ADMISSION Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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ADMISSION 1. Admission TIU :

- Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang pendaftaran pasien di rumah sakit.

TIK : -

Peserta didik mampu bertanya untuk mendapatkan informasi khusus tentang pasien.


Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata tentang bagian-bagian dirumah sakit.


Peserta didik mampu memahami bentuk Demonstrative.

Before entering a hospital, a patient is given an admission form. It is used to obtain information about case history, in order to determine a patient goes to appropriate ward. After that he/she is received by nurse. Based on a temperature chart, a case history sheet and care report, the nurse develop a precise report of care. Therefore a nurse needs an interview. In this unit you will be given some useful expressions for an in terview. 2. Useful Expression  Welcome, Mr. Harry. Selamat datang, Tuan Harry.  I’ll show you your room, now. Saya akan menunjukkan ruangan anda, sekarang.  I’d like to ask you some questions. Saya ingin bertanya beberapa pertanyaan.

 Have you ever been in a hospital? Apakah anda pernah dirawat dirumah sakit?  When was the last time you were hospitalized? Kapan anda terakhir kali dirawat di rumah sakit?  Have you had any operation? Apakah anda pernah dioperasi?

 Are you allergic to anything? Apakah anda alergi terhadap sesuatu?  Do you use hearing aid? Apakah anda menggunakan alat bantu pendengaran?  Do you smoke? How many cigarettes in a day? Apakah anda merokok? Berapa batang rokok dalam sehari?  Could you tell me about you illness? Mohon ceritakan tentang penyakit anda?  What medicine have you taken at home? Obat apa yang telah anda minum di rumah?  Do you want a religious service? Apakah anda ingin pelayanan spiritual/agama?

3. Dialogue Nurse Sinta enters Mr. Robert’s room. Suster Sinta masuk ke ruang Tuan Robert. NS

: Nurse Sinta

Mr. R

: Mr. Robert


: excuse me, Mr. Robert. Permisi, tuan Robert.

Mr. R

: yes, come in please. Ya, silahkan masuk.


: how are you feeling today? Bagaimana perasaan anda hari ini?

Mr. R

: not too well, Nurse. Im afraid I have a bit of cold Tidak begitu sehat. Saya agak flu/pilek.


: ok, Mr. Robert. I’d like to ask you some questions. Have you ever been

in a hospital?

Baiklah tuan Robert. Saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. Apakah anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit? Mr. R

: yes. I have. Ya, pernah.


: what is your chief complaint? Apa keluhan utama anda?

Mr. R

: I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath. Dada saya nyeri dan saya juga merasa sesak nafas.


: let me examine you, please take your dress off, Mr. Robert. Biar saya periksa anda, tolong buka baju anda tuan Robert

4. Vocabulary Surgical ward

: bangsal bedah

Medical ward

: bangsal penyakit dalam

Orthopedic ward

: bangsal ortopedi

Gynecological ward

: bangsal penyakit kandungan

Pediatric ward

: bangsal penyakit anak

Dermatological ward

: bangsal penyakit kulit

Long stay ward

: bangsal rawat inap

Intensive care unit

: unit perawatan intensif

X-ray department

: bagian rontgen

Central sterile supply department (cssd) : bagian pusat sterilisasi Dispensary

: apotek

Maternity unit

: unit maternitas/kelahiran

Physiotherapy department

: bagian fisioterapi

Antenatal clinic

: klinik antenatal

Postnatal clinic

: klinik pasca melahirkan

Psychiatric unit

: bangsal psikiatrik

Admission department

: bagian pendaftaran

Infectious disease unit

: unit penyakit menular

Anesthetic room

: ruang anestetik

Occupational therapy deparment

: bagian terapi okupasi


: ahli penyakit dalam

5. Grammar Focus Demonstrative -

Singular This That


Plural These Those

Noun -


 Book, bag, brother  Box, glass, tomato  Deer, fish, gross, moose, salmon, sheep, trout.  Child, ox, foot, louse, mouse.  AlumnA, AlumnUS, AnalySIS, PhenomeNON , DatUM


Plural 

Books, bags, brothers

Boxes, glasses, tomatoes

Bentuk plural sama dengan bentuk singular.

Children, oxen, feet, lice, mice

AlumnAE, Alumni, AnalySES, PhenomeNA, DatA

Note : Npl : Noun Plural

Nsl : Noun Singular




SL : Singular Study the dialoque. The underlined words in the following conversation are noun. Kata-kata yang bergaris dibawah adalah kata benda. Nurse

: could you tell me some facts about your childhood, Mrs. Roy?


: I was born in June 1935 in a village, my father was a farmer and I am the youngest of six children


: did you have any childhood diseases?


: as far as I remember I had whooping cough, children fox and measles but most of the time I was a healthy boy, in my childhood


: at what age did you go to school?


: I went to school when I was 6

5. Practice 

Make at least 5 questions and answers to obtain information from your patient

Work with your partner to practice a conversation between a nurse and a patient about admission and case history ( You may practice in front of the class ) A. Case Study A patient who has been on the waiting list for admission has received a letter telling him to report to Rose ward at Syifa Hospital for admission on 24th July at 2.30 p.m. at 2.30 he arrives at the nurse’s office. Here is the admission card she filled in : B. Exercise I

Translate the dialogue between nurse/midwife (N/M) and patient (P)

into good English. N/M

: Apakah kira-kira keluhan Anda?


: Saya sakit kepala.


: Apakah anda sudah minum obat?


: Sudah, tetapi tidak ada perbaikan.


: Anda seharusnya cukup istirahat dan minum obat secara teratur.

Role play Admission Dialogue Nurse Dewi       : “Good morning. Welcome to Cut Meutia Hospital. I am nurse Dewi. Can I Help you?” Mrs. Anne         : “Good Morning. Yes, I want to have medical check-up.” Nurse Dewi       : “What is your name, Mrs.? The Kin             : “My name is Mrs. Anne.” Nurse Dewi       : “Please sit down, Mrs. Anne. What is your problem?” Mrs. Anne         : “I think I have no serious problem but, I want to know my condition exactly.” Nurse Dewi       : “I appreciate the awareness of health you have. Have you come here before?” Mrs. Anne         : “It is the first time I come to this hospital.” Nurse Dewi       : “Alright. We always provide the best service to our patient. What Kind of medical check-up do you want?” Mrs. Anne         : “I don’t know, can you help me to choose?” Nurse Dewi       : “Sure. We Have many kind of medical check-up. They are basic package, standard package, essential package, and executive package. For women, we have additional examination. I recommend to you to choose executive package, it has complete examination, and the additional examination is pap-smear, to check the existence of cervical cancer. Mrs. Anne         : “Can you mention the services?” Nurse Dewi       : “You will get the physical examination from specialist in internal medicine, eyes examination, thorax X-ray, ENT examination, ECG and treadmill test, hearing test, lung function test, laboratory test for blood examination, urine

examination, Lipid profile, hepatitis test, renal function and liver function. You also get a free lunch.” Mrs. Anne         : “How about the fee?” Nurse Dewi       : “For this package the cost is IDR 980.000,- .” Mrs. Anne         : “I think that’s not expensive. I pick your recommendation, Nurse.” Nurse Dewi       : “Before you have any examination, you should fill the registration from, Mrs.” Mrs. Anne         : “Alright.” A few minutes later. Nurse Dewi       : “Have you done Mrs.?” Mrs. Anne         : “Not yet. May I asking?” Nurse Dewi       : “Of course.” Mrs. Anne         : “Do I have to choose one of the internist?” Nurse Dewi       : “Sure, anything else?” Mrs. Anne         : “No, thanks, I have done.” Nurse Dewi       : “Ok, I will check first. So, your name is Mrs. Lucia Anne, your date of birth is 15th of July 1980, you are an executive employee, you choose executive package, and your internist is dr. Hanna Vania, Sp.PD,  is that right?” Mrs. Anne         : “Yes, right.” Nurse Dewi       : “I will input your data to the computer. You can wait in the waiting room, in front of this admission department, until your name called by nurse again. Is there anything I can help again?”

Mrs. Anne         : “How long the examination will run? What should I do after this?" Nurse Dewi       : “Usually about five to seven hours. You will give an ID bracelet by the nurse, then you should change your clothes with patient’s shirt and do the examination. If you have any question while waiting, you can go back here. Relax for the examination. I hope you always healthy, Mrs.” Mrs. Anne         : “Thank you, Nurse.” Nurse Dewi       : “Your welcome.”