P and approach of 40 to 700 P may be reasonable. 3. Pinch and Approach points should be selected in the unfired mode for gas turbine applications, even though the unit may be operating in the fired mode all the time. The following are the reasons: a. A temperature cross situation can result as discussed above. Consultants who are not familiar with HRSG performance sometimes call out the design pinch point or approach point without realizing the implications of the gas inlet temperature or the practicality of the value chosen. b. Por example if a pinch point of 20 0 P is selected with a firing temperature of 1600oP, the boiler size would be huge and the cost and gas pressure drop would be unreasonable. It is difficult to visualize a HRSG size in the fired mode; having designed several units,the author recommends that the pinch and approach points be selected in the unfired mode and the performance evaluated in the fired mode. Through experience, it can be said that pinch and approach points of 10 to 20 0 P are feasible for unfired gas turbine units.


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

c. Steaming in the economizer is a concern with gas turbine units. This occurs during cold ambient unfired conditions when the gas flow is higher and the inlet gas temperature lower than normal conditions. The reason for this will be given later with an example. Hence if one selects the pinch and approach to avoid steaming at the unfired cold ambient conditions, steaming can be avoided at any other operating condition. Note that as the gas inlet temperature increases, the pinch and approach points will increase and vice versa. d. If the selection of steam temperature is done in the fired mode, it will not be achieved in the unfired mode due to the lower gas inlet temperature. In units where the steam temperature has to be controlled over a wide load range, the steam temperature has to be achieved in the unfired as well as in the fired modes. The excess surface area of the superheater or the amount of spray water required for steam temperature control cannot be visualized if the temperature profiles are selected in the fired mode. Also, several performance checks have to be made to ensure that the desired steam temperature range is being achieved at different unfired and fired conditions. On the other hand if the steam temperature is selected in the unfired mode, it can be certainly achieved in the fired mode and through some steam temperature control methods, we can obtain the desired value at any other higher gas inlet temperature. 4. Once the pinch and approach points are selected and the design temperature profile is arrived at, the design is nearly complete. If the HRSG operates under a different mass flow, inlet temperature, gas analysis or steam pressure, the HRSG performance or the temperature profile and the steam flow would change. This information is obtained through "performance" calculations, which is discussed later. The pinch and approach points would change with different case of inlet conditions. They fall in place and have to be evaluated using complex iterative procedure. The important thing to keep in mind is that pinch and approach points are not constants but vary with variations in gas flow, inlet temperature, gas analysis, steam pressure and feed water temperature. Hence consultants and engineers should not use these terms loosely but associate them with a particular gas inlet condition and

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---

HRSG Design and Performance Simulation


steam parameters. We will now illustrate the design and performance calculation procedure with examples.

DESIGN TEMPERATURE PROFILE AND CALCULATIONS The superheater and economizer are assumed to be in counterflow arrangement, which is the widely used configuration. Example 1.

A gas turbine HRSG is to be designed for the parameters shown in Table 4-2. Determine the gas/steam profiles and the steam flow. Let the gas pressure drop = 6.0 in. We. Let superheater pressure drop = 7 psi. The drum pressure = 450 + 7 = 457 psig. The saturation temperature is 460oP. Gas temperature leaving the evaporator = 460 + 20 = 480 oP. Compute the gas properties for the given analysis. The data are shown in Table 4-3. Using an instantaneous specific heat of 0.267 for the range 900 to 480 0 P and a heat loss factor of 0.99, the duty in the superheater and evaporator is: Q1 + Q2 = 1qO,OOO (0.267) (0.99) (900-480) = 16.65 x 106 Btu/h = Wsd[(l,330.8-431.2) + 0.02(442.3431.2)] = 899.8 Wsd. Where 1,330.8 = enthalpy of superheated steam at 450 psig, 650 oP, 442.3 = enthalpy of saturated water at drum pressure, 431.2 = enthalpy of water entering the evaporator at 450 oP. 0.02 is the blow down factor. Prom the above, Wsd = 18,510 pph. Superheater duty, Q1 = 18,510(1,330.8-1,204.4) = 2.34 x 106 Btu/h, where 1,204.4 is the enthalpy of saturated steam. Gas temperature drop in the superheater = 2.34 x 106/(150,000) (0.273) (0.99) = 58°P Hence, gas temperature to evaporator = 900-58 = 842°P. Q2 = Evaporator duty = 16.65-2.34 = 14.31 106 Btu/h. Economizer duty = 18,510 (1.02) (431.2209.6) = 4.19 x 106 Btu/h, where 209.6 is the enthalpy of feed water at 240o P.


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook


Table 4-2. Data for "Design" and "Performance" Calculations

1. 2. 3. 4.

Case no. Gas flow, pph Exhaust temp., of % vol CO2 H2 O


02 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Steam press., psig Steam temp., of Feed water temp., OF Slowdown, %



1 150,000 900 3 7 75 15

2 165,000 840 3 7 75 15

450 650 240 2


? 240 2

Process steam, pph Heat loss + margin, % SH press. drop, psi Pinch point, of

7 20 10

Approach point, of Steam flow, pph ? Ambient temp., of 80 Natural gas used: % vol Cl = 96, C2

? ? ? ?



3 4 165,000 , 165,000 840 840 3 3 7 7 75 75 15 15 450 300 ? 650 240 240 2 2 2,500 1

? ? ?

? ? ?

26,000 26,000 50 50 50 = 2, C3 =2. Note that steam is required at a controlled temperature of 650 0 P in case 4. In cases 2 and 3 it is uncontrolled. Also, in case 4, 2,500 pph of saturated steam is taken off the drum and the balance of 26,000 pph is to be superheated to 650 oP. The steam exit pressure is 300 psig in case 4. It will be seen later that cases 3 and 4 are fired and cases 1 and 2 are unfired. I

Table 4-3. Part a-Gas Properties-Unfired Gas (% vol C02 = 3, H20 = 7, N2 =75, 02 = 15) Temp., of Cp J1 k 900 650 400

0.2736 0.2658 0.2584

0.083 0.0724 0.0612

0.0304 0.0261 0.0218



HRSG Design and Performance Simulation

Part b-Gas Properties-Fired Case (% vol C02

=3.45, H20 =7.87, N2 = 74.65, 02 =14.01)


Cp 0.2800 0.2689 0.2583


1,050 700 350



0.0887 0.0743 0.0586

0.0330 0.0267 0.0208

Units: Cp-Btu/lboP, Il-lb/ft h, k-Btu/ft hOP (Interpolate for gas properties at intermediate temperatures) Gas temperature drop in the economizer = 4.19 x 106/(150,000) (0.26) = 109°P. The gas specific heat at the average gas temperature in the economizer, obtained from Table 4-3 by interpolation, is 0.26. Hence, the exit gas temperature = 480-109 = 371°P. The temperature profile is shown in Figure 4-2. Using a similar approach, the temperature profiles'for any other pinch or approach points can be obtained.




Resuhs-deslgn case,-unlired Amb. lemp. - OF = 50, ReI. hum. - % = 0, Heal loss - % = I. Gas lemp. 10 HRSG - of = 000 Gas IIow·pph = 150,000, % vol. CO2 = 3, H20 = 7, N, = 75, 0, = 15, SO, = 0 Gas lemp. in-oul - OF SH EVAP 000 ~ ECO 481

I 8~

481 372

Wat./stm. in-out - OF 461 451 240


650 461 451

Duty Press. Flow pph MMb/h psig 2.35 14.38 4.22

450 457 467

Pslm. %

18,610 100.0 18,610 100.0 18,982 0.0

Pinch OF

Apprch. OF



Figure 4-2. Design Case 1 Results [Hydrocarbon Processing]



Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

To proceed with the performance calculations for case 2 shown in Table 4-2, a few parameters should first be computed, as discussed in insert B. These parameters help relate the heat transfer coefficients in the "design" mode to those in "performance." . Por the superheater: KI = QIj(,1TI) (WgO.65) Fg) where ,1TI = log-mean temperature difference = [(842--460)-(900-650)]fln[(842460)/(900-650)] = 311°P, Fg = CpO.33 kO.67/j.l0.32 = 0.135, using a Cp = aO.273, k = 0.029,and j.l = 0.0826. Hence KI = 2,340,000/ 150,000°.65 /311/0.135 = 24.10. Similarly for the evaporator K2 = 387.6 and K3 = 218.4 for the economizer. KI, K2 and K3 will be used to compute (US)p, the product of U and 5 in the performance modes as discussed in insert B.

PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS Let us see how the unit performs when the conditions are as shown in case 2, Table 4-2. The gas flow is 165,000 pph at 840oP. The gas analysis, feed water temperature and steam pressure remain the same as earlier. The performance of the HRSG is arrived at through an iterative process described in Inserts A and B. Trial 1. As a first approximation, assume that the steam flow is proportional to the gas flow and temperature drop. Ws = 18,510 (165,000/150,000) (840-371) /(900-371) = 18,050 pph. Superheater Performance. Let tS2, the steam exit temperature = 640 oP. Then, from steam tables, the enthalpy = 1,325 Btu/lb. The assumed duty = 18,050 . (1,325-1,204.4) = 2.177 x 106 Btu/h. Gas temperature drop = 2,177,000/(165,000) (0.99) (0.271) = 49°P. Hence,gas temperature leaving the superheater = 840--49 = 791°P. Compute the transferred duty, Q1t, using Equation (4-12) in insert B. Fg = 0.135, Wg = 165,000, K1 = 24.1, WSd = 18,510, Ws = 18,050. Hence (US)p = 165,0000.65(0.135) (24.1) (18,050/18,510)0.15 = 7,974. ,1T = log-mean temperature difference = [(840-640)-(791460)]fln[(840-640)/(791--460)] = 260o P. Hence, Q1t = 7,974 (260) = 2,074,000 Btu/h. This is close to the assumed value. If it were not, we



HRSG Design and Performance Simulation


would have to assume another steam temperature and repeat the steps. Let us continue. Evaporator Performance. Compute Fg at the average gas temperature in the evaporator. Fg = 0.129, K2 = 387.6. Then, (US)p = 165,0000.65 (0.129) (387.6) = 123,123. Using Equation (4-18), [(791-460)/(Tg3-460)] = e(123,123/165,000/0.99/0.266) = 17.00. Hence Tg3 = 480 o P; Q2 = 165,000(0.99) (0.266) (791-480) = 13.522 x 106 Btu/h. Note that the gas properties have to be interpolated for the values at the average gas temperature in the section. Economizer Performance. Let the water temperature leaving the economizer be 450 o P. hW2 = 431.2 from steam tables. Assumed duty Q3a = 1.02 (18,050) (431.2-209.6) = 4.08 x 106 Btu/h. The gas temperature drop = 4,080,000/165,000/0.99/0.26 = 96°P, exit gas temperature = 480-96 = 384°P. Fg = .120, K3 = 218.4, Hence (US)p = 218.4 (165,0000.65 ) (0.120) = 64,535. Transferred duty = Q3t = 64,535(72.7) = 4.69 x 106 Btu/h, where 72.7 is the log-mean temperature difference. Since the transferred duty is more than the assumed, let us repeat the calculations with say tW2 = 457°P. Q3a = 18,050 (1.02) (439-209.6) = 4,230,000 Btu/h. The exit gas temperature = 381. LiT = 65. Then Q3a, = 64,535 (65) = 4,190,000 Btu/h. Since this is closer to Q3t , let us continue. The total transferred duty = Q1t + Q2t + Q3t = 2.07 + 13.52 +4.19 = 19.78 MMBtu/h. The corrected steam flow, Wsc = 19.78 x 106/[1,325-209.6 + 0.02(442-209.6)] = 17,660 pph, per Equation (4-24). Since this is not close to the assumed value of 18,050 pph, another trial is warranted. Try Ws = 17,770 pph. Trial 2. Let the revised steam flow = 17,700 pph. Pollow a similar procedure as before. Superheater Performance. Let t52 = 640 o P. Q1a = 17,700 (1,325-1,204.0) = 2.134 MMBtu/h. Gas temperature drop = 2,134,000/(165,000) (0.99) (0.271) = 48°P. T g2 = 840-48= 792°P. LiT = 260o P. Fg = 0.135. Kl = 24.1. Then, (US)p =




Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

165,0000.65(0.135) (24.1) (17,700/18,510)°·15 = 7,957. QIt = 7957(260) = 2.07 MMBtu/h. SinceQ1t is less than Q1a, try a lower steam temperature, say 635°P. Then Q1a = 17,700(1,332-1,204.4) = 2.081 MMBtu/h. Gas Temperature drop = 47°P. Tg2 = 840-47 = 793°P. LiT = 264 °P. Hence, QIt = 7,957(264) = 2.1 MMBtu/h. This is close enough. Continue.

Evaporator Performance. Solve for Tg3 as before. [(793--460)/(Tg3-460)] = 17.00; hence Tg3 =480 o P. Q2 = 165,000 (0.99) (0.266) (793-480) = 13.6 MMBtu/h. (The factor 17 computed from Trial 4-1 is unchanged.) Economizer Performance. Let tW2 = 455; hW2 = 436.8; Q3a =17,700(1.02) (436.8-209.6) = 4.1 MMBtu/h. Gas temperature drop = 96°F. Tg4 = 480-96 = 384°P. Li T = 68°P. Using the same (US)p as before, Q3t = 64,535(68) = 4.36 MMBtu/h. Since the variation between Q3a and Q3t is large, try tW2 = 458°P. Then, Q3a = 4.14 MMBtu/h. Tg4 = 383°P. f).T = 64.6°P. Hence, Q3t = 64.6(64,535) = 4.16 MMBtu/h. This is quite close. The total transferred duty = 2.1 + 13.6 + 4.16 = 19.86 MMBtu/h. The corrected steam flow, Wsc = 19.86/[(1,322-209.6) + 0.02(442-209.6)] = 17,770 pph.Since this is close to the assumed value of 17,700, let us stop here. The final temperature profile is shown in Pigure 4-3. The gas pressure drop, using Equation (4-25) = 6(165,000/150,000)2[0.5(840 + 383) + 460]/[0.5(900 + 371) + 460)] = 7.1 in. We. Performance Check-Fired Case. Let us check the performance for case 3 shown in Table 4-2, where it is desired to make 26,000 pph of steam. The steam temperature is uncontrolled. It is obvious that with same inlet gas conditions as in the earlier case, we need additional fuel input to the HRSG to generate 26,000 pph. The procedure is similar to the earlier one. However, additional steps are necessary to iterate for the firing temperature, as discussed in Insert A. The method of computing the fuel input, firing temperature and gas analysis is discussed elsewhere. Let us only check the final results which are shown in Pigure 4-4.


HRSG Design and Performance Simulation

Results-performance case-unfired Amb. temp. - of • 50, Rei. hum. - % - 50, Heat loss - % = 1, Gas temp. to HRSG - of = 840 Gas flow-pe~_~J.\!9~ti % vol. CO, = 3, H,O = 7, N, = 75, 0,.15, SO,. 0 Gas temp.

in-out - of SH EVAP ECO

Wat.lstm. In-out - OF







MM blh pslg

Pstm. %

450 456 486

100.0 100.0 0.0


2.08 13.61 4.19

Press. Flow pph







Figure 4-3. Performance Case 2 Results

240 Results-performance case-fired Amb. temp. - of 50, ReI. hum. - % = 50, Heat loss - % 1, Gas temp. to HRSG - of = 840 ~~OOO~ . % vol. CO, = 3, H,O = 7, N, = 75, 0,. 15, SO, . .


Gas temp. In-out - of BURN 840 1,035 SH EVAP 954 ECO 490

1,035 954 490 382


Wat.istm. In-out - of 0 462 436 240

0 677 462


Duty Press. Flow MMb/h psig pph 9.29 3.69 20.52 5.45

Pstm. %

0 434 0 450 g§.963 100.0 464 25,963 100.0 474 28,462 0.0


Pinch Apprch.





Gas flow after HRSG = 165,434, % vol. CO, = 3.45, H,O = 7.87, N, = 74.65, 0, = 14.01, SO, = 0.00 Fuel - gas: analysis - % volume, 1 methane = 96, 2 ethane = 2, 3 propane. 2, Ihv-Btu/cu ft = 957, Ihv-Btu/lb = 21,398, aug. alr-pph = 0

Figure 4-4. Performance Case 3 Results


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

Superheater Performance. Table 4-3b shows the gas properties for the gas analysis after combustion. From the printout, Figure 4-4, it is seen that the HRSG gas inlet temperature is 1,034°F and the burner fuel input is 9.29 MMBtu/h (LHV basis). Wg = 165,430; Ws = 26,000; ts2 = 677°F. Fg at the average gas temperature is 0.142. The saturation temperature is 462°F, at the corrected drum pressure of 463 psig. Q3a = 26,000(1,346.0-1,204.3) = 3.69 MMBtu/h. Gas temperature drop = 3,690,000/(165,430) (0.99) (0.278) = 81°F. Exit gas temperature, T g2 = 1,034-81 = 953°F; ,1T = 420°F. Kl = 24.1. (US)p = 165,4300.65(0.142) (24.1) (26,000/18,510)0.15 = 8,840. Then, Q1t = 420(8,840) = 3.71 MMBtu/h. Evaporator Performance. Fg = 0.135; K2 = 387.6; hence (US)p =165,4300.65(0.135) (387.6) = 129,437. Using Equation (4-18), [(953-462)/(T g3-462)] = e129 ,437 /165,430/0.99 /0.27) = 18.67. Hence, T g3 = 489°F. Q2 = 165,430(0.99) (0.27) (955-489) = 20.52 MMBtu/h. Economizer Performance. tW2 = 435; hW2 =414.45; Q3a = 26,000(1.02) (414.45-209.6) = 5.43 MMBtu/h. Gas temperature drop = 128°F; T g4 = 489-128 = 361°F. ,1T = 83°F. K3 = 218.4; Fg = 0.120; {US)p = 165,430°·65 (218.4) (0.120) = 65,000. Hence Q3t = 83(65,000) = 5.4 MMBtu/h. Total energy transferred = 3.71 + 20.52 +5.4 = 29.63 MMBtu/h. Wsc = 29.63 x 10 6 /[(1,346.7-209.6) + 0.02 (442.6-209.6)] = 25,970 pph. The gas pressure drop could be corrected as before. This gives an idea of the complexity of performance calculations if fuel firing is involved. Several iterations of performance calculations would be required before the correct firing temperature is arrived at. Also, if the steam temperature has to be controlled, the superheater has to be split up into two stages with a spray desuperheater in between. The method of computing the spray water for steam temperature control is discussed in Chapter 3. In such an HRSG, more iterations are involved before the spray water flow and the final temperature profiles are arrived at. Without a computer it would be extremely tedious and time


HRSG Design and Performance Simulation

consuming. Figure 4-5 shows the results of case 4 where steam temperature control and fuel firing are involved.




__ __-+____________-4______ ~


Resu~s-performance case-fired Amb. temp. - OF = 50, Rei. hum. - % - 50, Heat loss - % = 1, Gas temp. to HRSG - of = 840 Gas flow-pph = 165,000, % vol. CO, = 3, H,O = 7, N, = 75, 0, _ 15, SO, = 0


Gas temp.

in.-out - of

Wat./stm. In-out - of

BURN 0 840 1,067 SH 1,067 979 427 DESH 1,032 1,032 587 EVAP 979 458 405 ECO 343 240 458

0 650 542 427 405

Duty Press. Flow MM blh pslg pph

lo.a2 4.05 0.00 23.03 4.90

0 300 309 318 328


25,968 608 g~d§!t


Pstm. %

0 100.0 0 100.0 0.0



Apprch. OF



Gas flow after HRSG = 165,5Q6, % Vol. CO,. 3.52, H,o = 8.01, N, - 74.60, 0, = 13.84, SO, = 0.00 Fuel - gas: analysis - % volume, 1 methane = 96, 2 ethane = 2, 3 propane = 2, Ihv-Btu/cu ft = 957, Ihv-Btunb • 21,398, aug. air-pph =0

Figure 4-5. Performance Case 4 Results

Note that gas inlet temperature is l,067°F. The spray quantity has been arrived at based on a split i,n the ratio of 6:4 in design U times 5 values between the first and second stages of the superheater. This ratio is built into the program. Slight changes in the temperature profile and spray quantity can result due to a different split in the surfaces between the two stages of the superheater while actually building the HRSG. Also, note the higher steam pressure drop in the superheater due to the lower steam pressure. The economizer flow includes the 2,500 pph saturated steam taken off the drum.


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

A note of caution on V, S and V times S values. Note that US values could be computed for each surface from its Q and ,1T data. For instance in the "design" case, for the superheater, US =234,000/311 = 7,524. These would naturally change depending upon the gas flow, analysis and temperature profile. Hence, these values should be interpreted with caution. After arriving at the US values, some engineers try to split up the U an S values and compare alternate designs based on S values alone. This can lead to very misleading conclusions and the author strongly recommends against it. particularly if extended surfaces are used. With finned tubes, the gas side heat transfer coefficient and fin efficiency are affected by variables such as fin density, height, thickness and fin or tube material. By using tubes with high fin density, say six, one could show more surface in the HRSG, but due to the lower U associated with it, it does not mean that the energy transferred is more compared to a design which has a lower fin density, say two to four, and hence, lower S. Lower fin density should be used whenever possible to increase U and minimize gas pressure drop and fin and tube wall temperatures. This is more important in surfaces with low tube side heat transfer coefficients such as superheaters. One could show that S can be 100 to 200% more by using six fins/in.,compared to two, but due to the higher U, the duty can be the same or even more. The author has performed studie:; on optimization of finned tubes and advises engineers against comparing and selecting HRSGs simply because the surface area, S, is more compared to another design which used lower fin density. Vnless the engineer is familiar with all aspects of heat transfer with extended surfaces and the impact of each variable on U, comparisons of S alone can be misleading and should be avoided. Limitations and Software. The approach discussed has a limitation. It cannot be used in HRSGs which have a radiant section. However, the author is of the view that 80 to 90% of HRSGs fall under the category discussed in Figure 4-6, and hence the methodology discussed can be applied to a wide variety of HRSGs used in the industry.


HRSG Design and Performance Simulation

Process steam Feed water




a. SH + EVAP + ECO [module 1)

b. SH + EVAP [module 2)


c. EVAP [module 3)

d. EVAP + ECO [module 4)

~*~I' e. SH [module 6)

f. ECO [module 5)

Figure 4-6. Various modules can be combined to represent multiple pressure and complex HRSG configurations. [Hydrocarbon Processing)

While the method of predicting performance using U values based on actual tube geometry, fin configuration, etc., gives accurate results, this methodology has been checked against several designs and operating results. For the purposes of engineering analysis, trend projections, evaluation of alternate designs and for studying the effect of different gas/steam parameters on performance, this approach is very effective and hence a powerful tool.





Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

Considering the complexity of the calculations and iterative nature of the procedure, particularly if multipressure HRSGs are involved, program COGEN has been developed by the author for HRSG design and performance evaluation. For more information on the software and its availability, contact the author at P.O. Box 673, Abilene, Texas 79604, USA.

INSERT A Performance calculation procedure

The procedure is discussed for a single pressure HRSG. Figure 46 shows the various configurations of HRSGs considered. The first case is quite involved. The methodology for this case will be discussed. The gas flow, gas inlet temperature and analysis, steam pressure and feed water temperature are assumed to be known. The design calculations, which are the basis of establishing an initial design, are assumed to be done and the results available, along with KIf K2 f K3 factors. 1. Assume the steam flow. A good estimate is obtained by using a ratio of the "performance" to "design" gas flows and temperature drop. 2. Solve the superheater performance. This is an iterative process. See insert B, see Equations (4-11 )to (4-15). If the transferred and assumed duty are not equal, repeat with another steam temperature or else continue. 3. Solve the evaporator performance. Obtain the duty and exit gas temperature using Equations (4-16 )to (4-19) . 4. Solve economizer performance using Equations (4 - 20) to (4-23). This is again an iterative procedure. Calculate the total transferred duty. 5. The steam flow is then corrected based on the total transferred duty and enthalpy rise, Equation (4-24). If this is close to the assumed steam flow in step 1, continue or else repeat steps 1 to 5. 6. If the final steam temperature is greater than that desired, the steam flow is corrected for the desired steam temperature.

HRSG Design and Performance Simulation


7. If the desired steam flow is zero (unfired mode) or less than the corrected flow, proceed to step II. 8 .. If the desired steam flow is larger than the corrected flow, calculate the fuel input required to raise the gas temperature to the required level to achieve the desired steam flow. This again involves several iterations, and for each firing temperature, all the steps from 1 to 8 have to be repeated until they match. 9. If the final steam temperature is higher than desired, calculate the interstage spray quantity based on a split superheater 10. Another round of fine tuning is done to check the temperature profiles and steam flow. 11. It can be easily seen that a lot of iterative calculations are involved. For each round, the gas and steam properties have to be computed based on the gas analysis and temperature. If there is steaming in the economizer, the economizer is split up into two stages, a small evaporator and an economizer and calculations are done to evaluate the extent of steaming. It is obvious that without a computer, the calculations can be overwhelming, particularly if there are several alternate performance conditions, and steam is generated at several pressure levels.

INSERTB Equations used in performance calculations Superheater performance. Assuming that the steam flow = Ws, from energy balance we have: Qla = Ws(hs2-h sl) = Wg(C p) (hI! )(TglTg2)


where ts2 = exit steam temperature and hS2, the enthalpy. Compute the exit gas temperature, T g2, from the above. The transferred duty is then: Q1t = (US)p t1T (4-12a) ~ T = log-mean temperature difference (4-12b) ~T = [Tgl-ts2)-(Tg2-tsl)]/ln[(Tgl-ts2)/(Tg2- tsI)] assuming counter flow configuration, which is widely used. (US)p is the product of 5 and U in performance mode and is obtained from the


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

(US) value in the design case by adjusting as follows for the gas properties and flow.

(4-13) K1

is obtained from Q1, t1T, Wg and Fg values in design case:

K1 = Q1j(t1T(Wi· 65 ) (Fg) )


Fg = (Cp0.33f ECO

975 914 515

914 515 374

495 475 240

650 495 475


9.31 59.57 20.36

620 635 645

80085 .100.0 80085 100.0 81687 0.0




amb temp-f= 60 reI hum-%= 0 heat 10ss-%= 1 gas temp to HRSG= 975 gas flow-pph= 550000 % vol C02= 3.5 H20= 10 N2 = 73 02 = 13.5 S02= 0 gas temp


wat/stm in-out-F

duty press MM b/h psig

flow pph

pstm pinoh approh % F F (b)


975 914 515

914 515 324

495 475 151

650 495 475


9.31 59.57 27.65

620 635 645

80085 100.0 80085 100.0 81687 0.0




amb temp-f= 60 reI hum-%= 0 heat 1099-%= 1 gas temp to HRSG= 975 gas flow-pph= 550000 % vol C02= 3.5 H20= 10 N2 = 73 02 = 13.5 S02= 0 gas temp in-out-F

wat/stm in-out-F

duty press MM b/h psig

flow pph

pstm pinch apprch F F



975 914 515

914 515 374

495 475 240

650 495 475

9.31 59.57 20.36

620 635 645

80085 100.0 80085 100.0 81687 0.0















amb temp-f= 60

reI hum-%= 0 heat loss-%= 1 gas temp to HRSG= 975. gas flow-pph= 550000 % vol C02= 3.5 H20= 10 N2 73 02 = 13.5 S02= 0 gas temp in-out-F


wat/stm in-out-F

duty press MM b/h psig

flow ppb

pstm pinoh approh F F




975 914 515

914 515 374

495 475 240

650 495 475

9.31 59.57 20.36

620 635 645

80085 100.0 80085 100.0 81687 0.0









10050 100.0

57 132


Figure 4-13. a, b, c, d: Results from COGEN program for various options.


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

Makeup. Y 60F (17001b:hr)

C"ndensate: 'OOF (OO,OOO·X /b/hr)

Mixture: '07F

Feedwater: 240F• • 01,700 /b/hr

Condensate: 10SF

Figure 4-14. Two alternatives for deaeration steam take off location; steam from HRSG (top) and from steam turbine (bottom), [Power]

HRSG Design and Performance Simulation


steam is taken from the HRSG exit (Figure 4-14 left) rather than from the turbine. Makeup temperature is 60°F and condensate enters the mixing tank at 108°F (2.5-in. Hg condenser pressure). Neglecting flashed and vented steam, a mass balance around the mixing tank gives: 81,700 - X = Y + (80,000 - X), where X is the deaeration-steam flow and Y the makeup flow. Very simply, Y = 1700 lb/hr. (Flashed steam from blowdown and vent steam are neglected in this analysis.) An energy balance is then performed around the deaerator, giving: (81,700) (208) = (1700) (28) +(80,000 - X) (76) + 1319X, where 1319 Btu/lb is the enthalpy of steam at 620 psig and 650°F, 28 Btu/lb the make-up enthalpy, 76 Btu/lb the enthalpy of condensate returns, and 208 Btu/lb that of feedwater after deaeration. Solving this equation, X =87411b/hr steam: using 87851b/hr allows for losses. To obtain the electric output, we must compute the actual steam rate (ASR) for the expansion from 620 psig and 650"F to 1.22 psia (2.5 in. Hg) A program developed for this purpose gives ASR = 11.14 Ib/kWh. Allowing for 4% mechanical losses, P = 0.96 (80,000 - 8785) /11.14 = 6137 kW. Next, consider deaeration steam taken from the turbine extraction point (Figure 4-14 right) at about 30 psia. For an expansion efficiency of 70%, this corresponds to an enthalpy of 1140.6 Btu/lb (calculated from the program referenced). An energy balance in this case gives: (81,700) (208) = 1140.6 X + (80,000 - X) (76) + (1700) (28). Solving for X gives 10,206 lb/hr for deaeration-steam flow. To include losses, use 10,250 lb/hr. The program then gives 19 Ib/kWh for the ASR from 620 psig to 30 psia, and 11.14 Ib/kWh for the entire expansion. For the net electric output, P =0.96 [(10,250/19) + (80,000 10,250) /11.14] = 6528 kW. Thus, greater electric output is obtained by taking steam from the steam turbine, and so this is the preferred procedure for all other options. Results of similar calculations for those options are summarized in the Table 4-4.

STEAM TURBINE CALCULATIONS Engineers involved in cogeneration projects and power plant studies often need to calculate the steam properties during expansion in a steam turbine to evaluate the theoretical and actual steam rates

I Input P" rio

p" E

I Yes

Figure 4-15a (left): Expansion of steam in a turbine. Figure 4-15b (right): Logic diagram to obtain expansion results [Hydrocarbon Processing]

Sat steam properties

HRSG Design and Performance Simulation


and hence, the electrical power output. With the help of this program written in BASIC, one can quickly evaluate all the pertinent data. Correlations used for steam property evaluation are also presented. Theory: Figure 4-15a & b shows the typical expansion process in a steam turbine.


= 3,413/(h1 -h2s)

(4-26) (4-27) (4-28)

Superheated steam enthalpy is computed from the equations given P, T as shown in Appendix E. For wet steam enthalpy, use: (4-29) h = xhv + (1 - x) hf where the saturated vapor and liquid properties are obtained from Appendix E given the pressure. The dryness fraction, x, is computed for each state from either the enthalpy relation in (4) or from the entropy relation:

s = XSv + (1-x)sf


The logic used in the program is shown in Figure 4-15b. Example 4: Two examples illustrate the use of the program. Example 4: Superheated steam at 650 psia and 750°F is expanded in a steam turbine to 150 psia with an expansion efficiency of 80%. Calculate the steam properties at inlet and exit as also the actual and theoretical steam rates.

Solution: Key in the program in Figure 4-16a. In the RUN mode the screen asks for the inlet pressure and temperature. If saturated, key 0 for


Waste Heat Boiler Deskbook

10 REM,PROGRAM COMPUTES TURBINE STEAM RATES 15 DIM A(8) ,B(8) ,C(8) ,0(8) ,E(8) ,F(8) ,G(8) ,HW(8,28), VW(8,28) 20 FOR 1=1 TO 8,READ A(I) ,B(I) ,C(I) ,0(1) ,E(I) ,F(I) ,G(I) ,NEXT I 25 DATA -.17724,3.83836,11.48345,31.1311,8.762969E-5,-2.78794E-8,86.594,-5.28012 6E-7, 2. 99461E-5, 1. 521874E-4, 6. 62512E-5, 8. 408856E-I0, 1. 86401E-14, .01596, -. 48799,3 04.717614,9.8299035 30 DATA -16.455274,9.474745E-4,-1.363366E-6,19.53953,2.662E-3,457.5802,-.176959, .826862,-4.601876E-7,6.3181E-l1,-2.3928,-.15115567,3.671404,11.622558,30.832667, 8. 74117E-5 35 DATA -2.62306E-8,54.55,-.14129,2.258225,3.4014802,14.438078,4.222624E-5,-1.56 9916E-8,1100.5,-1.67772E-4,4.2726S8E-3,.0104S04S,.95SO1509,9.101291E-S,-2.7592E-· 11, • l1S01 40 DATA -1.476933E-4,1.2617946E-3,3.44201E-3,-.OS49412S,6.S913SE-S,-2.4941E-11,1 .97364 45 PRINT" STEAM PROPERTIES AFTER EXPANSION •• BY V.GANAPATHY "'PRINT"" 50 INPUT" INLET PRESS-PSIA,TEMP-F(IF SATURATED INPUT 0 FOR TEMP)=";P1,Tl,PRINT" 55 INPUT" EXIT PRESS-PSIA,EXPN EFF-'=";P2,EF 60 IF T1=0 THEN GOTO 100 70 P=Pl,T=Tl,GOSUB 300 80 H1=Z,Sl=SV,GOTO 120 100 P=P1,GOSUB 400 110 Hl=HV,Sl=SV,T1=TSAT 120 P=P2,GOSUB 400 130 IF Sl>SV THEN GOTO 200 140 X=(Sl-SL)/(SV-SL),H2S=HV*X+(1-X)*HLIQ 150 H2=Hl-.0l*EF*(Hl-H2S) 160 IF H2>HV THEN GOTO 200 170 XF=(H2-HLIQ)/(HV-HLIQ),DELH=H1-H2,T2=TSAT,GOTO 290 200 T2=TSAT,RA=1000-TSAT 210 P=P2,T=T2,GOSUB 300 220 S2C=SV,IF ABS«Sl-S2C)/Sl)