Chrestomathy of Modern Literary Uzbek [1 ed.]
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Table of contents :
-Transliteration Key
-List of Abbreviations

-The Country and Its People
--Ўрта Осиё халқлари (The Peoples of Central Asia)
--Ўзбекистон ҳақида факт ва ракамлар (Facts and Figures about Uzbekistan)
--Тут дарахти (The Mulberry Tree)
--Ёз (Summers)
--П. Қодиров: Иссиқкўл сафари (A Journey to the Issyk-kul)

-Uzbek Writers Tell about Their Childhood
--Ойбек: Эл хизматида (Oybek: In the Service of the People)
--Абдулла Қаҳҳор: Озғина ўзим ҳақимда (Abdulla Qahhor: A Little Bit about Myself)
--Уйғнун: Ўтимшни эслаганда (Uyg'un: Remembering the Past)
--Ҳамид Ғулом: Шеърият жозибаси (Hamid G'ulom: The Magic of Poetry)
--Ғафур Ғулом: Кечмиш ва кечирнишларимдан (G'afur G'ulom: From My Past Experiences)
--Темир Фаттоҳ: Ўзим ҳақимда (Temir Fattoh: About Myself)
--Саида Зуннунова: Қизингиз ёзди (Saida Zunnunova: And Your Daughter Writes)
--Шукрулло: Муаллифдан (Shukrullo: From the Author)

-Examples from Uzbek Oral Literature
--Халқ Эртаклари (Fairy Tales):
---Ака-ука (The Two Brotheres)
---Қумурсқа (The Ant)
---Ўтинчи йигит билан шер (The Woodcutter and the Lion)
---Эски ва янги Афанди латифалари (Old and New Stories About Nasriddin Afandi)

--Бахши ва достон (Singers and Epic songs):
---Ёдгор бахши Исҳоқов: Устозимни эслаи (Remembering My Master)
---Алпомиш достонидан (From the Epos Alpomiš)

-Contemporary Uzbek Short Stories
--Ўлмас Умарбеков (O'lmas Umarbekov): Соат (The Watch) - Она (Mother) - Ялпиз ҳиди (The Fragrance of Mint)
--Саид Аҳмад (Said Ahmad): Қойилман (I am Delighted) - Жаноза (Prayer Before the Funeral) - Ошқовоқ, 2 (Pumpkin Street No.2)
--Оқилжон Ҳусанов (Oqiljon Husanov): Миннат (Gratitude) - Редакцияда суҳбат (Talks in the Editor's Office)
--Карим Раҳим (Karim Rahim): Кичкинтойлар ҳақида (About Little Children) - Қулоқсиз бола (The Disobedient Boy) - Аразчи (The Stubborn Child) - Капалак (The Butterfly)

Glossary [not scanned]

Citation preview

Ilse Laude-Cirtautas Chrestomathy of Modern Literary Uzbek

Ilse Laude-Cirtautas

Chrestomathy of Modern Literary Uzbek

1980 Otto Harrassowitz Wiesbaden

VA 2153

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CIP-Kшztitelaufnahme der Deutschen BiЫiothek Chrestomathy of modern literary Uzbek / llse Laude-Cirtautas. - Wiesbaden Harrassowitz, 1980. ISBN 3-447-02132-2 Е: Laude-Cirtautas, Ilse [Hrsg.]

АІІе Rcchte vorbchalten. © Опо Haпassowitz, Wiesbaden 1980. Photomechanische und рііогоўгарітівсіте Wiedergabe nur mit ausdri.icklicher Genehmigung des Verlages. Druck: Huberr & Со., Сопіпаеп. - Printed in Germany.


PREFACE Transliteration Кеу List of AЬbreviations

ТЕХТS: The Country and Its People Ўрта Осиё хал~лари • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


("The Peoples of Central Asia") Ўзбекистон ~а~ида факт ва ракамлар ••••••••••••••••••••


("Facts and Figures about Uzbekistan") " Тут дарахти •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , • • • • • • • • • •

( "The Mulberry Tree")

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