Biography of Thomas Alva Edison [PDF]

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Biography Of Thomas Alva Edison (Bahasa Inggris)

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the most famous scientists and is also listed as the inventor of the incandescent lamp . Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan , Ohio , United States on February 11, 1847 . On his childhood in the United States , Thomas Alva Edison always got bad grades in school. Therefore mother him from school and taught him at home . At home with small freely Thomas Alva Edison can read scientific books mature and begin to conduct various scientific experiments themselves . At the age of 12 years Thomas Alva Edison began working as a newspaper seller , fruits and sweets on the train .Then Thomas Alva Edison became a telegraph operator , Thomas Alva Edison to move from one city to another . In New York, Thomas Alva Edison was asked to become the head of the telegraph machine that is important . The machines were sending business news throughout the leading company in New York .In 1870 Thomas Alva Edison invented the telegraph machine better The machines can print the messages on top of a long strip of paper . The money generated from the discovery was enough to establish his own company . In 1874 Thomas Alva Edison moved to Menlo Park , New Jersey . There, Thomas Alva Edison made a great scientific workshop and the first in the world . In 1877 Thomas Alva Edison invented Gramofon . In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison discovered the electric light then Thomas Alva Edison also find a projector for small films . In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison managed to create an incandescent bulb , which makes his name is remembered throughout history . Thomas Alva Edison is not the first to create a system of electric lighting . A few years earlier provide light electric current has been used for lighting the lamp in paris . However , Thomas Alva Edison incandescent bulb following which he developed together with electrical distribution allow for a practical electric lighting in the home . In 1822 the company had managed to produce electricity for homes in New York , and in a short time has spread throughout the world . In one biography mentioned that Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb 999 failure after experience , new research that means to 1000 Thomas Alva Edison invented the incandescent lamp / electricity. In 1890 , Thomas Alva Edison founded the company General Electric.

Biography Of Thomas Alva Edison (Bahasa Inggris)

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the most famous scientists and is also listed as the inventor of the incandescent lamp . Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan , Ohio , United States on February 11, 1847 . On his childhood in the United States , Thomas Alva Edison always got bad grades in school. Therefore mother him from school and taught him at home . At home with small freely Thomas Alva Edison can read scientific books mature and begin to conduct various scientific experiments themselves . At the age of 12 years Thomas Alva Edison began working as a newspaper seller , fruits and sweets on the train .Then Thomas Alva Edison became a telegraph operator , Thomas Alva Edison to move from one city to another . In New York, Thomas Alva Edison was asked to become the head of the telegraph machine that is important . The machines were sending business news throughout the leading company in New York .In 1870 Thomas Alva Edison invented the telegraph machine better The machines can print the messages on top of a long strip of paper . The money generated from the discovery was enough to establish his own company . In 1874 Thomas Alva Edison moved to Menlo Park , New Jersey . There, Thomas Alva Edison made a great scientific workshop and the first in the world . In 1877 Thomas Alva Edison invented Gramofon . In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison discovered the electric light then Thomas Alva Edison also find a projector for small films . In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison managed to create an incandescent bulb , which makes his name is remembered throughout history . Thomas Alva Edison is not the first to create a system of electric lighting . A few years earlier provide light electric current has been used for lighting the lamp in paris . However , Thomas Alva Edison incandescent bulb following which he developed together with electrical distribution allow for a practical electric lighting in the home . In 1822 the company had managed to produce electricity for homes in New York , and in a short time has spread throughout the world . In one biography mentioned that Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb 999 failure after experience , new research that means to 1000 Thomas Alva Edison invented the incandescent lamp / electricity. In 1890 , Thomas Alva Edison founded the company General Electric.

Biografi Dari Thomas Alva Edison (Bahasa Indonesia)

Thomas Alva Edison merupakan salah satu ilmuwan paling terkenal dan juga tercatat sebagai penemu lampu pijar.Thomas Alva Edison lahir di Milan,Ohio,Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 11 Februari 1847. Pada masa kecilnya di Amerika Serikat , Thomas Alva Edison selalu mendapat nilai buruk di sekolahnya. Oleh karena itu ibunya memberhentikannya dari sekolah dan mengajarnya sendiri di rumah. Di rumah dengan leluasa Thomas Alva Edison kecil dapat membaca buku-buku ilmiah dewasa dan mulai mengadakan berbagai percobaan ilmiah sendiri. Pada usia 12 tahun Thomas Alva Edison mulai bekerja sebagai penjual koran,buah-buahan dan gulagula di kereta api. Kemudian Thomas Alva Edison menjadi operator telegraf , Thomas Alva Edison pindah dari satu kota ke kota lain. Di New YOrk, Thomas Alva Edison diminta untuk menjadi kepala mesin telegraf yang penting. Mesin-mesin itu mengirimkan berita bisnis keseluruh perusahaan terkemuka di New York.Pada tahun 1870 Thomas Alva Edison menemukan mesin telegraf yang lebih baik. Mesin-mesinnya dapat mencetak pesan-pesan di atas pita kertas yang panjang. Uang yang dihasilkan dari penemuannya itu cukup untuk mendirikan perusahaan sendiri. Pada tahun 1874 Thomas Alva Edison pindah ke Menlo Park,New Jersey. Di sana Thomas Alva Edison membuat bengkel ilmiah yang besar dan yang pertama di dunia . Pada tahun 1877 Thomas Alva Edison menemukan Gramofon. Dalam tahun 1879 Thomas Alva Edison berhasil menemukan lampu listrik kemudian Thomas Alva Edison juga menemukan proyektor untuk film-film kecil. Pada tahun 1879 Thomas Alva Edison berhasil menciptakan lampu pijar,yang menjadikan namanya dikenang sepanjang sejarah.Thomas Alva Edison bukan orang pertama yang menciptakan sistem penerangan listrik. Beberapa tahun sebelumnya lampu memberikan arus listrik telah digunakan buat penerangan lampu di paris . Tetapi,bola pijar Thomas Alva Edison berikut bersama pembagian listrik yang dikembangkannya memungkinkan adanya penerangan listrik yang praktis untuk di rumah. Pada tahun 1822 perusahaannya sudah berhasil memproduksi listrik untuk rumah-rumah di New York , dan dalam tempo singkat sudah tersebar keseluruh dunia. Dalam salah satu biografinya disebutkan bahwa Thomas Alva Edison berhasil menemukan lampu pijar setelah mengalami 999 kegagalan, artinya baru penelitian yang ke 1.000 Thomas Alva Edison menemukan lampu pijar / listrik. Pada tahun 1890 , Thomas Alva Edison mendirikan perusahaan General Electric.