3105 English [PDF]

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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 1. Simple present tense adalah pekerjaan yang sering dilakukan dan bersifat umum. 2. Subyek yang digunakan adalah : I, you, we they (Ana and Ani) : He (Furqan), she (Fira), it (a dog, a table) 3. Auxiliary (Kata bantu yang digunakan adalah : Do and Does Do digunakan apabila subjectnya : I, you, we, they Does digunakan apabila subjectnya: he, she, it 4. Yang menggunakan kata bantu hanya kalimat negative dan introgative sedangkan kalimat positive tidak menggunakan kata bantu. 5. Verb (kata kerja yang digunakan adalah verb 1 dan verb 1+s/es 6. Adverb (kata keterangan yang biasa digunakan adalah: Every day setiap hari Every month setiap bulan Every Sunday setiap ahad Every second setiap detik Every week setiap minggu Every year setiap tahun Every hour setiap jam 7. Adverb of frekuensi, keterangan frekuensi yang sering digunakan adalah Always selalu Seldom jarang Often sering Usually biasanya Sometimes kadangkala Rarely jarang 8. Examples: 1. (+) I go to school everyday (-) I do not go to school everyday (?) Do you go to school everyday? - Yes, I do - Yes, I go to school every day - Bo, I don’t - no I don’t go to school everyday (wh) where do you go everyday? - I go to school everyday 2. (+) He goes to Makassar every month (-) He does not go to Makassar every month (?) Does he go to Makassar every month? - Yes, he does - Yes, he go to Makassar every month - No, he doesn’t - No, he doesn’t go to Makassar every month (?) Does he go to Makassar every month?


No, he does not go to Makassar every month

Exercise: Choose Do or Does 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I …do… not go to the market every Sunday We …do… not go to hospital every month …Does… he say hello to you if you see him …Does… she come to the meeting every Monday What …does… he do every day? (apa yang dia lakukan setiap hari?) What …do… you do every day? Where …do… you live? Where …does… she live? …Do… not to disturb! (jangan ganggu saya!)

Change the verbs in the brackets necessary! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She …comes… to my house every year (come) Do you usually …do… your homework every week? (does) Does she always …eat… his breakfast every morning? (eating) How do you …go… to school every day? (goes) Mr. Alwi does not …teacher… English every Monday (teaches)

Change the sentence based on the mark given! 1. (+) He studies English everyday (-) ………………………He doesn't study English every day……………………… (?) ……………………does he study english every day?……………………….. 2. (-) They do not meet me every Sunday (+) ……………………They do meet me every Sunday………………………… (?) ……………………………Do They meet me every Sunday? ………………..

SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUES TENSE 1. Present continues tense adalah suatu pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan. 2. Subject dengan to be yang digunakan adalah: I am, you, are, they are, we are, he is, she is, it is. 3. Verb yang digunakan adalah Verb 1 + ing 4. Adverb (kata keterangan) yang digunakan adalah Now: sekarang At present: sekarang Right now: sekarang 5. Formula (rumus) (+) S + am/is/are + verb ing + O/C (-) S + am/is/are + not + verb ing + O/C (?) Am/is/are + S + verb ing + O/C

6. Examples in positive, negative, introgative and wh questions. 1. (+) I am going to hospital now (-) I am not going to hospital now (?) are you going to hospital now? - Yes, I am. - Yes, I am going to the hospital now. - No, I am not. - No, I am not going to the hospital now. (wh) where are you going now? - I am going to the hospital now. 2. (+) They are studying English right now (-) They are not studying English right now (?) Are they studying English right now? - Yes, they are. - Yes, they are studying English right now. - No they aren’t. - No, they are not studying English right now. (wh) What are they doing? - They are studying English right now. 3. (+) He is watching TV at present (-) He isn’t watching TV at present (?) Is he wathing TV at present? - Yes, he is. - Yes, he is watching TV at present. - No, he isn’t. - No, he isn’t watching TV at present. (wh) What is he doing at present? -

He is watching TV at present./He is doing nothing.

Exercises: A. Choose do, does, am, is, are 1. I …do... not teach chemistry every Tuesday. 2. They …are... not teaching mathematic now. 3. …Are... you invite Amir to your wedding party. 4. What ….are you do everyday? 5. What …are... you doing now? 6. They …do... not her homework well. 7. How …do... you go to school? 8. How …does... he go to Makassar? 9. He …does... speaking to our headmaster. 10. …is... she writing a love letter at present. B. Change the verbs I the brackets if necessary 1. She is …studying... Biology now. (study) 2. She is …reading... a magazine now. (reading) 3. What is Mr. Alwi …write... (write) 4. Al-furqan is …teaches... us seriously. (teach)

SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 1. SPT adalah suatu pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau dan waktunya tidak diketahui. 2. Subject yang digunakan adalah: I, you, they, he, she, it. 3. Auxiliary atau kata kerja bantu yang digunakan adalah Have dan Has , yang artinya adalah telah/sudah. 4. Adverb yang biasanya digunakan adalah: Since: sejak before: sebelum ever:pernah For: selama already: sudah never: tidak pernah 5. Formula/rumus (+) S + have/has + verb3 + O/C (-) S + have/has + not + verb3 + O/C (?)Have/has + S + verb3 + O/C 6. Pasangan: Have digunakan apabila subjectnya: I, you, we, they Has digunakan apabila subjectnya: he, she, it.

Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I have heard this before. (saya telah mendengarkan ini sebelumnya) I have seen him. (saya telah menjumpainya) Have you ever been there? (pernahkah anda ke sana?) I have never been there. (saya tidak pernah ke sana) The postman hasn’t come yet. (tukang pos belum datang)

1. (+) I have visited to Bulukumba regency. (-) I haven’t visited to Bulukumba regency (?) Have you visited to Bulukumba regency? -

Yes, I have. - Yes, I have visited to Bulukumba regency. No, I haven’t. - No, I haven’t visited to Bulukumba regency.

(wh) What regency have you visited in South Sulawesi? - I have visited to Bulukumba regency. 2. (+) She has bought a new car (-) She hasn’t bought a new car (?) Has she bought a new car?


Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

- Yes, she has bought a new car. - No, she hasn’t bought a new car.

(wh) What has she bought? - She has bought a new car 3. (+) They have chosen Megawati as a president of Indonesia. (-) They haven’t chosen Megawati as a president of Indonesia. (?) Have they chosen Megawati as a president? - Yes, they have. - Yes, she has bought a new car. - No, she hasn’t. - No, she hasn’t bought a new car. (wh) What has she bought? -

She has bought a new car.

Exercise: A. Choose do, does, am, is, are, have, has! 1. You …do... not love her. 2. You ….have.. loved since three years. 3. …Does... he life here for five years. 4. What …have... you done? 5. What …are... you doing? 6. What you …do... everyday? 7. What …has... he done? 8. I …am... thinking about my lover? 9. What …are... you thinking about? 10. Amir …has... not finished his work. B. Change the verb in the brackets! 1. Have you ..studied… chemistry? (study) 2. They have not read… the book (read) 3. The bus has ..carrying. twenty passengers. (carry) 4. What have you ..done… ?(do) 5. What has he ..done … ? (do) 6. Megawati has ..met… George Bush. (meet) 7. Amir has…invited.. me. (invite) 8. We haven’t .are… to Bali. (are) 9. Have ever …been.. to Bira beach. (are)

SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSE 1. PPCT adalah menyatakan pekerjaan yang dimulai pada waktu yang lampau, sampai sekarang dan berlangsung hingga sekarang. 2. Subject yang digunakan adalah: I, you, we, they, he, she, it. 3. Auxiliary atau kata bantu yang yang digunakan adalah have been dan has been. 4. Verb (kata kerja) yang digunakan adalah: verb1+ing 5. Formula: (+) S + have/has been + verb1 + O/C (-) S + have/has been + not + verb1 + O/C (?)Have/has been + S + verb1 + O/C 6. Examples: 1. I have been staying at this month (saya telah tinggal di rumah ini bulan ini) 2. We have been waiting for you since eight o’clock (saya telah sedang menunggu anda sejak pukul delapan) 3. She has been studying English for over three years (saya telah sedang belajar bahasa Inggris selama lebih dari tiga tahun) 7. Some more examples A. (+) I have been studying Arabic for five years (-) I have not been studying Arabic for five years (?) Have you studying Arabic for five years? - Yes, I have. - Yes, I have been studying Arabic for five years. - No, I have not. - No, I have not been studying Arabic for five years. (wh) How long have you been studying Arabic? -

I have been studying Arabic for five years.

Exercise: A. Choose does, do, am, is, are, have, has, have been, has been. 1. He ..does..not love me anymore 2. ..Has.. he drunk white coffee? 3. I ..am.. drinking milk now. 4. How long …has Ani been… living here? 5. How long …have you been… living here> 6. What.. have..you done? 7. What ..has… Ani done? 8. They are not hate me 9. How ..do… you get over there? 10. He ...is… thinking about his honey over there.

B. Change the verb in the brackets! 1. Amir has been ..answered.. the journalist question. (answer) 2. She has been ...arrived... in London for two hours. (arrived) 3. The passengers has been ..left.. for Singapore. (left) 4. Have you been ...anticipated... the problem? (anticipate) 5. How long have you been ...attending... the meeting? (attended) C. Change the sentence in present perfect tense! 1. They are drinking orange juice now. : They have been drinking orange juice now. 2. Do you accompany him to the hospital? : have you accompany him to the hospital 3. Have you done your homework? : Have been you do your homework? 4. He does everything well. : He has been everything well 5. What do you do everyday? : What have been you do everyday?

SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE (to be going to) Simple future tense adalah suatu pekerjaan yang dikerjakan pada masa atau waktu yang akan datang. Subject yang digunakan adalah I, you we, they, she, it. To be yang digunakan adalah to be going to (is going to, are going to, and am going to). To be going to artinya akan. Pasangannya adalah: I sm going to, we are going to, you are going to, they are going to, he is going to, she is going to. Kata kerja yang digunakana adalah verb 1 Adverb yang digunakan: Tomorrow: besok The day after tomorrow: lusa Next week: minggu depan Next month: bulan depan Next year: tahun depan Next Sunday: ahad depan Formula (rumus): (+) S + am, is, are going to + verb1 + O/C (-) S + am, is, are going to + not + verb1 + O/C (?) am, is, are going to + S + verb1 + O/C Examples: (+) I am going to go to Lake Toba next week. (-) I am not going to Lake Toba next week. (?) Are you going to Lake Toba next week? - Yes, I am - Yes, I am going to Lake Toba next week. - No, I am not- No, I am not going to Lake Toba next week. (wh) Where are you going to go to next week? - I am going to Lake Toba next week. (+) He is going to sleep tonight. (-) He is not going to sleep tonight. (?) Is he going to sleep tonight? -

Yes, he is. -Yes, he is going to sleep tonight. No, he isn’t. - no he isn’t going to sleep tonight.

(wh) what is he going to do tonight? -

He is going to sleep tonight.

Exercise: Choose is going, are going, am going, do, does, am, is , are will! 1. I am going to go to Jeneva next year. 2. He is going to England now. 3. I will go to Makassar tomorrow. 4. Will you buy a new bike the day after tomorrow. 5. Are you going to buy a new radio. 6. We will to study about computer next Friday. 7. Will you study about computer Thursday? 8. How does she got to mount Lompo Battang every year. 9. She has studying about chemistry. 10. The students do to going the examination. Change the verbs in the brackets if necessary! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I am going to Java now. (go) He is going to go Sanur beach tomorrow. (go) I will going to Los Angles. (go) Are they going to study tonight? (studying) We shall meet Megawati last week. (meet) Are going to make a kite next week? (make) Will you made a kite next week? (made)

SIMPLE FUTURE CONTINOUS TENSE 1. S T F C adalah suatu pekerjaan yang akan sedang dilakukan. 2. Auxiliary (kata bantu) yang digunakan adalah shall be dan will be. 3. Pasangannya adalah: I-shall-will be, you they will be, we-shall-will be, he she it will be. 4. Examples: I shall be working at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. 5. Keterangan waktu yang biasanya digunakan adalah: … 6. Formula (rumus): (+) S + shall/will be + verb1 – ing + O/C (-) S + shall/will be + not + verb1 – ing + O/C (?) shall/will + S + be + verb1 – ing + O/C 7. Examples in various sentence: (+) We shall be building a big factory tomorrow morning. (-)We shall not be building a big factory tomorrow morning. (?) Shall we be building a factory tomorrow morning? - Yes, e shall. - Yes, we shall be building a big factory tomorrow morning. - No, we shall not - No, we shall not be building a big factory tomorrow morning. (wh) What shall we building tomorrow morning? -

We shall building a big factory tomorrow morning.

(+) He will be driving an old car to Bostom next morning. (-) He will not be driving an old car to Bostom next morning. (?) Will he be driving an old car to Bostom next morning? -

Yes, he will. - Yes, he will be driving an old car to Bostom next morning. No, he will not. - No, he will not be driving an old car to Bostom next morning.

Exercises: A. Choose shall, will, , shall be. Will be, am, is, are, have, has, did! 1. She is cooking neci in the kitchen tomorrow afternoon. 2. they shall be not sleeping in the living room next morning. 3. What will the students do next morning? 4. Amir will be tought English. 5. What will the teacher teach in the last morning? 6. The passengers are going away.

7. Where will the passengers getting out? 8. Where are the passengers go yesterday? 9. He has sung a good song. B. Change the verbs in the brackets if necessary! 1. She will not be sweep in the class room next week. (sweep) 2. They will be cook rice in the yard tomorrow morning. (cooked) 3. Anti will be teach English (teach) 4. The students will not be study English well. (study) 5. What will you be do tomorrow? (done) 6. The students will be pass in the examination next week. ( pass) 7. What time will they be call her next morning? (called) 8. I will not be ask the mechanic to repair the car. (asked) 9. Bulukumba regent will be meet before our governor arrived (met) 10. Ani and Ana will be go to Japan next winter (gone) C. Make sentences according to mark given! 1. (+) He will cook the meat the next day.…… (-) He will not cook the meat the next day.…… (?) Will He cook the meat the next day?. ………………………………………………………… 2. (+) We shall be building a small tower next month. (-) We shall not be building a small tower next month. (?)…Shall we be building a small tower next month?

SIMPLE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE 1. S F P T adalah pekerjaan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau, dan akan segera selesai pada waktu yang akan datang. 2. Subject dengan auxiliary sbb: I shall/ will have, you will have, we shall, will have, they will have, he will have, she will have. 3. Shall have/has mempunyai arti akan selesai/akan telah. 4. Adverb yang digunakan biasanya adalah: By the end of this: Menjelang akhir minggu By next week: Menjelang minggu depan By next month: Menjelang bulan depan By 2002: Menjelang tahun 2002 5. Examples: A. Furqan will have done his work by the end of this week. (Furqan akan menyelesaikan pekerjaannya menjelang akhir minggu ini) B. By next week, I shall have read this book. (Menjelang akhir minggu ini, saya akan selesai membaca buku ini) 6. Formula (rumus)

(+) S + shall/will have + verb3 + O/C (-) S + shall/will have + not + verb3 + O/C (?) shall/will have + S + verb3 + O/C Exercises: A. Choose do, does, am, is, are, have, has, will, was, were. 1. They will spread the news by the end of the month. 2. The reporters will report the information tomorrow. 3. He is made a kite by next week. 4. She is made a cake. 5. Ani is buying a beautiful house. 6. The prime minister is leaving for Singapore. 7. The minister has visited to Mexico city. 8. I am lost my money. 9. What has he said to hit audience?

10. Tomorrow everyone will sell hews his shares in BNI. B. Change the verbs in the brackets! 1. The judge will have spread the bad news to the public, by next 2002. (spread) 2. By the next month, everyone will have sold his share in BNI. (sell) 3. What will have you say to hit the audience? (say) 4. My wife, Heri will have lose her necklaces. (lose) 5. Fira will have buy beautiful blouse by next week. (buying) 6. He will have make a kite by tomorrow morning. (make) 7. What will the interviewa has report by the next week? (report) 8. The minister will not have leave for Singapore by 2002. (leaving)

SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1. S P T adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang dikerjakan pada waktu lampau. 2. Subject yang digunakan adalah, I, you, we, they, she, he, it. 3. Verb yang digunakan adalah: verb 2 untuk kalimat positive. Verb 1 untuk kalimat negative dan introgative. 4. Adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu) yang digunakan adalah: Yesterday: kemarin last year: tahun lalu Three weeks ago: 3 minggu lalu last week: minggu lalu Four months ago: 4 bulan lalu two days ago: 2 hari yang lalu Last month: bulan lalu just now: tadi Two hours ago: 2 jam yang lalu 5. I was, you/we/they were, he/she/it was.Formula (rumus) (+) S + verb 1 + O/C (-) S + did not + verb 1 + O/C (?) did + S + verb1 + O/C 6. Examples: A. (+) I went to the Bira beach yesterday. (-) I did not go to the Bira beach yesterday. (?) Did you go to bira beach yesterday? - Yes, I did. - Yes, I went to the Bira beach yesterday. - No, I didn’t. - No, I didn’t go to the Bira beach yesterday. (wh) Where did you go to yesterday? - I went to the Bira beach yesterday. - I went nowhere yesterday. B. (+) She wrote a very beautiful novel two years ago. (-) She didn’t write a beautiful novel two years ago. (?) Did she write a beautiful novel two years ago? - Yes, she did. - Yes, she wrote a very beautiful novel two years ago. - No, she didn’t.- No, she didn’t write a very beautiful novel two years ago. (wh) what did she wrote two years ago? -

She wrote a very beautiful novel two years ago.

(wh) when did shi write a very beautiful novel? -

She wrote a very beautiful novel two years ago.

Excercises: A. Choose: does, do, am, is, are, have, has, did. 1. Do you eat mangosteen veryday? 2. Are you eating now? 3. Does Ani play badminton every Sunday. 4. She is going to abroad. 5. I do not know him. 6. Amir did not know me yesterday. B. Change the verbs in the brackets if necessary! 1. Did you see Amir last Sunday? (saw) 2. How did you go to Makassar yesterday? (go) 3. What did you doing last week? (does) 4. Ani has a beautiful bird year. (has) 5. They played tacrow last week. (play) C. Change the sentence into past tense. 1. We study English everyday. : We study English yesterday. 2. Has he build a house? : He has build a house. 3. Ani doesn’t clean the living room yesterday. : Ani doesn’t clean the living room two days ago. 4. What did you do every Thursday? : What did you do last Thursday? 5. Furqan is qoing to Makassar. : Furqan has gone to Makassar.

SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 1. S P C T adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau pada saat pekerjaan lain terjadi. 2. Subject yang digunakan: I, you, we, they, he, she, it. 3. To be yang digunakan adalah was dan were 4. To be dengan pasangannya adalah sbb: I was, you/we/they were, he/she/it was. 5. Verb (kata kerja) yang digunakan adalah: verb 1 + ing 6. Formula (rumus) (+) S + was/were + verb 1 – ing + O/C (-) S + was/were not + verb 1 – ing + O/C (?) was/were + S + verb1 – ing + O/C 7. Conjunction (penghubung) yang biasa digunakan adalah: While (sementara) = while was bathing in the river, I heard a fearful cry. (sementara saya sedangmencuci di sungai, saya mendengarkan jeritan yang menakutkan) When (ketika) = when you call me, I was listening to the radio. (ketika anda menelpon, saya sedang mendengarkan radio) 8. Examples: A. (+) He was singing a dangdut song, when you came. (-) He wasn’t singing a dangdut song, when you come. (?) Was he singing a dangdut song, when you come? - Yes, he was. - Yes, he was singing a dangdut song, when you came. - No, he wasntt. - No, he wasn’t singing a dangdut song, when you came. (wh) What was he doing when you come? - He was singing a dangdut song when I come. B. (+) They were eating lunch, when Amir went out. (-) They were not eating lunch, when Amir went out. (?) Were they eating lunch, when Amir went out? - Yes, they were. - Yes, they were eating lunch, when Amir went out. - No, they weren’t. - No, they were not eating lunch, when Amir went out. (wh) What were they doing when Amir went out. -

They were eating lunch, when Amir went out.

Exercises: A. Choose: do, does, have, has, did, was, were! 1. He does not join the meeting every year. 2. How do you go to Merpati beach? 3. Did Ani sleep well last night. 4. We will not agree with his idea last night. 5. I was reading a newspaper, when he arrived. 6. While they were drinking milk, the robber come. 7. Did He enjoyed the beautiful film. 8. Do the students know the national examination test? 9. What did he doing, when Jony died? 10. When he came, I was studying chemistry. B. Make at least 3 number of past cotinous tense dan each number consist of (+), (-), (?) sentences! 1. (+) I was sleeping when Ani cried (-) I was not sleeping when Ani cried (?) was I sleeping when Ani cried? 2. (+) They were studying when Anto sleep (-) They were not studying when Anto sleep (?) Were they studying when Anto sleep?


S P P C T adalah suatu pekerjaan yang sudah dimulai dan masih berlangsung. Tense ini berlaku untuk semua subject. Auxiliary (kata bantu) yang digunakan adalah has been. Example: a. When I finished my dinner, Furqan had been playing chess (ketika saya selesai makan, Furkan sedang bermain catur) b. When I come to Surabaya 1980, he had been already living there about five years. (ketika saya sedang datang ke Surabaya pada tahun 1980, ia telah sedang tinggal selama 5 tahun. 5. Formula (Rumus) (+) S + had been + verb 1 – ing + O/C (-) S + had not been + verb 1 – ing + O/C (?) had + S + been + verb1 – ing + O/C 6. Some more examples: (+) Fira had been crying, when her mother arrived. (-) Fira had not been crying, when her mother arrived. (?) Had Fira been crying when her mother arrived? - Yes, she had. - Yes, she had been crying, when her mother arrived. - No, she hdant. - no, she hadn’t been crying, when her mother arrived. (wh) What had Fira been doing, when her mother arrived? -

She had been crying, when her mother arrived.

Exercises: A. Choose: have, has, had, had been, and did! 1. Last week I did not use the barber to cut my hair. 2. I did reported the information to my superior. 3. When Megawati spoke in front of the public, vice president has living. 4. Vice president has left, before Megawati arrived. 5. The student has studied English and German. 6. What did you do last night? 7. She did done nothing. 8. How did you go to Las Vegas last night. 9. She has studying in Indonesia about two months, when you come there. 10. My mother had been died after my brother come.

B. Chang the verbs in the brackets! 1. She has studied English. (study) 2. What did you do last Tuesday. (does) 3. The student has passed in national examination. (pass) 4. Buukumba regent had left before our governor arrived. ( leave) 5. Our village had been leaved, when I spoken front of the public. (leave) 6. He has reported the problem to the minister of defense. (reporting) 7. I didn’t ask the mechanic to repair my car. (asked) 8. What time do you meet Mr. Alwi every morning. (met) 9. He had been lived in england aobout two years, when his family came ther. (living) 10. My son in law had died after my daughter came. (die) :'(