737NG Question [PDF]

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Engine 1. Reverse thrust can be selected with the forward thrust levers in what position? a. Maximum thrust position b. Forward thrust position c. Idle thrust position d. Any position 2. Each engine has two igniter plugs. The EEC arms the igniter plug(s) selected by the ignition select switch. The Left igniter plug receives power from the DC Standby bus while the Right igniter plug receives power from the AC standby bus. a. True b. False Note: The Left igniter receives power from the associated transfer bus.

3. Starter Cutout speed is: a. 25% b. 46% c. Approximately 50% d. Approximately 56% 4. An auto-relight capability is provided for flame-out protection. Whenever the EEC detects an engine flameout, both igniters are activated. A flameout is detected when: a. An uncommanded rapid decrease in N1 occurs b. An uncommanded rapid decrease in N1 occurs or N2 is below idle RPM c. An uncommanded rapid decrease in N2 occurs or N2 is below idle RPM d. An uncommanded rapid decrease in N1 occurs or N2 is below idle RPM or EGT is below 200°C 5. At low N2 values, the oil scavenge pump may not provide enough pressure to return oil to the tank, causing a low quantity indication. Normal oil quantity should be indicated after start. a. True b. False. 6. Which hydraulic system normally powers the thrust reversers? a. System A b. System B c. System A for engine No.1 & system B for Engine No.2 d. System A for engine No.2 & system B for Engine No.1 7. The EEC drives all engine indications except: a. Fuel flow & oil pressure b. Oil temperature & engine vibration c. Oil quantity & engine vibration d. Oil temperature, pressure & quantity indications

8. Loss of either DEU: a. Has no effect on EECs b. Results in a loss of signal to the affected EEC c. Results in a loss of signal to both EECs Note: The EEC lights illuminate and each EEC reverts to the alternate mode to prevent engines from operating on a single source of data.

9. If a wet start is detected, the EEC will automatically turn off ignition & shut off fuel to the engine: a. 15 seconds after the start valve opens during ground starts b. 15 seconds after the start lever is moved to idle during ground starts c. 10 seconds on the ground or 30 seconds in flight after the start lever is moved to idle d. No automatic shutdown is provided for a wet start. Note: A wet start occurs if the EGT does not rise after the start lever is moved to IDLE.

10. The amber DUAL BLEED light is illuminated before starting engines. What should you do? a. Nothing, this is normal condition b. Do not start the engines c. Shut down the APU d. Use a pneumatic ground cart for starting engines 11. The EEC automatically selects ground minimum idle, flight minimum idle and approach idle. Approach idle is selected in flight: a. Below approximately 12000 ft b. If flaps are greater than 1 or engine & wing anti-ice are ON c. If flaps are in landing configuration or engine anti-ice is ON for either engine d. Below 1500 ft, f flaps are greater than 1 or engine anti-ice is ON Note: This higher % RPM improves engine acceleration time in the event of a go-around.

12. Approach idle is maintained: a. Until after touchdown (60 KIAS) b. Until Reverser selection c. Until 84 KIAS d. Until after touchdown, when ground minimum idle is selected. 13. In flight, if a fault prevents the EEC from receiving flap or anti-ice signals, approach idle schedule begins: a. Below 20 000 feet MSL b. Below 15 000 feet MSL c. Below 10 000 feet MSL d. Below 5 000 feet MSL. 14. The EGT display, both box & dial, turn red and the EEC automatically turns off ignition and shut off fuel to the engine if: a. An impending hot start is detected during ground starts

b. An impending hot start is detected during ground starts or in flight starts c. The EGT exceeds the starting limit during ground starts d. The EGT exceeds the starting limit during ground or in flight starts. 15. Once activated, the DC operated fuel pump operates automatically until: a. The completion of the APU start cycle b. Once the APU is at governed speed, ready to acceptable load c. An AC fuel pump pressurizes the manifold d. APU shutdown 16. What are the indications that the engine starter has disengaged? a. The fuel LOW PRESSURE lights extinguish with N1 RPM 56% b. The start switch automatically returns to OFF, and the START VALVE OPEN light extinguishes c. An immediate increase in the N1 indication due to closure of the compressor bleed valves d. Start switch rotates to OFF and N2 RPM is stabilized (FUEL LOW PRESSURE extinguishes) 17. Engine oil pressure is in the yellow band at idle power. Which of the following is true? a. Acceptable, no action is necessary b. Normal, but requires continuous monitoring of the oil temperature c. Undesirable, and permitted obly for the completion of the flight, preferably at reduced thrust setting d. Unsafe and requires that the engine be shut down as soon as possible. 18. EEC alternate mode thrust is always equal to or greater than normal mode thrust for the same thrust lever position. a. True b. False. 19. The EEC automatically selects approach idle in flight anytime: a. The airplane descends below 15000 feet MSL b. Flaps are in the landing configuration or engine start switches are placed to CONT or FLT c. Flaps are in the landing configuration and thrust lever angle is above 34 degrees for either engine d. Flaps are in the landing configuration or engine anti-ice is ON for either engine 20. During a normal engine start: a. Only oil quantity and engine vibration are available prior to placing the engine start switch to GND b. Only N1, N2, oil quantity and engine vibration are available prior to placing the engine start switch to GND c. The EEC is not powered until the engine accelerates to a speed greater that 15% N2

d. Only round dials are visible for engine indications prior to placing the engine start switch to GND 21. The APU GEN OFF BUS light will illuminate: a. When the APU is at operational speed and is not supplying an AC Transfer bus b. Whenever the APU is supplying power to generator bus No.1 c. Whenever the APU is supplying power to generator bus No.2 d. Whenever the APU is supplying power to a Main bus but not the associated Transfer bus 22. If a cross-bleed start is required during in flight starting, the X BLEED START indication will be displayed above the N2 dial. a. True b. False. 23. Of the four lights located on the APU control panel, which light will NOT cause an automatic shutdown of the APU when it illuminates? a. LOW OIL PRESSURE b. LOW OIL QUANTITY / MAINT c. HIGH OIL TEMP / FAULT d. OVERSPEED 24. The EEC provides EGT redline exceedance protection. a. True b. False 25. The EEC provides redline overspeed protection for: a. N1 only in both the normal and alternate modes b. N2 only in both the normal and alternate modes c. N1 & N2 in the normal mode only d. N1 & N2 in both the normal and alternate modes. 26. The thrust reverser may be deployed: a. Inflight when the thrust lever is at idle b. When either radio altimeter is sensing less than 10 feet altitude c. When the air/ground safety sensor is in the ground mode d. All of the above 0,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 27. The REVERSER light, located on the aft overhead panel, illuminates when the thrust reverser is commanded to stow and extinguishes 10 seconds later when the isolation valve closes. a. True b. False Note: Any time the REVERSER light illuminates for more than 12 seconds, a malfunction has occurred and the MASTER CAUTION and ENG system annunciator lights illuminate.

28. The first action during an 'ABORTED ENGINE START' (before starter cutout) is: a. ENGINE START SWITCH .........OFF b. ENGINE START SWITCH......... GROUND c. ENGINE START LEVER ..........CUT OFF Note: Continue to monitor the engine for 60 seconds (clears fuel and cools engine components) and then ENGINE START SWITCH OFF.

29. In case of LOSS OF THRUST ON BOTH ENGINES, you are supposed to wait for successful engine start(s) before starting APU. a. True. b. False. Note: DO NOT wait for successful engine start(s) prior to starting APU. The APU has demonstrated the capability to provide electrical power up to 20 000 feet. APU may be placed on either or both busses. 30. After a LOSS THRUST ON BOTH ENGINES, in moderate to heavy rain, it may take up to ______ to accelerate to idle. a. 30 seconds b. 60 seconds c. 2 minutes d. 3 minutes 31. During battery start, when does the EEC become energized? a. When positioning the start switch to GND b. N2 greater than 15% c. When start lever is raised to idle d. Above 25% N1 32. The loss of one DEU results in activation of the EEC´s alternate mode. What is correct? a. The EEC´s automatically switch into hard mode and the engines might overboost b. The soft alternate mode is entered first, using last valid flight conditions to define engine parameters c. If the thrust levers are reduced the hard mode is entered and last valid flight conditions will be used for the engine parameters. d. You can only enter the hard mode by manually selecting it on the engine control panel.

APU 33. APU operation requires the following: APU fire switch on the overheat/fire panel must be IN APU fire control handle on the APU ground control panel must be IN Battery switch must be ON. All of the above. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 34. The APU Electronics Control Unit (ECU) provides: Automatic shutdown protection for overspeed conditions, low oil pressure and high oil temperature Automatic shutdown

35. 36.

37. 38.






44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

protection for APU fire, fuel control unit failure and EGT exceedance Automatic control of APU speed through the electronic fuel unit All of the above are correct. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, The APU can supply both transfer busses: On the ground only In the air only On the ground or in the air Never. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, APU cooling air: Enters through the air inlet door Enters through the ram air system Enters through a cooling air inlet above the APU exhaust outlet Is supplied by the air conditioning packs. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, During APU operation, fuel is automatically heated to prevent icing: True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, Moving the battery switch to OFF automatically shuts down the APU. On the ground only In the air only On the ground or in the air Never. 0,0,1,0],C:'Because of power loss to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU)',I:''}, The APU generator ammeter: Remains unchanged from the B737-300 thru 500 Is displayed in a digital readout format on the electrical panel Displays APU generator voltage APU generator amperage is no longer displayed on the flight deck. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, It is recommennded to operate the APU for _____ before using it as a bleed air source. 20 seconds 30 seconds 45 seconds. 1 full minute 0,0,0,1],C:'This one minute stabilization is recommended to extend the service life of the APU.',I:''}, During the APU start cycle, the APU EGT indication may fluctuate from 0º to 1100º C prior to normal EGT rise and the LOW OIL PRESSURE light may cycle on and off several times. These indications have no adverse effect on starting the APU. It is not necessary to monitor EGT during start. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, Electrical power to start the APU comes from: The battery bus or the DC ground power receptacle Battery power or either AC transfer bus Either the AC or DC standby bus The No.1 Transfer bus if available. If AC power is not available, battery power is used. 0,0,0,1],C:'With AC power available, the starter generator uses AC power to start the APU. With no AC power, the starter generator uses battery power to start the APU.',I:''}, If the APU is the only source of electrical power: In flight, the galley busses are automatically shed In flight, the APU attempts to carry the full electrical load On the ground, the galley busses are automatically shed On the ground, the main busses are shed first if an overload condition is sensed. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, The APU switch OFF position has an automatic shutdown delay of: 30 seconds 60 seconds 120 seconds 135 seconds 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, The APU is capable of supplying bleed air for both air conditioning packs: On the ground only In the air only On the ground or in the air Never. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, The APU may be used as an electrical and pneumatic source simultaneously up to: 10 000 feet 17 000 feet 25 000 feet 30 000 feet 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, The APU start cycle may take up to: 60 seconds 120 seconds 135 seconds 3 minutes 0,1,0,0],C:'Automatic shutdown occurs in the event of EGT exceedance.',I:''}, The APU may be used as a pneumatic source up to: 10 000 feet 17 000 feet 25 000 feet 35 000 feet 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, THe APU will shutdown on the ground if: The battery switch is placed to OFF The LOW OIL QUANTITY / MAINT light illuminates The fuel LOW PRESSURE lights in the main tank illuminate All of the above are correct. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''},

50. When the APU is started using battery power only, there is a normal indication on the electrical metering panel that the APU generator has come on line and is ready to be selected. True False. 0,1],C:'When the APU is started using battery power only, there is a NO indication on the electrical metering panel that the APU generator has come on line and is ready to be selected. Both the frequency and voltage readings are zero until the APU generator is placed on line.',I:''}, 51. If the APU GEN OFF BUS light fails to illuminate by the end of the start cycle: The FAULT light illuminates The MAINT light illuminates The APU failed a self test and the OVERSPEED light will illuminate There is no light associated wih this malfunction. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 52. In flight, if the APU is the only source of electrical power, all galley busses are automatically shed. If electrical load still exceeds design limits, both main busses automatically shed until the load is within design limits. On the ground, the APU attempts to carry a full electrical load. If an overload condition is sensed, the APU sheds galley busses first, and then both main busses until the load is within limits. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 53. The APU OVERSPEED light illuminated indicates: APU RPM limit has been exceeded resulting in an automatic shutdown The overspeed shutdown protection feature has failed a self-test during a normal APU shutdown. The first two statements are correct. None of the above 0,0,1,0],C:'If light is illuminated when APU switch is placed to OFF, light extinguishes after 5 minutes (light is disarmed when the APU switch is in OFF position).',I:''}, 54. Of the four lights located on the APU control panel, which light will NOT cause an automatic shutdown of the APU when it illuminates? LOW OIL PRESSURE FAULT OVERSPEED MAINT 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 55. The APU starts, operates and can supply electrical power alone up to: 41,000 feet 17,000 feet 25,000 feet 37,000 feet 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 56. The blue APU MAINT light means that: APU may be operated APU shuts down automatically APU has to be shut down manually in flight or on ground APU has to be shut down manually on ground only 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 57. Pulling up the APU fire warning switch: Discharges the APU fire extinguisher Discharges the APU fire extinguisher and shuts down the APU Discharges the APU fire extinguisher and closes the bleed air valve Trips the generator control relay and breaker, arms the associated extinguisher and closes the bleed air valve, closes the fuel shutoff valve, and the APU inlet door. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 58. When the APU is started using battery power only, there is no indication on the electrical metering panel that the APU generator has come on line and is ready to be selected. Both the frequency and voltage readings are zero until the APU generator is placed on line. True False 1,0],C:'',I:''}

59. Fuel 60. Each fuel tank uses two AC powered fuel pumps which are cooled and lubricated by fuel passing through the pump. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 61. Inflight, two fuel pumps LOW PRESSURE lights for the No.1 tank illuminate. What happens to the No.1 engine? It receives fuel from the No.2 tank automatically It will shut down due to fuel starvation It receives fuel from the No.1 tank through the fuel pump bypass valve It continues to operate using fuel though the center tank bypass valve. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 62. Center fuel tank fuel is used before main tank fuel because: Center tank check valves open at a lower differential pressure than main tank check valves. Center tank check valves open at a higher differential pressure than main tank check valves. Center tank fuel pumps produce higher pressure than main tank pumps. Main tank pumps cannot produce pressure until the center tank LOW PRESSURE lights illuminate and center tank pumps are turned OFF. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 63. The Engine Fuel Shutoff valve: Is controlled by both the Engine Fire Warning switch and the Engine Start lever; however, the spar fuel shutoff valve is controlled only by the Engine Start lever. Is the only fuel shutoff with an associated blue light on the forward overhead fuel panel And the spar fuel shutoff valve require AC power to operate And the spar fuel shutoff valves close whenever their respective Engine Fire Warning switch is pulled or Engine Start lever is placed to CUTOFF 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 64. Fuel Quantity indicators will display: An 88888 reading if a malfunction occurs. Blank if a malfunction occurs An ERR symbol if a malfunction occurs A FUEL ERROR message if a malfunction occurs. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 65. The center tank scavenge jet pump operates when: Both Center Tank Fuel Pump switches are turned off. The No.1 main fuel tank is about 2/3 full and the main tank No.1 forward pump is operating. The Center fuel tank is about 3/4 full. Either engine is operating. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 66. The center tank scavenge jet pump transfers remaining fuel from the center tank at a rate of approximately ____. 80 kg/hr (177 lbs/hr) depending upon altitude. 80 kg/hr (177 lbs/hr) depending upon speed. 80 kg/hr (177 lbs/hr) depending upon weight. 80 kg/hr (177 lbs/hr) depending upon temperature. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 67. Overwing fueling receptacles exist for both main tanks. True False. 0,1],C:'',I:''}, 68. The capacity of the center fuel tank is greater than the capacity of the two main fuel tanks combined. True False 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 69. There are CDS fuel alert for: Fuel quantity low in the main tank, impending fuel filter bypass, excessive fuel flow difference between engines Fuel quantity low in the main tank, both center tank fuel pumps producing low or no pressure with fuel in the center tank, excessive fuel quantity difference between main tanks Fuel quantity low in center or main tank, either center tank fuel pump producing low or no pressure with fuel in center tank, excessive fuel flow difference between engines Any fuel pump producing low or no pressure with the pump switch ON, impending fuel filter bypass, excessive fuel quantity difference between main tanks. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 70. During cruise, both center tank fuel pumps have failed. You still have 320 kg (700 lbs) of fuel in the center tank and both main tanks are full. The Upper Display Unit will show: A LOW indication A CONFIG indication A pump LOW PRESSURE indication None of the above. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''},

71. You have 2500 kg (5500 lbs) of fuel in the No.1 main tank and 3060 kg (6750 lbs) of fuel in the No2 main tank. You will see: A LOW indication below main tank No.1 accompanied by a Master Caution light and system annunciation for fuel An IMBAL indication below main tank No.1 accompanied by a Master Caution light and system annunciation for fuel An IMBAL indication below main tank No.1 with no Master Caution light and no system annunciation for fuel The fuel quantity arc and digits on main tank No.2 turn amber. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 72. Which valve connects the fuel engine manifold to the fueling manifold? The fueling valve. The crossfeed valve. The Manual Defuelling valve 0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 73. For landing, what is the maximum fuel imbalance between No.1 and No.2 main tanks? 453 kg (1000 lbs) 500 kg (1100 lbs) 590 kg (1300 lbs) There is no maximum fuel imbalance. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 74. In which fuel tanks are bypass valves located? Center tank. Both main tanks. All tanks. None. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 75. The Engine Fuel Shut Off valves: Are AC operated to OPEN and mechanically closed by the engine start lever or fire switch. Are Hot Battery Bus powered and may be closed by the engine start lever or the respective engine fire switch. Are cable operated to CLOSE or OPEN. Are cable operated to CLOSE. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 76. What does an illuminated main tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE light indicate? Low fuel pressure in the affected tank Low pressure in the fuel manifold Low fuel pump output pressure The first two statements are correct. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 77. What is the condition of the VALVE OPEN light when the crossfeed selector is positioned OPEN and the crossfeed valve is closed? Illuminated dim blue. Illuminated bright blue. Illuminated amber. Extinguished. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 78. Fuel for the APU is: Approximately 164 kg/hr with electrics & bleeds at sea level, decreasing to 17 kg/hr at high altitude and low loads Not heated recorded on the fuel flowmeters. 1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 79. What is the source of electrical power for the engine fuel shutoff valves? The Hot Battery Bus. The Battery Bus. The DC Standby Bus. The AC Standby Bus. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 80. What is the source of electrical power for the spar fuel shutoff valves? The DC Standby Bus. The Battery Bus. The Hot Battery Bus. The Transfer Bus No.2. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 81. Fuel for the APU is normally supplied from the: Left side of the fuel manifold. No.2 Main tank. Center tank. Aux tank. 1,0,0,0],C:'If the AC fuel pumps are not operating, fuel is suction fed from main tank No.1.',I:''}, 82. The crossfeed valve when OPEN: Allows fuel transfer from any tank to either engine or APU. Allows transfer of fuel between wing tanks only. Clos.es the Bypass valve in each wing tank 1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 83. The fuel temperature indicator indicates fuel temperature in the: No.1 tank. No.2 tank. Center tank. No;1 & No.2 tanks. 1,0,0,0],C:'The temperature indicating system uses AC electrical power.',I:''}, 84. Once the fuel scavenging process begins, it continues for the remainder of the flight. True. False. 1,0],C:'',I:''},

85. The accuracy of the fuel quantity indicators is plus or minus: 1 % of full scale reading. 2,5 % of full scale reading. 4 % of full scale reading. 5 % of full scale reading. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 86. The fuel quantity indicators are powered by: Standby DC power. Standby AC power. Battery bus. TR2. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 87. The fuel measuring stick allows comparison of fuel quantity or weight as determined from measuring stick reading and fuel weight indicated by fuel quantity indicators. Reading is obtained by withdrawing measuring stick from tank and latching it magnetically to an internal float. Fuel depth is read where stick passes through wing skin. True. False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 88. How many fuel measuring sticks are installed in each main tank? Two. Three. Four. Six. 0,0,0,1],C:'Four are also installed in center tank.',I:''}, 89. The engine fuel manifolds are interconnected by use of the crossfeed valve. The valve is ___ motor operated from the ___. AC & Transfer Bus No.1 DC & Battery bus AC & Transfer Bus No.2 DC & DC Standby Bus. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 90. With the Fuel LOW Alert displayed (amber): Fuel quantity is at least less than 2200 lbs / 1000 kg. Fuel quantity is at least less than 2000 lbs / 907 kg. Fuel quantity is at least less than 1000 lbs / 453 kg. 0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 91. What is the main purpose of the FUEL DOOR SWITCH BYPASS located in the Right Wing fueling panel? It energizes fueling panel if refueling power control relay fails. It checks operation of fuel quantity indicators. It de-energizes fueling panel if necessary (in case of thunderstorm for example). 1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 92. The engine fuel manifolds are interconnected by use of the crossfeed valve. The valve is ____ operated from the ____: AC motor & Transfer bus 1. DC motor & Hot battery bus. AC motor & Transfer bus 2. DC motor & Battery bus. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 93. The FUEL TEMP indicator located on the fuel control panel displays fuel temperature. A sensor in main tank No. 1 allows monitoring of fuel temperature.The temperature indicating system uses: DC power. AC power. 0,1],C:'',I:''}, 94. The Fueling Valve Position Lights on the External Fueling Panel illuminate blue when: The respective fueling valve is OPEN. The respective fueling valve is OPEN and fuel is being transferred into the tank The respective fuelling valve is in transit. The respective fueling valve is inoperative. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 95. A Crossfeed selector inoperative is mainly indicated by a crossfeed VALVE OPEN light remaining blue. It indicates the crossfeed valve valve position disagrees with the crossfeed selector position. If the valve is suspected closed: Maintain fuel balance with selective use of fuel pumps. Land as soon as possible. Flight conditions permitting, vary thrust to maintain fuel balance. If unable to maintain acceptable balance, land as soon as possible. 0,0,1],C:'See B737NG QRH (CROSSFEED SELECTOR INOPERATIVE).',I:''}, 96. A fuel FILTER BYPASS light illuminated indicated impending fuel filter bypass due to a contaminated filter. Erratic engine operation and flameout may occur due to fuel contamination. True. False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 97. With FUEL TEMP LOW amber message displayed, fuel is approaching minimum. Boeing QRH asks to increase speed, change altitude and/or deviate to a warmer air mass to achieve a TAT equal to or higher than the fuel temperature limit (3°C / 5°F above the fuel freeze point or -43°C / -45°F whichever is higher). TAT will increase approximately 0.5 degrees C for

each .05 Mach increase in speed. TAT will increase approximately 0.5 to 0.7 degrees C for each .01 Mach increase in speed. TAT will increase approximately 1 degree C for each .05 Mach increase in speed. TAT will increase approximately 1 degree C for each .05 to .07 Mach increase in speed. 0,1,0,0],C:'In extreme conditions, it maybe necessary to descend as low as FL250.',I:''}, 98. The fuel LOW indication may be caused by an engine fuel leak. For indication(s) of an engine fuel leak, check: Total fuel remaining compared to planned fuel remaining. Individual tank quantities. Fuel Flow indications for an engine with excessive fuel flow. The first two statements are correct. 0,0,0,1],C:'Check \\\'LOW Fuel\\\' NNC in the B737NG QRH.',I:''}, 99. A shut-off system is used during refuelling to: Automatically close the fueling valve in each fuel tank when the tank is full. Prevent refuelling pressures in excess of 50 psi. Automatically close the manual defuelling valave when the wing tanks are full. Are only available for Left & Right main tanks (not on the Center one). 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 100. The manual De-fueling valve is located: Outboard of the Number 1 engine. Outboard of the Number 2 engine. Inboard of the Number 1 engine. Inboard of the Number 2 engine. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 101. To defuel No. 1 tank: Select the No. 1 and No. 2 Main tank fuel pumps ON, the Crossfeed valve OPEN and the Manual Defueling valve OPEN Select the No. 1 Main tank fuel pumps ON, the Crossfeed valve OPEN and the Manual Defueling valve OPEN Select the No. 1 Main tank fuel pumps ON, the Crossfeed valve CLOSED and the Manual Defueling valve OPEN 0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 102. When the APU is inoperative and no external power is available, refueling can be accomplished as follows: Battery switch ON - Standby Power switch to BAT = the entire fuel system operate normally. Battery switch ON - Standby Power switch to BAT = the entire fuel system operate normally. except the fuel shut-off system. Battery switch OFF Standby Power switch to BAT = the entire fuel system operate normally. 1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 103. With failure of all generators, the center tank fuel : Cannot be used. Can be used by switching off all wing tank pumps and opening the crossfeed valve. Will be fed to the tanks by the center tank scavenge jet pump 1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 104. Lateral imbalance between main tanks 1 and 2 must be scheduled to be zero. Random fuel imbalance must not exceed 453 kgs (1000 lbs): For takeoff, flight or landing but not for takeoff For taxi, takeoff, flight or landing. In flight only 0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 105. Main tanks 1 and 2 must be full if center tank contains more than 453 kgs (1000 lbs) True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 106. When main tank fuel pump pressure is low, each engine can draw fuel from is corresponding main tank through a suction feed line that bypasses the pumps. True False 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 107. Total fuel weight is displayed on the fuel quantity gauges and on the ______ pages of the CDU. PERF INIT and HOLDING PERF INIT and LEGS LEGS and PROGRESS PROGRESS and PERF INIT 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 108. Is there any fuel quantity measuring sticks installed in the Center tank? Yes No. 1,0],C:'There are 4 measuring sticks in the Center tank.',I:''}, 109. The engines can suction fuel from the center tank. True False. 0,1],C:'',I:''},

110. For refuelling, which tank(s) have an automatic shutoff valve that closes when the tank is full? Left and right wing tanks Left and right wing tanks and center tank. 0,1],C:'A float switch removes power to the fuel valve solenoid when the tank is full',I:''}, 111. Maximum tank fuel temperature is: 42°C 45°C 49°C 55°C 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 112. Center fuel pump switches must be positioned OFF at the first indication of low pressure. True. False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 113. When is the fuel CONFIG light inhibited? When total fuel quantity is less than 726 kg When center tank fuel is less than 363 kg When center tank fuel quantity is less than 726 kg When total fuel quantity is less than 363 kg 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 114. Fuel Measuring Stick allows comparison of fuel quantity or weight as determined from measuring stick reading and fuel weight indicated by fuel quantity indicators. Reading is obtained by withdrawing measuring stick from tank and latching it magnetically to an internal float. Reading is obtained by withdrawing measuring stick from tank and latching it electrically to an internal float. Reading is obtained by withdrawing measuring stick from tank and latching it pneumatically to an internal float. Reading is obtained by withdrawing measuring stick from tank and latching it automatically to an internal float. 1,0,0,0],C:'Fuel depth is read where stick passes through wing skin.',I:''}, 115. What operates the spar fuel shutoff valve? Cables and pulleys DC from Hot Battery Bus Pushrods and cranks AC from Standby Bus 0,1,0,0],C:'Spar fuel shutoff valves are located at the engine–mounting wing stations. The valves are DC motor operated from the hot battery bus.',I:''}, 116. How many fuel measuring sticks are installed? 20 16 12 6 0,1,0,0],C:'Six in each main tank (12) + 4 in the center tank = 16',I:''}, 117. An amber fuel IMBAL alert will remain displayed until the imbalance is reduced to: 91kgs 363kgs 453kgs 726kgs 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 118. Fuel Imbalance (IMBAL) alert is inhibited when airplane is on ground. True False 1,0],C:'',I:''}

119. Electrical 120. Which of the following is false concerning the B737NG electrical system? Each Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) supplies its own and can also supply essential and nonessential loads of the opposite side bus system. The AC power sources are paralleled by an auto-paralleling system. The source of power being connected to a transfer bus automatically disconnects an existing power source. 0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 121. The purpose of the AC ground service bus is to power: The cabin lighting The utility outlets The battery charger All the above. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 122. The TR´s ( Transformer rectifier ) convert: 115 volts DC to 28 volts AC 115 volts AC to 28 volts AC 115 volts AC to 28 volts DC 115 volts DC to 28 volts DC 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''},

123. Which is the power source for the AC standby bus? Transfer bus 1 under normal conditions Transfer bus 2 AC main bus 1 Battery Bus through the Static Inverter under normal conditions 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 124. If the AC source powering a transfer bus fails, the transfer bus will remain unpowered. True. False. 0,1],C:'',I:''}, 125. A high oil temperature in the IDG would cause an automatic disconnect of the IDG. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 126. The TR3 cross bus tie relay automatically opens at glide slope capture to: Prevent a single bus failure from affecting both navigation receivers and Flight Control Computers (FCCs) Provide more power to the AC STANDBY Bus Ensure that the STANDBY DC is powered. Provide more power to DC bus 1 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 127. In flight, if the APU is supplying both AC Transfer busses, positioning the BUS TRANS switch to OFF will: Cause AC Transfer bus No.1 to lose power Cause AC Transfer bus No.2 to lose power Cause both AC Transfer busses to lose power Not cause either AC Transfer bus to fail. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 128. The TR3 Disconnect Relay: Must be manually opened using the BUS TRANSFER Switch during a Flight Director approach Normally powers the Battery Charger and backsup TR units 1 & 2 through a diode Automatically opens at glide slope capture during a Flight Director or Autopilot ILS approach Will trip off when AC volts reaches 26 volts (+ or - 4 Volts) as dispalyed on the AC Voltmeter. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 129. The Engine Integrated Drive Generators (IDGs): Are used in conjunction with a separate generator drive unit (CSD) Adjust varying generator speeds to maintain a constant frequency throughout normal range of operation Allow the generator to maintain a constant speed throughout the normal range of operation Operate whenever the engine is operating and cannot be completely isolated from their associated generator. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 130. After the loss of all generators, a fully charged battery can furnish power to the STANDBY Bus equipment for a minimum of: 20 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 131. The cross bus tie relay: Must be manually opened using the BUS TRANSFER Switch during a Flight Director approach Normally powers the Battery Charger and backs-up TR units 1 and 2 through a diode Opens up if BUS TRANSFER switch is moved to OFF Will trip off when AC volts reaches 26 volts (plus or minus 4 volts) as displayed on the AC voltmeter 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 132. Illumination of the GND POWER AVAILABLE light indicates: Ground power is connected and meets airplane power quality standards. Ground power is connected however no airplane power quality is measured. The Ground Service Bus is powered by a ground power supply. The external power bus is powered by a ground power supply. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 133. For ground service, a ground service switch is placed: On aft overhead panel on the Flight Deck On aft attendant´s panel On forward attendant´s panel On external receptacle on the right side of the aircraft exterior 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 134. The GROUND POWER AVAILABLE light will extinguish when: The GROUND POWER switch is positioned ON The GROUND SERVICE switch is positioned ON The pneumatic

ground cart is disconnected The AC ground power cart has been disconnected 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 135. The 115V AC Standby Bus is powered by: The 115V Transfer Bus No.1 under normal conditions. The Battery Bus through the Static Inverter under normal conditions. The Battery through the Static Inverter with a failure of both engine driven generators. The first & the third statements are correct. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 136. One basic principle of operation for the B737 electrical system is: All generator bus sources can be automatically connected by the Standby Power System. There is no paralleling of the AC power sources. There is no paralleling of any power source. An AC power source may be used in parallel with a DC power source.. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 137. Because engine generators power the transfer busses directly, and transfer busses are connected by a bus tie system, the loss of an engine driven generator will not necessarily result in the loss of any bus(ses). True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 138. The modified DC system architecture resulted in the TR3 disconnect relay found in the B737-300 thru 500 being replaced with a cross bus tie relay. The cross bus tie relay opens automatically under the same circumstances as did the TR3 disconnect relay. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 139. The SOURCE OFF light will illuminate: When the source selected to power the transfer bus has failed and the automatic bus transfer function has closed the BTBs to power the transfer bus from another source. When the source selected to power the Transfer bus and the automatic transfer function have both failed resulting in the transfer bus being. unpowered When the TRANSFER BUS OFF light is illuminated. All of the above. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 140. When the STANDBY POWER Switch is OFF: The STANDBY PWR OFF light will be illuminated Automatic switching is provided from normal power sources to alternate power sources The STANDBY PWR OFF light will be extinguished The Static Inverter provides 28V DC power to Transfer Bus No.1. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 141. Illumination of the BAT DISCHARGE light indicates: The battery is being overcharged. Excessive battery discharge is detected with the battery switch ON. The DC meter is in the BAT position with the battery switch ON. The battery bus is not powered. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 142. In the event that the airplane battery is depleted, the APU can be started using DC external power. True False. 0,1],C:'',I:''}, 143. Illumination of the blue GEN OFF BUS light indicates: The associated generator bus is not powered The associated transfer bus is not powered The IDG is not supplying power to its associated transfer bus The generator is not supplying power to its associated generator bus. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 144. When the aircraft batteries is the only source of power: The Captain\\\'s inboard and outboard displays operate until the battery is discharged and the First Officer\\\'s inboard and outboard displays operate for a minimum of 5 minutes The Captain\\\'s inboard and outboard displays operate until the battery is discharged The Captain\\\'s inboard and the First Officer\\\'s inboard and outboard displays are inoperative Both the Captain\\\'s and First Officer\\\'s PFD/ND displays remain operative but only DEU No 1 is powered until the battery is discharged 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''},

145. Illumination of the GEN BUS OFF light indicates: The associated generator bus is not powered. The associated transfer bus is not powered. The IDG is not supplying power to its associated Transfer bus. The generator is not supplying power to its associated generator bus. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 146. It is possible to power one transfer bus with external power and the other transfer bus with the APU. True. False. 0,1],C:'',I:''}, 147. The crew fails to properly accomplish normal procedures and takes off with the APU powering both Transfer busses (SELECT THE INCORRECT STATEMENT) One Transfer bus will disconnect automatically after lift-off. During climb, the galleys may become inoperative. Both Main busses may become inoperative above 400 feet RA or after 12 sec. from lift-off. The generators will come on line automatically if the APU is either shut down or fails. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 148. AC amperage can be observed on the AC ammeter for the source selected by the AC meter selector. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 149. During cruise, one engine driven generator drops off-line. Indications that the crew should see include: A TRANSFER BUS OFF light and a GEN OFF BUS light A SOURCE OFF light and a GEN OFF BUS light Illumination of the fuel pump, probe heat, respective hydraulic pumps powered by the associated Transfer bus All of the above. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 150. Illumination of the DRIVE light indicates: IDG failure IDG automatic disconnect due to high oil temperature IDG disconnected through the drive disconnect switch Any of the above. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 151. Both AC Transfer busses can be powered simultaneously by: A single IDG on the ground or inflight The APU generator while on the ground or inflight Both of the above No single source can power both AC Transfer busses simultaneously 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 152. On the ground, with the battery switch OFF and STANBY POWER Switch in AUTO, the Battery Bus is: Not powered. Powered by TR3. Powered by the Hot Battery Bus. Powered by the Battery. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 153. The TR UNIT will illuminate in flight if: Any TR unit fails. TR1 fails or TR2 and TR3 fail. TR2 fails. TR3 fails. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 154. The ELEC light will illuminate in flight if: A fault exists in the AC or Standby power system. A fault exists in the DC or Standby system. A fault exists in the AC, DC or the Standby system. The ELEC light only operates on the ground. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 155. What is the significance of an illuminated ELEC light? One of the three TRs has failed. The DC system or standby system equipment has failed. The battery is discharged. Two or more TRs have failed. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 156. With external DC power connected to the external DC power receptacle: The APU can be started using DC external power. The battery is paralleled with the DC External power source. All circuits normally powered by the battery are powered. There is no external DC power receptacle. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 157. Illumination of the STANDBY POWER OFF light indicates: The AC Standby Bus is unpowered The DC Standby Bus is unpowered The Battery Bus is unpowered Any of the above. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 158. With the STANDBY switch in the AUTO position, the loss of all engine or APU electrical power results in the automatic switching from the normal power source to the

alternate source for standby power: Inflight only. On the ground only. Either inflight or on the ground. Will not occur. 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 159. In flight if APU is the only source of electrical power: All galley busses are automatically shed Only galley bus A & B are automatically shed Only galley bus C & D are automatically shed No galley busses are automatically shed 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 160. With the STANDBY POWER switch in AUTO (guarded position). In flight, or on the ground, loss of all AC power. AC Standby bus is powered by battery through static inverter & DC Standby bus is powered by battery. True. False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 161. DC voltage and amperage may be read on the DC voltmeter and ammeter for the battery and each of the 3 TRs. The Standby power and battery bus displays only Dc voltage. Normal indication is : ______ volts 24 +/- 4 26 +/- 6 24 +/-2 26 +/-4 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 162. The DRIVE amber caution light comes on when: Low oil pressure is sensed in the IDG The IDG is disconnected automatically due to high oil pressure The IDG is disconnected manually with the drive disconnect switch The engine is not running. 0,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 163. The purpose of the static inverter is to convert 24 volt DC power from the battery to 115V AC power to supply the AC standby bus during the loss of normal electrical power. True. False. 1,0],C:'The power supply to the inverter is controlled by the standby power switch and the battery switch on the overhead panel.',I:''}, 164. The two nickel-cadmium batteries can provide standby power for a minimum of _____ minutes (if fully charged). 30 45 60 75 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 165. DC busses powered from the battery following a loss of both generators are: Battery bus, DC Standby bus, Hot battery bus. DC standby Bus, Hot Battery Bus & Switched hot battery bus. Battery bus, DC Standby bus, Hot battery bus & Switched hot battery bus (even when the battery switch is OFF). Battery bus, DC Standby bus, Hot battery bus & Switched hot battery bus. 0,0,0,1],C:'Switched hot battery bus is powered whenever the battery switch is ON.',I:''}, 166. If the TR UNIT light is illuminates in flight, it indicates that one or more TR\\\'s have failed and you are supposed not to use the AFDS approach mode. True. False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 167. An illuminated TR UNIT light while on the ground indicates that at least two TRs have failed. True False 0,1],C:'',I:''}, 168. What is the purpose of the GROUND SERVICE switch? Provides automatic control of ground service bus. Provide automatic control of ground service busses. Provide manual control of ground service bus. Provide manual control of ground service busses. 0,0,0,1],C:'Enables servicing airplane using external power without activating AC transfer busses.',I:''}, 169. Either generator or the APU can power both transfer buses. In the event a power source fails, what is required for that transfer bus to be powered by the opposite transfer bus power source? The generator switch must be OFF. The battery switch must be ON. The BUS TRANS switch must be in the AUTO position. 0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 170. Normal AC voltmeter indication for the APU generator with the AC busses loaded: 100 to 125 volts. 110 to 125 volts. 110 to 135 volts. 115 to 125 volts. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''},

171. Illumination of the STANDBY POWER OFF light indicates: DC bus 1 unpowered DC bus 2 unpowered AC standby bus unpowered Hot battery bus unpowered 0,0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 172. DC voltage and amperage may be read on the DC voltmeter and ammeter for the battery and each of the three TRs. The standby power and battery bus displays only DC voltage. Normal indication is: 12 +/- 4 volts. 24 +/- 10 volts. 26 +/- 4 volts. 0,0,1],C:'During primary charge cycle operation battery voltage can be as high as 30 +/- 3 volts',I:''}, 173. Both On the ground and in flight a amber ELEC light comes on to indicate that a fault exists in DC power system or standby power system. True. False. 0,1],C:'The ELEC light is inhibited in flight.',I:''}, 174. Galley busses are powered from: The AC Transfer busses. The generator busses. The Battery bus. The main busses. 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 175. How many TRs are required to power the entire DC system? Any one TR. Two TRs. Three TRs. Any TR and the battery. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 176. What is the source of power for TR3? Transfer bus 1. Transfer bus 2. AC standby bus. None of above 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 177. What is the source of power for TR2? Transfer bus 1. Transfer bus 2. AC Standby bus None of above. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 178. The switched hot battery bus is powered whenever: TR1 is powered. Transfer bus 1 is powered. AC ground service bus is powered. The battery switch is ON. 0,0,0,1],C:'',I:''}, 179. The purpose of the cross tie relay is to: Isolate transfer bus 1 and 2 Isolate DC bus 1 from DC bus 2 Disconnect TR1 and TR3 0,1,0],C:'',I:''}, 180. What is the source of power for TR1? Transfer bus 1 Transfer bus 2 AC standby bus 1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 181. On the ground, with the BATTERY switch OFF and STANDBY POWER Switch in BAT, the switched hot battery bus is: Not powered Powered by TR 3 Powered by the Hot Battery Bus Powered by the Battery 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 182. The main battery charger is powered through: DC bus 1 AC ground service bus 2 AC main bus 1 Transfer Bus 1 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 183. Which bus supplies electrical power to the auxiliary battery charger? AC ground service bus 1 AC ground service bus 2 Transfer bus 2 Transfer bus 1 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 184. The auxiliary battery operates in parallel with the main battery when the battery is powering the standby bus. True False. 1,0],C:'',I:''}, 185. The electrical system incorporates an automatic load shedding feature. What is the first bus that is shed? Galleys on transfer bus 1 are shed first. Galleys on transfer bus 2 are shed first. The AC standby bus is shed first. None of above. 0,1,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 186. The electrical system incorporates an automatic load shedding feature. What is the second bus that is shed? Galleys on transfer bus 1 Galleys on transfer bus 2 The AC ground service bus. The AC standby bus 1,0,0,0],C:'',I:''}, 187. After an overload situation has been resolved, how do you recover the galley buses? It happens automatically. Move the galley power switch to OFF then ON. A ground engineer should reselect the appropriate switch in the E/E 1,0,0],C:'',I:''},

188. Once disconnected, the IDG can be reconnected in flight. 0,1],C:'',I:''}

True False