Work Book Chapter 1 [PDF]

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Chapter I Let Me Introduce Myself. The students are able to:  Introducing yourself and others.  Talking about nationality Grammar Focus:  Pronoun  Verb “to be”

GRADE X English Learning Material Teacher: Dini Widiastut, S.Pd,Gr.

About Teacher. Name

: Dini Widiastuti, S.Pd, Gr.

Date of birth

: December 20th, 1992.


: Moslem


: 28 years old


: Reading and Teaching

Educational Background


2010-2014 : Tidar University (English Department) 2017

: Jakarta State University (UNJ) Teacher Professional Program (PPG)

Contact Person by WA

: 081 231 132 169

Social Media (ig)

: @diniwidi.ast


: [email protected]

Hello, everyone! I am very glad to see you as the new students of SMK KESDAM IV, DIPONEGORO Magelang. Happy studying my great students! We will study together in Academic Year 2021/2022. I hope I can be a good facilitator to all of you. If you get some difficulties in our class, you can ask me anytime. I have some rules in my English class, they are: (saya memiliki beberapa aturan di kelas Bahasa Inggris, diantaranya: ) 1.

You have to respect each other (saling menghormati)


You have to involve in English class by Zoom/google classroom on time (kamu harus bergabung di kelas Bahasa Inggris tepat waktu)


You have to ask permission to your teacher if you cannot join the class (minta izin kepada guru mu jika kamu tidak dapatmengikuti pelajaran)


You have to do the task or assignment responsibly. (kamu harus mengerjakan latihan atau penilaian dengan penuh tanggung jawab)


Ask your teacher by classroom or by WA if you get difficulties (tanyakan pada gurumu melalui classroom atau WA jika mengalami kesulitan)

MEETING I INTRODUCTION YOUSELF and OTHERS Read and Study the following short profile. H e l l o , m y n 20 1994. I’m 25 and live in Queensland, Australia. So, I’m is an Australian. I love learning English because it is beautiful language and spoken by many people in all over the world. M y j o b i s m bustling. People love many coffee because it has many different flavors from many different countries. Being a barista is my passion and I enjoy my profession.



Adapted from: Forward English for Vocational School. Page 2.

Information about Keith Full name

Elena Keith

Short name


Date of Birth

December 20th 1994




25 years old


Barista coffee and entrepreneur

Difficult words: 1. Live : tinggal 2. Learning : belajar 3. Serving : menyajikan 4. Bustling : ramai 5. Different : berbeda 6. Flavors : rasa/aroma 7. Passion : bakat 8. Profession : pekerjaan

9. Entrepreneur : wirausaha Note/catatan: When you want to introduce yourself, at least you have to tell your full name, short name, place and date of birth, age, nationality, religion, and job description. Some additional information such as your hobby, your favorite things, also about your family can be involved in when you introduce yourself to others. (ketika kamu ingin memperkenalkan diri, sedikitnya kamu harus memberitahu tentang nama panjang, nama panggilan, tempat dan tanggal lahir, umur, kebangsaan, agama, dan deskripsi pekerjaan. Beberapa informasi tambahan seperti kegemaran, sesuatu yang kamu sukai, juga tentang keluargamu dapat disertakan ketika kamu memperkenalkan diri pada seseorang.)

How do you introduce yourself in formal and informal situation?


(Monolog 1) Formal

(Monolog 2) Informal

Hallo.., I should tell you something about Hallo everyone. Do you know me before? Ok, myself. I am Rahul. I am a boy. I am three never mind. Let me introduce myself. My name years old. I live in Yogyakarta. My mother’s is Vanda Praditya Widarta. You can call me name is Gita. My father’s name is Gobin. I Vanda, just Vanda. I was born in Jember on have a sister. Her name is Reno. I go to SMK May 18th 1899. Its mean I am 20 years old right KESDAM because I want to be a nurse. I like now. Now I live in merica street in South going to school very much.

Tangerang. I am interest in reading and travelling.

Questions and Responses to show introduction

Questions: What is your name? How can I call you? How old are you? Where do you live? Where were you born? When were you born? What is your hobby?

Study the following dialog!

Responses: My name is… You can call me/just call me…. I am…years old I live in…. at… I was born in….. I was born on…. My hobby is…/my hobbies are….


of the dialogu/simpulan:

 The dialog above is about three people at the office. (percakapan diatasa adalah tentang tiga orang yang sedang berbincang-bincang di kantor)  The woman introduce her friends to Sarah. Her friend’s name is Thomas Seorang perempuan memperkanalkan temanya kepada Sarah. Temanya bernama Thomas)  Thomas will be the their project manager (Thomas akan menjadi manager project di kantor mereka)  Sarah greets Thomas by saying “ It’s nice meeting you” and “how do you do” (Sarah menyapa Thomas dengan berkata “senang bertemu dengan mu” dan “apa kabar mu?”)  Thomas response to Sarah by saying “nice to meet you too” and “I’m doing great,thanks” (Thomas merespin sarah dengan berkata “senang juga bertemu dangan mu” dan “aku baik-baik saja”)

LEARNING EXPRESSIONS INTRODUCING YOURSELF The following are some expressions you can use to introduce yourself: 

My name is….


I was born in… (name of City) on….(day/month/year)

I would like to introduce myself. I am….

Let me introduce myself. My name is….

Nice to meet you. I’m….

INTRODUCING OTHERS Here are some expressions to introduce others: 

Nabila, I’d like to introduce my friend. Her/his name is….

Tania, this is Anthony, the one that I told you before.

Maria, have you met Irene?

Dian, he is Reza, he is my classmate.


Study the dialog then write a personal information about agan and eka! Agan : Hi! My name is Agan Syahreza. Just call me Agan. I am from Bondowoso, East Java. What is your name? Eka

: Hi, Agan. I am Eka Fitria. People call me Eka.

Agan : Nice to see you, Eka. Where are you from? Eka

: It’s nice to meet you,too. I am from Cibodas, West Java.

Agan : By the way, how old are you, Eka? Eka

: I was born in 1992, so I’m twenty seven years old. What about you?

Agan : I am twenty nine years old. I was born earlier than you. Eka

: Are you study?

Agan : No, I’m not. I’m an Editor. What about you? What do you do, Eka? Eka

: I’m an anesthetist nurse at Fatmawati Hospital.

Agan : How long have you worked there? Eka

: Almost four years. I live with my family here at Dago street number 17. My father is a police


my mother is a nurse. What about you, Agan? Do you live with your family? Agan : No, I’m not. My family is in Bondowoso. I live in a boarding house at Merdeka Street number 25, next to the coffee shop. Adapted from: Forward English Grade X,Vocational High Svhool, page 9.

Full name

Agan : Agan Syahreza

Full name

Eka : Eka Fitria

Short name : Agan

Short name : Eka


: Merdeka street number 26


: Dago street number 17


:twenty nine years old


: twenty eight years old


: Sundanesse


: Javaneese


: Editor


: Anesthesist

Let’s Practice! Complete the following dialogue with suitable expression!



: Good morning everybody, we have a new classmate today.


: Hallo, _____________________. My name Dian Sastro. Just call me Dian. I am from Bali, so I am Balinese. Nice to see you.


: Nice to meet you Dian. Welcome to our class.

a. I would like to tell you b. May I introduce myself to you c. Let me introduce my friend d. I want to tell you about myself 2.


: ___________________________?


: Of course. My name is Nathalia. You can call me Thalia. I am fresh graduate student from SMK Kesdam IV/Dip. I am eighteen years old.

a. What is your name? b. How are you? c. Are you a teacher? d. Can you tell me about yourself? 3.


: Excuse me, may I come in?

The manager

: Of course, have a sit please!


: God morning, Sir. I am Grabriela, the new secretary in this office.

The manager

: HI, Gabriella. ____________________?


: You can call me Gabby.

a. How can I call you? b. What is your name? c. May I call you Gabby? d. How do you call me? 4.


: Sukma, I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Shinta.


: _________


: How do you do.

a. I’m fine thank you b. Very well, thank you. c. How do you do.

d. Good to see you. 5.

Mr. Agus

: __________________. He is new teacher at school.

Ms. Tyas

: Hi Mr. Riki. I am Tyas as an English teacher here. Nice to meet you Mr. Riki.

Mr. Riki

: Nice to meet you Ms. Tyas.

a. Let me introduce you to our new teacher b. Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Riki c. Have you ever met Mr. Riki? d. Do you know about mr. Riki? Hello! My name is Carmen. I am from El Salvador. I was born in 1989. My major is dance. I love dancing, but I also draw. My dream is to become a professional ballet dancer. I live in a house with an American family.

We live about 20 minutes from

campus. My address is 1320 Apple Street. My phone number is 850-254-2035. I have a car, so I usually drive my car to school. I enjoy dancing, of course, and I also enjoy walking my dog. I have a really small dog! My friends and I love to stretch and exercise together. Our bodies must be healthy and strong, so we can be good dancers.


Where does Carmen live? She lives at 13 20 apple street.


What does Carmen like to do? She likes dancing and drawing.


Where does she come from? She comes from El Salvador


How does Carmen go to school? She goes to school by driving her own car.


How old is Carmen now? She is 32 years old.

Exercise 1 Read the following text then answer the questions provided!

Maulidya Laurens is a new student in my class. She comes from London. Her father, Mr Peter Laurens, is an Englishman and her mother Mrs Anisa, is an Indoneasian. Her mother met her father when she studied business in London. They were classmate at college. After they graduated from college, they got married and lived in London.

Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Note: do the following task using this link No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Statement Maulidya Laurens comes from London. Her father is a Dutch man. Her mother is a Javanese woman. Her mother and her father met when they studied at college. Maulidya Laurens is fifteen years old girl. She has blonde hair and black eyes. She is five foot fifteen tall. Maulidya Laurend is a helpful person. Her favorite book is an architecture. She wants to become an architect. Zaha Hadid is an important person in Laurens’s life. Coffee shop is Lauren’s favorite place to go. She like wearing short skirt and a hair pin. Her hobbies are reading book and playing basketball. She is good at math lesson

MEETING 3 : GRAMMAR FOCUS Subject and Object Pronoun

True (T)

False (F)

What is pronoun? is a word that replace a noun in a sentence. Example: Tiara is a teacher.

Tiara is a teacher.

Tiara teaches English.

She teaches English.

Tiara’s teaching style is amazing.

Her teaching style is amazing.

What is subject pronoun?

A subject pronoun does the action in a sentence. Example: Action word (verb) She works on computer.

Doing the action (subject pronoun)

What is object pronoun? An object pronoun is the pronoun that receives the action. Example: He looks at me.

Receiving the action (object pronoun)

Doing the action (subject pronoun)






I You He She We They It

me you him her us them it

I have a new story book, my mother bought it for me. You saw him, but he didn’t see you. He is my sister. I always go to school with him. She is my teacher. I always pay attention to her. We study at 6 a.m. That was too early for us. They are my parents. I love them very much. The book is on the table. Pick it up!

Read the following text. Then identify which sentence shows subject pronoun and object pronoun.

Jordan is a new member of the English Club. He is an X.B student. His father is an English teacher in Duta Bangsa School and his mother is a librarian. His parents like reading English books and magazine. His parents always help him study English. Jordan is a sixteen years old boy. He has black straight hair and brown eyes. He is about six foot tall. He likes wearing a brown hat and casual shirt. He is very good at English. His pronunciation is like an Englishman. Club members always ask him how to pronounce words correctly. He also asks them to practice pronouncing words. He loves helping people who want to learn English.

Checking Understanding! Choose the correct pronoun to the following sentence!


Can you help (I / me) with this box?


(I / me) always see (hey / them) at the school.


How do you teach (she / her) to play football?


(I / me) love (she / her) very much.


Would you like to have lunch with (I / me)?

Complete the following sentence using correct subject or object pronoun! 1.

Those book are good. I want read ….


Did you meet Maria yesterday? I phoned …. But no answer.


Rahma is very beautiful and smart girl. Do you know ….?


He is our new student. Tell …. About our school rules.


I cannot do this task alone. Can you help …?