Chapter 10 The Opinion Essay [PDF]

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Chapter 10: Opinion Essay Questions on the model. 1. The euthanasia should be legal. We could expect three body paragraphs. 2. The concluding paragraph summarize the reasons that support euthanasia legal. Practice 1: Thesis Statements for Opinion Essays A. Although many people feel that doctors must do everything possible to end their lives, I Believe that euthanasia should be legal for three reasons. B. Although C. Work with partner 1. Although the law prohibits separate classes for boys and girls in public schools, I think boys and girls learn better in separate classes, especially in the middle grades. 2. Many people believe that woman should not serve in the military, but I think woman should encourage in the military because they do well with their duty. 3. Society often ignores steroid use by well-known professional athletes because of the athletes’ popularity. However, I think they should not use it. 4. Although professional athletes undoubtedly feel that they deserve their milliondollar salaries, I feel that it is too much salaries for most people. 5. Some people are in favor of drug testing for high school athletes, but I think it is not good for health. 6. Some people feel that the United States needs more laws to control the sale and ownership of guns. However, I think stop people from using guns without any duties might be a better solution. Try it out: Choose one of the suggested topic In the United States, people have the right to buy and sale gun freely. However, there are lot problems that happed because of using guns every year across the country. In some cases, the murder shoots many people in the supermarket or school, and most of them died immediately because the police spend too long time to help or kill murders. Therefore, some people feel that the United States needs more laws to control the sale and ownership of guns. However, I think stop people from using guns without any duties might be a better solution. Practice 2: Developing Reasons

1. Although the law prohibits separate classes for boys and girls in public schools, I think boys and girls learn better in separate classes, especially in the middle grades. a. The first reason is that they do whatever they want. b. The second reason is that loving problems. c. The last reason is that they can communicate well. 2. Many people believe that woman should not serve in the military, but I think woman should encourage in the military because they do well with their duty. a. The first reason is that both man and woman are equal. b. The second reason they have their own strengths. c. Finally, some women are better in military. 3. Some people feel that the United States needs more laws to control the sale and ownership of guns. However, I think stop people from using guns without any duties might be a better solution. a. The first reason is that murders. b. The second reason is that police cannot control it. c. The last reason is that most people cannot control themselves when they are mad or angry. Try it Out: Write a concluding paragraphs To summarize, letting all people have rights to use gun will definitely cause many problems such as making people died, causing more murder crime, authority cannot control the weapons or guns. These problems will make the United States in trouble, and it also make people feel unsafe and insecure. Therefore, in order to make society safer, all people must stop using guns or any dangerous weapons without any duties. Practice 3: Punctuating Quotations 1. Dr. T. Berry Brazelton said, “The average child today spends more time in front of a TV set than she does studying in school or talking with her parents.” 2. “As a result”, he added, “children often learn more about the world and about values from television than from their families.” 3. “A majority of child characters on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox programs tend to engage in antisocial behavior such as lying or physical aggression,” reported Damon Ho, president of Parents for Responsible Programming. 4. Advice columnist Abigail Buren wrote in a recent column, “The television set may provide some people with the only human voice they hear for days.”.

5. “It provides news and entertainment for millions of people who cannot leave the comfort, privacy, and safety of their homes,” she continued. 6. “Not everyone can attend college in a traditional way,” says Greenhills College professor Caroline Gibbs, “so we televise courses that students can view on their TV sets at home.” Practice 4: Supporting Details 1. Example supporting detail. 2. Statistic supporting details. 3. Quotation supporting details. Try it out: Practice using quotations and statistics. A. Brainstorm about the influence of the television on society. Positive Influences 1. Give more information, fast 2. Entertainment and educational program 3. Bring families together 4. Make business with advertisement 5. Learn English Negative Influences 1. Spreading false information 2. Show bad behavior on social 3. Make families apart. 4. Too much ad with fake discount 5. Waste of time 6. Spreading power of government sometimes. B. Read the following interviews about some positive and negative effects of television: C. Writing 1. The bad effect of Television is that families do not have much time to talk with each other. Additionally, some children do not do their homework at home because they are busy watching TV show. Like Jessica, housewife said, “Television is destroying family life.” People have spent too much time with it, she added, “Now families just sit like robots in front of the boob tube instead of talking or playing games together.”

2. Some people enjoy learning English with TV because it is showed how English is speaking and improve their listening skill than learning English with textbook. For instance, Jacques Camembert, recent immigrant said, “Television is helping me and my family learn English more quickly. When we first came to the United States, we could not understand anything. But now she can understand everything because of the TV program.”

Exercise 1: Outlining Thesis Statement Although many people feel that doctors must do everything possible to keep their patients alive, I believe that euthanasia should be legal for three reasons. A. The first and most important reason to support euthanasia is that some patients who have no chance to recover do not wish to be kept alive on machines. Example; Terry Schiavo’s story B. Medical costs are very high. 1. According to an administrator at a local hospital, daily hospital room charges average $5,000 there. 2. Nursing home care is also expensive. A nursing home in our area charges $4500 per month. C. The family suffers. 1. For instance, a cousin of mine who had been in a motorcycle accident was kept on life-support machines for eight years. 2. My aunt said, “Of course, I am sad, but since we all knew he would eventually die, it might have been better if it had happened right when he had the accident. These past eight years have been hard.” Exercise 2: Summarizing an Essay of: The Right to Die All most all people think that euthanasia should be legal since people who are either terminally ill or who are in an irreversible coma often wish to die. The first reason that should consider is that those people do not want to keep alive on the machine. The second reason is that medical cost is so expensive, which most of people cannot afford it. The last reason is that family suffers. People who are in comma need people to take care during day and night that would make family suffers and stressful. Writing Assignment:

Gun Using in the United States Some people feel that the United States needs more laws to control the sale and ownership of guns. However, I think stop people from using guns might be a better solution. The first reason that stop people from using gun is that people do not have train to use it. Sine there are more and more people have died in crime occurs in the United States every year, most of them were shot by the murders who have gun, and they can’t control themselves. In some cases, the murders got into the school and shot may students died for no reasons. According to NYT, there are 80% of the crime which occurred in the United States because of using gun, and it is not lead to any death if there is no gun. The second reason is that safety. Most Asia people feel unsafe when they go out because of some racism of Asian-American people. They are afraid of being shoot by the murders because of racism against Asian people. For instance, on December, 31, last year, the murders got into Asia shop and shot ten Asian people deaths. However, the police took 24 hours in order to caught the murder because he has a gun. Although, it would not become worse as that if people do not allow to use or own guns. The last reason is peaceful society. Since no one has the right to own any dangerous gun, so all people will feel peaceful because there is no chance that the murders would use gun and shot many people in public as before. Therefore, all the people can go everywhere easily without worrying about the any crime, and also the polices will be easier to caught the murder in any crime because they do not have any gun. For example, in California a man, who wanted to kill his wife in the apartment, but he doesn’t have any gun, so the police come and caught him to the police station for about fifteen minutes only. In conclusion, allowing people to buy and sale weapons did create many problems such as racing, crimes, and social insecure, and by stopping people of using gun will solve those problem easily. So the authority should consider stop letting people using any guns freely in the United States.

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