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.1 .2 .3

.12 .13

leave first class bible A Regulations Ability capacity Abnormal irregular A book of five stamps Abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) Absorb(mentally) take in ,understand , assimilate Abundence plenty ‫وفرة‬ more than enough Acamouflage a disguise Accelerate speed up increase speed Accidental by chance Accomplish carry out finish

.14 .15 .16 .17

Account (n) report Account for explain Accumulate collect Accustomed to have the habit of

.18 .19

Achieve Actually

reach as amatter of fact, really

.20 .21

Adhere(v) Adjusted

join stick to arranged reset


Admission fee



.24 .25 .26 .27

Advance Advances Adversary Adverse to

.4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11

.28 .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36

Abandon A bang up of book any

the price

needed or paid for entering

acadet who hasn’t made asolo flight yet

move forward developments foe opposed harmful Adversity misfortune wall) Against(the touching Agig unfavorable report for breaking regulations A good deal of a lot of Agree(with) go along (with) Ahead(of you) Ailment Aim Aisle

in front (of you) disease,illness goal path between chairs


.37 .38 .39 .40 .41 .42 .43 .44


Ajar aglass container ‫مرطبان‬ Alert watchful ‫ يقظ‬، ‫حذر‬ All at once suddenly ‫فجأة‬ All set ready ‫جاهز‬ Allow permit,let ‫يسمح‬ Alloy kind of metal ‫معادن سبيكة‬ Almost nearly A lot of aconsiderable ‫من كبيره كميه‬ amount of Altitude height ‫ارتفاع‬ Amazing remarkable ‫ مدهش‬، ‫رائع‬ Amend(v) change ‫يعدل‬ Amendments changes ‫تعديلت‬ alterations Amount volume ‫ كمية‬، ‫حجم‬

.50 .51

Anarchy An expert

.45 .46 .47 .48

.52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 .58 .59 .60 .61 .62 .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 .71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77

absence of ‫فوضوي‬ aman of ‫خبير‬ special skill An overnight 2 days ‫يومين‬ Anarchy absence of ‫فوضى‬ acontrolling Angry mad ‫غاضب‬ Annual once ayear ‫سنوي‬ Anotice an announcement ‫اعلن‬ Antagonism hate ‫كراهية‬ Antagonistic unfriendly ‫عدواني‬ Anthropology study ‫النسان علم‬ of man Anticipate look ‫الى بشوق يتطلع‬ forward to Antipathy dislike ‫ حقد‬، ‫كراهية‬ Appointed assigned ‫ عين‬، ‫حدد‬ Appointment date ‫رسمي موعد‬ Approach get close to ‫من يقترب‬ Approaching heading ‫يقترب‬ toward Appropriate suitable,proper ‫ملئم‬ Approve accept,certify ‫على يصادق‬ Approximately about ‫تقريبا‬،‫حوالي‬ Argue disagree ‫يجادل‬ Arid dry and barren ‫ جاف‬، ‫قاحل‬ Arrange plan ‫يخطط‬ as well as in addition to ‫الى بالضافة‬ Ascertain determine ‫يؤكد‬ Ashot aneedle ‫حقنة‬ (injection) Asofa aplace to sit on ‫ أريكة‬، ‫كنبة‬ Assimilate absorb ‫يستوعب‬ Assume believe ‫ يفترض‬، ‫يعتقد‬


acontrolling government

.78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 .100 .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .108 .109 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116

responsibility Assume ‫يتحمل المسؤولية‬ take on Assures guarantee ‫يضمن‬ warantee Asudden burst of wind ‫الرياح من هبة‬ wind At once immediately ‫حال‬ Attempt try ‫يحاول‬ Attract draw ‫ يجذب‬، ‫يلفت‬ Automatic work by it self ‫اتوماتيكي‬ Average normal ‫ معدل‬، ‫متوسط‬ Avoid stay away from ‫يتجنب‬ Awfully(adv) very ‫جدا‬ Back and forth ‫وذهابا جيئة‬ to and rrom Backbone spine ‫الفقري العمود‬ Baloon rubber socks ‫بالون‬ filled with air Bandit

man steals ‫ لص‬، ‫طريق قاطع‬ for living, robber Bargain reduced price ‫تنزيلت‬ Barren(area) desert-like ‫قاحل‬ Base lowest part ‫أساس‬،‫قاعدة‬ Basement beneath the ‫ قبو‬، ‫تسوية‬ ground Bash hit ‫ يضرب‬، ‫يسحق‬ Basic fundamental ‫أساسي‬ Be on ones feel again ‫يتعافى‬ to be well again Beach seashore ‫شاطىء‬ Beam stream of light ‫شعاع‬ Beat strike ‫ يضرب‬، ‫يهزم‬ Because of due to ‫بسبب‬ on account of Become get ‫يصبح‬ of aware Become K)sth (‫ ينتبه الى‬، ‫يحذر من‬ notice it Behind in back of(car) ‫ خلف‬، ‫وراء‬ Behind time late ‫متأخر‬ believe in trust ‫به يثق‬ Bend (n) turn ,curve ‫منعطف‬ Bend(v) fold ‫ يثني‬، ‫يطوي‬ Berth bed,bunk ‫سرير‬ Beside next to ,close to,by ‫بجانب‬ Beside the point ‫الموضوع عن خارج‬ irrelevant Besides in addition to ‫الى بالضافة‬ Bet challenge ‫يراهن‬ Beverage any liquid for ‫المشروبات‬ drinking other than water

quick strong

.117 .118 .119 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .128 .129 .130 .131 .132 .133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .138 .139 .140 .141 .142 .143 .144 .145 .146 .147 .148 .149 .150 .151 .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .157 .158

Big wheel Bigamist

v.i.p ‫ مهم شخص‬، ‫مسؤول‬ married to ‫زوجتين له‬ two women Bits(of paper) small pieces ‫قصاصات‬ weather cold Bitter ‫طقس شديد البرودة‬ disagreeable weather Black coffee coffee ‫كريم بدون‬ ‫قهوة‬ without cream Bland tasty ‫لذيذ‬ Blanket cover ‫ غطاء‬، ‫بطانية‬ Blinking turning on ‫متقطع بشكل يضيء‬ and off Blizzard heavy snow storm ‫ثلجية عاصفة‬ Bloom(v) flower ‫يزهر‬ Blurred(vision) unclear ‫واضح غير‬ Board(v) get in ‫ يركب‬، ‫الى يصعد‬ embark Booth asmall enclosed place ‫كشك‬ Bore drill ‫يثقب‬ Botany the study ‫النباتات علم‬ of plants Bother distract ‫يزعج‬ Bottle opener gadjet ‫علب مفتاح‬ Bow front ‫مقدمه‬ Branch division ‫ شعبه‬، ‫فرع‬ Brand-new never used ‫جديد‬ Brass metal,cupper ‫نحاس‬ Brass v.i.p (army) ‫عالية برتبة شخص‬ Break down fail to function ‫معطل‬ Break up end ‫ينتهي‬ Break(n) aperiod of rest Bring back recall, remember ‫يتذكر‬ Bring up raise ‫يربي‬ Bring up introduce,present ‫يقدم‬ Broad wide ‫واسع‬ Broke out of money ‫مفلس‬ bumper to bumper jam ‫مرور‬ ‫أزمة‬ heavy traffic Bumpy rough ‫ قاسي‬، ‫خشن‬ Bundle heap,pile ‫ كومة‬، ‫رزمة‬ Bunk bed ‫سفينه في سرير‬ Burned up destroyed ‫ مدمر‬، ‫عليه مقضي‬ ruined Bush short tree ‫شجيرة‬ Cab taxi ‫أجره سيارة‬ Cabin house ‫كوخ‬ Call back return ‫مكالمه على يرد‬ aphone call Call down reprimand ‫يوبخ‬ Call for go and get,require ‫يطلب‬ Call it aday let us quit ‫العمل من ينتهي‬

.159 .160 .161 162. .163 .164 .165 .166 .167 .168 .169 .170 .171 .172 .173 .174 .175 .176 .177 .178 .179 .180 .181 .182 .183 .184 .185 .186 .187 .188 .189 .190 .191 .192 .193 .194 .195 .196 .197 .198 .199 .200 .201

Call on visit (for ashort period)‫يزور‬ Call up telephone ‫يتصل‬ Camouflage color change ‫تمويه‬ Cancel call off ‫ يلغي‬، ‫ينهي‬ Capture catch ‫يعتقل‬ Carry move ،‫يحرك يحمل‬ Carry on hold, continue ‫يستمر‬ Cartoons drawings ‫متحركة رسوم‬ comics Carve cut ‫يقطع‬ Catch on understand ‫يستوعب‬ Catch up with come along ‫مع يتماشى‬ side with Catch(the bus) get on ‫بالباص يلحق‬ Cattle cows ‫قطيع‬ Cause reason ‫سبب‬ Cautious careful ‫حذر‬ Cellar underground room ‫قبو‬ basement Chaplain priest ‫قسيس‬ Chaplain military ‫قسيس‬ religious advisor Character property ‫ شخصيه‬، ‫ميزة‬ Charge cost ‫ثمنا يطلب‬ Chat talk ‫يتكلم‬ Check inspect ‫يتفحص‬ Check examine ‫يتفحص‬ Check in at report to ‫ليقابل يذهب‬ Check out pay and leave ‫الفندق يغادر‬ borrow out Check ‫يستعير‬، ‫يستدين‬ Cheer up smile ‫يبتسم‬ Chew bite and crush ‫يمضغ‬ with teeth Chew out shout at ‫يصرخ‬ speak harshly to Chief main ‫رئيسي‬ Chin part of the face ‫ذقن‬ Chip in contribute ‫يساهم‬ GIVE Choice selection ‫خيار‬ Choose select,pick out ‫يختار‬ Chopper helicopter ‫مروحية طائرة‬ Circulate pass it around ‫يدمر‬ Circumstance situation ‫ظرف‬ Clarify make it ‫يوضح‬ clear or understood Classified ads advertisment ‫اعلن‬ Clear up (weather) become ‫يصفى‬ without clouds Clearance permission ‫تصريح اذن‬، Clear-cut definite ‫واضح‬ narrow call Close ‫حادثة كادت أن تحصل‬

.202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .208 .209 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .218 .219 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .226 .227 .228 .229 .230 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .238 .239 .240 .241 .242 .243 .244 .245

escape Cloud burst aheavy rain ‫غزير مطر‬ Clout influence ‫تأثير‬ Coating film (layer)‫غلف او طبقة‬ Collide strike,hited ‫يصدم‬ Come about occure,happen ‫يحدث‬ Come by visit ‫يزور‬ Come out publish ‫ينشر‬ Come up with suggest,offer ‫يقترح‬ Comedy comic ‫ هزلي‬، ‫مضحك‬ Commerce trade ‫تجارة‬ Commercial pilot paid for ‫مدني طيار‬ flying Compact small ‫الحجم صغير‬ Comparable similar ‫مشابه‬ Completely throughly ‫كامل بشكل‬ Complex complicated ‫معقد‬ Components parts,‫مكونات‬ ingredients Composed of made of ‫من مؤلف‬ Comprehend understand ‫يستوعب‬ Compress condense ‫يضغط‬ Compress squeeze ‫يعصر‬ Comprise composed of ‫يشكل‬ Comprise make up ‫يعوض‬ Compulsory required ‫اجباري‬ obligatory, mandatory Compute calculate ‫يحسب‬ Concealed couldn’t be seen ‫يختفي‬ Concentrate on ‫على يركز‬ think only about Condensed shortened ‫مختصر‬ Conduct (n) behavior ‫سلوك‬ Conduct(v) carry electricity ‫يوصل‬ Conference meeting ‫اجتماع‬ Confidence trust ‫ثقة‬ Confirm make sure ‫يؤكد‬ Confuse with fail to ‫مشوش‬ distinguish Connected joined ‫ربط‬ Consecutive coming one ‫متتابع‬ after another Considerable a lot of ‫من كثير‬ Constant(force) doesn’t change ‫ثابت‬ Construction building ‫ بناء‬، ‫تركيب‬ Consult refer to,seek advice ‫يستشير‬ Contact get in touch with ‫يتصل‬ Contract(v) get smaller ‫يتقلص‬ Contrasting(colors) different ‫متناقض‬ handy Convenient ‫سهل الستخدام‬ Convert change from one thing to another

.246 .247 .248 .249 .250 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .258 .259 .260 .261 .262 .263 .264 .265 .266 .267 .268 .269 .270 .271 .272 .273 .274 .275 .276 .277 .278 .279 .280 .281 .282 .283 .284 .285 .286 .287 .288

Convertible(car) having atop ‫كشف‬ that can be folded back or removed Cook up to plan sth ‫أمرا يدبر‬ Correspond agree ‫يوافق‬ Correspondence letters,mail ‫مراسله‬ Count on depend on,rely on ‫على يعتمد‬ clockwise counter in adirection opposite to the hands of aclock discuss cover ‫يغطي موضوعا معينا‬ crawl(n) one kind of swimming ‫سباحه نوع‬ crest the highest level ‫القشرة‬ critical severe, serious ‫ حاسم‬، ‫جاد‬ cross off remove from ،‫يشطب من يلغي‬ crucial critical ‫حاسم‬ IMPERATIVE ‫الزامي‬ cultivated grew ‫يزرع‬ curious want to know ‫فضولي‬ about every thing current events present ‫الجارية الحداث‬ happenings curtains window cover ‫برادي‬ customs usual way of doing ‫عادات‬ things cut and dried boring,dull ‫ممل‬ cut down on (+gerand)‫من يخفف‬ reduce,spendless cut in on interrupt ‫ يقاطع‬، ‫يعترض‬ cut off interrupt,finish ‫ينهي‬ cut out stop ‫عن يتوقف‬ dash-one aflight ‫الطيران دليل‬ handbook data facts,information ‫بيانات‬ day in and day out daily ‫يوميا‬ deadline completion date ‫موعد آخر‬ deaf can’t hear ‫أصم‬ debt to owe money ‫يستدين‬ decade 10 years ‫عقد‬ decay spoil ‫يتعفن‬ deceased dead ‫ميت‬ defective slightly damaged ‫خلل به‬ definite sure,clear ‫ واضح‬، ‫مؤكد‬ deliver send ‫يرسل‬ demonstrate show how ‫يبرهن‬ dense thick ‫كثيف‬ density weight ‫كثافة‬ dent(n) small depression ‫التواء‬ depart take of,leave ‫ يغادر‬، ‫يقلع‬ deposit(v) put in abank account ‫يودع‬ depot station ‫الباص محطة‬ depress the accelerator ‫السرعة يقلل‬ stop the gas describe tell ‫يصف‬

.289 .290 .291 .292 .293 .294 .295 .296 .297 .298 .299 .300 .301 .302 .303 .304 .305 .306 .307 .308 .309 .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .318 .319 .320 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 .326 .327


a dry land with ‫صحراء‬ little water dessert sweet,apple pie ‫حلويات‬ destination the place to ‫الوجهه‬ which a person is going detained delayed,held up ‫يؤجل‬ postpone detect descover , locate ‫عن يتحرى‬ device mechanism ‫آلة‬ diagram plan, pattern ‫ خطه‬، ‫نموذج‬ diameter measures the ‫قطر‬ width die out diminish ‫ يخمد‬، ‫يهدأ‬ differs from is unlike ‫عن مختلف‬ difficult hard ‫صعب‬ dig up find ‫يجد‬ digest(n) shortened magazine ‫ملخص‬ digest(v) to summarize ‫ يختصر‬، ‫يلخص‬ dip(the stick) lower it as ‫يغمس‬ deep as possible discover figure out ‫يبين‬ discrepancy contradiction ‫تناقض‬ inconsistency dismount take off ‫يفكك‬ dispose get ride of ‫من يتخلص‬ disregard forget about ‫ يهمل‬، ‫ينسى‬ disregard pay no ‫عن النظر بغض‬ attention to distribute give to every body ‫يوزع‬ hand out dive in jump in head first ‫يغطس‬ do away with get rid of ‫من يتخلص‬ do over repeat,do again ‫يكرر‬ doubt not sure about ‫يشك‬ doze off fall into ‫يغفو‬ alight sleep drain(v) remove ‫يصرف‬ dread full of fear ‫ خوف‬، ‫مخيف‬ drift move freely ‫ينجرف‬ drilling boring ‫ممل‬ drilling making holes in ‫يثقب‬ drizzle(n) light rain, mist-like rain drizzling(drizzle) misting ‫رذاذ‬ (mist like rain) drop back lag,move behind ‫عن يتخلف‬ drop it off deliver it ‫يوصل‬ drop out stop ‫عن توقف‬ ‫ ينسحب‬K،‫من‬ doing or going, withdraw from drop out stop ‫ يتوقف‬، ‫يتعطل‬ dry run practice ‫ بروفة‬، ‫تمرين‬ rehearsal

.328 .329 .330 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .338 .339 .340 .341 .342 .343 .344 .345 .346 .347 .348 .349 .350 .351 .352 .353 .354 .355 .356 .357 .358 .359 .360 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .367 .368 .369 .370 .371

duck(v) to avoid ‫يتجنب‬ dull not sharp ‫حاد غير‬ dull not interesting ‫ممل‬ durable lasting ‫دائم‬ eager anxious ‫ متلهف‬، ‫متحمس‬ earn gain ‫يكسب‬ light barely was east ‫في الصباح الباكر‬ early in the morning echo returning sound waves ‫الصدى‬ effect(n) result ‫نيجه‬ efficient well and quick ‫فعال‬ emergency sudden need ‫طارئة حالة‬ enable allow ‫يسمح‬ encircled surrounded ‫محاط‬ encounter run into ‫يواجه‬ endorse sign the back of sth ‫شكا يجير‬ endure go through,bear ‫يتحمل‬ engage in be busy ‫ينشغل‬ occupied with enter go to ‫في يدخل‬ entertaining enjoiable ‫مسلي‬ environment surrounding ‫الجوار‬ equip furnish ‫ يزود‬، ‫يؤثث‬ equivalent almost the same ‫مكافيء‬ erase remove,wipe out ‫يشطب‬ errand task,mission ‫مهمة‬ erratic irregular ‫غريب‬ escape(n+v) run away ‫ هروب‬، ‫يهرب‬ evaporate turn to avapor ‫يتبخر‬ eventually in the end ‫النهاية في‬ eventually sooner or later ‫عاجل أم آجل‬ exceed go beyond ‫يتجاوز‬ excel do better than otheres ‫يتفوق‬ excellent first class ‫ ممتاز‬، ‫أول نخب‬ exhibit display ‫يعرض‬ exist live ‫ يوجد‬، ‫يعيش‬ expand spread out ‫يوسع و ينشر‬ expand get larger ‫ يرفع‬، ‫يزيد‬ increase the volume expand increase ‫يوسع‬ express fast ‫سريع‬ extended period of time ‫مطولة فترة‬ alonger time extensive thorough ‫ مكثف‬، ‫شامل‬ car) (the of exterior ‫خارج السيارة‬ out side of… extremely very ‫جدا‬ face the music to meet ‫النتائج يواجه‬ the plame face(v) look out upon ‫يواجه‬ encounter

.372 .373 .374 .375 .376 .377 .378 .379 .380 .381 .382 .383 .384 .385 .386 .387 .388 .389 .390 .391 .392 .393 .394 .395 .396 .397 .398 .399 .400 .401 .402 .403 .404 .405 .406 .407 .408 .409 .410 .411 .412 .413 .414

factors elements ‫عوامل‬ fade disappeare,lost ‫ضائع‬ failed to do sth ‫به يقم لم‬ didn’t do it fair and square honest ‫أمين شخص‬ fall apart go to pieces ‫يفكك‬ fashion clothes ‫ زي‬، ‫موضه‬ fatal deadly ‫مميت‬ fed up with bored ‫ضجر‬ fertil productive ‫بناء‬ fiction not true story ‫كذبه‬ fictional imaginary ‫تخيلي‬ figure out determine, solve ، ‫يستنتج يحل‬ find out discover ‫يكتشف‬ discharge fire(v) ‫ يطلق النار‬، ‫يطرد‬ flammable \ inflammable ‫للشتعال قابل‬ burn easily flat smooth ‫ منبسط‬، ‫مستوي‬ flee disappear ‫مختفي‬ flexible easily bend ‫مرن‬ fluctuate vary ‫يتغير‬ flue influenza ‫انفلونزا‬ flush with level with ‫بنفس مع المستوى‬ fold cause to come ‫يطوي‬ smaller, bend (order ) sb’s follow ‫يتبع تعليمات‬ do as he tells you for good for ever ‫للبد‬ for sale can be purchased ‫للبيع‬ force press ‫يضغط‬ forecast predict ‫يتنبأ‬ formerly used to be ‫سابقا‬ fouled up confused ‫مرتبك‬ frankly honestly ‫بأمانة‬ free hand sketch drawing ‫يدوي مخطط‬ without scale freezing cold enough ‫يتجمد‬ to form ice frequency number of ‫ تردد‬، ‫تكرار‬ times sth is repeated french fries potatoes ‫مقلية بطاطا‬ frequently often ‫ عادة‬، ‫غالبا‬ friction surface ‫احتكاك‬ resistance frightened afraid ‫خائف‬ fume smoke ‫دخان‬ function operate ‫يشغل‬ furnish provide ‫ يزود‬، ‫يؤثث‬ further more ‫أكثر‬ gadget thing,tool ‫أداة‬ gage indicator ‫ عداد‬، ‫مقياس‬

.415 .416 .417 .418 .419 .420 .421 .422 .423 .424 .425 .426 .427 .428 .429 .430 .431 .432 .433 .434 .435 .436 .437 .438 .439 .440 .441 .442 .443 .444 .445 .446 .447 .448 .449 .450 .451 .452 .453 .454 .455 .456 .457 .458 .459 .460

gain time fast ‫يسرع‬ gamble take achance,bet ‫يقامر‬ gay(adj) merry ‫مرح‬ genius talented ‫ عبقري‬، ‫موهوب‬ get abang out enjoy ‫يستمتع‬ get acharge out enjoy ‫يستمتع‬ get aid for study scholarship ‫منحة‬ get along with friendly with ‫مع ينسجم‬ get in arrive ‫يصل‬ get over recover from ‫من يتعافى‬ get sth down reduce it ‫من يقلل‬ get through with complete ‫ينهي‬ get together meet ‫ يجتمع‬، ‫يقابل‬ confer with get up leave the bed ‫الفراش يترك‬ give in stop,surrender ‫عن يتخلى‬ give me a ring telephone me ‫بي اتصل‬ give up surrender, quit ‫ يستسلم‬، ‫يترك‬ given name first name ‫الول السم‬ glance(v) take aquick look ‫سريعة نظرة‬ go over study or review ‫ويراجع يدرس‬ go without not have,lack ‫عن يستغني‬ gold brick lazy worker ‫جدا كسول‬ grew up raise ‫يربي‬ grinding crushing ‫يطحن‬ gripe complain ‫يتذمر‬ guide direct,lead ‫ويوجه يقود‬ guide lines rules ‫ قواعد‬، ‫قوانين‬ gust sudden wind ‫ريح هبة‬ guts bravery,the will to fight ‫شجاعة‬ hack do ‫ يفعل‬، ‫يقترف‬ had better should ‫الفضل من‬ hail (n) frozen rain ‫البرد‬ hammer in to drive nails ‫المسامير يدق‬ handicapped hindered ‫معاق‬ handle ‫مقبض‬ handle take care of ‫أمره يتدبر‬ stay around hang ‫يتسكع في الجوار‬ hang around spend much ‫يتسكع‬ time with hanger place where ‫الطائرات كراج‬ planes are kept harmless won’t hurt ‫مؤذي غير‬ harvesting picking ‫الحصاد‬ has an obligation should ‫يجب‬ have (alook) take….. have the heart have the ‫الشجاعه يملك‬ courage have(sb) over for dinner ‫للغداء يدعو‬ invite him at sb’s house for dinner

.461 .462 .463 .464 .465 .466 .467 .468 .469 .470 .471 .472 .473 .474 .475 .476 .477 .478 .479 .480 .481 .482 .483 .484 .485 .486 .487 .488 .489 .490 .491 .492 .493 .494 .495 .496 .497 .498 .499

have\has to must ‫يجب‬ hazy not clear ‫واضح غير‬ hazzardous risky ‫خطير‬ head lines introductory line ‫أقلم رؤوس‬ of a newspaper printed in large type heads directors ‫المسؤولين‬ held up delayed ‫أجل‬ hinder obstruct,handicap ‫يعيق‬ hit the hay(or the sack) go to bed ‫ينام‬ hold down reduce to ‫يقل‬ ‫ل‬ aminimum hold on wait,pause ‫التلفون على ينتظر‬ hole cavity ‫فجوة‬ hook up join in ‫اتصال على يصبح‬ communication horn warning device ‫انذار جرس‬ hot potato a troubling ‫عويصة مشكلة‬ problem house hold furniture ‫الثاث‬ hover remain suspended ‫يحوم‬ in the air humid damp ‫رطب‬ humidity dampness,moisture ‫رطوبة‬ hurricane awind of ‫اعصار‬ great force begins from water hurry up make haste ‫يعجل‬ i believe so i think so ‫بذلك أعتقد‬ i have got the feel of it ‫به القيام تعلمت‬ i have learned to do it i have had it i have no ‫ذلك من سئمت لقد‬ other choice i have had it iam bored with it ‫منه مللت‬ i’ll buy that i agree with ‫ذلك على أوافق‬ icy floor very cold ‫متجمد سطح‬ identify recognize ‫ يمثل‬، ‫يطابق‬ ignore disregard ‫ يهمل‬، ‫يتجاهل‬ illegal against regulation ‫قانوني غير‬ unlaw imagine think,suppose ‫يعتقد‬ implement instrument ‫أداة‬ impluse sudden want ‫حاجة‬ in abad shape not well ‫سيئة بحالة‬ (health) in advance ahead of time ‫مسبقا‬ in ahurry in arush ‫أمره من عجلة في‬ in away in asense ‫ما حد الى‬ in back of behind ‫خلف‬ of(car) back the in ‫في الجزء الخلفي‬ in the back seat,in the rear part incapacitated disabled ‫معاق‬ handicapped,hindered

.500 .501 .502 .503 .504 .505 .506 .507 .508 .509 .510 .511 .512 .513 .514 .515 .516 .517 .518 .519 .520 .521 .522 .523 .524 .525 .526 .527 .528 .529 .530 .531 .532 .533 .534 .535 .536 .537 .538 .539 .540 .541 .542 .543 .544

incredible unbelievable ‫معقول غير‬ independently alone ‫منفرد بشكل‬ indicate show ‫الى يشبر‬ inexpensive cheap ‫رخيص‬ inferior in quality poor ‫الصناعة رديء‬ inflate fill ‫ينفخ‬ inflate fill with air ‫بالهواء معبأ‬ inforce(arule) make people ‫على يجبر‬ opey it inhabited populated ‫مأهول‬ having inhabitants injure hurt ‫ يؤذي‬، ‫يجرح‬ inquuire ask about ‫ يتطلب‬، ‫يحتاج‬ installation base ‫عسكرية قاعدة‬ instantly right away ‫الحال في‬ instead of rather than ‫من بدل‬ intention purpose,aim ‫ هدف‬، ‫غاية‬ interior inside ‫الداخلي الجزء‬ interpret explain ‫ يفسر‬، ‫يترجم‬ introduced(v) presented ‫ عرف‬، ‫قدم‬ investigate look into ‫يتحرى‬ irregular (periods) ‫منتظم غير‬ not uniform irritated angry ‫غاضب‬ is able to can ‫يستطيع‬ is going to will ‫سوف‬ is to must ‫يجب‬ is\am\are able to can ‫يستطيع‬ it is compulsory you have ‫اجباري‬ to do it jet jockey jet pilot ‫عسكري طيار‬ jot down write quickly ‫يكتب‬ jug container ‫جره‬ just in time exactly ‫تماما الوقت في‬ just the same any way ‫طريقة بأي‬ keen sharp keep clear of avoid ‫يتجنب‬ keep in mind remember ‫يتذكر‬ keep up with maintain the ‫يجاري‬ same level kidding joking ‫يمزح‬ kinfolk relatives ‫أقارب‬ knack ability , talent , skill ‫موهبة‬ nub knob ‫ مقبض‬، ‫مفتاح تشغيل‬ it stop of it knock ‫دعك منه‬، ‫توقف عن ذلك‬ lay off know how ability ,knowledge ‫معرفة‬ land(v) bring down ‫يهبط‬ landing(time) arrival ‫وصول‬ latest modern ‫ الخير‬، ‫الحديث‬ latter opposite of former ‫اللحق‬

.545 .546 .547 .548 .549 .550 .551 .552 .553 .554 .555 .556 .557 .558 .559 .560 .561 .562 .563 .564 .565 .566 .567 .568 .569 .570 .571 .572 .573 .574 .575 .576 .577 .578 .579 .580 .581 .582 .583 .584

lawn smooth cut grass ‫عشبية أرض‬ lay off stop ‫عن يتوقف‬ leading in the front ‫ متقدم‬، ‫يقود‬ leaf sheet,page ‫ورقة‬ leaving soon departing ‫قريبا يغادر‬ in ashort time let down disappoint ‫ يخذل‬، ‫أمل يخيب‬ let up stop ‫يتوقف‬ level (adj) flat and smooth ‫مستوي‬ lift(v) raise ‫يرفع‬ linear distance straight ‫مستقيمة مسافة‬ lined istance lining inner surface ‫بطانة‬ liquor alcoholic ‫كحولية مشروبات‬ drinks like (wine…) loaded crowded ‫ مزدحم‬، ‫محمل‬ loan(v) lend ‫يقرض‬ look at inspect, examine ‫يتفحص‬ look down on disrespect ‫يحتقر‬ look in on

visit for ‫قصيرة لمدة يزور‬ amoment look out for be cautious ‫من يحذر‬ look over review ‫يراجع‬ look over sth see above ‫العلى من ينظر‬ look up locate and visit ‫ويتفقد يزور‬ look up on respect ‫يحترم‬ look up words use ‫المعاني يخرج‬ adictionary loose free ‫طليق‬ lose track of unable ‫ يضيع‬، ‫أثر يفقد‬ to find lucky fortunate ‫محظوظ‬ lumber wood ‫ حطب‬، ‫خشب‬ lunar vehicle used on ‫قمرية مركبة‬ the moon Main principal ‫رئيسي‬ Mainly primarily ‫أساسي‬ Major important ‫رئيسي‬ Make aroom provide aspace ‫المجال يفسح‬ Make it pass ‫ينجح‬ a.m) 9:00 (at it Make ‫تعال في الساعة التاسعة‬ come (at 9:00 a.m) Make it snappy hurry up ‫يسرع‬ make out distinguish ‫يميز‬ manage to see Make up (n) cosmatics ‫المكياج‬ Make up (v) to put cosmatics ‫يتزين‬ to form, invent Malfunction some parts ‫ عطل‬، ‫خلل‬ are not functiong

.585 .586 .587 .588 .589 .590 .591 .592 .593 .594 .595 .596 .597 .598 .599 .600 .601 .602 .603 .604 .605 .606 .607 .608 .609 .610 .611 .612 .613 .614 .615 .616 .617 .618 .619 .620 .621 .622 .623 .624 .625 .626 .627 .628 .629


not natural ‫ مصنع‬، ‫صناعي‬ artificial , synthitic manual done by hand ‫يدوي‬ manufactured(adj) ‫ غير طبيعي‬، ‫مصنع‬ mane made maximum greatest ‫الكبر‬ menu list of food ‫الطعام لئحة‬ merchant trader ‫تاجر‬ mess up do sth wrong ‫ يعبث‬، ‫يخطيء‬ meteorologist aperson who ‫جوي‬ ‫راصد‬ studies weather mild moderate ‫ لطيف‬، ‫معتدل‬ mind(v) care,object ‫يعارض‬ minimum least ‫ الصغر‬، ‫القل‬ unimportant minor ‫صغير و مهمل وفرعي‬ miss don’t understand ‫يستوعب لم‬ not catch miss the bus not catch ‫بالباص يلحق لم‬ point the miss ‫لم يفهم الفكر‬ don’t understand mission assignment ‫ مهمة‬، ‫واجب‬ mix stir ‫ يخلط‬، ‫يحرك‬ mixture of(gases) several ‫من خليط‬ modify change ‫ يعدل‬، ‫يغير‬ motion movement ‫حركة‬ motivated(adj) interested ‫ محفز‬، ‫مثار‬ motor engine ‫محرك‬ mumps acute ‫النكاف مرض‬ inflammatory disease Name after(sb) given his name ‫بأسم يسمى‬ Name(v) appoint ‫ يعين‬، ‫السم يذكر‬ Narrate tell about ‫يروي‬ Narration stories telling ‫الروايات سرد‬ Narrow not wide ‫واسع‬ Neat clean and tidy,trim ‫مرتب‬ Neavous little excited ‫معصب غاضب‬، Neutral not saying yes or no ‫محايد‬ Newcomers immigrants ‫الوافدين‬ Nippy cold ‫بارد‬ no sweat no difficulty at all ‫مشكلة ل‬ Notified informed ‫من أعلم‬ numb(adj) can’t feel ‫مخدر‬ Numerous many ‫هائل‬ Object aim,goal ‫ هدف‬، ‫غاية‬ Objective without bias ‫ موضوعي‬، ‫حيادي‬ Objective aim ‫ هدف‬، ‫غاية‬ Obligation duty ‫ واجب‬، ‫مهمة‬ Obstacle hindrance ‫عائق‬ Occurred took place ‫ يجدث‬، ‫يحصل‬ Omit skip ‫يحذف‬ On account of because of ‫بسبب‬

.630 .631 .632 .633 .634 .635 .636 .637 .638 .639 .640 .641 .642 .643 .644 .645 .646 .647 .648 .649 .650 .651 .652 .653 .654 .655 .656 .657 .658 .659 .660 .661 .662 .663 .664 .665 .666 .667 .668 .669

On sale the price is reduced ‫تنزيلت‬ On the beam on the ball ‫ مضبوط‬، ‫صحيح‬ correct On the blink out of order ‫معطل‬ doesn’t work awhile in Once ‫بين الحين والخر‬ from time to time Operate run ‫يشغل‬ Opportunity chance ‫فرصة‬ Oppose work against ‫ يعارض‬، ‫يعادي‬ Opposite across from ‫مقابل‬ Ordinary common ‫ عادي‬، ‫مألوف‬ Origin beginning ‫ الصل‬، ‫البداية‬ Originally formerly ‫البداية منذ‬ Originally first ‫أصل‬ Oscillate swing to and from ‫يتأرجح‬ out of hand ‫السيطرة عن خارج‬ out of control out-of-the-way far away ‫ بعيد‬، ‫المنال صعب‬ difficult to reach Over about ‫ حوالي‬، ‫تقريبا‬ Over about ‫الموضوع حول‬ Over finished,end ‫انتهى‬ Over all entire,the whole ‫الكل‬ Over cast cioudy ‫غائم‬ Over look ignor ‫يتجاهل‬ Pace step ‫خطوة‬ Part his hair on the left ‫شعره يفرق‬ divid his hair Particles molecules ‫جزيئا‬ ‫ت‬ small things Pass give ‫ يمرر‬، ‫يناول‬ Patent ‫ أذن‬، ‫رخصة‬ governmental authority Patio an inner ‫الفناء‬ roofless country Pattern diagram ‫نموذج‬ Peak top ‫قمة‬ Pedestrains people walking ‫المشاه‬ Perform operate,do ‫ينفذ‬ Permanent not temporary ‫دائم‬ permit(n) license ‫ يسمح‬، ‫يأذن‬ Perpendicular angle ‫قائمة زاوية‬ right angle Personal close,private ‫شخصي‬ perspire(v) sweat ‫يعرق‬ Persuade convince ‫يقنع‬ cause to believe Pick out select,chose ‫يختار‬ Pick up to take hold of ‫يرفع و يلتقط‬

.670 .671 .672 .673 .674 .675 .676 .677 .678 .679 .680 .681 .682 .683 .684 .685 .686 .687 .688 .689 .690 .691 .692 .693 .694 .695 .696 .697 .698 .699 .700 .701 .702 .703 .704 .705 .706 .707 .708 .709

and lift Pick up (amessage) hear it ‫يستلم‬ Pie ala mode pie covered ‫بالكريما فطيرة‬ with icecreame Pill medicine,medication ‫دواء حبة‬ place(v) put ‫يضع‬ Plate dish ‫صحن‬ Plenty of enough ‫من الكثير‬ Point out tell about,show ‫الى يشير‬ Poisonous dangerous ‫ سام‬، ‫خطير‬ Poop information ‫معلومات‬ port city acity with aharbor ‫ساحلية مدينة‬ portable can be moved ‫للحمل قابل‬ or carry rain of possibility ‫احتمالية سقوط المطر‬ it may rain post(v) inform ‫يعلم‬ Postpone delay, put off ‫يؤجل‬ Power full strong ‫قوي‬ Practical useful ‫ مفيد‬، ‫عملي‬ Precipitation fall of rain ‫ ندى‬، ‫ثلج‬ sleet,snow,hail Precision accuracy ‫والحكام الدقة‬ Prefer like best ‫يفضل‬ Preserve keep ‫يحفظ‬ Pressed for time ‫بالوقت مضغوط‬ have avery little time Pretty large very big ‫جدا كبير‬ Primary most important ‫أساسي‬ Probably perhabs ‫ممكن‬ Professional highly trained ‫محترف‬ skillfull Progress move forward ‫يتقدم‬ Project make it appear ‫يعرض‬ prompt(ly) abrupt(ly) ‫بسرعة‬ quick(ly) Proper suitable ‫ملئم‬ Properly the right way ‫ملئم بشكل‬ man Pull ‫قاطرة صغيرة تتحرك بالكهرباء‬ rail road car with berths Pull off force to leave away ‫يطرد‬ Pull over stop at one ‫السيارة يوقف‬ side of the road Pull through get over ‫من يشفى‬ recover Punctual on time ‫تماما الوقت في‬ Purchase buy ‫يشتري‬ Pursue take care of ‫ يتابع‬، ‫يهتم‬ Put off delay,postpone ‫يؤجل‬ Put on wear ‫يلبس‬ Put out extinguish ‫يطفيء‬

.710 .711 .712 .713 .714 .715 .716 .717 .718 .719 .720 .721 .722 .723 .724 .725 .726 .727 .728 .729 .730 .731 .732 .733 .734 .735 .736 .737 .738 .739 .740 .741 .742 .743 .744 .745 .746 .747 .748 .749 .750 .751 .752 .753

Put up with tolerate,stand,bear ‫يتحمل‬ Puzzle (v) confuse ‫يحير‬ Puzzle(n) riddle ‫ أحجية‬، ‫لغز‬ Quarrel with argue ‫يجادل‬ seven past Quarter ‫الساعة السابعة و الربع‬ 7:15=seven fifteen seven to(of) Quarter ‫الساعة السابعة ال ربعا‬ 6:45=six fourty five resign Quit ‫ يستسلم‬، ‫ يتخلى عن‬،‫يترك‬ Radiate send out ‫ يرسل‬، ‫ يشع‬، ‫يبعث‬ Rapidly fast,quickly ‫بسرعة‬ rare row, un cooked ‫نيء‬ rare un common ‫نادر‬ rarely never,seldom ‫بتاتا‬ rattle make noise ‫ يخشخش‬، ‫يقرقع‬ react respond ‫يؤثر‬ rear back ‫خلف‬ reasonable fair ‫ معقول‬، ‫مقنع‬ recall remember ‫يتذكر‬ reckless careless ‫مهمل‬ recommend suggest ‫يقترح‬ recommendation advice ‫ توصية‬، ‫نصيحة‬ reduce lessen ‫ يقلل‬، ‫يخفض‬ register(v) record ‫يسجل‬ regularly for fix ‫منتظم‬ interval time regulate arrange ‫يرتب ينظم‬ relatively comparatively ‫نسبيا‬ relax rest ‫يستريح‬ ease at relaxed ‫ مسترخي‬،‫مستريح‬ release let out, set free ‫سراح يطلق‬ remove dismiss ‫ يخلع‬، ‫يزيل‬ remove(from the wall) ‫ يزيل‬، ‫ينزل‬ take down repeat say again ‫يردد‬ replacement substitute ‫البديل‬ report(v) go and announce ‫عن يبلغ‬ one has come request demand,ask for ‫يطلب‬ rescue save from, bring to ‫يحفظ‬ resemble look like ‫مثل يبدو‬ reservoir aplace where ‫مياه خزان‬ water is stored residential private homes ‫للسكن ملئم‬ system respiratory ‫الجهاز التنفسي‬ breathing system resume summary ‫يلخص‬ resuscitate revive ‫ينعش‬ retired stopped working ‫يتقاعد‬ retract take back ‫ يعيد‬، ‫يرجع‬ revere(v) love,adore ‫ يوقر‬، ‫يحترم‬

.754 .755 .756 .757 .758 .759 .760 .761 .762 .763 .764 .765 .766 .767 .768 .769 .770 .771 .772 .773 .774 .775 .776 .777 .778 .779 .780 .781 .782 .783 .784 .785 .786 .787 .788 .789 .790 .791 .792 .793 .794 .795 .796 .797 .798

change revise(v) ‫ يضيف الى‬، ‫ يغير‬، ‫يعدل‬ ridiculous absurd ‫تافه سخيف‬، rigid can’t bend,strict ‫ قاسي‬، ‫صلب‬ ring(n) circular ‫دائري‬ roar loud noise ‫ ضجيج‬، ‫ زئير‬، ‫هدير‬ room space ‫ مجال‬، ،‫متسع فراغ‬ rotate revolve, turn ‫يدور‬ rough not smooth ‫ صلب‬، ‫قاسي‬ ticket trip round ‫تذكرة للذهاب والياب‬ go and return ticket rude impolite ‫ مؤدب غير‬، ‫وقح‬ run across meet ‫بالصدفة يقابل‬ unexpectedly chance by meet into run ‫ يواجه‬،‫يقابل بالصدفة‬ sth of out run ‫ ل يملك منه شيئا‬، ‫استهلكه‬ used a lot of it run over pass over ‫يصدم‬ run over collide with ‫يراجع‬ sth of short running ‫يعاني من نقص فيه‬ have little of it rat sack ‫شخص يحب النوم كثيرا‬ one who like to sleep a lot samples sepecimens ‫ عينات‬، ‫نماذج‬ saturate make wet ‫ بالماء يشبع‬، ‫يبلل‬ saturated nearly full off ‫مشبع‬ scheduled planned ‫ له مخطط‬، ‫له مبرمج‬ scouting searching ‫يبحث‬ scram leave,get out ‫فورا يغادر‬ seek search for ‫ عن يبحث‬، ‫يطلب‬ seldom not often ,never ‫أبدا‬ sell on convince ‫يقنع‬ send out emit,give off ‫ يرسل‬، ‫يبعث‬ sense feeling ‫ شعور‬، ‫مشاعر‬ serve give help ‫يخدم‬ set aside save ‫ يحفظ‬، ‫يدخر‬ set up establish ,start ‫ يبدأ‬، ‫يؤسس‬ settle make home ‫يوطن‬ shake leg speed up ‫يسرع‬ shallow not deep ‫ ضحل‬، ‫عميق غير‬ shape(v+n) form ‫ شكل‬، ‫مجسم‬ shape(v) form ‫ يشكل‬، ‫يجسم‬ shattered broken into pieces ‫مبعثر‬ shift(v) change ‫ يغير‬، ‫يؤجل‬ shoot go ahead ‫عندك ما هات‬ short of not having ‫نقص‬ should ought to ‫يجب‬ shout yell ‫يصرخ‬ show off do things to ‫ يستعرض‬، ‫يتباهى‬ attract the attention show up appear…(late) ‫يظهر‬ sideburns hair on the face ‫السوالف‬

.799 .800 .801 .802 .803 .804 .805 .806 .807 .808 .809 .810 .811 .812 .813 .814 .815 .816 .817 .818 .819 .820 .821 .822 .823 .824 .825 .826 .827 .828 .829 .830 .831 .832 .833 .834 .835 .836 .837 .838 .839 .840 .841 .842 .843 .844

simulated imitated ‫ يقلد‬، ‫يحاكي‬ since because ‫بسبب‬ single bachelor ‫ أعزب‬، ‫متزوج غير‬ sink go down the water ‫يغرق‬ sleek glossy,polished ‫ مصقول‬، ‫أملس‬ slice cut ‫يقطع‬ slip out leave ‫ ينسحب‬، ‫يغادر‬ careless sloppy ‫مهمل بتصرفاته ولباسه‬ in dress or action slot small opening ‫ فتحة‬، ‫صغير ثقب‬ sly tricky snackbar aplace to eat ‫سريعة وجبات مطعم‬ light meal snap it up hurry up ‫يسرع‬ snow flakes soft ice ‫ثلج بلورات‬ crystals solder join with metal ‫المعادن يلحم‬ highly sophisticated ‫ مطلع‬، ‫ متعلم‬، ‫مثقف‬ developed educated spacious large ‫كبير‬ specific particular ‫ معين‬، ‫ محدد‬، ‫واضح‬ spectators fans ‫متفرجين‬ speedometer speedindicator ‫السرعة عداد‬ spick-and-span clean,neat ‫ومرتب نظيف‬ spin around turn ‫يدور‬ splice join together, fasten ،‫يثبت يربط‬ sporadic intermittent ‫ متقطع‬، ‫مشتت‬ sprinkle(n) rain,drizzle ‫ رذاذ‬، ‫خفيف مطر‬ stall stop suddenly ‫ف‬K‫لعطل يتوق‬ stand by wait, be prepared ‫وينتظر يجهز‬ stand for represent ‫يمثل‬ start begin ‫يبدأ‬ starving very hungry ‫ جائع‬، ‫جوعا يتضور‬ stationery fixed ‫ثابت‬ stay visit ‫يزور‬ steep slop ‫ شاهق‬، ‫لأنحدار شديد‬ step by step gradually ‫بالتدريج‬ stethescope adevice to ‫الطبيب سماعة‬ check the heart stick to stay with ‫ يلتصق‬، ‫يلتزم‬ stone rock ‫ حجر‬، ‫صخره‬ strain tension ‫ توتر‬، ‫عصبيه‬ strange cool ,not hot ‫ فاتر‬، ‫بارد‬ strange unfamiliar ‫ غريب‬، ‫أجنبي‬ stream small river,brook ‫جدول‬ stretch lengthen ‫ليطول يشد‬ stretch off spread ‫ يوزع‬، ‫ينشر‬ strict rigid ‫ صارم‬، ‫قاسي‬ stripe line ‫خط‬ stub piece of paper ‫عقب ن ورق قصاصة‬ stuffed eat too much ‫متخم‬

.845 .846 .847 .848 .849 .850 .851 .852 .853 .854 .855 .856 .857 .858 .859 .860 .861 .862 .863 .864 .865 .866 .867 .868 .869 .870 .871 .872 .873 .874 .875 .876 .877 .878 .879 .880 .881 .882 .883 .884 .885 .886

stuffy lack fresh air ‫خانق‬ subjectiv ‫ غير موضوعي‬، ‫شخصي‬ resulting from aperson feelings,not objective substance matter ‫ماده‬ suburbs areas close ‫الضواحي‬ to the city sufficient enough ‫كافي‬ suitable proper ‫ ملئم‬، ‫مناسب‬ summit peak ‫قمة‬ sure certain ‫أكيد‬ surely certainly ‫مؤكد بشكل‬ switch on turn on ‫يشغل‬ systematic organized ‫منظم‬ take require ‫ يتطلب‬، ‫يحتاج‬ take sth apart disassemble ‫يفكك‬ take (sb) in deceive ‫يخدع‬ take (the bus) kide ‫بالباص يركب‬ take after resemble ‫يشبه‬ take care of look after ‫به يعتني‬ take charge control ‫المسؤولية يتولى‬ assume of charge take ‫يتولى المسؤولية‬ responsibility take in reduce ‫من يقلل‬ take in (the lecture)‫يستوعب‬ understand take in(amovie) attend ‫يحضر‬ take (sth) back return it ‫ يجمع‬، ‫يركب‬ take off leave ‫يغادر‬ take off remove,depart ‫ملبسه يخلع‬ take the plane up flow ‫يطير‬ take up occupied ‫يحتل‬ take up (sth) begin to study ‫بدراسته يقوم‬ to do,discuss talk over discuss ‫يناقش‬ tardy late ‫متأخر‬ technique method ‫ طريقة‬، ‫أسلوب‬ approach teed off annoyed,mad ‫منزعج‬ temporary not permanent ‫مؤقت‬ tense nervous, tight ‫ مشدود‬، ‫منفعل‬ terminate end ‫ينهي‬ terrain land ‫منطقة‬ test grades results ‫الفحص نتائج‬ the rest what is left(remainder) ‫البقية‬ think agreat deal of(sb) ‫ به يؤمن‬، ‫يقدر‬ respect him think over consider ‫مليا يفكر‬ carefully thoroughly completely ‫كامل بشكل‬ thrilled (adj) excited ‫منفعل‬

.887 .888 .889 .890 .891 .892 .893 .894 .895 .896 .897 .898 .899 .900 .901 .902 .903 .904 .905 .906 .907 .908 .909 .910 .911 .912 .913 .914 .915 .916 .917 .918 .919 .920 .921 .922 .923 .924 .925

throw out discard ‫ ينبذ‬، ‫عن يستغني‬ throw out throw away ‫ يرمي‬، ‫من يتخلص‬ thunder birds ‫لهوائية اللعاب فريق‬ acrobatic flying team thunder shower storm ‫عاصفه‬ tighten put pressure on ‫يثبت‬ tiny small ‫ صغير‬، ‫دقيق‬ to be in debt to owe money ‫يستدين‬ to get into debt to owe money ‫يستدين‬ to hike to take awalk ‫ يتنزه‬، ‫يقصدر‬ to lose balance to fall down ‫توازنه يفقد‬ brakes the on slam to ‫يدوس على الفرامل فجأة‬ to stop suddenly to sleep sound to sleep well ‫جيدا ينام‬ to surge to increase ‫فجأة يرتفع‬ suddenly tornado whirling or ‫ اعصار‬، ‫زوبعة‬ spinning wind toxic poisonous ‫سام‬ trailed followed ‫ تتبع‬، ‫لحق‬ transfer apermit to ‫الباص تغيير‬ change from one bus to another transform change ‫يحول‬ transparent clear ‫ شفاف‬، ‫صافي‬ transport carry ‫ينقل‬ trap catch ‫يمسك يوقع‬، trench ditch ‫خندق‬ trunk

upper part ‫الصدر‬ of the body try on put on clothes ‫الملبس يقيس‬ to see if they fit or not the test out try ‫ يفحص الصلحية‬، ‫يجرب‬ function of tunnel underground ‫نف‬ ‫ق‬ passage way turn down decrease ‫يقلل‬ turn down refuse,reject ‫يرفض‬ turn in go to bed ‫ينام‬ turn into become ‫الى يتحول‬ change into twisted not straight ‫ملوي‬ typical common,ideal, usual ‫تقليدي‬ uncanny unbelievable ‫معقول غير‬ unconscious don’t sense ‫الوعي فاقد‬ faint unless if not ‫لم اذا‬ unlike dissimilar ‫عن مختلف‬ until now so far ‫الن حتى‬ use your head think ‫وجديا مليا يفكر‬ intelligently

.926 .927 .928 .929 .930 .931 .932 .933 .934 .935 .936 .937 .938 .939 .940 .941 .942 .943 .944 .945 .946 .947 .948 .949 .950 .951 .952 .953 .954 .955 .956 .957 .958 .959 .960 .961 .962 .963 .964 .965

uses applications ‫تطبيقات‬ vaccum empty space ‫فارغ مكان‬ valuable cost a lot,precious ‫مكلف‬ vanilla flavoring ‫نكهة‬ vanish disappear ‫يتلشى‬ variety different kind of ‫تنوع‬ vary change ‫ يختلف‬، ‫يتفاوت‬ vehicle car ‫مركبة سيارة‬، velocity speed ‫سرعة‬ vertical upright ‫عمودي‬ very much extensively ‫جدا كثير‬ via by way of ‫ بواسطة‬،‫كالتالي كذا‬ vibration movement ‫ تردد‬، ‫حركة‬ vicinity close areas ‫قريبة منطقة‬ view point(n) point of view ‫نظر وجهة‬ poor was visibility ‫انعدام الرؤية‬ couldn’t see wake up open his eyes ‫يصحو‬ after sleeping want to would like to ‫ رغب‬، ‫أراد‬ warp(n+v)

bend,distortion ‫يلو‬ ‫ي‬ (as atwist) was\were able to could ‫يستطيع كان‬ wasn’t guilty innocent ‫بريء‬ wear and tear damage ‫مدمر‬ well done(food) excellently cooked thoroughly well known popular ‫مشهور‬ well off rich ‫غني‬ well-armed has agood ‫مسلح‬ weapons well-to-do wealthy ‫غني‬ rich,well off while during the time ‫خلل‬ whole all of the ‫الكل‬ wind up end ‫ينهي‬ wipe clean ‫ يمسح‬، ‫ينظف‬ off(asmile) it wipe ‫توقف عن البتسام‬ quit smiling work out solve ‫يحل‬ worked up excited ‫ مستمتع‬، ‫منفعل‬ worn out exhausted would rather prefer ‫يفضل‬ yak talk idly ‫ثرثرة‬ yell cry,shout ‫يصرخ‬ 9:a.m(sharp) exactly ‫تماما‬