B. Inggris Dikonversi [PDF]

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Part VI Reading Comprehension Questions 21 to3O: Choose the best answer for each question. Questions 21 to 24’refer to thé following text. Oceans’ Fever Means Fewer Fish Finding fish is doing to ‘get harder as climate change continues to heat the world’s oceans. A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years’ have reduced the sustainable catch of 124 species of fish and shellfish. Sustainable catch refers to the amount that can be harvested withOut doing long-term damage to the health of populations of.some species. , Overflshing has made that decline worse, researchers say. Overfishing refers to. cat so many fish that the size of the population falls. In some parts ofthe world, suchas the heavily fished Sea ofJapan, the decrease is as high as35 percent. That’s a loss ofrnore than One in every three fish. 0 Researchçrs examined changes in 235 populations of fish and shellfish between 1 930 and 20 10. Those fish populations were scattered across• 38 ocean regions. Temperature changes vary from one ocean site to another. However, on average over: that time, Earth’s sea-sUrface temperatures have risen by about half a degree Celsius(O.9 degree Fahrenheit). On average, that warming has caused the sustainable catch to drop by 4. 1 percent, the study found. About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team saw losses as a result of the warming. About 4 percent of the populations increased. That’s because certain species have thrived in warmer waters. One example is the black sea bass. It dwells along the northeastern U.S. coast. However, as warming continues, even these fish will reach their limit, says Christopher Free. He works at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He led the work while he was at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. About 3 .2 bil1ion people worldwide rely on seafood as a source of food. That means it’s urgent for commercial fishing fleets and regulators to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea. Adopted from : https://www.sciencenewsforstudents .org/article/ oceans-climate-change-means-fewer-fish (April 6, 201 9) 21 . What is the purpose of the text? A. To describe sustainablefishing to the rea4ers. B. To pinpoint the need of a new • fishing regulation. C. . To prçsent newsworthy information to the . readers.. D. . To. provide information about the safe limit a of fishing. 22. who will receive the worst effect of the heating ocean ? A.Tourists

B.scientists C.Fishermen D. Fish enthusiasts 23.why is it importand to keep fishing ina sustainable catch? A. To promote frequen harvests. B. To keep the fish market healthy. C. To avoid the surge of fish population D. To maintain healthy population of fish 24. From the text we know that______. A The temperature is increasing in the same degrees in varios oceans B. Overfhising has caused the drop of fish population by.4.1 perent C. Sheferal shellfish benefits the increasing temperature of the ocean D. Japan is one of many countries that should reduce their fishing activites The following text is for questions 25 to 27. Nanang Pamungkas . Ji. kenari. 11 Lampung . 088364756348573 [email protected] March20,2020 Mrs. Cassandra Sinaga H.R. Manager XiechCo Ji. durian no. 5 . Palembang Dear Mrs. Cassándra : I am writing this letter to applyfor a position as’ a Branch Manager that is advertised during a job fair in Lampung Convention Center in March 9, 2020. •. I graduated from a reputable state university in Jakarta as a bachelor of economic . I am experienced in the matter as I have worked as sales representative during my time in Jakarta at BioTech for the. past three years. My job . involyed handling the customers in front line as well as building connection with suppliers to maximize sales profit. I am well knowledgeable on the matter and during my time in BioTech, my Performance has improved the sales up to 25%. I am hardworking, analytical, level headed, and. able towork under pressure and in a team. I am also fluent in both spoken and written English. I have eneclosed my CV, recommendations, and other information for your consideration. . ..

I am available for and interview at any ‘cañbe reached by phone or e-mail, as mentioned above . I look forward to the Opportunity of an interview. Thanks you for your consideration Your sincerely, Nanang pamungkas 25. Why does Nanang write the letter ? A. He intends to work for Xtech Co B. He wants to discuss a sales agreement C. He wants to share information about bio tech D. He responds to the advertisement during a job fair 26. What’does Nãnan expect from XTeéh co.? A. phone call. B. An interview result C. Sales information D. Job fair information 27. What can be inferred from the letter? A. Nanang is’still working for BioTech. B. Nanang is an experienced manager C. BioTech is opening a job vacancy D. Nanang visited aj ob fair hi Lámpung Questions’ 28 to 30 ‘refer to the following text. A Visit to Cemerlang Drug Store’ Aim ‘The objectives of the visit to Cemerlang Drug Store aré to understand how a drug store is being run and to encourage the students of Pharmacy to work inwork field. Method Observing the working place at Cemerlang Drug Store. Intern ewing staff and pharmacy technicians. Time Tuesday, April 7 2020 Result Cemerlang Drug Store provides drugs, chemicals, and medical devices. Drugs and chemièals are stored in controlled temperature rooms.

Warehouse staff are responsible. for the drugs and chemicals cycles. They check.the drugs and chemicals condition ,make reports about the incoming and outgoing goods, and make sure that all chemical are stored properly. To prevent the expired drugs and chemicals distribution, . they must pay attention to the cycles well.

Pharmacy technicians are responsible for sewing customers including making medicines based on doctors’ prescriptions, They must inform the indications, side effects1 and prohibitions to Customers, so the customers understand how to use The pharmacy technicians . must understand the reguilation of drugs since several drugs are only fordoctors’ prescriptions. Conclusion • . Through the visit, students gain knowledge . about how to be good drug store staff and pharmacy technicians. To run a drug store well, a proper management should be applied. It is expected that • students can apply their knowledge aêcording to the pharmacy and management in pharmacy. 28. Who participated in the event? A. Al1school committees. B. Students ofpharmacy. C. Pharmacy technicians. D. All drug. store staff. 29.From the text we ow that _________ A. all the staff have the ability to read prescriptions B. there are requirements to become a good pharmacy technician C. the interviewees of Cernerlang Drug Store were coming to the school D.the student invlyed in the drugs and chemicals storing process 30.Customers cannot buy every drug that they want ________several thugs should be bought using doctor’s prescription.. ‘ A. And B. Because C. despite D. although

31. Dinda Vanya

:Good afternoon.Glitter Accessories Dinda Speaking………? : Good afternoon.I’d like to speak to Mrs.Fellinsya, Please.

A. Can you help me

B. May I help you C. Who is speaking,please D. Would you like to make a call 32. Linda :Let me help you open the door Puspa :Thanks……. A. No problem B. The door is not closed C. That’s a very kind you of you D. Keep up the good works 33. Gina : What did Mr. Keanu say about your presentation I the meeting? Teguh : After the meeting,he praised me and said that ………. A. You informed the topic well B. I make me believe in my skills C. I had delivered the presentation well D. Your presentation is ouot of content 34. Mr Kurniaawan : Why should we hire you ? Mawar :you should hire me because……. A. I have worked here for two years B. There is a vacant in this company C. Fress graduates can apply for the position D. My experince and know ledge meet the requirements 35.Yafi :Because of the hard rain these months,…… Ria :Yeah,lots of rice fields are inundated A. The harvest are abundant in our villag B. Farmes’ crops in our village decrease C. Rice fields in our village become fertile D. The irrigation is applied well in our village 36. Rona :Should I replace it along with the bigger pot. Zul :Should I replace it along with the soil ? Rona :………. A. Yes ,the pot should be enlarge B. Yes ,the soil has to be left C. Yes ,the sprout will live longer D. Yes ,the soil should be moved :……….? :My Previous wrok place is quite far from my house. I consider having a closer one take care of my dad.He is sick right now. What motivates you Why did you leave your last job How did you hear about the position How would yours boss and co-workers describe you

37.Mrs Danisa Alisya A. B. C. D.

38. Mrs.Titin Danu

:Can you come to my room?i need your report of the last week’s meeting :Yes,Ma’am …….?

Mrs Titin :No,thts all. Thank you. A. Do you want me to bring you tea B. Can I come to your room after lunch C. Is there anything else I can help you with D. Shall I bring it along with the presentation files 39.Dias :I always miss the lucky drawing coupons every week. Zul :if you wan to be in time,set your alarm several minutes earlier Dias :alright…….. A. Thanks for the information B. Thanks for the command C. Thanks for the advice D. Thanks for the help 40.Siti Andy Siti A. B. C. D.

: How is your last holiday?i heard that you went to raja ampat. :it is terrific.The scenery is beautiful.the sky and the sea water are blue,because……… if you came along,it wuld be a perfect vacation. :Perhaps next holiday I will come along with you That night has starry sky The sea has many fishes The sky was cloudy It’s always sunny.

Part VIII Cloze Test

Questions 41 to 50: Choose the most appropriate words or phrases to complete the texts. Questions 41 to 43 refer to the following text. The population of the Sumatran rhinoceros in the regencies of West Kutai and Mahakam Ulu, East Kalimantan, is believed to have fallen to just 12 to 15 animals. The head of the East Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), Sunandar Trigunajasa, said poaching and habitat fragmentation had contributed to the (41)... number of rhinos in the wild. The rescue team is now trying to find a male mate for Pahu, who is estimated to be more than 25 years old, so that they can (42)...and increase the number of rhinos. "As Pahu is now not young anymore, probably more than 25 years old, the next challenge is to find a male rhino in Kalimantan, which we believe is still roaming in the wild. The availability of male rhinos in the conservation area could propel the success of the (43)... program. Now the team is trying to find a male rhino in Kalimantan," said the director general of natural resource and ecosystem conservation of the Environment and Forestry Ministry, Wiratno, at the same event.

41. A. decreasing B. increasing C. extincting D. soaring

42. A. reproduce B. live C. survive D. veg 43. A. raising B. training C. breeding D. maintaining

Questions 44 to 46 refer to the following text. Cambodia and Thailand Reconnected by Rail After 45 years A railway reconnecting Cambodia and Thailand was officially inaugurated on Monday, April 22 in a bid to slash travel times and boost trade between the South-east Asian neighbors. Cambodian premier Hun Sen and his Thai counterpart Prayut Chan-O-Cha (44)... a signing ceremony at a Thai border post before riding together to the Cambodian town of Poipet on a train donated by Thailand. The pair stepped from the carriage in Poipet with their clasped hands held high to the cheers of waiting crowds, waving flags of both countries. Hun Sen described their journey as "historic" efforts "to and thanked Thailand for (45)...efforts"to reconnect the railway between Cambodia and Thailand". The railway would also better link his country to other South-east Asian neighbors and boost economy and trade, he added. A bilateral trade between Thailand and Cambodia currently stands at US$6 billion. Cambodia last year re-opened the final stretch of a 370-kilometer railway running from the capital, Phnom Penh, to the Thai border.

The Asian Development Bank bankrolled the of the link to the tune of US$13 million The asian development bank bankrolled the 46... Of the link to the tune US$ 13 million Much of Cambodia's railways-built by the French in colonial times-were damaged by the years of bitter conflict that engulfed the country during the Cold War era. The 48 kilometers section of track near Poipet was destroyed in 1973 while the rest of the track to Phnom Penh had been suspended for over a decade due to its poor condition. Cambodia has more than 600 kilometers of track extending from its northern border with Thailand to the southern coast.

44.A. arranged

B. proved C. witnessed

D. confirmed

45. A. my B. its C. our D. your

46. A. publication B. production C. reconstruction D. conformation

Questions 47 to 50 refer to the following text. Schools Evacuated, Subway Services Halted as Quake Rocks Taiwan A 6.1 magnitude earthquake (47).... Taiwan's coastal city of Hualien on Thursday, shaking buildings and temporarily halting subway services in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage or casualties.

Television footage showed school children being evacuated from buildings after the largest quake to hit the heavily industrialized island this year, a weather bureau official said. A hundred people were evacuatedfrom a building in Taipei City, while two people were hit by falling rocks in the tourist city of Hualien, the government said. While small-scale power cuts were reported in some districts in Taipei, the Central News Agency said, oil refinery (48).. and services were operating as normal, according to the government. It set up a disaster reaction center after the quake which hit at a depth of 18 km (11 miles), according to the weather bureau. Aftershocks of more than a 5 magnitude were possible in the coming days, the bureau said President Tsai Ing-wen said high-speed rail service in northern Taiwan, between Taipei and the neighboring city of Taoyuan, had been temporarily (49)... In February last year, a devastating 6.4 magnitude quake rocked Hualien, toppling buildings, ripping large fissures in roads and (50)... residents. panic among the roughly 100,000 Taiwan, a self-ruled island that China considers its own, lies near the junction of two tectonic plates and is prone to earthquakes. More than 100 people were killed in an earthquake in the island's south in 2016, and a quake of 7.6 magnitude killed more than 2,000 people in 1999.

47. A.struck B. tossed C. swang D. threatened

48. A. plants B. policies C. operators D. distributors

49. A. banned

B. prohibited C. suspended D. moved

50. A. damaging B. releasing C. keeping D. unleashing