DAFTAR KATA KERJA (Bahasa Inggris) [PDF]

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DAFTAR KATA KERJA ( IRREGULAR VERB LIST ) Base form (Kata Dasar) be begin break bring buy build choose come cost cut do draw drive eat feel find get give go have hear hold keep know leave lead let lie lose make mean meet pay put run say see sell send set sit speak spend stand take teach tell think understand wear win write

Past tense ( Lampau) was/were began broke brought bought built chose came cost cut did drew drove ate felt found got gave went had heard held kept knew left led let lay lost made meant met paid put ran said saw sold sent set sat spoke spent stood took taught told thought understood wore won wrote

Past participle ( Kini Selesai) been begun broken brought bought built chosen come cost cut done drawn driven eaten felt found got given gone had heard held kept known left led let lain lost made meant met paid put run said seen sold sent set sat spoken spent stood taken taught told thought understood worn won written

Ing form ( Sedang Berlangsung ) being beginning breaking bringing buying building choosing coming costing cutting doing drawing driving eating feeling finding getting giving going having hearing holding keeping knowing leaving leading letting lying losing making meaning meeting paying putting running saying seeing selling sending setting sitting speaking spending standing taking teaching telling thinking understanding wearing winning writing

Meaning (Artinya) ada mulai memecahkan membawa membeli membangun memilih datang berharga memotong mengerjakan menggambar mengendarai makan merasa menemukan mendapat memberi pergi mempunyai mendengarkan memegang menjaga mengetahui meninggalkan memimpin membiarkan berbohong hilang membuat berarti bertemu membayar meletakkan berlari mengatakan melihat menjual mengirim menetapkan duduk berbicara membelanjakan berdiri mengambil mengajar menceritakan berpikir mengerti memakai menang menulis

Penggunaan Kata Kerja BE ( IS, AM, ARE ) Kata BE sebagai kata kerja (verb) digunakan berbeda-beda maksudnya sesuai dengan susunan kalimat yang menyertainya. 1. Kata BE digunakan dalam tense (bentuk waktu) Bahasa Inggris, khususnya bentuk waktu sekarang     berlangsung (present continous tense), Menurut subyeknya, kata BE terdiri dari IS, AM, dan ARE.    Untuk subyek I (saya) memakai AM    Untuk subyek YOU, WE, THEY memakai ARE    Untuk subyek SHE dan HE memakai IS    Untuk subyek jamak (lebih dari satu) memakai ARE    Untuk subyek tunggal (hanya satu) memakai IS. Selanjutnya, susunan kata kerjanya untuk present continous tense adalah : IS/ARE/AM + kata kerja asal (infinitive) + imbuhan ING.  Contoh kalimat : He is reading a newspaper. (Dia sedang membacaa surat kabar) She is singing a song (Dia sedang menyanyikan sebuah lagu) They  are playing football (Mereka sedang bermain sepakbola) The man is working hard.(Orang itu sedang bekerja giat) ---> subyek tunggaal The men are drinking tea (Orang itu sedang minum teh) ---> subyek jamak. 2. Kata BE digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat  perintah dan kalimat laraangan yang diikuti kata sifat  (adjective). Susunan kalimatnya : BE + ADJECTIVE  untuk kalimat perintah, sedangkan untuk kalimat larangan : DON'T BE + ADJECTIVE / PREPOSITION Contoh adjective : lazy, clever, well  dan contoh preposition (kata depan) : on, in, at. Contoh kalimat : Be polite, please ! (Bersikaplah sopan !)              Don't be noisy ! (Jangan ramai !) Be patient ! ( Bersabarlah !)                                Don"t be angry ! (Jangan marah !) Be here ! (Kesinilah !)                                         Don"t be foolish ! (Jangan bodoh !) Be on time ! (Tepatlah waktu !)                           Don't be lazy ! (Jangan malas !) 3. Kata be juga bisa digunakan mirip no 2 di atas, dengan susunan kalimat : SUBYEK+WILL+BE+ADJECTIVE atau PREPOSITION Contoh kalimat : They will be here on time (Mereka akan kesini tepat waktu) You will be sick if you have no rest. (Kamu akan sakit jika kamu tidak istirahat) 4. Dalam kalimat pasif, BE digunakan untuk menunjukkan arti "di+kata kerja" . Contoh kalimat :

A big building will be built here. ( Sebuah bangunan besar akan dibangun disini) 5. Kata BE kadang juga digunakan sebagai kata benda (noun), misalnya : human-being (makluk hidup).

Penggunaan kata TOO, SO, EITHER dan NEITHER Kata TOO dan SO, EITHER dan NEITHER artinya sama, yaitu JUGA. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia contohnya seperti ini : Ana  : Apakah kamu haus ? Ani   : Ya, tentu saja, karena cuaca sangat panas. Ana  : Demikian juga saya. (Maksudnya: saya juga haus saat ini) Kata JUGA digunakan untuk menyingkat kalimat "Saya juga haus saat ini". Dalam Bahasa Inggris, penggunaannya agak beda.  Kata TOO dan SO digunakan khusus kalimat berita, sedangkan kata EITHER  dan NEITHER untuk kalimat negatif, dengan susunan kalimat yang berbeda juga. Susunannya sbb. : SO + kata kerja bantu (auxiliary) + subyek kata ganti orang subyek kata ganti orang + kata kerja bantu (auxiliary) + TOO Contohnya : Ana : Are you thirsty ? (Apakah kamu haus ?) Ani  : Of course. It is very hot today. (Ya, cuaca sangat panas hari ini) Ana : So am I ( atau bisa dijawab I am too) artinya : demikian juga saya. Berikutnya, bila berupa kalimat negatif, digunakan EITHER  atau NEITHER Ana : I am not hungry,  (Saya tidak lapar) Ani  : Neither am I atau I am not either ( Demikian juga saya) Perlu diingat bahwa kata kerja bantu (auxiliay) yang digunakan dalam jawaban singkat menyesuaikan dengan bentuk waktunya, lamapu , sekarang atau yang akan datang.Misalnya : Ana  : I didn't go to school yesterday. (Saya tidak masuk sekolah kemarin) Ani   : I did not either atau bisa dijawab Neither did I (Demikian juga saya)

VOCABULARY ( KOSA KATA ) Perbedan A FEW dan A LITTLE Kata A FEW dan A LITTLE sebenarnya memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu :  sedikit. Namun penggunaannya mengikuti aturan pengelompokan kata benda, yaitu ada dua ; 1.  kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun) dan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun) Dalam Tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris dikenal pengelompokan kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun disingkat CN) dan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun disingkat UN). Penjelasan tentang hal itu dapat dengan mudah dilihat dalam kamus standart yang diberi label CN atau UN Contoh countable noun : book, dress, box dan uncountable noun : water, oil , money. Yang perlu dicermati dan dihafalkan adalah yang tak dapat dihitung. Coba simak kata-kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (UN) berikut ini :           water (air) bentuk jamaknya tetap water bukan waters           oil (minyak) bentuk jamaknya tetap oil bukan oils           money (uang) bentuk jamaknya tetap money bukan moneys           flour (tepung) bentuk jamaknya tetap flour bukan flours. Dan juga simak kata-kata benda yang  dapat dihitung (CN) berikut ini :           book bentuk jamaknya books           table bentuk jamaknya tables           dress bentuk jamaknya dressess           man bentuk jamaknya men           woman bentuk jamaknya women Kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung tidak ada pembedaan antara bentuk jamak dan tunggal. Sehingga, penyebutan benda tunggal dan jamak tidak mempengaruhi perubahan kata kerja. Sebaliknya,  kalimat di bawah ini jelas perbedaannya karena menggunakan subyek benda tunggal (book) dan jamak (books) yang termasuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (CN).

Contoh : The book is on the desk (Buku itu di atas bangku) -->  book benda tunggal --> pakai IS                The books are on the desk (Buku itu di atas bangku) --> books benda jamak--> pakai ARE

Kata HAVE (HAS) artinya bisa macam-macam ! Kata HAVE (HAS) mempunyai beberapa arti: mempunyai, harus, telah, minum, makan.           I have to work hard = Saya harus bekerja keras.           I have worked hard = Saya telah bekerja keras.           I have a new dress = Saya mempunyai baju baru.

          I have coffee this morning = Saya minum kopi pagi ini           I have breakfast now = saya makan pagi sekarang. Karena itu, para pemula kadang merasakan kesulitan untuk menafsirkan makna kata seperti di atas. Karena ada beberapa penjelasan agar pemakaian kata HAVE bisa tepat.     

kata HAVE artinya harus bila susunan kalimatnya : subyek + have to + kata kerja infinitive (kata dasar)--> (dalam tabel kata kerja terdapat pada kolom pertama) kata HAVE artinya telah bila susunan kalimatnya : subyek + have + kata kerja past participle -->(dalam tabel kata kerja terletak pada kolom ketiga) kata HAVE artinya makan atau minum bila have diikuti nama waktu makan / minum. kata HAVE artinya mempunyai bila setelah have diikuti bendanya. kata HAVE artinya telah di...(misalnya : dibuat, dibangun) bila diikuti BEEN+KATA KERJA ke III atau past participle.Misalnya kata  kerja (make--made-made), (build-built--built), yang dipakai yang ketiga. Contohnya dalam kalimat : The bridge has been built by government (Jembatan itu telah dibangun oleh pemerintah), The car has been made by Japan (Mobil itu telah dibuat oleh Jepang)

Perbedaan WATCH, SEE, dan LOOK Kata kerja look, see dan watch artinya hampir sama yaitu "melihat". LOOK artinya melihat dengan perhatian. WATCH artinya melihat sesuatu yang bergerak. SEE melihat sepintas saja. Simak kalimat berikut ini: 1. I watch television. Saya melihat televisi 2. I see you walking. Saya melihat kamu berjalan 3. I look at the boy dancing. Saya melihat anak itu menari

KATA KERJA TIDAK BERATURAN (IRREGULAR VERB) Bagian II Pada bagian kedua ini, pembahasan akan difokuskan pada pola perubahan kata kerja tidak beraturan, dengan tujuan agar mudah menghafalnya. 1. Perubahan dari bentuk asal menjadi bentuk LAMPAU (PAST) dan PRESENT PARTICIPLE (KINI     SELESAI) sama :      INFINITIVE                     PAST                         PRESENT PARTICIPLE      buy                      --           bought            --         bought                             artinya : membeli      teach                    --           taught             --         taught                               artinya : mengajar      think                     --          thought           --          thought                            artinya : berfikir      seek                     --           sought            --          sought                             artinya : mencari      sleep                    --           slept               --          slept                               artinya : tidur 2. Perubahan dari bentuk asal menjadi lampau dan kini selesai wujudnya sama.     read                     --            read                --          read                                 artinya : membaca     3. Perubahan yang sama sekali tidak beraturan :

    do                       --             did                 --          done                                 artinya : bekerja     write                    --             wrote             --          written                               artinya : menulis    

I think ... = Saya kira .... dan I don' think ... = Saya kira ..... Kalimat yang menggunakan kata DON'T THINK diterjemahkan terbalik ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Contoh: 1. I think he is diligent = Saya kira dia rajin 2. I don't think he is diligent = Saya kira dia tidak rajin. Sehingga, I don't think artinya tetap saya kira, dan penyangkalan dialihkan ke "tidak rajin". Bandingkan kalimat berikut ini : 1. I don't think you are lazy = Saya kira kamu tidak malas 2. I don't understand what you mean = Saya tidak mengerti apa yang kamu maksudkan. I don't think = saya kira I don't understand = Saya tidak mengerti

Kata THAT artinya bisa ITU, YANG, BAHWA Kata THAT termasuk kata struktural, yang artinya bergantung pada susunan kalimatnya. Simak contoh ini : That boy is clever = Anak itu pandai  -->  that artinya itu He said that he was ill = Dia mengatakan bahwa dia sakit --> that artinya bahwa The boy that is in the room is Tono = Anak yang ada di kamar namanya Tono --> that artinya yang. Penjelasannya seperti ini :   

kata THAT artinya bahwa bila digunakan dalam kalimat majemuk bertingkat, yaitu kalimat yang terdiri dari induk dan anak kalimat. He said = induk kalimat dan he was ill = anak kalimat. kata THAT artinya itu bila hanya digunakan untuk memberi penjelasan suatu benda. kata THAT artinya yang bila digunakan dalam suatu frase, yang berfungsi menjelaskan kata benda didepannya. jadi, the boy that is on the room disebut frase atau sekelompok kata yang mempunyai satu pengertian.

Perbedaan THANKS dan THANK YOU dKata THANKS dan THANK YOU  digunakan untuk menyampaikan maksud "terima kasih". Bila tidak memakai kata YOU, maka penulisannya ditambah huruf S, sedangkan kata THANK yang diikuti YOU penulisannya tidak memakai tambahan huruf S. Thanks dapat diikuti kata  a lot sedangkan thank

you tidak dapat diikuti kata a lot (=banyak). Dan juga thank you for dan thanks for  diikuti gerund (Verb-ING) Thanks a lot ! (Terima kasih banyak !) bukan Thank you a lot ! Thanks for coming on time ! (Terima kasih atas kedatanganya tepat waktu !) Thank you for coming on time ! (Terima kasih atas kedatanganya tepat waktu !) Perlu diketahui bahwa THANKS sering dipakai dalam penggunaan yang bersifat informal (tidak resmi).

PERBEDAAN PENGGUNAAN UNDER DAN BELOW Sebenarnya kedua kata ini, UNDER dan BELOW  artinya juga sama, yaitu : DIBAWAH. Namun dalam praktiknya, penggunaan kata-kata tersebut dibedakan. Under digunakan bila sesuatu dibawah yang lain. Misalnya : kucing dibawah meja. lampu dibawah atap. - The cat is under the table. ( Kucing itu dibawah meja ) - The lamp is under the roof. (Lampu itu dibawah atap ) Selanjutnya, kata "below" digunakan berkenaan dengan ukuran tinggi, temperatur atau sesuatu yang berada di satu tempat/lokasi. Contohnya - Read the text below ! (Bacalah teks dibawah ini !) - Today's temperature is below zero. (Temperatur hari ini dibawah nol) - Netherland is below the sea level. (Kota Nederland berada di bawah permukaan laut)

ARTI KATA "LIKE" Kata LIKE mempunyai beberapa arti, sesuai dengan cara penggunaannya. 1. LIKE artinya SEPERTI bila didahului oleh TO BE ( AM, ARE, IS ), sebagai kata sifat.                  What is her hair like ? ( Seperti apa rambutnya ? )                   2. LIKE artinya SENANG, SUKA. Biasanya digunakan dalam bentuk simple present tense.                  What do you like ? ( Apa yang kamu suka ? ) 3. ALIKE artinya SERUPA juga sebagai kata sifat atau adjective.                   The two girls are alike. ( Kedua gadis itu serupa ) 4. WOULD LIKE artinya INGIN mirip dengan arti kata WANT                    I would like to watch the film. ( Saya ingin melihat film itu )

Perbedaan Penggunaan NIGHT, EVENING, AFTERNOON Untuk sebagian besar orang Indonesia, penyebutan bagian waktu hanya : siang, malam. Namun dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk mengungkapkan pengertian "malam" bisa NIGHT atau EVENING. Karena itu, ada baiknya jika kita mengetahui penggunaan AFTERNOON, NIGHT dan EVENING. 1. EVENING digunakan untuk menunjukkan durasi waktu sepanjang malam mulai matahari terbenam 

    sampai terbit kembali. Hal tersebut tidak sama pengertiannya dengan NIGHT. 2. NIGHT digunakan untuk menunjukkan perngertian malam yang dibatasi sampai pada orang     menjelang tidur. Karena itu, GOOD NIGHT bisa diartikan "selamat tidur". 3. AFTERNOON digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu sore hari.sebelum matahari terbenam dan      setelah itu, dengan durasi waktu yang tidak lama. Catatan : Untuk greeting (salam), menggunakan patokan sbb. : 1. Good  morning (Selamat pagi) berlaku mulai jam 6.00 pagi sampai jam 11.59. 2. Good Afternoon (Selamat sore) berlaku mulai jam 12.00 sampai jam 06.00 sore. 3. Good Evening (Selamat malam) berlaku mulai matahari terbenam sampai menjelang matahari terbit. Di Indonesia, setelah jam 12.00 malam , terbiasa mengucapkan "selamat pagi".

Perbedaan kata DISCOVER dan INVENTION Secara umum, kata DISCOVER dan INVENTION artinya PENEMUAN. Namun demikian ada perbedaan penggunaan, yaitu : discover digunakan untuk mengungkapkan penemuan dari hal/barang yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Misalnya : penemuan tambang emas, fosil, planet dsb. Sedangkan, kata invention merujuk pengertian tentang penemuan yang baru yang sebelumnya belum ada. Misalnya, penemuan tentang listrik, tenaga nuklir.

UNIT 2 Section One Activity 1: Expressions

Talk about the picture. When do you say these expressions? Listen to your teacher. Practice your pronunciation. · Hello. I’m Andrew.

· · Nice to meet you. · Hi. I’m David. · What’s your name? · My name is Putri. · Putri. How do you spell it? ·PUTRI · I’m from Indonesia. · Are you? · Yes. I am.

Activity 2: Read and talk

Talk about the picture Read the text aloud.

Putri is a new girl. She feels good when we welcome her into the group.

Activity 3: The Alphabet

Hello, Andrew. I’m Tina.

Listen to your teacher. Say the alphabet. Practice your pronunciation


Activity 4: Vocabulary (Nouns)

Listen to your teacher. Say these words with good pronunciation.

Apple Bread Chair Dress Eggs Flowers Grapes Hat

Iron Jacket Kettle Lamp Mushrooms Nuts Oranges Pillows Quilt Rabbit Shoes Telephone

Umbrella Vase Watch X-ray

Yam Zips Activity 5: Using Dictionaries

Get a dictionary. Give names to the things in the boxes. Find more words starting with the alphabet. A…………………….


























Activity 6: Patterns How do you put words together? To give information, you need: Subject + Be + Something

I You She

am are is is is

Ani Ben Prita Wisnu an apple

We They You

are are are

students. apples. Teachers.

He It How do you ask questions? If you want information, you need: Be + Subject + something

Am Are Is Is Is

I you she he it

a student? Ben? Prita? Wisnu? an apple?

Are Are Are

we they you

Students? Apples? Teachers?

How do you deny? You need: Subject + be + not + something

I You She He It

am are is is is

not not not not not

Ani Ben Prita Wisnu an apple

We They You

are are are

not not not

students. apples. teachers

How do you indicate places? You need: Subject + be + place

I You She He It

am are is is is

from Indonesia. here. there. In the classroom. here.

We They You

are are are

here. there. from India.

Section Two Texts

Talk about the text. Listen to your teacher. Read the expressions with good pronunciation and intonation. Perform the dialogues with your partner.

1. Ben : Hello. I’m Ben. Ani : Hello, Ben. I’m Ani. Ben : Hi Ani. Ani : You are new here, right? Ben : I am. Ani : Well, welcome to the school. Ben : Thanks. 2. Mrs. Santosa : Hello. Are you the new student?

Ben : Yes, Mam. I am. Mrs. Santosa : And your name is…? Ben : Ben, Mam. Mrs. Santosa : Ben. Is that it? Ben : Benedict, Mam. Mrs. santosa : How do you spell it? Ben : B E N E D I C T. Mrs. Santosa : Right… Nice to meet you Benedict.

Ben : Nice to meet you too, Mam. 3. Anang : Hi, Ben. I am Anang. Ben : Hi, Anang. Anang : Where are you from? Ben : I am from England. Anang : England? That’s very far. Ben : It is. Isn’t it? Section Three Role Play

Read the problem. What expressions do you need? Perform dialogues with your partner. 1. You have a new teacher. How would you introduce yourself? 2. You have a new friend at school. How would you introduce yourself? 3. You are a new student. How would you introduce yourself to the class? Section Four Dictation

Listen to your teacher. She is going to read a shopping list. It is a list of things you need to buy.

1. …………………………………………….

2. …………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………….. 5. ………………………………………….. 6. ………………………………………….. 7. …………………………………………. 8. ………………………………………….. 9. ………………………………………….. 10. ………………………………………….. Section Five


This is a new school year. You need to go shopping. You need a shopping list. Create your “back to school” list. The pictures help you to remember what to buy.

Use your dictionary.

UNIT 3  

Section One Activity 1: Expressions

Talk about the baby. He needs help. We often need help too. You need expressions.

When do you hear or use these expressions? Listen to your teacher. Practice the pronunciation.

· · Close your book.

Open the door, please.

· Could you line up here? · Don’t do that, please · Stop that, please. · Can you hold this for me? · Count to ten, please. · Draw a line. · Let’s go · Hang on! · Come here, please. Activity 2: Remember…

Look at the picture. Read the text. Talk about the picture and the text. You need to say “please” to ask for help. You can start with “can…”

Activity 3: Do it!

Ask your friends to do something. Use these words: get book clean board bring umbrella throw rubbish fold paper sharpen pencil Activity 4: Patterns

How do you ask people to do something? Start with a verb. If you don’t want people to do something, start with “don’t”.

Don’t Could you

open open open

the door. the door. the door


come come come go

Please Don’t Let’s

here here. here. there.


In English, pronouns change when they change functions. The word “I” is used as Subject. When “I” is used as Object, it changes into “me”. For example: I want ice cream. The teacher teaches me. Subject I

Object me you him her them us it

You He She They We It Help help help

me. her him.

Please Could you

Talk about these expressions. Perform the actions.

Line up Look at Draw Point to Circle Play Underline Match

the blackboard a map a picture words games sentences words and pictures words

please. please.

Cross out Make Do Talk Find Read Write Listen to Say Sit down Watch Have Colour Do

sentences exercises about something words stories the alphabet the tape “Hello” on you seat movies lunch pictures sports

Repeat Hello!

Talk Look

Sit Listen

Have lunch Do sports How do you tell people what you do everyday? Look at the following pictures. Look at the example: I wake up. Make your own sentences. Add Subject “I” at the beginning.

Section Two Texts Talk about the texts. Who are talking? Are they friends? How do you know? Listen to your teacher. Say the expressions. Perform the dialogues.

1. Jane : Mira, come here, please. Mira : Okay. What’s up?

Jane : Help me carry this, please. Mira : Sure. 2. Clay : Okay, now… let’s do the exercises.

Mawar : Okay. Let’s do it. Clay : Sit down here, please. Mawar : Thank you. Clay : Let’s underline the words. Mawar : Sure. And then? Clay : Then we match them with the pictures.

Mawar : Okay. I get it. 3. Adit : Hear the bell? Rubben : Yes. Let’s go. Teacher : Line up please! Ruben : Let’s not talk. Adit : Right. Let’s just go in. 4. Mrs. Green : Get up, please, Clay!

Clay : In a minute, mum. Mrs. Green : Come on. Have shower. Clay : Just a second, mum. Mrs. Green : Then have breakfast, okay? Clay : No worries, mum. Mrs. Green : I am leaving. Bye. Clay : Bye, mum. Section Three Role Play

Read the problems. Think of the suitable expressions. Perform the actions. 1. You want to invite your friend to go to the canteen. What would you say? 2. You want your friend to help you draw a map.

What would you say? 3. Your teacher wants you to line up. What would you say? 4. You don’t want your sister to watch TV. What would you say? 5. You don’t want your friend to talk. What would you say? D. Dictation

Listen to your teacher. Write down what she/he says. 1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Section Five Creation

Read the problems. Write small notes. You may write big notes, if you can. 1. You want your friend to wait for you.

What would you write?

2. You want your friend to buy cheese and bring it to school. What would you write?

3. You don’t want your mother to pick you up. You want to go home by bus. What would you say? Start with Dear Mum…

4. Tomorrow is a busy day. List what you must do. The list helps you remember the things to do.


Materi siswa Unit 4  

Section One Activity 1: Expresssions Talk about the expressions. When do you use them? Use your dictionary. Listen to your teacher. Say the expressions with good pronunciation. · I have ice cream.

· It is pink. · It’s my ice cream. · She has shoes.

· They are red. · She has red shoes. · They are her shoes. · They have got pancakes. · He has got some biscuits. · They are his biscuits. Activity 2: Look at the pictures. They are things the English eat.

They have milk, pancakes and juice for breakfast. They have sandwich, or hamburger, or hot-dog for lunch. They have chicken, salad, or jelly for dinner. What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Look at the pictures above. Tell your friends what you usually have. For example: I have fried egg for breakfast. Activity 3:  Say these numbers Pronunciation Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Pronunciation Date

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Twenty Twenty one Twenty two Twenty three Twenty four Twenty five Twenty six Twenty seven Twenty eight Twenty nine Thirty Thirty one

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Activity 4: Number, Colour and Thing

Look at the pictures. What colours are there? What things are there? How many things are there? Read the phrases aloud. Read them with good pronunciation.

Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty –fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth Thirty Thirty-first

§ One mouse § One black mouse § Ten black mice

§ One polar bear § One white polar bear § Two white polar bears

§ One elephant § One grey elephant § Two grey elephants

§ One squirrel § One brown squirrel § Three brown squirrels

§ One flamingo § One pink flamingos § Four pink flamingos

One frog § One green frog § Five green frogs

§ One carrot § One orange carrot § Seven orange carrots

§ One grape § One purple grape § Twenty six purple grapes

§ One corn § One yellow corn § Five yellow corns Corns

§ One whale § One blue whale

§ One strawberry § One red strawberry § Twelve red strawberries Activity 5: Patterns

How do you put words together? Try to make noun phrases. Number



One Twelve

blue red

book strawberries

I You We They She He It

have have have have has has has

one blue book. ten red grapes. new bags. five corns. two green pencils. a black hat. a white tail.

I I He

have got ‘ve got has got

one blue book. twelve pens. strawberries.

It It It It It It It

is is is is is is is

my your our their her his it’s

book. apple. house. car. skirt. shirt. tail.

Look around you.

Do you see things around you? Describe the things using noun phrases. 1. …………………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………….…. 3. ………………………………………………………….. 4. ……………………………………………………….…. 5. ………………………………………………………….. Section Two  Activity 1: Tomy has…

Look at the picture. It is Tomy’s bedroom. What does he have in his room? Describe the things using noun phrases. For example: Tomy has one green mat. Activity 2 Look at the following pictures. Tell your friends what you have in your bedroom.

Activity 3:

Discuss the texts. Where are the people? What do they want? Perform the dialogues. In the canteen

Danny : Excuse me, Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams : Yes Danny. What is it? Danny : Do you have small change? Mrs. Adams : What do you need? Danny : I need two five-hundred-rupiah coins. Mrs. Adams : Ah… here you are. Danny : Thank you very much, Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Adams : You’re welcome. 4. In the library

Max : Excuse me. Librarian : Sure. What can I do for you? Max : Have you got Harry Potter books? Librarian : I’ve got all five. Max : I want the fifth one. Librarian : The fifth one. Please go to that shelf. It’s over there. Max : Thank you very much. Librarian : My pleasure. At home Peter : Mum, Have we got ice cream?

Mrs. Brown : I think so. Peter : May I have some? Mrs. Brown : Okay, but not now. Peter : When? Mrs. Brown : After dinner. Peter : Promise? Mrs. Brown : I promise. Section Three

Role Play

1. You want to shop for your birthday party. You want to order the things by telephone. Tell the shop keeper what you want and how many.

2. You plan to go camping. You need to buy things. Discuss with your friends what you need to buy. Section Four  Copying

Read the text carefully then copy the text in the space below. Copy the texts in the in the given spaces. ……………………………………………………..…………… …………………………………………………………..………. ……………………………..……………………………….….. ………………………..…………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………

Roses are Red Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet. And so are you

………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full. One for my master, And one for my dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Section Five Activity 1: Creation Write a rhyme like “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, but use the different words. Use the pictures below to give you ideas.

Red hen Eggs

Pails Little girl Policeman

Little boy Igloo Activity 2: My living-room  Tell your friends what you have at home.

Say the rhymes and do the activities!

Things in Shops