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Look at the picture. Yudi is showing something. What is it? Is it a notice, announcement, letter or story? That’s right, Yudi is showing a letter. He received it from his new pen friend, Rizaldi, who lives in Makassar People send personal letters in order to communicate their interests or share their experiences. Definitely, writing letters requires knowledge because letters must be written  precisely and clearly. In this chapter you- will learn how to understand the messages of letters and write letters about personal and other people’s activities. Please read the letters and do all the exercises thoroughly.

Task 1

 Read the following letter aloud. What is the letter about? Sari Handayani Jalan Kahuripan  No. 4 Jogjakarta January 25, 2018 Dear Daddy, I am alright here, Dad. My friends at the boarding house are very good and caring. This makes me feel like at home. Daddy, I am writing this letter to tell you about my next month's tour to Mount Bromo. I have to pay the fees and buy some equipment for the trip. Besides, I have to make a short movie about the trip as report which definitely will cost much. Therefore, please transfer me at least Rp300,000.00 before the second week of next month. I know this extra expenses will trouble you, but it’s very necessary for my studies. I hope you understand. My regards to loving mother and cute brother Guruh. I am waiting for your reply. Yours affectionately, Sari 

Supporting Feature  Short Functional Text Personal Letters Personal letters are letters you write to people you have already known weil or been familiar with, such as family members, friends, classmates or pen friends. The topics of personal letters can be various, but mostly something that interests both the sender and receiver/recipient. For example; news about family, friends, school and hobbies. The topics can also be aljout interesting and exciting activities, such as holidays, birthdays, carnivals, night fares, school camps and achievements. As the name implies, personal letters can be written conversationally. So, it doesn’t strictly follow formal and guarded letters. However, you should remember one thing when you write  personal letters. You should ask the letter receivers about what they have been doing and what have been happening in their lives. Here are the steps and the template you can follow when writing personal letters. 1. Write your name and address on the top right-hand corner of the page. It is important to do this, because the receiver usually throws away the envelope. So, the receiver will always have your address and will be able to reply to you. 2. Write the date on which you are writing your letter on the left-hand side of the letter. 3. Write your greeting under the date. It is acceptable to be informal, such as “Dear”, “Hi” or “Hello”. 4. Write the content of your letter after the date. Write anything you would like the receiver need to know and to read. 5. End your letter by signing off and say say “Your friend”, “Big hug”, “Cheers”, “See you” or just as simple as “From”. 6. Sign or write your name under the sign-off. 7. Occasionally, you need to add an extra message in your letter, you can use a postscript (PS). This is written underneath your name at the bottom of your letter.

Task 1

 Read the following letter aloud. What is the letter about? Sari Handayani Jalan Kahuripan  No. 4 Jogjakarta January 25, 2018 Dear Daddy, I am alright here, Dad. My friends at the boarding house are very good and caring. This makes me feel like at home. Daddy, I am writing this letter to tell you about my next month's tour to Mount Bromo. I have to pay the fees and buy some equipment for the trip. Besides, I have to make a short movie about the trip as report which definitely will cost much. Therefore, please transfer me at least Rp300,000.00 before the second week of next month. I know this extra expenses will trouble you, but it’s very necessary for my studies. I hope you understand. My regards to loving mother and cute brother Guruh. I am waiting for your reply. Yours affectionately, Sari 

Supporting Feature  Short Functional Text Personal Letters Personal letters are letters you write to people you have already known weil or been familiar with, such as family members, friends, classmates or pen friends. The topics of personal letters can be various, but mostly something that interests both the sender and receiver/recipient. For example; news about family, friends, school and hobbies. The topics can also be aljout interesting and exciting activities, such as holidays, birthdays, carnivals, night fares, school camps and achievements. As the name implies, personal letters can be written conversationally. So, it doesn’t strictly follow formal and guarded letters. However, you should remember one thing when you write  personal letters. You should ask the letter receivers about what they have been doing and what have been happening in their lives. Here are the steps and the template you can follow when writing personal letters. 1. Write your name and address on the top right-hand corner of the page. It is important to do this, because the receiver usually throws away the envelope. So, the receiver will always have your address and will be able to reply to you. 2. Write the date on which you are writing your letter on the left-hand side of the letter. 3. Write your greeting under the date. It is acceptable to be informal, such as “Dear”, “Hi” or “Hello”. 4. Write the content of your letter after the date. Write anything you would like the receiver need to know and to read. 5. End your letter by signing off and say say “Your friend”, “Big hug”, “Cheers”, “See you” or just as simple as “From”. 6. Sign or write your name under the sign-off. 7. Occasionally, you need to add an extra message in your letter, you can use a postscript (PS). This is written underneath your name at the bottom of your letter.

Template :

Your name Your address The date Your greeting


The content of your letter

Your farewall


Your name Postscript Here are many types of personal letters. 

Family letter: written to family members to share recent news.

Pen friend/pen pal letter: written to a pen friend to.

Fan mails: written to someone you idolise or admire.

Holiday/Celebration letter

 

 

Farewell letter: written to say goodbye and good luck to someone who is moving interstate or overseas, or changing schools. Get well letter: written to wish someone a speedy recovery from illness.

Condolence letter: written to show sympathy, usually for the death of someone close to the recipient. You might wish them strength through their grief, say you are sorry for their loss, or share fond memories of the person they have lost. Congratulations letter: written to congratulate someone on his/her birth, wedding, achievement or award. Thank you letter: written to show your appreciation/gratitude to someone. Log onto the website If you want to learn more about personal letters, you may log onto o nto https://goo.gl/KzulGq https://goo.gl/KzulGq.. Please read the explanation and tips. Then, try to write a personal letter to your friend. Let’s Look for Literature  please the folloeing book to develop your skills. Wulandari. 2009.  A Series of Functional Texts, Let ’  ’ s  Write Letters (Ayo Menulis Surat). Bandung: Pakar Raya. Read the book and make a summary. Use the knowledge in your life.

TASK 2  Answer the following questions based on the letter in TAKS 1. 1. Who is the card addressed to ? 2. What is the purpose of sending the letter ? 3. What will the writer do next month ? 4. “I know this extra expenses will trouble you, but it’s very necessary for my studies.”(Paragraph 3)

What is the synonym of the underline word ? 5. When doea Sari expect to receive the money ? 

TASK 3  Read the letter and listen to the questions.  Answer the quetions in truns.

January 4, 2018 Hi Tio, How are you? I understand if you feel upset with me because I am very late in replying your letter. I am very busy lately. Please forgive me. You know I’m in Yogyakarta right now for a seminar. Yogyakarta is a really beautiful place  beyond imagination. I am writing to you from the.hotel restaurant while enjoying my breakfast. For your information, the seminar will start at 8 a.m. today, and it’s 6:30 a.m. now, so I still have much time to contact you Yesterday I landed in Yogyakarta at 11 a.m. and the hotel’s check -in time is at 2 p.m. Luckily, the hotel where I’ve been staying is located on Jalan Malioboro, so I spent my in between time to browse Jalan Malioboro as it is my first visit here. The place is awesome. Nice  people offer their goods and greet passers-by to buy their goods warmly. Once I stopped at a vendor who sold T-shirts. I bought many as souvenirs and for myself. I also bought an excellent  but nice watch and bracellet made from beads. I also enjoyed traditional food here for lunch. It was delicious with very affordable prices. For your information, I will be in Yogyakarta for three days and I wish I have time to visit many interesting places here, such as the Sultan Palace, museums and beaches, before returning to Padang. I wish you were here with me; it would have been much more fun. Tio, I got to go now as it’s already 7:10 a.m. I have to prepare the materials for the seminar. I will see you soon. By for now. Raya P.S. I have bought souvenirs for you, Aunt Donna and Uncle Rizky!  TASK 4 What are the meanings of the following words ? You will hear them in the letter in TASK 5 1. curiouos = 2. adventure = 3. to welcome = 4. to exchange = 5. to forward = 6. perhaps = 7. to get in touch = 8. a way = 9. rather far = 10. to manage = 

TASK 5  Listen and complete the following letter based on what you have heard.  Read your work aloud .

Good morning, Pak Bima. Wow, that’s (1) knowing that your daughter is studying in the University of Twente! it (2) very happy. Twente is rather far from Amsterdam. (3) , but I’d love to meet her . I’m sure we can (4) . i’d like very much to (5) , so maybe we can (6) addresses to get in touch. If that’s O.K. with you. Perhaps you can (7) my email address to her, and/or let me know hers, then we can contact each other and see if there’s a way that we can meet. So nice! . What is she studying? How did you (9) this (8) happen? It must be a great adventure too, right? Let me know and I hope I might say ‘Welcome in Holland’ to your daughter soon. Thanks for (10) .

Bye for now, caroline TASK 6 Answer the following questions based on the letter in TASK 5, orally 1. Who wrote the letter?. 2. Where did the writer send the letter from? 3. Who received the letter? 4. How did the writer feel when writing the letter? 5. Who is studying in Holland? 6. Where does the person study? 7. What is the writer eager to do? 8. What should the receiver do after reading the letter? 9. What would the writer like to know about? 10. “Let me know and I hope I might say ‘Welcome in Holland’ to ....”

Who does‘me’refer to?  TASK 7   Read the expressions. What is the purpose of each expression? One has been done for you.  No Expression Purpose 1 OMG! You’ll never think what I’ve got! Delivering good news 2 I’m so sorry that I can’t attend your graduation party. 3 I wonder if I could ask you a favor. Could you pick me up from Syamsudin Noor Airport? 4 I’m extremely sorry to hear that you failed in the writing contest. 5 I am very excited that finally you can continue your studies abroad. 6 Words are not enough to erase the pain I have given you. I’d like to say how sorry I am. 7 I think you should treat your friends kindly. 8

I hope it’s not too much to ask you to resend your  proposal, thank you. 9 I am happy beyond limits to tell you that our school has won four gold medals in the 2018 Interstudent Athletic Championship. 10 It is very kind of you to become our major sponsor. 

TASK 8 There are several mistakes (grammatical as well as typing) in the following letter. Underline the mistakes and then rewrite the letter properly.

Bima Jalan Pandawa  No. 2 Denpasar February 6, 2018 Good morning, Bu Caroline. It’s 3 a.m. and very cold in Holland when I writing this letter. Right? Thanks for your reply. She has complete her undergraduate studies in Mathematics from Gadjah Mada University and is eager to cunduct math researches (let’s say applied mathematics, if I’m not mistake). Talking about what I have done for her, frankly I don’t know exactly what I done. I just keep supporting her, Bu Caroline. Besides, her counsellor in UGM has also motivated her to

continue her studies abroad. She then searched for any institutions which sincerly offered a full scholarship. After months passed by, she received a scholarship from Orange Tulip Scholarship and I asked her receive it though it would only run for a year (the scholarship may be extended for the following year if her marks are high enough —  I hope she can do it). Yes, exactly. Studying in Holland is her new experiense as well as it is her first travel abroad. She landed in Holland few weeks ago. She has just had a university tour and she has already had lots of work to do from the university. She event has to go to Utrecht next Monday to attend a lecture there. This will also be an exciting trip, since she has to go by train of which will take 2 hours. It’s my pleasure to give her your email adress. Hopefully, she can meet you one day. Bu Carolina, thank you for your warm response. It is so touching. Well, it’s enough for today, thank you. Regards, Bima 

TASK 9 Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. The following letter is for question 1 to 4.

Rosenawati Jalan Jendral Sudirman Papua January 4, 2018 Dear Eko, I’m happy and very grateful hearing that you finally won the gold medal in the 2018 International Pencak Silat Championship. Congratulations! You’re a really talented student. I’m so sorry I couldn’t attend your victory celebration party two days ago. Sorry that I didn’t contact you for my absence. Actually I’d like to, but I had left for Jakarta to attend the  National Student Summit Meeting the day before. I just landed in Papua this morning. I do hope you can defend and even improve your achievement in the similar competition next year. I look forward to hearing from you. Rosenawati 

Attitude Please ask for an apology when you can’t accept an invitation. Express your apology sincerely

1. What is the purpose of the letter?  A. Inviting B. Suggesting.. C. Congratulating. D. Asking for help E. Sharing good news

3. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t attend your victory celebration party two days ago.” (Paragraph 2) The underlined word can be replaced  by  A.






2. Why did the writer not attend the party?  A.


She had to meet a student from Jakarta.  No one accompanied her to attend the party.

She did not know that Eko won the competiton D. She had to attend an important event in Jakarta. E. She had to participate in a sports competition C.





4. How might Eko feel to know that Rosenawati was absent ?  A.










The following letter is questions 5 to 7

 Nisa Putri Jalan Gajah East Java Fabruary 12, 2018 Dear Ni Ayu Anjani, How’s life with you? I hope everything is O.K. Anyway, I’m writing this letter to confirm your invitation. You told me that I can visit you whenever I come to Bali. I happily accept your invitation. Well, I plan to spend my holiday in Bali this weekend. It would be exciting to be in Bali again, it would be fun to meet your friends Nyoman Dirga, Kadek Nilamwati, Ketut Widagda and your parents and sister, Juwita. Please send my best regards to your family and friends that I miss them so much. I look forward to your reply soon. By for now,  Nisa 5. What is the letter about?  A. Asking for confirmation. B. Giving information C. Sharing information D. Giving confirmation E. Inviting a friend 6. From the letter, it can be concluded that  A.  Ni Ayu Anjani will let Nisa spend his holiday in her place B.  Nisa and his family will move to Bali this weekend C. this will become Nisa’s first visit to Bali D. Anjani’s parents have never met  Nisa before E. the leter was written by Anjani for her friend

7. “Please send my best regards to your family and friends that I miss them so much.” (Paragraph 4) The underlined word has similar meaning to A. wait for B. remember C. need D. recognize E. need yearn for

The following letter is for question 8 to 10.

Rama Jalan Gunung Lawu Bekasi March 21,2018 Dear Mr. Bob, I would like to thank you for all you have done to entertain the entire family over the past holiday season. I know that you organize this gathering because you enjoy doing it and love to have everyone get together at your place. Herewith the letter, I only want to make sure that you understand how much the rest of us appreciate everything you have done to make these gettogethers happen. Having helped Rahayu organize a few much smaller social gatherings over the years, I know how much work is involved. I realize how much planning and preparation you must have to do each and every year so that the entire family has a happy and fun holiday. It’s really amazing, that you are able to do such a great job, year after yearl So Mr. Bob, on behalf of my family, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to you for all that you have done to assemble and entertain us during the holiday season. You are the really glue that holds us together! I hope we can work together again in the future. With admiration Rama 8. why does Rama write the letter ? A. to express his gratitude B. to compliment Mr. Bob C. to invite his family D. to admire Mr. Bob E. To make an appointment

10. “I know that you organize this gathering  because you enjoy doing it and .... !” (Paragraph 4) The word “it” refers to A. The entire family B. The holiday season C. Arrange the event D. The family gathering E. Your place

9. What is Rama feeling to find out Mr. Bob’s job ? A. Amused B. Cheerful C. Doubtful D. Surprised E. Salute 

TASK 10  Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

a. appreciate f. delivered k. arrangements

b. some time ‘ g. mourned l. coordinate

c. help h. accept

d. thank you i. shameful

e. senseless j. friends

Ami Bahar Jalan Majapahit Banten January 15, 2018 Dear Gading and Larasati: On behalf of the Bahar family I would like to (1) for your unf agging support and kind condolences in recent weeks as we (2) the tragic loss of Mr. Suteja, my husband’s father. Without wonderful (3) like you to spend time with us and (4) us with daily tasks, it would have been much more difficult for us to suffer through this very difficult period. I especially (5) the numerous meals that you have prepared and (6) to us. You can’t imagine how helpful this was for me and my husband as we tried to focus Mr. Suteja’s funeral (7) As you will understand, it is going to take (8) before our family can get back to normal after this (9) tragedy. So, please don’t take our lack of contact during this  period as. any more than us taking the time we need to try to get back to some semblance of a norma! life. Please (10) our heartfelt thanks for all that you have done. Sincerely grateful, Arni Bahar Adopted from: http://www.writinghelprcentral.com/letter-of-thanks.html (September 2, 2017) 

TASK 11 complete the following statements based on the letter in TASK 10. 1. The letter was written by ............................ 2. The letter was sent to ............................... 3. The purpose of writing the letter is ........................ 4. The writer regards the receivers........................................................... people 5. The write feels................................................... to have friends like the receivers of the letter.

TASK 12  Rewrite the following paragraphs to from a meaningful letter.

Also, please tell the children how terribly devastated all of us are here at the company due to their father’s tragic passing.

Denis Jalan Halmahera Maluku

Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Frank’s horrific accident. I can’t even imagine what you have been going through for the past ten days

II trust are older, they willwill be made aware of what an outstanding trust that, that,when whenthe thechildren children are older, they be made aware of what an person Frankperson was in his professional life.professional life. outstanding Frank was in his

January 19, 2018 Sabrina, please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way while you are going through this very difficult period. I will support you in any way that I can should you reach out to me Dear Sabrina, Sincere sympathy, Denis As you know, Frank and I have been colleagues and friends for the past eight years. His tragic loss leaves a terrible void in our office. He was so well-liked and respected by everyone who came into contact with him, both colleagues and clients alike. He had tremendous people skills, and as such, was a role model in our company and the industry at large. Adopted from: http://www.writinghelp-central.com/letter-of-sympathy.html (September 2, 2017) 

TASK 13  Read the following letter aloud. Write a reply.

Caroline Amsterdam February 10, 2017 Good day, Pak Bima, Happily not too cold yet, at least from a Dutch perspective! Yesterday nice weather, lots of sunshine (and a beautiful full moon at night, meaning no clouds), but today very rainy, quite unusual, about 15°C, not too bad. Certainly no tropical temperature! Thank you so much for your letter. It’s good to hear from you (also it’s very well written, my compliments). Judging from what I read, I think your daughter might just be doing exactly the right thing. She likes math, she likes research and perhaps the distance between study (here) and family (there) gives her even more motivation. I think it’s very exciting, for her and f or you too, and I also think it’s very good of you to support her in this ‘adventure’ that in itself deserves a lot of respect. Yeah, so maybe it will be possible to meet up with your daughter, at least to say hello. I work in an elementary school, here in Amsterdam, and because the new school year has only just started, there is a lot of work to manage. I feel very fortunate that I’m doing it! Anyway ... so who knows, perhaps we can meet, we’ll see. My best regards, take care. See you, Caroline

TASK 14 Work in pairs.  Ask and answer questions about the following letter, in turns

Riyadi Perum Indah Sejati No. 2 Serang January 20, 2018 My wife. Tiara, Loving you makes me so lucky. There are so many reasons why I love you. The little things you do, the simple gestures you make, the feelings and thoughts that you share with me. I adore the way you look, the way you move and your infectious smile. There are so many things to love about you! Do you know I love it when you daydream and you think no one is watching? Do you know I love the way your eyes sparkle when you tell a funny story? Do you know that I love the shape of your cheeks? Do you know I love to watch you sleep? I could go on and on. It’s important to me that you know that I love you— and how much I love you. So whatever it is that you are doing, thinking or saying, as you go about your day — know that I am there with you, loving you. Much love Riyadi 

TASK 15 Work in pairs. Create dialogs based the following situations, then perform the dialogs. 1. You and your friend have decided to write a letter to your pen friend to ask for his confirmation if he/she really visits you next S unday Discuss what you want to write about

2. You and your friend are going to a camp to spend your weekend. You and your friend invite your playmates. Discuss what you want to write about. 

TASK 16 Write suitable letters based on the dialogs you have created in TASK 15 Read your work aloud

TASK 17  Homework Write a gratitude letter for your close friend as he/she has accompanied you during a hard time. Share your work with the class. Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter

Learning Experience Write about your experience learning this chapter Write about your feelings, how you learned, what you liked and didn’t like, etc.

       

My New Word Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

Summary Mapping

.................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................



Personal Letters

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ...................................

Assessment I. Choose A, B , C, D or E for the correct answer. A. Listening Section 4. 1. A. To ask for a favor B. To deliver good news C. To show sympathy. D. To express gratitude. E. To motivate a person

2. A. B. C. D. E.

At dawn. At noon In the late afternoon In the evening In the midnight

A. B. C. D. E.

Rainy. Cloudy. Sunny. Very hot. Windy.

5. A. Mr. Bima will meet Mrs. Caroline soon. B. It is going to be summer in Holland. C. Mrs. Caroline will send an email to Mr. Bima D. People at the university live so individualistic E. Mr. Bima’s daughter should wear thick ' clothes when going outside.

3. A. TO send her email address to Mr. Bima’s daughter.

F. To understand Mr. Bima’s daughter situation. G. To meet Mr. Bima’s daughter soon. H. To meet Mr. Bima’s family immediately I. To receive Mr. Bima’s daughter’s email address.

This is the end of the listening section.

B. Reading Section The following letter is for questions 6 to 10. Caroline Amsterdam March 2, 2018 Dear Pak Bima, As always, my pleasure to receive your mail, Pak Bima! Please don’t hesitate. Right now I’m in a hurry (going out to have dinner at a friend’s house), but just before I go, I’d like to forward you a weblink: it turns out there are 5 shops in the city of Enschede, where the campus of University of Twente is located. Those are specialized in selling Indonesian/Asian food stuff. No, not a market, but a shop where we can buy Indonesian spices and ingredients (like soy sauce, hot chilli, coconut milk, cooking oil, etc.). Most of these shops, that we call toko, or Indische toko, usually also sell few ready made foods. Let me tell you. Perhaps one of the toko  mentioned on this webpage is near where your daughter is staying. Otherwise, she needs to check them out. She has a bicycle, doesn’t she?. Even I visit an Indonesian toko  every now-and-then (it’s not near my house J need to ride my  bicycle to get there) and I often buy tea (teh Jawa) there, soy sauce~or other spices (daun salam, daun jeruk purut). So check this out, and maybe forward this information to your daughter: Toko Enschede tokogids.nl. Good luck! Bye for now, Caroline 6. What is the purpose of the letter? A. To give information. B. To wish a good luck. C. To offer suggestions. D. To congratulate a person. E. To describe a certain place

9. “Please don’t hesitate.” (Paragraph 1) The underlined word has a similar meaning to......................... A. Adapt B. consent C. doubt D. dislike E. worry

7. How did Mrs. Caroline write the letter? A. Carefully. B. Openly. C.  Neatly. D. Swiftly, E. E. Fairly. 8. Why does Mrs. Caroline asks Mr. Bima if 10. From the letter we can see that Mrs. his Caroline is daughter has a bicycle? A. very wise A. Mr. Bima would like to buy a bicycle B. so honest for his daughter. C. very gentle B. Mrs. Caroline would like to invite his D. very concerned daughter to sightsee the town. E. very patient C. There are many kind of public transportation available to reach the shops to his daughter to go to the shop. D. Mrs. Caroline would like to lend her  bicycle E. Mr. Bima’s daughter needs to reach the shops that may be far from her  boarding house.

The following letter is for questions 11 to 15

I Gede Sudarta (Tara) Jalan Garuda Sakti Tabanan, Bali January 28, 2018 Dear David, All the best to you for the New Year! How are things going in the Land of the Rising Sun? I must say, I really envy you getting that Tokyo gig with the company. Somehow they overlooked me on that one and I am forced to slug it out here. I heard through the breeze that business is going well there. Rumor has it that you guys are  just about to close a big deal with the government for an M-750 Simulator. GreaLnewsLGood for the company end good for you. Keep up the great work! Did you hear about Margie Bronson suddenly leaving the company just before year-end? It was a bit of a shock to say the least. She gave one week’s notice and was gone. Nobody knows for sure what’s up with her, but rumors have been flying fast and furious that she went through a  bit of a personal meltdown and has now gone underground to lick her wounds for a while. There could be some truth to that since her long time relationship ended recently and three months ago she was passed over for that director position that was up for grabs. I’ll keep you posted when we find out more. As for me, I am quite busy these days on the Branscombe Systems Project. We are entering Phase Two now, and that is expected to run for three years, at least. Frank Schindler is Senior Project Manager and I am Team Leader of the Embedded Systems Group. I am enjoying it so far. Whether I’ll feel the same way in three years, I’m not sure. By then I might be ready to join you in Japan. I’m still kicking butt in the squash court and am managing to get in two or three matches per week. What about squash in Japan? Have you been able to play any over there? Are there even any squash courts? I suppose since you are in Tokyo, there must be some. Let me know. I have to go now and attend to family duties. Jonathon needs some help with his homework and Angie wants me to fix something in the kitchen. You single guys traveling the world sure are lucky! Keep me posted whenever you can. I really enjoy receiving your letters and getting the details of your life in Japan. Your buddy, Tara Adopted from: http://www.writinghelp-central.com/friendly-letter-sample.html (September 2. 2017)

11. Where is Tara writing the letter? A. At home. B. In Tokyo. C. In his office. D. At the park E. In David’s room

12. Where is David? A. In France B. In Indonesia C. In England D. In Japan. E.  No one knows

13. Keep up the great work!” (Paragraph 2) What does Tara express ? A. He motivates his friend. B. He compliments his friend. C. He asks his friends to do his best. D. He asks his friends not to delay his job. E. He entertains his friends for his hard days 14. “I must say, I really envy you getting that Tokyo gig with the company.” (Paragraph 1) The underlined word may be best replaced  by ............ A.  job B.  joke C. chance D. attitude E. achievement

15. From the letter, we can infer that ............ A. Tara is a new comer in the company B. Tara will only work for three years C. David is a skillful worker D. David is a Japanese E. Tara is in Japan. The following letter is for questions 16 to 20 35 Senggigi Raya Lombok 75009 Nusa Tenggara Timur January 12, 2014 My dear lovely Siti, Hello! How are you, sweetie? I know you are angry with me because I am writing to you after a long time. I am so sorry, please forgive me. You know, we are in Lombok right now. It is so beautiful beyond imagination. I am writing to you from this really cute little café on the Senggigi Beach. As you know, mom loves shopping, so she goes and will go for hours. I took a rain check from shopping and decided to write to you while enjoying my cup of coffee. You know, yesterday we went to Gili Nanggu Island; it is a beach on the southwest of Lombok. The place is awesome. It is so beautiful that I couldn’t believe my eyes. There are beautiful coral reefs everywhere. We went for snorkeling and we saw the most amazing fish ever. I wish you were here; it would have been much more fun. Mom makes sure we don’t miss any sight in the whole city, so we’ve practically been everywhere. I have to go, mom is here. I will see you soon. Lots of love XOXO Lana P.S. I’m bringing you lots of souvenirs and pictures!! Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa I nggris SMA/MA /SMK /MA K Kelas XI E disi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

16. Where is Lana writing the letter from? A. The hotel room. B. A spacious shop. C. Senggigi Beach. D. A shopping mall. E. Gili Nanggu Island. 17. Why did the writer write the letter? A. To give advice. B. To thank you. C. To share experience. D. To deliver a good news. E. To apologize

19. The place is awesome." (Paragraph 21 The underlined word may be best replaced  by ............... A. Lively B. Elegant C. Sparkling D. Magnificent E. amazing 20. From the letter, we can infer that . A. Lana and Siti are playing at the beach together B. Lana is writing a letter while drinking tea C. Lana’s mother usually goes shopping for a long time D. Siti is happy because she stays at home alone E. Gili Nanggu Island is located on the west of Lombok

18. What did Lana do to make Siti happy? A. She accompanied her mother shopping. B. She bought lots of souvenirs for her. C. She asked Siti to catch up with her. D. She told Siti about Lombok. E. She didn’t go anywhere 


Write a letter to your fr iend for hi s/her recovery 

Student Activity Write a letter of gratitude to your friend who has helped you during a hard time.

 S ourc e:

http://www.thayyiba.com_wp-content_uploads_2015_09_13913-kebakaranhutan-kalimantan-tersangka-pembakaran hutan-kotawaringin-timur, downloaded September 10, 2017

Forest fire often happens in several areas in Indonesia. Do you know the causes of the fire? It’s not only caused by natural factors such as a long dry season, but also human’s carelessness. In this case, human awareness to conserve the forest is very important. The forest fire should be overcome soon since it has many effects. It can cause large destruction, burn houses near the forest and create smog which is dangerous for people’s health. The conditions described in the previous paragraphs show cause and effect. Now, in this chapter you will learn sentences to state causes and effects 

TASK 1  Read the following dialog.

Then, answer the questions Jane : Hi, Ray! What are you doing? Ray : Hi, Jane! I am reading an article on smoking. Jane : Smoking! Why? Ray : For presentation in my Science class. Jane : So what did you learn about smoking? Ray : Did you know that smoking is one of the main causes of sickness in smokers? For example: smoking weakens the lungs due to which there is a build up of  poisonous substances, smoking causes heart attacks, strokes, ulcers. Jane : Really? It sounds scary. Ray : It is! if we do not educate people about the effects of smoking, there will be a lot of  people suffering from these diseases. Jane : You are right. We have to do it. Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa I nggri s SMA /MA /SMK /MA K Kelas XI E disi F tevisi

Cetakan Ke-2,Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, J akarta, 2017

Questions: 1. What are Jane and Ray talking about? 2. What will Ray do during the Science class? 3. What does Ray learn from the article about smoking? 4. Why should people be educated about the effects of smoking? 5. Jane says, “You are right. We have to do it.” What does ‘it’ refer to? 

TASK 2 Read the following dialog. What is the dialog about?

Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby Mr. Andy Bobby

: Dad, I am hungry. Will we drop by a restaurant and have meals? : Sure. What food do you want to eat? : Fast food. : Why don’t we choose another food? Consuming too much fast food is not good for our health : Really? : Yeah. It may cause several diseases : How can it be? : Fast food usually contains substances that stimulate people to eat continuously. In other words, it is addictive : You’re right, Dad. Tommy, my friend, addicts to fast food. : Such condition is not good for our health. Fast food contains high calories, high fat and low fiber.If we eat it every day, it will increase our ou r weight and may cause obesity. For matters worse, it may lead to heart attacks : Are there other effects, Dad? : Yes. A study revealed that eating fast food from from an early age declines the IQ : Really? : Yup! It may also lead to Parkinson P arkinson or Alzheimer’s diseases : Wow! We had better limit or even break the habit of consuming fast food

TASK 3 See the chart showing cause and effect below. Complete the chart based on the dialog in TASK 2.

TASK 4 What do the following words mean? 1. to stimulate = 3. fat = 5. weigh =

2. 4. 6.

To addict Fiber Obesity

= = =

7. heart attack 9. to decline

= =

8. To reveal 10. To limit

= =

TASK 5 Complete the following statements based on the dialog In TASK 2 1. Previously, Bobby wants to have meals in a ...................... 2. Mr. Andy doesn’t agree to dr op op by such a restaurant because................................. 3. Fast food is addictive. It means that................................. 4. Fast food contains....................................... 5. Consuming too much fast food will increase our weight. It means that if we consume too much fast food,we may suffer from.......................................... . . 6. Consuming too much fast food from childhood will decrease.................................... 7. Consuming too much fast food may cause diseases, such as....................................... 8. Knowing the effects of eating fast food, people should..............................................

TASK 6  Read the following dialogs and pay attention to the words in bold. Then, answer the questions. Dialog 1 Anneke : What news are you reading? Yudi : A volcanic eruption. People living on its slope should be alert because this very active volcano often erupts suddenly. Anneke : You are right. They should should be evacuated to safe places. Yudi : Yes. The government is busy doing evacuations. Anneke : Did the people not receive a warning about the eruption before? before? Yudi : They did, but they ignored the warning. Anneke : Why? Yudi : They had to keep their belongings and animals. Therefore, they were not willing to evacuate. Anneke : Anyway, there is a tourist resort on the slope slope of the mountain. It must be closed closed too. Yudi : Definitely. People should stay at least 10 kilometers away from the top of the mountain. Dialog 2 Raka : Sonia, have you visited the town expo? Sonia : Not yet. Raka : It is the last day of the fair and there are usually big discounts. Aren’t you interested in attending it? Sonia : I am, but I can’t go there. My cousin will be arriving today, so I have to fetch him from the railway station. Raka : What time are you going to fetch him? Sonia : According to the schedule, the train will arrive at four. Raka : Why don’t you ask him to join after arriving here? He can sightsee this town while visiting the fair. Sonia : Do you mean that we go to the fair with his luggage? Oh no, I can’t imagine it. Raka : Of course not. You return home first, then we go to the fair. Sonia : O.K., but I will ask him first. I am not sure he will agree since he must be tired

Questions: 1. What do ‘because’, ‘therefore’, ‘so’ and ‘since’ mean? 2. What do the words reflect? 3. What are the functions of the words? 4. Are the words always followed by sentences or noun phrases?

Supporting Feature Grammar Connectors Showing Cause and Effect Read the following sentences and pay attention to the words in bold. 1. People living on its slope should be alert because this very active volcano often erupts suddenly. 2. They have to keep their belongings and animals. Therefore, they are not willing to evacuate. 3. My cousin will be arriving today, so I have to fetch him from the railway station. 4. I am not sure he will agree since he must be tired. The words in bold are connectors. The words ‘because’ and ‘since’ are used to show causes, while the words ‘therefore’ and ‘so’ are used use d to show effects/results.  Now, let’s study about called connectors showing cause and effect 1. Connectors Showing Cause To state causes, we can use several words, such as because, as, since, for. The words ‘because’, ‘as’, ‘since’, ‘for’ are followed by complete sentences or clauses. See the following examples.  Amelia called her close friend because she missed her.  Alby goes to school by bus for his bicycle is broken. Meanwhile, the sentence connectors may be positioned at the beginning of sentences. In this case, we must use a comma between the clauses. Examples:  Because she missed her close friend, Amelia called her.  Since the biology teacher was sick, Mr. Nando taught the students.  As the road is being repaired, we have to take another route. 

Notes: ‘As’ and ‘since’ are very similar. ‘As’ is less formal than ‘since’ The clauses that start with ‘as’ and 'since' often be gin sentences ‘For’ never comes never comes at the beginning of sentence   

2. Connectors Showing Effects/Results To state effects, we can use several words, such as so, therefore, as a result, consequently , etc. All of them are followed by complete sentences or clauses. The word ‘so’ is a coordinating conjunction, while ‘therefore’, ‘as a result’, ‘consequently’ are conjunctive adverbs.

See the difference between them in sentences, as follows. Conjunctive Adverb (Therefore', 'Consequently', ‘As a result') 1. The biology teacher was sick, so Mr. 1. The biology teacher was sick.Therefore,  Nando taught the students. Mr. Nando taught the students. 2. The road is  being repaired, so we have 2. The road is being repaired. Conseque Consequently ntly to take another route. we have to take another route. 3. Maya Is smart and behaves very well, 3. Maya is smart and behaves very well. As so she is appointed the model student a result, she Is appointed the model student. Coordinating Conjunction ('So')

Note: Connectors showing causes can be placed at the beginning of sentences, but connectors showing effects/results cannot 

Log onto the website It you want to learn more about connectors showing cause and effects, you can log onto https:// goo.gl/veqzaM. Read the explanation and try to make sentences

TASK 7 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in TASK 6. Dialog 1 1. What are they talking about? 2. Why should people be alert? 3. Why did the people not leave their residences right after the warning? 4. How far should people stay away from the top of the mountain? 5. Yudi says, “People living on its slope should be alert...” 6. What is the similar meaning of the underlined word? Dialog 2 1. Why is Raka interested in visiting the expo? 2. How will Sonia’s cousin travel? 3. Why does Raka ask Sonia’s cousin to join him visiting the expo? 4. What is Sonia’s opinion about Raka’s idea? 5. Sonia says, “Oh no, I can’t imagine it.” What does the underlined word refer to?

TASK 8  Read the following sentences.  Determine whether the dauses/sentences in bold are the causes or effects 1. The cat broke its leg  because a car hit It. 2. Angga had an accident as he rode his motorcycle very fast. 3. Robin got punishment since he had bad behavior. 4. Sonia overslept. As a result, she was late to school. 5. As the company is bankrupt, the employees are fired 6. Rieke broke a vase in the supermarket. Consequently, she must pay for it. 7. Dona is smart and diligent, so she receives the first rank at school. 8. Cantika is very disappointed since her close friend has betrayed her. 9. The baby is crying loudly  because she is thirsty, 10. Devon Is very skillful at playing basketball. As a result, he is appointed the team captain.

TASK 9  Match the causes in column A with their suitable effects in column B

A 1. Vera forgot to water the flowers 2. Mr. Dewa’s motorcycle was broken 3. The students intend to help the victim of an earthquake 4. Alline is very fond of cooking 5. Aldo lost his cellular phone 6. The shop assistants are friendly and helpful 7. Mom is going to celebrate her birthday 8. Ted will plant several trees in the garden 9. We have to do a group work and submit it next week 10. Rendra performed the speech very well 

a.  b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.  j. k.

B She spends money to buy cooking recipe  books She is sick. The flowers were withered. He won the speech contest. They collect money and donate it to the victims. I’d like to give her a nice gift. He will buy a new one. He needs a spade or hoe to dig holes. He asked a person to repair it. Customers like buying goods there. We gather in Thaya’s house to finish it.

TASK 10 Write the pairs of sentences in TASK 9 into suitable sentences showing effects. Use proper sentence connectors

TASK 11  Listen to your teacher. Write the causes and effects in the sentences you have heard

TASK 12  Read the following sentences showing causes. Write the effects based on your own ideas. Then, combine the causes and effects using suitable sentences connectors. 1. Many fishermen from neighborhood countries catch fish in our sea. 2. Arumi forgot to feed her cat. 3. There was a blackout last night. 4. Gea didn’t wear a jacket or sweater during the camping. 5. The students made their classroom dirty

TASK 13  Let’s play a game Steps: 1. Work in groups of three. Determine who will be Student A, Student B and Student C. 2. The first student, say Student A, states a sentence showing a phenomenon/cause. For example: Nadine is sick. 3. Student B and Student C listen to the sentence. Student B states a sentence showing the effect, dealing with Student A’s sentence. For example: She is absent from school. 4. Student C should remember Student A and Student B’s sentences and combine their sentences using sentence connectors showing cause or effect. For example: Nadine is sick, so she is absent from school.

TASK 14  Read the following dialogs.  Pay attention to the words in bold. Then, answer the questions that follow Dialog 1 Mrs. Doni : Why are you daydreaming? Mr. Doni : I can’t catch many fish recently. It was due to storms. Mrs. Doni : I know. The weather is not good and the sea has very big waves Mr. Doni : I heard that Mr. Anwar’s boat was hit by a big storm last night. Luckily, he could save himself Mrs. Doni : Poor him! You should be more careful while sailing. The weather is unpredictable. Mr. Doni : You are right. Always pray for me Mrs. Doni : Sure. Dialog 2 Mrs. Dewi : Where are you going, Candra? Candra : Reza’s house, Mom Mrs. Dewi : Will you drop by Kirana cellular phone kiosk? Candra : Sure, Mom. What happens with your cellular phone? Mrs. Dewi : It is broken because of water. Unintentionally I plunged it into a bucket full of water Candra : O gosh! I hope it is not seriously damaged Mrs. Dewi : I hope so Candra : Why don’t you buy a new one, Mom? Mrs. Dewi : Let’s see whether it can be repaired. Othe rwise, I will buy a new one Dialog 3 Bondan : Let’s go to the canteen to have lunch Esty : I am sorry. I left my pocket money at home Bondan : Don’t worry Esty : Why do you say so? Will you treat me?

Bondan Esty Bondan Esty

: No. Rizal will treat us thanks to his victory : Did he win the running competition? : Yes. He placed the second and received a sum of money thanks to his hard  practice. I see : He prepared for the competition very well

Questions: 1. Do the words ‘due to', 'because of and 'thanks to’ have a similar meaning? What do they mean? 2. What do the words reflect? 3. What are the functions of the words? 4. Are the words always followed by sentences or noun/noun phrases? 5. Compare the sentence “It is broken because of water." and “It is broken because unintentionally I plunged it into a bucket full of water.” Do they show a similar meaning? What is the difference between them?

Supporting Feature  Grammar Because of, Due to, Thanks to Read the following sentences. 1. It was due to storms. 2. It is broken because of water. 3. Rizal will treat us thanks to his victory. 4. He placed the second and received a sum of money thanks to his hard practice. The words ‘due to’, ‘because of and ‘thanks to’ are also used to show causes. They are followed by nouns, noun phrases, pronouns or gerunds. See the following examples.  Amelia called her close friend because of missing her.  Alby’s absence is due to his broken bicycle  Farah is appointed the model student thanks to her intelligence and good attitude. The sentence connectors may also be positioned at the beginning of sentences. Don’t forget to use a comma between the clauses. Examples:  Because of missing her close friend, Amelia called her.  Thanks to her intelligence and good attitude, Farah is appointed the model Note : ‘Because of and ‘due to’ has a similar meaning, but they are a bit different. ‘Because of is an adverb, while ‘due to’ is an adjective. ‘Because of is interchangeable with ‘on acoount of, while 'due to’ is interchangeable with ‘caused  by’ See the following examples He lost his way because of the darkness His lost way was due to the darkness  

Log onto the Website If you want to learn more about ‘because of’, ‘due to’, ‘thanks to’, you can log onto https://goo.gi/MH3xHV. Read the explanation and try to make sentences.

TASK 15  Find the synonyms of the following words in the dialogs in TASK 14. 1. To capture = 2. Nowadays = 3. To understand = 4. Fortunately = 5. Cautinous = 6. Certain = 7. To occur = 8. Accidentally = 9. Destructed = 10. To purchase =

TASK 16  Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in TASK 14 3. Why is the cellular phone broken? Dialog 1 1. What does Mr. Doni do? 4. What will Candra do on the way to 2. Why is Mr. Doni unable to catch many Reza’s hous? fish? 5. According to Candra, what should Mrs. 3. Whose boat was hit by a big storm? Dewi do ? 4. What happened to the man whose boat Dialog 3 was hit? 1. When does the dialog occur? 5. Why does Mrs. Doni ask her husband to 2. Where does the dialog take place?  be careful while sailing? Dialog  2 1. Where"does the dialog take place? 2. Whose cellular phone is broken?

3. Who will pay for the lunch? 4. Why does he treat Bondan and Esty? 5. How could he win the competition?

TASK 17 Complete the following short dialogs with ‘because’or ‘because of  Shanty : Where are you going? Randy : To the futsal  court Shanty : It seems that you like playing futsal  Randy : Yeah. I like playing futsal . we only need a small area to play

Seva Miko Seva Miko

: Why are you late? We almost miss the train : I am sorry. I am late overslept : You should turn on the alarm then : You are right

Raka Maya Raka Maya

: Let’s visit Nadia this afternoon at the hospital : Is she sick? : Yes. She is hospitalized _____ dengue fever : Poor her. Let’s visit her at four this afternoon

Mrs. Tio Mr. Tio Mrs. Tio Mr. Tio

: You look very tired, dear : Yes. I have to work overtime I have to finish my job before the deadline : I know, but don’t work too hard. It’s not good for your health : That’s right, dear. Thanks

Ms. Dian Rieke Ms. Dian Rieke

: Students, the school will be over earlier today, the teacher’s meeting : Yes, Miss : Don’t forget to do your work and submit it the day after tomorrow : Sure, Miss

TASK 18  Read the following sentences Change the sentence connectors with the words in parentheses 1. The farmer will have a great harvest because there is excessive water, (due to) 2. Erfan overslept since he watched a football match on television until late last night,

(because of) 3. Many students like Diana as she is friendly and kindhearted. (thanks to) 4. Shanty fell down because the floor was slippery, (because of) 5. Tony is sad since he lost his cat. (due to) 

TASK 19  Rewrite the sentences in TASK 18 using suitable sentence connectors showing effects

TASK 20  Arrange the following words into the meaningful sentences.  Put the correct punctuation in the sentences 1. abroad-he-her brother-Rika-since-is-often-studying-misses 2. due to-is-Mr. Roy-her achievement-his daughter-proud of 3. is-hanging out-people-very shady-the town park-there-like-so4. keeping-is-people-koi-colorful-because-like-it 5. a shelter-Alice-the heavy rain-because of-took 6. due to-a long speech-is-student’s boredom 7. had-a dentist-therefore-Hilmy-he-a toothache-saw 8. the rich man’s-the thieves-as-empty-the house-properties-was-stole 9. their houses-because-many people-inundates-a big flood-being evacuated-are 10. a storm-cancelation-due to-study club’s-the-was

TASK 21 Complete the following dialogs with suitable clauses/sentences showing cause or effect. 1. Redy : Why don’t you drink your coffee?  Nala : I think mother forgot to put sugar into my coffee, so .......................... 2. Rara : Why do you like cycling ? Fredy : I like cycling because .................................. .. 3. Farah : Ujung Kulon is a reservation place for one –  horned rhinoceroses Kenzi : The government protects one –  horned rhinoceroses as ............................... 4. Hilmy : You have to keep your plants well. Vika : Of course. I always water them and give them fertilizers. Are a result,................ 5. Brandon : It seems that we will have a long dry season Yardan : Yes. People in several areas lack water for drinking because of ......................... 6. Yasmin : How is the result of the math test? Raffa : The test was difficult and the time was also limited. Consequently,.................... 7. Dona : We can’t continue walking. It is raining heavily. Lesty : The base camp is also still a long way from here, so................................ .. 8. Icha : Sinyal Internet Cafe is always crowded  Nanda : You’re right. People are fond of browsing the Internet there thanks to............... 9. Brandon: Ouch ... it is very painful  Nilam : You have a big wound. You have to cover it because................................. ........ 10. Fariz : The students will have a flag hoisting ceremony. Therefore, ............................. Bella : Yes. The ceremony will begin in a few minutes.

TASK 22 Combine the following statements into sentences showing cause or effect, correctly. Use the connectors in parentheses. 1. Smog covered the town. The flight was postponed, (due to) 2. Mr. Ferry works overtime recently. He has no time to have a holiday with his family, (consequently) 3. Tania is going to celebrate her birthday. She has asked Terry to decorate her garden, (because) 4. Mrs. Vika keeps many jewelries in a safety box. She inherits them from her mother,

(therefore) 5. Many people are on a strike. There is terrible a traffic jam. (because of) 

TASK 23 Complete the following texts with the correct sentence connectors showing cause or effect . Text 1 Recently, many authorities compete to make city parks (1) ................................they intend to make their cities green and cool. Parks are beneficial for our environment (2).................................reducing pollution from vehicles and factory smoke. They can also maintain the availability of water. (3)..........................................., people will not lack water. Many people like to hang out in city parks (4)..........................they are shady and comfortable. They are wide.(5) .................................people usually use them for gathering. They are also completed with playgrounds,(6) .....................children like to spend time there. The government provides city parks with many garbage bins. Notices for keeping the cleanliness are also l everywhere. Unfortunately, several visitors are still reluctant to dispose of the garbage into garbage bins. (7) ....................................., rubbish is everywhere.  Not only that. The parks look dirtier (8) ...........................graffiti on benches, even trees. Text 2

All students want to receive good scores. (1)........................., they have to study hard and regularly. However few students cheat (2).............................they intend to receive good scores without hard efforts. They don’t realize  that cheating will make them worse. They receive good scores, but they don’t understand the materials they have learned. Cheating is a bad habit. Students who cheat will not have self-confidence (3)..............................they only copy the materials. Once a student cheats and the teacher doesn’t k now, he/she will repeat it. (4)...........................he/she will not be confident enough to do the test without cheating For matters worse, students may lose others’ trust (5)  .........................cheating. Once the teacher reveals tha a student cheats, he/she will not trust him/her anymore. Actually it’s hard to receive one’s trust, (6)........................... we have to maintain it. We will  be difficult to regain others’ trust (7)..............................our dishonesty In conclusion, cheating is a bad behavior and has many negative effects. (8)................................... students must never do it 

TASK 24 What do the following words mean?

1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 

Authority Availability Reluctant Trust Regain

= = = = =

 ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.





To cheat


To reveal


To avoid


TASK 25  Answer the following questions based on the texts in TASK 23. Text 1 1. Why do many authorities compete to make city parks? 2. Why do people like to hang out in city parks? 3. What makes children like to play in city parks? 4. Why are city parks dirty? 5. In your opinion, what should people do for city parks? Text 2 1. What is the text about? 2. What should the students do to receive good scores? 3. Why do several students cheat? 4. How will students who cheat lose their self-confidence? 5. What will happen if the teacher knows that a student cheats?

TASK 26  Look at the pictures. Write suitable sentences showing cause and effect based on the pictures

TASK 27  Pay attention to the phenomenon in the following picture. Write a dialog about the cause and effects of the phenomenon. Then, perform the dialog with a friend

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Rio K.

TASK 28 Observe a phenomenon around you.  Note the cause and effects of the phenomenon. Then, write them into a text, using sentence connectors showing cause and effect Learning Experience

Write about your experience learning this chapter. Write about your feelings, how you learned, what you liked and didn’t like, etc

My New Words

Write new words and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter

Summary Mapping Because, ...........................

attern: ause + ecause or as s nce + c ause Examples:  Amelia called her close friend because she missed her   ........................................................................................  ........................................................................................ 



Because, ...........................

Cause and Effect

attern: Examples:  Amelia called her close friend because of missing her  .......................................................................................  .......................................................................................  .......................................................................................

Sentence Connectors Showing Cause and Efect


attern: ....................................................................................... Examples:  Amelia missed her close friend, so she called her  ........................................................................................  ........................................................................................


Pattern: Examples:  Amelia missed her close friend. Therefore, she called her   ........................................................................................ Therefore, ...........................  ........................................................................................



Choose A, B , C , D or E for the correct answer

A. Listening Section


A. Cousins. B. C. Classmates. D. E. Sister and brother.


A. He was sleepy while riding. B. He was daydreaming while riding. C. It was raining heavily while he was riding. D. There were many holes on the road. E. He was having a talk via cellular phone while riding.


A. At home. B. C. In a canteen. D. E. In a restaurant.


A. B. C. D. E.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

Neighbors. Mother andson.

At school. In. a supermarket.

He was in a hurry. He woke up late. He had nothing to eat. He forgot to have breakfast. He didn’t like having breakfast. He will be happier. He will lose concentration. He will be more enthusiastic. He will iose+iis energy. He will be fresher.

This is the end of the listening section. B. Reading Section The following text is for questions 6 and 7 .

Students are not allowed to chew gum in a

7. What will probably happen if students are  permitted to chew gum in a classroom? A. They will be irresponsible. B. Many properties will be broken. C. Gum will be everywhere in a classroom. D. They will focus on their studies. E. They will worry about their studies. The following text Is for questions 8 and 9. In recent decades, cities have grown so large, Now, about 50% of the Earth’s  population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the industrialization increases, which tends to be located in cities, so many factor) jobs are created. These jobs, with their promise of a  better material life, attract many people from rura areas. Second, there are promises of a  better education, so many families are interested to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally places of leisure, entertainment and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters and museums, are published in cities. As a result, these facilities drav. them away from rural communities. Adopted from: http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edU/students/fwaiters/cause.f“ (September 6, 2017)

8. Why are people interested in moving into cities' A. Cities offer more jobs. B. They are not well educated. C. They are not interested in farming, D. Industrialization spreads into rural areas E. There are not places for pleasure in rura areas.



Choose A, B , C , D or E for the correct answer

A. Listening Section


A. Cousins. B. C. Classmates. D. E. Sister and brother.


A. He was sleepy while riding. B. He was daydreaming while riding. C. It was raining heavily while he was riding. D. There were many holes on the road. E. He was having a talk via cellular phone while riding.


A. At home. B. C. In a canteen. D. E. In a restaurant.


A. B. C. D. E.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

Neighbors. Mother andson.

At school. In. a supermarket.

He was in a hurry. He woke up late. He had nothing to eat. He forgot to have breakfast. He didn’t like having breakfast. He will be happier. He will lose concentration. He will be more enthusiastic. He will iose+iis energy. He will be fresher.

This is the end of the listening section. B. Reading Section The following text is for questions 6 and 7 .

Students are not allowed to chew gum in a classroom due to several reasons. Irresponsible students may leave the gum on the bottoms of desks, drop it on the floor or put it on other  people’s property, so it makes the class messy with their gum. Another reason why students are not allowed to chew gum is because it is a distraction. When students are allowed to chew gum, they will lack concentration. Consequently, they will worry about having, popping, chewing and snapping it, inspite of studying. Adopted from: https://www.ereadingworksheets.com/textstructure/  patterns-of-organization/cause-and-effect/ (September 6, 2017)

6. What is the text about? A. The reasons why chewing gum is unhealthy. B. The effects of chewing gum in a classroom. C. What students usually do with their gum in a classroom. D. The reasons why students like chewing gum in a classroom. E. The reasons why chewing gum is  prohibite: in a classroom.

7. What will probably happen if students are  permitted to chew gum in a classroom? A. They will be irresponsible. B. Many properties will be broken. C. Gum will be everywhere in a classroom. D. They will focus on their studies. E. They will worry about their studies. The following text Is for questions 8 and 9. In recent decades, cities have grown so large, Now, about 50% of the Earth’s  population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the industrialization increases, which tends to be located in cities, so many factor) jobs are created. These jobs, with their promise of a  better material life, attract many people from rura areas. Second, there are promises of a  better education, so many families are interested to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally places of leisure, entertainment and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters and museums, are published in cities. As a result, these facilities drav. them away from rural communities. Adopted from: http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edU/students/fwaiters/cause.f“ (September 6, 2017)

8. Why are people interested in moving into cities' A. Cities offer more jobs. B. They are not well educated. C. They are not interested in farming, D. Industrialization spreads into rural areas E. There are not places for pleasure in rura areas. 9. From the text we can conclude that A. there are'many unemployment in cities B. rurai people don’t care about education C. all people don’t want to stay in rural areas D. cities are more and more crowded E.  people don’t need entertainment The following text is for questions 10 to 12. A common sign of depression is sleep deprivation. When you’re not sleeping well, you w lack the energy you need each day. Your immune function will also drop significantly, so you will be more susceptible to ailments. Therefore, people wt depression commonly have other health problems that make them even more depressed.  Another thing that can wane a depressed person’s health is unhealthy habits. Many depressed people turn to alcohol and/or drugs since they hope that these will help them escape problems and negative thoughts. People can become dependent on them due to their addictive substances.  Adopted from: http://www.meditrenz.com/depression-what-how- andwhy.html (September 6, 2017)

10. What will happen if a person doesn’t sleep well? A. He/she will be depressed. B. He/she will escape from problems. C. He/she will have negative thoughts. D. He/she will be more independent. E. He/she will be easily affected by ailments. 11. Depressed people turn to drugs to escape their  problems. What should we do to prevent them from doing that? A. We should give them medical help. B. We should assist and support them. C. We should not make problems with them. D. We should bear them with their problems. E. We should not insist them to escape  problems. 12. “Another thing that can wane a depressed  person’s health is unhealthy habits.” (Paragraph 2) What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Influence. B. Trigger. C. Improve. D. Decline. E. Increase. The following dialog is for questions 13 to 15. Sandra : I saw your brother at Sandora Radio Station. Does he work there? Farrel : Yes, he does. Sandra : He has not graduated from university, right? Farrel : You are right. He is taking a part time  job. Sandra : Will it not disturb his studies? Farrel : No. He can manage his time well, so taking a part time job has positive effects. He can buy his needs by himself  because he can earn money. Sandra : That’s interesting. Farrel : Not only that. He gains many valuable experiences before graduating. As a result, he will get used to the working atmosphere. Sandra : Bravo for your brother.

13. What does Farrel’s brother do in his part time  job? A. A manager. B. A journalist. C. A broadcaster. D. A reporter. E. A teacher. 14. From the dialog we know that................. . A. Sandra has a brother B. Farrel is fond of broadcasting C. Farrel intends to take a part time job D. Farrel’s brother has graduated from university E. Farrel’s brother enjoys his part time job 15. Why is having a part time job beneficial? A. A person will receive work experiences. B. A person will have excessive money. C. A person will be able to finish his/her studies soon. D. A person will be more famous.

E. A person will study harder. For questions 16 to 18, choose the correct words to complete the following paragraph. Almost all people are fond of the Internet (16).................its benefits. They use the Internet for  business, studies, social function, even pleasure.  Not only teenagers and adult people, many children are also addicted to the Internet. Of course it is not good for them. They often spend their times for playing games on the Internet, (17)........ they forgot about their studies. Besides, they are not willing to play with their friends outside. (18) ,............. they will not have a good social life

16. A. So C. Because of E. As a result

B. Because D. Therefore

17. A. As C. due to E. consequently

B. So D. because

18. A. Since C. Because E. So

B. Thanks to D. Therefore

For questions 19 and 20, arrange the sentences to make meaningful following paragraphs.

19. (1) As a result, we will always be prepared when there is a random test. (2) By studying regularly, we review what we have learned. (3) Studying regularly has many positive e   ffects. (4) They will not be ready for the test. (5) Consequently, we can remember the lessons better. (6) It will be different with the ones who never study regularly, (7) It is a good way to receive good scores. (8) Studying regularly also makes us feel calmer and more confident. The correct arrangement of the sentences is A. 3-8-1-6-7-4-5-2 B. 3-8-1-7-5-2-6-4 C. 3-7-2-5-8-1 -6 - 4 D. 3-7-2-1-4-6-5-8 E. 3-7-4-6-1-5-8-2

20. (1) On the way, I had a flat tire. (2) I spent my money to buy a new tire, so I had no money to have breakfast. (3) Unfortunately, I overslept since I didn’t set the alarm. (4) Therefore, I had to find a person to repair it. (5) I had an appointment to enjoy a car free day with my friends on Sunday morning. (6) Soon I took my bicycle and pedaled it. (7) The man told me to replace the tire  because it was already too old. (8) Mom reminded me of having breakfast,  but I ignored it 

The correct arrangement of the sentences is A. 5-8-6-1-7-4-3-2 B. 5-8-1-7-3-4-6-2 C. 5-6-8-1-4-7-2-3 D. 5-3-6-1-4-7-2-8 E. 5-3-8-6-1-4-7-2 II.

Write a paragraph about cause and effect. Use proper sentence connectors

Student’s Activity  Look at the pictures. Identify the phenomena in the pictures (as causes) and their effects. Share the work with the class

Phenomena/Cause: Effects:

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Rio K.

Phenomena/Cause: Effects:

Source: hfip./Avww.assets.kompas com., downloaded September 10, 2017

Mid- Term Test Listening Section In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

4. A. B. C. D.

He is skillful at cooking. He will definitely win the contest. He should write a recipe book. He should participate in another contest. E. He should cook for the villagers

Part I Questions: 1 to 4. Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several dialogs and questions spoken in English. The dialogs and the questions will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test  book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

After you listen to the dialog and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me choose the right loan I need. Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house. Narrator: What is the topic of the conversation?  A. Asking for help. B. Giving an opinion. C. Giving directions. D. Expressing pleasure. E. Expressing gratitude.

The best answer to the question “What is the topic of the conversation?” is “Expressing gratitude.” Therefore, you should choose answer (E). Sample answer:

A B C D E  Now let’s begin with number 1 1. A. B. C. D. E.

Fix the broken glass. Sweep the floor. Walk carefully. Catch the cat. Buy a new vase.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

He wants to travel with Dimas. He is afraid to travel by plane. He prefers to go with Dimas. He loves traveling. He really likes Bali.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

He cannot go to the beach. His mother will be angry. He will get sunburn. He will buy a bottle of lotion. He will be just fine.

Part II Questions: 5 to 7. Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several incomplete dialogs spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogs and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.

 Now listen to a sample question. Girl : I really made a mistake. Boy : What about? Girl : I have broken your pen. Boy : That pen? Oh no Girl : .... Narrator : What does the girl probably respond? A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. I really appreciate it. C. I do apologise. D. I love that pen.

The best answer to the question “What does the girl probably respond?” is “I do apologise.” Therefore, you should choose answer (C). Sample answer: A





5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Part III Questions: 8 to 11, Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several monologs spoken in English. The monologs will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker is saying.

After you listen to the monolog, look at the five pictures provided in your test book anddecide which one would be the most suitable for the monolog you have just heard





Questions: 12 to 15. Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several monologs. Each monolog will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker is saying.

After you listen to the monolog and the question about it, read-the five possible answers and decide which one would be the

 best answer to the question you have just heard. 12. A. B. C. D. E.

The agriculture near a volcano. Geothermal energy New income in volcanic areas. The benefits of volcanic eruptions. Tourist attractions

13. A. B. C. D. E.

Geothermal energy. High level of heat. Volcanic activities. Lava and ash. Tourism.

14. A. The impacts of using computer. B. The bad effects of sitting too much. C. The danger of brain damage. D. The benefits of sitting. E. The advantages of exercise 15. A. B. C. D. E.

To lay down frequently. To move our bodies regularly. To exercise regularly. To sit comfortably, To avoid sitting.

This is the end of the listening section READING SECTION The following text is for question 16 to 18

Dear Jihan Happy birthday and congratulations! You are allowed to drive now. I can’t  believe you are seventeen now. I remembered you always run around the house when you were a child. Sorry I couldn’t return home on time to attend the  party. The ship where I have been working postponed « its cruise because of a huge storm. It was catastrophic. The wind was so strong that it could move cars and lift trees. However, everything is fine now. We can sail again now Along with this letter, I sent you a special present. I hope you’ll like it. Tell mom and dad I’ll be back next month Your brother, Damar 16. What is the purpose of the letter? A. To inform of a huge storm. B. To greet Damar’s family. C. To ask for forgiveness. D. To congratulate Jihan. E. To send a gift. 17. What is Damar’s occupation? A. A driver. B. A reporter.

C. A ship crew. D. A fisherman. , E. A marine corp. 18. From the letter we know that _____ . A. Damar will return home in a week B. Damar works in an oil ship C. Jihan caught in the storm D. Jihan would receive a birthday gift E. Jihan just celebrated her eighteenth  birthday The following text is for questions 19 to 21

Dear Dali, How are you? I hope you are not disappointed with me for replying so late. I’ve been coped with school works lately. I also have to manage my club Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I’m the  president of wall magazine club now. My club mates and I are currently working on the school’s magazine project. We are going to make a magazine as a tribute to the school’s 30th anniversary. I’m busy with all the cover designs I have to draw I am very excited Anyway, what about you? Are you still working on those robots? I saw your competition in the internet last month. Well done though you only placed the second. Your robot was so splendid Let me now if you will have another competition. I'd like to see it. Hopefully, you win the next competition Your best friends Tristan 19. What is the purpose of the letter? A. To inform about the school’s magazine  project B. To ask about a robot competition in the internet. C. To tell about a robotics competition. D. To ask Dali to reply Tristan’s letter. E. To reply Dali’s previous letter  20. From the letter we know that _____ . A. Dali is the president of the school’s wall magazine club B. Tristan watched the last robotics competition C. Tristan knows how to design a magazine cover D. Dali must win the next robotics competition E. Tristan designs Dali’s robot amazingly

21. “We are going to make a magazine as a tribute to the school’s 30th anniversary.” The underlined word is similar in meaning to................ A. sacrifice B. homage C.  present D. duty E. faith The following dialog is for questions 22 to 24  Nia : What are you doing with that plastic  bag, Satria? Satria : Oh, this is garbage. I’m going to throw it away to the river  Nia : Don’t. You shouldn’t do that. Satria : Why? Many people do that.  Nia : That’s because it is forbidden to throw garbage in the river. Otherwise, you’ll be fined. Satria : I don’t know that. Where should I throw this garbage then?  Nia : Why don’t you throw it in the disposal near the traditional market? Satria : Isn’t it a bit far?  Nia : Yes, but it is better than throwing it to the river and getting fined. You must also think about the environment. Don’t you want to leave in a clean and healthy place ? Satria : You’re right. Thanks for reminding me. 22. What will happen if Satria throws his garbage into the river? A. People will follow his action. B.  Nia will pick it back. C. He will be fined. D.  Nia will warn him. E. He should clean the river.

23. “Otherwise, you’ll be fined.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to...... A. charged B.  banned C. exiled D.  paid E. sued 24. What will Satria do after the conversation? A. Throw his bag into the nver. B. Shop at the traditiona market. C. Thank Nia for her adv ice. D. Throw his bag elsewhere. E. Warn other people about the fine. The following text is for questions 25 to 28. For decades, heart diseases have become one of the most dangerous health ssues to most  people. People wonder why so many people nowadays get heart problems. Our lifestyle s are considered to be the major cause to a heart disease. Heart disease occurs when plaques develop

in the arteries and blood vessels that lead to the heart. This blocks important nutrients and oxygen from reaching the heart. These plaques consist of cholesterol, fatty molecules and dangerous minerals. Unhealthy lifestyles  become the major cause for people to have heart diseases. Bad diet is one of the major causes for  people to have a heart disease. People nowadays want everything to be fast and easy. This also affects people’s eating habits. More and more people eat unhealthy fast food and fried food since they are quick and delicious. By doing so, their cholesterol levels increase rapidly and expose them to the risks of obesity and heart problems. Living sedentary lives is also one of the causes for people to have a heart disease. People who are less active and rarely exercise their bodies have bigger chances to get heart  problems, especially if they also have a bad diet. The risks will also increase tremendously if you are smoking or having high stress levels. Adoptedfrom: http://www.healthline.com/health/heart-diseases/ cause&risks (September 7, 2017)

25. What is the text about? A. Suggestions to live a healthy life B. The danger of heart diseases. C. The importance of exercise. D. The causes of heart diseases. E. The causes of obesity 26. From the tet we know that _______ . A.  people living sedentary lives have fewer chances of getting heart diseases B. heart problems are caused by a virus attacking the blood vessels C. heart diseases are highly affected by a person’s life style D. heart diseases are a major problem in rural areas E. smoking is the main cause of heart diseases 27. What is the main idea of paragraph two? A. Heart diseases are caused by plaques hindering blood circulation. B. Plaques are formed by cholesterol and fatty molecules. C. Oxygen and nutrients deficits to the heart cause heart problems. D. Unhealthy lifestyles affect heart condition. E. Bad food is the main culprit for heart diseases 28. “By doing so, their cholesterol levels increase rapidly....” (Paragraph 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning to A. consequently B. frequently C. quickly D. hardly E. frankly

The following text is for questions 29 to 31

Dear Sarah, How are you? I’m doing well here. Last week I went to Lombok for business. I’m so sorry I could not come to your  place in Surabaya because it was only a short visit. I only stayed for two nights. My colleague picked me up from the airport. Then, we continued our journey to the hotel. It was a very hot day. I remembered that I drank three glasses of iced tea in one hour. I also visited Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island. I did not forget to go shopping there. Okay, Putri. That’s enough for now. Do not forget to write me soon. Write something for mom too Love, Andre 29. Who is Putri? A. Andre’s employee. B. Andre’s business partner. C. Andre’s schoolmate. D. Andre’s friend. E. Andre’s sister. 30. Why Andre not visit Sarah in Surabaya? A. His friends picked him up from the airport. B. He had a lot of business to do in Lombok. C. He has never been to Surabaya before. D. He is only there for a brief period. E. It was a very hot day. 31. From the text we know that ______ . A. Andre had a vacation in Lombok B. Sarah went to Surabaya for vacation C. Andre had some work to do in Lombok D. Andre stayed long in Lombok E. Sarah fetched Andre from the airport The following dialog is for questions 32 to 34. Susi : Yesterday, I saw a woman scolded her son pretty hard. Dinda : Really? Poor boy. What did he do? Susi : He begged her fo; a new toy. The mother refused, so the boy started crying in front of the store. Then, the mother started to yell and beat him. I recalled a similar event happened this morning. Dinda : That’s not good. Every time kids make trouble, parents should not

resolve it with violence. Susi : Why? Dinda : That’s because the kids are  indirectly taught that it is okay to beat or hit other people. They might use violence to solve their problems as ther parents do. Susi : That’s worrying. Do you think that’s going to happen? Dinda : Well, it may also be the exact opposite too. Because of that treatment, the children will become quiet and afraid to express themselves. 32. What is the conversation about? A. The benefits of using violence to children. B. The benefits of harsh treatment to children. C. The effects of having naughty children. D. The effects of being single parents to children. E. The effects of violence to children. 33. What might happen to children who receive violence from their parents? A. They will cry every time they don’t get what they want. B. They will steal toys without their  parents’ awareness. C. They will use violence to solve their  problems. D. They will become tougher and more independent. E. Their parents will make them polite. 34. From the conversation we know that Dinda A. agrees with the mother’s action B. is against the mother’s action C. wants to help the mother D. feels pity on the mother E.  becomes angry with Susi The following text is for questions 35 to 37

Dear Biga, First of all, thanks for asking me to  be your pen pal. This is a new experience for me. Yes, I’d love to be your penpal. My name is Petra and I am 16 years old. I live in Lampung with my grandparents. My house is a traditional one and built above the ground. My hobbies are playing the guitar and singing. I also like watching films. What are your hobbies, Biga? have a pet cat named Billy and a pet lizard named Joe. What about you, Biga? Do you have a pet, too? Billy spends most of the time sleeping. It gets active when the night comes. On the other hand, Joe is quite active during the day and dormant during the night. They rarely do things together.

I spend most of my free time at home  playing with my pets and practicing my guitar skills. I want to be musician someday. I think that’s enough for the introduction. Please, tell me more about you. I hope you will write to me soon. Petra 35. What is Petra’s objective by writing the letter ? A. To describe his hobbies and pets B. To tell his new friend about his pets C. To tell his new friend about himself D. To ask Biga about his life and hobbies E. To invite Biga to visit him someday 36. Paragraph three mostly talks about ..... A. Biga’s hobbies B. Petra’s pets C. Biga’s pets D. Petra’s routines E. Petra’s hobbies 37. From the letter we know that .... A. Petra has written a letter to Biga before B. Joe and Billy gets along each other C. Petra works as a guitar player D. Biga is Petra’s first pen pal E. Billy is always active The following dialog is for questions 38 and 39 Mara : Why don’t we spend our holiday by camping with others ? Tirta : Thank you, but I don’t really like camping Mara : Why ? Don’t you enjoy natural scenary? Tirta : I do, but I don’t think camping is th  best idea to enjoy the scenery. Mara : Why ? Tirta : That’s because people tend to br ing many items during camping. Then, after they have finished, they usually leave their garbage there. You know, such those people make  beautiful palce dirty and messy. Mara : Well, that does happen sometimes. So, how do you spend your holiday, then ? Tirta : If I want to enjoy nature for a brief time, I prefer hiking. That’s  because I don’t have to carry too many items, so I can bring the



Mara Tirta

garbage home. : that is a enjoy it for a suggestion,  but what if you want to spend longer time ? : we can find a cheap inn or lodge. If you can fin a good deal, it will actually cost you only slightly above camping. We can hike in the morning and return before lunch. : that’s interesting. Why don’t we try it next holiday ? : Sure

38. What does Tirta think about camping? A. It involves many people. B. It may destroy the nature. C. It only wastes money. D. It is very complicated. E. It is a fun activity 39. How will the speakers spend their coming holiday? A. By looking for a lodge. B. By mountain climbing. C. By working in an inn. D. By camping near a lodge. E. By renting a lodge and hiking The following text is for questions 40 to 43. The Effect of Horror Movies to Children and Teens Horror movies are parts of modern entertainment. We can watch them in cinemas, TVs, computers and even on smartphones. However, watching horror movies is not always entertaining. Watching horror movies can generate long-lasting effects on people. There are reasons why you shouldn’t watch too many horror movies. Horror movies can make viewers develop anxiety and phobia. These effects mostly happen on kids and teens. Many children and teens do not yet have the life experience to put horror movies into real life perspective, putting them at risk for lingering anxiety. They become easily worried whenever they are alone. They are afraid the scary scenes from the movies might actually happen to them. Children and teens even develop a phobia after watching horror movies. They are afraid of spiders, bats, cats and many others because they see them as scary creatures in the movies. Watching horror movies can also put you to have a sleeping disorder. Many adults and children have trouble sleeping immediately after watching a scary movie. Shadows seem intimidating, noises are magnified and dreams are often unsettling. For most people, these effects are short-lived. In few cases, however, sleep disturbances persist for weeks, months or

even years. Minimize the effects of scary movies by watching them during the day, keeping the lights on, or doing something silly before bed. Adopted from: http://www.livestrong.com/article/1004470lasting- effects-horror-movies-children-teens/ (September 10. 2017)

40. Why are kids and teens prone to anxiety rather than adults after watching horror? A. Because they haven’t had abilities to movie separate fiction from reality. B. Because they believe that scary creatures are real. Because they tend to overreacted about everything. C. Because they are more afraid to ghosts than to adults. D. Because they are still young and impulsive 41. How can you reduce the effects of horror movies? A. Watching them by yourselves. B. Watching them in the afternoon. C. Watching them in your bedroom. D. Watching them regularly. E. Watching them secretly. 42. What is the main idea of paragraph three? A. Watching horror movies makes you hard to sleep. B. Watching horror movies prevents you from sleeping. C. Watching horror movies promotes  better sleeping. D. Watching horror movies makes you sleep more easily. E. Watching horror movies helps you sleep soundly. 43. ”... sleep disturbances persist for weeks (Paragraph 3) The underlined word can be replaced with A. Cause B. Increase C. Continue D. improve E. stop

The following text is for question 44 to 46

Dear Angga, Hello cousin, how are you? It’s been a while since I received a mail from you. Anyway, I’d like to share my story of living here in this foreign land. It is winter now and is really cold. My native fellows don’t seem to be bothered by this freezing temperature. However, it’s different for me. It is really hard for people from tropical countries like me, to live in England during winter. I don't even remember how many layers of clothes I wear. There are no campus activities during the winter break. So I have time to explore several interesting places here. I have visited three interesting places so far, the Big Ben, the Tower of London and the incredible Eden Project. The first is the Big Ben. You probably already know about the Big Ben. It is the third largest clock tower in the world. Its age is more than 150 year now. The next place is the Tower of London, it is an exhibition  place for many treasures of the British kingdom where the famous Crown Jewel of the Kingdom is kept. The four-tower  building is believed to be the oldest attraction in the world. It is publicly opened for attraction since 1652. The last is the Eden Project. This place is artificial biomes where many species of plants from all over the world grow. Eden Project is a set of dome complex that look like massive igloo-shaped greenhouses. In,side, there are stunning displays of various plants. That’s the story of my winter experience in England. I look forward to hearing story from you Best wishes Ega 44. What is the writer doing in England? A. He is having a vacation. B. He is on a business trip. C. He is studying. D. He is traveling. E. He is working. 45. How does the writer cope with the weather? A. He drinks a lot of water. B. He wears thick clothes. C. He stays at home. D. He exercises regularly. E. He eats a lot.

46. From the letter we know that ______. A. There is only the Crown Jewel displayed in the Tower of London B. The Eden Project’s domes look like  pineapples C. Big Ben is the oldest attraction in the world D. visitors will see plantations in the domes E. The Big Ben is 150 years old For questions 47 to 49, choose the correct words to complete the following text .

When people ask me what my favorite vacation piace is, the beach will always be my answer. There are many reasons why you should consider a beach as a destination for your holiday. The first reason is because of the ocean. For me, the view and sound of the ocean are the main reasons I like spending my time at the  beach. They really make me feel at ease. The second reason is because you can do many fun activities at the beach. You can make sand castles, play in the water, play beach volleyball, canoeing, surfing and many other games. For me, a beach is one of my favorite places for reading. Just find a (47) ....... place so you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of the beach while reading your book. The next reason is because the beach is the  best place to eat seafood. The beach offer you various seafood experiences. You can get (48) ......................seafood with the finest quality. You won’t get it if you buy them in the city. The last reason is because of the sun sets. Spending time at the beach won’t be complete without watching as the sun sets and (49)  .................behind the horizon. The view  bright golden sphere slowly eaten by the night and gradually vanished into the purple ocean is one the best moments for everyone who visits  beaches

47. A. B. C. D. E.

Crowded Closed Quiet Windy Bright

48. A. B. C. D. E.

Cooked Rotten Cheap Fresh Raw

49. A. B. C. D. E.

Cover Emerge Swallow Submerge Disappear

50. Arrange the sentences to from a sequential dialog. (1) Sia : I see, you do look a little bigger (2) Sia : Hey! Why are you wearing your sports wear ? (3) Sia : Why? Ihave never seen you exercising before (4) Sia : What exercise will you do ? (5) Viko: That’s because I’ve gained a lot of weight lately (6) Viko: I know, that’s why I decide to exercise (7) Viko : I am going for exercise (8) Viko: I’am going to start with light  jogging around the neighborhood A. 2-7-3-4-8-1-5-6 B. 2-7-3-6-5-4-8-1 C. 2-7-3-5-1-6-4-8 D. 2-7-3-8-4-5-1-6 E. 2-7-3-6-4-1-8-5

Look at the above picture. Do you know who she is? Do you know what her songs are ? Can you sing her songs? Is one of her songs your favorite one? Why do you like the song ? try to figure out the message of the song. Every song has a message. Songs may be written based on the write's imagination and experiences or inspired by other people, regarding their achievements, high spirit and extraordinary struggles during their lives. In this chapter, you will find out the messages of several songs and poems. Besides, you will improve your pronunciation and speaking skills, as well as broaden your vocabulary. 

TASK 1 Read the following words with proper pronunciation 1. Soul = 2. 3. to melt away = 4. 5. strength = 6. 7. to survive = 8. 9. emptiness = 10.

Sorrow to come along to cast to reach out a hand to tear away

= = = = =

TASK 2 The following song is sung by Mariah Carey.  Listen to the song or read the song lyrics Hero (By: Mariah Carey) [Verse 1 ] That a hero lies in you There’s a hero If you look inside your heart [Verse 2] You don’t have to be afraid It’s a long road When you face the world alone Of what you are  No one reaches out a hand There’s an answer For you to hold If you reach into your soul You can find love If you search within yourself And the sorrow that you know And the emptiness you felt Will melt away Will disappear

[Chorus] And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth

[Chorus] And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong

And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you [Bridge] Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don’t let anyone Tear them away Hold on There will be tomorrow In time You’ll find the way

So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you [Outro] That a hero lies in you That a hero lies in you Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,  Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta, 2017

[Chorus] And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive 

Supporting Feature Text - Song A song is a piece of music. It consists of several parts, as follows. 1. Introduction, or intro, is the music at the beginning of a song. 2. Verses are the lines of a song, describing the concept and theme of the song 3. Chorus are the lines of a song that are repeatedly sung. 4. Bridge is the part of a song that has relatively different melody from the rest of the song. 5. Outro is the additional lines of a song which brings it to a close. Music keeps developing. Now there are many types of music, such as rock, jazz, classical,  blues, R&B, country, hip-hop, reggae and electronic 

Log onto the website If you’d like to learn kinds of songs, you may log onto https://goo.gl/ssl8gP. Study the Information arc decide which your favorite is Let’s Look for Literature Please read the book about songs to develop your skills. Read the book and make a summary. Use the knowledge you have gained In your daily TASK 3 Work in pairs.  Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in TASK 2. 1. What is the song about? 2. How can we find a hero in ourselves? 3. What is the message of the song? 4. Do you think it is an inspiring song? Why/Why not? 5. How do you feel after listening to the song and understanding its message? TASK 4  Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the suitable words Then, sing the song together A Song for Mama (By: Boyz II Men) And everything you've given me [Verse 1] I'll always (1) You taught me everything

You’re the driving force in my life, yeah There isn’t anything Or anyone that I can be And it just wouldn’t (2) If I didn’t have you by my side, oh You were there for me to love and (3) ______ When skies were gray Whenever (4) ______ You were always there to comfort me And no one else can be What you have been to me you will always be You will always be the girl In my life for all times [Chorus] Mama, Mama you know I love you (I love you) You know l love you Mama, Mama you’re the queen of my heart Your love is like tears from the stars, yes it is Mama I just want you to know lovin’ you is like food to my soul Yes it is, yes it is, oh, yes it is, yes it is, yes it is oh [Verse 2] You’re always there for me Have always (5) _________ for me even when I was bad You’ve showed me right from (6) _______ Yes you did And you (7) _________ for me When everyone was downin’ me You always did understand You gave me (8) _________ to go on There were (9) __________ Looking back when I was so afraid And then you come to me and say to me 

I can (10) _________ And no one else can do What you have done for me You’ll always be, you will always be The girl in my life, ooh oh [Chorus] Mama, Mama you know I love you (You know I love you, you know I love you) Mama, Mama you’re the queen of my heart (You are) Your love is like tears from the stars (Your love is like tears from the stars) Mama I just want you to know (Mama I just want you to know) Lovin’ you is like food to my soul [Bridge]  Never gonna go a day without you Fills me up  just thinkin’ about you I’ll never go a day without my mama [Chorus] Mama, Mama you know I love you Mama, Mama you’re the queen of my heart Your love is like tears from the stars (Your love is like tears from the stars) Mama I just want you to know lovin’ you is like food to my soul [Outro] Lovin’ you is like food to my soul, oh yeah You are the food to my soul, yes you are Adopted from: http://www.metrolyrics.com/a-song-for-mamalyrics-boyz-ii-men.html (September 9, 2017)

TASK 5  Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in TASK 4. 1. What is the song about? 2. Who is the song dedicated to? 3. Why did the song writer probably write the song? 4. What can you learn from the song? 5. Do you like the song? Why/Why not? TASK 6 Complete the words with suitable letters, based on their definitions. 1. L...... F......... = the existence of an individual human being or anima 2. W...... ...... D = a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used sentences with others 3. ...... ....... IC.... = the sound produced in a person’s larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song 4. ....... A.... .... S = ridge of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore or between two depressions in open water (plural) 5. .... I.... .... T = to struggle to overcome, eliminate, or prevent

6. S... R... .... G 7. L... .... I.... G 8. .... N.... .... D..... 9. B.... R... ... N... 10. ... X.... L... ... IO... 

= great in power, influence or ability = to become unable to find = situated or moving within = to be or cause to be harmed or destroyed by fire = an act or instance of exploding

TASK 7  Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from TASK 6.

Verse 1 Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big (1) __________ Into motion Like how a single (2) _____ Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an (3) _____

Fight Song (By: Rachel Platten) ’Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

[Pre-Chorus] And all those things I didn’t say Wrecking balls (4) _______ my brain I will scream them loud tonight Can you hear my (5) _________ this time [Chorus] This is my fight song Take back my (6 ) ____________ song Prove I’m alright song My power’s turn on Starting right now I’ll be (7)  _________ I’ll play my (8) ___________ song And I don’t really care if nobody else believes

Verse 2] (9)  ___________ Friends and I’m chasing sleep Everybody’s worried about me In too deep Say I’m in too deep (in too deep ) And it’s been two years I miss my home But there’s a fire (10) ___________ in my  bones Still believe Yeah, I still believe A lot of fight left in me  Back to [Verse 1]  Back to [Chorus]  No I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me Adopted from: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/racheplatten/ fightsong.html (September 9, 2017)

TASK 8  Reread the song lyrics in TASK 7. The song is dedicated to a girl who suffers from kidney cancer. Interpret each verse of the song in the column.  Find the message of the song Verse Interpretation

[Verse 1]



[Verse 2]

TASK 9  Read the following song lyrics and poem. What are their similarities?  Discuss the answer with your friend The song: Touch the Sky (By: Julie Fowlis) When the cold wind’s a-calling And the sky is clear and bright Misty mountains sing and beckon, Lead me out into the light I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky Where dark woods hide secrets And mountains are fierce and bold Deep waters hold reflections Of times lost long ago I will hear their every story Take hold of my own dream Be as strong as the seas are stormy And proud as an eagle’s scream

I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky And touch the sky Chase the wind, chase the wind Touch the sky Adopted from: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/juliefowlis/ touchthesky.html (September 12, 2017)

The poem: Invictus (By: William Ernest Henley)

Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance

I will hear their every story Take hold of my own dream Be as strong as the seas are stormy And proud as an eagle’s scream I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky  And touch the sky Chase the wind, chase the wind Touch the sky  Adopted from: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/juliefowlis/ touchthesky.html (September 12, 2017)

The poem:

In the fell clutch of cirdumsta"ce I have not winced nor cried ato_c Under the bludgeonings of cha-ce My head is bloody, but unbov.ec Beyond this place of wrath anc ea'- Looms but the horror of the s-aca And yet the menace of the yea." Finds and shall find me unfne- : It matters not how strait the ga:~ How charge with punishments ~e so-c I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.  Adopted from: Kementerian Pendo-i* sr *cO-cayaan, Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMA/MA- ^ =ievisi  Cetakan Ke-2, Kementerian Pertoo-^- ca* vio-cayaan, Jakarta, 2017.

Invictus (By: William Ernest Henley) Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.

I have not winced nor cried aloud Under the bludgeonings of chace My head is bloody, but unbowed Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unfriend It matters not how strait the gate, How charge with punishments the scroll I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan kebudayaan,  Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMA/MAK Kelas XI edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Kementerian Pertoo-^- ca* vio-cayaan, Jakarta, 2017 

Supporting Feature Text - Poem A poem is quite similar to song lyrics that they consist of verses. They convey the writer’s feeling, thoughtor imagination. They usually have rhyming words (last sound where two or more words in a line or verse which have similar sounds). Pay attention to first stanza of the above song and poem Song: When the cold wind’s a-callin A  And the sk is clear and bri ht   B  Mist mountains sin and beckon C  Lead me out into the light  (B) Poem: Out o the ni ht that covers me A  Black as the pit from pole to pole, B 1 thank whatever ods ma be A  For m uncon uerable soul. B 

The words in the song ‘bright’ and ‘light’ which are signed with (B) have the same sound. Meanwhile, the words in the poem ‘me’ and ‘be’ which are signed with (A) have the same sound and the words ‘pole’ and ‘soul’ which are signed with (B) also have the same sound. The kind of rhyme which has the same sound of the last rhyme is called end rhyme.

Here are types of end rhymes. 1. ABAB is one of the most common rhyme schemes. It means that the first and third line (A with A), as do the second and fourth (B with B)





Example: A - In the fell clutch of circumstance B - I have not winced nor cried aloud. A - Under the bludgeonings of chance B - My head is bloody, but unbowed. ABCB  is another common rhyme scheme and is a great reminder not to feel  pressured to find a rhyming partner for every line; A and C are unmatched, making the Bs the only rhyming pair. Example: A - Roses are red B - Violets are blue C - Sugar is sweet B - And so are you. AABB  is rhyme which divides a section of four lines into two rhymed couplets, each of which sounds kind of complete in itself. Example: A - The joy comes to calm heart A - Pure soul never hurt B - Give everybody happiness B - Make your days full of joyfulness AAAA, also known as monorhyme, is rhyme scheme which has the same sound at the end of the words in a verse. Example: A -1 will ride, I will fly A - Chase the wind and touch the sky A-I will fly A - Chase the wind and touch the sky Though traditional rhyme schemes are useful and fun to work with, feel free to forgo them for something much looser if it suits your needs. Example: A - And indeed there will be time B - For the yellow smoke that slides along the street, C - Rubbing its back upon the window-panes; A - There will be time, there will be time B - To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; D - There will be time to murder and create, E - And time for all the works and days of hands D - That lift and drop a question on your plate; F - Time for you and time for me, G - And time yet for a hundred indecisions G - And for a hundred visions and revisions F - Before the taking of a toast and tea

Log onto Website If you want to learn more about types of end rhyme, you can log onto https://goo.gl/WU3ma. Understand the explanation and discuss with your friends.

There are also poetic devices that are used in writing songs and poems, such as follows. 1 . Simile, is used to compare two unlike things using ‘like’ or ‘as’. Examples: You are as sweet as sugar. My life runs fast like a cheetah  

2 . Metaphor, is used to compare two things without using ‘like’ or ‘as’. Examples: The power in my soul is such a bull. My mother is a rock  for all of us.  

3 . Personification, is used to give human qualities to inanimate figures/objects. Examples: The wind dances with the waves. It was time to go home, but the bell refused to ring.  

4 . Hyperbole, is used to exaggerate things beyond limit. Examples: My mom has a diamond ring as big as a mountain. I ate a sandwich that was bigger than a train.  

5 . Alliteration is used when there is a repetition of consonants at the beginning of the words. Examples: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.  

6 . Onomatopoeia, are words that sound like the names of words. Examples: She splashed the water on me. The lion was growling  

TASK 10  Read the following song lyrics and poem.  Identify the rhyming words of each verse. See the example. The song: Morning has Broken (By: Cat Steven) Morning has broken, like the first morning Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird Praise for the singing, praise for the morning Praise for them springing fresh from the Word

Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlight from heaven Like the first dewfall, on the first grass Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Sprung in completeness where His feet pass Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning Born of the one light Eden saw play Praise with elation, praise every morning God’s recreation of the new day Morning has broken, like the first morning Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird Praise for the singing, praise for the morning Praise for them springing fresh from the Word Adopted from:http://www.lyricsmode.eom/lyrics/c/cat_stevens/ morning_has_broken.html (September 12, 2017)

The poem: The Sound of Earth (By: Daday Tajore) As I wake up in the morrning, I saw the sunshine in the window As I go in the garden, I saw the flowers as they grow

The trees in the mountain Gives us fresh air to inhae It gives us water every day, and fulfill life every way. How beautiful surroundings that we have, It’s a gift from up above, May you be thankful of what you have, And share the blessings from loving God. Today is a great day, It’s a love fulfilling way. It’s because I have to sa. That God is my guidance all the way Adopted from: http://www.poetryinnature.com/nature/poem.asp?poem=5668 (September 12, 2017)

Example: Song Verse



Rhyming Word

A - morning B - bird A - morning B - Word


Rhyming Word








TASK 11  Find different poetic devices used in the song and poem in TASK 10. One has been done for you Song Poetic Device Location Morning has broken, like the first morning. • Personification • Verse 1, line 1 Verse 4, line 1

• • • •

• • • • Poem

• •

• • • • Poetic Device

• •

TASK 12  Reread the song and poem in TASK 10. What are the messages of the song and poem?

TASK 13  Read the following poem.  Answer the questions that follow


• •

Hope is the Thing with Feathers (By: Emily Dickinson) Hope” is the thing with feathers –  And on the strangest Sea –  That perches in the soul –  Yet - never - in Extremity, And sings the tune without the words –  It asked a crumb - of me. And never stops - at all Adopted from: And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard –  https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/hope-is-the-thingAnd sore must be the storm –  with-feathers-by-emily-dickinsc-" That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm –  I’ve heard it in the chillest land Questions: 1. What is the poem about? 2. What is the message of the poem? 3. Do you like the poem? Why/why not? 4. In your opinion, does then poem inspire you ?Why/Why not? . 5. Which verse do you like? Why?

TASK 14 Write your favorite song.  Describe the messege of the song . TASK 15 Write short poems for the following people. Share your work with the class. 1. Your best friend 2. Your parents 3. Your teachers TASK 16  Homework Write a poem based on your own topic.  Decorate your work and hang it on the class wall magazine

Learning Experience Write about your experience learning this chapter Write about your feelings, how you learned, what you liked and didn’t like, etc.

My New Word Write new word and their meanings which you have learned in this chapter.

Summary Mapping


Part of a song: Introduction, or intro, is the music at the beginning of a song. Verses ........................................... .............................................................. Chorus ......................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ....................................................... ...................................................... .......................................................

Definition : ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Examples: ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... ................................................................................................


Meaning trough Music


Poetic Device

1. Smile, is used to compare two things us ing ‘like’ or ‘as’ Example:..................................................................... 2. Metaphor, is used to compare two things without using ‘like’ or ‘as’ Example:...................................................................... ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ 3. ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ Example:........................................................................ 4. ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ Example:......................................................................

Assessment I. Choose A, B, C, Dor E for the correct answer A. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

true friend. Lucky people. A beloved family. Beloved teachers. Extraordinary people.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Through thick and thin forests. Through dark and bright roads. Through joyful moments in life. Through sad and happy times. Through possible and impossible moments.

3. A. Life. C. Destiny. E. Friendship 4. A. B. C. D. E.

B. Peace. D. Humanity

To a son. To a family. To the folks. To a close friend. To people in the world.

5. A. The writer loves the way his lover is. B. The writer shows his love to his children. C. The writer expresses his respect to other folks. D. The writer wants to be smarter, bigger and stronger. E. The writer is not perfect, but he loves his friend sincerely.

There are people dying If you care enough for the livng Make a better place for You and for me. If you want to know why There’s a love that cannot lie Love is strong It only cares for joyful giving If we try we shall see In this bliss we cannot feel Fear or dread We stop existing and start living Then it feels that always Love’s enough for us grow ing Make a better world, make a better world. [Back to Chorus] Bridge: And the dream we would conceinved in Will reveal a joyful face And the world we once belived in Will shine again in grace Then why do we keep strangling life Wound this earth, crucify its soul Though it’s plain to see, this world is heavenly Be God’s glow.

Assessment I. Choose A, B, C, Dor E for the correct answer A. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

true friend. Lucky people. A beloved family. Beloved teachers. Extraordinary people.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Through thick and thin forests. Through dark and bright roads. Through joyful moments in life. Through sad and happy times. Through possible and impossible moments.

3. A. Life. C. Destiny. E. Friendship 4. A. B. C. D. E.

B. Peace. D. Humanity

To a son. To a family. To the folks. To a close friend. To people in the world.

5. A. The writer loves the way his lover is. B. The writer shows his love to his children. C. The writer expresses his respect to other folks. D. The writer wants to be smarter, bigger and stronger. E. The writer is not perfect, but he loves his friend sincerely. This is the end of the listening section B. Reading section The following text is for questions 6 to 9. Heal the World There’s a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place could be much Brighter than tomorrow. And if you really try You’ll find there’s no need to crying this place you’ll feel There’s no hurt or sorrow. There are ways to get there if you care enough for the living Make a little space, make a better place.

[Chorus] Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying If you care enough for the livng Make a better place for You and for me. If you want to know why There’s a love that cannot lie Love is strong It only cares for joyful giving If we try we shall see In this bliss we cannot feel Fear or dread We stop existing and start living Then it feels that always Love’s enough for us grow ing Make a better world, make a better world. [Back to Chorus] Bridge: And the dream we would conceinved in Will reveal a joyful face And the world we once belived in Will shine again in grace Then why do we keep strangling life Wound this earth, crucify its soul Though it’s plain to see, this world is heavenly Be God’s glow. We could fly so high Let our spirits never die In my heart I feel You are all my brothers Create a world with no fea Together we’ll cry happy tears See the nations turn Their swords into plowsfaras We could really get there If you cared enough for the living Make a little space to make a better place. [Back to Chorus] Refrain (2x) 6. What is the theme of the song? A. To describe love between men and women. B. To fight against fears C. To encourage us to pursue our dreams. D. To provide assssra recc e who are in

need. E. To create a peaceful world for all  people and next generations 7. What is expected by the singer through the song? A. We should love and care for each other. B. We should support people to build the world. C. We should actively participate in an effort to stop fear. D. We should donate some of our  belongings to others. E. We should motivate other people to think positively. 8. What happens when there is a strong love  between us? A. We’ll have many friends. B. We will be in big trouble. C. We’ll have to go through difficult times. D. We’ll be living in happiness with others. E. We’ll face many unforgettable moments. 9. “Let our spirits never die” (Verse 5) Who does ‘our’ refer to? A. The singer and his family. B. The singer and his friends. C. All the people in the world. D. All the people who are in fight. E. The singer, his friends and family. The following text is for questions 1O to 13. When ancestors roll in their graves

When friends can ask but not give aid When trust has worth like platinum bars That’s when we know we have it made When ‘mine’ becomes reluctant ‘ours’ When loyalty plagues and friendliness scars When we run laughing toward the raid That’s when our blind hands grasp the stars When fingers slip under the lathe When nooses become resting braids When fossils rise out of the tar That’s when we find our spot of shade When every distance is too far When all we hope for is a par When 'wallowing' becomes ‘to bathe’ That’s when the peasants turn to czars Adopted from: http://m. wikihow.com/Sample/RhymingPoem- About-Time (September 13, 2017)

10. M What does the third verse mean? A. We have achieved our goals. B. We leave our comfortable places. C. We want to have a big dream. D. We want to reach an impossible dream. E. We have to trust other people 11. Which of the following lines uses simile? A. When every distance is too far B. When nooses become resting braids C. When trust has worth like platinum bars D. That’s when our blind hands grasp the stars E. When loyalty plagues and friendliness scars 12. What is the rhyme of the second verse? A. A-B-C-D B. A-B-A-B C. A-B-A-C D. A-B-C-A E. A-B-C-B 13. “When all we hope for is a par” (Verse 4) What does ‘par’ mean? A. Happiness. B. Success. C. Reward. D. Equality. E. Gratitude. The following text is for questions 14 to 17. Superman (By: Five For Fighting) I can’t stand to fly I’m not that naive I’m just out to find The better part of me

I’m more than a bird? I’m more than a plane I’m more than some pretty face beside a train It’s not easy to be me I wish that I could cry Fall upon my knees Find a way to lie About a home I’ll never see It may sound absurd but don’t be naive Even Heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed but won’t you concede Even Heroes have the right to dream It’s not easy to be me Up, up and away, away from me It’s all right

You can all sleep sound tonight I’m not crazy or anything

C. Sacrifice. D. Surrender. E. Understand

I can’t stand to fly I’m not that naive Men weren’t meant to ride With clouds between their knees I’m only a man in a silly red sheet Digging for kryptonite on this one way street Only a man in a funny red sheet Looking for special things inside of me It’s not easy to be me.  Adopted from: httpV/www.lyricsfreak.com/f/five+for+fighting/ superman_20054033.html (September 13, 2017)

14. Why does the song writer entitle the song ^ “Superman”? A. The writer wants to show that Superman is a perfect hero. B. The writer shows that Superman always  becomes the winner. C. The writer is going to tell us that Superman is the symbol of victory. D. The writer is going to tell us that Superman always has dreams in his life. E. The writer shows that Superman gives his best although he faces many troubles. 15. What is the song about? A. Superman's life. B. Superman’s memory. C. Superman’s victory. D. Superman’s hometown E. Superman’s strength. 16. What can you learn from the song? A. We should do the best of us. B. We should be a perfect person. C. We should pursue our dreams. D. We should realize our weakness. E. We should give the best for others 17. “I may be disturbed but won’t you concede” (Verse 4) What is the closest meaning of ‘concede’? A. State. B. Decide.

For questions 18 to 20, choose ne correct words to complete the following poem I Taught Myself to Live Smpty (By: Anna Akhmaccva) I taught myself to live simply and (18) ..........to look at the sky and pray to God, and to wander long before evening. to tire my superfluous worries. When the burdocks rustle in the raive and the yellow-red rowanberry cluster droops. I (19)..................happy verses about life’s decay, decay and beauty I come back. The fluffy cat licks my palm, purrs so sweetly and the fire flares (20) ...............on the saw-mill turret by the lake. Only the cry of a stork landing on the roof occasionally breaks the silence If you knock on my door I may not even hear. Adopted from: http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/anna_akhmatova/poem /31 (september 13, 2017)

18. A. B. C. D. E.

Wisely plainly perfectly elegantly Extravagantly

19. A. B. C. D. E.

give learn publish compose Receive

20. A. B. C. D. E.

dark numb bright noisy dreary


Write an encouraging poem

Student’s Activity Read the following song lyrics.  Find the message of the song lyrics. Share your work with the class Burn (By: Eltie Goulding)

[Verse 1] We, we don’t have to worry ’bout nothing ’Cause we got the fire, and we’re burning one hell of a something They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space Light it up, like we’re the stars of the human race, human race [Chorus] When the light started out they don’t know what they heard Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world We’ll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky ’Cause we got the fire, fire, fire Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire And we gonna let it burn, burn, burn, burn We gonna let it burn, burn, burn, burn Gonna let it burn, burn, burn, burn We gonna let it burn, burn, burn, burn [Verse 2] We don’t wanna leave, no. We just wanna be right now (right), r -r-right now And what we see is everybody’s on the floor acting crazy, getting loco ’til the lights out Music’s on, I’m waking up, we fight the fire, then we burn it up And it’s over now, we got the love, there’s no sleeping now, no sleeping now, no sleeping Back to [Chorus] [Bridge] When the light started out they don’t know what they heard Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world We gonna let it burn burn burn burn (burn burn) Burn burn burn burn (burn burn) We can light it up, up, up So they can’t put it out, out, out 4x Back to [Chorus] [Outro] When the light started out they don’t know what they heard Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world We’ll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky ’Cause we got the fire, fire, fire Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire And we gonna let it burn Adopted from: https://www.azlyncs.com/lyrics/elliegoulding/burn.html (September 12, 2017)

Look at the picture. What does it tell you about? What objects are involve: r re process? Describe the picture briefly. There are many natural phenomena that happen or occur on Earth, such as how rain is formed, why a rainbow occurs and how a tsunami occurs. Besides, there are also social phenomena happening in our surroundings. Do you know how to explain all the phenomena to others? For your information, whenever you compose a text to describe how a certain phenomenon happen or occur, you use an explanation text. In this chapter you will learn further about explanation texts. Besides, you will also learn how to inform of an action/activity/event without mentioning the agent because you want to emphasize the process or result of the action/activity/event.It means you use  passive voice. Study all the materials and do the available exercises attentively. 

TASK 1  Look at the picture carefully  Answer the following questions based on your ideas

Questions: 1. What does the picture show? 2. What volcanoes do you know? 3. What is the biggest volcanic eruption that you know? Why? 4. How does a volcano erupt? 5. Why is a volcanic eruption destructive? 6. How could a volcanic eruption change the weather?

TASK 2  Read the following text.  Discuss the linguistic features of the text by answering the questions.

How Volcanoes are Formed? Have you ever wondered how volcanoes are formed? A volcano is a vent or an opening on the earth’s surface which allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape out onto its surface. Volcanoes are formed whenever there is a crack in the crust of the earth. A tube-like passage connects a chamber of magma (molten rock) at the center of the earth to the earth’s crust. When the pressure builds up in the chamber, the magma, gases and ash are pushed up through to the top of the tube on the earth’s surface known as vent. The red-hot magma that escapes to flow over the Earth’s surface is called lava which, when cools, forms into rocks. In fact, the mountains we see today are nothing but solidified lava from previously erupted volcanoes. Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke2, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017

Questions: 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. What tense(s) is used in the text? 3. Why does the text use the tense(s)? 4. What kinds of verbs are used: action, verbal, or mental verbs? 5. Why does the text use such verb form? 6. What conjunctions or sentence connectors are used in the text? 7. What are the functions of the conjunctions or sentence connectors? 8. Are there any technical verbs in the text? What are they and what do they mean? 

Supporting feature - Explanation Text

The text in TASK 2 is an example of an explanation text. The text explains the ways a volcano is formed. An explanation text is a non-fiction text that the purpose is to describe how or why a certain  phenomenon happens or occurs. It shall includes a sequence of events (explaining how) and  provides reasons for a process or phenomenon (why). For your information, there are two types of explanation text. 1. Sequential explanation: describes natural and non-natural phenomena, for example a water cycle. 2. Cause-effect explanation: links cause-and effects in explaining how and why an event occurred, for example how volcanoes erupted. Like other text types, an explanation text has also a specific text structure, as fo • A title/introduction that identifies the topic to be explained. • An opening statement (general statement) that identifies the process to be explained • A sequence of explanations that describe how and why. • A conclusion/closing that puts all the information together. It is optional. Linguistic • • • • • • • • •

features: Focuses on general nouns rather than specific ones. Use of linking words like in general, rather, for instance. Use of action verbs like breaks, erupts. Use of present tense like is, wake, are. Reference to people should not be given. Passive voice may be used like are pushed, is called. Use of technical terms and language relevant to the subject. Conjunctions should be used to make connections like when, and, but Gives a detailed description to create

To get a clearer explanation about an explanation text, read and understand the following analysis. Title

How Volcanoes are Formed ?


Have you wondered how volcanoes   are formed

Opening/General Statement

A volcano is a vent or an opening on the earth’s  surface which allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash   and gases to escape out onto its surface

Explanation Explanation Sequence 1

Volcamoes are formed   whenever there is a crack in the crust of the earth. A tube-like  passage connects a chamber of magma (molten rock) at the center of the earth’s crust

Sequence 1

General nouns

Technical words

Passive voice

When the pressure builds up  in the chamber, the magma, gases and ash are pushed up through to the top of the tube on the earht’s surface knows as vent

Present tenses

Action verb

Sequence 3

The red-hot magma that escapes to flow over the Earth’s surface is called lava which, when cools, forms into rocks.

Closing/ Conclusion

In fact, mountains we see today are nothing but solidified lava from previously erupted volcanoes.

Explanation Explanation Sequencer 2 Sequence

Explanation Sequence 3 Explanation


Adopted from: Kementerian dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian dan Kebudayaan, 2016

Log onto the Website If you’d like to learn further how to write an explanation text, you may log onto: https://goo.gl/rSjknW. Read and understands the materials, then try to compose an explanation text TASK 3  Reread the text in TASK 2.  Listen to and answer the questions based on the text

TASK 4  Listen and complete the following text based on what you have heard

 S o u r c e : http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/leaming/rainbows/howare- rainbows-formed, downloaded September 7, 2017 

One of nature’s most splendid (1)........................is a rainbow. A rainbow is an excellent demonstration of the (2).....................and one more piece of evidence that visible light is composed of a spectrum of wavelengths, each associated with a (3)......................... Rainbows are formed when sunlight is scattered from (4).......................... into the eyes of a viewer. The position of the sun and raindrops in relation to the viewer need to be just right for a rainbow to form: The sun needs to be (5) .................... The sun needs to be low in the sky, at an angle of less than 420 (6).................... The lower the sun in thesky, the more of an arc of a rainbow the viewer will see Rain, fog or some other sources of water droplets must be (7)...................... The size of the raindrops does not directly affect the geometry of a rainbow, but (8).................... tends to disperse the effect more For a rainbow to occur, each individual droplet of water acts as a (9)...................that both disperses the light and reflects it back to your eyes. As you sight into the sky, wavelengths of light associated with a (10) .....................arrive at your eyes from the collection of droplets. The net effect of the vast array of droplets is that a (11)....................of ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, (12)................................... violet) is seen across the sky. A rainbow is most often viewed as a circular arc in the sky. A viewer on the ground observes a (13)...............................with red being the color perceived on the outside or top of the bow. Those who are fortunate enough to have seen a rainbow from an airplane in the sky may know that a rainbow actually be a (14)............................. Viewers on the ground only view the top half of the since the (15)............................... of the circular arc is prevented by the presence of the grouse.  

Adopted from:http://www.metoffioe.gov.uk/learning/rainbows/how-are-rainbows-formed,http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/refrn/ Lesson-4/Rainbow-Formation (September 7, 2017)

TASK 5 Complete the following statements based on the text in TASK 4. 1. The purpose of the text is .................................... 2. A rainbow shows us about .................................... 3. The phenomenon proves that ................................. 4. Two elements required for a rainbow to occur are ............................... 5. To view a rainbow, a viewer should stand .................................. 6. If the sun’s position is at an angle of 30°, we can see ............................... 7. The role of a droplet of water in a rainbow formation is ....................................... 8. The various of colors forming a rainbow depend on ....................................... 9. The actual shape of a rainbow is .................................. 10. We only see a half part of a rainbow because .......................... TASK 6  Identify the structure of the text in TASK 4. Share your answer with the class

TASK 7  Read the following text.  Ray attention to the words in bold. What do they mean?

There are three different ways of turning moist air into cloud, so that it rains or snow. They are frontal rain, orographic rain and convective rain. Now let’s understand how convective rain occurs. Convective rain is produced  by convective clouds. Convective clouds are formed in vertical motions that result from instability of the atmosphere. One way that the atmosphere can become unstable is by heating from the sun. The ground warms up, causing moisture in the ground to evaporate and rise, and the hot ground also heats the air above it. As the water vapor rises, it cools and condenses into clouds and eventually rain. When the air is heated from below like this, much like in a boiling kettle, it will produce “bubbles” of rising air, known as updraughts. These are much smaller than the large-scale lifting of air that occurs at fronts and over mountain ranges. This tends to give us smaller areas of rain, with clear' spells in betwen. This rain is commonly referred to as “sunshine and showers” in the UK. This type of rainfall is most common in the south and east of the UK, where it is typically warmer. This area is also prone to very heavy showers and thunderstorms. This is because the warmer air can hold more water. Adopted from: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/learning/rain/why-does-it-rain (September 7, 2017)

Supporting Feature Grammar - Passive Voice Read the following sentences taken from the text in TASK 7. 1. Convective rain is produced by convective clouds. 2. Convective clouds are formed in vertical motions .... 3. When the air is heated from below like this, .... The verbs in bold in the above sentences have passive meanings. Therefore, the sentences are called passive voice. We use passive voice: 1. when we want to focus on the person or object affected by the action, or the action itself; 2. when it is not important who or what performed; 3. when the subject is unknown; 4. when we intend to be more formal, as in most forms of academic writing. Here are the ways to change active sentences into passive sentences. 1. The subject of an active sentence becomes the object of a passive sentence. 2. The object of an active sentence becomes the subject of a passive sentence, usually preceded  by a preposition ‘by’, known as ‘by agent’. ‘By agent’ is not always stated in a passive sentence. 3. The verb is changed into be + past participle (V3). The form of ‘be’ depends on the tense of the sentence (past, present, future) and the subject of the sentence (singular or plural). See the changes below. Active : Carla drove Anita to the cinema.

subject verb


Passive : Anita was driven by Carla to the cinema subject



Here are other examples Tense

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Simple Present

The researchers test the material.

The material is tested by the researchers.

Present Continuous

The researchers are testing the material.

The material is being tested by the researchers.

Simple Future

The researchers will test the material.

The material will be tested by the researchers.

Future Continuous

The researchers will be testing the material.

The material will be being tested by the researchers.

Simple Past

The researchers tested the material.

The material was tested by the researchers.

The researchers were testing the material. The researchers have tested the material. The researchers had tested the material. The researchers should test the material. The researchers may have tested the material.

The material was being tested by the researchers. The material has been tested by the researchers. The material had been tested by the researchers. The material should be tested by the researchers. The materia! may have been tested by the researchers.

Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect


Most scientific or academic texts can be characterized by the frequent use of passive voice. There are a few reasons of it. 1. Often in scientific or academic writing, we don’t want to focus on who is performing, but on who is receiving or experiencing the action. The passive voice allows writers to highlight the most important participants or events within sentences by placing them at the beginning of the sentence Example: The passive sentence focuses on how glass is Active: Scientists classify glass as a solid. classified, rather than on Passive: Glass is classified as a solid. who classifies glass.

The passive construction is preferable because the writer wants readers to focus on the result of an action rather than the person performing. 2. In scientific or academic writing occasionally it is obvious, irrelevant or repetitive to state who the ‘writer’ of the sentence is: thus the passive voice is a useful way to construct these types of sentences. It is also a way that the use of informal personal pronouns can be avoided. Examples: One type of work group, the semi-autonomous It is obvious that it is the author who will be work group, is discussed in a section later in doing the discussion. this chapter.

The group was formed to last for only the lifetime of a particular project, Hand-washing practices of staff were observed  by 4 members of the nursing staff on rostered shifts. Hand-washing, or failure to wash one's hands, following patient contact was recorded. Leaving the area without washing one’s hands was deemed a failure to wash. The seeds found in ant nests were counted.

It is irrelevant to the reader here who did the forming. The passive is used to avoid repeated reference to the known performer of the act(l.e. the observers). The passive allows you to avoid using a  personal pronoun (... by us).

3. Occasionally, in academic writing it might be expedient to use the passive voice in order to avoid naming the ‘performer’ of an action so that the message of your text is less inflammatory.