Witkam Oriental Manuscripts in Leiden Vol. 8 [PDF]

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On the cover: Drawing of the Kaʿba in Mecca in a collective volume with texts and notes in Javanese and Arabic. C. Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936. MS Leiden Or. 7036, f. 2a. © Photograph by Jan Just Witkam, Leiden, 2018. See for related images Jan Just Witkam, ‘The Islamic Pilgrimage in the Manuscript Literatures of Southeast Asia’, in Venetia Porter and Liana Saif (eds.), The Hajj: Collected Essays. London: The British Museum, 2013, pp. 214-223.





© Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2006, 2007, 2019. The form and contents of the present inventory are protected by Dutch and international copyright law and database legislation. All use other than within the framework of the law is forbidden and liable to prosecution. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author and the publisher. First electronic publication: 17 December 2006. Update: 20 September 2007, then withdrawn from publication, now (2019) published again.

Table of contents Preface Inventory of the Oriental manuscripts of the Library of the University of Leiden, volume 8, manuscripts Or. 7001 – Or. 8000, registered in Leiden University Library in the course of 1946 List of works quoted

PREFACE The arrangement of the present volume of the Inventories of Oriental manuscripts in Leiden University Library does not differ in any specific way from the volumes which have been published earlier. For the sake of brevity I refer to my prefaces in those volumes. A few essentials my be repeated here. Not all manuscripts mentioned in the present volume were viewed by autopsy. The sheer number of manuscripts makes this impossible. At a later stage this may be achieved, but trying to achieve this at the present stage of inventorizing would seriously hamper the progress of the project. When a manuscript was not inspected this can be seen from a simple typographical device. Whenever the indication of the shelf-mark is put between round brackets, I have not, or not extensively or sufficiently, inspected the manuscript, and its entry in the inventory is based mostly or entirely on secondary sources, be they published or not. These have, of course, always been indicated. When the shelf-mark is put between square brackets and preceded by an asterisk, this means that I have had the manuscript in my hands, at least once but probably more often, and that the description contains elements that can only be seen in the original manuscript. Such autopsy does not mean that I am, automatically, the author of all information given under that particular class-mark. The basic elements for each entry of the present inventory are: 1. class-mark, 2. language(s), 3. details of physical description, 4. survey of the contents, 5. provenance, 6. location on the shelf. Depending on the nature of the material, exceptions and divergences are made from this strict arrangement. The collective provenance of a series of manuscripts may be concentrated into a short text, preceding that series, without being repeated under each class-mark. When Dr. P. Voorhoeve in 1946 took over responsibility for the Oriental collections in the Leiden Library he found a great number of as yet unregistered manuscripts in the office of his predecessor, Dr. C. van Arendonk. The latter had not been able to cope with the enormous influx of manuscripts, and more in particular the materials in the Snouck Hurgronje bequest, which entered the Library in 1936. Working away this back log had a high priority for Voorhoeve, but that meant that not all manuscripts were registered in an orderly or in an exact chronological way. After ample consideration I have decided to include references to Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988. That work is meant to be a catalogue of Sundanese manuscripts, but it is written in a totally unorganized way, and it shows a vast quantity of imprecise indications and not seldom plain errors of every level on almost every page. I advise the reader of this volume, and of volume 9 for that matter, of this inventory to stay away from that book, but if he does not do so, I can only hope that the few corrections

that I have written down in my own descriptions of the manuscripts that Dr. Ekadjati has given in hios catalogue will suffice to him from stumbling into the most evident of mistakes. Another, yet very different, remark is necessary for the descriptions of Javanese manuscripts that Th.G.Th. Pigeaud has made. As the reader of the present volume will see, I have made abundant use of these. Pigeaud’s descriptions are often not more than a short series of keywords concerning the contents of a particular volume, whereas he usually mentions that an epitome (of in the hand of the former owner, C. Snouck Hurgronje) is available. For most of those manuscripts that I choose to describe by autopsy I have opted for a full English translation of the contents of these epitomes in Dutch, especially for the primbons, the notebooks. In the ideal case I should have done that for all manuscripts with such an epitome. However, for practical reasons that should wait for a later, updated version of the present volume (and part of volumes 7 and 9 as well). The huge amount of the manuscripts coming from the Snouck Hurgronje legacy of 1936 contain all sorts of information concerning earlier and previous provenances. It would have been useful to mention all of these in the present volume, but, again, for practical reasons I have not done so. Such information would have been very useful for a better knowledge of the history of the constitution of the Leiden collections, and it also would have contributed to a more detailed chronological overview of the life and work of Snouck Hurgronje in his DutchIndian period. I realize that I may have, by that decision, missed part of the internal coherence of the Snouck Hurgronje legacy, and I can ony hope that, at a later stage, I will be able to update my inventories in this way. I end with an important note. Although the inventories which I am publishing here contain descriptions of public and private collections, which will no doubt profit of the existence of electronic versions of my work, none of my inventories has ever been made at the express insistence or by the specific demand of these institutions. The very idea to compile such inventories, the invention of their structure, the acquisition of the necessary information from a multitude of primary and secondary sources, the way of publishing, all this is my idea and my work alone. It is therefore my sole property and I assert the moral right of the authorship of form and content of these inventories, with reference, of course, to what I have said elsewhere about the method of compilation. Prof. Jan Just Witkam, Interpres Legati Warneriani Emeritus

Leiden, 15 December 2019

INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN VOLUME 8 MANUSCRIPTS OR. 7001 – OR. 8000 REGISTERED IN LEIDEN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IN THE COURSE OF 1946 Continuation of MSS Leiden Or. 6977 - Or. 7121: mostly Arabic manuscripts of the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), but a few from other origins. Most manuscripts were already on loan in the Legatum Warnerianum before the demise of Snouck Hurgronje in 1936. Or. 7001 Arabic, paper, 10 ff., written with a steel pen on lined paper. Nahgat al-Salikin wa-Bahgat al-Muslikin, a work on the Khalidiyya tariqa by Sulayman Zuhdi al-Khalidi (lived 1288-1289 AH), GAL S II, 1011. See on the author also C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, in the index s.v. Sulaiman Efendi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 247. Earlier provenance: Acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1887. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2815) Or. 7002 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, European laid paper, 144 ff., 29.6 x 20.2 cm, Indonesian naskh script, 27 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, numerous collation notes in the margins, ‘probably 18th century’, ‘many leaves are out of order’, opening leaves damaged with loss of text, modern half-leather binding, pasted boards. f. 1a. Notes. (1) ff. 1b-141b. The first part only (ending in bab 159 of Kitab al-Adhan) of al-Gami` al-Sahih by Muhammad b. Isma`il al-Bukhari (d. 256/870), GAL G I, 158. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 324. (2) ff. 142a-144a. A small fragment only (last part of sura 18) of Ma`alim al-Tanzil by al-Husayn b. Mas`ud al-Baghawi (d. 516/1122), GAL G I, 364. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 173. f. 144b. Owner’s note dating the purchase of the manuscript to Thursday 23 Ragab 1270 (1854), but the manuscript looks significantly older. Earlier provenance, pencil note by Snouck Hurgronje on fly-leaf in the beginning: ‘geschenk van Hi Tabrani | hoofdpanghoeloe van Batavia | Jan. 1896’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2776]

Or. 7003 Arabic, paper, 8 + 385 + 11 ff., dated 1111 AH (1699-1700). (1) Volume 1 only of al-Muntaza` al-Mukhtar min al-Ghayth al-Midrar, an abridgement by `Abdallah b. Abi al-Qasim Ibn Miftah (d. 877/1472) of al-Ghayth al-Midrar al-Mufattih liKama’im al-Azhar, the commentary by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn al-Murtada (d. 840/1437), GAL G II, 187, on his own work al-Azhar fi Fiqh al-A’imma al-Athar. The end of the volume corresponds with the text in the edition Cairo 1332/41, vol. 3, p. 206. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 33. (2) In the margin is a Hashiya on the preceding work by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn Habis (alDawwari, d. 1061/1651), GAL S II, 559. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 33. (3) On the flyleaves at the beginning and the end: Short Risala by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn alMurtada (d. 840/1437), GAL G II, 187. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 33. (4) Also on the flyleaves: `Aqida by Ahmad b. Sa`d al-Din al-Miswari (d. 1079/1668), GAL S II, 560. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2775) Or. 7004 Arabic, paper, 11 pp., dated 1307 AH (1889-1890). al-Fawa’id al-Mufida fi-ma ikhtassat bihi Hadramawt min al-Ni`am al-`Adida, by Ma`ruf b. Muhammad Ba Gamal. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 81. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2994) Or. 7005 Arabic, paper, 16 ff., naskh script, one copyist, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Fragmentary texts in prose and poetry about disputes in the Hadramawt. Several texts contain dates 1261 (f. 1a), 1263 (ff. 9b, 15a), beginning is missing. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470. C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) has written on the pasted-in former cover: ‘Fragmenten betreffende Hadhramautsche geschillen enz uit de laatste eeuw. Verkregen door tussenkomst van Sajjid Oethman.’ At the end (f. 16b) the contents is described as Akhbar al-Sultan min Dukhulihi Tarim. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2858] Or. 7006 Arabic, paper, 139 pp. Igabat al-Akh al-Fadil al-Kamil bi-Hall Abwab al-Araba`a min Kitab al-Insan al-Kamil, a commentary by Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Nabi al-Madani al-Qushashi (d. 1071/1660), on bab 50-54 of al-Insan al-Kamil fi Ma`rifat al-Awakhir wal-Awa’il by `Abd al-Karim al-Gili (d.

832/1428), GAL G II, 205. The commentary was made by al-Qushashi as an answer to a question put by Muhammad `Ali Ibn `Allan al-Siddiqi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 130-131, where an identical text (MS Leiden Or. 5660 (9), above) is mentioned but now with Ibn `Allan as its author. The present manuscript was copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje from MS London, IOL, catalogue Loth, No. 667. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2866) Or. 7007 Arabic, paper, 30 pp., dated 1906 AD, copied from an original dated 1276 AH. Nasb al-Sharak li-Iqtinas ma tashiddu al-Haga ilayhi min `Ilm al-Falak, by `Uthman b. Abi Bakr b. `Umar b. `Umar b. Muhammad al-`Amudi (lived 1047 AH (1637-1638)). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 248. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2867) Or. 7008 Arabic, paper, 95 pp., dated 1892. Daqa’iq al-Haqa’iq. Anonymous tract on the creation, death and eschatology. The same text as MS Calcutta, Catalogue Ivanow-Hidayat Husain, No. 814. According to Brockelmann, GAL S I, 923, a copy in the Asafiyya Library in Hyderabad mentions Fakhr al-Din al-Razi as the author, and the same attribution is found in a printed text with Urdu translation (Calcutta, n.d., but after 1847 [845 D 1], and probably a reprint of the edition Calcutta 1846, mentioned by J.F. Blumhardt, Catalogue of Hindustani books IOL, p. 257). Nur al-Din al-Raniri (d. 1658) mentions this work together with al-Durra al-Fakhira as written by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423 (see P. Voorhoeve, ‘Three old Achehnese Manuscripts’, in BSOAS 14 (1952), pp. 335-345, esp. p. 342. It is identical with Ahwal al-Qiyama, edited by M. Wolff (Muhammedanische Eschatologie. Nach der Leipziger und der Dresdner Handschrift zum ersten Male arabisch und deutsch mit Anmerkungen hrsg. von M. Wolff. Leipzig 1872 [844 D 22]). Concerning the titles under which it is known and the various authors to which it is ascribed, see GAL S I, 346 (but the statement that al-Taftazani is quoted in it is erroneous), and G. Levi della Vida, Elenco … Vat., No. 242. Voorhoeve did not find any manuscript in the catalogues which was older than 866 AH (14611462, Berlin, Ahlwardt 2780). In the IOL manuscript and in the Calcutta edition, the part found in Wolff’s edition, p. 73, line 5 – p. 104, line 4, is missing. In the two Leiden copies from Java (MS Leiden Or. 5690 (11), above, and MS Leiden Or. 7164 (6), below), the lacuna at the same place is even larger. The present manuscript was copied from MS London, IOL, cat. Loth No. 690. The Persian interlinear notes have been left out. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 57. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2868)

Or. 7009 Arabic, paper, 83 pp., dated 1892 AD. The 9th part only of al-Namus al-A`zam by `Abd al-Karim b. Ibrahim al-Gili (d. 832/1428), GAL G II, 205, entitled al-Mufid al-Muhsin bi-Kitab Lawami` al-Barq al-Muhin. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) from MS London, India Office Library, Catalogue Loth 664,1. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 247. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2869) Or. 7010 Arabic, paper, 31 pp., Maratib al-Wugud, or Kitab Arba`in Maratib, `Abd al-Karim al-Gili (d. 832/1428), GAL G II, 206. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) from MS London, India Office Library, Catalogue Loth 665. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 193. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2870) Or. 7011 Arabic, paper, 182 ff., not dated. Tanwir al-Talqihat fi Adhkar Uli al-Ahzab al-Shadhiliyya, by Abu Bakr b. al-Qadi Muhyi al-Din al-Kalikuti (lived end 13/19th century), GAL S II, 823. In the beginning a list of sources and a list of chapters (ff. 1b-8b). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 367. Earlier provenance: Farewell present from Shaykh Ḥusayn al-Baqarī given to Snouck Hurgronje in Jeddah, late November 1884, as mentioned in the ‘Jeddah diary’, MS Leiden Or. 7112, pp. 37-38, under November 30, 1884. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2761) Or. 7012 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, containing notes by R.P.A. Dozy (1820-1883). (1) 64 pp. Fragments from Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq, or Kitab Rugar, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sharif al-Idrisi (d. 560/1166), GAL G I, 477, copied and collated by Dozy. The possibility of a relationship with MS Leiden Or. 5581, above, must still be ascertained. Added is a note with collations by P. Voorhoeve, which reads that the fragments contain the following sections of the work: IV, 1, second half; V, 1-23; V, 2-28 (see V 1748, vol. 21); V, 3-36; VI, 1-47; VI, 2-48 (see V 1748, vol. 21); VI, 3-56 (see 852 C 29); pp. 59-62 are lacking; on p. 63 is the end of VII, 3 and the beginning of VII, 4. On p. 64 is VII, 5. ¶ V 3368, vol. 3 = O.J. Tallgren-Tuulio & A.M. Tallgren (edd.), Idrisi, La Finlande et les autres pays baltiques orientaux. Helsingfors 1930 (Studia orientalia 3 (1930)).

852 C 29 = Tadeusz Lewicki (ed.), Polska i kraje sasiednie w swietle 'ksiegi Rogera' geografa arabskiego z XII w al-Idrisi'ego. Krakow 1945. (2) 16 pp., with text on 14 pp. The beginning only of an index by R.P.A. Dozy on MS Leiden Or. 1070, above, being the Kitab al-Alfaz al-Kitabiyya by `Abd al-Rahman b. `Isa al-Hamadani (d. 320/932, or before 282 AH (895-896), according to a note by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946)), GAL G I, 127. (3) 2 ff., with 1 p. of text. ‘Poésie populaire’. Copy by Dozy of a poem by Ali b. Zafar, copied from a manuscript in Copenhagen. (4) 4 ff., with 3 pp. of text. Extract in German, by (?) Dozy, of Emanuel von Cuendias, Spanien und die Spanier, ihre Sitten, Trachten, Volkssagen und Legenden, Bau- und Kunstdenkmäler geschildert. Brüssel und Leipzig 1849. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2774) Or. 7013 Arabic, paper, 5 ff., naskh script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Untitled Nazm, poem, rhyming in nun, by `Abdallah b. `Alawi b. `Abdallah al-`Attas (lived in Batavia about 1890). The beginning is the same as the printed edition (Yap Goan Ho, Betawi, 1308 AH (1890-1891)) of the same author’s al-Durar al-Bahiyya fil-Akhlaq al-Mardiyya, but further on the text is different [893 F 69-70 and 872 E 74]. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 427. Added: a copy of the printed work (typography) entitled al-Durar al-bahiyya fi al-akhlaq almaradiyya, Batavia, 1308/[1890], (18, 4 p.), with the author’s oval seal print, and a relief print of his name in Latin script: Said Abdullah bin Aloeie Al-Atas. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2859] Or. 7014 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, machine-made paper, 54 ff. and many blanks, 30.8 x 20.3 cm, two different Orientalist hands, usually c. 38 lines to the pages, black ink, half-leather binding with pasted boards, text in label on spine: ‘Djâhezh | Fâdhayel | El | Atrâk |’. Facsimile text on small pieces of transparant paper, pasted onto the verso sides or in the margins (e.g. f. 4b, 26a, 27a). (1) ff. 1a-25a. Risala ila al-Fath ibn Khaqan (fi Manaqib al-Turk), or Fada’il al-Atrak, by `Amr b. Bahr al-Gahiz (d. 255/868), GAL G I, 153. Copy of MS Istanbul Ayasofia 4159, either directly or through the medium of the Paris copy (Arabe 6013). This is MS B in the edition by G. van Vloten, Tria opuscula auctore Abu Othman Amr Ibn Bahr al-Djahiz Basrensi, Leiden 1903, pp. 156. In the margin collations from A, which is probably MS Istanbul, Damad Ibrahim 949. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 308. See also MS Leiden Or. 7016, below.

(2) ff. 25b-54a. Kitab al-Tarbi` wal-Tadwir, by `Amr b. Bahr al-Gahiz (d. 255/868), GAL S I, 244, No. 64. Copy, possibly by V. Rosen (1849-1903), from MS Malik Zahir Dam. 125. Collated with L (= MS London, British Library, Or. 3138 (3)) and MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 5032. This manuscript was used for G. van Vloten, Tria opuscula auctore Abu Othman Amr Ibn Bahr al-Djahiz Basrensi, Leiden 1903, pp. 86-157. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369. The text is written in Rasm only, without punctuation. The punctuation was added later in red pencil. Pasted at the end board: Letter by Josef Marquart (1864-1930, from 1922 onwards Markwart), dated Tübingen 25 (month unclear) 1889. And a note from the Bnf, Paris, dated 20 December 1952, thanking for the loan of the present manuscript. Also a sketch drawing (black, green, red) of a naked person, seen from the back. Earlier provenance: Although this manuscript entered the Leiden library through the Snouck Hurgronje collection, it is possible that the manuscript first belonged to Gerlof van Vloten (1866-1903), the editor of several texts by al-Gahiz, and that it came after van Vloten’s death in the possession of M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909). From the latter’s collection it may have come into the possession of Snouck Hurgronje. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2773] Or. 7015 Italian, Arabic, some Turkish, paper, 14 ff., Latin script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Notebook of lexicographical importance, evidently collected or taken from an Italian source, with meanings in Arabic, and often in Turkish as well. Three sections, each alphabetically arranged. ff. 1a-3b. Nomi degli Animali. ff. 3b-12b. Herbae. ff. 12b-13b. Metallica. As source is mentioned (f. 1a): ‘Ex Epistolarum MSS. Collectione Rediana N. 203, tom. IV.’ Possibly made for or used by R.P.A. Dozy (1820-1883), for his Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes. Leiden 1881, but it is not mentioned in the list of sources of that work. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 359360. Provenance: Possibly from R.P.A. Dozy (1820-1883) or M.J. de Goeje (1837-1909). [* Ar. 2860] Or. 7016 a, b Arabic, paper, 39 + 13 pp., naskh and nasta`liq scripts, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Risala ila al-Fath ibn Khaqan (fi Manaqib al-Turk), or Fada’il al-Atrak, by `Amr b. Bahr al-Gahiz (d. 255/868), GAL G I, 153. Copy of MS London, British Library, Suppl. 1129 (7). This is MS C in the edition by G. van Vloten, Tria opuscula auctore Abu Othman Amr Ibn Bahr al-Djahiz Basrensi, Leiden 1903, pp. 1-56. The first part ends on p. 33, note 1, of the printed text; the

second part, which is loosely added and which is written in a different hand, corresponds to p. 41, line 16 till the end of the printed text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 307-308. See also MS Leiden Or. 7014 (1), above. Earlier provenance: G. van Vloten (1866-1903) had received this copy from Victor Rosen (18491908), whose signature is on the front cover. Provenance: Possibly from M.J. de Goeje (1837-1909). (Ar. 2861) Or. 7017 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 29 ff., half-cloth binding, pasted boards. (1) ff. 1-15. Partial copy (by M.J. de Goeje?) of MS Leiden Or. 776, above, being Adab al-Wuzara’ by Ahmad b. Ga`far Ibn Shadhan (before 621/1225), GAL G I, 463, on Islamic sects (Firaq). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 1. (2) ff. 16-29. Notes about sects (Firaq), collected, possibly by M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909), from MS Leiden Or. 335 (al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq by `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (d. 561/1161), GAL G I, 435), MS Leiden Or. 776, and other sources. With translation into German. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 450. Provenance: Possibly from M.J. de Goeje (1837-1909). [* Ar. 2772] Or. 7018 Arabic, paper, 595 ff., made for Snouck Hurgronje in 1307/1889 (date not in the manuscript), European parchment binding. Mana’ih al-Karam bi-Akhbar Makka wal-Haram, by al-Singari (1095/1684), GAL G II, 383. A copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) from Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan’s copy of the work. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 182. See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘Copy on demand. Abū Šubbāk in Mecca, 1303/1886’, in: Anne Regourd (ed.), The Trade in Papers Marked with non-Latin Characters. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018, pp. 206-226 (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, vol. 15). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2862] Or. 7019 Arabic, paper, 455 pp., made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) in 1884 or 1885 in Mecca from Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan’s copy of the work. The copy is full of scribal errors. Mana’ih al-Karam bi-Akhbar Makka wal-Haram, by al-Singari (1095/1684), GAL G II, 383. See C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften III, p. 93. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 182. See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘Copy on demand. Abū Šubbāk in Mecca, 1303/1886’, in: Anne Regourd (ed.), The Trade in Papers Marked with non-Latin Characters. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018, pp. 206-226 (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, vol. 15).

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2771) Or. 7020 Arabic, with some Malay, paper, 3 + 29 pp., naskh script, 19th cent., illumination (p. 1), paper cover. Collection of Khutba’s in Arabic, from Aceh. On the page preceding p. 1 are Niyya formulas in Arabic, with interlinear translation in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 163. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2995] Or. 7021 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, ff., dated 1257 (No. 2). (1) ff. 1-147. al-Da`wa al-Tamma wal-Tadhkira al-`Amma, by `Abdallah b. `Alawi al-Haddad (d. 1132/1720), GAL G II, 407. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 59. (2) ff. 151-266. al-Fawa’id al-Saniyya fi Dhikr Nubdha min Fada’il Nisbat man yantasibu ila alSilsila al-Nabawiyya, by Ahmad b. al-Hasan b. `Abdallah b. `Alawi b. Muhammad al-Haddad Ba `Alawi (d. 1204/1790), GAL S II, 816, who completed the work in 1203 AH (1788-1789). See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, V, p. 418. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 82. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2760) Or. 7022 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with some Malay, paper, 218 ff., a copy from Bencoolen (West-Sumatra), before 1214 AH (1799-1800, Nos. 12, 17a). (1) ff. 1v-30r. al-Haqiqa al-Muwafiqa lil-Shari`a, commentary by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah alBurhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418, on his own al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (1), below, is a copy of this manuscript. (2) ff. 30r-33r. A short treatise about `ishq, translated from Persian. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (2), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460. (3) ff. 33r-37v. Bahr al-Lahut by `Abdallah al-`Arifin (or al-`Arif), fil-Gha’ib (or: al-Ghayb) walShahada. See also MS London, India Office, Loth 1047, II. Or. 7059 (3), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 37. (4) ff. 38r-41v. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah alGhuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi

Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … MS Leiden Or. 7059 (4) is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. (5) ff. 41v-66r. Gawhar al-Haqa’iq by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 245-266 (MS A of the edition). MS Leiden Or. 7059 (5), below, is copied from this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 99. (6) ff. 66r-69v. Risala tubayyinu Mulahazat al-Muwahhid wal-Mulhid fi Dhikr Allah by Shams alDin b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 267-270 (MS A II of the edition). MS Leiden Or. 7059 (6), below, is copied from this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313. (7) ff. 69v-100r. A commentary on al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah al-Burhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. In this text two works seem to intermixed. In the beginning the title al-Aqwal al-Galiyya bi-Sharh al-Wasila is given (there are numerous works entitled al-Wasila), but after a few pages the work commented on appears to be alTuhfa al-Mursala. In the colophon the work is ascribed to `Ali b. `Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni alTabari. In GAL S II, 1036, a person of this name is mentioned as the author of a work on horses. The beginning of the text is: al-Hamdu lillah Wagib al-Wugud … MS Leiden Or. 7059 (7) is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. (8) ff. 100-108r. Khatima fil-Dhikr wal-Muraqaba. The last chapter only of Tanbih al-Tullab fi Ma`rifat al-Malik al-Wahhab by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, treating Dhikr and Muraqaba. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. This is the only part of the book which has been found so far. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 24. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (8), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 365. (9) ff. 107r-121v. al-Futuhat al-Ilahiyya fi Naf` Arwah al-Dhat al-Insaniyya, a Mukhtasar filTasawwuf in 10 chapters (fusul) by Zakariyya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), GAL G II, 100. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (9), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 88. (10) ff. 121r-126r. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from

Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (10), below, is a copy of this manuscript. The present manuscript is MS A with C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 43-44. (11) ff. 126r-130v. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44. (12) ff. 130v-176r. Ira’at al-Daqa’iq fi Sharh Mir’at al-Haqa’iq, commentary by `Ali b. Ahmad alMaha’imi (d. 835/1432), GAL S II, 311, on Mir’at al-Haqa’iq, which is the title of the Arabic translation of the Persian work Gam-i Gahan Numa, a work by Muhammad (b.) Shirin b. `Izz al-Din al-Maghribi (d. 809/1406-1407), see the Catalogue of the Persian MSS of the India Office, No. 2914, V. With some Malay notes. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (12), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 215-216. (13) ff. 176v-180r. Risala tubayyinu Mulahazat al-Muwahhid wal-Mulhid fi Dhikr Allah by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 267-270 (MS A III of the edition). MS Leiden Or. 7059 (13), below, is copied from this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313. (14) ff. 181v-191v. al-Hikam, probably an abstract of al-Hikam al-`Ata’iyya by Ibn `Ata’ Allah alIskandarani (d. 709/1309), GAL G II, 117. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (14), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 113-114. (15) ff. 191r-202r. Ma`din al-Asrar. Anonymous mystical treatise. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (15), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 174. (16) ff. 202r-211r. Fusus al-Ma`rifa. Anonymous mystical tract in 3 chapters (bab), 1. Fi Bayan alDhat; 2. Fi Bayan al-Sifat; 3. Fi Bayan al-Af`al. Complete copy. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (16), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 86. (17a) ff. 211v-214r. A short abstract on chronology taken from a work entitled `Umdat al-Tullab. Or. 7059 (17a), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. (17b) ff. 214v-218r. Some abstracts on chronology, one of them by Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690). At the end the following Malay note: Hijrat nabi (s) sekarang seribu dua ratus tiga (changed into empat) belas tahun yaitu pada masa Tuanku di Mensiang menjelang tempat di Ulakan.’ MS Leiden Or. 7059 (17b), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 434.

(18) f. 218v. Fragment of an anonymous Arba`un Hadithan collection, from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 22. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2869) Or. 7023 Arabic, paper, 16 ff., 13/19th cent. Commentary by Abu al-Hasan `Ali b. Hisham al-Kilani on al-Tasrif al-`Izzi by `Izz al-Din `Abd al-Wahhab b. Ibrahim al-Zangani (655/1257), GAL G I, 283. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 375. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2811) Or. 7024 Arabic, paper, 150 ff., dated Pekodjan, Indonesia, 1219 AH. Minhag al-`Abidin by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423. All marginal and interlinear glosses are in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2897) Or. 7025 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 87 ff., naskh script (main texts by one copyist), beginning 19th cent., half-cloth binding, pasted boards. (1) ff. 1v-9v. Tag al-Asrar, by Yusuf al-Tag (Shaykh Yusuf Makasar, d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 354. Part of ff. 1 and 2 is torn off, with loss of text. Notes in several hands on f. 1a, including mention of the author. F. 10a blank. (2) ff. 10v-33r. Zubdat al-Asrar fi Tahqiq Ba`d Masharib al-Akhyar, by al-Hagg Yusuf al-Tag alMukanna min Ganib Shaykhihi bi-Abi al-Mahasin (d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 408. F. 33b is blank. (2a) f. 34r. Diagram of the hierarchy of Sufi saints. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 34v-52v. Sirr al-Asrar. Anonymous, but apparently by Shaukh Yusuf al-Tag (Shaykh Yusuf Makasar, d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 341. (3a) f. 53r. A prayer in Arabic, with interlinear Javanese translation. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4) ff. 53v-74v. Qurrat al-`Ayn, by al-Hagg Yusuf al-Tag Abu al-Mahasin al-Shafi`i al-Ash`ari alKhalwati (d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. (4a) f. 75r. Diagram of the hierarchy of Sufi saints. (5) ff. 75v-78v. A treatise on Adab al-Dhikr by Yusuf al-Tag (Shaykh Yusuf Makasar, d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 467. In the margin part of the text that is missing from the beginning. See also No. 9, below. (5a) f. 79r. Prayer in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(6) ff. 79v-80r. A note on Sayr ila Allah, Sayr ma`a Allah and Sayr fi Allah, taken from a book called Gawahir. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 462. (7) f. 80v. Diagram of the Sufi saints’ hierarchy. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 463. (8) f. 81r. Comments by Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385, on a passage in bab 558 of al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya by Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-`Arabi (d. 638/1240), GAL G I, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 88. (9) ff. 81v-83v. Fa’ida `Azima. How to recite La Ilaha illa Allah, Allah Allah, and Hu Hu. Followed by Shughl `Azim min al-Ashghal akhadhnahu min Ba`d Masha’ikhina al-Kiram. Possibly by Yusuf al-Tag (Shaykh Yusuf Makasar, d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 463. (9a) f. 83v. Syair Kapi in Javanese (?). (9b) f. 84r. Prayer in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (10) Du`a’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. An Istighfara in Arabic, with the instructions (on how many times the phrases should be recited) in Malay. On ff. 87r-v also added notes in Javanese. Added a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Dit Hs. Zal ik op de terugreis medenemen om er copie van te doen vervaardigen; inmiddels zou ik gaarne weten, waar het thuis behoort? C.Sn.H.’ The answer, in pencil, is: ‘Het is ontvangen van de Afdeeling Poerwokerto (Banjoemas). Verwijk.’ Earlier provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) has written on the fly-leaf at front: ‘Diverse mystieke tractaatjes, meest van Jusuf Abu ’l-Mahasin Syafi’i waarin geciteerd o.m. Ibrahim Kawrani, Mohd b. Fadhlillah Borhanpuri tegen kaoelagoesti opvatting, leen van Hi Tabrani.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2898] Or. 7026 Arabic, paper, 51 ff., before 1211 AH. Rahmat al-Umma fi Ikhtilaf al-A’imma, by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Khatib al`Uthmani (lived 780/1378), GAL S II, 107. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 282. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2899) Or. 7027 Arabic, Javanese, paper, 10 pp., dated 1301 AH. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah, given to Shaykh `Abdallah in 1297 AH (1879-1880). Concerning these admonitions, said to have been given by the Prophet in a dream to a person called Hamza, Salih or `Abdallah in Mecca or Medina, see C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, I, pp. 125 ff. Copy with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2900)

Or. 7028 Arabic, Javanese, paper, 29 pp., dated 1896, copied from a copy in Sidoarjo (Java). al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah al-Burhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. With some glosses in Javanese in the first part. See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2901) Or. 7029 Arabic, machine-made paper, 259 + [2] pp., 22 x 16.5 cm, naskh script, 15 lines to the page, black ink, dated 1892 (p. 261), half-cloth binding with pasted boards. al-Simt al-Magid, by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Qushashi (d. 1071/1660), GAL G II, 392. Copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) from MS London, IOL, Catalogue Loth, No. 696 III (ff. 246349). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 338. Collation notes by Snouck Hurgronje in the margin of p. 1. On the last page (now p. 261) Snouck Hurgronje has written that the copy was made by Hadji Sa’idi, Batavia, Maart ’92. Old number on back cover: 32. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2903] Or. 7030 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Javanese, European (Dutch) laid paper, [19] + 289 + [8] pp. , 20.5 x 17 cm, naskh script in more dan one hand, black inks with rubrication, 19th cent., half-leather binding with pasted boards. On fly-leaf (p. [1]) in front is a note: ‘Arabische mystieke tractaatjes. Bodjonegoro, 1905’. On p. [19] is a price: f. 3. Pp. [2]-18] blank. (1a) pp. 1-49. Inzal al-Hayat. Anonymous mystical treatise. Title on p. 49. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131. (1b) pp. 49-50. A citation (about al-Ruh), taken from Fath al-Rahman bi-Sharh Zubad Ibn Raslan, by Shihab al-Din al-Ramli (d. 957/1550), a commentary on the Kitab al-Zubad by alBarizi (d. 738/1337), GAL G II, 96, with Javanese glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 407-408. (1c) pp. 51-93. al-Bahr al-Muhit (fi Tafsir al-Qur’an), title on p. 51. Anonymous mystical commenary on the Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1). With some notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 37. Abrupt end on p. 93? (1d) pp. 94-95. Fragment of an unidentified commentary. Matn written in red ink. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. P. 96 blank. (2) pp. 97-114. Mamlakat Sayyid al-Kawnayn wal-Thaqalayn Abu Qasim Muhammad b. ‘Abdallah (title on p. 97), by Ibrahim Salah al-Din b. `Abdallah, who lived in 1066 AH (16551656) in Balad al-Rani Nir (Ranir in Gujerat?). It is a Risala fi Bayan al-Dhikr min Tariq alSufiyya al-Shattariyya. In the colophon, the title is spelt Mamluka. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181. Figures on pp. 105, 111, 112.

(3) pp. 115-153. Arabic. Tanbih al-Mashi al-Mansub ila Tariq al-Qushashi, by `Abd al-Ra’uf b. `Ali al-Gawi (= Abdurauf from Singkel) (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 108-109. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 364. Manuscript D of the edition by Oman Fathurahman, Tanbih al-Masyi. Menyoal Wahdatul Wujud. Kasus Abdurrauf Singkel di Aceh abad 17 (Jakarta, École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1999, cf. pp. 167, 177-179, with illustration of the first page of the text). (4) p. 153. The beginning only of (Bab fi) Ma`rifat al-Islam wa-Bayan al-Turuq (or al-Tariq, or alTariqa). Anonymous, the same as Batavia, Suppl. Cat. No. 253, tract in the form of questions and answers. The turuq are: Shari`a, Tariqa and Haqiqa. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195. (4a) pp. 153-157. Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of Kitab Magnun Allah (title on p. 157). Anonymous treatise on Fana’, Salat Da’im and mystical frenzy. Another copy is in London, IOL, Loth 1047 (III). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 178-179, 195. (5) pp. 157-165. al-Tuhfa al-Mursala (ila ) Ruh al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah alBurhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. With some Javanese glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. (6) pp. 165-166. Al-Ma`lumat, short anonymous mystical treatise. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181, not to be confused with the following text. The colophon (p. 165) says: Tamma al-Kitab alTasawwuf (sic). (7) pp. 167-170. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah al-Ghuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala, p. 167): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. (8) pp. 170-177. Qatrat al-Ghamam (title on p. 177), by “Gulam Muhammad b. Fadl Allah”, who is either Muhammad b. Fadl Allah al-Burhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418, or one of his pupils. The text is a commentary on Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1) with mystical interpretation of its letters. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 272. (9) pp.177-197. Fath al-Rahman bi-Sharh Risalat al-Wali Raslan, commentary by Zakariya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), on Risalat al-Tawhid by Raslan b. Ya`qub b. `Abd alRahman al-Ga`bari al-Dimashqi (d. c. 695/1296), GAL G I, 452. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 319. See now also G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977. (10) pp. 197-216. Arabic. Kitab al-Mawa`iz. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 205. The Malay translation of this work (MS Leiden Or. 7235, below) is ascribed to `Abd al-Ra’uf b. `Ali

al-Gawi (Abdurrauf of Singkel, 11/17th cent.). See for this P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 111. (11) pp. 216-218. Anonymous treatise beginning, after the Basmala: al-Hamdu lillah Rabb al`Alamin wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammad (sm) wa-Ashabihi al-Tahirin wa-al-Al Kull wa-sa’ir al-salihin. Wa-ba`du fa`lam as`adakum Allah fil-Darayn anna al-Umur al-Mashru`a `inda Ahl al-Sunna wal-Gama`a Thalath Maratib `Ibada wa-`Ubudiyya wa-`Ubuda. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 464. (12) pp. 218-243. Anis al-Muttaqin (title on p. 243), by `Abd al-Samad b. Faqih Husayn b. Faqih Muhammad. Brockelmann, GAL S II, 966, wrongly ascribes this text to the Zaydi author `Abd al-Samad al-Damaghani. Other manuscripts are London, IOL, Catalogue Loth, No. 1039 II; Jakarta, Supplement Caralogue Nos. 164, 567, 568, 746. There is a lithographed edition [Snouck Hurgronje’s copy: 893 F 37] with interlinear translation in Javanese, in which al-Palimbani is added to the author’s name on the title-page, but not in the text. This ascription to the 18thcentury Sumatran author `Abd al-Samad b. `Abdallah al-Palimbani is probably an attempt to make the book popular in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 14. (13) pp. 243-248. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44. (14) pp. 248-264. Sharh al-Baytayn (title on p. 264). Anonymous commentary on two verses of Ibn al-`Arabi: kunna hurufan `aliyatin lam nuqal. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 331, where as possible author of this commentary is given Mu’ayyad al-Ganadi, a pupil of al-Qunawi (c. 690/1291), GAL G I, 451. (15) pp. 264-272. al-Kafiya (title on p. 272). Anonymous treatise on mystical theology, with some notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 146. (16) pp. 272-289. Incomplete (abrupt end) copy of Asna’ al-Matalib fi Istilah al-`Awaqib. A commentary on a grammatical textbook which begins: al-Kalam ma tadammana Kalimatayn bil-Isnad … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 27. Title in the manuscript (p. 272): Sani al-Matalib fi Istilah al-‘Awaqib. Loosely inserted: leaf with the beginning of an invocative prayer in Arabic. Also added in different formats are notes possibly by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) and by A.J.W. Huisman (d. 1983). Earlier provenance: The manuscript originates from Bodjonegoro, Java, and was obtained by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1905 (note on fly-leaf in front).

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2902] Or. 7031 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, laid paper (machine-made?), 68 + 66 pp., 21.1 x 17.2 cm, naskh script in one hand, 15 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, dated a Tuesday in Safar Hilal Khams (?) 1307 (1889, colophon on p. 66 of text No. 2), and 1889 CE (because of earlier provenance), catchwords at the bottom of every verso page, half-leather binding with pasted boards. (1) 68 pp. Tanbih al-Mashi al-Mansub ila Tariq al-Qushashi (title on p. 68) by `Abd al-Ra’uf b. `Ali al-Gawi (= Abdurauf from Singkel, author on p. 68) (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 108-109. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 364. Manuscript C of the edition by Oman Fathurahman, Tanbih alMasyi. Menyoal Wahdatul Wujud. Kasus Abdurrauf Singkel di Aceh abad 17 (Jakarta, École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1999, cf. pp. 167, 175, 176 with illustration of the first page). In between the two texts are some 10 or 11 blank pages, all unnumbered. On one of these is a schematical drawing, with captions in Javanese (pegon). (2) 66 pp. Sharh Fath al-Rahman (title on p. 1), a commentary by `Ali b. `Atiyya `Alawan alHamawi (d. 936/1530), and not the one by Zakariya’ al-Ansari, on the Risalat al-Tawhid by Raslan b. Ya`qub b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Ga`bari al-Dimashqi (d. c. 695/1296), GAL G I, 452. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 319. Added: description of the content, in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). Earlier provenance for text No. 1. Note by Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Copie v. een ex. van Rn. Adi Kesoemo, Tjirbon, 1889. For text No. 2. ‘Copie van een ex. v. Rn. Adikasoemo, Tjirbon 1889’. On endboard old number: ‘91’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2904] Or. 7032 a-d Collection of four shorter entities, all coming from the same earlier provenance: ‘Van asst. Wedono pensn. Wringin, zn. v. hoofdpangh. Baidhawi Poerworedjo Oct. 89’. Or. 7032 a Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 1 + 70 + 1 pp., naskh script, without binding. On the page preceding p. 1 is a detailed survey of the contents of MS Leiden Or. 7032 a, by C. Snouck Hurgronje. (1) pp. 1-41. Khatra al-Khams. This title in the colophon is given as the title of a theological treatise in Indonesian Arabic, full of errors. The beginning is about the meaning of La Ilaha illa Allah and also mentions the five suggestions. Further titles of chapters (bab) are: fi Bayan Sifat al-Salbi (sic); fi Bayan al-Tawhid; fi Arkan al-Shahada; fi Bayan al-Ma`lum; fi Bayan al-Ruh; fi

Bayan Maskan al-Ruh; fi Dhikr al-Hawari (the heavenly women); fi Dhikr al-Ganna; fi Bayan alLawh al-Mahfuz wal-Qalam; fi Bayan al-Shams wal-Qamar. The Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din is quoted. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 159. Both titles are also given on p. 1. (2a) pp. 42-43. Unidentified treatise in Javanese, Arabic script. (2b) p. 44. Prayer (Du`a’) in Javanese, Arabic script. (3) pp. 45-52. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah alGhuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. (4) pp. 53-56. Short passage, possibly from al-Insan al-Kamil fi Ma`rifat al-Awakhir wal-Awa’il, by `Abd al-Karim al-Gili (d. 832/1428), GAL G II, 205. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 130, 460. See also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460, where this text is described as `Abd al-Karim b. Ibrahim (alGili?) on the mystical interpretation of Tahara and Salat. (5) pp. 57-65. Short passage, possibly from al-Insan al-Kamil fi Ma`rifat al-Awakhir wal-Awa’il, by `Abd al-Karim al-Gili (d. 832/1428), GAL G II, 205. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 130. (6) pp. 65-70. A treatise on Tashbih and Tanzih, in which al-Risala al-Ghawthiyya (usually ascribed to Ibn al-`Arabi, see MS Leiden Or. 7032b, below) is cited. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. Earlier provenance: ‘Van asst. Wedono pensn. Wringin, zn. v. hoofdpangh. Baidhawi Poerworedjo Oct. 89’ (note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on first page). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2905] Or. 7032 b Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 1 + 23 pp., naskh script, same copyist as preceding, c. 1890, copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1906), without binding. (1) pp. 1-16. al-Risala al-Ghawthiyya, by Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-`Arabi (d. 638/1240), GAL G I, 446, No. 112. See also London, IOL, Catalogue Arberry No. 1302. The text is sometimes ascribed `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (d. 561/1167), GAL S I, 779, No. 33. No author mentioned in the present copy. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 306. (2) pp. 16-23. Inzal al-Ruh. A short treatise about the origin of Ruh by an author who in some copies is called `Abd al-Da`if, but in other copies more correctly `Abduhu al-Da`if or `Abd Allah al-Da`if. MS London, IOL, No. 2446, ff. 201v-205r, contains a Javanese translation of the text. Copy without title. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131.

Earlier provenance: ‘Van asst. Wedono pensn. Wringin, zn. v. hoofdpangh. Baidhawi te Poerworedjo, April 1890.’ (note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on first page). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2905] Or. 7032 c Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 1 + 46 + 1 pp., naskh script, same copyist as preceding, c. 1890 AD., with binding. (1) pp. 1-35. Watin. This is in fact Sharh al-Baytayn. Anonymous commentary on two verses of Ibn al-`Arabi: kunna hurufan `aliyatin lam nuqal. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 331, where as possible author of this commentary is given Mu’ayyad al-Ganadi, a pupil of al-Qunawi (c. 690/1291), GAL G I, 451. A copy full of errors. P. 36 blank. (2) pp. 37-45. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah alGhuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. On p. 45 entitled Sutur. Earlier provenance: ‘Van asst. Wedono pensn. Wringin, zn. v. hoofdpangh. Baidhawi te Poerworedjo, April 1890.’ (note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on first page). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2905] Or. 7032 d Arabic, paper, 17 pp., naskh script, c. 1890, without binding. Kitab Magnun Allah. Anonymous treatise on Fana’, Salat Da’im and mystical frenzy. Another copy is in London, IOL, Loth 1047 (III). The present manuscript gives the longest version of the Leiden manuscripts. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 178. Earlier provenance: ‘Van asst. wedono Wringin, zn. v. hoofdpangh. Baidhawi Poerworedjo; April 1890.’ (note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on first page). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2905] Or. 7033 a Arabic, Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 15 ff., 20.9 x 15.1 cm, naskh script, 11 lines to the page plus interlinear translation, black ink with rubrication, ‘17th or 18th cent.’ (?), unbound, two quires sewn together.

f. 1a. Notes of varied content. ff. 1b-15b. al-Mukhtasar al-Marqum fi Bayan Ba`d Ahwal al-Ma`lum alladhi lahu al-Nisbatan alMawgud wal-Ma`dum. In the colophon (f. 15b) it is called: al-Kitab al-Musamma bil-Marqum. Anonymous mystical treatise, divided into a Muqaddima, 3 Fasl and a Khatima. Muhyi al-Din (Ibn al-`Arabi) and the author of al-Insan al-Kamil are cited. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Van en over Nuruddin ar-Raniri’, in BKI 107 (1951), pp. 353-368, esp. p. 358. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 229. Added: description of the content, in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). Earlier provenance: ‘9’ on f. 15b. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2906] Or. 7033 b Arabic, lined machine-made paper (exercise book), 59 pp. plus blanks, 21.2 x 16.4 cm, naskh script, black ink, 7 lines to the page, sewn. A copy of the Arabic text only of MS Leiden Or. 7033 a, above, being al-Mukhtasar al-Marqum fi Bayan Ba`d Ahwal al-Ma`lum alladhi lahu al-Nisbatan al-Mawgud wal-Ma`dum. In the colophon (p. 59) it is called: al-Kitab al-Musamma bil-Marqum, full title on title-page, preceding p. 1. Anonymous mystical treatise, divided into a Muqaddima, 3 Fasl and a Khatima. Muhyi al-Din (Ibn al-`Arabi) and the author of al-Insan al-Kamil are cited. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Van en over Nuruddin ar-Raniri’, in BKI 107 (1951), pp. 353-368, esp. p. 358. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 229. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 3039] Or. 7034 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with Malay and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 185 ff., Arabic script, several Indonesian hands, without binding. (1a) ff. 1a-2b. Javanese. Notes on Arabic grammar. (1b) ff. 2b-3a. Javanese. Prayer. (1c) f. 3a. Arabic. Hadith. (1) ff. 3b-5a. Arabic and Malay. Asma’ Allah al-Husna. Simple enumeration of names, followed by a Malay passage on their virtue. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 26. In Iskandar’s catalogue referred to as MS Leiden Or. 7034 (2). F. 5b blank. (1d) f. 6a. Malay. Note on debts. (2) ff. 6b-14a. Arabic. Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. With interlinear and marginal notes or translations in Arabic and Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30.

(3) ff. 14b-43a. Arabic. al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. With interlinear and marginal notes or translations in Arabic and Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. (4) ff. 43b-65a Arabic. Inna Awla, anonymous commentary on Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. (5) ff. 65b-70a. Mukhtasar fi `Ilm al-Nahw, or Taqwim al-Lisan. Anonymous. Before 1237 AH (1821-1822). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 228. (5a) f. 70b. Malay. Copy of a letter (?). (5b) f. 71a. Malay. Copy of a will by Kiyahi Abdullah in Jatinegara, dated Rabiulawal 1237 (1821). (5c) f. 71b. Malay. Notes on the birth and age of Ratu Cahaya Khayrani. Dated 8 Rabiulakhir, without year [=? 1237/1821]. (5d) ff. 71b-72a. Arabic. Prayer. (5e) f. 72b. Arabic. Du`a’ Istikhara. F. 73a is blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (6) ff. 73b-75b. Bab al-Fitra and Bab Qisman al-Zakat, taken from a work on Fiqh. With Malay interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447. (7) ff. 76a-77b. Malay. A treatise about ritual prayer, Salat, Sembahyang, with several diagrams. Ff. 78a-b. Blank. (7a) f. 78a. Malay, or Arabic. The last page only of what seems to be a treatise on Arabic grammar. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (8) ff. 78b-141a. Arabic. Commentary by Khalid b. `Abdallah al-Azhari (d. 905/1499), GAL G II, 238, on al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 236-237. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. (8a) f. 141b. Notes, scribbling. (8b) f. 142a. Arabic. Qala Ba`d al-Fuqaha’ … (9) ff. 142b-175a. Incomplete copy (end missing) of al-Misbah fil-Nawh by Nasir b. `Abd alSayyid al-Mutarrizi (d. 610/1213), GAL G I, 293. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 217. Ff. 175b-177b. Blank. (9a) f. 178a. Hadith Ibn Hagar. Arabic with interlinear notes in Javanese. On not using the words ‘dog’ or ‘swine’ in connection to humans. A quotation from a commentary. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (10) ff. 185v-178r. Written from the other end of the volume. Various notes in different hands, about the Hagg. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447; abstracts from books of Fiqh, mainly about the pilgrimage. With Javanese interlinear translation and notes in Javanese and Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 447, 448. Added: notes with identifications of the contents of the volume by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) and A.J.W. Huisman (d. 1983). See for a survey of the Malay materials in the volume: Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 372-373 (No. 811).

For the Javanese materials, see Pigeaud II, p. 421. Earlier provenance: Note on f. 1a: ‘Pasar djoemahat. Gekocht Batavia 1897’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2844] Or. 7035 a-c Three fragments of different origin. Added: bibliographical notes in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about the contents of the ensemble MS Leiden Or. 7035 a-c. Also: a used envelope from 1943 with a note in the hand of P. Voorhoeve, who became curator in 1946. From that it becomes clear, that Voorhoeve had not yet seen that MS Leiden Or. 7035 in fact consisted of three fragments of different origin. Later he would subdive this into MS Leiden Or. 7035 a-c. Javanese texts not in Pigeaud II. Or. 7035 a Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 10 ff., 26.5 x 18.8 cm, naskh script, 7 lines to the page, plus the interlinear translation, unbound, five loose sheets. ‘19th cent. ?’ (1) ff. 1a-3a. A fragment only (without the beginning and the end) of Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah al-Ghuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wabatana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. On f. 1a is a reference in the hand of Voorhoeve to MS Leiden Or. 7054, p. 63, line 11, for localisation of the fragment within the entire text. (2) ff. 3v-10v. Gud al-Mannan fi Dhikr Shay’ min Istilahat Ahl al-`Irfan (title on f. 4a). Anonymous mystical tract (Mukhtasar fi Qa`ida min Qawa`id `Ilm al-Sufiyya) in 3 fusul: 1. Fi Dhikr al-Ghayb wal-Shahada; 2. Fi Dhikr al-Itlaq wal-Taqyid; 3. Fi Dhikr al-`Ishq wal-`Ashiq walMa`shuq. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 102. The first part (ff. 3b-4a) only with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 102. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2812] Or. 7035 b Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), ff. 11a-20b (meant to be a sequel to MS Leiden Or. 7025 a, above), 27.8 x 18.8 cm, naskh script, 7 lines to the page, plus Javanese interlinear text, black ink, unbound, five loose sheets.

(1) ff. 11a-18b. Acephalous copy of Kitab al-Ma`lumat (title on f. 18b) also called al-Ma`lum, alSutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah al-Ghuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, walSalat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam alMumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. (2) ff. 19a-20b. Notes in Javanese, with a few shorter texts in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: ‘P’ on f. 11a. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2812] Or. 7035 c Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), ff. 21a-60b (meant to be a sequel to MS Leiden Or. 7035 b, above), vocalized naskh script, 3 (No. 1) and 5 (No. 3) lines to the page, extensive interlinear and marginal glossing in Javanese, black ink, rubrication (text No. 3), unbound, four quires sewn together. (1) ff. 21a-32b. 3 lines to the page. Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of al-`Awamil al-Mi’a by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/ GAL G I, 287. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (2) ff. 33a-36a. Notes in Javanese, with a few shorter fragments in Arabic, including quotations from al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 36b-60b. 5 lines to the page. Incomplete copy (end missing) of al-Muqaddima alAgurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2812] Or. 7036 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Arabic, paper, 77 ff., naskh script, 19th cent., kept in covers of Javanese paper (dluang). (1) front cover and ff. 1a-2a. Notes in Javanese and Arabic, several different hands. On f. 2a a drawing of the Ka`ba. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (2) ff. 2b-16a. Javanese. A treatise on pilgrimage, Hagg. See Pigeaud II, p. 421. Complete on a Friday. F. 16b blank. (2a) ff. 17a-22a. Muqaddimat al-Shughl. A treatise in Javanese on ritual purity, followed by shorter prayers, with a large proportion of Arabic. Ff. 22b-24a blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(3) ff. 24b-52a. Manasik al-Hagg, by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Shirbini al-Khatib (d. 977/1570), GAL G II, 320. With interlinear glosses in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 183. Dated a Monday, at full moon, in Rabi` II. (4) ff. 52b-55a. Recommendation of certain prayers, from various sources. With Javanese interlinear translation. Beginning with a Fa’ida by Muhammad b. `Ali al-Tirmidhi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. (4a) ff. 55a-b. Notes in Javanese. Ff. 56a-61b blank. (5) ff. 62r-63r. Ratib formulas. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. (6) ff. 64a-67b. Arabic-Javanese vocabulary. Arabic in bold script, the Javanese underneath. The first part of the text repeated on ff. 70a-b (the Arabic words only). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 417. Ff. 68a-b. Blank. (7) ff. 69a-b. Notes in Javanese, in pencil. (8) ff. 71a-72b. Du`a’, several prayers, in Javanese, in several different hands. (9) ff. 73a-74b. Medical notes, in Javanese (?). Ff. 75a-76a blank. Notes in pencil on f. 76b. (10) f. 76a. Fasal. In Javanese, on Niyya. F. 76b. Notes, on the numerical value of the letters, also notes in Javanese script. For the Javanese materials see also Pigeaud II, p. 421, who mistakenly identifies Consul Kruijt with a reverend Kruyt. Earlier provenance: On f. 77a is written by (?) C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936): ‘Over hadj en omra (meest Arabisch) van Kruijt (hadji X) 1884’. Contrary to what Pigeaud writes, this Kruyt is the Dutch consul J.A. Kruijt in Jeddah, and Snouck Hurgronje was in Jeddah in 1884-1885, while preparing his stay in Mecca. See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘The Islamic Pilgrimage in the Manuscript Literatures of Southeast Asia’, in Venetia Porter & Liana Saif (eds.), The Hajj: Collected Essays. London: The British Museum, 2013, pp. 214-223. Jan Just Witkam, ‘Before Mecca. The Jeddah “Diary” of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1884-1885’ (forthcoming in Léon Buskens & Jan Just Witkam (eds), assisted by Annemarie van Sandwijk, Scholarship in Action. Essays on Life and Work of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Leiden & Boston: Brill. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2907] Or. 7037 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 80 ff., 24.9 x 17.5 cm, Arabic in vocalized naskh script, Javanese usually written in a smaller, hanging vocalized script between the lines, black ink, 6-8 lines to the page, full-leather indigenous binding. Inside the boards on the fly-leaves are texts of varied nature, in Arabic and Javanese.On the outside of the front board in a clerk’s hand: ‘Bandoeng, 1903’. The Javanese texts not in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (1a) ff. 1a-4a. Javanese. Notes and prayers in Javanese, in Arabic script of different sizes, and in different hands. Also pen trials (f. 3a).

(1) ff. 4b-14a. Arabic, Javanese. Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (author on f. 5a: Abu al-Layth Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr ibn Ibrahim al-Shamarqandi), who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. Collation notes (Balagh, f. 7a). (2) ff. 14b-16b. Arabic, Javanese. Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is the title (title on f. 14b) given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith. With Javanese interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. (2a) f. 17a. Javanese. Note in Javanese. (3) ff. 17b-28b. Arabic, Javanese. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. Ff. 21b-22a are blank, but there is no lacuna. Illuminated head piece (f. 17b). (3a) f. 29a. Note in Arabic with Javanese features. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4) ff. 29b-50a. Arabic, Javanese . Umm al-Barahin, known in Java as al-Durra, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Copy with interlinear Javanese translation (up till f. 46b). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. (4a) ff. 50b-51a. Arabic, Javanese. The beginning lines only of Surat al-Baqara (Qur’an 2). This is followed (f. 51a) by Javanese line, and by Shahada formulas in Arabic. Illuminated head piece on f. 50b. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (5) ff. 51b-54a. The beginning only of Bayan Tasdiq. Anonymous tract on the fundamental tenets of the faith. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 48. Ff. 54b-55b. Blank. (6) ff. 56a-58a. Notes in Javanese. Ff. 58b-60a Blank. Drawing on f. 57a. (7)ff. 60b-65a. Javanese. Niyya Mbajuri (?), followed by other, similar notes, and prayers (Du’a’). Vocalized. Ff. 65b-66a Blank. (8) ff. 67a-66b. Javanese. Notes on prayer (Salat). Ff. 67b-68a Blank. (9) ff. 68b-69a, 70b-71b. Javanese in Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes. Ff. 69b-70a, 72a. Blank. (10) ff. 80b-72b. Javanese. Notes of varied content. Gadwal of 42 in connection with the days of the week, on f. 80a. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2845] Or. 7038 Arabic, Javanese, Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 27 ff., dated 1889 AD. Hirz al-Yamani. A collection of prayers and incantations in Javanese, Sundanese and Arabic. With many notes in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). The Hizb al-Bahr is also found

in this manuscript. A full description of its contents, with part of the text edited and translated into Dutch is given in G.W.J. Drewes, Drie Javaansche goeroe’s (Leiden 1925), pp. 56-76. See also GAL S II, 841. Another copy is MS Leriden Or. 7590 (1), below. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 116. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2807) Or. 7039 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 91 ff., 25.2 x 18 cm, naskh script, different lay-outs, black ink with rubrication, illuminated heading (f. 17b), sewn, front board of a full-leather binding with blind-tooled ornamentation (borders, corner pieces, centre piece) has been preserved. (1) ff. 1a-16b, 17a. Arabic text has 11 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication. Amthila (given title). A text consisting mainly of paradigms of the Arabic verb, explained in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 415. (2) ff. 17b-89b (f. 56b blank). Arabic text has 5 lines to the page, plus the interlinear Javanese text. al-Tasrif al-`Izzi by `Izz al-Din `Abd al-Wahhab b. Ibrahim al-Zangani (655/1257), GAL G I, 283. With partial Javanese interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 375. (3) ff. 90a-91b. Notes on various subjects, mostly in Javanese. For the Javanese materials see also Pigeaud II, p. 421. Added: bibliographical notes in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about the contents. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2846] Or. 7040 Belongs to MS Leiden Or. 5684, above, and has now been added to that manuscript. At present, there is no manuscript recorded as MS Leiden Or. 7040. (Ar. 2813, not available) Or. 7041 Collective volume with texts in Arabic with Javanese interlinear translation, uncut European laid paper (watermark: Concordia; counter mark vdL), [1] + 89 ff., 34.2 x 21 cm, fully vocalized naskh for the Arabic texts, unvocalized hanging Arabic script of smaller size for the Javanese, 8 lines to the page, dated 1293/1876 as is indicated at the end of each text, and on the title-page (f. 1a) and the colophon (f. 87b), catchwords at the bottom of every verso page, paper binding, pasted boards and back. On the title-page (f. 1a) and in the colophon (f. 87b) the owner and copyist is mentioned Landraad Bilad Demak, al-Hagg Ibrahim ‘Abd al-Quddus 1293/1876. (1) ff. 1b-12b. Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most

popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 4445. F. 13a. Blank. (2) ff. 13b-32a. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Dated 1293 (1876-1877, f. 32a). (3) ff. 32b-34b. Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is also the title given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith. With Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. With date 1293 (f. 34b). F. 35a. Blank. (4) ff. 35b-42b. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. With date 1293 (f. 42b). F. 43a. Blank. (5) ff. 43b-56b. Umm al-Barahin, known in Java as al-Durra, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Copy with interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. With date 1293 (f. 56b). Ff. 45-46 wrongly bound. F. 57a. Blank. (6) ff. 57b-62a. Bab Sifat al-Gawhar. Anonymous. With interlinear translation in Javanese. Dated 1293 (f. 62a). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 335. (7) ff. ff. 62b-63b. A tract on Zakat, beginning I`lam anna Zakat al-Gasad Thamaniya Ashya’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. Dated 1293 (f. 63b). F. 64a. Blank. (8) ff. 64b-66b. An eschatological Hadith, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 444. Dated 1293 (f. 66b). F. 67a. Blank. (9) ff. 67b-72a. A Hadith on the neglect of Salat, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 444. Dated 1293 (f. 72a). (10) ff. 72b-75a. Bab Sakarat al-Mawt. Arabic, with interlinear translation and marginal notes in Javanese. On the tortures in the grave. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 325. Dated 1293 (f. 75a). (11) ff. 75b-82b. Abstracts from a book on Fiqh entitled al-Tahrir (title on f. 82b), which is possibly Tahrir Tanqih al-Lubab, by Zakariyya’ al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), which is an abbreviation of Tanqih al-Lubab by Abu Zur`a al-`Iraqi (d. 826/1423), which is a compendium of al-Lubab fil-Fiqh by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Mahamili (d. 415/1024), GAL G I, 181. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 169. Dated 1293 (f. 82b. F. 83a. Blank. (12) ff. 83b-87b. Fasl fi Haqq al-Zawga `ala al-Zawg, a tract on marriage, See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. Dated 1293 (1876), copied by al-Qadi Landraad fi Bilad al-Demak al-Bantariki (?), colophon on f. 87b. Ff. 88a-89a. Blank. On f. 89b some scribbling in pensil. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: Stamp ‘Pangoeloe Landrat Negarie Demak | 1867’ and text in Javanese script. The name of a Dutchman, Mr. Bergsma, is written on the label on the front cover. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2781]

Or. 7042 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang), ff., so badly damaged that the pages cannot be counted. (1) Worm-eaten copy of Itmam al-Diraya li-Qurra’ al-Nuqaya commentary by Galal al-Din alSuyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 156, on his own al-Nuqaya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 256. (2) Lubab al-Akhbar by Hibat Allah b. `Ata’ al-Mulk b. Hamid al-Qarawi, GAL S II, 937, No. 72. (Arba`una bab wa fi kull bab `ashara ahadith). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 169. See also MS Berlin Pet. 606 (2), Ahlwardt 1377. MS Leiden Or. 12.283 c, below, is a photographic copy taken from MS Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa 17667. (3) Incomplete copy of Asrar al-Salat wal-Tahara, taken from I/4 of Ihya `Ulum al-Din by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 124. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2809) Or. 7043 a Arabic, paper, 3 ff., 21 x 14.8 cm, written with a steel pen, vocalized naskh script, black ink, 16 lines to the page, not bound, leaves sewn together. A Qadiriyya Silsila by Khalil al-Qadiri al-Khalisi al-Karkuki al-Baghdadi. Beginning after the basmala: Hadhihi Shagara Asluha Thabit wa-Far`uha fil-Sama`. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 466. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 373, No. 812, where this manuscript is referred to as MS Leiden Or. 7043 B. On f. 1a Snouck Hurgronje has written: ‘Eene Qadiritische Silsilah.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2806] Or. 7043 b Collective volume with texts in Arabic, laid paper (machine-made ?), 12 ff., unbound, loose sheets. (1) ff. 2b-6a. Arabic, naskh script, 13 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, dated 1284 (1867-1868). Silsilat al-Mashayikh min al-Tariqa al-Naqshbandiyya al-Khalidiyya (title on f. 1a) by Sulayman al-Zuhdi al-Naqshbandi al-Khalidi (fl. 1284 AH (1867-1868), f. 6a). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 337. (2) ff. 6b-7a. Khatm al-Sharif, min Kalam … Diya’ al-Din Khalid. Arabic, written by the copyist of No. 1, above. Du`a. Prayer. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 7b-10a. Arabic and Javanese, mixed. Vocalized naskh script, 13 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, Salasila Naqshbandiyya, from Purbolinggo (Banyumas). A total of 35 generations (chains) is mentioned. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Ff. 10b-12b. Blank. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 373, No. 812, where this manuscript is referred to as MS Leiden Or. 7043 A, and where the languague is said to be Javanese.

Snouck Hurgronje has written a description of the content on f. 1a: ‘1. Silsilah van Mohammad Iljas Soekaradja (afd. Banjoemas) naar het origineel, cf. aanteek… (?), pg. 165. en 2. Salasilah Naqsabandijah uit Poerbolinggo (Banjoemas). Octr 1889.’ Noot by Voorhoeve (or Van Koningsveld?) on f. 1b: ‘Een brief van K.F. Holle aan C. Snouck Hurgronje die hierbij lag is opgenomen in de brievencollectie (datum: 23/9 ’90)’. This letter in the ‘brievencollectie’ is now MS Leiden Or. 8952 A: 452, below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2806] Or. 7043 c Malay, 1 f., 34.3 x 21.8 cm, text on recto side only, European laid paper (counter mark VAN GELDER), naskh script, black ink, 15 lines. Document, a letter to the King (Maharaja) of the Netherlands-Indies. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 373, No. 812. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2806] Or. 7043 d Malay, paper, 14 pp, 27 x 21.1 cm, text on 9 pp., Arabic script, copied from a manuscript from the Padang Highlands in May 1889. Silsilat Sammaniyya Tariqa. A Silsila of Shyaikh Abdur-Rahman and prayers in the other Tariqa’s, namely Qadiriyya, Shattariyya, Shadhiliyya, Khalwatiyya and Naqshbandiyya are mentioned. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 373, No. 812, where this manuscript is referred to as MS Leiden Or. 7043 c. Earlier provenance: Long note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the last page with a description of the contents. Received in May 1889 from the ‘Padandsche Bovenlanden’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2806] Or. 7044 Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang), 241 ff. al-Muharrar by al-Rafi`i (d. 623/1226), GAL G I, 393, incomplete. See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 225. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2810) Or. 7045 Arabic, paper, 154 ff., badly damaged. Fragment of a commentary on a book on Shafi`ite Fiqh. In the original work by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423, is cited, and some Persian words are used. The commentary often cites

al-Bulqini (d. 805/1403). The work is divided into Babs (the divisions called Kitab in other works here being styled Bab). Without notes in an Indonesian language, but probably originating from Indonesia. See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2847) Or. 7046 Collective volume with texts in Arabic with some Javanese, [1] + 35 ff., Javanese paper (dluang), 26.7 x 18 cm, naskh script in more than one hand and in several different lay-outs, black ink, full-leather binding. Inside binding, ff. [1], 1a. Notes, texts in Javanese (pegon), pen trials, etc. (1) ff. 1b-10a. Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 4445. (1a) ff. 10b-11a. Prayer in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (2) ff. 11b-16a. Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is the title given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith. With Javanese interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. (2a) ff. 16b-17a. Notes, pen trials. (3) ff. 17b-29b. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. (3a) ff. 27b-28a. Madh Rasul, in Arabic (?). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3b) f. 30a. Short text in Javanese. (4) ff. 30b-34b. Bab Sakarat al-Mawt. Arabic, only on f. 30b with interlinear translation in Javanese. On the tortures in the grave. Pen trials on f. 31b. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 325. (4a) ff. 35a-b, inside end board: Notes and pen trials. The Javanese texts not in Pigeaud II, p. 421. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2848] Or. 7047 Collective volume with texts in Arabic with Javanese, European laid paper, [1] + 235 ff., 33.8 x 20.5 cm, naskh script for the Arabic, hanging Arabic script of smaller size for the interlinear Javanese notes and translation, 17 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, full-leather

binding with flap, with densely impressed blind-tooled ornamentation in the Indonesian style. Internal structure of the binding made of Javanese paper (dluang). (1a) f. [1]b. Fragment of the beginning only of Bahgat al-‘Ulum, as text No. 1, below. F. 1a contains notes of varied nature. (1) ff. 1b-13a. Bahgat al-`Ulum, anonymous commentary on Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. (2) ff. 13b-33a. Explanatory notes (Ta`liq) by al-Ramli (d. 957/1550) on al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. Dated Waqt al-‘Asr, month Ragab, Hilal 17, Sanat al-Ha’ (f. 33a). (3) ff. 33b-52a. al-Miftah fi Sharh Ma`rifat al-Islam, anonymous commentary on Bab Ma`rifat alIslam wal-Iman, which is anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 195-196, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta and Paris, BNF, mal.pol. 35 (which latter manuscript has an author: Ahmad b. Shaykh al-Islam). Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. (4) ff. 52b-90a. al-Mufid. An anonymous commentary on Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Erroneously identified by Brockelmann as the commentary by al-Tilimsani. Copy from Java. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 387-388, where the incipit, and also references to other manuscripts of this text in Jakarta and London are given. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. Javanese notes between the lines. Several paste-in papers with notes. (5) ff. 90b-115a. Commentary by Muhammad b. `Umar b. Ibrahim al-Tilimsani (897/1492) on Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. With Javanese glosses. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 387-388. (6) ff. 115b-169a. Fath al-Mubin. Anonymous commentary on Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Erroneously identified by Brockelmann as the commentary by al-Tilimsani. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. Interlinear notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 387-388. (7) ff. 169b-235a. Commentary by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250, on his own Umm al-Barahin. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. Interlinear notes in Javanese. Dated (f. 235a) Waqt al-Qaylula, Yawm al-Arba’ Talyurn (?), Month Muharram Sanat al-Ba’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. Notes on f. 235b. Ff. 236a-b. Blank. Earlier provenance: On separate piece of paper pasted to the page (p. [1]a) with wax seals: Raden Mas Taemenggaeng Tjokroamidjoyo, Regent of Ponorogo, through the Resident, Mr. A.M. Oudemans. Snouck Hurgronje has written in pencil: ‘Ontvangen van Mr. Bergsma.

October 1886’. On f. 235a is mention of an unmentioned owner from the village Malatin (?) filBalad Madiun. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2805] Or. 7048 a, b Arabic, European laid paper, MS Leiden Or. 7048 a (badly worm eaten): 30 x 21 cm, MS Leiden Or. 7048 b: 30.2 x 20 cm, ff. 251-455, 2-250, naskh script, 36 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication (for the matn), dated Monday morning 7 Safar 1077 (1666, colophon in MS Leiden Or. 7048 a, f. 455a), copied by Yusuf b. Abi Bakr b. Muhammad Husayn al-Razi (al-Ran.ri?), full-leather binding with blind-tooled ornamentation, now loose but preserved. Apparently a manuscript from the Middle East (Mecca?), that was severely damaged in the tropics (MS Leiden Or. 7048 a only, but MS Leiden Or. 7048 b is still in good state). The information of the Meccan origin could come from MS Leiden Or. 5677, but this needs further research. Part of Irshad al-Sari li-Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, the commentary by Ahmad b. Muhammad alQastallani (d. 923/1517) on al-Gami` al-Sahih by Muhammad b. Isma`il al-Bukhari (d. 256/870), GAL G I, 158. See also MS Leiden Or. 5677, above, with which these two volumes appear to form one set. If that is really the case, the present two volumes could be part of the Banten collection. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 324-325. MS Leiden Or. 7048 a contains: 2nd half of guz’ 1. ff. 251-455, cf. the edition Bulaq 1288: II, p. 111 III, p. 103. MS Leiden Or. 7048 b contains: 1st half of guz’ 3. ff. 2-250, cf. the edition Bulaq 1288: V, p. 2 - VI, p. 513. Title on edge: al-Khamis min Sharh al-Bukhari. On title-page (f. 2a): Waqf Hagg Makka. Added: bibliographical notes in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about the contents. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2803 – Ar. 2804] Or. 7049 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, laid paper (machine-made?), [1] + 103 pp., 21.1 x 17 cm, naskh script in more than one hand, 17 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, c. 1890 AD (No. 6). Before p. 1 Snouck Hurgronje has written a detailed table of contents. Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 108-109: In the Javanese part of this codex fragments only are preserved of Kitab al-Haraka, a work which is now lost, by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah alSamatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Leiden 1945. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 108-109. (1) pp. 1-28. Arabic, Fath al-Rahman bi-Sharh Risalat al-Wali Raslan, commentary by Zakariya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), on Risalat al-Tawhid by Raslan b. Ya`qub b. `Abd alRahman al-Ga`bari al-Dimashqi (d. c. 695/1296), GAL G I, 452. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 319. See now also G.W.J. Drewes, Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-

Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977. Schematic drawings on pp. 27-28. Pp. 29-32. Blank. (2a) p. 33. Javanese. Dairah kawula-gusti. Drawing of a man-like figure. (2b) p. 34. Daira wujud, etc., and Salat barzakh. Pp. 35-36. Blank. (3) pp. 37-54 (p. 52 blank). Nur al-Daqa’iq, a Sufi treatise by Shams al-Din al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 25 and the edition by A. Johns, in JRAS 1953, pp. 147 and ff. The present manuscript is MS C of van Nieuwenhuijze. Schematic drawing on p. 53. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 256. (4) pp. 55-57. Sirr al-Mannan. Anonymous treatise on the essence of man. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Pp. 58-60. Blank. (5) pp. 61-64. The rite of acceptance of a Murid into the Shattariyya order, and Silsilat alShattariyya. See also Ahmad al-Qushashi, al-Simt al-Magid, Hyderabad 1325, p. 17 [8195 B 11]. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 466. (6) pp. 65-97. Anis al-Muttaqin (title on pp. 65, 97) by `Abd al-Samad b. Faqih Husayn b. Faqih Muhammad. Brockelmann, GAL S II, 966, wrongly ascribes this text to the Zaydi author `Abd al-Samad al-Damaghani. Other manuscripts are MS London, IOL, Catalogue Loth, No. 1039 II; MS Jakarta, Supplement Caralogue Nos. 164, 567, 568, 746. There is a lithographed edition [Snouck Hurgronje’s copy: 893 F 37] with interlinear translation in Javanese, in which alPalimbani is added to the author’s name on the title-page, but not in the text. This ascription to the 18th-century Sumatran author `Abd al-Samad b. `Abdallah al-Palimbani is probably an attempt to make the book popular in Indonesia. C. 1890 AD. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 14. Pp. 98-103. Blank. Added: bibliographical notes in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about the contents. For the Javanese materials see also Pigeaud II, p. 421. Earlier provenance: ‘31’ on label on end board. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2908] Or. 7050 Arabic, paper, 115 pp., dated 1892 AD. Ithaf al-Zaki bi-Sharh al-Tuhfa al-Mursala, commentary by Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690) on al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah al-Burhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. Copied from MS London, India Office, Loth 684. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. ¶ See now also on this text and on the position of the Leiden manuscript in its chain of transmission: Oman Fathurahman, ‘Further Research on Itḥāf al-Dhakī Manuscripts by

Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī’, in Stefanie Brinkmann & Beate Wiesmüller (eds.), From Codicology to Technology. Islamic manuscripts and their Place in Scholarship. Berlin 2009, pp. 47-57. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2909) Or. 7051 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with Javanese, paper, 14 pp., 19th cent. (No. 2c). A copy from Bonjonegoro (Java). (1a) pp. 1-5. Ma`rifat al-Nafs. Anonymous mystical treatise. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 196. (1b) pp. 7-16. Khatima fil-Dhikr wal-Muraqaba. The last chapter only of Tanbih al-Tullab fi Ma`rifat al-Malik al-Wahhab by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, treating Dhikr and Muraqaba. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. This is the only part of the book which has been found so far. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 24. This manuscript has the part on Dhikr only, and is incomplete at the end, also without a title. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 365. (1c) pp. 17-28. Bahr al-Lahut by `Abdallah al-`Arifin (or al-`Arif), fil-Gha’ib (or: al-Ghayb) walShahada. See also MS London, India Office, Loth 1047, II. MS Leiden Or. 7059 (3), below, is a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 37. (2a) pp. 1-2. One leaf, containing the end only of a tract which explains some technical terms used in Sufism. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460. (2b) pp. 3-6. Bab Bayan al-`Arifin ga’a Allaha (sic). Javanese translation: Ikilah bab anjatakaken wong kang hana ma’ripaté teka maring Allah. Beginning: Qala al-`Arifun: al-Mawt Qabl al-Mawt wa-huwa `Aqluhu `adam wa-Nafsuhu `adam wa-Qalbuhu `adam …. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 45. This is the same beginning as in MS Leiden Or. 7053 (6), where the text is called Mi`rag al-`Ishq. (2c) pp. 6-14. (Bab fi) Ma`rifat al-Islam wa-Bayan al-Turuq (or al-Tariq, or al-Tariqa). Anonymous, the same as Batavia, Suppl. Cat. No. 253, tract in the form of questions and answers. The turuq are: Shari`a, Tariqa and Haqiqa. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195. (2d) Instructions for the performance of the salat. With interlinear translation in Javanese. Incomplete at the end. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2911) Or. 7052 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, pp. Copied from a manuscript in Cirebon (Java), dated 1889 (No. 2). (1) pp. 1-9. Adab al-Mu`allim, Adab al-Muta`allim, Adab al-Dhikr, said to be taken from Bidayat al-Hidaya by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422, but not found therein. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 51.

(2) pp. 11-150. al-Hidaya lil-Insan ila al-Karim al-Mannan, commentary by `Ali al-Bayyumi (d. 1183/1769) on al-Hikam al-`Ata’iyya by Ibn `Ata’ Allah al-Iskandarani (d. 709/1309), GAL G II, 117. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 113-114. (3) pp. 151-153. Fasl fi Adab al-Dhikr, taken from al-Simt al-Magid, by Ahmad b. Muhammad alQushashi (d. 1071/1660), GAL G II, 392. The text corresponds to that in the edition Hyderabad 1327, pp. 15-27 [8195 B 11]. Copied from a manuscript in Cheribon. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 338. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2910) Or. 7053 Javanese, Arabic, European paper, 127 ff., and unnumbered blanks, Indonesian naskh in several hands, simple illuminations in rubrication, 19th cent., cloth binding. - f. 1a. Table of contents, with mention of 13 titles. (1) ff. 3b-5b. Surat Yasin. Qur’an 36. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. F. 6a is blank. (2) ff. 6b-21a. An Arabic treatise with interlinear translation in Javanese. Beginning: al-Hamdu lillah al-Wahid al-Samad alladhi lam yalid wa-lam yulad wa-lam yakun lahu kufu’an Ahad Nazir fi Wugudihi ta`ala. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. Ff. 14b-15a is blank, apparently with loss of text. (3) ff. 21b-25b. Mystical tract in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (3a) ff. 26a-b. Illuminated poetical text in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (3b) ff. 26b-27b. Mystical tract in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (3c) ff. 27b-31b. Mystical tract in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. F. 32a blank. (4) ff. 32b-44a. Bayan al-I`tiqad. Anonymous mystical treatise (title on f. 44a). Not identical with MS Berlin, Ahlwardt No. 1885-1886. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 46. (5) ff. 44b-50a. Mystical tract in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (5a) ff. 50a-b. Short mystical tract in Javanese, with red ornamentation on f. 50b. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (5b) f. 51a. Illuminated diagram of the twenty attributes, Sipat duapuluh, based on the four words of the first part of the Shahada. (5c) ff. 51b-53a. Shorter pieces in Javanese, sometimes based on the first part of the Shahada. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. With illumination. (6) ff. 53b-59a. Mi`rag al-`Ishq, is probably the title of a tract called al-Ma`rag al-`Ishq (sic) in the colophon. It has Javanese glosses in the margins and between the lines. A Javanese version is found in MS Leiden Or. 7535, below. See also the Arabic text in MS Paris, BnF, mal.-pol. 29, ff. 132v-133v. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 215. MS Leiden Or. 7051 (2b), above, entitled Bab Bayan al-`Arifin ga’a Allaha, has the same beginning as this text.

(7) ff. 59b-65a. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah al-Ghuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … Javanese interlinear and marginal notes. Illuminations. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. (8) ff. 65b, 66a-68a. Note on al-Wugud al-Mutlaq. Notes in Javanese in the margin. Tract in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (9) ff. 68b-72b. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43. Some illumination. F. 73a blank. (10) ff. 73b-85b. al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah alBurhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. With interlinear and marginal glosses in Javanese. See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. (10a) ff. 86a-b. Tract in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (10b) f. 87a. A Niyya, with interlinear Javanese translation. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (11) ff. 87b-93a. A fragment only of Khatima fil-Dhikr wal-Muraqaba. The last chapter only of Tanbih al-Tullab fi Ma`rifat al-Malik al-Wahhab by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah alSamatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, treating Dhikr and Muraqaba. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. This is the only part of the book which has been found so far. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 24. This manuscript has the part on Dhikr only, and is incomplete at the end, also without a title. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 365. (11a) f. 93b. Mystical diagram with text in Javanese. Not individually identified in Pigeaud II, p. 421. (11b) f. 94b. Hadith. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (12) ff. 94b-117a. Sayyid al-Ma`rifa. Mystical treatise by Ihsan al-Din b. Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Samtarani, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 334. (13) ff. 118a-124b. Kitab Ruh (f. 124a). Javanese treatise on breath (napas) in connection with prayer. See Pigeaud II, p. 421. F. 125a blank. (14) ff. 125b-126b. Ma`rifat Safi (sic). Conversation between Allah and `Isa on the mystical significance of Salat. With incomplete interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 196. F. 127a blank. (14a) f. 127b. Qur’anic quotations, and other shorter notes. Followed by 16 blank leaves. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

For the Javanese materials see also Pigeaud II, p. 421. Earlier provenance: Note by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) on the fly-leaf in front: ‘ontv. Van Rn. Hi. Moehd. Roesdi. Hoofdpanghoeloe Tasikmalaya. 5/12 12.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2913] Or. 7054 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 3 + 143 pp., dated 1893 AD. Kitab Primbon, a copy made in 1893 from an original in Garut (Western Java), copied by Muhammad Salih (before p. 1, p. 142) in Cicuruh, in Garut. Added in front: 1 loose leaf with description of the contents by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). On 2 pp. before the text is an extensive table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje. (1) pp. 1-8. Bayan al-Tawhid. Anonymous tract on pantheistic mysticism. Among the authorities cited are Ibrahim b. Hasan Kurd (sic) Kurani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385, and `Ala’ al-Din (`Ali b.) Ahmad al-Maha’imi (d. 835/1432), GAL G II, 221). This is not the same work as MS Jakarta, Van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogue, No. 192. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 48-49. (2) pp. 8-15. A mystical-dogmatical treatise, beginning I`lam anna al-`Ilm huwa al-Dhat waWugud al-`Ilm la Budda an yakuna Ma`luman. A work entitled Durr al-Manzum is cited, which is possibly the Qasida by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423, mentioned in Jakarta, Supplement-Catalogue, No. 856. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 464-465. (3) pp. 15-18. A tract on pantheistic mysticism beginning Qala al-Nabi (sm) ya `Ali man ya`budu Allah bi-Ghayr `Ilm … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. (4) pp. 18-21. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 43-44. (5) pp. 21-31. al-Futuhat al-Ilahiyya fi Naf` Arwah al-Dhat al-Insaniyya, a Mukhtasar filTasawwuf in 10 chapters (fusul) by Zakariyya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), GAL G II, 100. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 88. (6) pp. 31-33. A short treatise about `ishq, translated from Persian into Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460. (7) pp. 33-36. Risala tubayyinu Mulahazat al-Muwahhid wal-Mulhid fi Dhikr Allah by Shams alDin b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek.

Leiden 1945, pp. 267-270 (this manuscript not used for the edition). Dated 1893. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313. (8) pp. 37-38. Table of mystical tetrads. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, opposite p. 465 in the interleaved copy which is kept in the Legatum Warnerianum. (9) pp. 39-44. Fusus al-Ma`rifa. Anonymous mystical tract in 3 chapters (bab), 1. Fi Bayan alDhat; 2. Fi Bayan al-Sifat; 3. Fi Bayan al-Af`al. Copy from Java. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 86. (10) pp. 45-58. Fath al-Rahman bi-Sharh Risalat al-Wali Raslan, commentary by Zakariya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), on Risalat al-Tawhid by Raslan b. Ya`qub b. `Abd alRahman al-Ga`bari al-Dimashqi (d. c. 695/1296), GAL G I, 452. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 319. See now also G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977. (11) pp. 59-61. Some citations about Sihhat al-Tawba, Bayan al-Ruh, etc. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. (12) pp. 61-64. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah alGhuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. See also the note by Voorhoeve on f. 1a of MS Leiden Or. 7035 a (1), above. (13a) pp. 64-65. Citations about asceticism, etc. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. Copied from Kitab Tag al-`Arifin by Tag al-Din Zakariyya’. (13b) pp. 65-67. A fragment only of Khatima fil-Dhikr wal-Muraqaba. The last chapter only of Tanbih al-Tullab fi Ma`rifat al-Malik al-Wahhab by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah alSamatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, treating Dhikr and Muraqaba. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. This is the only part of the book which has been found so far. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 24. This manuscript has the part on Dhikr only, without a title. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 365. (14) pp. 68-91. al-Risala al-Shattariyya fi Bayan Asrar al-Sa’irin fi Tariq al-Ahadiyya, by Baha’ alDin b. Ibrahim b. `Ata’ al-Ansari al-Qadiri, in 4 chapters. It is the same work as MS Jakarta KBG Arab. (11), Catalogue v.d. Berg, p. 129. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 312. On p. 79 is a Silsila. The Shaykh of the author is Ahmad Gili. A Qadiriyya text. On p. 91 is the colophon of the original. That was copied by Muhammad Sa`id b. Gar Husayn al-Shafi`i al-Hanafi al-Qurashi alNaqshbandi al-Islamabadi, in al-Madina al-Munawwara. The copyist of the present text is also

mentioned: Zakariyya’ b. Nur Midyan, with mention of Limbangan, a locality, apparently in Western Java. (15) p. 92. al-Dhikr `ala Arba`a Anwa`. The four types of Dhikr mentioned here are: al-Dhikr alNasuti, al-Dhikr al-Malakuti, al-Dhikr al-Gabaruti and al-Dhikr al-Lahuti. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (16) pp. 93-94. Mystical notes, in Javanese. (17) pp. 95-96. A Shattariyya treatise, in Javanese. (18) pp. 96-99. A treatise on Dhikr, in Javanese. (19) p. 97. Da’ira, with text in Arabic and Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 55. Possibly an illustration belonging to the previous text. (19a) pp. 99-102. A mystical treatise in Javanese. (19b) pp. 103-108. Da’ira. Mystical illustrations, with text in Javanese and Arabic. These are possibly the figures meant by Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 53. (19c) pp. 109-110. Mystical notes, mostly in Javanese. (19d) pp. 111-114. Notes in Arabic, with schematical illustrations. The text is referred to as Da’ira. (20) pp. 114-115. Treatise on pantheistic mysticism, beginning al-Hamdu lillah alladhi tanazzahat `an al-Ashya’ Dhatuhu. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. (21) pp. 115-117. Shorter version of Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath alGhuyub and Miftah al-Ghuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. See also above, No. 12. (22) p. 117. Mystical fragments, at least one them clearly of Javanese origin, as C. Snouck Hurgronje remarks. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. (23) p. 118. Bab Ma`rifat al-Tasdiq. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (23a) pp. 118-119. Note on Qiyama. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (23b) p. 119. A note on Shahada. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (23c) pp. 119-120. A quotation from Kitab Bidayat al-Hidaya, beginning Qala […] man `abada al-Ism duna al-Ma`na … Followed (on p. 120) by a note in Javanese. (24) Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181, gives here the following information: ‘pp. 115-116. Al-Ma`lumat, short anonymous mystical treatise. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181, not to be confused with No. 12, above.’ However, the present text would seem to be not MS Leiden Or. 7054 (24), but rather MS Leiden Or. 7054 (21). (24a) pp. 121-123. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43. The Arabic text only. (24b) pp. 123-125. Bab fi Haqiqat Ma`rifat al-Insan. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 108. (25) pp. 125-137. Mukhtasar Gawahir al-Daqa’iq, in the colophon called al-Daqa’iq, a slightly abridged version of Gawhar al-Haqa’iq by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van

Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 245-266. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 99. (26) p. 138. Fa’ida min `Adad al-Kaba’ir. A list of the 40 great sins (Kaba’ir). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447. (27) pp. 139-140. Mystical tract in Javanese. (28) pp. 140-142. Several shorter notes, in Arabic and Javanese. P. 142 contains another colophon. P. 143 is blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Mentioned by Pigeaud, II, pp. 421-422, without individual identification of the texts, but with reference to the table of contents made by C. Snouck Hurgronje, at the beginning of the volume. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2912] Or. 7055 Arabic, paper. Qur’an, part of the text. From Java. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Ar. 2914) Or. 7056 Persian, Arabic, Malay, treebark paper (dluang), 13 ff., Arabic script. Mystical verses, in Persian and Arabic, with Malay interlinear translation. The text, on ff. 2v13r, contains mystical verses by Abu Tammam (800-845), Galal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273), and `Umar Khayyam (d. 1132) and other fragments with interlinear Malay translation. Transliterated by Bausani; on ff. 1v-2r all kinds of notes; on the peculiar spelling like adangku for adaku, artingku for artiku, cahayangku for cahayaku, rupangku for rupaku etc.; cf. Bausani 1968, pp. 39-66; Iskandar 1996, pp. 316-320. Voorhoeve 1952a, 1984. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Perzische invloed op het Maleis’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92, where this manuscript is mentioned. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 373. ¶ Photocopies of pp. 2-3, with notes by P. Voorhoeve, are kept as MS Leiden Or. 12.605 p (3), below. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 672 (No. 1397). Earlier provenance: War booty. On p. 3 a note in pencil by C. Snouck Hurgronje, telling that the manuscript was captured at Lam Pisang (Aceh) in 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Ar. 2914) Or. 7057 a Collection of texts and text fragments in Arabic, Malay and Javanese, paper, illustrations, in paper sheaves. A manuscript from the Yemen. (1) No material found under this number.

(2) No material found under this number. (3) 15 ff., Javanese-Arabic mixture, Arabic script. Collection of shorter religious pieces and prayer texts, bound together. Not in Pigeaud II. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4) Collection of shorter pieces in Arabic and Malay, from different origin. (I) 4 ff. Collection of copies of two Fatwa’s issued by Ahmad Zayni Dahlan (d. 1304/1886), with some explanatory notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). The first Fatwa (ff. 1a-3a) concerns Tahkim, the second one (ff. 3b-4b), which is dated Dhu al-Higga 1293 (1876), concerns a matter of Talaq and the division of goods. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 79. (II) 2 ff. Fatwa issued by a jurisconsult from Beirut, Unsizada al-Sayyid Muhammad Salim, dated 8 January 1914. Received by Snouck Hurgronje in October 1915 from A.P.H. Hotz (18551930), who was then Dutch Consul-General in Beirut. Arabic text at right, French translation at left. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 79. (III) 2 ff. Malay. Collection of questions and answers (Fatwa’s) issued by al-Sayyid `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil b. Yahya al-`Alawi (“Sajjid Oethman”, d. 1332/1914). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 339. (IV) 1 f., folded. Surat ma ratha bihi … The Marthiya by al-Shaykh Badiwi (Bedewi) composed at the occasion of the demise of the Great-Sharif of Mecca `Abdallah in 1294/1877. This is the exemplar from which C. Snouck Hurgronje edited this text in his work Mekka, vol. I (The Hague 1888), pp. 226-228. Snouck Hurgronje received the text in August 1887. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 266. (V) 6 ff. Simt al-Shudhur wal-Gawahir fi Hall Taqyid al-Nudhur bil-Sada al-Atahir, by `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil al-`Alawi (d. 1332/1914). Text on ff. 1a-4b, dated beginning Ragab 1294 (1877, f. 4b). On f. 1a is an autograph affidavit by Ahmad b. Zayni Dahlan (1304/1886). The treatise is about the use made of money offered as a gift to the sacred tomb at Luar Batang (Batavia/Jakarta). The pamphlet was published by the author in a lithograph edition in Batavia in 1294/1877 [8195 C 42]. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 338-339. (5) 1 f., naskh script. The first leaf only of Kitab al-Durr al-Nazim fi Khawass al-Qur’an al-`Azim by `Abdallah b. As`ad al-Yafi`i (d. 768/1367), GAL G II, 176, containing the title-page and the beginning of the text. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. Different from MS Leiden Or. 644 (28b), above. (6) 32 ff. Texts connected with Dala’il al-Khayrat wa-Shawariq al-Anwar by Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Gazuli (d. 870/1465), GAL G II, 252. Fragment of a large copy possibly from the court of Banten (West Java), with an illustration of the Rawda in Medina in gold (f. 32b). Probably 18th cent. AD. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 56. The text is preceded by a Du`a’, prayer to be said before reading the Dala’il al-Khayrat (f. 1b), and another similar prayer (f. 2a). Then follows the text of the Dala’il al-Khayrat, which ends with the Sifat al-Rawda al-Mubaraka. The illustration is not full-page, and may, therefore, have been a single illustration only. The text makes a much longer and more expanded impression than the usual versions of the work. It is evident that the fragment originates from two different sources (ff. 1-28; 29-32). f. 1b. Hadha al-Du`a’ yaqra’u qabla Qira’at Dala’il al-Khayrat.

f. 2a. Hadha al-Du`a’ yaqra’u aydan qabla Qira’at Dala’il al-Khayrat. f. 2b. What seems to be the beginning of the text, but different from the beginning of the text in other manuscripts and printed editions. f. 6b. Beginning of yet another prayer, Du`a’. f. 25a. Mention of a dedicatee or copyist: Muhammad `Ali al-Din b. Muhammad `Arif. This may point to a Banten origin of the manuscript, if he is a son of the Banten sultan Muhammad `Arif. f. 29b. Asma’ al-Nabi. f. 30b. Sifat Sayyidina wa-Mawlana wa-Nabiyyina Muhammad. f. 32b. Sifat al-Rawda al-Mubarak allati dufina fiha Rasul Allah. (7) 10 ff. A fragment only (beginning and end missing) of the commentary by Muhammad b. `Umar b. Ibrahim al-Tilimsani (897/1492) on Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 387-388. Heavily damaged. (8) 71 ff. An old fragment of a work on fiqh, Islamic law. Heavily damaged, especially the first half. A typical Yemeni manuscript, possibly of the 8/14th century. Added is a letter from P.N. van der Chijs (d. 1889) to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated 23 March 1889, reporting about Arabic books received by van der Chijs from Hudayda, including the present manuscript. Text in Dutch, titles in Arabic script (apparently written by a clerk). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 445. (9) 7 ff. Malay and Arabic. Collection of 6 sample texts and documents, some in Malay, some in Arabic with Malay commentary. Mostly the beginning of school texts. (10) Collection of fragments, according to Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470, they are unidentified. Most are in Arabic, a few are in Malay. (I) ff. 1b-11b. Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. ff. 12a-b. The beginning only of al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (II) As yet unidentified fragments. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2788] Or. 7057 b Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper in different sizes and of different manufacture. From Indonesia. (1) Arabic, with Javanese, c. 25 ff. An irrepairably damaged (due to corrosion of the ink) fragment of the Arabic translation by `Ali b. Mubarak (2nd half of 6/12th cent.), GAL G I, 423, No. 30, of the originally Persian text al-Tibr al-Masbuk fi Nasihat al-Muluk, by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 379. Cannot be consult anymore due to its fragile condition.

(2) Arabic, full-leather Oriental binding with stamped ornamentation (red), containing 5 ff. of European laid paper, 29.6 x 20.3 cm, which may have been fly-leaves, full of notes found in a collection of fragments from the library of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857- 1936), one of which is dated 1066 AH (f. 4b). The collection may originate from MS Leiden Or. 7104, below, which contains the Kitab al-I’tisam by al-Mansur billah al-Qasim b. Muhammad b. ‘Ali Ibn Rasul Allah (d. 1029/1620), GAL S II, 559. Like the Kitab al-I’tisam, the present fragments may originate from the Yemen. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 144. (3) Two texts, with damage of corroded ink and by pests, especalially in the second half. 43 ff., European laid paper (watermark), 31.5 x 20.5 cm, damaged. (3a). ff. 1a-32a. Arabic. Acephalous fragment of a work on Arabic grammar, unidentified. Vocalized naskh script, 7 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3b) ff. 32b-43b. Arabic Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of the commentary by Khalid b. `Abdallah al-Azhari (d. 905/1499), GAL G II, 238, on al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 236-237. (4, a-c) Fragments. European laid paper (watermark), 10 ff., 31.5 x 21 cm. Damaged by pests. (4a) ff. 1a-2b. The final part of al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. (4b) ff. 3a-9a. Fragment of Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman alGurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30. (4c) ff. 9b-10b. The beginning only of al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. With marginal and interlinear glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. (5) [1, title-page] + 14 + [5, blank] pp. Arabic. Machine-made paper, 21 x 17.2 cm, Ruq’a script, black ink, 18 lines to the page. Kitab al-Mughni ‘an al-Hifz , by Abu Hafs ‘Umar b. Badr al-Mawsili al-Hanafi (d. 622/1225), GAL G I, 358, where complete and much longer title (present title and author on title-page). Copy of a manuscript in the posession of Ahmad Taymur Basha in Cairo (p. 14). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (6) This number was cancelled and the fragment was placed together with MS Leiden Or. 5679, above, to which it belongs (Note by P. Voorhoeve). (7) This number was cancelled and the fragment was placed together with MS Leiden Or. 5683, above (Note by P. Voorhoeve). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2789] Or. 7058 Arabic, paper, 26 pp., copied from a printed (lithograph) edition dated 1286 AH (1869-1870).

al-Agwiba `ala Masa’il al-Gum`a, by `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil al-`Alawi (d. 1332/1914), Sayyid `Uthman (see Encyclopedie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië, s.v. Oethman). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 4. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2915) Or. 7059 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with some Malay (No. 12), paper, 95 ff. A copy made for C. Snouck Hurgonje (1857-1936) of MS Leiden Or. 7022, above, which is a copy from Bencoolen, with some Malay notes. (1) ff. 1r-16r. al-Haqiqa al-Muwafiqa lil-Shari`a, commentary by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah alBurhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418, on his own al-Tuhfa al-Mursala uka (Ruh) al-Nabi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. This is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 7022 (1), above. (2) ff. 20r-21v. A short treatise about `ishq, translated from Persian. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460. (3) ff. 21v-24v. Bahr al-Lahut by `Abdallah al-`Arifin (or al-`Arif), fil-Gha’ib (or: al-Ghayb) walShahada. See also MS London, India Office, Loth 1047, II. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (3), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 37. (4) ff. 24r-26r. Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah al-Ghuyub. Anonymous mystical treatise: Risala Mukhtasara fi Bidayat Qawa`id al-Sufiyya. This is the work from which the citation in the margin of Gawhar al-Daqa’iq, edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 249 ff., has been taken. Beginning (after the basmala): al-Hamdu lillahi alladhi zahara bi Kashf Suturihi wa-batana bi-Sadid Zuhurihi, wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammadin Miftahi Umurihi wa-`ala Alihi wa-Ashabihi Ahli Hamdihi wa-Shukurihi. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat `ala Thalathat Aqsam al-Wagib wal-`Adam al-Mumkin wal-`Adam al-Mahd … Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (4), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 180-181. (5) ff. 26r-38r. Gawhar al-Haqa’iq by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 245-266 (MS B of the edition). Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (5), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 99. (6) ff. 42r-43v. Risala tubayyinu Mulahazat al-Muwahhid wal-Mulhid fi Dhikr Allah by Shams alDin b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 267-270 (MS B II of the edition). Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (6), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313. (7) ff. 42r-54v. A commentary on al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah al-Burhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. In this text two works seem to intermixed. In the beginning the title al-Aqwal al-Galiyya bi-Sharh al-Wasila is given (there are numerous works entitled al-Wasila), but after a few pages the work commented on appears to be al-

Tuhfa al-Mursala. In the colophon the work is ascribed to `Ali b. `Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni alTabari. In GAL S II, 1036, a person of this name is mentioned as the author of a work on horses. The beginning of the text is: al-Hamdu lillah Wagib al-Wugud … The text was copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (7), above. See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 380-381. (8) ff. 100-108r. Khatima fil-Dhikr wal-Muraqaba. The last chapter only of Tanbih al-Tullab fi Ma`rifat al-Malik al-Wahhab by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, treating Dhikr and Muraqaba. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. This is the only part of the book which has been found so far. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 24. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (8), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 365. (9) ff. 57r-62r. al-Futuhat al-Ilahiyya fi Naf` Arwah al-Dhat al-Insaniyya, a Mukhtasar filTasawwuf in 10 chapters (fusul) by Zakariyya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), GAL G II, 100. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (9), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 88. (10) ff. 62r-63v. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (10), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44. (11) ff. 126r-130v. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44. (12) ff. 64r-80r. Ira’at al-Daqa’iq fi Sharh Mir’at al-Haqa’iq, commentary by `Ali b. Ahmad alMaha’imi (d. 835/1432), GAL S II, 311, on Mir’at al-Haqa’iq, which is the title of the Arabic translation of the Persian work Gam-i Gahan Numa, a work by Muhammad (b.) Shirin b. `Izz al-Din al-Maghribi (d. 809/1406-1407), see the Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts of the India Office, No. 2914, V. With some Malay notes. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (12), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 215-216.

(13) ff. 80v-81v. Risala tubayyinu Mulahazat al-Muwahhid wal-Mulhid fi Dhikr Allah by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai. Edited by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 267-270 (MS B III of the edition). Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (13), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313. (14) ff. 82v-85v. al-Hikam, probably an abstract of al-Hikam al-`Ata’iyya by Ibn `Ata’ Allah alIskandarani (d. 709/1309), GAL G II, 117. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (14), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 113-114. (15) ff. 86r-89v. Ma`din al-Asrar. Anonymous mystical treatise. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (15), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 174. (16) ff. 90r-93r. Fusus al-Ma`rifa. Anonymous mystical tract in 3 chapters (bab), 1. Fi Bayan alDhat; 2. Fi Bayan al-Sifat; 3. Fi Bayan al-Af`al. Complete copy. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (16), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 86. (17a) ff. 93r-94r. A short abstract on chronology taken from a work entitled `Umdat al-Tullab. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (17a), Above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. (17b) ff. 94r-95v. Some abstracts on chronology, one of them by Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690). At the end the following Malay note: Hijrat nabi (s) sekarang seribu dua ratus tiga (changed into empat) belas tahun yaitu pada masa Tuanku di Mensiang menjelang tempat di Ulakan.’ Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7022 (17b), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 434. (18) Fragment of an anonymous Arba`un Hadithan collection, from Indonesia. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936 (Ar. 2782) Or. 7060 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 245 ff., Indonesian naskh script, dated 1236, 1238 (colophons on ff. 138r, 139r, 145v), full-leather Islamic binding with flap, blind tooled ornamentation in the Indonesian style. (1) ff. 1v-5r. Unidentified Javanese treatise. Not in Pigeaud II, p. 422. Preceded (f. 1r) by scribbling and notes. (2) ff. 5v-108r. An Arabic Mukhtasar of Shu`ab al-Iman, originally a Persian work translated from Arabic, perhaps from al-Gami` al-Musannaf by Ahmad b. al-Husayn al-Bayhaqi (d. 458/1066). According to GAL G I, 363 and the supplement was translated into Persian by Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Igi, who is mentioned as the author in the Malay version (see Ph.S. van Ronkel, Cat. Mal. Hss. Batavia, No. 625; see also Van den Berg, in TBG 31, p. 550). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 344. (2a) ff. 108v-109r. Words in Arabic, explanation in Javanese. (3) ff. 109v-123r. Targhib al-A`mal fi Bayan Kayfiyyat al-Salat. Anonymous mystical treatise. All manuscripts in Leiden come from Indonesia, and so does MS Berlin, Schöm. XI, 1, Ahlwardt

3550. The beginning is similar to that of `Arsh al-Muwahhidin. With some notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369. (4) ff. 123v-124v. Quotations on the subject of Niyya, from Kitab al-Mafatih, which is not Kitab Mafatih al-Ghayb by Ibn al-`Arabi but Kitab Mafatih al-Ghayb by Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (d. 606/1209), GAL G I, 507. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 175. (4a) ff. 125r-127r. Words in Arabic, with explanations in Javanese. Also blank pages. (5) ff. 127v-138r. al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah alBurhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 380. Dated Monday 5 Gumada II 1236 (1820-1821, colophon on f. 138r, where the owner is mentioned, or the copyist, as Muhammad b. `Ashiq Sincur b. Apal). (6) ff. 138v-139r. Short explanation of the meaning of the best of Dhikr, La Ilaha illa Allah. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 466. Dated Tuesday 6 Gumada II 1236 (1821, colophon on f. 139r, where the owner is mentioned, or the copyist, as Muhammad `Ashiq b. Apal Sincur). (7) ff. 139v-141r. Nur al-Daqa’iq, a Sufi treatise by Shams al-Din al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 25 and the edition by A. Johns, in JRAS 1953, pp. 147 and ff. The present manuscript is MS D of van Nieuwenhuijze. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 256-257. On f. 141r is colophon, where the owner is mentioned, or the copyist, as Muhammad `Ashiq b. Hafiz Bilal Sincur). (7a) Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 109, gives as MS Leiden Or. 7060 (7a): Fragments only of Kitab alHaraka, a work which is now lost, by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Leiden 1945. However, such fragments were not found between Nos. 7 and 8 in the volume, but they could be embedded in the text. (8) ff. 141v-143r: Bayan al-Ruh. Anonymous, Arabic, this copy without Javanese interlinear translation. Beginning: wa-in su’ilta kayfa Sifat al-Ruh… See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 47. (9) f. 143v. The beginning only of Inzal al-Ruh. A short treatise about the origin of Ruh by an author who in some copies is called `Abd al-Da`if, but in other copies more correctly `Abduhu al-Da`if or `Abd Allah al-Da`if. MS London, IOL, No. 2446, ff. 201v-205r, contains a Javanese translation of the text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131. (10) ff. 144r-145b. Nur al-Quds. Anonymous exposition of mystical concepts. Partly the same text as the treatise mentioned by Voorhoeve under Kitab al-Ruh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 257. Dated Tuesday 6 Gumada II 1238 (1823, colophon on f. 145b, were the owner is mentioned: Muhammad `Ashiq b. Hafiz Sincur). (10a) f. 146a. Quotation or note on Haqiqat al-Mawt. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. (11) ff. 146r-148r. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah, given to Shaykh Salih b. Ahmad, without year. Concerning these admonitions, said to have been given by the Prophet in a dream to a person called Hamza, Salih or `Abdallah in Mecca or Medina, see C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, I, pp. 125 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400.

(12) ff. 148b-179r. Ma`din al-Ma`lum wa-Muzil al-Humum. Anonymous, probably an abridgment of `Aga’ib al-Malakut by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Malik (or `Abdallah) al-Kisa’i (5/11th cent.), GAL G I, 350. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 3, 174. On f. 179r the owner, copyist, mentions himself: Muhammad `Ashiq. Ff. 179v-180r blank. (13) ff. 180v-185v. The beginning only of Daqa’iq a al-Haqa’iq. Anonymous tract on the creation, death and eschatology. The same text as MS Calcutta, Catalogue Ivanow-Hidayat Husain, No. 814. According to Brockelmann, GAL S I, 923, a copy in the Asafiyya Library in Hyderabad mentions Fakhr al-Din al-Razi as the author, and the same attribution is found in a printed text with Urdu translation (Calcutta, n.d., but after 1847 [845 D 1], and probably a reprint of the edition Calcutta 1846, mentioned by J.F. Blumhardt, Catalogue of Hindustani books IOL, p. 257). Nur al-Din al-Raniri (d. 1658) mentions this work together with al-Durra al-Fakhira as written by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423 (see P. Voorhoeve, ‘Three old Achehnese Manuscripts’, in BSOAS 14 (1952), pp. 335-345, esp. p. 342. It is identical with Ahwal al-Qiyama, edited by M. Wolff (Muhammedanische Eschatologie. Nach der Leipziger und der Dresdner Handschrift zum ersten Male arabisch und deutsch mit Anmerkungen hrsg. von M. Wolff. Leipzig 1872 [844 D 22]). Concerning the titles under which it is known and the various authors to which it is ascribed, see GAL S I, 346 (but the statement that al-Taftazani is quoted in it is erroneous), and G. Levi della Vida, Elenco … Vat., No. 242. Voorhoeve did not find any manuscript in the catalogues which was older than 866 AH (Berlin, Ahlwardt 2780). In the IOL manuscript and in the Calcutta edition, the part found in Wolff’s edition, p. 73, line 5 – p. 104, line 4, is missing. In the two Leiden copies from Java of the full text (MS Leiden Or. 5690 (11), above, and MS Leiden Or. 7164 (6), below), the lacuna at the same place is even larger. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 57. Ff. 186a-236a. Blank. (14) f. 236b. A list with names and dates. The dates range between 1241 (1825-1826) and 1282 AH (1865-1866). Ff. 237a-238a. blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (15) f. 238b. Quotations from Kitab Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din by Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. Ff. 239a-b blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (16) ff. 239a-241b. Names and dates, notes on genealogy. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (17) ff. 242a-245a. Notes in Arabic and Javanese. Paper severely damaged with considerable loss of text. Also a few lines in Javanese script. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Pigeaud II, p. 422. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2849] Or. 7061 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with Javanese, oldish Javanese paper (dluang), 147 ff. (1) ff. 1v-70r. An Arabic Mukhtasar of Shu`ab al-Iman, originally a Persian work translated from Arabic, perhaps from al-Gami` al-Musannaf by Ahmad b. al-Husayn al-Bayhaqi (d. 458/1066). According to GAL G I, 363 and the supplement was translated into Persian by Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Igi, who is mentioned as the author in the Malay version (see Ph.S.

van Ronkel, Cat. Mal. Hss. Batavia, No. 625; see also Van den Berg, in TBG 31, p. 550). With Javanese glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 344. (2) ff. 70v-84r. al-Mufid. An anonymous commentary on Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Erroneously identified by Brockelmann as the commentary by al-Tilimsani. With Arabic and Javanese glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 387-388, where the incipit, and also references to other manuscripts of this text in Jakarta and London are given. (2a) f. 84v. Prayer. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 84v-85v. First part (3 pages only) of a dogmatical treatise, beginning: (basmala) alHamdu Lillah Rabb al-`Alamin wal-Salat wal-Salam `ala Muhammad wa-Alihi wa-Ashabihi alTahirin wal-ba`du (sic) fa`lam arshadaka Allah ta`ala fil-Darayn anna Awwal al-Wagiba `ala al`Abd al-Mukallaf fil-Shar` an ya`rifa ma yagibu fi Haqq Mawlana galla wa-`azza (this beginning is similar to that of Bayan al-Tasdiq). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 452. (3a) f. 86r. Arabic words, with explanations in Javanese, especially on the names Ahmad, Gibra’il, Ibrahim, Yusuf and `Azra’il. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4) ff. 86v-103v. Incomplete copy (end missing) of Inna Awla, anonymous commentary on Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. With Javanese interlinear glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30. (4a) ff. 104a-b. The last two pages only of a religious text. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4b) ff. 105a-b. The last part only of a treatise in Javanese. (5) ff. 105v-106v. Kitab al-Ruh, which is the title given in the colophon to a short anonymous treatise on Ruh al-Quds, with some Javanese glosses. Partly the same text as the treatises entitled Nur al-Quds. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 320. On f. 106v followed by a quotation from al-Shaykh al-Mansur al-`Iraq on the location of the Ruh. (5a) f. 107r. The Abgad alphabet with indication of the numerical values in figures and in Javanese words. (6) ff. 107v-108v. Nur al-Daqa’iq, a Sufi treatise by Shams al-Din al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 25 and the edition by A. Johns, in JRAS 1953, pp. 147 and ff. The present manuscript is MS E of van Nieuwenhuijze. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 256-257. In it, the Kitab al-Haraka, a work which is now lost, by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Leiden 1945, is quoted. See also Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 108-109. However, such fragments were not found in the present volume, but they could be embedded in the text. (7) ff. 108v-112v. Gud al-Mannan fi Dhikr Shay’ min Istilahat Ahl al-`Irfan. Anonymous mystical tract (Mukhtasar fi Qa`ida min Qawa`id `Ilm al-Sufiyya) in 3 fusul: 1. Fi Dhikr al-Ghayb walShahada; 2. Fi Dhikr al-Itlaq wal-Taqyid; 3. Fi Dhikr al-`Ishq wal-`Ashiq wal-Ma`shuq. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 102. (8) ff. 113v-117r. Treatise on Dhikr, Ashghal Shattariyya and Fana’. Written by a pupil of Ahmad al-Qushashi (d. 1071/1660), GAL G II, 392, as Daw’ al-Hala and al-Simt al-Magid are cited with:

Qala Shaykhuna, perhaps Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 467. (9) ff. 117v-120v. Treatise beginning, after the Basmala: al-Hamdu lillah Rabb al-`Alamin walSalat wal-Salam `ala Rasulihi Muhammad (sm) wa-Ashabihi al-Tahirin wa-al-Al Kull wa-Sa’ir alSalihin. Wa-ba`du fa`lam as`adakum Allah fil-Darayn anna al-Umur al-Mashru`a `inda Ahl alSunna wal-Gama`a Thalath Maratib `Ibada wa-`Ubudiyya wa-`Ubuda. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 464. With notes in Javanese. (10) ff. 121r-124r. Unidentified treatise in Javanese. Hikmat … Not in Pigeaud II. (10a) ff. 124r-125r. Mystical drawings with explanation in Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (10b) ff. 125v-126r. Unidentified treatise in Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (11) ff. 126v-127r. Quotations on the subject of Nafy and Ithbat, from Kitab al-Mafatih, which is not Kitab Mafatih al-Ghayb by Ibn al-`Arabi but Kitab Mafatih al-Ghayb by Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (d. 606/1209), GAL G I, 507. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 175. (11a). ff. 127v-128r. al-Ma`lum. Notes on the meaning of the term Ahl al-Suluk, possibly taken from the Kitab al-Ma`lumat, also called al-Ma`lum, al-Sutur, Fath al-Ghuyub and Miftah alGhuyub, an anonymous mystical treatise. (12) f. 128v. `Azimat, amulet text, in Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (13) ff. 129r-v. Du`a’, prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (13a) f. 130r. Du`a’, prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (14) ff. 130v-134r. Mystical diagrams. Arabic mystical terms, with extensive explanations in Javanese. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14a) ff. 135v-. Notes of various contents, on Higab (f. 134v), on reciting prayer (f. 134v), on Zina’ (f. 135r), etc. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14b) f. 136r. Prayer, and various remarks. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14c) f. 136v. Notes in Javanese. (14d) f. 137r. Arabic terms with explanation in Javanese. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14e) ff. 137v-138r. Two prayers in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14f) ff. 138v-139r. Unidentified tract in Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (14g) ff. 139v-144r. Notes, shorter treatises, etc., all unidentified. In Javanese and Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14h) f. 144v. The beginning only of an explanation in Javanese of Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1). (15) ff. 145r-147v. The beginning only of a section on `Ilm al-Maf`uliyya, from some grammatical work. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 415. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [ *Ar. 2850] Or. 7062 Arabic, European languages, loose slips of paper.

Cards of an index of persons or authors, made by an Orientalist, possibly M.J. de Goeje (18361909). Arranged in alphabetical order, and seeming complete, from alif till ya’. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: possibly C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. Provenance: not recorded. [* Ar. 2863] Or. 7063 Arabic, slips of paper. Collection of 1497 proverbs and proverbial sayings, in the Egyptian vernacular, collected by C. Snouck Hurgonje (1857-1936), on slips, arranged alphabetically. The Nos. 19, 745, 839, 1452, 1458, 1473, 1475 and 1498 and following are missing. Snouck Hurgronje’s informant for this collection was the Egyptian scholar `Abd al-Rahim Ahmad, teacher and later (between 1911 and 1916) director of the Cairene Dar al-`Ulum. The cards of Snouck Hurgronje are based on a number of exercise books with proverbs which were collected by `Abd al-Rahim Ahmad and some of his colleagues of the Dar al-`Ulum. Among the latter was also Mahmud `Umar alBaguri. In 1311/1893 he published the collection under his own name with the title Kitab Amthal al-Mutakallimin min `Awamm al-Misriyyin (Cairo, al-Matba`a al-Sharqiyya. See now also A. Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings. The sources of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), pp. 103-117. MS Leiden Or. 7120, below, contains notes in Dutch by Snouck Hurgronje on these proverbs and sayings. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 13. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2960) Or. 7064 Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang). Qur’an, part of the text. From Java. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2894) Or. 7065 Arabic, paper, 35 ff., dated 1306 AH (1888-1889). Dhikr. Copy of the dikir (Javanese for dhikr), etc., called Turunan or Bantenan, formerly used i.a. in the residency of Semarang. Specimen of Arabic idiom: ghayr fasl = another fasl. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 60. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 3000)

Or. 7066 Arabic, paper, Arabic script. Nahgat al-Salikin wa-Bahgat al-Muslikin, a work on the Khalidiyya tariqa by Sulayman Zuhdi al-Khalidi (lived 1288-1289 AH), GAL S II, 1011. See on the author also C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, in the index s.v. Sulaiman Efendi. The present manuscript was copied from the lithographed version in Magmu’at al-Rasa’il ‘ala Usul al-Khalidiyya al-Diya’iyya alMagdiyya al-Naqshbandiyya, possibly published in Istanbul, in 1298 (1880-1881), which contains several treatises by this author. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 247. Snouck Hurgronje’s own copy of the lithograph is 899 B 39. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2893) Or. 7067 Arabic, paper, 12 ff., copied from a lithograph printed edition dated 1300 AH. A Tariqa manual by Khalil b. Yahya al-Daghistani, i.e. Khalil Pasha. See about this author, C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, index, s.v. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 466. The lithograph edition is entitled Isti`mal al-Muridin wa-Iqaz al-Talibin, by Khalil b. Yahya alDaghistani. Cairo 1300/[1883]. Snouck Hurgronje’s own copy of the lithograph is 893 D 53. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2892) Or. 7068 Arabic, paper, 6 ff., Targamat al-Shaykh `Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha`rani. See on `Abd al-Wahhab b. Ahmad al-Sha`rani (d. 973/1565): GAL G II, 336. Anonymous treatise, written during the lifetime of his great-greatgrandson Muslih al-Din al-Sha`rani. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2891) Or. 7069 Arabic, paper, ff. Lists of books on Hadith and other subjects, in the Mahmudiyya Library and the `Arif Hikmat Library, both in Medina, compiled by Tag al-Din, one of Snouck Hurgronje’s informants. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 413-414. See now also J.J. Witkam, ‘Lists of books in Arabic manuscripts’, in MME 5 (1990-1991), pp. 121-136, esp. § 6 ‘Lists from Medina’, on pp. 130-133. Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje in the course of May 1911. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2992)

Or. 7070 Arabic, paper, 12 ff., 19th cent. Incomplete copy from Indonesia of al-Nahga al-Mardiyya, commentary by Galal al-Din alSuyuti (d. 911/1505), covering the text as in the edition Beirut 1872, pp. 16-32, on al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2890) Or. 7071 a Arabic, paper, pp. 1-21, 19th cent. Incomplete copy from Indonesia of al-Nahga al-Mardiyya, commentary by Galal al-Din alSuyuti (d. 911/1505), covering the text as in the edition Beirut 1872, pp. 2-16, on al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2889) Or. 7071 b Arabic, paper, pp. 273-334, 19th cent. Incomplete copy from Indonesia of al-Nahga al-Mardiyya, commentary by Galal al-Din alSuyuti (d. 911/1505), covering the text as in the edition Beirut 1872, pp. 22-75, on al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2889) Or. 7072 Arabic, paper, 16 ff., 18th or 19th cent. A fragment only of an anonymous commentary on Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball al-Sada, by Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360), GAL G II, 23. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 272, where reference is given to a manuscript in Jakarta. Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2888) Or. 7073 Arabic, paper, 10 ff., from Aceh. Fragment of a commentary on a work on Fiqh. Headings: Fasl al-Wikala, Kitab al-Iqrar. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447.

Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2886) Or. 7074 Arabic, paper, 12 ff., dated 1237 AH (1821-1822). The second half only of a short treatise. The title is not mentioned. It may have been Khamsun `Aqida (GAL S II, 153). These fifty `Aqida’s are: the twenty attributes of God; their opposites; that which is impossible in God; four attributes of the messengers of God; their opposites; the possibility of human accidents in God’s messengers. Sa`d al-Din al-Taftazani (d. 791/1389), GAL G II, 215, is cited and the author polemizes against al-Sanusi (Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Cat. Mal. Hss. Batavia, p. 416, mentions a Malay work, written in Aceh during the reign of Mahmud Shah (1760-1781), which also contains fifty `Aqida’s. Its title is Kifayat al-Mabadi’ `ala `Aqidat al-Mubtadi’. This might be a commentary on the present text, which would then be ientified as `Aqidat al-Mubtadi’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 451. Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2887) Or. 7075 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Malay, paper, 1 + 17 + 2 pp., naskh script, copied by Tk. Mohamad Noerdin, half-cloth binding, pasted boards, label on spine: ‘Gedicht v.d. student’. See on the copyist P. Voorhoeve (with T. Iskandar and M. Durie), Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and other collections outside Aceh. Leiden 1994, pp. 360 (with portrait). (1) pp. 1-7. Urguza on the duties of a student, with interlinear translation in Malay. Copied by Tk. Mohamad Noerdin from MS Jakarta, KBG Mal. 341, pp. 208-211. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Cat. Mal. Hss. Batavia, No. 643. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. Apparently a sort of Adab alMuta`allim. (2) pp. 9-17. Urguza, containing an `Aqida. In the text itself the poem is called a Qasida (to rhyme with `Aqida). With Malay interlinear translation. Copied by Tk. Mohamad Noerdin from MS Jakarta, KBG Mal. 341, pp. 212-216. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Cat. Mal. Hss. Batavia, No. 643. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 452. See also Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 373-374 (No. 814). Earlier provenance: On the final leaf, C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) has written: ‘Copie uit een handschrift, medegebracht uit het Gajoland door G.C.E. van Daalen’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2885]

Or. 7076 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 36 ff., naskh script, several hands, originally in a paper cover, now also in a modern cardboard binding. Label on original cover, reading: ‘No. VI. Amiel. No. VII Djoeroemiah’. (1a) ff. 1a-3a, 10b-12a, 35b-36a. Notes in several hands, mainly on grammatical subjects. On f. 2b the beginning lines only of Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman alGurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. On f. 12a the beginning lines only of al-Muqaddima alAgurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. (1) ff. 3b-10a. Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. With notes or translations in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30. (2) ff. 12b-34a. al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. With notes or translations both in Arabic and in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. Dated on a Tuesday, in the early morning. (3) ff. 34b, 36b. Du`a’, prayers, in Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) has added on the label of the original cover: ‘Lebak van patih door mr Be. Zie nota’. The Ambtelijke adviezen s.v. Lebak do not refer to this. With ‘Be’ is possibly meant ‘Bergsma’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2884] Or. 7077 Malay, paper, 38 ff., preceded and followed by unnumbered blanks, cashbook, Arabic script, Indonesian naskh, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Undang-undang Negeri (title on f. 38a). A work on law, divided into 41 fasal. According to Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 374 (No. 815), an alternative title is Undang-undang Melaka. See Liaw Yock Fang, Undang-Undang Melaka. A critical edition. The Hague 1976, p. 19 of the introduction, and the edition. Fasal 41 in the manuscript corresponds to fasal 44 in the edition. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 3093] Or. 7078 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 18 ff., naskh script, 19th cent. (?), half-cloth modern binding, pasted boards. On ff. 2a-17b is an incomplete copy from Indonesia of al-Nahga al-Mardiyya, the commentary by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), covering the text as in the edition Beirut 1872, pp. 196219 (not verified, JJW), on al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11. The commentary by al-Suyuti is usually known as al-Bahga al-Murdiyya [modern editie: 8301 A 21].

Extensive marginal glossing throughout, with numerous quotations from al-Durra al-Mudi’a, the commentary by the author’s son Abu `Abdallah Muhammad Badr al-Din (d. 686/1287), GAL G I, 300 (Qala Ibn al-Nazim …). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2841) Or. 7079 This manuscript, with texts of logical contents, proved to be the second half of MS Leiden Or. 5696, above, and was added to that number (note by P. Voorhoeve, ‘Journaal’, p. 141). At present, there is no manuscript recorded as MS Leiden Or. 7079. (formerly Ar. 2842) Or. 7080 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), damaged, 1 + 39 ff., irregular and inexpert writing, Arabic script, and incidentally Javanese script as well, some crude drawings (ff. 3a, 22b, 26a), covers of dluang. (1a) ff. 1a-3a. Notes in Javanese. Drawing of two figures in wayang style on f. 3a. (1) ff. 3b-25b. Bayan ma la Budda minhu min al-Furud al-Wagiba `ala Madhhab al-Imam alShafi`i, with interlinear translation in Javanese = al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (or Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Last lines missing (as compared with MS Leiden Or. 5467 (2), above). On f. 26a Javanese script and drawings of figures in wayang style. (2) ff. 26b-37a. Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). With some interlinear notes in Javanese. And marginal notes in Javanese script. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. Apparently incomplete at the end, as compared with MS Leiden Or. 5467 (1), above. (3) ff. 37b-39a. Incomplete copy of Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is the title given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith. With Javanese interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2840] Or. 7081 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese and Malay, paper, 152 pp., Indonesian naskh script, in several hands, dated 12 Safar 1266 (1849, colophon on p. 66), also dated Sunday 15

Safar 1266 (1849, colophon on p. 76), also dated Thursday 19 Safar 1266 (1849, colophon, partly in Malay, on p. 90), also dated 24 Rabi` I 1269 (1853), copied by Hagg Hasan al-Din in Bandung (colophon on p. 151), half-cloth binding, pasted boards, label on spine: ‘Primbon Arab. en Jav. Tjitja Lengka’. Extensive table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje on two fly-leaves in front, which is the main source for the following description. (1) pp. 2-8. Notes and quotations about marriage. Arabic with Javanese interlinear translation. Pp. 1, 9 are blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (2) pp. 10-13. Kitab Anwar (title on p. 13, sie also p. 150). On the months in which is marriage is concluded. Arabic with Javanese interlinear translation. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (3) pp. 14-19. Risala `an Ta’wil al-Ru’ya, on the authority of Muhammad b. Gawazim. A list of the meaning of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, when seen in a dream. Arabic with Javanese interlinear translation. The author of a similar work (MS Leiden Or. 7198, f. 1b) is called Muhammad b. Khawazin. At the end the title Kitab Mukhtasar Samil is given (p. 19). AlMukhtasar al-Shamil, is perhaps the compendium by Isma`il b. Muhammad b. Maymun alHadrami (d. 776/1374), of al-Shamil fil-Furu` by Abu Nasr `Abd al-Sayyid b. Muhammad Ibn alSabbagh (d. 477/1083), GAL G I, 388. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, but al-Mukhtasar al-Shamil is mentioned by Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 327-328. Not in Pigeaud II. (3a) pp. 19-31. Tafsir Impen, dream interpretation of Shaykh Ahmad Madina. With instruction how to handle auspicious dreams. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (4) pp. 32-34. Doa tahlil, with Hadith of Shaykh `Abdallah b. `Abd al-Rahman from Baghdad. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (5) pp. 34-36. Du`a’, prayer, in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. On pp. 36-37 several later owners’ notes, the oldest dated Rabi` I 1270 (1853-1854). (6) pp. 38-61. Wasilat al-Tullab li-Ma`rifat al-Layl wal-Nahar bi-Tariq al-Hisab, by Yahya b. Muhammad al-Ru`ayni al-Hattab al-Maliki (d. 995/1587), GAL G II, 393. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 399. ¶ With a Gadwal on p. 61, first containing the length and width of localities in the Middle East, then followed by place names more to the East: Bengal, Saylan, Madras, Kalikut, Makawi (?), Saras (?), Palembang, Pontianak, Lingga, Riau, Johore, Jambi, Bima and Bali. Added are, in another column: Malaka, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Pontianak, Banjar, Pasir, Lampong, Sanambar (?), Betawi, Aceh, Cianjur, Bogor, Bandung, Sumedang, Ceribon, Semarang, Sarabia (?), Sumenep, Wanias (?), Krawang, Purakarta, Kaduta (?), Panamtukan (?). (7) pp. 61-66. Risala fil-`Amal bil-Rub` al-Mugayyab, sometimes found under the title al-Risala al-Fathiyya fil-A`mal al-Gaybiyya, in some manuscripts ascribed to `Abdallah b. Khalil alMaridini (d. 809/1406), GAL G II, 169, in other manuscripts ascribed to Badr al-Din Muhammad b. Muhammad Sibt al-Maridini (d. after 891/1486), GAL G II, 167. Dated 12 Safar 1266 (1849, p. 66). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 292.

(8) pp. 66-76. Risala fi `Ilm al-Miqat, by Yahya b. Muhammad al-Ru`ayni al-Hattab (d. 995/1587), GAL G II, 393. Dated Sunday 15 Safar 1266 (1849, p. 76). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 297. (9) pp. 77-78. Bab al-Shin. Quotations from a dictionary, on Shams, Qamar, etc. Some explanation in Malay (p. 78, bottom). Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (10) pp. 79-90. Astronomical Gadawil (pp. 79-81), followed by Sifat al-`Amal bi-hadha alGadwal al-Mubarak, on how to use the Gadwal. Dated Thursday 19 Safar 1266 (1850, colophon, partly in Malay, on p. 90). Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). P. 91 blank. (11) p. 92. Firman Allah Ta`ala Ayyam Nahasat. In Malay. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (12) p. 93. Gadwal, with moveable strips, for a concordance between the Higra of the Prophet Muhammad and the Higra of the Prophet `Isa. In Malay. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (13) p. 94. Note by Muhammad Salih, dated 26 Rabi` I 1247 (1831). Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (14) pp. 95-96. Prayers against Badak and Macan. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (15) pp. 96-100. Lungguhing dunya. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (16) pp. 100-110. Nahas tahun, and the consequences, when disobeyed. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (17) pp. 111-118. Tapsiring lindu, with indications, following the month of the Muslim lunar calendar. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (18) pp. 118-133. Another Tapsiring lindu, ascribed to Kiahi Nurashid of the pesantren in Trogong, Timbanganten. In Javanese. Not in Pigeaud II. (19) pp. 133-150. Ritual prayer (Salat), text of Niyya, text of Khutba. Here also referred to as Kitab Anwar (p. 150, see also p. 13). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (20) p. 151. Notes, one dated 24 Rabi` I 1269 (1853), copied by Hagg Hasan al-Din in Bandung. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: Acquired by or on behalf of Snouck Hurgronje, Tjitjalengka, September 99 (p. 152). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2808] Or. 7082 Arabic, Javanese, paper, ff. Notes in Javanese on the pages preceding the main text. Ff. 3v-36v. Fragment of Tafsir al-Galalayn, by Galal al-Din al-Mahalli (d. 864/1460), GAL G II, 114, and continuated by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 145. The exegesis covers sura 2:1 - 3:67. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 353. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2793)

Or. 7083 Arabic, paper, 238 pp., ‘modern’. Tahrir al-`Asir. Anonymous Indonesian collection of notes and abstracts on Fiqh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 358. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2796) Or. 7084 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 19 ff., naskh script, copied by C. Snouck Hurgronje (possibly in the early 1880’s), half-cloth binding, pasted boards. (1) ff. 1a-4a. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Copied from an original dated 11 Rabi` II 1277 (or 1266?) AH (1860 or 1850?). Ff. 4b-6a blank. (2) ff. 6b-8a. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. Ff. 9a-11b blank. See Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 252, note 36. (3) ff. 12a-b. The end only of Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). The present fragment is the part of the text that is lacking in Juynboll’s first edition (BKI 4, V, p. 227). It was copied, apparently in 1881, by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) from a manuscript in the possession of G.J. Grashuis (note on f. 12a). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. Ff. 13a-b blank. See Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 273, note 21. (4) ff. 14a-18b. Umm al-Barahin, known in Java as al-Durra, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Copied by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), probably from a manuscript from Java. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. Ff. 19a-b blank. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2795] Or. 7085 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 112 pp. (1) pp. 1-106. Al-Mukhtasar al-Shamil, perhaps the compendium by Isma`il b. Muhammad b. Maymun al-Hadrami (d. 776/1374), of al-Shamil fil-Furu` by Abu Nasr `Abd al-Sayyid b. Muhammad Ibn al-Sabbagh (d. 477/1083), GAL G I, 388. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 327-328. (2) pp. 110-112. Risala tata`allaqu bil-Tagwid. See also Batavia, Suppl., Nos. 40-44. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 312-313. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2794)

Or. 7086 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, European laid paper (watermark: crowned Concordia), [1] + 119 ff., 32.8 x 20.5 cm (trimmed with partial loss of catchwords), naskh script in one hand, 9 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, texts set within a single frame (red), not dated but of before 1885 (date antequem, because of earlier provenance), catchwords at the bottom of every verso page, smaller hanging script for the Javanese interlinear translation and other notes, full-leather Oriental binding, blind-tooled ornamentation (borders, corner pieces, centre piece, all stamped in a dense and intensive way, as is the Indonesian custom), dluang used to connect the text block to the binding. (1) ff. 1b-29a. Bahgat al-`Ulum fi Sharh fi Bayan ‘Aqidat al-‘Ulum, anonymous commentary on Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, the catechism by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. Author on f. 4a.This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. See also Van Ronkel, Suppl. Cat. Batavia No. 168. (2) ff. 29b-75b. Explanatory notes (Ta`liq) by al-Ramli (d. 957/1550) on Muqaddimat al-Sittin Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL G II, 95, GAL S II, 112 (title and author on f. 29b). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. See also Berlin No. 3579, van Ronkel, Batavia No. 470, Br. Mus. 871 III, India Office 470, II. MS Berlin 1821 has as author’s name Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Qahiri al-Shafi’i Shihab al-Din Abu al-‘Abbas al-Zahidi. F. 76a. Blank. (3) ff. 76b-119a. al-Miftah fi Sharh Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman (title on f. 119a), anonymous commentary on Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman, which is an anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 195-196, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta and Paris, BnF, mal.pol. 35 (which latter manuscript has an author: Ahmad b. Shaykh al-Islam). See also Berlin Ahlwardt No. 1892, Van Ronkel, Batavia, No. 187.F. 119b. Blank. Earlier provenance: On the fly-leaf in front in Snouck Hurgronje’s hand: ‘Ontv. van Mr. de Vicq. Augs ’85’. Mr. J.A. de Vicq (1857-1899) was in Augustus 1885 Dutch consul in Jeddah. At the time, Snouck Hurgronje had just returned from Mecca, and would soon travel back to Europe. The volume was evidently made in Indonesia. The Javanese components of the volume are not described in Pigeaud, vol. 2, p. 422. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2797] Or. 7087 Arabic, paper.

Explanatory notes (Ta`liq) by al-Ramli (d. 957/1550) on al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2881) Or. 7088 Arabic, Malay, paper, 23 pp., Arabic script. Fatwa sollicited by Syaikh Ahmad Khatib of Mentok. The text contains a question put to the Mufti of Mecca by Syaikh Ahmad Khatib of Mentok asking whether it is lawful to sell chicken to the Chinese, and the answer. Also other Fatawa by Indonesian ulama. Main text in Arabic, with Malay interlinear translation. The introduction, observations and conclusions in Malay only. Copied from a printed work, possibly by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin, published by Haji Muhammad Amin, Singapore 1323 AH. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 374 (No. 816). The text contains a question put to the Mufti of Mecca by Syaikh Ahmad Khatib of Mentok asking whether it is lawful to sell chickens to the Chinese and the answer, besides other fatwa by ulama in Indonesia; Arabic text with Malay interlinear translation; the introduction, observations, and conclusion in Malay. Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1906 from G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2880) Or. 7089 Arabic, paper, 25 pp. Min al-Mihna wal-Musiba Ta`addud al-Gum`a bil-Ghasiba, a Fatwa dictated by `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil b. Yahya al-`Alawi (Sajjid Oethman, d. 1332/1914), to Muhammad `Aqib b. `Abd al-Hamid in 1311 AH. The Fatwa treats the question of the building of a new Fridaymosque at Palembang, Sumatra. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften II, pp. 247 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2879) Or. 7090 Arabic, Javanese, paper. Du`a’. Prayer. With interlinear Javanese text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2878) Or. 7091 Arabic, paper, 64 pp., dated December 1902.

Mas’alat al-Qibla fil-Batawi, by Muhammad Arshad al-Bangari, in 1186 AH (1772-1773). On this author, see G.F. Pijper, Fragmenta Islamica, pp. 64 ff. In the same year, according to a note on the last page, the Mihrab of Masdjid Kampung Sawah was altered. A copy from the original made in December 1902. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 200. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2877) Or. 7092 Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang). Qur’an, part of the text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2799) Or. 7093 Arabic, paper, 35 ff., early 19th cent.?, possibly from South Sulawesi. Mawlid (or Mawlud) Sharaf al-Anam. Anonymous, but sometimes (however, not in the Leiden manuscripts) ascribed to al-Bukhari, cf. GAL S II, 1000, No. 42. A complete copy of the text, with some litanies and prayers at the end (the same as in MS Leiden Or. 4825b, above). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 207-208. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2798) Or. 7093 a Arabic, paper, 6 ff., 19th century. A rhymed prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. (Mal. 2798) Or. 7093 b Arabic, paper, 6 ff., 19th century. A formula of Dhikr for a mystical order. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. (Mal. 2798) Or. 7094 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 142 ff., naskh script in several hands, 12/18th cent., full-leather Islamic binding, with blind tooled ornamentation, apparently a manuscript from Yemen. The boards of the binding have been opened and contain several fragments from manuscripts and documents. Only the few main texts in the volume (Nos. 2 and 4) have been mentioned by Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 376, 340, 327. Apparently several quires of different ages and origins were bound together in the present volume. (1) ff. 1a-25a. Notes en quotations, in poetry and prose:

- ff. 1a-2b. Poetical fragments. First the latter part of a long Qasida Ra’iyya (ff. 1a-2a), then a few shorter pieces, all without mention of author. - ff. 3a-4b. Qasida by Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. al-Qurashi al-Mani al-Baha’I al-`Arshi (?), composed for al-Amir al-Mahdi Muhammad b. al-`Atbi (?), the ruler of Haran, in Sha`ban (without year). Followed by another poetical fragment. - f. 5a. Quotations. - f. 5b. Mukhtasar fi Ta`bir al-Ru’ya. A list with letters of the Arabic alphabet, with their meaning, when one sees these in one’s dream. Followed by a few lines of poetry in praise of the Prophet Muhammad. - ff. 6a-b. Prayer texts. Du`a’. - ff. 7a-b. Several shorter prose text, the last one incomplete (abrupt end). One text entitled Hikma (f. 7a). - f. 8a. Dhikr, to be read 17 times after Salat al-`Asr, on Friday. Followed by a cure against headache. - ff. 8b-10b. Fragments and quotations in prose. At a end a drawing with magical signs. - ff. 11a-b. Poetical fragments. - f. 12a. Marthiyya for Amir al-Mu’minin … al-Mahdi li-Din Allah al-… al-Hasan b. Amir alMu’minin. - f. 12b. Fragments in prose and poetry, beginning with the heading Mukataba. - ff. 13a-b. Qasida Ba’iyya. - ff. 13b-14a. Poetical fragments. An author is mentioned: al-Qadi Abu al-Hasan `Ali b. `Abd al`Aziz (f. 13b). - ff. 14b-15b. Poetry, in non-classical prosody (each line consisting of three parts). - f. 15b. Abyat by Sayyid Diya’ al-Din b. Badr Muhammad b. al-Hasan, in answer to alSayyid Ahmad b. `Abd al-Rahman. - ff. 16a-17a. Poetry by Ibn al-Wardi (Abu Hafs `Umar Ibn al-Wardi Sirag al-Din (c. 850/1446), GAL G II, 131). Dated Rabi` II 1095 (f. 17a). - ff. 17a-b. Several pieces of poetry. - ff. 18a-b. Qasida Lamiyya by al-Qadi Muhammad b. Bahran al-… al-Sa`di. - f. 18b. Qasida Lamiyya by Sharaf al-Din Isma`il al-Ma`arri al-Rasidi (?). - f. 19a. Notes and quotations, in prose. - f. 19b. Qasida fi Talab al-`Ilm, by al-Faqih Ibrahim al-R… (?). - f. 20a. Quotations in prose and poetry from work by Qadi al-Qudat Shams al-Din Ibn Khallikan (Ahmad b. Muhammad Ibn Khallikan (d. 681/1282), GAL G I, 327). And a Fa’ida. - ff. 20b-22b. Quotations, mostly in prose. - f. 23a. Abyat in praise of the Prophet Muhammad. Lower part of the page cut off. F. 23b is blank. - ff. 24a-b. Slip, pasted into the volume, with Fawa’id. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(2) ff. 25a-46a. Complete copy of Sirat al-Haymi `inda Dawlat al-Habasha, by al-Hasan b. Ahmad al-Haymi (d. 1071/1660), GAL G II, 402. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 340. The edition in facsimile, with translation and annotation, by E.J. van Donzel, A Yemenite embassy to Ethiopia 1647-1649. Al-Haymi’s Sirat al-Habasha. Stuttgart 1986, was made on the basis of the other Leiden MS Or. 2600, above, whereas the present manuscript supplied van Donzel with the beginning of the text, which is lacking in MS Leiden Or. 2600. See now also Jan Just Witkam, Teuku Panglima Polem’s Purse. Manuscripts as War Booty in Colonial Times’, in Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 10 (2019), pp. 84–104, p. 96, note 29. (3) ff. 46b-47a. Notes on calendrical matters. Fasl fi Ma`rifat al-Manazil wa-Hulul al-Shams fiha (f. 46a), and other Fawa’id on the subject. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4) ff. 48a-113a. Mukhtasar al-Shama’il, with commentary by al-Hasan b. Ishaq b. al-Mahdi liDin Allah (c. 1144/1730), GAL S II, 547, No. 17 = GAL S II, 562, No. 16. Dated Monday 17 Ragab 1176 (1773, colophon on f. 113a). A compendium of Kitab al-Shama’il by Muhammad b. `Isa alTirmidhi (d. 279/892), GAL G I, 162. Matn in red ink, commentary in black ink. (5) ff. 113a-114b. Qasida by al-Sayyid Badr al-Din Muhammad b. Isma`il al-Amir. A commentary by the author is said to exist, but that is not given here. (6) ff. 115a-b. Rayhana by Sayyidi Husayn b. `Ali al-Mutawakkil `ala Allah. A litany, each line ending with the first part of the Shahada. (7) ff. 116a-117b. Qurrat `Ayn Muhibb al-Hasanayn, a Qasida Nuniyya by Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yahya, dated 4 Shawwal 1176 (1763). (8) ff. 118a-119a. Other verse, equally by `Izz al-Din Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yahya. (9) f. 120a. Poetry by Yazid b. Mu`awiya (d. 64/683), GAS II, pp. 316-317. (10) ff. 120b-122b. Fragments in prose and poetry. Poetry by Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi Ibrahim b. `Ali b. Yusuf al-Firuzabadi (f. 120b), al-Mutawakkil b. `Abdallah (f. 120b), Ibn Khallikan (f. 121a), by Yahya b. Mu`in, the author of al-Harg wal-Ta`dil on Hadith (f. 121a), al-Mu’ayyad al-Alusi, also taken from Ibn Khallikan’s work, and al-Baha Zuhayr (f. 122a). (11) f. 122b. Fa’ida Kubra. Quotations. (12) ff. 122b-125a. al-Rasa’il al-Muhammadiyya fil-Masa’il al-Ithna`ashariyya, by Husayn b. Muhammad al-Amidi al-Hanafi. (13) f. 125b. Quotation, apparently from al-Itqan fi `Ulum al-Qur’an by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL S II, 179. (14) ff. 126a-127b. Mnemotechnics of the Arabic metres and rhyme, by Safi al-Din b. Saraya alHilli (d. 749/1349), GAL G II, 160. (15) ff. 128a-140b. Tathbit al-Aqdam fi Fitnat Ahl al-Islam wal-Nahy `an al-Khawd fi `Ilm alKalam. Anonymous. The text is divided into a Muqaddima, 4 chapters (Bab) and a Khatima. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 376. Dated Shawwal 1085 (f. 140b). (16) ff. 141a-142. Prayer to the Prophet Muhammad and other shorter texts and fragments. Added: Letter from C. Bezold (1859-1922) to C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), dated Heidelberg, 12 August 1902. And: Postcard from Theodor Nöldeke (1836-1930) to C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) in Batavia, dated Strassburg 31 January 1902. The letter and the postcard

concern the edition of text No. 2 in this volume by F.E. Peiser, Der Gesandtschaftsbericht des Hasan ben Ahmed El-Haimi, Berlin 1894. [868 D 17]. Snouck Hurgronje had written about the text and his two German correspondents hastened to let him know that the text already had been edited by Peiser on the basis of MS Leiden Or. 2600, above. Snouck Hurgronje had acquired the present manuscript in Aceh, as he describes in his letter to Theodor Nöldeke of January 3. 1902. Nöldeke’s letter of January 31, 1902, is an answer to Snouck Hurgronje’s letter of January 3, 1902 (see P.Sj. van Koningsveld, Orientalism and Islam. The Letters of C. Snouck Hurgronje to Th. Nöldeke, from the Tübingen University Library. Leiden 1985, pp. 92-94, No. 39). Earlier provenance: War booty. Collection K. van der Maaten, from Keumala. See C. Snouck Hurgronje, ‘Eene verzameling Arabische, Maleische en Atjèhsche handschriften en gedrukte boeken’ in Notulen van de Algemeene Vergaderingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, deel XL (Batavia 1902), bijlage VII, pp. cxx-clv, p. cxxiii. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2876] Or. 7095 Arabic, paper. A list of manuscripts in al-Madrasa al-Mahmudiyya in Medina, made by Tag al-Din (Tadjoeddin). Copy received by C. Snouck Hurgronje in October 1906 from the compiler. Another copy is MS Leiden Or. 7128, below. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 413-414. See now also J.J. Witkam, ‘Lists of books in Arabic manuscripts’, in MME 5 (1990-1991), pp. 121-136, esp. § 6 ‘Lists from Medina’, on pp. 130-133. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2823) Or. 7096 Arabic, paper, 16 ff., dated 1202 AH (1787-1788). Ithaf al-Anfas fima waqa`a bayn Awlad Ishaq b. al-Mahdi wa-Mawlana al-Mansur Abi al-`Abbas. Anonymous description of the struggle for the Imamate of the Zaydites in 1139-1141/1727-1729. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 143. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2800) Or. 7097 Arabic, with Malay titles (?), paper, 79 ff., dated 1296 AH (1878-1879). Wird. A collection of Awrad for the seven days of the week. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 401 Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2991)

Or. 7098 Arabic, European laid paper, 153 ff. and a paste-in at the end, 20.8 x 16.5 cm, several blank pages, naskh script in different ands lay-outs, catchwords at the bottom of the verso page, fullleather Islamic binding with flap, gilded ornamentation. (1) ff. 1b-139a. Collection of Qasa’id by poets of the Hadramawt, and several other texts. The collection comprises Qasa’id by Ba Gerad, Sayyid `Abdallah Haddad and others. MS Leiden Or. 6995, above, is a copy made of the poetical pieces only in this volume. f. 1b. Qasida lil-Habib `Abdallah b. `Ali al-Haddad. f. 2a. Abyat tuqra’ fil-Maqam fil-Mawlid al-Sharif. f. 2a. Lines of poetry by Sayyid `Alwi b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Mashhur. f. 2b. Blank f. 3a. A sort of title-page with reference to the texts to come. f. 3b. Blank. f. 4a. Owner’s note by Haymad b. Embarik b. `Awad al-Hamdi, who received the manuscript from his uncle (Khal) `Ali b. Embarik b. Hammud Ba Dawi, who sent it from Balad Ba F… (?) against payment of wang Jawa. ff. 4b-8b. Fihrist ma tadammanahu Batin hadha al-Kitab. A detailed table of contents of the volume, each textual entity being numbered with reference to the numbers in the margins of each item. ff. 9a-13a. Blank. ff. 13b-16b. No. 1. Tanbih wa-qad dhakaru Ahl Hisab al-Falakiyya … On f. 14a begins the section (Fasl) of Hisab al-Ghalib wal-Maghlub. On f. 16b is a gadwal: Lawh al-Hayat and Lawh alMamat. ff. 17a-26a. Blank. ff. 26b-39a. No. 2. Ahadith Manqula min Kutub Allah Kanz al-Akhbar. ff. 39a-41b. No. 3. Bayan Tafsil (Tafdil?) Madakhil al-Shaytan ila al-Qalb. On f. 41b it is said that this section was taken from the Kitab Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din by by Abu Hamid Muhammad alGhazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. ff. 42a-43a. No. 4. Qasa’id Shatta: beginning with a qasida by `Ali b. Abi Talib, 21 lines. ff. 43a-b. No. 5. Qasida by `Umar b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Saqqaf, 14 lines. ff. 43b-44a. No. 6. Qasida by al-Shaykh `Abd al-Rahim al-Bara`I, 15 lines. ff. 44a-b. No. 7. Wasila fi Sayyidina Abi Bakr al-Siddiq, 14 lines. ff. 44b-45a. No. 8. A qasida by the same poet as the preceding., 25 lines. ff. ff. 45a-46b. No. 9. Qasida by/from al-Masha’ikh Al Ba Wazir in praise of Abu Bakr b. Salim b. `Abdallah, 45 lines. ff. 46b-47b. No. 10. Qasida, 27 lines. ff. 47b-48a. No. 11. Qasida by `Abdallah Sa`id b. Samir, 17 lines. ff. 48a-49a. No. 12. Qasida by al-Habib `Abdallah b. `Ali b. Hasan, 19 lines. According to a marginal note (f. 48a) the Qasida treats ritual purity, the ritual prayer and the adhortation to search for science (Talab al-`Ilm).

ff. 49a-b. No. 13. Qasida by al-Habib `Abdallah b. `Alwi b. Muhammad al-Haddad, 15 lines. ff. 49b-50a. No. 14. Qasida by al-Habib `Abdallah b. `Alwi b. Muhammad al-Haddad, 10 lines. f. 50a. No. 15. Qasida by al-Habib `Abdallah b. `Alwi b. Muhammad al-Haddad, 15 lines. ff. 50b-51a. No. 16. Qasida by Hassan b. Thabit, 21 lines. ff. 50b-51a. No. 17. Qasida by Hassan b. Thabit, 13 lines. ff. 51b-53a. Blank, missing Nos. 18-20. f. 53b. Ibtida’ Diwan fihi Magmu` Qasa’id li-Gama`a min al-Shu``ar … ff. 53b-54a. No. 1. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 18 lines. His poetry continues till f. 69b. ff. 54a-b. No. 2. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 23 lines. ff. 54b-55a. No. 3. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 26 lines. ff. 55a-b. No. 4. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 24 lines. ff. 55b-56b. No. 5. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 24 lines. ff. 56b-57a. No. 6. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 19 lines. ff. 57a-b. No. 7. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 19 lines. ff. 57b-58a. No. 8. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 11 lines. ff. 58a-b. No. 9. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 18 lines. ff. 58b-59a. No. 10. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 19 lines. ff. 59a-b. No. 11. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 14 lines. ff. 59b-60a. No. 12. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 19 lines. ff. 60a-b. No. 13. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 14 lines. ff. 60b-61a. No. 14. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 23 lines. ff. 61a-b. No. 15. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 19 lines. ff. 61b-62b. No. 16. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 23 lines. ff. 62b-63a. No. 17. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 28 lines. ff. 63a-b. No. 18. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 12 lines. ff. 63b-64a. No. 19. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 24 lines. ff. 64a-b. No. 20. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 14 lines. ff. 64b-65a. No. 21. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 25 lines. ff. 65a-66a. No. 22. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 31 lines. ff. 66a-b. No. 23. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 14 lines. ff. 66b-68a. No. 24. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 20 couplets of 5 misra` each. ff. 68a-b. No. 25. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 18 lines. ff. 68b-69a. No. 25 (bis). Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 14 lines. ff. 69a-b. No. 26. Qasida by Yahya `Umar, 20 lines. ff. 70a-73a. Blank, with missing Nos. 27-31. f. 73b. Ibtida’ al-Qasa’id hadhihi lil-Sha`ir Za’id. His poetry continues till f. 78b. ff. 73b-74b. No. 32. Qasida by Husayn Za’id, 50 lines. ff. 74b-75a. No. 33. Qasida by Husayn Za’id, 15 lines. ff. 75a-b. No. 34. Qasida by Husayn Za’id, 18 lines. ff. 75b-76b. No. 35. Qasida by Husayn Za’id, 15 lines.

ff. 76b-78a. No. 36. Qasida by Husayn Za’id, 59 lines. ff. 78a-b. No. 37. Qasida by Husayn Za’id, 20 lines. ff. 78b bottom-80b. Blank, with Nos. 38-40 missing. ff. 81a-b. No. 41. Qasida by `Abdallah b. `Ali al-`Awlaqi, 20 lines. His poetry continues till f. 83a. ff. 81b-82a. No. 42. Qasida by `Abdallah b. `Ali al-`Awlaqi, 20 lines. ff. 82a-b. No. 43. Qasida by `Abdallah b. `Ali al-`Awlaqi, 28 lines. ff. 82b-83a. No. 44. Qasida by `Abdallah b. `Ali al-`Awlaqi, 16 lines. f. 83a (bottom) – 84b. Blank, with Nos. 45-46 missing. ff. 85a-b. No. 47. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 21 lines ff. 85b. No. 48. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 12 lines. ff. 85b-86a. No. 49. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 19 lines. ff. 86b-87a. No. 50. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 25 lines. ff. 87a-88a. No. 51. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 32 lines. f. 88a. No. 52. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 14 lines. f. 88b. No. 53. Qasida by Ahmad Sa`id al-Wahidi qila Yafi`i wa-qila Ba Gunayd, 15 lines. ff. 89a-b. Blank, with No. 54 missing. ff. 90a-b. No. 55. Qasida by Zayn al-`Abidin, known as Khwa `Alawi, the son of al-Habib `Abdallah b. `Alawi b. Muhammad al-Haddad, 27 lines. It is an answer (Gawab) to Ahmad b. Salim from Tarim. ff. 90b-91a. No. 56. Qasida by Abu Salim Ahmad b. Salim, 20 lines. ff. 91a-92a. No. 57. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 18 lines. ff. 92a-b. No. 58. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 18 lines. ff. 92b-93a. No. 59. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 19 lines. ff. 93a-94a. No. 60. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 28 lines. ff. 94a-b. No. 61. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 17 lines. ff. 94b-95a. No. 62. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 10 lines. ff. 95a-b. No. 63. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 14 lines. f. 96a. No. 64. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 18 lines. f. 96a. No. 65. Qasida by Abu `Abdallah Khwa `Alawi, 16 lines. ff. 97a-98b. Blank, with Nos. 66-69 missing. ff. 99a-100a. No. 70. Qasida by Abu Arya, 21 lines. ff. 100a-b. No. 71. Qasida by Abu Arya, 33 lines. ff. 100b-101b. No. 72. Qasida by Abu Arya, 25 lines. ff. 101b-102a. No. 73. Qasida by Abu Arya, 24 lines. ff. 102b-103a. Blank, with Nos. 74-75 missing. ff. 103b-104a. No. 76. Qasida by Abu Zayd, 23 lines. ff. 103b-104a. No. 77. Qasida by Abu Nasir (?) al-Farisi, 19 lines. ff. 104b-105b. No. 78. Qasida by Ibn Buwayk al-Yafi`i, 27 lines. f. 105b. No. 79. Answer by al-Mahdi (Sahib Qishn al-Mahara) to the Qasida by Ibn Buwayk alYafi`i, 15 lines.

ff. 106a-106b. No. 80. Qasida fi Qissat Nabi Yusuf ma`a Ikhwatihi wal-Dhi’b by al-Husayni, 24 lines. ff. 106b-110a. No. 81. Qasida by Sa`id b. `Ali Ba Garad, from Tarim, living in Ard Gawa, in Bandar Samin, being an answer to the Qasida directed to him by Rabi` b. Salim from Tarim, living in Ard Gawa, in Bandar Batawi, 45 couplets. ff. 110a-b. No. 82. Qasida by Sa`id b. `Ali Ba Garad, 36 lines. ff. 111a-112a. No. 83. Qasida sent by Rabi` b. Salim to Ba Garad, 50 lines. ff. 112a-113a. No. 84. Qasida by `Awad b. Salih b. Tubay`, living in Mashatta in Hadramawt., 37 lines. ff. 113a-b. No. 85. Qasida by Abu Malham, 29 lines. ff. 113b-114a. No. 86. Qasida by al-Faqih Ahmad al-Bakri, 13 lines. ff. 114a-115a. No. 87. Qasida by al-Faqih Ahmad al-Bakri, 36 lines. ff. 115a-b. No. 88. Qasida by Abu Ra’ih, 15 lines. ff. 115b-116b. No. 89. Qasida by al-Muhibb al-`Ashiq al-Wamiq Qays b. al-Mulawwih known as Magnun Layla al-`Amiriyya, 28 lines. ff. 116b-117a. No. 90. Qasida by al-Sayyid `Ali b. `Umar al-`Aydarus from al-Hazm, living in Balad Banqil (?), 16 lines. ff. 117a-118a. No. 91. Qasida by `Id Allah b. Salih b. Naqib Yafi`i, 44 lines. ff. 118a-b. No. 92. Qasida by `Id Allah b. Salih b. Naqib Yafi`i, 26 lines. ff. 118b-119b. No. 93. Qasida by `Id Allah b. Salih b. Naqib Yafi`i, 21 lines. ff. 119b-120a. No. 94. Qasida by `Id Allah b. Salih b. Naqib Yafi`i, 24 lines. ff. 120a-121a. No. 95. Qasida by `Id Allah b. Salih b. Naqib Yafi`i, 36 lines, possibly incomplete. ff. 121b-123b. No. 96. Qasida by Ibn Buwayk Yafi`i. Recorded from hearing, 76 lines. ff. 123b-124b. No. 97. Qasida by al-Sayyid Husayn b. Ahmad al-‘Ayudarus, 25 lines. ff. 124b-125a. No. 98. Qasida by al-Muhangis Zayd ibn Salim, 21 lines. ff. 125a-126a. No. 99. Qasida by al-Sayyid Muhammad b. Ahmad Ba Faqih for al-Habib Shaykh Bin Ahmad Ba Faqih, 36 lines. ff. 126a-127a. No. 100. Qasida by Kathiri ibn Munif, Sahib Garaba min al-Salil (?), 40 lines. ff. 127a-128a. No. 101. Qasida by Ibn Zamil Bagiri, 19 and a half line. ff. 128a-128b. No. 102. Qasida by an unknown poet (li-Qa’iliha), 17 lines. ff. 128b-129a. No. 103. Qasida li-Bawanibiha (?). 13 lines f. 129b. No. 103 (bis). Qasida by the same poet as preceding, 8 lines ff. 129b-130a. No. 104. Qasida by the same poet as preceding, 13 lines. ff. 130a-b. No. 105. Qasida by the same poet as preceding, 24 lines. ff. 131a-b. No. 106. Qasida by the same poet as preceding, 23 lines. ff. 131b-132a. No. 107. Qasida by the same poet as preceding, 17 lines. ff. 132a-b. No. 108. Qasida by Bani ‘Ali (?), 23 lines. ff. 132b-133a. No. 109. Qasida by an unknown poet (li-Qa’iliha), 22 lines. ff. 133a-134a. No. 110. Qasida by Ahmad al-Bakri, 25 lines. ff. 134a-b. No. 111. Qasida by al-Sayyid Shaykh Ibn Ahmad Ba Faqih, 15 lines.

ff. 134b-135b. No. 112. Qasida by Bawa’awishaq (?), answering the Qasida that he received from one of the Sada, 34 lines. ff. 135b-136a. No. 113. Qasida by Zaqr al-Yafi’i, named Khawaqini, 31 lines. ff. 136a-137a. No. 114. Qasida by the poet Abu Khalid, 22 lines. ff. 137a-b. No. 115. Qasidat Bani Muqraf, by ‘Umar Hazim min Ahl Huta … Balad Hasan b. ‘Alawi al-‘Aydarus, Gihat Hadramawt, 11 lines. ff. 137b-139a. No. 116. Qasida by al-Habib ‘Ali b. Hasan al-‘Attas, Sahib al-Mashhad, 28 lines. (3) ff. 139b-145b. Prose text. Naskh script, 19 lines to the page, black ink, with rubrication in purple ink. Salat al-Muqribin by Hasan b. Salih al-Bahr al-Gughri ‘Alawi. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. (4) ff. 145b-147a. Bakurat al-Walid Mufida lil-Talib al-Murid (title on f. 145b), by Ibn Abi Bakr ‘Ubaydallah (author on f. 147a). Qasida on Qawa’id al-Tagwid, 61 lines. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. Ff. 147b-152a. Blank. (5) ff. 152b-153a. Recipes. F. 153b. Blank. Added paste-in: A letter from Sayyid `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil to Professor `Abd al-Ghaffar (= C. Snouck Hurgronje), dated 1-2-1906 (included in Snouckiana). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 266. Inside the front cover Snouck Hurgronje’s description is pasted: ‘Verzameling qaçîden uit Hadhramaut, van Bâ Djerâd, S. Abd. Haddâd enz. | reeds in afschrift aanwezig | door tussenkomst van S. Oesman gekocht van eenen Gabîlî 1906.’ Note that useful material may also be found in Snouck Hurgronje’s notes on Hadrami Qasidas in MS Leiden Or. 7109 A, below. Earlier provenance: Purchased by Snouck Hurgronje, apparently while still in Batavia, from a Gabili through the intermediary of Sayyid `Uthman, 1906. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2875] Or. 7099 Arabic, paper, 127 pp., dated 1906 AD. Fragments of a collection of Qasa’id from the Hadramawt. Copy of MS Leiden Or. 8453, below. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 267. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2874) Or. 7100 Arabic, paper, 130 pp., dated 1906. A collection of Qasa’id by Sa`id b. `Ali Ba Gerad and other poets. A copy of MS Leiden Or. 6981, above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 267. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 2873) Or. 7101 Arabic, paper, 140 ff., dated 1897 AD. Ta’rikh Makka, by `Abdallah b. Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn `Abd al-Shakur (13/19th cent.), see C. Snouck Hurgronje, Mekka I, p. xvii. A copy taken from the copy in the Waqf-Library in Mecca. Incomplete. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 372. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2839) Or. 7102 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, European laid paper (watermark: crescent with face on a shield = Abū Shubbāk, counter mark: De Mory | V… (?), and CJ (f. 44)), 124 ff. (trimmed), 24 x 17.3 cm, naskh script in one hand, 20 lines to the page (Misṭara), black ink with rubrication, dated Sunday morning laʿallahu 23 Ragab 1312 (1895), copied by ‘Abdallah b. Salih b. ‘Abbud Ba ‘Atabi (?, colophon on ff. 22a), catchword at the bottom of every verso page, half-cloth binding with flap and pasted boards. (1) ff. 1a-22a. al-Fusul al-Saniyya fil-Filaha al-Madaniyya, by Muhammad Kibrit (d. 1070/1659), GAL G II, 393. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 85. F. 22b. Blank. (2) ff. 23a-124a. Falah al-Fallah, by Khayr al-Din b. Tag al-Din Ilyaszada (GAL G II, 488), who completed the text on Monday 27 Gumada II 1124 (1712, author’s colophon on f. 124a). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 75. Ff. 23b-24a, 124b. Blank. Full name of the author, with genealogy going back to ‘Ali b. Abi Talib on ff. 24b-25a, shorter version of the author’s name, Khayr al-Din b. Tag al-Din Ilyaszada (f. 124a). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2838] Or. 7103 Arabic, paper, 55 ff., 10/16th or 11/17th cent. Ghayat al-Ma’mul fi Sharh Waraqat al-Usul, commentary by Abu al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Ahmad al-Ramli (d. 957/1550), GAL S II, 440, who composed the work in 920 AH (1514-1515), on Waraqat al-Usul by `Abd al-Malik b. `Abdallah al-Guwayni (d. 478/1085), GAL S I, 672. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 398. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2882) Or. 7104 Arabic, paper, 279 ff., not dated but probably 17th cent. Fragment of Kitab al-I`tisam by al-Imam al-Qasim b. Muhammad, who is al-Mansur billah alQasim b. Muhammad b. `Ali Ibn Rasul Allah (d. 1029/1620), GAL S II, 559. A fragment without

beginning or end. The title is on the top edge of the volume. MS London, British Library Or. 3889 (Suppl. Cat. 433) is a smaller fragment of the same work. The text corresponding with the beginning of the London manuscript is found on f. 67a of the present manuscript. On this same page is the beginning of Kitab al-Tahara. On f. 110b: Kitab al-Salat; on f. 226a Kitab alGana’iz; on f. 260a Kitab al-Zakat. MS Munich, BSB, Gl. 41, which according to Gratz is different from the London manuscript, is probably another part of the same extensive work. A list of chapter-headings and works cited in the text has been added by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). ¶ Registered as MS Leiden Or. 7057 b (2), above, is kept a collection of fly-leaves full of notes found in a collection of fragments from the library of C. Snouck Hurgronje, one of which is dated 1066 AH (1655-1656). That collection may originate from MS Leiden Or. 7104. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 144. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2825) Or. 7105 Arabic, paper, 276 ff. (including inserted slips), dated 1177 AH. Books I-VII, X and XI, with marginal commentaries possibly taken from the author’s own commentary, of al-Bahr al-Zakhkhar al-Gami` li-Madhahib `Ulama’ al-Amsar, by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn al-Murtada (d. 840/1437), GAL G II, 187; S II, 244. As Brockelmann’s description of both al-Bahr, and the author’s own commentary entitled Ghayat al-Afkar wa-Nihayat al-Anzar al-Muhit bi-`Aga’ib al-Bahr al-Zakhkhar, is confusing, Voorhoeve has set out to bring some order in this state of affairs. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 37-40. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2824) Or. 7106 Arabic, paper, 588 pp. The Sunan of al-Darimi (d. 255/869), GAL G I, 164. Copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje from a manuscript in Cairo. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 242. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2791) Or. 7107 Arabic, European languages, c. 2200 slips of paper, kept in a wooden cigar box. Alphabetical card index with names of Arabic plants, made by Gerlof van Vloten (1866-1903). Added are tentative meanings, with reference to the locus. The names are collected from several different sources. See for other materials of van Vloten: MSS Leiden Or. 5568 - Or. 5587, above. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Received in the Library on 2 June 1937. Provenance: Possibly from the estate of M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909).

[* Ar. 2959] Or. 7108 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper. (1) Notes by M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909) on the edition by Louis Cheikho (1859-1927) of Kalila waDimna by `Abdallah Ibn al-Muqaffa` (d. 142/759), GAL S I, 234. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 148-149. (2) Index made by H.E. Weyers (1805-1844) on MS Leiden Or. 23b, an incomplete copy of Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl al-`Asr by `Abd al-Malik b. Muhammad al-Tha`alibi (d. 429/1038), GAL G I, 284. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 402. (3) Index made by H.E. Weijers (1805-1844) of Leiden MS Leiden Or. 639, above, being Akhbar al-Muluk wa-Nuzhat al-Malik wal-Mamluk by Muhammad b. `Uthman al-Malik al-Mansur (d. 617/1221). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 9. Provenance: Possibly from the estate of M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909). (Ar. 2935) Or. 7109 a-e Arabic, Dutch, German, machine-made lined paper (watermark: G. KOLFF & CO || BATAVIA). Materials for the study of language and folklore of the Hadramawt, collected by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), containing Qasa’id, proverbs, etc. Apparently collected in Indonesia from Hadarim established there. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470. A more detailed description by P. Voorhoeve is kept in map C (= 3), one leaf. The entire collection has been digitized as part of the Metamorfoze project, 2018. Voorhoeve division of the material (A-E) has been maintained here, and the new, ‘Metamorfoze’ numbering (1-7) has been added to that. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2790] Or. 7109 a Arabic, Dutch, paper, unbound. (A) = (1). 311 pp., folio, 34.5 x 21.5 cm., all text in pencil, unbound quires. Notes mostly Arabic in Latin script, some quotations and headings in Dutch, or in Arabic in Arabic script. Notes of Hadrami Qasida’s. In the hand of Snouck Hurgronje. Could these notes refer to MS Leiden Or. 7098, or a similar collection in Snouck Hurgronje’s collection? These could also be draft notes on the materials in neat copy in MS Leiden Or. 7109 B, below, see e.g. MS Leiden Or. 7109 A, p. 51 and MS Leiden Or. 7109 B fifth text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 267. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2790] Or. 7109 b Arabic, German, paper, 5 + 19 + 4 + 1 + 3 ff., all text in Latin script, unbound.

(B) = (2). Machine-made lined paper, folio. Texts in ink. Unbound quires. Collection of Qasida’s, with texts and notes in Arabic and German, all in the hand of Snouck Hurgronje. Romanized editions with annotated German translations, sometimes notes in Dutch as well. Each Qasida is preceded by the appropriate Qissat al-Qasida, the story about the Qasida. ff. 1a-5a. Qasida by Hasan Ba Atwah. ff. 1a-19a. Qasida by ‘Abd al-Hagg fil-Mahagil. ff. 1a-4a. Qasida by ‘Umar Ba Atwah. ff. 1a-2a. Qasida by ‘Umar Ba Atwah. Romanized Arabic text only. ff. 1a-3a. Qasida by ‘Abd al-Hagg. See MS Leiden Or. 7109 A, above, pp. 51 ff. See also Verspreide geschriften V, pp. 391 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 267. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2790] Or. 7109 c (C) = (3). Arabic, paper, 67 + 2 ff., Latin script. 67 pp. Machine-made paper, folio. Text in ink, in hand of Snouck Hurgronje, unbound quires. Notes about Hadramawt. Romanized Arabic text, with occasional marginal; explanatory notes. Possibly links with the notes in MS Leiden Or. 7109 A, but Voorhoeve has not yet checked this, he writes. 2 pp. ‘Werkwoorden Trim 1897’, a short list of verbs. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2790] Or. 7109 d Arabic, Dutch, paper, 144 pp., three entities, in different sizes. (D) = (4). pp. 1-62. Machine-made paper, folio. Text in ink, in hand of Snouck Hurgronje, unbound sheets. ‘Aanteekeningen bij de Arab. spreekwoorden’. Notes concerning the Arabic proverbs. (D) = (5). pp. 63-96. Machine-made lined paper, 21.8 x 14 cm. Naskh script, written in ink. Received by Snouck Hurgronje from the sons of Sajjid Oethmān in 1894 (note on p. 63). Maqalat al-‘Arab. (D) = (6). pp. 97-144. Machine-made paper, one quire, sewn, 17.3 x 10.8 cm, Naskh script, written in ink. Amthal al-‘Arab min Lughat al-‘Awamm min Ahl Hadramawt. Collection of proverbs in Hadrami Arabic, registered in alphabetical order. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 13. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2790]

Or. 7109 e Arabic, Dutch, paper, 4 + 12 ff. Documents from or pertaining to the Hadramawt. (E) = (7). Sundry notes and documents, mostly in Arabic script, paper in different sorts and sizes. f. 3a. Lines of the Qasidat Ba ‘Atfa. f. 4a. Lines of poetry. ff. 5a-b. Beginnings of a glossary. ff. 6a-b. Beginnings of a Hadrami glossary ff. 8a, 9b. Urguza, 29 distichs, ritten in ink, and other poetical materials written in pencil. f. 10a. Glossary Arabic-Dutch, of seven Hadrami terms. f. 11a. Notes in Arabic. ff. 14a-17b. ‘Copie van een Arab. testament, mij toegezonden in Aug. 1904 door de advocaten Paets tot Gansoyen en Van Houten te Soerabaya’. Copy of a testament in Arabic. Testament issued by Mubarak b. ‘Umar b. ‘Ali b. Ahmad b. Shayban al-Tamimi (ff. 14a, 17a). Copied and witnessed by the son of the testator, ‘Awad b. Mubarak b. ‘Umar b. ‘Ali b. Ahmad b. Shayban al-Tamimi (ff. 16b-17a) on 4 Gumada II 1310 (1892).List of signatures, including of witnesses. Confirmation by the notary (Khadim al-Shar’) in Say’un, ‘Abdallah b. Muhsin b. ‘Alawi b. Saqqaf, on 28 Shawwal 1311 (1894, f. 17a). Legalisation by the judges of Tarim and Say’un, signed by al-Sayyid Shaykh b. ‘Abd al-Rahman Al Kaf. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2790] Or. 7110 Dutch, of Arabic interest, paper, 6 exercise books. An outline by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) of Khulasat al-Kalam fi Bayan Umara’ al-Balad al-Haram, by Ahmad b. Zayni Dahlan (d. 1304/1886), GAL G II, 499. Made on the basis of MS Leiden Or. 6977, above. The work is not quite finished. The first part has numerous additional notes on the left-hand pages. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 161. See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘Copy on demand. Abū Šubbāk in Mecca, 1303/1886’, in: Anne Regourd (ed.), The Trade in Papers Marked with non-Latin Characters. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018, pp. 206-226 (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, vol. 15). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2934) Or. 7111 Box with a great variety of documents. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 469, where this is described as: ‘Various papers from Snouck Hurgronje, Dozy, Wright, etc.’

Also small notes with questions and answers, possibly written by Snouck Hurgronje’s teacher in Mecca, the Shafi`ite mufti Sayyid Ahmad b. Zayni Dahlan (d. 1886). See Ulrike Freitag, ‘Der Orientalist und der Mufti. Kulturkontakt im Mekka des 19. Jahrhunderts’, in Die Welt des Islams 43/1 (2003), pp. 37-60. See for similar notes in MS Leiden Or. 7119, below. See also Laffan, Makings, 2011, pp. 259-260, note 119; p. 274, note 57. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2792) Or. 7112 Dutch, machine-made lined paper, 56 pp., including blanks, 27.1 x 21 cm, usually 33 lines to the page, Dutch text in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje, half-cloth binding with pasted boards, possibly made after the manuscript had entered the library, some holes of staples of an earlier assembly of the sheets still visible. The Jeddah diary of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), also with information about Indonesian scholars in Jeddah and Mecca. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. MS Leiden Or. 8927, below, is a typewritten copy of this manuscript made by H.T. Damsté. Fragments have been published by E. Gobée, ‘Uit het dagboek van dr. Snouck Hurgronje te Djeddah 1884-1885’, in Jaarboek Oostersch Instituut. Leiden 1941, No. 5 (1942), pp. 21-28. See now Jan Just Witkam, , ‘Before Mecca. The Jeddah “Diary” of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1884-1885’ (forthcoming in Léon Buskens & Jan Just Witkam (eds), assisted by Annemarie van Sandwijk, Scholarship in Action. Essays on Life and Work of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (18571936). Leiden & Boston: Brill). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2827] Or. 7113 Varia, mostly Dutch, also some Arabic, 4 exercise books and one envelope, paper, all written by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). (1) 1 + 37 + 7 ff. Exercise book, apparently from Snouck Hurgronje’s study in Leiden. Notes on ‘De moslimsche geloofsleer’, Muslim dogmatics. Added notes (7 ff.) from Lawami` al-Adilla, the work (or chapter) on proofs of God’s existence by Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad alGhazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL I, 424. Added 1 f. with notes taken from Arabic geographers. (2) 16 + 21 ff. Exercise book, apparently from Snouck Hurgronje’s study in Leiden. Notes on the Islamic law of inheritance, several subjects treated, all according to the gloss by Ibrahim alBaguri Muslim on the commentary by Ibn Qasim on al-Taqrib by Abu Shuga` al-Isfahani (d. after 500/1106), GAL G I, 392. Added one typewritten sheet, with names of Orientalists. (3) 25 ff. Exercise book containing: ‘Verzameling van plaatsen over den Mahdi en wat daarmee samenhangt’, being a collection of references to the Mahdi, and related matters. Dated November 1885.

(4) 7 ff., and blanks. Exercise book with notes on Fiqh manuscripts in the possession of Messrs E.J.Brill of Leiden. Apparently Snouck Hurgronje could have a preview on the manuscripts which were described by M.Th. Houtsma (Catalogue d’une collection de manuscrits Arabes et Turcs appartenant à la Maison E.J. Brill à Leide, Leiden 1889). These manuscripts were purchased by Princeton University Library in 1900, and were all described by Ph.K. Hitti (and others), Descriptive catalog of the Garret collection of Arabic manuscripts in the Princeton University Library. Princeton 1938. (5) 7 ff. Notes, apparently lecture notes, or reading notes, by Snouck Hurgronje on the problems encountered with the study of the Qur’an and the Old Testament. Added one cutting from Al-Ahram, October 11, 1933, containing the article by Husayn al-Harawi on the question connected with the nomination of A.J. Wensinck for the Arab Academy (‘alMustashriqun wal-Islam. Wensinck `Adw al-Magma` al-Lughawi wal-Ta`n fil-Islam’). See for a file with documents originating from Louis Massignon (1883-1962) on this matter now also MS Leiden Or. 20.278, below. On the envelope containing these loose leaves, Voorhoeve has written that they originate from a printed work in the Snouck Hurgronje collection with shelf mark 900 D 43. This is in fact C.C. Torey, The Jewish foundation of Islam. New York 1933, which is now (2000) kept under shelf mark 8206 A 39. Voorhoeve has put these notes within this file just to put them somewhere, and this happened to be a convenient place. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2936] Or. 7114 Arabic, Turkish, paper, 3 exercise books, all in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje. Notebooks of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), with study notes for learning Turkish, and a diary, kept during his visit to Istanbul in 1908. (a) 50 pp., and blanks + 2 inserts, one with bibliographical notes and a list from a bookseller (titles and prices), the other with military ranks. Exercise book with Turkish words and sentences, with explanations in German. Dated on p. 1: ‘Aug. 1907’. (b) 80 ff. Popular stories in Turkish, in Latin script. Apparently transcribed by Snouck Hurgronje from Arabic script. With numerous marginal explanatory notes, written in pencil. (c) 59 ff. Transliteration by Snouck Hurgronje of a Turkish text (ff. 1-11a), followed by lexicographical and grammatical notes (ff. 11b-17b), Istanbul diary of Snouck Hurgronje between July 30 and September 18, 1908 (ff. 18a-36a). The latter text has been published by Jan Schmidt, ‘Een onbekend dagboekfragment en brieven uit Istanbul van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje’, in Sharqiyyat 11 (1999), pp. 77-100. Added is a personal card of Mustafa `Ishqi, Maddah Shahir / Moustafa Achki, artiste. Also added is an money change note, from the Banque Impériale Ottomane, dated August 5, 1908. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 2933] Or. 7115 Dutch, Arabic, paper. Portfolio with notes, letters, documents, cuttings, etc., almost exclusively in connection with the work by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) on his work Mekka (2 vols., The Hague 18881889), all made after his return from Arabia in 1885. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2843) Or. 7116 Arabic, Dutch, paper, portfolio containing 3 exercise books. Study notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). (1) Notes in Dutch on chronology. Apparently made when Snouck Hurgronje was still a student, to judge from the inexperienced Arabic script. 25 ff and unnumbered blank pages. - ff. 1-8. ‘Arab. Chronologie’. On Arabic chronology, mostly on the basis of al-Biruni, Chronologie orientalischer Völker, in the edition by Eduard Sachau (Leipzig 1876-1878). - ff. 13b-25. Reading notes and excerpts, on the Islamic calendar system and Arabic chronology. One source is the article by Mahmoud Effendi in JA 1858, ‘Mémoire sur le calendrier arabe avant l’islamisme …’. - 1 page, at the end. A quotation, in Greek script, from De Bello Persico. (2) Reading notes, in Dutch, on Mecca, 38 ff. - ff. 1b-6. ‘Bouw van Ka`ba en moskee’. The construction of the Ka`ba and the mosque. Taken from and collated with a number of sources. - ff. 7-10. ‘De poorten van den masdjid opgesomd’. An enumeration of the gates of the Mosque of Mecca. - ff. 11-16. ‘Sails’. Sayls, inundations in Mecca. - ff. 20-24. ‘Drinkwater te Mekka’. Drinking water in Mecca. - ff. 26-27. ‘De stad Mekka’. The city of Mecca. - ff. 32-38. ‘Inkomsten van sjeriefen’. The income of the Sharifs. (3) 39 ff. and unnumbered blank pages. Notes in Dutch on the history of Arabia, apparently taken by Snouck Hurgronje on a course. Apparently made when he was still a student, to judge from the inexperienced Arabic script. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2939] Or. 7117 Arabic, Dutch, paper, portfolio containing 7 exercise books.

Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) on matters of Islamic law. (1) 63 pp. used, otherwise blank pages. Passages copied from MS London, BL, Add. 6532, being al-Waraqat by al-Guwayni Imam al-Haramayn (d. 478/1085), GAL G I, 389, with notes from other London manuscripts (Add. 9623, Add. 9621, being commentaries on this text). Text critical notes in Latin. Added are two folded leaves with bibliographical notes about manuscripts in London, mostly in the BL, and also the India Office. Also a reference to MS Leiden Or. 479, above. (2) 43 ff. used, otherwise blank pages. Notes, in Dutch (with Arabic quotations), on `Ibadat. First ritual purity (ff. 1-9), then prayer, including notes about Indonesian situations: public and private ceremonies (ff. 10-28), special ceremonies, (ff. 29-30), yearly ceremonies (ff. 31-38), ceremonies at special occasions (ff. 39-43). Added: a few loose leaves with bibliographical notes. Also added (in Arabic) a list of 13 answers to juridical questions, received in October 1888 from (?) b. Naga. (3) 20 ff. used, otherwise blank pages. Notes, in Dutch (with Arabic quotations), on Zakat, mostly on the basis of the gloss by Ibrahim al-Baguri on the commentary by Ibn Qasim on alTaqrib by Abu Shuga` al-Isfahani (d. after 500/1106), GAL G I, 392. On the label: Ahkam alZakat … (4) 138 ff., including a number of blank pages. Notes, in Dutch (with Arabic quotations), on aspects of the Hagg, taken from MS Leiden Or. 397, above, being al-Bahr al-Amiq fi Manasik alMu`tamir wal-Hagg ila al-Bayt al-`Atiq by Muhammad b. Ahmad Ibn al-Diya’ al-Saghani (d. 854/1450), GAL G II, 175. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 36. HRP. (5) ff 6-18 used, otherwise blank pages. Notes, in Dutch (with Arabic quotations), on Gihad, mostly on the basis of the gloss by Ibrahim al-Baguri on the commentary by Ibn Qasim on alTaqrib by Abu Shuga` al-Isfahani (d. after 500/1106), GAL G I, 392. On the label: Ahkam alGihad. (6) 210 + 5 + 30 + 40 pp., including a number of blank pages. Notes, in Dutch (with Arabic quotations), on aspects of the Hagg, taken from several Leiden manuscripts: - MS Leiden Or. 340, above, being `Uyun al-Athar fi Funun al-Maghazi wal-Shama’il wal-Siyar, by Fath al-Din Ibn Sayyid al-Nas (d. 734/1334), GAL S II, 77. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 394. - MS Leiden Or. 394, above, being Ma`alim al-Tanzil by al-Husayn b. Mas`ud al-Baghawi (d. 516/1122), GAL G I, 364. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 173. HRP. - MS Leiden Or. 397, above, being al-Bahr al-Amiq fi Manasik al-Mu`tamir wal-Hagg ila al-Bayt al-`Atiq by Muhammad b. Ahmad Ibn al-Diya’ al-Saghani (d. 854/1450), GAL G II, 175. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 36. Added is a copy (40 pp.) by Snouck Hurgronje of notes made by Ernst Frenkel of a course of Theodor Nöldeke (1836-1930) on Allgemeine Bermerkungen über das Aramäische, ‘General remarks on Aramaic’, held in October 1876. (7) 26 ff. Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje about law concerning ‘adatgronden’ in different regions of Indonesia. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. The Arabic texts in this portfolio not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2940] Or. 7118 Dutch, Arabic, paper, 1 exercise book, 33 ff, and unnumbered blank pages. Study notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). ff. 2-20. ‘De Arab. Handschriften der Leidsche Bibliotheek’. The Arabic manuscripts in the Leiden library. Notes on a great number of Arabic manuscripts, with their titles in Arabic script. Apparently made when Snouck Hurgronje was still a student, to judge from the inexperienced Arabic script. ff. 31-33. Bio-bibliographical notes on classical Arabic authors, written in pencil. Possibly notes made during a course. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2938] Or. 7119 Dutch, paper, 1 exercise book, 45 ff, and unnumbered blank pages. Teaching notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). ff. 1–31. ‘Historische inleiding tot een kort begrip van den Ilmo’l Kalam’. Historical introduction to a comprehensive view of the `Ilm al-Kalam. ff. 32-45. ‘Vestiging en uitbreiding van den Islam in den O.I. Archipel’. The establishment and expansion of Islam in the East-Indian archipelago. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. Added, at the end, is a loose leaf of small size, with a question and answer, on the question what is the lawful principle for deciding in questions which are not permitted nor forbidden. Possibly written by Snouck Hurgronje’s teacher in Mecca, the Shafi`ite mufti Sayyid Ahmad b. Zayni Dahlan (d. 1886). See for similar notes in MS Leiden Or. 7111, above. See also Ulrike Freitag, ‘Der Orientalist und der Mufti. Kulturkontakt im Mekka des 19. Jahrhunderts’, in Die Welt des Islams 43/1 (2003), pp. 37-60. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2937] Or. 7120 Arabic, Dutch, paper, 5 exercise books. Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) in Dutch, concernings Nos. 6-1524 of the collection of Amthal. The collection is registered as MS Leiden Or. 7063, above, being a collection of 1497 proverbs and proverbial sayings, in the Egyptian vernacular, collected by C. Snouck Hurgonje (1857-1936), on slips, arranged alphabetically. The Nos. 19, 745, 839, 1452, 1458, 1473, 1475 and 1498 and following are missing in the collection. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 13.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2941) Or. 7121 Arabic, laid paper (watermark: Britannia and counter mark: SHAIK AHMED SHAIK DAWOOD | 1884). Collection of Qasida’s of 19th-century poets in the Najd. (a) pp. 2-30 followed by blanks, 21 x 16.5 cm, folded as a Safina. Collection of Qasida’s Poets mentioned here are: `Abdallah b. Brahim b. Gabir, Abu Hamza, Qatn b. Qatn from Ibn Muslim, Ibn Muslim, al-Sharif Barakat, Ibn Rabi`a, al-Shu`aybi, Muhammad Al `Abdallah al-Qadi, Muhammad Ibn La`bun. (b) 3 ff., and several blanks, 21 x 16.5 cm, folded as a Safina. Qasida’s. A long Qasida by alShu`aybi, followed by a piece of four distichs only by Abu Hamza. Snouck Hurgronje is mentioned as addressee: Shaekh Abolghaffar’ (p. 5). In its present page numbering the leaves are in disorder. The correct order of reading is: pp. 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 9, 10, 7, 8, 11, 12. (c) 1 f., text on one side only, 34 x 21 cm, Madhhab and Ya Dana Dana. Two lullaby poems. Received by Snouck Hurgronje on May 31, 1887, with reference to the letter from P.N. van der Chijs of May 19, 1887. See Snouck Hurgronje, Mekka (1889), vol. 2, pp. 197-199. (d) 1 f., text on one side only, 33 x 21 cm, Poem by ‘Obeid ibn Reschid (mit Original-Commentar des Dictanten Sukeikir)’. `Ubayd b. Rashid. Copied for Snouck Hurgronje by J.G. Wetzstein (1815-1905) in August 1887. See Jan Just Witkam, ‘Johann Gottfried Wetzstein's Manuscripts Containing Arabic Popular Stories’, in: Boris Liebrenz & Christoph Rauch (eds.), Manuscripts, Politics and Oriental Studies. Life and Collections of Johann Gottfried Wetzstein (1815-1905) in Context. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2019, pp. 116-139 (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, vol. 19). (e) 1 f., text on one side only. Information on Nagdi poets: ‘Abdallah b. Ibrahim Ibn Gabir, Turki b. Humayd, Fahd al-Subayhi, Qatn b. Qatn, ‘Ali b. Muslim, ‘Abdallah b. Raday’a, Muhammad al-Shu’aybi, Abu Hamza, Muhammad b. La’bun, Muhammad ‘Abdallah al-Qadi (see also under a, above, where several the same). Names, years of demise, age in years, tribe, place where they lived are given. Added: cover in which the materials were kept by Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Gedichten van Nedjddichters onzer dagen, ontvangen van Çaliḥ Bassām 14 December 1885. en Dana dana.’ See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 266. Earlier provenance for (a)-(c), (e): Received by Snouck Hurgronje from Salih al-Bassam on December 14, 1885. (Salih al-Bassam is mentioned more than once in the Jeddah diary, MS Leiden Or. 7112). See now Jan Just Witkam, , ‘Before Mecca. The Jeddah “Diary” of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1884-1885’ (forthcoming in Léon Buskens & Jan Just Witkam (eds), assisted by Annemarie van Sandwijk, Scholarship in Action. Essays on Life and Work of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Leiden & Boston: Brill). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2895]

Or. 7122 Javanese, palm leaf, 96 ff., numbering wrong, East-Javanese script. Yusup romance in verse. See Pigeaud II, 422. Provenance: Gift of Dr. P.H. Pott (1918-1989), received in November 1946. The manuscript was purchased by Dr. Pott at an auction of Van Stockum, The Hague. (Lont. 758) Or. 7123 Arabic, paper, 375 ff., dated 1077 AH. Volume 2 only of Ihya `Ulum al-Din by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 124. Provenance: Gift of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), received on November 7, 1946. (Ar. 2814) Or. 7124 Gayonese, paper. Gayonese stories collected by C. Snouck Hurgronje and G.A.J. Hazeu. Edited by G.A.J. Hazeu. Dutch translation: MS Leiden Or. 8241, below. Snouck Hurgronje’s notes: MS Leiden Or. 8343. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 214. Gayonese popular stories are not treated in C. Snouck Hurgronje’s Het Gajōland en zijne bewoners. Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1903. Provenance: Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), 1936. (Mal. 2488) Or. 7125 Arabic, photographs, 48 ff., 20.9 x 14.6 cm, naskh script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Photographic prints of MS Vienna, N.F. 4 (Catalogue Flügel I, p. 8, No. 2), being al-Durr alNazim fi Ahwal al-`Ulum wal-Ta`lim, an anonymous reworking of Irshad al-Qasid ila Asna alMaqasid by Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Sa`id Ibn al-Akfani (d. 749/1348), GAL G II, 137. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 136. See now also J.J. Witkam, De Egyptische arts Ibn al-Akfani ... (Leiden 1989), especially pp. 54, 254-264. The prints were used by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) for collating with the Leiden manuscript (MS Leiden Or. 958 (42), above). Van Arendonk’s notes on this text are kept as MS Leiden Or. 8301 f, below. Provenance: Deposited by C. van Arendonk, Leiden 1946. [* Ar. 3023] Or. 7126 a-c Avestan, 3 boxes with cards. Notes about Avestan, from C.P. Tiele (1830-1902). Provenance: Unknown. (Skr. 81, Skr. 82, Skr. 83)

Or. 7127 Dayak. Ngaju Dayak, and German. German-Ngaju Dayak register on the Dajacksch-deutsches Wörterbuch by Aug. Hardeland (1814-1891), which was published in Amsterdam in 1859, compiled by Mrs. P.H. Jonker-Lapère, the widow of J.C.G. Jonker. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 217. See on Hardeland also J.L. Swellengrebel, In Leijdeckers voetspoor, pp. 97-111. Provenance: From the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (Mal. 3092) Or. 7128 - Or. 7132 Manuscripts from the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Or. 7128 Arabic, paper, ff. A list of manuscripts in al-Madrasa al-Mahmudiyya in Medina, made by Tag al-Din (Tadjoeddin). Copy received by C. Snouck Hurgronje on 16 May 1907 from the compiler. MS Leiden Or. 7095, above, is another copy. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 413-414. See now also J.J. Witkam, ‘Lists of books in Arabic manuscripts’, in MME 5 (1990-1991), pp. 121-136, esp. § 6 ‘Lists from Medina’, on pp. 130-133, and the reproduction of p. 1 of the manuscript on p. 132. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2823) Or. 7129 Arabic, paper, photograph. A photograph of 17 small coins (perhaps deureuham from Aceh?). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 431. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2837) Or. 7130 Arabic, paper. Three schematical tables for the division of heritages. One was made by `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil b. Yahya al-`Alawi (Sajjid Oethman, d. 1332/1914) in Batavia in 1312 AH (1894-1895). The other two were made by Salim b. Sa`id M.q.d. in 1312 (1894-1895). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2837)

Or. 7131 This number was added to MS Leiden Or. 6248, above. At present, there is no MS Leiden Or. 7131 recorded in the Leiden collection. (Former shelf mark: Ar. 2801, not available anymore) Or. 7132 Malay, paper, 1 sheet, scrolled, illustrated, copied by Haji Muhammad Izi b. Muhammad Zubaida b. Yusuf b. Salihin of Kampung Sawa Masjid. Calendar, made by Imam Haji Muhammad Mahbub b. `Abd al-Hamid b. Muhammad Danuri b. Muhammad Habib. The text contains a calendar with the time-table for the salat concerning different days according to the Christian year. Illuminated in colour with two Turkish flags. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 374-375 (No. 817). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2855, kept on plano shelf 4 H) Or. 7133 - Or. 7152 Manuscripts coming from the library of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919) Or. 7133 Sanskrit, German, Dutch, paper, c. 600 pp., half-cloth binding, pasted boards. The volume consists of 15 numbered exercise books bound together. Notes by J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905), apparently made when he was still a student and learning Sanskrit. The notes mostly contain meaning of words (in German) encountered while reading the Sanskrit-Chrestomathie compiled by Otto Boehtlingk. St. Petersburg 1877 [868 E 25], and translation of passages into Dutch. Some notes are dated, e.g. 19 May 1880 (exercise book No. 10). On the fly-leaf is written: ‘J. Brandes 1879-1881 [1877-1879.]’ Provenance: formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* Skr. 84] Or. 7134 - Or. 7135 Buginese texts from the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (Mal. 1346) Or. 7134 Buginese, paper, exercise book, ff., Buginese script. A fragment only of Abu Nawase. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (in Mal. 1346)

Or. 7135 a-b Buginese, paper, 2 exercise books, ff., Buginese script. Collection of sayings, to be used in different circumstances of life. Popular Islamic mysticism. End missing. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (in Mal. 1346) Or. 7136 - Or. 7152 Makassarese texts from the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). All exercise books, machine-made lined paper, 21 x 16.2 cm. Only the pages with text are counted. All text of MSS Leiden Or. 7136-Or. 7149 seems to be written in one and the same hand. The same goes for the other ensembles, MSS Leiden Or. 7150, Or. 7151, Or. 7152, separately. The texts have been identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (Mal. 1347 – Mal. 1348) Or. 7136 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, pp. 1-19, and blanks, Makassarese script. About Karaeng Pesakang of Banjuwanjara. Abrupt end. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7137 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, pp. 1-37, and blanks, Makassarese script. Sudagara’ Huseng (friends tested). Complete. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7138 Collective volume with texts in Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 40 pp., Makassarese script. (1) pp. 1-24. Amere’ Handja (Amir Hamza). Episode from the Hamzah-story. (2) pp. 25-48. Bagenda Ali. The episode of Ali and the man who had thrown oil on the ground. Texts identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7139 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 12 pp. and blanks, Makassarese script. Different laws from the Rapang. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919).

[* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7140 a-c Makassarese, paper, 3 exercise books, 40, 40 (No. 1), 36 (No. 2) pp. and blanks, Makassarese script, with some Arabic script, MS Leiden Or. 7140a, p. 1. History of Siti Djohora’ Manikang. At the end, some text is lacking, apparently not much. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7141 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 36 pp., Makassarese script. A theological treatise, with Hadith. Complete. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7142 a Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 36 pp., Makassarese script. The final part only of an episode of the Hamzah-story. Abrupt end. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7142 b-c Makassarese, paper, 2 exercise books, 36, 33 pp., Makassarese script. The final part only of an episode of the Hamzah-story. Radjahaha, the end?. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7143 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 36 pp., Makassarese script. Fragment (abrupt beginning and end) of the story of the struggle of Radja Handja (Hamza) against Radja Laha’ (Lahad). Beginning and end in the middle of a sentence. Abrupt end. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7144 a-b Makassarese, paper, 2 exercise books, 40 (No. 1), 31 (No. 2) pp., Makassarese script.

Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of Bayang Budimang. At the end some text, or some part of the story, is missing. Possibly other stories follow. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7145 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 40 pp., Makassarese script. The beginning only of Amere’ Handja (Amir Hamza). Abrupt end. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7146 a-d Makassarese, paper, 4 exercise books, 36 (No. 1), 36 (No. 2), 36 (No. 3), 36 pp., Makassarese script, with some Arabic script (MS Leiden Or. 7146a, p. 1). The beginning only of an Islamic theological tract, with seven chapters. (1) exercise book a, pp. 6-29. Nuru Muhama’. (2) exercise books a, pp. 29-36; b; c, pp. 1-13. Nabi Adang. (3) exercise book c, pp. 13-36. About death. Abrupt end. Here should follow: About the signs of the Youngest Day; about the Youngest Day (kiama); about hell; about heaven. (4) exercise book d. Incomplete copy (beginning and end are missing) of an Islamic theological treatise. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7147 a-b Makassarese, paper, 2 exercise books, 36 (No. 1), 36 (No. 2) pp., Makassarese script. Fragment of a treatise on Death. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7148 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 40 pp., Makassarese script. The beginning only of the story of I Jahili and I Nai. MS Leiden Or. 7149, below, is not the sequel. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347]

Or. 7149 Makassarese, paper, exercise book, 29 pp., Makassarese script. The sequel of the story of I Jahili and I Nai. Not the sequel to MS Leiden Or. 7148, above. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1347] Or. 7150 a-o Collection of texts in Makassarese, paper, 14 exercise books, 40, 36 (No. 2), 35 (No. 3), 35 (No. 4), 36 (No. 5), 35 (No. 6), 36 (No. 7), 36 (No. 8), 36 (No. 9), 36 (No. 10), 36 (No. 11), 36 (No. 12), 36 (No. 13), 36 (No. 14) pp., Makassarese script.The ensemble of 14 exercise books contains 3 texts. The script seems to be in one and the same hand. MSS Leiden Or. 7150a, Or. 7150b, Or. 7150c are consecutively numbered 210-213 (1) exercise books 1 - 4, p. 26. Story of Siti Patimasa of Banuwasa. (2) exercise books 4, p. 27- 6, p. 8. Conversation between the Prophet Muhammad and the Devil. (3) exercise book 6, p. 9 – 14. Stories from the Bayang Budimang. Abrupt end, sequel lacking. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1348] Or. 7151 a-d Makassarese, paper, 4 exercise books, 52 (No. 1), 52 (No. 2), 52 (No. 3), 52 (No. 4) pp., Makassarese script, with some Arabic script (MS Leiden Or. 7151a, p. 1). The Book of Thousand Questions. Abadulahi ebenu Salami asks the questions from the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. Ends in the episode about the ‘holes’ in which the souls dwell at the moment of Qiyama. Identified by R.A. Kern. G.F. Pijper, Het boek der duizend vragen. Leiden: Brill, 1924, does not mention Makassarese versions of this work. Provenance: formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1348] Or. 7152 a-o Makassarese, paper, 14 exercise books, 36 (No. 1), 36 (No. 2), 36 (No. 3), 36 (No. 4), 36 (No. 5), 44 (No. 6), 44 (No. 7), 40 (No. 8), 36 (No. 9), 40 (No. 10), 44 (No. 11), 44 (No. 12), 44 (No. 13), 28 (No. 14) pp., Makassarese script, with some Arabic script (MS Leiden Or. 7152b, p. 1; MS Leiden Or. 7152-o, p. 28). The script seems to be in one and the same hand. Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of an Islamic treatise, containing several subjects derived from Hadith, such as Imang mahadi, idadjala’, Jadjudja and Maadjudja, and the Resurrection and the Last Judgment. Identified by R.A. Kern. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919).

[* in Mal. 1348] Or. 7153 - Or. 7160 Varia, from the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (Mal. 1349 – Mal. 1352) Or. 7153 Ilocano (a language of Central Luzon Philippines), Spanish, paper, 191 + 8 pp., and blanks, dated February 1899, copied in Amsterdam, Sarphatipark (p. 191). Copy, made by J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919), with index of the printed work by Fra. Lopez, Compendio y methodo de la suma de las reglas del arte del ydioma Ylocano. En la imprenta de N.S. de Loreto del Pueblo de Sampaloc 1792 [854 E 18: 1]. Added a quire with pencil notes, also on Ilocano. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* Mal. 1349] Or. 7154 a-b Lampong’ese, Dutch, paper, 2 exercise books, 141 + 38 ff, followed by blanks, half-cloth bindings, pasted boards. ‘Nederlandsch-Lampongsche woordenlijst’, reversed from O.L. Helfrich, Proeve van een Nederlandsch-Lampongsch woordenlijst (Batavia 1891). Or. 7154 a: Aan-Traanachtig; Or. 7154 b: Traag – Zwijm, (in – vallen). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 215. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 375 (No. 818). Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* Mal. 1350 – Mal. 1351] Or. 7155 Dutch, of Banggai interest, paper, booklet, 24 pp., dated May 1913 (p. 24), loose leaves in folded paper cover. ‘Het Banggaisch’. Essay on the Banggai language by N. Adriani (1865-1926). Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). (in Mal. 1352) Or. 7156 English, of Mono interest, paper, exercise book, 41 ff., followed by blanks, and added in an envelope a sheet and some slips of paper, dated 17-18 June 1912. ‘Mono’. Stories recorded and explained by G.C. Wheeler. He is Gerald Camden Wheeler (*1872), the author of Mono-Alu folklore (Bougainville Strait, Western Solomon Islands). London 1926. Ff. 1-35 are in Wheeler’s hand, but on the left-hand pages, J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919) has written many notes. From f. 36a onwards, all notes are in Jonker’s hand.

Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1352] Or. 7157 Bacan’ese, Dutch, paper, 2 pp., and many blanks, Latin script, inexpert hand. Bacan’ese words, with Dutch translation. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 213. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1352] Or. 7158 Dutch, of Tettum interest, paper, exercise book, 17 ff., and numerous blanks, dated 18 October 1901, copied in Kupang, West-Timor. ‘Beknopte Tettumsche spraakkunst’ by Pastoor A. Mathijsen, Lahoeroes (Timor). The grammar has been published in Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap 56 (1907), part 2. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1352] Or. 7159 Malay, Dutch, paper, exercise book, 21 ff., and blanks, Arabic and Latin scripts. Someone’s very elementary notes with reading Malay, apparently in the section on Sejara Melayu in a work or chrestomathie. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 375 (No. 819) identifies the author of the notes as Tendeloo, because this name is written on the cover. If this is the same as the H.J.E. Tendeloo, the author of Maleische grammatica. Leiden 1901 [812 G 30-31], the ascription is improbable. But Tendeloo’s grammar does not contain portions of the Sejara Melayu, and the problem is, therefore, not really solved. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1352] Or. 7160 Sangirese, paper, exercise book, 55 ff., blanks, 1 f. (from the other side). Sangihe wordlist, according to the label apparently made by J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905) and copied (f. 55b) by J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 217, where the list is ascribed to Jonker. The 2 pp. at the end contain bibliographical notes. Provenance: Formerly the collection of J.C.G. Jonker (1857-1919). [* in Mal. 1352]

Or. 7161 - Or. 7214 Arabic manuscripts from the collection of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), most of which had already been in the Library as part of the Loan Snouck Hurgronje. Or. 7161 Arabic, Malay, paper, 10 pp. Silsilat al-Sultan al-Khalifa fi Balad Aceh. Copied from a salasilah or surat kawom in the possession of Teungku Makuta Keumangan, 1905. The last part is in Malay. Added: Letter from K. van der Maaten to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated 7 May 1905. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 338. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2802) Or. 7162 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 36 + 5 ff., dluang boards. (1) ff. 1v-28r. Arabic. Various citations from works on Fiqh, with interlinear Javanese translation. Each beginning with a basmala of its own. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. (2) ff. 28b-33b. Javanese. Ilmu pangerang Cerbon, but in fact Sipat duapuluh. See Pigeaud II, p. 422. (3) f. 34a. The twenty attributes in Arabic, with commentary for each term in Javanese. (4) ff. 34b-36b. Unidentified notes in Javanese. Added: three Javanese letters, two dated 1886, and an undated one. Javanese, Arabic and Latin scripts. Also a receipt, dated Ciamis, 10 July 1886. (5) several unnumbered leaves, with shorter and longer texts in Javanese. See Pigeaud II, p. 422. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2833] Or. 7163 Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang), 180 ff., beginning 19th cent.? Badr al-Tali` fi Hall Gam` al-Gawami` fil-Usul, commentary by Galal al-Din al-Mahalli (d. 864/1460) on Gam` al-Gawami` fil-Usul (= Usul al-Fiqh), by `Abd al-Wahhab b. `Ali al-Subki (d. 771/1370), GAL G II, 89. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 90-91. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2832) Or. 7164 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 202 ff., 30 x 19.5 cm, vocalized naskh script, possibly in one and the same hand, usually 19 lines to the page,

black ink with rubrication, once bound, but now without binding (only leather back still visible). (1) f. 1a. Fragment only of Tafsir al-Galalayn, by Galal al-Din al-Mahalli (d. 864/1460), GAL G II, 114, and continuated by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 145. Covers a small part of sura 3. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 353. (1a) f. 1b. Note in Javanese (pegon), several calculations, two squares, each for 15. Name mentioned: Tuan Hagg Muhammad ‘Abbas. (1b) ff. 2a-b. Vocalized Arabic with interlinear notes in Javanese. Note about Yawm al-Qiyama, heaven and hell. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (1c) f. 2b. Note in Javanese (pegon). (1d) ff. 3a-b. Javanese (pegon) and Arabic. Prayer, with mention of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar b. alKhattab, ‘Uthman b. ‘Affan, ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, Hasan, Husayn, Hamza, ‘Abbas, the Muhagirun and the Ansar. MS Leiden Or. 7167, below, has a similar text. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (1e) f. 3b. Javanese. Niyya for the washing of a corpse. (1f) f. 4a. Arabic with interlinear notes in Javanese. Tanbih. Notes on details of Islamic law (dogs, swine, end of the ‘Idda, difference between Fasiq and ‘Asi. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (2) ff. 4b-63a. Vocalized Arabic with interlinear glosses in Javanese. A Mukhtasar of Shu`ab alIman, originally a Persian work translated from Arabic, perhaps from al-Gami` al-Musannaf by Ahmad b. al-Husayn al-Bayhaqi (d. 458/1066). According to GAL G I, 363 and the supplement was translated into Persian by Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Igi, who is mentioned as the author in the Malay version (see Ph.S. van Ronkel, Cat. Mal. Hss. Batavia, No. 625; see also Van den Berg, in TBG 31, p. 550). With Javanese glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 344. Collation notes (balagha), e.g. on ff. 21b-22a. In all, 77 Shu’ba are mentioned. (2a) f. 63b. Notes of diverse nature in Javanese (pegon). (2b) f. 64a. Arabic. Note on eternity, al-Qadam wal-Baqa’. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 64b-75b. Lubab al-Akhbar by Hibat Allah b. `Ata’ al-Mulk b. Hamid al-Qarawi, GAL S II, 937, No. 72. (Arba`una bab wa fi kull bab `ashara ahadith). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 169. See also MS Berlin Pet. 606 (2), Ahlwardt 1377. MS Leiden 12.283 c, below, is a photographic copy taken from MS Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa 17667. Table of contents on ff. 64b-65a. (3a) f. 76a. Note in Arabic, and Javanese (Javanese script). (4) ff. 76b-95b. Arabic. Munabbihat `ala al-Isti`dad li-Yawm al-Ma`ad. Anonymous, but mostly ascribed to Ibn Hagar al-`Asqalani (d. 852/1449), GAL G II, 69. Here the shorter redaction is given, having nine, not ten, chapters (Bab). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 232-233. ¶ This work has been commented on by Muhammad Nawawi b. `Umar al-Gawi: Nasa’ih al`Ibad fi Bayan Alfaz Munabbihat …, Mecca 1312 AH (1894-1895, Snouck Hurgronje’s own copy is: Nasa’ih al-Ibad fi Bayan Alfaz Munabbihat al-Isti`dad. Wa-bi-hamishihi al-Futuhat alMadaniyya fi al-Shu`ab al-Imaniyya, by Muhammad Nawawi b. `Umar al-Gawi. Makka, 1312/[1894] [891 A 25]. A Malay version of Ibn Hagar’s work by `Uthman b. Shihab al-Din Pontianak, entitled Irshad al-`Ibad, was printed in Mecca in 1324 AH (1906-1907, Snouck Hurgronje’s own copy is: Irshad al-`Ibad, pendjaga dan bekal hari achirat diambil daripada

Munabbihat al-Qulub lil-Shaykh Ibn Hagar al-Qastalani, by `Uthman b. Shihab al-Din Puntianak. Makka, 1324/[1906]. [890 B 26]. (4a) ff. 95b-96a). Notes in Javanes (pegon), on various subjects. (5) ff. 96b-113b. Ma`din al-Ma`lum wa-Muzil al-Humum, title on f. 96b. Anonymous, probably an abridgment of `Aga’ib al-Malakut by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Malik (or `Abdallah) al-Kisa’i (5/11th cent.), GAL G I, 350. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 3, 174. (5a) ff. 113b-114a. Arabic, Javanese (pegon). Notes of varied contents. (6) ff. 114b-131b. Arabic with (ff. 114b-116b) interlinear Javanese notes. Daqa’iq al-Haqa’iq, title on f. 131b. Anonymous tract on the creation, death and eschatology. The same text as MS Calcutta, Catalogue Ivanow-Hidayat Husain, No. 814. According to Brockelmann, GAL S I, 923, a copy in the Asafiyya Library in Hyderabad mentions Fakhr al-Din al-Razi as the author, and the same attribution is found in a printed text with Urdu translation (Calcutta, n.d., but after 1847 [845 D 1], and probably a reprint of the edition Calcutta 1846, mentioned by J.F. Blumhardt, Catalogue of Hindustani books IOL, p. 257). Nur al-Din al-Raniri (d. 1658) mentions this work together with al-Durra al-Fakhira as written by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423 (see P. Voorhoeve, ‘Three old Achehnese Manuscripts’, in BSOAS 14 (1952), pp. 335-345, esp. p. 342). It is identical with Ahwal al-Qiyama, edited by M. Wolff (Muhammedanische Eschatologie. Nach der Leipziger und der Dresdner Handschrift zum ersten Male arabisch und deutsch mit Anmerkungen hrsg. von M. Wolff. Leipzig 1872 [844 D 22]). Concerning the titles under which it is known and the various authors to which it is ascribed, see GAL S I, 346 (but the statement that al-Taftazani is quoted in it is erroneous), and G. Levi della Vida, Elenco … Vat., No. 242. Voorhoeve did not find any manuscript in the catalogues which was older than 866 AH (Berlin, Ahlwardt 2780). In the IOL manuscript and in the Calcutta edition, the part found in Wolff’s edition, p. 73, line 5 – p. 104, line 4, is missing. In the two Leiden copies from Java (MS Leiden Or. 5690 (11), above, and the present text), the lacuna at the same place is even larger. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 57. F. 132a. Blank. (7) ff. 132b-148a. Arabic. Asrar al-Salat (title on f. 148a), by al-Hasan `Abd al-Muhyi b. `Abd alKarim. Described as: Risala … Mubayyina li-Asrar al-Salat wal-Munagat. Divided into three chapters (Bab). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29. (8) ff. 148b-153a. Arabic. Abstracts from books of Fiqh, mostly on matrimonial law. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. As source is given Sharh al-Kabir (f. 152b), and Tahrir (f. 153a). (9) ff. 153b-169b. Arabic, Javanese (pegon). Various notes about Fiqh, partly in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. F. 162a. Blank. (10) ff. 170a-180b. Du`a’ Mawlid. Thus mentioned in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67, but not identified as such. Rather a collection of shorter texts on diverse subjects, in Arabic and Javanese (pegon). (11) ff. 181a-184b. Manasik al-Hagg (title on f. 184b) Anonymous, but according to Van Ronkel, Suppl. Cat. Batav., No. 490, by Muhammad Salih. With Javanese translation on part of the first page only. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 183-184. Illustration of the Ka’ba with descriptions of its distinctive elements (f. 181a). See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘The Islamic Pilgrimage in the

Manuscript Literatures of Southeast Asia’, in Venetia Porter & Liana Saif (eds.), The Hajj: Collected Essays. London: The British Museum, 2013, pp. 214-223. (12) ff. 184b-193a. Du`a’ Mawlid. Thus mentioned in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67, but not identified as such. Rather a collection of shorter texts on diverse subjects, in Arabic and Javanese (pegon). On f. 190a a short text in Javanese script. ff. 190b-191a, 192a. Blank. (13) f. 193b. Arabic. Du’a’ Tul ‘Umr. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (14) ff. 194a-195a. Vocalized Arabic. Du’a’ Mawlid. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (15) ff. 195b-199a. Several notes, mostly in Javanese (pegon, in different hands). (16) ff. 199b-201b. Arabic with interlinear notes in Javanese (pegon). Al-Fara’id. On the law of succession, apparently the opening passage of al-Fara’id al-Siragiyya by Sirag al-Din Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sagawandi (last part of the 6/12th cent.), GAL G I, 378. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (17) ff. 202a-b. Javanese (pegon). Notes of varied nature. Illustration (Naga) on f. 202b. Loosely added: bibliographical notes in the hands of Van Arendonk, Voorhoeve, Pigeaud and possibly others. See Pigeaud II, p. 422, for a short survey of the Javanese materials in the present volume. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2821] Or. 7165 Arabic with Javanese, European paper, 50 ff., 11/17th cent. (?). al-Misbah fil-Nawh by Nasir b. `Abd al-Sayyid al-Mutarrizi (d. 610/1213), GAL G I, 293. With interlinear and marginal notes in Arabic and Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 217. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2820) Or. 7166 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 39 ff., 27.7 x 18.5 cm, Naskh script, 7 lines to the page (plus interlinear notes), black ink, modern half-cloth binding, pasted boards. f. 1a. Notes in Javanese (pegon) of varied nature. Noted with letter ‘P’. (1) ff. 1b-11a. Vocalized Arabic. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya (author on f. 1b, title on ff. 2a, 11a), or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly

of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 43-44. On f. 11a follow notes in Javanese (pegon). (2) ff. 11b-18b. Vocalized Arabic. Bayan al-Taqsis (title on f. 18b, possibly a misspelling for Takhsis). Anonymous tract on the mystical meaning of some words, written in faulty Arabic (e.g. Sunnat al-Gum`a is used throughout in the sense of Ahl al-Sunna wal-Gama`a), with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 48. (2a) f. 19a. Notes in Arabic and Javanese (pegon). A Du’a’ (?). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 19b-27a. Vocalized Arabic. The muqaddima only of Safwat al-Zubad fima `alayhi alMu`tamad, rhymed version by Ahmad Ibn Raslan al-Ramli (d. 844/1440) of the Kitab al-Zubad by al-Barizi (d. 738/1337), GAL G II, 96, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 407. (4) ff. 27b-35b. Partly vocalized Arabic. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. (5) ff. 35b-39b. Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of the first chapter of al-Nuqaya (title on f. 35b) by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 156. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 256. Loosely added: bibliographical notes in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2819] Or. 7167 Arabic, a long strip of dluang or tree bark (?), 1 f., 155.5 x 26.3 cm (one piece), most text is on the recto side, on the verso side only the final 6 lines of text, followed by an illumination; otherwise the verso side is blank. Vocalized naskh script, 69 + 6 lines of text. Possibly used as a scroll, but now kept in folded condition. Maqam Mahmud (possible title on recto side, line 59). A Du`a’, prayer text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. At the beginning slightly incomplete, possibly only the Basmala is missing. Text set within a double frame (red). MS Leiden Or. 7164 (1d), above, has a similar text. Earlier provenance: From Soemedang, January 1903 (paste-on note on verso side). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2818] Or. 7168 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, 95 ff., naskh script in several hands, full-leather Islamic binding with flap, with blind tooled ornamentation in the Indonesian fashion, from Bandung. (1) ff. 2b-14b. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342.

(2) ff. 15b-32a. Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim alSamarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45, where the present manuscript is not mentioned. (3) ff. 34b-38a. Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is the title given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith. With Javanese interlinear translation (?). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. (4) ff. 39b-64b. Umm al-Barahin, known in Java as al-Durra, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Copy with interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. (5) ff. 65b-80b. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. (6) ff. 82b-90a. The first chapter of al-Nuqaya by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 156. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 256. (7) ff. 90b-95b. Notes, mostly in Javanese, in several different hands. Also a few prayers in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: Label on front board: ‘Bandoeng 1909’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2829] Or. 7169 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 33 ff., f. 34 is end cover, 25.4 x 17 cm, vocalized Naskh script, 7 lines to the page (plus the interlinear notes), black ink with rubrication. A copy from West-Java (Bandung). Inside the front cover is a drawing of a horse, in red ink. On f. 1a are notes in Javanese (pegon). (1) ff. 1b-6a. Vocalized Arabic. A short tract about Sifat Allah, with interlinear translation in Javanese; probably the same as MS Batavia Suppl. Cat. No. 212. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 452. Drawing (wayang?) in the outer margin of f. 4a. (2) ff. 6b-7b. Vocalized Arabic. Kitab al-Muta’awwila. This is the title given in the colophon of MS Leiden Or. 5467 (8), above, to a short anonymous tract, perhaps a passage from a longer work, on three kinds of shahada: muta’awwila, mutawassita and muta’akhkhira. With an interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 243. (3) ff. 7b-12a. Bab Sakarat al-Mawt (title on f. 7b). Vocalized Arabic, with interlinear translation and marginal notes in Javanese. On the tortures in the grave. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 325.

(4) ff. 12b-18a. Vocalized Arabic. The first chapter of al-Nuqaya by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 156. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 256. (5) ff. 18b-21a. Du`a’. Several shorter prayer texts, mostly in vocalized Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (6) ff. 21b-23a. Pen trials in Arabic. On f. 22a Alip-alipan, the Arabic alphabet with vowels. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (7) f. 22a. Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1), not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (8) ff. 23b-27a. Javanese (pegon). Prayer (?). (9) ff. 27b-28b. Javanese (pegon). Prayer (?). Calligraphic trial with the words Allah and Muhammad. (10) ff. 29a-30a. Arabic. Prayer (?). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (11) ff. 30b-32a. Javanese (pegon). Prayer (?). (12) ff. 32b-34a. Javanese (pegon). Prayer (?). Ff. 33-34 are damaged with considerable loss of text. See Pigeaud II, p. 422, where the Javanese texts are not individually identified. Loosely added are bibliographical notes in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). Earlier provenance: From Bandung, 1903 (label on front board: ‘Bandoeng | 1903’). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2830] Or. 7170 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 41 ff., c. 27 x 18 cm, naskh script in more than one hand, 7 lines to the page, plus the interlinear translation, black ink with rubrication, unbound, no catchwords, partly bound. f. 1a. Pen trials (1) ff. 1b-33b. Incomplete copy (ends in Rukn 3) of Arkan al-Nikah by Abu ‘Abdallah Husayn b. Ahmad al-Mahfani (author on f. 2a), GAL S II, 628. On f. 2b is the title Kitab al-Nikah. Arabic text with interlinear translation in Javanese and marginal notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 23. Three quires with leaves and sheets, sewn together. (2) ff. 34a-41b. Two fragments from a work on fiqh, from the section on Salat. With interlinear translation in Javanese and marginal notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447. Leaves are in disorder, and not all have been foliated. Loose sheets. Added: Loose slip of paper with a description in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2835] Or. 7171 Arabic, Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 10 ff., 19th cent.

A text consisting mainly of paradigms of the Arabic verb (Amthila), explained in Javanese. Somewhat shorter than MS Leiden Or. 7039 (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 415. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2834) Or. 7172 Collective volume with texts in Arabic with Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), heavily damaged by vermin, 80 ff., naskh script in more than one hand, 5 lines to the page, plus the Javanese interlinear translation, also with marginal notes in Javanese, sewn together, front part missing, original back and end board are preserved. (1a) f. 1a. The last page only of a text on Islamic law. Ff. 1b-2a. Pen trials, mostly with the word Allah. (1) ff. 2b-22a. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. Small drawing in the outer margin of f. 16b. Copy with interlinear Javanese translation and marginal notes in Javanese. Illumination on f. 22a. (1b) ff. 22b-23a. Notes in Javanese about the difference between Shar` and ‘Ada, and other subjects. (2) ff. 23b-57a. Umm al-Barahin, known in Java as al-Durra, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Copy with interlinear Javanese translation and marginal notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 387. (2a) ff. 57b-62a. Notes in Javanese. Schematical illustration on f. 61a. Some Javanese script on ff. 60a-b. (3) ff. 62b-76b. A treatise about Tahara, Salat and Sawm. Copy with interlinear Javanese translation and marginal notes in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 448. (3a) ff. 77a-79a. Notes in Javanese. Ff. 79b-80b. Blank. Javanese materials not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2831] Or. 7173 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, 60 ff., 19th cent., Islamic binding with flap, made of Javanese paper (dluang), with fly-leaves equally of dluang. Illustration. (1a) 4 unnumbered fly-leaves before f. 1: Notes about calendar, Javanese owners’ marks, prayer in Javanese, list of abbreviations for bibliographical references, praying instructions, note about tayammum, etc. (1) ff. 1v-5r. The Khatima, epilogue, only of a work on the subject of al-Ziyara ila al-Madina. See also No. 3, below. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 407. (2) ff. 5r-10r. Risala fi Fada’il Makka, or Risala fi Fadilat Makka al-Musharrafa, or Risala fi Fadl Haram Makka al-Musharrafa, ascribed to Hasan al-Basri (d. 110/728), GAL G I, 66. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 295. Here the text is transmitted on the authority of Abu al-Fadl Ga`far b. Abi al-Husayn b. Ga`far al-Hadani (or al-Hamadani?). Title here (f. 10r) is: Fadilat Makka alMusharrafa. An Acehnese translation of this text is MS Leiden Or. 8125, below. (3) ff. 10v-16v. Kitab al-Ziyara ila al-Madina. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 407. (4) f. 17r. A short note on the subject of Manasik al-Hagg. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 184. (5) ff. 17v-45r. Manasik al-Hagg, by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Shirbini al-Khatib (d. 977/1570), GAL G II, 320. With interlinear glosses in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 183. (6) ff. 45v-46r. `Ibara Bayt Allah. Drawing of the Ka`ba, with explanation of ritual requirements in Javanese. Ff. 46b-47a blank. (7) ff. 47v-52r. Fadilat Masgid al-Aqsa. Anonymous. Not completed, ends at the beginning of Fasl 7. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 73. (8) ff. 52v-57r. Risala fi Fada’il Makka, or Risala fi Fadilat Makka al-Musharrafa, or Risala fi Fadl Haram Makka al-Musharrafa, ascribed to Hasan al-Basri (d. 110/728), GAL G I, 66. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 295. Here with the title: Fadilat al-Hagg (f. 57r). HRP (9) f. 57v. Notes on the description and the history of the Masgid al-Haram and the Ka`ba. (10) ff. 58r-59r. Javanese. Surat Hikayat Sagi (?) Syaikh Salihin. A du`a’ in Arabic on f. 59v. On the fly-leaves at the end occasional notes and scribbling. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: Written by C. Snouck Hurgronje on fly-leaves at the beginning of the volume: ‘Kruyt (hadji X) 1884. Hagg, omra, zijârah’, probably meaning that Snouck Hurgronje acquired the present manuscript while still in Jeddah, preparing his journey to Mecca. See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘The Islamic Pilgrimage in the Manuscript Literatures of Southeast Asia’, in Venetia Porter & Liana Saif (eds.), The Hajj: Collected Essays. London: The British Museum, 2013, pp. 214-223. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2836] Or. 7174 Arabic, paper, 673 pp., dated 1892 AD. Commentary by `Afif b. Sulayman b. `Ali al-Tilimsani (d. 690/1291) on Kitab al-Mawaqif by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Gabbar al-Niffari (d. after 361/972), GAL G I, 200. Copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje from MS London, IOL, B 396 (Loth 597). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 205. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2963) Or. 7175 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, paper, 87 ff. + 27 pp. (reverse), manuscript from Java. MS Leiden Or. 6536, above, is a copy of this manuscript made by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin.

(1) ff. 1-79r. Hadith al-Daggal, or Qissat Wiladat Ibn Sahil al-Musamma bil-Daggal al-La`in. Anonymous. See for other manuscripts: Suppl. Cat. Batavia, Nos. 237, 238. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 106. (2) ff. 79v-87v. Fasl fi `Urus al-Nabi. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 392. (3) 27 pp. from the reverse. Pralambang Tanah Jawa. Eschatological prophecy about the coming of the Mahdi, the righteous king, with an army of spirits, to rule over Java, in 1297-1299 AH / 1879-1881 AD, according to seh Salikin. See Pigeaud II, pp. 391, 422. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2954) Or. 7176 Arabic with Malay, machine-made lined paper, 9 ff. plus blanks, 20.3 x 16 cm, vocalized naskh script, 6 lines to the page plus interlinear Malay text, black ink, dated 18 of month 2 of the year 1299 (, before f. 1a), originally an exercise book, now in addition to that provided with a halfcloth binding with pasted boards. Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. Arabic with interlinear translation in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. The unnumbered page before f. 1a has the title, the origin and the date of copying of the text, written within two concentric circles. On f. 9a notes in Malay. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Earlier provenance: Received by Snouck Hurgronje from Consul J.A. Kruijt in Jeddah, 1884, with note after Kruijt’s name ‘(hadji X)’. [* Ar. 2951] Or. 7177 Collective volume with text in Arabic, Javanese, paper, 11 ff., naskh script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. (1) ff. 1b-8b. Manasik al-Hagg. Anonymous, but according to Van Ronkel, Suppl. Cat. Batav., No. 490, by Muhammad Salih. With interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 183-184. (2) ff. 9a-11a. Niyya for the Ihram, in Javanese only, although the Niyya formula itself is, of course, in Arabic. See Pigeaud II, p. 422. Earlier provenance: On p. 11b, written by C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘van Mr. de Vicq Augs 85’. From early 1885 onwards Mr. J.A. de Vicq was the Dutch consul in Jeddah, and Snouck Hurgronje apparently received the manuscript, just after his return from Mecca to Jeddah in August 1885. [* Ar. 2950]

Or. 7178 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay, Acehnese, paper, 2 + 59 ff., dated Shawwal 1309 (April-May 1892). Owner mentioned: Sulaiman b. Haji Muhammad Hasan b. Syaikh Abdul Wahab. (1) f. [2]a. Niat sembahyang, do`a’, etc. (2) ff. 1b-29b. Do`a’, do`a’ sembahyang, etc. A book of prayers and litanies; some parts with Malay interlinear translation. (3) ff. 29b-31a. Syarat wali pada nikah. (4) ff. 31a-57a. Arabic and Acehnese. Do`a’, chapters of the Qur’an, etc. At the end an Acehnese sanjak. On f. 59b some notes in Malay. Added: two loose leaves with a table of contents. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455, where the texts are are not individually described. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 375-376 (No. 820). Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2985) Or. 7179 Arabic, paper, 22 pp. Treatise about Dhikr, by `Abd al-Ra’uf b. `Ali al-Gawi (= Abdurauf from Singkel) (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 109. Copied in 1889 from a manuscript in Cirebon. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 467. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2872) Or. 7180 Arabic, paper, 49 ff., with Javanese titles, 19th century. Book of prayers and litanies. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2990) Or. 7181 Arabic, with some Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), [1] + 27 + [1] ff., 13.6 x 9.2 cm. vocalized naskh script, 8 lines to the page, black ink, two quires sewn together, the first leaf of the first quire and the last leaf of the second quire form the covers of the little volume. Collection of prayer texts, mostly Arabic (ff. 9b-19b), also some Javanese text, both independent and interlinear. Du`a’. Prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Also some Javanese text (ff. 1b-9a), also in Javanese script (ff. 4a, 20b, 23a-28b). Ff. 21a-22b. Blank. Earlier provenance: ‘Uit Soemedang | Jan. 1903’ written on label pasted on the front cover.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2990] Or. 7182 Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang). Qur’an, part of the text. From Western Java. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2983) Or. 7183 a Arabic, European laid paper (counter mark: C.B. & G.K.), 1 f. (folded once), 21.4 x 17.4 cm, ‘modern’, naskh script, black ink, loose leaf. Alip-alipan (Javanese), the Arabic alphabet with the three vowel signs and the three kinds of tanwin. Text on the recto side only. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 415. On the verso a label with description: ‘No. I. Aliep Aliepan’. Added: Front leaf of the original cover. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in: Ar. 2981] Or. 7183 b Collective volume with texts in Arabic, European laid paper (watermark), 10 ff., 16.2 x 10.3 cm, vocalized naskh script, black ink, 9 lines to the page, one quire sewn together. (1) f. 1a. Alip-alipan. (2) ff. 1b-8b. Qur’an, parts of the text, after the Fatiha presented in reverse of their usual order: Tuturan, the first verses learned by pupils. Title on label on front cover: ‘No. II. Ketoeroetan’. f. 1b. Qur’an 1; f. 2a-8b. Qur’an 114-99. ff. 9a-10b. Blank. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Earlier provenance: According to the label on front cover: ‘Lebak van patih door Mr. B. Zie nota’. Mr. B. is possibly the Mr. Bergsma who is mentioned as provenance of other manuscripts as well. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in: Ar. 2981] Or. 7184 Arabic, European laid paper, [1] + 17 ff., 20 x 15.8 cm, vocalized naskh script mostly in one hand (except f. 17a), 9 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, ochre ink used occasionally (ayadividers, marginals), text set within a complex frame (red, black, except f. 17a), not dated but Voorhoeve thinks 18th century, full paper binding with pasted board and blind-tooled ornamentation (centre piece only).

f. 1a. Blank. ff. 1b-16b. Ǧuzʾ 24 of the Qur’an: 39:32-41:46. Some variant readings as compared to the vulgate text have been written in the margins (red, ochre inks). f. 17a. Qur’an 62:9-11. Other hand, text not with a frame. f. 17b. Blank. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2943] Or. 7185 Arabic, with some Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 22 ff., 15.5 x 10.3 cm, vocalized naskh script in more than one hand, usually 6 lines to the page, black ink, three quires sewn together, end cover is lacking. Du`a’. Several shorter prayer texts. Possibly incomplete at the end. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Some texts seem to be Javanese. Added: loose leaf with description in the hand of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). Earlier provenance: label on front cover: ‘Bandoeng | 1903’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2989] Or. 7186 Arabic, Javanese, paper, 28 ff., 19th cent. A book of prayers and litanies with Javanese titles. Du`a’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 67, 455. See Pigeaud II, pp. 422-423, who mentions Paras Nabi, a treatise in Javanese about the Prophet’s shaving. See on this genre Dick van der Mey, Nabi Aparas. The Shaving of the Prophet Muhammad’s Hair. Leiden: INIS/Legatum Warnerianum, 1996. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2944) Or. 7187 Arabic, paper, 16 ff. Munawwir al-Qulub fi Fath al-Ghuyub. Anonymous treatise on Dhikr and Tawhid, beginning: al-Hamdu lillah Munawwir al-Qulub … amma ba`du fa’lam ayyuha al-`Ashiq anna Allah farrada `alayka Mutaba`at al-Nabi … It is divided in five sections (Fasl): 1. Fil-Dhikr; 2. Fi Fadilat alDhikr; 3. Fi Adab al-Dhikr; 4. Fi Awwal al-Wagib; 5. Fil-Wara`. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 233. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2964) Or. 7188 Arabic, Javanese, loose sheets of small 4to European laid paper of several types, ‘19th cent.’

After Voorhoeve had described the collection as ‘loose sheets’, the collection was bound in a half-cloth binding with pasted boards, paginated in reverse order (pp. 573-1), c. 21.5 x 17.3 cm, naskh script in numerous hands, occasionally blank pages. A collection of Fatawa (or maybe better: juridical notes?) from Indonesia, some passages in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 79. One leaf (p. 44) contains a name, apparently of an addressee: Kiyahi Muhammad Na’im, guru … Another, with a similar address is on p. 25. Many texts carry the titles from the works from which they were ectracted. Someone (Snouck Hurgronje?) has written on the front leaf: ‘Inlandsch-Arabische fatwa’s’, but the text does not seem to be Fatwas. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2965] Or. 7189 Arabic, with some Javanese (or Sundanese?), paper, 205 ff. (with numerous blanks), naskh script in many hands, modern cloth binding. A manuscript from Indonesia. A collection of quotations, sometimes as long as several pages and containing complete chapters or sections, sometimes consisting of just a few lines,all from works on Islamic law. The quotations come from several collections, as is clear from the different hands and sets of page numbers. Possibly they came together only when they were bound together in the present volume. Often the sources of these quotations are indicated, e.g. f. 22a. Hashiyat Fath al-Wahhab; f. 28a. Mukhtasar; f. 29a. `Umdat al-Aqsam; f. 46b. Muharrar; f. 149a. Hashiyat Fath al-Qarib; f. 163b. `Umdat al-Irshad, and many more. - On ff. 192b-195a is a full text, introduced by a basmala: Fasl fi Tahrir al-Kunat. - On f. 77a is what seems to be a Javanese (or Sundanese?) quotation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 79. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2966] Or. 7190 Arabic, European laid paper (watermark and counter mark), 43 ff., 20.3 x 16.7 cm, vocalized naskh script, 5 lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, last page has a complex illumination, not bound, four loose quires. Slightly acephalous copy (first leaves somewhat damaged with loss of text) of al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. Marginal and interlinear notes in Arabic, in an Indonesian hand. Occasionally interlinear notes in Javanese (f. 41b). Numerous collation notes in the margin (balagha, e.g. f. 25a). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2942]

Or. 7191 Arabic, with Malay titles, paper, 33 ff. Wird. A collection of Awrad for the seven days of the week. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 67, 401. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2987) Or. 7192 Arabic, paper, ff. Du`a’. Prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2988) Or. 7193 Arabic, paper. Qur’an, guz’ 20. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2984) Or. 7194 Arabic, paper. al-Miftah fi Sharh Ma`rifat al-Islam, anonymous commentary on Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam walIman, which is anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 195-196, where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta and Paris, BnF, mal.pol. 35 (which latter manuscript has an author: Ahmad b. Shaykh al-Islam). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2957) Or. 7195 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 10 ff., dated 1216 AH (1801-1802, No. 1). (1) ff. 1-8. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah, given to Shaykh Salih b. Ahmad, without year. Concerning these admonitions, said to have been given by the Prophet in a dream to a person called Hamza, Salih or `Abdallah in Mecca or Medina, see C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, I, pp. 125 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400. (2) ff. 9-10. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah, given to Shaykh Hamza in 1054 AH (1644-1645). Concerning these admonitions, said to have been given by the Prophet in a dream to a person called Hamza, Salih or `Abdallah in Mecca or Medina, see C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, I, pp. 125 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2956)

Or. 7196 Arabic, paper, 2 fragments, 27 + 6 ff., c. 1898 AD. Fragments of two copies of a rhymed abridgment (ragaz) of the Kafiyat Dhawi al-Adab fi `Ilm Kalam al-`Arab, by Gamal al-Din `Uthman b. `Umar Ibn al-Hagib (d. 646/1249), GAL G I, 303. From Aceh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 146-148. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2828) Or. 7197 a, b Arabic, paper, 2 vols., 1703 pp., dated 1893 AD. Al-Insan al-Kamil fi Ma`rifat al-Awakhir wal-Awa’il, by `Abd al-Karim al-Gili (d. 832/1428), GAL G II, 205. Arabic, with interlinear translation in Javanese. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 5669, above. Many illegible passages have been left blank. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 130. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2973 - Mal. 2974) Or. 7198 Arabic, paper, 284 ff., dated Sunday 10 Muharram, without mention of year, but probably 1st half 19th cent., copied in Balad … -m Pi (?, colophon on f. 276a), copy from Aceh, cloth binding, pasted boards, label on the back: ‘Toehfat at-toellâb bisjarh Tahrir tanqih al-loebab van Zakarja al-Ançari (Arab.) Geudong 1898’. Tuhfat al-Tullab bi-Sharh Tahrir Tanqih al-Lubab, commentary by Zakariyya’ al-Ansari (d. 926/1520) on his own Tahrir Tanqih al-Lubab, which is an abbreviation of Tanqih al-Lubab by Abu Zur`a al-`Iraqi (d. 826/1423), which is a compendium of al-Lubab fil-Fiqh by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Mahamili (d. 415/1024), GAL G I, 181. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 169-170. Matn written in red ink. - Additional textual material: scribbling and ornaments (f. 1a and inside the back cover), a short piece being Risala fi Ta’wil al-Ru’ya, on the authority of Muhammad b. Khawazim, with enumeration of the letters of the alphabet and their interpretation when seen in a dream (f. 1b, made so succinct for taking at on a travel; see for a similar text MS Leiden Or. 7081 (3), above, where the author is called Muhammad b. Gawazim), a prayer, Du`a’ (f. 1b), and a Mas’ala on the question whether it is permitted to eat from money on which no zakat has been paid (f. 2a). Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2970] Or. 7199 Arabic, Javanese, paper, 27 pp.

Safinat al-Naga’, by Salim b. Samir al-Hadri (1277/1860), GAL S II, 812. Complete copy, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2953) Or. 7200 Arabic, paper, 38 ff., dated 1288 AH (1871-1872). Gumla min Tasrif al-Af`al. Anonymous grammatical tract, much used in Indonesia. With Malay interlinear translation with many notes. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 103, where are also references to manuscripts in Jakarta. In the colophon this text is also given the title Sarf alMidkhal. The Arabic text is identical to that in Or. 14.316 (2), below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2949) Or. 7201 Arabic, paper, 738 pp., dated 1892 AD, copied by `Umar b. `Ali Habshi in Batavia. al-Gawahir al-Khamsa by Muhammad b. Khatir al-Din al-Ghawth al-Hindi (d. 970/1562), GAL G II, 418. Copy of MS London, IOL, Loth. Nos. 671, 672. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 97. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2952) Or. 7202 Arabic, paper, 89 ff., naskh script, dated Monday 19 (month illegible) 1177 (1763-1764), copied by Muhammad b. `Umar b. Haggag al-Aghuri al-Shafi`i (colophon on f. 89b), full-leather Islamic binding with flap, blind tooled ornaments (borders, medallion). al-Sharh al-Saghir, the shorter commentary, completed on Sunday 13 Dhu al-Higga 1069 (1658), in his own house in the outskirts of al-Madina, by Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurani al-Kurdi (d. 1101/1691), GAL G II, 385, on the Manzuma fil-Tawhid , the poetical compilation by his Shaykh Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Qushashi (d. 1071/1660), GAL G II, 392. Apparently an abridgment of a larger commentary, possibly Qasd al-Sabil (the date of completion of that text is given in GAL as 1083 AH (1672-1673), but that may be the date of completion of one of the manuscripts). - Added: 9 pp. with bio-bibliographical notes on the text and the author, in Dutch, by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 186. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2969] Or. 7203 Arabic, Javanese, paper, 112 pp., including blanks (from p. 69 onwards), Indonesian naskh (several different hands), all fully vocalized, illustrations, dated January 26, 1891 (1308 AH, 1820

AJ, colophon on p. 68, cloth binding with pasted boards. Label on the back reads: ‘Madoereesche primbon’ in the hand of C.Snouck Hurgronje. And, hence, probably originating from Madura. Collection of prayers, Du`a’, in Arabic, with Qur’anic quotations, apparently all for reciting, and the Arabic texts interspersed with Javanese explanations and texts. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Not in Pigeaud II. On pp. 5-6 a few Qur’anic quotations have been identified by a reader. Separate basmalas can be discerned on pp. 1, 13, 15, 46, 62. Within the Javanese parts often new text parts are introduced with punika. From p. 46 onwards also magical drawings and signs in the (Javanese) text, especially on pp. 65-67, where they are called zima, amulet. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2968] Or. 7204 a Collective volume with Arabic texts, and Malay notes, paper, 28 ff., Islamic binding with flap, pasted with paper. (1) ff. 1a-23. al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d. 663/1265), GAL G I, 464. With Malay interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 137. dated Wednesday, 19 Dhu al-Higga 1280 (1864, colophon on f. 23b). (2) ff. 24a-28. Some citations from Fath al-Qarib al-Mugib, by Muhammad Ibn al-Qasim alGhazzi (d. 918/1512), a commentary on al-Taqrib fil-Fiqh, or Ghayat al-Ikhtisar, or Mukhtasar filFiqh `ala Madhhab al-Imam al-Shafi`i, by Abu Shuga` al-Isfahani (d. after 500/1106), GAL G I, 392, and also some citations from an unidentified Kitab al-Arba`in. See L.W.C. van den Berg’s edition of the Fath al-Qarib, pp. 25 ff., 240). With interlinear Malay translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 368. Dated Friday eve, 21 Dhu al-Higga 1280 (1864), copied by al-Hagg Muhammad Nagih b. Imam Muhammad Salihun (colophon on f. 28b). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2971] Or. 7204 b Arabic, paper, 8 ff., dated Monday 25 Dhu al-Higga (without year), copied by Hagg Muhammad Yasin b. Muhammad b. `Abd al-Salam (colophon on f. 7b). al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d. 663/1265), GAL G I, 464. Badly damaged by corrosion of ink, with marginal glosses in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 137. On f. 8b a joke in the garb of philosophy, basically proving by a series of syllogisms that every human being is an author, and another text. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2971] Or. 7205 Arabic, paper, 38 ff., dated 1320/1902.

Ingaz al-Wa`d fi Ifta’ al-Ra`d, by Hasan Mustafa (Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930), chief-panghulu of Bandung (d. c. 1930). See about him R.A. Kern (translator), Over de gewoonten en gebruiken der Soendaneeze, door Hasan Moestapa. Uit het Soendaasch vertaald en van aanteekeningen voorzien door R.A. Kern. The Hague 1946, preface p. viii. A collection of tracts written by the author to defend himself against the charges of Sayyid `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil of Batavia (‘Sajjid Oethman’) and others. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 129. ¶ C. Snouck Hurgronje knew Hasan Moestapa from as early as 1884 or 1885, when he first met him in Jeddah or Mecca. Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 278, note 19: ‘Misbah al-sharq, 28 Sha'ban 1320. The article is copied in LOr. 7205.’ See also Laffan, Makings, p. 278, notes 21, 22, 23. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2946) Or. 7206 Arabic, paper, 53 ff., a copy from Aceh. Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball al-Sada, by `Abdallah b. Yusuf Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360), GAL G II, 23. Dated in the reign of Sultan `Ala’ al-Din Ahmad Shah of Aceh (1727-1735). The year is given as 124 (or 123?), probably meaning 1240 AH (1824-1825) or 1230 AH (1814-1815). Many glosses, especially in the first part. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 271. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2948) Or. 7207 Arabic, paper, 105 ff., dated 1169 AH (1755-1756). Kitab al-Shama’il by Muhammad b. `Isa al-Tirmidhi (d. 279/892), GAL G I, 162. A copy from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 327. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2945) Or. 7208 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay, Acehnese, paper, 24 ff. Loose leaves kept together in a full-leather Islamic binding, with flap, and with blind tooled ornamentation in Indonesian style. This binding is not originally made for the manuscript. (1) ff. 1a-2b. Arabic. Part of the Qur’an. Sura 1, 114, 113, 112, 111-107. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. (2) ff. 3a-4b. Writing exercises and scribbling. On f. 3a a repetition of the numbers of 1-10, in pencil. (3) ff. 6a-14b. Malay. A fragment only of Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadi’, An anonymous catechism in prose, in the form of su’al and gawab.

(4) ff. 15a-16a. Shorter texts. On f. 15a the end of the previous text, repeated (because of mistake in the imposition). On f. 15b Menyemlih hayam putih. A note on why it is not permitted to slaughter a white hen. On f. 16a is the beginning of a section with Su’al. Nos 3 and 4 are kept in a paper, which contains a list in Malay (ff. 5, 17). (5) ff. 18-22. Malay. Several shorter azima texts. (6) ff. 23b-24b. Khutbat al-Nikah. Text in Arabic, with colophon in Acehnese: copied in Rabi` II, with mention of a kampong in (f. 24b). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 163, where this last text is referred to as MS Leiden Or. 7208 d. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 376 (No. 821). Earlier provenance: War booty. Geudong, 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2955] Or. 7209 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Arabic and Malay, paper, 1 + 65 ff., naskh script, owner if Teungku Haggi Lahad (?), copyist is Muhammad Sa`id (colophon on f. 144a), without binding, a book from Aceh. Illuminations (ff. 25r, 144r, 144v, 149v, 155v). (1) ff. [1]v, 1a. Prayers in Acehnese (or Malay?). (2) ff. 1v-2r. The beginning only of a mystical Hikayat, dealing with the theme ‘who knows his self, knows his Lord.’ See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 193. Ff. 2v9r blank. (3) ff. 9v-144r. Dala’il al-Khayrat wa-Shawariq al-Anwar by Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Gazuli (d. 870/1465), GAL G II, 252. 19th cent. AD. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 56. Author and title on ff. 9v-10r. The usual two drawings have not been executed, empty frames on ff. 25v-26r. (4) ff. 144v-149r. Ayat al-Hirris (?, title on f. 149r), a selection of ayat from the Qur’an, beginning with the opening of Surat al-Baqara (Qur’an 2). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. On the added note, this selection is referred to as Ayat al-Kursi. Lacuna between ff. 147-148. (5) ff. 149v-155v. Du`a’ Qadah (title on f. 149v). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (6) ff. 156r-157v. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan hendak kita perusah rumah, instructions for building a house. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 377, No. 822. (7) ff. 157v-159r. Malay. Bilangan yang diamalkan oleh Syaikh Mulla Ibrahim, a calendar (or chronology, according to Mulla Ibrahim. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 376-377, No. 822. Added is a loose leaf with some notes in Malay on the contents of the volume, apparently written by an assistant of C. Snouck Hurgronje. Provenance: War booty, Lam Padang (Aceh), 1896, (….pasar) (pencil note on f. 1a). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2982]

Or. 7210 Arabic, paper, 12 ff., 19th cent. `Aqida al-Tagwid (manuscript: `Aqid). Anonymous tract consisting of a Muqaddima about Tagwid and a Khatima about `Ilm al-Waqf. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 18. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2961) Or. 7211 Collective volume with texts in Arabic with Javanese interlinear text, bark paper (dluang), 21 x 13.3 cm, naskh script in different weights, main texts by one copyist, 1 + 49 ff., from Demak, full leather binding. Inside front cover-f. 1a. Notes in Arabic and Javanese. (1) ff. 1v-5v. Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is the title given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith. With Javanese interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. (1a) ff. 6a-10a. Shorter texts, prayers, etc., in Arabic and Javanese. (2) ff. 10b-25b. Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). With interlinear translation in Javanese. Title on f. 25b: Kitab Samar. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. (3) ff. 26a-47b. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. Title on f. 47b: Kitab Sittin. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Earlier provenance: Note on front cover in Snouck Hurgronje’s hand: ‘van den Regent van Demak door Mr. Bergsma ‘in Demak gebruikelijk’” Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2947] Or. 7212 Arabic, paper, 5 + 540 pp., naskh script, dated the last day of Shawwal 1316 (March 1899), copied by Yahya b. `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil b. Yahya (colophon on p. 540), modern cloth binding. Fatawi by Sayyid `Abdallah b. `Umar b. Yahya, who is probably the teacher of Sayyid `Uthman (`Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil), see C. Snouck Hurgronje, ‘Sajjid Oethman’s Gids voor de priesterraden’, in VG 4/1, pp. 283-303, especially p. 300. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 79. The text is preceded by a table of contents, Fihrist, with reference to the page numbers.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2967] Or. 7213 Arabic, paper, 131 pp., 19th cent. Incomplete copy from Indonesia of al-Nahga al-Mardiyya, commentary by Galal al-Din alSuyuti (d. 911/1505), covering the text as in the edition Beirut 1872, pp. 2-6, 120-212, on al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2962) Or. 7214 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese (?, or Sundanese) and Malay, paper, 1 + 21 ff., modern cloth binding. (1) f. 1a. Short text in Javanese (or Sundanese?). (2) ff. 1b-18a. Tasrif. Paradigms of the Arabic verb, and other tables of Arabic morphology. In the Middle East such compilations are known as Amthila. On the label at the beginning: Tasrippan. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 416. With interlinear and marginal notes. (3) ff. 18b-19a. Malay. Rules for marriage, Nikah, in a mixture of Arabic and Malay. (4) ff. 19b-21a. Shorter notes and quotations, usually with mention of source, mostly on matters of Islamic law. (5) f. 21b. Malay. Financial statement, in connection with someone called al-Hagg Muhammad Salih. Amounts in rupia and rial. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2972] Or. 7215 Malay, paper, 14 ff., Latin script. Njanji Ambon. Three songs in Ambonese Malay, containing resp. 29, 31 and 13 stanzas, for a farewell to the departing gouvernor and a welcome to his successor. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 377, No. 823. Provenance: Found among Malay school books, in the course of 1946, or shortly after. (Mal. 2572) Or. 7216 Javanese, Dutch, paper. Handwritten inventory by J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905) of the collection of Javanese, Balinese and Sasak manuscripts in the Legacy of H.N. van der Tuuk (1824-1894), which was registered in the

Library in 1896 or 1897. The Van der Tuuk collection is registered in the Leiden library as MSS Leiden Or. 3577 - Or. 4717, above. Not in Pigeaud II. See J. Brandes, Beschrijving der Javaansche, Balineesche en Sasaksche handschriften aangetroffen in de nalatenschap van Dr. H. N. van der Tuuk, en door hem vermaakt aan de Leidsche Universiteitsbibliotheek. Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1901-1926, 4 volumes. Provenance: Estate of J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905)? (Mal. 1703) Or. 7217 - Or. 7228 Romanized copies of Javanese manuscripts, made by J. Soegiarto in the Library, 1946 or before. The sequel to these transcripts is the series Or. 10.395 – Or. 10.777, below. Or. 7217 Javanese with some Dutch, paper, 72, 78, 74 pp. (1) 72 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 4506, above, being Sri Tanjung, Javanese-Balinese mythical tale in macapat verse, from Banyuwangi, East Javanese version, called by van der Tuuk: bb, complete. Cat. Juynboll I, p. 261, cat Brandes III, No. 1057. MS Leiden Or. 4507, above, is a copy in Arabic script. Another copy of Soegiarto’s transcript is MS Leiden Or. 10.655, below. MS Leiden Or. 10.658, below, contains a romanized list of initial lines of cantos. See Pigeaud II, pp. 223, 423. (2) 78 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 4510, above, being Sri Tanjung, mythical tale in macapat verse, from Banyuwangi, East Javanese version, called by van der Tuuk: almost the same as version bbb (i.e. MS Leiden Or. 4512, above). Cat. Juynboll I, p. 262, cat. Brandes III, no 1061. Another copy of Soegiarto’s transcript is MS Leiden Or. 10.657. See Pigeaud II, pp. 223, 423. (3) 74 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 3184, above, being Sri Tanjung, mythical tale in verse (mostly wukir metre). East Javanese idiom, variant version, see Cat. Juynboll I, p. 262, and Prijono’s edition (Sri Tanjung. Een oud Javaansch verhaal, The Hague 1938). MS Leiden Or. 4513 is a copy in Javanese script. Another copy of Soegiarto’s transcript is MS Leiden Or. 10.652, below. The manuscript is mentioned in cat. Brandes III, No. 1064. Pigeaud II, pp. 110, 223-224, 423. With Dutch summaries of the contents. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1706) Or. 7218 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 39 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 3755, above, being Arjuna Wiwaha. Old Javanese poem in Indian metres (with in the original Javanese-Balinese glosses above and

below the line). Cat. Juynboll I, p. 115 and cat. Brandes I, No. 137. Another copy of this transcript is kept in MS Leiden BCB 154. See Pigeaud II, pp. 136, 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1707) Or. 7219 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 33.5 x 21 cm, 30 pp., original typescript, text on recto sides only, modern library binding. Wargasari. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 3614, above, containing incomplete copies of Warga Sari, Javanese-Balinese poem in tengahan metres. The leaves 2248 are lacking in the original manuscript. Two fragments: (1) pp. 1-19. See cat. Brandes III, No. 1344. (2) pp. 20-30. See cat. Brandes III, No. 1349. Both: cat. Juynboll I, p. 251. BCB 171, below, contains another romanized copy by J. Soegiarto. See Pigeaud II, pp. 118, 423. See also MS Leiden Or. 3915, above. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Leiden Library by J. Soegiarto, in September 1942. [* Mal. 1708] Or. 7220 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 13 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 3772, above, being Arjuna Wiwaha, Old Javanese poem in Indian metres, fragment, canto 18-20, with in the original Balinese glosses above and under the line. Cat. Juynboll I, p. 115 and cat. Brandes I, No. 138. Another copy is BCB 154. See Pigeaud II, pp. 138, 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1709) Or. 7221 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 126 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 6373, above, being (a) Cabolek, discussions on mysticism. Discussions of ki Cabolek (or Cibolek) of Tuban, called kaji Ahmat Muntamangkin, and mas ketib anom of Kudus, on Muslim mysticism and Javanese literature: Dewa Ruci, Wiwaha. Original manuscript dated 1792 A.J. (1863 A.D.), bought in 1900 by G.A.J. Hazeu from the Lieutenant of the Chinese at Yogyakarta. See also MS Leiden Or. 2325, which is shorter, and the edition van Dorp, Semarang, 1886, etc. (b) Tanjul Ngarif, religious treatise on eight virtues, and good morals, in verse. According to the preface, the original, from Palembang, Sumatra, was copied first by pangeran arya Suryawijaya, then by raden Danuprawira, for his father rahaden, adipati Danureja, grand-vizir

of Yogyakarta. In the beginning of the text the Tanjul Ngarif is said to be taken from the kitab Bidayatul Hidayat of Imam Gajali (al-Ghazzali, (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 424). (c) Discussions of four fishes in a fish-globe on Muslim religion and virtues. Original dated 1763 A.J. (1835 A.D.). Origin: Yogyakarta. (d) pp. 190-202. List of taboos (food, weapons, patterns of clothing, colours of horse etc.), prasapa, wawaler, papali, of Javanese Kings and princes, and their descendants, beginning with ki gede Tarub and ki gede Sesela, in verse, ending with a genealogical tree of the grandvizir adipati Danureja I of Yogyakarta, of Banyumas origin (died in 1799). It is preceded by 25 stanzas in kinanti metre filled with purwa-kanti (alliteration). (e) – (f) Two treatises, in verse, on 18th-century history of the Javanese kingdoms, the first treatise attributing pangeran Puger’s resolution, while in Semarang, to call in the Dutch Company’s aid against sunan Mangkurat, to the advice of mas rangga Yuda Nagara. The second treatise mentions the advice given by the Madurese adipati Cakraningrat to the Kartasura grand-vizir Natakusuma to side with the Dutch Company in the troubles of the Chinese insurrection. (g) Discussion of four birds on Muslim religion and mysticism, 36 stanzas asmaradana metre. Another copy of Sugiarto transcript is BCB 156. See Pigeaud II, p. 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1710) Or. 7222 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 9 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 3784 (2), being Rangda Lelengeh, JavaneseBalinese legendary tale in tengahan metre of a widow of Banjar Turi, an isolated place, her daughter Badisil, a goat, and Rangda Lolon, the stupid. See cat. Juynboll I, p. 237 and cat. Brandes III, No. 945. Other copies of the transcript by J. Soegiarto are MS Leiden Or. 10.473, below, and MS Leiden BCB 11, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1711) Or. 7223 Javanese, paper, 3 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 4000 (2), above, being Kidung Lalembut (Danyangan). Cat. Juynboll I, p. 275, cat. Brandes II, No. 486 (copied). See Pigeaud II, pp. 181, 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1712)

Or. 7224 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 10 pp., illustrations in the original. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 5209, above, being Notes, Javanese-Balinese, on mantras, ritual, rajahs beginning with Rajah Panulah. Another copy of Soegiarto’s transcript is in BCB 69. Cat. Juynboll II, p. 332. See Pigeaud II, pp. 287, 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1713) Or. 7225 Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 6229, above, being Gajah Druma tale, belonging to the offshoots of the Menak Amir Hamza romance cycle (see Poerbatjaraka, Menak), in verse, of the elephant-headed King Gajah Druma and his daughter Drumawati, the dragon of the nether world Antaboga and his granddaughter Mertasutawan, and the tigerheaded King Duhnorikala and his daughter Imbarwati. In the course of time the three princesses became wives of Repatmaja, Amir Hamza’s son. Hilir (al-Khidr) also plays a part in the tale. The original manuscript is dated 1323 A.H. (1905 A.D.). It was written in Sela Parang (isle of Lombok). With a summary of the contents in Dutch and a list of initial lines of cantos in the original manuscript. See Pigeaud II, pp. 350-351, 423. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1714) Or. 7226 Javanese, paper, 161 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 4522, above, being Suta Soma, Old Javanese Buddhistic kakawin by Tantular, also called Purusada Santa and Dharma Sarana. Cat. Juynboll I, p. 141, cat. Brandes III, No. 1092. MS Leiden Or. 7226, below, contains a romanized copy by J. Soegiarto. The original is a copy of a Mengwi manuscript. See Pigeaud II, pp. 225, 424. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1715) Or. 7227 Javanese, Balinese, paper, 61 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 3610, above, being Wangbang Wideya, Javanese-Balinese Panji romance in tengahan metres: quest of prince Makara Dwaja, i.e. Panji Wireswara, for his beloved Warastra Sari; he appears as a dalang; the raket play and wayang plays are mentioned. See cat. Juynboll I, p. 207 and cat. Brandes III, No. 1336. BCB 10, below, contains another romanized copy by J. Soegiarto. See Pigeaud II, pp. 118, 424. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1716)

Or. 7228 Javanese, paper, 90 pp. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 4067, above, being Arjuna Wijaya kakawin. Cat. Juynboll I, p. 136, cat. Brandes I, No. 126. Another copy of Soegiarto’s transcript is in MS Leiden BCB 22. See Pigeaud II, pp. 189, 424. Provenance: Romanized copy, made in the Library by J. Soegiarto, 1946 or before. (Mal. 1717) Or. 7229 - Or. 7371 Malay manuscripts from the legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje. Formerly part of the loan Snouck Hurgronje, and first described by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-catalogus der Maleische en Minangkabausche handschriften in de Leidsche Universiteits-bibliotheek. Leiden 1921, with references S.H. (for Snouck Hurgronje), not by their subsequent Or.-numbers as these were not yet given when van Ronkel wrote his catalogue. Or. 7229 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 1 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese, paper, 35 pp., Arabic script. A copy made by Teungku Mohamed Noerdin from MS Jakarta PN (formerly KBG/Museum Pusat) 349 Mal. A copy from MS Jakarta, Malay 349, which was taken from Gajoland by G.C.E. van Dalen. (1) pp. 1-27. Kifayat al-Muhtagin ila Mashrab al-Muwahhidin al-Qa’ilin bi-Wahdat al-Wugud, by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (19521957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 112-113. (2) pp. 28-30. Letter. Copy of a letter from Teungku `Abdul-Kasim of Blang Mane (?) to Teuku La’ot Aman Lahum (?), Laut Tawar, about buffaloes; the beginning is in Malay followed by Acehnese in sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 258, where, too, the Jakarta manuscript is referred to as Malay 349. (3) pp. 31-33. Fragment about the original rulers of Aceh. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 261, where, too, the Jakarta manuscript is referred to as Malay 349. (4) pp. 33-35. Kutika. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 139, No. 329. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 377 (No. 824), where the Jakarta manuscript is referred to as No. 336. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1838) Or. 7230 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 2 Collective volume with texts in Malay, and some Arabic, paper, 12 + 179 pp., followed by blanks, at the end two pages with a table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje, which has been followed here. Dated (in the original?) 1282 AH (1865, p. 12).

(1) pp. 1-10. Several prayers, formulas, ajimats and quotations, with on pp. 6-7, the decision by Sjeh Marahaban concerning the nisab of the Zakat, in Acehnese measures. Also prayers in Arabic. (2) pp. 10-11. Inilah nama orang yang blum nama. A list of names, for the choice of names for children. (3) pp. 11-12. A prayer, recommended by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 334. A copy of MS Jakarta PN (formerly KBG/Museum Pusat) 342 Mal., p. 21. A similar piece is found in MS Jakarta PN (formerly KBG/Museum Pusat) 165 Arab., ff. 119v-120r. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (19521957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 115. From here onwards, the paginations starts anew. (4) pp. 1-53. 101 Prayers for special purposes. In Arabic. Added a table of contents of this collection of 101 prayers, on a loose sheet, folded once. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (5) pp. 54-76. Recipes, mostly for medicine. Obat. On p. 54 a table with surat al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112). On p. 55 du`a ulat, in Acehnese. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 211. (6) pp. 77-94. Methods for the calculation of luck, such as fa’al, kutika, etc. Fa’al. On p. 80: Bab pada menyatakan Rigal al-Ghayb. Tables on pp. 77, 83-84. Pp. 95-108 blank. (7) pp. 109-119. Other ajimats, prayers, kutika. On pp. 111-113 a prayer in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Magical drawings on pp. 118-119. P. 120 blank. (8) p. 121. About how to find back a stolen object. (9) pp. 122-129. Calculation of a naga (with illustration, a Da’ira, with a naga in the middle). Also Rigal al-Ghayb (p. 124) (10) pp. 129-131. Ghalib dan Maghlub. (11) pp. 132-133. Kutika’s. Schematical drawings, with words and numbers. (12) pp. 134-143. About the luck of the days of the months and the windu years. (13) pp. 143-147. Instructions for casting bullets, and about gold- and silver smiths. (14) pp. 148-176. Instructions concerning the writing of ajimats, prayers, formulas, Hadith with explanations in Acehnese, etc. A list of the letters of the Arabic alphabet with their numerical values (pp. 150-151). On p. 152 the Acehnese names of months, and some proverbial expressions, see Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 251. On p. 162 a prayer in Arabic. On pp. 163-165 an Arabic text with interlinear translation in Malay. Beginning: (basmala) Qul lan yusibana illa ma kataba Allah lana … Magical drawing on p. 168, with note on Rigal al-Ghayb. On pp. 170-171 Du`a urohan aneuk beude, see Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 212. A magical table (p. 176). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (15) pp. 177-178. Sermon at the occasion of wedding (Khutbat al-Nikah), in Acehnese. Copy of MS Jakarta, Ml. 342, p. 192. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 24. (16) pp. 176, 179. Pantuns. Syair Melayu. Copy of MS Jakarta Ml. 342, pp. 192, 193. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 34.

See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 132-133, No. 315. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 377-378 (No. 825). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1839] Or. 7231 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 3 Malay, paper, 29 pp., copied by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin (?) from MS Jakarta, KBG, Cat. Van Ronkel No. 681. The 6th chapter only of Dzikir Samman, a treatise on Dhikr. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, SupplementCatalogus (1921), p. 132, No. 312. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 378 (No. 826). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1840) Or. 7232 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 4 Malay, paper, 137 pp., Arabic script. ‘Copy of an incomplete and torn manuscript in Batavia, 1896’ (p. 1, note in Dutch in pencil). In the colophon it is stated that the copying of this Jayanglenggara punya lelakon was finished in 1856 (the colophon of the original manuscript). Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of Lelakon Jayang Lenggara, also called Hikayat Jaya Lengkara, or Hikayat Jayalangkara. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 1112, No. 29. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 378-379 (No. 827): ‘this MS is a true copy of Cod.Or. 5632 and 7654; the greater part of p. 123 and the whole of p. 124 are left blank because pp. 240-241 are lost in Cod.Or. 7654; the last f. of Cod.Or. 7654 with the end and colophon were lost after the copying of this MS.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1841) Or. 7233 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 5 Malay, paper, 16 ff., Arabic script, dated 1893, copied in Lhok Seumawe. Chapter 13 of book 2 of Bustan al-Salatin, by Nur al-Din al-Raniri (d. 1658). The fragment is titled Hikayat Negeri Aceh, and so registered by van Ronkel and Iskandar. The last ruler mentioned is Zakiatuddin Syah. Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje on f. 10r. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 42-43, No. 109. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 379 (No. 828). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1842) Or. 7234 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 6 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 114 pp., Arabic script, copied by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin. Table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the fly-leaf at the end, which is followed here.

Extracts from Arabic, Malay and Acehnese texts in a manuscript brought in 1901 from Gajoland by G.C.E. van Daalen. In the same volume was also an Acehnese Hikayat Prang Sabi, which is not copied here. The original of that Hikayat Prang Sabi is now possibly MS Jakarta Vt 57a (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 77), and the copy which Snouck Hurgronje commissioned of it is now MS Leiden Or. 8133 (1), below (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 74). The manuscript from which the present texts were copied is now MS Jakarta Malay 335 (see See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 252). (1) pp. 1-15. Several fragments, quotations and prayers, with mention of their powers. Pp. 4-7: Bab ini pada menyatakan dua dari pada Rasul Allah. Om p. 9 a note on Iddigham, assimilation in Qur’an reciting. On p. 15 Teungku Lam Peuneu’eun is mentioned. Arabic, Malay. (2) pp. 16-26. Fasal pada menyatakan obat. Recipes for medicines, Obat. In Malay. (3) pp. 26-28. Fasal ini obat ceut. A medicine against inflammation with the nails. (4) pp. 29-38. Formulas, ajimats, etc., mentioned at the end as copyist or owner: She Yahya b. Labi Ahmad Mabawi (?), presently living in Gani. Magical drawings and figures. (4) pp. 39-41. Acehnese pantuns. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 34. (5) pp. 42-50. Fragments from several sciences. Two Khutba’s, in Arabic (p. 42), a list of rules (Qa`ida) of Arabic grammar (pp. 46-50, completed on a Wednesday evening). Also magical drawings (p. 44) (6) p. 51. Explanation of the meaning of the pronouns in the Acehnese language. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 225. (7) pp. 51-114. Arabic, Malay. Recipes of ajimats, prayers, methods of calculation of luck (Fa’al), etc. On p. 97 copy of a seal print of T. Keurenkon, which in the original manuscript has probably been an original seal print. Selective enumeration: Inilah dua yang ma’thur dari pada Rasul Allah (pp. 51-52), Inilah dua tatkala menyurat azimat (p. 54), Bab ini pada menyatakan kutika bayk … (p. 56), magical figures and tables (pp. 60-67), Inilah ism a`zam (p. 67), Du`a’ Qarisha with explanation of its twelve properties, Khassiyya, in Arabic, followed by the text of this prayer in an invented Arabic, with phantastic words, apparently related to one another by assonance, written in fully vocalized in Arabic script (pp. 68-72), dari pada Anas b. Malik (pp. 72-73), Tawassul prayer, with magical drawings (pp. 73-76), Azimat pangilata … and other azimats (p. 77), on the effects of reading Surat al-Kawthar (Qur’an 108), and its use in amulets (79-80), Bab ini pada menyatakan ilmu hikmat tariqat rasa dari pada sayyidna Hamza (pp. 8183), Bab obat mati sakit (pp. 84-87), with magical words (pp. 84-87), Ini tinggal Syaitan … (p. 87), Arabic prayer, for man and wife (pp. 89-90), Fasal ini hikmat orang menjuri … (pp. 90-91), Ini azimat orang menjuri arti tiada dapat …, with drawings (pp. 92-93), Inilah obat membang kenang (p. 96), Ini obat orang kanarjun dan tuba (pp. 96-97), Obat orang punger (p. 97), these last two illustrated in the margin with the copy of a seal print of T. Keurenkon, Bab ini pada menyatakan obat mati sapir (p. 98), letters of the Arabic alphabet, with their numerical value in Malay words, but apparently not all according to the usual abgad values (p. 99), Bab ini

pada menyatakan orang beristri atau hendak beristri (p. 100), adapun juga satu dengan satu, etc. (pp. 100-104), Dua, in Malay and Arabic (p. 105), a Malay text, beginning with a quote from surat al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112, pp. 106-108), Dua samadiyya (p. 109), Inilah dua bagi wali Allah yaitu Syaikh Ahmad b. Musa b. `Agil negeri Yaman. Baik faidanya (pp. 110-113). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 133, No. 316. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 34, 252. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 379 (No. 829). Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1843] Or. 7235 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 7 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese, paper, 85 ff./pp. A copy by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from the manuscript which is now MS Jakarta Malay 323, which had come from Gajoland in 1901 (with G.C.E. van Dalen?). (1) ff. 1v-5v. Do`a, Azimat, Sifat duapuluh. Also a Do`a Siraja Gayo. (2) ff. 5v-79v. al-Mawa`iz al-Badi`a by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 131, No. 309. The first 32 instructions (pengajaran) are hadith qudsi, whereas Nos. 33-50 are sayings by the Prophet Muhammad, scholars, mystics, etc. The first part also occurs as a separate text. The Leiden manuscript is a copy of MS Jakarta, PN (formerly KBG/Museum Pusat) 323 Mal., pp. 5-75 (see Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, No. 742). The work has been translated from the Arabic, see MS Leiden Or. 7030 (10), above. The ascription by Snouck Hurgronje to Abdurrauf was probably done because the edition does so. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 111, where a discussion is given on the Arabic model of this text. The Arabic text has been published twice, in Gam` Gawami` al-Musannafat, Mecca 1310 (1892-1893); Bulaq n.d. C. Snouck Hurgronje’s copies of the Arabic text are respectively: 890 B 7 and 890 B 8. (3) ff. 80-82. Syarat minta do'a. (4) f. 83. Fara 'id. Notes on dividing an estate. (5) pp. 84-85. Acehnese. The beginning only of Haba pade, a shorter version of the Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. Copy of MS Jakarta Ml. 323. See also J.J.C.H. van Waardenburg, De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, pp. 110-113. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 137-139, where there is a discussion on this shorter version and also on the Arabic origins of the Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 131, No. 309. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 379-380 (No. 830). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1844)

Or. 7236 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 8 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 94 ff., Arabic script. A copy by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from the manuscript which is now MS Jakarta Malay 323, which had come from Gajoland in 1901 (with G.C.E. van Dalen?). (1) ff. 1v-2v. Martabat tujuh; with da'irah and quotations from Syamsuddin ibn Abdullah as-Samatrani. (2) ff. 2v-5v. Tauhid; a treatise about tauhid in which al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423 is quoted. (3) ff. 5v-10v. Mishkat al-Anwar; a treatise in which this work of al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423 is quoted. (4) ff. 10v-13v. Sejarah ilmu ma’rifat Allah, and possibly other pieces, by Shams al-Din of Pasai. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. (5) ff. 13v-20v. Peri Ali tatkala beroleh rahasia permulaan dan kesudahannya Rasulullah; dialogue between Ali and Muhammad about syari'at, tarikat, hakikat and ma'rifat. (6) ff. 21-31. Wahdat al-wugud; a treatise about this subject. (7) ff. 32v-33v. Do'a, etc. (8) ff. 33-52v. Peri menyatakan segala rasi; a treatise about astrology. (9) ff. 52v-55v. Obat, do'a etc. (10) ff. 56v-58v. Silsilah Teungku Cut'. (11) ff. 58v-87v. Divination, do'a, etc. (12) ff. 87v-94v. Martabat tujuh; a treatise. Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 133-134, No. 317. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 380-381 (No. 831). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1845) Or. 7237 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 9 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 41 pp., Arabic script. A copy by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from the manuscript which is now MS Jakarta Malay 340, which had come from Gajoland in 1901 (with G.C.E. van Dalen?). (1) pp. 1-22. Durrat an-nazirah tanbihan li-durrat al-fakhirah. As author is mentioned Sirajuddin ibn Jalaluddin. A treatise about religious doctrine. See Van Ronkel 1909, p. 408. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 113 (No. 267). The same work as MS Leiden Or. 5741 (5), above. The Durrat al-fakhira is a commentary on Umm al-barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. (2) p. 22: Acehnese; tahkim-formula, at weddings. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 250. (3) pp. 23-40. 'Aqidah bi-Miftah al- 'Aqa’'id, according to MS Jakarta KBG 102 D, this work was written by Leube Abdullah Peusangan in Pasai. It contains a treatise about religious doctrine.

See van Ronkel 1909, p. 407-8; See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 115, No. 272. (4) pp. 40-41. Alif-ba-ta; alif-ba-ta with religious content. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus, p. 113 (No. 267). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 381 (No. 832). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1846) Or. 7238 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 10 Malay, paper, 130 pp., Arabic script. Bidayat al-Hidayah. This text, by (?) Muhammad Zain ibn Faqih Jalaluddin al-Asyi, is on pp. 1124. A copy by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from the manuscript which is now in the National Library in Jakarta, and which had come from Gajoland in 1901 (with G.C.E. van Dalen). Owner of the original manuscript: Hashim Kale (?) anak cucu Teungku Bineh Blang. On pp. 125-130 mystical notes, a Da’ira, etc. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus, p. 111 (No. 261). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 381-382 (No. 833). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1847) Or. 7239 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 11 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic, Acehnese, paper, 140 pp., Arabic script. A copy by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from the manuscript which is now MS Jakarta Arab. 280. had come from Gajoland in 1901 (with G.C.E. van Dalen?). The original was found in the hiding place of Tuanku Raja Keumala in Calong. On p. 21 Tuanku Raja Keumala is mentioned as the owner. (1) pp. 1-21. Do 'a, obat, etc. (2) pp. 21-33. Hizb al-bahr, commonly ascribed to Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449. Arabic text with sharh in Malay. (3) pp. 33-51. Arabic. Kitab fi Bayan Kifayat Khatm al-Qur'an, do'a, etc. (4) pp. 51-78. Sufi literature, referring to wahdat al-wugud. (5) pp. 79-113. Obat, do'a, dzikir. (6) pp. 114-115. Beginning of letters, amongst others to the Sultan. (7) pp. 117-119. Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadi’, the beginning only of this well-known short catechism on Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Tawhid, Ma`rifa, Tahara, Salat and Sawm. (8) pp. 119-120. Acehnese. Nalam-aleh-ba-ta. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 219. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus, p. 134 (No. 318), where a title is mentioned which

is not given by Iskandar: Tariq al-Sadiq li-Garh al-Mu`awid wal-Mu`tasib. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 382 (No. 834). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: War booty, or at least copy of a manuscript that is war booty. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1848) Or. 7240 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 12 Malay, paper, 71 pp., Arabic script, dated 11 Muharram 1323 / 18 March 1904, copied by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from a manuscript brought in 1901 by G.C.E. van Dalen from Gajoland, which is now kept in Jakarta, KBG 341. Diya’ al-Wara ila Suluk Tariqat al-Ma`bud al-A`la. The work (pp. 1-71) is divided into 4 bab: Bab I , pp. 1-29: Pada menyatakan Islam. Bab II, pp. 29-50: Pada menyatakan iman. Bab III, pp. 50-61: Pada menyatakan ma'rifat. Bab IV, pp. 61-71: Pada menyatakan tauhid. An incomplete version is in MS Leiden Or. 6558 (11), above. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, SupplementCatalogus, p. 131 (No. 310). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 382-383 (No. 835). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1849) Or. 7241 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 13 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic and Acehnese, paper, 151 pp., Arabic script. Copied by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from a manuscript brought in 1901 by G.C.E. van Dalen from Gajoland, where it was found in the Laut area (‘Lake district’), and which is now kept in Jakarta, KBG Arab. 559. (1) pp. 1-36. Fiqh (fragments from fiqh books), do'a etc. Also in Arabic. (2) pp. 37-45. Acehnese. Inilah dikir serta tanbih. Exhortation in sanjak. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 199. (3) pp. 45-64. Fiqh etc. (4) pp. 58-60. On good and bad sites on which to build a house. (5) pp. 60-61. On that a Muslim should not be declared a kafir. (6) pp. 64-65. On lucky and unlucky times for building a house. (7) pp. 65-66. Acehnese (?). (8) pp. 66-72. About the Windu year, calculation of the windu. (9) pp. 72-74. Sembahyang, do'a. (10) pp. 75-76. Mimpi kadhi negeri Baghdad. About the dream of a qadi in Baghdad. The story is of the same purport as Wasiat Nabi. (11) pp. 76-137. Do'a, dzikir, khutbah, etc. (12) pp. 138-150. Acehnese; a religious hikayat. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 199.

See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus, p. 134 (No. 319), where Snouck Hurgronje’s summary of the contents has been reproduced. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 383 (No. 836). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: War booty (?), as far as the original manuscript is concerned. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1850) Or. 7242 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 14 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic and Acehnese, paper, 34 ff., Arabic script. Copied by (?) Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from a manuscript brought in 1901 by G.C.E. van Dalen from Gajoland, which had belonged to Tuanku Raja Keumala (Calong, Gajoland, 1901, according to a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on f. 34b). (1) ff. 2b-3a. The surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1), Arabic text with Acehnese translation. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 247. By Iskandar this translation of the Fatiha is identified as ‘a religious sanjak’. (2) ff. 3a-5a (there is no f. 4). Do'a with Malay introduction, etc. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 247, where a title is given: Cara kul-hu. Short commentary on Qur’an 112, surat al-Ikhlas. (3) ff. 5b-9a. Carah aleh-ba-ta. Here going from alif till waw. Copy from a book belonging to Tuanku Raja Keumala. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 219. (4) ff. 9b-10a. Kayfiyyat Khatm -Qur’an al-`Azim. Arabic and Malay. (5) ff. 10b-14v. Notes; personal notes on debts, travels (with dates), etc, some with dates 1314 (1896-1897) and 1318 AH (1900-1901). (6) ff. 14b-15a. Bab ini peri menyatakan mengtahuy orang baik dan jehat. Dated 30 Ramadan 1318 (1901). (7) ff. 15b-16a. Fa’ida pada menyatakan khassiyyat harf. On the properties of the letters of the Arabic alphabet. (8) f. 16a. Mas’ala tatkala mengata Allah Akbar … (9) f. 16b. Mas’ala pada Allah Akbar. (10) ff. 16b-17a. Fa’ida in Arabic. A quotation from the Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. The quotation treats suitable dates for marriage, `Alamat al-Nikah. (11) ff. 17a-18a. Prayer. (12) ff. 18a-b. Prayer. (13) ff. 18b-19. Tetapi pada orang yang lain dari pada Syaikh Ramli … On the validity of ritual prayer. (14) ff. 20a-b. Inilah rencong yang terlalu …, and several other shorter pieces. (15) ff. 20b-22b. Talqin Mayyit, in Arabic. (16) ff. 22b-23b Pious sayings in Arabic. (17) ff. 23b-25b. Question and answer on the use of opium. In Arabic.

(18) ff. 25b-26a. Question put to the ulama of Mecca, on the necessity of fighting against the unbelievers. In Arabic. (19) ff. 26b-27b. Copy of passages from letters, on the subject of the war against the unbelievers, with mention of dates of 1290 AH (1873-1874) and 1318 AH (1900-1901). Iskandar refers to these passages as ‘Historical dates of the Acehnese war’. (20) f. 27b. Obat. (21) ff. 28a-b. Copy of the introductory part only of a Malay work on Shafi`ite law, with date of compilation: 1252 AH. (22) ff. 28b-30a. Several shorter prayers. (23) ff. 30b-31b. Fasal haram. A list with commodities and their prices, with mention of the names of persons. Possibly about debts. Sequel in No. 25. (24) ff. 31b-32a. Phrases for the beginning of a letter, to be used as a model text, apparently. (25) ff. 32a-b. Sequel of the enumeration of commodities (No. 23). (26) ff. 32b-33b. Fatiha, a prayer in Arabic, not the first sura of the Qur’an. (27) ff. 33b-34a. Several Fawa’id. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus, p. 135 (No. 320). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 383-384 (No. 837), which is a useless description. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: War booty (?), as far as the original manuscript is concerned. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1851] Or. 7243 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 15 Collective volume with texts in Malay, and some Arabic, paper, 71 ff., Arabic script, modern half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Table of contents by P. Voorhoeve on the fly-leaf in front, which is followed here. (1) ff. 1v-2r. Inilah dua hifz al-iman, and other prayers, niyya formulas, etc. In Malay and Arabic. (2) ff. 2v-33r. Asrar al-Suluk ila Malik al-Muluk, by a pupil of Da’ud b. Isma`il, who was a pupil of Abdurra’uf of Singkel (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). Title on f. 33a. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus, pp. 137-138 (No. 325). The silsila at the end of the text (ff. 32b-33a) is quoted by van Ronkel. (3) f. 33r in the margin. Ini kitab pada menyatakan yang bernama gismani … (4) ff. 33v-34v. `Alamat maut. On the sign of approaching death, several shorter pieces. According to Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 138, No. 325 (end), these notes would be by Abdurrauf of Singkel. However, P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (19521957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 113, considers this very dubious. (5) ff. 35a-40v. Hill az-zill, by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658). Partly in the shape of Su’al and Gawab. (6) ff. 41r-42v. Bayan Tajalli by Abdurauf of Singkel (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). In the colophon (f. 42v) called al-Muqaddima wa-Bayan Maratib Sab`a. P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 102.

(7) ff. 42v-51r. Kifayat al-Muhtagin ila Mashrab al-Muwahhidin al-Qa’ilin bi-Wahdat al-Wugud, by Abdurrauf of Singkel (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 138-139, No. 327. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87117, especially pp. 112-113. (8) ff. 51r-68v. A complete but poor text of Daqa’iq al-Huruf by Abdurrauf of Singkel (2nd half of 11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 139-140, No. 331. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 114. (9) ff. 68v-70r. Arabic prayers, Du`a’. (10) ff. 70v-71r. Arabic prayers, Du`a’. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), Nos. 325, 326, 327, 331. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 384-385 (No. 838). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘Gevonden in Koeta Meuntroe, Garot, Juni 1898’, note in pencil on f. 71b. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1907) Or. 7244 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 16 Malay, paper, 262 pp., Arabic script Copied by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin from a manuscript acquired in Aceh. Asrar al-Insan fi Ma`rifat al-Ruh wal-Rahman, by Nur al-Din al-Raniri (d. 1658). The text has been edited by Tudjimah, Jakarta 1961 [8000 B 20] on the basis of MS Jakarta, vdW 40. Bab I. Pada menyatakan segala nama dan gelar ruh a 'zam, divided into 6 fasal. Bab II. Pada menyatakan martabat agsam dan daripada ia dijadikan haqq ta 'ala dan menyatakan kenyataan perentah ruh akan gism dan menyatakan daripada segala asrar yang diturunkan haqq ta 'ala pada nuskhah insan dan kelebihan daripada segala makhluk dan menyatakan suatu nubdah daripada kisah nabi Allah Adam dengan malaikat dan ibiis dan menyatakan segala martabat ruh, divided into 5 fasal. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 131, No. 311. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 385 (No. 839). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1852) Or. 7245 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 17 Malay, paper, 16 ff., illuminations (Javanese style?). Syair Baba Kong Sit. The versified story of a Chinese smuggler in Palembang, written in Javanese-influenced Malay with many Dutch words. The incident took place on 30 August 1842; the story is dated 10 June 1845. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 87, No. 201. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 385 (No. 840). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 1853) Or. 7246 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 18 Collective volume with texts in Malay and Acehnese, paper, 75 ff. (1) ff. 1r-7r. Do'a (amongst others do'a halimunan), obat. (2) ff. 7v-11v. Fa'al, kutika. (3) ff. 12r, 17r-25r. Do'a, jampi. (4) ff. 26v-51v. Acehnese. Surat al-Maqsud, a Beukeumeunan work. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 229. (5) ff. 52r-59r. Mystical diagrams. (6) ff. 59v-76r. Do'a. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 135, No. 321. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 385-386 (No. 841). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1854) Or. 7247 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 19 Collective volume with texts in Malay and Acehnese, paper, 22 + 16 + 8 ff., three quires, kept in a leather book cover, not originally made for the purpose. (1) I, ff. 1b-21b. Kitab Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-mubtadi, the well-known short catechism on Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Tawhid, Ma`rifa, Tahara, Salat and Sawm. (2) I, f. 22a. The three beginning lines only of what seems to be a treatise on ritual prayer, sembahyang. (3) II, ff. 1-16. Arabic. Collection of ayat of the Qur’an, not a connected series of verses. E.g., on f. 1b, Qur’an 19:22 is immediately followed by Qur’an 19:47. (4) III, ff. 1a-2b. Acehnese. The latter part only of a religious Hikayat. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994). (5) III, ff. 3a-7a. Notes about ritual prayer, sembahyang. Malay, interspersed with Arabic. Ff. 7b8b blank. Added: 1 leaf with a bibliographical note, not related to the contents of the present number, in the hand of Tk. Muhamad Nurdin. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 108, No. 247. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 386 (No. 842). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1855] Or. 7248 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 20 Malay, paper, 12 ff., Arabic script.

Undang-undang tanah mati atau rimbo, compiled by Bagindo Magek on 7 August 1871 at Singkarak. It comprises regulations concerning uncultivated grounds. It was apparently made at the request of a Dutch civil servant and is written in the form of questions and answers. It concerns the 20 Koto in the Minangkabau. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 55-57, No. 137, where extensive quotations are given. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 386-387 (No. 843). Earlier provenance: On f. 1r in pencil is the name ‘Van Langen’, apparently the former owner, K.F.H. van Langen. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1856) ¶ Formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje Mal. 21 is now MS Leiden Or. 7643, above. Or. 7249 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 22 Malay, paper, 2 ff. Copy of a letter from Habib Abdurrahman al-Zahir (‘Sajjid Abdoerrahman’) to Panglima Seri Muda Perkasa (Panglima Polem), dated 13 Gumada I, 1294 / 26 May 1877. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 171, No. 407. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 387 (No. 844). ¶ Both correspondents are known for their roles in the Dutch-Acehnese war. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1857) Or. 7250 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 23 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 147 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-125. `Umdat al-Muhtagin ila Suluk Maslak al-Mufridin by Abdurrauf of Singkel (2nd half 11/17th cent.). Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) in around 1889. The manuscript was collated by Teungku Mohamed Noerdin with another copy, probably MS Jakarta, PN, vdW 41. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 112. (2) pp. 125-135. Fasal pada menyatakan da'irah dan qab qausaini dan aw-adna. A treatise about da 'irah, isim Allah and other mystical subjects. Qab Qawsayn aw Adna is Qur’anic (53:9). (3) pp. 145-141. Enclosure. Summary by C. Snouck Hurgronje of the contents No. 1. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 121, No. 290. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 387 (No. 845). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1858) Or. 7251 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 24 Malay, Minangkabau, paper, 104 pp., Arabic script.

Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje from MS Jakarta vdW 209. Kaba Malim Deman. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 193, No. 479. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 387 (No. 846). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1859) Or. 7252 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 25 Malay, paper, 18 pp., Arabic script. Probably a copy made by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin. The original was found on an Acehnese killed in action near Lubok Adang (Didoh) in September 1901. Hawadith az-zaman. The manuscript contains notes by Teungku Saman Tiro, beginning with the death of Teungku Chik di Tiro (Muhammad Amin bin Abdus-Salam Tiro) on 6 Rabi'ulawal 1305/22 November 1887 and concluding with the end of Muharam 1307/26 September 1889. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 46, No. 116, where more details are given. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 387-388 (No. 847). Earlier provenance: War booty (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1860) Or. 7253 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 26 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Minangkabau, paper, 48 ff., Arabic script, dated 2 April 1873, copied by the menteri cacar of Singkarak, (...) Abdul-Halim. (1) ff. 4v-23v. Tambo Minangkabau. (2) ff. 23v-44v. Undang-undang Minangkabau. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 257, No. 656. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 388 (No. 848). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1861) Or. 7254 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 27 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Malay, paper, 47 ff., copied by one of Van Langen’s scribes. (1) ff. 1v-9r. Acehnese. Hikayat Printaih Salam. An introduction of 3 pages precedes the story. Incomplete at the end. The story would, according to the present manuscript, be part of the Tambihoy Ensan. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 161. (2) ff. 13r-47r. Adat Aceh, divided into two parts: - ff. 13r-20r. Silsilah taraf segala Hulubalang, in particular about the chiefs in Pidie. - Adat kapal, about taxes levied on shipping freight, etc. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 59-60, No. 147. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 388 (No. 849).

Earlier provenance: On a loose piece of paper (the same paper as the manuscript; probably left out at the time of rebinding) in pencil, the words: Van den Resident (possibly K.F.H. van Langen). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1862) Or. 7255 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 28 Collective volume with texts in Malay and Arabic, paper, 62 ff., written in different hands (probably different manuscripts bound together, Nos. 1-3, 4-8, 9-10, 11-), insect holes through part of the manuscript. (1) ff. 1v-12r. Kifayat al-Muhtagin ila Mashrab al-Muwahhidin al-Qa’ilin bi-Wahdat al-Wugud, by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 139, No. 328. Dated 1145 AH (1732-1733). In this manuscript the title is Kifayat al-Muhtagin ila Suluk Maslak Kamal al-Talibin. A copy of this text, taken from this manuscript is MS Leiden Or. 8214 (1), below. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 112-113. (2) ff. 11v-12r. Arabic. Kifayat al-Tafa’ul. (3) f. 12v. Advice against the smacking of children under the age of 2 years. (4) f. 13r. The end only of a religious treatise. (5) ff. 13v-18r. Kitab al-Tarasul. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 166, No. 390. (6) ff. 18r-v. Arabic. Talqin al-Amwat. (7) ff. 19r-24v. Lubb al-Kashf wal-Bayan lima garahu al-Muhtadar bil-`Iyan by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Dated Ramadan 1138 / May-June 1727. A copy of this text, taken from this manuscript is MS Leiden Or. 8214, pp. 50-67, below. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 113. Apparently not in Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921). (8) ff. 19v-21r, in the margin. Jalan kita mengetahui kembali ke rahmatullah, about the omens of death. (9) ff. 25r-26r. Arabic. Dhikr. (10) ff. 26v-35v. Incomplete copy (end is lacking) of the Malay translation by (?) Abdurrauf of Singkel of Kashf al-Muntazar lima garahu al-Muhtadar by Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385. A copy of this text, taken from this manuscript is MS Leiden Or. 8214, pp. 77-102, below. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 113. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 143-144, No. 337. (11) f. 36r. Du`a, obat, etc. (12) ff. 37v-48r. Usul tahqiq, by Ibrahim ibn Muhammad, copied by Leube Raja, as owner is mentioned Leube Lam Seunong. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 144, No. 338, where Ibrahim ibn Muhammad is mentioned as katib (copyist?).

(13) ff. 48v-51v. Usul al-mutahaqqiq, or Kitab Tahaqquq, a work similar to the previously mentioned, but with more pantheist mysticism in its simile’s. As owner is mentioned Leube Lam Seunong. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 144, No. 339. (14) ff. 52v-51v. Arba`un Hadithan. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 388-390 (No. 850). The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1863) Or. 7256 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 29 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Minangkabau, paper, 77 ff., Arabic script, dated 11 Shawwal 1285 / 25 January 1869. (1) ff. 1-38. Tambo Minangkabau, from Adam to the rulers of Minangkabau, Datuk Ketemenggungan, Datuk Perpatih nan Sebatang, and Datuk Suri Diraja, the establishment of Padang Panjang (ff. 5-18), the establishment of the three penghulu, the establishment of Laras Kota Piliang and Bodi Caniago, etc. (ff. 18-21), the arrival of the Dutch and the war with them, war between laras, etc. (ff. 21-28), the origin of the name Minangkabau (the legend about the fight between two buffaloes) etc. (ff. 28-38). (2) ff. 38-77. Undang-undang Minangkabau, the logic of law (ff. 38-56), hukum perpatih divided into 25 articles (ff. 56-61), about crimes (30 kinds), undang-undang nan dulapan perkara, da'wa, 'akal (ff. 61-76). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 257, No. 657. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 390 (No. 851). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1864) Or. 7257 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 30 Malay, paper, 21 ff., Arabic script. Untitled and anonymous treatise, apparently containing a summary of the teachings of Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Leiden 1945, especially pp. 389-401, where a detailed survey of the contents of the present manuscript, together with a summary translation, is given. At the end, the author mentions the Kitab al-Haraka as a source for the treatise, a work by Shams al-Din which is now lost. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 145, No. 341. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 390-391 (No. 852). Earlier provenance: Possibly K.F.H. van Langen. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1865)

Or. 7258 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 31 Malay and Arabic, paper, 52 ff., Arabic script (naskh), illuminated headpiece (floral motifs), black ink with rubrics (mostly for the Arabic text), copying completed on a Friday at daybreak (f. 52a), modern half-cloth binding with pasted boards. Malay commentary on Kashf al-Asrar, the Arabic commentary by `Abd al-Mu`ti b. Salim b. `Umar al-Shibli al-Simlawi (fl. 1110/1698), GAL S II, 444, on Gawharat al-Tawhid, the Urguza on Tawhid by Ibrahim b. Ibrahim al-Laqani (d. 1041/1631), GAL G II, 316; S II, 437. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 121-122, No. 292. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 391 (No. 853). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. On f. 52b, written from the other side of the volume, are some notes in Malay in another hand. Earlier provenance: Teuku Mula at Leupong (?). Snouck Hurgronje’s description which is pasted inside the front cover reads: ‘Maleische commentaar op de Djauharat-ast-tawhid, meerendeels naar de Kasjf al-asrar van Abdal-Moeti b. Salim b. Oemar as-Sjibli. Blijkens onderschrift eigendom van Teu(ng)koe di Moeliëng in Lapang. Pasè-streek Augs 1899.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1866] Or. 7259 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 32 Collective volume with texts, mostly in Arabic, but also some in Malay, paper, 46 ff., Arabic script, dated 5 Safar 1233 / 15 December 1817 (colophon on f. 43v). MS Leiden Or. 7299, below, is a copy of the present manuscript by Tk. Muhammad Noerdin. (1) ff. 1-7v. Arabic. Silsilah Rifa'iyyah etc. (2) ff. 8r-13v. Ratib Rifa'i, do'a dabus etc. (3) ff. 13v-16v. Arabic. Silsilah etc. (4) ff. 16v-17v. Syaikh dan murid. The relationship between murid and syaikh according to Syaikh Sayyid Ahmad al-Bakir. (5) ff. 18r-18v. Pada menyatakan yang masuk kepada khalifah tatkala hendak ia ratib Rifa'i. (6) ff. 19v-44v. Arabic. Writings of a Rifa`iyya character. (7) ff. 46r-46v. Do'a kebal. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 146, No. 344. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 391-392 (No. 854). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1867) Or. 7260 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 33 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 50 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1v-2v. Do'a.

(2) ff. 3r-9v. Kitab masa’'il al-muhtadi li-ikhwan al-mubtad, the well-known short catechism on Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Tawhid, Ma`rifa, Tahara, Salat and Sawm, copied by Faqih Muda Haji Abdur-Rahman Fatani ibn Ali. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 109, No. 250. (3) ff. 9v-13v. Do'a. (4) ff. 14r-46v. Kitab khusus al-mubin, a manual of mystical concepts applied to fiqh and religious doctrine. Amongst other things a discussion about ilmu according to Pangeran Kali Jaga, Kiyahi Luhung Salawi, and Kiyahi Wanamarta, about the dzikir, tapa, and berkat of Sunan Ampel, his son, Sunan Benang, and Sunan Kali Jaga (f. 40r); Pangeran Binang, Pangeran Majagung, Pangeran Cerbon, Pangeran Kali Jaga, Syaikh Bentong (b.n.t.w.ng.), Maulana Maghrib, Pangeran Giri Gajah, and Giri Kedaton are mentioned as authorities (f. 43r). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 123-124, No. 298, where the beginning is quoted and where the contents of the treatise is extensively summarized. (5) ff. 46r-49v. Do'a, fa'al (on ominous moments, etc.). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 392 (No. 855). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1908) Or. 7261 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 34 Malay, paper, 240 ff., between ff. 168-169 there is a lacuna, as 3 ff. are missing Arabic script. Kitab as-sirat al-mustaqim by Nur al-Din al-Raniri (d. 1658). His well-known work on `Ibadat. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 115, No. 273. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 392 (No. 856). Earlier provenance: War booty? From the kraton of Kuta Raja. Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje from the estate of J.J. de Hollander (1817-1886). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1868) Or. 7262 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 35 Collective volume with texts in Malay (with Javanese influence), paper, 18 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r-v. Silsilah, the text (the beginning is missing) starts with a silsilah commencing with the name Syaikh Abdur-Rauf of Singkel (2nd half of 11/17th cent.) and ending with Nyonya Alferes Kuyu’ of Kampung Petuakan, Batavia, upon whom blessing is invoked. (2) ff. 2r-17v. Mystical treatise, about mystical love, adab dzikir (the way of Dhikr, here called tatakramanya dzikir), sifatnya murid (the stages of the student), the four dzikir, martabat, tagalli, dicta by Abdur-Rauf, etc. (3) ff. 18r-v. Usul haqiqah, only the beginning. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 145-146, No. 343. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 393 (No. 857). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 1963) Or. 7263 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 36 Malay, with some Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang), 117 ff., the first two ff. severly damaged; of ff. 1 and 2 one third of the outer part is lost, Arabic script, illustrations. Kitab Fa’al. Divination. The text contains material about breathing and its place (ff. lv-3r), astronomy etc., with quotations in Arabic from Ihya’ ‘Ulum ad-Din by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 424 (ff. 3r-4v), calculation of the months according to Mulla al-Kurani (al-Shaykh Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurdi al-Kurani al-Shahrani al-Shahrazuri thumma al-Madani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385) (f. 5r-v), forbidden marriages (ff. 6r-v), calculation of the months (ff. 6v-7v), fasting times (ff. 7v-9r), falakiah (ff. 9r-10v), raqm (ff. 10v-13r), windu (ff. 13r-14v), ma'rifat tanzih dan tasyabbuh (ff. 15r-19r), love of God’s Being (ff. 19v-23r), the root of sembahyang and Fatihah (ff. 23r-25v), about the niat etc. (ff. 26r-36v), about ma'rifat Allah (ff. 36v-38r), fardhu syahadat, rukun imam, syarat syahpuasa, tahdrah, sembahyang, etc. (ff. 38r47v), the ages of the prophets etc. (ff. 47v-50r), about the soul (ff. 50r-51r), the seven branches of knowledge, niat sembahyang (puasa etc.) (ff. 51r-53v), mystical diagrams (ff. 54r-55r), bintang duabelas (ff. 58r-68r), about pregnancy and the zodiac (ff. 68r-75v), the seven heavens and the seven levels of man (ff. 76r-v), calendar of the months (ff. 76v-80v), medicines etc. (ff. 80v-94r), predictions and divination (ff. 94v-98v), mystical significance of colours (ff. 99r102v), fa’al bintang (ff. 102v-107r), rigal al-ghayb (ff. 107r-108v), do'a etc. (ff. 109r-111r), the days of the month etc. (ff. 111v-117v); the end is missing. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 159, No. 370. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 393 (No. 858). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1964) Or. 7264 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 37 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Javanese, paper, 16 ff., Arabic script. (1) f. 1v. Martabat dzikir tujuh pangkat, at the beginning do 'a for mandi junub. (2) ff. 2r-5v. Tahdrah, do'a relating to purification (with mystical purport). (3) ff. 5v-9r. Mystical treatis. Location of mystical conception in the body. (4) ff. 9r-14r. Martabat dzikir tujuh pangkat, a mystical treatise. (5) ff. 14r-15v. Javanese. Do'a, obat etc. (6) f. 15v. Puji-pujian. (7) f. 16r. Do'a, obat. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 145, No. 342. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 394 (No. 859). Not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1869)

Or. 7265 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 38 Malay, paper, 185 ff., Arabic script, possibly 2 ff. missing at the beginning. Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiah. The medieval Muslim-Malay romance, originally based on a Persian source. The text has been critically edited and the manuscript tradition of it has been analyzed by L.F. Brakel, The Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah. A medieval Muslim-Malay romance. The Hague 1975. The present manuscript is listed by Brakel as MS V, and was not used for his edition. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 37, No. 94. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 394 (No. 860). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1870) Or. 7266 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 39 Malay (Batavia-influenced), with Sundanese, 13 ff., Arabic script. Syair Nur Muhammad. The text, on ff. 2v-10r, deals with the creation of the archangels, the world, the prophets, and mainly the mystical nur, the end is in Sundanese. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 95-96, No. 219, where extensive quotation of the beginning. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 394-395 (No. 861). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1896 in Batavia. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1871) Or. 7267 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 40 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 36 p., Arabic script. Collection of Shattariyya mystical texts. Iskandar gives as the author Abdullah ibn AbdulKahar ar-Rifa`i of Banten, whereas van Ronkel seems to mention him as the copyist. (1) pp. 3-10. Silsilah Syatariyah, beginning with Encik Ibrahim and ascending to Abdul-Basir ibn Kamaruddin, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Kahar, Muhammad at-Taban ibn `Ali at Mecca, etc. (2) pp. 11-17. Sifat murid. The four kinds of murid. (3) pp. 18-25. Mystical diagrams, etc. (4) pp. 26-29. Rukun sembahyang. (5) pp. 30-36. Man 'arafa nafsahu faqad 'arafa rabbahu. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 137, No. 324. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 395 (No. 862). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1872) Or. 7268 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 41 Malay (Batavia-influenced), paper, 20 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Idris of Kampung Mesjid, Tanah Abang, Batavia.

Targhib al-Mubtadi’, by `Abd al-Halim al-Tanbani (from Tanah Abang, Batavia). Treatise about the main tenets of Islam, the five `Ibadat and the Sifat duapuluh. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 111, No. 259. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 395 (No. 863). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1873) Or. 7269 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 42 Malay, paper, 16 ff., Arabic script. Hisn al-Qari’, a treatise about the particuliarities of the Qur’an, by Lutf Allah al-Bukari, ‘with the assistance of Imam `Azim and Imam Hafz’ (so in Iskandar, who copied it from van Ronkel and did not recognize the Hafs-`Asim formula as the readers of the Qur’an, although the title of the treatise already refers to it). The work is divided into 30 fasal. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 124-125, No. 299, where the table of contents is quoted in full. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 395-396 (No. 864). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1874) Or. 7270 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 43 Malay, Arabic, paper, 10 ff., Arabic script, illustrations, possibly copied by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Text on ff. 1b-5b only, the other leaves are blank. Primbon. Collective volume with shorter texts, copied from an original found with the perpetrator of an attempt on the life of the resident of Bencoolen. Several Azimat, Rajahan, a Qasida in Arabic (ff. 3a-4a), rules for ritual prayer (sembahyang), Kutika, and other similar texts. The copyist has written the original page numbers in the margins. The original text was written on 30 pp., and was probably of small size. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 154, No. 360. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 396 (No. 865). Earlier provenance: Iskandar: ‘On f. 1r is a note to the effect that it was copied from a manuscript found with one of the murderers of the resident of Bencoolen (H.C. Humme).’ The Dutch version says ‘Copie van een Handschriftje gevonden bij een der bedrijvers v. een aanslag op het leven van den Resident van Benkoelen (H.C.H.) in het jaar’. So, from the Dutch text it is not clear whether the former owner was indeed a murderer. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1875] Or. 7271 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 45 Malay (Batavia Malay), paper, 32 pp., Arabic script, copied in 1891 from a manuscript owned by the family of Bapa Entong of Kampung Melayu and thought to be an heirloom from Pangeran Bukun Prabuningrat.

Ceritera kebuyutan Sakawayana. This work contains the history of Bogor and the western part of Priangan. It starts with Creation, the history of Pajajaran, the arrival of the Dutch East India Company, beginning with Jan Pieterszoon Coen, dates are used (1033/1623-1624), the last date mentioned is 1209/1794. The text displays similarities to MS Jakarta KBG 165. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 178-179, No. 440. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 396 (No. 866). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1876) Or. 7272 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 46 Malay, paper, 64 pp., Arabic script, by a European, possibly J.J. de Hollander. Hikayat Raja Khandaq dan Raja Badar. Story of the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad and `Ali b. Abi Talib against King Khandaq, the siege of Medina, the defense of the city with a moat (Khandaq), and the struggle against King Badar. Both opponents are personifications of battles of the early history of Islam, al-Khandaq and Badr. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 35, No. 87. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 396 (No. 867). Earlier provenance: Acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje in October 1887 from the estate of J.J. de Hollander (1817-1886), whose signature can be seen inside both covers. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1877] Or. 7273 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 47 Malay, paper, 47 pp., Arabic script. Hikayat Raja Nadir Syah. The story of Raja Nadir Syah, King of Dali, who attacks the kingdom of Keling after being informed by a wandering merchant about that country’s greatness and riches. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 15, No. 40. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 396-397 (No. 868). Earlier provenance: Acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje from the estate of J.J. de Hollander (18171886). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1878) Or. 7274 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 48 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 23 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1v-15r. Shattariyyah, a treatise about Syattariyah mysticism. It begins with a silsilah starting from Muhammad and descending to Ahmad al-Qushashi, Abdur-Rauf of Singkel (yang bangsa Syaikh Hamzah Fansuri dari Singkel), Haji Abdul-Muhyiuddin of Karang (Kampung Saparwadi) and ending with Anak Tong and Baba Jainan at Pasar Senen (Sungai Baru). Then follow instructions on sembahyang sunat with do'a, puasa, wirid, niat masuk

tarikat, niat sembahyang tarikat, syarat dzikir Syattariyah, syarat empat perkara, kifayat dzikir, i 'tikad di dalam waktu sakarat al-mawt, syahadah kencana, tiga puluh huruf di dalam badan kita, asal kita yang tigabelas perkara (bangsa), etc. (2) ff. 15r-21v. Bayan sahadah, unfinished. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 140-141, No. 333. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 397 (No. 869). ¶ ‘On the itinerary and life of 'Abd al-Ra'uf, see P. G. Riddell, Transferring a Tradition: ‘Abd alRa'uf al-Singkili's Rendering into Malay of the Jalalayn Commentary. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. For references to him as a Jawi, see LOr. 7274; I, ff. 1b-15a; cf. IOL MS Jav. 50, f. 203a, and MS Jav. 77, ff. 30-31.’ (Quoted from Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 247, note 55). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1909) Or. 7275 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 49 Malay, paper, 8 ff., Arabic script, dated 1895, copied in Batavia. Ki Dudah Jinda Lara Ning Hat. The text, on ff. lv-7r, does not contain summaries of 24 wayang stories, as Van Ronkel has it in his description, but one story divided into 44 brief episodes, running parallel with the account of Juragan Duda Lara Ning Hati as contained in the Hikayat Angkawijaya (see MS Leiden Or. 3221, MS Leiden Or. 3244, above). Transcription and introduction in B.J. Bijleveld, ‘Cerita Tukang Gamal Ki Dudah Jinda Lara Ning Hati. A condensed wayang story from Jakarta’, in BKI 146 (1990), pp. 413-422. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), pp. 26-27, No. 63. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 397 (No. 870). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1879) Or. 7276 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 50 Malay, paper, 18 ff., exercise book, Latin script, possibly copied by H.A. von Dewall (1807-1873). Perumpamaan. The manuscript contains 32 Batavian proverbs, partly with Dutch explanation and equivalents. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 165, No. 384. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 396-397 (No. 871). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1880) Or. 7277 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 51 Malay (Batavia Malay), paper, exercise book, 16 ff., Latin script, dated on the cover: 1890. A Batavian cook book. Darihal menjatakan barang-barang bekakas roemah, dapoer dan makananjang biasa dipake oleh orang Batavia. The text is divided into 4 chapters: 1. Darihal bekakas roemah jang moepaka. 2. Bekakas dapoer jang moepakat. 3. Dari hal koewe-koewe jang boewat djoewal atawa makan jang moepakat.

4. Dari hal sajoeran jang orang selam soeka djoewal di pasar dan jang dia orang soeka boewat sajoer. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 167, No. 394. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 398 (No. 872). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1881) Or. 7278 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 52 Malay, paper, 10 ff., Latin script, possibly copied by H.A. von Dewall (1807-1873). Collection of 61 pantun from Batavia. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 107, No. 245, where the first and last pantun are quoted. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 398 (No. 873). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1882) Or. 7279 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 53 Malay, paper, 18 ff., Arabic script, copied in Kampung Karet. Talkhis al-Falah fi Bayan Ahkam al-Nikah. A treatise about matrimonial law by Muhammad Zain bin Fakih Jalaluddin al-Asyi, the same contents as MS Leiden Or. 5741 (9), above. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 119, No. 286. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 398 (No. 874). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1883) Or. 7280 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 54 Malay, blueish paper, 168 ff., Arabic script, black ink with rubrics, modern binding. Sabil al-Muhtadin lil-Tafaqquh fi Amr al-Din. Two chapters only of this work on Fiqh by Muhammad Arsyad ibn Abdullah al-Bukhari al-Banjar (of Banjarmasin), compiled at the request of Sultan Tahmidullah ibn Tamjidillah of Banjar in 1193/1779. Its sources are Nuruddin ar-Raniri’s (d. 1658) Sirat al-mustaqim, the commentaries on the Minhag by Zakariyya’ alAnsari and al-Shirbini, Ibn Hagar’s Tuhfah and ar-Ramli’s Nihayah (so enumerated on f. 3a). On ff. 1v-2r the main text is preceded by religious notes, several questions (Su’al with Gawab), prayer and scribbling. On f. 168v a note on tayammum. Chapter 1: Kitab al-taharah, divided into: ff. 2v-36v. Introduction. ff. 36v-60v. Bab al-Nagasa (with spelling mistake). Bab pada menyatakan nagasat. ff. 60v-87v. Bab al-Wudu’. Bab pada menyatakan wudhu’. ff. 87v-102v. Bab al-Hadath. Bab pada menyatakan segala sebab hadath. ff. 102v-115v. Bab al-Ghusl. Bab pada menyatakan ghusul.

ff. 115v-135r. Bab al-Tayammum. Bab pada menyatakan tayammum. ff. 135r-139r. Bab al-Hayd. Bab pada menyatakan haidh. Chapter 2: ff. 139r-168r. Kitab al-salat. ff. 140v-. Bab Awqat al-Salat. Bab pada menyatakan segala waktu sembahyang. With abrupt ending on f. 168r in the section on shurut al-salat. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 111, No. 260. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 399 (No. 875). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1884] Or. 7281 a, b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 55 a, b Wallet containing two Malay manuscripts. A. Collective volume, paper, 20 ff., Arabic script, on f. 19v a note on a death, dated April 1883 (by a later hand). (1) ff. 2r-9v. Sembahyang; a treatise about the ritual prayer. (2) ff. 10r-19v. Do'a, mystical invocations, diagrams, etc. B. paper, 8 ff., Arabic script. Do'a. Prayers. Van Ronkel 1921, p. 159. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 399-400 (No. 876). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1885) Or. 7282 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 56 File containing two manuscripts. A. Paper, 20 ff., Arabic script. Kelebihan ibadat. (1) ff. 1v-19v. A Malay adaptation of an Arabic religious work. (2) ff. 1r-20r-v. Do'a. Prayer. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 159-160. B. Paper, 18 ff., Arabic script, written in 1836. Kitab fa'al. The text contains divination, do'a, rajah, charms, etc. Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 159-160. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 400 (No. 877). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1886) Or. 7283 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 57 Collective volume with texts in Malay, European paper, [1] + 352 + [3] ff., Arabic script, Indonesian naskh, paper corroded in places by acid ink, with illuminated oriental leather binding (damaged and faded). According to a note on more recent paper attached at the end of the codex, the writing was finished on 1 Jumadil-awal 1223 (25 June 1808); as owner is mentioned the Palembang sultan Mahmud Badaruddin ibn Sultan Muhammad Bahauddin (f.

[1]a). According to a postscript added by Muhammad Kelanah bin Abdul-Mujib the pages containing the khotbah (f. 349v ?) were copied by him from the original which had become illegible. (1a). Inside front cover is a prayer of gratitude. f. [1]a: Note of purchase (see below under provenance). (1) ff. 1a-251a. Shumus al-anwar wa-kunuz al-asrar (title on f. 2a). A Malay translation of a work (apparently by that title) by Ibn al-Hagg at-Tilimsami al-Maghribi about mystical calculations, diagrams, da'irah etc., divided into 30 bab. See G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, pp. 207-208. In the begin Arabic text in red ink, and Malay text in black ink. Later on rubrication is used for the Malay text and Arabic text is not given anymore, except Qur’anic words and the like. f. 2b. Bab 1. Fi sirr al-huruf. f. 14a. Bab 2. Pada menyatakan sekali khassiyyat Asma’ Allah yang Husna. f. 49a. Bab 3. Fi Khawass Ba`d al-Ayat. f. 54b. Bab 4. Fi Istikhrag Gawhar Ma`adin al-Dhahab wal-Fidda. f. 59b. Bab 5. Fil-Hikma al-Qa’ima min al-Nabat. f. 66a. Bab 6. Pada memajahkan sekala tantra … f. 69a. Bab 7. Fi Fath al-Kunuz. With oath formulas in Arabic. f. 74b. Bab 8. Fi Taghwir al-Ma’. f. 77a. Bab 9. Fi Fath al-Aqfal. f. 80a. Bab 10. Fi Higab al-Absar. f. 83a. Bab 11. Pada menyatakan tasrif doa Wal-Shams wa-Duhaha. In all, twenty tasrif are given. Also oath formulas in Arabic are given. f. 96b. Bab 12. Pada menyatakan bumi ketahua… f. 100a. Bab 13. Pada menyatakan martabat sheikh yang zahid. On shaykh and murid. f. 104b. Bab 14. Pada menyatakan sekali tempat bardim qamar … Notes on astrology. Also prayer texts. f. 118a. Bab 15. Fil-Masa’il al-Mukhtalifa wa-Anwa`iha. f. 174b. Bab 16. Fi `Ilagat al-Ginn. f. 193a. Bab 17. Fi Khidmat al-Ginn. f. 200b. Bab 18. Fi Khawass Ba`d al-Asma’. f. 204a. Bab 19. Fi Anwa` al-Hikma. f. 210b. Bab 20. Fi Anwa` al-Tibb. f. 216b. Bab 21. Fi Anwa` al-Mahabba. f. 221b. Bab 22. Fi Anwa` al-Baraka. f. 225a. Bab 23. Fi Anwa` al-Tafriqat. f. 229a. Bab 24. Fi Taqsis al-Kaghid. f. 233b. Bab 25. Fi Anwa` al-Barakat. f. 236a. Bab 26. Fil-Hifz.

f. 240b. Bab 27. Fi Galab al-Akhbar min al-Aqtar. f. 244a. Bab 28. Fil-Hagb. f. 246a. Bab 29. Fi Tadmiz al-Zalim. f. 248b. Bab 30. Sekali faida apabil angku suratkan … (2) ff. 251b-343a. A collection of shorter texts, consisting of higab (hijab), fa'al, about divination etc. According to Iskander the texts would go back to the well-known work of Imam al-Buni (Shams al-Ma`arif wa-Lata’if al-`Awarif by Ahmad b. `Ali al-Buni (d. 622/1225), GAL G I, 497), but his name does not seem to be mentioned, and the attribution is therefore doubtful. The text is divided into a large number of numbered and unnumbered chapters (Bab). It contains fa’idah, do'a, obat etc. Dated on a Saturday in Gumada I 1223 (1808), at three o’clock (colophon on f. 343a). ¶ The name of al-Buni does not seem to be mentioned in this text, however. It is probably Iskander who in his catalogue first mentioned a supposed link with the Shams al-Ma`arif, but this seems to be unsubstantiated. (2a) f. 343b. Explanation of the name Muhyi, and other names. (3) ff. 344a-346b. Fahrasat of text No. 1. (4) ff. 347a, 348a. Do'a, prayers. (5) ff. 349b-350a. Postscript by Muhammad Mujib Kelanah, dated Betawi 3 April 1849. F. 349b signed by Ahmad b. Muhammad Ba Kathir, and dated Sunday 2 Bulan Haj 1264 = 29 October 1848 (6) f. 350b. The beginning of an unknown work. Inside are 3 pieces of loose paper with all kinds of notes. This includes a letter in Dutch, dated 4 May 1862. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 156-157. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 400-401 (No. 878). Earlier provenance (f. [1]a, 349b): Purchased by Fakir Abdul-Mujib Muhammad Zubaidi from Abdur-Rahman bin Aud, through the intermediary of Ahmad b. Muhammad Ba Kathir (who signs the note), on 2 Bulan Haj 1264 (29 October 1848) at the price of 18 guilders. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1887) Or. 7284 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 58 Collective volume with texts in Malay (with Acehnese features), paper, 97 pp., Latin script, dated Monday 5 or 6 Rabi'ul-Awal 1305 (21 November 1887), exercise book with hard cover. (1) pp. 1-23. Tjalitra Kabar Kantjil Rimba, also called Hikayat pelanduk jenaka. Possibly written by an Acehnese in Jakarta as the Malay shows Acehnese influence). It is also possible that this text was translated from Acehnese. (2) pp. 24-97. Hikayat prang Gompeuni, a history of the Dutch-Acehnese war, by Teungku Do Karim of Keutapang Dua, in a Malay adaptation. See C. Snouck Hurgronje, De Atjèhers. Leiden – Batavia 1893-1894, vol. 2, pp. 106 ff. The language is Malay with influences of the Acehnese. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 45-46. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 401 (No. 879). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 1888) Or. 7285 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 59 Malay, paper, 67 ff., Arabic script, several different hands. Kitab fa'al. A collective volume with texts on divinatory subjects. The text contains divination, do'a, rajah, charms, etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 160. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 401 (No. 880). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1889) Or. 7286 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 60 Malay, paper, 5 letters. Five letters from Teungku Syaikh Saman Tiro. A. Letter to Assistant-Resident Van Langen at Kutaraja, dated 16 Dzulhijah 1302 (26 September 1885). B. Letter to Assistant-Resident Van Langen at Kutaraja, dated 17 Dzulhijah 13(0)2 (27 September 1885). C. Letter to Teuku Muda Ba’ed, not dated. D. Letter to Teuku Nek Meuraksa and Panglima Meuseujid Raya, dated 17-10-1302 (30 July 1885). E. Letter Teuku Muda Ba’ed, not dated. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 171. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 401-402 (No. 881). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1965) Or. 7287 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 62 Malay, paper, 15 ff., Arabic script. Kitab masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikwan al-mubtadi. An anonymous catechism in prose, in the form of su’al and gawab. Notes at the end show that the manuscript is of Acehnese origin. The text, which is on ff. lv-3r, is a fragment of the beginning of the text. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 108. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 402 (No. 882). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1891) Or. 7288 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 63 Malay, paper (worn and damaged), 238 ff. (ff. 1-63 and 207-237 showing holes), Arabic script, copied during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Syah ibn Sultan Johan Syah ibn Alauddin Ahmad Syah (1760-1781, note on f. 240b).

Sirat al-mustaqim. A lacunous copy, the manuscript is worn and dilapidated, the beginning and end of the text are missing. On a bookmark a note: Geudong 1898. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 115. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 402 (No. 883). Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1892) Or. 7289 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 64 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 70 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1v-61v. Bidayat al-hidayah, by Muhammad Zain ibn al-Fakih Jalaluddin al-Asyi. Writing (composition or copying?) completed at Mecca on 24 Sya’ban 1170 (14 May 1757). The text is a Malay adaptation of the Arabic Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf alSanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. And some Sharh and Hashiya. On f. 1r are theological notes. Ff. 33v, 34v, 48v (partly) are left blank because of the permeation of the ink from the recto sides. (2) ff. 62r-69r. Kitab al-`Aqa’id, Arabic text with interlinear Malay translation (ff. 62r-66v), on f. 69v are notes on the vision of God. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 112. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 402-403 (No. 884). Earlier provenance: War booty? A previous owner was Leube Doraman of Gampong Teungoh, Geudong (Aceh). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1893) Or. 7290 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 65 Malay, paper, 22 ff. Hikayat Seri Rama. See on the text also L.F. Brakel, ‘Two Indian epics in Malay’, in Archipel 20 (1980), pp. 143-160. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 1. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 403 (No. 885). Earlier provenance: On f. 54v in pencil: van Langen, who may have been the former owner. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1910) Or. 7291 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 66 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese, paper, 135 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin. (1) pp. 1-9. Martabat tujuh. (2) pp. 9-10. Prescriptions for the seumayang. The beginning only of the rukon lhee blaih, in sanjak. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 243. (3) pp. 12-15. Fragment about the origin of sexual love, etc.

(4) pp. 16-80. Asrar al-`Arifin, by Hamzah Fansuri. A complete text, utilized by J. Doorenbos, De geschriften van Hamzah Pansoeri, Leiden 1933, as MS III, text pp. 120-175. See also Syed Muhammad Naguib al-Attas, The mysticism of Hamza Fansuri. Kuala Lumpur 1970, pp. 233-96, 354-415. See akso G.W.J. Drewes & L.F. Brakel, The poems of Hamzah Fansuri. Dordrecht 1986, p. 11. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 135. (5) pp. 81-110. Sharab al-`Ashiqin (Syarab al-asyiqin), also called Asrar al- 'asiqin or Zinat almuwahhidin, by Hamzah Fansuri. utilized by J. Doorenbos (1933), as MS III, text pp. 176-204. See al-Attas (1970), pp. 297-328, 416-47. See also G.W.J. Drewes & L.F. Brakel (1986), pp. 11-2. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 136. (6) pp. 110-130. Kitab al-muntahi, by Hamzah Fansuri. An incomplete epitome with notes by P. Voorhoeve. The identification of author and title is based on comparison with quotations in the Tibyan by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658) and with a Javanese translation in MS Leiden Or. 5716 (2). Edited and translated by al-Attas (1970), pp. 329-53, 448-72. See also G.W.J. Drewes & L.F. Brakel (1986), pp. 12-3, 250-77. Van Ronkel 1921, p. 145. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 403-404 (No. 886). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1894) Or. 7292 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 67 Malay (Batavia Malay), 18 + 154 pp., Arabic script, dated January 1894, copied in by Muhammad Noerdin (?) from a Batavian manuscript in the possession of Snouck Hurgronje. Primbon. The text is on pp. 1-154; the work starts with divination (attributed to Sunan Kali Jaga) followed by a mystical treatise in which Sunan Ampel, Sunan Kudus, Sunan ‘Binang’ and Sunan Kali Jaga form a mystical quartet, etc. A detailed table of contents precedes the text. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 126-127. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 404 (No. 887). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1895) Or. 7293 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 68 Malay, paper, 90 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Nurdin from MS Jakarta KBG, v.d.W. 42. Sabil al-Hidaya wa al-Rashad. This work contains fawa’id abstracted from the mystical work in Arabic going by that title, by Ahmad ibn Hasan ibn `Abdallah Haddad ibn Sayyid `Alawi Ba `Alawi of Tarim, Hadramawt. The Malay translation was made in Syawal 1224 (November / December 1809). See G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ alAnṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, p. 207. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 132. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 404 (No. 888). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1896)

Or. 7294 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 69 Malay, paper, 62 ff., Arabic script. Kitab Qulub al-`Arifin. A mystical treatise dealing with various matters, such as nur Muhammad, nama Allah, the revelation to the Prophet, the knowledge and the secret of the Prophet; a bab about tanazzuh (ff. 6r-17r), a bab about tawajuh (ff. 17r-18r), a bab about muraqabah (ff. 18r-21v), about the essence of the salat etc. (ff. 21v-29v), about tafakur etc. (ff. 29v-34v), gerak tubuh, etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 127. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 404405 (No. 889). Earlier provenance: Purchased in Batavia, in 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1897) Or. 7295 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 70 Collective volume with texts in Malay and Minangkabau, paper, 36 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r-8r. Hikayat Raden Alit, on the title-page is written: Inilah hikayat ceritera Raden Alit zaman dahulu kala, daripada bahasa Ulu Pasemah Lebar dipindahkan dengan bahasa Melayu. The text contains the story of the war between Raden Alit and Aceh. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 6. (2) ff. 11r-34v. Raja Pariangan ka Nagari Aceh, in Minangkabau with Malay influence. Copy of MS Jakarta KBG 208. Some passages were published by J. Habbema, ‘Fragmenten uit een Maleisch handschrift’, in TBG 30 (1885), pp. 473-483. The text is also mentioned by Hoesein Djajadiningrat, (1911, p. 139). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, pp. 495-4966. See also Van Ronkel 1921, p. 259. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 405 (No. 890). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1898) Or. 7296 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 71 Collective volume with texts in Malay, 16 ff., Arabic script, dated 8 Dzulka'edah 1271 (23 July 1855), copied by Abdul-Ghani Muhammad Zain Hindi al-Jawi al-Batawi, who was also the owner. Later the manuscript was acquired by Rapudin in exchange for another manuscript. (1) f. 1r. Tasbih sembilan. (2) ff. lv-16r. Sifat duapuluh, a treatise about the attributes of God. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 122. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 405 (No. 891). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1899) Or. 7297 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 72 Malay, paper, 19 ff., Arabic script, dated 23 Syawal 1286 (26 January 1870), copied at Kampung Jembatan Busuk.

'Aqa’id al-iman. A treatise about the attributes of God. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 122. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 405 (No. 892). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1900) Or. 7298 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 73 Malay, paper, 29 ff., Arabic script, dated 8 Dzulhijjah 1294 (14 December 1877), copied by Masy’ud Akhir (who is also the owner) in Kampung Jagal, Pasar Senen. Wasiat Nabi. Admonition by the Prophet Muhammad which `Abd al-Rahman Sa`id ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud ibn Qasim, hereditary imam of the mosque of Madinah, dreamt of having received from Ali’s hand. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 162. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 406 (No. 893). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1901) Or. 7299 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 74 Malay, Arabic, paper, 63 pp., Arabic script, dated 1893, copied by Muhammad Nurdin. Rifa’iyyah. A copy of MS Leiden Or. 7259, above, which has the following contents: (1) Arabic. Silsilah Rifa'iyyah etc. (2) Ratib Rifa'i, do'a dabus etc. (3) Arabic. Silsilah etc. (4) Syaikh dan murid. The relationship between murid and syaikh according to Syaikh Sayyid Ahmad al-Bakir. (5) Pada menyatakan yang masuk kepada khalifah tatkala hendak ia ratib Rifa'i. (6) Arabic. Writings of a Rifa`iyya character. (7) Do'a kebal. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 146-7. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 406 (No. 894). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1902) Or. 7300 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 61 Malay, paper, 17 ff., Arabic script. Kitab masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikwan al-mubtadi. An anonymous catechism in prose, in the form of su’al and gawab. The text (ff. 1v-13r) is complete. On the title-page Teuku Agam Cut at Blang Hasan is mentioned as the owner, in pencil and Latin script the date: Geudong 1890. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 108. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 406 (No. 895).

Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1890) Or. 7301 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 75 Collective volume with texts in Malay (Batavia Malay), paper, 62 ff., Arabic script, dated 1889, copied by Guru Cit Arifin Gang Pecenongan (Jakarta), with illustrations (diagrams). (1) ff. 2v-25v. Mystical treatise, about the unity of being, its qualities, wujut Allah and makhluk, the true sense of salat, wudhu, martabah, etc., with explanations. On ff. 2r, 26r and 27v are mystical diagrams, and on f. 27r are notes about wujud. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 127-8, no. 303 (A). (2) ff. 29r-57v. Nukil, Explanation of theological terminologies as introduction to the kitab literature. On ff. 57v-58r is an epilogue. Ff. 58v-62r are blank. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 126, no. 300 (B). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 406-407 (No. 896). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1903) Or. 7302 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 76 Malay, paper, 161 pp., Arabic script, not dated, but possibly 1800, a manuscript from Batavia or from Jatinegara. Tareq Kamaliah. Content: Introduction (Arabic text with Malay translation) and silsilah of Tareq Kamaliyah (Jibra'il - Muhammad - Kyahi Panembahan Nursaleh in Dayeuh Luhur) (pp. 1-7). Nukil of a wasiat by the Prophet Muhammad to Syaikh Salih ibn Ahmad, by him to Haji Muhammad Pekih (Panembahan Nursaleh of Dayeuh Luhur). Tarek of the four sahabat, ilmu kewalian, asal, usul, ajal, Syattariyah, Naksyabandiyah, Sy atari alip hurupiyah, Kamaliyah, dzikir (pp. 7-15). Syahadat, tekad kajabariyah, Kadiriyah, wujudiyah, ahl as-sunnah wa’lgama'ah, huruf, iman, fasting (Tuesday - Thursday), etc., sedekah arwah, the fivefold sense of the syahadah prayer, about the syahadah (pp. 15-27). Bismillah, da'irah, etc. (pp. 29-30), pitua hadith (pp. 31-35), kitab concerning the tekad, kinds of sembahyang, rukun salat, syahadah, hadith, the four elements of body and mind, dzikir (pp. 36-54), da'irah (as in pp. 29-30), table of da'irah (pp. 55-58), about the thirty huruf, the 124 huruf of the Fatihah, etc. The 20 huruf of bismillah, the 12 huruf of la ilaha ilia llah (pp. 58-80). Nukil from Kitab insan kamil (pp. 85-88), hakikat of a married couple (pp. 88-111), about the martabat orang yang mati (pp. 111-116), about rukun Islam (pp. 116-118), the 4 hukum related to the components of the sperm, elements, blood, nafsu diri, etc. (pp. 118-126), about the malaikat (pp. 126-133), about the essence of jauhar (pp. 133-142), about the essence of ruh and hati (pp. 142-148), about the syari'at, hakikat, ma'rifat of the six great prophets, Insan kamil (pp. 148-155), prerequisite to obtain what one wishes: 40 days’ fasting, sembahyang hajat of four raka 'at, do 'a qunut, istigfar and sleeping facing the kiblat, the merit of training students (one student counts for 1 haj, if a

teacher has 40 students he becomes a mu’min, 80 students a vali, 120 students a nabi), on wujud, hayat, hayyun, Fatihah, etc. (pp. 155-161). See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 128-129. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 407 (No. 897). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1904) Or. 7303 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 77 Malay, paper, 10 ff., Latin script (a few lines in Arabic characters), dated 1 Rajab 1308 (10 February 1891), copied by Radhen Pandji Sosro Minarso (Deputy Regent of (...)oliti (?), following the information given by his grandfather, Radhen Rijo Notoredjo (Regent of Brosot, Djokjakarta). Illustrations (diagrams). Ilmoe peroesah boemi. The text deals with customs in connection with rice growing; with diagrams and azimat. Added is a letter written by the author. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 169. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 407-408 (No. 898). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1905) Or. 7304 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 78 Malay, paper, 647 pp., Arabic script, dated 11 Dzulhijjah 1310 (26 June 1893), copied by Muhammad Noerdin. Cetera Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain. Copy of a manuscript owned by Von Dewall (now MS Jakarta, Coll. Von Dewall No. 191, entitled Sejarah Raja-raja Melayu). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, pp. 274-275. The text represents the enlarged version of the Sejarah Melayu. See R. Roolvink, ‘The variant versions of the Malay Annals’, in: BKI 123 (1967), pp. 301-324, especially p. 308, where Roolvink argues that it could perhaps best be characterized as Hikayat Raja Akil. The text was used by Muhammad Yusoff Hashim, Hikayat Siak dirawikan oleh Tengku Said, Kuala Lumpur 1992. Also used as a source in Jane Drakard, A kingdom of words. Language and power in Sumatra. Oxford, etc. 1999, p. 287. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 40. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 408 (No. 899). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1911) Or. 7305 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 44 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 31 ff., Arabic script, dated 17 Sya'ban 1279 (7 February 1863). (1) ff. 31r-7r. Wasiat Nabi. Beginning is missing. (2) ff. 6r-v. A fragment of Sifat duapuluh, written in a different hand.

(3) ff. 5v-1r. Mystical treatise, on the subject of the origin of all beings from the essence of God. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 162. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 408 (No. 900). Earlier provenance: In the colophon Nyonya Haji Da’ima of Kampung Tanah Tinggi is mentioned as the owner. On 26 November 1894 the manuscript was acquired from Aboe by Rd. Jassin. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1912) Or. 7306 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 79 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 8 + 2 ff., Arabic script. A. Wasiat Nabi. The text contains a short version of Wasiat Nabi. On ff. 1v-2r is a do'a. B. Surat wasiat. A Wasiat by Sayyid Sarif in Mecca to pilgrims from Indonesia (yang di bawah origin), brought home by Haji Muda (a Buginese) and Haji Abd as-Samad (an Arab). The text contains eschatological admonitions in connection with the imminence of Doomsday. Found loose in A, above. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 163. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 408-409 (No. 901). Earlier provenance: The manuscript originates from Lampung. On the cover a note: ‘Miss. Gouv. Secr. 30/10-84 no 2013’. Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1913) Or. 7307 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 80 Malay, paper, 10 ff., Arabic script. Wasiat Nabi. A copy of MS Leiden Or. 7306 A, above. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 163. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 409 (No. 902). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1914) Or. 7308 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 81 Malay, paper, 22 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?). Cookery book. Copied from a manuscript found with the Palembang Haji Harun (mentioned by Snouck Hurgronje in his letter of 25 March 1897 to the Resident of Lampung). The manuscript contains 40 recipes of dishes and dainties. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 167, no. 395. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 409 (No. 903). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1915) Or. 7309 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 82 Collective volume with texts in Malay (with Acehnese influence), paper, 43 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?), illustrations (drawings).

The texts in the volume were copied from MS Leiden Or. 7311, below (where a more extensive survey of the contents is found). (1) pp. 1-30. Khabar orang tuha-tuha. (2) pp. 31-43. Adat Aceh, with drawings of flags. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 27. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 409 (No. 904). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1916) Or. 7310 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 83 Malay, paper, 97 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin. Primbon. Copied from a manuscript owned by Haji Harun of Palembang at Teluk Betung, mentioned in a letter by C. Snouck Hurgronje to the Resident of Lampung (dated 25 March 1897). The text contains azimat, rajah, do'a (of a sexual nature, against thieves, field, mice, etc.), a fragment about tariqah Qadiriyyah (taught to Harun by a Lombok student of Khatib Sambas in Mecca), notes on outstanding debts, trade in religious books, about the birth of children, etc. On p. 97 is a table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 160. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 410 (No. 905). See Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 259, note 117. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1917) Or. 7311 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 84 Malay (with Acehnese influence), paper, 24 pp., Arabic script, illustrations, dated 14 November 1892, copied by Amiroedin at Lhok Seumawe. On the cover: ‘Ini Boekoe Hikajat Atjeh dan Bandera Raja. Tersoerat di Telok Simawe 14e November 1892. Perhamba jang hina dan miskin Amiroedin.’ MS Leiden Or. 7309, above, is a copy of the present manuscript. (1) pp. 1-12. Surat Khabar orang tuha-tuha, written down by Muhammad Sa’id in 1306 (18881889). The text contains several unnumbered stories apparently told by old people in Aceh. They all have an admonitory tone. T. Iskandar has given these stories the following descriptive titles (which are not mentioned in the manuscript): - Raja dengan pengai - Dua orang bersahabat jatuh dari kapal - Pencuri dan sahabat - Ikan limbat dan tupai - Burung enggang sakit dan ikan - Burung hantu dan burung gagak - Tiada haru dipermuliakan orang yang kurang budi - Bakoh dan dendang, (Acehnese bakoh = heron) - Perempuan yang dibenci orang

- Laki-laki hendak beristeri bini orang - Harimau dan sekawan lembu - Dua raja yang harap pada kucing dan anjing - Katak di bawah tempurung dan gajah - Gajah, ular, katak dan manusia. All of them die because of hatred and greed. - Pencuri dan raja, to pacify a thief the king has to marry him to his daughter. These stories are not typical Acehnese stories. At the end is an admonition by the writer referring to a king killing a bay an bird, a merchant killing a dog, a fakir killing a ceurape (an ichneumon), followed by an IOU. (2) pp. 24-19. Adat Aceh. On court ceremonies, etc., dating from the time of lskandar Muda (1044/1634-1635). At the end eight drawings of flags as used in Aceh. Van Ronkel 1921, p. 27. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 410-411 (No. 906). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1966] Or. 7312 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 85 Malay (in the dialect of the north of the Malay Peninsula), paper, 5 + 70 pp., Arabic script, dated 20 January 1890, copied by Cik Duh at Pulau Pinang. Hikayat Raja Budiman. The text, also called Hikayat Leia Muda, contains the tale of Leia Muda, son of Raja Budiman, who at the instigation of his stepmother has to go in quest of a bird, burung indera bayu. He overcomes the difficulties which confront him with the help of a magic ring and a sword presented to him by his brother, naga emas. From Puteri Sambur Kuning he learns that the bird is to be found at Gunung Duabelas. With the aid of nenek kebayan, he wins the hand of a heavenly princess, Puteri Bungsu Kecik Cahaya Bulan, and defeats her fiance, Syaikh Ali, but since the bird is in the possession of another heavenly princess, Puteri Bungsu Kecik Selinggang Cahaya, he has to win her hand too. On his return home the bird reveals his stepmother’s malicious intentions. On pp. i-v preceding the text of the Hikayat is an index of names. The title Hikayat Raja Budiman is misleading. The text was published by the RAS in Singapore. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 28. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 411 (No. 907). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1967) Or. 7313 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 86 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese, Arabic, European laid paper, 177 ff., Arabic script, in several different hands. A soiled manuscript, probably four manuscripts or even more fragments bound together, modern library binding. f. 1r. Prayer text in Arabic, and notes. (1) ff. 1v-21v. Malay. Zahrat al-muna fi bayan kalimat at-tawhid, by Abdus-Samad Palembang. The left end at the bottom of f. 1 is damaged. See Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic

path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, p. 222. (2) f. 22r. Niat tayammum, a Malay translation of Nihayat al-muhtag li-sharh al-minhag by alRamli (which one?). (3) ff. 22v-23v. Acehnese. Rempah-rempah, Arabic names of herbs and their properties explained in Acehnese sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 255. (4) f. 24r. Kalimat ma`rifat and kalimat ithbat. Arabic with Malay translation. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (5) ff. 24v-31r. Araba`un Hadithan, copied by Teuku Banta Lam Hasan bin Ba’ek. Arabic text with interlinear Malay translation. Title on f. 31r. Dated Thursday eve in the month of Ramadan (year not given). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 22. (6) f. 31v. Mystical notes. About wugud mutlaq, wujud idafi and a`yan thabita. (6a) ff. 32a-b. Prayer, Du’a’ in Arabic. (7) ff. 33r-38v. Religious notes, in Arabic and Malay: ff. 33r-36v. Do'a, prayer. ff. 36v-38r. About al-Asma’. About the 29 letters in the Qur’an and the ayat urging doing good. ff. 38r-38v. Haram mengupat. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (8) ff. 39r-54r. Collection of religious notes, fa'al. ff. 39r-40r. Fa'al, notes, magical alphabet. ff. 40v-54r. fa'al, obat (f. 53v is blank). On f. 50b is a colophon in which the title is mentioned: Bintag duablas, followed by a number of proper names. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. - ff. 51b-52a. Ma`na al-Huruf al-Higa’iyya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181. (9) ff. 54v-95r. Religious notes of varied nature, written in numerous different hands, Arabic and Malay. ff. 54v-60v. Tajwid. ff. 61r-75v. Do'a, hadith, etc. ff. 76r-95r. al-Qur’an (Ayat al-kahf), do'a, etc. f. 62r is blank. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. There are many more texts distinguishable on these pages than are mentioned here. (10) ff. 92r-121r. Fa'al, do'a, hadith, etc. On f. 92r the names of the seven sleepers and their dog. Ff. 62v. Doa. F. 94v. Fazilat Sembahyang Bara’a Bulan Sha’ban … ff. 95r-106r. Kitab Nugum alHuda, in Malay. Arabic (red ink) and Malay (black ink). Ff. 106v-113r. several shorter texts, prayers and notes in Arabic and Malay. On f. 112r is a date: 1258 AH (1842-1843) and there Teuku Nyak Bi of Pasai is mentioned as the owner. Ff. 113v-115r. ff. 115v-117v. Salat al-Tarawih, in Arabic and Malay. About the Du`a’ called Bahr Mu’minin al-Awliya’. Ff. 118r-121r. Shorter texts in Arabic and Malay. On f. 120v admonitions to the Murid, with a Qissa. (11) Collection of texts. a. ff. 121v-128r. Acehnese. Hikayat nubuet nabi. A shortened version. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 149. b. ff. 129r-128r. Hikayat nahaih. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 251. (12) ff. 129v-131r. Mystical treatise. Dikir is mentioned. F. 131v is blank. (13) ff. 132r-137v. Azimat, do'a, etc. Alphabet on f. 133a, followed by several shorter texts and fragments. (14) ff. 138r-143r. Acehnese. ff. 138v-143r. A fragment only of the Acehnese Hikayat nabi meucuko. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 158, 231.

(15) f. 143v. Do'a. Prayer. (16) ff. 144r-148v. Arabic-Malay wordlist. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (17) ff. 148v-154r. Religious treatise: Syarat da'wa, do'a, etc. (18) ff. 154v-176v. Qawa`id al-Islam. Title on f. 154b. Arabic with commentary in Malay. Acehnese interspersed with Malay, and a table of contents on two loose pieces of paper (not found, jjw, 5 September 2019). Ff. 177a-b. Blank. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 123. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 411-413 (No. 908). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1918] Or. 7314 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 87 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 4 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1v-3r. Surah Samadiyyah. A fa’ida of the teacher `Abdullah ibn `Alawi ibn Muhammad alHaddad in Tarim about the benefit of reciting this surah for the dead, about its excellence according to Imam Bukan, and tahlil for the dead. (2) ff. 3r-v. Waktu terbuka pintu langit. At the end are the names of the seven sleepers in the cave. (3) ff. 3v-4r. Sembahyang sunat pada hari Asyura, followed by a do'a. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 154. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 413 (No. 909). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1919) Or. 7315 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 88 Malay, paper, 1 + 44 ff., Arabic script. Ilmu kalam (given title). The text contains dogmatics, followed by the niat for ritual purity and sembahyang, a do'a, surah as-Samadiyyah, the ten prayers, niat for various religious observances; enclosed a summary (by Muhammad Noerdin?). See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 122. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 413 (No. 910). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1920) Or. 7316 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 89 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese, paper, 24 ff., cash book, Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r-13r. Kitab Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-mubtadi, the well-known short catechism on Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Tawhid, Ma`rifa, Tahara, Salat and Sawm. Copied at Jambo Alue Ie Mirah. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 109. (2) 13r-18v. Acehnese. Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174. Manuscripts of the Arabic text of

these admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah. Owned by Cutda Salamah, wife of Teungku Sulaiman. (3) ff. 18v-23v. Acehnese. Hikayat meunajat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 207. (4) ff. 23r-24r. Acehnese. Hikayat ma'ripat, See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 200. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 414 (No. 911). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1921) Or. 7317 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 90 Malay, paper, 38 ff., note book, Arabic script. Ilmu kalam (given title). The text, ff. 1v-32r, contains syarat bersuci, niat, sembahyang etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 122. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 414 (No. 912). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1922) Or. 7318 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 91 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 39 ff., Arabic script. An old manuscript (soiled). (1) ff. 1v-2r. Do'a, prayer. (2) ff. 2v-8v. Kitab Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-mubtadi, the well-known short catechism on Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Tawhid, Ma`rifa, Tahara, Salat and Sawm. (3) ff. 8v-37r. Bidayat al-Muhtadi bi-Fadl Allah al-Muhdi. A complete text. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 116. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 414 (No. 913). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1923) Or. 7319 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 92 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 78 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1v-10r. Kitab Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-mubtadi, the well-known short catechism on Iman, Islam, Ihsan, Tawhid, Ma`rifa, Tahara, Salat and Sawm. (2) ff. 11v-75r. Bidayat al-Muhtadi bi-Fadl Allah al-Muhdi. A complete text. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 116. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 414-415 (No. 914). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1924) Or. 7320 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 93 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 86 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r, 2r. Hadith notes.

(2) ff. 2v-83r. `Umdat al-Muhtagin ila Suluk Maslak al-Mufridin by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 291. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 112. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 415 (No. 915). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1925) Or. 7321 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 94 Malay, paper, two letters. Two Letters. A. A letter from Teungku Muhammad Amin Tiro to Teungku di Dalam, dated 3 Dzulka’edah 1294 (9 November 1877). B. A letter from Teuku Panglima Meuseujid Raya to Teuku Nyak Puteh, Teuku di Jurong and Teungku Lam Leupe, dated 1301 (1883-1884). Inserted is a piece of paper with an azimat. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 171. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 415 (No. 916). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1965) Or. 7322 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 95 Collective volume with texts in Malay and Acehnese, paper (occasionally perforated), 58 ff., Arabic script, several hands. (1) ff. 2v-5v. Ilmu usul (given title), written in the form of question and answer, with some fa’ida. In the beginning are all kinds of jottings. See Van Ronkel 1924, No. 314. (1a) ff. 6v-13r. Ni`mat arwah, a work by Syaikh Muhammad Asyik ibn Abdullah;, about the knowledge of God (God’s knowledge), the seven origins of the tarikah. As an authority is quoted `Abd al-Qadir Gilani. (2) ff. 15v-17r. Acehnese. The beginning only of the translation of the Arabic Wasiyyat Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi li-Waladihi `Imad al-Din, by `Umar b. Muhammad al-Suhrawardi (d. 632/1234), GAL G I, 441. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400. See also Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (Leiden 1994), p. 214. (3) ff. 17v-57r. Acehnese. Translation of the Arabic Wasiyyat Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi liWaladihi `Imad al-Din, by `Umar b. Muhammad al-Suhrawardi (d. 632/1234), GAL G I, 441. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400. See also Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (Leiden 1994), p. 214, where the beginning is quoted. Enclosed is a piece of paper with the table of contents. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 132. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 415-416 (No. 917). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1927)

Or. 7323 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 96 Malay, paper, 201 ff., Arabic script, illumination of initial and final pages, apparently a luxury manuscript. Sirat al-mustaqim, by Syaikh Nuruddin Muhammad Jailani ibn Ali ibn Hasanji ibn Muhammad Hamid ar-Raniri (d. 1658), who started writing the text in 1044/1634-1635 and finished it on 1 Rajab 1054 (3 September 1644). ff. 1v-4r. Introduction; f. 2v is blank. ff. 4r-36v. Kitab at-taharah. ff. 36v-114v. Kitab as-salat. ff. 73v-74r are blank. ff. 114v-128r. Kitab az-zakat. ff. 128r-150r. Kitab al-hagg. ff. 150r-191v. Kitab as-said wa al-dhaba’ih. ff. 191v-196v. Kitab al-at`imah. Inserted are 1 f. European laid blue paper with an Acehnese fragment of Seulaweuet Choekhuna Abdo Gani, and 2 ff. thin wove paper with on 1 f. a fragment of an Arabic text. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Lijst der geschriften van Ranîrî en apparatus criticus bij de tekst van twee verhandelingen’, in BKI 111 (1955), 152-161, especially p. 153. See on the Acehnese fragment Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (Leiden 1994), p. 202. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 115. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 416 (No. 918). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1928) Or. 7324 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 97 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 172 ff., Arabic script (one copyist). (1) ff. 1v-49r. Hikayat Raja Khandak. At the end is a note to borrowers. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 278. (2) ff. 49v-56v. Hikayat Tamim ad-Dari. The shorter version of the story of Tamim al-Dari, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. See E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau manuscripts, vol. 1 (Leiden 1998), pp. 70, 72 on MS Leiden Or. 1719, above. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 278. (3) ff. 56v-65v. Hikayat Syaikh Abu Yazid al-Bistami, also called Hikayat Abu Yazid al-Bistami. The text contains the story of the syaikh who went on the pilgrimage to Mecca forty-five times but, doubting the value of the multiple repetition, offered the merit of all his pilgrimages for an apam cake. Spiritually and mentally bankrupt, he goes on a journey to Rum. In Catalonia he meets Rahban (= monk), a Christian, who offers him shelter and whom he converts to Islam. Clad as a monk he goes to a monastery inhabited by 1000 pious persons. The famous preacher of the Simeon church, however, cannot speak because of the presence of a Muslim. The syaikh is questioned but he is able to give all the proper answers. Afterwards he puts one question which nobody can answer. All are converted to Islam and go to Mecca after the church has been converted into a mosque. See also A.J. Arberry, ‘A Bîstâmî legend’, in JRAS

1938, pp. 89-91, and H. Ritter, ‘art. Abu Yazid’, in Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. I (1960), pp. 162-163. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 278-279. (4) ff. 65v-71r. Darma Ta’sia, also called Hikayat Darma Tasiah. At the end a note to readers. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 272. (5) ff. 72v-117r. Kitab seribu masa’il. At the end a note to readers. This text is MS K in G.F. Pijper, Het boek der duizend vragen. Leiden 1924. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 275; (6) ff. 110v-128v. Hikayat Raja Jumjumah. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 275. (7) ff. 128v-132v. Hikayat nabi Musa munajat. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 273. (8) ff. 132v-140r. Hikayat tatkala bulan belah dua, also called Hikayat bulan berbelah. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 276. (9) ff. 140r-143v. Hikayat Iiblis dan Nabi Muhammad. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 275. (10) ff. 144r-147v. Hikayat Fatimah bersuami, beginning with the chosen ones of creation. Among the four chosen women is Fatimah. When she reaches marriageable age many ask her hand in marriage, but in vain. At last God has the angels decorate the heavens and add splendour to the celebration of the wedding of Fatimah to Ali. In heaven the wedding is performed with Gabriel and Michael as wali. As dowry Fatimah requests forgiveness for all disobedient women. Ali himself wishes to earn the money for the dowry. He earns three cakes and gives them to the poor. The story ends abruptly. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 277. (11) ff. 148r-150r. Hikayat wafat Nabi Muhammad. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 277. (12) ff. 154r-164v. Hikayat Abu Samah. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 277. (13) ff. 165r-170v. Hikayat Muhammad Mukabil. The end is missing. The text was published by G.W.J. Drewes, ‘Hikayat Muhammad Mukabil (The story of the kadi and the learned brigand)’, in BKI 126 (1970), 309-331. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 272. (14) f. 171r. Repetition of the text on f. 67r. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 417-418 (No. 919). Earlier provenance: Some marks of Indonesian ownership: on f. 1r mention is made of Nyonya Sawang of Kampung Kerukut Depan (Batavia) and the rental fee of 15 duit per night. Below this are notes in Latin script signed by Sdm. Tjing (11 March 1849). On ff. 1r, 172r it is again stated, in pencil, that the owner is Nyonya Sawang and Nenek Sawang. On f. 2r Nyai Nyak of Kampung Kerukut is mentioned as owner. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1929) Or. 7325 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 98 Malay, Arabic, paper, 56 ff., Arabic script (calligraphic?), Oriental binding. Tariqa `Alawiyya. A collection of shorter treatises about Tarikah Alawiyyah handed down by Sayyid Alawi bin Abi Bakr Ba Faqih to Haji Abdul-Latif, also with some Arabic passages. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 287-8.

On ff. 51r-52r is a citation about niyya, with interlinear translation in Malay, taken from Ihya `Ulum al-Din by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 124-125. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 418 (No. 920). Earlier provenance: As owner is mentioned Ahmad Sa`id, and in a later hand Encik Hasan Muhammad (?) on f. 1r. At the end Nyonya Tasnim is mentioned as owner, and on the cover Haji Muhammad Kelanah ibn Fakir (on a label). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1930) Or. 7326 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 99 Malay, paper, 28 ff., Arabic script (many parts are almost illegible because of severe corrosion by the ink). Tuhfah al-mursalah, also Kitab al-arwah. Contains (ff. 1v-28r) a treatise by Syaikh Yusuf at-Tag Khalwati Abu al-Hirqani (?) al-Mangalawi about the seven degrees of being, the mystical meaning of the angels, the heart, the soul, the niat and the creed as combination of particular letters. Also in the volume is al-Muwafaqat by Isma`il al-Faqih Yusuf Qadi al-Buni and alMakhdum Sayyid Ahmad Rumi. The informant of the author was Abdullah al-Makasari. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 287. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 419 (No. 921). Earlier provenance: The owner was Tana’im binti Muhammad Zubaidir. Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia in 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1931) Or. 7327 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 100 Malay, paper, 16 ff., Arabic script. Silsilah Syatariyah. Silsila Shattariyya. (1) f. 2r. On the washing of a corpse. (2) f. 2v. Silsilah starting with Mak Tanggu ascending to Imam Abdul-Basir bin Imam Kamaruddin, Abdullah bin Abdul-Kahar Banten. (3) f. 3r. Tertib memegang tasbih. (4) ff. 3v-5v. Silsilah of Abdullah bin Abdul-Kahar ascending to the Prophet Muhammad. (5) ff. 6r-16r. Notes on murid, kiblat, hati, ruh, jisim, sakarat al-mawt, ending with dzikir. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 289. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 419 (No. 922). Earlier provenance: As owner is mentioned Nyai Mak Tanggu (and her husband) in Kampung Dalam Kota, Pintu Kecil. Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from Tabrani in March 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1932)

Or. 7328 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 101 Malay, paper, 12 ff., Arabic script. Du`a’ ya kathir an-nawal. A treatise about the power of the do 'a which was authorized by the Prophet Muhammad. In margin are notes by a later hand questioning the sources of the assertions. About the assertion that whoever doubts this do 'a or mocks it is a kafir. And a commentary in the same hand as above says: gampang-gampang saja menkafirkan orang. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 290. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 419-420 (No. 923). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1933) Or. 7329 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 102 Malay, paper, 145 pp., Arabic script, dated 25 Rabi’ul-awal 1287 (25 June 1870), copied by Haji Muhammad Kelanah bin Fakir Abdul-Mujib Muhammad Zubaidi of Kampung Laksa. Sharh Fath al-Rahman, or Kitab Mukhtasar, the mystical compendium by the Palembang author Kemas (or Ki Mas) Fakhruddin. The work is a Malay version of the Arabic Risalat alTawhid by Shaykh Raslan b. Ya`qub b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Ga`bari al-Dimashqi (d. c. 695/1296), GAL G I, 452, supplemented with comments borrowed from the Arabic commentaries Fath alRahman by Zakariyya’ al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), GAL G II, 99, and Khamrat al-Khan by `Abd alGhani al-Nabulusi (d. 1143/1731), GAL G II, 347. Variant readings of the present manuscript against the text as contained in MS Leiden Or. 1712, above, were collected by G.W.J. Drewes in his edition of the text in Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977 (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde No. 81), pp. 106-175, 184-186. See E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau manuscripts, vol. 1 (Leiden 1998), pp. 63-64, for the description of MS Leiden Or. 1712, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 420 (No. 924). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1934) Or. 7330 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 103 Malay, paper, 60 ff., Arabic script. Kitab tarikat. The volume contains mystical writings. The treatise on ff. 2r-8r was abstracted from Asrar al-insan, on ff. 18v-24r is a treatise called Wahdat al-wugud by 'Abd al-Karim ibn Muhammad of Medina. On ff. 18v-40v: about jism, sakarat al-mawt, ruh and mystical explanation of tawhid terminology. The treatise at the end is about Nur Muhammad. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 288-229. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 420 (No. 925). Earlier provenance: On f. 1r it is stated that it was a present (to C. Snouck Hurgronje ?) from Haji Sadik Kiyahi (...) acquired from the estate of Haji Muhammad Tahir, Karang, who was a

student of Syaikh Muhammad, Garut, and Syaikh Ahmad Palembang, who themselves were students of Syaikh Ahmad Syamsi (?). In the colophon on p. 51 it is stated that the owner (initial ?) was Haji Muhammad of (?) Sumedang. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1935) Or. 7331 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 104 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic, paper, 80 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r-44v. Kitab tib, obat, azimat, rajah, do'a, i.a. hikmat daripada Hang Tuah, budak raja Melaka (f. 7r); ff. 20r-21v belong to No. 2, below. (2) ff. 44v-52r. Mystical treatise. (3) ff. 52v-78r. Hadith, Arabic with Malay interlinear translation. The 34th hadith by Abi Sa`id al-Qadiri, etc. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 444. (4) ff. 78v-80r. Sifat duapuluh. On f. 19v is the use of an unusual infix in ini tenulis azimat obat. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 289. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 420-421 (No. 926). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1936) Or. 7332 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 105 Malay, paper, 190 ff., Arabic script, the copying was commenced on 15 January 1865 and finished on 17 Jumadil-awal 1282 (7 October 1865) by Muhammad Tajul Alam bin Fakir AbdulMujib. Asrar al-insan fi ma`rifat ar-ruh wa al-rahman, by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658). See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 287. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 421 (No. 927). Earlier provenance: Muhammad Kelanah bin Fakir Abdul-Mujib bin Muhammad Zubaidi bin Muhammad Zainuddin bin Muhammad Ja`far, Karang Asem (Bali) is mentioned as owner. Snouck Hurgronje acquired the manuscript from Penghulu Muhammad Tabrani (Batavia). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1937) Or. 7333 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 106 Malay, paper, 23 ff., Arabic script, written by a European. Hikayat nabi Musa. Copy of a manuscript given by François Valentijn (1666-1727) to Hadrianus Reland (1676-1718). The original is now MS Utrecht orient, no. 8, also know as MS Utrecht 1482 and in the Utrecht library as 1 C 31. A digitized version of that original is available at:

Content: Moses marries the daughter of a shepherd and begets a son. Soon Gabriel comes to take the soul of Moses and after bidding farewell to his son and household effects he follows the four angels to God. The ruler of Yemen dreams of the boy; he is brought to the palace and

is given the name of Sultan Gharib Syah. A subsequent daughter of the ruler of Yemen is called Ratna Kemala Wangsa. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 273-274. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 421 (No. 928). Earlier provenance: Purchased from the estate of J.J. de Hollander (1817-1886) by Snouck Hurgronje in 1887. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1938) Or. 7334 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 107 Malay, paper, 134 pp., Arabic script, possibly written by J.J. de Hollander (1817-1886). Hikayat Kalilah dan Daminah. The text starts with the story of Barzaghan the merchant (see J.R.P. Gonggrijp, Maleisch leerboek voor eerstbeginnenden en meergevorderden. Achtste Stukje. Hhikajat Kalila dan Damina tersalin noschat Malajoe. Leiden 1876, p. 28) and ends with Hikayat Orang Penulis (Gonggrijp, p. 141). It ends abruptly in the middle of a sentence (Gonggrijp, p. 144). See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 270. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 422 (No. 929). Earlier provenance: In a note on a blue piece of paper and signed by C. Snouck Hurgronje it is stated that he purchased the manuscript in October 1887. De Hollander collection? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1939) Or. 7335 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 108 Malay, paper, 24 ff., Arabic script. Undang-undang Palembang. the title is not mentioned but the contents are the same as the Oendang-oendang iang ditoeroet di dalam Negrie Palembang (MS Leiden Or. 6137, above [or MS Leiden Or. 6134, above?]). At the end it is mentioned that this undang-undang became law at the command of Van der Meulen (district officer) on 21 January 1891. Contents: ff. 1r-5r. Adat bujang gadis (36 fasal). ff. 5v-8v. Aturan marga (31 fasal). ff. 9r-12v. Aturan dusun dan berladang (39 fasal). ff. 13r-14v. Aturan kaum (19 fasal). ff. 15r-16r. Aturan pajak (14 fasal). ff. 16v-23v. Adat perhukuman (62 asal). ff. 23v-24v. Aturan bagi uang denda. This fasal is unfinished. Added: a piece of paper with an unidentified text in rencong script. Apparently an unfinished manuscript. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 281. See also the note in the description of MS Leiden Or. 6134, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 422 (No. 930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1940)

Or. 7336 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 109 Malay, paper, 35 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?). Tanbih al-`Amil fi Tahqiq al-Kalam fil-Nawafil. A copy of MS Jakarta KBG 222. A treatise to refute the assertion, wrongly attributed to Syaikh Nuruddin (ar-Raniri?), that one is not allowed to perform the sunat duties before the omitted obligatory duties have been made up for. On the flyleaf a note on the contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Enclosed is a photocopy of Snouck Hurgronje’s note (Notulen Bat. Gen., 4 June 1895, pp. 65-67). See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 283-284. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 423 (No. 931). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1941) Or. 7337 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 110 Malay, Javanese, paper, 24 ff., Arabic script. Tariqah Khalwatiyyah wa-Naqsbandiyyah. The text, ff. 2v-7v, contains a treatise about the Naksyibandiyah mystical order, about the khalwah, about the authority of Muhammad Samin, and with borrowings from `Awarif al-Ma`arif by `Umar b. Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Suhrawardi (d. 632/1234), GAL G I, 440. (ff. 2v-7v), what is incompatible with the tarikat and about different ways of observing tarikah practice (ff. 8r-14v), about the tariqah Naqsbandiyyah of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Kahar of Banten and his adepts at Bogor and Cianjur (ff. 15r-18r), a silsilah starting with Syaikh Muhammad Tahir of Bogor (adept of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Kahar) (ff. 18v-19v), and a wasiat by Haji Ibrahim of Cianjur (adept of Syaikh Muhammad Tahir), etc. (ff. 19v-20r). At the end is a Javanese treatise about tariqah Qushashy by Mas Muhammad Tabari. Not in Pigeaud II. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 288. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 423 (No. 932). See Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 276, note 19. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1942) Or. 7338 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 111 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 22 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?). (1) pp. 1-18. Hill az-zill, by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658). The work contests the wujudiyah doctrine propagated by Hamzah Fansuri and Syamsuddin of Pasai. Published in facsimile by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, ‘Nur al-Din al-Raniri als bestrijder der Wugudîya’, in BKI 104 (1948, pp. 337-411), pp. 411-394. The apparatus criticus by P. Voorhoeve, ‘Lijst der geschriften van Ranîrî en apparatus criticus bij de tekst van twee verhandelingen’, in BKI 111 (1955, 152-161), pp. 159-161. Added, on the front page, is a fragment of a mystical treatise in vocalized Malay. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 287.

(2) pp. 19-22. Shifa’ al-Qulub, by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658). The contents are similar to those of the previous folios. Published in facsimile by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, ‘Nur al-Din alRaniri als bestrijder der Wugudîya’, in BKI 104 (1948, pp. 337-411), pp. 393-390. The apparatus criticus by P. Voorhoeve, ‘Lijst der geschriften van Ranîrî en apparatus criticus bij de tekst van twee verhandelingen’, in BKI 111 (1955, 152-161), pp. 161. See also MS Leiden Or. 5741 (2), above. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 287. Copied from a manuscript brought by G.C.E. van Daalen (18631930) from Gajoland. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 423-424 (No. 933). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1943) Or. 7339 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 112 Malay, paper, 452 pp., Latin script. Soedjarah negrie Cheribon. Originally written in Javanese by Kjahi Imam Abdoelkahar, hoofdpanghoeloe of Cirebon, in 1252/1836. In 1866, at the request of the Resident, it was translated into local Malay by Pangeran Radja Kaprabon, brother of ‘Sulthan Anom’ and father of wakilSulthan Pangeran Radja Doelkarnen. Probably this manuscript is a copy of the Malay translation. The text contains the history of Java from the rule of Watu Gunung or Prabu Sindula who resided at Galuh, to Prabu Banjaran Sari. The division of Java into an eastern part, ruled by Prabu Aryabangsa, and Pajajaran, ruled by his brother Ciyung Wanara (pp. 1-181). The history of Pajajaran under Ciyung Wanara and of the new territories under his daughter, Purbasari. The marriage of Lutung Kasarung and Purbasari. His coming to power; his sons by another wife become chiefs amongst other places of Banten and Jayakarta. His son by Purbasari is thrown into the river, brought up by a blacksmith. Under the name of Linggayung he returns home, imprisons Lutung Kasarung and becomes ruler of Sunda. On two animals he begets sons, Manjangan Gumringring and Kidang Pananjung. Linggayung is succeeded by his son Prabuwastu who is born after his father’s death. Prabuwastu has a son named Susuk Tunggal by a princess of Tulang Bawang, who is born and brought up in the latter place and whom he does not recognize. Kakaranana, ruler of Tulang Bawang, defeats Prabuwastu and becomes ruler of Pajajaran. Susuk Tunggal goes to Pajajaran and becomes ruler. He is succeeded by his son, Hanggalarang. Hanggalarang is dethroned by Jayalengkara, son of Sunan Telagamanggung. Jayalengkara (Sunan Telaga) is dethroned by Mundingkawati, a son of Hanggalarang. He is a keen hunter. Animals under the leadership of Manjangan Gumlunggung and Kidang Hancaran (descendants of Manjangan Gumringring and Kidang Pananjung) take revenge and Mundingkawati takes flight. During the flight his son is born and put in a cave guarded by a tigress. The boy is found by a man and brought up by him, and given the name of Siliwangi. Siliwangi kills the animal-kings and rules over Pajajaran. His children (Cakrabuana and Rarasitang) embrace Islam and are banished to Cirebon (pp. 181-269). Here begins the history of Cirebon. Javanese dates are used. Hidayatullah (son of Rarasitang and born in Egypt) returns to Cirebon in 1334 AJ (c. 1412 AD) and becomes ruler in 1385 AJ (c. 1463 AD, pp.

269-278). The genealogy of the rulers of Galuh from Prabu Hariyabangsa to Brawijaya II (pp. 278-282). Then the author returns to the history of Cirebon from Hidayatullah (Seh Molana) onward, the Wali Sanga. The Islamization of Demak. The history of Mataram until its division into Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The plague in Cirebon in 1427 AJ (c. 1505 AD, pp. 282-375). Then follows the history of Banten beginning with Muhammad Kapil, the granting of Batawi to the Dutch by Mataram and Banten, the war between Jayakarta and the Dutch, the secession of Bogor, Bandung, Sumedang, and Krawang to the Dutch (pp. 375-383). Then the author again returns to the history of Cirebon, beginning with Panembahan Ratu (1571 AJ (c. 1505 AD) up to Panembahan Pakungwati (1557 AJ / 1635 AD) (pp. 383-405). The history of Banten from Sultan Muhammad Nasaruddin onwards. The relation between Cirebon and Mataram (1584 AJ / 1661 AD) and between Cirebon and Banten. The history of Cirebon ends with the year 1865. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 280-281. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 424-425 (No. 934). Earlier provenance: The manuscript was sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje by Tjandra Koesoema in January 1895 (see the enclosed letter). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1944) Or. 7340 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 113 Malay, paper 44 ff., Arabic script. Kitab fa’al. The text, ff. 2v-41v, is about omens (ff. 2v-3v), animals which bring ill-luck (f. 4r), nahas and the way to prevent it (f. 4r, v), auspicious days (ff. 4v-6v), prerequisites necessary when building a house (ff. 6v-7r), the lucky and unlucky days of the month (ff. 7r-10r), interpretation of dreams (ff. 10r-13v), timetable of low and high tides for a month (f. 14r), table of lucky and unlucky days of each month of the year, etc. (ff. 14v-15r), the twelve stars etc. (ff. 15v-20r), interpretation of earthquakes (ff. 20v-22v), ilmu firasat, physiognomy (ff. 22v-24v), misfortune brought about by children by calculating the numerical values of certain letters in the names of the parents, etc. (ff. 24v-25r), interpretation of eclipses (f. 25r), determining auspicious and inauspicious times for planting, etc. from natural phenomena (ff. 26r, v), fa’al divination, based on stars (ff. 26v-27r), fa'al of the Prophet Daniel etc. (ff. 27r-29r), rigal alghaib (ff. 29v-31r), naga beralih (ff. 31r-32v), timetable for high and low tides (f. 33r), ta`bir kain dimakan tikus (ff. 33v-34r), auspicious times etc. for building a house (ff. 34v-35r), fa’al based on animals (f. 35r, v), fa'al isim segala nabi (ff. 35v-36v), divination by using surah of the Qur’an etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 295. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 425 (No. 935). Earlier provenance: On f. 1r is a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje that on 8/3-1892 the manuscript, accompanied by a letter, was received from the Regent of Serang. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1945)

Or. 7341 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 114 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Javanese, Arabic, paper (many traces of insects with loss of text), 127 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r-14r. Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of Nur al-mubin fi I`tiqad Kalimat alShahadatayn, a small treatise about religious doctrine and the Creed, by Sharif `Alawi Abu Bakr Sharif Hasan Ba Faqih al-`Alawi al-Husayni al-Ash`ari al-`Arabi. Another copy of the text is MS Breda, KMA no. 6557 (12). (2) ff. 14v-19r. Syahadat. A treatise about the meaning of the Creed. (3) ff. 26v-121r. `Umdat al-Muhtagin ila Suluk Maslak al-Mufridin by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 730. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 112. (4) f. 121v. Niat. (5) ff. 122r-124r. Adab, do'a. (6) ff. 124v-126v. Javanese; religious text (syahadah). Not in Pigeaud II. (7) f. 127r-v. Arabic; do'a. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 425-426 (No. 936). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1946) Or. 7342 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 115 Malay, paper, 132 ff., Arabic script, copied by Mat Ali of Palembang Timur, the colophon is on f. 1v. Syair Abdul-Muluk. The text is also called Syair Sultan Abdul-Muluk, and contains a copy of the text as published by Roorda van Eysinga, with the correspondence between him and Raja Ali Haji (supposed to be the author) in 1847. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 282. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 426 (No. 937). See now also R.M. Dumas, Teater Abdulmuluk in Zuid-Sumatra, op de drempel van een nieuw tijdperk. Leiden 2000. Earlier provenance: The first owner was Encik Itam (nephew of the copyist Mat Ali), a later owner Musa of Kampung Kebun Kelapa (Batavia). Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in March 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1947) Or. 7343 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 116 Malay, paper (a large number of the leaves have been corroded by ink and have been repaired. Newly corroded leaves have not been repaired), 135 ff., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Kelana (also the owner?). Kitab seribu masa’il. On the title page called Masaalah Seribu, with a postscript in syair form. In this postscript the copyist (also owner ?) calls himself Muhammad Kelana. Being a goldsmith by profession, he had sailed away in pursuit of trade because of a quarrel with his

father. On his second voyage he was overtaken by a storm and drifted to Kampung Penyawakan on Pulau Cangkir, Bintan. Used by G.F. Pijper, Het boek der duizend vragen. Leiden 1924, as MS D. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 276. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 426-427 (No. 938). Earlier provenance: On the title-page Moesa of Kampoeng Koeniengan is mentioned as a (later) owner (in Latin script, in pencil). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1948) Or. 7344 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 117 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic, Javanese, paper [2] + 62 ff., 21.6 x 17.2 cm, naskh script in two different hands, half-cloth binding with pasted boards. Descriptions by C. Snouck Hurgronje of either text in the volume (fly-leaf in front, f. 29a). Ff. 16a-b, 26a-28b, 29b-30a: blank. (1) ff. 1v-25v. Sembahyang, a mystical conception of parts of the sembahyang, ritual prayer (ff. 1v-4v), Wiridnya Kiahi Syamsuddin (ff. 4v-5v), wrongly attributed to Shamsuddin of Pasai, see C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraanse mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 402-6. Also on the letters of God’s name (ff. 6r-7r), the nature of the human body (jasad, ruh, etc., ff. 7v-11v), martabat tujuh, talab al-`ilm (f. 13a-17b), mystical selfknowledge (ff. 12r-17r), kifayat [= kayfiyyat] sembahyang, do'a (ff. 17r-25v). This latter text is in Arabic (ff. 19a-25b), with interlinear Malay translation (on ff. 19a-21b only). Diagrams on ff. 6a, 6b-7a. Texts in Arabic not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. On the flyleaf a table of contents written by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Not-vocalized Arabic script. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 289-290 (No. 746). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 427 (No. 939). (2) ff. 32v-61r. Javanese, Arabic. Several shorter prayers, all divided from one another by a basmala or paragraph (punika). Diagrams on ff. 35b-36a, 44b, 57b, 58a, 59a, 60a. Surat al-Fatiha in Arabic (in red) and Javanese (black). Vocalized Arabic script. Description by C. Snouck Hurgronje (f. 29a): Shahadat, Basmala, `Anasir, Salat for the deceased, explanation of the alphabet (f. 33b), Fatiha, Silsila (Hajji Yusuf?), Shari`at, etc., Gods attributes, 5 waqtus, more about the origin of the salat, takbir, 20 sifats, spiritual cleansing, basmala, pillars of belief, sari`atang, quartets and triplets, kawin batin, padidjampe, salat da’im, and a number of mystical notes, jampes and rajahs. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: A note by C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated 1889 (f. 29a), says that according to someone from Rangkas Betung the manuscript was brought from Banten. Texts in Arabic not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1949] Or. 7345 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 118 Malay, paper, 19 ff., Arabic script.

Hikayat Syaikh Muhammad Saman. This shorter text is derived from an adaptation by Sadiq al-Madani ibn Syaikh `Umarhani (a student of the saint himself). Under the colophon the name of Raden Hamdan bin Mustafa Bakri is written, who is probably the owner of the original from which this manuscript was copied (the copyist did not understand or could not read certain words). See MS Leiden Or. 6576, above, for a similar text. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 295. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 427 (No. 940). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 427 (No. 940). Earlier provenance: On the cover page the name Haji Harun (a former owner?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1950) Or. 7346 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 119 Malay, paper (stained in several places (damaged by water)), 77 ff., Arabic script, dated 24 Jumadil-awal 1245 (21 November 1829). Hikayat Syaikh Muhammad Saman. Text translated from Arabic by Muhammad Muhyiddin ibn Syaikh Syihabuddin al-Jawi in 1196 (1781). This succinct hagiography is based on Kitab Tawali` al-Fath, by `Abd al-Rahman al-Bakri al-Ghamri al-Sammani (fl. 1180/1766), GAL S II, 1038, No. 10. See G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ alAnṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, p. 224. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 296. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 427-428 (No. 941). Earlier provenance: Below the colophon is mentioned the name Muhammad Sayuti ibn Ujil (the former owner?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1951) Or. 7347 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 120 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 24 ff., Arabic script, covers soiled indicating long use. (1) ff. 1r-3r. Fa’al. Divinatory text about harmony between husband and wife, medicines, etc. (2) ff. 3v-9r. History of Padang, written by Rajo nan Putieh on 16 Jumadil-akhir 1202 (24 March 1788) at Tanjung Aur and translated from the Dutch original. The account at the end that the Dutch came back to Padang from Bangkahulu on 3 April 1795 is in a later hand. The text begins with the year 1019/1610-11, when the land was opened up to establish a country under Datuek Bendaharo Maharajo Basa. In 1029/1619-1620 Panglima Nenda (an Acehnese) settled down at Padang at Kampueng Batung and exercised authority in Alang Lawas, Parak Gadang, Kota Baharu, Parak Lawas, Batung Tabal, Tanjung Sabar. At that time there were eight chiefs at Padang. In the Dutch year 1660 came from Batavia commisioner b.l.s.t.r.b.u.r.k. on the way to Aceh and left a merchant (q.k.m.n.), named Jacob Keijser, a clerk, and four sailors at Padang. In 1661 came Jan van Kaarden (? j.n. f.n k.r.w.n. d.y.k.n.) but the Acehnese and people of

Padang did not want to receive the Dutch and so they went to Salida. In 1663 the relations between the Acehnese and the people of Padang deteriorated and Datuek Urangkayo Kacie went to Salida with five men to welcome the Dutch. This resulted in the ousting of the Acehnese from Padang (1665). The Dutch installed Panglima Rangkayo Kacie as raja with 12 penghulu. On f. 5r (below) it is stated (in different ink) that this writing was copied from a manuscript on tree bark. The account goes on with the years 1666, 1667, 1681, 1682, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1692, 1696, 1702-1704, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1717, 1721, 1724, 1730, 1735, 1736, 1741, 1748, 1750, 1754, 1758, 1763, 1770, 1776, 1781. On 28 Sya`ban 1195 (19 August 1781) the Dutch were ousted by the British under command of Bonham after having been in Padang 115 years. The Dutch recaptured Padang in 1787. The account continues with the years 1788, 1793-1795. This writing was made by Rajo nan Putieh on 16 Jumadil-akhir 1202/24 March 1788 at Tanjung Aur (this is repeated again on f. 20v) and translated from the Dutch. The account at the end that the Dutch came back to Padang from Bangkahulu on 3 April 1795 is in a later hand. On f. 22v is stated (in different ink) that in 1811 Batavia was conquered by the British Company. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 279-280. (3) f. 8r. Tarawih. Said to have been used by Syaikh Abdur-Rauf ibn `Ali al-Jawi. (4) ff. 8v-24r. Kitab fa’al. Divinatory text about auspicious and inauspicious days, fa’al based on the zodiac, bintang duablas (ff. 9v-11r), about the lucky and unlucky days of the month (ff. 11r13v), nahas (f. 13v), auspicious days for building a house (f. 14r), bintang tujuh (ff. 14v-16v), how to find lost animals (ff. 16v-17r), do’a, tangkal, kutika, etc. (ff. 17v-24r). See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 194. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 428-429 (No. 942). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1952) Or. 7348 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 121 Collective volume with texts in Malay and Arabic, paper, 205 pp., Arabic script, fated 1895 (?), copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?). (1) pp. 2-133. Mystical treatise. Mystical and religious writings, do’a, obat, fa’al, azimat, about fiqh (fragments), etc. (2) pp. 134-139. Kitab dzikir da’irah qab qausain, by Syamsuddin ibn Abdullah as-Samatra’i (Shams al-Din b. `Abdallah al-Samatra’i = Shams al-Din of Pasai). (3) pp. 139-150. A fragment only of Asrar al-Insan, by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658). (4) pp. 151-197. Mystical treatise. Pp. 151-160: About ruh. Pp. 160-180: About ruh al-a`zam, etc. Pp. 181-197. The beginning only of a treatise about Ruh by Shaykh `Abdallah b. Husayn alMakki, followed by citations from other works. (5) pp. 198-201. Arabic. A mystical treatise translated from the Persian. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (6) pp. 202-205. Arabic. A mystical treatise. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. At the end of the volume is a detailed table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje.

See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 291-292. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 429 (No. 943). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1953) Or. 7349 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 122 Collection of two texts in Malay, paper, 12 + 8 ff., Arabic and Latin scripts, one binding. A. Kitab fa’al. Divinatory compilation. The text, ff. 1v-7v, contains divination for the 30 days of the month, divided into 30 fasal. Dated 14 January 1866, copied at Sorkam by Sutan Marah Laut bin Tuanku Hilir (who is also the owner), a native of Barus, Kampung Hilir. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 294. B. Kitab paal (= Kitab fa’al). The text, ff. 2r-7v, contains almost the same as above (but it is not a transliteration). See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 294. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 430 (No. 944). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2121) Or. 7350 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 123 Malay, paper, 19 ff., Arabic script. Kitab fa’al. Divinatory compilation. The text contains do'a, azimat, lucky and unlucky names, days and times, lucky and unlucky days for building a house, etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 294, No. 757. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 430 (No. 945). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2122) Or. 7351 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 124 Collective volume with texts in Malay and some Arabic, paper, 135 + 4 ff., Arabic script, cardboard binding, pasted covers. The text on the label says: Kitab Tasawwuf Ma`lumat Hagg Muhammad Kelana bin Faqir, and on the cover is added: Hadith nikah kepada bulan yang baik. The latter text is registered hereafter as MS Leiden Or. 7351 a. (1) ff. 2r-v. Arabic, with Malay. A citation about niyya, with interlinear translation in Malay, taken from Ihya `Ulum al-Din by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 124. (2) ff. 2v-8v. Malay. Treatise on aspects of ritual prayer (sembahyang). The Qur’anic quotations are underlined and written in red. Beginning: Adapun lafz Allah itu yang dilihat didalam sembahyang ... (3) ff. 8b-9b. Malay. Fasal pada muqarana orang sembahyang yaitu wajib seperti kata imam Nawawi ... (4) ff. 10r-25r. Malay. Kitab Ma`lumat A`yan Thabit (title on f. 10b). A quotation from Gunaid alBaghdadi (f. 20r).

(5) ff. 25r-29v. Malay. Kitab bahr an-nur, extract of the work by Syaikh Syamsuddin (of Pasai). The manuscript was utilized as MS K by C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraanse mystiek. Leiden 1945, pp. 380-388. (6) ff. 29v-32r. Malay. Kitab ar-ruh, extract of the work by Syaikh Hamzah (Fansuri). (7) ff. 32r-37r. Tuhfah al-mursalah, extract of the work addressed to al-Syaykh Yusuf al-Taj ibn al-Harqani al-Manjalawi. With references to `Abd al-Qadri Gilani (f. 32v), the work Asrar alinsan (f. 33r). (8) ff. 37r-45r. Malay. Perkara Haqiqa. With mystical diagrams. Apparently extracted from a work entitled `Ilm al-Suluk (in colophon on f. 45r). (9) f. 45v. Text on prayer (sembahyang) attributed to Faqih Yusuf Qadi al-Buni, Sahib al-Tariqa al-Naqsbandiyya. (10) ff. 46r-52v. Malay. Da’ira Naqshbandiyya. With a diagram (f. 46r), and followed by remarks on aspects of ritual prayer, and other subjects, often indicated in the margin. Mention is made of al-Syaykh Burhan al-Din Mulla Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurani (f. 50r, d. 1101/1690, GAL G II, 385), Syaikh `Aydarus (f. 51v), Syaikh al-Mansur al-`Iraqi (f. 52r) and Syaykh Ghazzali (f. 52r). (11) ff. 52v-55v. Malay. Kitab Dar al-mazlum, about the revelations to ghawth al-a`zam, being `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani. (12) ff. 55v-56v. Malay. Sakarat al-Mawt. On the torture in the grave. An extract from a work by al-Hagg al-Faqih al-Yusuf Qadi al-Buni al-Tariqa al-Naqsbandiyya, who took it from al-Syaykh `Abd al-Khaliq (f. 56v). (13) ff. 56v-58v. An extract from a work by al-Syaykh `Abdallah al-Maqasari, on Dhikr and other subjects. (14) ff. 59r-v. Malay, with a diagram. Da’ira jalan syari’a wird dzikir Syataria, followed by a similar diagram on the basis of the first part of the Shahada. (15) f. 60r. Malay. Bab ini pada menyatakan Manikam. Ff. 60v-63v. Blank. (16) ff. 64r-v. Malay. Prayer, followed by a diagram. (17) Added between ff. 64-65 is a letter in Malay signed by Haj Muhammad Amin (?), on behalf of Siya `Abd al-Mujib b. `Abd al-Latif to Tuan Haj Kelana, dated 11 April 1878. (18) ff. 65r-66v. Malay. Kitab Irshad al-`Ibad ila Sabil ar-rashad. Styled by subscriptions as Hadith. (19) ff. 67r-74r. Arabic, Malay. Asrar al-Salat. Anonymous treatise, in which each sentence is followed by a Malay translation. Beginning: al-Hamdu lillah Rabb al-`Alamin Ga`il Ba`d A`mal al-Qalb Shartan lil-`Ibada. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29. (20) ff. 74b-83v. Arabic, Malay. Munawwir al-Qulub fi Fath al-Ghuyub. Anonymous treatise on Dhikr and Tawhid, beginning: al-Hamdu lillah Munawwir al-Qulub … amma ba`du fa’lam ayyuha al-`Ashiq anna Allah farrada `alayka Mutaba`at al-Nabi … It is divided in five sections (Fasl): 1. Fil-Dhikr; 2. Fi Fadilat al-Dhikr; 3. Fi Adab al-Dhikr; 4. Fi Awwal al-Wagib; 5. Fil-Wara`. A copy in which each sentence is followed by a Malay translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 233. (21) ff. 83v-85r. Malay. Perkara mengambil Bay`a.

(22) ff. 85v-102v. Arabic, Malay. Targhib al-A`mal fi Bayan Kayfiyyat al-Salat. Anonymous mystical treatise. All manuscripts in Leiden come from Indonesia, and so does MS Berlin, Schöm. XI, 1, Ahlwardt 3550. The beginning is similar to that of `Arsh al-Muwahhidin. With interlinear translation in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369. In the present manuscript the title is given as Kitab Nur al-Qulub lil-`Arifin (ff. 85v, 102v). (23) ff. 103r-107v. Arabic, Malay. Asrar al-Fatiha. Anonymous, with interlinear translation in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 28. This part was finished by Muhammad Kelanah on 23 bulan Haji 1278 (21 June 1862, colophon on f. 107v). (24) ff. 108r-112r. Arabic, Malay. Fa’ida Fatiha. A treatise on surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1). Arabic text, followed by Malay explanation. (25) ff. 112r-115v. Arabic, Malay. Akhbar al-Akhira (title on f. 112v), a compilation on the Youngest Day. The text is referred to by subscriptions as Durrat al-Fakhira. According to the beginning in the present manuscript the text was translated from Daqa’iq al-Ha’iq wa-Durrat al-Fakhira min Kashf `Ulum al-Akhira, by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423, from `Aga’ib alMalakut by al-Shaykh Ibn Ga`far Muhammad b. `Abdallah al-Kisa’i (?), from the Bustan by alFaqih Abu al-Layth, and from Tafsir Ma`alim al-Tanzil (ff. 112r-v). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (?). (26) ff. 115v-116v. Malay. Fasal Mawt. (27) ff. 117r-124v. Arabic, Malay. Perkara sakarat al-mawt. On the torture in the grave. With several diagrams. Arabic text with extensive Malay explanations. Ff. 125r-126v. Blank. (28) ff. 127r-131r, 133r-134r. Arabic, Malay. Bab Sakarat al-Mawt. Twice the same text, the first half in Arabic, with interlinear translation in Malay, the second half in Malay only. On the tortures in the grave. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 325. (29) f. 134v. A fragment only of the beginning of Daqa’iq al-Huruf by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 749. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 114. Added are several loose leaves with religious notes. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 290-1. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 430-431 (No. 946). Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia in 1896 (f. 1a). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1956] Or. 7351 a formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 124 Arabic, Malay, paper, 4 ff., Arabic script. Hadith nikah kepada bulan yang baik. Arabic with interlinear Malay translation. Divinatory compilation about the lucky and unlucky dates for sexual intercourse. The text on f. 3b is possibly a fragment of another, similar text. This text was enclosed in MS Leiden Or. 7351, above, and mentioned on its cover. Not in Van Ronkel (1921). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 430-431 (No. 946).

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Mal. 1956] Or. 7352 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 125 Malay, paper, 21 ff., Arabic script. Kitab fa’al. A divinatory compilation. The text contains divination by calculating the numerical values of letters of the name (ff. 1v-8r), by using sa`at nabi or stars (ff. 8r-13r), rigal al-ghayb (ff. 13r-15r), lucky and unlucky days, hitungan, dream reading etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 294, No. 755. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 431 (No. 947). Earlier provenance: Acquired in Java. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1957) Or. 7353 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 126 Malay, paper, 31 ff., Arabic script. Mas’ala fi bayan as-shahada. The beginning is missing. A text about religious doctrine (source: Bayan al-Shahada), about the five ahkam in mystical sense, about the mystical meaning of fiqh and usul terminologies, about ruh and `alam. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 286, No. 735. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 431 (No. 948). Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from K.F.H. van Langen at Meester Cornelis in July 1889. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1958) Or. 7354 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 127 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Malay, paper, 79 ff., dated 27 Dhu al-Higga 1282 (1866, No. 1). (1) ff. 1b-36a. Fath al-Rahman bi-Sharh Risalat al-Wali Raslan, commentary by Zakariya’ b. Muhammad al-Ansari (d. 926/1520), on Risalat al-Tawhid by Raslan b. Ya`qub b. `Abd alRahman al-Ga`bari al-Dimashqi (d. c. 695/1296), GAL G I, 452. With interlinear translation in Malay. Dated 27 Dhu al-Higga 1282 (1866). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 319. See now also G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ alRaḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, pp. 39-51. (2) ff. 36b-46a. Arba`un Hadithan. Anonymous compilation. Arabic text with interlinear translation in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 22. Dated 3 Muharam 1283 (18 May 1866). Below this date is the date of birth of the copyist: 17 Muharam 1229 (9 January 1814). (3) ff. 46b-49a. Fadilat bismillah. About the benefit and special meaning of the formula bismillah. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 284-5, No. 732.

(4) ff. 49a-60a. Asrar as-salat. Arabic passages with Malay translation, not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. About the mysteries of the salat; with do'a at the end (ff. 57r-60r). (5) ff. 60a-78a. Fath al-Mannan, by Syaikh Muhammad Sa`id at Mecca. Arabic passages with Malay translation (not in Voorhoeve, Handlist), about the excellence and benefit of the dzikir; at the end the silsilah of guru of the dzikir beginning with Abdul-Aziz at Mangga Besar, Syaikh Ibrahim at Medina, Syaikh Muhammad at-Tahir, Syaikh Hasan al-`Agami, Syaikh Ahmad alQushashi, etc. Dated finished on 21 `Ashura 1283 (5 June 1866). See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 285, No. 734. (6) ff. 78a-79a. Bidayat al-Ma`rifa, a passage from Asrar al-Insan. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 285, No. 734. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 432 (No. 949). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1959) Or. 7355 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 128 Collective volume (in fact 3 manuscripts bound together, but now consecutively paginated) with texts in Malay and Arabic, paper, 108 pp., Arabic script in several hands. (1) pp. 1-4. Asrar as-salat. A compilation mentioning the meaning of dzikir, sifat Allah, letters of the fatihah, the connection of salat and niyat (borrowed from Kitab asrar as-salat fi muqaranat al-niyya). Earlier provenance: As owner is mentioned Muhammad Kelanah. A piece of paper pasted in it reads: dari Goeroe Eman Raieman di Tjondet, Bale Kambangbilangan, Mester Cornelis adanja (2) pp. 15-42. Kitab mantiq. A treatise about knowing what is wajib, mustahil and ja’iz relating to God, the Prophet Muhammad, etc. At the end a passage about Asrar al-salat and a diagram, da’irah. Earlier provenance: The owner of the original was Imam Bakti of Kampong Pekodjan (written by a later hand), who allowed it to be copied by Muhammad Kelanah son of Fakir AbdulMujib Muhammad Zubaidi on 18 Rajab 1274 (3 March 1858). (3) pp. 43-108. Asrar as-salat, and other fragments in Arabic with interlinear Malay translation. This is preceded and followed by works such as Kitab al-marsum, Kitab bayan syahadat and da’irah and fa’idah from `Awarif al-Ma`arif, the work by `Umar b. Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Suhrawardi (d. 632/1234), GAL G I, 440. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29, where this Asrar as-salat is mentioned for pp. 59-74 in the manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446, where on pp. 76-81 of the present volume is mentioned that they contain notes on Shafi`ite fiqh, with interlinear notes in Malay. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 286, No. 736. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 432-433 (No. 950). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1960)

Or. 7356 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 129 Malay, paper, 30 ff., Arabic script, several different hands, titles in Latin script. Reports on the tarikat in Banten, written at the order of the assistant-resident of Caringin (Banten). ff. 2v-4r. Tareqat Rifangiah, in the village Sawie of the district Caringin. ff. 6v-9r. Tareqat Rifangiah, in the village Tjidjeroek (Caringin). ff. 10v-13r. Tareqat Akmaliah, in the village Waden (?) (Caringin). ff. 15v-16r, Tareqat Kadariah, in the village Bodjong (Caringin). ff. 18r-20r. Tareqat Akmaliah, in the village Waden (Caringin). ff. 21v-24r. Tareqat Satariah, in the village Kadoedjawer (Caringin). ff. 25v-30r. Tareqat Rifaiah, in the village Sawie’ (Caringin). Added is a letter from the assistant-resident of Caringin to the Resident of Banten and a piece of paper with diagrams. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 290, No. 747. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 433-434 (No. 951). See Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 275, note 13. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2080) Or. 7357 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 130 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 61 ff., cash-book, Arabic script, copied by Saat (on the cover page in front of his name Batavia, written in another hand). (1) ff. 1v-18r. Wasiat Nabi. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 295, No. 760; (2) ff. 18r-26v. Hikayat Nabi Musa. Dated on 22 January 1889. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 274-275, No. 708. (3) ff. 27r-57r. Hikayat bulan berbelah. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 276, No. 716. (4) ff. 58r-61v. Syair kiamat, also called Syair hari kiamat. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 283, No. 727, and see also Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, p. 363. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 434 (No. 952). Earlier provenance: An earlier owner was Jilani. The book was purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1968) Or. 7358 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 131 Malay, paper, 211 pp., Arabic script, the pages are numbered from left to right beginning with 52 and ending with 263 (originally ruled by hand as a cash-book), from pp. 73-250 the verso’s are blank, dated 1894 (on p. 52 a note in Dutch: Batav. Jav. primbon gecopieerd 1894). Tarikat. The text contains treatises about mysticism, including pada menyatakan peri mengenal diri (man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu), martabat, tempat badan

Muhammad, empat kalimah, etc. (pp. 263-229), the mystical sense of the ritual ablution, the munajat, asal, mystical meaning of the salat, mas’alah hamba dan Tuhan, etc. (pp. 229-143), the niyah, borrowed from Kitab andar al-wujud, `alam manusia, firasat, a passage borrowed from Asrar as-salat, about God’s being, about the chaos before creation (called Anta Beranta), the Prophet Muhammad’s advice to Ali about coition (pp. 143-107), da’irah, diagrams, mystical squares, isim-isim, etc. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 292, No. 751. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 434 (No. 953). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1969) Or. 7359 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 132 Malay, paper, 213 ff., Arabic script, in the margins of ff. 75v and 79r the year 1894 is written in pencil (possibly the date of copying). Surat al-anbiya’. In the introduction (called a tafsir) Ahmad ibn al-Husain, who had the story from Abu Ishaq ibn Ibrahim al-Nisapuri, mentions the chain of transmitters up to Ibn `Abbas. A very similar chain of transmitters is in MS Leiden Or. 7364, below. ff. 1v-8v. Accounts of the creation. ff. 121v-147r. Shu`ayb. ff. 8v-23r. Adam and his sons. ff. 147r-150v. Karun. ff. 23r-25v. Idris. ff. 150v-162v. Musa. ff. 25v-35v. Nuh. ff. 162v-163r. Yusha`. ff. 36r-38v. Hud. ff. 163r-170r. Talut. ff. 38v-40r. Salih. ff. 170r-180r. Talut and Daud. ff. 40r-63r. Ibrahim. ff. 180r-195v. Sulaiman. ff. 63r-72r. Lut. ff. 195v-202v. Arumiya and Bakhtnasar. ff. 72r-106r. Yusuf. ff. 202v-209v. `Isa. ff. 106r-114r. Ya`qub. ff. 209v-213r. Bakhtnasar. ff. 114r-121v. Fir`awn and Musa. ff. 213r-v. Yusuf and Yunus. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 272-273, No. 704. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 435-436 (No. 954). Earlier provenance: On f. 1v Haji Salman of Kampung Tanah Abang, Pasar Baru, with the years 1312 and 1895, is mentioned as the owner, and the hiring fee of the manuscript is noted. Inside the cover is a note by Aboe Bakar bin Salman of Tanah Abang, enjoining readers not to spoil the manuscript. In the margins of f. 213v the name Ahmad bin Muhammad (another owner ?) is written in ink. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1970) Or. 7360 a, b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 133 Malay, with some Persian, paper, 2 vols., 161, 213 ff., Arabic script, one copyist, some notes in Latin script.

Hikayat Amir Hamzah. In volume 1 the introduction is in Persian with Malay translation. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 275. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 436 (No. 955). Earlier provenance: Vol. 1: On the title page in Latin script (later deleted) the name of the (second ?) owner Njonja Sawang. On the flyleaf at the back a label with the name of a later owner, Abdur-Raji of Kampung Jawa, and a note that the rental fee is 10 cents per night. Vol. 2: In the colophon the copyist (first owner) indicates that the price of the manuscript is 46 piastre and the rental fee per day 5 suku uang timah. On the flyleaf (at the beginning) Nyonya Sawang, Kampung Kerukut Depan is mentioned as the owner. The rental fee is 15 duit per night and the price 60 rupiah perak. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1971 – Mal. 1972) Or. 7361 - Or. 7363 Three volumes out of a multi-volume set of the Hikayat Syahrul Indera. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1973 – Mal. 1975) Or. 7361 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 134 Malay (influenced by Batavia Malay), paper, 2 + 500 pp., Arabic script, opening pages with illumination, same copyist as MS Leiden Or. 7362 and MS Leiden Or. 7363, below, dated 29 December 1886. The second volume only of Hikayat Syahrul Indera. This story recounts the peculiar adventures of Prince Syahrul Arifin Perdana Indera (Syahrul Indera Leia Bangsawan). A summary of the story as contained in MS Jakarta KBG 14 is given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, pp. 153-6. In this second volume the story begins with the text corresponding with MS Jakarta, KBG 14, vol. 1, p. 218. The continuation of the story is in MSS Leiden Or. 7362 and Or. 7363, below. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 271, No. 699. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 436-437 (No. 956). Earlier provenance: In the postscript p.u.n.d.i.l. (p. 494) and p.u.i.d.i.l. (p. 497) of Kampung Bali Perapatan (Batavia) is mentioned as the owner; in MS Leiden Or. 7363, below, he again calls himself p.u.n.d.i.l. (p. 427). At the end (pp. 493-8) a postscript in syair explaining the qualities of the manuscript, advice to readers not to spoil it, and to pay the rental fee. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1973) Or. 7362 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 135 Malay, paper, 2 + 370 pp., Arabic script, illumination in opening pages, same copyist as Or. MS Leiden 7361, above and MS Leiden Or. 7363, below.

The first part of the third volume only of Hikayat Syahrul Indera. The beginning of the story corresponds with the beginning of Vol. 3 of MS Jakarta, KBG 14, and ends with the story before the attack on Banjar Kapitu by Syahrul Indera (MS Jakarta, KBG 14, p. 155). See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, pp. 155-156. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 272, No. 700. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 437 (No. 957). Earlier provenance: In the postscript Mangun of Kampung Bali Perapatan (Batavia) is mentioned as the owner. At the end a postscript in syair (pp. 365-70) explaining the qualities of the manuscript, advice to readers not to spoil it, and to pay the rental fee. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1974) Or. 7363 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 136 Malay, paper, 2 + 431 pp., Arabic script, illumination in opening pages, same copyist as MS Leiden Or. 7361 and MS Leiden Or. 7362, above, dated 6/7-1887. The second part of the third volume only of Hikayat Syahrul Indera. The beginning of the story about the attack on Banjar Kapitu, corresponds with the beginning of Vol. 3 of MS Jakarta, KBG 14, p. 155. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische handschriften in het Museum van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Batavia 1909, p. 156. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 272, No. 701. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 437 (No. 957). Earlier provenance: In the postscript p.u.n.d.i.l. is mentioned as the owner. On the back of p. 1, a note in a later hand stating the name of the (later) owner, Kecil. Underneath and also at the end of the manuscript in Latin script is the name of the new owner, Saari. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 437 (No. 958). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1975) Or. 7364 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 137 Malay, paper, 3 + 589 + 33 pp., Arabic script, dated 13 August 1889, copied by Cik Duh at Pulau Pinang. At the end an index made by a later hand (possibly (Muhammad Noerdin). Surat al-anbiya’. In the introduction (called tafsir) the same isnad (chain of transmitters) as in MS Leiden Or. 7359, above, except for more corruption of the names. part 1, pp. i-iii. Table of contents. pp. 77-99. Salih. part 2, pp. 1-589. Surat al-anbiya’. pp. 99-166. Ibrahim. pp. 2-14. Account of the creation. pp. 166-177. Lut. pp. 14-44. Adam. pp. 177-178. Isma`il. pp. 44-46. Syith. pp. 178-182. Ishak. pp. 46-54. Idris. pp. 182-207. Ya`kub. pp. 54-72. Nuh. pp. 207-334. Yusuf. pp. 72-77. Hud. pp. 334-406. Musa.

pp. 406-458. Karun. pp. 551-553. Yahya. pp. 458-464. Yusha`. pp. 553-571. `Isa. pp. 464-469. Ismawil. pp. 571-579. Ayub. pp. 469-495. Daud. pp. 579-588. Bakhtnasar. pp. 495-532. Sulaiman. pp. 588-589. Yunus. pp. 532-539. Arumiya and Bakhtnasar. part 3, pp. 1-33: Index. pp. 539-551. Zakariya. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 273, No. 705. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 438-439 (No. 959). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1976) Or. 7365 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 138 Malay, paper, 132 pp., Arabic script, dated 8 Safar (without mention of year), Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiah. The medieval Muslim-Malay romance, originally based on a Persian source. The text has been critically edited and the manuscript tradition of it has been analyzed by L.F. Brakel, The Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah. A medieval Muslim-Malay romance. The Hague 1975. The present manuscript is listed by Brakel as MS Q, and was not used for his edition. Copied from an original dated 27 Rajab 1101 (6 May 1690). On pp. 128-131 is a postscript consisting of a do’a. On p. 131 it is stated that the postscript was written in 1817. See Van Ronkel (1921), p. 276, No. 714. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 439 (No. 960). Earlier provenance: In the colophon Entjik Mahiran of Kampung Pak Senin (?) is mentioned twice as the owner. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1977) Or. 7366 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 139 Collective volume with texts in Malay (language influenced by Batavia Malay), paper, 8 ff., Arabic script of calligraphic quality (?), dated September 1791. (1) ff. 1r-2r. All kinds of jottings. (2) f. 2v. A letter, example of letter-writing. (3a) ff. 3v-4v. Syair nasihat belajar menyurat, containing 17 stanzas. (3b) ff. 5r-v. Writing exercises. (4) ff. 6r-8v. Wordlist. Names of foodstuffs, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc., and at the end synonyms. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 296, No. 763. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 440 (No. 961). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1978)

Or. 7367 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 140 Malay, paper, 116 ff., Arabic script, dated 10 October (no year given), ‘rather old’. Hikayat Indera Putera. Spelling influenced by Batavia Malay, for example: gaga for gagah, ditenga for ditengah, puti for putih, but bagindah for baginda, suterah for sutera, etc. Smaller sections than in most Jakarta manuscripts are here indicated by short headings. See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 270-1, No. 697. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 440 (No. 962). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1979) Or. 7368 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 141 Collective volume with texts in Malay, and some Tamil, Arabic and Persian, paper, 91 ff., dated (at the end) 4 Sha`ban 1192 (28 August 1778). (1) f. 1v. Religious treatise. A fragment about the salat. (2) ff. 2r-15v. Tamil, and Arabic with Tamil translation (Izam al-Fawa’id fi Nizam al-`Aqa’id by Mahmud ibn Muhammad Lebai Kumaran). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) ff. 16r-21r. Mystical treatise, about the mystical body, sakarat al-mawt, etc. (4) ff. 21v-33r. Tamil. About prayers and divinations. (5) ff. 34v-64v. Mystical treatise, da'irah, about the salat and ruh. (6) ff. 65r-67r. Tamil, unidentified text. (7) ff. 67v-72r. Religious treatise, about Islam and iman. (8) ff. 72r-73r. Syair isim Tuhan. (9) ff. 73v-75r. Tamil, a text about the months and their advantages. (10) ff. 76r-79r. Religious treatise, about religious doctrine. (11) ff. 79r-81v. Tamil and Persian. Unidentified. (12) ff. 82r-85v. Mystical treatise, about marriage and love in which al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423, Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din is quoted. (13) ff. 85v-90v. Tamil. Treatise about the four questions put to al-Shafi`i. (14) ff. 91r-v. The begonning only of Syair Indera Dibawan, written (or copied?) by Tambi Mir or Koja Mirah of Batavia. See also Van Ronkel (1922a). See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 293-4, No. 754. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 440-441 (No. 963). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1980) Or. 7369 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 142 Malay, paper, 95 ff., Arabic script. Mystical treatise (of the Shattariyyah tarika). The text contains a mystical treatise. The Shattariyyah genealogy ends at Babah Ibrahim of Kampung Tinggi and ascends to Kyahi Abdullah, Kyahi Nur Hamidin of Java, Mataram, Kyahi Emas Nida Muhammad of Karang, Kyahi Haji Abdullah of Karang, Syaikh Haji Abdul-Muhyi of Karang, Syaikh Abdur-Rauf of

Singkel, Syaikh Ahmad Qushashi, etc. Also on dzikir, tatakrama dzikir, sifat murid (ff. 1v-9r), mystical letters and diagrams (ff. 9v-11v), wahdat al-wugud, man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu, ruh (ff. 12r-16v), da’irah (ff. 17r-v), mas’ilah mati (ff. 18r-20v), da’irah (f. 21r-v), yang bernama syurga itu sepuluh perkara, about iman, sifat duapuluh (ff. 21v-26r), da’irah (f. 26r-v), nama Allah, sifat Allah, da'irah, dzikir, jisim (ff. 27r-31r), da’irah (ff. 31r-44r), ruh, a`yan thabita, sembahyang, letters of the name of God, sembahyang hakikat insan, ma`rifat yang sempuma akan Allah ta`ala, amal orang ma`rifat, bangsa tubuh manusia, about haqq ta`ala (in question and answer), nyawa dengan badan, ruh al-qudus, wahdat al-wugud, about haqq ta`ala (ff. 44v76v), also divination (gerak anak kunci) (ff. 76v-83v), about haqq ta`ala, adapun martabat manusia itu empat perkara, about wahdat al-wugud, a`yan thabitah, hakikat bismillah, hakikat Fatihah, syahadat (ff. 83v-95v). See Van Ronkel 1921, pp. 292-3, No. 752. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 441-442 (No. 964). See Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 252, note 38. Earlier provenance: On the front page Ibrahim of Kampung Tinggi (Batavia ?) is mentioned as owner. The name of the later owner (in pencil) is illegible. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1981) Or. 7370 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 143 Malay, paper (ff. 1r, 116v and 119v are soiled.), 119 ff., Arabic script. Incomplete (beginning and end missing) and lacunous copy of Hikayat Dewa Mengindera. Lacunae between ff. 24v-25r, 35v-36r, 37v-38r, 52v-53r, 55v-56r, 66v-67r, 86v-87r, 113v-114r, 116v117r. Half of f. 116 is torn off. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 271, No. 698. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 442 (No. 965). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1982) Or. 7371 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 144 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 11 ff., Arabic script, several hands. (1) ff. 1v-4v. Sifat duapuluh. On the divine attributes. (2) ff.5v-11v. Mystical treatise, about the meaning of the basmalah and of the formula la ilaha illa Allah. See Van Ronkel 1921, p. 293, No. 753. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 442 (No. 966). Earlier provenance: In a pencil note Haji Saleh of Kampung Keramat (Batavia?) is mentioned as owner. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2090)

Or. 7372 - Or. 7588 Javanese manuscripts in the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), received in ownership in or after 1936, but already present in the Library before that date as a loan collection. Or. 7372 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 1 Javanese, paper, 208 double pp., Arabic script. Anbiya, History of the Prophets, in verse, down to Muhammad and Yajid (Yazid), dated 1813 AD (?). A list of the initial lines of the cantos is added. See also MS Leiden Or. 7374, below, which is nearly identical. See Pigeaud II, p. 424. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2136) Or. 7373 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 2 Javanese, paper, 77 double pp., Arabic script. Anbiya, History of the Prophets down to Muhammad, in verse, written in 1265 A.H. (1848 A.D.) by haji Muhammad (teungku Lampaloh) of Yogyakarta, while staying in Acheh, copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1891 from a manuscript belonging to haji Hasan of Bagelen, also in Acheh (Kota Raja, Kampong Baru). The MS Jakarta KBG Brandes No. 383 (See R.M.Ng. Dr. Poerbatjaraka, P. Voorhoeve & C. Hooykaas, Indonesische handschriften. Bandung 1950, p. 46) is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 7373. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 424. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2137) Or. 7374 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 3 Javanese, paper, 361 pp., Arabic script. Anbiya, History of the Prophets in verse, copy made in 1912. Text nearly identical with MS Leiden Or. 7372, above (See R.M.Ng. Dr. Poerbatjaraka, P. Voorhoeve & C. Hooykaas, Indonesische handschriften. Bandung 1950, p. 26: MS Jakarta, KBG No. 10 and KBG Cohen Stuart No. 10). See Pigeaud II, p. 424. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2138) Or. 7375 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 4 Old No. 143 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 181 pp., Javanese script. Suluks, 41 Suluk from Cerbon, mystic poems, made or collected by Sultan Adiwijaya and panghulu Abdul Kahar of Cerbon, presented in 1896 to C. Snouck Hurgronje by patih Arya Bratadiwijaya, with a letter in Sundanese. See also MS Leiden Or. 8592, below. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.766, with short Dutch epitome. Notes by J. Soegiarto

are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7560 (Suluk 8), Or. 10.768, below. See Pigeaud II, 664. See Pigeaud II, p. 424. See in connection with Suluk No. 8 in the present collection also MS Leiden Or. 7560 (1), below (Suna tan mona). See also MS Leiden Or. 7503, below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2139) Or. 7376 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 5 Javanese, paper, 66 pp., Arabic script. Walang Sungsang (Welang Sungsang), Cerbon history in verse, from Sumedang, with a Sundanese prose history of Walang Sungsang and rara Santang on a supplementary sheet. A list of the names of places and persons mentioned in the tale is added, dated 1892. See the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, pp. 424-425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2140) Or. 7377 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 6 Javanese, paper, 317 pp., Javanese script. Seh Gawaran, romantic tale in verse, wawacan of 20 cantos, set in Tuban, with persons Juragan Agung (a merchant) and his daughter, Jaka Pamular, santris (religious people), with interspersed edifying conversations. Dated in the colophon 1852. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje of a (damaged) manuscript belonging to the Chief Jaksa (law-officer) of Cerbon, 1897. See the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2141) Or. 7378 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 8 Javanese, paper, 39 double pp., Latin script. Wadu Aji, the Royal Servants of the Javanese Courts, their titles and functions, in prose. Origin: Surakarta. See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2142) Or. 7379 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 9 Javanese, paper, 317 pp., Arabic script. History of West Javanese kingdoms, mainly Cerbon and Banten, in bad macapat verse, beginning with the walis down to the British interregnum, by the panghulu (Chief Islam Judge) of Cerbon Abdul Kahar. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in March 1890, collated with the manuscript belonging to the Chief Jaksa (law-officer) of Cerbon. See the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. MS Leiden Or. 7379a, below, contains genealogical

trees and index of proper names belonging to Abdul Kahar’s History of (West) Javanese kingdoms. See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2143] Or. 7379 a Javanese, paper, 97 pp., tables, Arabic script. Genealogical trees and index of proper names belonging to Abdul Kahar’s History of (West) Javanese kingdoms (MS Leiden Or. 7379, above). See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2143a] Or. 7380 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 10 Javanese, paper, 106 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on Muslim theology, the salat, and mysticism, in prose. Beginning and end on paper with watermark tayyib in Arabic letters, surrounded by a half-moon and a garland. See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2144) Or. 7381 a-b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 11 a-b Javanese, with some Arabic, paper, two parts, together 303 pp., Arabic script. Notes, miscellaneous, on business, births and deaths, and mainly on divination, incantations, magic, medicines, some mysticism and theology, and kadis (tradition). Copies of a Book of notes, primbon, written on treebark paper (dluang), originally belonging to panghulu Abdul Aziz ibn panghulu Arjain (of Cerbon). The first entries are dated in the beginning of the 19th century, the last ones about 1887. The copyist introduced a division in paragraphs (fasl, up to 443). Interspersed notes on religious matters in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2145) Or. 7382 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 12 Javanese, paper, 521 pp., Arabic script. Menak Amir Hamza romance in verse, mentioning in the beginning Muninggar and at the end Kuparman. Incomplete, unfinished copy, dated 1847 A.D. A list of initial lines of the cantos is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2147)

Or. 7383 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 13 Old No. 16 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 264 pp., Javanese script. History of the prophets and of Java (Aji Saka). Majapahit, Galuh, Cerbon (till 1853 A.D.) ending in eschatology (kiyamat kubra), in prose. Special notice is taken of music. Origin: Cerbon. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje of a manuscript called Sajarah Cerbon. A Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2148) Or. 7384 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 14 Old No. 141 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 122 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology, prayers etc. Copy for a Book of notes, primbon, from Bandung, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1894. A Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2149) Or. 7385 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 15 Old No. 145 Javanese, paper, 67 double pp., Arabic script. Mystic treatise in prose divided into paragraphs (questions and answers), originally belonging to haji Sulaiman of Ranca Barjo, district of Ci Calenka, a master of the Shattariyya tariqa, dated 1885 A.D. Enclosed is a pedigree of mystic masters of the tarika of seh Muhammad of Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2150) Or. 7386 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 16 Old No. 138 Javanese, paper, 232 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, prayers, magic, divination, dreams, etc., and a genealogy of Cerbon and Sundanese noble families. Called primbon Shattariyya, mentioning dates about 1830 A.D. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2151) Or. 7387 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 17 Javanese, paper, 253 pp., Arabic script. History of the Banten sultanate in verse, major version (?), copy of a manuscript belonging to Sutadiningrat, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1890. Added are: An alphabetical list of names found in the Babad Banten (another copy, not MS Leiden Or. 7387). A draft of a Government regulation on division of estates (inheritance law)

according to rural custom, in Javanese script, 1893. And a vulgar Malay report on the Dano marsh in Pandeglan and its history (Babad Dano), 1890. The latter not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). See the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See also MS Leiden Or. 10.849 (16), below. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 232-233. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2152) Or. 7388 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 18 Javanese, paper, 47 double pp., Arabic script. History of the Banten sultanate in prose, called Sajarah Banten rante-rante, genealogies. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1906. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 243-244. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2153) Or. 7389 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 19 Javanese, paper, 315 pp., Arabic script. History of the Banten sultanate in verse, minor version (Djajadiningrat edition: version III), copy of a manuscript in Javanese script made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1892. MS Leiden Or. 10.867, below, contains a list of initial lines of cantos by J. Soegiarto. See Pigeaud II, p. 426. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 236-237, 250-261. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2154) Or. 7390 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 20 Javanese, paper, 300 pp., Arabic script. History of the Banten sultanate, presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by adipati Sutadiningrat of Serang, Banten, in 1892, major version. Beginning and end are missing. MS Leiden Or. 10.867 contains a list of initial lines of cantos by J. Soegiarto. See Pigeaud II, p. 427. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 234-235. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2155)

Or. 7391 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 21 Old No. 146 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 133 pp., modern, from Bandung. (1) pp. 2-16. Targhib al-A`mal fi Bayan Kayfiyyat al-Salat. Anonymous mystical treatise. All manuscripts in Leiden come from Indonesia, and so does MS Berlin, Schöm. XI, 1, Ahlwardt 3550. The beginning is similar to that of `Arsh al-Muwahhidin. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369. (2) pp. 17-133. Javanese, Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology, mainly Arabic, with schematic figures, called primbon from Bandung. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 427. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2156) Or. 7392 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 22 Old No. 140 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, with some Dutch, paper, 133 pp., ‘modern’, apparently a copy made by an Indonesian clerk, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. At the end a table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje, which has been used for the present survey. (1) pp. 1-3. Javanese. On Shahada. (2) pp. 3-15. Javanese. Sharb al-`Ashiqin, by Hamza Fansuri, Javanese version by `Abdallah ibn (`Abdul) Kahhar al-Shafi`i. On Shari`at, Tariqat, Haqiqat, Ma`rifat), according to the introduction translated from Malay into Javanese. Not clear, where the translation ends. (3) pp. 15-20. Javanese. Kawula and gusti. (4) pp. 20-25. Javanese. On the Sipat duapuluh, etc. (5) pp. 25-37. Javanese. On ritual purity, taken from several different works on Fiqh. (6) pp. 37-47. Javanese. On the Salat, taken from several different works on Fiqh. (7) pp. 47-53. Javanese. On the Zakat, taken from several different works on Fiqh. (8) pp. 53-73. Javanese. On Bay` and other contracts, taken from several different works on Fiqh. (9) pp. 74-91. Javanese. On the Sipat duapuluh, etc. (10) pp. 91-102. Arabic. An abstract only of Anis al-Muttaqin, by `Abd al-Samad b. Faqih Husayn b. Faqih Muhammad, with interlinear translation in Javanese. Brockelmann, GAL S II, 966, wrongly ascribes this text to the Zaydi author `Abd al-Samad al-Damaghani. Other manuscripts are MS London, IOL, Catalogue Loth, No. 1039 II; Jakarta, Supplement Caralogue Nos. 164, 567, 568, 746. There is a lithographed edition [Snouck Hurgronje’s copy: 893 F 37] with interlinear translation in Javanese, in which al-Palimbani is added to the author’s name on the title-page, but not in the text. This ascription to the 18th-century Sumatran author `Abd al-Samad b. `Abdallah al-Palimbani is probably an attempt to make the book popular in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 14-15. (11) pp. 102-106. Arabic, with interlinear Javanese translation. Mystical prayer. Munajat. (12) pp. 106-109. Arabic, with interlinear Javanese translation. Mystical and ethical Hadith.

(13) pp. 109-125. Arabic, with interlinear Javanese translation. Abstracts from Minhag al-`Abidin by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423, and smilar works, such as Bayan al-Siddiq (p. 120). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 213. (14) pp. 125-132. Arabic, with interlinear Javanese translation. Du`a’ al-Khassa (mystical-ethical prayer), with sarah and sawab. (15) pp. 132-133. Javanese. Several shorter fragments, and a drawing, from (?) a Kitab Fath alMu`in, with which is probably meant the commentary by Zayn al-Din b. Ghazzal b. Zayn alDin `Ali b. `Ali al-Malaybari (c. 1000/1592?), GAL S II, 604, on his own work entitled Qurrat al`Ayn bi-Muhimmat al-Din, see MS Leiden Or. 2286, above. Earlier provenance: Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje of a Priangan primbon. A Dutch epitome is added (which is in fact the table of contents, mentioned above). Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (No 140 [so on the cover]). See Pigeaud II, p. 427. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2157] Or. 7393 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 23 Old No. 148 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 110 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, prayers, kadis (traditions) referring to coitus and to death. Priangan primbon, copied for C. Snouck Hurgronje. A Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 427. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2158) Or. 7394 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 24 Old No. 2 Javanese, paper, 60 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology, prayers etc., originally belonging to Nur Hakim, presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1892, Bandung. See Pigeaud II, p. 427. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2159) Or. 7395 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 25 Javanese, paper, 16 double pp., Javanese script. Munasihat Jati, treatise on prognostics of death, etc. connected with mysticism, in prose. Origin Surakarta, 1891. See Pigeaud II, p. 427. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2160) Or. 7396 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 26 Javanese, paper, 31 pp., Arabic script. Kadis kudsi (Hadith Qudsi), in verse, religious treatise, offered by haji Hasan (= Hasan Moestapa?, 1852-1930) to C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1890. See the Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden

Or. 10.867-D. See Pigeaud II, p. 427. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2161) Or. 7397 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 27 Collection of texts in Javanese, Arabic, Malay, paper and treebark paper (dluang), 16 ff., 7 pp, 11 pp., 4 ff., Arabic and Latin scripts (different hands), illustrations (diagrams). Unbound. a 1. Treebark manuscript of 16 double pages (sewn, otherwise unbound). Arabic script. Notes on mysticism: On ff. 1b-2a of the treebark manuscript is the beginning only an untitled text in Arabic on the words of the Shahada (or al-Kalimatayn), with interlinear translation in Javanese. On ff. 2a-3a are shorter texts in Javanese, with drawings or diagrams. On ff. 3b- is the Javanese text (also on the Shahada?). The Arabic text not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. a 2. Partial (?) copy of the preceding, Arabic script, with some of the drawings (7 pp.). See Pigeaud II, p. 427. b. Shattariya mystic pedigree, 1889 (11 p.). Note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the cover: ‘Fragmenten uit een boek daloeang, afkomstig van grootvader van Kjahi Sahwi, Tjikalong (Soedji), waarin verder `Awamil, Adjroemijjah, Sittin, Samarqandi, Miftah, Mofîd. Hierin Salasilah Sjattarijjah over Sj. Abdoelmoehji Karang. Augustus 1889.’ See Pigeaud II, p. 427. c. Malay (Batavia Malay). Paper, two sheets, folded once: 2 + 2 ff. Latin script. Two letters in the form of Syair, addressed to Sajjid Oesman (= Sayyid `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil b. Yahya al-`Alawi, 1822-1913). See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 442-443 (No. 967). Given titles (by Iskandar:) Syair kiriman (kepada Sayid Usman). Each Syair has 46 lines (23 stanzas). In one of the Syair’s Sajid Oesman is directly addressed: Asalamoeälaékoem ja Said Oesman, yang bidjaksana lagi boediman. One Syair has the heading No 2 dopet H Hasan, the other No 3 dopet saja. See Laffan, Makings, p. 275, note 14. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2162] Or. 7398 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 28 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Sundanese, paper, c. 17 pp., Arabic script, illustration. Prayers (astaghfiru ‘llah), charms (warid, mentioning Dana Rasa, identified with Hasan Muhammad of Galunggun). Several copies, partly Sundanese, and some letters referring to the case of ‘B. Naip’ brought before C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1892. ¶ The collection also contains a coloured drawing of Pangerang Dipo Negoro (c. 1785-1855), sitting at a table and reading, together with his wife who is sitting at another table, and with two servants. He was the main adversary to the Dutch during the Java war (1825-1830). After his defeat he was exiled, first to Menado, then to Makassar. See Pigeaud II, p. 428. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2163, Mal. 2163 B)

Or. 7399 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 29 Old No. 176 Javanese, Sundanese, Malay, Dutch, exercise books and sheaves of papers, Latin and Javanese scripts. Varied Notes: (1) Sundanese. 12 ff., and blanks. Exercise book, in Javanese script. Sajarah Kawali, Dayeuhluhur. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. (2) Javanese. 27 pp., exercise book. Sursilah Prabu Siliwangi. History and genealogy of the noble family of Galuh, beginning with Sili Wangi and Pucuk Umun, a condensed version of an old book. See also the Malay Sajarah Galuh, salinan (MS Leiden Or. 7399(4), below). See Pigeaud II, p. 428. Added: A letter in Dutch, dated 14.11.[1894 or 1895?], from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) to C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). (3) Javanese. Cerita Dipati Ukur Bandung. History of the dipatis of Ukur, Bandung, and Imba Nagara (Banagara), and lists of Dutch officials who resided in those districts down to the beginning of the 19th century. See Pigeaud II, p. 428. (4) Malay, paper, 20 ff., Latin script, dated Ciamis, December 30th, 1895. Sadjarah Galoeh. Copy of a manuscript written by Raden Padmadikoesoemah of Tjiamis, Galoeh. The original, drawn from Javanese sources, was verified by the Bupati of Galuh, Koesoemasoebrata, on 30 December 1895. The sources were supplied by Raden Adipati Ariakoesoemadiningrat, Boepati Galoeh, Raden Toemenggoeng Wiradikoesoemah, Regent doeloe di Galoeh, Raden Aria Soekmandari, Djaksa doeloe di Galoeh. In the text are mentioned among the earlier rulers of Galuh: Praboe Sindoelah, Ratoe Adimoelja, Ratoe Galoeh Bondan, Tjioengwanara, Arijabanga, Mharadja Tjipta until Boepati Imbanagara. Subsequently dates are inserted for the beginning of the reigns of the Praboe: 1610 Tjiptapermana, 1618 Adipati Panaekan, 1620 Mas Dipati Imbanagara, 1636 Raden Adipati Pandji Aria Djaianagara, 1678 Raden Adipati Angganaja, 1693 Raden Adipati Soetadinata, 1706 Raden Adipati Koesoemadinata I, 1727 Raden Adipati Koesoemadinata II, 1751 Raden Garoeda (Raden Adipati Koesoemadinata HI), 1806 Raden Adipati Soerapradja, 1811 Raden Toemenggoeng Natanagara, 1815 Pangeran Soetadjaja, 1815 Raden Toemenggoeng Wiradikoesoemah, 1819 Raden Adipati Adikoesoemah, 1839 Raden Toemenggoeng Koesoemadinata IV. Subsequently the events are described in detail with more dates (Dutch civil servants, salaries and other revenue of bupati, etc.), 1887 Raden Toemenggoeng Koesoemasoebrata. f. 15v. Sadjarah Boepati Kertaboemi. f. 15r. Sadjarah Boepati Kawasen. f. 16v-r. Sadjarah Boepati Tjiamis. Dates mentioned 1739, 1756, 1800, 1811. f. 17v. Sadjarah Boepati Oetama. Dates mentioned 1739, 1771, 1811. f. 17r. Sadjarah Boepati Kawali. ff. 18v-19r. Sadjarah Boepati Pandjaloe.

f. 20 v. Sadjarah toeroenan Tjihaoerbeuti. Enclosed is a letter in Malay from Padmadikoesoemah to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated Ciamis, March 3rd, 1894. There is another envelope, with wax-seal, possibly unrelated (has been used by Snouck to make notes), on which Snouck Hurgronje is addressed as Toewan Abdul Gafar. See also No. 2, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 443-444 (No. 968). (5) Sheaf of papers (19 ff.), folio, in Javanese script, with partial transcriptions and notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Copy of a Book of notes (Primbon), originally belonging to arya Sukmandara of Galuh (19 leaves folded in four), dated about 1819 A.D., containing some religious lessons in verse and the King of Galuh’s prophecies concerning the succession of kingdoms in Java, with reference to the eight dishes offered him by the holy man (ajar) of the Gunung Padang (the dishes correspond with the colour and the kind of the revenue that is paid by the people to the Kings of the successive realms: silver, gold etc). See Pigeaud II, p. 428. (6) Sheaf of papers (49 ff.), folio, in Javanese script, with partial transcriptions and notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to the Galuh Regent Wira di Kusuma, 1815-1818 A.D., also containing notes on the history and genealogy of the Galuh family. See Pigeaud II, p. 428. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 443-444 (No. 968). Earlier provenance of Nos. 1, 2 and 3: Presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by the ‘OnderCollecteur’ (a Sundanese revenue official) of Ci Amis, 1 February 1894. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 176 [so on wrapping paper]). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2164] Or. 7400 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 30 Javanese, Malay, paper, 70 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology, mysticism, divination, prayers, incantations, containing Niti Sruti in verse, and a dialogue in verse between a man and a woman, partly in vulgar West Java Malay, questions and answers, with riddles (cangkriman), the man answering. In the beginning reference is made to the man’s entering the door of the woman’s house. The end is missing. Probably text of the dialogue of bridegroom and bride: West Javanese (and Sundanese) wedding ceremony. Slovenly written. See Pigeaud II, p. 428. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2165) Or. 7401 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 31 Javanese, paper, 10 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Pasrah (self-surrender), rite of the disciples of the mystic Nur Hakim of Pasir Wetan, Banyumas (tarika). Copy in Arabic script with notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, and copy in Javanese script of a pastoral letter by Malang Yuda, dated 1887 A.D. See Pigeaud II, p. 428. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2166) Or. 7402 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 32 Javanese, paper, 79 double pp., Arabic script, illustrations, dated 1884. Notes on theology and mysticism, called Kitab Tasawup or Supiyah, originally belonging to haji Suleman Adinata of Ranca Bango, Tarogong. Many schematic figures. See Pigeaud II, p. 429. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2167) Or. 7403 a, b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 33 a, b Old No. 182 Collection of texts in Javanese and Sundanese (No. 14), paper, 2 parts, together 393 pp., Arabic script. Suluks, and moralistic texts. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.777 a-b, below, with short Dutch epitome. See Pigeaud II, p. 664. The following titles are written in margine: (1) pp. 1-56. Wulang Sunu (by Paku Buwana IV of Surakarta, see Poerbatjaraka, Kapustakan Djawi, 1952, p. 154), 17 cantos. (2) pp. 56-89. Sipat Sapuluh, 8 cantos. (3) pp. 89-97. Hikayat Budiman, 3 cantos. (4) pp. 97-123. Hikayat Purwa Daksina, 5 cantos. (5) pp. 123-145. Hikayat Dewi Sujinah, 6 cantos. (6) pp.145-154. Sadat Sakarat, Kadis Kudsi, 2 cantos. (7) pp. 154-157. Hikayat Bango Butak. (8) pp.157-164. Hikayat Nuqat gha’ib. (9) pp.164-171. Hikayat suluk Duda. (10) pp.171-176. Hikayat suluk Besi. (11) pp.176-182. Hikayat suluk Martabat Pitu. (12) pp. 182-194. Hikayat Daka, 4 cantos. (13) pp.194-249. Hikayat Kabar Kiyamat, Kadis Kudsi, 6 cantos. (14) pp. 250-393. Sundanese. Hikayat suluk Panji, etc., 38 cantos. See on this text Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 242-243. See the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 429. (Sn.H. 182) Earlier provenance: Made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1907. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2168 – Mal. 2169)

Or. 7404 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 34 Old No. 147 Collection of texts in Arabic, Malay, Javanese and Sundanese, paper 75 pp., Arabic script, dated a Friday in Safar 1311 (in the colophon on p. 75: 13011!, August-September 1893), copied by Muhammad Saleh, numerous figures and diagrams. Primbon from the Priangan. Content according to the list made by Snouck Hurgronje, which is added to the volume (with incidental adjustments and additions). (1) pp. 1-6. Javanese and Arabic. Salat al-Awwabin, Niyyat mandjing tarekat, bengat, etc., Praise of the seven Martabats, Shattariyya genealogy (Limbangan, Sumedang). (2) pp. 6-10. Javanese, Arabic. Treatises about dikir, daerah’s, wirid, Naqshbandiyya, composition of the heart. (3) pp. 10-12. Arabic, Javanese. Mystical treatise in which quotations from Ibrahim al-Kurani [= al-Shaykh Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurdi al-Kurani al-Shahrani al-Shahrazuri thumma al-Madani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385] and from the Daqa’iq fron the Gawahir al-Haqa’iq [or is meant: Gawhar al-Haqa’iq, by Shams al-Din of Pasai?] are given. In the beginning a work entitled Kitab al-Inbah fi I`rab La Ilaha Illa Allah is mentioned. Also mentioned are al-Sayyid al-Sharif [`Ali b. Muhammad al-Gurgani al-Sayyid al-Sharif (d. 816/1413), GAL G II, 216] and the Sahib alMiftah [Miftah al-`Ulum, by Yusuf b. Abi Bakr al-Sakkaki (d. 626/1229), GAL G I, 294.] Dated Friday 12 Gumada I (colophon on p. 12). (4) pp. 13-16. Arabic. The three Ma`lumat from the Kitab al-Asrar [unidentified]. And a Da’ira with legends in Javanese. (5) pp. 16-17. Arabic. On the components of the Ruh. (6) p. 18. Several fragments, in Javanese and Arabic. Some sources are mentioned: Barmawi, Mafatih. (7) pp. 19-20. Salat al-Tasbih in Arabic. Salat Ta`a, in Javanese. See also the text on p. 24, below. (8) pp. 20-21. Javanese. Martabat Ratu Pusaka. On the struggle of the sons of the ruler of Mekah, as in pralambangs, and the pupujian belonging to it. (9) pp. 21-23. Javanese. Cosmology, from uwung onwards, and genealogies of the Prophet Muhammad and the rulers of Cirebon. (10) p. 23. Javanese mystical formula, see also the text on p. 28, below. (11) pp. 23-24. Javanese. Salat Kaffarat al-Qada’, good works on Friday, Salat al-Istikhara, alTasabih. See also pp. 19-20, above. (12) pp. 25-26. Javanese. Mystical Salat’s, several dikir’s, various types of Fana’. (13) pp. 26-27. Javanese. On the jimat power of ayat of the Qur’an, etc. (14) pp. 27-28. Javanese. Medical recipes, a.o. from the Kitab Fawa’id al-Mi’a. (15) p. 29. Javanese mystical formula (see also the text on p. 23, above). (16) p. 29. Javanese. Spiritual genealogy from Cirebon. Some descendants of Nabi Suleman, among whom a princess on P. Menjati, Dewi Kuraisin, a wife of Amir Hamzah, etc. (17) p. 30. Javanese. On the Arabic alphabet and the parts of the body. The Ayat al-Kursi of the Qur’an. On the effect of Qulhu (surat al-Ikhlas, Qur’an 112). (18) p. 31. Javanese. A prayer for different parts of the body.

(19) p. 31. Sundanese, Javanese. The meaning of God’s names in the cosmogony. (20) pp. 32-34. Sundanese, Javanese. Incantation formula’s (Sundanese pun alun, etc., other ones of Panjalu, etc. (21) pp. 34-35. Javanese. Rijalula, Idering naga bumi, Setan’s of illnesses and their medicines, isim-isiman, pitobat, etc. (22) p. 36. Javanese. Salasila luluhur Pantenan (?), all sorts of formulas. (23) p. 37. Javanese. The four imams, notes on chronology (in Gadwal-shape), formula of Kyahi Sudalarag, and others. (24) pp. 37-43. Javanese. Several kidung’s (also kadang-kidung), among which rumeksa ing wengi, bagi dalang, with introductions and sarah’s. (25) p. 43. Javanese. On the origin of man. (26) pp. 44-46. Javanese. Tabaruk formulas of Syaikh Molana Ibrahim, of Seh Akbar (Muhyi alDin Ibn al-`Arabi), panetep, and Tabaruk of Abdulkubra, etc. The Martabat tujuh. (27) pp. 46-49. Javanese. al-Bab fi Sakarat al-Mawt. (28) pp. 49-50. Arabic. On the name and essence of God, Naqtu ghayb (al-Insan al-Sirri). (29) p. 50. Arabic. On the birth of man. (30) pp. 50-54. Arabic. Tuhfat al-Mursala, by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah [al-Burhanpuri (d. 1029/1620), GAL G II, 418: al-Tuhfa al-Mursala ila (Ruh) al-Nabi.] (31) p. 55. Javanese. The body of the Prophet Muhammad. Several formulas. (32) pp. 55-59. Arabic, Malay. Prayer with Qur’anic quotations, among which possibly also Hizb al-Bahr, the prayer for travellers by sea, commonly ascribed to Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah alShadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449, Arabic text (pp. 55-57), followed by a Malay explanation of its origin and effect. G.W.J. Drewes, Drie Javaansche goeroe’s. Hun leven, onderricht en messiasprediking. Leiden 1925, p. 58. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 444 (No. 969). (33) pp. 59-61. Du`a’ al-Khassa. Prayer for conversion to Islam. Arabic text with Javanese sarah (commentary, Sharh). (34) pp. 62-63. Javanese. Du`a’ nurbuwat. (35) p. 63. Arabic. About Du`a’ and Sadaqa-gifts of the living for the dead. Also about dikir. (36) pp. 64-65. Arabic. On the unity of the Creator and the creation. (37) pp. 65-67. Arabic. About Ruh, Qalb. About Ruh al-Quds (taken from a work entitled Kitab Nur al-Quds [see MS Leiden Or. 7060 (10), above, for a copy of this text]). (38) pp. 67-75. Several Du`a’ arwah (where mentioned a.o. Ahmad al-Qushashi), selamet, sakarat al-mawt, papadang ati, sidekah (Sadaqa) during pregnancy, with aturan-turan sunan Cirbon, rasul, tolak bala, sarabad). Pigeaud II, p. 429 describes the MS as follows: Notes on theology, mysticism, incantations (kidung), prayers, genealogies, mixed Arabic, Malay, Javanese and Sundanese. Copy of a manuscript from Priangan, made in 1883 [read 1893?] for C. Snouck Hurgronje. A Dutch table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (No 147 [so on the cover]), 1936. See Pigeaud II, p. 429.

Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 210 gives an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description, including the erroneous date. The Arabic texts in the volume not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2170] Or. 7405 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 35 Old No. 136 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, 138 pp. and blanks, dated 1892 (No. 2). For the here following survey of the contents, the notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje have been used (written in pencil on the fly-leaf at the end of the volume). (1) pp. 1-5. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. On p. 5 on Taqlid of Abu Hanifa in case of the marriage of a man under age without Wali Mugbir. (2 pp. 6-14. Arabic. Ghayat al-Maram fi Bayan Ahkam al-Nikah `ala Sa’ir al-Anam. Anonymous. Copied in 1892 from an original of c. 1186 AH (1772-1773). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 101. Many marginal notes in Arabic. (3) pp. 15-21. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. Many marginal notes in Arabic. On p. 15 Adat Cirbon concerning Nafaqa. (4) pp. 21-22. Arabic, with notes in Javanese. A citation only from al-Mawahib al-Rabbaniyya `an al-As’ila al-Gawiyya, by Muhammad `Ali Ibn `Alan al-Siddiqi, khadim al-sunna bilHaramayn (d. 1057/1648), GAL G II, 391. That text was written as an answer to questions put by Abu al-Mafakhir, sultan of Banten (1596-1651) about Kitab Nasihat al-Muluk (with this may meant the Arabic translation by `Ali b. Mubarak (2nd half of 6/12th cent.), GAL G I, 423 No. 30 of the originally Persian text al-Tibr al-Masbuk fi Nasihat al-Muluk, by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 205-204. It contains verdicts said by the Shafi`ite scholar in Mecca, Muhammad `Ali b. `Alan on Taqlid of Malik in case of Ta`zir by fines as applied by Sultan Abulmupakhir of Banten. (4a) p. 23. Arabic, Javanese. Notes, diagrams. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (5) pp. 24-25. Du`a’. Prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (6) pp. pp. 26-27. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. (7) p. 28. Note on the 17 places where one may not apply wuquf while reciting. the Qur’an. And other Hadith in the margin. Arabic texts in this No. 7 not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (7a) p. 29. On the 18 Rumuz in the Qur’an. (7b) pp. 29-40. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. On p. 31 about easing Tahlil by combining the four Madhahib. On p. 32 a note on Tahkim. On p. 33 on asking remuneration for concluding a marriage. On p. 35 on the Muslim Javanese oath (the 9 wali’s, one from Plered, one from Mataram). On p. 36 about respect for the guru. On p. 37 a Wasiyya. On pp. 37-38. Marriage formulas. And other notes. (7c) p. 40. Arabic. On 7 letters in surat Yasin (Qur’an 36). (7d) p. 41. Javanese. Salat Birr al-Walidayn.

(7e) pp. 42-43. Arabic. Fada’il al-Zira`a. Hadith and notes on agriculture. (7f) p. 44. Javanese. Prayer. And a note from Fiqh, on hunting.`On the use of guns while hunting. (7g) p. 45. Notes in Javanese and Arabic. In the margin: Bandung, 1228. (7h) p. 46. Arabic. Notes on ritual prayer. Salat. (7i) p. 47. Arabic. Notes on Kaffarat al-Qada’ and Salat Kaffara. (7k) p. 48. Shorter notes in Arabic and Javanese. Jampe. (7l). pp. 49-55. Javanese. Kitab Idah. Part on the law of succession. This can only be an abstract or quotation of a Javanese version of the well-known book on Islamic law. See for the full-text MS Leiden Or. 5466 (3), above. The Arabic al-Idah fi’l-Fiqh is an anonymous work, which is an abridgement of a work called at-Tabsira fi’l-Fiqh (GAL S I, 670). Whether this was the work by Ibrahim b. `Ali al-Shirazi (d. 476/1083) cannot be decided. All copies from the Idah come from Indonesia and most of them have an interlinear translation (in some cases incomplete) into Javanese. (7m) p. 55. Jampe. (7n) p. 56. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on dogmatical matters, not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (70) pp. 57-59. Arabic. Notes on Agr Wakil. On the remuneration of the judiciary. Source: Infisal al-Bayan. (7p) pp. 59-61. Arabic. Note on the conditions al-Amr bil-Ma`ruf wal-Nahy `an al-Munkar, apparently a quotation. Also on music. (7q) pp. 62-64. Arabic. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. On Fitra, Zakat, Sadaqa, etc. (7r) pp. 65-66. Prayers, Du`a’, in Arabic and Javanese. On p. 65 is a prayer to protect a child (born in Safar) from getting lost in the world of darkness. Another of the prayers has as source a Kitab Risala (p. 66). On p. 66 also a note about respect for the guru, including his wishes about certain women. (7s) pp. 67-68. Javanese. Two gadwal’s with illustrations of commodities which form the object of Sadaqa. With legends in the margins. Also on each page a survey of the numerical value of the letters of the Arabic alphabet. (7t) pp. 69-73. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. Some sources are mentioned: Minhag al-Talibin by al-Nawawi, Ibn Hagar, Mafatih, Bayan Qanawi (p. 70), Iqna`, Munabbihat, Daqa’iq al-Haqa’iq (p. 71). On p. 70 about Hiba. On p. 71 about the divine reward for making love. On p. 71 a prayer of Shaykh `Abdallah b. `Abd al-Qahhar from Banten. (7u) p. 72. Arabic. Fatwa on matters pertaining to the divine attributes. (7v) pp. 73-74. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Fiqh and dogmatics. Shaykh Panghulu Farid al-Din about the Salat on the last Wednesday of Safar. (7w) pp. 74-79. Javanese. Arabic. Du`a’, Prayers. On p. 76 a note on Nahas-days. From p. 78 onwards several Jampe. (7x) pp. 80-85. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on matters of Shafi`ite Fiqh. Several sources mentioned: Dalil, Shaykh Muhammad (p. 80), Taqrib (p. 81), Tahrir, Rawda, Mahalli (p. 82), Fath al-

Wahhab (p. 83), Mawahib al-Diniyya (p. 84), Anwar (p. 85). On p. 85 a note on Tagdid of a marriage. (8) pp. 86-87. A short treatise on the interpretation of dreams, on the authority of Muhammad b. Gawaz. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436. (8a) pp. 88-95. Kitab Adab al-Walidin. Or a quotation from a work entitled al-Iqna`. (9) pp. 96-101. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Shafi`ite Fiqh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. On p. 99 a note about smoking during the fast, according to Bayhaqi. The Arabic texts in this No. 9 not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (9a) p. 101. Arabic. Anecdote on Sulayman al-Nabi. (9b) pp. 102-103. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Fiqh and dogmatics. (9c) pp. 104-105. Javanese. Treatise on Iman. Also on p. 104 Kawula-gusti. (9d). pp. 106-112. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Fiqh and dogmatics, and all sorts of Fawa’id. On p. 107 a Fatwa of Molla Ibrahim Abdusyakur and the Taqlid-question. (10) pp. 113-124. Mulakhkhas fi Ma`rifat al-Nasikh wal-Mansukh, by `Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Dimashqi, GAL S II, 984. The same work as described by W. Ivanow, Cat. Pers. MSS. As. Soc. Beng. 1720 (1). Title not in the Leiden manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 232. (10a) pp. 124-130. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Fiqh and dogmatics, and all sorts of Fawa’id. On p. 130 a Do’a malem. (11) pp. 131-134. Arabic. A chronological table with explanation (p. 131). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 434. (12) pp. 135-138. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on Fiqh and dogmatics, and all sorts of Fawa’id. Several sources are mentioned: Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din, Kitab Qanawi, Ibn Hagar (p. 135), Sharif, Futuhat al`Ulum (p. 136), Futuhat, Kitab al-Irshad, Gawhar al-Tawhid (p. 137), Mubarak (p. 138). On p. 135 also a note on food laws. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Pigeaud II, p. 429, where the content is described as follows: Notes mainly on fiqh, marriage rules, in Arabic. On inheritance law: Idah, in Javanese. Copy of a Cerbon manuscript of 1772/1775 A.D. made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. A Dutch epitome is added. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2171] Or. 7406 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 36 Old No. 7 Javanese, paper, 196 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, theology, martabat 7, etc. mentioning the walis (the 9; especially distinguished are: Majagung, Lemah Abang, Maghribi, Giri and Kali Jaga), and on another page: 19 pangerans (including i.a. Geseng, Tembayat and Atas Angin): called Shattariya primbon from Priangan. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, with Dutch notes in margine. See Pigeaud II, pp. 429-430. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2172)

Or. 7407 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 37 Old No. 137 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 254 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism etc. with many schematic figures, i.a. three fishes with one head (trinity), called: Bandung primbon. See on the three-headed fish now also Annabel Teh Gallop, ‘Cultural Interactions in Islamic Manuscript Art. A Scholar’s Library from Mindanao’, in Oman Fathurahman, Kawashima Midori, Labi Sarip Riwarung (eds.), The Library of an Islamic Scholar of Mindanao. The Collection of Sheik Muhammad Said bin Imam sa Bayang at the AlImam As-Sadiq (A.S.) Library, Marawi City, Philippines. An Annotated Catalogue with Essays. Tokyo: Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University, 2019, pp. 205-248, especially pp. 220-232. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje of an old manuscript. A Dutch epitome by Snouck Hurgronje and G.W.J. Drewes is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 430. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2173) Or. 7408 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 38 Malay, Javanese, paper, sheaves with three files, 1 portfolio, Arabic script. A. Letters of Javanese officials in Banten idiom (1 sheaf), official lists (Malay) and plans of graveyards of Sultans etc. of Banten, about 1850. See Pigeaud II, p. 430. B. 4 + 2 ff. Kubur Raja-raja Banten. Plans of graveyards of Sultans etc. of Banten, about 1850. With explanations. C. (1) Official records. Ten records signed by demang in Western Java dating 1848-49. (2) Daftar kitab-kitab. A list of kitab used in Banten. Booklist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 445 (No. 970). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2174) Or. 7409 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 39 Sundanese, Javanese, paper, portfolio containing 8 notebooks, Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, prayers, incantations, mainly Sundanese, originally belonging to disciples of haji Suleman of Ranca Bango, Tarogong, brought before C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1896. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 289. See Pigeaud II, p. 430. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2175) Or. 7410 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 40 Sundanese, Javanese, Arabic (in Javanese script), treebark paper (dluang, damaged), 124 and (from the backside) 28 double pp., Javanese script.

Lawbook, Jaya Lengkara of Medang Kamulan, Undang-undang Mataram, Jugul Muda, patih of king Mapunggung of Purwa Carita (p. 71a-113b), partly in verse, with interspersed notes: explanations of law terms, incantations and prayers (Arabic in Javanese script), a small treatise mentioning Gajah Mada. The last text is Raja Krama ning Raja Sasana. At the reverse side the lines are parallel to the long side of the page. The texts are: kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi and Praceka (i.e. pratyeka), encyclopedical notes, originally an Old Javanese text, and Teges, meanings of words. The script is the ancient Cerbon variety (often using only the tarung instead of taling-tarung for o). The book contains the date A.D. 1809. Probably it dates from the second half of the 18th century. The district of Timbanganten is mentioned several times. A Sundanese letter from Tasik Malaya, of 1906 (from Rn. Hi. Moehd. Roesdi. Hoofdpanghoeloe Tasikmalaya?), offering the book to C. Snouck Hurgronje, is added. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 260 (where in fact nothing more than an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description). See Pigeaud II, p. 430. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2176) Or. 7411 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 7 Javanese, paper, 223 pp., Arabic script. Abdul Kadir Jailani, or Abdul Kadir Jilani, a complete biography in verse. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is registered as MS Leiden Or. 10.762, below. See Pigeaud II, 663. See Pigeaud II, p. 430. Earlier provenance: Purchased in Batavia in 1895. Formerly Sn.H. 154. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2177) Or. 7412 a formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 42 Old No. 1 Sundanese, Javanese, paper, 145 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, with many schematic figures, originally belonging to kyahi Mukilam of the pasantren Pananggunangan, district Suci, Garut, 1892. See Pigeaud II, p. 431. See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 193, (where in fact nothing more than an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is offered, and where the language erroneously is given as Arabic.) Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2182) Or. 7412 b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 42 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, 145 pp.

(1) pp. 120-124. A treatise, similar to the shorter Al-Ma`lumat, short anonymous mystical treatise. Beginning I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat Thalatha: Wagib wa-`Adam Mumkin wa-`Adam Mahd. Partly with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181. (2) pp. 124-130. A treatise, similar to the shorter Al-Ma`lumat, short anonymous mystical treatise. Beginning al-Hamdu lillah alladhi awgada al-Ashya’ min al-`Adam ila al-Wugud. I`lam anna al-Ma`lumat Thalatha: Wagib wa-`Adam Mumkin wa-`Adam Mahd. Partly with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181. (3) pp. 131-137. A treatise on Ruh. Beginning: I`lam anna Kayfiyyat al-Ruh wa-Intiza`iha (Javanese: petjate) wa-Martabat al-Tuh yanqasimu `ala Khamsat Ashya’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 132. (4) pp. 137-145. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2182) Or. 7413 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 43 Old No. 2 Javanese, paper, 168 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology, Shattariya dikir, mentioning seh Yusuf, incantations, and the kings of tigers of the four quarters. Copy of a book of notes, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, with his Dutch epitome added. See Pigeaud II, p. 431. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2183) Or. 7414 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 44 Old No. 3 Sundanese, Javanese, paper, 184, 6 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, divination, prayers referring i.a. to agriculture, rice cultivation, mentioning panembahan Karang Parnijahan, charms (jimat), sarabad, caracah, pamunah etc., with interspersed Sundanese notes. Book of notes originally belonging to Abdui Rahim of Sida Larang (?), with Dutch notes in margine. See Pigeaud II, p. 431. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 211 (where in fact nothing more than an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2184) Or. 7415 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 45 Old No. 4 Javanese, paper, 78 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on divination, prognostics (kedutan, vibrations in the limbs), physiognomy, dreams, charms, crisses and smiths, Shattariya tarika pedigree and ritual of entering (manjing tarek), prayers. See Pigeaud II, p. 431.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2185) Or. 7416 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 46 Old No. 5 Javanese, paper, 88 pp., Javanese script. Paniti Baya, mentioning Wulang Dalem by sunan Paku Buwana IV of Surakarta, in verse, copy of MS Jakarta KBG No. 125 which is a copy of a palmleaf manuscript from Surabaya. See Pigeaud II, p. 431. Earlier provenance: Presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2186) Or. 7417 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 48 Old No. 7 (?) Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Sundanese, machine-made laid paper with watermark (posthoorn), 21.4 x 17.8 cm, 170 + 53 pp., one volume, modern half-cloth binding. Or. 7417 A First part of a collection of texts in one and the same binding. Kitab Primbon. Collection of texts, paper, 170 pp. and blanks. Extensive table of contents in Dutch, at the beginning: ‘Primbon van een man te Tjikadoeeum (Tjimanoek, Banten)’. (1) pp. 1-13. Arabic. Risala tata`allaqu bil-Tagwid. See also Batavia, Suppl., Nos. 40-44. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 312-313. With partial interlinear Javanese translation. (2) pp. 14-16. Arabic. Du`a’ Sulayman, followed by Du`a’ Yusuf. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (2a) pp. 16-17. Arabic. Do’a tilbaran. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (2b) pp. 17-18. Javanese (or Sundanese?). Sharahi do’a bastam. (2c) p. 18. Javanese (or Sundanese?). Do’a agung. (2d) pp. 18-20. Javanese (or Sundanese?). Do’a lelu sakilan. On p. 19 begin two prayers in Arabic each entitled Du`a’ Tarwikh (Tarawih). (2e) pp. 20-22. Arabic. Do’a witir Ramadan. (2f) p. 22. Arabic. Do’a alimunan. (2g) pp. 22-23. Arabic. Do’a mahabbat. Prayer in order to arouse love (with reference to Yusuf and Zulaykha). (2h) p. 23. Javanese (or Sundanese?). Tutulak. (2i) 23-26. Javanese (or Sundanese?). On death and ...? (3) pp. 26-31. Pahesan roro satunggal and a treatise on the nature of God and of man (Insan Kamil). (3a) pp. 31-32. On the world and the underworld. (4) pp. 32-34. A quotation only, with Javanese interlinear translation, from the work which is probably Mi`rag al-`Ishq, as can be surmised from the title al-Ma`rag al-`Ishq (sic) as given in the colophon of MS Leiden Or. 7053 (6), above. A Javanese version is found in MS Leiden Or.

7535, below. See also the Arabic text in MS Paris, BNF, mal.-pol. 29, ff. 132v-133v. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 215. ¶ MS Leiden Or. 7051 (2b), above, entitled Bab Bayan al-`Arifin ga’a Allaha, has the same beginning as this text. (5) pp. 35-44. Arabic. Bab Bayan al-Mir’at. Anonymous mystical tract, on the unity of man with God (Ruh, Tasawwur, etc.). With interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 46-47. (6) pp. 45-59. Arabic, Javanese. Notes on mystical subjects, drawn from Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another MS is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. With interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44. (7) p. 60. Arabic. A do’a, prayer, against Sakarat al-Mawt, transmitted on authority of the Prophet Muhammad. (7a) p. 61. Javanese. Names of the sun ... (?) of the 33 islands. (7b) pp. 61-62. On the Macan saking baginda Ali. (8) pp. 63-84. Arabic, Javanese. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. (9) pp. 85-99. Arabic, Javanese. Bayan `Aqidat al-Usul, or: Masa’il, by Abu al-Layth Muhammad b. Abi Nasr b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi, who seems to be identical with Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Samarqandi (4th cent.), GAL G I, 196. This catechism, one of the most popular religious textbooks in Indonesia, is mentioned twice by Brockelmann under different titles (Nos. 6 and 7). With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 44-45. P. 100 blank. (10) pp. 101-105. Arabic, Javanese. Risalat Kalimatay al-Shahada. This is the title given by Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia, etc., 1913, Nos. 223-225, to a small anonymous tract on the meaning of the two terms of the Islamic confession of faith, beginning: I`lam anna Kalimatay al-Shahada ... With Javanese interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 315-316. (11) pp. 106-117. Arabic, Javanese. Some mystical fragments (the beginning is missing) with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 465. (11a) pp. 117-118. Arabic, Javanese. On the saying Man `arafa Nafsahu bil-Fana’...

(12) pp. 119-125. Arabic, Javanese. Citations from al-Gawahir al-Khamsa by Muhammad b. Khatir al-Din al-Ghawth al-Hindi (d. 970/1562), GAL G II, 418. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 97, and another citation, possibly from the same source, on Dhikr al-Istila’, corresponding with the text in MS Leiden Or. 7201, above, pp. 584 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 97. (13) pp. 126-130. Arabic, Javanese. Treatise on types of dikir. P. 131 blank. (14) pp. 132-139. Javanese. Sarah hati surat al-An`am (Qur’an 6). (15) pp. 140-142. Arabic. Bay`a and two diagrams. (16) pp. 143-153. Javanese. Adhortation to and description of dikir. (17) pp. 153-162. Javanese. On the creation of the world, from the Uwung-uwung period (with maningkem and duriat [p. 159]. See also No. 29 of the Surakarta collection, p. 13, as here). (18) pp. 162-169. Javanese. Kitab Risalat `Ilm Tariqa (title on p. 169), on Shari`at, Tariqat, Haqiqat, unity with God. (19) p. 170-1. Sundanese. Fragment of a Jampe. p. 171. Blank. See Pigeaud II, p. 431, where the content of the present volume is described: ‘Notes, mainly Arabic treatises with interlinear glosses: on tagwid (recitation of the Qur’an), Sittin and Samarqandi on the creed, theology, mysticism and prayers. Books of notes from Ci Kaduon, Ci Manuk, Banten. A survey of the contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje in Dutch precedes the texts; this has been used for the above description. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 7 [so on cover]), 1936. Earlier provenance: Note in Dutch at the beginning: ‘Primbon van een man te Tjikadoeeum (Tjimanoek, Banten)’. Or. 7417 B Second part of a collection of texts in one and the same binding. Paper, 53 pp., and blanks, with illustrations and diagrams. Collection of shorter mystical-dogmatical treatises, received by C. Snouck Hurgronje through the intermediary of Haji Dinuri from Cekek, Pandeglang, in March 1890. This collection has escaped Pigeaud’s attention. Not in Pigeaud II. The Arabic texts in this part not Voorhoeve, Handlist. (1) pp. 1-3. Arabic, Javanese. Mystical treatise, beginning Afdal al-Harath `ala Sa’ir al-Nas kaFadl al-Qamar `ala Sa’ir al-Kawakib. With interlinear translation in Javanese. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (2) pp. 4-13. Arabic, Javanese. Mystical treatise, i.a. on Martabat tujuh. With interlinear translation in Javanese. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) pp. 13-25. Javanese. Treatise on dogmatics, followed by notes in Martabat tujuh. Unidentified. Not in Pigeaud II. (4) pp. 26-41. Javanese, Arabic. Tables (Gadawil) and diagrams on mystical stages, and on the interrelatedness of mystical terminology. Large calligraphic illustrations on pp. 29-33. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II.

(5) pp. 42-43. Javanese, Arabic. Mystical diagrams (Gadawil), with explanations. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (6) pp. 44-48. Javanese, Arabic. Unidentified treatise, with reference to the Shattariyya and the Naqshbandiyya, with genealogies. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (7) pp. 48-51. Arabic, with Javanese elements. Prayer formulas addressed to the Prophet Muhammad. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (8) pp. 51-52. Javanese, Arabic. Unidentified mystical text. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (9) pp. 52-53. Javanese, Arabic. Do’a. Prayer. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. (10) p. 53. Arabic, with Javanese instruction. Ayat al-Kursi, from the Qur’an. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Pigeaud II. Pp. 54-end. Blank. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 189, where in fact an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. Ekadjati gives as title Catatan-catatan. Earlier provenance: Note at the beginning in Dutch in Snouck Hurgronje’s hand: ‘Copie van een mystisch-dogmatisch tractaatje verkr. door Hadji Dinoeri (Tjekek, Pandeglang). Maart 1890’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2187] Or. 7418 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 49 Old No. 8 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 8 pp., Arabic and Latin scripts. Mystic treatise on haji Mangsur, holy man of Pandeglan, by Murjan, followed by a Dutch record of Murjan’s oral biography of Mangsur, taken down by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. He was the rightful heir to the throne of Banten, ousted from his right by a double, a spirit of pulo Majeti, an impostor, who was protected by the Mareskalak (Daendels), but killed by tubagus Buwang who was killed in his turn by the Kumpeni. Under the name pangeran Haji Mansur roamed about the country followed by forty tigers. He reached the shore of the Southern Ocean, where he ordered a shellfish to release one of his tigers’ paws. The tigers still visited him afterwards during the time that he was settled in Ci Kaduon. In his youth he had been called pangeran Dakar. He met seh Karang of mount Kromong, who, though older, acknowledged his superiority: Dakar could both walk under the ground and fly, to go to Mecca. Seh Karang, being still half a heathen, could only fly. He received the promise that he would be Sultan of Banten when he had performed asceticism long enough. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto, with collations with MS Leiden Or. 7419 (3), is MS Leiden Or. 10.767 (1). See Pigeaud II, 663. See Pigeaud II, pp. 431-432. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 236-237, where the language of the text erroneously is said to be Arabic and Dutch. Otherwise Ekadjati

gives a translation in Indonesian of the description by Pigeaud, as above. Ekadjati probably included this text in his survey because of the Sundanese subject matter. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2188) Or. 7419 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 50 Old No. 9 Collection of texts in Javanese, Arabic, paper, 34 + 59 + 49 pp., Arabic script, several hands. Apparently originally three booklets, now bound together. Half-cloth binding, pasted boards. A. Javanese, Arabic, paper, 34 pp., Indonesian naskh of calligraphic quality. Copy made in October 1890 of a manuscript on Javanese paper (dluang primbon), a book of notes from Ci Bulu (Ci Picung, Suci). The original owner (and maker?) was Kyahi Sarip, who taught ‘Insan Kamil’ in Ci Bulu (Ci Picung, Suci). When the book was copied the original was in possession of Hasan Muntasir, the son of Kyahi Sarip’s daughter., whose wife is the granddaughter of Kyahi Sudalarang al-Mulabaruk (Wanakarta), who was teacher of, among others, Shaykh Muhammad Garut, and who himself studied in Panaraga, Surabaya, Madura. A short description by C. Snouck Hurgronje of contents and provenance is on the first leaf. A collective treatise with texts on mysticism, insan kamil, Sundanese incantation, Arabic text with Javanese glosses. pp. 1-3. Short notes in Javanese. p. 3 are dates: Sha`ban 1249 (1833-1834) and Gumada II and Sha`ban 1245 (1829-1830), numbers reversely written). pp. 3-4. Note in Arabic on the status of al-Wadi`a, deposited goods, taken from Rawda and Muharrar. pp. 4-5. Hanacaraka, the Javanese alphabet in Arabic script. pp. 5-6. Arabic. Quotation from al-Nawawi, extracted from a work referred to as Mahalli. pp. 7-23. Arabic. Bab fi Bayan Haqiqat al-Salat wal-Shahada wal-Sakarat. Anonymous, with interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 45, where this text is referred to as MS Leiden Or. 7419 a (2). Dated a Friday in Rabi` II, without mention of the year (p. 23). Pp. 2431 Blank. pp. 32-33. Javanese. Mystical diagrams. p. 34. Javanese. Du`a’ Zaman Akhir. Prayer for the Youngest Day. See Pigeaud II, p. 432. B. Javanese, Arabic, paper, 59 pp. and blanks, same copyist (?), Arabic and Javanese scripts. Collection of texts: Shattariya tarika, Silsila Shattariyya, pedigree of masters (Karang), lessons, schematic figures (Da’ira), the Martabat tujuh, some pages in Javanese script followed by a genealogy of Banten sultans (fantastical), also a copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, in February 1890. A short description by C. Snouck Hurgronje of contents and provenance is on the first leaf. pp. 1-6. Shorter texts in Javanese. P. 7 blank. pp. 8-9. Diagrams, legends in Javanese.

pp. 10-11. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. pp. 11-15. Javanese. Text on tawhid (?). pp. 15-20. Javanese. Text on the mystical pupil (Murid). pp. 20-24. Javanese. Text on Nafy Ithbat. p. 25. Diagram. Legends in Javanese. p. 26. Javanese. Unidentified text. p. 27. Javanese. Unidentified text. pp. 28-29. Diagram. Legends in Javanese. pp. 30-32. Javanese. Text on baraja. pp. 32-34. Javanese. Prayer text. pp. 34-35. Javanese. Prayer text. pp. 35-36. Javanese. Prayer text. Do’a maring bedil. pp. 37-38. Javanese. On the Ka`ba, followed by a note of mystical content, and two others. P. 39 blank. pp. 40-43. Diagrams, legends in Javanese. pp. 44-45. Javanese. Note on `Ishq, `Ashiq, Ma`shuq, etc. pp. 45-47. Javanese. Note on Takbir al-Ihram. pp. 47-48. Diagrams, legends in Javanese. pp. 54-50. Javanese. Unidentified treatise, in Javanese script. pp. 55-58. Javanese. Shorter notes. In the first Gunung Jati is mentioned. p. 59. Arabic. Du`a’ Rasul. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Pigeaud II, p. 432. C. Javanese, paper, 49 pp., different copyist. Shadjarah Hadji Mangsoer, Syajara Haji Mangsur. Copied in September 1890 for C. Snouck Hurgronje after a manuscript in Cimanuk. History of Banten in verse, popular version, referring to pangeran Dakar (png. Haji) and Mareskalek (called Sajarah haji Mangsur, see also Murjan’s tale, MS Leiden Or. 7418, above). See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.767 (1), with collations between MSS Leiden Or. 7418 and Or. 7419, and MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, 663. See Pigeaud II, p. 432. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 246-247). Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 9 [so on the cover]), 1936. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2189] Or. 7420 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 51 Old No. 10 Javanese, paper, 41, 18, 67 pp., Arabic script. Sajarah haji Mansur in verse, three texts. History of Banten, popular, in verse. Three texts, the first and the third are parallels, the second is incomplete. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.767 (2). See Pigeaud II, 663. See Pigeaud II, p. 432.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 414, where Pigeaud’s description is given in Indonesian translation. Ekadjati gives three languages for this text: Arabic, Javanese and Sundanese. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 244-246). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2190) Or. 7421 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 52 Old No. 12 Javanese, paper, 59 pp., Javanese script. Rangga Sena of Pajajaran, historical romance in verse, beginning with King Angga Larang and his wives, dated 1856 A.D. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, present of the patih of Menes, 1893. See also MS NBG 369. See the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 432. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 385, where the language of this text is said to be Sundanese, and where Pigeaud’s description is given in Indonesian translation. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2191) Or. 7422 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 53 Old No. 13 Javanese, paper, 255 pp., Arabic script. Abdul Kadir Jailani, biography (wawacan Seh), only fifty tales. A list of the authorities of the tales made by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1891 is added. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is registered as MS Leiden Or. 10.761. See Pigeaud II, 663. See Pigeaud II, pp. 432-433. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2192) Or. 7423 a formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 54a Old No. 18 Javanese, paper, 124 pp., Arabic script. Notes on charms, prayers, medicines, prognostics, divination, erotics (the Prophet’s wives). Book of notes from Serang, 1891. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 286, where the languages of the text in the present volume are given as Arabic, Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2193) Or. 7423 b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 54b Javanese, paper, 17 pp., Arabic script.

Old No. 19

Notes on mysticism, Akmaliya tariqa, Serang, copy of 1895. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 246, where the languages of the text in the present volume are given as Arabic, Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2193) Or. 7424 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 55 Old No. 20 Arabic, Malay, Sundanese and Javanese, with some Dutch, paper, 40 pp., Arabic script, originally copied from one volume in which two different texts started from both sides. Here now referred to as A and B, and bound together in one binding (half-cloth, pasted boards). Book of notes on prayers and mysticism, mixed Arabic, Malay, Sundanese and Javanese, from Banten. Copy. A survey in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. This says: ‘Copy of a sloppily written primbon, according to received information (and as the language shows) originating from Banten, but as the Salasilah on p. 19 indicates, also partly of Batavian origin.’ A. Malay, Sundanese, Javanese, paper, 25 pp., Arabic script. Textual emendation by C. Snouck Hurgronje on p. 21. p. 1. Malay-Javanese. On Sipat in the body. pp. 2-11. Malay, mixed with Javanese. All sorts of notes on theological matters: Basmala, explanation of the Shahada, Islam, Iman, etc. p. 11. Sundanese. Sahadat Salabar. p. 12. Javanese (?). Petakonan akir jaman (Imam Mahdi). See also the primbon from Banjarmasin (?). pp. 13-17. Shorter texts in Javanese and Sundanese. Do’a suci, Ratu Galuh, pujining bumi langit, ashadu, do’a pamulangken cisusu maring biang, bab tegering tinja suci, sahadat bumi, do’a amangan jakat, and another with the same title, katibulan baginda Ali, sahadat badan, do’a (Yusup?). p. 17. Malay. Sahadat sari’at, etc. p. 17. Malay. Meaning of the letters in the word Allahu Akbar. pp. 18-19. Malay. Explanation of the Sahadat (Shahada). pp. 19-22. Malay. Silsila Shattariyya (Abdulmuhyi and Abdur-Rauf mentioned), ending with Anak ibn Mandur Sapingi of Kemayoran. p. 22. Malay. Division of the Shahada into Islam, Iman, Tawhid, Ma`rifa. p. 22. Malay. How the Qadim praises and worships himself. p. 23. Malay. Prayer, do’a, and tapsir of patiha (surat al-Fatiha, Qur’an 1). pp. 24-25. Malay. Explanation of the number of Rak`a’s in the Salat. B. Javanese, mixed with Sundanese and Malay, paper, 15 pp. (or pp. 26-40), same copyist. This part contained all sorts of do’a, jampe, etc. Also theo-anthropological wisdom (on Ruh Idafi, explantinations of the Fatiha and of the Basmala, many prayers for padang ati. On p. 14 (p. 39) is a diagram in the shape of a human being. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (No. 20 [so on cover]). See Pigeaud II, p. 433.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 198 and 300. Ekadjati apparently unwittingly describes the same manuscript twice. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 445 (No. 971), who estimates the copyist to be Muhammad Noerdin (which is unlikely). Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2195] Or. 7425 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 56 Old No. 23a Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 42 pp., Arabic script. Notes from primbons, copied by haji Danuri, Cekek, Pandeglang, 1890: theology and divination. On pp. 30-42: Sundanese prayers etc. referring to agriculture, sidekahs. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 212 and 300. Ekadjati apparently unwittingly describes the same manuscript twice (where in fact nothing more than an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is offered). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2196) Or. 7426 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 57 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 73 pp., Arabic script. Notes on charms, magic invulnerability, prayers, rajahs. Copied from a book of notes from Serang, 1895, mixed Javanese and Sundanese. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, who describes the samen manuscript twice (pp. 265-266, and 266-267). Ekadjati apparently unwittingly describes the same manuscript twice, and differently at that (while in fact nothing more than an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is offered). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2197) Or. 7427 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 58 Old No. 51 Javanese, Sundanese, Malay, paper, 41 pp., Arabic script. Notes on iron, smiths (pande domas), prayers referring to weapons, love-magic, mixed Javanese, Sundanese and Malay, purchased in Batavia, 1892. C. Snouck Hurgronje’s Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 446 (No. 972, where in fact nothing more than Pigeaud’s description is offered). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 284 (where in fact nothing more than an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is offered),. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2198) Or. 7428 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 59 Javanese, paper, 60 pp., Arabic script. Notes on divination and prayers, Batavia 1893. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2199)

Old No. 46

Or. 7429 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 60 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Malay, Dutch, paper, 65 pp., Arabic script, according to a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje (August 1895) copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?). (1) pp. 1-22. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya tarika pedigree (`Abdur Ra’uf, `Abdul Muhyi Karang), prayers, mainly Malay. (2) pp. 23-64. Mystical treatise containing: huruf tigapuluh, sifat duapuluh, wujud, ruh, hakikat nabi yang enam, hakikat wali yang sembilan (pp. 23-37), surga, neraka, mystical squares, martabat tujuh, jasad, ruh, parts of the body, elements (anasir), components of the sembahyang in relation to the parts of the body, etc. (pp. 37-53), syahadat, sakarat with da’irah, Fatihah with Malay translation (pp. 54-56), do’a, mantera, azimat (pp. 57-58); syahadat, iman, Islam, etc. (pp. 57-64). At the back a detailed summary of the contents in Dutch, by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 433. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 446 (No. 973). Earlier provenance: Copied from a MS owned by Ma’ Poengoet of Kampung Pluit and stating that most of the MSS present in that kampung seemed to have been formerly owned by the head (wijkmeester) of that kampung, who was of Sumbawa origin., Batavia, 1895. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2200) Or. 7430 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 61 Malay, paper, 53 pp., Arabic script, copied by Jailan, only the recto side written on, C. Snouck Hurgronje's note on the cover page is dated August 1890. Aturan perkara orang ngawinin. The text contains material about marriage customs in Jakarta. On the verso side Dutch notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 446 (No. 974). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2201) Or. 7431 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 62 Old No. 21 Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, Dutch, machine-made paper, 22.5 x 17.4 cm, 351 pp. + blanks + 15 pp., Arabic script, modern half-cloth binding with pasted boards.

Genealogies of noble Priangan families in prose: Galuh, Pajajaran, Cerbon, Timbanganten, mentioning the walis, keyan Sanitang, Ciyung Manarah, Sili Wangi, Pucuk Umun, the cannon, etc. with many interspersed notes, partly in Sundanese, on divination and prophecies (pralambang), and on private matters, economic, etc. Copy of a book of notes of about 1825 A.D., previously belonging to Mr K.F. Holle (1829-1896). An extensive Dutch epitome (15 pp.) by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. Snouck Hurgronje’s marginal notes have served as a source of the description below. Several separate texts can be distinguished by a basmala, punika, tammat, or otherwise. (1) pp. 1-4. About strange animals coming into the house and the garden. (2) pp. 5-11. Preanger genealogies. (3) pp. 11-15. Descendants of Sutan Darma Kingking. (4) pp. 15-21. Genealogy of Timbanganten (5) pp. 22-24. Genealogy Galuh-Mataram. (6) pp. 24-33. Genealogy of Cung Manarah (Pajajaran). PrincessTanorah and the three sacred canons, etc. (7) pp. 33-34. Descendants of Siliwangi. (8) pp. 34-36. Padnalarang. (9) pp. 36-38. Descendants of the Sultans of Cirebon. (10) pp. 38-39. Genealogies of the dynasty of Cirebon. (11) pp. 40-41. Nurbuwat and related things. (12) pp. 41-45. Names of the cahyas of several places. (13) pp. 45-49. Descendance of the nine walis of Cung Manarah. (14) pp. 49-52. Genealogy of the rulers of Cirebon, also of walis, Panjang, Mataram. (15) pp. 52-55. Petakonan of a pangeran expected to come to Cirebon. (16) pp. 55-59. Umurmaya. Ratu Galuh and Ajar Gunung Padan. (17) pp. 59-62. Letter from Mecca with Wasiyyat Nabi, dated 1254 (1838-1839), number written in reverse: 4521. (18) pp. 62-68. Wasiat of Salih b. Muhammad. (19) p. 69. Shorter notes. Eclipse of 1249 (1833-1834). Divorce, Ǧumādā II 1242 (1826-1827), etc. (20) pp. 70-71. End of the Wasiyat. Eschatology. (21) pp. 71-72. Genealogy of the Prophet, till Adam. (22) pp. 73-82. Salasilah Panembang and Timbanganten. Date Muharram 1234 (1818). (23) pp. 82-86. Genealogies of the walis. Date Sha`ban 1248 (1832-1833). (24) pp. 86-88. Gambar Shaykh Kamaludin about the five eras. (25) pp. 88-93. (‘my ancestors’) Boundaries of Timbanganten, etc. Kitab Gambarang, dated Safar 1234 (1818). (26) pp. 94-100. Descendance of Panembang from Nabi Noh. (27) pp. 100-101. Another Salasilah of Timbanganten. (28) pp. 101-102. Salasilah of my great-mother. (29) pp. 102-105. Next coming ruler of Java (pralambang) and his pupuj (?).

(30) pp. 105-111. History of Adam, and several doa in connection with this. (31) p. 111. Naktus. Magical alphabet. (32) pp. 112-116. Mystical opinions about slaughter. (33) pp. 116-124. Happy and unhappy days of the year. (33) pp. 124-125. Instructions by Ali concerning war. (34) pp. 126-129. Means to counteract bad influences. Date Ragab 1250 (1834). With diagrams, with names of Prophets and Angels. (35) pp. 129-135. Days of the month. (36) pp. 135-138. The Naga. (37) pp. 139-145. The days of the week and their stars. (38) pp. 145-148. The good and bad earth. (39) pp. 148-149. Days fit for family reunions. (40) p. 150. Numerical value of the letters of the (Arabic) alphabet. (41) pp. 151-190. Calculation of happiness by the signs of the Zodiac. Several chapters (bab). On pp. 188-189 several diagrams. (42) pp. 190-191. Auspicious and inauspicious hours. (43) pp. 191-195. Interpretation of dreams. (44) pp. 195-197. Premonitions of earthquakes. (45) pp. 197-198. The science of house building. (46) pp. 198-200. On eclipses. P. 201 blank. (47) pp. 202-203. Pujians of all days. (48) pp. 204-210. Properties of the days. Diagrammic presentation on p. 210. (49) pp. 211-213. Babad of the five eras (Tirta Sangora). (50) pp. 213-215. Doa Nabi Suleiman. (51) pp. 216-224. Auspicious and inauspicious measure in building, reclamation of and, etc. (52) pp. 224-227. Interpretation of dreams according to the letters of the alphabet. Line for line Arabic text with translation. (53) pp. 227-228. Mystical jampe. In Sundanese? (54) pp. 228-232. Several jampes. In Sundanese? (55) pp. 232-235. Mysterious genesis and science of the horse. (56) p. 235. Prayer originating from the king of tigers. (57) pp. 235-236. The number of hairs, etc. (58) pp. 236-237. The letters of the (Arabic) alphabet and the parts of the human body. (59) pp. 237-238. God and man, wayang, etc. (60) pp. 238-240. About the sun. (61) pp. 240-241. Two diagrams (da’ira) with the word Muhammad. (62) p. 242. The dikirs and the alam. (63) p. 243. Notes, years 1256-1259 (1840-1844). (64) pp. 244-245. Mangsa calculation, with a diagram (p. 245). (65) pp. 246-247. Auspicous and inauspicious days, with small diagram on p. 246.

(66) pp. 247-251. Asihan of Diparudin. Note with date 1251 (1835-1836). (67) pp. pp. 251-260. Mystical creation stories. (68) pp. 260-269. Descendants of Ratu Sunda. (69) p. 270. Genealogical tree of sunan Gunung Jati. (70) pp. 271-279. Asihan. Notes about the ruination of Papandagan. Partly in tabellaric form. (71) pp. 279-280. Enigmas about the political future. (72) pp. 280-282. Mystical petakonan (creator in creation). (73) pp. 282-285. Petakonan for men and women. (74) pp. 285-286. Jampe. Mystical hanacaraka. Diagramic presentation. (75) pp. 287-290. History of Adam’s son Bungsu. (76) pp. 290-291. Private notes. (77) p. 291. Children of Dalem Cinisti. (78) pp. 292-293. Mystical history of creation. (79) pp. 293-294. Origin of the days. (80) p. 295. Private notes (Cikajang). (81) pp. 296-297. Calculations for finding back lost objects. (82) pp. 297-298. Description of a road. (83) p. 298. Private notes. Year 1240 (1824-1825). Tabellaric. (84) pp. 299-301. Calendrical calculations. Tabellaric. (85) pp. 302-303. How to obtain good auspicions when going out. (86) pp. 303-304. Calculation of marital bliss. (87) pp. 304-308. Mystical pantheistic explanation of uṣallī. (88) p. 309. Diagrams, with the name Muhammad, etc. (89) pp. 310-314. Notes about the construction of a water mains in Cimanuk and the money spent on that, etc. P. 311 blank. (90) pp. 315-316. Prescriptions for Rebo wekaran on the authority of Mu’inudin. (91) pp. 317-321. The sa’ats and their calculations. With diagrams and tabellaric presentations. (92) pp. 322-326. Kitab Pelekih. About lost objects, persons, etc. Followed by private notes (p. 326). (93) pp. 327-333. Notes about the construction of a pond in Cimargis, Garut, in 1239 (18231824). Followed (p. 231) by notes about the labour involved, with a note in Javanese script (p. 233) containing the date 1826. Largely a tabellaric presentation. (94) pp. 334-335. Financial notes about sawahs. Tabellaric presentation. (95) p. 336. Notes on the division of the marital goods between Juragan Kandu and his wife. (96) p. 337. The padi bill of Raden Panghulu. (98) p. 338. The estate of Raden Kanduruwan. (99) pp. 339-351. Notes about labour, their cost and reward, etc. See Pigeaud II, pp. 433-434. Arabic text not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 398 with no other information than the short note by Pigeaud.

Earlier provenance: K.F. Holle (1829-1896). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2202] Or. 7432 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 63 Old No. 69 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 49 pp., Arabic script. Notes on the salat (purification etc.) and on mysticism, martabat pitu. Copy of a Priangan book of notes. See Pigeaud II, p. 434. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 193. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2203) Or. 7433 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 64 Old No. 70 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 39 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree, dikir and wirid, preceded by Sundanese treatises, the first on Sri (pare, rice), the second on iron. Copy of a Priangan book of notes, 1895. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 434. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 248. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2204) Or. 7434 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 65 Sundanese or Javanese, with some Dutch, paper, 53 pp., Arabic script. Genealogies of noble Priangan families: Timbanganten, Panembong, Bandung, Pajajaran, Sumedang, Cerbon, mentioning kyan Santang, Pucuk Umun, Tanurang Gagang Wenang etc., with interspersed notes, some Sundanese, on volcanic eruptions, on salat taraweh, Kur’an recitation, prognostics from earthquakes, divination. Copy of a book of notes from Ci Calengka, 1898. A Dutch epitome is added, by (?) C. Snouck. Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 434. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 398. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2205) Or. 7435 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 66 One volume containing two parts. Or. 7435 a has 21 pp. Or. 7435 b has 111pp in one half-cloth binding with pasted boards. Or. 7435 b, the latter part is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 7741 a, below, made when (according to a note by Voorhoeve on the fly-leaf) the holes of rayap (white ants) in MS Leiden Or. 7741 a were not yet as large as they are now. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2206]

Or. 7435 a formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 66 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 21 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology. Seh Samsu Tabriz tale in prose, treatise on salat etc, names of 4 pernicious flashes (cahya upas) falling on 4 places: Mecca, Cerbon, Galuh and Ujung Kulon Pana’itan. Who knows their names is safe. See Pigeaud II, p. 434. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 200. Earlier provenance: Acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje (?) in Cicalengka in 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Mal. 2206] Or. 7435 b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 66 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, paper, 119 pp. + blanks, 22 x 17.5 cm, Arabic scripts, diagrams, modern half-cloth binding with pasted boards. The white spaces in the texts refer to holes due to rayab (termite). Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7741 a, below. (1) pp. 1-10. Javanese. Prayer texts. Doa. Diagrams on pp. 6, 9. (1a) pp. 11-48. Javanese, and some Arabic. Prayer texts. Doa. Alphabet on p. 18. Diagrams on pp. 26, 27, 45 (2) pp. 49-72. Arabic with interlinear Javanese translation. An extract or quotation by Ihsan alDin b. Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Samtarani from a work entitled Usul al-I`tiqad. Beginning after the eulogy: Qala Mawlana al-Shaykh Ihsan al-Din ... fi Kitab Usul al-I`tiqad. The present text seems to be an abstract or citation only. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7741 a (2), below. Later addition of a title (p. 49): Kitab al-Asrar, but this must be a mistake for the nextfollowing text (p. 95). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 393. (3) pp. 72-95. Tag al-Asrar, by Yusuf al-Tag (Shaykh Yusuf Makasar) (d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. A somewhat shorter version in which the author’s name is not mentioned. Arabic with interlinear translation in Javanese. Copied from MS Leiden Or. 7741 a (3), below, when some parts of the text in that MS which have now vanished were still extant. Full title given on p. 95: Tag al-Asrar fi Bayan Shuhud al-Abrar. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 354. See Pigeaud II, p. 434. (4) pp. 96-102. Prayer texts. Doa. Diagrams on pp. 96, 100. (5) pp. 103-106. Prayer texts. Doa. Date (from the original (p. 106) Ragab 1260 (1844)). (6) pp. 106-108. Prayer texts. Doa. (7) pp. 108-111. Prayer texts. Doa. Dates, from the original on p. 110: 28 Rabi` II and 21 Ragab. On p. 111 is the beginning only of a writing exercise with the Arabic alphabet with vocalization. pp. 112-120. Blank, followed by a few unpaginated blanks. Earlier provenance: Acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje (?) in Ci Calengka in 1898 Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2206]

Or. 7436 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 67 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Sundanese, Javanese, machine-made paper, 22 x 17.5 cm, [2] + 22 + 18 pp., modern half-cloth binding. Notes on prayers, marriage and women’s conduct (Pigeaud). (1) p. [1]. Fragment on ritual prayer, sembahyang. P. [2] blank. (2) pp. 1-21. Prayer texts, in Javanese or Sundanese, with parts in Arabic. Several shorter texts all beginning with a Basmala. P. 22 is blank. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (3) p. 1. Fragment in Arabic and Javanese script. In Sundanese? (4) pp. 2-11. Sipat duapuluh. On the 20 divine attributes. Date (from the original) on p. 11: 1837. (5) pp. 11-14. Arabic, beginning with Qur’an 9:128-129, followed by prayer texts, and more Qur’anic fragments. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. Pp. 15-16 and following. Blank. See Pigeaud II, p. 434. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 281. Earlier provenance: Copy of a Ci Calengka book of notes, 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2207] Or. 7437 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 68 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Sundanese, Javanese, machine-made paper, 22 x 17.2 cm, [2] + 20 pp., Arabic script, half-clothing binding, pasted boards. (1) pp. 1-2. Short Sundanese or Javanese text of religious content. (2) pp. 2-10. Putrana Ratu Galuh. Genealogies of Priangan families: Galuh, Galunggung, Cerbon, mentioning Ciyung Manara, Sili Wangi. (3) pp. 11-13. Salsilah Galunggung. (4) pp. 13-14. Arabic with interlinear translation. Note on Shafi`ite Fiqh, with Javanese translation, about what to do if animals have destroyed a fence. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. (5) pp. 14-18. Javanese or Sundanese. Alamat lindu. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 419-420. See Pigeaud II, pp. 434-435. Earlier provenance: Copy of a Ci Calengka book of notes, 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* (Mal. 2208] Or. 7438 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 69 Arabic, machine-made paper, 22 x 17.2 cm, 44 pp., fully vocalized Arabic script, half-cloth binding with pasted boards. (1) pp. 1-6. Prayer to `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani. On pp. 2-6. Tabellaric list of epithets of the Prophet Muhammad, 53 in total. (2) pp. 7-16. Prayer, Du`a’.

(3) pp. 16-44. Several shorter and longer prayer texts. Du`a’. Endings indicated with tammat. Several diagrams on pp. 42-43. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: Copy of a Ci Calengka book of notes, 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2209] Or. 7439 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 70 Sundanese, Javanese, paper, 42 pp., Arabic script. Notes on divination, dreams, charms, incantation. Ci Calengka note-book, 1898. See Pigeaud II, p. 435. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 302. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2210) Or. 7440 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 71 Sundanese, Javanese, 422 pp., paper, Javanese script. Lawbooks: Niti Surti, Niti Praja, Senapati Jimbun, Surya Ngalam, Salokantara Raja Niscaya, Gajah Mada, Arya Dilah Purwa Carita, Undang-undang Luluwangan Mataram, Jugul Muda, containing many explanations of law-terms (saloka), moreover incantations (kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi), prayers (makuta nabi Suleman e.a.) and notes on divination (palakiyah). Dated 1814, origin Sumedang. Old West Javanese script (often tarung instead of taling-tarung). A copy of the present manuscript is MS Leiden Or. 7441, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 435. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 260-261. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2211) Or. 7441 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 72 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 325 pp., Javanese script. Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7440, above. Lawbooks: Niti Surti, Niti Praja, Senapati Jimbun, Surya Ngalam, Salokantara Raja Niscaya, Gajah Mada, Arya Dilah Purwa Carita, Undang-undang Luluwangan Mataram, Jugul Muda, containing many explanations of law-terms (saloka), moreover incantations (kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi), prayers (makuta nabi Suleman e.a.) and notes on divination (palakiyah). See Pigeaud II, p. 435. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 261. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2212) Or. 7442 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 73 Sundanese or Javanese, paper (severely damaged), 325 pp., Javanese script.

Notes on law: Surya Ngalam, Luwang Mataram, and history and genealogy of Galuh, Sumedang, Ukur etc. Rustic script, origin: Sumedang. See Pigeaud II, p. 435. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 261-263. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2213) Or. 7443 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 74 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Sundanese, Javanese, machine-made paper, 21.5 x 17 cm, [4] + 23 pp. + blanks (pp. 24-32), Arabic script, half-cloth bindine, pastedboards Primbon Sumedang (text on spine). (1) pp. 1-9. Du`a’, prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. P. is 10 blank. (2) pp. 11-29. Qur’an, fragments. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. Surat al-Fatiha (1), followed by several prayers, introduced by al-Fatiha (1). On p. 13 begins guz’ 30: suras 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 (till aya 21), followed by a prayer in Arabic, a niyat in Sundanese (or Javanese?), and an istighfara in Sundanese (or Javanese). Pigeaud: Notes, prayers and shahadats, mainly Arabic. See Pigeaud II, p. 435. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 192. Earlier provenance: Copy of a Sumedang book of notes. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2214] Or. 7444 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 75 Sundanese or Javanese, treebark paper (dluang, damaged), 296 pp., Arabic script. Notes, mainly on genealogy (panca kaki, sunans of Panatan [?] Agung etc., Ratu Sunda agama Pakuwan). Cosmogony beginning with Medang Kamulan, Ratu Brahma, Parwata Siri, the origin of the rice, jawawut-Jawa, Galuh history, Lutung Kasarung tete Ciyung Manarah, Timbanganten. Further eschatology (letter from Mecca) and prophecies (gambar, Ratu Panelang), Adam’s fall. Divination, astrology (palintangan), dreams, medicines (woodpecker [platuk bawang]), magic (love magic Rambut Sadana), with a few notes on theology (some in Sundanese), mysticism and prayers. Book of notes dated 1818 A.D. originally belonging to K.F. Holle (1829-1896). From Priarjan, Bandung. See Pigeaud II, p. 435. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 376-377 and 397 (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2215) Or. 7445 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 76 Old No. 150 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 267 pp., Javanese script. Genealogy of Javanese Kings (sajarah pangiwa according to Rangga Warsita, Surakarta) and of the Sokapura family, Tasik Malaya, Priangan, and the Yasadipura family of Pengging, with

additional notes, in the beginning and at the end in Sundanese, on Sokapura family dates etc., on the tarikas Naksabandiya and Kadariya (compared), and on good behaviour. In the Pengging genealogy Klana Tunjung Seta and Jaka Bodo Andayaningrat, the King of cowherds (bocah angin), are mentioned. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to a retired Regent of Sokapura, made in 1900. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 150?). See Pigeaud II, pp. 435-436. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 301-302 and 399-400. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2216) Or. 7446 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 77 Old No. 71 Collective volume with text in Arabic, Sundanese or Javanese, machine-made paper, 21.6 x 17.2 cm, 52 pp. + 2 uunumbered pages, illustrations, late-19th cent., half-cloth binding, pasted boards. At the beginning of the volume is a description of the contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje, which, together with other notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje has been used for the present description. Pigeaud: Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree etc. mainly Arabic. (1) pp. 1-18. Tasliya. Blessings (Salawat) on the Prophet Muhammad, preceded by a story recommending their recitation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. Pp. 19-21 are blank. (2) pp. 22-29. Javanese. Silsilah and Ratib Shattariyya (Qushashi, Abdul Muhyi). Preanger 1893. P. 30 is blank. (3) pp. 31-32. Da’irahs. Diagrams, texts in Javanese. (4) pp. 33-37. Javanese. Notes about the unity of God. (4a) pp. 37-42. Javanese. Prescription for Dhikr. (4b) pp. 42-43. Arabic. Wasiyyat al-Nabi. Followed by several Hadith texts. (5) pp. 44-47. Fragments in Arabic about Dhikr from the school of al-Qushashi (Molla Ibrahim). A short citation from the first Mabhath of Inbah al-Anbah fi I`rab Kalimat la Ilaha illa Allah, by Ibrahim b. Hasan al-Kurani (d. 1101/1609), GAL S N II, 521, followed by a citation from a Hashiya by Yusuf b. `Abdallah al-Gawi al-Makasari. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 129. (6) pp. 47-52. A fragment in Arabic only of Khatima fil-Dhikr wal-Muraqaba. The last chapter only of Tanbih al-Tullab fi Ma`rifat al-Malik al-Wahhab by Shams al-Din b. (Abi) `Abdallah alSamatra’i (d. 1039/1630) = Shams al-Din of Pasai, treating Dhikr and Muraqaba. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Werk van Sjamsuddin van Pasai’, in BKI 108 (1952), p. 92. This is the only part of the book which has been found so far. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 24. This MS has the part on Dhikr only, without a title. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 365. A copy of this manuscript in the Rinkes collection is MS Leiden Or. 8584, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 436. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 202. Earlier provenance: Copy of a Priangan book of notes

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2217] Or. 7447 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 79 Old No. 57 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 27 pp., Arabic script. Mystic treatise, absolute unity. Copy of a Bandung primbon, 1894. See Pigeaud II, p. 436. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 300. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2218) Or. 7448 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 80 Old No. 59 Malay and Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 54 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism: Kadiriya pedigree, dikir, niyats etc., some in Malay and Sundanese. Copy of a Bandung book of notes. A Dutch epitome (by C. Snouck Hurgronje?) is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 436. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 193. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 447 (No. 975). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2219) Or. 7449 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 81 Old No. 72 Arabic and Sundanese or Javanese, machine-made paper, 22 x 17.2 cm, 113 pp., illustrations (diagrams and mystical drawings), Arabic script. At the end an extensive table of contents (more than 127 different items) in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje. Pigeaud: Notes on charms (jimat), medicines, magic etc. and on mysticism, Shattariya dikir, etc. See Pigeaud II, p. 436. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 189-190. 1. Pangbutetan ing bedil & paanghudang napsoa. 2. Jampe rodek. 3. Maning bedil. 4. Lamoen arep apepet bedil. 5. Turune dadalam Satariah (Qushashi, Abdur ra’up, Abdulmuhyi) of Muhammad Ali Sukapura. 6. Da’irah of the degrees of mysticism, the seven degrees, etc. 7. Du’a na wirid. 8. Tatakramaning dikir 9. Degrees of the Murids (Mubtadi’, etc.). 10. Wirid of Bagus Muhamad Ali (whose Silsilah under No. 5, above), and reflections about napi-isbat. 11. Da’irah sahadat. 12. The way of the Dikir through the body, and some quartets.

13. Explanation of the quartets, and especially the essence of roḥ, qalb, nafs, 14. Jampe against sleep. 15. Prayer after a dream, and bakeling wesi. 16. Jimat kuat shaat. 17. Djimat kabendoning goesti and bocah kene sawan. 18. Jimat wulan (see No. 84, below). 19. Doa maring tatali, and jimat aglis laki. 20. Jimat kinasihan d.w. wadon. 21. Jimat payu dagangan. 22. Lepehaken ing manah. 23. Jimat amasihakan. 24. Tetemba sabang. 25. Jimat gaga atawa sawah. 26. Tetamba sabang. 27. Tetamba sabang rawe. 28. Kinasihan d. rabine. 29. Doa, as it seems, to be used with No. 27, above. 30. Jimat panula’ setan. 31. Jimat sawan. 32. Jimat aja kabendon dening gusti. 33. Jimat aweh rasa, etc. 34. Tetumbal omah, aprang, lelungan. 35. Rajah Suleiman. 36. Rajah Suleiman. 37. Jimat tikus. 38. Pinandang setan. 39. Rajah of No. 38, above. 40. Jimat celeng tikus. 41. Jimat, in order to learn to know women’s secrets. 42. Wastu, etc., for the writing of jimats. 43. Tumbal tikus celeng. 44. Prayer for prosperity and blessing; incorrectly added to this Jimat jaran. 45. Jimat Abu Bakr (teguh). 46. Jimat teguh. 47. Jimat panula’ Shetan. 48. Ḥawqalah, etc. 49. Jimat teguh. 50. Jimat kinasihan dan wong ageng. 51. Jimat asihan. 52. Jimat Ba. Uthman (see also No. 87, below).

53. Jimat B. Ali. 54. Jimat panglimunan = ora katon. 55. Jimat ora katon omahe. 56-57. Jimat kinaweden-terasih. 58-59. Tetula’ sawah, gaga. 60. Ratuning jimat. 61. Reflections fropm Allah about the letters of His and Muhammad’s name. 61b. Panglemes (du’a). 62. Pangaweruh Batara Karang. 63. Names of and praise for the children of Suleman. 64. Jimat payu dagangan. 65. Tumbal maling. 66. Tumbal celeng, tikus. 67. Tumbal celeng, tikus. 68. Jimat for harmony between husband and wife. 69. Jimat ora metu mani. 70. Jimat kasihan. 71. Jimat aja kena geni. 72. Rajah bumi sangat. 73. Jimat panyirep wong apadu. 74. Kasihan wong ageng. 75. Jimat metu mani. 76. Jimat omah aja kena ing geni. 76a. Jimat ora bias arerasan (to powerfully speak maledictions). 77. Jimat srengenge. 78. Kasihan. 79. Jimat Umar (teguh). 80. Mekota rasululah as a jimat. 81. Ratuning jimat. 82. Panglimunan. 83. Loga ting penggawe arong. 84. Jimat Wulan (see No. 18, above). 85. Jimat against birds on sawah. 86. Jimat in order to create harmony among women. 87. Jimat Uthman (teguh). See also No. 52, above. 88. Item is lacking. 89. Jimat teguh. 90. Jimat teguh (against weapons). 91. Jimat aja pareq Setan. 92. Jimat in order to get a husband.

93. Jimat peluh. 93a. Jampe (‫?)بتكا‬ 93b. Du’a peluh. 94. Jampe lara panas. 95. Jampe maring antu. 96. Dairah of the shahadat with the sipats and something abut the 7 martabats. 97. Daira of Allah, Muhammad, sipats, etc. 98. Jampe lara untu. 98a. Shahadat batin, shahadat tampe ashhadu. 98b. Jampe peluh. 99. Jampe ageng Dakar. 100. Jampe maring buaya. 101. Jampe pangbukeman (in order to forcefully close the mouth of wild animals). 102. idem. 103. Maring macan. 104. Panawa ing upas. 105. Prayers to be said at holy graves. 106. Du’a peluh. 107. About the sipat duapuluh. 107a. Wajibing salat kang 18. 108. Jimat in order to let a child learn to walk (in the middle of No. 107). 109. Muqaranah. 110. Neqtuning aksara (letters of name added up, then repeatedly substract seven, rest to be looked up in table. Nature of the carrier of the name = nature of what is said there, and those of the nabis (ramal). 111. Fragment of a japa (?), about sperma. 112. Du’a wong agulati jodo. 113. Su’a to be said before sleeping, to be well learned by heart. 114. Du’a for once in every ten days, in order to think very well of the commands of the guru. 115. Jejamu in order to be able to sit, walk, etc., for a long time. 116. Du’a in order to create feelings of disappointment with others. 117. Niyyat for slaughter. 118. Jampe for slaughter and to prepare the meat so that it is delicious. 119. Jampe pereh (?). 120. Nyawargasaen sato kang sinembeleh. 121. Paranti omgundang barhala (against rats in the sawah). 121a. Niyyat salat hajat. 122. Tetamba kukuhuntu. 123. Tetamba suren (?). 124-125. Figures of mayi’.

126. Pangudong rasa (in order to prepare meat so that is become delicious). 127. Du’a luaran (against sadness during a disaster). In the whole of the collection there are several prayer texts in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Earlier provenance: Copy of a Bandung book of notes. At the end, in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Primbon, ontvangen uit Bandoeng. Juli ’92’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2220] Or. 7450 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 82 Old No. 73 Sundanese or Javanese, with some Dutch, 32, 75 and 41 pp., Arabic script. Notes: (1) 32 pp. Divination, prayers. (2) 75 pp. Charms, incantations i.a. referring to agriculture, Sri; prophecies of the Galuh King and of Aji Saka; erotics, asmara gama; Munkarun waNakirun questions in the grave; mysticism; incantations (nini Bankawarj) and divination (some in Malay, not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (3) 41 pp. Mysticism, note on malemans (in the Fast) and on the salat, with mystic interpretations (containing the date 1797 A.D.). Copies of a Bandung books of notes, 1892. Extensive Dutch summaries (by C. Snouck Hurgronje?) are added. See Pigeaud II, p. 436. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 232-233. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2221) Or. 7451 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 82 Old No. 75 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 28 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism etc., at the end: Javanese sahadat mentioning raden Kuncung Gunung Jati. Copy of a Bandung primbon, 1892. See Pigeaud II, pp. 436-437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 224. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2222) Or. 7452 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 83 Old No. 76 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 35 pp., Arabic script. Notes on charms, magic, niyats, salat ta`at, etc., copy of a Bandung book of notes. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 266. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2223)

Or. 7453 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 84 Old No. 77 Javanese or Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 109 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Naksibandiya pedigree, martabat pitu, schematic figures (i.a. the three fishes with one head), explanations of letters (aksaras), opinions of the walis on tekad: sunan Benang, sunan Kali Jaga, sunan Kudus, sunan Cerbon, pangeran Tembayat, pangeran Pakaos, sunan Gunung Jati, sunan Palembang, seh Lemah Abang, pangeran Kajoran, sunan Iman, sunan seh Nur Iman. Copy of a Bandung book of notes, 1892, with Dutch epitome added. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 247-248. Illustrated in Pigeaud III, p. 7 (plate 8). See now also Annabel Teh Gallop, ‘Cultural Interactions in Islamic Manuscript Art. A Scholar’s Library from Mindanao’, in Oman Fathurahman, Kawashima Midori, Labi Sarip Riwarung (eds.), The Library of an Islamic Scholar of Mindanao. The Collection of Sheik Muhammad Said bin Imam sa Bayang at the AlImam As-Sadiq (A.S.) Library, Marawi City, Philippines. An Annotated Catalogue with Essays. Tokyo: Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University, 2019, pp. 205-248, especially pp. 220-232. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2224) Or. 7454 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 85 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 36 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, sipat 20, martabat 7, partly in Sundanese. Copy of a Bandung book of notes, 1892. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 226. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2225) Or. 7455 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 86 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 52 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, prayers, Sattariya pedigree etc. Book of notes from Suci, Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 248 and (?) 278 (different manuscripts!). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2226) Or. 7456 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 87 Sundanese or Javanese, Dutch, paper, 50 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, kawula-gusti doctrine, condemnation of false doctrines, bai`at rite mentioning Nur Hakim, Sattariya pedigree, dikir, prayers. Book of notes from Suci, Garut. A Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 245-246.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2227) Or. 7457 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 89 Sundanese or Javanese, Malay, treebark paper (dluang, severely damaged), 113 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, eschatology (some Malay), maleman offerings (hadiyat), sahadat Patimah, women, prayers (duca panetep iman). Book of notes from Suci, Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 210. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 447 (No. 976). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2228) Or. 7458 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 89 Old No. 82 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 58 pp., Arabic script. Notes on cosmogony and genealogy of Sundanese families, Galuh, Cerbon, Banten, the walis, Timbanganten, eschatology (imam mahdi) and prayers, preceded by a Sundanese treatise by Hasan Daud of Suci on salat jati. Cosmogony. Book of notes from Panembong (Garut), 1892. See Pigeaud II, p. 437. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 399, where an erroneous class-mark is given (MS Leiden Or. 7558, instead of MS Leiden Or. 7458), where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume are identified as Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2229) Or. 7459 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 90 Sundanese or Javanese, paper, 68 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on mysticism, sunan Gunung Jati, suluk Daka, doxology of Muhammad, Nur Muhammad, further magic (tumbals) and genealogy (Javanese script). Copy (1890 A.D.) of a book of notes of kyahi Salinggih (Ci Cadas, Limbangan), given to a disciple at his initiation (Shattariya-Nakshibandiya), in 1180 H. (1766 A.D.). See Pigeaud II, pp. 437-438. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 227. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2230) Or. 7460 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 92 Old No. 78 Arabic and Sundanese or Javanese, machine-made paper, 17 x 10.8 cm, 13 + 11 + 13 + 13 pp. = 72 ff., Arabic script in several hands (sometimes vocalized), half-cloth binding. Collection of primbons in one binding. Notes on mysticism, partly Sundanese, prayers, Sri incantations and sarabad. Four small books of notes from Panembong and Suci (Garut),

Bojong and Wanaraja. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (1892, no 78?). See Pigeaud II, p. 438. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 225. Primbon IV. pp. 1-43 (ff. 1b-22b). Primbon from Wanaraja, Garut: Arabic and Javanese prayers and about origin and essence of Pertimah. Original owner Ali Ahmad, Wanaraja, Garut. (1) pp. 1-7. Arabic. Sharh on a Du`a’ Mubarak. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (2) pp. 7-14. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (3) pp. 14-20. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. (4) pp. 20-33. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. Each line begins with Subhanaka. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (5) pp. 33-43. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. Diagram on p. 43. Primbon III. Pp. 1-59 (ff. 24a-55b). Primbon 0f Muhamad Israp, Bojong (Jampes of Sri, Sarabad, etc.). Original owner Muhammad Arshad from Bojong. Collection of as yet unidentified texts, prayers and otherwise, in Javanese. The following divisions can be observed: (1) pp. 1-11; (2) pp. 11-16; (3) pp. 16-20; (4) pp. 20-22; (5) p. 23; (6) pp. 24-37; (7) pp. 37-48; (8) pp. 48-52; (9) pp. 52-54; (10) pp. 54-58. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa; (11) p. 58; (12) p. 59. Primbon II. Pp. 1-14 (ff. 56a-65b) Primbon from Suci (mystical content), 1892, belonging to Muhammad Arwah, son of Kiahi Galali, from Sucy, Garut. Collection of as yet unidentified texts, prayers and otherwise, in Javanese. The following divisions can be observed: (1) pp. 1-2; (2) pp. 3-5; (3) pp. 6-9; (4) p. 9; (5) pp. 10-13; (6) p. 14. Primbon I. Pp. 1-10 (ff. 66a-72b). Javanese/Arabic. Mukhtasar fil-Shattariyya, Compendium of Shattariyya written by al-Haggi Salih from Panembong, Garut, March 1892. Earlier provenance: mentioned separately for each primbon apart. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2231] Or. 7461 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 92 Old No. 83 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese or Sundanese, Dutch, machine-made paper, 21.2 x 16.5 cm, [12] + 97 pp., a primbon from Garut, with extentisive description by C. Snouck Hurgronje, preceding the texts, half-cloth binding, with pasted boards. Text on spine: ‘Garoetsche primbon. Fiqh, mystiek, geschiedenis (K. Sanang)’ p. 1. Notes in Javanese. (1) pp. 2-22. Arabic. Targhib al-A`mal fi Bayan Kayfiyyat al-Salat. Anonymous mystical treatise. All manuscripts in Leiden come from Indonesia, and so does MS Berlin, Schöm. XI, 1, Ahlwardt 3550. The beginning is similar to that of `Arsh al-Muwahhidin. Lacuna indicated by Voorhoeve on p. 8. Copyist or owner on p. 22: kiyahi Marzuq Cikalong (p. 22). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369. (2) p. 23. Javanese. Note on Tanambahan Cirebon. (3) pp. 24-28. Javanese. Cerita Panutup Iman. Diagram on p. 24.

(4) pp. 28-29. Arabic. Prayer text, Du`a’. (5) pp. 30-43. Javanese. Religious text. Diagrams on pp. 30-31, 33, 34, 36, 39 (kawula gusti), 4041. (6) pp. 44-56. Javanese. Dadaws Bupati Nama Tu Munggung. Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje pointing to parallel passages in what he calls his copy of the ‘Godogsche primbon’, pp. 1-7. P. 57. Blank. (7) pp. 58-59. Javanese. Turun-turun … (8) pp. 60-97. Javanese. Suluks: Abesi, Sujinah, seh Samsu Tamris. A romanized copy of these suluks by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.771, below. See Pigeaud II, 664. Pigeaud: Notes on fikh, salat, prayers, mysticism, divination, on genealogy and history of Sundanese families beginning with keyan Santang. See Pigeaud II, p. 438. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 181-182. Earlier provenance: Book of notes from Garut. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2232] Or. 7462 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 94 Old No. 114 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Dutch, European laid paper, 206 pp., 16 x 10 cm, Arabic script in many hands, black ink with rubrication, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. ‘A notebook from Garut, Western Java’. With extensive description of the contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje, at the end of the volume. (1) pp. 1-4. Acephalous fragment of common worship by the members of a Tariqa as described by `Ali b. Ahmad al-Qushashi in Medina, in 1076 AH (1665-1066). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 466. (2) pp. 4-11. Arabic with interlinear Javanese glossing. Ratib. Title: Nasid (read: Nashid) alAwwal min Kayfiyyat al-Dhikr al-Ratib ... See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 285. (2a) pp. 11-14. Similar text as preceding, Arabic text only. Nashid ba`d al-Dhikr al-Ratib. (2b) pp. 14-31. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. Qur’anic texts, followed (p. 23) by Tasdiq, and other prayer texts. (3) pp. 31-35. Khutbat al-Nikah. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 163. (4) pp. 35-47. Du`a’. Arabic. Prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (4a) pp. 47-56. Arabic. Du`a’ Arwah Rasul, and other prayer texts. (5) pp. 57-59. Arabic. Silsilat al-Fatiha. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 337. (6) pp. 60-68. Arabic. Fragments of Hadith on the correspondence of Salat’s, Prophets and colours, and the merit of reciting the surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 443. (6a) pp. 68-69. Numerical value of the names of several letters. (6b) p. 69. Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1). (6c) pp. 70-93. Sual Jawab. Javanese. (6d). pp. 94-101. Javanese. Shajara.

(6e) pp. 101-102. Sajarah Cerbon, Sajarah Mataram, Sajarah Banten. (6f) pp. 102-109. Several shorter prayer texts. Du`a’. (7) pp. 109-113. Note by Fakhr al-Din Abu Bakr al-Raddad on the number of persons required for a valid Gum`a-service (Friday Salat). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 446-447. (8) pp. 113-115. A citation about the duty of obeissance to a ruler. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 379, where the fragment is mentioned in connection with al-Tibr al-Masbuk fi Nasihat alMuluk, by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111). (9) pp. 114-118. Fragments of the text of the Qur’an. From sura 9:51, sura 11, surat al-Mala’ika [= sura 35], sura 39. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. (9a) pp. 119-120. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. (9b) p. 121. Shorter notes in Arabic and Javanese or Sundanese, about higam, asma, a Hadith. (9c) pp. 122-177. Arabic text about al-Asma al-Husna, with commentary in Javanese (or Sundanese). (9d) pp. 178-179. Mas’alat tutur. Diagram on f. 179a. (10) pp. 180-200. Arabic, occasionally with Javanese interlinear glosses. Sifat al-Nabi, or Sifat Rasul Allah (title on p. 200). Anonymous, beginning with a Hadith on the authority of `Ali b. Abi Talib. An amulet text bringing luck to the house in which it is kept. All known copies are from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 335-336. (11) 201-206. Collection of shorter texts and fragments, about the children of the Prophet Muhammad (p. 200), prayer with al-Asma al-Husna (p. 201), and similar texts, both in Arabic and Javanese (or Sundanese). See Pigeaud II, p. 438, where the contents of the volume is described as follows: Notes on prayers, tales and genealogies of walis (sunans) of Cerbon, Mataram and Banten, Muhammad’s Ascension to Heaven (mi`rag) and Muhammad’s shaving, his qualities (sifat, Arabic with Javanese glosses). A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. Book of notes from Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 438. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatata. Bandung 1988, pp. 187 and 207, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. Ekadjati describes the same manuscript twice. On p. 187 he identifies the languages as Arabic, Javanese and Dutch; on p. 207 he describes the languages as Sundanese, Arabic, Javanese and Dutch. The Dutch is mentioned because of the description of the contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Earlier provenance: ‘Primbon uit Garoet. Mei ’92’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2233] Or. 7463 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 94 Old No. 87 Javanese, paper, 74 pp., Arabic script, illustration. Notes on theology and mysticism, Shattariya pedigree, annotated by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Also a figure of 3 fishes with together 1 head, also annotated. See now also Annabel Teh Gallop, ‘Cultural Interactions in Islamic Manuscript Art. A Scholar’s Library from Mindanao’, in Oman

Fathurahman, Kawashima Midori, Labi Sarip Riwarung (eds.), The Library of an Islamic Scholar of Mindanao. The Collection of Sheik Muhammad Said bin Imam sa Bayang at the AlImam As-Sadiq (A.S.) Library, Marawi City, Philippines. An Annotated Catalogue with Essays. Tokyo: Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University, 2019, pp. 205-248, especially pp. 220-232. Questions and answers. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to Muhammad Nurullah Habibuddin of Cerbon, Kanoman family, dated 1870 A.D. See Pigeaud II, p. 438. Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, describes the same manuscript twice, on pp. 190 and 209. Either description is an Indonesian abstract of Pigeaud’s description. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2234) Or. 7464 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 95 Old No. 88 Javanese or Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 58 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Anfasiya tarika, magic, incantations originally from Karang Pamijahan, tale of Adam’s youngest son ki Bungsu and aki Karang, cosmogony, Cahya Nurbuwat versus Allah Ta`ala, Ratu Galuh, Ratu Lara Kidul (Southern Ocean), the gods. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to pangeran Purba Wijaya of Cerbon, copied by Muhammad Sapici, panghulu of Garut. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 438. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 246, where an Indonesian abstract of Pigeaud’s description is given. He identifies the languages in the volume as Sundanese, Javanese, and Dutch. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2235) Or. 7465 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 97 Old No. 89 Javanese, Arabic, Dutch, European laid paper, [1] + 154 pp. (pp. 153-154 have changed places: misbound), Javanese script (Arabic script on p. 146), illuminations (animal and vegetal motifs, pp. 3, 10, 19, 27, 41, 57, 72, 101) for indicating new texts; illustrations (molluscs [?], krisses: pp. 141-143; circular figures: p. 153), half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Pigeaud: Notes on mysticism, kawula-gusti doctrine, martabat 7, sahadats, divination, cosmogony and genealogy of Galuh, Pajajaran, Mataram and Cerbon (Pucuk Umun, Tanduran Gagang, three cannon, Sili Wangi), portents, crisses, pamor, prayers, dated (family-notes) about 1760 AD. Cerbon script and idiom. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added at the beginning. This has been used for the description hereunder. (1) pp. 1-27. Notes, ma’ripat, kaula-gusti, marabat 7, etc. (2) pp. 27-37. Iman and sipat duapuluh. (3) pp. 37-41. Martabat matters (ta’yun, etc.). (4) pp. 41-56. Niyyats and other ritual formulas.

(5) pp. 56-65. Arabic and Javanese formulas, on pp. 59-60 fragment of a genealogical tree of the rulers of Cerbon. Pp. 62-63: Several curious shahadats among which those of the Sunans (Gunung Jati, Kali Jaga) (6) p. 66. Some short sura’s of the Qur’an in Javanese script. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. (7) pp. 67-71. Mystical origin of the waktus and parts of the salat. (8) pp. 71-100. The mystical origin of Petakanan (iman, tohid, makripat, etc.), curious sadata, tapsir of pateha, mystical Alif-ba-ta, the 5 waktus, the 4 Kitabs, the 7 days, puji dina, sidekah according to the months, again 7 sadats, and other formulas. (9) pp. 100-132. Sajarah of Muhammad, life span of prophets, genealogy of several walis. Sajarah of Cerbon: cosmogony through to Adam (including genealogy of Muhammad, origin and names of metals, etc. (up to p. 116)). Descendants of the Prophet Noh’s younger line, ending in Galuh and Mataram (till Pangeran Adinati Anom). Genealogy of the Cerbonese and Bantenese rulers, from Husen Sahid (pp. 122-123), also with the history of the marriages of Tanduran gegang (3 canons) and continuation of Pajajaran-Galuh history with numerous formulas of Galuh, Siliwangi, etc. (10) pp. 133-146. On the significance of eclipses and earthquakes in certain times (partly in verse in tembang metre). All sorts of formulas, recipes, etc., model letter (p. 140), pp. 133-146. Models of krisses. Prayers, du’as for different purposes. (11) pp. 146-154. Formulas, familial notes (p. 147), elmus. Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 182, gives an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description. As languages in the volume he mentions Sundanese and Javanese. See Pigeaud II, p. 439. Earlier provenance: On spine: ‘primbon (mystiek) Tjarebon’, mystical primbon from Cerbon. Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia in 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2236] Or. 7466 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 97 Old No. 90 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 182 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on Cerbon history, customs, regalia of the Courts, names and graves of sunan Gunung Jati and his descendants the Cerbon Sultans, mystic lessons of the walis, names of spirits (incantations), plans of Royal compounds, mosques and graveyards (seh Hatim, a disciple of sunan Kali Jaga, Pamlaten, grave of seh Lemah Abang. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to raden arya Bratadiwijaya, a former patih of Cerbon, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1894. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.773, below. See Pigeaud II, pp. 439, 664. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 412, where the languages are indicated as Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2237)

Or. 7467 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 98 Old No. 87a Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 29 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology, Shattariya tarika. Copy of a mystic manual originally belonging to Adikusuma of Lemah Wungkung, Cerbon, 1903. See Pigeaud II, p. 439. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 248, where a repetition in Indonesian of Pigeaud’s description is offered. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2238) Or. 7468 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 99 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script. Kidung Rumeksa ing wengi, in verse, incantation. Copy Bandung, 1903. See Pigeaud II, p. 439. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 279, where the language is indicated as Sundanese and Javanese, and the content summarily as ‘poetry’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2239) Or. 7469 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 100 Old No. 24 Javanese, paper, 163 pp., Javanese script. History of the Wirasaba-Banyumas family in verse. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 439. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 423, where Pigeaud’s description is repeated in Indonesian. Earlier provenance: Copy received from Mr. Selleger. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2240) Or. 7470 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 101 Old No. 158 Javanese, paper, 115 pp., Javanese script. Sri Gandana, romantic-didactic tale in verse. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in Purwakerta, Banyumas, 1905. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 439. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2241) Or. 7471 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 102 Javanese, paper, 71 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree, prayers. Copy of a book of notes from Kober, Purwakerta, Banyumas, 1889. See Pigeaud II, p. 439. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2242)

Or. 7472 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 104 Javanese, paper, 17 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, the twelve prophets’ monthly repasts (mumule dishes), divination, hadis kudsi in verse, prayers and charms. Selections copied from a Malang Yuda book of notes, marked E. See Pigeaud II, pp. 439-440. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2243) Or. 7473 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 105 Javanese, Dutch of Javanese interest, paper, 18 pp., Latin script. Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje on Malang Yuda, the Banyumas mystic master, epitomes of his disciples’ books of notes, 1889. See Pigeaud II, p. 440. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2244) Or. 7474 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 106 Javanese, paper, 144 pp., Arabic script, illustrations. Notes on mysticism, Naksabandiya tarïka, schematic figures. Copy of a book of notes from Wanayasa, Banyumas. A Javanese table of contents is added, 1904. See Pigeaud II, p. 440. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2245) Or. 7475 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 107 Javanese, paper, 184 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, doctrines of saints: seh Mansur, Ba Yazid, the Javanese walis, Karang magic, medicines, charms, prayers. Copy of a book of notes from Wanayasa, Banyumas. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added, 1904. A copy of the present manuscript was made for D. Rinkes: now MS Leiden Or. 8586, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 440. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2246) Or. 7476 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 108 Javanese, paper, 65 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism and theology, prayers, wirid. Copy of a book of notes from Wanayasa, Banyumas. A Javanese table of contents is added, 1904. See Pigeaud II, p. 440. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2247) Or. 7477

formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 109

Old No. 55 (?)

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, machine made paper, 21.6 x 17.5 cm, 100 pp., Arabic script, copied from a severely damaged primbon in Kedu, Java, made in 1902. (1) pp. 1-15. Arabic. Mawlid (or Mawlud) Sharaf al-Anam. Anonymous, but sometimes (however, not in the Leiden MSS) ascribed to al-Bukhari, cf. GAL S II, 1000, No. 42. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 207-208. (2) pp. 15-16. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) pp. 16-20. Arabic. Prayer text in Qur’an-like sentence. Also seen in Or. 7461, above. (4) pp. 21-26. Arabic. More Mawlid prayers. (5) pp. 26-37. Notes in Javanese of miscellaneous nature, in verse: On the Sultan of Rum settling people in Java. (6) pp. 37-65. Javanese. Didactic, on statecraft (Sasana Prabu ?). (6) pp. 65-78. Javanese. Moralistic, on Iblis la`nat. (7) pp. 78-90. Javanese. On the Surakarta and Yogyakarta Courts and their pomp. (8) pp. 90-100. Javanese. On the doctrines of the walis. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10867-D, below. Soegiarto produced his description in July-October 1967. This description and a few notes by Pigeaud have been used for the present description. See Pigeaud II, p. 440. Earlier provenance: At the end is a pencil note by C. Snouck Hurgronje : ‘Copie van een primbon uit Kedoe, vermeld in mijne missive 1902, No. 55.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2248] Or. 7478 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 110 Javanese, with some Arabic, paper, 56 pp., Arabic script. Notes on fiqh and theology, a catechism called Masa’ilah and a concise theological tract called Usul, a primer used in religious schools in Bagelen. On a loose leaf is added an Arabic tradition referring to a scorpion from Hell which will appear on the Day of Judgment to punish neglect of religious duties, called Klabang), (`Akrab) Kurais, usually mentioned in primers as an admonition. Presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by the panghulu of Purwareja, Bagelen. See Pigeaud II, p. 440. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2249) Or. 7479 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 111 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 171 pp., Javanese script. Notes on mysticism, lessons, wejangan, doctrines of walis and saints, eight in each of the realms of Demak, Pajang and Mataram, mentioning several groups of eight names each. Origin probably: Surakarta. Copy of a book of notes from Bagelen, 1904. A Dutch epitome by C.

Snouck Hurgronje is added. A copy of this manuscript by Hendrik Kraemer (1888-1965) is registered as MS Leiden Or. 11.664, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 441. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2250) Or. 7480 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 112 Old No. 34 Javanese, paper, 46 pp., Javanese script. Notes on mysticism and theology, copy of MS Jakarta, KBG No. 17, called Martabatan dalil ngelmi, originally found in Benda, district of Wanarata, Ambal, Bagelen, in 1864. The copy was made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1891. A Javanese list of contents is added. MS Leiden Or. 8597, below, contains the same texts (copy D. Rinkes) in another order. See also J.L.A. Brandes’ notes in Notulen Bataviaasch Genootschap 26 (1888) p. 117-121. See Pigeaud II, p. 441. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2251) Or. 7481 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 113 Javanese, paper, 36 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, sahadat and five rukun’s explained by Endra Tuwa of Telaga Sana, Luwano, doctrines of the walis, twelve ways of religious life (laku) that are amiss (sasar), the votaries become animals after death (reincarnation ?), ten kinds of beings (nabi, wali, mala’ikat, etc.). Copy of an old book of notes, made in 1889 for C. Snouck Hurgronje by the son of the Purwareja panghulu, Bagelen. See Pigeaud II, p. 441. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2252) Or. 7482 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 114 Old No. 110 Javanese, paper, 26 and 191 pp., Arabic script. A. 26 pp. Notes on the genealogy of religious families, beginning with sunan Ampel Denta and pangeran Pekik of Surabaya, and their relations with the Central Javanese Royal families. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to kyahi Marjuka of Wanakrama, Yogyakarta. B. 191 pp. Notes on mysticism, prayers, medicines, charms. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to haji Yusup, kaum Danurejan, Yogyakarta. See Pigeaud II, p. 441. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2253) Or. 7483 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 115 Javanese, paper, 24 pp., Arabic script. Notes on divination, incantations (dewi Sri) referring to agriculture, with two loose leaves on divination. Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to haji Muhammad Amin, Pakualaman, Yogyakarta, 1891. See Pigeaud II, p. 441.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2254) Or. 7484 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 116 Javanese, paper, 19 pp., Javanese script. Notes on divination, prayers, medicines, puji dina. See Pigeaud II, p. 441. Earlier Provenance: Copy of a book of notes originally belonging to pekih Ibrahim, Yogyakarta, 1891. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2255) Or. 7485 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 117 Javanese, paper, 153 pp., Javanese script. Kirab Dalem sampeyan dalem kangjeng gusti pangeran adipati anom Amengku Nagara kang sudibya rajaputra narendra ing Mentaram nagari Yogyakarta. Description in verse of the procession in 1889 on the occasion of Sultan Hamengku Buwana VII’s son being proclaimed Crown-Prince of Yogyakarta. Added is a short treatise in verse on characters in connection with periods of birth (divination). See Pigeaud II, pp. 441-442. Earlier provenance: Yogyakarta, pekih Ibrahim, 1891. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2256) Or. 7486 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 118 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 27 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree, mentioning Abdul Muhyi of Karang. Copy of part of a Surakarta book of notes, 1890, with marginal notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. On a loose leaf: copy in Javanese script of some stanzas from a History of Cerbon (from MS Jakarta, KBG Brandes no 2 [?]) mentioning Sultan Tajul Ngaripin, son of Jamaludin, and his religious masters Abdul Muhyi Karang, Sapar Wadi, Amja Pansur, ki Malasepa and ki Gunung Cinde. See Pigeaud II, p. 442. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 225-226, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is offered. The language is given by Ekadjati as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2257)

Or. 7487 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 119 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Dutch, paper, 22 x 17.5 cm, 52 pp., vocalized Arabic script, illustrations, modern half-cloth binding, pasted boards. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. Fragments copied from No. 29 of the Surakarta Collection (letter ‘Algemeene Secretarie’ dated Fabruary 26, 1890), as said in a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje at the beginning of the volume (which is the source of the present description). Occasional marginal notes in pegon and Dutch. (1) pp. 1-17. Martabat 7 mixed with the history of creation (Nurs, Adam, etc.). See also Primbon Tjikadoeeum, pp. 153-156. (2) pp. 17-26. Cohesion of the five salats and the number of rak`as with all sorts of other matters. The same about other salats, etc. (3) pp. 27-30. When Laylat al-Qadr falls of day 21, 23, etc. Note by C. Snouck Hurgronje: Similar things as given here are also treated in No. 87 of the Surakarta Collection. (4) pp. 30-36. Age of the prophets. (5) pp. 36-38. Several niyyats. (6) pp. 38-43. Several shahadats in connection with the sakarat al-mawt, and different types of death in connection with that. See also Bahri and Aspia of Bonjonegoro. (7) pp. 43-45. ‘The fifteen verses of the Qur’an’. Ayat lima welas. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. (8) pp. 46-52. Jimats (zimat), rajahs, etc. Numerous illustrations of amulets, comparable to those in Or. 7708, pp. 81-87, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 442, where the contents of the volume are described as follows: ‘Notes on mysticism and theology, salat, niyat, sahadat, magic, charms, rajahs. Copy of part of a Surakarta book of notes, 1890’. Earlier provenance: Fragments copied from No. 29 of the Surakarta Collection. I have not identified this collection. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2258] Or. 7488 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 120 Javanese, paper, 74 pp., Javanese script. Wirid, manual of instruction in mystic lore, lessons (wejangan), in good prose. Origin Surakarta. See Pigeaud II, p. 442. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2259) Or. 7489 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 121 Javanese, paper, 258 + 13 + 4 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts, illustrations. In Arabic script: Notes on mysticism, beginning with tabaruk of `Abdu’l-Kadir Jailani, prayers,

schematic figures, medicines, charms. Reverse: 4 pp. Javanese script, notes on sahadat, originally emanating from kyahi gede Mataram. Copy of a book of notes from Klaten, Surakarta. A Javanese table of contents is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 442. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2260) Or. 7490 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 123 Javanese, paper, incomplete, 212 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, prayers, Shattariya pedigree, salat, dikir, charms, divination. Original book of notes, well written, with rubrics, from Surakarta. See Pigeaud II, p. 442. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2261) Or. 7491 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 123 Javanese, paper, 37 pp., Javanese script. Notes on astrology (palintangan), divination, prayers, medicines, magic. At the end a short treatise on the 30 letters of the Arabic alphabet in verse. Book of notes from Wanagiri, Surakarta, 1889, marked I. See Pigeaud II, p. 442. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2262) Or. 7492 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 124 Javanese, paper, 36 pp., Javanese script. Jaya Baya prophecies, five dishes of the ajar, divination, chronology (the windus), mysticism, the four napsus, seven salats. Book of notes from Wanagiri, Surakarta, 1889, marked II. See Pigeaud II, pp. 442-443. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2263) Or. 7493 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 126 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, paper, 55 pp., Arabic script. Notes on prayers and incantations, Arabic, Javanese and some Malay and Sundanese, five chapters (kepala), dated 1890 A.D. Book of notes from Pacitan, Madiun. Legacy Sn. Hurgronje (no 112?). See Pigeaud II, p. 443. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 206, 207, where the same volume is described twice. Ekadjati does not offer more than an Indonesian version of Pigeaud’s description.

See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 447 (No. 977), where no more information is given than Pigeaud already had provided. The parts in Arabic: not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2264) Or. 7494 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 127 Old No. 113 Javanese, paper, 71 pp., Javanese script. Notes on prayers, charms and incantations. Book of notes from Madiun. See Pigeaud II, p. 443. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2265) Or. 7495 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 127 Javanese, paper, 56 pp., Arabic script. Notes on prayers, incantations, divination, i.a. referring to agriculture, prognostics (vibrations), portents (earth-quakes, eclipses), names given to children according to the weekday of their birth. Book of notes from Panaraga, 1891. See Pigeaud II, p. 443. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2266) Or. 7496 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 129 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 46 pp., Javanese script. Notes on magic, incantations (kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi, tambak jawah (to keep off rain), medicines, prayers, charms. Copy of 8 small books of notes from Ngawi, 1904. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 443. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2267) Or. 7497 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 130 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Malay, paper, incomplete, 102 pp., Arabic script. Kabar Kiyamat in verse, eschatological poem mentioning Iman Mahdi, Daggal etc., in stars). Beginning and end are missing. A Javanese epitome and a list of the beginnings of the cantos is added. Copy of a manuscript (partly in Malay), originally belonging to Karya Reja of Karang, Duren, Sengguruh, Malang, dated 1875, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1904. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 443. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 447-448 (No. 978), where nothing more is given than Pigeaud had already done. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2268)

Or. 7498 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 130 Javanese, paper, 43 pp., Arabic script. Notes in verse on mysticism, kawula-gusti, four napsus, and incantation Pitik tulak Pitik tukung. Copy of a manuscript from Banuwangi, 1905. A list of the beginnings of the cantos is added. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 443. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2269) Or. 7499 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 134 Javanese, paper, 139 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, tarikas Shattariya, Naksabandiya, Kadariya, Halwatiya; prayers, charms, divination (agriculture). Book of notes from Banjar Nagara, 1889. See Pigeaud II, p. 443. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2270) Or. 7500 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 132 Javanese, paper, 40 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree. Copy of a book of notes from Banyuwangi, originally from Tulung Agung, 1905. See Pigeaud II, pp. 443-444. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2271) Or. 7501 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 134 Javanese, paper, 102 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, 4 tarikas: 1. Halwatiya, 2. Sattariya, 3. Naksabandiya, 4. Akmaliya, mentioning several Sufi books or treatises, martabat 7, salat. Book of notes originally belonging to Muhammad Aspiya of Banjar Nagara, 1889. See Pigeaud II, p. 444. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2272) Or. 7502 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 136 Javanese, paper, 82 pp., Arabic script. Notes on charms, prayers, incantations (kidung), magic, at the end mentioning the conditional talak connected with the marriage contract. A Javanese epitome is added. Copy of a book of notes from Bangkalan, Madura, 1905. Javanese-Madurese idiom. See Pigeaud II, p. 444. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2273)

Or. 7503 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 138 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Dutch, machine-made laid paper, 22 x 17.3 cm, 96 pp., vocalized Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin for C. Snouck Hurgronje from a manuscript in Pamekasan (Madura), 1904. Original dated 15 Mulud 1854 (p. 86). Halfcloth binding, pasted boards. Text on spine: ‘Jav. Myst. tembang enz. (Pamekasan)’. Mystic treatises and suluks. The numbered items in the list below comes from Soegiarto’s typewritten list. pp. v-vi, 1-2. Table of contents by the copyist. (1) pp. 1-5. Kitab bayan ma`rifat, in prose, preceded by a detailed table of contents with references to the page numbers. (2) pp. 5-10. Gita mamirangi (?). (3) pp. 10-11. Pulahira raga sapatilaring njawa. (4) pp. 11-13. Unidentified. (5) pp. 13-16. Jalma luwi. (6) pp. 16-20. Malang sumirang (parallel to the one in collection Snouck Hurgronje No. 143 (10) =? MS Leiden Or. 7375, above). (7) pp. 20-22. Pati sadat sajati (?) (8) pp. 22-25. Pahisan wahya jatmika. (9) pp. 25-26. Paningaling dasi maring Jang Widi. (10) pp. 26-29. Palajarani wong kang teking supi. (11) pp. 29-38. Dialogue of Bilat with his sister Murmina. (12) pp. 38-45. Dewi Sujinah. (13) pp. 45-49. Wandan sari. Pangulu Agung (cf. Suluk Abesi). (14). Pp. 49-54. Musawarat of the walis. At the end shih Sitijenar (Lemabang) is punished because of his contention that he is God. (15) pp. 55-60. Suluk Kaki tuwa. (16) pp. 60-64. Unidentified. (17) pp. 64-66. Unidentified (18) pp. 66-72. Hujjah of Sinuwun Bonang, Kalijaga and Molana Maghrib. (19) pp. 72-78. Hikayat Sinuwun Prabu Sasmata. (20) pp. 81-86. Arabic and Javanese. A note, with interlinear translation in Javanese, dated 1871 AD, beginning: wa`lam anna Tariqat al-Ma`rifa ila Dhat al-Haqq wa-ta`ala [sic] yanqasimu ila tasi` al-Ashya’. Several phrases in Javanese script (p. 86). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 463. (21) pp. 87-90. Several shorter texts. Also a magical alphabet (p. 89). (22) pp. 91-. Explanatory notes in Javanese to some of the above texts (covering pp. 3-25). See Pigeaud II, p. 444, where the contents of the volume is described as follows. Bayan ma`rifat; Malang Sumirang; Pahesan Wahya Jatmika; Palayaran ing wong supi; Bilat and Murminah dialogue; Sujinah; Abesi; Musawaratan para wali; Kaki Tuwa; Lessons of the walis (hugga); Prabu Satmata.

Javanese-Madurese idiom. Romanized copies by J. Soegiarto are MS Leiden Or. 8583 and MS Leiden Or. 10.764, below, see Pigeaud II, 663. A Javanese epitome and a list of initial lines of cantos are added (typewritten by J. Soegiarto (?)), dated Leiden, April 1940. Earlier provenance: Note in Dutch at the beginning of the volume: Mystical tembang and an Arabic fragment about mysticism with Javanese interlinear translation. Copy from a manuscript from Pamekasan, 1904. Inserted (but possibly unrelated) is a postal receipt in the name of R. Sastropoernomo, Klaten. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2274] Or. 7504 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 139 Old No. 153 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, machine-made paper, 22 x 17.3 cm, [blanks] + 47 pp. + [blanks], vocalized Arabic script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on theology, prayers, incantations, magic (karamats: magic powers), genealogy of sunan Giri. Copy of selections from a book of notes from Madura, 1901. See Pigeaud II, p. 444. General title (precedes the texts): Extracts from a primbon from Madura, August 1901, No. 29. Several formulas of ilmu and a genealogical tree of the Saints of Java. (1) pp. 1-9. Javanese. Unidentified text. (2) pp. 9-12. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. (3) pp. 12-15. Javanese. Unidentified text. (4) pp. 15-20. Arabic and Javanese. On Mas’alat Sagda. (5) pp. 20-23. Javanese. Unidentified text. (6) pp. 23-24. Javanese. Unidentified text. (7) pp. 24-25. Javanese. Unidentified text. (8) pp. 25-29. Javanese. Unidentified text. (9) pp. 29-32. Javanese. Unidentified text. (10) p. 32. Javanese. Unidentified text. (11) pp. 32-33. Javanese. Unidentified text. (12) pp. 33-35. Javanese and Arabic. Prayer, in which tuan Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir Jalayn (Jilani) is mentioned. (13) pp. 35-36. Arabic. Sifat al-Nabi, or Sifat Rasul Allah. Anonymous, beginning with a Hadith on the authority of `Ali b. Abi Talib. An amulet text bringing luck to the house in which it is kept. All known copies are from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 336. (14) pp. 36-43. Arabic. Another Hadith on the sifat of the Prophet Muhammad. Possibly a sequel to the preceding text. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (15) pp. 43-44. Javanese. Religious text. (16) pp. 44-45. Arabic. Prayer/shahada text. Creed. (17) pp. 45-47. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2275] Or. 7505 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 140 Old No. 33 Javanese and/or Sundanese, paper, 346 pp., Javanese script. Silsila Luluhur Sunda (given title, Ekadjati). Notes on genealogy of Sundanese families, ancestors (sunans): Ratu Galuh, Ciyung Manarah, Sili Wangi, ratu Komara, Lutung Kasarung, Gunung Jati, Cerbon (Grage), and genealogies of the prophets, eschatology. Further: divination, portents, astrology, dreams, eclipses, numerous private and family notes, some in Sundanese. Copy in Javanese script of a book of notes in Arabic script originally belonging to K.F. Holle (1829-1896), later MS Jakarta, KBG (C 72 [?]). A Javanese epitome, not wholly reliable, by Cakra Amijaya, is added, 1867. The notes refer to the beginning of the 19th century and to the eastern districts of Pasundan, Timbanganten. See Pigeaud II, pp. 444-445. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 399, who offers an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2276) Or. 7506 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 141 Old No. 35 Javanese, paper, 34 pp., Javanese script. Notes on theology and mysticism, dialogue of a man and a woman on mystic union, presents offered by true believers (mu’min) after death to ten quarters: Jabara’il, the grave, Munkarun wa Nakirun etc., each four presents (oleh-oleh), lesson on iman etc., given by sunan Ampel Denta to his two ‘sons’ pangeran Bonan, consecrated (ingastren) ratu Anakrawati, and pangeran Giri Gajah, consecrated prabu Satmaka ratu Kudratullah, and mystic instruction from the book Musnif (?) by pangeran Panggun, mentioning pangeran Randu Sana. In the beginning a short genealogy of sunan Tembayat and pangeran Kajoran, beginning with the batara ing Majapahit and his son Lembu Peteng, who married a daughter of batara Kali Wungu. Copy made in 1891 of MS Jakarta KBG no. 60, an old book of notes written on treebark paper in old-fashioned Mataram script. MS Leiden Or. 8619 (2), below, is another copy of the same KBG manuscript. See Pigeaud II, p. 445. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2277) Or. 7507 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 142 Javanese, paper, 610 pp., Arabic script. Ahmad Hanapi, prince of Bunar, romance in verse, mentioning the island Majeti, its queen Anjanismara and her two sons Sahid and `Umar. Copy of a manuscript from Serang, Banten, 1897. A Javanese list of initial verses of cantos and an index of proper names, referring to the pages of the copy, are added. See Pigeaud II, p. 445.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2278) Or. 7508 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 143 Old No. 40 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 413 pp., Arabic script. Sejarah Wali-wali dari Jawa (given title, Ekadjati). History of the walis of Java, in verse, called Sajarah para wali, beginning with cosmogony, sarip Hidayat, sayyid Kamil, up to the tales of the great mosque, with intercalated mystic treatise Hidayatullah. Copy of a manuscript from Trogong, originally from Cerbon, 1897. A Javanese list of initial lines of cantos and an index of proper names, referring to the pages of the copy, are added. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 445. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 394, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language of the text is identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2279) Or. 7509 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 144 Old No. 42 Javanese, paper, 175 pp., Arabic script. Sejarah Gunung Jati (given title, Ekadjati). History of sunan Gunung Jati in verse, Cerbon, Pucuk Umun etc. Copy made by raden haji Muhammad Ali of Sumedang, 1892. A Javanese index of proper names, referring to the copy, is added. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D. See Pigeaud II, p. 445. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 423, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language of the text is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2280) Or. 7510 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 145 Old No. 53 Javanese, paper, 232 pp., Javanese script. Sejarah Pajaharan (given title, Ekadjati). History in verse beginning with Pajajaran, Siyung Wanara, raden Susuruh, Majapahit, Demak, the walis, sunan Kali Jaga and nabi Kilir. Origin: Central North Coast. A Javanese list of initial verses of cantos is added. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, pp. 445-446. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 393, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language of the text is indicated as Javanese. Earlier provenance: Purchased in Batavia, 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2281)

Or. 7511 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 146 Old No. 55 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese and Arabic, paper, 5 + 19 + 8 + 1 + 38 pp., Arabic script. Doa-doa dan Mistik (given title, Ekadjati). Prayers and mystic instruction (patarekan) of raden Muniran of Buitenzorg (Bogor), mostly copies made by the panghulu of Buitenzorg, 1890. See Pigeaud II, p. 446. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 205, 207, where the same volume is described twice, but where nothing more is given than Indonesian abstracts of Pigeaud’s description. The parts in Arabic: not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2282) Or. 7512 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 148 Old No. 54 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay, Javanese, Dutch and Sundanese, paper, 81 pp., Arabic script. Copied by (?) Muhammad Noerdin from a manuscript written (copied) by Anom of Kampung Benteng at Tanah Campea and owned by an ulama of Kampung Tepus at Tanah Campea (Pasundan). (1) pp. 1-16. Arabic, with Javanese translation. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. With a Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44. Dated 15 Safar 1882 (the original). (2) pp. 17-75. Malay. Mystical treatise, partly vocalized; about true and false mystical methods, explanation of iman, Fatihah, sifat duapuluh, da’irah, martabat tujuh, mas'alah mati, etc. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 448 (No. 979). (3) pp. 76-81. Javanese, Sundanese. Prayers, i.a. a Sundanese invocation of nabi Kilir. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 205-206, 221-222, where the same volume is described twice, but where nothing more is given than Indonesian resumés of Pigeaud’s description. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 446. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2283)

Or. 7513 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 148 Old No. 56 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 81 + 56 pp., Javanese script. Ahmad-Muhammad tale in verse, copy of fragments found in a manuscript from Campea, Pasundan, confiscated in 1894. See Pigeaud II, p. 446. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 321, where an Indonesian translation translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language is incorrectly identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2284) Or. 7514 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 149 Old No. 63 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 65 pp., Arabic script. Treatise in verse on theology and mysticism, salats, written by a Sundanese from Ci Atel, Bandung. Copy of 1894. A Javanese list of the initial lines of the cantos and a Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje are added. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 446. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 224-225, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language of the text is said to be Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2285) Or. 7515 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 150 Old No. 64 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese, Arabic and Dutch, machine-made paper, 20.8 x 17.4 cm, 117 pp., vocalized Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Suyuti, dated a Thursday in Muharram 1314 (1896, colophon on p. 117), half-cloth binding, pasted boards, text on spine: ‘mystieke tractaatjes, Arab., Jav., Soend.’. Copy of a book of notes (‘mystical treatises’) from Bandung. Added, at the beginning, a detailed table of contents in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje, which has been used for the present description. (1) pp. 1-2. Arabic A short treatise about the essence of knowledge, ascribed to Muhammad b. Fadl Allah (al-Burhanpuri, d. 1029/1620, GAL G II, 418), but this is impossible since Nur alDaqa’iq (by Shams al-Din al-Samatra’i, d. 1039/1630) is cited. The compiler has however, used some sentences from al-Tuhfa al-Mursala by Muhammad b. Fadl Allah (al-Burhanpuri). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460 (where there is a reference to MS Leiden Or. 7515 a). (2) pp. 3-4. Arabic. A short treatise beginning with: I`lam anna Dhat Allah ta`ala ka-Mir’at. About the non-usability of the Law. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 460 (where reference to MS Leiden Or. 7515 a). (3) pp. 5-6. Javanese. On knowing yourself = knowing God. (4) pp. 6-11. Javanese. Salat-hajat. Use of the parts of the salat. Meaning of death. (5) pp. 11-13. Javanese. Pelajaran ingdalem pati.

(6) pp. 13-14. Javanese. Sembahyang tanpa tawhid. (7) pp. 15-16. Javanese. Kadadiyaning manusa; martabat roh. (8) pp. 16-22. Javanese. Petakonans. (9) pp. 22-23. Javanese. Hakekating roh. (10) pp. 23-24. Javanese. Jululuks of the Prophet. (11) pp. 24-25. Javanese. Tekad about the essence of man. (12) pp. 25-26. Javanese. Abdu Ra’uf about lahir and batin of Allah. (13) pp. 26-35. Sura 11 (Qur’an, surat al-ikhlas), etc. in connection with the kauli gusti doctrine. (14) pp. 25-37. Javanese. Several different names for the ‘One’. (15) pp. 37-43. Javanese. Parts of the human being, letters, etc., in connectiond with the Unity. (16) pp. 43-45. Javanese. Mas’alating-peti. (17) pp. 45-49. Javanese. Essence of the salat = katunggalun, etc. (18) pp. 56-102. A Sundanese version of the Kitab al-Muhlikat, from the Ihya `Ulum al-Din by alGhazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. (19) pp. 106-116. Notes on mysticism, salats, partly Arabic with Javanese interlinear glosses, partly Sundanese. (?) pp. 107-117. (Bab fi) Ma`rifat al-Islam wa-Bayan al-Turuq (or al-Tariq, or al-Tariqa). Anonymous, the same as Batavia, Suppl. Cat. No. 253, tract in the form of questions and answers. The turuq are: Shari`a, Tariqa and Haqiqa. Arabic with interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195 (where there is a reference to MS Leiden Or. 7515 c). See Pigeaud II, p. 446. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 203, 226. On p. 203, Ekadjati gives an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description. On p. 226, he Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2286] Or. 7516 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 152 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 625 pp., decorated margins, Arabic script. Anbiya, history of the prophets, in verse, down to Muhmmad and Yajid (Yazid). Text emanating from (medal saking) kangjeng kyahi Banjar Sari, originally belonging to raden kanduruhan Jayadisura of Leles. A Javanese list of initial lines of cantos is added, Bandung, 1903. See Pigeaud II, p. 446. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 182-183, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language of the text is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2287) Or. 7517 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 152 Javanese, paper, 204 pp., Javanese script.

Old No. 96

Notes on mysticism and theology, seh `Arip `Aski questions and answers. History of the prophets (Anbiya) in prose, down to Muhammad. Tale of seh Ibrahim ibn Adaham ibn Mansur of Balki, Parsi, meeting Ilyas-Kilir, and mystic instruction. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1892, of the copy of J. Brandes of a book of notes belonging to the guardian (juru kunci) of the Panawangan sanctuary, Singen Lor, Semarang. Central North Coast idiom, probably 17th or 18th century. Remarkable gambuh parable, and dumiyin instead of rumiyin. See Pigeaud II, p. 446-447. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2288) Or. 7518 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 153 Old No. 97 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 49 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Kadariya-Naksabandiya tarika. Magic (sorog), mostly in Sundanese. Copy of a book of notes from Trogong, 1896. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 195-196, 225, where the same volume is described twice, and where Ekadjati’s descriptions are in fact only an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2289) Or. 7519 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 154 Old No. 98 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese and Arabic, machine-made paper, 21.7 x 17.3 cm, 144 pp., vocalized Arabic script in one hand, illustrations (p. 127), half-cloth binding, pasted boards, text on spine: ‘Primbon Tarogong 1896’. Pigeaud’s description. Notes on mysticism, prayers, divination, mumule dishes of the twelve months for prophets etc. An extensive summary by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added [used for the present description]. (1) pp. 1-3. Javanese. Na’as days (2) pp. 4-5. Arabic. Maleman prayers. Du`a’. Prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (3) pp. 6-9. Javanese. Khatam prayer and na’as days. Tabellaric presentation. (4) pp. 9-12. Javanese. Niyyat jam’ and qasr. (5) pp. 12-13. Javanese. Pernahs of the seven days. (6) pp. 14-15. Javanese. Qul lan yusibana in jampe and wulu (7) pp. 15-17. Sundanese. Petakonan akir jaman with Salasilah of a kiahi of Galunggang. (7a) p. 18. Javanese. Prayer, du’a. (8) pp. 18-25. Javanese. Du’a mulud, written by the son of Kiahi Ja’iyah in Garut. (9) p. 25. Sundanese. And in Biru Landenk. (9) p. 25. Javanese. Niyyat in order to eat qurban meat. (10) pp. 26-27. Javanese. Personal notes: lurah Abdurahim. (11) p. 27. Javanese. Mystical quartets.

(12) p. 28. Javanese. Personal notes dated Monday, 19 (no month) 1286/1869 [must be dates from the original exemplar] and marriage formula. (13) pp. 28-30. Arabic, Javanese. Letter to Kiahi Abdulmanap in Garut and bē’at. (14) pp. 30-32. Arabic, Javanese. Banda’ asal of a woman (Marsiam) and the division of sharikat. (15) pp. 32-42. Arabic. Du’a cukur; du’a bumi; du’a Ashura; du’a panglebur dosa; upon arrival in desa sanget; du’a salamet; two du’a paneneda; du’s after salats; du’a for confirmation of belief. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (16) pp. 42-43. Javanese. Larangan wulan and iahaju id; the sa’ats. (17) pp. 43-44. Arabic. Du’a arwah. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (18) pp. 44-46. Javanese. Prophets and saints, in whose honour a monthly sideket is recommended. (19) pp. 47-54. Javanese. Alamats of earthquakes on different times of the year and the day. (20) pp. 55-56. Arabic. Different du’a arwah rasul. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (21) pp. 56-57. Mostly in Arabic. Du’a arwah Shaykh Abdulkadir Jailani. (22) pp. 57-58. Arabic. Du’a sura. (23) pp. 58-60. Arabic, Javanese. About marriage with cognates or agnates. Tabellaric presentation. (24) pp. 60-65. Javanese, Arabic. Du’a arwah (with mystical shaykhs), etc. (25) pp. 65-66. Javanese. Du’a wulan Sapar. (26) pp. 66-70. Javanese, Sundanese, Arabic. Du’a with large sawab (pp. 66-68); du’a papadang ati; idem especially with janji with guru; idem (-70); in order to walk quickly (Sundanese jampe). Note in Javanese script on p. 67. (27) pp. 70-72. Javanese. Alamat Cerbon in three versions, Pangeran Arya and petakonan of that time. (28) pp. 72-73. Javanese. Petakonan Imam Mahdi. (28a) pp. 73-74. Javanese. Unidentified. (29) pp. 74-82. Javanese with some Arabic. Sipat duapuluh. (30) pp. 82-90. Javanese. Reflections and tables in connection with the Sipat duapuluh. Diagram on pp. 83. Tabellaric presentations. (31a). p. 91 Arabic. Note on Arabic morphology. (31) pp. 91-92. Javanese. Personal notes (birth of Harun, Tayyibah 1227?) (32) pp. 92-99. Javanese. The twenty sipats of the human body; and in other parts of the creation. (33) pp. 99-104. Javanese. Mystical quartets. (34) pp. 104-106. Javanese. The words of the shahadat in connection with parts of the bdy, parts of creation, etc. (35) pp. 106-117. Javanese. The coming into being of man and world in connection with the Martabat 7 doctrine. (36) pp. 117-119. Javanese. Insan kamil.

(37) pp. 119-126. Javanese. Description of the Sipat duapuluh. (38) p. 127. Javanese. The pamors in connection with the Martabat 7. Illustrations of krisses. (39) p. 128. Javanese. Letters and elements. (40) pp. 129-130. Arabic, Javanese. Sipat Imam. (41) p. 130. Javanese. Paranti nangisan (?) ing wong ang sah ti dunyi. (42) p. 131. Javanese. Shahadat Patimah. (43) pp. 131-134. Javanese. Personal notes (Nyi Rasmah’s idda, birth of Harun 1227 and Tayyibah 1230, `Aidah, `Uda 1236. (44) p. 136. Sundanese. Jampe (?) (45) pp. 137-142. Sa’ats and the pasar days, that fall on the first day of the month of each of the windu years. (46) p. 142. Sundanese (?). Jampe in which bayu, cahya, sabda, hidep, naqtus of the months. Tabellaric presentation. (47) p. 143. Javanese. Larangan wulan. (48) p. 144. Javanese/Sundanese (?). Jampe kabadi; du’a iman. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 194, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language of the text is said to be Arabic. Earlier provenance: Primbon of the father-in -law of the tarekat guru of Trogong, Haji Suleman (Rancabango) 1896, according to a note in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje, preceding the table of contents, which precedes the texts in the volume. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2290] Or. 7520 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 155 Old No. 104 Javanese, paper, 7 + 34 + 48 pp., Arabic script, copied by Muhammad Noerdin from a number of writings by Haji Ahmad al-Ripangi of Kali Salak, found in the possession of three haji’s in Pekalongan. Targuma shar`iya (explanations of fiqh and theology) in prose: (1) pp. 1-16. Malay. Tanbih, religious exhortations. (2) pp. 17-75. Javanese. Tanbih, Ahmad Ripangi of Kali Salak, religious exhortations (tanbih) in verse (stanzas of 4 x 12 syllables, rhyming). (3) pp. 76-81. Javanese. targuma shar`iya (explanations of fiqh and theology) in prose. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, Ambtelijke adviezen van C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1889-1936. Ed. E. Gobée & C. Adriaanse. Vol. 3. ’s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965, pp. 1930, 1936, 1939. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 448-449 (No. 980). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2291)

Or. 7521 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 156 Old No. 104a Javanese, paper, 196 pp., Arabic script. Husn al-Matalib, `Ibadat, tanbih-targuma in verse by Ahmad Ripangi of Kali Salak, Semawi, on usul, fiqh and tasawwuf: theology, law and mysticism. Copy of a manuscript from Kedu, 1901. See MS Leiden Or. 8570, below and Jaarboek KBG 1933, p. 319. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2292) Or. 7522 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 157 Javanese, paper, 16 pp., Arabic script. Takhyira, targuma in prose on sahadat etc. by Ahmad Ripangi [of Kali Salak], copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1903. See MS Leiden Or. 8569 (2), below. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2293) Or. 7523 a-c formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 159a-c Javanese, paper, 3 vols., 555, 563 and 518 pp., Arabic script. Abyanu ‘l-hawa’ig, tanbih in verse by Ahmad Ripangi [of Kali Salak], Shafi`i madhabi ahlu sunnati tarikati, on usul, fiqh and tasawwuf, dated A.D. 1889. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2294 – Mal. 2296) Or. 7524 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 160 Javanese, paper, 17 pp., Arabic script. Nalam (nazm) Arfa`, in verse, on iman and sahadat, by Ahmad Ripangi [of Kali Salak], dated 1845 A.D., manuscript originally belonging to the panghulu of Wanasaba, 1890. See Pigeaud II, p. 447. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2297) Or. 7525 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 161 Old No. 109 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, machine-made laid paper, 100 pp., unvocalized Arabic script, illustrations (pp. 26, 27, 28), dated Saturday 4 o’clock 22 Ragab year Ǧam Awwal [1891], copied by Kyahi Hasan Mustafa (Moestapa?, 1852-1930) b. Hagg Muhammad `Uthman (colophon on p. 99), half-cloth bindpasted boards, text on spine: ‘Excerpten uit een primbon van Kjahi Krapjak’. Copy of selections from a book of notes originally belonging to kyahi Mad Na`im of Krapyak, Muntilan, Kedu, 1892 (inscriptions before the beginning and after the end of the texts). Pigeaud’s description: Javanese, Notes on divination, physiognomy, prognostics (vibrations), dreams, smiths (Pajajaran) and pamor, Shattariya pedigree and dikir, prayers, charms and

magic, mysticism, mentioning the berkah of kyahi Rapingi of Sepanjang, Surabaya, and Wanakerta, Surabaya. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. Pigeaud left slip with notes in the book and occasionally write in margin. That information was used for the description hereafter. p. 1. Unidentified. p. 11. Kedatan. p. 15. Dreams. p. 23. Smiths Pajajaran. Illustrations of krisses on pp. 26-28. p. 29. Unidentified. p. 29. Names to be given to children. p. 31. Unidentified. p. 32. Unidentified. p. 33. Prayer text. Du’a. p. 34. Unidentified. p. 35. Unidentified. p. 36. Unidentified. p. 36. Unidentifed. p. 37. Unidentified. p. 38. Shattaria pedigree, Dikir. Illustrations on p. 38. Diagrams on pp. 44, 46, 48. p. 49. Unidentified p. 51. Unidentified. p. 53. Unidentified. p. 56. Diagrams on pp. 56-57. p. 58. Unidentified. p. 64. Unidentified. p. 70. Diagram on p. 71. Tabellaric presentations on pp. 72-74. p. 79. Unidentified. p. 80. Unidentified. Javanese. Passages taken from a work Kitab Asrar al-Salat (from Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. pp. 85-89. Arabic. Ikhtiyarat Ayyam al-Shahr, a treatise on choosing the right days in the month, ascribed to Ga`far al-Sadiq (d. 148/763), GAL S I, 104. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 126. See the edition and translation by R.Y. Ebied & M.J.L. Young ‘An Arabic treatise on hemerology ascribed to Ǧaʿfar al-Ṣādiq’, in Arabica 23 (1976), pp. 296-307, and also Jan Just Witkam, ‘An Arabic treatise on hemerology ascribed to Ǧaʿfar al-Ṣādiq’, in Arabica 26 (1979), pp. 100-102. p. 90. Al-Khamis al-Madhkur fil-Qur’an ‘Ibara `an al-Tarad al-Nuhas al-Da’ibal-Gayyid… p. 91. Unidentified. p. 91. Qari`a, by Ga`far al-Sadiq (d. 148/763), GAL S I, 104. p. 92. Wanakerta, Surabaya. Diagram. p. 93. Arabic. Bab al-Ma`rifa. Source not given. p. 93. Unidentified.

p. 95. Berjak kyahi Rapingi (?) Sepanjang Surabaya. p. 95. Also Hanacaraka, etc., with indication of numerical values. p. 96. Unidentified. p. 96. Unidentified. p. 97. Shahadat to the Prophet Muhammad, and other shorter prayer texts. p. 98. Javanese. Prayer text, Du’a. p. 99. Quotations from Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 422. p. 100. Diagram with magical square. Earlier provenance: ‘Copie van de voornaamste gedeelten van de primbon van Kjahi Mad Na’im Krapjag (Moentilan, Kedoe), Maart ’92’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2298] Or. 7526 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 162 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 73 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya tarika, prayers, copy of a book of notes from Campea, Buitenzorg, 1894. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, op. 196-197, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the languages of the texts are identified as Arabic and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2299) Or. 7527 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 164 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 106 pp., Arabic script, illustrations. Notes on theology and mysticism, cosmogony, martabat 7, schematic figures. Book of notes from Suci, Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 192, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the languages of the texts are indicated as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2300) Or. 7528 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 165 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 3 pp., Javanese script. Incantations in verse, kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi (kidung nabi) and Waringin sungsang. Notes from Ciamis, 1906. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 271, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s descriptions is given, and where the script is indicated as being Arabic. Ekadjati gives Javanese as the language of the texts. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2301) Or. 7529 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 166 Javanese, paper, 112 pp., Javanese script. Musawaratan, wali tales, Pengging and Demak history, in verse, from Yogyakarta, pekih Ibrahim, 1891. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in Or, 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2302) Or. 7530 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 168 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Sundanese, European laid paper (watermark: PRO PATRIA), 123 pp., vocalized Arabic script in several different hands, paper cover around 4 quires, cover made of ‘Eendragt, Maakt Magt’ emballage. Pigeaud’s description. Notes on mysticism, Johar Tawhid, targuma, some Sundanese and Arabic mystic treatises (Kurratu ‘l-`ain fi `ilmi ‘l-tasawwuf by Zainuddin) with some Javanese interlinear glosses. p. 1. Notes and scribbling. Owner’s marks dated 22 Gumada II 1296 (1879). (1) pp. 2-3. Javanese. Hujjat of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jaylan, a note on the benefit of the reading of the Hikayat seh `Abdu’l-Kadir Jilani. p. 4. Note in pencil about the eruption of Krakatau in 1883. (2) pp. 6-40. Arabic and Javanese. Tarjuma Kitab Johar Tohed, translation by Shaykh Ibrahim al-Fani of the Kitab Johar Tohid by Ahmad al-Marzuqi. Arabic text in red ink, Javanese text in black. (3) pp. 40-43. Javanese. Several notes and diagrams. Pp. 44-45. Blank. (4) pp. 46-48. Maqam … (5) p. 48. Sundanese. Ten vices and ten virtues. (6) pp. 49-52. Javanese. Several shorter notes on sembahyang, ritual prayer. Tabellaric presenation. (7) pp. 53.59. Javanese. Prayer text. Du’a. p. 59. Unidentified. (8) pp. 59-60. Javanese. Short text followed by diagrams. (9) pp. 61-65. Javanese. Sipat Murid. (10) pp. 65-68. Javanese. On Dhikr. (11) pp. 68-72. Javanese. Carita … pp. 73-75. Blank. (12) pp. 76-97. Arabic. Hidayat al-Adhkiya’ ila Tariq al-Awliya’, by Zayn al-Din `Ali b. `Ali alMalaybari (d. 928/1522), GAL G II, 221. The Qasida contains several parts on learning, studying, writing, etc. With Javanese glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 112. Followed on p. 97 by a short note. (13) p. 98. Arabic. Prayers. Du`a’.

(14) p. 99. Arabic. On Ruh and Badan on the day of resurrection. Quoted from Ma`alim alTanzil. Pp. 100-101. Blank. (15) pp. 102-123. Munawwir al-Qulub fi Fath al-Ghuyub. Anonymous treatise on Dhikr and Tawhid, beginning: al-Hamdu lillah Munawwir al-Qulub … amma ba`du fa’lam ayyuha al-`Ashiq anna Allah farrada `alayka Mutaba`at al-Nabi … It is divided in five sections (Fasl): 1. Fil-Dhikr; 2. Fi Fadilat al-Dhikr; 3. Fi Adab al-Dhikr; 4. Fi Awwal al-Wagib; 5. Fil-Wara`. A copy with an additional Fasl fil-Haqiqa. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 233. pp. 124-136. Blank, except for an owner’s note on p. 135. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 190, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. Earlier provenance. Earlier owner is named on p. 135, but not well legible to me. Dates are given: 1885 and 1884, which could be an indication of the age of manuscript. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2303] Or. 7531 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 169 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, 28 pp., dated 1903 AD (No. 1) (1) pp. 1-11. Bab fi Bayan Haqiqat al-Salat wal-Shahada wal-Sakarat. Anonymous, with interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 45. (2) pp. 11-21. Bahr al-Lahut by `Abdallah al-`Arifin (or al-`Arif), fil-Gha’ib (or: al-Ghayb) walShahada. See also MS London, India Office, Loth 1047, II. Dated 1903. Copy with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 37. (3) pp. 22-29. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43. Javanese, Mystic treatises on salat etc. in Arabic with Javanese interlinear glosses. See Pigeaud II, p. 448. Earlier provenance: Copy of a booklet originally belonging to a man of Grobogan (Purwadadi) who tried to murder a Dutch official, 1903. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2304) Or. 7532 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 170 Javanese, paper, 76 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Naksabandiya tarika, called: buku salsilah, wirid, dikir, from Jambu, Purwakerta, 1905. See Pigeaud II, p. 449. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2305)

Or. 7533 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 171 Javanese or Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 19 + 16 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya (according to Snouck Hurgronje Kadiriya) pedigree, dikir, wirid, prayers, sarabad, divination, originally belonging to Muhammad Mulabaruk of Wanakarta, Garut. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 449. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 194, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic, Sundanese and Dutch. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2306) Or. 7534 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 172 Old No. 108 Javanese, paper, 55 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, divination, portents (eclipses, earthquakes). Copy of a book of notes. A Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 449. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2307) Or. 7535 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 173 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 80 pp, Arabic script. The Javanese translation of an Arabic tract, entitled Mi`rag al-`Ishq, which is probably the title of a tract called al-Ma`rag al-`Ishq (sic) in the colophon of MS Leiden Or. 7053 (6), above. See also the Arabic text in MS Paris, BnF, mal.-pol. 29, ff. 132v-133v. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 215. Notes on mysticism, lessons of the walis, cosmogony, kawula-gusti. Copy of a book of notes from Purwareja made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. A Dutch epitome is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 449. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2308) Or. 7536 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 174 Old No. 1 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 43 pp., Javanese and Arabic scripts. Notes on prayers, magic, partly Arabic, partly Javanese script, and the Prophet’s shaving (Nabi paras), from Suci, Garut, 1890. A short epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 449. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 198, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description, and where the languages of the texts are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2309)

Or. 7537 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 175 Old No. 5 Javanese or Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 18 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree (called Kadariya by Snouck Hurgronje), wirid, from Garut, with a short epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 449. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 197-198, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, but where the language of the text is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2310) Or. 7538 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 176 Old No. 6 Javanese or Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 24 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, mentioning seh Maghrib who is buried in Gunung Jati. From Manon Jaya. A Dutch epitome by C. SnouckHurgronje is added. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 6?). See Pigeaud II, p. 449. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 202, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, but where the languages in this volume are identified as Arabic and Dutch. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2311) Or. 7539 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 177 Old No. 8 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Malay, paper, 40 pp., Arabic script, on p. 30 a date is given: 1272/1855-56, which may be the date of the copying. On the cover page Haji Zainal of Garut is mentioned as the owner, and he had the manuscript from ... Haji AbdulJalil, who had it from Haji Din (?) (bin?) Haji Abdul-Halim ... of Sukapura. Catatan Silsilah Sunda, Galuh (given title, Ekadjati). (1) pp. 1-22. Notes on genealogy. Muhammad, sunan Giri Kadaton, cosmogony and Sundanese families, Galuh. Selan and Mesir. Jawawut-Jawa tale, Ciyung Manarah and his son-in-law Lutung Kasarung. (2) pp. 23-30. Arabic letter with exhortations. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (3) pp. 30-40. Malay treatise on salat. Salat tasbih, a treatise about salat tasbih. Ihya’ `ulum alDin and Bidayat al-hidaya are quoted. A book from Sukapura, 1890. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 8?). See Pigeaud II, p. 449. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 378, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is geven, but where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Malay only. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 448-449 (No. 981). Earlier provenance: Acquired by Snouck Hurgronje in September 1890. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2312)

Or. 7540 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 178 Old No. 22 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Malay, Dutch, paper, 5 + 6 + 3 pp., Arabic script. History and genealogy of `Abd ul-Muhyi of Karang, Sapar Wadi, Pamijahan. Copy of a book of notes belonging to a panghulu Marum Reja (5 pp.). Dutch notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje of an oral tradition related by a descendant of `Abdul Muhyi, in 1890 (6 pp.), Snouck Hurgronje’s Dutch notes on the Javanese text (3 pp.). Enclosed: a Malay paper on the names and the genealogies of the walis and the ancient Kings of Java by raden kanduruwan Kartinegara of Glonggong, Manon Jaya, 1889. MS Leiden Or. 8588, below, contains a copy of the Javanese text in the present volume. See Pigeaud II, p. 450. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 424, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given, and where the language in the volume is identified as Sundanese. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2313) Or. 7541 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 179 Collective volume with texts in Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 83 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, martabat 7, cosmogony and genealogy of Muhammad, of Ciyung Manarah, of haji Mansur. Book of notes from Menes, Bariten, 1891. See Pigeaud II, p. 450. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 226, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2314) Or. 7542 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 180 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 31 pp., Arabic script. Mystic treatises in verse. Pustaka ranjang on the essence of man, on the salat, kawula-gusti doctrine, on the mystic union of man and woman, on 8 oceans and 10 mountains in the human body and a Dewa Ruci-Werkodara dialogue. See also MS Leiden Or. 7548, below. Copy of a book of notes, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. A short Dutch epitome is added. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 450. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2315) Or. 7543 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 182 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, paper, 26 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on Cahyana and Mataram mythical history, in Arabic script: (1) pp. 1-12. Mentioning pangeran Atas Angin of Mecca (Kabah Mekah), Senapati Amengku Jagat, united with pangeran Cahyana, Tunggul Wulung (flag?) atulis Wanara Putih Gajah.

Moreover mentioning Brebes and the grave of pangeran Dana Raja, and Cahyana and the graves of ratu Jambu Karang and pangeran Kayu Putih. Notes on incantations (bul putih puter buwana nur cahya cahyana) and mysticism, on wakf, on the four districts Purbalingga, Sukaraja, Banyumas and Purwakarta and their surnames, on the river Kabuyutan and its guardian spirits. (2) pp. 12-26. In Arabic script, tale of the foundation of the ‘kraton’ Cahyana Supit Urang by sunan Atas Angin, beginning with Muhammad’s visit to Java, where he designated mount Manungkulan as Java’s navel (puser) and, as ratu Darma, married nahi Banowati of Bojong Lopan. Their son, Urang Carang Aking, became the ancestor of the Kings of Galuh. Sunan Atas Angin (said to be the father of sunan Ampel Denta) converted the king of Pajajaran to Islam, changing his name Jambu Dipa into Jambu Karang, and afterwards burying him on mount Lawet. In Javanese script on the last page a note on the guardian spirits of the river Kabuyutan. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (year 1901). See Pigeaud II, p. 450. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 378-379, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s descriptions is given, and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2316) Or. 7544 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 183 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), [2] + 129 pp., vocalized Arabic script in several hands, full-leather binding. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on prayers, magic (karamat), on theology, genealogy of sunan Giri, cult of `Abdu’l-Kadir Jilani (Arabic prayers). pp. [1-2]. Notes and scribbling. (1) pp. 2-29. Arabic. Du`a’. Prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (2) pp. 30-55. Javanese. Unidentified. (3) pp. 56-62. Arabic. Prayer text, Du`a’. Abrupt end on p. 62. (4) p. 64. Arabic. On the month of Ramadan. Repeated on p. 65, and with other texts. (5) pp. 66-77. Javanese. Genealogy of sunan Giri. (6) p. 78-81. Javanese. Several shorter texts, not identified. P. 82. Blank. P. 83 vscribbling. (7) pp. 84-85. Javanese. Unidentified. Pp. 86-87. Blank. (8) pp. 88-105. Javanese. Karamat, etc. Several shorter pieces. (9)pp. 105-108. Arabic. Shorter texts in connection with Shaykh `Abdul Qadir Jalayn. (10) pp. 109-110. Arabic. Sifat al-Nabi, or Sifat Rasul Allah. Anonymous, beginning with a Hadith on the authority of `Ali b. Abi Talib. An amulet text bringing luck to the house in which it is kept. All known copies are from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 336. (11) pp. 110-118. Hadith on the authority of Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Ansari and ultimately `Ali b. Abi Talib about the Sifat al-Nabi.

(12) pp. 119-121. Arabic. Several shorter texts, als prayer. (13) p. 122. Javanese. Religious text, unidentified. (14) p. 123. Arabic. Acephalous fragment, unidentified. (15) p. 124. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. (16) p. 125-127. Arabic. Fragment of a prayer text, Du`a’. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2317] Or. 7545 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 185 Javanese, paper, 56 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree, dikir, wirid, prayers, tabaruk `Abdu’l-Kadir Jilani, tabaruk seh molana Ibrahim, tabaruk seh Akbar, tabaruk seh `Abdul Kubra, tabaruk seh haji Karang, and others. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2318) Or. 7546 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 186 Javanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script. Incantations in verse: Kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi and Lelembut: the spirits of the districts of Java. Copy made in 1890 for C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2319) Or. 7547 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 187 Javanese, paper, incomplete, 72 pp., Javanese script, illustrations. Madu Jaya, vagrant students’ romance of the Jaitiswara, Cabolang and Centini type, in verse. On p. 16 and 17 two wayang figures, coloured: patih Antaka and prabu Dasa Muka ing negari Ngalengka direja. See also MS Leiden Or. 7563, below. Presented in 1905 by the panghulu of Purbalingga. The notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2320) Or. 7548 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 188 Javanese, paper, 106 pp., Arabic script. Mustaka Rancang (Pustaka rancang) in verse, on mysticism and theology, didactic. Copy of 1905 of a manuscript from Jambu, Purwakarta. See also MS Leiden Or. 7542, above. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2321) Or. 7549 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 189 Old No. 2 B II (?) Javanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script. Genealogy and descendants of molana Mahmud Jati sunan Cerbon, by tubagus Muhammad Kanari of Banten. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 423, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2322) Or. 7550 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 190 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 19 pp., Arabic script. Divination, magic, incantations referring to agriculture, partly Sundanese, from sheh Yusup bin sheh Ibrahim of Mesir, copy made in 1898. See Pigeaud II, p. 451. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 220, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Sundanese. On p. 217 Ekadjati treats the same volume twice, however with a wrong class-mark (MS Leiden Or. 7750). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2323) Or. 7551 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 191 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 45 pp., Arabic script. History, mythical, in prose, of Panjalu, beginning with sangyang Boros Ngora of Dayeh Luhur, mentioning keyan Santang, Sili Wangi, Pajajaran, Jampang Manggung and conversion to Islam, written by Muhammad Aghari of Ciamis, dated 1888 A.D. Enclosed: a list of years of notable events of Javanese history, especially referring to the building of the mosque of Demak. See Pigeaud II, pp. 451-452. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 380, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Earlier provenance: The manuscript originally belonged to the panghulu landrat of Galuh. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2324) Or. 7552 a-c formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 192 Javanese, paper, 3 exercise books, 118 pp., Javanese script. Stories, in prose, ten pieces of moralistic content, taken from Arabic and Javanese history, copy for a reader to be used in schools. The original manuscript is enclosed. See Pigeaud II, p. 452.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2325) Or. 7553 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 194 Javanese, paper, incomplete, severely damaged, 125 pp., Arabic script. Joharsa, romance in verse. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2326) Or. 7554 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 195 Old No. 90 Javanese, paper, 125 pp., Arabic script. Didactic poem on theology, mysticism and fiqh, dialogue of sheh Majenun with his wife ni Liyep Sajati, mentioning moreover ni Brangti and ki Pana. See also MS Leiden Or. 1795 (13), suluks). Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2327) Or. 7555 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 196 Javanese, paper, 179 pp., Arabic script, illuminations. Notes on divination, charms, magic, prayers, medicines, incantation (decorated pages), on salat and on cats. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2328) Or. 7556 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 197 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), 32 pp., Javanese script. Notes on mysticism and theology, mentioning pangeran Bonang. Old-fashioned Javanese script. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2329) Or. 7557 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 198 Javanese, paper, 62 pp., Arabic script, illustrations Notes on charms, medicines, divination, rajahs. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2330) Or. 7558 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 201 Javanese, paper, 49 pp., Arabic script. Notes on medicines, divination, magic, invulnerability. Copy of a book of notes from Sidaharja,

1904. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. ¶ Note that the reference in Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 399, to MS Leiden Or. 7558 is erroneous. It should be to MS Leiden Or. 7458, above. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2331) Or. 7559 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 206 Old No. 86 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese, Dutch, 68 + 61 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. (1) 68 pp. Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, prayers and magic, union of man and woman. (2) 61 pp. Javanese script. Notes on divination, chronology, prognostics (vibrations, birds). Also included: a Sundanese poem of mystic content: Suluk Jatilana. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.772, below. Copies of books of notes from Cerbon, 1890, connected with the tarikat Basiran of Jaya Marta and Sastra Wijaya. Dutch epitomes by C. Snouck Hurgronje are added. See Pigeaud II, p. 452. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 191, 242. On p. 191 an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic, Javanese and Sundanese. On p. 242 the Sundanese suluk is treated. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2332) Or. 7560 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 207 Old No. 52 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 60 pp., Javanese script. Collection of Suluk’s from Cerbon: (1) Suna tan mona. See also MS Leiden Or. 7375 (8), above. (2) Kabaran. (3) Alun. (4) Darma tiron. (5) Darmana. (6) A didactic mystic poem mentioning seh Gawaran and Raga Balilu, in an unknown Javanese metre. The poems were allegedly made by pangeran arya Cerbon and Sultan Cerbon, dated c. 1800 A.D., partly in a mannered poetical style. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1891, of MS Jakarta, KBG no 66, which itself is a copy made in 1867 of a palmleaf manuscript belonging to pangeran Raja Kaprabon of Cerbon. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.768, below. See also MS Leiden Or. 8592, below. See Pigeaud II, pp. 452-453, 663.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 274-275, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2333) Or. 7561 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 208 Old No. 61 Javanese, paper, 88 pp., Arabic script. Suluk’s, mystical poems, i.a. Adam mumkin, Martabat pitu, Jebeng, dialogue of Muhammad and Iblis. Copy of a Bandung manuscript, 1894. Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.769, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 453, 663. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 244-245, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2334) Or. 7562 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 209 Old No. 62 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 61 pp. Arabic script. Didactical poem on theology and mysticism: Instruction given to the queen of Rum dewi Malka by `Abdu’l-`Azim from Katem, Mesir. See R.M.Ng.Dr. Poerbatjaraka, P. Voorhoeve & C. Hooykaas, Indonesische handschriften. Bandung 1950, p. 110. At the end is a list of cryptic allusions used in Javanese mysticism, with explanations. Copy of 1894 of a Priangan manuscript, dated 1866 A.D. MS Leiden Or. 10.770, below, is a romanized copy by J. Soegiarto. See Pigeaud II, p. 453, 663. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 281, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2335) Or. 7563 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 210 Old No. 94 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 246 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-131. Suluk’s, mystic poems: Kaki tuwa. Kedap tingal. Pangeran Panggung. Besi. Pangeran Giri (in ladrang metre, on Duda. Arjuna). Martabat pitu. Malang Sumirang. Dalang Wignadi (by pangeran Sandiparya, Paesan Wahya-jatmika. son of pangeran Wurya).

Jebeng. Sajarah wali sadasa (characteristics). Ati ning mu’min. Seh Madkur. Martabat Tiga. (2) pp. 131-246. Tale in verse of Madu Jaya and Arundaya, mentioning visits to mystic masters, in the Centini and Cabolang style. See also MS Leiden Or. 7547, above. The manuscript is dated 1872 A.D., origin: Cerbon. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. A list of initial lines of cantos and a short epitome are added. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.774, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 453, 664. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 245, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2336) Or. 7564 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 211 Old No. 101 Javanese, paper, 115 pp., Arabic script. Collection of Suluk’s, mystic poems: Dewi Sujinah. Sheh Jabar (ni Mutmainah). Conversation of three birds on death. Ati ning mu’min. Opinions of the walis (Musawaratan) on mysticism. Discussion with a little boy (lare alit). At the end a mystic prayer in Javanese. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje of a manuscript from Ci Calenka, which is now MS Leiden Or. 7565, below. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.775, below. See Pigeaud II, pp. 453-454. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 243, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2337) Or. 7565 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 212 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 84 pp., Javanese script. Collection of Suluk’s, mystical poems: Dewi Sujinah. Sheh Jabar (ni Mutmainah). Conversation of three birds on death. Ati ning mu’min. Opinions of the walis (Musawaratan) on mysticism. Discussion with a little boy (lare alit).

At the end a mystic prayer in Javanese. Manuscript originally belonging to raden Natadireja of Limbangan, Ci Calengka. A copy of the present manuscript is MS Leiden Or. 7564, above. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, above. MS Leiden Or. 10.775, below, is Soegiarto’s romanized copy of MS Leiden 7564, above. See Pigeaud II, p. 454. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 275, where the language is indicated as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2338) Or. 7566 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 212 Old No. 101a Collective volume with texts in Arabic with Javanese, paper, 83 + 14 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. (1) pp. 1-83. Javanese. Suluk Sujinah in Javanese script, different from the redaction of MS Leiden Or. 7565, above. (2) pp. 1-14. Arabic with Javanese. Arabic script. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 454. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2339) Or. 7567 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 213 Javanese, paper, 42 pp., Javanese script. Suluk Wali Sanga, opinions of nine walis on mysticism, in verse. Copy of a manuscript from Purwareja, Bagelen, 1904. A list of the initial verses of the cantos is added. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.766, below. See also Soegiarto’s notes in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 454, 663. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2340) Or. 7568 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 214 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Malay, paper, 132 pp., Javanese script. Pakempalan ing suluk, mystic poems collected by Citra Sentana, dokter Jawa of Semarang, died 1897, edited by his grandson Sastra Utama of Kartasura, 1901. A table of contents and an index of names is added. Lessons of the walis (wejangan). Bayan maot. Bayan mani. Sirul ustad, on salat etc. Johar mungkin. Malang Sumirang. Nukat ga’ib.

One poem called suluk Abdul Muhyi is in Malay but in Javanese verse and Javanese script. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 449 (No. 982), where Pigeaud’s description is repeated literally. See also MSS Leiden Or. 6425, Or. 6519 and Or. 6608, above. A romanized copy by J. Soegiarto is MS Leiden Or. 10.765. See Pigeaud II, p. 454. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 449 (No. 982). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2341) Or. 7569 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 215 Old No. 25 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 397 pp., Javanese script. History of Pasir, Purwakerta, Banyumas, in verse, beginning with Sili Wangi of Pajajaran, up to the Regents Cakra Nagara and Metadirea, dated 1831 A.D. See the edition by Knebel, in Verhandelingen KBG vol. 51. Notes by J. Soegiarto are in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 454. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 391, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2342) Or. 7570 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 216 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 507 pp., Javanese script. History of Banten in verse, Sandi Sastra (Djajadiningrat, minor version, III). See Pigeaud II, p. 454. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 414415, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 237-238). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2343) Or. 7571 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 217 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 336 pp., Javanese script. History of Sili Wangi of Pajajaran in verse, origin Cerbon, Sundanese spelling (emphatic d instead of d). A list of initial verses of cantos added. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 455. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 417, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese, and the script (or orthography? (Huruf) as Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2344)

Or. 7572 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 218 Collection of texts in Malay and Dutch, paper, Latin script, several hands. A. Dutch. A report on pesantren, 5 pp., in C. Snouck Hurgronje’s handwriting. The text contains a report on pesantren in Kedu, Semarang, Japara and Surabaya. B. File on pesantren containing: (1) Report on pesantren in Lebak. 2 ff., signed by the bupati of Lebak, F. Soerianataningrat; (2) Dutch. Letter from W.B. Bergsma to Snouck Hurgronje, dated 10/4-1883 (?). (3) Letter, from W.B. Bergsma, retired civil servant in Apeldoorn, dated 4 March 1886, containing a report on books used in pesantren, received by Snouck Hurgronje 26 May 1886. (4) Letter, from W.B. Bergsma; received 26 May 1886. (5) Report on pesantren at Tegalsari (Ponorogo). Signed by Tjokroamidjojo, the regent of Ponorogo; received from W.B. Bergsma, 15 June 1886. (6) Report by someone in Rangkasbetung on his expenses at the death of his mother; dated 30 July 1865. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 449-450 (No. 983). See Laffan, Makings, p. 274, note 58; p. 275, note 61; p. 276, note 18. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2345) Or. 7573 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 219 Arabic with Javanese or Sundanese, 80 pp., Arabic script, dated 1890 AD. Arabic text of al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112, with extensive notes in Javanese, usually known as Sittin Hasil. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. This work, Sittin Hasil, is an Arabic textbook, primer, on religious duties, fiqh, called Sittïn (= 60), with Javanese interlinear glosses and moreover Javanese commentaries or epitomes (hasil), edited by Sama`un of Kadumerna, offered to C. Snouck Hurgronje by kyahi Sahib of Ci Peundeuy, 1890. See Pigeaud II, p. 455. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 240, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2346) Or. 7574 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 222 Old No. 9 Javanese, paper, 36 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, tarika etc., in minuscule script, from Buitenzorg, Bogor, Priangan. See Pigeaud II, p. 455. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 203-204, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2347) Or. 7575 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 223 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Arabic, machine-made paper, 22 x 17.3 cm, [8] + 135 pp. (foolowed by unnumbered blanks), vocalized Arabic script in one hand, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism, Shattariya tarika, martabat, etc. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. A Javanese epitome in vocalized Arabic script in a hand different from the copyist’s is added. The volume contains a great number of shorter texts, that are mentioned or described in the extensive table of contents at the beginning of the volume. The description hereafter is based on the information contained therein. p. 1. Carita saking Shaykh `Arab … p. 4. Sampurnayan bismillah. p. 4. Bab annyatakakan tutun-turun nay `ilm … p. 6. Wasiyyat saking … Nabi … p. 11. Tariq Kamaliyya. p. 12. Lakuwyan … p. 14. Sampurnayan bismillah. p. 15. Da’irah. p. 17. Bab annyatakakan shahadat ma’na suci-suci…. p. 20. Bab annyatakakan shahadat asli. p. 21. Bab annyatakakan hadith … p. 24. Sababay ana Qur’an … p. 24. Sababay ana tayqad … p. 25. Sulayan ana muqaranah ing dalem sembahyang. p. 25. Sababay ana rukuning sembahyang … p. 26. Sababay ingdalem kalimahashhadu ana … p. 27. Bab annyatakakan hadith haqiqah kitab … p. 33. Bab annyatakakan hurup … p. 44. Bab annyatakakan hurup duwa’ puluh. p. 45. Bab annyatakakan bagiya ning islam. p. 47. Bab annyatakakan wong … p. 48. Sabab ana puasa sabulan. p. 48. Mulanay ana malem salikur … p. 48. Sababay ana sembahyang tarawih. p. 51. Sababay ans maca khutba. p. 52. Sababay kawajiban sembahyang … p. 55. Martabat … p. 57. Bab annytakakan hokum.

p. 62. Bab annyatakakan haqiqatay kanga ran johar. p. 66. Bab annyatakakan sari’a tariqa haqiqa ma`rifatNabi nenem. p. 70. Bab annyatakakan kaweruhana … p. 71. Muqaranah ingdalem sembahyang. p. 74. Bab annyatakakan kalima fard. p. 78. Da’irah. p. 80. Nyatanay iman tawhid ma’rifat islam. p. 83. Bab dhikr la ila illa allah. p. 85. Bab annyatakakan dikhr la ilaha … p. 87. Bab annyatakakan rukuning wujud. p. 89. Bab annyatakakan qadim. p. 90. Bab annyatakakan namaning Allah ta’ala. p. 91. Bab annyatakakan haqiqat alip. p. 94. Bab annyatakakan salat patang parkara. p. 96. Bab annyatakakan panata agama. p. 97. Bab annyatakakan haqiqat martabat pipituw. p. 99. Asal usuli ati lan rawh. p. 102. Bab annyatakakan haqiqatay arewah. p. 105. Bab annyatakakan haqiqating mala’ika kang qadim. p. 108. Bab annyatakakan hurup kang ana … p. 111. Bab annyatakakan ‘amal lan haqiqat. p. 114. Bab bagia ning ‘amal lan haqiqat. p. 117. Saratay wong akarep … p. 118. Ilmuyan wong dadi upsir. p. 120. Ilmuyan wong tayin. p. 121. Du’a … p. 121. Du’a parayin … p. 121. Du’a parayin … p. 121. Ma’nayan alhamdu. p. 122. Jampe’ kasamaran. p. 124. Mulanay ana waqtu lima. p. 126. Arabic. Ayat pipitu. Qur’an. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. p. 128. Sarat ayat limablas (Qur’an). Text in Javanese. p. 131. Tunggohay dina ing sarir. p. 132. Jampe. p. 133. Punika sanaka papat. p. 134. Jampe. Tabellaric presentation and diagrams on pp. 3, 15, 77, 78-80. See Pigeaud II, p. 455. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2348] Or. 7576 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Old No. 108 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 135 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (A). Prayers, law (Nawala Pradata and Surya Ngalam), mysticism, opinions of the walis, tale about sunan Lawu appearing in the shape of a yellow jalak gading (a kind of starling) and about Darma Kusuma, the eldest of the Pandawas, who was converted to Islam by sunan Kali Jaga and buried by him in Wiraca at the foot of mount Lawu, north-east. An epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added, dated 1889. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7577, Or. 7579, Or. 7580, Or. 7583, Or. 7585 and Or. 7777, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 455. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2349) Or. 7577 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 111 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (4A) on mysticism etc., the same as 4B (MS Leiden Or. 7578, below), which contains some more notes at the end. See Pigeaud II, p. 455. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7579, Or. 7580, Or. 7583, Or. 7585 and Or. 7777, below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2350) Or. 7578 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese or Sundanese, paper, 112 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (4B) beginning with eschatology: sultan Muradin, younger brother of Muraidin, sons of dewi Sari Banon of Pajajaran and Ngarip Muhammad of Sumenep, is the ratu `adil to come in the year alif. As yet he is performing asceticism (tapa) on mount Serandil. His coming will be announced by portents. Pedigree of Malang Yuda’s wisdom (Grogol, Cahyana) and notes on mysticism, tarika Kamaliya, salat, martabat pitu, etc. Marginal notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Contents almost the same as MSS Leiden Or. 7577, Or. 7579, Or. 7583 and Or. 7585. See Pigeaud II, pp. 455-456. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 377, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2351) Or. 7579 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 114 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (4E) on mysticism etc., contents almost the same as MS Leiden Or. 7577 and MS Leiden Or. 7578. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7583 and Or. 7585, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 456.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2352) Or. 7580 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 202 + 19 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes of Malang Yuda (F and H3), copies made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. The original of version F is MS Leiden Or. 5592, above. Contents: mysticism, prayers, magic, medicines, and law: Nawala Pradata and Surya Ngalam, divination (crisses). Two Dutch epitomes by C. Snouck Hurgronje are added. See Pigeaud II, p. 456. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7576 and Or. 7777, above. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2353) Or. 7581 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, European laid paper (watermark PRO PATRIA), 20.6 x 17 cm, 110 pp., vocalized Arabic script in two different hands, cover made of dluang and holding two quires of paper sewn together. (1) pp. 2-16. Du`a’. Prayers, both in Javanese and in Arabic. Diagram on p. 6. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Pp. 17-22. Blank. (2) pp. 23-110. Javanese. Primbon Malang Yuda. Notes of Malang Yuda (4 F), on wali kutub, and other kinds of walis, `Abdu’l-Kadir Jilani prayer, and further on mysticism etc. All notes begin with a basmala of their own. Diagram on pp. 31, 70. Tabellaric presentation on pp. 69, 71. On pp. 100-101: the seven ayas. Almost the same as MSS Leiden Or. 7577, Or. 7578 and Or. 7579, above. See Pigeaud II, p. 456. Earlier provenance: ‘4F’ (=?) written on front and end boards. On pp. 109-110 notes in the hand of a European scholar. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2354] Or. 7582 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 4 + 12 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (H 2). Copies made for C. Snouck Hurgronje: prayers, sahadats, niyats and medicines. See Pigeaud II, p. 456. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2355) Or. 7583 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 241 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (B), beginning with eschatology, ratu `adil Muridin, contents almost the same as MS Leiden Or. 7578, above: notes on mysticism, prayers etc. See Pigeaud II, p. 456. See

also MS Leiden Or. 7577, above and MS Leiden Or. 7585, below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2356) Or. 7584 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 192 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (C) on mysticism, pedigree of Suhada’s wisdom on tarika, prayers etc., with intercalated notes on the ‘mardika’ lands belonging to Cahyana and on pangeran Kayu Puring of Raja Wana. At the end a moralistic tract on Muslim virtues. See Pigeaud II, p. 456. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2357) Or. 7585 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 200 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (D) beginning with eschatology, ratu `adil Muradi, manuscript originally belonging to Kerta Jaya, demung mardika of Makam Kidul, and written by Mertadikrama of Raja Wana Kidul, Cahyana. Contents as in MS Leiden Or. 7578, etc., above. See Pigeaud II, p. 456. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7577, Or. 7583, above. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2358) Or. 7586 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, European laid paper (watermark PRO PATRIA), 369 pp., 16.3 x 9.8 cm, vocalized Arabic script in more than one hand, full-leather binding. Primbon Malang Yuda. Notes of Malang Yuda (G), beginning with eschatology, ratu `adil, contents as in MS Leiden Or. 7578, etc., above. Tabellaric presentation on pp. 8, 210-211, 213-215. Diagram on pp. 40, 212. pp. 1-7. Acephalous fragment? pp. 8-9. Notes. p. 10. Torun-torun nay ‘ilmu … p. 14. Wasiyyat Rasul. p. 38. Sampurnaning bismillah. p. 46. Shahadat. p. 52. Shahadat asli. p. 57. Hadith agama aw al-Din. p. 64. Hurup lafz al-Rahman. p. 73. Hadith haqiqatay kitab. p. 89. Hurup kang telong puluh. p. 121. Hurup rong puluh.

p. 124. Bagia ning islam. p. 129. Unidentified. pp. 150-151. Martabat wongkang … p. 157. Hukum anpun. p. 170. Haqiqatay kang aranya johar. p. 181. Sari’at, tariqat, haqiqat, ma’ripat. p. 191. Kawaruhena … Between pp. 194-195 a loose insert with text in Javanese script. p. 204. Fardu’ … pp. 210-215. Tabellaric presentation. On p. 212 is a diagram. p. 216. Iman, tawhid, ma’ripat, islam. p. 224. Dikir Allah. p. 229. Dikir La ilaha illa Allah. p. 234. Ruku yang wujud. p. 239. Qadim … p. 245. Alip … p. 256. Salat. p. 258. Unidentified. p. 260. Haqiqatay ma’ripat pipitu. p. 283. Haqiqating mala’ikat kang qadim. p. 292. Jumlat hurup … p. 300. Ruh Allah. p. 339. Muenay ana waqtu. p. 343. Arabic and Javanese. Fragment of the Qur’an (5:91: qul lan yusibana). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. p. 348. Ayat lima las. Text in Javanese. p. 360. Sayang haji rohin … p. 363. Sanag papat yang … p. 367. Unidentified. pp. 369-end. Scribbling, prayer, etc. See Pigeaud II, pp. 456-457. Earlier provenance: ‘G’ on end board. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2359] Or. 7587 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 259 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (4 G), beginning with eschatology, contents as in MS Leiden Or. 7578, etc., above. See Pigeaud II, p. 457. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2360)

Or. 7588 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 103 Javanese, paper, 186 pp., Arabic script. Notes of Malang Yuda (4 D), beginning with eschatology, ratu `adil. Contents as in MS Leiden Or. 7578, etc., above. See Pigeaud II, p. 457. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2361) Or. 7589 - Or. 7603 Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Contents of a parcel with primbons, received by Snouck Hurgronje from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) in the course of 1890. Or. 7589 a Arabic, paper, 10 ff., 19th cent. Incomplete copy from Indonesia of al-Nahga al-Mardiyya, commentary by Galal al-Din alSuyuti (d. 911/1505), covering the text as in the edition Beirut 1872, pp. 2-18, on al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 3233) Or. 7589 b Arabic, paper, 5 pp. The beginning only of al-Fawa’id al-Fanariyya, the commentary by al-Fanari (d. 834/1431) on al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d. 663/1265), GAL G I, 464. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 138. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 3234) Or. 7589 c Collection of texts in Arabic, Javanese, European laid paper4 small sheaves of leaves of very different sizes, III; 2 + 2 + 6 + 2 ff., Arabic script, in different hands, sewn together in one modern folder. (1) 2 ff. Arabic. F. 1a End of an unidentified prayer text, Du`a’, followed on ff. 1b-2b by the beginning only of a Tasliya work. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (2) 2 ff. Arabic. Ff. 1a-2b. Fragments of one or more prayer texts, Du`a’. On f. 2b is the beginning only of Qur’an 36:1-3. (3) 6 ff. Javanese with some Arabic. Incomplete (abrupt end) copy of a work on al-Asma’ alHusna. Small unvocalized script. West Java. See Pigeaud II, p. 457. (4) 2 ff. Arabic. f. 1a. Blank. f. 1b. Du`a’ Puasa; ff. 2a-b. The final part only of a prayer text.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 3235] Or. 7589 d Arabic, European laid paper (watermark: crescent with face in shield = Abu Shubbak), 23.2 x 16.2 cm, 36 ff., naskh script, modern half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Evidently a manuscript from the Middle East. Fragment of Minhag al-Talibin, the compendium by Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1278) of al-Muharrar by `Abd al-Karim b. Muhammad al-Rafi`i (d. 623/1226), GAL G I, 393. From the section on selling (bay`) through the section on testaments (wasaya). A description in Malay of the content is written on the fly-leaf in front. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 3236] Or. 7589 e Arabic, paper. Qur’an, part of the text, sura 2:1-11. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 3237) Or. 7589 f Arabic, paper, 10 ff., 18th cent. A fragment only (the beginning) of an anonymous commentary on Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball alSada, by Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360), GAL G II, 23. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 271-272, where reference is given to a manuscript in Jakarta. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 3238) Or. 7589 g Arabic, paper, 3 pp., 19th cent. A small fragment of a commentary on a grammatical treatise in prose. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 415. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 3238a) Or. 7590 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, European laid paper (watermark: PRO PATRIA | EENDRAGT MAAKT MAGT), [5] + 70 + [5] pp., 21.2 x 17 cm, Arabic script, one text dated at noon on a day in Safar 1258 (p. 69, 1842; this date is not necessarily the dating of the manuscript), paper cover.

Pigeaud’s description: Notes of Nur Hakim and Jayan Iman of Ledok, Bagelen, on prayers and divination. (1) pp. 1-3. Arabic Du`a’ Hirz al-Yamani (title at beginning and end). Prayer text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,pp. 67, 116. (2) pp. 3-5. Arabic. A prayer or niyya against magicians, beginning: (basmala) ʿazamtu ʿalaykum yā aṣḥab al-siḥr wal-waswās … (3) p. 6. Arabic. Du`a’ mushfi. (4) pp. 7-8. Arabic. Du`a’ Hizb al-Nawawi by or ascribed to Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1278), GAL G I, 397. (5) pp. 8-14. Arabic, Javanese. Several shorter prayer texts, Du`a’. (6) pp. 15-21. Arabic. Du`a’ Hizb al-Bahr, commonly ascribed to Abu al-Hasan `Ali b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449. (7) pp. 22-25. Several shorter prayer texts, Doa, in Javanese. (8) pp. 26-35. Several shorter prayer texts, Doa, in Javanese. (9) pp. 36-46. Several shorter prayer texts, Du`a’, in Arabic. Al-`Ashara al-Mubashshara and other Ashab are mentioned on pp. 39-40. (10) pp. 45-46. Arabic. Several shorter prayer texts, Du`a’. (11) pp. 47-48. Diagrams. (12) p. 49. Quotation from Sayyidi Ahmad al-Kabir al-Rifa`i (d. 578/1182), GAL S I, 780, with date 28 Dhu al-Qa`da 1278 (p. 49, 1862). The same as MS Leiden, Or. 7713, f. 25b, below. (13) p. 50. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’. pp. 51-52. Blank. (14) pp. 53-59. Javanese, Arabic. Prayer texts. (15) p. 60. The numbers 1-9 in Arabic, Javanese and Dutch notation. (16) pp. 61-62. Calendar notes, with the names of the months of the Islamic lunar year. (17) p. 63. Javanese. Five important names: Ahmad, Gibra’il, Ibrahim, Yusuf, `Azra’il written in different order. (18) p. 64. Arabic. Prayer to be said during the shaving of the newborn (`Aqiqa), and another prayer. (19) pp. 65-66. Javanese. Tabellaric presentation. (20) pp. 67-70. A farewell-letter of kyahi Lengkong at the time of his banishment from Java (see also MS Leiden Or. 7768, below) dated Safar 1258 (p. 69, 1842). See Pigeaud II, p. 457. Earlier provenance: Inscription on end cover: ‘Gevonden bij een | Moerid van Noerhakim | in het Ledoksche | (Bagelen) …’ | Inscription on back cover: ‘Banjoemas No. 1’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2362] Or. 7591 Malay, paper, 451 pp., Arabic script, illuminations in incipit and explicit (seriously damaged), dated 1103/1691-1692. Worn. Oriental leather binding.

Kitab as-sirat al-mustaqim, a work on fiqh, compiled by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658) between 1044-1054 / 1634-1644. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 450 (No. 984). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2565) Or. 7592 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang) damaged, 106 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, tarika Shattariya, prayers, dikir, marriage, divination. See Pigeaud II, p. 457. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2397) Or. 7593 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 45 ff., Arabic script, the language shows some Minangkabau influence. (1) ff. 1v-30r. Tarikat Samman. ff. 1v-15r. Tarikat Samman. The text begins with the silsilah, in which the first mentioned is Pado Satio Panghulu Kepala ..., who received his ijazah from panghulu Shaykh AbdurRahman. The silsilah goes up to Shaykh Ismail, Haji Muhammad Muni (Huni ?), Haji AbdulWahid ibn Kadaruddin ibn Badaruddin Palembang, Shaykh Muhammad Dahari Palembang, ascending to Shaykh Ahmad Tayyib ibn `Abd al-Karim Samman. This is followed by: ff. 15v-30r. Manaqib Samman, followed by a dzikir. In the colophon Syaikh Abdur-Rahman (the writer’s teacher?), is mentioned again. (2) ff. 30v-33r. Sifat duapuluh, followed by seven lines about manikam di dalam Adam, at the end again mention is made of Abdur-Rahman followed by telah memberi izin kepada tuan Datuk Pado Satio, kepala negeri P.nc.ng t.b.la menurun Tarikat Samman ini. (3) f. 33 v. Do’a hajat. On ff. 34r-35v are all kinds of jottings in ink and pencil (almost illegible). (4) ff. 36v-41v. Syarh do’a qadah, used by the Prophet during the mi'raj, at the end some hadith (ff. 41v-42r). (5) ff. 44r-v. Sembahyang, a treatise about sembahyang. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 450-451 (No. 985). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2564) Or. 7594 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Naksibandiyya. An introduction to Naqshbandi beliefs, extracted from a primbon (?). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 228. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2571)

Or. 7595 Arabic, paper, 14 ff., dated 1295 AH (1878-1879), copied in Mecca. Nahgat al-Salikin wa-Bahgat al-Muslikin, a work on the Khalidiyya tariqa by Sulayman Zuhdi al-Khalidi (lived 1288-1289 AH [1871-1873]), GAL S II, 1011. See on the author also C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, in the index s.v. Sulaiman Efendi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 247. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2978) Or. 7596 Malay, Arabic, paper, 110 ff., Arabic script. A fragment only of Targuman al-Mustafid, a translation of and commentary on the Qur’an by `Abd al-Ra’uf al-Singkeli (Abdurrauf of Singkel, 11/17th cent.), made after Anwar al-Tanzil waAsrar al-Ta’wil, the Qur’an commentary by al-Baydawi (d. 716/1316?), GAL G I, 417. Matn written in red, Sharh written in black ink. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, vol. 2, p. 17, note 6. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 110. See Peter Riddell, ‘The sources of `Abd al-Ra’uf's Tarjumân al-Mustafîd’, in JMBRAS 57/2 (1984), pp. 113-118. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 451 (No. 986). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2563) Or. 7597 Malay, sheaf with four items, paper, Arabic script in different hands. The titles of the first three items seem to be given titles, originating from Iskandar. A. 4 ff., Arabic script. Wugud. The text contains a fragment of a treatise about wugud; the author of Miftah al-Ghayb (Sadr al-Din Muhammad b. Ishaq al-Qunawi (d. 672/1273), GAL G I, 450) is quoted. The text is possibly written by Nuruddin ar-Raniri (d. 1658). B. 12 ff. Arabic script. Adab. The text contains a fragment of a treatise about adab. Al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423 is quoted frequently. Same handwriting as MS Leiden Or. 7603 A, below. C. 12 ff., Arabic script. Wahdat al-wugud. The text contains a fragment of a treatise about Wahdat al-wugud in which syair of Hamzah Fansuri are quoted. D. 4 ff., Arabic script, text on 2 ff. only. Acehnese. Hikayat sipheuet dua ploh. A fragment about the attributes of God, in sanjak. In the form of question (mostly beginning with pakri) and answer. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 222. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 451-452 (No. 987). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2562)

Or. 7598 Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 8 ff., Arabic script. (1) f. 1r-v. Silsilah Syatariyah. Syaikh Muhammad Sa`id is the last in the pedigree. The end of another treatise is found at the top f. 1r. (2) ff. 2r-8v. Kashf al-Ghara’ib. The copying was finished on 18 Dzulhijjah 1264 (15 November 1848). In the introduction the author says that he was writing a commentary on the Arabic alQasida al-Munfariga by Abu Yahya Zayn ald-Din Zakariya’ b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Ansari. However, al-Qasida al-Munfariga was composed by Yusuf b. Muhammad al-Tawzari (d. 505/1111 or 513/1119), GAL G I, 268, whereas Zakariyya’ al-Ansari (d. 926/1520) is known to have written a commentary on it. The present author says that he had previously written a short commentary on the Qasida in Arabic. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 452 (No. 988). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2561) Or. 7599 Old No. 5 Javanese, paper, 50 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, Syattariya tarika, dikir. See Pigeaud II, p. 457. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2364) Or. 7600 Old No. Banyumas 2 Javanese, paper, 40 pp., Arabic script. Notes of a Nur Hakim disciple, Bagelen, niyats, prayers, pasrah (surrender) of a disciple to his master in mysticism. See Pigeaud II, p. 457. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2365) Or. 7601 Old No. Banyumas 6 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang) damaged, 13 + 76 pp., Javanese and Arabic scripts. Menak Amir Hamza romance, Rengganis, fragmentary: 13 pp. in Arabic script and 76 pp. in Javanese script. See Pigeaud II, pp. 457-458. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2366) Or. 7602 Arabic, European paper, 56 ff., dated 1264 AH (1847-1848). Anonymous commentary on Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball al-Sada, by Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360), GAL G II, 23. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 271-272, where reference is given to a manuscript in Jakarta. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 2979) Or. 7603 Collection of texts in Malay and Javanese. Sheaf, containing seven items, paper, Arabic script in several diferent hands. A. 12 ff. Fragment only of Bidayat al-hidayah, by Muhammad Zain ibn al-Faqih Jalaluddin asySyafi’i al-Asyi. Contains the Malay version of Umm al-barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Still to be compared with MS Leiden Or. 5741 (1), above. Here a fragment only about wudhu’ (ff. 3v-5r)., preceded by the end of Bidayat al-salikin, copied in 1249/1833-1834. Would this be part of the work Hidayat as-salikin fi suluk maslak almuttaqin, by Abdus-Samad al-Jawi al-Palimbani? B. 20 ff. Sabil al-muhtadin. The work is by Muhammad Arsyad; only the beginning; the continuation is missing. The paper damaged by corrosion. C. 16 ff., the leaves are partly corroded. Religious treatise. The text contains a treatise about the salat. The beginning and end are missing. D. 1 f. Religious treatise. Fragment on Tahara. E. 4 ff. Religious treatise. A fasal about the sembahyang. F. Javanese, about isim. G. 1 f. Do’a, prayer. On the verso side is a table of contents by Muhammad Noerdin; from Geudong (1898). Iskandar surmises that this fragment probably does not belong to the Holle collection, which is the provenance of the other materials in this collection. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 452-453 (No. 989). Earlier provenance: War booty. Geudong, 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2546) Or. 7604 - Or. 7627 Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). The content of a parcel with note saying that these are primbons and other manuscripts from Tjiandjoer (Cianjur), Soekaboemi (Sukabumi), etc., from 1890, etc. Or. 7604 Javanese, 4 small notebooks, damaged, Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on divination, vibrations (kedutan), dreams, charms and incantations. See Pigeaud II, p. 458. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2367) Or. 7605 Arabic, paper, illustrations.

Six flags from Western Java. Copies on paper of the Arabic inscriptions on four of the flags. One of the flags is dated 1304 AH (1886-1887). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 435. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Ar. 2980) Or. 7606 Javanese, 4 small notebooks, damaged, 1 folded sheet of paper, Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on theology, mysticism, tabaruks, divination, crisses, paras Nabi, Aki Mudik batara Karang incantation, prayers, Mulud. See Pigeaud II, p. 458. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2368) Or. 7607 Collection of texts in Malay, Sundanese, Arabic, paper, Arabic script in several different hands. A. Sundanese and Arabic. Kitab sifat Nabi. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. B. 22 ff. (1) f. 1r. Silsilah Raden Murtadha here called Sejarah Nabi Adam, this genealogy begins with Adam and ends with Muhammad (the 43rd generation), Fatimah, Husain, Zainal Abidin, Zainal al-Kubra, Jumadil-Kubra, Sultan Bani Israil, Sultan h.w.t. Ramatullah, Maulana Muhadan, Maulana Hasanuddin, Maulana Yusuf, Maulana Nasaruddin, Sultan Abul-Mufakhir (= Sultan Agung of Banten), Sultan Abul-Ma’ali, Sultan Abul-Fatah Abdul-Fatah, Sultan AbuNasr Abdul-Kahar, Pangeran Segiri, Raden Arif, Raden k.r(or w).i.w.ng., Raden Muhiuddin, Raden Murtadha c(orj).m.p.r. (2) ff. 1v-8v. Sifat duapuluh. At the end it says: Yang empunya ini Kitab `Aqa’id Raden Murtadha, Kampung Cemper (c.i.m.p.r.), copied on 28 Syawal 1257 (13 December 1841), but in the manuscript it says: 1840. (3) ff. 8v-9r. Umur nabi-nabi, about the age of prophets. (4) ff. 9v-10v. Arti syahadat. (5) ff. 11r-17r. Syarat Islam. (6) ff. 17r-v. Mengithbatkan dzat Allah ta`'ala. (7) ff. 18v-20v. Kitab bidayat as-salikin, a fragment only from this religious work. Would this be the work Hidayat as-salikin fi suluk maslak al-muttaqin, by Abdus-Samad al-Jawi al-Palimbani? (8) ff. 21v-22v. Sifat duapuluh, a fragment only. C. Sundanese. Syahadat. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 453-454 (No. 990). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2547)

Or. 7608 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with Javanese. European laid paper (watermark: CONCORDIA; countermark: VAN GELDER), 21.5 x 17.5 cm, 34 ff. + several unnumbered inserts, naskh script, paper cover, with two quires sewn together. ff. 1a and unnumbered previous leaves: scribbling. (1) ff. 1b-5b. Arabic with occasional interlinear glossing. Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by `Abd alQahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30. (2) ff. 5b-22a. Arabic. al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. With interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. (3) ff. 22b-24a. Arabic. Anonymous tract without title, on death, punishment in the grave and resurrection. With interlinear translation in Javanese. Beginning: Subhan min (sic, Jav. saking) ta`azza (sic) bil-Qudra wal-Baqa’ wa-Qahar al-`Abd bil-Mawt wal-Fana’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 453. (4) ff. 24b-32b. Arabic. Kitab Ahkam al-Siyam. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 343. F. 33a. Scribbling. (5) ff. 33b-34b. Arabic. Incomplete (abrupt end) piece, called Tatimma, of a commentary on a text about Salat. With Javanese notes. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 447. Added: 5 unnumbered folios of much smaller size, mostly filled with scribbling. After that follow two folios with some text. Not in Pigeaud II. Earlier provenance: Label on back cover with text: ‘No. 8 kitab goeroe … (?) Nahoe | Ada dalam Igama Slam’. See for a similar provenance MS Leiden Or. 7622 a, below. Earlier provenance: No. 8 (on back cover). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7609 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kitab Kapiat Tarekat Kadariyah. The word Kapiat is possibly Kayfiyyat. No author mentioned. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 215. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2570) Or. 7610 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Sifat dua puluh. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 240. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2569)

Or. 7611 Arabic, European laid paper, 22 ff., 21.2 x 17 cm, naskh script, main text by one copyist, beginning of illumination work (black/purple squares with white dots, and other shapes), unbound, loose quires bound together. Ratib Rifa`i (?). A booklet with several short texts and passages in prose and poetry, on Dhikr and Tasliya, possibly Turunan, as the word turun is written several times in the margin. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 60. ff. 1b-4a. Poetry. ff. 4b-5b. Prose. ff. 5b-8a. Poetry. ff. 8a-9a. Prose ff. 9a-10a. Poetry. ff. 10b-12a. Prose. ff. 12a-15a. Poetry. Ff. 15b-16b. Blank. ff. 17a-20b. Several shorter prayers, written in large script. Qadiriyya and Rifa`iyya. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7612 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan Sulanjana, a poetical text on Sundanese mythology, on rice growing and Sri Dewi. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 275. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2568) Or. 7613 Arabic, European laid paper, 24 ff., 21.5 x 17.5 cm, vocalized naskh script, unbound, attempts at illumination work, loose quires bound together. Ratib Rifa`i. A collection of texts for recitation in the gedebus performance, probably all from Garut (West Java), copied around 1300 AH (1882-1883) and sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. All copies of the Ratib have corrupt spellings. Some directions for use are in Malay (not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999)) and Javanese (not in Pigeaud II) at the beginning of the volume and on f. 24b. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7614 Arabic, European laid paper, 13 ff., 21.5 x 17.5 cm, vocalized naskh script, unbound, one loose quire, kept in a loose paper cover.

Ratib Rifa`i. A collection of texts for recitation in the gedebus performance, probably all from Garut (West Java), copied around 1300 AH (1882-1883) and sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. All copies have corrupt spellings. Some directions for use are in Malay (not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999)) and Javanese (not in Pigeaud II). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7615 Javanese, paper, 26 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, prayers of the Rifa`i tarika, mentioning `Abdu’l-Kadir al-Jailani, ikhlas, etc. See Pigeaud II, p. 458. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2369) Or. 7616 Arabic, European laid paper, 24 ff., 21.4 x 17.1 cm, vocalized naskh script, unbound, two quires sewn together. Ratib Rifa`i. A collection of texts for recitation in the gedebus performance, probably all from Garut (West Java), copied around 1300 AH (1882-1883) and sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. All copies have corrupt spellings. Some directions for use are in Malay (not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999)) and Javanese (not in Pigeaud II). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7617 Arabic, European laid paper, 24 ff., 21 x 17 cm, vocalized naskh script, dated a Monday in Gumada I 1304 AH (1887), two quires sewn together, kept in a paper cover. Dhikr Rifa`i. A collection of litanies of the Rifa`i tariqa, to be used in dabus performances. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 61. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7618 Arabic with Javanese, European laid paper, [2] + 8 + [2] ff., 22 x 17 cm, vocalized naskh script, unbound, quire sewn together with two leaves of paper. Dhikr Rifa`i. A collection of litanies of the Rifa`i tariqa, to be used in dabus performances. The short version, with only prose pieces. Javanese title: Kitab pangdikiran. The Javanese part contains prayers of the Shattariyya tariqa, and notes concerning dukhul. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 61. See Pigeaud II, p. 458.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7619 Arabic, Sundanese, paper, 28 pp. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah, given to Shaykh `Abdallah in 1297 AH (1879-1880). With paraphrase in Sundanese. Concerning these admonitions, said to have been given by the Prophet in a dream to a person called Hamza, Salih or `Abdallah in Mecca or Medina, see C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, I, pp. 125 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 250. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2567) Or. 7620 a Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, European laid paper, 40 ff., vocalized naskh script, dated 1291 AH (1874-1875). (1) ff. 1v-26v Safinat al-Naga’, by Salim b. Samir al-Hadri (1277/1860), GAL S II, 812. Defective copy, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 321. Ff. 15v-16r, 27r, 28r. Blank. (1a) f. 27v. Prayer in Javanese. (2) ff. 28v-40v. Risala fi `Ilm al-Tawhid, by Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Baguri (d. 1276/1860), GAL G II, 487. With interlinear translation in Javanese. Cf. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 297. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 297. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7620 b Javanese, European laid paper, ff. 41a-45a, 20 x 16.3 cm, naskh script, unbound, loose quire, kept inside Or. 7620 a, above. Notes on mysticism, and Javanese glosses of Arabic treatises on theology. See Pigeaud II, p. 458. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7621 Arabic, European laid paper, 6 + 5 ff., 21.5 x 17.3 cm, vocalized naskh script, undated but evidently 19th century, loose quire kept in a loose paper cover. Two Khutba’s from Java. The first for `Id al-Fitr (ff. 0b-5b), the second for `Id al-Adha (ff. 10b14b). The rest of the leaves is blank. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 163. Earlier provenance: No. 4 (on front cover).

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7622 a Javanese and Arabic, treebark paper (dluang), 35 ff., 18.5 x 13.5 cm, vocalized Arabic script in several hands, occasionally Javanese script (ff. 11b, 16a, 23a, 25a, 25b-26a, 27a, 31a, 30b), 3 quires sewn together, front cover of leather has been preserved. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism, theology, divination, prayers. See Pigeaud II, p. 458. f. 1a. Front cover. ff. 1b-4a. Javanese. Notes. ff. 4a-11a. Javanese. Notes. ff. 11a-b. Javanese. Notes, abrupt end. ff. 12a-16a, 17a-b. Javanese. Notes. F. 12a largely cut off. f. 16b. Writing exercise of the Arabic alphabet, with vowels. ff. 17b-19b. Arabic. 19b. Prayer text. Du`a’. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. ff. 19b-20b. Arabic. Notes. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. ff. 20b-24b. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. f. 25a. Arabic. Prayer text, Du`a’. ff. 25b-26a. Javanese. Beginning of a Jampe, and other texts. ff. 26b-27a. Writing exercise of the Arabic alphabet, without vowels. ff. 27b-29b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. f. 30a. Javanese. Unidentified. ff. 30a-32b. Javanese. Prayer texts. Doa. ff. 33a-35b. Arabic. Du`a’ Mawlid. Earlier provenance: Label on front cover with text ‘No. 12 kitab ooma noerdin … ( ?) | ada dalem Igama Slam’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2370] (MSS Leiden Or. 7622 a and Or. 7622 b are kept in the same portfolio) Or. 7622 b Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, treebark paper (dluang), 94 ff., 20.2 x 15 cm, vocalized Arabic script in several different hands (occasionally Javanese script: ff. 53a, 57a, 59a, 62a, 67b), full-leather binding. The texts read from either side of the volume. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on prayers (Arabic), Sipat Nabi (with a note on the merits of keeping a copy at home), salawat (with a note on the merits), note on Sri, i.e. cahya Muhammad, charms. On the reverse side: Sundanese notes on prayers. See Pigeaud II, p. 458. ff. 1b-2a. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. See for this and the following texts Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. ff. 2b-8b. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. Abrupt end. Between ff. 8b-9a two leaves have been cut

out. ff. 9a-15b. Arabic. Acephalous Tasliya text. Blessings (Salawat) on the Prophet Muhammad, preceded by a story recommending their recitation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. f. 16a. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 16b-17b. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. ff. 18a-b. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’ hassa. ff. 18b-22a. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. ff. 22b-24a. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’ hassa. ff. 24b-31a. Arabic. Part of Surat Yasin (Qur’an 36), followed (ff. 31a-32a) by a Tasliya prayer. f. 32b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 32b-33a. Javanese. Doa malem. ff. 33a-34b. Arabic. Invocation of Abu Bakr. ff. 34b-35a. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. ff. 35a-37a. Javanese. Tasliya and istighfara texts. ff. 37a-38b. Javanese. Mas’ala … and other texts. ff 38b-40a. Javanese. Sipat Nabi. ff. 40a-53a. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 53b-54a. Javanese. Prayer texts. Doa. Diagram on f. 54a. ff. 54b-57a. Javanese. Carita Sri saking Rasul Allah … ff. 57b-59b. Javanese. Several shorter prayer texts. Doa. ff. 62a-59b. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. ff. 63a-62a. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. ff. 64b-63b. Arabic. Several shorter prayer texts. Du`a’. f. 65a. Javanese. Invocation of the angels. ff. 67a-65b. Javanese. Mas’ala. ff. 68a-67b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. f. 68b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 70a-68b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 72a-70b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 76a-72b. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 76b-77a. Javanese. Prayer text. Doa. ff. 78a-77b. Javanese. Text in Javanese script. ff. 93b-78a. Sundanese. Haqiqat Allahumma …, also with niyat. Between ff. 85a-84b are two loose inserts with texts in Javanese script, with on one an inscription in Dutch: ‘N. III behoort bij de verklaring van getuige N. II’. f. 94a. Arabic. Several short texts. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 186, 206. Ekadjata has described the same volume twice. In both descriptions he gives an Indonesian version or abstract of Pigeaud’s description. On p. 186 he identifies the languages in the

volume as Arabic and Sundanese, on p. 206 he identifies the languages as Sundanese and Javanese. He does not add anything to information already known. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2371] (MSS Leiden Or. 7622 a and Or. 7622 b are kept in the same portfolio) Or. 7623 Collection of texts in Javanese (a, b) and Sundanese (c), paper, 3 booklets, 14 + 11 + 36 pp., Arabic script. Notes on prayers (a and b): Sundanese notes (c). See Pigeaud II, p. 458. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 186, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2372) Or. 7624 Arabic, with some Malay and Javanese, European laid paper, [2] + 22 + [2] ff., 22 x 16.5 cm, vocalized naskh script, one quire sewn together, kept in a paper cover. Ratib Rifa`i. A collection of texts for recitation in the gedebus performance, probably all from Garut (West Java), copied around 1300 AH (1882-1883) and sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. All copies of the Ratib have corrupt spellings. Some directions for use are in Malay (not in Iskandar, Catalogue) and Javanese (not in Pigeaud II). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7625 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Perkara agama. A text (given title) on the salat. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 231, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2566) Or. 7626 Arabic, with some Malay and Javanese, European laid paper, 21 ff., vocalized naskh script, dated 25 Rajab 1300 (1883, colophon on f. 19b), two quires sewn together, and kept in a large folded sheet of thickish paper. Ratib Rifa`i. A collection of texts for recitation in the gedebus performance, probably all from Garut (West Java), copied in 1300 AH (1883) and sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. All

copies of the Ratib have corrupt spellings. Some directions for use are in Malay (not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999)) and Javanese (not in Pigeaud II). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7627 Arabic, with some Malay and Javanese, European laid paper, [1] + 20 ff., 21.5 x 17.6 cm, vocalized naskh script, one quire sewn together, with paper cover. Ratib Rifa`i. A collection of texts for recitation in the gedebus performance, probably all from Garut (West Java), copied around 1300 AH (1882-1883) and sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1890. All copies of the Ratib have corrupt spellings. Some directions for use are in Malay (not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999)) and Javanese (not in Pigeaud II). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2977] Or. 7628 - Or. 7675 Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Malay manuscripts, several of which have been part of the former Loan Snouck Hurgronje. Or. 7628 Malay, paper, 14 ff., Arabic script, copied by Syaikh Abdul-Kadir ibn Abdullah Betawi. AbdulGhafar ibn Abdur-Rahman Betawi is mentioned as the owner. Risalah fi tariq al-ma`rifah at-tamma. A mystical treatise about dzat, nur, ruh, akal, wujud, man 'arafa nafsahufaqad 'arafa rabbahu, dzikir, etc; (ff. 1v-9r); the mystical explanation of the letters of the word tasawwuf; at the end a postscript in another hand containing a mystical explanation of isim, syahadah, etc. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 454 (No. 991). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2545) Or. 7629 Malay, paper, 8 ff., Arabic script. A stained manuscript. Kitab tib (given title). A collection of do’a, azimat, obat, etc. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 454 (No. 992). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2545)

Or. 7630 Arabic, Malay, modern lined paper, 20 ff., 10.4 x 8.5 cm, Arabic script in several hands, cloth cover. (1) ff. 1b-4b. Do’a. Arabic prayers, preceded (f. 1b) by scribbling. (2) ff. 5b-6b. Malay. Prayer text. Doa. (3) ff. 8b-11a. Malay. Prayer text. Doa. (4) f. 11b. Beginning only of another prayer text; f. 14a. Beginning only of another one; f. 14b. idem. (5) ff. 16b-a. Malay. Text on sembahyang, ritual prayer. (7) f. 20a. Prayer texts on al-Asma’ , and on ritual prayer at noon (Fard al-Zuhr). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 455 (No. 993). Earlier provenance: A stained manuscript, from Matang Kuli (Aceh), on insert: ‘Matang Koeli II’. War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Mal. 2545] Or. 7631 Malay, paper, 9 ff., Arabic script. Hikayat Nabi bercukur. On the shaving of the Prophet Muhammad. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 455 (No. 994). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2545) Or. 7632 Arabic, Malay, paper, 14 ff., Arabic script, several different hands. Do’a. A collection of prayers, used at funeral ceremonies and niyah formulas in connection with special salat (ff. 2r-3r, 7v-14r), Arabic with Malay introductions. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 455 (No. 995). Earlier provenance: War booty? Found in the kampung of T. Gade, No. 12. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2545) Or. 7633 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Malay, paper, 14 ff., Arabic script, illustrations. (1) ff. 1r-4v. Do’a. Prayers, in Malay and Arabic. (2) ff. 5r-11v. Fa’al, naga beralih, ketika lima, divination for the 30 days of the month; with diagrams. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 455 (No. 996). Earlier provenance: War booty? Found in Awe Geutah (Peusangan, Aceh) Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2545) Or. 7634 Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic, paper, 15 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1v-5r. at-Tariqah as-Sattariyyah. A manual of Sattariyyah mysticism. (2) ff. 5v-9v. Du`a’, prayer, in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 456 (No. 997). Earlier provenance: War booty? Found in Awe Geutah (Peusangan, Aceh) Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2545) Or. 7635 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 125 Malay (with Batavianisms), Javanese (at the end), European laid paper (watermark: PRO PATRIA), [2] + 46 + [2] pp. (pp. 23-24 numbered twice), 21 x 17 cm, vocalized Arabic script in more than one hand, two quires sewn together, kept in paper covers of which either one has an unidentified penciled Malay text on the inside. Batavian primbon in which also texts connected with the kawula-gusti doctrine. Added as a loose insert is a detailed table of contents by G.W.J. Drewes (1899-1992), which was used both by Iskandar and by myself for the present description. p. 1. The sipats in the human body. p. 2. The mystical kiblats. p. 4. The asal sembahyang. The connection between the number of rak`ats of the several salats with things of equal number. p. 5. The origin of the movements of the salat from the elements, and these from the letters of the word Allah. p. 6. More about these letters. p. 7. Daerah of the word al-Hamdu. p. 8. Dzikir formulas, tempat nyawa lima perkara (at each of the waktu). p. 11. Five empty njawa, and its chair with each of the waktus. Waktu, Prophet, Sahabat, Angel. p. 13. Rukun Shahadat. p. 14. The salat (fiqh). p. 21. What the Prophet recommended to do when passing by the grave of a Muslim. p. 21. About mandi. p. 23. About the prohibitions laid on menstruating and pregnant women. p. 25. What is prohibited to people who are ritually impure (orang janabat). p. 27. Doa texts. p. 28. About Wahdat al-Wugud, etc. p. 30. About Takbirat al-Ihram. Explanation of the terms Ihram, Munajat, Mi`rag and tubadil. p. 32. Mystical speculations.

p. 34. About Old-Javanese jasad-nyawa-rahsa-Allah. Quoted is pangeran Giri about mati, mosih and itang. p. 35. About Sakarat al-mawt. Seeing colours during the final agony in connection with the four … (?), and what should be thought and said at that occasion. p. 39. Javanese. Several cahyas such as kasutian of the parts of the human body. p. 40. Mystical speculation. p. 44. Blank. p. 45. Javanese. Doa karahayunandarta (?) kinasihan. p. 46. Javanese. Doa to be recited, Kalam duduk … See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 456 (No. 998). See also Pigeaud IV, pp. 48-49, for a description of the Javanese materials. => In Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 43-44 is mention of the fact that this manuscript would contain a Javanese version of: ‘Arabic, with Javanese translation. Kitab Bayan Allah fi Ma`rifat Bayan min Kull Bayan, by Yusuf b. Muhammad Makkiyya, or at least ascribed to an author of that name. It is a tract on pantheistic mysticism, for the most part consisting of statements by God, the Prophet Muhammad and teachers of mysticism, one of them the author himself. See also C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Šamsu ’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 397, note 37, who by mistake has cut the title in two and speaks of two tracts. The Malay poem Tuan di Mekah in C.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze, op. cit., p. 385 is not by the present author but probably by Hamza Fansuri. The present tract is clearly of Indonesian origin as all the manuscripts come from Indonesia and the Arabic is unidiomatic. Another manuscript is in London, India Office, Loth 1046, VIII. With a Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43-44.’ ¶ The manuscript that was found in the course of 1950 connected with a thread to this manuscript is now separately registered as MS Leiden Or. 8365, below. Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia in 1894 (note in his hand on front cover). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2544] Or. 7636 Malay, paper, 199 pp., Latin script, dated 25 July 1894/21 Muharam 1312, autograph copy, copied by Haji Hasan Mustafa (Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930), Hoofd-Panghulu at Kutaraja (Aceh), a copy of the original manuscript. Keadaan Atjeh oleh Hadji Hasan Moestapa (given title?). An analysis of the political situation in Aceh in the form of questions and answers. The text contains the observations of the author about the indigenous administration, the relations with the Dutch administration, the position of the Sultan and the Uleebalangs, the continuing war (perang sabil) under the leadership of the ulama, the internal quarrels between the Acehnese and their unity against the Dutch, the relationship between Acehnese who had surrendered to the Dutch and with

those who had not, and about the position of the sultan in the eyes of the Acehnese should he fall into Dutch hands. See in MS Leiden Or. 8743. below, for a partial Dutch translation. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 456 (No. 999). Earlier provenance: From Hasan Moestapa. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2543) Or. 7637 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Minangkabau, paper, 103 ff.; Arabic script. (1) ff. 1r-30r. Tambo Minangkabau, Tambo Rajo, Minangkabau. The beginning is missing. Copy of this part by (?) Muhammad Noerdin in MS Leiden Or. 7641, below. (2) ff. 30v-39r. Undang-undang Minangkabau, in Minangkabau. Kota Piliang is mentioned here in particular. Copy of this part by (?) Muhammad Noerdin in MS Leiden Or. 7641, below. (3) ff. 41v-46r. Arabic, a mystical treatise. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (4) ff. 46v-51r. Ilmu kalam, a treatise about religious doctrine. (5) ff. 52v-74r. Arabic. Magma` al-Bahrayn, dated Muharam 1275 (August- September 1858). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 177. Copy of this part by (?) Muhammad Noerdin in MS Leiden Or. 7641, below. (6) ff. 74v-78r. Kitab ahl Allah, mystical treatise, copied by Fakih Sutan, dated Muharam 1275 (August- September 1858). (7) ff. 79r-80r. Arabic notes. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (8) ff. 80v-98v. Sifat duapuluh. (9) ff. 99r-101r. Martabat tujuh, a mystical treatise in which Hamzah Fansuri’s Syarab al`asyiqin is quoted. This manuscript was used and quoted in J. Doorenbos, De geschriften van Hamzah Pansoeri, Leiden 1933, p. 222, as MS 47a. It has also been described by C. Snouck Hurgronje, Verspreide geschriften, vol. 4/1 (1924), p. 47 ff. (10) f. 101v. Do’a. (11) ff. 102r-103v. Nur Muhammad. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 457 (No. 1000). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2542) Or. 7638 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Acehnese and Malay, paper, 192 ff., Arabic script, several smaller manuscripts bound together and now consecutively foliated. (1) 14 ff. different hands. Kitab tib (given title?). ff. 1r-4r. Arabic; Du`a’, prayer texts. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. ff. 4r-5v. Peri mengetahui mani pada tubuh perempuan, about the place of the female vaginal secretion on each day of the month. ff. 5v-8r. Jampi, do’a, etc.

ff. 8v-11r. Fa’al, calculation of lucky and unlucky days, with a postscript in Acehnese (4 lines). ff. 11v-14r. Arabic, Du`a’, prayer texts. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. (2) 12 ff. Religious treatise. ff. 15r-21r. Do’a, etc. ff. 21v-25v. A treatise about sembahyang, followed by do’a and obat. (3) 14 ff., different hands. Kitab tib (given title?). ff. 27r-37r. Do’a, jampi, fragments of mystic content, in Arabic and Malay. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. ff. 38r-40r. Acehnese. Seulaweuet. (4) 61 ff. Religious treatise. ff. 41r-66r. Umur Nabi, do’, dzikir, in Malay and Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. ff. 67v-85r. Do’a, dzikir, in Malay and Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. ff. 87r-101r. Do’a. (5) ff. 102v-119v. (?) ff. 102v-119v. Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. Incomplete at the end. A poem about the mystical origin, birth and person of the Prophet Muhammad. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 151. (6) ff. 120r-192v. Kitab tib (given title?). On names giving for babies (depending on the day of birth), do’a, raqam, azimat, obat, etc. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 457-458 (No. 1001). Earlier provenance: War booty? From Geudong, Aceh, 1898. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2541) Or. 7639 Collection of texts in Malay and Javanese, paper, Arabic script, several different hands. A sheaf containing four items. A. 7 ff., leaves somewhat damaged. Collection of letters from Perak. The text contains copies of letters and trade regulations. (1) Regulations concerning the tin trade made by Sultan Abdullah Mu`azzam Syah of Perak in the presence of high dignitaries; dated 1244/1828-1829. (2) Letter from Sultan Abdullah Mu`azzam Syah to John Anderson, Resident counsellor of Pulau Pinang. (3). Two letters from Sultan Abdullah Mu`azzam Syah to the governor of Ligor (Thailand). (4) Letter from Sultan Abdullah Mu`azzam Syah to the Resident of Pulau Pinang. (5) Letter from Sultan Abdullah Mu`azzam Syah to Orangkaya Besar requesting to see him. (6) Letter from the sultan of Perak to someone he calls anakanda, about the tin trade. (7) Letter, probably to the Resident of Pulau Pinang, in which the Governor of Ligor is mentioned. (8) Letter, probably to the Resident of Pulau Pinang. (9) Fragment of a letter(?).

(10) Fragment of a letter about trade. (11) Letter (from whom?) to Pak Tik and Kerani Abdul-Majid of Pulau Pinang about the elephant trade. (12) Fragment of a letter in which the raja of Selangor is mentioned. (13) Two letters from Sultan Abdullah Mu`azzam Syah of Perak to the governor of Ligor. (14) Letter from the sultan of Perak(?) to someone he calls sahabat (a European), dated 11 Syawal 1244 (16 April 1829). (15) The same as No. 14, above, but undated. (16) Letter (from the sultan of Perak ?) to the Resident of Pulau Pinang about the imminent arrival of Raja Benggal (G.G. of Bengal) by steamer. (17) 1 folio, torn into two pieces. Letter from Sultan Mu`azzam Syah of Perak to Sultan Ibrahim Syah of Selangor. B. 4 ff. Shorter texts. (1) 3 ff. Pantun, The text contains love pantuns, the beginning and the end of the collection are missing. (2) 1 f. A fragment only about Kutika. A note in pencil (by Voorhoeve?) indicates that this leaf belongs in fact to MS Leiden Or. 8143, below. C. Letters. (1) Letter to the hop-panghulu of Batavia from the panghulu landraad of Meester Cornelis, dated 14 February 1904, asking for his decision about the date of the hari raya haji. (2) Letters to Syaikh Abdul-Ghafar (C. Snouck Hurgronje) from a haji in Banjarmasin asking for a decision about the kiblat (Qibla) of a mosque. D. Javanese, unidentified text. Not in Pigeaud II. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 458-460 (No. 1002). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2471) Or. 7640 Collection of texts in Malay, with some Javanese, paper, Arabic and Latin scripts. Sheaf containing five items. A. 16 ff. Latin script. Signed by Wirasastro, wedana of Sapuran, dated 7 February 1889. Pratelan dari adanja goeroe dan santri Kalisalak. A list of guru and santri of Kalisalak (sub-districts of Sempol, Kaliwuluh, Kepil and Gowong, Residency Bagelen) in 1888. B. 2 ff. Latin script. Pratelan goeroe dan santri Kalisalak. With on f. 1v an accompanying letter from the wedana of Kalialang to the Regent of Lebak dated 11 September 1889. On f. 2v is a list of santri. Items A and B contain data about the followers of Ahmad Ripangi [of Kali Salak] and his ngelmu Kalisalak. C. 16 ff., Arabic script. Documents about Siak. The text on ff. 1v-5r, contains copies of letters from Tengku Muda, Tengku Mangkubumi and other dignitaries of Siak to the Resident of the

East Coast of Sumatra, decrees issued by Tengku Muda and a report on the interrogation of Tengku Muda by the Resident (all of them meant as a background report for the decision to be made in the dispute between Tengku Muda and Tengku Mangkubumi during the illness of the sultan of Siak). The decision of the government to the advantage of Tengku Muda, the documents are dated 1883-1890. D. Collection of texts. (1) 20 ff., Latin script. Boekoe sembajang. The language is Java Malay. Directions for sembahyang (ff. 2v-8v). (2) 20 ff. Latin script. ff. 1v-10v. Pertjajaan pada Ratoe Adil, containing sahadatnja ratoe adil, poedjienja ratoe, menjaoettan pertanjaanja ratoe adil, etc. The language is Malay and Javanese. ff. 10r-16r. Mystical treatise, containing: asalnja manoesia ampat perkara, elmoe empat dapoor, elmoe marifatnja Allah, hakekatnja nabie. E. 17 ff., Arabic script, a worn and damaged manuscript. Mystical treatise. The text contains a pantheistic mystical explanation of the letters in 'Allah', and is about dzat,wahdat al-wujud, syahadat kencana, syahadat sakarat, syahadat putih, syahadat Fatimah, syahadat Khatijah, syahadat Aminah, syahadat `A’isyah, etc. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 460-461 (No. 1003). The Javanese texts not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2472) Or. 7641 Malay, Arabic (?), paper, 41 pp., copied by Muhammad Noerdin (?). Undang-undang Minangkabau. A copy of MS Leiden 7637, above, ff. 1r-39r, 52v-74r. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 461 (No. 1004). MS Leiden Or. 7637, ff. 52v-74r is a text in Arabic. Magma` al-Bahrayn, dated Muharam 1275 (August- September 1858). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2540) Or. 7642 Malay, European laid paper (watermark: CONCORDIA), [3] + 80 + [5] pp., Arabic script, dated the early morning of Thursday 8 Ramadan 1285 (1868, colophon on p. 79), paper cover, four quires sewn together. Undang-undang Minangkabau. As author is mentioned Khatib Maharaja (p. 1). Undangundang Minangkabau proper (on pp. 1-15). At this point the author, quoting Qur’an 4: 59, says: jika bersalahan banang sama banang, apabila berbantah adat sama adat, carikan hukum kitabullah, laku hukum ijtihad. Then he describes the Islamic law about dakwa and saksi (pp. 16-21), adab kadhi (pp. 21-28), orang mendawa, sumpah etc. (pp. 28-50), hukum jenayah (pp. 5579). See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 461 (No. 1005).

The reference in P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 216, saying that this is Kalila dan Dimna is incorrect. Voorhoeve possibly confused it with MS Leiden Or. 7672. Earlier provenance: The copy of J.J. de Hollander (1817-1886), which was acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje in October 1887. Note in his hand on the end cover: ‘Minangkabausche Oendangoendang. C.Sn.H. (Octr. 1887.)’ Den Hollander’s signature on f. 2a. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2539] Or. 7643 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Mal. 21 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Malay, paper, 161 pp., dated 29 Sha`ban 1098, possibly or partly an autograph copy. (1) pp. 1-48. Arabic and Malay. Incomplete copy (beginnen and part between pp. 12-13 missing) of Risalat Adab Murid akan Shaykh by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Title given by Teungku Mohamed Noerdin. Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 334. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 114-115, where the colophon is quoted and analysed. The colophon mentions Abdurrauf as the copyist, but Voorhoeve thinks that only corrections in the text may have been written by the author. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. (2) pp. 49-83. Arabic and Malay. Incomplete copy (end missing) of Risala Mukhtasara fi Bayan Shurut al-Shaykh wal-Murid, by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 335. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 115. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist. (3) pp. 84-93. Malay. Incomplete copy (beginning is missing; the first lines, from which the title is derived, are added later) of Fa’ida yang tersebut dalamnya Kayfiyyat Mengucap Dhikr La Ilaha illa Allah. No author indicated, but possibly by Abdurrauf of Singkel. Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 335. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 115. (4) pp. 95-123. Malay. Kifayat al-Muhtagin ila Mashrab al-Muwahhidin al-Qa’ilin bi-Wahdat alWugud, by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 330. This manuscript has the full title. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 112-113, 114-115. (5) pp. 124-161. Malay. Incomplete copy (end missing) of Daqa’iq al-Huruf by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), No. 332. At the end a piece of paper with obat text. ‘An excellent old manuscript’. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 114. Added: a table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje. MS Leiden Or. 8400, below, is a document which was found in this manuscript, and separately registered in the course of 1951. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 461-462 (No. 1006).

At the end of his description Iskandar gives a reference to MS Leiden Or. 7249, above, which is a copy of a letter from Habib Abdurrahman al-Zahir (‘Sajjid Abdoerrahman’) to Panglima Seri Muda Perkasa (Panglima Polem), dated 13 Gumada I, 1294 / 26 May 1877. See Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921), p. 171, No. 407. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 387 (No. 844). The relevance of this reference escapes me, and is probably erroneous. As there are numerous manuscripts with texts by, or relevant to, Abdur Ra’uf of Singkel, it is not well feasible to correct the faulty reference. Earlier provenance: War booty. Captured at Leupueng in 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2538) Or. 7644 a Malay, paper, exercise book, 16 ff., Latin script, copied by Muhammad Saleh. Buku obat (given title?). The text, ff. 1v-13v, contains a list of medicinal herbs sold at the market of Ciamis. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 462 (No. 1007). Earlier provenance: War booty (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2536) Or. 7644 b Malay, paper, exercise book, 20 ff., including blanks, Latin script. A list of herbs sold at the market of Ciamis. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 463 (No. 1008). Earlier provenance: War booty (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2537) Or. 7645 Malay, paper, 69 pp., Arabic script. Salasilah Perak. The genealogy of the rulers of Malacca (pp. 1-49) is the same as in the Sejarah Melayu, the genealogy of the Perak rulers, beginning with Sultan Muzaffar, son of Sultan Mahmud Syah of Malacca, and ending with Raja Kecik Muda or Marhum Sayung di Pasir Panjang (pp. 48-69), was edited by W.E. Maxwell, ‘The history of Perak from native sources’, in JSBRAS 9-10 (1884), pp. 85-108. Copy of MS London, R.A.S. Maxwell 105, being a historical work along the lines of the Sejarah Melayu, see M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve (1977), p. 149. The original is dated 8 Sya`ban 1304 (2 May 1888). See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 463 (No. 1009). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2535)

Or. 7646 Rejang, paper. A copy of the printed Blanco woordenlijst uitgegeven op last der regeering van Ned.-Indië ten behoeve van taalvorschers in den Ned.-Indischen archipel (by K.F. Holle [1829-1896]), edition of Batavia 1894, filled with Rejang words. Added: a typewritten copy of the Rejang words contained in the Woordenlijst. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2534) Or. 7647 Collection of texts in Rejang, Dutch, paper, in all 50 ff. Sheaf with five items, Latin and rencong scripts. A. 18 ff. Latin and Rencong scripts. Redjangsche Taal en Letterschrift. Autograph of C. Snouck Hurgronje. The text on ff. 1r-13r contains the Rejang alphabet, vocabulary and sentences. B. 14 ff. Latin script. Silsilah Palembang, containing the genealogy of Palembang rulers from Kiyai Gede down to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin. C. 1 f., Latin script. Pantun Rejang. D. 1 f. Latin script. Pantoenan Boedjang Berkasihan Kepada Gadis Kekasi Orang. E. 16 ff. Latin and Rencong scripts. (1) ff. 1v-4r. Pantoen Auer Coding, rencong script and transliteration. (2) ff. 6v-16r. Woordenlijst Komering (marga Rasoean) Oeloe. Vocabulary of Komering Ulu, in Latin script. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 463-464 (No. 1010). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2470) Or. 7648 Malay, Dutch, German, paper, 208 ff. (plus added correspondence), Arabic and Latin scripts. C. Snouck Hurgronje’s study notes, or draft version, for his catalogue of Malay manuscripts in the Royal Library in Berlin, which was only published in facsimile in 1950, and much later again, in 1989, as Katalog der malaiischen Handschriften der Koeniglichen Bibliothek in Berlin. Ed. with an introd. by E.U. Kratz. Stuttgart 1989. (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Suppl.-Bd. 29). Snouck Hurgronje’s final draft of the catalogue is MS Leiden Or. 8015, below, from which the facsimile editions were made. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 216. Added is the correspondence relevant to this project: - Eight letters from the director general of the Königliche Bibliothek to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated 29 VI 1887, 15 II 1889, 19 II 1889, 4 III 1889, 12 III 1889, 16 III 1889, 25 III 1889 and 26 XI 1892.

- 1 letter from G.A. Wilken to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated 13 VIII 1887. - 1 letter from R. Rost (1822-1896) to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated 10-1-1896. - 3 drafts of letters by C. Snouck Hurgronje to the Königliche Bibliothek in Berlin. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 464 (No. 1011). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2469) Or. 7649 Collection of texts in Malay (Batavia Malay) and Javanese, paper, 22 ff., Latin script. (1) f. 1v. Wali sembilan, containing the hakekat of the wali sembilan, beginning with Pangeran Bonang and ending with Soenan Kaliedjaga. (2) ff. 1r-6r. Mystical treatise, containing hakekatnja malaiekat 4 adanja die badan kieta (f. 1r), siepat doewapoeloe (sifat duapuluh, ff. 3v-r). The rest is in Javanese. Unidentified, not in Pigeaud II. (3) f. 19v. Arabic alphabet, with Latin equivalents, apparently compiled for writing exercises. (4) ff. 21r-22v. Mystical diagram (da’irah). See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 464 (No. 1012). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2468) Or. 7650 Collection of texts in Malay, paper, 150 ff., dated 19 December 1889, copied by Cik Dul (?) at Pulau Pinang. (1) ff. 4v-145r. Kitab fa’al (here called Kitab obat), divided into a number of smaller chapters on the subject of divination, magic and popular medicine. ff. 4v-14r. Fahrasat, table of contents. ff. 15r-22r. Bab 1-29, divination for the thirty days of the month. ff. 22r-v. Bab 30, pelangkahan segala nabi. ff. 22v-25r. Bab 31-38, divination for the 7 days of the week. f. 25r. Bab 39, do’a. ff. 25r-29r. Bab 40-55, obat, tangkal. f. 29r. Bab 56, tenung batang lembing. ff. 29r-41r. Bab 56-58, about animals which should be kept away from the house and kampung. ff. 41r-44r. Bab 59-74, obat, tangkal, azimat, halimun penawar, pengasih. ff. 44r-45v. Bab 75-77, kelam cahaya pada tiap-tiap bulan. ff. 45v-64v. Bab 78-121, 392, obat, do’a, jampi, penawar, azimat, tangkal. ff. 64v-65v. Bab 122, lucky and unlucky months. ff. 65v-67r. Bab 123-128, do’a, obat, jampi. ff. 67r-71r. Bab 129-135, divination with signs of the zodiac.

ff. 71v-81r. Bab 136-178, obat, do'a, tangkal, penawar, penyiram, azimat. ff. 81r-87r. Bab 179-193, varieties of smallpox and boils and the appropiate medicine. ff. 87r-94v. Bab 194-206, obat, melimau benih, tangkal, do'a, jampi. ff. 94v-95v. Bab 207-208, lucky days for building a house, mandi tolak bala. ff. 95v-96v. Bab 209-211, obat. f. 96v. Bab 212, on making gold ink. ff. 96v-97v. Bab 213, fa’al Lukman al-hakim. ff.97v-112v. Bab 214-281, obat, azimat, tangkal, penawar, jampi, pengasih, do'a, melimau benih. ff. 112v-113v. Bab 282, bilangan tahun (tikus, lembu, harimau, pelanduk, ular besar, ular seni, kuda, kambing, kera, ayam, anjing, kekura), naga beralih. ff. 113v-129r. Bab 283-351, obat, tangkal, jampi, selusuh do'a. ff. 135v-138r. Bab 352-354, lucky and unlucky days for cutting nails, planting, dream-reading. ff. 138v-141r. Bab 355-370, obat, azimat, do'a, menolak penyakit, pembuka rahasia perempuan, tangkal. ff. 141v-142r. Bab 371-373, ilmu perahu, melimau per ahu, ilmu tembak. ff. 142v-145r. Bab 376-390, obat, penawar, tangkal, azimat; ff. 129r-135v. Cetera Si Burung Pingai, as Bab 393 of Kitab obat. (2) ff. 145r-147r. Syair puji-pujian, a love-poem. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 465-466 (No. 1013). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2533) Or. 7651 Malay, paper, 233 ff., dated Dzulhijjah 1105/1694 in Batavia, copied by Ahmad ibn Abdullah alBugis Sumaling in Batavia. Owner Hafiz Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Ibrahim alif-l-s-lng-k-t-u-i, the latest owner is Haji Muhammad Fakir bin Bahaman al-Haj (bin) Muhammad Kelanah Fakir Abdul-Mujibullah. Mir’at al-Tullab fi Tashil Ma`rifat al-Ahkam al-Shar`iyya lil-Malik al-Wahhab, the handbook about Islamic law (mu`amalat) compiled by `Abd al-Ra’uf b. `Ali al-Gawi (= Abdurrauf of Singkel) at the request of the Sultana of Aceh, Safiatuddin Syah bint Iskandar Muda (reigned 1641-1675). In the margins some fa’'idah and corrections. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 216: ‘an old manuscript’). See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 109-110, where it is stated that the manuscript was copied in Batavia from a copy which had been brought from Aceh by one of Abdurrauf’s pupils. He lived then in kampong Pandajung, identified by H.T. Damsté as Peunajong, on the right shore of the Aceh river, ‘now’ a neighbourhood of Kutaraja. Another old manuscript of this text is MS Leiden Or. 1633, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 466-467 (No. 1014). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2462) Or. 7652 Malay, paper, 18 ff., Arabic script. Tarikat Kadiriyah. The text contains instruction in Kadiriyyah mysticism (istighfar, dzikir, do’a, Fatihah, muraqabah), at the end the Kadiriyyah silsilah of the author, Syaikh Ahmad bin Abdul-Ghafar. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 467 (No. 1015). Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje on 19 December 1887 from Sambas (this place name is in pencil in a note). See also the remark on provenance under MS Leiden Or. 7666, below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2532) Or. 7653 Collection of texts in Malay, paper, in portfolio, Latin script. A. 121 pp. Sejarah Palembang. The text contains the history and adat regulations of Palembang. The genealogy runs from Depati Karang Widara, son of Demang Lebar Daun, to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II. B. 107 pp., copied in 1267/1850-51. Sejarah Palembang. The genealogy from Kiyai Geding to the great-grandchildren of the last two sovereign rulers of Palembang. C. 78 pp., dated 16 March 1871, copied in Palembang. Kitab turunan Raja-raja Palembang. The text is also called Sejarah Palembang. The genealogy runs from Kiyai Geding Sura to Mahmud Badaruddin II. Copy of a chronicle of the period 1818-1825. D. 104 pp. Kitab turunan Raja-raja di dalam Negeri Palembang. Also called Sejarah Palembang. It contains a genealogy running from Maulana Ishak to the great-grandsons of the last two rulers. These four texts were used by M.O. Woelders, Het sultanaat Palembang 1811-1825. The Hague 1975, pp. 46-49, as ‘MSS UBL 3-6’. See also G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, pp. 210, 212. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 467-468 (No. 1016). Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from J.A. van Rijn van Alkemade, a Dutch Indies government civil servant (1898). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2531) Or. 7654 Malay, paper, 76 pp. (pp. 188-263).

Fragment of Hikayat Jayalangkara. The sequel of MS Leiden Or. 5632, which has pagination pp. 1-187. MS Leiden Or. 7232, above, is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 5632, above, and of MS Leiden Or. 7654. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 468 (No. 1017). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2530) Or. 7655 Malay, paper, 5 exercise books, numbered ff. 1-66; ff. 27-29 blank (four books), ff. 1-24 written only on the left sides of the folios, Latin script. Hikayat Seri Rama. An outline (in modern Malay) of the Hikayat Seri Rama. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 468 (No. 1018). See on this text also L.F. Brakel, ‘Two Indian epics in Malay’, in Archipel 20 (1980), pp. 143-160. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2529) Or. 7656 Malay, Arabic, paper, 67 pp.(numbered in reverse), Arabic script, illuminated opening pages, dated 23 Safar 1308 (7 October 1890). Hikayat manaqib `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani. Malay translation of the Arabic `Uqud al-La’ali fi Manaqib al-Qutb al-Gilani (in the manuscript al-Gili) and other works about the saint (pp. 677). At the end an Arabic do’a (pp. 5-11). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 468 (No. 1019). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2528) Or. 7657 Malay, paper, 50 pp. (p. 22 is numbered 23 so that p. 50 becomes 51), Arabic script, Hugga al-Baligha ('ala Gama`at al-Mukasama). This is a work on process law, originally compiled on 4 Muharram 1158 (1745) at the request of Sultan Alauddin Johan Syah, who ruled over Aceh between 1735-1760. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 468-469 (No. 1020). See also MS Leiden Or. 1772 (2), above. Earlier provenance: War booty. In a note on a piece of paper it is stated (in the handwriting of C. Snouck Hurgronje) that the manuscript was captured in Leupueng (Aceh) in 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2527) Or. 7658 Malay, paper, 21 pp., Arabic script.

Kitab masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikhwan al-mubtadi. A complete text of this anonymous Malay catechism. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 469 (No. 1021). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2526) Or. 7659 Malay, paper, 1 + 7ff., Arabic script, the basmalah and the names of the chapters are in calligraphic writing. Tarikat Naksyibandiyah. The text contains do’a (pp. 9-8), kaifiyat sembahyang according to tarikat Naksyibandiyah (pp. 7-6), kaifiyat tujuh (pp. 6-5), adab berdzikir (pp. 5-2), adab rabitah (pp. 2-1) and adab khatam (pp. 1-preliminary page 1). See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 469 (No. 1022). Earlier provenance: From Cianjur, received from Sayid Uthman (= Sajjid Oesman or: Sayyid `Uthman b. `Abdallah b. `Aqil b. Yahya al-`Alawi, 1822-1913 ) on 1 July 1889. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2525) Or. 7660 Malay, paper, 18 ff., Arabic script, dated 8 Sya`ban 1889 (9 April 1889), copied by Manteri Kopi Maharajo Sampurat. Futuh al-`arifin. A book of instruction in the tarikat Naksyibandiyah, by Ahmad Khatib Sambas from Mecca, who is mentioned several times by Snouck Hurgronje in his Mekka. The present MS was copied from a printed book, a text lithographed on 3 Sya`ban (year ?) in Singapore, which was owned by the assistant-resident of Tanah Datar. A better edition is known to have been printed in Mecca in 1305/1887. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 469 (No. 1023). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2524) Or. 7661 Malay, paper, 112 pp. (reversely numbered), Arabic script, dated 8 Dzulhijjah 1268 (23 September 1852), the colophon ends with a note that the work was printed at Pulau Pinang on 24 Ramadhan 1284 (19 January 1868). Mawahib Rabb al-Falaq Sharh Bint al-Maylaq, by Syaikh Ismail bin Abdullah. The text contains the Malay translation of the commentary by Shihab al-Din Ahmad b. Ibrahim Ibn `Alan alSiddiqi al-`Alawi (d. 1033/1624), on Nazm al-Suluk, also known as Qasidat Ibn Bint al-Maylaq, by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Da’im Ibn Bint al-Maylaq (d. 797/1395), GAL G II, 119; S II, 148. In GAL S II, 148, the commentary is erroneously ascribed to another Ibn `Alan (or `Allan?). An Arabic version of the Qasida, with the commentary, is MS Leiden Or. 6335 (17), above. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 469-470 (No. 1024). Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896).

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2523) Or. 7662 Arabic, Malay, paper, 22 pp. (reversely numbered), Arabic script, dated 18 Jumadil-akhir 1304/14 March 1887, copied in Sambas. Kitab at-tariqah al-Qadiriyyah wa’n-Naqsbandiyya. Arabic text with interlinear Malay translation. The text contains kaifiyat memberi tarikat, do’a, do’a khatam tarikat, muraqabah, Fatihah khatam tarikat, after the colophon a do’. MS Leiden Or. 7663, below, is a copy of the present manuscript. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 470 (No. 1025). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) between (?) November 1887 and February 1889. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2554) Or. 7663 Arabic, Malay, paper, 23 pp. (reversely numbered), Arabic script (?). Kitab at-tariqah al-Qadiriyyah wa’n-Naqsbandiyya. Arabic text with interlinear Malay translation. The text contains kaifiyat memberi tarikat, do’a, do’a khatam tarikat, muraqabah, Fatihah khatam tarikat, after the colophon a do’a. The present manuscript is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 7662, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 470 (No. 1026). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2555) Or. 7664 Javanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script. Notes on Kadiriya and Naksabandiya tarika, mysticism, prayers. Copy of a book of notes made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, pp. 458-459. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2556) Or. 7665 Arabic, Malay, paper, 20 ff., Latin script. Tarikat Kadiriyah. Book of instruction in Qadiriyyah mysticism; containing istighfar, dzikir, muraqabah, berkhatam (Arabic with Arabic characters), Fatihah, selawat. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 470 (No. 1027). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Similar contents as in MSS Leiden Or. 7666 and Or. 7669, below. Earlier provenance: A note (by C. Snouck Hurgronje) on the cover page says that this is a copy of a manuscript dispatched by De Chauvigny de Blot, district officer of Serang, in 1889. It was formerly owned by K.F. Holle (1829-1896).

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2557) Or. 7666 Malay, paper, 13 pp. (reversely numbered), Arabic script. Tarikat Kadiriyah. The content more or less conforms with that of the Futuh al-`arifin. A book of instruction in the tarikat Naksyibandiyah, by Ahmad Khatib Sambas from Mecca. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 471 (No. 1028). Similar contents as in MS Leiden Or. 7665, above, and MS Leiden Or. 7669, below. Earlier provenance: On the cover page a note (by C. Snouck Hurgronje) that the manuscript was received in February 1889 and was to be compared with the manuscript received from Sambas in November 1887 (MS Leiden Or. 7652, above?). However, ‘Sambas’ may also refer to the nisba of the author. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2558) Or. 7667 Malay, paper, 18 ff., Arabic script, dated 17 Muharam 1217 (20 May 1802). Zahrat al-murid fi bayd kalimat at-tawhid, by Abdus-Samad al-Palimbani, who completed the work in Mecca in 1178/1764. The text is on ff. 1v-9v, ff. 9v-10v, 11v and contains a selawat, do’ a, etc. See also G.W.J. Drewes, Directions for travellers on the mystic path. Zakariyyāʾ al-Anṣārī’s Kitāb Fatḥ al-Raḥmān and its Indonesian adaptations with an appendix on Palembang manuscripts and authors. The Hague 1977, pp. 214, 222. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 471 (No. 1029). Earlier provenance: In (12)32/1816-1817 the manuscript was owned by Abdul-Gani bin (Abd)ulBaki bin Shamsuddin. A later owner was Haji Adnan. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2522) Or. 7668 Malay, with some Dutch and Arabic, paper, 98 + 2 ff., Arabic and Latin scripts, copied by Muhammad Noerdin. Collections of letters and documents from Aceh. A. A volume, with copies of letters, text only on the verso side. f. 1v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to Teuku Kali and Teuku Muhammad, dated 18 Dzulka`edah 1301 (9 September 1884). ff. 1v-2v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to Teuku Nek Meuraksa Nyak Hamzah, dated 18 Dzulka'edah 1301 (9 September 1884). f. 2v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to Panglima Tibang Muhammad, dated 18 Dzulka'edah 1301 (9 September 1884).

f. 3v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to the Resident at Kutaraja, dated 24 Safar 1302 (13 December 1884). ff. 4v-5v. Letter (open letter ?) to all Muslims reminding them of their duty in the holy war and the defeat of the kafir by the Mahdi in Sudan and Egypt, dated 16 Rabi'ul-akhir 1302 (2 February 1885). ff. 5v-7v. Letter from Teungku di Tiro to the assistant-resident at Kutaraja, dated 4 Jumadilakhir 1302 (21 March 1885) f. 7v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to ulama at Kampung Jawa (Kutaraja), dated 4 Jumadilakhir 1302 (21 March 1885). ff. 7v-9v. Letter from Teungku di Tiro to the Governor at Kutaraja, dated 17 Dzulhijjah 1302 (27 September 1885) ff. 9v-12v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to Tuan Haji Muhammad bin Abdul-Gani, dated 25 Dzulka'edah 1304 (15 August 1887). ff. 12v-15v. Letter to Raja Inda at Kampung Kedah (Kutaraja) to remind him of his duties in the holy war, dated 27 Dzulka'edah 1304 (17 August 1887). ff. 15v-16v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to the Governor of Aceh, dated 29 Ramadhan 1305 (9 June 1888). ff. 17v-18v. Letter from Teungku di Tiro to the Governor of Aceh, dated 27 Sya'ban 1304 (21 May 1887). f. 19v. Letter from Teungku di Tiro, the three Panglima Sagi, ulama and Teuku Kali Malikon Ade, dated 13 Dzulhijjah 1305 (21 August 1888). ff. 20v-21v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro, the three Panglima Sagi and ulama to Teuku Nek Meuraksa Cut Hamzah, dated 13 Dzulhijjah 1305 (21 August 1888). ff. 21v-22v. Letter from Teuku Nanta Muda Seutia of Mukim Nam to the Governor of Aceh, dated 23 Rabi'ul-akhir 1306 (27 December 1888). ff. 22v-23v. Letter from Teungku di Tiro to the Governor of Aceh, dated 23 Rabi'ul-akhir 1306 (27 December 1888). ff. 23v-24v. Letter from Syaikh Saman Tiro to Teuku Cut Banta, Lam Reueng, Panglima XXVI Mukim, dated 25 Dzulhijjah 1309 (21 July 1892). f. 26r. Dutch; notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the attitude of the Governor of Aceh towards Teungku di Tiro. ff. 27v-28v. Letter from Panglima XXII Mukim to the Governor of Aceh, dated 3 Jumadil-awal 1307 (26 December 1889). ff. 29v-31v. Surat sumpah serapa. Decree issued by Sultan Alaaddin Mahmud Syah, dated 8 Safar 1186 (11 May 1772). ff. 31v-33v. Arabic. Decree issued by Sultan Alaaddin Johar al-Alam on 18 Rabi'ul-akhir 1227 (1 May 1812). B. Paper loose in the volume, 2 ff., Latin script. Copy of a letter from Muhammad Marhaban Lam Bhuek to ulama and uleebalang at the request of the Resident, dated 22 Rajab 1300 (29 May 1883).

See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 471--473 (No. 1030). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2559 – Mal. 2559a) Or. 7669 Malay, (music) paper, 16 ff., Arabic script, dated 4 March 1888. Tarikat Kadiriyah. Contents similar to that of MSS Leiden Or. 7665 and Or. 7666, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 473 (No. 1031). Earlier provenance: From Sambas. Originates from K.F. Holle (1829-1896). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2560) Or. 7670 Malay, paper, 8 + 8 ff., Latin script. Sheaf with two texts. Malay Lakon’s. A. 8 ff. Lelakon wajang Pergiwa-Pergiwati. The text, on ff. 1r-7v, contains an explanation of the characters in this wayang play. B. 8 ff. Lelakon wajang Bradja. The text, on ff. 2v-7v, contains an explanation of the characters in this wayang play. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 473 (No. 1032). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2460) Or. 7671 Malay, paper, 199 ff. (ff. 90-127 damaged by corrosion), Arabic script. Hikayat Syah Kobat. The text contains a fragment only of Hikayat Syah Kobat, beginning and end missing, starting with the episode after Puteri Mengindera Gembar Khairani falls into the hands of Kobat Mengindera and a celebration is held at the court of Kesna Berma Ziran, Kobat’s grandfather. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 474 (No. 1033). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2461) Or. 7672 Malay, paper, 214 pp., Arabic script, the last 6 lines are written by a European. Hikayat Kalilah dan Daminah. The beginning is as in J.R.P. Gonggrijp, Maleisch leerboek voor eerstbeginnenden en meergevorderden. Achtste Stukje. Hhikajat Kalila dan Damina tersalin noschat Malajoe. Leiden 1876, ending with Hikayat Pandai Emas dengan Orang Pemburu (Gonggrijp, pp. 340-6). Regarding the latter story see also H.N. van der Tuuk, Maleisch leerboek. 10th printing. The Hague 1932, pp. 3-7. The present manuscript was utilized by Gonggrijp for his Maleisch leerboek of 1876 as MS H. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 474 (No. 1034).

Earlier provenance: Former owner was J.J. de Hollander (1817-1886). Acquired by C. Snouck Hurgronje in October 1887. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2450) Or. 7673 Data collected by (?) C. Snouck Hurgronje for a language map of Borneo. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2465) [‘op kast 3559’ as in Inventaris LW, p. 156] Or. 7674 Simalur’ese. Wordlist of Simalur by W. Baerts. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 218. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2451) Or. 7675 Moluccan languages Specimens of the languages from the Moluccas, collected by J.G.F. Riedel. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2521) Or. 7676 - Or. 7698 Sundanese manuscripts from the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Or. 7676 Sundanese, paper, Latin and Javanese scripts. Dongeng kabayan. Three dongeng texts. Copied from a manuscript in the possession of Ramawidjaja in Ciamis. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 324, where as languages in the volume are mentioned Sundanese, Javanese, Malay, Arabic and Dutch (!). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2520) Or. 7677 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, machine-made paper, 21.7 x 17.2 cm, all texts separately paginated, Latin script in more than one hand, recent half-cloth binding with pasted boards. First part of the title described by autopsy, second part of the title taken from Ekadjati.

(1) 6 pp. Cerita Jaman baheula … Cerita Kabayan. (2) 75 pp. Cerita siinji. Berbagai cerita. (3) 8 pp. Ceritaan anu bogohmoro 6 jalma. (4) 10 pp. Cerita jalma bodo kaliwat bodono. (5) 38 pp. Pasal 3. Cerita dongeng dongeng nu baheula Jaman muda. Salinan cerita-cerita dari berkas Kawali bab III. (6) 12 pp. Cerita ganti dan cerita Jaman baheula … (7) 40 pp. Sisindiranatawa sesebred Pantun (199 pieces). (7a) 8 pp. Wangsalan Sunda. Seloka (59 pieces), salinan dari bab IV dan V dari naskah Haji. (8) 13 pp. Cerita dongeng dongeng tamba budak ceurik. Cerita, salinan dari suatu bagian kecil. (9) 13 pp. Dongeng ka 2 deni hal Nangkoda. Cerita. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 336-337. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2519] Or. 7678 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Paramasastra. A work on Arabic grammar (Sarf). Copied from a manuscript of Kyai Muhammad from pesantren Sukamiskin, Bandung. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 257-258. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2553) Or. 7679 a Sundanese, paper, Latin script. Sajarah Kawali. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp 412-413 Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2517) Or. 7679 b Malay (Batavia Malay), paper, loose in MS Leiden Or. 7679 a, above, 2 ff., Latin script. Sang Bango. The text, on f. 1v-r, contains a fable opening with a heron who is questioned about ... (lacuna). The heron replies that the fish does not show up. The fish says that it does not show up because the grass is too thick. The grass says that the buffalo does not eat the grass, etc. The story ends with the answer of the frog that it was bitten by a snake, and the snake’s answer is that the frog is his food. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 474 (No. 1035). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2518)

Or. 7680 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Penuntun munggah haji. A fragment of a text on going on pilgrimage to Mecca. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 231. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2516) Or. 7681 Sundanese, paper, 25 pp., Sundanese, Javanese and Arabic scripts. Manasik. Prose and poetry. On the ritual duties during the pilgrimage to Mecca. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 220. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2515) Or. 7682 Sundanese, laid machine-made paper, 22 x 17 cm, 38 pp., vocalized Arabic script in several hands, one quire with leaves sewn together, without binding. Collection of Dongeng dongeng. Of the first two stories, and possibly of others as well, romanized copies are available (in MS Leiden Or. 7677, above (?)). Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Earlier provenance: MSS Leiden Or. 7682 and Or. 7683 apparently have the same provenance. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2514] Or. 7683 Sundanese, laid machine-made paper (counter mark: ER & CO), 22 x 17 cm, 12 + 4 pp. and blanks, vocalized Arabic script in more than one hand, one quire with leaves sewn together, without binding. (1) 12 pp. Sahiji jalma … Tuan Rambuku. (2) 4 pp. Cerita anu bogohmoro 6 jalma. See also MS Leiden Or. 7677, above. At the end on a separate leaf the title Cerita Dongeng dongeng and signed by Haj Muhamed Shakhu (?). Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Earlier provenance: Inscription on end cover in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Uit Kawali 1893’. Kawali is a town in the Ciamis regency. In view of their outward similarity, MSS Leiden Or. 7682 and Or. 7683 could have the same provenance. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2513]

Or. 7684 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 27 pp., Arabic script. A collection of historical texts in prose, from Kawali, 1893. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 337. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2512) Or. 7685 Sundanese, Arabic, some Dutch, machine-made paper, 21.1 x 16.7 cm, 397 pp., usually vocalized Arabic script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Texts by Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). (1) pp. 1-215. Neat copy taken by al-Haj `Abdulqadir on midnight Thursday 29 Muharram 1334 (or 1335?) / from the autograph draft version of a work by Haji Hasan Moestapa. Colophon on p. 206. On p. 208 is a note dated 30 Jumada I 1339 / 9 February 1921. Apparently a diary for Ramadan 1334/July 1916, divided into three decades (`ashar or `ushr). The neat copy was completed on 29 Muharram 1334 / 7 December 1915 (a mistake for one or more years later than 1334/1915?). On pp. 57-58 is the copy of a statement in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje dated Leiden, December 22, 1913, concerning the assistance that the latter over the years had received from Haji Hasan Moestapa. Text of the statement: Leiden 22 December 1913. Witte Singel 84a De ondergetekende verklaart gaarne dat Hoofd-Panghoeloe van Bandoeng Hadji Hasan Moestapa, hem van November 1889 tot Januari 1893 toen hij tot hoofd-Panghoeloe te Koetaradja werd aangesteld bij al | zijne onderzoekingen naar de instellingen van den Islam in Nederlandsch Indië met den meesten ijver ter zijde gestaan hem op zijne reizen vergezelden hem de aanrakingen met de Inlandsche wereld bijzonder vergemakkelijkt heeft, waarvoor hij gedurende het vermelde tijdperk eene maandelijksche toelage van vijftig gulden heeft genoten uit de fondsen die ter beschikking van ondergeteekende waren gesteld ter bestrijding der onkosten van zijn onderzoek. w.g. C. Snouck-Hurgronje pp. 1-62. Part (Jild) 1. Istilah al-Ghilman bi-Tadawul al-Azman, beginning on Sunday 1 Ramadan 1334 / 2 July 1916. pp. 63-132. Part (Jild) 2. Istilah al-Insan bi-Tadawul al-Ahyan, beginning on 11 Ramadan 1334 / 12 July 1916. pp. 132-205. Part (Jild) 3. Istilah al-Ruhan Kull Yawm huwa fi Sha’n, beginning on 21 Ramadan 1334 / 22 July 1916.

(2) pp. 209-348. Explanation of Qur’anic terminology, dated Sunday at 9 o’clock on 10 Shawwal 1338 (1920, p. 216). The text is divided into numbered paragraphs, 1-105, and arranged in order of the Qur’anic suras. The Qur’anic are in Arabic, the explanations in Sundanese. (3) pp. 349-396. Adab padi nyaka Qur’an. The text is divided into eight numbered sections (IVIII). Several dates are given: p. 353: 16 Shawwal 1338 / 20 July 1920; p. 364: 18 Shawwal 1338 (1920); p. 370: 7 Shawwal 1338 (1920); p. 386: Friday 24 September 1920 / 10 Muharram 1339; p. 391: 12.10.1920. (4) Arabic. P. 397. An untitled note about the Qur’an. A personal name is given: Ahmad Ziyadi al-Qarawi, wa-huwa Shaykhuna wa-Mu`allimuna wa-Mukhbiruna lil-`Alam al-Lahut … Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Earlier provenance: Hasan Moestapa. On the postal label (‘Franco. Aangeteekend Drukwerk’) on the front cover are the names of the addressee, C. Snouck Hurgronje, Rapenburg 61, Leiden, and of the sender, H. Hasan Moestapa, Bandung. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2511] Or. 7686 Sundanese, paper, 144 pp., Sundanese and Javanese script, dated hari Rabu 28 Silih Mulud 1319 AH (1901 AD), from Ciamis (?). Ramawijaya. A volume from the Ramayana. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 343. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2510) Or. 7687 Sundanese, paper, 124 pp., Javanese script. Primbon, miscellaneous notebook, copied from a primbon of Bupati Galuh Kusumahdinata IV (Kusumaningrat), c. 1886-1896. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 300-301. Earlier provenance: Received through the intermediary of the ‘Onder-Collecteur’ in Ciamis. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2502) Or. 7688 Collection of 7 exercise books containing stories, Dongeng dongeng, in Sundanese, paper, Latin script. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2503 - Mal. 2509]

Or. 7688 a Sundanese, exercise book, lined paper, 20 x 15 cm, Latin script in one hand, 140 ff. (MS Leiden Or. 7688 b is the sequel in foliation), text usually on recto sides only, occasionally texts in ink and also notes in Dutch (not by C. Snouck Hurgronje) penciled on the verso sides, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. ff. 1-93. Collection of 30 Si Kabayan stories. Dongeng dongeng. ff. 94-140. Si Kabayan stories, unnumbered. Dongeng dongeng. An insert is pasted into the volume showing a survey of the contents of the entire series of exercise books registered as Or. 7688. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2503] Or. 7688 b Sundanese, exercise book, lined paper, 20 x 16.5 cm, Latin script in more than one hand, ff. 141211 (as a sequel to MS Leiden Or. 7688 a, above), followed by a large number of unnumbered blank leaves, text usually on the recto sides of the paper, occasionally notes in ink and pencil (not by C. Snouck Hurgronje) on the verso sides, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Sequel to the preceding volume, unnumbered Si Kabayan stories. Dongeng dongeng. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2504] Or. 7688 c Sundanese, exercise book, lined paper, 20 x 15 cm, Latin script in one hand, 131 ff., text on the recto sides only, occasionally penciled notes (probably not by C. Snouck Hurgronje) on the verso pages, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Collection of diverse stories. Dongeng dongeng. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2505] Or. 7688 d Sundanese, exercise book, lined paper, 20 x 16 cm, Latin script in one hand, 45 ff., followed by a large number of blanks, text on the recto sides only, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Collection of diverse stories, K. Dongeng dongeng. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2506]

Or. 7688 e Sundanese, exercise book, lined paper, 20 x 16.5 cm, Latin script in one hand, 93 ff., text on recto sides only, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Collection of diverse stories. Dongeng dongeng. At the beginning a note in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Bladz. 1-14. Soend. dongengs uit Soekaboemi, door schrijver Atma [?] uit het geheugen opgeteekend in 1893.’ See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2507] Or. 7688 f Sundanese, exercise book, lines paper, 20.2 x 16.5 cm, 87 ff., followed by a large number of blanks, text on recto sides only, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Collection of diverse stories. Dongeng dongeng. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2508] Or. 7688 g Sundanese, exercise book kept in a portfolio, lined paper, 21 x 16 cm, 23 pp., followed by a few blank pages, paper cover. Collection of diverse stories. Dongeng dongeng. First title: Djalma pinter. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 321-322. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2509] Or. 7689 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, Arabic, Latin and Sundanese scripts. Collection of documents and letters. (1) Five documents from Sukapura, in Javanese and Sundanese. (2) 32 documents concerning land ownership in Sukapura. (3) On land ownership, by R. Yudawinata. Cibeureum 1912. (4) Buku Leutik, by Haji Hasan Mustapa (Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930), published Bandung 1916). Added: a more detailed description by R.A. Kern. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 264. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2449)

Or. 7690 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Jampi-jampi. Mantra texts. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 211, where the title Jampe Panyaweran is given. ‘Inventaris LW’, p. 157: Djampe panjaweren. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2453) Or. 7691 Sundanese, paper, Latin script. Collection of Dongeng texts, among others Dongeng-Dongen Kabayan. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 323. ‘Inventaris LW’, p. 157: ‘Kabajan-verhalen enz.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2452) Or. 7692 Collection of texts in Sundanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script. (1) 1 f. Register of the silsilah from Kawali. (2) 3 ff. History of Kawali. (3) 7 ff. History of Kawali. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 418. Earlier provenance: ‘From Kawali, 1893’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2455) Or. 7693 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan nyi Artati. A poetical text. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 361. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2454) Or. 7694 Sundanese, and Minangkabau, paper, Latin script. In the sheaf with Sundanese Kebayan stories collected by C. Snouck Hurgronje are also several popular stories in Minangkabau, equally collected by Snouck Hurgronje. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 217. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 321: Cerita Kabayan. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2466) Or. 7695 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Buku adat-adat Sunda. Collection of text on traditional life in Sunda country, by Hasan Mustapa (Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 284. See also: Over de gewoonten en gebruiken der Soendaneezen door Hasan Moestapa. Uit het Soendaasch vertaald en van aanteekeningen voorzien door R.A. Kern, The Hague 1946. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2456) Or. 7696 Sundanese, paper, 127 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Ahmad Mantri. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 349. Earlier provenance: Received from Haji Hasan Mustapa (Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2007) Or. 7697 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan Babad Cirebon. On the coming of Islam to Cirebon by R. Suradipradja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 420. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2458) Or. 7698 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan Lokayanti. A poetical text, in tembang metre. A version similar to that in MS Leiden Or. 7822, below. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 360, where the erroneous class-mark MS Leiden Or. 7968 is given. ‘Inventaris LW’, p. 157, gives as author (or earlier provenance?): Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2457) Or. 7699 - Or. 7779 Javanese manuscripts from the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936).

Or. 7699 Collection of texts in Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), 233 double pp., Javanese script. - Notes on chronology, divination, history (in verse), medicines. - Moralistic poems: seh Idayatullah and seh Tekawerdi. - Genealogy of `Abdul Muhyi of Karang. - Babad Sangkala up to 1742 AJ. (1814 A.D.), and another Babad Sangkala up to 1765 A.D. (repair of the Surakarta sitingil). - Ceremonial speeches of Surakarta Court officials to be pronounced on Court festivals. - Reports of annual ceremonial visits of Royal servants to venerated graves of Royal ancestors (Demak, Ngadilangu, Kudus, Muryapada: nadran). - Memule dishes of the prophets etc. - The Javanese mangsa (solar) year. - Lists of Surakarta Kings, grand-vizirs and Dutch governors. - Genealogy (in verse) of the Paku Buwana family. - Lists of Royal heirlooms: crisses and lances (pusaka). - Divination referring to cock-fighting, to horses, (medicines). - Wives and children (69) of Prince Manku Nagara of Surakarta (1767-1834 A.D.). - Moralistic poem by sunan Nglangkungan (Laweyan?), dated 1771 A.J. (?, 1843 A.D.). - Tale (in verse) of sunan Kali Jaga, disciple of sunan Bonang and nabi Kilir. - Wulang Reh by Paku Buwana IV. - List (in verse) of the areas of the Surakarta territories in Central Java. - Genealogy and mythical history in verse beginning with Adam down to Ngalenka, by Sastra Busana, a servant of pangeran Purubaya of Surakarta. - Followed by two parallel genealogical trees, right (prophets) and left (gods), down to the Paku Buwana family of Kartasura-Surakarta. - At the end a list of the rural districts of the Surakarta kingdom with the names of their officials. Original book of notes of a Javanese secretary of Mr Winter of Surakarta, about 1850 A.D. See Pigeaud II, p. 459. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2392) Or. 7700 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 83 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on Muslim theology and mysticism, in prose, mentioning sunan Kali Jaga’s lessons (pamejang) given to sunan Kudus (p. 8a), Creation (p. 13b) etc. Clear writing, with rubrics and many schematic tables, but mostly unvocalized. Origin: West Java. A Dutch summary of contents is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 459. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 204, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Dutch.

Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2178) Or. 7701 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 166 pp., Arabic script. Notes on Muslim theology and mysticism, mostly concerning sahadat, salat and dikir. Copy, made in 1892 for C. Snouck Hurgronje of a book of notes originally belonging to Muhammad Tabari of Bandung. An extensive Dutch table of contents made by C. Snouck Hurgronje is added. See Pigeaud II, pp. 459-460. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 201, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2179) Or. 7702 Javanese, paper, 105 pp., Arabic script. Notes on Muslim mysticism, copy of mystic Akmaliya (Kamaliya) treatises from Banyumas, school of Malang Yuda. See Pigeaud II, p. 460. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2180) Or. 7703 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 24 double pp., Latin script. Kidung’s, incantations for health of children and safety, in verse: Kidung Sawan (kidung lare). Kidung Artati. Kidung Nabi (rumeksa ing wengi). Kidung Piwelas. Kidung (suluk) wayang. Kidung Maling. Kidung (suluk) Sri Panggung. Kidung Sulanjana. Kidung Banak Dalang, exorcism. Collected in Banten by Ahmad Djajadiningrat and presented, with a letter, to C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1906. Partly Sundanese. See Pigeaud II, p. 460. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 333, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Javanese and Sundanese. On p. 266 of Naskah Sunda, Ekadjati gives, with the incorrect classmark MS Leiden Or. 7705, a description of a Kidung in Sundanese: Kidung Pangruat. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2394)

Or. 7704 Collection of texts in Javanese, with some Arabic, paper, damaged, 108 + 78 pp., Javanese and Arabic scripts. (1) 108 pp. Javanese script. Notes on law, mentioning arya Dilah of Purwacarita, divination, medicines, fiqh (some Arabic written in Javanese script). (2) 78 pp. Arabic script. Notes on fiqh, Arabic with Javanese interlinear glosses. Both collections of notes not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Book of notes from Cerbon. See Pigeaud II, p. 460. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 261, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2393) Or. 7705 Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, paper, 70 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, 73 kinds of `ilmu sufi, only one is right. Further: `Abdu’l-Muhyi of Karang, dikir. Partly Malay (ff. 13r-19r) and Sundanese notes. Books of notes from Sukabumi. See Pigeaud II, p. 460. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 196, 221, where the same volume is described twice. Ekadjati presents an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description. On p. 196, he identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic, Malay and Sundanese. On p. 221, however, he identifies the languages as Javanese, Malay and Sundanese. On p. 266 of Naskah Sunda, Ekadjati gives, with the incorrect classmark MS Leiden Or. 7705 (should be MS Leiden Or. 7703), a description of a Kidung in Sundanese: Kidung Pangruat. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 474-475 (No. 1036). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2395) Or. 7706 Javanese, paper, 17 pp., Arabic script. Genealogical tree of the Galuh family, right, beginning with Adam, and left, the gods, Sindula. Dated 1856 A.D. See Pigeaud II, p. 460. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 419, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2396) Or. 7707 Javanese, Arabic, paper, 189 double pp., Arabic script, illustrations. Copy of a book of notes on Muslim prayers, donga, to be said in various circumstances, Arabic texts with Javanese interlinear glosses (pp. 1-35), Lailatu ‘l-Kadar etc., nïyats of salats (pp. 35-

39), hikmat, i.e. sidekahs in case of danger, with prayers etc. (pp. 39-48b). Divination, geomancy (pp. 48b-50), special prayers, magic, du`a basmah etc. in various circumstances (pp. 50-71), divination, pal, fortune-telling, etc. (pp. 71-99). Prayers, du`a mubarak etc., rajahs, medicines (pp. 99-118), du`a burung (pp. 118), prayers, ayats recited in various circumstances, istighfar, Arabic with Javanese glosses (pp. 119-134). Divination, vibrations, kedutan (pp. 134-141b), astrology, lampah ing lintang (pp. 141b), divination, sangats (pp. 144), agriculture (pp. 146b), marks of cats (pp. 149). Magic, incantations, japa, medicines, rajahs (pp. 150-156). Divination, times for sexual intercourse (p. 156b). Prayers, tangat sembahyangs, supererogatory (p. 158b), charms, jimats, rajahs (p. 161), divination, palakiyah (p. 164), prayers, ayats, names etc. of Muhammad and his family (pp. 166-167), prayers (p. 167), notes on theology, sipat (pp. 171-174). Arabic singir, hymn, for dikir meetings, and prayers (p. 174). Dreams (p. 177), prayers, Purba Nagara (p. 184), divination with reference to births. A short table of contents is added. See Pigeaud II, pp. 460-461. The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2181) Or. 7708 Javanese, Arabic, folio volume (34 x 20.8 cm), lined paper, [2] + 115 pp. followed by unnumbered blanks, Arabic script, illustrations and diagrams, paper cover. Special features: tabellaric presentation on pp. 25-26, 35, 38-39, 47-49, 51-54, 55-56, 61, 67, 73-74, 80; diagrams: pp. 34, 41, 45-46, 57, 62, 68, 89-90; talismanic images (more or less as in MS Leiden Or. 7487 (8), above) on pp. 81-87. A collection of a great number of shorter pieces in Javanese, indicated by a basmala or by punika. Also some text in Arabic. p. 10. Du`a’ in Arabic, prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. p. 21. Beginning of a Shattariyya text, in Javanese. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism, beginning with eschatology (Ratu Galuh’s visit at the ajar’s). - Cosmogony, genealogy Cerbon, genealogy Giri (Wira Candra) and Karang, `Abdul- Muhyi, Sumedang family history (kyahi gedeng Mataram). - Shattariya pedigree, wirid, schematic figures. - Divination, prayers, charms, rajahs. - Becat and talkin (Talqin) of mystic disciples. Copy of a book of notes, primbon, presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by panghulu Muhammad Roesdi of Tasik Malaya, 1915. Illustrated in Pigeaud III, p. 6 (plate 7), see for further explanation Pigeaud III, § 60.012. See Pigeaud II, p. 461. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 377-378, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s

description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Earlier provenance: Pencilled note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on p. [2]: ‘Ontv. van Panghoeloe Tasikmalaja Raden Hadji Moehd Roesdi, 29 Septr 1915’. On p. [1] is a similar note written by Muhamad Roesdi in Javanese, in ink, dated 20 August 1915, with mention of Tuan Snouck Hurgronje as destinatory. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2391] Or. 7709 Javanese, paper, severely damaged, about 280 pp., Javanese script. Register, census of the inhabitants of the Banten Sultanate, their names, civil state and domicile, fragmentary, 18th century. See for similar registers MSS Leiden Or. 2052, Or. 2055, Or. 5625, Or. 5626, Or. 5627, and Or. 5628, above. See Pigeaud II, p. 461. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 284-285, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2464) Or. 7710 Javanese, Malay, paper, 12 pp., Latin script, tables, copied by the wedana of Kediri. Textbooks on Islam used in the religious schools, pasantrens, in the residency of Kadiri, July 1887. List presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by Mr Bergsma and C. Poensen (1836-1919). The text, ff. 2r-6v, contains a list of teachers (with their educational history) and students, with the syllabus of pesantren in Kediri. See Pigeaud II, p. 461. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 475 (No. 1037). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2384) Or. 7711 Javanese, paper, 28 pp., Arabic script. Notes on eschatology (ratu `adil Muradin from Mekah, Mecca), on cosmogony (jagat awanguwung). Also: genealogy and history of Sundanese kings, Sili Wangi, divination. Copy of a book of notes from Suci, Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 461. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 392, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2383)

Or. 7712 Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, paper, 87 pp., Arabic script. Paras Nabi (shaving), and Arabic prayers, ayat from the Qur’an. At the end is a Sundanese treatise. Presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by Mr J.A. Kruyt, in 1884 (ergo in Jeddah?). See Pigeaud II, p. 461. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 211-212, 227-228, where the volume is described twice and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On pp. 211-212, the languages in the volume are identified as Javanese, Arabic and Sundanese. On pp. 227-228, the language is only identified as Arabic. Ekadjati, who on p. 211 gives the title as Jarah ka Mekah, does not make an effort to identify the Sundanese treatise, mentioned by Pigeaud. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2382) Or. 7713 Arabic (mostly), Javanese, European laid paper (water mark: Concordia; contermark: VAN GELDER), considerably damaged especially at the beginning, 21.6 x 17.3 cm, 34 ff. and a few blanks, Arabic script, diagrams (ff. 24b-25a), three quires sewn together and kept in a paper folder. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on prayers, Arabic, pasrah (surrender) to a mystic master, incantations against snakes etc., thanksgiving prayer (sujud shukur), tarawih salats (f. 26b), divination, Kyahi Lengkong’s farewell letter. Book of notes from Bagelen. See Pigeaud II, p. 462. Several shorter Du`a’ in Arabic or in Javanese with a large proportion of Arabic. Prayers. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. On f. 25b is a quotation from Sayyidi Ahmad al-Kabir al-Rifa`i (d. 578/1182), GAL S I, 780, with date 28 Dhu al-Qa`da 1278 (p. 49, 1862). It is the same text as MS Leiden Or. 7590 (12), above. Earlier provenance: From Bagelen (damaged note at the end of the volume). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2381] Or. 7714 Javanese, paper, 7 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology, opinions of mystics. From the panghulu of Purwareja, Bagelen, 1889. See Pigeaud II, p. 462. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2380) Or. 7715 Collective volume in Arabic (mostly), Javanese, Malay, Dutch, Sundanese, paper, 21.9 x 17.3 cm, 179 pp. (pp. 172-179 blank), Arabic script, illustrations (diagrams on pp. 112-115, 122, 124, 126-128,

132-133, 135, 143, 152-165, 168), tabellaric presentations (pp. 123, 125, 137-139, 141, 166-167, 169), half-cloth binding, pasted boards, misbound in the 60’s. Primbon Ci Calengka. Inserted is a Dutch table of content by C. Snouck Hurgronje, written in pencil, and another table of content in another hand, written in ink. This table of content follows hereunder. MS Leiden Or. 6533, above, is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 7715, made for G.A.J. Hazeu. pp. 1-6. Arabic. Prayers. Mention of Kitab Munir al-Qulub as a source (p. 1). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. pp. 7-20. Arabic, Malay. Ratib Samman by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Karim al-Samman (d. 1189/1775), GAL S II, 535, with on p. 15 mention of Abdusamad Palembang. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese. Leiden 1906, vol. 2, pp. 216 ff. Arabic text with Malay directions for use. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 286. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 475 (No. 1038). p. 20. Catetan of Ali Munasir (with date Sha`ban 1283 AH, 1866). pp. 21-25. Dikir mahdi (with mention of, among other things, Abdulqadir Jaylani). Dhikr Mahdi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 60 and [60]. MS Leiden Or. 6533, above, is a copy from this manuscript. pp. 26-33. Sarah [Sharh] do’a nubuah (with explanation in Javanese). pp. 33-36. Sarah ayat lima welas (Qur’an), about the fifteen ayas, but not with the Arabic text. pp. 37-57. Do’a ‫ )?( قدّه‬and salawe. Arabic Tasliya text of 174 salawat. With an enumeration of Asma’ al-Nabi. pp. 57-58. Other prayers in Arabic. pp. 58-63. Arabic. Do’a ‫ قصه‬paranti anyampurna’ aken ing sakehe tingkah polash badan lisan. pp. 63-69. Arabic. ‫دعاء جوس‬ pp. 69-76. Tartibing khatam Qur’an. pp. 70-80. Arabic. Do’a khatam. p. 80. Arabic. Do’a paranti ‫بورة ات‬ pp. 80-87. Arabic. Do’a khatam. pp. 87-89. Arabic. Ratibs of Aboe Hanifa and A. Hurairah. pp. 90. Arabic. Do’a hapal. Du`a’ Hifz. pp. 91-92. Jampes and formulas for the unity of man and Creator (Javanese and Sundanese). p. 93. Arabic. Catetan by the ascendant of Ali Munasir (1290, 1873-1874). pp. 93-96. Arabic. Salawat. Tasliya formulas. pp. 96-98. Arabic, Javanese. Several prayers. Du`a’ kangutaj … pp. 98-100. Kalimah and several prayers. p. 100. Catetan by … [?] Ali Munasir. pp. 100-101. Asma Alhuwa = Asma’ Allah al-Husna. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 27. pp. 101-104. Sundanese, Arabic. Kinasihan. One in which Raden Kamawelas, son of Rathnasuwia; one from Haji Nawaseh of Solo; and another Kinasihan. pp. 104-105. About tilik ing wawayang ing sarira dewek.

pp. 105-106. Sience of jatining aerip. p. 107. Sarah = Sharh, van ‫ =[ قل هو‬about Surat Ikhlas, Qur’an 112], but without the sura being quoted in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. pp. 107-110. Several different prayers. A catetan of door … [?] (1271, 1854-1855) and a birth (1269, 1852-1853). On p. 108 begins a Du`a’ parinti anandakakan. pp. 110-115. Daerahs of bismillāh, Allah, Muhamad. P. 111 blank. Diagrams on pp. 112-115. p. 116. About tekabur, etc. pp. 116-117, 118. About … [?] activity (in broken Arabisch). A fragment on the task of Israfil. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 453. pp. 117-121.Tembang, every now and then interrupted by words of panmysticism. Salawat, litany, Ghaznawiyya. In Arabic, with Javanese notes. With the Javanese title: Iki salawat kang ingaranam Ghaznawijah. See Juynboll, Supll. Cat. Jav. II, p. 447, where this text is erroneously described as a Tract on Salat. p. 122. Daerah of Kalima and of tariqat, haqiqat, etc. Diagrams. p. 123. Table of mystical quartets. Tabellaric presentation. p. 124-125. Daerah of the 7 martabat, etc. Diagrams. p. 126-128. Daerahs. Diagrams. pp. 129-133. Treatise on the mystical union of … (`Ishq, `ashiq, ma`shuq). Diagrams. p. 134. Retreat of man in khadiyyah with do’a. pp. 135-142. Mystical explanation of niyyat salat, takbir, iman, etc; Shari`at, etc. p. 142. This … [?] is of Saripoedin in Biru’ (?) in Tarogong. pp. 144-151. Arabic. Ism baginda Rasul Allah. pp. 152-171. Javanese. Rajah-rajahan. Diagrams and tabellaric presentations. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on Muslim prayers, theology and mysticism, mainly in Arabic, some in Javanese. MS Leiden Or. 6533, above, is a copy of the present manuscript made for G.A.J. Hazeu. Repeatedly mentioned in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Pigeaud II, pp. 391, 462. See also Voorhoeve, Handlist, opposite pp. 27, 60, 67, 279, 286, 326, 453 of the interleaved copy kept in the Legatum Warnerianum in the Leiden library. See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 187188, 209-210, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On pp. 187-188 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic, Malay, Sundanese and Dutch. On pp. 209-210, he identifies the languages as Sundanese, Javanese, Malay and Dutch. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2379] Or. 7716 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese and Sundanese, machine-made paper, 21.8 x 17.2 cm, 294 pp. followed by unnumbered blanks, diagrams (pp. 9, 11, 29, 30, 33, 36, 39, 56-57, 60-63, 65, 72-73, 87, 113, 114-115, 269), tabellaric presentations (pp. 10, 23, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38,

50, 52-53, 54, 58-59, 64-66, 93 (circle), 135, 136, 141, 239-240, 246-250, 257-260, 267-268, 287, 293), talisman drawings (p. 289), vocalized Arabic script (naskh) by one copyist, ‘modern’, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Copy of a primbon, book of notes, from Ci Calèngka, West Java, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). Note that MS Leiden Or. 6534, above, is a copy of MS Leiden Or. 7716, made for G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929). See Pigeaud II, p. 462. Text on spine (damaged): ‘Primbon Tjitjal’. Eclectic survey of the content: (1) pp. 1-154. Javanese, shorter texts and notes on mysticism, theology, prayers, charms, partly in Sundanese. Several separate texts could be easily recognized. (1a) pp. 24-26. Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1) with interlinear translation in Javanese. (1b) pp. 98-116. Beginning of a text in Sundanese. (2a) pp. 154-167. Bayan al-Ruh. Anonymous, Arabic, with Javanese interlinear translation. Beginning: wa-in su’ilta kayfa Sifat al-Ruh… See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 47. (2b) pp. 168-195. A narrative of the creation of everything from the Light of Prophethood, in the form of traditions. Beginning: al-Hamdu lillah Rabb al-`Alamin wal-`Aqiba lil-Muttaqin. Ruwiya fi Ba`d al-Riwaya: inna Allah ta`ala qala: Ya Muhammad khalaqtu al-Ashya’ li-Aglika wa-khalaqtuka li-Agli. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 453. (2c) pp. 195-197. A citation on zakat, with interlinear translation in Javanese, taken from Minhag al-Talibin, compendium by Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1278) of al-Muharrar by `Abd al-Karim b. Muhammad al-Rafi`i (d. 623/1226), GAL G I, 393. See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 225; Pigeaud II, p. 462. (2d) pp. 197-212. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. The Arabic text with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43. From p. 212 onwards several shorter texts. (2e) pp. 254. `Ishq, `ashiq, ma`shuq. See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 201, 214, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On p. 201 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic and Sundanese. On p. 214, he identifies the languages as Sundanese and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2378] Or. 7717 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 201 pp., Arabic script. Notes on prayers, niyats, charms, Shattariya pedigree, fiqh on inheritance, partly Sundanese. Copy of a book of notes from Ci Calengka. See Pigeaud II, p. 462. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 186, where an Indonesian translation of

Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2377) Or. 7718 Javanese, paper, 46 pp., Javanese script. History of Wirasaba Banyumas, summary, with list of cantos. See Pigeaud II, p. 462. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 423-424, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2376) Or. 7719 Javanese, paper (folded), severely damaged, 13 ff., Javanese script. Sahad, prince of Budalsah, and princess Pandam Sasi, Kulandara and Kulandari. Romantical tale in verse, fragmentary. (Sahalsah or Salsah is the name of the country of Johar Sah.) Origin probably: Cerbon. A Dutch epitome and a romanized copy by Soegiarto are added. A romanized copy with short Dutch epitome by J. Soegiarto is registered as MS Leiden Or. 10.763. See Pigeaud II, 663. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 462. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2375) Or. 7720 Javanese, paper, 6 pp., Arabic script. Treatise on the 700 false masters of mysticism outside Mecca who are kafirs, infidels, by haji Yusuf of Wanakerta, See Pigeaud II, p. 463. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 228-229, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2374) Or. 7721 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 150 (and 19) pp., 23 (and 28) pp., Arabic script, illustrations. (1) Notes on mysticism and theology, Shattariya-Naksabandiya tarika, dikir, salat. Moreover: shrabad (sarabad) Suleman, prayer curing illness, tradition from Muhammad, and Muhammad’s prophecy on Cerbon (5 radiances of different colours), eschatology.

reverse side of 1: divination: schematical figures. (2) (b). Prayers, meaning of the fast, puwasa, malemans. (3) Sundanese notes on prayers, mysticism, etc. Books of notes from Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 463. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 195, 214, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On p. 195 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic and Sundanese. On p. 214, he identifies the languages as Sundanese and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2373) Or. 7722 Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese, Sundanese, treebark paper (dluang), 16 + 411 pp. (there are no pp. 364-365), 24.7 x 18 cm, vocalized Arabic script, full-leather binding with blind tooled ornamentation the Southeast Asian way. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism and theology, prayers, tarika, partly Sundanese. Book of notes dated 1273 A.H.(1856 A.D.), presented to C. Snouck Hurgronje by the chief panghulu of Ci Anjur, 1892. See Pigeaud II, p. 463. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 200-201, 213-214, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On pp. 200-201 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic, Sundanese and Javanese. On pp. 213-214, he identifies the languages as Sundanese and Javanese. Inside the front board is the drawing of the three fishes with one head (trinity). See on the three-headed fish now also Annabel Teh Gallop, ‘Cultural Interactions in Islamic Manuscript Art. A Scholar’s Library from Mindanao’, in Oman Fathurahman, Kawashima Midori, Labi Sarip Riwarung (eds.), The Library of an Islamic Scholar of Mindanao. The Collection of Sheik Muhammad Said bin Imam sa Bayang at the Al-Imam As-Sadiq (A.S.) Library, Marawi City, Philippines. An Annotated Catalogue with Essays. Tokyo: Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University, 2019, pp. 205-248, especially pp. 220-232. Apart of this drawing, the volume contains a large number of diagrams, figures and drawings, most of which are executed in black ink, but in black and red. All these can be found on pp. 19, 21, 36, 38-39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 53, 126-129, 130, 138, 140, 150, 151, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 196, 197, 198, 199, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, 217, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 282, 283, 290, 292, 294, 297, 334, 335, 341 (bold type indicates use of black and red ink). Extensive table of content in Javanese in Arabic script (16 pp.) preceding the main text. (1) p. 1. Du`a’ sawusi salat … (2) p. 1. Du`a’ gargasan. (3) p. 2. Shahadat pikukut. (4) p. 2. Iman, tawhid, ma`rifa, islam. (5) p. 3. Shari`a, tarika, haqiqa, ma`rif.

(6) p. 4. Egesi usalli. (7) p. 8. `Urufiyya, ikmaliyya, bastiyya, nuzu’iyya. (8) p. 8. Paranti ametukakan. (9) p. 9. Paranti ingkihakan kang angalingi jakya. (10) p. 9. Pangunadangi wawayangan. (11) p. 9. Nafas, anfas, anafas, nufus. (12) p. 12. Donga’ anyitapakan awag marang wawayangan tatagala wangi. (13) p. 11.Donga’ anyitapakan awag marang wawayangan tatagala rahani. (14) p. 11. Anyitikakan turun turun ay dadalan Shattariyya. (15) p. 18. Iftiqar isfina’. (16) p. 19. Ahadiyya, wahda, wahidiyya. (17) p. 21. Daerah. (18) p. 22. Wanyaan sausan wirid. (19) p. 22. Wanyaan sadurungan amaca patiha. (20) p. 23. Wegasa wekasana kang pindi saking dikir. (21) p. 26. Inyitakakan sapaing murid. (22) p. 31. Wirid sosay dikir … (23) p. 36. Daerah Martabat 7. (24) p. 48. `Ishq, `ashiq, ma`shuq. (25) p. 52Daerah. (26) p. 54. Sumurup sumurup … (27) p. 55. Anyatakakan kang … nyawa (28) p. 55. Anyatakakan kang … hurip (29) p. 55. Anyatakakan wawadahing hurip. (30) p. 55. Patakonan. (31) p. 57. Wujud `ilm nur shuhud. (32) p. 58. Lamon arep … ing pangeran. (33) p. 58. Iman ing nyawanan. (34) p. 62. Ahadiyya wahda wahidiyya. (35) p. 63. Pandenging manosa. (36) p. 63. Lamun erep … kalawan gusti. (37) p. 63. Panaringmaning manusa. (38) p. 65. Anggahotaning manusa. (39) p. 66. Cawo ing badan kang patang perkara. (40) p. 47. Puji ghamekan. (41) p. 67. Puji lagi jasad meneng lan usik. (42) p. 67. Puji ing talika dikir. (43) p. 67. Puji talika ngarasa hurip. (44) p. 68. Kawi pateneha panalangsa. (45) p. 70. Wiwitana manusa dumadnya.

(46) p. 71. Talenyesing islam. (47) p. 72. Nungguhing islam patang perkara. (48) p. 73. Mas’ala angweruhi ing niyya. (49) p. 76. Sahada kang pitung perkara. (50) p. 78. Takbirat al-ihram sahadat lan sakarah. (51) p. 79. Aran sahadah. Iman tawhid jasad lan kang aran ma`ripah (52) p. 79. Ujar sakecap laku sanidka … (53) p. 79. Rarasan kang patang perkara. (54) p. 80. Enggon kang tetep kang sampurna lank ang rupek. (55) p. 80. Sigara papanya ing badan. (56) p. 81. Kang aran hurip. (57) p. 82. Panggawaning salat. (58) p. 84. Muqaranah takbir salat. Lan muqarana sahadah. (59) p. 85. Mas’alah nawaytu. (60) p. 85. Wiwilaqi jabang bab. (61) p. 86. Rak’at salat subuh lan zuhur. (62) p. 86. Aran salat kang telong perkara. (63) p. 86. Mulanay salat limang waqtu. (64) p. 88. Waqtu lilima kang … (65) p. 89. Angga hota sambahyang. (66) p. 90. Banda nifona salat lan sambahyang. (67) p. 91. Ingkang katipalin waqtu sembahyang. (68) p. 92. Lafz junub lan janabah. (69) p. 93. Mushahada wong ahlul … (70) p. 95. Dating ruh sapiting … (71) p. 96. Pujining tingkal sakarah. (72) p. 97. Tawbat nafsu. (73) p. 97. Wiwitaning manusa dikon … (74) p. 101. Ngona kaluluhuz … (75) p. 102. Pusakaning paneda du`a’ maca salat. (76) p. 107. Qiblah kang kalih perkara. (77) p. 110. Kamuzipata manusa ing dunya tekeng ing akhirah. (78) p. 116. Kang amumulay nabi Adam lan nabi Muhammad. (79) p. 119. Saleng panyakah. (80) p. 119. Nurbuah latif. (81) p. 122. Anyatakakan urip. (82) p. 124. Wating ma`ripat. (83) p. 126. Daerah (84) p. 132. Aksarakang tingganya puluh ing … (85) p. 133. Jujuluk rasul Allah kang sepuluh perkara.

(86) p. ?. Anasir ing nabi Adam kang patanf perkara. (87) p. 137. Du`a’ incok. (88) p. 138. Daerah. (89) p. 139. Du`a’. (90) p. 140. Du`a’ sulapay. (91) p. 140. Daerah. (92) p. 141. Muqaranah `urupiyah. (93) p. 142. Jampe maring macanya. (94) p. 143. Bangling manusa limang perkara. (95) p. 145. Pujina jasad. (96) p. 145. Sipat kalih dasa. (97) p. 146. Jampe maring macanya. (98) p. 147. Du`a’ kahimpa. (99) p. 147. Du`a’ pamepenu. (100) p. 147. Du`a’ pangalengkayatan. (101) p. 148. Mamalaikatan. (102) p. 149. Jampe kancang panyat. (103) p. 149. Surug rasi. (104) p. 150. Daerah. (105) p. 152. Pujining roh. (106) p. 152. Lamun arep … rupaning roh. (107) p. 152. Sampurnaning pati. (108) p. 153. Sampurnaning sembahyang. (109) p. 153. Katambulan kanya. (110) p. 154. Du`a’ maring geni darapun ajapanas. (111) p. 155. Lamun arep landep kuku. (112) p. 155. Isim gunying. (113) p. 155. Jampe katil. (114) p. 155. Pamecatan kancing. (115) p. 156. Inglingkan mamarasa. (116) p. 156. Inyatakakan mati … (117) p. 157. Ripa… dikir. (118) p. 158. Daerah. (119) p. 162. Hadith qudsi. (120) p. 174. Abida abida nay rak`at salat lan … (121) p. 179. Asaling waqtu lima. (122) p. 181. Jatining manusa. (123) p. 181. Surug ametukaken rasa. (124) p. 182. Namaning waja. (125) p. 182. Namaning pujuka.

(126) p. 182. Guru ning waja. (127) p. 183. Pamepasan baraja. (128) p. 183. Patalukan baraja. (129) p. 183. Lamun arep amewesan gerisa. (130) p. 184. Patalukkan baraja. (131) p. 184. Du`a’ pacapuwah kulit. (132) p. 184. Du`a’ maring badal. (133) p. 185. Palinyasan maring bedil. (134) p. 185. Pang bonatetan ing bedil. (135) p. 186. Martabating bedil. (136) p. 186. Du`a’ dateng genin. (137) p. 187. Pamecatan upan. (138) p. 187. Du`a’ katimbulan. (139) p. 187. Sadakahanymengan. (140) p. 187. Pamepen nafsu. (141) p. 188. Isimu kuning. (142) p. 188. Du`a’ `alimunan. P. 189 is blank. (143) p. 190. Perantengkahan kanga rep manjang tariq. (144) p. 192. Sala-sala dikir Shattariyyat. (145) p. 196. Daerah. (146) p. 200. Inyatakakan badan wadag lan alusan. (147) p. 200. Paratila ning muli saking an. (148) p. 201. Qudsi aruh. (149) p. 203. Tabaruk seh molana Ibrahim. (150) p. 203. Tabaruk shaykh akbar. (151) p. 203. Tabaruk shaykh Abdul Kubri. (152) p. 203. Tabaruk piip iman. (153) p. 205. Singlarmaring satmaranya nafsi. (154) p. 206. Daerah. (155) p. 207. Ashhud maraning manjang salawe. (156) p. 208. Pilang angen ma`ripah. (157) p. 209. Dusang sukut. (158) p. 209. Daerah. (159) p. 214. Anyatakakan tingkah polo ting manusa. (160) p. 216. Daerah. (161) p. 216. Manusa asali nam belansa perkara. (162) p. 217. Daerah. (163) p. 217. Sampurnaning ma`ripat. (164) p. 230. Martabat ing aruh. (165) p. 230. Martabat ing dat.

(166) p. 231. Haqanyaqating bodi. (167) p. 222. Dedi at jajatang. (168) p. 222. Witing ma`ripat. (169) p. 223. Rupa rupa daerah. (170) p. 230. Tegesa rupa rupa ibarat. (171) p. 232. Daerah. (172) p. 233. Nyuruning baraja. (173) p. 234. Panglimas ing baraja. (174) p. 234. Tutulak shugalaq. (175) p. 234. Parinti nyakada wong rasi. (176) p. 235. Parinti empat nafas atau … (177) p. 235. Kabusun wasi sanagurning wasi. (178) p. 236. Namarit galuh kang ghab. (179) p. 236. Ashan ratugaleh. (180) p. 238. Singalau maring perang. (181) p. 238. Jaya tedak masa dinyapa barisi hujung kulan. (182) p. 238. Pudwacanyaning atdikating Rasul Allah. (183) p. 236. Cahaya ning roh inyzafi. (184) p. 240. Jaya edak saking kinyahin ketib suwaraya. (185) p. 242. Barinisi hujung kulan. (186) p. 243. Jaya tedak Makah. (187) p. 243. Barisi kawasanyan. (188) p. 244. Tedak wani sasang. (189) p. 244. Tafsir Patihah. (190) p. 248. Tegesi qul huwa (about Surat al-Ikhlas, Qur’an 112). (191) p. 250. Guru amurug murid. (192) p. 253. Anyatakakan sampurnaning `ilmu agama. (193) p. 256. Salat barzakh waqtunay malem jum’a. (194) p. 257. Pertingkahan kang erep manjing wirid. (195) p. 257. Pertingkahan kang erep guru tariq Shattariyya Naqshbandiyya. (196) p. 262. Urut urut tan anggur dikir Naqshbandiyya. (197) p. 264. Pertingkahan wong tanggur marin Allah. (198) p. 271. Manjinging nafasi lan metu sadina dinana. (199) p. 272. Rupana nafasi kang manjing metu saking lisan. (200) p. 273. Anytakakan sukma ning manusa kang pipitu. (201) p. 275. Mas’ala muhit kaqawlihi. (202) p. 276. Anyatakakan huruqi la ilaha illa Allah … (203) p. 278. Kawanyatahan wong ahulah nafsi. (204) p. 280. Anyatakakan aksarani la ilaha illa Allah kang rolasi. (205) p. 282. Daerah.

(206) p. 283. Anyatakakan wong kacarah. (207) p. 284. Mas’ala anyatakakan kupri pandit atau kupri pandit. (208) p. 286. Daerah. (209) p. 286. Ingkahan wong Ahl ma`ripat haqiqat tariqat lan shari`at. (210) p. 287. Anyatakakan aran iman aran tawhid lan aran ma`ripah. (211) p. 288. Sajarah kang ing nabi Muhammad. (212) p. 290. Wiwintanan tangal taraqi kanga rep … (213) p. 291. Rupa rupa `ibarat. (214) p. 292. Ekpesi bism Allah al-Rahman al-Rahim. (215) p. 293. Tenyasan a-b-t-th-ǧ-… nya. Alphabet. (216) p. 294. Wujud haqq wujud Mutlaq wujud mahz. (217) [p. 295?] [blank]. (218) p. 296. Daerah. (219) p. 298. Jatining patiha. (220) p. 299. Nyataning alip. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. The Arabic text with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43. (221) p. 305. Bapaling manusa papat perkara baqaling nabi Adam papat perkara. (222) p. 306. Asali angadag. Runu sujud lan lungguh. (223) p. 307. Jujuluk roh sepuluh perkara. (224) p. 307. Jujuluk shahadat. (225) p. 309. Tetekala during ena bumi langit. (226) p. 310. Amisah aken ingdalem `ilmunay Allah. (227) p. 312. Martabat pipitu. The 7 martabat. (228) p. 318. Aran roh qudsi. (229) p. 320. Ingdalem pati ingadatan sagara istighraq. (230) p. 322. Tegesani qul huwa … (about Surat al-Ikhlas, Qur’an 112). (231) p. 324. Pertingkahan wong mati. (232) p. 325. Tegesan manusa. (233) p. 328. Pikukuwa tanikotan. (234) p. 329. Hadasi Nabi. (235) p. 330. Tedak wali Allah kani walaysi. (236) p. 331. Ma`luming Allah ta’ala. (237) p. 334. Daerah. P. 336 is blank. (238) p. 337. Text in different hand, beginning wa-qala al-`ali … (239) p. 338. Hushu`, hudur, ta`zim, haybat, raja, tasdiq, ihram, mi`raj, munajat. (240) p. 341. Manusa Anggunang tanzil lan taraqi. (241) p. 344. Martabat pipitu. The 7 martabat.

(242) p. 346. Arabic, the beginning with interlinear Javanese. Beginning: Fadl al-Salat Arkan … The 13 Arkan al-Salat. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446. (243) p. 348. Mas’alah hikmating iman. (244) p. 351. Tuturung nanafin lan asbat. (245) p. 354. Mas’alah partancinang. (246) p. 356. Andakatang Allah ta’ala ing dalil qarn. (247) p. 362. Hukm yangsi `aql tolong daman. There are no pp. 364-365. (248) p. 366. Tanzil insan kamil taraqi. (249) p. 368. Ingdalem salat an tiging perkara. (250) p. 376. Daerah. (251) p. 380. Sipat bangsi ka pangeranan. (252) p. 382. Sundanese. Patarinyama kirong. (253) p. 386. Sundanese. Paagotan hal wong islam. (254) p. 386. Sundanese. Puji pertingkahan sakarat. (255) p. 387. Sundanese. Sahadat sakarat. (256) p. 388. Sundanese. Batal `amal puji patengikatin manusa ku lima perkara. (257) p. 391. Sundanese. Kangetahan katengenahan alam dunya. (258) p. 394. Sundanese. Roh nudi qiwarang salat ko Allah. (259) p. 395. Sundanese. Tatalin roh oqat perkara. (260) p. 396. Sundanese. Lamun hayang menang berkah sapaat nabi Muhammad temen temen ngabakti. (261) p. 401. Surup surup pan. Bulu kunit daging lamad atota balong sumsum nafasi. (262) p. 403. Mas’alah panjenengeng roh. (263) p. 407. Campuhan gola kalawan gusti. (264) p. 411. Zakati wong Ahl al-ma`ripat. Followed by a number of unnumbered blank pages. - Two but last leaf: financial note in Javanese dated Sunday 2 Rabi` II 1272 (1855, but this date in fact falls on a Wednesday). - One but last leaf: notes in Javanese on the anger Jibra’il. - On de flyleaves at the end notes and scribbling in more than one hand. Also a year, 1273 (1856-1857) is mentioned. Insert between pp. 386-387. A financial document. Sundanese in Arabic script. Earlier provenance: Loose inserts at the end, receipts in Malay in Latin script, one dated Tjipoetri, July 31, 1877. Note pasted on the fly-leaf at the end of the volume with text in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Tjiandjoersche Primbon ontvangen van den Hoofdpanghoeloe van Tjiandjoer. Augs ’92.’ From Cianjur. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2440] Or. 7723 Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, one leaf of treebark paper (dluang), folded in twelve, damaged,

Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, partly Arabic and Sundanese. See Pigeaud II, p. 463. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 199-200, 221, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On pp. 199-200 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic and Sundanese. On p. 221, he identifies the languages as Javanese and Arabic. The Arabic text not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2438) Or. 7724 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, machine-made laid paper (watermark: posthoorn), 21.5 x 15.5 cm, 81 ff. followed by a few blanks, vocalized Arabic script, symbolic drawings (of the seven planets, f. 37b), four quires sewn together, held in a paper cover. Description by Pigeaud: Notes on cosmogony (awang-uwung), genealogy and history, the Dutch, the princess with the flaming womb, cannon (f. 11a), Jakerta (si Amuk), Mataram (si Guntur Geni), Banten (si Santomi). Eschatology (f. 14a), nabi `Isa, Adam’s son ki Bungsu (f. 19a), Barham, Mudik Batara, numerical values of the letters of the Arabic alphabet (f. 50a). Further: divination, medicines (platuk-bawang bird), prognostics: vibrations, dreams, astrology (palintangan). Mysticism, prayers, salawat kabir in praise of Muhammad, preceded by a recommendation: an incestuous mother and son saved by reciting it (see also MS Leiden Or. 8584 b, below). Sundanese intercalations (f. 15a). See Pigeaud II, p. 463. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 291-292, 384, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On pp. 291-292 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic and Sundanese. On p. 384, he identifies the languages as Sundanese and Javanese. On p. 384 he makes an attempt to identify the Sundanese text in the volume, to no avail, however. ff. 53a-55a. Arabic. Du`a’. Prayers. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. ff. 68a-69b. Javanese. Salawat Kabir, Tasliya in praise of the prophet Muhammad with recommendation of reading. ff. 70r-74r. Arabic. Incomplete copy of a Tasliya. Blessings (Salawat) on the Prophet Muhammad, without the story recommending their recitation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455. ff. 76a-77b. Javanese, Arabic. Du`a’ Sulayman and other shorter prayers. F. 78a blank. ff. 78b-79. Astrological tables. Not located: Fragment about dream reading. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436.

Earlier provenance: Originally one of five booklets sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje from Surakarta, 1889. At the end a label is pasted in with text in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘5 Boekjes, ontv. v. O.E. & N. [= Onderwijs, Eredienst en Nijverheid] met brief dd. 5 Septr 89, No. 45 toegezonden door resident Soerakarta, met toelichtend schrijven dd. Soerakarta 27 Augs 1889, No. 78’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2437] Or. 7725 Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Arabic, treebark paper (dluang), damaged, 76 pp., Javanese (pp. 1-39, 41-52) and Arabic (pp. 39-40, 52-76, several different hands) scripts, three quires sewn together, no binding. Pigeaud’s description: Book of notes from Bandung. See the notes by J. Soegiarto (who described the volume in October 1968) in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. (1) pp. 1-51. Javanese script. From Cerbon. Suluk’s, mystical poems from Cerbon: Suluk ki Asandi, mentioning Jatisyara. Suluk Regol by sunan Bonang. Suluk Hadis (Hidis) Kudsi (Hadith Qudsi). And notes on `ilmu gegedongan, moralistic lesson for women. See Pigeaud, III, section with facsimiles in § 60.133. p. 40. Arabic. Qur’an 1, surat al-Fatiha, followed by a few verses from surat al-Falaq (Qur’an 113). pp. 56-52. Arabic. Suras from tShe Qur’an: 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100 aya 1-4. pp. 57-58. Several shorter prose texts in Javanese, in Arabic script. pp. 60-69. Prose texts in Javanese, in vocalized Arabic script. pp. 70-71. Du`a’. Prayer texts. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. pp. 72-73. Collection of niyyat. pp. 73-74. Several sets of the Arabic alphabet. pp. 75-76. Arabic. Du`a’. Prayer text. See Pigeaud II, pp. 463-464. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 244, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Javanese, and the text as poetry. Earlier provenance: Label on p. 1 with text (in hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje?): ‘Bandoeng 1903’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2436] Or. 7726 Javanese, Dutch, paper, 96 pp., Arabic script. Notes on divination, zodiac, astrology, prayers and charms, sexual intercourse, portents

(earthquakes), medicines. Copy of a book of notes of the guardian (juru kunci) of the grave of Sembah Lebe, Suci, Garut. A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1890, is added. See Pigeaud II, p. 464. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 292-293, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic, Sundanese and Dutch. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2435) Or. 7727 Collective volume with a great number of shorter texts in Javanese and Arabic, machine-made paper, 294 + [2] pp., 21.9 x 17.4 cm, vocalized Arabic script, illustrations and diagrams (pp. 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 74, 75, 94, 162, 163-164, 168, 169, , 170, 172, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182-183, 184, 198, 199, 200, 217218, 219, 232-233, 234-235, 236-237, 243-244, 245-246, 254, 263-264, 270, pp. 275, 276 blank, some leaves unbound and loose, half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism and theology, dikir, wirid of Ahmad Yusuf of Pekalongan, lesson of molana Maghribi, prayers and charms. Copy of a book of notes, origin unknown. See Pigeaud II, p. 464. pp. 8-19. Unvocalized Arabic. Recommendation of Dhikr La Ilaha illa Allah, with (in the beginning only) interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 467. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2386] Or. 7728 Javanese, Malay, treebark paper (dluang), incomplete, 46 + 3 pp., Javanese-Sundanese script, dated 1814 A.D. Regulations, undang-undag, translation of a Dutch Government law, articles 41-151 only, probably originally belonging to Adiwijaya, Regent of Garut. At the end Malay in Javanese script. See Pigeaud II, p. 464. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 263-264, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 475 (No. 1039), where Pigeaud’s description is repeated. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2434) Or. 7729 Javanese, paper, damaged, 20 pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, cosmogony, Nur Muhammad, conversation of pangeran Panjunan and pangeran Cerbon (Carabon) on faith etc., charms. Fine Arabic script, origin probably Cerbon. See Pigeaud II, p. 464. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan.

Bandung 1988, p. 198, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2433) Or. 7730 Javanese, paper, severely damaged, 50 pp., Javanese script. Cryptic characters, without clue, with flourished shapes. A secret alpabet? See Pigeaud II, p. 464. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2432) Or. 7731 Javanese, or Sundanese (?), paper, 88 pp., Arabic script. Sulanjana, rice myth in verse, Sapi Gumarang, dewi Nawang Wulan from heaven, the cookingpot, Puhaci, beginning with the building of Bale Mercukunda for yang Pramesti. See K.A. Hidding, Nji Pohatji Sangjang Sri (1929). See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867D, below. A manuscript from Sukapura. See Pigeaud II, p. 464. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 274, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2431) Or. 7732 Javanese, paper, 67 pp., Arabic script. History of the prophets, in verse, beginning with Adam, Muhammad and his successors, in Mecca, Medinah and Esam (Syria), Yazid, Zainu’l-`Abidïn, down to the history of sunan Rahmat of Ampel Denta, Balambangan, Majapahit, Gresik, putri Cempa, concluding with the history of raden Patah of Bintara. Sketchily and superficially told, by kyahi `Amil of Ci Kajang, a disciple of haji Musa of Terbana, Semarang, dated 1893 A.D. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, pp. 464-465. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 393, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Earlier provenance: Manuscript received from Garut, 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2430) Or. 7733 Javanese, paper, 38 pp., Arabic script.

Notes on prayers, niyats, salat, dated 1885. See Pigeaud II, p. 465. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2429) Or. 7734 Arabic with Javanese, European laid paper (watermark: Concordia), 21.2 x 17.5 cm, 65 pp., Arabic script, school exercise book, quires sewn together, held in paper cover. al-Sittun Mas’ala fil-Fiqh, usually ascribed to Abu (/Ibn) al-`Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad alZahid (d. 819/1416), GAL S II, 112, with extensive notes in Javanese, usually known as Sittin Hasil. Ends with text on the pilgrimage. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 342. Incipit Arabic text (pp. 1-3):

‫(بسمةل) هذا بيان ما ال ب ّد منه من الفروض الواجبات عيل مذهب الامام الشافعي رمحة هللا عليه | قال النيب صىل‬ ‫هللا عليه وسمل طلب العمل فريضة عىل لك مسمل ومسلمة وقال ابن عباس ريض هللا عهنام | كفاك من عمل ادلين ان‬ ... ‫تعرف ما ال يسعك هجهل‬ Pigeaud’s description: Treatise on religious duties and practices, fiqh, Shafi`ite school, Arabic with interlinear glosses and moreover commentaries (hasil) in Javanese, a textbook called Sittin (Sietien) Mantani, from Lebak. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no IIII, old list?). See Pigeaud II, p. 465. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 236, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Javanese. Earlier provenance: Label on front board, with text in hand C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Lebak van pati door Mr. Ba [=Mr. Bergsma] zie nota’. In an earlier hand on the label: ‘No. IIII Sietien Mantani’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2428] Or. 7735 Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, 20.1 x 16 cm (cropped with loss of text), 339 pp. (Arabic script) + 164 pp. (Javanese script) + 339 pp., full-leather binding with blind-tooled ornamentation (borders, centre piece). Book of notes originally belonging to Mr Winter’s Javanese secretary, Surakarta, dated (on the binding) 1889 A.D. A Dutch summary of the contents is added (not in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje). See the notes made in May 1968 by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 465. I. 339 pp., Arabic script. pp. 1-4. Arabic, with some Javanese. Prater text, Du`a’. pp. 5-6. Javanese. Prayer, Doa. pp. 7-135. Arabic. Qur’an. Several suras: 1, 2:1-142, 78-114 (Guz’ 30), 113, 114, 1, 2:1-5, 2:255-286. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279. pp. 135-173. Arabic. Several shorter prayers. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. pp. 174-176. Notes in Javanese. Petangan. pp. 177-181. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’ for a dead person. pp. 183-253. Javanese. Explication of certain passages of the Qur’an. pp. 255-270. Javanese. On the five pikukul (pillars?) of the Islam, etc. pp. 271-273. Javanese. Naktu taun, wulan, etc. pp. 273-276. Javanese. Charms, jimats met rajah-rajahan. pp. 276-281. Javanese. Alamat of a dream. pp. 282-283. Javanese. Ratuning jimat. pp. 283-309. Prayers, Doas, sura, salamet, tulak bilahi. p. 311. Arabic text, to be read by man and woman. pp. 311-313. Javanese. About tejas and their meaning. pp. 313-315. Javanese. How to choose a plot on which to build one’s house? pp. 315-320. Petangan for marriage and for what has to become a child. pp. 321-323. Javanese. Sa’at Ahmad, with table. pp. 324-339. Javanese. Palintangan, etc. Caculation for building a house. II. 163 pp. (the reverse), Javanese script. Miscellaneous notes, in verse and prose. Book of notes originally belonging to Mr Winter’s Javanese secretary, Surakarta, dated (on the binding) 1889 A.D. A Dutch summary of the contents is added. See the notes made in May 1968 by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 465. pp. 1-23. Notes on European geography and natural science. pp. 23-63. Artati. History. Jayabaya, Java settled by people from Rum, Aji Saka, Jaya Baya prophecies, 5 dishes of the ajar of mount Padang, Rum’s war against the people of Prengi in Java, ending in eschatology: Imam Mahdi. pp. 64-85. Darma Sanata, moralistic poem by Ibnu Werda, servant of Paku Buwana VI of Surakarta, dated 1867 A.D. pp. 89-95. Treatise in verse on divination referring to house-building. pp. 95-97. Auspicious moments for the building of houses, in prose. pp. 99-107. Javanese. Lairipung lintang 12 anjarengi tanggaling mangsa, in prose. pp. 107-109. Javanese. Palindon (alamat of an earthquake, in tembang metre. pp. 109-112. All sorts of alamats, among other things when a dove is sitting on top of a house, a monkey or deer enters a yard, and about the sidekah that one must give for that. pp. 112-115. Alamat kedut. pp. 116-164. Collection of 259 recipes of medicines against illnesses and ailings. Earlier provenance: Primbon of the secretary of Mr. Winter. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [*Mal. 2385]

Or. 7736 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Malay, European laid paper (watermarks: unidentified ‘Eendracht’? topped by crown; countermark: C.B.G.K.), 213 + 22 pp., 21.5 x 17 cm, vocalized Arabic script, illustrations (I p. 125; II, pp. 20-21), 11 quires sewn together, goat-hide binding. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism and theology, Arabic with Javanese interpretations, quotations from authorities (kitab almuntahi by Hamza Fansuri), mentioning i.a. al-`Arabi and the Persian Gulistan (p. 114 mentioned?); schematic figures, the beginning only of a Malay mystic poem (not in Iskandar, Catalogue). - A Javanese abstract (?) of the Arabic text al-Mukhtasar al-Marqum fi Bayan Ba`d Ahwal alMa`lum alladhi lahu al-Nisbatan al-Mawgud wal-Ma`dum. In the colophon it is called: al-Kitab al-Musamma bil-Marqum. Anonymous mystical treatise, divided into a Muqaddima, 3 Fasl and a Khatima. Muhyi al-Din (Ibn al-`Arabi) and the author of al-Insan al-Kamil are cited. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Van en over Nuruddin ar-Raniri’, in BKI 107 (1951), pp. 353-368, esp. p. 358. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 230. In the second part (22 pp.): prayers, salat tobat of the Kamaliya tarika. Added: Letter one leaf of text, in Arabic, from Hasan Moestapa. Al-Zawawi is mentioned in the letter. Dated Bandung 10 October 1890, signed by addressed to (envelope): ‘yang terhormat | Toewan Dr C. Snouck Hurgronjei | Weltevreden.’ Post stamp: Buitenzorg, October 16, 1895. The text in tentative transliteration follows here:

‫السالم عليمك وبعده وصلنا | اىل بندوݞ عىل احسن حال وامنا الرخني قد راح اىل | سواكبوم نرلوذ وامىس حلفوان ىف‬ ‫كنتور اسس تني | وايضا الرش يدين راح اىل ݢاروت وفوضنا امورا | عادية البدل اىل فاته وشوره املس تحسن عنده | ان‬ ‫نقدم زايرة الرخني اىل سواكبوم خرجنا اليوم | ووراان فاته كتابه من رخني ابلتوحية الاكفية | ببيان من يلزم استبعاده من‬ | ‫خمربطى البدل و | منه من يمتكل بيت صاحب العقود وجلس نا حلان | ففى بيت خالنا ودل املعزول واهل البيت دغرى‬ ‫اىل ݢاروت ابلسالمة – ومن الاخبار ان حفور | ݢاروت اتفقنا ىف الطريق للمراح اىل بوݢور – ونرجو غاية ان ينقص‬ ‫اس تحاشمك قليال | قليال حىت نشفور معنا ورمبا تكدر اخلاطر ىف | ما ذكر مث مه بوىن رشءومه جماورة الزواوي | وقد‬ ‫استسلمنا كتابمك املرجوع ما اجيه وفهمنا | لك ما ذكر فيه والسالم مع ادلعا براحة الاوالد | والبنت من الاخ الطامع‬ ‫ | حاىج حسن مصطفى‬1890 ‫ اكتوبر‬10 ‫ىف اجملالسة | بندوݞ‬ Earlier provenance: Haji Hasan Moestapa? (because of the added letter). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2427] Or. 7737 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, paper, 95 pp., Arabic script., dated 15 Safar 1882 (26 December 1882). (1) pp. 1-22. Javanese. Notes on mysticism, Bayanu’llah, `ilmu suluk, wong kang angulati hakk, opinions of authorities, beginning with Yusuf ibn Muhammad al-Makki. Dated 15 Safar 1882 (26 December 1882).

(2) pp. 23-84. Malay. Mystical treatise, containing laku duabelas, sifat duapuluh, da’irah, etc. (3) pp. 86-95. Sundanese. Pertingkahana Hayang Kapanggih Nabi Hidir. Mystical notes, enclosed are two loose folios with the same notes. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 475-476 (No. 1040). Book of notes from Campea, dated 1882. Legacy Sn. Hurgronje (no 1, old list?). See Pigeaud II, p. 466. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 191, 213, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where in either case an Indonesian description based on Pigeaud’s description is given. On p. 213 he identifies the Sundanese text. On p. 191 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic, Javanese, Malay and Sundanese. On p. 213, he identifies the languages as Sundanese, Javanese and Malay. Earlier provenance: Amma' ('.m.a.'.) of Kampung Tepus (Campea) is mentioned as the owner. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2426) Or. 7738 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Malay, paper, 197 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, tarika Shattariya, dikir, partly in Malay (pp. 156-197). Book of notes originally belonging to teungku Gade, Acheh. See Pigeaud II, p. 466. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 476 (No. 1041), where Pigeaud’s description is repeated. Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2442) Or. 7739 Madurese and Dutch, machine-made lined paper, 257 pp. + blanks, Latin script for the Dutch, Javanese script for the Madurese text, the texts written in columns next to one another, several quires sewn together, paper cover. Madurese conversations and sentences, arranged by subject matter, with their Dutch translations. Copies of the romanized transcript by J. Soegiarto are registered as MSS Leiden Or. 10.729, below, and BCB 212. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2425] Or. 7740 Javanese, paper, 600 + 1185 + 50 + 418 + 109 + 277 pp., Arabic script, copied by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin. Register of the Banten supreme judge Fakih Nagmu’d-din (Kyahi Pekih Najmuddin). Copies made for C. Snouck Hurgronje by teungku Muhummad Noerdin, from the originals MSS Leiden Or. 5625, Or. 5626, Or. 5627 and Or. 5628, above. See also MS Leiden Or. 5598, above, a Banten lawbook. See Pigeaud II, p. 466. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan

Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 409, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Sundanese. ¶ MSS Leiden Or. 2052, Or. 2055, Or. 7709, are similar texts, with population registers. MSS Leiden Or. 5625, Or. 5626, Or. 5627 and Or. 5628 (with their copy MS Leiden Or. 7740), Register of the Banten supreme judge’s court, and the ‘Resumé van het onderzoek naar de regten van den inlander op den grond in de Residentie Bantam’, Batavia 1871, are also to be mentioned in this connection. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 3051 – Mal. 3056) Or. 7741 a Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese and some Malay, Javanese paper (dluang), 57 ff., considerably damaged by rayab (termites). Added: fragments on laid paper and dluang, with fragmentary texts in Arabic and Javanese scripts. Or. 7435 b, above, is a copy of the present volume made when it was in a better state. The convolute with texts Nos. 1-4 is numbered by Voorhoeve as Or. 7741 a. A text or collective volume numbered as Or. 7741 b could not be found, unless Voorhoeve would have thought to collectively number the bundle of loose papers (hereunder numbered 5-14) as Or. 7741 b. Pigeaud describes the Javanese texts in a general way: Notes on mysticism and theology: MS Leiden Or. 7741 a (54 double p.): Taju 'l-Asrar, Arabic treatise with Javanese interlinear glosses, on salat, niyat, etc.; copy in MS Leiden Or. 7435, above. Origin: Ci Calengka (1) ff. 1r-25r. Abrupt beginning. Prayer texts. Doa. Alphabet on f. 10b. Diagrams on ff. 17a-b, 23b Date on f. 9b: 10 Rabi` 1254 (June/July 1838) (2) ff. 25v-35v. An extract or quotation by Ihsan al-Din b. Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Samtarani from a work entitled Usul al-I`tiqad. Beginning after the eulogy: Qala Mawlana al-Shaykh Ihsan al-Din ... fi Kitab Usul al-I`tiqad. The present text seems to be an abstract or citation only. Arabic with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 393. (3) ff. 36r-44r. Tag al-Asrar, by Yusuf al-Tag (Shaykh Yusuf Makasar) (d. 1110/1699), GAL G II, 422. A somewhat shorter version in which the author’s name is not mentioned. Arabic with interlinear translation in Javanese. Or. 7435 b (3), above, is a copy of this MS, which was made when parts of the text that have now vanished, were still extant. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 354. (4) ff. 44v-57v. Several shorter texts, as in Or. 7435 b, above. See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 200, for a description of MS Leiden Or. 7435. Additional materials in the same portfolio, but not originally part of codex on dluang: - 5. Booklet on dluang, 16 ff., 17.2 x 12 cm, vocalized Arabic script in several hands, leaves sewn together. - 6. 2 loose leaves, European laid paper, 21 x 15.5 cm. Javanese texts in vocalized Arabic script. Diagram with text: Allah Latif bi-`Ibadihi.

- 7. 3 loose leaves, European laid paper with watermark (fleur-de-lys with JH&Z) and countermark (& ZOONEN), 25.8 x 19.5 cm, Javanese texts in vocalized Arabic script. Dated (f. 1a) 6 Muharram 1211 (1796). Also some scribbling in Javanese script. - 8. 1 leaf of European laid paper, 15 x 11.2 cm, with text fragment in Javanese in vocalized Arabic script. - 9. 1 leaf of European laid paper, 20.3 x 15.8 cm, with text fragment in Arabic from a book on grammar. With paste-on of European laid paper, 15.5 x 9 cm, with text fragment in Javanese in vocalized Arabic script. - 10. 1 sheet of European laid paper, 15.5 x 20.5 cm, with text fragment in Javanese, partly cut off, in vocalized Arabic script. - 11. 7 leaves of European laid paper, c. 17 x 12 cm, with text in Malay. Fragments or complete texts of several treatises of religious content. - 12. 1 leaf of European laid paper with watermark (PRO PATRIA), 21 x 16.3 cm, with text in Malay (?) in Arabic script. The beginning only (1 page) of Hikayat Raja Jumjuman. On the verso scribbling in several languages and scripts. - 13. Several leaves pasted on to one another, showing fragments in Arabic (grammar? and prayer?). - 14. 4 leaves of European laid paper with watermark (coat of arms of Amsterdam), c. 29 x 20 cm. Javanese in Javanese script. See Pigeaud II, p. 466. See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 200, for a description of MS Leiden Or. 7435. Earlier provenance: Ci Calengka. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2424] Or. 7742 Javanese, paper, 19 pp., Javanese script. Notes on mysticism, salat, marked: Nur Wakit or Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). See Pigeaud II, p. 466. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 195, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2423) Or. 7743 Javanese, Arabic, paper, 3 folded folio pp., Javanese script. List of Arabic books on theology, mysticism, fiqh, grammar, both printed and not yet printed (in Egypt), which were used in Java, their Javanese and Arabic names and their authors. List sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje by Mr Neurdenburg, 1885. See Pigeaud II, p. 466. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2422) Or. 7744 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Arabic, paper, 16.6 x 10.6 cm, 35 pp., vocalized Arabic script, illustration (p. 8), one quire in carton cover. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on prayers in Javanese and Arabic, Du`a’ shayfi (sepi), charms, from Suci, Garut, 1892. See Pigeaud II, p. 466. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 188, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. pp. 1-16. Javanese. Du`a’ Sepi, prayer text, several versions. Illustration of an animal (p. 8) pp. 16-18. Arabic. Du`a’. Prayer text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. pp. 18-22. Javanese and Arabic. Du`a Sepi, and Du`a’. pp. 22-35. Arabic. Du`a’. Prayer text, Du`a’. Abrupt end on p. 35. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Earlier provenance: label on back cover with text in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Primbon sepi. Maart ’92’. Also notes in Javanese, possibly with the name of a previous owner: Kiyahi `Umar (?) `Abd al-Rahim, from Suci, Garut. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2421] Or. 7745 Javanese, paper, 4 folio pp., folded, Javanese script. Notes on Surakarta idiom and customs: japa-mantra, abangan, wong putihan, tukon (marriage), tingkeb (pregnancy), sajen (offerings), gereh petek fish offerings, circumcision, patanen-krobongan (shrine). Answers of Seca Pradata and Tirta Praja to C. Snouck Hurgronje’s questions, 1890. See Pigeaud II, pp. 466-467. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2439) Or. 7746 Javanese, paper, 27 + 19 pp., Javanese-Sundanese script. Notes on incantations (27 pp.), beginning with Ratu Adil-ullah Surya Alam of Atas Angin, Rumeksa ing Wengi, Martabat Pitu, mysticism. A pisahid (deposition) referring to Bandung. The reverse (19 pp.): the twelve children of nabi Suleman who are guardian spirits of localities, some having animal shapes, and charms. Book of notes, primbon, from Bandung. See Pigeaud II, p. 467. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 292, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. MS Leiden Or. 8584, below, is a copy of this manuscript. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2448) Or. 7747 Javanese, paper, 12 pp., Arabic pp. Notes on theology and mysticism, martabats. Origin: the Bangkalan Court, Madura. See Pigeaud II, p. 467. Earlier provenance: Present of Mr. Verwijk, 1893. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2420) Or. 7748 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), damaged, 54 pp., Arabic script. Notes on theology and mysticism, asmaragama (erotics), prayers. Book of notes from the Sunda country. See Pigeaud II, p. 467. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 192, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic, Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2419) Or. 7749 Javanese, paper, 50 pp., Arabic script. Javanese version of Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al- Mubtadi, a primer of religion, theology and fiqh, catechism, dated A.H. 1206 (mistake for 1306 AH = 1888 A.D.). See Pigeaud II, p. 467. Earlier provenance: Used in Demak, present of Mr. Bergsma. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2418) Or. 7750 Javanese, paper, 92 pp., Javanese script, paper covers. Notes on divination, auspicious days, astrology, names of spirits (duyung). See Pigeaud II, p. 467. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 294, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese and Sundanese. ¶ On his p. 217 Ekadjati treats in fact MS Leiden Or. 7550, above, but with an erroneous reference to MS Leiden Or. 7750. Earlier provenance: From Bandung, 1903. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2447)

Or. 7751 Javanese, paper, 96 pp., Arabic script, illustrations. Notes on charms, rajahs, magic. See Pigeaud II, p. 467. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2444) Or. 7752 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, paper, 23 pp., Arabic script, paper boards. Notes on charms. See Pigeaud II, p. 467. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 265, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Earlier provenance: Purchased in March 1891 by C. Snouck Hurgronje from Saoedin (kampong Gang Sentiong), who had received it from his father Raden Ardja, from Desa Tjilandak, Pandeglang (note on fly-leaf). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2446) Or. 7753 Javanese, partly treebark paper (dluang), damaged, 82 + 18 pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on mysticism, pedigree of Shattariya tarika, dikir, prayers, wirid, incantation. The reverse side, partly Javanese characters (18 p.): genealogy of sunan Gunung Jati, Pakung wati, with kidung, incantation, protecting the Gunung Jati family. Lesson of sunan Cerbon. See Pigeaud II, p. 467. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 197, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2417) Or. 7754 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, Malay, European laid paper, 37 ff., vocalized, Arabic script, illustrations (ff. 28a-30b), dated 1826 (f. 37b), five quires sewn together, no original binding. (1) ff. 1r-30v. Javanese and Arabic. Notes on prayers, Kanz al-`Arsh (ff. 2a-4a), and collection of opening verses of the Qur’an (ff. 4a-12b, See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279), charms and rajahs. The four ‘living’ prophets: Idris (heaven), `Isa (4th sky, langit), Ilyas (wood, alas), Kilir (water, ff. 20a-21b). Agriculture divination, Puhaci (ff. 21b-22b.), medicines, amulets (ff. 28a-30b). See Pigeaud II, pp. 467-468. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 199, 272-273. On p. 199 an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On pp. 272-273 Sundanese texts are identified (Puhaci, Pangeran Galunggung, Batara Karang, ff. 26a-27b).

(2) ff. 31r-37v. Malay, Arabic. Sharh Du`a’ `Angqasha = `Ukasha) followed by several Du`a’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Abrupt end on f. 37b. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 476 (No. 1042). Earlier provenance: Purchased in Batavia, 1895 (note on f. 1a). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* (Mal. 2416] Or. 7755 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), severely damaged, 18 double pp., Arabic and Javanese scripts. Notes on prayers, niyats. Reverse: some Javanese verses. See Pigeaud II, p. 468. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2415) Or. 7756 Arabic, Javanese (mostly), partly Javanese paper (dluang), partly European laid paper (watermark), damaged, 21 x 16 cm, 170 + [5] pp., vocalized Arabic script, occasional use of Javanese script (e.g. p. 58, insert between pp. 103-104, 172), illustrations by use of script and sometimes with the use of red ink (pp. 23, 30, between 45-46, 54, 57, 59, 60, 65, 67, 68, 69, 85, 86, 88, 90, 93-94, 97, 98, 99-100, 101-102, 103, 104, 105, 115-116, 132, 136), 6 or 7 quires sewn together, paper cover. Book of notes, probably from Bandung. (1) pp. 1-124. Javanese. Notes on theology and mysticism, prayers, tarika Sattariya (p. 83) and Naksabandiya (pp. 85-86). Divination, wariga bumi, referring to the foundation of a village (desa, p. 117). See Pigeaud II, p. 468. (1a) pp. 7-8. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. (1b) pp. 16-17. Arabic. Prayer text. Du`a’. (1c) pp. 61-62. Arabic. Twice Qur’an, surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1). (1d) pp. 113-. Unidentified Javanese text (2) pp. 125-132. Arabic. `Ibarat tata`allaqu bil-Kalam `ala Laylat al-Nisf min Sha`ban, by Mawlana wa-Barakatuna al-`Alim al-`Allama al-Shaykh Yunus rahimahu Allah ta`ala. Text divided into 3 sections (Fasl), of which the present manuscript contains the first only. Al-Fasl al-Awwal fi Fadliha. Copied by `Abd al-Gabbar al-Din b. `Abd al-Takrim (sic), Bandung, from a copy taken by Muhammad b. Yahya b. `Abd al-Rahman al-`Azani (al-Fatani?) from the author’s autograph. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 120-121. (2a) pp. 133-138. Javanese. Shahadat tanpa … (2b) pp. 139-155. Several unidentified shorter Javanese texts. (3) pp. 156-165. Acephalous fragment (the end) of a theological text, containing i.a. an enumeration of the Shu`ab al-Iman. There is some confusion in the order of the leaves (the text on p. 157 is continued on p. 160, etc.). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 451.

(4) pp. 166-170, [1-5]. Shorter fragments in Javanese in several different hands. Also Javanese script is used. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2414] Or. 7757 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), 12 + 8 loose leaves, Arabic script. Notes on prayers and charms, the shaving of the Prophet. Loose leaves, mainly in Malay. See Pigeaud II, p. 468. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2413) Or. 7758 Javanese, paper, 30 pp., Arabic script. Rukun haji, guide for the Mecca pilgrimage, hagg and `umra, and the ziyara to Medina, with notes on prayers. Present of Mr J.A. Kruyt, 1884 (ergo in Jeddah). See Pigeaud II, p. 468. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2412) Or. 7759 Old No. 6 (?) Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Malay and Sundanese, paper, 48 double pp., Arabic script. Notes on mysticism, tarika Shattariya Muhammadiya (`Ali), Shatariya (`Uthman), Naksabandiya (`Umar), Shatariya (Abu Bakr), Akmaliya, on Nur, partly in Malay. Sundanese pencil notes on princesses. Book of notes called Patarikan Serang, Suluk Sajati, of kyahi Iman of Pasir Impang (?), district of Buitenzorg (Bogor). See Pigeaud II, p. 468. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 196, 272, who unwittingly describes the same volume twice, and where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given. On p. 196 Ekadjati identifies the languages in the volume as Arabic, Malay and Sundanese. On p. 272, he identifies the languages as Sundanese and Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2411) Or. 7760 Javanese, Sundanese, Arabic, treebark paper (dluang), damaged, 69 ff., 21.5 x 14.5 cm, vocalized Arabic script, occasionally Javanese script is used, illustrations (ff. 52b-53a), dated Muharram 1282 (1836, colophon on f. 33b), 6 quires sewn together, without binding. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on prayers, charms, cosmogony (rice myth), eschatology, imam Mahdi, prophecies referring to Sundanese districts, divination (cats), waruga lemah (places for

buildings), malemans, pamor of crisses. Reverse side (ff. 69b-58b): prayers in Arabic and Kadis kudsi (Hadith Qudsi) in verse. Book of notes from Bandung, 1903. See Pigeaud II, pp. 468-469. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 191-192, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Javanese. f. 16a. Sundanese. Batara Terus Buwana. f. 25a. Sundanese. Ibarats, Galunggung. f. 26a. Javanese. Eschatology, prophecies. f. 41a. Javanese. Cats, nabi Suleman. f. 45a. Javanese. Wariga lemah kang bicik lank ang ala. f. 49a. Javanese. Malemans. ff. 52b-53a. Javanese. On crisses. Illustrations. f. 63b. Javanese. Hadis Kudsi, in verse. ff. 65b-64a. Du`a’. Prayer in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2410] Or. 7761 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Arabic, Dutch, machine-made (?) laid paper, 74 + [8] pp, 20.6 x 17.5 cm, vocalized Arabic script mostly in one hand, illustrations (pp. 45, 64, 72, 73), dated 1283/1866 (pp. 24, 74), 4 quires sewn together, paper cover. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on history, genealogy of Sukakerta, Keyan Santan, Godog, Timbanganten, and further: prayers, mysticism, kawula-gusti. Copy of a book of notes of Embah Kuwu Muhammad Ra’i of the ‘pasuciyan’ (tomb guardians) of Godog (Keian Santang), dated 1283 A.H. (1866 A.D.). A Dutch epitome by C. Snouck Hurgronje referring to Garut notes, MS Leiden Or. 7461, above, is added. The present description was made on the basis of this summary by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 469. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 392, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic, Javanese and Dutch. pp. 1-9. Sajarah of Sukakerta. The last part of this is also in the primbon of Garut, marked F. pp. 10-24. Origin of the holy place Godod (Keiam Santang), etc. Something about the history and boundaries of Timbanganten. Acoording to the caption the original of my copy was copied from the primbon of Embah Kuwu Muhammad Ra’i from Godog by someone from Lebak Agung. The same is found in the variant reading (not very divergent) of the aforesaid Garut primbon. pp. 25-35. Puji after salats; tabaruk of Kibagus Alimudin, etc.; all sorts of elements of the kawula-gusti doctrine. The same in the afore mentioned primbon of Garut. pp. 35-37. Ta’at Kalkauthar (after the maghrib salat) and its advantages.

p. 37. Du`a’ after salat, and Du`a’ totolaq bilahi. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. pp. 37-39. Du`a’ jaman akir (Javanese, Arabic) and nama kanjeng susunan (mysticism). pp. 40-41. Mystical marriage. pp. 41-43. Mystical genesis of man. p. 43. Sons of Sulaiman (jinns, etc.). p. 44. Du`a’ caracah and niyyats (for mirid and tarek). p. 45. Daerah. P. 46 blank. pp. 47-51. Mystical explanation of the niyyat salat. pp. 51-56. Extensive description of the besat. pp. 56-57. Rewards of the parts of the salat. pp. 57-59. About the true kiblat (kawula-gusti). pp. 59-62. The true niyyat-salat (kawula-gusti). pp. 63-64. Martabat 7, etc. pp. 65-71. Inzal al-Ruh, with Javanese interlinear translation. A short treatise about the origin of Ruh by an author who in some copies is called `Abd al-Da`if, but in other copies more correctly `Abduhu al-Da`if or `Abd Allah al-Da`if. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131-132. Arabic (ungrammatical) treatise with interlinear Javanese translation about the types of Roh and unity of God and man. pp. 71-74. Daerahs of the creed. p. 74. Sahadat palayaran (death). P. 65 blank. Earlier provenance: On the first page a note in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Copie van de op Godog (Godĕg) bij Garoet berustende geschiedenis van Keian Santang, met de in het ex. van “Embah Koewoe” voorkomende bijvoegsels. November ’89. Sn.H.’ Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2409] Or. 7762 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), damaged, 29 pp., Javanese script. Notes on prayers, incantations against diseases (sambang, spasms). See Pigeaud II, p. 469. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2408) Or. 7763 Javanese, paper, 88 pp., Arabic script Notes on charms, prayers. From Pandeglang. See Pigeaud II, p. 469. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 199, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2445)

Or. 7764 Javanese, Arabic, partly treebark paper (dluang ff. 1-5, ff. 114-115), partly European laid paper, damaged (f. 93), 115 ff. (between ff. 92b-93 a considerable number of leaves has been cut out), 19.8 x 15.2 cm, Arabic script, illustrations (ff. 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 19b, 20b, 23b, 28a, 28b, 29a, 29b, 30a, 31a, 39a, 39b, 46a, 46b, 47a, 47b, 48a, 48b, 49a, 51a, 54a, 76b, 77a, 77b, 79a, 79b, 80a, 81a, 81b, 83a, 83b, 84a, 93a, 94a, 94b, 95a, 95b, 96a, 96b, 97a, 97b, 98a, 98b, 99a, 99b, 100a, 100b, 101a, 101b, 102a, 102b, 103a, 103b, 104a, 104b, 105a, 105b, 106a, 106b, 107a, 108a, 108b, 109a, 109b, 110a, 110b-111a), datings, a selection: 29 Gumada I 1249 (f. 3a); 22 Rabi` II 1251 (f. 4a), full-leather binding. Pigeaud’s description (ff. 1a-93a): Notes on mysticism, Shattariya tarika, dikir, tabaruks. Cryptic allusions explained, wirid, prayers, sarabad nabi Suleman (f. 87a). Prophecy of Cerbon (radiance, f. 90a), janji hukum panganten (conditional talak Talaq, f. 90a). Reverse (ff. 115-93b): the prophets’ seals (mihir nubuwat), magic, Arabic marriage sermon (khutba). Book of notes, with dates beginning in the 19th century, from Limbangan, Garut, with a note: ‘a copy has been made’ (‘hiervan heb ik een afschrift.’). See Pigeaud II, p. 469. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 194-195, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Javanese. Selective description of the content: f. 5a. Arabic. Du`a’ `Aqiqa. f. 5a. Tarek satariya naqsabandiya. f. 7b. Dikir Shattariyya. Shaykh `Abd al-Shukur. f. 9a. Daerah dikir … Shattariyya … `Abd al-Shakur. ff. 12b-14b. Arabic with interlinear Javanese translation. Religious texts. f. 14b. Tabaraka Shaykh `Andul Qadir Jaylani. f. 16a. Tabaraka Mawlana Ibrahim, followed by several more tabarakas and other similar texts. f. 26a. Cryptic allusions of mysticism explained. f. 31b. Barakat saking Shaykh Hajji `Abd al-Muhyi, Shattariyya. f. 44a. Wirid. f. 66a. Bab Mushahada wong Ahl Sharif … f. 87a. Sarabad nabi Suleman. f. 90a. Cerbon radiance. f. 93a. Yanyi hukum ki panganten talak. f. 94a. Mihir nurbuwat, prophet’s seals. ff. 111b-113a. Arabic. Khutba. The same text twice of a Khutbat al-Nikah. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 163. ff. 113b-115b. Several shorter nots in Javanese. Earlier provenance: On label on front cover is the namen of a previous owner: Haji `Abdullah `Attar from Limbangan, Garut.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2388] Or. 7765 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), damaged, 25 p., Javanese script. Law terms explained, beginning with hukumu ‘llah, salokas; at the end Salokantara is mentioned. Cerbon script. See Pigeaud II, p. 469. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 263, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2407) Or. 7766 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), incomplete, 110 pp., Javanese script. Incantations, Spirits of Java, in verse, Banak Dalang (summons to spirits), kukudangan. Genealogy of the Cerbon family beginning with Arya Banah. Prophecies of the Galuh King (the ajar’s dishes). Genealogy of gods beginning with batara Terus, cosmogony, Adam. Genealogy of sunan Gunung Jati. Medicines. Book of notes from Bandung, 1903. Cerbon script. See Pigeaud II, p. 469. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 384-385, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2406) Or. 7767 Old No. 3 (?) Javanese, Arabic, paper, 176 pp., Arabic script. Kifayatu ‘l-`awwam, catechism, questions and answers on theology and fiqh, religious duties; Arabic with Javanese, dated 1874 A.D. See Pigeaud II, pp. 469-470. Earlier provenance : Present of Mr. Neurdenburg. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2389) Or. 7768 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese, Arabic, European laid paper (watermark: Concordia), [2] + 33 + [3] ff., 21.2 x 17.2 cm, vocalized Arabic script, dated 29 Shawwal 1265 (1849, f. 33b), 24 Muharram 1266 (1849, f. 22b), 28 Dhu al-Qa`da 1278 (1862), three quires sewn together, without binding. Notes on prayers: hirz al-yamani (= Hirz al-Amani?), hizb al-Nawawi and other texts in Arabic,

tarika Rifa`ïya, salat tarawih. Lengkong farewell letter (ff. 32b-33a). Divination, dated 1849 A.D. Copy of a book of notes of a Nur Hakim disciple, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (see also MS Leiden Or. 7590, above). See Pigeaud II, p. 470. Added: a summary in Dutch, not by C. Snouck Hurgronje. ff. 1b-3b. Arabic with Javanese. Hirz al-Yamani. Du`a’. Prayer in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. f. 4a. Arabic. Du`a’ Sayfi. ff. 4b-8a. Arabic with some Javanese. Du`a’ Hizb al-Nawawi by Yahya b. Sharaf al-Nawawi (d. 676/1278). f. 8a. On salat. Followed by a large number of shorter prayers in Javanese. f. 17a. On salat in the Tariqa Rifa`iyya. f. 17b. Prayer text. Du`a’. F. 23a blank. ff. 18b-19a. Daerah. Black and red ink used. f. 24b. Arabic. Short note by Ahmad al-Rifa`i. f. 25b. About Tarawih salat. ff. 26b-27a. Arabic. Prayers as a sequel of the first words of Qur’anic suras. f. 27a. Prayer in Javanese with numerous Arabic phrases. f. 29a. Numbers, Arabic, Java, Holland. ff. 29b-30b. The months of the Islamic lunar year, followed by names of prophets and angels. f. 31a. Arabic. Du`a’ `Aqiqa. ff. 31b-32a. Unidentified. ff. ff. 32b-33a. Farewell letter of Kiyahi Lengkong. ff. 33a-33b. Unidentified. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2363] Or. 7769 Javanese, paper, 66 pp., Arabic script. Notes on prayers, niyats, ratib. School of Malang Yuda (H 1). See Pigeaud II, p. 470. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2443) Or. 7770 Javanese, sheaf of papers, 515 pp., Arabic script, illustrations. Charms (jimat, `azïma), rajahs, tumbals, medicines; copies on loose leaves made for C. Snouck Hurgronje: 515 items, not systematically arranged. The leaves have marks in the upper corners: S and a number between 20 and 40. See also MS Leiden Or. 7771, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 470. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2405)

Or. 7771 Javanese, sheaf of papers, 291 pp., Arabic script. Charms (jimat, `azïma), rajahs, tumbals, medicines; copies on loose leaves made for C. Snouck Hurgronje: 291 items, not systematically arranged. The leaves have marks in the upper corners: S and a number between 20 and 40. See also MS Leiden Or. 7770, above. See Pigeaud II, p. 470. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2404) Or. 7772 Javanese, paper, 45 pp., Arabic script. Javanese version of Masa’il al-Muhtadï li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadï, catechism, theology, fiqh. See Pigeaud II, p. 470. Earlier provenance: Present of Mr Neurdenburg, 1885. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2403) Or. 7773 Collective volume with texts in Javanese (or Sundanese?), Arabic, machine-made laid paper, [1] + 31 pp. + blanks, 21.5 x 17 cm, vocalized Arabic script, dated Safar 1310 (1892, p. 31), illustrations on pp. 5-6, 13-17 and 22-24, one quire, leaves sewn together, without binding. Pigeaud’s description: Notes on mysticism, Arabic with interlinear glosses. Copy of a book of notes from Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 470. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 202, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the languages in the volume are identified as Arabic and Sundanese. pp. 1-3. Arabic with interlinear Javanese. Two citations from a mystical text with interlinear translation in Javanese. Beginning: I`lam anna Haqiqat al-Ma`rifa Nafy al-Kulliyya `inda Shuhud al-Haqq ta`ala. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 464. pp. 3-4. The other quotation, beginning: Qala ba`d al-`Arifin. Arabic with Javanese interlinear text. pp. 5-6. Daerah with Javanese captions. pp. 7-10. Arabic text beginning I`lam anna dhat Allah ta`ala ka-Mir’at … With interlinear Javanese text. pp. 11-12. Notes in Javanese. pp. 13-17. Daerahs, with captions. p. 18. Arabic. Note on ruh. pp. 19-22. Unidentified text in Javanese. pp. 22-24. Daerah with captions. pp. 25-27. Arabic text, beginning: Qala al-`arif al-mawt qabl al-mawt wa-hiya `aqluhu `adamun wa-nafsuhu `adamun … pp. 27-31. Javanese text, unidentified.

p. 31. Colophons in Arabic script and in Latin script. Dated Safar 1310 (1892), copied by Ustaz Zayn al-Habib in Negri Bandung. The part in Latin script is more explicit about the locality: Kampong Rancanafar Trogong. Earlier provenance: On the last (unnumbered) page it is said that the text was copied from the primbon of Raden Haji Abdul Fattah Garut. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2402] Or. 7774 Javanese, paper, 2 exercise-books, 73 and 63 pp., Javanese script, illustrations. Notes on prayers, charms, rajahs, portents (earthquakes, eclipses), divination. The second exercise-book is partly in verse: Spirits of Java, correspondence of limbs with the letters, prophets etc. Copy of an old book of notes, with date 1790 A.D., made for C. Snouck Hurgronje by Niti Wijaya of Kalangan, Daleman (North Coast, Central Java [?]). See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 470. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2401) Or. 7775 Javanese, paper, 51 pp., Arabic script. Notes on prayers, edifying tales: bok E(n)dah, arya baginda Ali fighting raja Namrud. Cosmogony, Muhammad and rohs (Ruh). Copy (very clumsily written) of a book of notes from Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 470. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 186-187, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Arabic and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2400) Or. 7776 Javanese, paper, 31 pp., Javanese script. Notes on mysticism, prayers, sorok rasa. Book of notes from Ngreden, Surakarta (Nur Wakit or Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930), dated 1886 A.D. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2399) Or. 7777 Javanese, paper, 173 pp., Arabic script. Notes (Malang Yuda A), on prayers, charms, medicines, Nawala Pradata (law), fitrah, genealogy of pangeran Kayu Puring of Rajawana, lessons of walis, sunan Kali Jaga teaching kyahi Luwung Salawe, sunan Kudus teaching pangeran Demang, sunan Giri Kedaton. Mount

Lawu tale (jalak gading bird), Darma Kusuma, last of the Pandawas. Cryptic expressions of mysticism explained. Cahyana pusak as Nur Kuning and Nur Putih. Dated 1885 A D. See also MSS Leiden Or. 7576 and Or. 7580, above. Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje (no 33, old list?). See Pigeaud II, p. 471. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2441) Or. 7778 Javanese, Arabic, paper, 23 pp., Arabic script. Notes on the Mecca pilgrimage, hagg, `umrah. Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. Earlier provenance: Present of Mr. J.A. Kruyt, 1884 (ergo in Jeddah). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2398) Or. 7779 Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), severely damaged, incomplete, 120 double pp., Javanese script. Amad romance in verse. Origin: Cerbon. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 305, where an Indonesian translation of Pigeaud’s description is given and where the language in the volume is identified as Javanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2390) Or. 7780 – Or. 7930 Sundanese manuscripts from the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1936. Formerly registered as the Loan Collection of Sundanese manuscripts of Snouck Hurgronje (‘Bruikleen S.H. Snd.’ = ‘formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd.’). Or. 7780 a formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 2a Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 196 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 2-129. Wawacan Jagat Rasa. (2) pp. 130-196. Wawacan Sayid Saman. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 356. On pp. 357-358 Ekadjati has another mention of MS Leiden Or. 7780, but this is a mistake: it should be MS Leiden Or. 7880. Earlier provenance: Received by letter of 20 September 1907 from the hoofd-panghulu of Bandung (= Haji Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2008) Or. 7780 b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 2b Sundanese, paper, 194 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Sayid Saman. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 356. On pp. 357-358 Ekadjati has another mention of MS Leiden Or. 7780, but this is a mistake: it should be MS Leiden Or. 7880. Earlier provenance: Received by letter of 20 September 1907 from the hoofd-panghulu of Bandung (= Haji Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2009) Or. 7781 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 4 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 195 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-118. Wawacan Babad Cirebon. See also MS Leiden Or. 7787 (3), below. (2) pp. 119-195. Wawacan Sapri Indra Bangawan. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 402. Earlier provenance: Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930), kepala-panghulu Bandung. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2010) Or. 7782 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 5 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 103 + 72 + 108 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 2-103. Wawacan Lara Mendut Ciptarasa. (2) pp. 2-72. Wawacan Sukmajati. (3) pp. 2-108. Wawacan Babad Istambul. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 360. Earlier provenance: Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930), kepala-panghulu Bandung. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2011) Or. 7783 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 11 Sundanese, paper, 17 pp., Latin script. Waruga guru, copied from MS Jakarta KBG, Jav. 74. Edited by Pleyte, in TBG 55, pp. 362 ff. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 401. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1998) Or. 7784 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 12 Sundanese, paper, 104 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Natasukma alias Mencir. A poetical text in the tembang metre. About a poor man from Solo who becomes king of Egypt. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 361. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2012) Or. 7785 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 13 Sundanese, paper, 200 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Panji Asmara Ningrat. A poetical text in the tembang metre. Based on a Malay text. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 362. Earlier provenance: From Leko (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2013) Or. 7786 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 14 Collection of poetical texts in Sundanese, paper, 196 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 2-135. Wawacan Suryamana. A history in verse of the Prophet Muhammad and his grandson Husayn. (2) pp. 136-196. Wawacan Paku Emas. An Amir Hamza story. See also MS Leiden Or. 7787 (1), below. Added: 10 pp., with a letter (or letters) from Wangsadireja, 17 June 1907. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 368-369. Earlier provenance: Received from Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930) in August 1907. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2014) Or. 7787 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 15 Collection of poetical texts in Sundanese, paper, 196 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-95. Wawacan Paku Emas. An Amir Hamza story. See also MS Leiden Or. 7786 (2), above. (2) pp. 96-189. Wawacan Kabar Kiamat. Eschatology. (3) pp. 190-196. Wawacan Babad Cirebon. See also MS Leiden Or. 7781 (1), above. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 361-362. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2015) Or. 7788 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 16 Sundanese, paper, 203 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Rasulgaol. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 365. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2016) Or. 7789 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 18 Collection of poetical texts (tembang metre) in Sundanese, paper, 239 + 74 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 2-239. Wawacan Surya Kombara. Copied/written in 1325 AH in Wanaraja (Garut). The history of Raden Surya Kombara, a king from Buldanshah. (2) pp. 2-74. Wawacan Jakah, Aki Ismun. Written by Wangsa Muhammad from Cinunuk, Ujungberung, Bandung. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 367-368. See also MS Leiden Or. 7811, below. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2017) Or. 7790 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 19 Sundanese, paper, 138 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Parikesit, a poetical text (tembang metre). A wayang story. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 362. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2018) Or. 7791 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 20 Collection of poetical texts (tembang metre) in Sundanese, paper, 148 + 143 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 2-148. Wawacan Maes(a) Jaladri. Maes(a) Jaladri is the son of the panghulu of Egypt. He has become the king of Karangkancana. (2) pp. 2-143. Wawacan Mastuhu. Mastuhu is the son of a poor man from Baghdad. Written in 1908. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 358. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2019) Or. 7792 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 21 Sundanese, paper, 204 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Ahmad Muhammad. A poetical text (tembang metre). Another copy of the same text is in MS Leiden Or. 7929, below. See for a Malay version of this story MS Jakarta, KBG Malay 112 (Catalogue Van Ronkel 115 ff.). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 349-350. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930), received in August 1907. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2020) Or. 7793 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 22 Collection of poetical texts (tembang metre) in Sundanese, paper, 158 + 183 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-100. Wawacan Danumaya. Completed 22 November 1907. (2) pp. 102-158. Wawacan Cumina. (3) pp. 1-183. Wawacan Candrasasmita. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 354-355. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2021) Or. 7794 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 23 Sundanese, large note book, lined machine-made paper, 167 pp., 30.6 x 21 cm, vocalized Arabic script, black ink with rubrication, dated 14.9.1325 / 22.10.1907 (p. 167), half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Wawacan Lokapala, after the Javanese version. About Dasamuka of Mingka (Ramayana), mixed with Islamic features. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Earlier provenance: Sent by Haji Hasan Moestapa Hoofd Panghoeloe, Bandoeng, to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Leiden in or shortly after 1907. Price of the copying: f. 5, prive of the note book: f. 1.50 (label on front cover). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2022] Or. 7795 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 24 Collection of poetical texts (tembang metre) in Sundanese, paper, 239 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-68. Wawacan Hebar (on the Prophet Muhammad and the Jews of Khaybar). Completed 28 November 1908. (2) pp. 70-239. Wawacan Bermana Alam. Originally a story in Malay, the story of Bermana Sakti, the son of the king Bermana Alam of Keling. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 403. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2023) Or. 7796 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 25 Sundanese, large note book, lined machine-made paper, 96 pp., 30.6 x 21 cm, vocalized Arabic script, black ink with rubrication, not dated, but because of its similar outward appearance probably from around the same date as MS Leiden Or. 7794, above (1325/1909), half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Collective volume with texts in Sundanese. (1) pp. 1-45. Wawacan Imam Sapii. Imam Sapii, when still a boy, solves a few questions (1-24). Then follows the solution of another question, by another young man who is not mentioned by name. (2) pp. 46-96. Wawacan Prabu Keyan Santang. Episodes from the life of Keyan Santang, son of Siliwangi, last ruler of Pajajaran and contemporary of the Prophet Muhammad, who acts as an apostle in the Sundaland. The text is not complete. Added is a slip with description of the contents in Dutch. That note was used for the present description. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Earlier provenance: Sent by Haji Hasan Moestapa Hoofd Panghoeloe, Bandoeng, to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Leiden, possibly in or around 1325/1909. Price of the copying: f. 2.50, prive of the note book: f. 1.50 (label on front cover). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2024] Or. 7797 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 6 Sundanese, some Malay, machine-made paper, 34.7 x 21.2 cm, [4] + 69 + [8] pp. (there is no p. 18), mostly Javanese script, als Latin script, text set within a frame, large calligraphed title-page pasted on a leaf of treebark paper (dluang), half-cloth binding, pasted boards. Babad Kipaya, in verse, by Raden Tuminggung Kusuma Subrata, Regent of Galuh. The main work is followed by a sequel (pp. 59-69) that was started on August 11, 1892, whereas the main text is slightly older. Summary description in Dutch on a loose insert (by R.A. Kern?), which has been used as a source for the present description. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Earlier provenance: Note in pencil on the calligraphed title-page in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘van Regent Tjiamis 1895’. At the end is a dedication of two pages to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Malay in Latin script by the author of the work, signed Koesoemasoebrata, and dated Tjiamis, 1 Juni, 1895. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 1997]

Or. 7798 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 7 Sundanese, paper, 20 + 40 pp., Arabic and Latin scripts. Kitab Takarub. A poetical text (tembang metre). The first part, of 20 pp., was copied by Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 217. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 1998) Or. 7799 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 8 Sundanese, paper, 55 pp., Arabic script. Sejarah Kangjeng Nabi Muhammad. A prose text. See also text with the title `Umdat al-Ansab, a work on the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad and the first four caliphs. See for this text also E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay […] manuscripts 1 (1998), pp. 492-493. Pigeaud II, p. 103. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 239, where the text is said to be in verse form. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1999) Or. 7800 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 9 Sundanese, paper, 28 pp., Latin script. Suluk. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 241. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 1998) Or. 7801 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 10 Sundanese, paper, 23 pp., Latin script, copied in 1867, from a manuscript dated 1860. Carita Nabi Isa. The story of Nabi Isa, a prose text. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 184. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2001) Or. 7802 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 17 Sundanese, Sundanese, paper, 109 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Ganda Sudarma. A poetical text (tembang metre). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 355-356. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Mustapa (Hasan Moestapa, 1852-1930), received in December 1913. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2002)

Or. 7803 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 26 Sundanese, paper, 66 pp., Arabic script. Wawacang Ciung. A poetical text. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 354. Earlier provenance: Received on May 2, 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2003) Or. 7804 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 27 Sundanese, paper, 242 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Seh Abdulkadir. Translated into Sundanese by Kyai Muhammad Inham from Wanaraja (Garut), in 1300 AH (1882-1883). The source is the Javanese work Khulasat alMufakkir. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 252. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2004) Or. 7805 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 28 Collection of texts in Javanese and Sundanese, paper, 107 pp., Latin and Javanese scripts. (1) pp. 1-44. Sundanese. Text on Islam. (2) pp. 45-60. Sundanese. Nasihat-nasihat Nabi Muhammad kepada Patimah, by Sacapraja from Sumedang, 1223 AH (1808-1809). See for another copy of this text MS Snouck Hurgronje, No. 10 (= MS Leiden Or. 7801). Similar text as No. 4, below. (3) pp. 61-76. Javanese. Muhtasar (Mukhtasar), in verse, on theology and fiqh, Sapingi (Shafi`i) catechism. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. (4) pp. 77-93. Sundanese. Text on Islam. (5) pp. 97-107. Sundanese. Nasihat-nasihat Nabi Muhammad kepada Patimah. Similar text as No. 2, above. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 135, Soend. = MSS Leiden Or. 7911, Or. 7912 below). See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 219, where the language in the volume is indicated as Sundanese and Javanese, and where the old Snouck Hurgronje number is given as No. 17. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2005) Or. 7806 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 29 Sundanese, paper, 231 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Ambiya. Histories of the Prophets, in verse (Anbiya’). Made after a Javanese version, by Muhammad Sajali, of Bandung in May-June 1896. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 420. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2006) Or. 7807 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 30 Sundanese, paper, 375 pp., Arabic script. Layang Carios Kangjeng Baginda Hamza Putra Sultan Arab. A poetical composition (tembang metre), composed in 1868, copied in 1869. The story of Amir Hamza, the son of Abdulmutalib and Sariyas, the king of Madayin. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 338. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2025) Or. 7808 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 31 Sundanese, paper, 194 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Jaka Mursada, by Puradireja, lurah Ciirateun, Kewedanaan Ujungberung, Bandung, 1911. The history (in verse) of Jaka Mursada, the son of king Rumawi. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 356. Earlier provenance: From Haji Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2026) Or. 7809 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 32 Sundanese, paper, 37 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Nabi Paras, a poetical text in the tembang metre on the shaving of the Prophet Muhammad. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 252. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2027) Or. 7810 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 33 Sundanese, paper, 96 pp., Arabic script, copied by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin, after a manuscript from Ci Calengka. Sejarah Nabi. Episodes from the life of the Prophet Muhammad and his descendants: - pp. 1-42. Ancestors, taken from the `Umdat al-Ansab, a work on the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad and the first four caliphs. See for this text also E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay […] manuscripts 1 (1998), pp. 492-493. Pigeaud II, p. 103. - pp. 42-96. The history of Yazid and Husayn. Also on Muhammad Hanafiyya.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 239. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2028) Or. 7811 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 34 Sundanese, paper, 333 pp. (the first leaf is missing), Arabic script, copied by Ahmad, from Ci Calengka, in 1901. Wawacan Rangga Wulung. A story in verse, similar to Wawacan Suria Kanta. The same text is also in MS Snouck Hurgronje, No. 18 (= MS Leiden Or. 7789, above [where this title is not mentioned, however]). See also MSS Snouck Hurgronje No. 64 (= MS Leiden Or. 7842, below) and No. 67 (= MS Leiden Or. 7845, below). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 364. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2029) Or. 7812 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 35 Sundanese, paper, 150 pp., Latin script. Carita Lutung Kasarung. A composition in rhythmical prose, by Abubakar bin Akhir, made for D.K. Camraats in 1845, based on a composition by the pantun poet Aki Kariawacana. See on this text also R.A. Kern, in Bijdragen Koninklijk Instituut 99, pp. 473 ff., and F.S. Eringa, Lutung Kasarung, 1949. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 269. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2030) Or. 7813 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 36 Old. No. 29 Sundanese, paper, 88 pp., Arabic script. Carita Ukur. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 407-408. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2031) Or. 7814 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 37 Sundanese, paper, 59 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Geusan Ulun, a poetical text in the tembang metre, about the first bupati of Sumedang. Copied in Darmaraja on 18 June 1902 from ‘a very old manuscript’. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 421. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2032)

Or. 7815 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 38 Old No. 79 Sundanese, paper, 362 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Gandakusumah. A poetical text in the tembang metre. From the Priangan, 1311 AH (1889-1890 AD). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 355. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2033) Or. 7816 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 39 Sundanese, paper, 66 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Abu Jahal. A poetical text in the tembang metre. Incomplete at the end. From Patih Menes, Banten, March 1892. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 250. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2034) Or. 7817 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 40 Sundanese, paper, 154 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Surandil. A poetical composition on the war between Suryakanta and Surandil. From Garut. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 367. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2035) Or. 7818 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 41 Sundanese, paper, 125 pp., Arabic script. Tembang Sunda. A poetical composition. Collection Snouck Hurgronje No. 41. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 249. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2036) Or. 7819 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 42 Old. No. 100 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese and Javanese, paper, 39 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-10. Sundanese. Nur Muhammad. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 228. (2) pp. 11-39. Javanese. Suluk Daka, kawula-gusti mysticism in verse. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 242. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. A copy of the present manuscript of D.A. Rinkes is MS Leiden Or. 8587, below. See the notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2037) Or. 7820 a, b formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 43 a,b Old. No. 41 Sundanese, machine-made paper, 22 x 17 cm, 2 vols., [10] + 279 + [5] pp. and 40 + 40 pp., vocalized Arabic script, copied colophon (p. 274) mentions the copyist Haji Muhamad Ra’is Sukaqaqir and the date 16 Jumada II 1302 (1885), different half-cloth bindings, pasted boards. Summary description of either volume in Dutch on a loose insert (by R.A. Kern?), which has been used as a source for the present description. A. vol. 1. Sajarah Parawali. Sundanese text after an original in Javanese. At the end: Silsilah Cirebon in verse (pp. 275-279) on panghulus of Bandung. Copy of a Bandung manuscript, copied by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin, 1897. A table of contents on pp. 281-284 mentions 36 different texts (or chapters?) in the two volumes. At the beginning of vol. 1 are notes in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje about the content two volumes. The text from p. 268 onwards is copied from a manuscript in Krawang. B. vol. 2. Sajarah Parawali. Attachments. First 40 pp.: attachments. Second 40 pp. alphabetical index on vols. 1-2. Added is a loose sheet of paper containing a dedicatory letter in Malay in Latin script from Haji Moehamad, Panghoeloe Landraad Poerwakarta, dated January 27, 1906, addressed to C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 413. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2038 – Mal. 2039] Or. 7821 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 44 Sundanese, paper, 10 + 15 pp., Latin and Arabic scripts, 1850. Carita saperti Rek Powe Kiamat. Collection Snouck Hurgronje No. 44. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 185. Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2040) Or. 7822 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 45 Sundanese, paper, 269 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Lokayanti. A poetical text, in tembang metre in the Amir Hamza cycle. A version similar to that in MS Leiden Or. 7698, above, and MS Leiden Or. 7934, below. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 360. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2041) Or. 7823 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 46 Sundanese, paper, 478 pp., Arabic script, dated 1304 (1886-1887).

Wawacan seh or Hikayat Abdulkadir Jaelani. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 422. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2042) Or. 7824 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 47 Sundanese, paper, 218 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Ahmad Sadar. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 350. Earlier provenance: From Muhammad Dai, head of desa Ciupas, Banten, 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2043) Or. 7825 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 48 Sundanese, paper, 251 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Ayaban, in verse (tembang), from the Amir Hamza cycle. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 351 (treated twice). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2044) Or. 7826 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 49 Sundanese, paper, 89 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Jangkrik. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 357. Earlier provenance: Bandung, 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2045) Or. 7827 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 50 Old No. 66 Sundanese, paper, 186 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Bin Etam, in verse (tembang), copied after a copy written by Kyai Hasan Marpus. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 353. Earlier provenance: Bandung, 1892. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2046) Or. 7828 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 51 Sundanese, paper, 96 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Bin Etam, in verse (tembang), a shorter version than MS Leiden Or. 7827, above.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 353. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2047) Or. 7829 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 52 Sundanese, paper, 242 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Bin Etam, in verse. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 353. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2048) Or. 7830 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 53 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 28 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-25. Caturangga. Perkutut (pp. 1-10), Kucing (pp. 10-12), Kuda (pp. 12-25). (2) p. 26. Naktu of the days. (3) pp. 27-28. Prayer, according to the letters of the alfabet (alip-alipan?) See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 287, where as languages are mentioned Sundanese, Javanese and Arabic. Earlier provenance: Bandung, 1894. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2049) Or. 7831 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 54 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 327 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-310. Wawacan Yajid (Muhammad Hanapiyah). Cicalengka, 1900. Copy by Tk. Muhammad Noerdin. (2) pp. 311-327. Wawacan. From Sumedang, 1900. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 370. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2050) Or. 7832 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 55 Sundanese, paper, 173 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Suryaningrat, in verse. Copied by R. Wiradireja, Cicalengka, 1899. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 369. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2051) Or. 7833 Sundanese, paper, 7 pp., Javanese script.

Sawer, in verse. On marriage. Not registered as an item in the series of the Sundanese Loan Snouck Hurgronje. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 282. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2052) Or. 7834 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 56 Sundanese, paper, 120 pp., Arabic script. Kitab Bidayah, in verse, copied by Sanusi Usnin al-Barahim (the name a variant version of Umm al-Barahin by al-Sanusi?). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 335. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2053) Or. 7835 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 57 Sundanese, paper, 104 pp., Arabic script. Siliwangi. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 397. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2054) Or. 7836 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 58 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 100 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-7. Suluk Panji Brataningrat. (2) pp. 75-89. Su’al Laili Nahari. (3) pp. 90-100. Suluk Dewa Ruci. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 243. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2055) Or. 7837 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 59 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 48 pp., Arabic script, copied in 1892. (1) pp. 1-9. Carita Ratu Geluh. (2) pp. 11-48. History of the Prophet Muhammad, with mention of Sitti Fatimah. Red No. 19. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 375-376. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2056)

Or. 7838 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 60 Sundanese, paper, 229 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Abdulmuluk, in verse. A Sundanese adaptation of the Batavia Malay Syair Sultan Abdul Muluk, the story of Sultan Abdul Muluk of Barbari who is married to princess Sitti Rahmah. See for the Malay version (MS Leiden Or. 1740, above) E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau manuscripts, vol. 1 (Leiden 1998), pp. 97-98. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 349. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2057) Or. 7839 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 61 Old No. 10 Sundanese, paper, 62 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Sulanjana, in verse. On rice growing, padi, Dewi Sri. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 275-276, where a date is given: Bandung, 1367 (1950-1951). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2058) Or. 7840 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 62 Sundanese, paper, 50 pp., Arabic script. Sajarah Nabi, on the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad, in prose. An adaptation of ‘Umdat al-Ansab, a work on the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad and the first four caliphs. See for this text also E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay […] manuscripts 1 (1998), pp. 492-493. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 238. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2059) Or. 7841 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 63 Sundanese, paper, 174 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Amir, in verse. With register of personal names. From Pandeglang, 1896. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 351. (Mal. 2060) Or. 7842 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 64 Sundanese, paper, 321 pp., Arabic script, dated 1899. Wawacan Suriyakanta. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 366. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2061)

Or. 7843 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 65 Sundanese, paper, 76 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Kerenengpati, in verse. From Surakarta. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 357, where the shelf number is incorrectly given as Mal. 2002. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2062) Or. 7844 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 66 Sundanese, paper, 132 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Kendit Birayung, in verse. Part of the Amir Hamza cycle, with a register of personal names. From Banten, 1896. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 357. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2063) Or. 7845 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 67 Sundanese, paper, 158 pp., Arabic script, dated 1899. Wawacan Rangga Wulung, in verse. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 365. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2064) Or. 7846 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 68 Sundanese, paper, 205 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Rengganis. From the Amir Hamza cycle. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 365. Earlier provenance: From Galuh, 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2065) Or. 7847 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 71 Javanese and/or Sundanese, paper, 35 pp. Arabic script. Exorcisme tale, in verse. History of Batara Kala. From Tasikmalaya (from H. Muhammad Roesdi?), 1890. See notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 270. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2066)

Or. 7848 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 72 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese and/or in Javanese in prose, (1) Patan and jampe, on rice growing. (2) 6 pp. Religious text. (3) 6 pp. On ritual prayer, solat. (4) Sifat duapuluh. On the 20 attributes. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 229-230, where the shelf mark is incorrectly given as Mal. 2076. Earlier provenance: From Karawang, 1905. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2067) Or. 7849 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 73 Sundanese, paper, 62 pp., Arabic script. Kitab Zuhrat al-Wardiyya, in prose. See the edition by R. Adipati Sutadiningrat. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 218. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2068) Or. 7850 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 74 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese in verse (tembang metre), paper, 171 pp., Arabic script. (1) 108 pp. Wawacan Suluk Jati, after a Javanese version of around the year 1890. (2) 20 pp. Wawacan Suluk Sunda (= Sariganda). (3) 43 pp. Wawacan Dewi Maleka sari Erum dan Abulalim. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 253. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2069) Or. 7851 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 75 Sundanese, paper, 67 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Sulanjana, in verse, from a manuscript from Ciampea, Bogor, 1894. On rice growing myths, and Dewi Sri. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 276. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2070) Or. 7852 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 76 Sundanese, paper, 82 pp., Arabic script, dated 1275/1858.

Wawacan Lahuri, in verse (tembang metre). On the brothers Lahuri and Mansuri who became king of Surade and Japari. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 359. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2071) Or. 7853 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 77 Sundanese, paper, 31 pp., Arabic script. Primbon Muhamad Pakih, in prose. Muhammad Pakih was a pupil of H. Sulaeman (Adinata). From Tarogong, 1895. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 302. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2072) Or. 7854 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 78 Sundanese, paper, 202 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Raja Abayan, in verse (tembang metre). From the Amir Hamza cycle. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2073) Or. 7855 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 79 Sundanese, paper, 260 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Prabu Dewi, or Prabu Rara. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 363. Earlier provenance: From Cianjur, 1895. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2074) Or. 7856 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 80 Sundanese, paper, 261 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Bental Jemur, in verse (tembang metre). From a Javanese version of 1895 or 1896. Incorrectly said to belong to the Amir Hamza cycle. With a list of songs and an index of personal names. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 352. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2075) Or. 7857 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 81 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese and Javanese, paper, 22 + 32 + 18 pp., Arabic script. (1) Sundanese. 22 pp. Wawacan A’yan Sabitah, in verse. Bandung 1892.

(2) Sundanese. 32 pp. Suluk Langlayangan, in verse, Garut 1892. (3) Javanese. 18 pp. Notes in prose on the Sattariyah Naksibandiyah tarika, Bandung 1892. See Pigeaud II, p. 471. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 197 and 251 (the same manuscript treated twice, but differently). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2077) Or. 7858 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 82 Collectiove volume with texts in Sundanese and Javanese, paper, 88 pp., Arabic script. (1) History of Sukapura (Tasikmalaya), in verse (tembang metre). (2) History of Ukur, Mataram charters (piagam-piagam). See Pigeaud II, pp. 471-472. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 413-414, 424, where the same manuscript is treated twice and differently. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2076) Or. 7859 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 83 Sundanese, paper, 72 pp., Arabic script. Sajarah Menak Sunda (given title), in verse (tembang metre). From Sumedang. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 413. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2078) Or. 7860 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 84 Javanese and Sundanese, paper, 55 pp., Arabic script. Notes on divination mainly Sundanese (palakiya, Japar Sidik), panakasan (inauspici0us days, nahs), in prose. From Garut. See Pigeaud II, p. 472. Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, has three partly mutually contradictory descriptions. - On p. 293 Ekadjati identifies the text as Catatan tentang Orang Sunda (Collection Snouck Hurgronje Snd. 86), from Garut. This is probably a partly correct reference. - On p. 296 Ekadjati describes the contents as being a collective volume with: (1) 38 pp. Kitab Palakiah. (2) Primbon. (3) 5 + 55 pp. Japar Sidik. That manuscript is Collection Snouck Hurgronje Snd. 84 and 81, completed in August 1890, coming from Haji Ismail, desa Pasar Suci, Limbangan. This is probably a partly correct reference. - On p. 412 Ekadjati identifies the text as Sajarah Dano (Collection Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 15), Banten, 1893. This must be a mistake, maybe for MS Leiden Or. 7861, below.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2079) Or. 7861 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 85 Sundanese, paper, 25 pp, Arabic script. Sajarah Dano. The history of Dano, Banten, better known as the History of Ny. Astati. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 412, where the class-mark is incorrectly given as MS Leiden Or. 7860 (see above), and the Snouck Hurgronje number incorrectly as Snd. 15. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2081) Or. 7862 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 86 Sundanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script. Babad Sunda. History of Banten and Sultan Haji. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 405, where the Snouck Hurgronje number is given as ‘No. 6’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1961) Or. 7863 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 87 a Sundanese, paper, 331 + 2 pp., Arabic script. Sajarah Kangjeng Nabi Muhammad. At the end 2 pp. with prayer text in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 237-238. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2082) Or. 7864 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 87 b Sundanese, and some Arabic, paper, 226 + 2 pp., Arabic script. Sajarah Nabi Muhammad. At the end 2 pp. with prayer text in Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 238-239. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2083) Or. 7865 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 88 Sundanese, paper, 43 pp., Arabic script. Pepeling, in verse. From Cicalengka, 1307 AH (1889-1890). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 281.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2084) Or. 7866 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 89 Sundanese, paper, 286 pp., Arabic script, illustrated. Pelajaran Agama dan Mistik (given title). From Bandung, 1906. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 230. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2085) Or. 7867 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 90 Sundanese, paper, 92 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Lahuri. From Banten, 1893. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 359. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2086) Or. 7868 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 91 Sundanese, paper, 103 pp., Arabic script. Ahmad Sadar. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 304-305, where the incorrect class-mark MS Leiden Or. 7968 is given. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2087) Or. 7869 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 92 Sundanese, paper, 66 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Lahuri, in verse (tembang metre). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 359. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2088) Or. 7870 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 93 Sundanese, paper, 77 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Samaun Talip, in verse. See Van Ronkel, in: TBG 43 (1901), p. 444. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 366. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2089)

Or. 7871 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 94 Sundanese, paper, 3 pp., Arabic script. Tauhid (given title), in prose. Notes on theology. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 249. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1962) Or. 7872 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 95 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2091) Or. 7873 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 96 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2093) Or. 7874 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 97 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2092) Or. 7875 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 98 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2094)

Or. 7876 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 99 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2095) Or. 7877 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 100 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2096) Or. 7878 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 101 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2097) Or. 7879 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 102 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Kepercayaan, Mistik (given titles), in prose. On faith and mysticism. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiraja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2098) Or. 7880 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 103 Sundanese, paper, 162 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Kudawirasa. From Banten, 1892. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 357-358, where the class-mark is incorrectly given as MS Leiden Or. 7780. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2099)

Or. 7881 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 104 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan Nasihat, in verse. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiradja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 283. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2100) Or. 7882 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 105 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan Nasihat, in verse. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiradja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 283. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2101) Or. 7883 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 106 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Wawacan Nasihat, in verse. Copied from the manuscript of Wangsadiradja. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 283. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2102) Or. 7884 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 107 Sundanese, paper, 8 pp., Arabic script. Tariqah Qadiriyya (given title), in prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 249. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2103) Or. 7885 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 108 Sundanese, paper, 104 pp., Arabic script. Kepercayaan (given title). From Serang, February 1895. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 212-213. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2104) Or. 7886 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 109 Sundanese, paper, 74 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Lahuri. From Banten, 1893. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 359-360. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2105) Or. 7887 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 110 Sundanese, paper, 280 pp., Arabic script, copied in 1825-1826. Futuh al-Yaman, in verse and in prose. The conquest of Yemen. From Tasikmalaya (from R.H. Muh. Roesdi?). ‘Sundanese, with numerous Arabic words’. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 208. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1983) Or. 7888 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 111 Sundanese, paper, 7 pp., Arabic script, copied 1913. Jampe, and Dokumen Wakap dari Pamijahan (give titles), in verse and in prose. From Pamijahan, South Tasikmalaya (from R.H. Muh. Roesdi?). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 263. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1989) Or. 7889 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 112 Sundanese, paper, 280 pp., Arabic script. Hikayat Abdullah Ramana kanjeng Nabi Muhammad, in verse. After a version in Javanese. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 381, where the class-mark is incorrectly given as MS Leiden Or. 789. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1984) Or. 7890 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 113 Sundanese, paper, 30 ff., Arabic script, copied by H. Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930). Daftar kata (given title). A Sundanese glossary. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 255. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1985) Or. 7891 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 114 Sundanese, paper, 51 pp., Latin script. Dongeng Peucang. Kancil stories in prose. Edited by Raden Haji Moehamad Nasir, hoofdpanghulu of Bandung. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 325. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1986)

Or. 7892 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 115 Sundanese, paper, Latin and Arabic script. Ubar-ubaran urang kampung, in prose. On the pharmaceutical use of plants. From Cianjur, 1892. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 290. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1988) Or. 7893 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 116 Sundanese, paper, 40 pp., Latin script. Palakiah, Ubar-ubar, Jeung Lalampahan unrang kampung sarta kaanehan sato-sato. See TBG of December 1903 II, p. 136, and January 1904, VII TBG 47, p. 387. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 290. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1990) Or. 7894 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 117 Sundanese, paper, 18 pp., Latin script. Dongeng Kirata. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 324. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1987) Or. 7895 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 118 Sundanese, paper, 40 pp., Latin script. Bab adat (given title). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 265, where the class-mark is incorrectly given as MS Leiden Or. 7906. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1991) Or. 7896 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 119 Sundanese, paper, 115 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Putri Saripah, in verse (tembang metre). The history of Ratu Saripah. Copied by Wiraatmadja, Tasikmalaya, 1909 (from R.H. Muh. Roesdi?). From the Babad Mesir (1864). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 362-363. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1992)

Or. 7897 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 120 Sundanese, paper, 257 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan agama (given title), in verse. Copied by Tk. Muh. Noerdin. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 251. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1993) Or. 7898 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 121 Sundanese, paper, 21 pp., Javanese script. Wawacan Babad Geusan Ulun. From pangeran Geuan Ulun, bupati of Sumedang, January 1903. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 420-421. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1994) Or. 7899 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 122 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 29 + 7 + 5 + 7 pp., Arabic script. (1) Notes on salat, mainly in Sundanese. (2) On Salat Ta`at Qada’ al-Fawa’id on Malam Jum`a, Friday eve. Present of Mr. J.A. Kruyt, 1884 (ergo in Jeddah). See Pigeaud II, p. 472. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 204. On pp. 240-241 Ekadjata treats the same manuscript, but now mentions the four parts more in detail: - 29 pp. Mengenai solat 5 waktu. - 7 pp. Mengenai solat 5 waktu. - 5 pp. Mengenai haji, on pilgrimage. - 7 pp. Catatan-catatan, diverse notes. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2106) Or. 7900 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 123 Sundanese, paper, 58 pp., Arabic script, dated April 1890, copied by Moehamad Qosim, from Banten. Sajarah Nabi, history of the Prophet, in prose. Based on `Umdat al-Ansab, a work on the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad and the first four caliphs. See for this text also E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay […] manuscripts 1 (1998), pp. 492-493. ‘From a Persian work entitled Rawdat’. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 238. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2107)

Or. 7901 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 124 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 7 pp., Latin script. Incantations, magic, mixed Sundanese and Javanese (Sundanese: jampe). From Buitenzorg (Bogor). See Pigeaud II, p. 472. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2108) Or. 7902 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 126 Sundanese, paper, 81 pp., Arabic script, copied by Mintaredja (Cibalagung, Cianjur). Wawacan Carita Wayang (given title), in verse. Lakons. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 425. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2109) Or. 7903 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 127 Sundanese, paper, 172 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Amir Hamzah (given title), in verse (tembang metre). From the Amir Hamza cycle, incomplete. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 351. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2110) Or. 7904 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 128 Sundanese, paper, 39 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Nabi Paras, and Hikayat al-Wafat (given titles), in verse (tembang metre). On the shaving of the Prophet, and on his demise. From Ciamis. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988,pp. 360-361. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2111) Or. 7905 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 129 Sundanese, paper, 178 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Sajarah Galuh (given title), in verse. On the history of Java, from Adam and Eve onwards. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 421. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2112) Or. 7906 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 130 Sundanese and Malay, paper, 29 pp., Latin script.

Balas Patia, in prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 265 (where mentioned twice: first incorrectly instead of MS Leiden Or. 7895, then correctly as MS Leiden Or. 7906). Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2113) Or. 7907 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 131 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 44 pp., Arabic script. (1) 39 pp. Cangkreman (given title), in prose. (2) 5 pp. Catatan-catatan (given title), in prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 306. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2114) Or. 7908 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 132 Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, Javanese and Latin scripts, dated Bandung, September 6, 1892. Babasan Jeung Paribasa Sunda (given title), in lyrical prose. By Ardiwinata, mantri guru of Cibadak. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 254. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2115) Or. 7909 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 133 Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 25 + 16 + 42 + 12 pp., Arabic script. Notes on portents (earthquakes), divination, dreams. The 4th treatise is in Sundanese: agriculture divination. See Pigeaud II, p. 472. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 291 and 299 (treated twice, differently). On p. 291 is the Indonesian translation of the description by Pigeaud with the given title Catatan Isyarat Gempa, Mantera, etc., with indication of the pages as in Pigeaud. On p. 299 is the given title Paririmbon and Jangjawokan, 102 pp., about the three Javanese texts, the languages of which are here identified as Javanese and Sundanese. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2116) Or. 7910 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 134 Malay, paper, 55 pp., dated (?) January 1819. Carita zaman dewa, according to a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje written by the wedana pensioen Kartinegara, alias Hadji Abdoellah Salih from Galanggong (Manondjaja). Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 476 (No. 1043).

Earlier provenance: Received in October 1889. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1996) Or. 7911 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 135 a Sundanese, paper, 17 pp., Arabic script. Pal nabi-nabi (given title), in prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 229, where the Snouck Hurgronje number is given as Snd. 153 a. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2117) Or. 7912 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 135 b Sundanese, paper, 19 pp., Arabic script. Pal nabi-nabi (given title), in prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 229, where the Snouck Hurgronje number is given as Snd. 153 b. Earlier provenance: Taken from MS Leiden Or. 7911, above. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2118) Or. 7913 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 136 Sundanese, paper, 36 pp., Arabic script. Paririmbon (given title), in prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 298. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2119) Or. 7914 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 137 Sundanese, paper, 43 pp., Arabic script. Pelajaran agama (given title), in prose, for ‘Tuhan yang Maha Esa’. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 230. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2120) Or. 7915 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 138 Sundanese, paper, 3 pp. folio, Arabic script. Kanda Dipati Ukur (given title), in prose. At the end the list of patihs or panghulus of Bandung till c. 1890 or 1900. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 382.

Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1954) Or. 7916 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 139 Sundanese, paper, 3 pp., Arabic script. Sajarah para Bupati Bandung (given title), in prose. The history of the bupatis of Bandung from the Prophet Adam to Rd. Adipati Kusumahdilaga, c. 1892. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 413 Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1955) Or. 7917 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 140 Sundanese, paper, 94 pp., Javanese script. Wawacan Selarasa (given title), in verse (tembang metre). The history of Pulo Cempa, not completed. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 366. Earlier provenance: From Ciamis. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2123) Or. 7918 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 141 Sundanese, paper, 32 pp., Arabic script. Rajah, Sindir Ngagondang, Sawer (given titles), in verse. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 342. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2124) Or. 7919 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 142 Sundanese, paper, 36 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Saraban (given title), in verse. The conversation between the Prophet Muhammad and the Shaytan. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 366. (Mal. 2125) Or. 7920 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 143 Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, Malay, paper, 89 pp., Arabic script. Popular devotion, songs in simple 12 syllable metre, called Lokatmala, nyahi Kentrum, Tunjung Sari, beginning with a litany in Arabic; further: the pains of hell, the penances of sin and the joys of heaven, mentioning baginda `Ali and raja Namrud, Kabar Suwarga, interspersed Sundanese and Malay words and verses. See MS Leiden Or. 10.848-II, below. Notes by J.

Soegarto: MS Leiden Or. 1o.867-D, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 472. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 477 (No. 1044). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 219: (1) pp. 1-36. Javanese. Lokatmala, etc. See also MS Leiden Or. 2923, above. (2) pp. 36-37. Religious treatise: questions asked in the grave. (3) pp. 37-85. Javanese and Sundanese. Devotional songs. (4) pp. 86-89. Pantun. Earlier provenance: Haji Abdur-Rahman Parangpunting. Presented to C. Snouck Hurgonje by panghulu Moh. Roesdi of Tasik Malaya, December 5, 1912. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2126) Or. 7921 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 144 Sundanese, paper, 46 pp., Arabic script. Paririmbon Nyai Sri (given name), in prose. From Tarogong, Garut. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 299-300. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2127) Or. 7922 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 145 Sundanese, paper, 103 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Carios Nabi Muhammad (given title), in verse (tembang metre). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 251. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2128) Or. 7923 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 146 Sundanese, paper, 40 pp., Arabic script. Wasiat Nyi Lokatmala (given title), in prose. See also MS Leiden Or. 2920 (1), above. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 267. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2129) Or. 7924 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 147 Sundanese, paper, 12 + 41 pp., Arabic script. Paririmbon (given title), in prose. Notebook. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 298, where the class-mark is incorrectly given as MS Leiden Or. 2924. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2130)

Or. 7925 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 148 Sundanese, paper, 34 + 2 pp., Arabic script. Paririmbon (given title), in prose. Notebook, pa’al and mysticism. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 298-299. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2131) Or. 7926 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 149 Sundanese, paper, 69 pp., Arabic script. Wawacan Sulanjana (given title), in verse. On rice mythology. Collection Snouck Hurgronje, old number 75. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 276. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2132) Or. 7927 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 150 Sundanese, paper, 119 pp., Arabic script. Pupuhan and Pelajaran agama (given titles), in verse. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 232. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2133) Or. 7928 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 151 Sundanese, paper, 145 pp., Javanese script. Sajarah Nabi (given title), in prose. Possibly based on `Umdat al-Ansab, a work on the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad and the first four caliphs. See for this text also E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay […] manuscripts 1 (1998), pp. 492-493. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 238. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2134) Or. 7929 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 3 Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, 425 pp., Arabic script. (1) pp. 1-17. Carita Piwulang ka Murangkalih. Copied in 1882. (2) pp. 17-82. Carita Ahmad Muhammad. Copied in 1882. See also MS Leiden Or. 3249, above, which is a Malay version of the Javanese poem. See H.H. Juynboll, Catalogus van de Maleische en Sundaneesche handschriften der Leidsche Universiteits-Bibliotheek. Leiden 1899, pp. 144-145, where a summary of the contents is given. See for another copy of this text MS Leiden Or. 7792, above. See also MS Jakarta BG 127. (3) pp. 82-112. Carita Siti Hasanah. Translated from Malay.

(4) pp. 125-211. Carita Nabi Yusup. Based on a version in Arabic. (5) pp. 211-425. Carita Ajib Garib. Based on an Arabic text. Copied on an Arabic version. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 283. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 1995) Or. 7930 formerly Loan Snouck Hurgronje, Snd. 1 Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 130 + 182 pp., Arabic script. (1) Suluks, treatises on theology and mysticism in verse: Daka, Musawaratan, Teka Wardi, Abesi, etc. (2) Beginning: tale of Madu Jaya in verse, on mystic masters, etc. End: Sundanese tale in verse: Ganda Resmi, Ganda Wati and Ganda Rasa. See for the notes by J. Soegiarto MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D. See Pigeaud II, p. 472. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 243-244: Suluk-suluk, etc. as in Pigeaud. On 252-253 different information: 130 + 132 pp., with languages Javanese, Sundanese and Arabic, all with given titles: (1) pp. 1-130. Wawacan Suluk Daka Teko Wardi. (2) pp. 1-37. Wawacan Madujaya, in Javanese. (3) pp. 38-132. Wawacan Gandaresmi, in Sundanese. Earlier provenance: Copies of manuscripts sent to C. Snouck Hurgronje by panghulu Hasan Moestapa (1852-1930) of Bandung, 1908. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2000) Or. 7931 - Or. 7939 Various manuscripts from the Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), 1936. Or. 7931 a-f Dutch, Javanese, Sundanese, school exercise and note books of different formats, lined paper, 1337 ff., in 20 + 11 + 4 exercise books and note books held in two portfolios and four bindings, with continuous foliation. Numerous inserts. C. Snouck Hurgronje’s travel notes in Java, about which Ph.S. van Ronkel has published ‘Aanteekeningen over Islam en Folklore in West- en Midden-Java. Uit het reisjournaal van Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje’ in BKI 101 (1942), pp. 311-339. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. References in Laffan, Makings, 2011, p. 249, note 9; p. 254, notes 34, 36, 37; p. 255, note 52; p. 256, notes 67, 69; p. 258, note 90; p. 259, note 111; p. 260, note 126; p. 275, notes 62, 8, 9, 12, 13; p. 275, notes 15, 16, 17; p. 276, notes 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2496 – Mal. 2501]

Or. 7932 Acehnese, paper, Notes about Aceh by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. Second writing book: The originals of the Acehnese texts in C. Snouck Hurgronje, De Atjèhers. Leiden – Batavia 1893-1894, taken down by Snouck Hurgronje himself. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 24, and Appendix I, ibid., pp. 261-262. ¶ MSS Leiden Or. 11.805 - Or. 11.807 contain manuscript materials which were transferred in August 1967 from the present MS and are now separately registered. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2495) Or. 7933 Dutch, paper Notes about pesantrèns by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2494) Or. 7934 Sundanese, paper, Arabic script. Lokayanti (given title), in verse (tembang metre). A version similar to that in MSS Leiden Or. 7698 and Or. 7822, above. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 338. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2493) Or. 7935 Arabic fragments from the legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), and a few added materials. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [*Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 a Arabic, paper, 1 f., text on one side only, dated 1918. Du`a’ lil-Malika, by al-Sayyid Isma`il b. `Abdallah al-`Attas for the ‘regent’ of Pasoeroean and the ‘regent’ of Malang, to be read in the mosques of these two towns. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 68. Apparently a poem made to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the crowning of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands.

See Michael Laffan, The Makings of Indonesian Islam. Orientalism and the Narration of a Sufi Past. Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011, pp. 125-127. ¶ For the prayer by Sayyid Oethman composed in 1898 for Queen Welhelmina see Nico J.G. Kaptein, Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies. A Biography of Sayyid ʿUthman (1822–1914). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2014, pp. 144-148. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 b Arabic, paper, ff. Du`a’, prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 c Arabic, French, paper (photographs), Two photographs of legal documents from Tangier with a typewritten French translation by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 445. The photographs bear the stamps of the Dutch consulate in Tangier. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 d Arabic, paper, 1 f., ‘modern’. Table of Arabic metres. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 418. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 e Arabic, paper, 2 ff., a business card, and an envelope. A letter from Mansur Fahmi (M. Fahmy, professor at the University of Cairo) to C. Snouck Hurgronje, postmark on envelope dated July 28, 1925. The letter has the same date. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 420. This is a letter accompanying the book al- Islam wa-usul al-hukm. Bahth fil-khilafa wal-hukuma fil-Islam, by `Ali `Abd al-Raziq. Cairo (3rd ed.) 1344/1925 [883 E 20]. See Michael Laffan, The Makings of Indonesian Islam. Orientalism and the Narration of a Sufi Past. Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011, pp. 125-127; 272, notes 1, 2, 3; p. 285, note 39. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998]

Or. 7935 f Collective volume with texts in Malay, Javanese and Arabic, paper, 14 ff., Arabic script. (1) ff. 1a-2a. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan syarahnya … Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (2) ff. 3a-7b. Arabic. Du`a’, prayer. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. (3) ff. 7b-11a. Malay. Sarah … Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). (4) f. 11b. Javanese. Du`a Sulayman. Not in Pigeaud II. Ff. 12-14 blank. Earlier provenance: With label: ‘Arab. gebeden met Mal. (deels Jav.) sjarh. Batavia 1894’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 g Arabic, Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), 8 ff. Amthila. Paradigms of the Arabic verb. Apparently a fragment only of a larger compilation. Arabic text with interlinear Javanese translation and notes. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 h Javanese (?), machine-madepaper, 1 f., texts on both sides, Arabic script (pegon). A prayer for the salat. Not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 i Arabic, European laid paper, 3 loose ff., naskh script, from Aceh, Amé Geutah. Wasiyyat al-Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir al-Kilani, ascribed to `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (d. 561/1161), GAL G I, 435. Preceded by a Qadirite silsila. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 399. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 j Arabic, Javanese, paper, 2 ff. A fragment only of Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman. Anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195, where also references to MSS in Jakarta. Arabic text with interlinear Javanese translation. ¶ This fragment is not originally part of the fragments that were registered as MS Leiden Or. 7935. It comes from the Banten collection (MSS Leiden Or. 5591 – Or. 5739, above). The fragment that originally was registered as MS Leiden Or. 7935 j is now separately registered as

MS Leiden Or. 8781, below. On the original cover is a note by Voorhoeve: ‘In de plaats van j een blaadje gevonden in de Banten collectie’. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 k Malay, paper, 2 loose ff. Two unrelated fragments: (1) 1 f. Qawa`id al-Islam. The opening passage only, with text on one side only. Still to be compared with MS Leiden Or. 17.095, below. Scribbling on the other side. (2) 1 f. Unidentified religious text, the closing pages only, showing a text with structure of Su’al and Gawab. Copied, in the reign of `Ala’ al-Din Gawhar `Alam b. al-Sultan `Ala’ al-Din Muhammad Shah, by `Abd al-Karim. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 l Arabic, Javanese paper (dluang), 18 ff., Arabic and Javanese scripts A collection of Mawlid poetry. Some of the poems are from the Mawlid Sharaf al-Anam, an anonymous Mawlid, but sometimes (however, not in the Leiden MSS) ascribed to al-Bukhari, cf. GAL S II, 1000, No. 42 (See for copies of this Mawlid in Leiden: Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 207208). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 207. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 m Malay, paper, ½ f., drawing. A drawing of the Ka`ba in Mecca (drawing only partly preserved), with prayers to be said at each corner of the structure, Rukn. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 n Arabic, paper, 10 ff. A fragment only of al-Miftah fi Sharh Ma`rifat al-Islam, anonymous commentary on Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-Iman, which is anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 195-196, where also references to MSS in Jakarta and Paris, BnF, mal.pol. 35 (which latter manuscript has an author: Ahmad b. Shaykh al-Islam). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998]

Or. 7935 o Malay, paper, 9 ff., Arabic script, and Latin script. The final part only of an unidentified religious text in Jawi script. Also fragments of another text in Malay, in Latin script. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 p Sundanese, paper, 6 ff., naskh script. Fasal pada menyatakan ingdalam martabat Ruh Rahmani … Apparently a complete text. On the last two pages some notes, on letters of the Arabic alphabet, and the names of the five ritual prayers. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 q Arabic, paper, 1 f., naskh script, from Indonesia. A magical square, surrounded with amulet text. Possibly not from C. Snouck Hurgronje, but from H.T. Damsté (1874-1955) or B.J.O. Schrieke (1890-1945). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936 (?). [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 r Arabic, paper (one photograph pasted on cardboard), 1 f. Photograph of a Jimat, amulet, probably from Aceh. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7935 s Malay and Arabic, paper, 3 ff. Two unrelated fragments: (1) 1 f. A leaf from an unidentified commentary in Malay on an Arabic religious matn (written in red). The fragment treats Salat, ritual prayer. (2) 2 ff. Two leaves containing the final part of an unidentified commentary in Malay on an Arabic religious matn (written in red). The fragment treats Puasa, fasting. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998]

Or. 7935 t No text. Two unrelated leaves, European laid paper. Blanks. In one a countermark is visible: GRAVIOTTO. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Ar. 2998] Or. 7936 Malay, Sundanese, Javanese, paper of many sorts, paper, Arabic script. A. File containing 16 letters received from Raden Soetadinata, patih of Menes, between 18901893. B. (1) Faqih Nadjmoedin, contains a report on the position of fakih in Banten, the abolition of fakih and on Fakih Nadjmoedin in particular. B (2) Letters concerning ‘Faqih Nadjmoedin’. C. Javanese. File with a collection of dongeng; Arabic script. D. Bantam Lama. With notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Letter dated February 20, 1893. Silsila Banten. E. Tjeritanjah Goong Awi atawi gamelan bamboe. Mention of Raden Temenggoeng Soettadiningrat. Oesoel Asalnja djedjer, piring petjah Sariboe, bagari, pepenjan dan tjinde. The legend of the objects mentioned in the title. Machdoem of Cirebon, his son Maulana Chasanoedin and Batara Goeroe are mentioned in this legend. Piring pecah seribu dan tombak jejer andong. Jawi script, by Djajawinata; dated January 1891; Here the legend is related to the nine wali. F. Magang. Letter dated 18 March 1893 from Soetadinata. The copy of a report on trainee civil servants in Banten. G. Sundanese. Sedjarah bedil sie amoek. Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. H. Letters. A letter from Koesoemaningrat to the regent of Serang about the tiger attack of 19 October 1887. Report 8 ff. and plan of the attack. And other letters, 1893, 1897. Also in Javanese. I. Letter from Soetadiningrat dated 1 July 1897 about the control of the pesantren. Letter of 2 ff. and enclosure 15 ff. of which 2 ff. a printed Undang-undang and 6 ff. forms for registration (one printed). J. Javanese. Primbon, enclosed in a letter from Soetadinata to C. Snouck Hurgronje. K. Documents about the district Panembang and Tjibalioeng. 1892 and earlier. With a forwarding letter by Soetadinata to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated February 19, 1892. See for a detailed list Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 477-480 (No. 1045). Javanese texts not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2467) Or. 7937 Malay, paper, 10 ff., Arabic and Latin script.

- Hikayat Raden j.k.a.l.m.n.a. The story of a Majapahit prince who founded Sikudana (Sukadana?) and subjected several states in western Kalimantan; on the blank side of the pages are notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje. - Linguistic notes. Latin script, autograph of C. Snouck Hurgronje, made during his contacts with Pangeran Mangkoe Negara Ahmad, the Raja of Bunut (East coast of Sumatra), at Purworejo and Kebumen in October 1889. - Linguistic notes. Made by C. Snouck Hurgronje, based on the information given to him by the exiled Toengkoe Moeda and T. Bagoes of Siak in September 1890; enclosed is a piece of paper with notes on the judgement on the rights of succession in Makassar. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 480 (No. 1046). See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 215, where the class-mark seems to be incorrectly given as MS Leiden Or. 379, but there is not a clear identification. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2459) Or. 7938 Dutch, paper. Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje, made in Penang, about literature and popular customs, and also concerning Malay manuscripts in the Logan Library in Singapore. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 219. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2492) Or. 7939 Arabic, plaster cast, 1 slate, 24 x 13.5 cm. Plaster cast of the inscription on the tomb of Mawlana Yusuf Pakalangan, in Banten (WestJava). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 430. It is not evident that the text (set in three fields, onto of one another) is in Arabic. Nothing much can be read from the cast. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Ar. 2999] Or. 7940 - Or. 7948 Manuscripts from the Legacy of Albert Cornelis Vreede (1840-1908), the scholar of Javanese and Madurese. No date indicated. Or. 7940 Javanese, four thin sheaves of paper, Latin script. Miscellaneous notes.

(1) Lists of books in Old- and Modern Javanese, made by C.F. Winter (1799-1859) in Surakarta, 1843. (2) List of sasrahan panganten, ceremonial marriage gifts. Sidakerta, 1849. (3) Genealogy of the gods: left branch of the Royal family tree. See E.P. Wieringa, ‘An old text brought to life again. A reconsideration of the “final version”of the Babad Tanah Jawi’, in BKI 155 (1999), p. 261. (4) Divination to trace thieves. See Pigeaud II, pp. 472-473. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. (Mal. 2479) Or. 7941 Javanese, seven bulky sheaves of papers in a portfolio (58, 167, 8, 52, 23, 21, 84 items), Javanese script. Letters, mainly original, from Surakarta, Yogyakarta and Ngawi, collected and supplied with Dutch epitomes by G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929), 1905, and sent to A.C. Vreede in Leiden. Partly used in the 3rd edition (by A.C. Vreede), of Javaansch brievenboek, naar handschriften uitgegegeven door T. Roorda. Leiden 1904, and in Fac-simile’s van Javaansche brieven. Ten gebruike bij het onderwijs in het Javaansch, bijeengebracht door A.C. Vreede en J.G.H. Gunning, Leiden 1906. See Pigeaud II, p. 473. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. (Mal. 2480) Or. 7942 Collective volume with texts in Malay, European laid paper, 18 ff., 34 lines per page, Arabic script, dated 2 Syawal 1297/7 September 1880, copied by Uda Muhammad Hasyim at Bukit Guntung (now Malaysia) on. (1) ff. 4b-6b. List of manuscripts and books owned by W. E. Maxwell, 53 items for which names of authors, copyists, publishers and dates of copying or publishing are mentioned. (2) ff. 7b-9b. Surat al-anbiya'. Summary and fragments, the original manuscript consisting of pp. 1-547. The copying was finished by Hamid bin Muhammad Nurdin of Lambungan (Melaka), on 30 Jumadil-akhir 1294/12 July 1877. The former owner Muhammad bin al-Haj Abdul-Fatah, kerani polis. (3) ff. ff. 10a-17a. Kitab tib. Summary only of a Kitab tib, the original manuscript consisting of pp. 1-352. On ff. 16a-17a a fragment about divination and a syair (p. 391 of the original manuscript). The above descriptions are largely based on and derived from Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 481 (No. 1047), where this MS is erroneously said to originate from the Snouck Hurgronje Legacy. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. (Mal. 2481)

Or. 7943 Javanese, paper, 27 pp., Latin script, dated 1905. Notes by G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929) on A.C. Vreede’s edition of Javanese letters (Fac-simile’s van Javaansche brieven. Ten gebruike bij het onderwijs in het Javaansch, bijeengebracht door A.C. Vreede en J.G.H. Gunning, Leiden 1906). Subjects: idiom and customs. See Pigeaud II, p. 473. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. (Mal. 2491) Or. 7944 Malay, Badui, Sundanese, portfolio containing four main items. A. ‘Aantekeeningen nopens de inlandsche huishouding onder den Soendanees in de Preanger Regentschappen’. 26 ff. Dutch laid paper; watermark: Eendracht with VAN HAREN NOMAN EN KOLFF; 32½ x 21 cm.; ca. 40 lines per page (except ff. 25r-26v with 2 lines), Latin script. ff. 1a-26b. Sundanese and Java Malay. General notes about Sunda and the Sundanese. The Malay text is facing the Sundanese text; divided into a number of paragraphs: 1. Pengatoeran kapala-kapala dengen lakoenja memarenta die Distrikt atawa die Kampoeng2. 2. Pengatoeran die dalem Masdjied. 3. Pangatoeran roemah Soenda, tapie tiada begietoe tamtoe laen2 orang poenja soeka sendierie. 4. Pakeijan orang Soenda. 5. Roepa-roepa kaen. 6. Pangatoeran orang manoempang. 7. Pangatoeran orang Ketjiel ampoenja kaidoepan laen darie taneman. 8. Pangatoeran padie tjoekee djakat dan pietra. 9. Pangatoeran darie beija Passar. 10. Pertelaan goenanja poehoen kelapa dan aren. 11. Jang roepa-roepa poehoen kalapa. 12. Roepaz binatang2 fang bolee die makan sama orang Soenda sakalian dielarang dengan goenanja. 13. Roepa-roepa ikan kalie. 14. Roepa-roepa boeroeng. 15. Roepa boewah-boewah. 16. Roepa2 poehoen kembang dan daon2 atawa akar2 iang terpakee sama orange prempoewan. B. Malay-Sundanese wordlist. 26 ff.; thin laid paper; 33 x 21 cm.; ca. 25 lines per p.; (some pages are partly or entirely blank), Latin script, written in two columns. C. Sundanese. Tjarieta djaksa Pramana. European laid paper; watermark: Eendragt with VAN HAREN NOMAN EN KOLFF (cursive script). D. Badui language, prayers, etc. The above descriptions are largely based on and derived from Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 481-482 (No. 1048). Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated.

(Mal. 2482) Or. 7945 Collection of letters and documents in Javanese, Malay, Acehnese, Makassarese, Sundanese (?), different papers of diverse manufacture and various formats, one lontar leaf (2 fragments), seven sheaves kept together in a carton box. Note that after the publication of Iskandar’s catalogue in 1999, several documents in Or. 7945 have been renumbered in the Library. These new numbers have been used in the description hereunder, which is an accurate description of the box as it is presently (22 November 2019). An effort has been made to mention the old numbers that had been given by Iskandar as well. The identification between the two number systems was not very successful. It is possible that some of the documents that were still seen by Iskandar and his assistants have in the meantime disappeared. For the Sundanese materials see Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, where the manuscript is described twice, differently, on p. 410: Piagam Cirebon, and on pp. 410-411: Piagam Cirebon, illustrated. - Original Javanese letters and documents (1-4) (1) Charter, Piyagem, of the Ceribon court, 1 leaf of paper, pasted on paper, original in Javanese in Javanese script, with two different seals with texts in Arabic script: at left part of the inscription: Sultan Ahmad Zayn al-Din; at right partly: ya Rabb al-`Alamin. At top and bottom texts in Malay, in small Arabic script. (2) 1 leaf, text on one side. Text in Javanese, unidentified. (3) 1 leaf of transparent paper. ‘Inscription en Kawi, trouvée dans des fouilles faites dans le Résidance de Banyoemas. Cette inscription est sur un feuille de cuivre et la traduction Javanaise qui se trouve au dessous de chaque ligne a été faite par le vieux Sultan de Sumanap (l’un des princes des plus lettrés de l’inde), le seul a traduire les langues mortes de l’inde’. 7 lines originally on plate of copper. (4) 1 folded sheet of European made paper (watermark: Beehive, C&JHONIG, countermark: C&JH). Rama, kawi, fragment. On the verso the translation into Dutch. Note in Dutch: ‘Door den Keizer zelve geschreven’. See Pigeaud II, p. 473. - Original letters in Malay, from Aceh and Minangkabau (5-15) Note that the originals of Nos. I, II, and X of Iskandar’s description of Or. Or. 7945 B (Catalogue, pp. 483-484) could not be found. (5) Malay letter. Waraqat al-Ikhlas. Round sooth stamp with petals, carrying the year 1877 and Cut bin Panglima Maki. Watermark: Britannia, counter mark: 1884. Dated 22 Rajab 1302 (1885). (6) Malay letter. Waraqat Ikhlas. Watermark: Britannia, counter mark: 1884. Round sooth stamp with petals, carrying the year 1877 and Cut bin Panglima Maki. (7) Malay letter. Iskandar, Or. 7945 B IX. Letter from Pocut Rahim and Teuku Daoet to Teungku Rambayan, dated 1302(?)/1885 (p. 483).

(8) Malay letter. Iskandar Or. 7945 B VII. Waraqat Ikhlas …., letter to Teuku Qadi Malik al`Adil. Mentioned is also Shaykh Marhaba b. Shaykh Muhammad Salih. Iskander describes the correspondents: From Kali Malikon Ade to Syaikh Marhaban (p. 483). Countermark: SUPERFINE. (9) Malay letter. Iskander describes the document as sent from the District officer of Meuseugit Raya to Tuanku Pangeran Husin, dated 19 Rajab 1299/6 June 1882 (p. 483, Or. 7945, B VIII). Watermark: Elephant carrying a hawdag; counter mark: Indian Foolscap. (10) Malay letter. Iskandar, Or. 7945 B VI (p. 483). Letter from Teungku Maharaja Mangkubumi of Lhok Seumawe to Teuku Nèk Meuraksa, dated 17 Rabi'ul-awal 1302/4 January 1885. Oval seal in Latin and Arabic script. (11) Malay letter. Iskandar, Or. 7945 B XII (p. 484). Letter of appointment of Teuku Muda Ba’ét as Uleebalang of VII Mukim by Major General van der Heyden, the Governor of Aceh, dated 17 Syawal 1295 (14 October 1878). (12) Malay letter. Iskandar, Or. 7945 B V (p. 483). From Teuku Panglima Tibang to jaksa Aneuk Galong; dated Kota Radja 13 March 1884, with text both in Arabic and Latin script. (13) Malay letter. Iskandar, Or. 7945 B IV, p. 483). Letter from Teungku Abdul Aziz to Teuku Nek Meuraksa. (14) Malay letter. Letter from Teungku Muda Rambayan in Kiking to Imam … (?), dated 1302 (in the manuscript written as 231) Not identified with any of the documents mentioned by Iskandar (p. 483). (15) Iskandar, Or. 7945 B III, p. 483. From Teuku Chik Muda Leman of Gampong Baro to the ‘controleur of the 22 Mukim’ (Van Swieten ?) at Lam Baro, dated 23 Rabi'ul-akhir 1299/14 March 1882. Two different seals: ‘Teuku Cik Kampong Baro 94’; ‘Sahih | Sayyid Mahmud Shah Qadiri 1299’ (year written: 9921). At the bottom: ‘ontvangen van 13/3 ’82 | M.v.S.’ - Lithographs of letters and documents (16-46) (16) Malay letter I. From Tajulmuluk Amiruddin Iskandar Qulin Syah Petri Muhammad Zayn, Sultan of Ternate, to the Governor-General, dated Saturday 23 Rabi` II 1260/1844. (17) Malay letter II. From a sultan to the Governor of Pulau Pinang. Dated Thursday 10 Rabi` I (no year mentioned) (18) Malay letter III. From Pangeran Syarif Abdur-Rahman to a captain. Octagonal seal of the Pangeran in the margin. Centre part reads: Khalifat al-Mu’minin Pangeran Sharif `Abd alRahman ibn Husayn fi … (?). Also text in the (19) Malay letter IV. A letter dated 7 November 1784. (20) Malay letter V. From Pendeta Raja of Bangkahulu to (...) in England, dated 19 Haji 1780/16 October 1780. (21) Malay letter VI. From Yang Dipertuan Raja Hitam at Tarusan to the Tuan Commander of the West Coast of Sumatra, at Padang, dated 6 Rajab. (22) Malay letter VII. From jurutulis kemandur to the commander at Padang, dated 24 August 1800.

(23) Malay letter VIII. From the sultan of Muko-muko to an Englishman at Fort Marlbourough. (24) Malay letter IX. A letter to the commander of Muko-muko. (25) Malay letter X. A letter to the fetor of Muko-muko, dated 1 January 1775. (26) - Malay document XI. From Pangeran Lenggang Alam to Commander Willem (?). Dated Friday 24 Shawwal 1140 (1728). About a debt of 500 escubar (?). - Malay document XII. Another document about a debt of 2000 … (?). Not dated. (26 [sic!]) - Malay letter. From Tuan Sultan Muhammad Ali Safi al-Din with greetings to Tuan Major and Tuan Kapiten Elout. Identical with Nos. 28, 34, 40, below. (27) Malay letter. Identical with Nos. 37, 41 and 43, below. (28) Malay letter. From Tuan Sultan Muhammad Ali Safi al-Din with greetings to Tuan Major and Tuan Kapiten Elout. Identical with Nos. 34 and 40, below, No. 26, above. (29) Malay letter. From Hagg Muhammad Salih … (?), addressed to `Abd al-Mannan in Daerah Negri Batawi. Dated 2 April 1857. (30) Malay letter. From Hagg Sar Yamin in Kampong Badar Cina, addressed to Hagg Zayn in Kampong Noordwijk (?), Pasar Baru. Dated a Sunday in Safar 1282 (1865). (31) Malay letter. From Riau. Dated Friday 19 Jumada I 1246 (1830). (32) Malay letter. Identical with No. 33, below. (33) Malay letter. Identical with No. 32, above. (34) Malay letter. From Tuan Sultan Muhammad Ali Safi al-Din with greetings to Tuan Major and Tuan Kapiten Elout. Identical with No. 40, below, and Nos. 26, 28, above. (35) Malay letter. From Negri Riau. To Tuan Major Elout. Dated Tuesday 28 Hajj 1241 (1826). (36) Malay letter. Dated Friday 18 Safar 1236 (1820). Identical with No. 45, below. (37) Malay letter. Identical with Nos. 41 and 43, below, and No. 27, above. (38) Malay letter. From Lingga. With pencil notes. (39) Malay letter. Addressed to Tungku Sayyid Muhammad Zayn in Negri Lingga. Dated Thursday 18 Dhulqaedah 1244 (1829). (40) Malay letter. From Tuan Sultan Muhammad Ali Safi al-Din with greetings to Tuan Major, and Tuan Kapiten Elout. Identical with Nos. 26, 28, 34, above. (41) Malay letter. Dated Thursday 26 Dhulhijjah 1232 (1817). Identical with No. 37, above and No. 43, below. With notes in pencil. (42) Malay letter. Dated Thursday 19 … (?) 1243 (1827-1828). With seal of Abd al-Rahman b. …, with year 1243. (43) Malay letter. Dated Thursday 26 Dhulhijjah 1232 (1817). Identical with Nos. 37 and 41, above. (44) Malay letter. With seal (text: al-Sidq fima qultu), containing the year 1234 (1818-1819). (45) Malay letter. Dated Friday 18 Safar 1236 (1820). Identical with No. 36, above. (46) Malay letter. With notes in pencil. - Litographies of documents from Madura (47-49) (47) Malay. European laid paper, 38.3 x 24.1 cm. Lithography of a letter from Madura. The original is Or. 26.710, below. Text dated Madura, Thursday 1 Ramadan 1757.

- Copies of two Malay letters written in the same hand. (48) Malay. European laid paper with lining: (watermark: Concordia, counter mark: Van Gelder), 2 ff., text on ff. 1a-b only. 34.2 x 21.4 cm. Text of a letter (from Laras?). (49) Malay. European laid paper with lining: (watermark: Concordia, counter mark: Van Gelder), 2 ff., text on f. 1a only. 34.2 x 21.4 cm. Text of a letter (from Alhan Panjang?). - Original Makassarese and Buginese documents (50-54)1 (50) Makassarese, Dutch, machine-made paper, one folded sheet, 2 ff. 33.3 x 21 cm. Text on ff. 1a-b only. ‘Het A.B.C. der Makassaren’. Simple introduction to the Makassarese script showing the letters, and some features of spelling (not always correct). On the verso side some notes on Makassarese grammar. (51) Buginese. Machine-made paper, 6 ff., 27 x 21.3 cm, text on ff. 1-3 only. in Latin script, apparently transcribed from an original Bugis manuscript. Notes on the 17th-century intellectual La Tadamparani Puang ri Maggalatung (La Tadamparani Puang ri Maggalatung) from Wajoq. (52) Buginese. European laid paper (counter mark: T HONIG & ZOONEN), 1 f., 34.5 x 22 cm. With main text on f. 1a only. Folded letter. Letter from Ambéqna Siti Saira to the Chief Minister (To Marilaleng). Arabic heading, same as in Or.7945 (53), below: Qawluhu al-Haqq wa-Kalamuhu al-Sidq, and a few more words. Probably from Boné, early 19th century. (53) Buginese. European laid paper. 2 ff., 31.1 x 20.2 cm, folded as a letter with some text on f. 2b. With main text on f. 1a only. Letter from Ambéqna Saira to the Army Chief (Petta Ponggawaé). Same heading as in Or.7945 (52), above. Some Arabic: Qawluhu al-Haqq waKalamuhu al-Sidq, and a few more words. Probably from Boné, early 19th century. (54) Makassarese. paper, 2 ff., 29.7 x 18 cm, one folded sheet with main text on ff. 1a-2a, some more text on f. 2b. Letter from the Queen of Boné (Sultanah Rajituddin, reigned 1823-1835) to the Army Chief (Petta Ponggawaé), preceded by a composite sooth stamp with text in Arabic script, and date 1238 Higra (= 1822-1823), with mention of a name: al-Sultana bt. Salima Rajiya al-Din … On f. 2a description of the content: ‘brief vande koningin aan de Pangawa. Zij schrijft dat wij van Soepa met verlies Zijn terug geslagen & afgetrokken, dat ook een Hollander die een bril draagt gedood is. Zij roept den Pangawa om nu over de Zaken te Komen spreken.’ - Balinese-Javanese (55) (55) Balinese-Javanese. Fragments of a law book on one palm-leaf, 2.6 x 17.6 and 2.6 x 3 cm. Three lines of text to the recto page, no text on the verso page. - Other material (56) (56) Also: a textile bag, purple, 35 x 35 cm, envelope-shaped, possibly the container of the letters. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. [* Mal. 2463] [outplaced: Kast 21.509 F] 1

I am grateful to Dr. Roger Tol (Leiden) who provided me with descriptions of MS Leiden Or. 7945 (50)(54).

Or. 7946 Javanese, paper, loose papers in large portfolio Javanese-Dutch dictionary of C.F. Winter (1799-1859) and J.A. Wilkens (1813-1888), Surakarta. Correspondence on the progress and the copying, etc. See also MSS Leiden Or. 2250 and Or. 3069, above. See Pigeaud II, p. 473. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. (Mal. 2483) Or. 7947 Madurese, Dutch, machine-made lined paper, 34.6 x 21.5 cm, 276 pp., Latin script, black ink with numerous editorial notes in red, unbound, a collection of quires. Madurese-Dutch dictionary. ‘Proeve van bewerking. Madoereesch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek. A.C. Vreede en H.N. Kiliaan. In the end, Kiliaan alone published the dictionary in 1898. Added: Two incomplete sets of typesetters’ proofs of the dictionary, full of handwritten corrections and editorial notes in red ink by A.C. Vreede. Possibly related materials are in Or. 7948, below. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. [* Mal. 2484] Or. 7948 Madurese, Javanese, loose papers in different formats, c. 100 ff., Javanese script in different hands, together kept in one portfolio. Notes about the Madurese language, apparently with a connection with the materials described under Or. 7947, above. Bundle of loose papers, containing: 1. Lexicographical notes for Madurese words occurring in large text such as Tandra Angrek, etc. 2. List of Madurese and Javanese words, some are still lacking a meaning. 3. Expressions in Madurese, as these are now expressed in Javanese. From the well-known Djaja Adi Negara. 4. Dutch-Madurese sentences. Presented by the ‘controleur’ Salmon. 5. List of Javanese words, with next to these the corresponding meaning in Madurese. 6. Madurese proverbs, with explanations. Not in Pigeaud II. Provenance: Legacy of A.C. Vreede (1840-1908), no date indicated. [* Mal. 2485] Or. 7949 - Or. 7951 Manuscripts possibly originating from the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936).

Or. 7949 Malay, paper, 126 ff., Latin script, only on the verso sides. Salasilah Kutai, transcription made by or for S.W. Tromp of an original owned by the Sultan of Kutai. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 216. See S.W. Tromp, ‘Uit de Salasila van Koetei’, in: BKI 37 (1888), pp. 1-108 (the first part of the text). See C.A. Mees, De Kroniek van Koetai. Tekstuitgave met toelichting. Santpoort 1935 (the complete text of the Berlin manuscript of 1849). See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, ‘Nog iets over de Salasila van Koetei’, in BKI 37 (1888), pp. 109-120 [= VG 5, 145-157]. The manuscript was used by W. Kern, Commentaar op de Salasilah van Koetai. Den Haag 1956 (VKI 19) as MS B. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 484 (No. 1050). Provenance: Possibly from the C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2486) Or. 7950 Class-mark currently not in use (Note in the Inventory of the Legatum Warnerianum, p. 163). [not available] Or. 7951 formerly loan Snouck Hurgronje, Jav. 167 Javanese, paper, Arabic script, 13 pp. Ancient History of Java, settled by the Rum people, eschatology, Khairu Cakra (Eru Cakra) of Katangga, Jaya Baya prophecies. Copy of a manuscript from Galonggong, Manon Jaya, made in 1889 for C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Pigeaud II, p. 473. See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 392393, where there is a text in Arabic registered under this number: Sejarah Java, the old history of Java, taken from Galonggong, Manonjaya, made for C. Snouck Hurgronje. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2387) Or. 7952 Javanese, Balinese, Sasak. Previously a large number of romanized copies of manuscripts of the Kirtya collection was registered under this one number. In 1961 all these manuscripts have been registered separately. The handwritten inventory of the Legatum Warnerianum mentions on p. 163 under this number as follows: Collection of copies of manuscripts in Bali and Lombok, made in the Kirtya Liefrinck-van der Tuuk. Offered as a present by Dr. C. Hooykaas on behalf of the Dutch-Indian government. The copies have numbers which correspond with those in the lists as published in the Mededeelingen van de Kirtya: 4 p. 1-86; 5 p. 5-13; 6 Bijl. p. 2-21; 11 (Djawa, May 1940) p. 610; 13 (Djawa, 1941) p. 32-43.

The Kirtya manuscripts have in 1961 been registered separately with mention of the Kirtya number as MSS Leiden Or. 9075 – Or. 10.391, below. See Pigeaud II, p. 473. Provenance: Gift from C. Hooykaas on behalf of the Dutch-Indian government, year not indicated. (kept in ‘kast 68’). Or. 7953 - Or. 8201 Collection of Acehnese manuscripts from the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), 1936. See, apart from Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (Leiden 1994), also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 212. From several works there is Snouck Hurgronje’s personal copy, often with notes in his hand. Of almost all text of importance there is a romanized copy made by Teungku Mohamad Noerdin (Muhamat Nurdin, see his photograph in Voorhoeve 1994, p. 360). There are two previous number systems. One is indicated by ‘Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj.’ These is the old loan collection of Snouck Hurgronje’s Acehnese manuscript. Another indication is given for the copies in Latin script by T. Noerdin and which were numbered by Hoesein Djajadiningrat: ‘H. Dj.’ Or. 7953 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 17 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Malay, paper, 73 ff., text only on the verso sides, copied by Muhammad Nurdin from MS Leiden Or. 5635, above. (1) ff. 1b-55b. Acehnese. Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Teungku Lam Rukam. Snouck Hurgronje’s personal copy, which is a reconstruction of the continuous text, made on the basis of the MS from Brawé (now lost) and that which was borrowed from T. Nyak Banta, Panglima XXVI. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 49, 51-52. MSS Leiden Or. 8017 and Or. 8018, below, are transcripts of this manuscript. MS Leiden Or. 8669 contains transliterations and translations by H.T. Damsté from this manuscript. MS Leiden Or. 8666 (a 4), below, is an incomplete comparison of MS Leiden Or. 8666 with a transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953 by H.J. Schmidt. (2) ff. 55b-58b. Malay. Nalam peraturan alif. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 484 (No. 1051). (3) f. 58b. Malay. Do`a. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 484 (No. 1051). (3) ff. 59b-71b. Acehnese. Hikayat Pocut Muhamat. Supplement to other manuscripts. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2631) Or. 7953 a former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 17 A loose leaf in MS Leiden Or. 7953, 17 x 10 cm, written on both sides. Appears to be a fragment of a Hikayat sepheuet dua ploh. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 221. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2631) Or. 7953 b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 17 Acehnese, paper, 20 pp. Index of personal names occurring in MS Leiden Or. 7953, above, being Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Teungku Lam Rukam. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 51-52. ¶ Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 221, has described a single loose leaf, found in MS Leiden Or. 7953, as MS Leiden Or. 7953 a and as containing a fragment of Hikayat sipheuet dua ploh. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (in Mal. 2631) Or. 7954 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 17 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Malay, paper, 82 pp., Arabic script, copied by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin from a manuscript formerly owned by Teuku Panglima Nyak Banta. (1) pp. 1-77. Acehnese. Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. Copy made of MS Leiden Or. 5635, above, in its earlier more complete state. Here is only the Acehnese text of the Hikayat Pocut Muhamat. In the beginning C. Snouck Hurgronje has written: ‘copy of the manuscript from Bakongan sent to me in November 1903 by Lieutenant-Colonel van Daalen’. The copyist of the present copy, Tgk. M. Noerdin, has added in Arabic script: ‘Teusalen nibak noseuka teuku Panglima Nyak Banta’. At the places of the lacunae Noerdin has left some open space. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 51. (2) pp. 78-81. Malay. Nalam peraturan alif. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 485 (No. 1052) II. (3) pp. 81-82. Malay. Do`a. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 485 (No. 1052) III. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2632) Or. 7955 a-b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 1 Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 156 pp., Arabic script. Hikayat Banta Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 97. MS Leiden Or. 7956, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2573 - Mal. 2574) Or. 7956 Collection H.Dj. 39 Acehnese, paper, 451 pp. Hikayat Banta Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 97. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7955, above. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2687) Or. 7957 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 2 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, with Malay and Arabic, paper, 24 x 19 cm, 92 ff. (1) pp. 1-11. Acehnese. Hikayat Soydina Usen, or tuanteu Usen. MS Leiden Or. 7958 (1), below, is a transliteration of the present text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 164. (2) pp. 12-42, right pages only. Acehnese. Hikayat Muhamat Napiah. MS Leiden Or. 7958 (2), below, is a transliteration of this text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 165. (3) pp. 43-67. Acehnese. Right pages only. Beukeumeunan. A transliteration of this text is contained in MS Leiden Or. 7960, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 228. (4) pp. 68-76. Acehnese. Right pages only. Beukeumeunan. A transliteration of this text is contained in MS Leiden Or. 7960, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 228. (5) pp. 77-83. Acehnese. Right pages only. Beukeumeunan. A transliteration of this text is contained in MS Leiden Or. 7960, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 228. (6) f. 83b. Arabic. Ta`bir al-Ru’ya. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 485 (No. 1053) II. (7) ff. 84b-85b. Malay. Obat. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 485 (No. 1053) III. (8) ff. 85b-88b. Malay. Silsilah Raja-raja yang kerajaan dalam negeri Aceh Darussalam, beginning with Sultan Johan Syah who came from the Middle East in 611/1215 and resided at Kandang Aceh; and Sultan Ri`ayat Syah who ascended the throne in 665/1267 and moved his residence to the present Dalam. Ending with the reign of Sultan Mahmud bin Sultan Sulaiman (19th century). An abridged and corrupt version of the Silsilah in Adat Aceh. See G.W.J. Drewes & P. Voorhoeve, Adat Atjèh. Reproduced in facsimile from a manuscript in the India Office Library. The Hague 1958 (Verhandelingen KITLV 24). See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 485 (No. 1053) IV. (9) ff. 89b-90b. Malay. Fasal hulubalang duabelas. About the the rulers of the three sagi of Greater Aceh and other ulèebalang. With notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the recto pages. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 485 (No. 1053) V. (10) f. 91b. Malay. Adat Raja-raja. On the prerogative of the Sultan to inflict certain punishments. With notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the recto pages. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 485-486 (No. 1053) VI. (11) f. 92b. Malay. Kutika. About the lucky days for building a house. See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 485-486 (No. 1053) VII. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2576)

Or. 7958 Collection H.Dj. 5/6 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 129 pp. (1) pp. 1-32. Hikayat Soydina Usen, or tuanteu Usen. A transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7958 (1), below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 164. (2) pp. 33-129, right halves only. Hikayat Muhamat Napiah. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7957 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 165. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2658) Or. 7959 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 56 Acehnese, paper, 22 x 17 cm, 39 pp. Hikayat Muhamat Napiah. Copy of MS Jakarta Ml. 95b. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 165. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2577) Or. 7960 Collection H.Dj. 2-4 Acehnese, paper, folio, 118 pp., right halves only. Beukeumeunan. Transliteration of the three Beukeumeunan works contained in MS Leiden Or. 7957 (3-5), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 228-229. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2657) Or. 7961 a-b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 3 Collective of two volumes with texts in Acehnese, with some Malay and Arabic, paper, 24 x 19 cm, 159 pp., 2 vols. (1) pp. 1-23. Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. MS Leiden Or. 8168, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. That latter manuscript is the basis of the edition with Dutch translation in J.J.C.H. van Waardenburg, De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, pp. 62-109. See on this work also the review by G.W.J. Drewes, in TBG 77 (1937), pp. 519-523. Van Waardenburg tells his readers that MS Leiden Or. 8168 (which he does not refer to by its class-mark) was a copy made of a manuscript in the Snouck Hurgronje collection, which could not, when he was working on the text, be found. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 138, where there is an extensive discussion on the Arabic origins of the present work. See also the remark about supplementing passages to Hikayat Nabi Usuih, given under MS Leiden Or. 7964 a, below. (2) pp. 24-99, 100-157. Hikayat Nabi Usuih. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 142. Right pages, pp. 32-37 right pages also.

(3) pp. 158-159. Acehnese, Malay, Arabic. Du`a tulak bala. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 209. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2578 - 2579) Or. 7962 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 3 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 65 pp. (1) pp. 1-61. Acehnese. Hikayat Nabi Usuih. The beginning is missing, the first page is damaged. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 142. (2) pp. 62-65. Arabic. Munagat, to be recited after the salat al-`isha’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 233. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2580) Or. 7963 a Collection H.Dj. 38 Acehnese, paper, folio, 248 pp., right halves only. Hikayat Nabi Usuih. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7961 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 142. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2686 a) Or. 7963 b Collection H.Dj. 38 Acehnese, paper, folio, 312 pp., right halves only. Hikayat Nabi Usuih. Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7963a, and therefore a second copy of the transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7961 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 142. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2686 b) Or. 7964 a-b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 3 Acehnese and Malay, European laid paper, 84 + 97 ff., 15.5 x 10.5 cm, 15 and 17 lines to the page, two unbound or loosely bound sets of quires, sewn together. (a) Acehnese. 84 ff. Illuminated opening (f. 4a). Incomplete copy of Hikayat Nabi Usuih (abrupt end on f. 84b). ‘This is apparently the copy referred to on the last page of vol. 1’ of Or. 7961 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 142. Preceding the main text (ff. 4a-84b) are some shorter text, Qur’anic and other. (b) Malay. 97 ff. Kitab al-Gima`. About the consummation of the copulation, then the do`a concerned and ritual washing. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 486 (No. 1054).

Iskandar mentions as MS Leiden Or. 7964 a, a collective volume with texts in Acehnese. For MS Leiden Or. 7964 b he mentions a text in Malay. ¶ These two entities are kept together in one portfolio (Mal 2581). On the cover sheet for MS Leiden Or. 7964a P. Voorhoeve has written: ‘a en b waren samen één nummer in de bruikleencollectie; het is echter de vraag of ze wel bij elkaar horen. In b werd het briefje aangetroffen waarop: Hadji Hasan (Moestapa?, 1852-1930), Kampong baroe.’ Would he be an earlier provenance of at least MS Leiden Or. 7964 (b)? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2581] Or. 7964 a former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 3 Acehnese, European paper, 15.5 x 10.5 cm, 84 ff., naskh script, illumination (f. 4a), part of paper front cover still preserved, with part of title on pasted slip: ‘… in prang Sama’, cover (= f. 1) of used paper. ff. 3b-1a. Shorter texts, mostly in Arabic, written from the other direction (now upside down). ff. 3b. Sura 1 and sura 114 of the Qur’an. ff. 3a-2b. The final part of a creed, with Qur’anic texts (the Mu`awwidhatan) partly written over it. f. 2a. Sura 1 of the Qur’an, and other shorter lines of text. On ff. 1a-b several fragments of text in Malay or Acehnese. ff. 4a-84b. Hikayat Nabi Usuih. Incomplete (abrupt end). Illuminated heading (f. 4a). This is apparently the copy referred to on the last page of vol. 1 of MS Leiden Or. 7961 (2), above. It was sent by District Officer Van Vuuren to C. Snouck Hurgronje from Meulaboh in 1896, and it is the original for passages in MS Leiden Or. 7961 (2), above, which were taken to supplement the Kutaraja MS. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 142. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Mal. 2581] Or. 7964 b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 3 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 15.5 x 10.5 cm, 97 ff., naskh script, illuminations (ff. 39a, 64a), drawing (f. 19b), sewn, without binding. (1) ff. 1a-10b. Hikayat Abu Samaih. Incomplete (abrupt beginning and end). See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 166. (2) ff. 11a-39b. Hikayat Tujoh kisah. Incomplete (abrupt beginning). The last book only, named haba ceuruga, with at the end a description of Paradise. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 177. On f. 19b an illustration: drawing, with names of a number of holy women: Khadiga, `A’isha, Maymuna, Fatima. On f. 39a, around the final text some illumination with floral motives. (3) ff. 40a-64a. Wasiet. One or more exhortative hikayats. Initially in connection with the wording of the surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1) and surat al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112). The texts on ff. 40a43b agree with MS London, SOAS, 41755, pp. 50-54. See M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain. Oxford 1977, p. 1. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216, where further references are given. Colophon, without specific detail, except that the text is in Basa Aceh, on f. 64a, where also the beginning of a simple illumination. (4) ff. 64b-83a. The second book of Hikayat Tujoh kisah, namely Hikayat Nabi Adam (title on f. 83a). See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 177. (5) ff. 83b-89a. On ff. 83b-84a is a prayer in Arabic. On ff. 84a-89a is a text in Malay on the Prophet Muhammad and several holy women, of whom are also mentioned: Fatima, Khadiga, `A’isha. Beginning: Fasal ini peri pada menyatakan tarbatat (?) panghulu kita Nabi Muhammad Rasul Allah … Ritual washing is mentioned as well. (6) ff. 89a-96b. The third book of Hikayat Tujoh kisah. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 177. Note that the leaf of ff. 97a-b is the remnant of a cover, made of used paper, displaying unrelated text and pen trials in Arabic, and showing on the outside a small sticker with a number (‘3’). ¶ Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 486 (No. 1054), is somewhat confusing about the present volume. He mentions for MS Leiden Or. 7964 B only a Malay text, which he titles Kitab al-Gima`. This title is not found in the present manuscript. The only text which might be identified as such a work on copulation is the text on ff. 83b-89a, which is not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* in Mal. 2581] Or. 7965 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 4 Acehnese, paper, 31 pp. Hikayat Teungku di Meukek. MS Leiden Or. 8167, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. Title: Hikayat prang Meulaboh ngon Teungku di Meukek, or Prang Rudeng. A note on the title-page says (in Dutch) ‘Author: Tgk. Malem, whose son was a sadati and a cause of contention between chieftains, and so was interned in Meulaboh (see pp. 8-9). Received from District Officer Van Vuuren, May 1896’. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 63. The text has been published in G.W.J. Drewes, Two Acehnese poems. The Hague 1980, pp. 47 ff. Earlier provenance: Received from District Officer Van Vuuren, May 1896. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2582) Or. 7966 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 5 Acehnese, paper, cash book, 60 pp. Hikayat maripat. MS Leiden Or. 7967, below, is a copy of the present manuscript. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 188. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2583)

Or. 7967 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 5 Acehnese, paper, 32 pp. Hikayat maripat. Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7967, above. MS Leiden Or. 7968, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 188. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2584) Or. 7968 Collection H.Dj. 8 Acehnese, paper, 52 pp. Hikayat maripat. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7967, above. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 188. ¶ Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 360, erroneously mentions this class-mark, whereas it should be MS Leiden Or. 7698. Ekadjati mentions Or. 7968 once more (pp. 304-305), where the class-mark should have been MS Leiden Or. 7868. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2660) Or. 7969 a-b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, pp. 1-98, 99-152, 2 vols. Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. MS B in Amshoff’s edition. The personal copy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), which is the only one containing the appendix with the story of Gumbak Meuih’s son Mirak Diwangga. Snouck Hurgronje’s summary in The Acehnese is based on the present MS. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef . Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2585 – Mal. 2586) Or. 7970 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, 128 pp., dated 1325 AH (?, 1907-1908).

Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. An elaborate version. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2587) Or. 7971 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, 112 ff., dated 1290 AH. Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. MS C in Amshoff’s edition: ‘sloppily written’. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p., n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See P. Voorhoeve (with T. Iskandar and M. Durie), Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and other collections outside Aceh. Leiden 1994, pp. 92-96. Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) through the intermediary of Mr. Van Rijn van Alkemade in 1897. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2588) Or. 7972 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, 95 ff., dated 1297 AH. Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak.

See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2589) Or. 7973 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, 177 pp. Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. MS D in Amshoff’s edition. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from his pupil Levie de Vries in December 1926. The latter had acquired the manuscript from the estate of Mr. Velsing. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2590) Or. 7974 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, 158 pp., Batik wrapper. Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. MS A in Amshoff’s edition. ‘Meticulously written without a proper ending’. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2591)

Or. 7975 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 6 Acehnese, paper, 99 ff., Arabic script. Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef,. Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2592) Or. 7976 Collection H.Dj. 5 Acehnese, paper, 316 pp., Latin script, copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin. Transliterated copy of MS Leiden Or. 7969, above, being Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. The original is MS B in Amshoff’s edition, and was the personal copy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (18571936), which is the only one containing the appendix with the story of Gumbak Meuih’s son Mirak Diwangga. Snouck Hurgronje’s summary in The Acehnese is based on the original of the present MS. See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden 1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak. See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974. There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in Malay is in MS Leiden MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2705) Or. 7977 a-e former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 7 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic, paper, naskh script, text on the right pages only, 4 volumes (writing books, uniformly bound in black cloth with labels on the spine (containing the title, now very much faded), in all containing 335 ff. (consecutive numbering through the four volumes), plus ff. 59-98 (a separate numbering for the additional

texts in the fourth volume of the set, for the texts following text No. 1, dated 1309 AH (p. 355, in vol. 5). (1) Vols. 1-4. 355 ff. Hikayat Malem Diwandak. Complete copy. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 90. MS Leiden Or. 7978, below, is a transliteration of this text. The final leaves (ff. 344-355) contain a list of names. MS Leiden Or. 7977 e is an index to the text. The text is distributed over the volumes as follows: vol. 1: ff. 1-98, vol. 2: ff. 99-201, vol. 3: ff. 202-299, vol. 4: ff. 300-355. (2) ff. 59b-70b. After a short introduction in prose on the upper half of f. 59b follows `Aqidat al`Awamm by Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. Arabic text of Nalam She Mareuduki (See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 234, where the translation is identified as Acehnese), with interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19 (where the translation is said to be in Malay). Title in last line of the poem, on f. 69b. Arabic text in red ink. First line in Arabic, with the translation (f. 59b):

)‫(بسمةل‬ ‫ابدأ بسم هللا الرحامن * وابلرحمي دامئ الاحسان‬ ‫اك مول دڠن انم هللا رحامن * دڠن رحمي براكلكن دامل احسان‬ (3) ff. 71b-97b. Arabic, Acehnese. Six paraenetical poems with interlinear translation in Malay. The different poems are on ff. 71b-79b, 80b-82b (with of completion of the original in 1290 AH on f. 82b), ff. 83b-88b (with date of completion of the original on 8 Shawwal 1290 AH on f. 88b), ff. 89b-90b, ff. 91b-95b (with date of completion of the original on 4 Gumada II 1290 AH in Mukim Teulabeu, and on ff. 95b-97b. ‘Translated in Acehnese in 1296-1297 AH’ according to Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 426. The first of these poems, now with Acehnese translation, is identical to MS Utrecht Or. 52a, being an addition to Utrecht MS Or. 52, which is a Qur’an from Aceh (Utrecht catalogue of 1887, No. 1433). Arabic text in red ink, translation in black ink. The first pair of lines of Arabic and translation (f. 71b):

)‫(بسمةل‬ ‫اي صاح ما هذا العام * احلب يف ادلنيا ملا‬ ‫اجلوع فهيا والظام * اهلم والشغل الطويل‬ ‫ويه تولن مڠاف بوات * اكس يه اكن دنيا كران افا‬ ‫ال فرد هاك يڠ ادا پتا * هلل فايه بميبڠ طويل‬ MS Leiden Or. 7977e is loosely inserted in MS Leiden Or. 7977 d. It consists of four sheets, folded once. These contain a modest index of the Hikayat Malem Diwandak. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2593, Mal. 2594, Mal. 2595, Mal. 2596] Or. 7978 Collection H.Dj. 13 Acehnese, paper, 803 pp.

Hikayat Malem Diwandak. Complete copy. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7977 (1), above. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 90. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2666) Or. 7979 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 8 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 24 x 19 cm. (1) pp. 100-125. Menhajoy abidin. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 8172, below, is a translitration of the present manuscript. See also MS Leiden Or. 7992 (10), below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 187. (2) pp. 126-141. Hikayat Peudeueng. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 162. (3) pp. 142-145. Meunajat by Ceh Marabahan. MS Leiden Or. 7980 (2), below, is a transliteration of this text. (4) pp. 146-154. Acehnese. Hikayat Printaih Salam. The story would, according to MS Leiden Or. 7254 (1), above, be part of the Tambihoy Ensan. MS Leiden Or. 7980 (3), below, is a transliteration of the present MS. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 161. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2597) Or. 7980 Collection H.Dj. 25-27 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, (1) pp. 1-44. Hikayat Peudeueng. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 162. (2) pp. 45-54. Meunajat by Ceh Marabahan Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7979 (3), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 207. (3) pp. 56-85. Hikayat Printaih Salam. The story would, according to MS Leiden Or. 7254 (1), above, be part of the Tambihoy Ensan. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7979 (4), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 161. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2675) Or. 7981 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 9 Acehnese, paper, 101 ff. Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Complete copy. MS Leiden Or. 7984, below, is a transliteration of this copy. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 237238. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2598)

Or. 7982 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 9 Acehnese, paper, 71 pp. (no p. 44). Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Complete copy. On p. 71 are niet (niyyat) formulas. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 237-238. Earlier provenance: War booty (?). Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2599) Or. 7983 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 9 Acehnese, paper, 147 pp., from Geudong, 1898. Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Complete copy. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 237-238. Earlier provenance: War booty? Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2600) Or. 7984 Collection H.Dj. 11 Acehnese, paper, 176 pp. Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Complete copy. A transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7981, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 237-238. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2663) Or. 7985 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 10 Acehnese, paper, 306 pp., Arabic script, copied by H. Mohamad. Incomplete copy (end missing) of Hikayat Malem Diwa. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 82. Earlier provenance: Given to Snouck Hurgronje by K.F.H. van Langen in 1891. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2601) Or. 7986 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 10 Acehnese, (old) paper, 203 pp., Arabic script. Hikayat Malem Diwa. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts ( 1994), p. 82. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2602) Or. 7987 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 10 Acehnese, paper, 288 pp., Arabic script.

Hikayat Malem Diwa. Pp. 1-5 are the beginning of the Hikayat. Pp. 6-288 on different paper, in a different hand. The two parts do not fit together. End complete. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 82-83. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2603) Or. 7988 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 10 Acehnese, paper, 5 pp., Arabic script. A fragment only, possibly from Hikayat Malem Diwa. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 83. Earlier provenance: War booty? Found in Awe Geutah (Peusangan), in June 1899. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2604) Or. 7989 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 10 Acehnese, paper, 84 ff. Hikayat Malem Diwa. Ff. 1-6 connect, then there is a lacuna; ff. 7-80 connect; f. 81 does not link up; ff. 82-84 connect. No beginning, no end. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 83. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgro.nje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2605) Or. 7990 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 10 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, pp., ?? script. (1) pp. 1-3. A small fragment only of Hikayat Cam Nadiman. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 96. (2) 268 pp. Hikayat Malem Diwa. Marginal notes, not by Snouck Hurgronje. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 82. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2606) Or. 7991 Collection H.Dj. 75 Acehnese, paper, 421 + 6 pp., roman (?) script. Transliteration of the MS which is now registered as MS Leiden Or. 14.177 a-b, below, being Hikayat Malem Diwa. With collation notes by Hoesein Djajadiningrat (1886-1960) from a manuscript referred to as MS A. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 82. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2722)

Or. 7992 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 11 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, with some Malay and Arabic, paper, 24 x 19 cm, 100 ff., text on the right pages only. On f. 100b is a table of contents, in Dutch, written by C. Snouck Hurgronje, which is followed hereunder, full-cloth bound standard writing book with label on spine (for title, now very much faded). (1) pp. 1-25. Hikayat Tamlikha, or Eelia Tujoh. MS Leiden Or. 7994, below, is a transliteration of this text. MS B in the edition by H.T. Damsté, ‘De legende van de Heilige Zeven Slapers in het Atjèhsch’, in BKI 98 (1939), pp. 407-488. See also H.T. Damsté, ‘Nog iets over de zeven slapers’, in BKI 101 (1942), pp. 403-404. A copy of this text is added in pencil in MS Leiden Or. 8744, below. On f. 31 the text is referred to as the Azimat of (follow the names of the Seven Sleepers). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 146. (2) pp. 26-31. Several Du`a’, in Malay, Acehnese and Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210. (3) p. 31. Three recipes. (4) p. 32. Niat mandi pada bulan Safar. (5) p. 33. Du`a’. Prayer against the Dutch. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210. (6) pp. 34-37. Hikayat basa Jawoe. Short version (93 verse). MS Leiden Or. 7995 (1), below, is a copy of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994): p. 244. (7) pp. 38-39. Nalam rukon seumayang. Prescriptions for the seumayang. Preceded by a line from the Nalam Jawoe. There are various works by Ceh Marabahan in this volume and it is not impossible that this also is by him, and that this is the manuscript meant by C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese. Leiden 1906, section XCVII, where it received its title by error, because of the preceding line of Nalam Jawoe. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 241. (8) p. 40. Hikayat Oteubahoy rolam. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 168. (9) pp. 41-48. Hikayat Habib Hadat. Ca’e Hadat, Syair Haddad. The Arabic poem of 68 verse by `Abdallah al-Haddad, with Acehnese rendering in nalam form by Ceh Muhamat Marabahan. With postscript by the translator on pp. 46-48. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 204. (10) pp. 49-99. Menhajoy abidin. MS Leiden Or. 8172, below, is a translitration of the present manuscript. See also MS Leiden Or. 7979 (1), above. Acehnese rhymed translation of the Minhag al-`Abidin by al-Ghazali (d. 505/1111). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 187. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [*Mal. 2609] Or. 7993

former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 11

Acehnese, lined paper, 21 x 17 cm, 62 pp. Hikayat Tamlikha, or Eelia Tujoh. MS A in the edition by H.T. Damsté, ‘De legende van de Heilige Zeven Slapers in het Atjèhsch’, in BKI 98 (1939), pp. 407-488. See also H.T. Damsté, ‘Nog iets over de zeven slapers’, in BKI 101 (1942), pp. 403-404. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 145. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2610) Or. 7994 Collection H.Dj. 18 Acehnese, paper, folio, 64 pp., right halves only. Hikayat Tamlikha, or Eelia Tujoh. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7992 (1), above, which is MS B in the edition by H.T. Damsté, ‘De legende van de Heilige Zeven Slapers in het Atjèhsch’, in BKI 98 (1939), pp. 407-488. See also H.T. Damsté, ‘Nog iets over de zeven slapers’, in BKI 101 (1942), pp. 403-404. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 146. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2671) Or. 7995 Collection H.Dj. 19/2-3 Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, with some Arabic, machine-made lined paper, pages numbered 65-74 and 97-165 bound together, 34.2 x 22.2 cm, Latin script, with some quotations in Arabic script, modern half-cloth binding. Working copies of several Acehnese texts. Occasional notes by P. Voorhoeve, both in pencil and in ink. (1) pp. 65-74. Hikayat basa Jawoe. Short version (93 verse). Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7992 (6), above. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 244. Old number: No. 19. (2) pp. 97-112. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864, Seh Mareudoeki), GAL S II, 990. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 8138 (5), below. According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s copy: 898 A 2-3]. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 223. Old number: No. 20. (3) pp. 113-128. Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté Ceureumèn. Copy of 8138 (2), below. There exist two printed editions of the Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat Akeubaro Karim. Karangan Teungku Seumatang (followed by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345 / 1926. [8201 E 39]) and Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph?, Madjmoe rasail dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang kedoea Aqidat al-awwamm, dan lain-lain. By `Abd Allah b. Ibrahim dan Toeankoe Radja Keumala. Koetaradja, 1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant readings of its own. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 151-152. Arabic text of the Mawlid included. Old number: No. 21.

(4) pp. 129-140. Seulaweuet, or Rateb inong by Asaj Noe Moehamat. With Arabic text. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 8138 (4), below. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 168. Old number: No. 22. (5) pp. 141-161. Ca’e Hadat, Syair Haddad, Saré Hadat. The Arabic poem of 68 verse by `Abdallah al-Haddad, with Acehnese rendering in nalam form by Ceh Muhamat Marabahan. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 8138 (3). Complete text. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 204. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Old number: No. 23. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. [* Mal. 2672] Or. 7996 a-b former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 12 Acehnese, paper, 24 x 19 cm, 2 vols., 198 pp. (right pages only), dated 1309 AH (1892-1893). Hikayat Indrapatra. MS Leiden Or. 7997, below, is a transliteration of the present volumes. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 104. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2611 - Mal. 2612) Or. 7997 Collection H.Dj. 29 Acehnese, paper, folio, 362 pp. (right halves only). Hikayat Indrapatra. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7996, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 104. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2677) Or. 7998 a-c former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 13 Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., and a sheaf, 115 + 3 + 12 pp., dated 1305 AH. Hikayat Peulandok kance. Copy made for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). The last part, pp. 114 line 9 – 115, line 23, containing the end of bhaih 26 and the beginning of bhaih 27, has been added by Tgk. M. Nerdin. This ends abruptly. The missing last part has been added in the transliteration (MS Leiden Or. 8001, below). The left pages and the margins are filled with pencilled notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje, principally of lexicographical nature. A summary of contents in Dutch follows, written by C. Snouck Hurgronje (3 pp.). There is also a separate quire (MS Leiden Or. 7998 c) of 12 ff., containing a List of personal, animal and plant names in the Hikayat plandok (13 pp.), written in Arabic script by Tgk. M. Noerdin with many notes in Latin script by Snouck Hurgronje. Also contained in the sheaf are: I. Transliteration by Snouck Hurgronje of the part beginning on p. 3 line 13 (3 pp. from a dictation book). II. Bhaih 13, transliterated and translated into Dutch as the Master’s thesis (doctoraal scriptie) of G.W.J. Drewes (a double folio).

III. Bhaih 16, transliterated and translated into Dutch as the Master’s thesis (doctoraal scriptie) of S.J. Esser (8 pp. writing book). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 133-134. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2613 – Mal. 2614) Or. 7999 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 13 Acehnese, paper, 52 ff. Hikayat Peulandok kance. Beginning with bhaih 13, then bhaih 20 follows. f. 52 does not belong here, it is a fragment of a Hikayat Malem Diwa. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 134, where remarks on differences with other versions are given. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2615) Or. 8000 former Loan Snouck Hurgronje Atj. 13 Acehnese, paper, 142 ff. Hikayat Peulandok kance. A very divergent redaction, often interrupted by long discursions of the writer. Enclosed is a passage in transliteration, possibly written by W.M. Remeeüs. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 134-135. Provenance: C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936. (Mal. 2616)

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