Classification of Carbonate Rocks According To Depositional Texture - Robert J. Dunham [PDF]

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CLASSIFICATION OF CARBONATE ROCKS ACCORDING TO DEPOSITIONAL TEXTURE 1 ROBERT J. DUNHAM 8 Houston, Texas ABSTRACT Three textural features seem especially useful in classifying those carbonate rocks that retain their depositional texture (1) Presence or absence of carbonate mud, which differentiates muddy carbonate from grainstone; (2) abundance of grains, which allows muddy carbonates to be subdivided into mudstone, •wackestone, and packstone; and (3) presence of signs of binding during deposition, which characterizes boundstone. The distinction between grain-support and mud-support differentiates packstone from wackestone—packstone is full of its particular mixture of grains, wackestone is not. Rocks retaining too little of their depositional texture to be classified are set aside as crystalline carbonates. INTRODUCTION

T h e increasing use of thin sections a n d oiled slabs h a s shown t h a t most limestone a n d much dolomite retain their depositional texture, in a more or less ghostly fashion, despite diagenesis. A descriptive classification based on depositional texture is thus a generally helpful adjunct to other classifications, particularly to those based on genetic kind of particles and to those based on mineralogic composition. I t will n o t s u b s t i t u t e for further description and classification, nor will it produce ready-made interpretations, b u t it will focus a t t e n t i o n on whichever few textural properties are chosen as particularly significant for in1 Part of a symposium arranged by the Research Committee, and presented at Denver, Colorado, April 27, 1961, under joint auspices of the Association and the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Manuscript received, April 23, 1961.

* Shell Development Company, Exploration and Production Division. I am deeply indebted to R. L. Folk, who shared his knowledge of carbonates and classification prior to publication, and repeatedly contributed to the evolution of the present concepts; to R. N. Ginsburg, whose studies of Recent carbonates clarified problems in ancient carbonates; and to D. L. Amsbury, K. J. Hsu, S. D. Kerr, O. P. Majewske, P. F. Moore, R. C. Murray, J. M. Parks, B. F. Perkins, G. Rittenhouse, C. I. Smith, B. W. Wilson, and J. L. Wilson, who gave encouragement and stimulating criticism.

terpretation of depositional environment, a n d it will provide the convenience of class names based only on depositional texture. Ideally, one could confidently divide unaltered carbonate rocks into two main groups, which Grabau (1904) termed clastic a n d biogenic. According to t h e ideal, one group is controlled mainly b y hydraulic conditions. Origin of particles is relatively insignificant, and subdivision is according to particle size. Calcirudite t h u s is distinguished from calcarenite. T h e other group is controlled mainly b y t h e biologic or biochemical processes responsible for producing c a r b o n a t e . H e r e , particle size is relatively insignificant, a n d subdivision is m a d e according to origin of p a r t i cles. Crinoidal limestone thus is distinguished from coral limestone. As it turns o u t , most samples are neither clearly in one group nor clearly in t h e other. Instead, they fall in the middle ground where hydraulic conditions a n d biologic or biochemical processes are in joint control. Focusing a t t e n t i o n on whether or not the larger particles are transported (fragmented or disarticulated) does not re-establish the sharp b o u n d a r y between the two groups. T o o often one is forced to conclude t h a t a c a r b o n a t e sediment was transported a little b u t not far, or t h a t some components were transported and others were not,




Looser packing would require mud-support. Samples were impregnated on the beach in such a way as to preserve natural packing and were then reimpregnated in the laboratory and sliced. All samples were from Cayo Centra, Cayos Areas, Campeche Banks, Mexico. a. Coral lime gravel, X I , reflected light. South side of island, AC-64. b. Coral-red algae lime sand, X2S, transmitted cross-polarized light. Northeast side of island, AC-47. c. Red algae lime sand, XS, transmitted cross-polarized light. Southeast side of island, AC-83. 108

PLATE I.—Grain-support in beach deposits.

PLATE II.—Grain-support influenced by grain shape.



or t h a t degree of transportation is indeterminate. Indeed, t h e o u t s t a n d i n g differences between landderived sediment and carbonate sediment stem from t h e simple fact t h a t , as a rule, land-derived sediment is produced b y destruction far from the site of deposition, whereas carbonate sediment is produced by destruction a n d construction a t or near the site of deposition. T h e recognized usefulness of classifications based on origin of particles a t t e s t s to the idea t h a t carbonate grains are u n like land-derived sediment in distance of t r a n s p o r t ; if grains did n o t generally remain near where t h e y were produced, such classifications would lack the environmental significance they are known to have. Possibly, the ease with which carbonate grains are destroyed, or cemented, a c counts for their relatively short t r a n s p o r t .

problem thus deserves to be incorporated in class names. This can be accomplished in several ways. One is to focus a t t e n t i o n on average or pred o m i n a n t size, which erroneously assumes t h a t all sizes in a sample are equally significant hydraulically. Another is to focus a t t e n t i o n on t h e size, a b u n d a n c e , and condition of t h e coarse material brought to the site of deposition. This emphasis on w h a t might be called currents of delivery has long been successful in dealing with land-derived sediments, b u t does not work well in lime sedim e n t because of t h e local origin of m a n y coarse grains. A third w a y is to focus a t t e n t i o n on the fine material t h a t was able to remain a t the site of deposition. This emphasis on what might be called currents of removal seems advisable if we wish to characterize carbonate sediment systematically in terms of hydraulic environment.


I n a s m u c h as calm water is characterized by mud being able to settle to the b o t t o m a n d remain there, it seems t h a t the m u d d y rocks deserve to be contrasted with mud-free rocks, regardless of the

T h e distinction between sediment deposited in calm water a n d sediment deposited in agitated water is fundamental. Evidence bearing on this




Looser packing would require mud-support. Aggregates were made by sedimenting wet grains in quiet water onto a bed of previously deposited grains (Halimeda plates visible at base of aggregate), drying, impregnating with clear plastic, slicing, then staining. Plate W-d was sedimented dry. Per cent grains is expressed in two ways, both values being rounded to the nearest 5 per cent. Per cent grainsolid, which is measured by water displacement, refers to the volume of solid matter in the grains divided by the volume of the aggregate. Per cent grain-bulk, which is measured by point-counting, differs in that openings and deep indentations in grains are conventionally counted as grain instead of as pore. a. Well sorted, well rounded, highly spherical porcelain balls, X I , 65 per cent grain-bulk, 60 per cent grainsolid. b. High-spired snails, X If, 45 per cent grain-bulk, 25 per cent grain-solid. c. Small clams, X l i , 30 per cent grain-bulk, 25 per cent grain-solid. d. Corn flakes, X I , 30 per cent grain-bulk. e. Rose corals, X J, 70 per cent grain-bulk, 20 per cent grain-solid. / . Branching red algae broken to f-inch lengths, X I f, 20 per cent grain-bulk, 15 per cent grain-solid.


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PLATE III.—Indications of grain-support.


CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO DEPOSITIONAL T E X T U R E a m o u n t and size of included coarse material. Folk (1959) and B r a m k a m p and Powers (1958) in their new classifications of c a r b o n a t e rocks h a v e m u c h the same viewpoint. T h e terms m u d and grains are used variously by different a u t h o r s . Usage here is based on particle size, grains being larger t h a n 20 microns and mud being smaller t h a n 20 microns. T h e distinction thus parallels t h e distinction between m a t r i x and grains in sandstone (Pettijohn, 1957, p . 284). Freedom from mud is t a k e n to mean virtual absence—less t h a n 1 per cent. GRAIN-SUPPORT AND MUD-SUPPORT

Rocks bearing carbonate m u d constitute t h e bulk of m a n y carbonate sequences and therefore require subdivision. T h e most useful textural subdivision of such rocks seems to be on the basis of



a b u n d a n c e of grains. Such subdivision allows m a p p i n g of gradients in r a t e of production of grains relative to r a t e of accumulation of m u d . T h r e e degrees of a b u n d a n c e can be recognized. I n t h e most common case, grains are a b u n d a n t enough to be prominent, say more t h a n 10 per cent, b u t are not so a b u n d a n t as to s u p p o r t one another. I n such a texture, the grains are sometimes said to be "floating." Here they will be called " m u d - s u p p o r t e d . " Rocks in which grains are less a b u n d a n t t h a n 10 per cent constitute a second category. Rocks in which grains are so a b u n d a n t as to s u p p o r t one another, just as they do in mud-free rocks, which are necessarily " g r a i n - s u p p o r t e d , " are a third category. T h e distinction between m u d - s u p p o r t and grain-support seems to be more meaningful t h a n



Floored interstices, shelter effects, embayed contacts, and overly close packing indicate grain-support. a-d—Floored interstices are produced by fine sediment filtering into coarser sediment, and by concurrent deposition of fine and coarse sediment. Marine infiltering reaches deeply only if the size difference is large, and even then does not fill interstices to the roof. a. Oyster shells infiltered by lime mud in the laboratory, X I , reflected light. Mud floors (Fi) are layered, and drape over irregularities. Shrinkage during drying reduced the amount of mud in the interstices, but voids (V) were beneath the shells before drying. b. Gravel, Halimeda, and ooliths infiltered by very fine sand in the laboratory, X I , reflected light. Sand largely fills interstices in the gravel layer, reaches part way through the Halimeda layer, and does not enter the oolith layer. The voids (V) beneath the pebbles are original shelter effects—the sediment did not shrink during drying. c. Beach sand infiltered by lime mud in the laboratory, X5, reflected light. Infiltering (M) is negligible except in the top layer of grains. Note the shelter effects at the large grain (S). d. Floored interstices (Fd) produced by concurrent deposition of ooliths and Halimeda in the laboratory, in volume ratio of 3:1, X3, reflected light. Ooliths making floors (Fi) in lower quarter of picture filtered into interstices in previously deposited bed of pure Halimeda. e. Embayed contacts, X20, transmitted unpolarized light. Lake Valley limestone, Mississippian, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, AGN. / . Overly close packing, X50, transmitted unpolarized light. Mission Canyon formation, Mississippian, Shell Richey NP-1, Richey field, Dawson County, Montana, NP 1-7312.



any alternative percentage boundary. A grainsupported rock is full of its particular mixture of grains, whereas a mud-supported rock is not. In land-derived sediments, the figures 65 per cent grains, 35 per cent porosity or interstitial debris, have been used to mark the boundary between grain-support (framework) and mud-support (disrupted framework). If all carbonate grains were as equidimensional as ooliths, a percentage boundary might equally well be substituted for visual distinction between mud-support and grain-support in carbonate rocks; but carbonate grains commonly are shaped like potato chips and twigs instead of like marbles. Because of this, a grain-supported rock whose grains are Ivanovia, a platy alga shaped rather like a cornflake, or Halimeda, would contain a far smaller percentage of grains than would a grain-supported rock whose grains are crinoid ossicles. A 65 per cent boundary, or a 50 per cent boundary, would put the Ivanovia rock in one group and the crinoid rock in another group; yet both rocks would contain as much of their particular mixture of grains as their volume allows them to hold. Objection may arise that differentiating mudsupported from grain-supported rocks is impossibly subjective because of the need to envision a three-dimensional arrangement of irregular shapes

by looking at a two-dimensional view. The difficulty is real but not so bad as it at first seems. (The errors are not much greater than those encountered in attempting to measure or estimate per cent grains in rocks having hollow or indented grains.) Experience gained in examining mud-free carbonates, which are necessarily grain-supported is an aid in determining what the kind of support is in muddy carbonates. Other aids are the floored interstices, embayed grains, overly close packing, and sheltering effects seen in grain-supported rocks and not in mud-supported rocks. Illustrations of these and of grain-supported natural and artificial aggregates are shown in Plates I - I I I . The phenomenon of grain-support has the added importance of bearing on the postdepositional history of the sediment. Soluble grains that are grain-supported are in contact with each other, and thus have a chance of forming a connected network of molds (or incomplete molds) unlike the relatively disconnected molds in mudsupported rocks. Furthermore, compaction affects grain-supported sediment differently than it does mud-supported sediment. The grains in grainsupported sediment carry the weight of the overburden. This tends to cause weak grains to brecciate. It also tends to protect from compaction



(X5, transmitted unpolarized light) o. Coral lime boundstone. Toronto limestone, Pennsylvanian Virgil, Greenwood County, Kansas, L-38-8b. b. Laminated lime boundstone (stromatolite). Cabbage-head structure in West Spring Creek limestone, Ordovician, Arbuckle Mountains, ADN-1. c. Floored lime boundstone. Floored openings (F) constructed by intergrown complex (C) of encrusting Foraminifera, algae, and hydrozoans? Permian Wolfcamp. Shell State ETA-5, Townsend field, Lea County, New Mexico, ETA5-10368.2.


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PLATE IV.—Binding in boundstone.



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PLATE V.—Mudstone and wackestone.










Original Components Not Bound Together Ouring Deposition Contains mud ( particles of clay and fine silt size ) Grain-supported

Mud-supported Less than 10 percent grains

More than 10 percent grains

Mud s t o ne

Wack e s tone

Pack s tone



Lacks mud and is grain-supported

Grai nstone

any sheltered mud beneath strong grains, perhaps making the mud more susceptible to leaching. Collapse brecciation improved permeability in m u d d y grain-supported limestone composed mostly of Ivanovia in the P a r a d o x formation of t h e Desert Creek field, U t a h ( M u r r a y , 1960, p . 66). Leaching of mud from interstices in m u d d y grainsupported limestone composed mostly of crinoids caused the porosity in some of t h e Devonian reservoirs in Andrews County, Texas (F. J. Lucia, personal communication).

Original components were bound together during deposition... as shown by intergrown skeletal matter, lamination contrary to gravity, or sediment-floored cavities that are roofed over by organic or questionably organic matter and are too large to be interstices.



{ Subdivide according to classifications designed to bear on physical texture or diagenesis.)


during deposition are scarce, b u t are worth special a t t e n t i o n . T h r e e signs of binding during deposition are recognized (PL I V ) . One is interconnected skeletal m a t t e r , such as occurs where colonial corals or encrusting Foraminifera grow one on t h e other. Another is lamination contrary to gravity, such as occurs in t h e crinkly lamination of stromatolites. T h e third is sediment-floored cavities t h a t are too large to be interstices and are roofed over by organic or questionably organic m a t t e r , such as the large and small tunnels and grottoes in coral reefs.


Most carbonate tional texture are clearly discrete and rocks t h a t differ by


rocks retaining their deposilithified sediment made of originally loose particles. T h e showing signs of being bound


T h e concepts outlined above allow five textural classes to be recognized (Table I ) . T h e names tentatively a t t a c h e d to these classes are fairly



(X25, transmitted unpolarized light) a. Ostracod lime mudstone, less than 1 per cent grain-bulk. Duperow formation, Late Devonian, Brown's Gulch section, Blaine County, Montana, BG-17. b. Mixed-fossil dolomite wackeslone, 20 per cent grain-bulk. The rock contains no calcite. San Andreas Permian, Shell D. Roberts No. 15, 5,124 feet, Wasson field, Yoakum County, Texas, 1-300. c. Ostracod-lithiclast lime wackeslone, slightly dolomitized, 40 per cent grain-bulk. Duperow formation, Late Devonian, Shell Richey NP-1, 8,900 feet, Richey field, McCone County, Montana, 1.562.



short, meaningful English nouns that apply only to texture. They can be combined with names for grain-kind classes and mineralogic classes, as shown in the figure captions, and they also can stand alone where mineralogy and grain-kind are not at issue. Mudstone.—Muddy carbonate rocks containing less than 10 per cent grains (10 per cent grain-bulk as defined in PL II) are termed mudstone PI. V). The name mudstone is synonymous with calcilutite, except that it does not specify mineralogic composition and thus avoids such ambiguities as dolomite calcilutite, and it does not specify that the mud is of clastic origin. The significance of mudstone, aside from the implication of calm water, is the apparent inhibition of grain-producing organisms. Wackestone.—Mud-supported carbonate rocks containing more than 10 per cent grains (10 per cent grain-bulk) are termed wackestone (PI. V). The name has much against it, but it does have the advantage of calling to mind a mixture of mud and grains similar to that seen in some sandstones, and it is less awkward than expressions such as calcarenitic calcilutite or calcarenitic limestone. Packstone.—Grain-supported muddy carbon-

ate rocks are termed packstone (PI. VI). Grainsupport is generally a property of rocks deposited in agitated water, and muddiness is generally a property of rocks deposited in quiet water. A rock exhibiting both properties is peculiar, and it is well to have it isolated for further study. It may record simple compaction of wackestone, as is suggested where interstices are completely filled with mud. It may record early or late infiltering of previously deposited mud-free sediment, or prolific production of grains in calm water, as is suggested where interstices are floored with mud. It may record mixing by burrowers or incomplete winnowing or partial leaching of mud, as is suggested by patchily distributed mud. Grainstone.—Mud-free carbonate rocks, which are necessarily grain-supported, are termed grainstone (PI. VII). Grainstones are not all of the same hydraulic significance. Some are current laid; some are the product of mud being bypassed while locally produced grains accumulate, or of mud being winnowed from previously deposited muddy sediment; and some, conceivably, are the product of locally produced grains accumulating too rapidly to be contaminated by mud. Commonly, origin cannot be definitely known from


(X5, transmitted unpolarized light) a. Crinoid lime packstone overlying lens of lime mudstone. Overly close packing (75 per cent grain-bulk) suggests that grain-support was acquired during compaction. Mission Canyon formation, Mississippian, Shell Richey NP-1, Richey field, Dawson County, Montana, NP 1-7312. b. Hydrozoan? lime packstone. Floored interstices (F) indicate that grain-support is original and suggests infiltering. Permian Wolfcamp, Shell Hilburn No. 1, Townsend field, Lea County, New Mexico, SH-1-10,556. c. Coated-grain lime packstone. Abraded nuclei of grains indicates turbulent water; presence of mud indicates quiet water; patchy distribution of mud suggests that burrowers mixed originally interbedded sand and mud together. Toronto limestone, Pennsylvanian Virgil, Kansas, Bed A.

PLATE VI.—Packstone.

PLATE VII.—Grainstone.

CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO DEPOSITIONAL T E X T U R E the single sample t h a t is being classified. T h e class name thus denotes merely the absence of m u d , and, of course, the corollary t h a t t h e grains are supported by each other. If the grains were n o t self-supporting, the former presence of nowrecrystallized mud would be indicated. Subdividing grainstone, so as to include more evidence in class names, is a t e m p t a t i o n . M a n y possible s u b divisions suggest themselves. Grain size is, of course, one possibility. Sorting is a n o t h e r , for t h e well-sorted grainstones are scarce enough to be noted. Wear is another. N a m e s such as calcirudite, sortedslone, and wornstone are useful in s t u d y i n g some suites of rocks, b u t , a t present, none of these properties seems of wide enough application to w a r r a n t being incorporated in a general classification. Boundstone.—Carbonate rocks showing signs of being bound during deposition are termed boundstone (PL I V ) . T h e signs of binding are specific, and they occur within the sample being classified. Except for t h a t , the concept of b o u n d stone plays the same role as the reefoid carbon te, biohermal carbonate, constructed biogenic car-



b o n a t e , klintite, and biolithite of other classifications. Crystalline carbonates.—Inasmuch as this classification is concerned with depositional environm e n t s , the rocks retaining too little of their depositional texture to be classified m u s t be set aside. Such rocks are here termed crystalline carbonates (specifically, crystalline dolomite, crystalline limestone). Although depositional texture is lacking, relics or ghosts of grains commonly allow classification according to origin of grains; for example, crinoid-bearing crystalline dolomite.


Bramkamp, R. A., and Powers, R. W., 1958, Classification of Arabian carbonate rocks: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 69, no. 10, p. 1305-1318. Folk, R. L., 1959, Practical petrographic classification of limestones: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 43, no. 1, p. 1-38. Grabau, A. W., 1904, On the classification of sedimentary rocks: Am. Geologist, v. 33, p. 228-247. Murray, R. C , 1960, Origin of porosity in carbonate rocks: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 30, no. 1, p. 59-84. Pettijohn, F. P., 1957, Sedimentary rocks, 2d ed.: New York, Harper and Bros.



(X5, transmitted unpolarized light) a. Oolith lime grainstone (oolite). Note the sheltering done by the coated brachiopod shell (5) near the center —grains are smaller and more numerous above the shell than below the shell; compare Plate III-c. Wapanucka limestone, Pennsylvanian Morrow, Bromide, Oklahoma, W-23. b. Fusulinid lime grainstone, druse-cemented. Seemingly loose packing is due to fusulinids being unusually elongate. Uniform orientation (long axis perpendicular to page) and breakage indicate that the grains are currentlaid. Back-reef limestone of Capitan reef, Permian Guadalupe, Pinery Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, PN-6-A. c. Lithiclast lime grainstone. Note the sand-floored interstices (F); compare Plate Ill-d. El Paso limestone, Ordovician, Franklin Mountains, Texas, AGE.