Aimo 2019 Trial g5 [PDF]

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2019 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Trial

2019 亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公開賽初賽

Grade 5 – Question Book 小學五年級—問題簿

時限:90 分鐘 Time allowed:



試題 Question Paper


未得監考官同意,切勿翻閱試題,否則參賽者將有可能被取消資格。 DO NOT turn over this Question Paper without approval of the examiner. Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED.

請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。 All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 甲部:每題 4 分 Section A – each question carries 4 marks 1)

100 以內最大的質數是 97,其次是 89。如果把 100 以內所有的質數相乘,所得的積是奇數還是偶 數? The greatest prime number less than 100 is 97, and the next is 89. If all the prime numbers less than 100 are multiplied together, is the product an odd number or an even number?


小迪原來向著東南方。他向右旋轉 2019 個直角後,他現在向著哪個方向? Dylan is facing southeast direction originally. After he turns himself towards right by an angle equals to 2019 right angles, which direction does he facing now?


某演講廳的座位有 12 行,第一行有 16 個座位,之後每一行的座位都比前一行多 2 個,那麼這個 演講廳有多少個座位? There are 12 rows of seats in a lecture theatre. There are 16 seats in the first row. The number of seats in every row is 2 greater than that of the row in front of it. How many seats are there in the lecture theatre in total?


求以下算式的值。 Find the value of the following expression. 2222222  5555555  1234567654321


某班進行數學測驗,男生 12 名,平均得 34 分,女生 18 名,平均得 59 分。求全班 30 人的平均分。 In a Mathematics examination, the average marks of boys and girls are 34 and 59 respectively. There are 12 boys and 18 girls. Find the average mark of these 30 students.


有一長方體,長比闊長 1 厘米,闊比高長 1 厘米,而且體積是 2730 立方厘米,那麼這長方體的表 面積是多少平方厘米? There is a cuboid. The length is longer than the width by 1 centimetre, the width is longer than the height by 1 centimetre. The volume of that cuboid is 2730 cubic centimetres, what is the total surface area of that cuboid in square centimetres?


求 2019324 除以 15 的餘數。 Find the remainder when 2019324 is divided by 15.


用 2、0、1 和 9 可以組成多少個沒有重覆數字的四位數? How many four-digit numbers without repeating digits can be formed by using 2, 0, 1 and 9?

~ 甲部完 ~ ~ End of Section A ~ 請以最簡形式填寫答案。若計算結果是分數,請化至最簡,並確保為真分數或帶分數,或將計算結果寫成小數。 答案可以根式表示,唯該根式必須是最簡形式。除特別註明外,毋需填寫單位。錯誤單位將不給予任何分數。 Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form. Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。 All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 乙部:每題 5 分 Section B – each question carries 5 marks 9)

求以下算式的值。 Find the value of the following expression. 1002  992  982  97 2  962  952   22  12

10) 求以下算式的值。 Find the value of the following expression. 20192019  324324  2021019  3240324 11) 小艾每分鐘行 72 米,小貝每分鐘行 54 米。兩人分別在甲、乙兩地相向而行,並在離甲、乙兩地 中點 45 米的地方相遇。問甲、乙兩地相距多少米? The speeds of Amy and Bella were 72 metres per minute and 54 metres per minute respectively. They walk towards each other from places A and B respectively. They met at a position 45 metres apart from the mid-point of A and B. How many metres was the distance between A and B? 12) 小克計算一道兩數相乘的題目,不小心把被乘數的最末兩位 89 錯寫為 98,結果得到 98154。若正 確的結果是 97047,那麼正確的被乘數和乘數之和是多少? Chris is doing a multiplication of two numbers. He mistakenly writes the last two digits of the multiplicand as 98 instead of 89, and he gets 98154 as the result. If the correct product is 97047, what is the sum of the multiplicand and the multiplier? 13) 圖 13 正六邊形中,有一等邊三角形的 3 個頂點落在六邊形的邊的中點上。若等邊三角形的面積是 2019 平方厘米,那麼正六邊形的面積是多少平方厘米? In the regular hexagon shown in Figure 13, there is an equilateral triangle where its three vertices are all lying at the mid-points of the sides of hexagon. If the area of the equilateral triangle is 2019 square centimetres, what is the area of the hexagon in square centimetres?

圖 13 Figure 13 14) 把一張長 1968 厘米、闊 2256 厘米的長方形紙分割成一些大小相同的正方形,而且正方形的邊長 要是整數厘米,還要沒有紙剩下來,且使得到的正方形面積盡量大,那麼可以分成多少個正方形? Cut a rectangular cardboard with length 1968 centimetres and width 2256 centimetres into many identical small squares, which have side length of integer in centimetres. There should not be any waste of cardboard and we make the area of each square to be the largest. How many squares can we get? (C) 2019 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO) All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.

請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。 All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 15) 圖 15 中有多少個三角形? How many triangles are there in Figure 15?

圖 15 Figure 15 16) 圍棋大賽有 7 位參賽者,每 2 位參賽者之間比賽一局,勝者得 1 分,負者得 0 分,沒有平局。最 後 7 位參賽者的得分分別是 A、A、B、C、D、D 和 E,而且 A  B  C  D  E。求七位數 AABCDDE 。 (若 P  3 , Q  5 , R  8 ,那麼 PQR  358 。) There are 7 contestants in a GO chess competition. Every two contestants have one match, and the winner will score 1 mark while the loser will score none. No draw is possible. Finally the score of 7 contestants are A, A, B, C, D, D and E respectively, where A  B  C  D  E . Find the seven-digit number AABCDDE . (If P  3 , Q  5 and R  8 , then PQR  358 )

~ 乙部完 ~ ~ End of Section B ~

請以最簡形式填寫答案。若計算結果是分數,請化至最簡,並確保為真分數或帶分數,或將計算結果寫成小數。 答案可以根式表示,唯該根式必須是最簡形式。除特別註明外,毋需填寫單位。錯誤單位將不給予任何分數。 Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted. You may use square root to represent the answer which is in the simplest form. Unless otherwise stated, no need to write down any unit. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。 All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 丙部:每題 7 分 Section C – each question carries 7 marks 17) 已知 1  2  3  2  3  4  3  4  5 

 2017  2018  2019   4 的計算結果等於 4 個連續自然數的

積,求該 4 個連續自然數中最大的一個。 Given that the value of 1  2  3  2  3  4  3  4  5   2017  2018  2019   4 can be expressed as a product of 4 consecutive natural numbers. Find the greatest one among those 4 consecutive natural numbers. 18) A、B、C 和 D 是四橦同樣的房子。起初房子 A 由瑪嘉烈和大衛兩名工人來裝修,瑪嘉烈每天工作 8 小時,大衛每天工作 4 小時,最後需要 165 天完成。接著房子 B 也由瑪嘉烈和大衛來裝修,這 一次瑪嘉烈每天工作 4 小時,大衛每天工作 8 小時,最後需要 195 天完成。現在房子 C 和 D 分別 由瑪嘉烈和大衛各自來裝修,每天工作 8 小時,那麼他們需要的時間相差多少天? A, B, C and D are four identical houses. First Margaret works 8 hours a day and David works 4 hours a day, they need 165 days to renovate house A. Then Margaret works 4 hours a day and David works 8 hours a day this time, they need 195 days to renovate house B. Now houses C and D are renovated by Margaret and David separately, and both workers work 8 hours a day, what is the difference between the numbers of days Margaret and David required to renovate the houses? 19) 從一張邊長 20 厘米的正方形紙剪去一堆正方形。第一個正方形的邊長是 1 厘米,然後每一個正方 形的邊長都比上一個長 1 厘米,問最多可剪去多少個正方形? Cut a square paper with side length 20 centimetres into squares. The side length of the first square cut is 1 centimetre. Then the side length of every square is 1 centimetre longer than the previous one. At most how many squares can be cut? 20) 若把一個個位非 0 的自然數的所有數位倒轉,所得到的數叫作原來數字的「倒序數」,例如 137 的倒序數是 731。 若兩個自然數的最大公因數是 1,則稱它們為「互質」,例如 20 和 21 是互質的。 求有多少對「互為『倒序數』,同時又『互質』的兩位數」。 (「13 和 31」與「31 和 13」只視為 1 對) If all digits of a number with non-zero units digit are reversed, the new number generated is called “reverse” to the original one. For example the reverse number of 137 is 731. If the Greatest Common Divisor of two natural numbers is 1, then they are called “co-prime”. For example 20 and 21 are co-prime. How many pairs of two-digit numbers are “reverse” and “co-prime” with each other? (’13 and 31’ and ’31 and 13’ are counted as 1 pair)

~ 全卷完 ~ ~ End of Paper ~

(C) 2019 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union (AIMO) All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union.