Basic Research Designs Can Be Seen From The Issues Associated With The Decision About The Purpose of [PDF]

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Basic research designs can be seen from the issues associated with the decision about the purpose of the study (exploratory, descriptive, hypothesis testing), where the research will conducted (i. e, study setting), the type of research that should be (kind of investigation), the extent to which researchers manipulated and control research (researcher interference level), the temporal aspects research (time horizon), and the rate at which data will be analyzed (if the unit of analysis), is an integral part of the research design. Basic research design issues are primarily a function for the purpose of the study (whether it is exploratory, descriptive, or hypothesis-testing), and relate to such aspects as the type of study to be done (causal or correlational), the setting in which it will be done (natural or contrived), how much researcher control will have to be exercised (very little in the case of field studies, to very much in the case of experimental designs), how many times data will have to be collected (one shot versus longitudinal), and the unit of analysis – i.e. the level at which data will be aggregated. For most correlational studies, the field setting with minimal researcher influence will be the choice. Most field studies are generally cross-sectional, though some could be longitudinal. Longitudinal studies, though better for understanding the dynamics of the situation fully, also consume more time and resources. Thus, the costs of a study also determine some of the design choices. The unit of analysis depends on whether the research question focuses on individuals, dyads, groups, or entire systems.

In the basic research design various issues are involved. These issues pertinent to research design relate to where the study will be conducted, the extent of which the researcher manipulates and controls the study, the duration of the study and at what level the data will be analyzed, as well as deciding what the sample would be, how the data would be collected, how variables will be measured and how they will be analyzed to test the hypotheses. Each component of the research design offers several critical choice points. The extent of scientific rigor in a research study depends on how carefully the researcher has chosen the appropriate alternatives taking into consideration the purpose for which the study is undertaken.

The most basic aspects of research design are: • • • • •

the purpose of the study, the types of investigation, the extent of researcher interference, the study setting, the unit of analysis, and

• the time horizon of the study. These are described in detail as under: • PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Studies can be either exploratory in nature, or descriptive, and/or conducted to test hypotheses, which depends on the stage of advancement of knowledge in the research area. In exploratory stage we try to explore new areas of organizational research. In descriptive stage we try to describe certain characteristics of the phenomena we are interested in knowing about. In the hypotheses testing stage we examine whether or not the conjectured relationships have been substantiated and an answer to the research question obtained. In exploratory studies, the researcher is basically interested in exploring the situational factors so as to get a grip on the characteristics of the phenomena of interest. The descriptive study is undertaken when the characteristics or the phenomena to be tapped in a situation are known to exist, and one wants to be able to describe them better. Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationships that exist among variables. Hypothesis testing could also establish cause > effect relationship. • TYPES OF INVESTIGATION There are mainly two types of investigation; causal or a correlational. When the researcher wants to delineate the cause of a problem, then the study is called a causal study. When the researcher is interested in delineating the important variables that are associated with the problem, it is called a correlational study. Whether a study is a causal or a correlational one itdepends on the type of research questions asked and how the problem is defined. • EXTENT OF RESEARCHER INTERFERENCE. The extent of researcher interference has a direct bearing on whether a causal or correlational study is undertaken. The extent of researcher interference would depend on whether the study is correlational or causal and also the extent to which causal relationship have to be established beyond the shadow of a doubt. In causal studies the researcher deliberately changes certain variables in the setting and interferes with the normal flow of events as they usually occur in the organization. A correlational study is conducted in the natural environment of the organization with the researcher interfering minimally with the normal flow of events. • STUDY SETTING Correlational studies are invariably conducted in non contrived settings whereas rigorous causal studies are done in contrived lab settings. Correlational studies done in organizations are called filed studies where various factors are examined in the natural setting in which events normally occur with minimal researcher interference. Studies conducted to establish cause > effect relationships using the

same natural environment in which employees normally function are called field experiments. Lab experiments where the researcher explores cause > effect relationships exercising a high degree of control and also in an artificially created setting. • UNIT OF ANALYSIS The level of aggregation of the data during subsequent analysis is called unit of analysis. Determining the unit of analysis based on our research question is an important aspect of the research design. Some research scenarios that would call for different units of analysis are: > > > > > >

Individuals as the unit of analysis. Dyads as the unit of analysis. Groups as the unit of analysis. Divisions as the unit of analysis. Industry as the unit of analysis. Countries as the unit of analysis.

• TIME HORIZON OF THE STUDY. The researcher determines the appropriate decisions to be made in the study design based on the problem definition. According to time and costs involved, they conduct a cross sectional study or a longitudinal study. Studies over a period of days or weeks or months are called cross-sectional. In longitudinal studies, the researcher wants to study people or phenomena at several points in time. Longitudinal studies often taken more time and effort than cross-sectional studies. These studies help to identify cause 1. Purpose of the study. 2. Types of investigation. 3. Extent of researcher influence. 4. Study setting. 5. Unit of analysis. 6. Time horizon.

Contents Chapter 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AND POINTS TO PONDER......................................................................................4 chapter 7 - experimental degsines..................................................................................................................................7 Chapter 7......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 chapter 6 - ELEMENTS OF RESEARCH DEGSINE...............................................................................................................9 Chapter 6........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 chapter 5 - THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT..........................................................................15 Chapter 5....................................................................................................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH...................................................................................................................17 CHAPTER 1..................................................................................................................................................................... 17


1.As a manager,you have invited a research team to come in study and offer suggestions on how to improve the performance of your staff.What steps would you take to allay their appreheseions even before the research team sets foot in your departement? 2.What is bias ,and how can it be reduced during interviews? 3.Explain the principles of wording,stating how these are important in questionare sedign,citing examples not in the book. 4.What are projective techniques and how can they be profitably used? 5.Describe the different data sources,explaining their uselfulness and disadvantages. 6.How are multiple methods of data collection and from multiple sources related to the reliability abd validity of measures? 7. “every data collection methods has its own built-in biases,therefore,resorting to multimethods of data collection is only going to compound the biases “how would you critique this statement? 8. “One way to deal with discrepancies found in data obtained from multiple sources is to average the figures and take the mean as the value of the variable “What is your reaction to this? 9.How has the advancement in technology helped data gathering? 10.How will you use the data from observational study to reach scientic conclusions?

11. “The fewer the biases in measurement and the data collection procedurea,the more scientific the research.Comment on this statement. Answer

1.It can be from company records or archieves,government publications,industry analysis offered by the media,websites,the internet,and so on,I some cases we can make environtment or particular setting and event

2. Bias is a situational as well,interms of 1 no participants,2 trust levels and repport established,and the physical setting for the interview,to ask to someone who want to get job on company

3.The priciples of wording refer to such factors as,the appropriateness of the content of the questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the language used,the thype and form of question asked,the squencing of the question and the personal data sought from the respondent,is likely a different questionare sedign principles should focus in three areas,and to minimize biases in research.

4.Projective techniques is an unobstrustive methods of data collection sich as extrating data from company records have the advantage of accuracy.For instance,attedance records will probably give a truer and more reliable picture of absenteensim of employess than eliciting the information directly from the respondents,they can be profitably use administered by researchers who have had training in administering them and interpreting the result,They are more frequently used in marketing research.

5. Usefulness is mean a instrument is using for the purpose,disavadtages is mean is interviewing is that the respondent could milaterally terminate the interview without warning or explanation by face to face or hanging up the phone.

6.Because using multiple methods of data collection and from multiple sources related to reability and validity of the measure to collecting data through to of them for instance,if the responses collected through interviews,Questionare and observation are strongly comelated with one another,then we will have more confidence.

7. I think is might resorting to multimethods of data collectin is only going to compound the biases,the data observed from the researcher’s point of view are likely to be prone to observer biases,and can be to minimize observer bias observer are usually trained on how to observe and what to record

8.My reaction of this statement is almost all data collection methods have some biases associated with them,there fore high correlaltions among data obtained on the same variable from different sources and through different data collection methods lend more credibility to the research instrument and to the data obtained through these instrument and to the data obtained through these instrument

9.With a interviewing - Questionnares and questionare design,observational studies and sources of data is can be helped we to data gathering

10. I will use a advantages of observational studies and disadvantages of observational studies,data observed from the research point of view to be prone to observer bias,usually trained on to observe and to record

CHAPTER 11 1. What is the relevant target population of focus to the study? The Population frame is a listing of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn. The payroll of an organization would serve as the population fram if its members are to be studied. 2. What exactly are the parameters we are interested in investigating? In research investigations involving several hundreds and even thousands of elements, it would be practically impossible to collect data from, or test, or examine very element. Even if it were possible, it would be prohibitive in terms of time, cost, and other human resources. Studying a sample rather than the entire population is also sometimes likely to lead to more reliable results, mostly because fatigue is reduces, resulting in fewers errors in collecting data. 3. What is the sample size needed? Sample sizes larger than 30 less than 500 are appropriate for most research

CHAPTER 12 1. When we collect data on the effects of the threatment in experimental designs, which statistical test would be most appropriate to test the treatment effects? We saw the steps necessary to get the data ready for analysis – editing, coding, and categoring.

CHAPTER 13 1. Why is it necessary to have the letter of authorization in the report? A copy of the letter of authorization from the sponsor of the study,approving the investigation and detailing its scope, will be attached at the beginning of the report. 2. Discuss the purpose and contents of the executive summary? The executive summary is a brief account of the research study that provides an overview, and highlights the following important information related to the study.

CHAPTER 14 1. If you want to know whether three grops of employess – those who have been with the organization between 4 and 6 years, between 7 and 9 years, and between 10 and 12 years – are different in the number if trips they have taken outside of the city on business work, what statistical test would you use and why? Use between 10 and 12 years, I used it because from this choice, we can know how long employee work in the company. We can find correlation between the employee and years theirs work to that company.

chapter 7 - experimental degsines Chapter 7 1. what are the differences between causal and co relational studies? the differences between causal and co relational studies is relationships between two variables in an organizational setting, several variables that might co vary with the dependent variable have to be controlled. And correlational. 2. in what ways do lab experiments differ from field experiments? The controls and manipulations are best done in an artificial setting-the laboratory-where the causal effect can be tested. When controls and manipulation are introduced to establish cause and effect relationships in an artificial setting. We have laboratory experimental designs also known as lab experiments. The experimental and control groups in the field experiment could be made up of the people working at several plants within in certain radius, or from the different shift in a production plant. For instance and the effects of the piece-rate system are to be studied. 3. Define the terms control and manipulation. Describe a possible lab experiment where you would need to control a variable. Further, include a possible variable over which you would have no control buy which could affect you experiment. variable control is affecting the independent variable, manipulation s means that we created different levels of the dependent variable to asses the impact on the dependent variable. 4. Explain the possible ways in which you can control “nuisance” variables. One way of controlling the contaminating or nuisance variables is to match the various groups by taking the confounding characteristics and deliberately spreading them across groups. 5. What is internal validity and what are the threats to internal validity? Even the best designed lab studies could be influenced by factors that might affect the internal validity of the lab experiment. That is some confounding factors might still be present that could offer rival explanations to what is causing the dependent variable. These possible confounding factors pose a threat to internal validity. The seven major threats to internal validity are the effects of history, maturation, testing, instrumentation, selection, statistical, regression, and mortality.

6. explain the concept of “trade off between internal validity and external validity” If we want high internal validity, we should be willing to settle for lower external validity and vice versa. To ensure both types of validity, researches usually try first to test the causal relationships in a tightly controlled artificial or lab setting, and once the relationship has been established, they try to test the causal relationship in filed experiment. 7. Explain full how you would demonstrate to machine operators and convince them that through knowledge of the operating policies and procedures reading the manual) will eliminate almost all on-the-job accidents. Show machine operators and assured them that knowledge through operational policies and procedures, read the manual) will eliminate almost all accidents on-the-job. tell or remind the machine operators to read instruction , instructions, and also follow the existing procedures. worked well so that accidents can be reduced in the works

8. “it a control group is a part of an experimental design, one need not worry about controlling other exogenous variables. Discus this statement. some experimental design are set up with an experimental and a control group the former alone being exposed to a treatment and not the latter. the effects of the treatment are studied by assessing the deference in the out comesthat is the posttest scores of the experimental and control groups.

9. a research wants to set up a lab experiment to test the effects of deferent kinds of leadership styles on followers attitudes. The three particular kinds of leadership styles she is interested in testing are autocratic, democratic, and participative. You are asked to enlist some students to play the part of followers. What cover story would you give the participants? Autocracy is a form of government in which one person possesses unlimited power. in this government the government in full control, society must join the government says should not be against. Democracy is a political government carried out either directly by the people (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (Representative democracy). Participation the process of involving young people in projects, policy reviews or ideas to encourage decision-making and empowerment, ownership of opinion and influence in youth services and issues that affect them and promote inclusion (particularly used amongst marginalized groups in the government. 10. “ because the external validity of lab experiments is not usual high, they are useless for investigation cause and effect relationships in organization”. Comment on this statement. External validity of lab experiments is not usual high, they are useless for investigation cause and effect relationships in organization” if we do find a cause and effect relationship after conducting a lab experiment, can we then say with confidence that the same cause and effect relationship will also hold true in the organizational setting. 11. “covariance (i.e. , two variable varying together either positively or negatively) and control are integral aspects of experimental design.” Discuss. because with positively and negatively we can try experimental design.

12. “the Solomon four-group design is the answer to all our research questions pertaining to cause and effect relations because it guards against all the threats to internal validity.” Comment on this statement. the Solomon four-group design is the answer to all our research questions pertaining to cause and effect relations because it guards against all the threats to internal validity. yes, i am agree. because of the number of subjects that

need to be recruited, the care with which the study to be designed the time that needs to be devoted to the experiment, and other reasons the cost the conducting such as experiment is high. 13. bellow is a note on self-esteem. After reading it, apply what you have learned in this chapter and design a study after sketching the theoretical framework. The role of self-Esteem in efficacy One often wonders why some people earn more than others. Economists focused on the importance of education. Basic skills, and work experience –what they power. Researches also found that self-esteem was instrumental in acquiring human capital. we can use causal and cor relational method. firstly, we specify the function such as function X1 as education and function X2 as Basic skills, and work experience. from that we can search connection and impact from this problem.

chapter 6 - ELEMENTS OF RESEARCH DEGSINE Chapter 6 1. What are the basic research design issues? Describe them in some detail. The basic design issues regarding propose of the study, type of investigation, extent of researcher interference, study setting, unit of analysis and the time horizon. 2. Why are the basic design issue important to consider before conducting the study and even as early as at the time of formulating the research question? Because the researcher would determine the appropriate decisions to be made in study design based on the problem definition, the research objectives, the extent rigor desired, and cost considerations.

3. Is a field study totally out of the question if one is trying to establish cause and effect relationships? Yes it is, co relational studies done in organizations are called field studies. studies conducted to establish cause and effect relationships using the same natural environment.

4.“An exploratory study is just as useful as a predictive study” discuss this statement. Exploratory studies were undertaken to understand what the concept quality of work life means. after extensive interviews with various groups of people, the concept was considered to encompass such factors as enriched job, healthy work environment, stress-free work relationships, job satisfaction, work role involvement, work life is too narrow and limited to be useful for research and that the concept quality of life is more encompassing, because work and non work can not be viewed as two tightly compartmentalized aspects of an individuals life. That is have same thing with predictive study.

5. Why is the unit of analysis an integral part of the research design?

because the unit of analysis refers to the level at which data are aggregated for analysis, and that the time horizon if studies could be one short or longitudinal. Finally we examined the circumstances in which each design decision would be appropriated.

6. Discuss the interrelationships among no contrived setting. The propose of the study, type of investigation, researcher interface, and time horizon of study. The interrelationships among no contrived setting. The propose of the study, type of investigation, researcher interface, and time horizon of study is if we already have a research proposal, we can develop a research proposal, then we classify this kind of research that, and we can establish when the research can be done.

7. bellow are two scenarios indicate how the researcher should proceed in each case that is, determine the following. Giving reasons: the propose the study the type of investigation the extern of researcher interference the study setting the time horizon of the study the unit of analysis scenario A Ms. Joyce lynn. The owner of a small business (a woman’s dress boutique), has invited a consultant to tell her how her business is different from similar small businesses within a 60-mie radius, with respect to usage of the most modern computer technology. Sales volume, profit margin, and staff training. Scenario B Mr. Paul Hodge, the owner of several restaurants on the East Coast. Is concerned about the wide differences in their profit margins he would like to try some incentive plans for increasing the efficiency levels of those restaurants that lag behind. But before he actually does this, he would like to make sure the idea would work. He asks a researcher to help him on this issue.

Scenario A: the propose the study

: descriptive testing

the type of investigation

: causal study

the extern of researcher interference the study setting

: minimal : field study

the time horizon of the study the unit of analysis

: longitudinal studies : groups as the unit of analysis

scenario B the propose the study

: descriptive study

the type of investigation

: causal study

the extern of researcher interference the study setting

: minimal : lab experiment study

the time horizon of the study the unit of analysis

: cross-sectional studies : industry as the unit of analysis


Chapter 4 1. How would you describe the research process? Research process begin, how to select the sample and collect the data, and how to analyze the data, embody the design aspects, which will be elaborated later in the book. denotes the final deduction from the hypotheses testing. when all or most of the hypotheses are substantiated and the research question is fully answers, the research write up the reports, makes a presentation, and the manager is enable to examine different ways of solving the problems and make a final decision, are represented embody the design aspects. Several of the hypothesis are not substantiated, or are only partially supported, one many go back to examine the reasons for this note the broken lines and the arrow to several other boxes in the process may have to be restarted at the point where the research feels the need for examination. But managerial decision may have to be taken on the basis of current finding the research tries to make educated conjectures as to why certain hypotheses were not support, and then the writers the report reflecting these. this is indicated by the curved line leading from no box to report writing.

2. Explain the preliminary data-collection method Data-collection methods are the identification of the broad problem area, preliminary information gathering, especially through unstructured and structured interviews and literature survey and problem definition.

3. Why is it important to gather information on the background of the organization?

Because to be well acquainted with the background of the company or organization studied.

4. Should a research always obtain information on the structural aspect and job characteristic from those interviewed ? Give reasons for your answer with example. Should, interviews are conducted, the next steps for the research is it tabulate the various types of information that have next step been gathered during the interviews and determine if there are patterns in the responses. For instance it might be observed from the qualitative data. For example, Mr. jack is graduated from GunadarmaUniversity, from major in economic. He bring Curriculum Vita And he applied forfinancial section. We can see his skills it can be as consideration.

5. How would you go about doing literature survey in the area of business ethics? the researcher could start the literature survey even as information from the unstructured and structured interviews is being gathered. reviewing the literature on the topic area at this time helps the researcher to focus interviews more meaningfully on certain aspect found to be important in the published studied, even if these had not surfaced during the interviews.

6. What is the propose of literature survey? Literature survey propose help the researcher to include all the relevant variables in the research project, and also facilities the creative integration of the information gathered from the structured and unstructured interviews with what is found in prevision studies.

7. Why is appropriate citation important? What are the consequences of not giving credit to the source from which materials are extracted? Because appropriate test to assess the applicants analytical skills, judgment, leadership, motivation, oral and written communication skills, and the like. Yet it might be consequently losing excellent MBA's hires as managers, within a year, despite being highly paid.

8. “The problem definition stage is perhaps more critical in the research process than the problem solution stage” discuss this statement. Managers inputs help researchers to define the broad problem area and confirm their own theories about the situational factors impacting on the central problem. Managers who realize that correct problem definition is critical to ultimate problem solution do not begrudge the time spent in working closely with researchers.

9. Why should one get hung up on problem definition if one already knows the broad problems are to be studied?

Because it is critical that the focus for further research , or in order words, the problem, be unambiguously identified and defined. no amount of good research can find solutions to the solution, if the critical issue or the problem to be studied is not clearly pinpointed.

10. Access the on-line system in your library an (a) generate a list of the references that relate to the performance of general motors, and (b) obtain the abstracts of these studies. General motors General motors in a pioneer company that was formed by William Durant in the year 1908. It was initially formed by grouping few numbers of the small car builders and it was given the name general motors. The founder anticipated the future lies in the manufacture of the cars and hence he arrived at this move. The company was first based at Flint, Michigan but the headquarters was moved to Detroit, Michigan. The company has witnessed ups and downs throughout its operation. General motors are an extremely wide portfolio that deals with the manufacture of the trucks and the cars. Brands of general motors. Some of the brands of the general motors include the Buick, Chevrolet and Cadillac. The other units of the general motors consist of the Holden, Vauxhall, Opel and the gm Daewoo units. These companies are distributed worldwide and have produced leading cars. The Holden is a subsidiary of the general motors that is based in Australia andNew Zealand. The Vauxhall units are present in UK region and the Opel is present in rest of the Europe. Previously Opel and Vauxhall used to manufacture similar car in UK, this led to competition between the two companies. Eventually the decision was made to stop Opel productions in UK. Durant was removed from his post in the year 1911. Durant then co founded the Chevrolet in the same year. He had done a remarkable job by achieving great sales for more than three years. Again in the year 1916, Durant was recalled to the General motors has a token of appreciation for the wonderful work he had done with the Chevrolet company. In the year 1918, Chevrolet was bought by the general motors. Association with racing. There is a great association of the general motors with the racing. Especially the Chevrolet corvette is a wonderful racing car that has amazed the people with the exceptional racing capacity of the vehicle. General motors are also an important supplier of the auto components all over the world. The quality of the components is of the highest standards in the industry. In 1990s, the Oldsmobile brands aurora car performed sensationally in the Indy racing league, winning almost all the races and capturing many records. The wonderful maneuverability of the vehicle much attributed to the success of the vehicles. The implantation of the advanced electronics control system by the general motors group has revolutionized the car industry due to the superior control that is possible to achieve. In the touring cars section, the Vauxhall cars are the leading performers in the touring league held in UK. Alternative fuel technology. The general motors have long been interested in exploring alternative technology for the operation of the cars. Some of the initiatives have failed. There are some alternative technologies such as the hybrid cars, electric cars that have gained good popularity in the industry. They have also ventured in producing the hydrogen fuel cars by 2010. Another technology is the operation of the car using the fuel cells; this is considered to be a promising concept due to the current fuel crisis.

11. Access the on-line system and obtain a list of references that deal with product image.

Visual information and their importance in the process of transfer to users. From nm the economic and designing point of view, the product, as well as the medium by which the information is transferred, must be vaporized. The use of colors, text information and other graphic solutions for that purpose are studied in this work. Whether the customer will buy a certain packaged product or not, depends mostly on the customers' evaluation of visual information on its packaging. It applies primarily to the selection of colors that represent a packed product. Secondly, that also applies to the visual information (example: pictures, graphics, symbols, codes etc). The basic visual effects in the form of information which can be used in manipulating the user are text, image and color. The topic of our research is the medium which transfers that information, i.e. packaging.

12. Offer a clearly focused problem statement in the board area corporate culture. Corporate culture is the total sum of the values, customs, traditions and meanings that make a company unique. Corporate culture is often called "the character of an organization" since it embodies the vision of the company’s founders. The values of a corporate culture influence the ethical standards within a corporation, as well as managerial behavior.

13.After studying and extracting information from all the relevant work done previously, how does the research know which particular reference, articles, and information should be given prominence in the literature survey? A point to note is that the literature survey should bring together all relevant information in cogent and logical manner instead of presenting all the studies in chronological order with bits and pieces of coordinated information. a good literature survey also leads one logically to a good problem statement.

14. Given the following situation, (a) identify the board problem area; (b) define the problem; and (c) explain how you would process further. Problem at the pioneer Pioneer’s minivans and pickups take a big share of the truck market in India, while it’s car lag behind those of its competitors- Mruti, premier Automobiles, and Hindustan motors. Quality problems include such things as water leaks and faulty headlights. Board problem area : Pioneer’s minivans and pickups take a big share of the truck market in India but it’s car lag behind those of its competitors- Mruti, premier Automobiles, and Hindustan motors. Problem : quality competitors- Mruti, premier Automobiles, and Hindustan motors better than Pioneer’s minivans and pickups. process further : companies to improve the quality of the product Pioneer's minivans and pickups, and researching of corporate sale

chapter 5 - THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT Chapter 5 1. ”because literature survey is a time-consuming exercise, a good, in depth interview should suffice to develop a theoretical framework”. Discus this statement. at this juncture, its becomes easy to follow the progression of research from the first stage of managers sensing the broad problem area. to preliminary data gathering (including literature survey), to development of theoretical framework based on the literature review and guided by experience and intuition, to formulation of hypotheses for testing. 2. there is an advantage in stating the hypothesis both in the null and in the alternate it adds clarity to our thinking about what we are testing. Explain. yes, there is. the null hypothesis is thus formulated so that it can be tested for possible rejection. if we reject the null hypothesis, then all permissible alternative hypothesis relating to the particular relationship tested could be support.

3. it is advantageous to develop a directional hypothesis whenever we are sure if the predicated direction. How will you justify this statement? yes it is, if in starting the relationship between two variables or comparing two groups, terms such positive, negative, more than, and the like are used, then these hypothesis are directional because the direction of the relationship between the variables (positive/negative) is indicate, or the nature of the difference between two groups on a variable (more than/less than) is postulated 4. for the following case “problems at roadway hospitality,” identify the main problem develop a theoretical framework develop at least four hypotheses problem at roadway hospitality john Campbell, the CEO of roadway Hospitality was wondering now to differentiate among the three different types of facilities offered under the road way hospitality flagship so at to attract the right type of clients to each of the facilities. The roadway deluxe was meant for business travels, the roadway express was meant for those looking for the least expensive accommodation, and the roadway royal, was meant to provide high quality service for big spenders. Campbell felt that revenues could be quadrupled if only clients understand the distinction among the three types of facilities offered. Keen on developing a viable strategy to eliminate the brand confusion and make clear the distinction. John Campbell conducted a customer survey of those who had used each type of facility an found the following. The costumer were blissfully unaware of the differences among the three types of facilities. Many complained about how old the building were and how poorly the facilities were maintained. The quality of service was also rated as poor. Furthermore, when rumor seems to have spread that one the customers had not helped clients to understand the differences. Campbell thought that he first needed to understand how the different classifications would be important to the several classes of clients, and then he could develop a marketing strategy that would enhance revenues.

Simultaneously. He recognized that unless the franchise owners fully cooperated with him in all his plants, mere face lifting and improvement of customer service would not bring in the added revenues he hoped for. the main problem is facility that offered in the main road. Theoretical framework : john Campbell, the CEO of roadway Hospitality was wondering now to differentiate among the three different types of facilities offered under the road way hospitality flagship so at to attract the right type of clients to each of the facilities. Campbell conducted a customer survey of those who had used each type of facility an found the following. The costumer were blissfully unaware of the differences among the three types of facilities.Campbell thought that he first needed to understand how the different classifications would be important to the several classes of clients, and then he could develop a marketing strategy that would enhance revenues. Hypothesis : 1.

make The roadway deluxe business travels, the roadway express for the least expensive accommodation


not make The roadway deluxe business travels, the roadway express for the least expensive accommodation


make The roadway deluxe business travels, the roadway express for the expensive accommodation


not make The roadway deluxe business travels, the roadway express for the expensive accommodation


Define research and explain the difference between applied and basic research.


Why is it important for managers to know about research?


Explain why handling the manager-researcher relationship effectively is important.

4. Describe a situation where it would be more beneficial to engage an external research team rather than an internal one. 5. “Because basic research is not applied immediately to a problem, it is less valuable and useful than applied research.” Comment on this statement. 6. “If managers learn how to conduct good research by taking a course such as this book offers, there would be no need to hire anyone to solve problems in organizations.” What is your response to this statement? 7.

Describe a situation where research will help you as a manager to make a good decision.

8. Given the following situation: (a) discuss with reasons, whether it will fall into the category of Applied or Basic research, and (b) who will conduct the research. To Acquire or Not to Acquire: That is the Question Companies are very interested in acquiring other firms even when the latter operate in totally unrelated realms of business. For example, Gencore Industries manufacturing asphalt plants for road construction acquired IngersollRand in 1996. And later acquired yet another company engaged in the business of food processing. Such acquisitions are claimed to “work miracles”. However, given the volatility of the stock market and the slowing down of business, many companies wonder whether such acquisitions are becoming too risky. At the same time, they also wonder if they are missing out on a great business opportunity if they fail to engage in this activity. Some research is needed here!

Answer : 1. Research ; a somewhat intimidating term for some, is simply the process of finding solutions o a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors. Research can be undertaken for two different purposes ; One is to solve a current problem faced by the manager in the work setting, demanding a timely solution is called applied research. The other is to generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved, this is called basic research. 2. Because knowledge of research not only helps one to look at the available information in sophisticated and creative ways in the fast-paced global environment in which businesses exist, but this knowledge also helps in the other ways. And modern technology has made research an exciting and a relatively smooth process. As managers, we have to know about it. 3. The manager-researcher relationship effectively is important, because The manager should make sure while hiring researchers that; The roles and expectations of both parties are made explicit. Relevant philosophies and value systems of the organization are clearly stated, and constraints, if any, communicated. There is good rapport established with the researchers, and between the researchers and employees in the organization, so that the latter cooperate fully with the researchers. 4. There are at least four advantages in engaging an internal team to do the research project : · The internal team would stand a better chance of being readily accepted by the employees in the subunit where research needs to be done. · They would require much less time to understand the structure, the philosophy and climate, and the functioning and work systems of the organization. · They would be available for implementing their recommendations after the research findings are accepted. · The internal team might cost considerably less than an external team for the department enlisting help in problem solving, because they will need less time to understand the system due to their continuous involvement with various units of the organization. For problems that are low complexity, the internal team would be good. The advantages of the external team are : · The external team can draw on a wealth of experience from having worked with different types of organizations that have had the same or similar types of problems. This wide range of experience would enable them to think both divergently and convergently rather than rushing to an instant solution on the basis of the apparent facts in the situation. They would be able to consider several alternative ways of looking at the problem because of their extensive problem-solving experiences in various other situations. Having viewed the situation from several possible angles and perspectives, they could critically assess each of these, discard the less viable options and alternatives, and focus on specific feasible solutions. · The external teams, especially those from established research and consulting firms, might have more knowledge of current sophisticated problem-solving models through their periodic training programs, which the teams within the organization may not have access to. Because knowledge obsolescence is a real threat in the consulting area, external research institutions ensure that their members are current on the latest innovations through periodic organized training programs. The extent to which internal team members are kept abreast of the latest problem-solving techniques may vary considerably from one organization to another. Knowledge of research methods and an appreciation of the comparative advantages of the external research team help managers to make decisions on how to approach problems and if the problem is a complex one, or if there are likely to be vested interest, or if the very existence of the organization is at stake because of one or more serious problems, it would be advisable to engage external researchers despite the increased costs involved rather than an internal one. 5. “because basic research is not applied immediately to a problem, it is less valuable and useful than applied

research” ; on basic research, research done chiefly to enhance the understanding of certain problems that commonly occur in organizational settings, and seek methods of solving them. The other one research is different methods, we have to applying the result of the finding to solve specific problems currently. 6. I don’t agree with that statement. Because in this book, internal-external teams help managers to make decisions on how to approach problems and determine whether internal or external researchers will be the appropriate choice to investigate and solve the problem. 7. Knowledge of research methods and an appreciation of the comparative advantages and disadvantages of the external and internal team help managers to make decisions on how to approach problems and determine whether internal or external researchers will be the appropriate choice to investigate and solve the problem. 8. (a) undertaken specifically to solve a current business problem whereas the latter is primarily resorted to because of the importance of the subject to researcher. To acquire other firms in basic research as well. (b) internal researcher will conduct the research.