Corpus Alienum Telinga [PDF]

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Corpus Alienum Auricular

Presented by: Afifah Al Azizah Ma Wan Hui Muhammad Ifan Alfian Gavrilo Giardi Azaria N. Paramastri Dinda Ajeng A.

17/421280/KU/20211 17/421304/KU/20235 17/421308/KU/20239 17/421297/KU/20228 17/421286/KU/20217 17/421289/KU/20220

Moderator: Dr. dr. Sagung Rai Indrasari, M.Kes., Sp. THT-KL (K), FICS

Departement of Otorhinolaringology, Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada RSUP Dr. Sardjito 2018


The objects themselves are variable,

The ear is an organ for hearing and

ranging from beads to insects. Cases are

balance, which consists of the external ear,

seen mostly but not exclusively in children

middle ear and inner ear. The external ear

and are a relatively common case in

captures sound waves that are converted


into mechanical energy by the middle ear.

sometimes realize that a foreign object is

The middle ear converts mechanical

lodged inside their external ear canal,

energy into nerve waves, which are then

coming in with the chief complaint the

delivered to the brain. The inner ear also

insertion of a foreign object in their ear.

helps maintain body balance.

But some may not even realize the




The external ear consists of earlobes

presence of an object in their ear canal,

(pinna or aurikel) and ear canal (meatus

leading up to patients presenting with

auditory externa). The outermost part of

hearing loss, or a sense of fullness.

the ear which is the auricle is composed

Significant discomfort, or complain of

mainly by elastin cartilage and skin. It

nausea and vomiting may be present if a

consists of: root/crus of the helix, helix,

live insect enters the ear canal.1

antihelix, scaphoid fossa, triangular fossa,

In children, the child does not

crura of antihelix, antitragus, lobule, and

complaint before the pain due to infection

tragus. The external acoustic meatus is an

in the ear, the ears can be smelled bad if

“S” shaped canal that leads to tympanic

the foreign body stay for a long time in the

membrane from the auricle. 1/3 of the

ear canal. If the child’s ear smelled bad,

outer part of the canal is composed of

parents should suspect it as a result of

cartilage while 2/3 of the canal’s inner part

foreign body in the ear canal. Do not

is made out of bone (temporal), with its

handle it yourself because the objects may

length measured to be around 2.5-3 cm.

actually go inside because of the anatomy

The cartilaginous part of the canal

of the ear canal that is notched. In the ears

produces cerumen from sebaceous and

there are many nerves and injuries can

ceruminous glands, while 2/3 of the bony

occur. Foreign body in the ear canal

part of the canal has only a few of these

usually can only be evacuated by ENT

glands compared to the other.

doctors using equipment and specific

Foreign body (corpus alienum) in the


ear are objects lodged in the ear which

Foreign bodies in the ears, nose or

originates from outside the body or even

throat are a common occurrence in

from within which is normally not present.









laceration of the skin and the wound of the

estimated to account for approximately

tympanic membrane, it will cause hearing

11% of the cases seen in ENT services.2

loss, ear pain / otalgia and possible risk of

There are several factors that can cause foreign objects in the ear that is 3:  Intentional factor, usually occurs in

infection. Severe complications can occur in 22% of the cases found, and the morbidity associated with foreign bodies, therefore,

children under five.  Carelessness factors often occur in

foreign matter must be handled correctly.2

adults when using earwashers such as

Improper handling can lead to bleeding,

cotton, a matchstick or sticker left

trauma to the ear canal, trauma to the

inside the ear, the latter being accidental

membrane tympanic and hearing bones.

factors in which a foreign object enters

This will increase the patient's morbidity,


so it will require exploratory action with





cockroaches, flies and mosquito.

general anesthesia to remove the foreign

Here are some foreign objects that

object. Lack of experience in foreign body

often enter the ear canal: water, cotton

management in the ear is one of the factors

bud, small things and insect. The effects of

causing iatrogenic complications.4

the entry of foreign matter into the ear can range in no symptoms until the symptoms


of severe pain and the presence of hearing

A 19 years old female visited RSUD

loss. Other symptoms that may arise are:

Tjitrowardojo Purworejo on January 18th,

feeling uncomfortable, clogged, impaired

2018 because she claims an insect-like

hearing and earache / otalgia.

thing burrowed itself in her right ear since

The entry of foreign objects into the

this morning. She also complained a

ear that is to the external auditorius canal

feeling of discomfort in her right ear.

will cause a clogging sensation in the ear,

Tinnitus, discharge and itchiness were

so the patient will try to remove the


foreign object. However, the actions that

swimming, cleaning the ear canal with

the patient undertakes to expel the foreign

cotton bud, and scratching her ear with

body often leads to further exacerbation of

nails. She has seen the doctor in primary

the foreign body to the external canal

health care before going to RSUD

bone, causing skin laceration and injury to

Tjitrowardojo Purworejo. The doctor said

the tympanic membrane. As a result of

that the insect-like thing were burrowed






deep in the right ear and there were no

adequate equipments to evacuate the thing

physical examination, the patient was

so she had to go to the ENT specialist. She

diagnosed with Corpus Alienum Auricular

has no history of food allergy as a kid. She

Dextra. The evacuation of the foreign

also denied nasal congestion, cough,

body was done, and no drug was

hoarseness and upper respiratory infection

prescribed to the patient.

before her complaints appeared. On otoscopic examination, the left ear


was within normal. The external auditory

The patient present with a feeling of

canal of the left ear was not hyperemic, no

discomfort in the right ear. Physical

discharge and no swelling. The tympanic

examination revealed a foreign body deep

membrane were intact with good light

in the CAE with no discharge, tenderness,

reflection. The patient felt no pain when

redness, and swelling on the right ear.


Based on the signs and symptoms we







paraauricular area.

diagnosed the patient with corpus alienum

Compared to the left ear, the right ear





was within normal. The external auditory

examination is the main diagnostic tool for

canal was not hyperemic, no discharge,

corpus alineum in the ear canal.

and no swelling but we can see the foreign

Physical examination is done with the

body deep in the ear, right in front of the

use of an otoscope while retracting the



pinna in a posterosuperior direction. A

membrane itself were intact. There were

head mirror with a strong light source,

no pain when we palpated her right ear and


paraauricular area. Inspection of the

microscope also may be used. The result

external nose was normal. From anterior

that may be gathered from the examination

rhinoscopy examination, both of her



• Redness, foul odor and swelling indicate











hyperemic concha and no discharge was



• The bluish color and cone shaped

Physical examination on the throat was





indicate a pile of blood behind the tympanic membrane.

Tonsilopalatina, pharynx, larynx was in

• The possibility of a tympanic membrane

normal limit, no swelling nor hyperemic


were seen. No granule was seen in oropharynx. Based on history taking and

There is

no specific


management for the presence of a foreign

body, immediate visit to the hospital is

since the catheter must be placed

needed. Occasionally if the patient suffers

directly on the object with a good seal



obtained. The catheter does not work as


well for foreign bodies in the medial







administered to the patient.

two thirds of the ear canal where it is

There are some tools that required for

narrower, and it is sometimes difficult

removal foreign body:

to keep enough suction pressure on

 Otoscope for ensure the located foreign

theforeign body for removal.  Magnet. It is used for metallic foreign

body.  Headlamp




bodies.  Mineral oil or lidocaine 2%. It is used

visualization.  Curved hook. This tool is ideal for hard, spherical shaped objects in the lateral

to kill the insect in the ear canal.  Sedation (if needed)

one third of the ear canal.

There are 3 techniques commonly

 Alligator forceps. The most common

used by practitioner to evacuate the foreign

tool used for removal of an ear foreign

bodies: mechanical extraction, irrigation,

body. The alligator forceps is ideal for

and suction. In this patient, the technique

graspable objects such as paper, erasers,

used was irrigation because the foreign

cotton or tissue. They are not ideal for

body was a small accessory located in the

hard, spherical shapes such as beads

inner two third of CAE, right in front of

(unless there is a hole) or seeds.


Alligator forceps are also useful when

extraction and suction techniques are best

the foreign body can be directly

used when the foreign bodies had a mushy

visualized from the external ear canal.

consistency. The side effect was minimal

 Irrigation







after the foreign body evacuation, so no

angiocatheter 20 gauge usually is used

drug was prescribed to the patient.

for irrigation in the ear canal.

• Mechanical extraction

 Suction equipment. One of the tools for

Briefly repeat the ear examination

suction is catheter. The catheter is ideal

while observing the location and depth of

for hard, round, spherical


the foreign body. Move the headlamp for

objects specifically in the lateral one

better visualization and carefully introduce








visualization of the objectis important





Advance the forceps incrementally through

the external auditory canal until the foreign body is grasped. Gently withdraw the

• Suction Connect




forceps, with attached foreign body, from

catheter to low wall suction and position

the auditory canal. Always check for

the patient comfortably. Visualize the

complete removal of the foreign body,

foreign body with the headlamp/otoscope.

perforation of the tympanic membrane,

Introduce the catheter through ear canal

and abrasions of the auditory canal.

and gently advance it incrementally until

• Irrigation

the foreign body is contacted. Gently

To irrigate, first attach a 20-ga angiocatheter




withdraw the suction catheter tip and


attached foreign body from the external

Warming the irrigation fluid (water or

auditory canal. Repeat a postprocedural ear

normal saline) greatly enhances patient

examination to confirm complete removal

comfort. Position the patient comfortably

of the foreign body and to check for

and drape the area to keep the patient dry.


Position an emesis basin under the affected

Insects, organic matter and objects

ear to collect irrigation runoff. Place the

with the potential to become friable and

flexible angiocatheter tip gently in the

break into smaller evasive pieces are often

external auditory canal. Advancing the tip

better extracted with suction than with

too far risks damage to the tympanic

forceps. Live insects in the ear canal

membrane. With the angiocatheter tip held

should be immobilized before removal is

gently in position, slowly inject irrigation

attempted.5 The insect should be killed

fluid until the foreign body washes out.

prior to removal, using mineral oil or

Always conduct a postprocedural ear

lidocaine 2%.6-7

examination to confirm complete removal

Always examine the opposite ear for

of the foreign body and to check for

additional foreign bodies and the external


auditory canal after the removal of a





foreign body to identify preexisting or

organic matter that may swell through


osmosis and enlarge within the auditory

perforations or abrasions.

canal. Disk batteries and vegetable matter



There are some prevention for the

are also absolute contraindications to

entry of object in the ear, that:


 The habit of using cottonbud to clean the ears should be stopped because it can cause some side effects: our ears

which have fine hairs that are useful for making sweeping movements of dirt in


our ears will be damaged, so this natural cleansing mechanism will be


lost. If our skin is blistered there can be a very uncomfortable outer ear infection and other possibilities if we are too deep in pushing cottonbud, it can injure


or penetrate the eardrum.  Avoid giving toys in the form of seeds to the children since the children can put the small toys into the ear or can also be swallowed. It can be fatal if it clogged the airway.

CONCLUSION A 19 years old woman was presented with Corpus Alienum Auricular Dextra. The evacuation of the foreign body was done with irrigation and no prescribed drug was given. The diagnosis was defined by the clinical presentation of the patient.

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