B.INGGRIS Kls 12,24-3-2020 [PDF]

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The text is for questions number 16 - 18. SERAYA ISLAND Small Seraya Island or better known as Seraya Island is an island located in West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara, or it is about ten kilometers north of the city center Labuanbajo. This island is small and has a coastline for about one kilometer. But this island has an incredible beauty and is an ideal place to calm you up or for honeymoon. A visit to this island will make you feel to own an island and a private beach. The presented landscape will certainly fascinate everyone who visits it. The beach at this island has white sand and the water is quite clear and bluish completed by its underwater beauty. Even when the tide is low, you can walk out to the sea for about 500 meters from the coast. Various activities can be done in this place, such as fishing, swimming and snorkeling. Besides presenting the natural beauty, the island also presents the underwater beauty. It is because the local communities still adhere to their principles for not using equipment such as bomb or cyanide to catch fish. So that environmental sustainability can be maintained very well. https://www.englishiana.com 16. How does the text benefit the local communities around Seraya Island? A. It gives knowledge about Seraya Island. B. It provides essential information about Seraya Island. C. It acknowledge Seraya Island as a good tourist destination. D. It increases the readers awareness of the beauty of Seraya island. E. It informs the readers important information about Seraya Island. 17. According to the text, environmental defensibility is a way to keep the natural resources well. This understanding can be seen in the sentence …. A. bomb and cyanide are very harmful fish. B. underwater beauty must be maintained very well. C. local communities always adhere to their principles. D. using safe and friendly equipment to explore resources. E. modern technology is a tool to keep a well-balanced underwater beauty. 18. Even when the tide is low, you can walk out to the sea for about 500 meters from the coast. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to…. A. Reader B. visitor C. tourist D. local communities E. the owner of the island


The text is for questions number 19 - 20. ANNOUNCEMENT Are you interested in developing your career or study? Please enroll to London’s scholarship. Requirements: 1. Fond of reading. 2. Excellent in English. 3. Smart and hard working. 4. Having self confidence. 5. Holding TOEFL score at least 550. Registration Venue

: Monday, October 28, 2019 at. 9.00 AM. : Auditorium Room

For further information please contact Mr. Hendrik at 0812656576543 or [email protected]. 19. What is the announcement intended for? A. Taking a test. B. Choosing a career at school. C. Taking an English course. D. Joining a speech contest. E. Recruiting for a scholarship. 20. What is NOT included in the requirements? A. Possessing a TOEFL score. B. Having self confidence. C. Excellent in English. D. Fond of writing. E. Fond of reading. The text is for questions number 21 - 24. On May 23, 1949, the British, French, and American zones became the West Germany whereas the Soviet quadrant became East Germany, the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR). The situation in East Germany was dismal. Food and resources were scarce. Millions of East Germans left their homes to move to the West. On April 1, 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded routes in and out of East Germany, causing food and fuel shortages. After the blockade was lifted in 1949, the number of East Germans migrating west increased. Starting in 1952, East Germany tried to stop the exodus with fences, walls, barbed wires, and mine fields. By the end of May, the only way to get out of East Germany and escape to freedom was through Berlin. As the final push in its effort to seal its borders, the GDR began to build a wall around the 2

three western sectors of Berlin on August 13, 1961, using barbed wire and cinder blocks; these were later replaced with concrete, guard towers, electrified fences, and mines. The wall slowed escape attempts. As many as 10,000 people tried to get over the wall—as many as 5,000 made it. 260 people died while trying to cross the wall between 1961 and 1989. Mass protests against the East German government began in the fall of 1989, and Erich Honeker, the country's prime minister, resigned. On November 9, 1989, his replacement, Egon Krenz, decreed that East Germans would be allowed to apply for visas to travel to the West. Ecstatic crowds swarmed the city's checkpoints, demanding entry into West Berlin. Gates along the Wall were opened, and Berliners united amidst celebrations on both sides. Crowds climbed on top of the wall and began to attack it with sledgehammers. In less than a year, the two countries were reunited. 21. How does the text benefit the readers? A. It will make the readers understand more about certain political history. B. It will spark the readers’ sense of unity of a nation. C. It will convince the readers not to involve in political issues. D. It will increase the readers’ awareness over political matter. E. It will provoke the readers’ thought about war and politics. 22. How can we compare between the first and the last paragraph? A. The first paragraph talks about the separation between West and East Germany whereas the last paragraph talks about the unification of West and East Germany. B. The first paragraph talks about the exodus done by people in East Germany whereas the last paragraph talks about the merger of West and East Germany. C. The first paragraph talks about various ways the government of East Germany had done to stop the exodus whereas the last paragraph talks about the violent people. D. The first paragraph talks about the change of the country’s prime minister whereas the last paragraph talks about the unification of West and East Germany. E. The first paragraph talks about the separation between West and East Germany whereas the last paragraph talks about the celebration of the unification of West and East Germany. 23. From the sixth paragrah we can infer that …. A. Erich Honeker, the country's prime minister, resigned prior to civilian demonstration. B. As the new prime minister Egon Krenz decreed that East Germans would be allowed to move to the West. C. Upon hearing the decree, people gathered at the city's checkpoints, demanding entry into West Berlin. D. Egon Krenz was considered a better prime ministered after Erich Honecker. E. Erich Honecker quit his job under the pressure of people’s complaints. 24. 260 people … while trying to cross the wall between 1961 and 1989. L3 (tenses) A. Die B. Died 3

C. Have died D. Were dying E. Have been dying The text is for questions number 25 - 28. Once upon a time in West Sumatra, a widow took her two children to a party. Her children were very happy. They wore beautiful clothes to the party. They ate delicious foods, and met many guests in the party. Suddenly they saw a pond. The water was very clear and fresh. Because the sun was very hot, they were tempted to play in the water. So they took off their clothes and jumped into the water. They swam together happily. When, the party was almost over, the mother remembered her two children. She was desperate because she could not find them. The day turned into night. The children were still missing. The mother cried then went home without her children. She fell asleep after a long hour of crying. And she had a dream about her children. In her dream, she met an old woman. The old woman told her, “Your children are in the pond near the party house. If you want to see them, throw a handful of rice into the pond. Your children will appear.” As soon as she woke up, she quickly ran to the pond. She also had a handful of rice in her hand. When she reached the pond, she threw the rice into the pond and she called her children’s names. The dream was true! Two big fish with beautiful colors appeared in the pond. The mother cried when she saw them. Her children turned into big beautiful fish because they disobeyed their mother’s message. The mother cried again. All the people of the village cheered her up. But she was still very sad. 25. Where do you think the story take place? A. In a city B. In a town C. In a village D. In a garden E. In the jungle 26. What can we learn from the story? A. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone. B. Follow your parents’ word as they only speak for your good. C. Disobey your parents and never be kind to them. D. Honor your parents and they will be nice to you. E. Be good to your parents and friends. 27. How do we compare paragraphs two and three? A. In both paragraph tell about the mother went to meet an old lady in search of her two children.


B. In paragraph two tells about the kids met an old lady while in paragraph three tells about the mother met the old lady. C. In paragraph two tells about the mother couldn’t find her kids while in paragraph three tells about she got a way to find them. D. In paragraph two tells about the kids enjoyed her swimming in the pond while in paragraph three they went to see their mother. E. In paragraph two tells about the mother enjoyed the party while in paragraph three tells about the kids enjoyed their swimming in the pond. 28. As soon as she woke up, she quickly ran to the pond. What is the closest meaning to the underlined phrase? A. Then B. Once C. Earlier D. Before E. At the time The text is for questions number 29 - 30. Waiting On the World to Change John Mayer One, two, one, two, three Me and all my friends We're all misunderstood They say we stand for nothing and There's no way we ever could Now we see everything that's going wrong With the world and those who lead it We just feel like we don't have the means To rise above and beat it So we keep waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change It's hard to beat the system When we're standing at a distance So we keep waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change Now if we had the power To bring our neighbors home from war They would have never missed a Christmas No more ribbons on their door And when you trust your television

What you get is what you got Cause when they own the information, oh They can bend… That's why we're waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change It's not that we don't care We just know that the fight ain't fair So we keep on waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change And we're still waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting (waiting) Waiting on the world to change One day our generation


29. The lyric explains that .... A. people should fight for the better world B. it’s not right to stop trying to change the world C. we should be patient with the world’s condition D. we’re basically powerless in facing world’s problem E. young people should do something for better future 30. “It’s hard to beat the system when we’re standing at a distance.” What does the part of the song mean? A. The system makes people far from the decision maker. B. There’s a huge gap between the people and the ruler. C. The change won’t happen if we don’t make a move. D. To change the world we shouldn’t be near the system E. The people tend to create a space from the system. The text is for questions number 31- 32.

31. What is the purpose of the invitation? A. To present chief guests in the annual day celebration. B. To celebrate a decade of academic excellence 2016-17. C. To inform the annual day celebration of Bodhishuka School. D. To invite readers to come to the decade of academic excellence 2016-17. E. To invite the Management, Principles, Faculties and students of Bodhisukha school. 32. Who are the most chief guests invited to this event? A. Principal B. Chairman C. Vice principal D. The school management E. The ministry of education 6

The text is for questions number 33- 35. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer sciences that emphasizes the development of intelligence machines, thinking and working like humans. For example, speech recognition, problem-solving, learning and planning. It brings rapid changes and advancements to people’s life in a new level that hadn’t been imagined before. The greatest advantage of artificial intelligence is that machines do not require sleep or breaks, and are able to function without stopping. They can continuously perform the same task without getting bored or tired. Siri is one of the most popular personal assistant. The friendly female voice-activated assistant interacts with the user on a daily routine. She assists us to find information, get directions, send messages, make voice calls, open applications and add events to the calendar. Not only smartphones but automobiles are also shifting towards Artificial Intelligence. The car has not only been able to achieve many accolades but also features like self-driving, predictive capabilities, and absolute technological innovation. The car is getting smarter day by day through over the air updates. Another benefit of AI is when employed to carry out dangerous tasks, the risk to human health and safety is reduced. One of the best examples of robots keeping workers out of harm’s way is robotic welding. Repetitive manual welding is extremely hazardous to the human body. Dangerous fumes from metals and coatings can lead to serious illnesses. Some products contain lead or asbestos; and exposure can lead to emphysema, lung cancer and even kidney failure.  Along with the fumes, manual welding produces a lot of noise and intense heat. The loud environment can cause hearing loss and stress in the welder; while the heat can cause burns or heat exhaustion. Artificial Intelligence is gaining popularity at a quicker pace; influencing the way we live, interact and improve customer experience. There is much more to come in the coming years with more improvements, development, and governance. (Adapted from: https://www.iqvis.com/blog/9-powerful-examples-of-artificialintelligence-in-use-today/) 33. What should readers do after they read the text? A. Making petition to limit the role of Artificial Intelligence in life. B. Choosing profession with limited interference of AI machines. C. Sharpening their skills so they can survive in the future. D. Having more experiments of AI in other fields of life. E. Familiarizing themselves with AI technology. 34. AI is most suitable used in a field where … A. Not many people are interested in. B. Craftsmanship plays essential part. C. Minimum assistance is required. D. Health problem is at higher risk. E. Casualties are at the minimum. 35. … machines do not require sleep or breaks, they are able to function without stopping. 7

A. B. C. D. E.

The correct word to complete the sentence is …. However Instead Because Although Furthermore The text is for questions number 36-37. The Rogers 255 Ditchburn Road Charleston, SC 29414 January 12, 2019 Dear Joanne, I really want to thank you for all of the trouble you went to entertaining the entire family over the past holiday season. I know that you organize these holiday gatherings because you enjoy doing it and you love to have everyone get together at your place. Nevertheless, I just want to make sure that you understand how much the rest of us appreciate everything you do to make these get-togethers happen. Having helped Susan organize a few much smaller social gatherings over the years I know how much work is involved. I realize how much planning and preparation you must have to do each and every year so that the entire extended family and assorted friends and acquaintances have a happy and fun holiday celebration. It's amazing really, that you are able to do such a great job, year after year, in parallel with your other duties, both as a mom and an active volunteer worker! So Joanne, on behalf of everyone I want to express my sincere thanks to you for all that you do to assemble and entertain us during the holiday season. You really are the glue that holds our extended family together! With love and admiration, John

36. What is John’s intention in writing this letter? A. to tell that he will hire Joanne to plan a social event B. to look for Joanne’s help to organize a social gathering C. to compliment Joanne for arranging the family gathering D. to appreciate Joanne, because she could attend an event E. to thank Joanne for her effort in preparing the gathering 37. What can be concluded from the third paragraph of the letter? 8

A. B. C. D. E.

Both John and Joanne have worked on several similar social events before. Suzan gave a lot help so that Joanne could plan and throw a successful event. It’s always been Joanne’s passion to plan and arrange a social or family gathering. John has known Joanne for years and knows her capability in holding an event. John realizes he can’t handle the preparation, so he asked for Joanne’s assistance. The text is for questions number 38-41. The process of metamorphosis starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs, usually on leaves or stems of plants. Inside these tiny eggs, caterpillars grow. Depending on the species, the eggs can vary in shape and texture – they can be round, oval or cylindrical, and smooth, bumpy or wrinkled. Once ready, the caterpillar leaves its egg home and enters the big outside world! During this stage, they shed their skin four or five times – as the caterpillar grows, its skin becomes too tight and splits open, revealing a new, larger skin underneath. A fully-grown caterpillar can be over 100 times larger than when it emerged from its egg. Once fully grown, the caterpillar forms itself into a “pupa” (or chrysalis) – a kind of vessel in which the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. They usually do this on twigs or safe, hidden areas around the host plant. The “pupa” stage may last a few weeks to several months depending on the species. During this time, a hardened case forms around the pupa to protect it from predators and extreme weather conditions. And inside, the tissue, limbs and organs of the caterpillar transform. The result? A wonderful winged butterfly! Once the butterfly is ready to emerge, the case around the pupa splits open. The butterfly waits for its wings to dry, and pumps a liquid called hemolymph into them so that they become big and strong. Once fit for flight, this brilliant bug then takes to the air in search for flowers to feed on and for other butterflies to mate with. And that’s the cycle complete – and ready to start all over again!

38. How does the text benefit the reader? A. It delivers essential information on how to preserve butterflies. B. It encourages the readers to preserve butterflies in their habitat. C. It increases the readers’ awareness that the process in life is important. D. It inspires the readers that to change into a better person is a compulsory. E. It provides information on how to deal with the process of metamorphosis. 39. After reading the text, we know that… A. butterflies begin life as something completely beautiful. B. butterflies become tiny but strong creatures because of hemolymph. C. to be beautiful, butterflies experience a process called metamorphosis. D. depending on the species, the process of becoming a butterfly can vary. E. the life of butterflies rely on the places where the female butterfly lays her eggs. 40. How do we compare paragraphs 2 and 3? A. Paragraph 2 tells about the growing stage; while paragraph 3 tells about the pupa stage. B. Paragraph 2 tells about the skin; while paragraph 3 tells about the case of the caterpillars. C. Paragraph 2 tells about the egg home stage; while paragraph 3 tells about the grown stage.


D. Paragraph 2 tells about how the caterpillar lives; while paragraph 3 tells about where the caterpillar lives. E. Paragraph 2 tells about the size of the caterpillar; while paragraph 3 tells about the organ of the caterpillar. 41. The pupa of butterflies … inside a tough compartment called cocoon of silk. A. is covered B. are covered C. was covered D. were covered E. have been covered

The text is for questions number 42- 43. October 28, 2019 Jasa Marga Corp. Jalan Kebangsaan Jakarta, Indonesia Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to apply for the position, as a project engineer based on the qualification you published on website job vacancy.com. I finished my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at Indonesia University. Currently, I am enrolled in Master of Engineering majoring in Civil Engineering. At present, I am working as a Full Time College Faculty in Indonesia University.  I am proficient in using MS Office such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint and Computer Aided Design (AutoCAd) I wish I would be able to impart my skills and to gain additional knowledge for professional growth in your company. I’m very willing to come in your good office upon receipt of your response to know more details about the condition and policies. Respectfully yours, Hendrik Suhendra

42. What is the benefit of the text? A. To inspire the readers to achieve the same qualification as the applicant. B. To make the readers understand how to apply for a job. C. To inspire the readers to study at the same university. D. To instill new knowledge in regards to applying for ajob. E. To make the readers believe it is easy to apply for a job. 10

43. What skills the applicant has for apply a job? A. Auditing skills. B. Good communication. C. Planning and research. D. Computer aided design. E. Hair coloring techniques. The text is for questions number 44-45.

44. What is the purpose of the graph above? A. To show the decrease of money invested in stocks and bonds. B. To compare amount of money invested in several countries. C. To present economic growth in some countries for five years. D. To predict the increase of money invested from 2001 to 2006. E. To give data of money invested in both stocks and bonds. 45. Money invested stock market in some-county (In billions) A. debt B. store C. supply D. security E. material The text is for questions number 46 - 48. The French Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique thrive on their image as idyllic sun, sea and sand destinations for tourists. But few visitors are aware that these lush, tropical islands have a chronic pollution problem. A pesticide linked to cancer - chlordecone - was sprayed on banana crops on the islands for two decades and now nearly all the adult local residents have traces of it in their blood. French President Emmanuel Macron has called it an "environmental scandal" and said the state "must take responsibility". He visited Martinique last year and was briefed on the crisis on the islands, known in France as the Antilles.


The French parliament is holding a public inquiry which will report its findings in December. "We found anger and anxiety in the Antilles - the population feel abandoned by the republic," said Guadeloupe MP Justine Benin, who is in charge of the inquiry's report. "They are resilient people, they've been hit by hurricanes before, but their trust needs to be restored," she told the BBC. Large tracts of soil are contaminated, as are rivers and coastal waters. The authorities are trying to keep the chemical out of the food chain, but it is difficult, as much produce comes from smallholders, often sold at the roadside. Drinking water is considered safe, as carbon filters are used to remove contaminants. In the US a factory producing chlordecone - sold commercially as kepone - was shut down in 1975 after workers fell seriously ill there. But Antilles banana growers continued to use the pesticide. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50144261 October 25th, 2019 46. What does the text mainly tell us about? … in Carribean islands. A. A public inquiry B. A tourists destination C. An environmental scandal D. A chronic pollution problem E. A contaminated coastal waters 47. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? A. The authorities are doing nothing to solve the pollution problem although people got angry. B. The government is trying to solve the problem, but the Antiles keep using the pesticide. C. The US factory workers got seriously ill because of chlordecone for many years. D. The Antiles have worked hard to stop poisoning the rivers and waters. E. The US factory which produced chlordecone has been closed. 48. The French parliament will announce their findings, if they … holding the public inquiry. A. have finished B. had finished C. will finish D. finished E. finish The text is for questions number 49 - 50. How to cook rice using Rice Cooker Today, cooking rice is no longer a big issue since there is an electronic device which is designed to help us. We called it the Rice Cooker, Magic Com or Magic Jar. Here are the steps how to operate and cook rice with a rice cooker properly. Wash the inner side of the cooking pot cleanly. 1. With a measuring cup. Pour in the rice and put it into the cooking pot. Give space for the expanding water and rice.


2. Rinse the rice 3. Fill the pot with water. Many people ensure the water is 1 cm above the level of rice 4. To make the rice stickier, steep it for around 30 minutes 5. Put the cooking pot with the rice and water inside it into the rice cooker 6. Plug the cable into the electricity socket and close the lid of the rice cooker 7. Press the “cooking” or “timer” button 8. Wait until it is done 9. Open the rice cooker lid and the rice may be served 49. What is the benefit of the text for the reader? A. It informs how to cook rice with a rice cooker B. It describes how to choose a good rice cooker C. It provide how to press the rice cooker timer D. It inspires how to use a cooking pot E. It tells how to make stickier rice 50. What should we do after filling the pot with water A. Plug the cable into the electricity socket and close the lid of the rice cooker B. Put the cooking pot with the rice and water inside it into the rice cooker C. Press the “cooking” or “timer” button D. Wait until it is done E. Rinse the rice


GOOD LUCK Name Class

: Cicha Amelia Thamrin : 12 IPA 2




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Pulau Seraya diakui sebagai tujuan wisata yang baik. masyarakat lokal selalu mematuhi prinsip-prinsip mereka. Pembaca Merekrut beasiswa Temukan tulisan Ini akan membuat para pembaca lebih memahami tentang sejarah politik tertentu. Paragraf pertama berbicara tentang pemisahan antara Jerman Barat dan Timur sedangkan paragraf terakhir berbicara tentang penyatuan Jerman Barat dan Timur. 13



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Masalah kesehatan berisiko lebih tinggi.

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Because untuk berterima kasih kepada Joanne atas usahanya dalam mempersiapkan pertemuan itu Selalu semangat Johannes untuk merencanakan dan mengatur pertemuan sosial atau keluarga. Memberikan informasi tentang cara menangani proses metamorfosis.





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Setelah mendengar keputusan itu, orang-orang berkumpul di pos pemeriksaan kota, menuntut masuk ke Berlin Barat. Telah meninggal Di sebuah desa Ikuti kata orang tua Anda karena mereka hanya berbicara untuk kebaikan Anda. Dalam paragraf dua bercerita tentang ibu yang tidak dapat menemukan anak-anaknya sementara pada paragraf tiga bercerita tentang dia punya cara untuk menemukan mereka. Pada saat itu orang harus berjuang demi dunia yang lebih baik Ada celah besar antara orang-orang dan penguasa. Untuk mengundang pembaca untuk datang ke dekade keunggulan akademik 2016-17. Ketua Mempertajam keterampilan mereka sehingga mereka dapat bertahan di masa depan.

F. to be beautiful, butterflies experience a process called metamorphosis. Paragraf 2 menceritakan tentang tahap pertumbuhan; sedangkan paragraf 3 menceritakan tentang tahap pupa. Tertutup Untuk membuat pembaca mengerti bagaimana melamar pekerjaan. Desain dengan bantuan komputer Untuk memberikan data uang yang diinvestasikan dalam saham dan obligasi. Pasokan F. Skandal lingkungan Pemerintah sedang berusaha menyelesaikan masalah, tetapi Antiles tetap menggunakan pestisida. Telah selesai menginformasikan cara memasak nasi dengan penanak nasi Masukkan panci masak dengan nasi dan air di dalamnya ke dalam penanak nasi