33 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense [PDF]

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33 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense 

Kalimat positif: o

Subject + verb 1 (+ s/es) + object/keterangan


Subject + to be (am/is/are) + adjective/adverb Kalimat negatif:

 o

Subjek + do/does + not + Verb 1 + Objek/keterangan


Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + adjective/adverb Kalimat tanya:

 o

Do/does + Subjek + Verb 1 + objek/keterangan?


To be (am/is/are) + subject + adjective/adverb?

Contoh 1 

(+) The train leaves at 6.00 a.m. [Kereta berangkat pukul 6 pagi.]

(-) The train does not leave at 6.00 a.m. [Kereta tidak berangkat pukul 6 pagi.]

(-) Does the train leave at 6.00 a.m? [Apakah kereta berangkat pukul 6 pagi?]

Contoh 2 

(+) I write a letter for my teacher. [Saya menulis surat untuk guru saya.]

(-) I don’t write a letter for my teacher. [Saya tidak menulis surat untuk guru saya.]

(?) Do I write a letter for my teacher? [Apakah saya menulis surat untuk guru saya?]

Contoh 3 

(+) We have a meeting now. [Kita ada rapat sekarang.]

(-) We don’t have a meeting now. [Kita tidak ada rapat sekarang.]

(+) Do we have a meeting now? [Apakah kita ada meeting sekarang?]

Contoh 4

(+) Mary needs a dictionary. [Mary membutuhkan kamus.]

(-) Mary doesn’t need a dictionary. [Mary tidak membutuhkan kamus.]

(?) Does Mary need a dictionary? [Apakah Mary membutuhkan kamus?]

Contoh 5 

(+) They want to go to the party. [Mereka ingin pergi ke pesta.]

(-) They don’t want to go to the party. [Mereka tidak ingin pergi ke pesta.]

(?) Do they want to go to the party? [Apakah mereka ingin pergi ke pesta?]

Contoh 6 

(+) He likes pizza. [Dia suka pizza.]

(-) He doesn’t like pizza. [Dia tidak suka pizza.]

(?) Does he like pizza? [Apakah dia suka pizza?]

Contoh 7 

(+) It moves. [Itu bergerak.]

(-) It doesn’t move. [Itu tidak bergerak.]

(?) Does it move? [Apakah itu bergerak?]

Contoh 8 

(+) You speak Arabic. [Anda berbicara bahasa Arab.]

(-) You don’t speak Arabic. [Anda tidak berbicara bahasa Arab]

(?) Do you speak Arabic? [Apakah Anda berbicara bahasa Arab?]

Contoh 9 

(+) We have time for a rest. [Kami punya waktu untuk istirahat.]

(-) We don’t have time for a rest. [Kami tidak punya waktu untuk istirahat.]

(?) Do we have time for a rest? [ Apakah kami punya waktu untuk istirahat?]

Contoh 10

(+) Joko plays chess in the evenings. [Joko bermain catur di malam hari.]

(-) Joko doesn’t play chess in the evenings. [Joko tidak bermain catur di malam hari.]

(?) Does Joko play chess in the evenings? [Apakah Joko bermain catur di malam hari?]

Contoh 11 

(+) It always snows here in January. [Di sini selalu turun salju pada Januari.]

(-) It doesn’t always snow here in January. [Di sini tidak selalu turun salju pada Januari.]

(?) Does it always snow here in January? [Apakah di sini selalu turun salju pada Januari?]

Contoh 12 

(+) I go to school every day. [Saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari.]

(-) I don’t go to school every day. [Saya tidak pergi ke sekolah setiap hari.]

(?) Do I go to school every day? [Apakah saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari?]

Contoh 13 

(+) They eat spaghetti for dinner every Monday. [Mereka makan spaghetti untuk makan malam setiap hari Senin.]

(-) They don’t eat spaghetti for dinner every Monday. [Mereka tidak makan spaghetti untuk makan malam setiap hari Senin.]

(?) Do they eat spaghetti for dinner every Monday? [Apakah mereka makan spaghetti untuk makan malam setiap hari Senin?]

Contoh 14 

(+) The human body contains 206 bones. [Tubuh manusia mengandung 206 tulang.]

(-) The human body doesn’t contain 206 bones. [Tubuh manusia tidak mengandung 206 tulang.]

(?) Does the human body contain 206 bones? [Apakah tubuh manusia mengandung 206 tulang?]

Contoh 15 

(+) She lives in Bandung. [Dia tinggal di Bandung.]

(-) She doesn’t live in Bandung. [Dia tidak tinggal di Bandung.]

(?) Does she live in Bandung? [Apakah dia tinggal di Bandung?]

Contoh 16 

(+) You have two brothers and a sister. [Anda punya dua saudara laki-laki dan seorang saudara perempuan.]

(-) You don’t have two brothers and a sister. [Anda tidak punya dua saudara laki-laki dan seorang saudara perempuan.]

(?) Do you have two brothers and a sister? [Apakah Anda punya dua saudara laki-laki dan seorang saudara perempuan?]

Contoh 17 

(+) I sometimes go to the cinema. [Saya terkadang pergi ke bioskop.]

(-) I sometimes don’t go to the cinema. [Saya terkadang tidak pergi ke bioskop.]

(?) Do I sometimes go to the cinema? [Apakah saya terkadang pergi ke bioskop.]

Contoh 18 

(+) They move into their new home next week. [Mereka pindah ke rumah baru mereka minggu depan.]

(-) They don’t move into their new home next week. [Mereka tidak pindah ke rumah baru mereka minggu depan.]

(?) Do they move into their new home next week? [Apakah mereka pindah ke rumah baru mereka minggu depan?]

Contoh 19 

(+) Your boss gives you positive feedback. [Bos Anda memberi Anda umpan balik positif.]

(-) Your boss doesn’t give you positive feedback. [Bos Anda tidak memberi Anda umpan balik positif.]

(?) Does your boss give you positive feedback? [Apakah bos Anda memberi Anda umpan balik positif?]

Contoh 20 

(+) You surf the Internet every day. [Anda menjelajahi internet setiap hari.]

(-) You don’t surf the Internet every day. [Anda tidak menjelajahi internet setiap hari.]

(?) Do you surf the Internet every day? [Apakah Anda menjelajahi internet setiap hari?]

Contoh 21 

(+) Yusuf goes to football practice every Tuesday. [Yusuf pergi ke latihan sepakbola setiap hari Selasa.]

(-) Yusuf doesn’t go to football practice every Tuesday. [Yusuf tidak pergi ke latihan sepakbola setiap hari Selasa.]

(?) Does Yusuf go to football practice every Tuesday? [Apakah Yusuf pergi ke latihan sepakbola setiap hari Selasa?]

Contoh 22 

(+) We produce lasers for cosmetic surgery. [Kami memproduksi laser untuk bedah kosmetik.]

(-) We don’t produce lasers for cosmetic surgery. [Kami tidak memproduksi laser untuk bedah kosmetik.]

(?) Do we produce lasers for cosmetic surgery? [Apakah kami memproduksi laser untuk bedah kosmetik?]

Contoh 23 

(+) My friends usually leave so early. [Teman-temanku biasanya pergi begitu awal.]

(-) My friends don’t usually leave so early. [Teman-temanku biasanya tidak pergi begitu awal.]

(?) Does my friends usually leave so early? [Apakah teman-temanku biasanya pergi begitu awal?]

Contoh 24

(+) Toba Lake is the largest lake in Indonesia. [Danau Toba adalah danau terluas di Indonesia.]

(-) Toba Lake is not the largest lake in Indonesia. [Danau Toba bukan danau terluas di Indonesia.]

(?) Is Toba Lake the largest lake in Indonesia? [Apakah danau Toba adalah danau terluas di Indonesia?]

Contoh 25 

(+) I am tired to write my second novel. [Saya lelah menulis novel kedua saya.]

(-) I am not tired to write my second novel. [Saya tidak lelah menulis novel kedua saya.]

(?) Am I tired to write my second novel? [Apakah saya lelah menulis novel kedua saya?

Contoh 26 

(+) We are the champions. [Kami adalah juara.]

(-) We are not the champions. [Kami bukan juara.]

(?) Are we the champions? [Apakah kami juara?]

Contoh 27 

(+) She is nineteen years old. [Dia sembilan belas tahun.]

(-) She is not nineteen years old. [Dia bukan sembilan belas tahun.]

(?) Is she nineteen years old? [Apakah dia sembilan belas tahun?]

Contoh 28 

(+) That is pork. [Itu adalah daging babi.]

(-) That is not pork. [Itu bukan daging babi.]

(?) Is that pork? [Apakah itu daging babi?]

Contoh 29 

(+) They are students in senior high school. [Mereka adalah siswa di sekolah menengah atas.]

(-) They are not students in senior high school. [Mereka bukan siswa di sekolah menengah atas.]

(?) Are they students in senior high school? [Apakah mereka adalah siswa di sekolah menengah atas?]

Contoh 30 

(+) Andini is my new girlfriend. [Andini adalah pacar baru saya.]

(-) Andini is not my new girlfriend. [Andini bukan pacar baru saya.]

(?) Is Andini my new girlfriend. [Apakah Andini adalah pacar baru saya?]

Contoh 31 

(+) You are a freelance writer. [Kamu adalah penulis lepas.]

(-) You are a not freelance writer. [Kamu bukan penulis lepas.]

(?) Are you a freelance writer? [Apakah kamu adalah penulis lepas?]

Contoh 32 

(+) I am happy with my last month earning. [Saya senang dengan penghasilan bulan lalu saya.]

(-) I am not happy with my last month earning. [Saya tidak senang dengan penghasilan bulan lalu saya.]

(?) Am I happy with my last month earning? [Apakah saya senang dengan penghasilan bulan lalu saya?]

Contoh 33 

(+) They are in the classroom. [Mereka ada di kelas.]

(-) They are not in the classroom. [Mereka tidak ada di kelas.]

(?) Are they are in the classroom? [Apakah mereka ada di kelas?]