2017 WMI Grade 7 Questions Part 1 [PDF]

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◎Problems 1-10. Six points each. Choose the best answer from (A) – (D) . 1~10 題每題 6 分,從(A) – (D)中選擇最佳的答案。 1~10 題每題 6 分,從(A) – (D)中選擇最佳的答案。 ────────────────────────────────────────── 1) What is the tens digit of 999092+888052+777072? 999092+888052+777072的十位數字是多少? 999092+888052+777072的十位數字是多少?

(A) 5

(B) 4

(C) 3

(D) 2

────────────────────────────────────────── 2) Suppose A and B are two different points on the number line. Which AB line segment of the below four choices contains two numbers that are additive inverse or opposite to each other? A、B是數線上兩點,線段AB上的點表示的數中,有互為相反數的是下列哪一個? A、B是數線上兩點,線段AB上的點表示的數中,有互為相反數的是下列哪一個?





────────────────────────────────────────── 3)

If a=(-5)15-(-5)16, b=(-0.6)12-(-0.6)14, c=(-1.5)10-(-1.5)11, which one of the following four choices describes the relationship between a, b, and c? 若a=(-5)15-(-5)16、b=(-0.6)12-(-0.6)14、c=(-1.5)10-(-1.5)11,則三者的大小關 係為何? 若a=(-5)15-(-5)16、b=(-0.6)12-(-0.6)14、c=(-1.5)10-(-1.5)11,則三者的大小關 係為何?

(A) c>a>b

(B) c>b>a

(C) b>a>c

(D) b>c>a



It is known that 3 is the remainder when 99 is divided by a, and 70 is 2 short from being divisible by a. How many positive integers can a be? 已知99被a除餘3,且70被a除不足2,則正整數a之值可能有幾種情形? 已知99被a除余3,且70被a除不足2,則正整數a之值可能有幾種情形?

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 8

────────────────────────────────────────── 57 can be reduced to a fraction a b b c c in lowest terms , and that can be written as mixed fraction 2 where is a proper 8 8 8 8 fraction, find LCM(a-b,c).

5) Given a, b, and c are all positive integers. If an improper fraction

已知假分數 整數,且

57 b b c 約分為最簡分數時會等於 ,再將 化為帶分數得到 2 ,其中a、b、c均為正 a 8 8 8

c 為真分數,試問[a-b,c]=? 8


57 b b c 約分為最簡分數時會等於 ,再將 化為帶分數得到 2 ,其中a、b、c均為正 a 8 8 8


c 為真分數,試問[a-b,c]=? 8

(A) 6

(B) 10

(C) 12

(D) 15

────────────────────────────────────────── 6) On a xy coordinate plane, if lines ax-by=6 and 2x+y=4 intersect on x-axis, and lines ax-by=6 and 3x-y=3 intersect on y-axis. Find a+b. 直角坐標平面上,若直線ax-by=6與2x+y=4的交點在x軸上,ax-by=6與3x-y=3的交 點在y軸上,則a+b=? 直角坐標平面上,若直線ax-by=6與2x+y=4的交點在x軸上,ax-by=6與3x-y=3的交 點在y軸上,則a+b=?

(A) -1

(B) 1

(C) 3

(D) 5



If (2x+5y-7)2+|4x-2y|+|5x-

1 y+k|=0, find k. 2

1 (2x+5y-7)2+|4x-2y|+|5x- y+k|=0,求k=? 2 1 (2x+5y-7)2+|4x-2y|+|5x- y+k|=0,求k=? 2


7 3


9 2

(C) -

7 3

(D) -

9 2

────────────────────────────────────────── 8) As in the figure on the right, A (3,4), B (-3,2), and C (1,-3). What is the area of △ABC? 如右圖,直角坐標平面上,A(3,4)、B(-3,2)、C(1,-3), 求△ABC面積是多少? 如右圖,直角坐標平面上,A(3,4)、B(-3,2)、C(1,-3), 求△ABC面積是多少?

(A) 20

(B) 19

(C) 18

(D) 16

────────────────────────────────────────── 1 9) Given a linear graph y=f(x). If f(3) ≥ f(2), f(6) ≥ f(7), and f(-2)+f(-3)=10, find f( ). 2 1 線型函數y=f(x),已知f(3) ≥ f(2),f(6) ≥ f(7),且f(-2)+f(-3)=10,求f( )=? 2 1 線型函數y=f(x),已知f(3) ≥ f(2),f(6) ≥ f(7),且f(-2)+f(-3)=10,求f( )=? 2

(A) -1

(B) -2

(C) 5


1 2

────────────────────────────────────────── 10) Given an inequality a ≤ 2x+3 ≤ b, and the length of the interval that contains solutions for x is 12. Find b-a. 不等式a ≤ 2x+3 ≤ b解的範圍長度是12,則b-a=? 不等式a ≤ 2x+3 ≤ b解的範圍長度是12,則b-a=? (A) 15

(B) 21

(C) 24

(D) 27 3

◎Problems 11-15. Eight points each. Choose the best answer from (A) – (D) . 11~15 題每題 8 分,從(A) – (D)中選擇最佳的答案。 11~15 題每題 8 分,從(A) – (D)中選擇最佳的答案。 ────────────────────────────────────────── 11) Consider the figure on the right. If the sums of the three numbers in each row, each column or each diagonal are the same, find ★. 右圖是一個3×3的方陣,排列的規則為每一直排,橫列與 對角線中的三個數字總和都相等,請問★處的數是多少? 右圖是一個3×3的方陣,排列的規則為每一直列,橫排與 對角線中的三個數字總和都相等,請問★處的數是多少?

(A) -7

(B) 8

(C) -8

(D) 5

────────────────────────────────────────── 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12) Compute (1+ + + )×( + + + )-(1+ + + + )×( + + ). 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 計算(1+ + + )×( + + + )-(1+ + + + )×( + + )之值為何? 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 計算(1+ + + )×( + + + )-(1+ + + + )×( + + )之值為何? 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4

(A) -

1 4

(B) 1


1 2


1 5

────────────────────────────────────────── 13) Given a decimal in which its whole number part is x and its decimal number part is y with both x and y being one-digit numbers (x.y). Suppose the sum of x and y is 9. If x and y switch places, then four times this new decimal number (y.x) is 9 less than five times the original decimal. What is the absolute difference between x and y? 有一個小數,整數部分x和小數部分y都是一位數,x與y的和是9,今將整數部分x與小數部分 y對調位置,所得新數的4倍比原數的5倍少9,則原數的整數部分和小數部分相差多少? 有一個小數,整數部分x和小數部分y都是一位數,x與y的和是9,今將整數部分x與小數部分 y對調位置,所得新數的4倍比原數的5倍少9,則原數的整數部分和小數部分相差多少?

(A) 4

(B) 3

(C) 2

(D) 1


14) Both A and B are taking a walk on the same road with some speed and for some time. If the 1 1 distance A walked is longer than B's distance, but the time that A used is less than B's time, 5 3 what is the speed ratio of A to B? A和B各走一段路,A走的距離比B多

1 1 ,但時間卻比B少了 ,求A和B的速率比為何? 5 3


1 1 ,但時間卻比B少了 ,求A和B的速率比為何? 5 3

(A) 2:1

(B) 9:5

(C) 5:3

(D) 7:3

────────────────────────────────────────── 15) What is the largest integer n that satisfies n100<6150? 滿足n100<6150的最大整數n是多少? 滿足n100<6150的最大整數n是多少?

(A) 12

(B) 13

(C) 14

(D) 15