25 Traits of An Alpha Male PDF [PDF]

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25 Traits of an Alpha male

Becoming an alpha male is one of the highest achievements a man can ever have. Its not just about learning how to be smooth with the ladies (but that’s also part of it), there is so much more to the Alpha male lifestyle. Its all about living a life full of fulfillment and self actualization. An alpha male lives inside all men, its what makes us manly as men. Its the Big Difference between us and the ladies. And women love it! They find it so irresistible. Its what really attracts them to men. A woman will say she wants a man who buy her flowers and listens to her stories and cares and bla bla bla (all that sissy stuff) but at the end of the day she will fall for the alpha male (Usually found in Badboys) and break all her rules. This is because for women attraction is not in the head; its in the heart. Its how they are wired – To fall for Alpha Males – And they can’t help it. This is why you want to become an alpha male. Here are the 25 Traits of an Alpha male: 1. An Alpha male is very comfortable with himself. He always radiates confidence. He does not fear anyone, he does not really care how people think of him. Confidence is him. He knows he is more important than anyone else in his life. 2.Is very passionate in life. He knows what he loves to do and follows his dreams. A true Alpha male has goals and ambitions, and really high ones. He follows these to the ultimate end, and ends up living a fulfilled life. (And women love passionate men with ambition. They see these kind of men becoming very successful in life and in their subconcious minds this is a qualifying factor in choosing a mate that will be able to provide for their future kids.) 3. Failure is only a minor setback for a real Alpha Male. Its only part of the process, he is learning. He is moving. He will always bounce back from failure, learn from the experience and move ahead with life. Nothing holds him back, after all, he is the Alpha male. Nothing can put him down. This is how he overcomes the challenges in his life.

4. He is always composed. An alpha male never loses composure, he is always himself, thoughtful and calculated. He won’t be carried away in emotional spasms. 5. Driven. A real Alpha male is very self- driven and self disciplined. Once he decides his target, all his attention will be at achieving his goal. He will do everything persistently to achieve what he wants. This is also why Alpha males drive women crazy, they are men of their own, they don’t need to be told what they should do. Women prefer men who make the decisions. 6. High morals and values. A true Alpha male is not what we will call a ‘loose’ man. He has high moral principles. He is not abusive or arrogant and does not look down upon others. Many people confuse Alpha males and Bullies. But generally, while bullies are very agressive on the outside, alpha males are very calm, calculated and controlled people. 7. An Alpha male is a natural leader. He is always looked up upon to provide direction when needed. 8. An Alpha male is a Problem Solver. In a company or organization, he will always be put in a challenging position and because of this, he will be highly regarded and compensated. He will always be the best at what he does. 9. Dress- Code- Smart. Not that he really cares what anyone thinks of how he dresses; that is not very important to him. But he still dresses the best way possible, always. Its just part of his nature, after all, he wants the best in life! He doesn’t have to but he knows he should. 10. He believes in growth. He knows that change is an internal process and takes time. He does not blame anyone for his mistakes because he knows that he has the power to make his life better and become a better man. Life for him is all about constant growth. This is the real essence of a man living a life of purpose. Every successful man in history knew this. That life is learning process. It is only an arrogant person who thinks they know it all. Humble yourself and learn! 11. With women he always poses a challenge. No, he is not chosen by women, he CHOOSES them! He does not throw himself at women and start acting needy with women. For him its the other way round. They really have to impress him and earn his attention. 12. A True Alpha male is not bossy. Not at all. He likes to listen to others’ opinions. If he is in a position of leadership he will let everyone share their thoughts and collectively find the solution. That’s why his co- workers love him! His team always wins. 13. He is not afraid to face his faults or admit when he is wrong. For a real Alpha male, there is nothing wrong with admitting when he has done something wrong. Its all about moving on with life, finding a solution, moving forward. If he wronged someone, he will politely admit and apologise, without making a big deal out of it, then move on to the next best thing.

14. He does not have to prove himself. An alpha male is being of very high self esteem, he does not need anyone’s approval to make him feel better about himself. 15. Alpha males are very clever, smart and cunning people. He’s got a real keen mind. He will assess situations and find the best logical solutions. In business alpha males do very well, their analytical skill and keen mind goes a long way. 16. Dominant, not aggressive, Alpha males also posess superior social skills. 17. Social behaviour – Hang out mostly with other alpha males. A true Alpha male finds the most value in hanging out with others like him. He also finds growth in doing this by learning from others who are better than him at one thing or another. That is why he never fails in life, he surrounds himself with people who are either like him or better achieved than him. Those are his company. 18. Physically fit. Alpha males are into healthy living and proper eating. They workout regularly, this also helps them become more focused on their goals and ambitions. This is why most Alpha’s are well built and all masculine. 19. Optimistic. Alpha males will always see the positive side of things and make the best out of what they have. A true Alpha male knows that in every problem there lies therein an opportunity. They just have to find it.

Body Language 20. Alpha males talk slowly. They never rush things, they are always in control. They have a way of having there audience eat at their every word. They know they are important and when they talk they command this importance. 21. They walk slowly, not not lazily. There is a difference. Alpha males are very controlled people. They are not always in a rush like everyone else. An Alpha male will be very disciplined to be on time or earlier for a meeting and well prepared. He will therefor have enough time to observe and think through his strategy. 22. Really Good Communicators. The alpha male is a great communicator both verbal and non-verbal. He shows his feelings through positive body language and is not afraid to show his sexual side. Women love this too – Men who are not wussies at flirting and showing their sexuality. It is not about telling a woman that you love her. Its about Expressing it in body Language and letting her read it with her subconscious mind. 23. Witty. Alpha males have a high sense of humor, they always live on the fun side of life. Its never always too serious fo them.

24. Alpha males know that they are important. When you call them (Unlike Beta males) they will take their time to turn their head and focus on you. You always have to prove worthy of their attention. 25. Alpha males Demonstrate Strength. The kind of strength that will make a woman believe that she is safe with him and that he can protect her when it comes to that. Women are generally the weaker sex, and always look for comfort in Alpha males; men who are dominant.