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kz¥ambpw kzImcyambpw CMvKvfnjv ]T\w Cu ]pkvXIw s]mXpP\߃°v hfsc Ffp∏Ønepw, hfsc Nnehv Ipd™coXnbnepw ]Tn°m≥ th≠n cNn°s∏´n´p≈XmWv. CXn¬ sX‰pIfpw ]niIpIfpw hcmXncn°m≥ IgnhXpw {ian®n´p≠v. F∂m¬, Cu ]pkvXIØn¬ bmtXmcphn[ sX‰pIfpw ]niIpIfpw C√msb∂v bmtXmcp Dd∏pw Cu {KŸØns‚ {]km[I¿ \¬Ip∂n√. am{Xhpa√, Hu]NmcnI ]co£Iƒ°pw, AXpt]mep≈ a‰v Imcy߃°pw Cu {KŸw ip]m¿i sNøp∂n√. BhI Imcyßsf t\cnSm≥ AtX \nehmcØnep≈ ]pkvXI߃ Xs∂bmhpw \√Xv. \√ \nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv bmtXmcp coXnbnepw s]mXpP\Øn\v e`n°cpXv F∂v kmaqlnI B[n]∑m¿ IcpXn°q°q´n Icp°ƒ \o°nbncn°p∂Xn\m¬, CXv e`n°msX Dgep∂ P\hn`mKßsf Dt±in®mWv Cu {KŸw cNn°s∏´n´p≈Xv.

Published by:

VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS, Aaradhana, DEVERKOVIL 673508 Calicut district, India [email protected] victoriainstitutions.com

Date of publishing: August 2015



- CONTENTS 1. Fßns\ ]Tn°Ww


2. BapJw


3. CMvKvfnjv ]Tn∏n°p∂Xns\°pdn®pw, ]Tn°p∂Xns\°pdn®pw 8 4. ENGLISH ALPHABETS CMvKvfnjv en]nIƒ


5. Numbers A°ßƒ


Weekdays, Greetings, months, animals &c.


6. CMvKvfnjnse efnXamb ]Z߃

15 16

km[mcW ]Z߃

I, He, She, They, We, You F∂nhbpsS a‰v cq]߃ 17 Capital letters, and a










9. CMvKvfnjns\ Bhmlns®Sp°m≥









Colours, Direction


11. You do




13. Common WORDS


14. KpWta∑bp≈ CMvKvfnjv hmb\m ioew hf¿ØnsbSp°m≥ 15. MAKING SENTENCES hmIy߃ D≠m°¬

45 46

tImfßfpsS ]´nI


Column No:1A do/don’t


No:1B does/doesn’t


Column No: 2 Will










Column No: 3 ing


Will be

105 107

17. CMvKvfnjns\°pdn®v s]mXphmbn Nne Imcy߃ I am A{Iamk‡a√mØ Bflhocyw hf¿Øm≥

108 113

He is


They are


This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-3I was


Was I?/Wasn’t I?


He was


Was he?/Wasn’t he?


They were


Were they?/Weren’t they? 124

18. CMv•njv kwkmcn°ptºmfp≠mhp∂ a\ Ω¿±w Column No: 4 Past kw`hn®pIgn™ Imcyw 19. hml\w HmSn°p∂Xnse CMv K v f njv acymZIƒ Column No: 5 Have / Has

126 127 131 132



Could have


Would have


Should have


20. Nursery Rhymes


21. Situations kμ¿`߃


22. Multiplication Tables


23. Speeches {]kwK߃: State of our nation


Space colonisation




The forest wealth of our nation


About English


24. Professions sXmgnepIƒ & Human relationships a\pjy_‘߃


25. CMvKvfnjnse s]mssf‰vs\kv F∂ k¶¬∏w Hcp ^yqU¬ `mjm A¥co£Øn¬ 26. Miscellaneous words There Here

170 176



Where, Why, When


And, Or, Than


Don’t you know that?, Never, Ever


Inside/Outside, As/So/Because






Or, But


27. ^yqU¬ `mjmtImUpIfntes°mcp FØnt\m´w


28. ÿe\ma߃: Ncn{X]cambn A¥¿t±iobhpw, {]mtZinIhpw 29. Short and Crisp {lkz hmIy߃


30. Feelings


31. KpW\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°p∂Xnse kmaqlnI{]iv\߃ 32. CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°¬ kmlnXyØn¬ \n∂pw THE MASTER (Oscar Wilde)


The Young King (Oscar Wilde)


Moon and Sixpence (Somerset Maugham)







Fßns\ ]Tn°Ww Cu ]pkvXIw ImWptºmƒ CXv hensbmcp ]pkvXIambn tXm∂msa¶nepw, bYm¿∞Øn¬ ]T\w Hcp {]tXyI am¿§ØneqsS \o°nbm¬ hfsc efnXambn CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°mhp∂tXbp≈p.


samss_¬t^m¨, kv a m´v t ^m¨, Sm_v f ‰v , Iºyq´¿ F∂nhbn¬ GsX¶nepw H∂n¬ HmUntbm {]h¿Øn∏n®v, ]mT߃ {ihnt°≠XmWv. Hmtcm ]mTØns‚ XpS°Ønepw, B ]mTØns‚ HmUntbm hns‚ t]cv \¬Inbn´p≠v . CXn¬, BZyw ImWp∂ CMv K v f njv en]n, B HmUntbm Dƒs°m≈p∂ t^mƒUdns‚ t]cmWv kqNn∏n°p∂Xv. FULLF∂ ]Zw HmUntbmhns‚ t]cns‚ ]n∂n¬ hcp∂h, B ]mTØns‚ apgph\pw HmUntbm BWv. CXv XpS°Øn¬ Xpd°Wsa∂n√. B ]mTØns‚ HmUntbm, sNdnb `mKßfmbn \¬Inbn´p≠mhpw. AhbmWv BZyw {ihnt°≠Xv. CMv K v f njv H´pw Xs∂ AdnbmØh¿ BZyw en]nIfpw, A°ßfpw ]Tnt°≠XmWv . CXn\v tijw, Rm≥, Abmƒ XpSßnbhm°pIƒ kzmbØam°pI (t]Pv \º¿ 15 - 17). F∂m¬ CMvKvfnjv H´pwXs∂ AdnbmØh¿ hfsc hncfamtb°mw. CMvKvfnjv en]nIfpw A°ßfpw a‰pw Adnbp∂hcmWv Cu ]pkvXIw D]tbmKn°p∂hcn¬ IqSpXepw. 1. H∂maXmbn a\ nemt°≠Xv, ]Tn°p∂ Hmtcm A≤ymbhpw, Ipd®v am{Xw Hmtcm Znhkhpw ]Tn°pI. F∂vh®m¬, H‰bSn°v Hc≤ymbw apgph\pw ]Tn®v Xo¿°cpXv. Hmtcm A≤ymbØntebpw Ipd®v `mKw ]Tn°pI. AXn\v tijw ASpØ A≤ymbØnte°v t]mIpI. BZyw ]mT`mKØnse Hcp sNdnb `mKw aqt∂m \mtem {]hiyw tI´v ]cnNbn°pI. CXn\v tijw ]mT`mKw hmbn°pI. AtXmsSm∏w hmIyßfpsS A¿∞w hmbn®v a\ nem°pI. CXn\v tijw kz¥ambn hmIy߃ hmbn°m≥ {ian°pI. Is, Was, Here, Her, Want XpSßnbhm°pIfpsS D®mcWw icnbmbn tIƒt°Ww. Ch aebmfØn¬ FgpXnbmep≈ D®mcWßfn¬ \n∂pw bYm¿∞ D®mcWw hyXykvXambncn°pw. 2. BZyw t]Pv \º¿ 15apX¬ 22hsc t\m°pI. Cu t]PpIfnep≈ hm°pIƒ ]Tn°pI. Ch ]Tn®m¬ Xs∂ CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°p∂Xn\v Imcyamb ss[cyw ssIhcn°pw. 3. CXn\v tijw, t]Pv \º¿ 36¬ (A≤ymbw 11) D≈ hmIyßfn¬ BZy HmUntbm (No:1) tIƒ°pI. tI´pw Bh¿Øn®pw ]Tn°pI. hfsc D]Imcw sNøpw. You do. 4. 42mw t]Pnse (A≤ymbw 12) MAKING QUESTIONS BZy HmUntbm (No:1) tIƒ°pI. tI´pw Bh¿Øn®pw ]Tn°pI. CMv K v f njn¬ D]tbmKn°p∂ H´pan° tNmZycq]ßfpw Cu t]Pn¬ ImWmhp∂XmWv . 4. t]Pv \º¿ 46 (A≤ymbw 15) H∂v t\m°pI. hmbn°Wsa∂n√. CMvKvfnjnse ]ehn[ hm°pIsf, AhbpsS s]mXphmb A¿∞cq]Øns‚ ASnÿm\Øn¬, ckX{¥Ønse ]ocntbmUn°v sSbv_vfn¬ ]´nIs∏SpØnbncn°p∂ t]msemcp coXnbn¬, Cu t]Pnep≈ ]´nIbn¬ {Ias∏SpØnbncn°p∂p. CXn\v tijw t]Pv \º¿ 50te°v t]mIpI. CXpw shdpsXsbm∂v t\m°pI. ]Tn°m≥ Xp\nb≠v. Cu t]Pnep≈ tImf߃ I≠pIgn™m¬, t\sc t]Pv \w. 61te°v \oßpI. 50mw t]Pn¬ I≠ncp∂ tImfßfnse tImfw 1Abnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn°m≥ BZyw ]Tn°pI. CXns‚ \nba߃ thWsa¶n¬ t]Pv \º¿ 46¬ hmbn°mhp∂XmWv . ComeF∂ hm°v Cu tImfØn¬ Fßns\ D]tbmKn°p∂p F∂Xns‚ HmUntbm tIƒ°pI. G X m \ p w Z n h k ß ƒ t I m f w 1As e h m I y c N \ ] T n ° p I . ] c n N b n ° p I . A ≤ y m b w D S s \ ]q¿ØoIcnt°≠. GXm\pw Znhk߃ tImfw 1 ]cnioen®Xn\v tijw am{Xta a‰v tImfßfnte°v t]mImhq. Hm¿Ωn°pI, tImfw 1Abpw, tImfw 1Bbpw Htc tImfØns‚ c≠v hn`mK߃ am{XamWv. A©v tImfßfptSbpw BZy `mK߃ ]Tn®v Xocm≥ ]Øv Znhksa¶nepw FSpt°Ww. ChnsS ]cnioen°m\mbn \¬Inbncn°p∂Xv come F∂ hm°mWv. CXv apgph\pw ]Tn®v Ign™m¬, ]´nIbnse Hmtcm hm°pw Cu come \v ]Icambn tN¿Øv, CtX hmIy߃ ho≠pw ]Tn°pI.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-55. apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ A≤ymb߃ ]Tn°m≥ XpS°an´Xn\v tijw, Xmsg∏dbp∂ Hmtcm A≤ymbßfpw \ntXys\ sNdpXmbn ]cnioen°pI: a. 21mw t]Pnep≈ (A≤ymbw 7) SAMPLE SENTENCES ]Tn®v XpSßpI. CXn¬ km[mcW kw`mjW߃°v XpS°anSp∂ coXnIƒ ImWmw. b. 23mw t]Pnep≈ (A≤ymbw 8) NAME FINDING GAME ]Tn®v XpSßpI. Hcp hy‡n a\ n¬ Hcp Bsf BtemNn°p∂p. B Bƒ BcmsW∂v as‰mcmƒ ]e tNmZy߃ tNmZn®v , AsXsbt∂m, As√t∂m D≈ DØcw e`n®v sIm≠v, B hy‡n BtemNn® BfpsS t]cv Is≠Øp∂p. Cu A≤ymbw tI´v ]Tn®m¬, ]e ]pXnb hm°pIfpw kzmbØam°mw. c. 32mw t]Pnep≈ INTERACTIONS (kw`mjWw) (A≤ymbw 10) ]Tn°pI. \mseÆw D≠v. Ignbpsa¶n¬ CMvKvfnjv CtX ]pkvXIw D]tbmKn®v ]Tn°p∂ as‰mcp hy‡ntbbpw ]s¶Sp∏n®v sIm≠v CXv ]cnioen°pI. d. 43mw t]Pn¬ (A≤ymbw 13) sImSpØn´p≈ Common WORDS ]Tn°pI. CXv Ipsd CMv K v f njv ]Z߃ tI´v ]cnNbn°m≥ klmbn°pw. e. 151mw t]Pn¬ (A≤ymbw 20) sImSpØn´p≈ Nursery Rhymes¬ Hmtcm ssdapw Hmtcm Znhkw ]Tn®v XpSßpI. Chbn¬, Id]pcfmØ CMvKvf≠ns‚ Du¿÷kzeX Dƒs°m≈p∂p≠v. am{Xhpa√, CMv K v f njv kwkmcØns‚ Hgp°pw thKXbpw e`n°m\pw, ]pXnb ]e ]Z߃ ]Tn°m\pw Ch D]Icn°pw. 25 ssdapIƒ D≠v. e. 154mw t]Pnse (A≤ymbw 21) Situations¬ Hmtcm FÆw Hmtcm Znhkw ]Tn°pI. Ch Nne {]tXyI kw`h߃ CMvKvfnjn¬ Fßns\bmWv ]d™v ^en∏nt°≠Xv F∂v ]Tn°m≥ klmbn°pw. f. 157mw t]Pnse (A≤ymbw 23) {]kwKßfn¬, BZytØXv FSpØv AXnse BZysØ JfinI BZy Znhkw ]Tn°pI. Aßns\ Hmtcm Znhkhpw, Hmtcm JfinI F∂ tXmXn¬ ]Tn®v \oßpI. {]kwKn°ptºmƒ, ssIIƒ sIm≠v A\mhiy tKmjvSnIƒ ImWn°mXncn°pI. ]dbp∂ Imcy߃°v Du∂¬ \¬Im≥ ssIIƒ D]tbmKn°pI. t{imXm°fpsS IÆpIfnte°v t\m°n, ]dbm\p≈ Bibw AhcpsS a\ nte°v ]Xn∏n°p∂ coXnbn¬ kwkmcn°pI. A©v {]kwK߃ D≠v. Ch A©pw ]Tn°pI. CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°m\p≈ Ignhpw ss[cyhpw Xms\ hf¿t∂°mw. bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw [rXnImWn°cpXv. f. 170 apX¬ 190 hscbp≈ (A≤ymbw 26) t]PpIfn¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ hyXykvXXcw hmIy{]tbmK߃ GXm\pw BgvNIƒ°v tijw ]cnioen®v XpSßpI. Chsb√mw Xs∂ {]m[m\yap≈hbmWv. 185mw t]Pn¬, Htc A¿∞ap≈ Imcy߃ aq∂v hyXykvX coXnbn¬ As, So, Because F∂ aq∂v hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v , {]tbmKn°p∂Xv ImWmhp∂XmWv . tI´pw ]d™pw ]cnioen°pI. Xms\ Ch {]tbmKn°p∂coXn a\ n¬ ]Xnbm≥ km[yXbp≠v. g. 191mw t]PpapX¬, 205mw t]Pphsc (A≤ymbw 27) Ipsd sNdnb CMv K v f njv ]Z{]tbmK߃ sImSpØn´p≠v. \n߃ AXv sNøq, \n߃ CXv sNøq XpSßnb coXnbnep≈ {]tbmKßfmWv Ch. tI´pw ]d™pw ]Tn°pI. h. 156mw t]Pn¬ (A≤ymbw 22) IW°nse KpW\∏´nI ImWmw. CMvKvfnjn¬ CXv sNm√p∂Xv Hcp {]tXyI coXnbnemWv. H∂v apX¬ 12 hscbp≈ A°ßfpsS KpW\∏´nIbpsS HmUntbm, Hcp {]tXyI t^mƒUdn¬ Bbn´mWv, HmUntbm t^mƒUdn¬ h®ncn°p∂Xv. i. 208mw t]PpapX¬ (A≤ymbw 30) CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°¬ kmlnXyØn¬ \n∂pap≈ aq∂v \o≠ D±cWnIƒ ImWmw. Ch \∂mbn tIƒ°pI. A¿∞w t\m°pI. Chbnse kuμcyw Dƒs°m≈m≥ BhpIbmsW¶n¬, ]Xps°∏Xps° CMvKvfnjv IvfmknIvkv hmbn°m\p≈ Ignhv hf¿Ømhp∂XmWv. CXn\mbp≈ am¿§\n¿t±i߃ \¬Im≥ hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv \v Xm¬∏cyap≠v. Cu ]pkvXIw \∂mbn ]Tn°pI.



BapJw hymIcW \nba߃ Imcyambn H∂pwXs∂ ]Tn°msXXs∂ CMv K v f njv ]Tn°m\p≈ Hcp kwhn[m\amWv Cu ]T\ ]≤Xn. CXv krjvSn®Xn\v ]n∂n¬ ]e Imcyßfpw D≠v.


H∂maXmbn, hfsc efnXhpw, shdpw 26 en]nIƒ am{Xhpap≈ Cu `mj C∂v C¥ybnse H´pan° kmam\y P\߃°pw AhcpsS a°ƒ°pw Hcp Iodmap´nbmbn \ne\n¬°p∂p. F∂m¬ CMvKvfnjv hfsc efnXamb Hcp `mjbmWv. C{Xbv°pw efnXamb Hcp `mj F¥v sIm≠mWv C¥ybnse s]mXpP\Øn\v Hcp shdp∏mbnamdnbXv F∂Xn\v ]n∂n¬ ]e clkyßfpw D≠v. hfsc sNdp∏w apX¬ Xs∂, hfsc Ffp∏Ønepw, IcpXn°q´nb√msXbpw, kzm`mhnIambn kw`hn°p∂Xmbn tXm∂n°p∂ coXnbnepw CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°m≥ ]e¿°pw kuIcys∏SpØnbn´p≈ hy‡nbmWv Cu FgpØpImc≥. F∂m¬, CMvKvfnjv ]Tn®h¿ AXv a‰p≈hcnte°v ]Icm≥ Xm¬∏cys∏Sp∂n√ F∂XmWv A\p`hw. CXn\m¬ Xs∂, CMvKvfnjv Bsc ]Tn∏n®mepw, AXv Ahcn¬ \n∂v apt∂m´v a‰p≈hcnte°v ]Scp∂n√. CXn\v Hcp t]mwhgn ]et∏mgpw BtemNn°pIbpw ]e am¿§ßƒ ]co£n°pIbpw Cu FgpØpImc≥ sNbv X v t \m°nbn´p≠v . C∂phsc CXpambn _‘s∏´p\SØnbn´p≈ ]cn{iaßfpsS ]cnkam]vXnbmWv Cu ]≤Xn. \n¿_‘n®v ASnt®¬∏n°s∏Sp∂ Hu]NmcnI hnZym`ymkw, Cu \m´nse Hcp h≥`qcn]£ P\ßfptSbpw Ip´nIƒ°v KpWta∑bp≈ CMvKvfnjv ]cn⁄m\w \¬Ip∂Xn¬ ]cmPbs∏´ncn°p∂p. am{Xhpa√, \nehmcw Ipd™Xpw, hnckhpamb CMvKvfnjv ]mT]pkv X IßfneqsSbpw, Cu B›cyIcamb kz`mhhntijßfp≈ `mjsb P\߃ shdpt∏msS ho£n°phm\mWv Cu hnZym`ymkw IcpXn°q´n Ifw Hcp°nbncn°p∂Xv. hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv Iptd h¿jßfmbn CMvKvfnjv kwhn[m\߃ {]Ncn∏n°p∂Xn¬ hym]rXamb Hcp {]ÿm\amWv. C‚¿s\‰neqsS temIØn¬ ]ebnSØpw ]eImcyßfnepw CMvKvfnjn\v th≠n {]h¿Øn®psIm≠ncn°p∂p. C¥y≥ D]`qJ≠Ønse `mjIfn¬ am{Xa√, ]e Gjy≥, B{^n°≥, sX°≥ Fsavdn°≥, Nne `qJ≠ bqtdm]y≥ cmjv{Sßfnse `mjIfnepw, ^yqU¬ Nphbp≠v F∂ Bibw {]Ncn∏n°m≥ hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãnjyqj≥kv \v sNdpXmsb¶nepw Bbn´p≠v. F∂m¬ s]mXpsh ]d™m¬, Cu Imcyw C¥ybnse am[ya߃ am{Xa√, adn®v CMv K v f njv cmjv { Sßfn¬ IpSntbdn∏m¿Øh¿t]mepw, N¿®bv ° v FSp°m≥ Xm¬∏cys∏SmØ ImcyamWv. ImcWw, CXv kvt^mmS\mflIamb Hcp hnhcambn amdntb°mw. 2011¬ ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ C¥y≥ kvIqƒ hnZym`ymkØn¬ ASnt®¬∏n°cpXv F∂ Bhiyhpambn hnIv t ‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv _lpam\s∏´ tIcfm sslt°mSXnsb kao]n®ncp∂p. Writ Petition against Compulsory Malayalam Study F∂v archive.org ¬ Xnc™m¬ CXns‚ hniZmwi߃ ImWmhp∂XmWv . Cu CMv K v f njv ]T\ ]≤Xn Xømdm°nbncn°p∂Xv VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS F∂ XqenIm\maØn¬ FgpXp∂ FgpØpImc\mWv. Cu Bƒ, `mjIfnse tImUpIsf°pdn®pw, bmYm¿∞yØn\v ]n∂nep≈ tImUpIsf°pdn®pw ]eXcw ]T\ßfpw \nco£Wßfpw \SØnbn´p≈ hy‡nbmWv. Cu ]T\ßfn¬\n∂pw \nco£Wßfn¬\n∂pw, `mjmtImUpIƒ°v tkm^vtSz¿ tImUpIfpambn kmZriyw D≠v F∂ \nKa\ØnemWv FØnt®¿∂Xv. CXpambn _‘s∏´v Cu FgpØpImc≥ BZyambn cNn®Xv MARCH of the EVIL EMPIRES; English versus the feudal languages F∂ {KŸamWv. CXv BZyambn sNdnb cq]Øn¬ FgpXnbXv 1989¬ BWv. 2000tØmsS, CXv GXtZiw 170000 hm°pIfp≈ Hcp ]pkvXIambn C‚¿s\‰n¬ h®p. `mjmtImUpIsf°pdn®pw, ^yqU¬ `mjIfnse D®\oNXz, hnthN\ tImUpIsf°pdn®pw a ‰ p a m b n _ ‘ s ∏ ´ v VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS a ‰ v ] e { K Ÿ ß f p w c N n ® n ´ p ≠ v . Ahbn¬s∏´hbmWv Shrouded Satanism in feudal langauges; , Codes of reality; What is language?F∂nh. thsd {KŸßfpw D≠v. hnIvt‰mdnA: C‚Ãn‰yqj≥kv sh_vsskÃn¬ \n∂pw (victoria.org.in ), KqKvƒ _pIvkv, KqKvƒ This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


]vsf XpSßnb ssk‰pIfn¬ \n∂pw, Cu FgpØpImcs‚ {KŸßfpsS UnPn‰¬ ]Xn∏pIƒ hmßn°mhp∂XmWv. F∂m¬ Chbn¬ ]eXpw, kuP\yambpw hnIvt‰mdnA: C‚Ãn‰yqj≥kv sh_vsskÃn¬\n∂pw ( www.victoria.org.in) hmbn°mhp∂XmWv. Cu ]pkvXIßfpsS Hcp enÃv Cu t\mSvkns‚ ]n≥Ihdn¬ ImWmw. CXn¬\n∂pap≠mbn´p≈ ]eXcw BbihnImkßfn¬ hfsc \n mcamb H∂v, CMvKvfnjv `mjm LS\sb hymIcW\nbaßfn√msX Xs∂ {Ias∏SpØmsa∂pw, hm°pIsf ckX{¥Ønse ]ocntbmUn°v s‰bv_vfn¬ ImWp∂ amXncnbp≈ Hcp ]´nIbmbn {Ias∏SpØmsa∂pambncp∂p. Cu CMvKvfnjv ]T\ ]≤Xnbn¬ Cu CMvKvfnjv Smªm¿ hnZy D]tbmKn®n´p≠v. GXm≠v 2002 apX¬ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn∏n°m≥ D]tbmKn®ph∂ Hcp am¿§amWv Cu t\mSvkmbn cNn®n´p≈Xv . hymIcW \nba߃ H´pwXs∂ D]tbmKn°msX, CMv K v f njv ]Tn∏n°m\pw, ]Tn°m\pap≈ Hcp am¿§w 2002¬ hf¿ØnsbSpØv , GXm≠v 2007¬ CXn\v Hcp hy‡amb ASnØdbp≠m°nsbSpØp (t]Pv \w. 46 apX¬ 150 hsc). Cu ]≤XnbpsS F√mhn[ ]I¿∏hImihpw hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv¬ \n£n]vXamWv. Cu ]≤Xn B¿°pw kzImcyambpw hmWnPymSnÿm\Ønepw CMvKvfnjv ]T\Øn\pw, ]Tn∏n°en\pw D]tbmKn°mw. F∂m¬ Cu {]n‚nUv t\mSvkv hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv ¬ \n∂pw Xs∂ hmßnt°≠XmWv. CXn\v ]Icw, kz¥ambn CXnse Bibßfpw, a‰v Imcyßfpw D]tbmKnt®m, As√¶n¬ Ahbn¬ sNdnbam‰ßƒhcpØntbm, a‰v t\mSvkpIƒ, {]n‚ nUmbpw, A√msXbpw, Cu BhiyØn\mtbm, at‰sX¶nepw BhiyØn\mtbm cq]s∏SpØphm\pw, D]tbmKn°phm\pw ]mSn√. GXv `mjbnepw. C≥¿s\‰nepw, C∂p≈ a‰v kmt¶XnI D]IcWßfnepw, C\n Is≠Øm≥t]mIp∂ a‰v D]m[nIƒ aptJs\bpw Cu ]pkv X Itam, As√¶n¬ AXnse Bibßtfm, ]T\hnZytbm, D]tbmKn°phmt\m, kq£n°phmt\m, ]mSn√. hnIv t ‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv s‚ enJnX cq]Ønep≈ kΩXan√msX. C¥y≥ `mjIfnse P∑nIpSnbm≥ (^yqU¬) kmaqlnI _‘tImUpIsf°pdn®pw, C¥y≥ D]Zzo]ns‚ bYm¿∞ Ncn{XsØ°pdn®pw, C∂sØ tIcfw F∂ kwÿm\w Dƒs°m≈p∂ {]tZiØns‚ Ncn{XsØ°pdn®pw, CMv K v f njv `cWImesØ°pdn®pw a‰pw {]Xn]mZn°p∂p. PmXn]camb D∂a\Øn\v AXoXamb D∂a\w CMvKvfnjv \¬Ipw F∂XmWv hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv apt∂m´v sh°p∂ Bibw. Id]pcfmØ CMv K v f njv (pristine-English) s]mXpP\߃°nSbn¬ {]Ncn∏n°pIsb∂Xv hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kvs‚ enJnXhpw, {]Jym]nXhpamb e£yamWv.

This English teaching methodology is a frill development of the ideas of VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS. In his various books, he has taken up the contention that human languages are either software or software applications. He has been able to conceptualise Reality as affected by language codes as a three-dimensional virtual arena, in which varying words can literally connect human beings, and other living beings with events and things in various locations and with varying vector components. In the teaching methodology promoted in this book, English words are arranged in a tabular form, akin to the Periodic Table in Chemistry. The copyright of this methodology, and the various other ideas therein, as well as of this Notes is possessed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS. Even though it is permitted for anyone to use this notes for studying English at a personal level, and for teaching English on a commerical basis, no one is permitted to create any printed or non-printed notes based on the ideas in this book. In any language. Or to be stored in any other medium, including the internet, computers, any electronic devices or with any other technologies that are yet to be discovered. Unauthorised photocopying or any other kind of duplication of this book or its contents is not permitted. All these things do constitute the infringement of the copyright of this book. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Xßfn¬ Xßfn¬ apJØv Xp∏pw \Ωƒ Hs∂∂v sNm√pw Nncn°pw..... ⁄m\Øn\mbn Ipºnƒ\o´p∂ ]qhns‚ PmXntNmZn°p∂p thymaknwlmk\w........ -- \mdmWØv {`m¥≥ ˛ a[pkqZ\≥ \mb¿


CMvKvfnjv ]Tn∏n°p∂Xns\°pdn®pw, ]Tn°p∂Xns\°pdn®pw CMv K v f njv ]T\w C¥y≥ D]Zzo]n¬ sIm≠v h ∂Xv CMv K v f njv CuÃv C¥ym Iº\nbmWv . BZyImeßfn¬ Cu D]`qJ≠Ønse Ipt_cIpSpw_mwK߃°pw, CuÃv C¥ym Iº\nbpsS sXmgn¬sNøp∂h¿°pw am{Xta Cu ]T\w e`n®ncp∂p≈p. s]mXphmbn ]d™m¬ kaqlØnse Xmsg°nSbnep≈h¿ CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂Xv , kaqlØnse D∂Xÿm\ßfn¬ D≈h¿°v CjvSap≈Imcyambncp∂n√. CXns\ Ah¿ ]ecoXnbnepw \ncp’mls∏SpØnbncp∂p. ]et∏mgpw, CXn\p≈ kuIcywapS°ns°m≠mWv CXv Ah¿ kucIys∏SpØnbXv. F∂m¬ CuÃv C¥ym Iº\n Cu D]`qJ≠Øns‚ hensbmcp `q{]tZiw `cn®pXpSßnbt∏mƒ, BZyambn ChnsS s]mXphnZym`ymkw \S∏nem°m≥ BtemNn®p. CXv GXv `mjbn¬ thWsa∂ tNmZyw Db¿∂t∏mƒ, AXv {]mtZinI `mjIfn¬am{Xta ]mSp≈p F∂v {]mtZinI kmaqlnI t\Xm°ƒ \n¿_‘w ]nSn®p. F∂m¬ CXns\°pdn®v ]Tn°m≥ CuÃv C¥ym Iº\n \nban® IΩn‰n°v t\XrXzw \¬Inb Lord Macaulay, s]mXphnZym`ymkw CMvKvfnjn¬ BtIWw F∂v iq]m¿» sNbvXp. Cu ip]m¿i AwKoIcn°s∏SpIbpw, ]ebnSßfnepw CMvKvfnjv hnZym`ymkw Bcw`n°s∏SpIbpw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ {]tZinI t\Xm°ƒ°v CXnt\mSv tbmPn∏n√mbncp∂p. AXn\m¬ Xs∂ CMvKvfnjv hnZym`ymkØn\v _Zembpw, AXnt\mSv a’cn°m\pambn ]ebnSØpw {]mtZinI `mjbnep≈ hnZym`ymkw Db¿∂ph∂p. CuÃv C¥ym Iº\nbpw, ]n∂oSv _r´njv `cWhpw NnebnSßfn¬ \¬Inb CMv K v f njv hnZym`ymkØneqsS ]e Xmgv∂ PmXn°mcpw kmaqlnI ASnaØØn¬ \n∂pw tamN\w t\Sn. Cßns\ Cu {]tZiØn¬ c≠v hyXykvX `mjIfn¬ hnZym`ymkw F∂ G¿∏mSv ]S¿∂v ]Sn®p. XncnhnXmwIq¿ t]mep≈ kzX{¥ cmPyßfnepw, CXns‚ AesbmenIƒ ]S¿∂ptIdn. s]mXpP\w CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂Xv ]et∏mgpw kmaqlnI D∂a\ßfn¬ \n¬°p∂h¿°v AtcmNIamb ImcyamWv . CXn\v hy‡amb Nne ImcW߃ D≠v . s]mXpP\w CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂Xv \ncp’mls∏SpØm≥ D]tbmKn°p∂ G‰hpw s]mXphmb hmZKXn, CMvKvfnjv Hcp hntZi `mjbmWv F∂XmWv. F∂m¬, C∂v km[mcW P\߃ tjv´v, ]m‚ vkv, _vfukv, kmcn, NpcnZm¿, jqkv XpSßnb Imcy߃ [cn°p∂Xpw, Itkcbn¬ Ccn°p∂Xpw, I´nen¬ InS°p∂Xpw a‰pw, ChnSp≈ kwkv I mcßfn¬ D≈Imcya√msb∂v Hm¿t°Ww. CsX√mw Xcs∏SpØnbXv, CMvKvfnjv hnZym`ymkØns‚ hcthmsSbmWv. At∏mƒ ]ns∂ CMvKvfnjv `mj P\߃ ]Tn°p∂Xnt\mSv F¥mWv C{Xam{Xw FXn¿∏v? CXn\p≈ DØcw CMvKvfnjv `mjbnse Nne {]tXyIXIfn¬ ImWmhp∂XmWv. a‰v ]e `mjIfnepw C√mØ Hcp hnkv a bIcamb hyXymkw CMv K v f njnep≠v . Cu {]tXyIXImcWamWv , CMv K v f njv kwkmcn°p∂ CMv K v f ≠n\v temIsغmSpw ap≥]¥nbn¬ \n¬°m≥ Ign™n´p≈Xpw, sImfmWnb¬ ImeL´Øn¬ ]e {]tZißfntebpw Xmsg°nSbnep≈ P\ßfpsS kvt\lhpw BZchpw e`n®Xpw. CXv F¥mWv F∂Imcyw ]pdØv ]dbmt\m, Hcp kmaqlnI N¿®bv°v FSp°mt\m Bcpw CjvSs∏Sp∂n√. temIsaºmSpap≈ an° `mjIƒ°pw Hcp ^yqU¬, AYhm P∑n˛IpSnbm≥ _‘ tImUpIƒ D≈ Hcp cq]amWv, DffXv. CXv F¥mWv F∂v hy‡ambn Xs∂ ]dbmw. CMvKvfnjn¬ You, He, She, They XpSßnb hm°pIfpw, AhbpsS a‰v cq]ßfmb Your, Yours, His, Him, Her, Hers, Their, Theirs, Them XpSßnb hm°pIfpw D≠v. Chtbmtcm∂n\pw, H‰ \nehmcØnep≈ cq]ta s]mXpkw`mjWßfn¬ D≈p. F∂m¬, Cu hm°pIƒ a‰v ]e `mjIfnte°pw amdptºmƒ, Chtbmtcm∂n\pw, kwkmcn°p∂ BfpIfpsS kmaqlnI ]Zhn, kmºØnI \nehmcw, sXmgn¬ ]camb \nehmcw, PmXn]camb \nehmcw (]≠v Imeßfn¬), IpSpw_Øns‚ \nehmcw, IpSpw_Øn\p≈nse \nehmcw, `mcybpsS/`¿Ømhns‚ kmaqlnI/ This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


sXmgn¬]camb \nehmcw, henb Bƒ˛sNdnb Bƒ, hy‡n]camb A¥ v, A¥ n√mbva , hb v (B[p\nI Imeßfn¬) XpSßn ]ehn[ _mlyambXpw, AkwKXambXpamb Imcyßsf ASnÿm\s∏SpØn ]ehn[ \nehmcßfnep≈ hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂p. DZmlcWØ\v, CMvKvfnjnse You F∂ hm°v aebmfØn¬, \o, Xm≥, Cbmƒ, \n߃ XpSßnb \nehmcw Ipdhv ImWn°p∂ hm°pIfmbpw, Xm¶ƒ, Aßv, km¿, Aßp∂v, AhnSp∂v, amUw, taUw XpSßnb XnI®pw FXn¿ tImWnep≈ _lpam\ hm°pIfmbpw Xcw Xncn°s∏Sp∂p. thsdbpw hm°pIƒ D≠v. ae_m¿ `mjbn¬, XnI®pw FXn¿tImWpIfn¬ D≈ C™n, \n߃/ C߃ F∂ hm°pIfmbpw You F∂ hm°ns\ ]cn`mjs∏SpØs∏Sp∂p. He F∂ hm°ns\ aebmfØn¬ Ah≥, Abmƒ, At±lw, km¿ F∂pw, ae_m¿ `mjbn¬ Hm≥,

aq∏¿, Hmcv XpSßnbhm°pIfmbpw, ]cn`mjs∏Sp∂p. thsdbpw hm°pIƒ D≠v. She F∂ hm°ns\ Ahƒ, Abmƒ, Ahcv , km¿, amVw, taVw XpSßnbhm°pIfmbn

aebmfØnepw, Hmfv , Abmƒ, Hmcv , Hmev , XpSßnb hm°pIfmbn ae_m¿ `mjbnepw ]cn`mjs∏Sp∂p. thsdbpw hm°pIƒ D≠v. am\knIhpw, kmaqlnIhpw Bb ASnaØw, Zmkyam\knImhÿ, Nße t]mse a\ ns\ IpSp°p∂ \n¿_‘]q¿Δap≈ Iqdv, ASnas∏SpØp∂htcmSv BZchv, DtZymKÿcpsS Alw`mh s]cpam‰w, tamiamb t]menkv s]cpam‰w XpSßnbhbpsS tImUpIƒ Cu hmIy{]tbmKßfn¬ D≠v. CMvKvfnjn¬ He, She, You,His, Her XpSßnbhm°pIfmƒ _‘n°s∏´v, ]c∂Xmb kmaqlnI _‘w \ne\n¿Øn, XΩn¬ kwkmcn°p∂ Hcp Iq´w BfpIsf aebmfØnte°v am‰nbm¬, Ah¿ s]mSp∂s\, ]eXcw ÿm\ßfptSbpw ASnÿmØn¬ ]e X´pIfmbpw, ]eZn°n¬ D≈hcmbpw amdn, am\knIambpw _p≤n]cambpw hyXnNen°s∏Sp∂p. C°mcWØm¬ Xs∂ kzXkn≤ambn CMv K v f njv kwkmcn°p∂h¿°v , ^yqU¬ `mjm kwkmcßfnte°v \oßm≥ ]et∏mgpw CjvSamIn√. Imcyßsf°pdn®v hnhcw Ds≠¶n¬. AtXkabw, ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ kwkmcn°p∂h¿, Id]pcfmØ CMv K v f njv kwkmcn°m≥ ]Tn®m¬, kmaqlnIambn Ahcn¬ sI´nh®ncn°p∂ ]eXcØnep≈ NßeIfpw Agn™vhogp∂Xmbn A\p`hs∏Spw. CXv kmaqlnIambn ]e¿°pw CjvSs∏Sp∂ Imcya√. ImcWw, C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ cq]s∏SpØnbncn°p∂ kmaqlnI _‘ßfn¬, henb Bƒ ˛ sNdnb Bƒ F∂ coXnbnemWv, F√m _‘ßfpw Dd∏n°s∏´n´pffXv. _lpam\hpw, hnt[bXzhpw Bhiys∏Sp∂ Db¿∂ hy‡nbpw, Ah \¬Im≥ _m[yÿ\mb sNdnb hy‡nbpw. F√m \neIfnepw, _‘ßfnepw. Cu _‘sØ Dd∏n°p∂ hm°pIƒ am‰n, Ahbv°v ]Icw, c≠v ]£tØbpw H‰ \nehmcØn¬ FØn°p∂ `mj h∂m¬, _‘ßfn¬ {]iv \ w D≠mhpw F∂ Hcp t]Sn, kmaqlnIambn t\Xrÿm\ßfn¬ D≈ hy‡nIƒ°v ]≠v Imew apXte D≈ ImcyamWv . CMv K v f njv `cWØnt\mSv, C¥y≥ D]`qJ≠Ønse Ipt_c IpSpw_ßfn¬ ]e¿°pw FXn¿∏p≠mbncp∂Xv, C°mcWØmemWv. C°mcysØ°pdn®v BgØn¬ Nn¥n®m¬ Adnbmw, ChnSp≈ ]ehn[ {]iv \ ߃°pw ASnÿm\ambn \n¬°p∂Xv ChnSp≈ `mjIfnse ^yqU¬ NphbmWv F∂v . PmXn]camb AbnØßfpw, sXm´pIqSmbvaIfpw, Ad∏pw, AanXm[chpw a‰pw, Cu hm°pIfneqsS Hcp h≥Iq´w BfpIsf ]eX´pIfnembn A[as∏SpØp∂Xns‚ _mlyamb ^eßfmWv. a‰p≈h¿°v, Ah¿ kz¥w kplrØp°fmsW¶n¬ IqSn, Db¿®bpw sFizcyhpw hcp∂Xv IWp∂Xv , a\ n¬ Imcyamb thZ\ P\n∏n°pw. ImcWw Cu hf¿®bn¬ kmaqlnIambn Ah≥ Ahcpw, At±lhpw a‰pambn amdpw. XΩn¬ ]mc]WnbpI, NXn°pI, ]pdsa kvt\lw \Sn®v klmbn°p∂ `mhØn¬ sIm≠vt]mbn ]cmPbØn¬ FØn°pI XpSßnb ]eXcw ZpjvSIcamb s]cpam‰ßƒ°pw CXymZn tImUpIƒ hgnsXfn°pw. sNdp∏wapXse CMv K v f njv AdnbpIbpw, CMv K v f njv A¥co£Øn¬ hfcpIbpw CMv K v f njv A¥co£Øn¬ Pohn°pIbpw sNbvXm¬, XΩnep≈ s]cpam‰w arZphmbncn°pw. F∂m¬ Cu s]cpam‰Ønse arZpXzw Cu A¥co£Øn\v ]pdØp≈htcmSv ImWn°pw F∂v Dd∏v ]dbm≥ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Bhn√. CMvKvfnjpw ^yqU¬ `mjbpw Htc t]mse ssIImcysNøp∂hcn¬ _lphy‡nXzhpw, hyXykvXßfmb s]cpam‰coXnIfpw ImWm\pw km[yXbp≠v. F∂m¬, ^yqU¬ `mjIfn¬ hf¿∂h¿ s]s´∂v CMvKvfnjv D]tbmKn°m≥ ]Tn°ptºmƒ, am\knIambn kzX{¥yw e`n®Xmb Hcp tXm∂¬ Dfhmtb°mw. CXv , ]et∏mgpw icnbmb am¿§\n¿t±iw e`nt°≠p∂ Hcp ÿnXnhntijamWv. CMvKvfnjn¬ F√mcpw ka∑mcmWv F∂ Nn¥ icnb√. DZmlcWØn\v, CMvKvf≠nse ]´mf Hm^vnkdpw, kmZm]´mf°mc\pw Xp√yc√. F∂m¬, XΩn¬ kwkmcn°ptºmgpw, A∏pdØp≈htcbpw C∏pdØp≈htcbpw, kwt_m[\sNøptºmgpw ]cma¿»n°ptºmgpw, hyXykvXßfmb hm°pIfpw, hnthN\w sNøp∂ hm°pIfpw aqeytNmjWw \SØp∂ hm°pIfpw CMv K v f njn¬ s]mXphm°pIfmbn C√ F∂p≈XmWv hyXymkw. kwt_m[\sNøptºmgpw, ]mca¿in°ptºmgpw, Hu]NmcnIamb ]Zhn¬ Db¿∂hcpsS t]cn\v ap≥]n¬ Mr., Mrs., Miss. XpSßnb hm°pIƒ bYm¿∞ CMv K v f njn¬ D]tbmKn°mdp≠v . DZmlcWØn\v , ASpØv ]cnNban√mØ sNdp{]mb°mcmb s]¨Ip´nIsf kwt_m[\ sNøptºmfpw, Ahsc°pdn®v ]cma¿in°ptºmfpw, AhcpsS t]cn\v ap≥]n¬ Miss. F∂v tN¿°p∂XmWv am\yamb CMvKvfnjv kwkmc coXn. C¥ybn¬, kmaqlnI LS\ ^yqU¬ `mjm tImUpIƒ {]ImcamWv cq]I¬∏\ sNøs∏´n´p≈Xv. AXn\m¬Xs∂, C¥y≥ `cWLS\bn¬ hmKvZm\w sNøs∏´n´p≈ kzmX{¥yßfpw, AhImißfpw a‰pw, ChnsS \S∏n√Xs∂. Ch \S∏nemhWsa¶n¬, P\߃ ]gbIme CMvKvf≠nse CMvKvfnjv `mj D]tbmKn®v XpStßWw. Cu CMvKvfnjv ]T\ ]≤Xn CXmWv Dt±in°p∂Xv. F∂m¬ Cu ]T\Øn¬ ]s¶Sp°p∂ hy‡n, bmtXmcpImcWhimepw, C{XbpwImew _lpam\n®pw, hnt[bXzw \¬Inbpw _‘s∏´ncp∂ hy‡nIfpambn Chbn√sX s]cpamdnØpSßcpXv . CMv K v f njv s]cpam‰Øns‚ bYm¿∞ \∑tb‰pXpSßWsa¶n¬, GXv _‘Øntebpw as‰bmfpw, CMv K v f njv Adnhp≈ Bfpw, CXneqsSbp≈ s]cpam‰ßsf°pdn®v hnhcap≈ Bfpw Bbncnt°Ww. A√msX s]s´∂v t]mbn CMvKvfnjv s]cpam‰ coXnIƒ ASnt®¬∏n®m¬, adp]£w {]XnIcn°pw. ]Øvap∏Xv h¿j߃°v ap≥]vhsc k¿°m¿ Hm^vnkpIfnepwa‰pw, CMvKvfnjv `mj \∂mbn D]tbmKn®ncp∂p. F∂m¬ C∂v CMvKvfnjv Adnhp≈h¿ k¿°m¿ sXmgnen¬ hfsc IpdhmWv. AXn\m¬ Xs∂, k¿°m¿ sXmgnepImcpsS s]cpam‰Øn¬ P∑n IpSnbmt\mSv s]cpamdp∂ Hcp `mhw kzm`mhnIw am{XamWv. k¿°m¿ sXmgn¬sNøp∂hcpsS P∑n `mhØn\v Iq´p\n¬°p∂ s]cpam‰amWv km[mcW°mcpw {]ISn∏n°p∂Xv. DtZymKÿcpsS ap∂n¬ ap≠v IqØgn°pIbpw, IpØgn® ap≠v Imen\nSbn¬ XncpIn°b‰n Ip\nbpIbpw, AanX _lpam\tØmsSbpw kzbw XmWpw s]cpamdp∂Xv {]tZinI `mjIfnse tImUpIfpsS Bhiy{]ImcamWv. c≠v Iq´cpw Ie¿∏n√mØ CMvKvfnjn¬ \√ ]cn⁄m\w t\SnbhcmsW¶n¬, Cßns\sbmcp kmaqlnIm¥coI£w kwPmXamIn√Xs∂. Cu A¥co£w am‰m\p≈ Htcsbmcp t]mwhgn, km[mcW°m¿ \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn®v, C¥y≥ `cWLS\bn¬ hmKvZm\w sNøs∏´n´p≈ hy‡nXzhpw, hy‡n kzmX{¥yhpw Bhiys∏SpI F∂XmWv. F∂m¬ k¿°m¿ sXmgnepIm¿ tami°mcpw, s]mXpP\w \√hcpw BWv F∂pw [cn°cpXv. c≠vIq´cpw, ^yqU¬ `mjbnse hyXykvX A‰ßfn¬ \n∂v Ifn°p∂h¿ am{XamWv. Cu _‘ßfnse {[phoIcWw, F√m _‘ßfnepw kw`hn°p∂p≠v, Cu `mjIfn¬. \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv ]T\w hy‡ntb°mƒ, kaqlØn\pw, kmaqlnIm¥co£Øn\pamWv aqeyw Iq´pI. CXv H‰s∏´ hy‡nIƒ am{Xw ]Tn®m¬ t]mc, adn®v kaqlwXs∂ CMvKvfnjn¬ \√\nehmcØn¬ FtØWw. AXpw, hnIvt‰mdnFv≥ ImeL´Ønse CMvKvf≠nse CMvKvfnjv. Xs∂ kzmbØamt°Ww. Fsavdn°≥ CMvKvfnjv, C¥y≥ CMvKvfnjv, ssN\okv CMvKvfnjv XpSßnb t]cpIfn¬ Adnbs∏Sp∂ \nehmcw Ipd™hb√ ]Tnt°≠Xv. Ahbvs°√mw ]eXcnØep≈ aqeytNmjWw kw`hn®ncn°pItbm, AXpas√¶n¬ KpW\nehmcw e`n°mXncn°pItbm sNbvXn´p≠v. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.



ENGLISH ALPHABETS CMv•njnse A£c߃°v c≠v cq]ap≠v. henb£chpw (Capital letter) sNdnb£chpw (Small letter) . s ] m X p h m b n ] d ™ m ¬ h m I y ß f p s S XpS°Ønepw t]cns‚ XpS°Ønepw a‰pw BWv Capital letter D]tbmKnt°≠Xv. a‰v D]tbmKØn\v s]mXpsh Small letter BWv D]tbmKn°mdv. Capital Small A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z s]mXpsh, hy‡nIƒ, ÿe߃, {]ÿm\߃ F∂nhbptSsbms° t]cns‚ ap∂n¬, hmIyßfpsS XpS°Øn¬ XpSßnb ÿesØ√mw BZysØ A£cw XpSßp∂Xv Capital letter ¬ BWv. am{Xhpa√ Cw•njnse Mr , Mrs , Miss XpSßnb hm°pIfpsS BZysØ A£cw Capital letter sIm≠mWv XpSßp∂Xv.  A 2


1 2 3

NUMBERS One Two Three

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


Four  A 1 Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty one Twenty two Twenty three Twenty four Twenty five Twenty six Twenty seven Twenty eight Twenty nine Thirty Thirty one Thirty two Thirty three Thirty four Thirty five Thirty six Thirty seven Thirty eight Thirty nine Forty Forty one Forty two Forty three Forty four Forty five Forty six Forty seven Forty eight Forty nine

-1250 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

Fifty Fifty one Fifty two Fifty three Fifty four Fifty five Fifty six Fifty seven Fifty eight Fifty nine Sixty Sixty one Sixty two Sixty three Sixty four Sixty five Sixty six Sixty seven Sixty eight Sixty nine Seventy Seventy one Seventy two Seventy three Seventy four Seventy five Seventy six Seventy seven Seventy eight Seventy nine Eighty Eighty one Eighty two Eighty three Eighty four Eighty five Eighty six Eighty seven Eighty eight Eighty nine Ninety Ninety one Ninety two Ninety three Ninety four Ninety five

96 97 98 99 100

Ninety six Ninety seven Ninety eight Ninety nine One hundred (Hundred)

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

One One One One One One One One One One One

hundred and one hundred and two hundred and three hundred and four hundred and five hundred and six hundred and seven hundred and eight hundred and nine hundred and ten hundred and eleven

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1001 1002 1003 1024

One hundred Two hundred Ch DZmlcW߃  Three hundred am{XamWv. Cu coXnbn¬ a‰v Four hundred A°ßƒ hmbn°m≥ Five hundred ]Tn°pI. K p W \ ] ´ n I t ] P v 156¬ Six hundred Seven hundred sImSpØn´p≠v . CXns‚bpw Eight hundred HmUntbm D≠v. Nine hundred One thousand One thousand and one One thousand and two One thousand and three One thousand and twenty four

1100 1200 1300 1400 1524 1637

One thousand one hundred One thousand two hundred One thousand three hundred One thousand four hundred One thousand five hundred and twenty four One thousand six hundred and thirty seven

2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 20000

Two thousand Three thousand Four thousand Five thousand Six thousand Seven thousand Eight thousand Nine thousand Ten thousand Eleven thousand Twenty thousand

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


30000 Thirty thousand 40000 Forty thousand 50000 Fifty thousand 60000 Sixty thousand 70000 Seventy thousand 80000 Eighty thousand 90000 Ninety thousand 100000 One hundred thousand (1 lakh 1 e£w) Weekdays

BgvNm Znhk߃




Xn¶fmgv N


sNmΔmgv N


_p[\mgvN (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)


hymgmgv N


sh≈nbmgv N



 A 3

Good Morning Good Afternoon (Afternoons‚ D®mcWw {i≤n°pI) Good Evening Goodnight

(cm{Xnbn¬ hnS]dbptºmƒ)




IcSn (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)




Im´v t]mØv




































































tXv ƒ






\cn, ISph


(D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)










(D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)


Wild boar


Green gram





I∏e≠n(ae_m¿ `mj:\ne°Se)












Ladies finger





aZyw (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)


















kthmf, D≈n








Fish market



Dcpf°ngßv (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)


IS, ]oSnI


Acn, tNmdv



Town Banana


]´Ww, AßmSn

GØ°, t\{¥∏gw



Snake gourd


String beans


(D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)

Bengal gram



































sh≈w (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)




_Ø°, hØ°, XÆnaØ≥












Huj[w, ab°papcp∂v




`£Ww (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI)



This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-15 A 4


CMvKvfnjnse efnXamb ]Z߃


Rm≥ (Ft∏mgpw Capital letter cq]Øn¬ FgpXWw)






CXv, AXv

These Ch Those Ah a



As√¶n¬ The {]k‡amb ImcysØ kqNn∏n°p∂ Hcp hm°mWv.


BWv (GIhN\ßtfmSmWv D]tbmKnt°≠Xv)


BWv (_lphN\ßtfmSmWv D]tbmKnt°≠Xv)


BWv (I [Rm≥] F∂ ]ZØns‚ IqsS am{Xsa D]tbmKn°mhq)

This is a pen CXv Hcp t]\bmWv. That is a pen AXv Hcp t]\bmWv. This is the pen CXmWv B ({]k‡amb) t]\. a F∂ A£cw Hcp F∂ A¿∞w \¬Ip∂p. ChnsS Adntb≠Imcyw, a, e, i, o, u (Vowels) XpSßnb en]nIfpsS i_vZØm¬ XpSßp∂ hm°pIfpsS ap∂n¬ Hcp F ∂ ] Z w D]tbmKn°s∏Sptºmƒ AXv an F∂mbn amdp∂p. DZmlcWØn\v, This is an apple (CXv Hcp apple BWv). a F∂ ]Zw hmIyØn¬ D]tbmKn°ptºmƒ sNdnsbmcp i_vZhyXymkw hcpØWw.

CMv•njv aebmfØn¬ \n∂pw XnI®pw hyXykvXamb Hcp `mjbmWv. en]nIfnepw, hmIyLS\bnepw, D®mcWssienbnepw am{Xa√, CMv•njv Dfhm°p∂ kmaqly LS\bnepw aebmfØn¬ \n∂pw hfsc, hfsc hyXymkap≈ H∂mWv CMv•njv. CMv • njv hm°pIfpw, hmIyßfpw aebmfØnte°v X¿PasNøptºmƒ ]et∏mgpw CMv•njn¬ Dt±in®ncp∂ bYm¿∞ Bibtam sshImcnI `mhßtfm aebmfØn¬ FØnt®cmdn√. am{Xhpa√ ]et∏mgpw CMv • njn¬ Dt±in®n´n√mØ kmaqly LS\Ifpw X¿Pabn¬ IS∂v IqSp∂p.


-16 A 5

km[mcW ]Z߃

CMvKvfnjnse G‰hpw sNdpXpw, F∂m¬ k¿Δkm[mcWambn D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂Xpamb hm°pIƒ \ap°v ]Tn°mw. ChnsS a\ nemt°≠Xv , Rm≥ F∂ ]Zw GIhN\hpa√, _lphN\hpw A√, F∂ImcyamWv. AsX kabw Abmƒ, Abmƒ(kv{Xo), AXv XpSßnbhm°pIƒ GIhN\hpw, Ah¿, R߃, \n߃ XpSßnbhm°pIƒ _lphN\hpw BWv. Cu hm°pItfmSv IqSn, BWv, Bbncp∂p, D≠v, D≠mbncp∂p F∂ hm°pIƒ tNcp∂ coXn \aps°m∂v t\m°mw. BWv I am Rm≥ ...BWv.

Bbncp∂p I was Rm≥ .... Bbncp∂p.

He Abmƒ

He is Abmƒ... BWv.

He was Abmƒ... Bbncp∂p.

She Abmƒ (kv{Xo)

She is Abmƒ (kv{Xo) ... BWv.

She was Abmƒ (kv{Xo) ... Bbncp∂p.

It AXv / CXv

It is AXv / CXv... BWv.

It was AXv / CXv... Bbncp∂p.

This man Cu Bƒ

This man is Cu Bƒ...BWv.

This man was Cu Bƒ...Bbncp∂p.

That girl B s]¨Ip´n

That girl is B s]¨Ip´n...BWv.

That girl was B s]¨Ip´n...Bbncp∂p.

My doctor (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI) Fs‚ tUmIvS¿

My doctor is Fs‚ tUmIvS¿...BWv.

My doctor was Fs‚ tUmIvS¿...Bbncp∂p.

Plurals _lphN\߃ We R߃

We are R߃...BWv.

We were R߃...Bbncp∂p.

You \n߃

You are \n߃...BWv.

You were \n߃...Bbncp∂p.

They Ah¿

They are Ah¿...BWv.

They were Ah¿...Bbncp∂p.

I Rm≥ Singulars GIhN\߃

The students(D®mcWw {i≤n°pI) The students are The students were B ({]k‡amb) hnZym¿∞nIƒ B ({]k‡amb)hnZym¿∞nIƒ...BWv. B ({]k‡amb)hnZym¿∞nIƒ...Bbncp∂p. The animals B ({]k‡amb) arK߃

The animals are B ({]k‡amb) arK߃ ... BWv.

The animals were B ({]k‡amb) arK߃ ... Bbncp∂p.

ChnsS kqNn∏nt°≠ Hcp Imcyw CXmWv . aebmfØnse At±lw, Abmƒ, Ah≥, Ahƒ  F∂p th¿Xncn®p≈ hm°pIƒ CMv•njnen√. At∏mƒ He F∂ hm°ns\ Ah≥ (ae_m¿ `mj: Hm≥) F∂v X¿÷asNøp∂Xv KpcpXcamb {]iv \ ߃°v hgnsXfnbn°pw. Db¿∂hsc∏‰n He F∂v D]tbmKn®m¬ AXv A[nt£]ambn amdpw. AXp t]mse Xs∂bmWv She F∂ hm°nt‚bpw Imcyw. aebmfØnse Ahƒ (ae_m¿ `mj: Hmƒ) F∂ hm°nt\mSv CXns\ _‘s∏SpØptºmƒ {]iv \ ap≠m°pw. Db¿∂hsc∏‰n She F∂p ]d™m¬ Ahsc A]am\n®Xmbn aebmfw˛CMv • njv ]Tn®h¿ a\ nem°pw. AXn\m¬ Cu ]pkv X IØn¬ He F∂ hm°nt\bpw She F∂ hm°nt\bpw X¿÷asNbvXv hbv°p∂Xv.

Abmƒ F∂mWv

C¥y≥ `mjIfpw CMv•njpw XΩn¬ A{Xbv°v hyXymkap≠v. bYm¿∞Øn¬ CMv•njv aebmfØnte°v X¿÷asNøs∏Sptºmƒ In´p∂Xv CMv • njnep≈, hy‡nIfn¬ aqeytNmjWw ASnt®¬∏n°mØ, kmaqlnIm¥co£a√. adn®v aebmfØnse, Nne a\pjysc AXohambn _lpam\n°pIbpw, a‰p≈hsc Nfnbm°pIbpw sNøp∂, hnNn{Xamb Hcp temIamWv kwPmXamIp∂Xv. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


I, He, She, They, We, You F∂nhbpsS a‰v cq]߃

 A 6

I, He, She, They, We, You F∂ hm°pIfpsS a‰v cq]ßfmWv ChnsS sImSpØncn°p∂Xv. Ch icnbmbn D]tbmKn°m≥ ]Tn®m¬Øs∂ CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°m\p≈ Ignhv hfscb[nIw Dbcpw. I Rm≥, F\n°v He Abmƒ,Abmƒ°v

My Fs‚ His AbmfpsS

Mine Ft‚Xv His AbmfptSXv

She Abmƒ (kv{Xo) We R߃,R߃°v

Her AbmfpsS(kv{Xo) Hers AbmfptSXv(kv{Xo) Her Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo), Abmsf Our RßfpsS Ours RßfptSXv Us R߃°v, Rßsf

They Ah¿, Ah¿°v Their AhcpsS You \n߃, \n߃°v Your \nßfpsS

Theirs AhcptSXv Yours \nßfptSXv

Me F\n°v, Fs∂ Him Abmƒ°v, Abmsf

Them Ah¿°v, Ahsc You \n߃°v, \nßsf

Cu ]Tn® hm°pIƒ Fßns\bmWv ]ehn[ hmIyßfnepw D]tbmKnt°≠Xv F∂Xns‚ DZmlcWamWv C\n t\mt°≠Xv. {i≤n®v ]Tn°pI. want, your F∂o hm°pIfpsS D®mcWw {]tXyIambn {i≤n°pI. hm¨Sv, bph¿ F∂√, ChbpsS D®mcWw.

SAMPLES I want a book F\n°v Hcp ]pkvXIw thWw This is my book CXv Fs‚ ]pkvXIamWv This is mine CXv Ft‚XmWv. Give it to me AXv F\n°v Xcq.

We want a book R߃°v Hcp ]pkvXIw thWw This is our book CXv RßfpsS ]pkvXIamWv This is ours CXv RßfptSXmWv. Give it to us AXv R߃°v Xcq.

He wants a book Abmƒ°v Hcp ]pkvXIw thWw This is his book CXv AbmfpsS ]pkvXIamWv This is his CXv AbmfptSXmWv. Give it to him AXv Abmƒ°v sImSp°q.

They want a book Ah¿°v Hcp ]pkvXIw thWw This is their book CXv AhcpsS ]pkvXIamWv This is theirs CXv AhcptSXmWv. Give it to them. AXv Ah¿°v sImSp°q.

She wants a book Abmƒ°v (kv{Xo) Hcp ]pkvXIw thWw This is her book CXv AbmfpsS (kv{Xo) ]pkvXIamWv This is hers CXv AbmfptSXmWv (kv{Xo). Give it to her AXv Abmƒ°v (kv{Xo) sImSp°q.

You want a book \n߃°v Hcp ]pkvXIw thWw This is your book CXv \nßfpsS ]pkvXIamWv This is yours. CXv \nßfptSXmWv. I told them to give it to you. CXv \n߃°v \¬Im≥ Rm≥ AhtcmSv ]d™p.



Capital letters, and a

 A 7

Capital letters D]tbmKn°p∂Xns‚ GXm\pw DZmlcW߃ t\m°pI. I am going to America: Rm≥ Americabnte°v t]mIpIbmWv. He is a nice man: Abmƒ Hcp \√ a\pjy\mWv.

]T\w XpSßp∂ AhkcØn¬ Cu t]Pv shdptX tI´m¬ aXnbmtb°pw. ]d™v ]Tn°¬ Ipd®v Ign™n´mImw.

Her name is Kate: AbmfpsS(kv{Xo) t]cv Kate F∂mWv. Peter and Henry are friends: Peter dpw Henry bpw NßmXnamcmWv. I went to Calicut yesterday: Rm≥ C∂se tImgnt°mSv t]mbn. I love to live in Bombay: F\n°v t_mws_bn¬ Pohn°phm≥ CjvSamWv. I want to buy Adobe Photoshop: F\n°v Adobe Photoshop hmßn°m≥ B{Klap≠v. I did see the film Titanic: Titanic F∂ kn\a Rm≥ I≠n´p≠v. You should visit Lake Victoria: \n߃ Lake Victoria kμ¿in°Ww. This huge forest is called Amazon: Cu Iq‰≥ ImSns\ Amazon F∂mWv hnfn°p∂Xv. a

 A 8

C\n H∂pIqSn∏dbm\p≠v. Englishse I F∂ A£cØn\v Rm≥ F∂ A¿∞hpap≠v. Aßns\ I F∂ A£cw Rm≥ F∂ A¿∞Øn¬ D]tbmKn°ptºmgpw Capital letteremWv FgptX≠Xv. DZm: I am a boy: Rm≥ Hcp (B¨) Ip´nbmWv.

English en]nIfnse BZy A£camb a F∂ en]n°v Hcp F∂ A¿∞ap≠v. DZm: This is a book: CXv Hcp ]pkvXIamWv. ChnsS Hcp F∂ ]Zw Englishse a F∂ hm°mWv D≠m°p∂Xv. ChnsS sImSpØncn°p∂ hm°pIfpw, AhbpsS ap∂n¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ a bpw {i≤n°pI. Ah tI´pw Bh¿Øn®pw ]Tn°pI. a F∂ ]Zw hmIyØn¬ D]tbmKn°ptºmƒ sNdnsbmcp i_vZhyXymkw hcpØWw: I want a pen:

F\n°v Hcp t]\ thWw.

He is a nice man:

Abmƒ Hcp \√ a\pjy\mWv.

She is a doctor:

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) Hcp tUmIvSdmWv.

Why do you want a cow?

\n߃°v F¥n\mWv Hcp ]iphns\ Bhiyw?

Did he give you a car?

Abmƒ \n߃°v Hcp Im¿ X∂pshm?

There is a place I know, where we can go. \ap°v t]mIm≥]‰p∂ Hcpÿew F\n°dnbmw She does seem to be a nice person:

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) Hcp \√ hy‡nbmsW∂v tXm∂p∂p.

What kind of a man are you?

\n߃ Fs¥mcp Xcw a\pjy\mWv?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.



 A 9

C\n ]dbm\p≈Xv a, e, i, o, u F∂nhsb°pdn®mWv. ChbpsS t]¿ vowels F∂mWv. Cu en]nIfn¬ GsX¶nepw H∂p sIm≠v XpSßp∂ hm°pIfpsS ap∂n¬ a F∂Xn\v ]Icw an F∂mWv D]tbmKnt°≠Xv. am{Xhpa√ Cu en]nIfn¬ GsX¶nepsamcp i_vZw sIm≠mWv XpSßp∂sX¶n¬ IqSn an BWv D]tbmKnt°≠Xv. an F∂ ]ZØnt‚bpw A¿∞w Hcp F∂p Xs∂bmWv. DZm: An apple, an elephant, an orange F∂nßns\ Cu \nbaØn\v GXm\pw exceptions AYhm HgnhpIƒ D≠v. ChnsS sImSpØncn°p∂ an F∂ ]ZtØmSvIqSnb hmIy߃ ]Tn°pI. am{Xhpa√ AhbpsS Ahkm\Øn¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ exceptionsDw ]Tn°pI. He was an author with a lot of readers. hfsc A[nIw hmb\°mcp≈ FgpØpImc\mbncp∂p Abmƒ.

I want an apple. F\ns°mcp apple thWw He bought an elephant. Abmsfmcp B\sb hmßn®p. She is going to be an engineer. Abmsfmcp(kv{Xo) F©n\nb¿ t]mIpIbmWv .


It was an airless room. hmbphn√mØ (hmbpk©mcan√mØ) Hcpapdnbmbncp∂p AXv. BIm≥ He was an editor no one liked. Bcpw CjvSs∏SmØ Hcp editor Bbncp∂p Abmƒ.

It is an oval shape. AsXmcp Hmh¬ BIrXnbmWv.

As an art, it was of no use. Iesb∂ \nebn¬ AXv D]tbmKhpan√mØXmbncp∂p.

We are eating an ice cream. Rßsfmcp sF v{Iow Ign°pIbmWv. Titanic was hit by an iceberg. ssS‰m\n°v Hcp iceberg BemWv CSn°s∏´Xv. He was a General without an army. ]´mfw C√mØ Hcp General Bbncp∂p Abmƒ.


There was an aroma in the room. apdn°IØv Hcp kpK‘ap≠mbncp∂p. She was an intimate friend of mine. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fs‚sbmcp Bflan{Xambncp∂p. I bought an umbrella. Rm≥ Hcp IpS hmßn®p.

He was an object of ridicule. Abmsfmcp ]cnlmk]m{Xambncp∂p. Everyone had an interest in seeing him dead. Abmƒ acn®pImWp∂Xn¬ F√mh¿°pw Hcp XmXv ] cyap≠mbncp∂p.

Exceptions (HgnhpIƒ)

He was an able writer. Abmƒ Hcp Ignhp≈ FgpØpImc\mbncp∂p.

He is a university professor. Abmsfmcp university s{]m^kdmWv.

She is an admirable painter. It is a unique opportunity. A b m s f m c p ( k v { X o ) k v X p X y ¿ l b m b painter CsXmcp A]q¿Δ AhkcamWv. Bbncp∂p.

It was a universal rule. CXv Hcp temssII \nbaamWv.

He gave me an outline map. Abmƒ F\ns°mcp outline map X∂p.

It was a unit used in the earlier days.

He was not an unsuccessful businessman. Abmsfmcp hnPbw h c n ° m Ø ap≥Imeßfn¬ D]tbmKn®ncp∂ Hcp unit BWv CXv. _nkn\ pImc\mbncp∂n√. She was an excellent cook. Abmsfmcp (kv{Xo) D{K≥ ]mNI°mcnbmbncp∂p.

It was a unanimous decision. AXv Hcp GIIWvTamb Xocpam\ambncp∂p.

It was an astonishing incident. AsXmcp A¤pXs∏SpØp∂ kw`hambncp∂p.

It was a one-eyed bird. AXv Hcp H‰°Æ≥ ]£nbmbncp∂p.




 A 10

The F∂ ]Zw Hcp hm°n\v ap∂n¬ h∂m¬ {]k‡amb F∂ A¿∞w hcp∂p.

DZm: I drank tea [Rm≥ Nmb IpSn®p] I drank the tea .

[Rm≥ B ({]k‡amb) Nmb IpSn®p]

aebmfØn¬ X¿PasNøptºmƒ Cu c≠v hmIyßfpsS A¿∞w Rm≥ NmbIpSn®p F∂msW¶nepw, I drank the tea F∂v ]dbptºmƒ {]k‡ambtXm, As√¶n¬ Fs¥¶nepw coXnbn¬ Dt±in®tXm, kqNn∏n®tXm Bb Nmb F∂¿∞w hcp∂p. AXv sIm≠v Xs∂ I drank the tea F∂ hmIyØns‚ A¿∞w: Rm≥ B Nmb IpSn®p F∂mhpw IqSpX¬ icn. The F∂ hm°n\v CMv • njv kwkmcn°ptºmƒ km[mcWbmbn c≠v D®mcWßfmWv

D]tbmKn°mdv. CXns‚ s]Xphmb D®mcWw Zv F∂Xn\v ASpØmWv. i_vZw tIƒ°pI. F∂m¬ a, e, i, o, u F ∂ o e n ] n I f m ¬ X p S ß p ∂ h m ° p I f p t S b p w B i _ v Z Ø m ¬ XpSßp∂hm°pIfptSbpw ap∂n¬ the hcptºmƒ D®mcWw Zv n F∂mbn amdp∂p. i_v Z w tIƒ°pI. This is the boy who threw stones at the bus. _ n\v t\sc Is√dn™ Ip´n CXmWv. The man in this picture is Mr. Veerappan. Cu Nn{XØn¬ D≈ a\pjy≥ hoc∏\mWv. The girl who came here is our neighbour. ChnsS h∂ s]¨Ip´n RßfpsS Ab¬°mcnbmWv. Did you drink the tea, which was here? ChnsS D≠mbncp∂ Nmb \n߃ IpSn®pthm? This is the car which I bought from Delhi. U¬lnbn¬\n∂pw Rm≥hmßn® Imdv CXmWv. The mangoes in this basket are not ripe. sIm´bnep≈ amßIƒ ]gpØhb√. The huge response we got was quite unexpected. R߃°v e`n® AXyp{K≥ kzoIcWw XnI®pw A{]Xo£nXambncp∂p. He is the person who created all this problem. Cu {]iv\ßsf√mw D≠m°nb hy‡n CbmfmWv. He is the police officer who killed him. Abmsf sIm∂ police officer CbmfmWv. Please call the hospital. Hospital te°v H∂v hnfn°p. Did you phone the doctor? \n߃ tUmIvSsd hnfn®pshm?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.



#07 Excuse me, Mr. VED,

Can’t you tell him not to call me at night? cm{Xnbn¬ Fs∂ hnfn°cpXv F∂v \n߃°v AbmtfmSv ]dbm≥ Ignbns√? A 11

Can you tell me the meaning of this sentence? Cu hmIyØns‚ A¿∞w F\n°v ]d™pXcm≥ Yesterday was his birthday. C∂se AbmfpsS ]nd∂mfmbncp∂p. \n߃°v ]‰ptam? She is getting married next month. Excuse me, Mr. VED, ASpØ I can’t understand the meaning of this sentence. A b m ƒ ( k v { X o ) hnhmlnXbmhpIbmWv . Cu hmIyØns‚ A¿∞w F\n°v a\ nem°m≥ Ignbp∂n√. You should not disturb him. Good evening, Mr. VED. Is there class today? \n߃ Abmsf ieys∏SpØcpXv. C∂v Ivfmkv Dt≠m? Could you please keep quiet? \n߃s°m∂v ASßnbncn°mtam? I can’t come today for the class. F\n°v C∂v Ivfmkn¬ hcm≥ Ignbn√. May I go out for a moment? Rm≥ Hcp \nanjw ]pdØv t]mbnt°ms´? Can I answer the phone? Rm≥ t^mWn\v adp]Sn ]dt™ms´?


Would you go and see the place? \n߃ B ÿew t]msbm∂v ImWptam? You will surely like the place. (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI) \n߃°v B ÿew Xo¿®bmbpw CjvSs∏Spw. When is your exam starting? \nßfpsS ]co£sb∂mWv XpSßp∂Xv?

I was in Calicut yesterday. So I couldn’t come for the class. I am having a fever. Rm≥ C∂se tImgnt°mSmbncp∂p. AXn\m¬, F\n°v ]\n®vsIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. Ivfmknte°v hcm≥ F\n°v Ign™n√. You told me that there is no class today. C∂v Ivfmkn√msb∂v \n߃ Ft∂mSv ]d™p. I want to tell you something. F\n°v \nßtfmSv Hcp Imcyw ]dbm\p≠v.

I forgot that. Rm≥ AXv ad∂vt]mbn. What are you thinking of? \n߃ F¥ns\°pdn®mWv Nn¥n°p∂Xv? May I know your name please? ( D ® m c W w

Can you please come at 5:30? \n߃°v 5:30\v hcm≥ Ignbptam?


\nßfpsS t]cv F¥mWv F∂v Rm≥ Adnt™ms´?

Why don’t you tell him the truth? Where is he now? \n߃ F¥vsIm≠v AbmtfmSv kXyw ]dbp∂n√. Abmƒ Ct∏mƒ FhnsSbmWv? I waited for you till 6 O’clock. 6 aWnhsc Rm≥ \nßsf ImØv \n∂p.

What are you talking about? \n߃ F¥ns\°pdn®mWv kwkmcn°p∂Xv ? / ]dbp∂Xv ?

What did you tell him? \n߃ AbmtfmSv F¥v ]d™p?

What is inside this box? Cu s]´n°IØv F¥mWv D≈Xv?

You shouldn’t have told him that. \n߃ AbmtfmSv AXv ]dbm≥ ]mSn√mbncp∂p. Why are you simply getting angry? \n߃ F¥mWv shdpsX tZjyw ]nSn°p∂Xv?

Who told you that? AXv \nßtfmSv AcmWv ]d™Xv? What do you want? \n߃°v F¥mWv th≠Xv?

Why are you late? \n߃ F¥v sIm≠mWv sshInbXv? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


May I know who is speaking? BcmWv kwkmcn°p∂Xv F∂v Rm≥ Adnt™ms´?

May I help you?

(I®hS ÿm]\Øn¬ D]t`m‡mhv Ibdnh∂m¬ tNmZn°mhp∂ tNmZyw)

Rm≥ \nßsf klmbn°s´?

How can I help you? (I®hS ÿm]\Øn¬ D]t`m‡mhv Ibdnh∂m¬ tNmZn°mhp∂ tNmZyw) F\n°v \nßsf Fßns\ klmbn°m≥ Ignbpw?

May I sit down? Rm≥ Ccpt∂ms´?

Can you please give me a glass of water? F\n°v Hcp Kvfmkv sh≈w Xcm≥ \n߃°v Ignbptam?

I am sorry that I couldn’t help you. F\n°v \nßsf klmbn°m≥ Ignbm™Xn¬ tJZap≠v.

I beg your pardon. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv am∏t]£n°p∂p.(]d™Xv a\ nembn√ F∂v kqNn∏n°m≥ D]tbmKn°p∂ {]tbmKamWv CXv.)

Pardon. am∏v. am∏m°pI. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv am∏t]£n°p∂p. (]d™Xv a\ nembn√ F∂v kqNn∏n°m≥ D]tbmKn°p∂ {]tbmKamWv CXv.)

Please do not interrupt. CSbn¬ Ibdn kwkmcn°mXncn°pI, please. We saw him last month. R߃ Abmsf Ign™amkw I≠p. I came yesterday. Rm≥ C∂se h∂p. He went day before yesterday. Abmƒ an\n™m∂v t]mbn.


She will go tomorrow. Abmƒ(kv{Xn) \msf t]mIpw.

Please F∂Xns‚ A¿∞w Zbhmbn/

They might come day after tomorrow. Ah¿ a‰∂mƒ ht∂°mw.

Sorry F∂Xns‚ A¿∞w £an°q/am∏m°q/

You can see him next week. \n߃°v Abmsf ASpØmgvN ImWm≥ Ignbpw.

C°mcysØ°pdn®v IqSpX¬ Adnbm≥ 168mw \º¿ t]Pnte°v t]mIpI.

ZbhvsNbvXv F∂√.

am∏vXcq F∂√.

Could you please call me today? \n߃°v Fs∂ C∂v hnfn°m≥ Ignbptam?

Convey my regards to him. AbmtfmSv Fs‚ At\zjWw Adnbn°pI.

I miss you. \nßfpambn ]ncn™ncn°p∂Xn¬/hn´p\n¬°p∂Xn¬, Rm≥ hnclw A\p`hn°p∂p.

Can you come and do this? \n߃°v h∂v CsXm∂v sNømtam?

Could you please repair this? \n߃°v hs∂m∂v CXv \∂m°mtam?

Please open the door. hmXn¬ H∂v Xpd°q.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.





 B 0FULL

CXv Hcp hy‡nbpsS t]cv Is≠Øp∂ Hcp Ifnbmbn´mWv cq]s∏SpØnbncn°p∂Xv . Cu sKbv w D]tbmKn®v sIm≠v CMvKvfnjv ]cnioen°pI. Hcmƒ a\ n¬ GsX¶nepw hy‡nsb BtemNn°p∂p. Cu hy‡n BcmsW∂v as‰mcmƒ Nne tNmZyßfneqsS a\ nem°m≥ {ian°p∂p. tNmZyØn\v DØcw AsX Ft∂m, As√¶n¬ A√m Ft∂m ]dbWw. F∂m¬ Cu ]T\ ]≤Xnbn¬, DØcw ]q¿Æcq]Øn¬ \¬tIWw. He/She F∂ hm°pIƒ Abmƒ F∂mWv X¿÷asNbv X n´p≈Xv . CXns\°pdn®v IqSpX¬ Adnbm≥ t]Pv \w.16se ASn°pdn∏v t\m°qI. Cu A≤ymbw, Hmtcm Znhkhpw Ipd®v, Ipd®v am{Xw tI´pw ]d™pw Is it a male? ]Tn°pI. s]s´∂v Xs∂ apgph\pw ]Tn°m≥ apXnccpXv. CXv Hcp ]pcpj\mtWm? Yes, it is a male. AsX, CXv Hcp ]pcpj\mWv.

No, it is not a male. A√, CXv Hcp ]pcpj\√.

 B 1

Is he from India? Cbmƒ C¥ybn¬ \n∂pamtWm? Yes, he is from India. AsX, Cbmƒ C¥ybn¬ \n∂pamWv.

No, he is not from India. A√, Cbmƒ C¥ybn¬ \n∂pa√.

Is he alive? Cbmƒ Pohn®ncn∏pt≠m? Yes, he is alive. AsX, Cbmƒ Pohn®ncn∏p≠v.

No, he is not alive. C√, Cbmƒ Pohn®ncn∏n√.

Is he from Kerala? Cbmƒ tIcfØn¬ \n∂pamtWm? Yes, he is from Kerala. AsX, Cbmƒ tIcfØn¬ \n∂pamWv.

No, he is not from Kerala A√, Cbmƒ tIcfØn¬ \n∂pa√.

Is he a Keralite? Cbmƒ tIcfob\mtWm? Yes, he is a Keralite. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp tIcfob\mWv.


No, he is not a Keralite. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp tIcfob\√.

Was he the founder of a religion? Cu Bƒ Hcp aXØns‚ ÿm]I\mtWm?

 B 2

Yes, he was the founder of a religion. No, he was not a founder of any religion. AsX, Cu Bƒ Hcp aXØns‚ ÿm]I\mbncp∂p. C√, Cu Bƒ bmtXmcp aXØns‚bpw ÿm]I\mbncp∂n√. Was he born in Arabia? Cu Bƒ Atd_ybnemtWm P\n®Xv? Yes, he was born in Arabia. No, he was not born in Arabia. AsX, Cu Bƒ Atd_ybnemWv P\n®Xv. A√, Cu Bƒ Atd_ybne√ P\n®Xv. Was he a king in the Indian peninsula? Cbmƒ C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse Hcp cmPmhmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a king in the Indian Peninsula. No, he was not a king in the Indian Peninsula AsX, Cbmƒ C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse Hcp cmPmhmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse Hcp cmPmhmbncp∂n√. Was he a social reformer? Cbmƒ Hcp kmaqlnI ]cnjvI¿Ømhmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a social reformer. No, he wasn’t a social reformer. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp kmaqlnI ]cnjvI¿Ømhmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp kmaqlnI ]cnjv I ¿Ømhmbncp∂n√. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-24Was he a controversial person? Cbmƒ Hcp hnhmZ hy‡nbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a controversial person. No, he wasn’t a controversial person. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp hnhmZ hy‡nbmbncp∂p. C√, Cbmƒ Hcp hnhmZ hy‡nbmbncp∂n√. Is he an administrator? Cbmƒ Hcp `cWm[n]\mtWm? Yes, he is an administrator. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp `cWm[n]\mWv.

No, he isn’t an administrator. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp `cWm[n]\√.

Is he a person in uniform? Cbmƒ bqWnt^man´ Hcp hy‡nbmsWm? Yes, he is a person in uniform. No, he is not a person in uniform. AsX, Cbmƒ bqWnt^man´ Hcp hy‡nbmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ bqWnt^man´ Hcp hy‡nbmbncp∂n√. Was he involved in any major accident? Cbmƒ Fs¥¶nepw {]amZamb A]ISØn¬ Dƒs∏´ncp∂pthm? Yes, he was involved in a major accident. No, he was not involved in any major accident. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp {]amZamb A]ISØn¬ Dƒs∏´ncp∂p. C√, Cbmƒ bmtXmcp {]amZamb A]Ißfnepw Dƒs∏´n´n√. Was he involved in the freedom struggle? Cbmƒ kzmX{¥y kacØn¬ Dƒs∏´ncp∂pthm? Yes, he was involved in the freedom struggle. No, he wasn’t involved in the freedom struggle. AsX, Cbmƒ kzmX{¥y kacØn¬ Dƒs∏´ncp∂p. C√, Cbmƒ kzmX{¥y kacØn¬ Dƒs∏´ncp∂n√. Was his death a natural one? CbmfpsS acWw kzm`mhnIamb H∂mbncp∂pthm? Yes, his death was a natural one. No, his death was not a natural one. AsX, CbmfpsS acWw kzm`mhnIamb H∂mbncp∂p. C√, CbmfpsS acWw kzm`mhnIamb H∂mbncp∂n√. Is he connected to the world of arts? Cbmƒ IebpsS temIhpambn _‘s∏´ hy‡nbmtWm?

B 3

Yes, he is connected to the world of arts. No, he is not connected to the world of arts. AsX, Cbmƒ IebpsS temIhpambn _‘s∏´ hy‡nbmWv. A√, Cbmƒ IebpsS temIhpambn _‘s∏´hy‡nb√. Is he from the world of films? Cbmƒ kn\nabpsS temIØn¬ \n∂pamtWm? Yes, he is from the world of films. No, he is not from the world of films. AsX, Cbmƒ kn\nabpsS temIØn¬ \n∂pamWv. A√, Cbmƒ kn\nabpsS temIØn¬ \n∂pa√. Was he a famous Malayalam film actor? Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb kn\na A`nt\Xmhmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a famous Malayalam film actor. No, he was not a famous Malayalam film actor. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb aebmfw kn\nam A`nt\Xmhmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb aebmfw kn\nam A`nt\Xmhmbncp∂n√. Was he known as the EverGreen hero of Malayalam films? Cbmƒ aebmf kn\nabnse \nXylcnX \mbI\mbn Adnbs∏´ncp∂pthm? Yes, he was known as the Evergreen hero of Malayalam films. No, he wasn’t known as the evergreen hero of Malayalam films. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


-25AsX, Ct±lw aebmf kn\nabnse \nXylcnX \mbI\mbn Adnbs∏´ncp∂p. C√, Ct±lw aebmf kn\nabnse \nXylcnX \mbI\mbn Adnbs∏´ncp∂n√. Was he a famous film comedian? Ct±lw Hcp {]kn≤\mb kn\nam lmky\S\mbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a famous film comedian. No, he wasn’t a famous film comedian. AsX, Ct±lw Hcp {]kn≤\mb kn\nam lmky\S\mbncp∂p. C√, Ct±lw Hcp {]kn≤\mb kn\nam lmky\S\mbncp∂n√. Did he act in any silent movies? Cu Bƒ \ni_vZ kn\naIfn¬ A`n\bn®n´pt≠m? Yes, he did act in some silent movies. No, he did not act in any silent movies. AsX, Cu Bƒ Ipd®v \ni_vZ kn\naIfn¬ A`n\bn®n´p≠v. C√, Ct±lw bmtXmcp \ni_vZ kn\naIfnepw A`n\bn®n´n√. Was she an actress? Cbmƒ (kv{Xo) Hcp \Snbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, she was an actress. No, she wasn’t an actress. AsX, Cu Bƒ (kv{Xo) Hcp \Snbmbncp∂p. A√, Cu Bƒ(kv{Xo) Hcp \Snbmbncp∂n√. Was her father a magician? CbmfpsS(kv{Xo) ]nXmhv Hcp saPojy\mbncp∂pthm? Yes, her father was a magician. No, her father was not a magician. AsX, Cu BfpsS(kv{Xo) ]nXmhv Hcp saPojy\mbncp∂p. A√, Cu BfpsS (kv { Xo) ]nXmhv Hcp saPojy\mbncp∂n√. Was she married to another film actor? Cu Bƒ (kv{Xo) as‰mcp kn\nam \Ss\bmtWm hnhmlw Ign®ncp∂Xv? Yes, she was married to another film actor. No, she wasn’t married to another film actor. AsX, Cu Bƒ (kv{Xo) as‰mcp kn\nam \Ss\bmWv hnhmlw Ign®ncp∂Xv. A√, Cu Bƒ(kv{Xo) as‰mcp kn\nam \Ss\b√ hnhmlw Ign®ncp∂Xv Did she commit suicide? Cu Bƒ(kv{Xo) BfllXysNbvXpthm? Yes, she commited suicide. AsX, Cu Bƒ (kv{Xo) BfllXysNbvXp.

No, she did not commit suicide. C√, Cu Bƒ (kv{Xo) BfllXysNbvXn´n√.

Was she a side-actress? Cbmƒ (kv{Xo) Hcp kl\Snbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, she was a side-actress. No, she wasn’t a side-actress. AsX, Cu Bƒ(kv{Xo) Hcp kl\Snbmbncp∂p. A√, Cu Bƒ(kv{Xo) Hcp kl\Snbmbncp∂n√.


Is he a sportsperson? Cu Bƒ Hcp ImbnIXmcamtWm?

 B 4

Yes, he is a sportsperson. AsX, Cu Bƒ Hcp ImbnIXmcamWv.

No, he is not a sportsperson. A√, Cu Bƒ Hcp ImbnIXmca√.

Is he a footballer or a cricketer? Cu Bƒ Hcp ^p´vt_mƒ Ifn°mct\m, {In°‰v Ifn°mct\m BtWm? Yes, he was one of them. AsX, Cbmƒ CXnsem∂mbncp∂p.

No, he wasn’t either of them. A√, Cbmƒ CXnsem∂pambncp∂n√.

Was he the Captain of the Indian cricket team at anytime? GsX¶nepw AhkcØn¬ Cbmƒ C¥y≥ {In°‰v Soans‚ Captain Bbncp∂pthm?


-26Yes, he was the Captain of the Indian cricket team once. AsX, Cbmƒ HchkcØn¬ C¥y≥ {In°‰v Soans‚ Captain Bbncp∂p. No, he wasn’t the Captain of the Indian cricket team. C√, Cbmƒ C¥y≥ {In°‰v Soans‚ Captain Bbncp∂n√. Was he an Australian? Cbmƒ Hcp Hmkvt{Senb≥ Bbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was an Australian. No, he wasn’t an Australian. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp Hmkvt{Senb≥ Bbncp∂p. C√, Cbmƒ Hcp Hmkvt{Senb≥ Bbncp∂n√. Is he a famous businessman? Cbmƒ {]kn≤\mb Hcp hym]mcnbmtWm? Yes, he is a famous businessman. No, he isn’t a famous businessman. AsX, Cbmƒ {]kn≤\mb Hcp hym]mcnbmWv. A√, Cbmƒ {]kn≤\mb hym]mcnb√.


Was he a philosopher? Cbmƒ Hcp XXzNn¥I\mbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a philosopher. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp XXzNn¥I\mbncp∂p.

No, he wasn’t a philosopher. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp XXzNn¥I\mbncp∂n√.

Was he a Chinese philosopher? Cbmƒ Hcp ssN\okv XXzNn¥I\mbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a Chinese philosopher. No, he wasn’t a Chinese philosopher. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp ssN\okv XXzNn¥I\mbncp∂p. A √ , Cbmƒ Hcp ssN\okv XXzNn¥I\mbncp∂n√. Did he create a new political philosophy? Cbmƒ Hcp ]pXnb cmjv{Sob XXzNn¥ krjvSn®pthm? Yes, he did create a new political philosophy. No, he did not create a new political philosophy. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp ]pXnb cmjv{Sob XXzNn¥ krjvSn®p. C√, Cbmƒ Hcp ]pXnb cmjv{Sob XXzNn¥ krjvSn®n√. Did his philosophies inspire any political revolution? CbmfpsS XXzNn¥Iƒ GsX¶nepw cmjv{Sob hn]vfh߃°v {]tNmZ\w \¬Intbm? Yes, his philosophies did inspire political revolution. AsX, CbmfpsS XXzNn¥Iƒ cmjv{Sob hn]vfhØn\v {]tNmZ\w \¬In No, his philosophies did not inspire any political revolution. C√, CbmfpsS XXzNn¥Iƒ bmtXmcp cmjv{Sob hn]vfhØn\pw {]tNmZ\w \¬Inbn√. Was he a politician? Cbmƒ Hcp cmjv{Sob°mc\mbncp∂pthm?

 B 5

Yes, he was a politician. No, he was not a politician. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp cmjv{Sob°mc\mbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp cmjv{Sob°mc\mbncp∂n√. Was he a minister or a Member of Parliament or assembly? Cbmƒ Hcp a{¥ntbm, As√¶n¬ Hcp ]m¿esa‚ v AwKtam, As√¶n¬ Fskw_v f n AwKtam Bbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was one of them. AsX, Cbmƒ Chbn¬ H∂mbncp∂p.

No, he was none of them. A√, Cbmƒ Chbn¬ bmsXm∂pambncp∂n√.

Is he currently a minister? Cbmƒ Ct∏mƒ Hcp a{¥nbmtWm? Yes, he is currently a minister.

No, he is currently not a minister.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


-27AsX, Cbmƒ Ct∏mƒ Hcp a{¥nbmWv.

A√, Cbmƒ Ct∏mƒ Hcp a{¥nb√.

Is he currently a member of the assembly? Cbmƒ Ct∏mƒ Hcp \nbak`m AwKamtWm? Yes, he is currently a member of the assembly. AsX, Cbmƒ Ct∏mƒ Hcp \nbak`m AwKamWv. No, he is currently not a member of the assembly. A√, Cbmƒ Ct∏mƒ Hcp \nbak`m AwKa√. Does he belong to the ruling front? Cbmƒ `cW]£Øp≈ BfmtWm? Yes, he does belong to the ruling front. AsX, Cbmƒ `cW]£Øp≈ BfmWv.

No, he does not belong to the ruling front. A√, Cbmƒ `cW]£Øp≈ Bf√.

Does he belong to the opposition? Cbmƒ {]Xn]£Øp≈ BfmtWm? Yes, he belongs to the opposition. AsX, Cbmƒ {]Xn]£Øp≈ BfmWv.

No, he does not belong to the opposition. A√, Cbmƒ {]Xn]£Øp≈ Bf√.

Is he from the Congress party? Cbmƒ tIm¨{Kkv ]m¿´nbn¬ \n∂pap≈ BfmtWm? Yes, he is from the Congress party. No, he is not from the Congress party. AsX, Cbmƒ tIm¨{Kkv ]m¿´nbn¬ \n∂pap≈ BfmWv. A√, Cbmƒ tIm¨{Kkv ]m¿´nbn¬ \n∂pap≈ Bf√. Was he from the Marxist party? Cbmƒ amIvkvknÃv ]m¿´nbn¬ \n∂pap≈ Bfmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was from the Marxist party. No, he was not from the Marxist party. AsX, Cbmƒ amIv k v k nÃv ]m¿´nbn¬ \n∂pap≈ Bfmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ amIv k v k nÃv ]m¿´nbn¬ \n∂pap≈ Bfmbncp∂n√. Was he a revolutionary? Cbmƒ Hcp hn]vfhImcnbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a revolutionary. No, he was not a revolutionary. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp hn]vfhImcnbmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp hn]vfhImcnbmbncp∂n√. Has he been accused of being a terrorist? Cbmƒ Hcp `oIchmZnbmbn Btcm]n°s∏´n´pt≠m? Yes, he has been accused of being a terrorist. No, he has not been accused of being a terrorist. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp `oIchmZnbmbn Btcm]n°s∏´n´p≠v. C√, Cbmƒ Hcp `oIchmZnbmbn Btcm]n°s∏´n´n√. Did he die before 1930? Cbmƒ 1930\v ap≥]v acWs∏´pthm? Yes, he died before 1930. AsX, Cbmƒ 1930\v ap≥]v acWs∏´p.

No, he did not die before 1930. C√, Cbmƒ 1930\v ap≥]v acWs∏´n´n√.

Was he hanged to death? Cbmsf Xq°ns°m∂pthm? Yes, he was hanged to death. AsX, Cbmsf Xq°ns°m∂p.

No, he was not hanged to death. C√, Cbmsf Xq°ns°m∂n√.

Was he connected to the British colonialism? Cbmƒ°v _r´njv sImtfmWnbenkhpambn _‘ap≠mbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was connected to the British Colonialism. AsX, Cbmƒ°vv _r´njv sImtfmWnbenkhpambn _‘ap≠mbncp∂p. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-28No, he was not connected to the British Colonialism. C√, Cbmƒ°v _r´njv sImtfmWnbenkhpambn _‘ap≠mbncp∂n√. Was he a freedom fighter? Cbmƒ Hcp kzmX{¥y kac t]mcmfnbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a freedom fighter. No, he was not a freedom fighter. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp kzmX{¥y kac t]mcmfnbmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp kzmX{¥y kac t]mcmfnbmbncp∂n√. Did he throw bombs at anyone? Cbmƒ B¿°v t\scsb¶nepw t_mw_v Fdn™pthm? Yes, he did throw bombs at some persons. No, he did not throw bombs at anyone. AsX, Cbmƒ Nne¿°v t\sc t_mw_v Fdn™p. C√, Cbmƒ B¿°v t\scbpw t_mw_v Fdn™n√. Did he kill anyone? Cbmƒ Bscsb¶nepw sIm∂pthm? Yes, he did kill one man. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcmsf sIm∂p.

No, he did not kill anybody. C√, Cbmƒ Bscbpw sIm∂n√.

Did he support the German side in the 2nd World War? 2mw temIalmbp≤Øn¬ Cbmƒ tPtav≥ ]£sØ ]n¥pW®pthm? Yes, he supported the German side in the 2nd World War. AsX, 2mw temIalmbp≤Øn¬ Cbmƒ tPtav≥ ]£sØ ]n¥pW®p. No, he did not support the German side in the 2nd World War. C√, 2mw temIalmbp≤Øn¬ Cbmƒ tPtav≥ ]£sØ ]n¥pW®n√. Did he work for banning Sati? Cbmƒ kXn \ntcm[n°m\mbn {]h¿Øn®pthm? Yes, he did work for banning Sati. No, he did not work for banning Sati. AsX, Cbmƒ kXn \ntcm[n°m\mbn {]h¿Øn®p. C√, Cbmƒ kXn \ntcm[n°m\mbn {]h¿Øn®n√. Was he from Bengal? Cbmƒ s_MvtKmfn¬ \n∂pambncp∂pthm? Yes, he was from Bengal. No, he was not from Bengal. AsX, Cbmƒ s_MvtKmfn¬ \n∂pambncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ s_MvtKmfn¬ \n∂pambncp∂n√. Was he a Governor General during the Company Raj in the Indian peninsula? C¥y≥ D]Zzo]n¬ Iº\n cmPv (`cW)ImeØv, Cbmƒ Hcp Kh¿W¿ sP≥˛dembncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a Governor General during the Company Raj in the Indian Peninsula. AsX, C¥y≥ D]Zzo]n¬ Iº\n cmPv (`cW)ImeØv, Cbmƒ Hcp Kh¿W¿ sP≥˛dembncp∂p No, he was not a Governor General during the Company Raj in the Indian Peninsula. A√, C¥y≥ D]Zzo]n¬ Iº\n cmPv (`cW)ImeØv, Cbmƒ Hcp Kh¿W¿ sP≥˛dembncp∂n√. Was he connected to women’s education? Cbmƒ h\Xm hnZym`ymkhpambn _‘s∏´ncp∂pthm? Yes, he was connected to women’s education. No, he wasn’t connected to women’s education. AsX, Cbmƒ h\nXm hnZym`ymkhpambn _‘s∏´ncp∂p. C √ , Cbmƒ h\nXm hnZym`ymkhpambn _‘s∏´ncp∂n√.  B 6

Was he a writer? Cbmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\mbncp∂pthm? This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


-29Yes, he was a writer. No, he wasn’t a writer. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\mbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\mbncp∂n√. Was he sent to jail for any misdemeanour? Fs¥¶nepw Ip‰IrXyØn\v Cbmsf Pbnente°v Ab®ncp∂pthm? Yes, he was sent to jail for some misdemeanour. AsX, Nne Ip‰IrXy߃°v Cbmsf Pbnente°v Ab®ncp∂p. No, he was not sent to jail for any misdemeanour. C√, bmtXmcp Ip‰IrXyØn\pw Cbmsf Pbnente°v Ab®n´n√. Was he a British writer? Cbmƒ Hcp _r´njv FgpØpImc\mbncpt∂m? Yes, he was a British writer. No, he wasn’t a British writer. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp _r´njv FgpØpImc\mbncp∂p. A √ , Cbmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\mbncp∂n√.


Was he a poet? Cbmƒ Hcp Ihnbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a poet. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp Ihnbmbncp∂p.

No, he wasn’t a poet. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp Ihnbmbncp∂n√.

Was he a Malayalam poet? Cbmƒ Hcp aebmfw Ihnbmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a Malayalam poet. No, he wasn’t a Malayalam poet. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp aebmfw Ihnbmbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp aebmfw Ihnbmbncp∂n√. Was he a famous Malayalam film song writer? Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb aebmfw kn\nam Km\cNbnXmhmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a famous Malayalam film song writer. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb aebmfw kn\nam Km\cNbnXmhmbncp∂p. No, he was not a famous Malayalam film song writer. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb aebmfw kn\nam Km\cNbnXmhmbncp∂n√. Does he belong to the Alleppy district in Kerala? Cbmƒ tIcfØnse Be∏pg Pn√bn¬ \n∂pap≈ BfmtWm? Yes, he belongs to the Alleppy district in Kerala. AsX, Cbmƒ tIcfØnse Be∏pg Pn√bn¬ \n∂pap≈ BfmWv. No, he does not belong to the Alleppy district in Kerala. A√, Cbmƒ tIcfØnse Be∏pg Pn√bn¬ \n∂pap≈ Bf√. Was he a famous musician? Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb kwKoX⁄\mbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a famous musician. No, he was not a famous musician. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb kwKoX⁄\mbncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp {]kn≤\mb kwKoX⁄\mbncp∂n√. Was his name very much connected to the name of Vayalar Rama Varma? CbmfpsS t]cv, hbem¿ cmah¿ΩbpsS t]cpambn hfscb[nIw _‘s∏´ncp∂pthm? Yes, his name was very much connected to the name of Vayalar Rama Varma. AsX, CbmfpsS t]cv, hbem¿ cmah¿ΩbpsS t]cpambn hfscb[nIw _‘s∏´ncp∂p. No, his name was not very much connected to the name of Vayalar Rama Varma. C√, CbmfpsS t]cv, hbem¿ cmah¿ΩbpsS t]cpambn hfscb[nIw _‘s∏´ncp∂n√.


-30Did this person convert to a new religion? Cu hy‡n Hcp ]pXnb aXØnte°v ]cnh¿Ø\w sNbvtXm? Yes, this person did convert to a new religion. AsX, Cu hy‡n Hcp ]pXnb aXØnte°v ]cnh¿Ø\w sNbvXp. No, this person did not convert to a new religion. C√, Cu hy‡n Hcp ]pXnb aXØnte°v ]cnh¿Ø\w sNbvXn√. Did he get any national award? Cbmƒ°v Fs¥¶nepw tZiob _lpaXnIƒ e`nt®m? Yes, he did get one national award. No, he did not get any national award. AsX, Cbmƒ°v Hcp tZiob _lpaXn e`n®p. C√, Cbmƒ°v bmtXmcp tZiob _lpaXnbpw e`n®n√. Was he a recipient of the Nobel Prize? s\ms_¬ kΩm\w e`n® BfmtWm Cbmƒ? Yes, he was a recipent of the Nobel Prize. No, he was not a recipent of the Nobel Prize. AsX, s\ms_¬ kΩm\w e`n® BfmWv Cbmƒ. A√, s\ms_¬ kΩm\w e`n® Bf√ Cbmƒ. Did he die before he was 40 years old? Cbmƒ 40 hb n\v ap≥t] acn®pthm? Yes, he did die before he was 40 years old. No, he did not die before he was 40 years old. AsX, Cbmƒ 40 hb n\v ap≥t] acn®p. C√, Cbmƒ 40 hb n\v ap≥t] acn®n√. Was he a member of a royal family? Cbmƒ Hcp cmPIpSpw_mwKambncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a member of a royal family. No, he was not a member of any royal family. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp cmPIpSpw_mwKambncp∂p. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp cmPIpSpw_mwKambncp∂n√. Was he a King? Cbmƒ Hcp cmPmhmbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a King. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp cmPmhmbncp∂p.

No, he was not a King. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp cmPmhmbncp∂n√.

Was he a prince? Cbmƒ Hcp cmPIpamc\mbncp∂pthm? Yes, he was a prince. AsX, Cbmƒ Hcp cmPIpamc\mbncp∂p.

No, he was not a prince. A√, Cbmƒ Hcp cmPIpamc\mbncp∂n√.

Does any part of his name start with the letter K? CbmfpsS t]cns‚ GsX¶nepw Hcp `mKw KF∂ A£cw sIm≠mtWm XpSßp∂Xv? Yes, one part of his name does start with the letter K. AsX, CbmfpsS t]cns‚ Hcp `mKw KF∂ A£cw sIm≠mWv XpSßp∂Xv. No, no part of his name does start with the letter K. A√, CbmfpsS t]cns‚ bmtXmcp `mKhpw KF∂ A£cw sIm≠√ XpSßp∂Xv. Does he belong to any of the following fields of activity? Politics, Medicine or Literature Cbmƒ Cu ]dbp∂ GsX¶nepw {]h¿Ø\thZnbn¬ D≈ BfmtWm? cmjv{Sobw, sshZyimkv{Xw, As√¶n¬ kmlnXyw. Yes, he belongs to one of them. No, he does not belong to any of them. AsX, Cbmƒ Cu ]d™hbn¬ H∂n¬D≈ BfmWv . A√, Cbmƒ Cu ]d™hbn¬ bmsXm∂nepws]´ Bf√.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Id]pcfmØ CMvKvfnjns\ Dƒs°m≈m≥


Id]pcfmØ CMv K v f njv (Pristine-English) ]Tn°ptºmƒ, ]Tn°p∂ Bfn¬ kmaqlnIambn am‰ßƒ kw`hn°pw. imcocnIambpw am‰ßƒ hcmw. F∂m¬ CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°p∂hcn¬ hyXykvXamb Hcp A¥ v kzXkn≤ambnØs∂ h∂ptNcp∂XmWv. CXv ]et∏mgpw ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ kwkmcn°p∂h¿°v A\phZn®psImSp°m≥ {]bmkw tXm∂p∂ am\knI A¥kmWv. CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂tXmsSm∏w, CMv K v f njnse kaXzhmZ]camb Bib߃ Dƒs°m≈ptºmƒ, am\knIambpw imcocnIambpw Nne am‰ßƒ°v {iant°≠XmWv. Xmsg ]dbp∂ Imcy߃ {i≤n°pI: 1. t\sc \nh¿∂v Ccn°pI. apJw Ip\n°msXbpw, IgpØv hfbmsXbpw Ccp∂v ]Tn°pI. F∂m¬, ^yqU¬ `mj kwkmcn°p∂ tae[nImcnbpsS ap∂n¬ CXv \S∏n√. AXn\v apXncpIbpw sNøcpXv. 2. a‰p≈hsc sIm®m°p∂ coXnbn¬, Ahsc tamiamb D]ame¶mcßfneqsS hnjan∏n°mXncn°pI. CMvKvfnjn¬ a‰p≈hsc XmgvØns°t´≠p∂ Bhiyw C√Xs∂. 3. sR´n®pw, H®sh®pw kwkmcnt°≠ Bhiyan√. ImcWw, CMvKvfnjn¬ Xmgv∂h≥ F∂ coXnbnep≈ tImUpIƒ s]mXphmbn D]tbmKn°p∂ hm°pIfn¬ C√Xs∂. 4. A\n›m]q¿Δambn(involuntarily) ImepIƒ hnd∏n°p∂tXm, B´p∂tXm Bb kz`mhaps≠¶n¬, AXns\ t_m[]q¿Δw \n¿Øem°pI. 5. Ignbp∂nStØmfw CMv K v f njv kwkmcn°pI. AXnse temeamb `mjmtImUpIfpw, hm°pIfpw D]tbmKn°pI. DZmlcWØn\v, Please, Sorry, Pardon, Excuse me, Can you please?XpSßnbhm°pIƒ. F∂m¬ Ch CMvKvfnjv AdnbmØhcn¬ {]tbmKn®n´v Imcyan√. ImcWw, Ch CMvKvfnjnse kaXzhmZ ˛hm°v tImUpIfpambn CWßnt®¿∂pw, tIm¿ØnWßnbpw BWv ÿnXnsNøp∂Xv. Ch, D®˛\oNXz tImUpIfp≈ `mjIfn¬ {]tbmKn®m¬, ]et∏mgpw, ]cnlmkyXbmWv A\p`hs∏SpI. 6. Iºyq´¿ ssIhiaps≠¶n¬, CMvKvfnjv ssS∏nßv ]Tn°pI. CXn\v klmbn°p∂ ]e tkm^vtSzdpIfpw e`yamWv.

hnIv t ‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv , hnIv t ‰mdnFv ≥ ImeL´Ønse Id]pcfmØ CMv K v f njv `mjm ]mcºcy߃°v ]n¥pW \¬Ip∂ Hcp {]ÿm\amWv. C¥y≥ `cWLS\bn¬ hmKv Z m\w sNøs∏´n´p≈ hy‡nkzmX{¥yßfpw, a\pjyhy‡nXzhpw, km[mcW ]uc∑m¿°v hmKv Z m\w sNøs∏´n´p≈ a\pjyA¥ pw, KpWta∑bp≈ CMv K v f njneqsS am{Xsa ChnsS \S∏nem°m≥ ]‰p≈p F∂XmWv hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kvs‚ \ne]mSv. hn]vfhw, c‡s®mcn®n¬, t_mw_v, tXm°v, ap{ZmhmIywhnfn XpSßnbhbneqsS Cu \m´n¬ kmaqlnI ]ptcmKXn hcpØm≥ Bhn√. adn®v, CXv kw`hn°Wsa¶n¬, Cu \m´nse `mj a\pjytcmSv, hnthN\]cambn s]cpamdmØ coXnbnep≈Xmbncnt°Ww.




 C 1

Interaction 1


Hi, John. How are you? Hi, Philip. I am fine, thank you. How are you? I am fine, thank you. Where were you yesterday? I did not see you here in the morning. \n߃ C∂se FhnsSbmbncp∂p? Rm≥ \nßsf cmhnse ChnsS I≠n√t√m? I was in Calicut. There was an urgent work to do there. I went in the morning. Rm≥ tImgnt°mSmbncp∂p. AhnsS AXymhiyamb Hcp tPmensNøm\p≠mbncp∂p. Rm≥ cmhnse t]mbn. (D®mcWw {i≤n°pI: Urgent) When did you come back? \n߃ Ft∏mgmWv Xncn®v h∂Xv? I reached back by night. cm{XnbmIptºmtg°pw Rm≥ Xncns®Øn. How is the rain in Calicut? I heard that the city is fully flooded. tImgnt°mSv agsbßns\bp≠v? \Kcwapgph≥ sh≈s∏m°amWv F∂v Rm≥ tI´t√m? There was heavy rain there; but I don’t think there was any flooding in the place. AhnsS ITn\amb agbp≠mbncp∂p; F∂m¬ AhnsS Fs¥¶nepw sh≈s∏m°ap≠mbncp∂Xmbn F\n°v tXm∂p∂n√. Was it difficult to walk on the roads? \ncØn¬ \S°m≥ {]bmkambncp∂pthm? Well, there was a lot of water on the roads. However, I did not face much problems. \ncØn¬ hfscb[nIw sh≈ap≠mbncp∂p. F∂m¬ Rm≥ IqSpXembp≈ {]iv\߃ t\cn´n√. It came in the papers that there were a few accidents there. AhnsS Ipd®v A]IS߃ D≠mbncp∂Xmbn ]{Xßfn¬ h∂t√m. That was not due to the rain. AXv agImcWambncp∂n√. What is that on your hand? \nßfpsS ssIbnt∑¬ F¥mWv AXv? Oh, this is a bandage. I slipped and fell yesterday night when I was getting down from the bus. Hm, CXv Hcp _mt‚Pv BWv. Rm≥ C∂se cm{Xnbn¬, _ n¬\n∂pw Cdßptºmƒ hgpXn hoWp. Did you go to the hospital? \n߃ Bip]{Xnbn¬ t]mtbm? No, one of my friends did this. He is good in all these types of things. C√, Fs‚ kplrØp°fn¬ Hcmƒ CXv sNbvXp. Cßns\bp≈ Imcyßfn¬ Abmƒ°v \√ Ignhp≠v. Okay, let us go to our class. icn, \ap°v \ΩpsS Ivfmknte°v t]mImw.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Interaction 2

 C 2

Q: What is your programme tomorrow? 1. F¥mWv \nßfpsS \mfsØ ]cn]mSn? A: I am going for a marriage in the morning. In the afternoon, I will be free. Is there anything you want me to do? 2. cmhnse Rm≥ Hcp hnhmlNSßn\v t]mIpIbmWv. D®bv°v Rm≥ {^o BIpw. Rm≥ sNøWw F∂v \n߃ B{Kln°p∂ Fs¥¶nepw Dt≠m? Q: Well, if you are free in the evening, come to my house. I want you to help me with the motor. 1. \n߃ sshIpt∂cpw {^o BhpIbmsW¶n¬, Fs‚ ho´nte°v hcnI. Fs‚ tam´dns‚ ImcyØn¬ \n߃ Fs∂sbm∂v klmbnt°Ww F∂mWv Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂Xv. A: What is wrong with your motor? 2. \nßfpsS tam´dn\v F¥mWv XIcmdv? Q: It is working, but water is not going up. 1. AXv {]h¿Øn°p∂p≠v, F∂m¬ sh≈w apIfnte°v t]mIp∂n√. A: Did you call Ramesh? He can repair it for you. 2. \n߃ ctajns\ hnfn®pthm? Abmƒ°v AXv \n߃°v \∂m°nØcm≥ Ignbpw. Q: I called him some time back. However, he is in Malappuram. He will come back only after a week. 1. Rm≥ Abmsf Ipd®v ap≥]v hnfn®p. F∂m¬, Abmƒ ae∏pdØmWv. Abmƒ HcmgvN Ignt™ Xncn®v hcnIbp≈p. A: What is he doing in Malappuram? 2. Abmƒ ae∏pdØv F¥mWv sNøp∂Xv? Q: He is attending a Karate competition. 1. Abmƒ Hcp Icms‰ a’cnØn¬ ]s¶Sp°pIbmWv. A: I did not know that he was practicing Karate. 2. Abmƒ Icms‰ ]cnioen°p∂p≠v F∂v F\n°v Adnhp≠mbncp∂n√. Q: Don’t you know that he is running a Karate school in Alwaye? 1. Abmƒ Bephbn¬ Hcp Imcms‰ kvIqƒ \SØp∂p≠v F∂v \n߃°v Adnbns√? A: No, no one told me that. 2. C√, Bcpw Xs∂ AXv Ft∂mSv ]d™n√. Q: Now, back to my question. Will you be able to come tomorrow? 1. C\n, \ap°v Fs‚ tNmZyØnte°v Xncn®v t]mImw. \n߃°v \msf hcm≥ Bhptam? A: I think I will be free in the evening. I will call you in the afternoon and tell you. If there are no other engagements, I will definitely come to your house at 5 O’ clock. 2. sshIpt∂cw Rm≥ {^o BIpw F∂mWv F\n°v tXm∂p∂Xv. Rm≥ \nßsf D®bv°v hnfn®v ]dbmw. a‰v bmtXmcp Imcyßfpw Cs√¶n¬ Rm≥ Xo¿®bmbpw \nßfpsS ho´n¬ 5 aWn°v hcp∂XmWv. Q: Thank you. 1. \∂n (\μn) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Interaction 3

 C 3

Can you please tell me the time? 1. \n߃°v, F\ns°m∂v kabw ]d™pXcmtam? It is 7. What is the hurry? You seem to be going somewhere far. 2. 7 aWnbmWv. F¥mWv [rXn? \n߃ ZqscsbhnsStbm t]mIpIbmWv F∂v tXm∂p∂t√m? I have to catch the 9 O’clock train from Badagara. 1. hSIcbn¬ \n∂pap≈ 9 aWnbpsS Xoh≠n F\n°v ]nSnt°≠Xp≠v. Where are you going? 2. \n߃ FhnsSbmWv t]mIp∂Xv? I have to reach Trivandrum tomorrow. There is an interview there. 1. F\n°v \msf Xncph\¥]pcØv FtØWw. AhnsS Hcp C‚¿hyq D≠v. What interview is it? 2. AXv F¥v C‚¿hyq BWv? It is an interview for a Gulf job. An officer from a Middle East company is coming there. 1. Hcp Kƒ^v sXmgnen\mbp≈ C‚¿hyq BWv AXv. Hcp a[y˛Ing°≥ Iº\nbnse Hcp Hm^vok¿ AhnsS hcp∂p≠v. What is the job? 2. F¥mWv sXmgn¬? It is carpenter’s job. 1. Bimcn∏WnbmWv. Do you know anything about carpentry? 2. \n߃°v Bimcn∏Wnsb°pdn®v Fs¥¶nepw Adnbptam? Well, I have taken training in carpentry from Calicut. 1. Hm, Rm≥ tImgnt°mSv \n∂v Bimcn∏Wnbn¬ ]cnioe\w t\Snbn´p≠v. Well, my best wishes for your interview. Go fast; there is a bus at 7:10. You can surely get the 9 O’clock train. Bye. 2. Hm, \nßfpsS C‚¿hyqhn\v Fs‚ G‰hpw \√ BiwkIƒ. thKØn¬ t]mIq; 7:10 \v Hcp _ v D≠v. \n߃°v Xo¿®bmbpw 9 aWnbpsS Xoh≠n In´p∂XmWv. _mbv. Interaction 4 Let us go for a film tomorrow. 1. \ap°v \msf Hcp kn\nabv°v t]mImw. Let me see. Tomorrow is Saturday. I can’t come tomorrow. 2. Rm≥ H∂v t\m°s´. \msf i\nbmgvNbmWv. F\n°v \msf hcm≥ ]‰n√.

 C 4

Why, what is the problem? 1. F¥vsIm≠v, F¥mWv {]iv\w? I have to go to the airport tomorrow. 2. \msf F\n°v G¿t∏m´nte°v t]mtI≠Xp≠v. Who is coming? 1. BcmWv hcp∂Xv? Not anyone from my family. I am just driving the car. 2. Fs‚ IpSpw_Øn¬ \n∂pw BcpwXs∂b√. Rm≥ shdpsX Im¿ HmSn°pI am{XamWv sNøp∂Xv.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Well then, what about day-after-tomorrow? 1. Aßns\sb¶n¬, a‰∂msf Fßns\? We should ask everybody. If everyone is ready, I will also come. 2. \Ωƒ F√mtcmSpw tNmZnt°Ww. F√mcpw XømdmsW¶n¬, Rm\pw hcpw. I have asked the others. They were ready for tomorrow. However, day-after-tomorrow is Sunday. So they won’t have any problem. 1. Rm≥ a‰p≈htcmSv tNmZn®n´p≠v . Ah¿ \mfsØ°v XømdmWv . F∂m¬, a‰∂msf RmbdmgvNbmWv. AXv sIm≠v Ah¿°v bmtXmcp {]iv\hpap≠mhn√. Call them and ask about day-after-tomorrow. Which film do you want to see? 2. Ahsc hnfn°q, F∂n´v a‰∂mfsØ Imcyw tNmZn°q. \n߃°v GXv kn\na ImWm\mWv B{Klw? I would like to see Titanic. It is running in Calicut. 1. F\n°v ssS‰m\n°v ImWm\mWv CjvSw. AXv tImgnt°mSv HmSp∂p≠v. Titanic is an old film. 2. ssS‰m\n°v Hcp ]gb kn\nabmWv. But still, it is a great movie. Let us go for it. 1. F∂ncp∂mepw, AXv Hcp alØmb kn\nabmWv. \ap°v AXn\v t]mImw. Okay, I have no objections to seeing that. 2. F∂m¬ icn, AXv ImWp∂Xnt\mSv F\n°v FXn¿s∏m∂pan√.










Hmd©ns‚ \ndw













\oe \ndØn\v ASpØp≈ Hcp \ndw


\oebpw Nph∏pw Ie¿∂ \ndw


Cfw Nph∏v \ndw


ISpw Nph∏v-˛\oe an{inXw


Ip¶pa \ndw

Grey / Gray

Nmc \ndw (\c® apSnbv°v Grey hair F∂mWv ]dbpI)


Xhn´p \ndw


Icn \ndw


Cfw \ndw





C B1

-36 D A0FULL

#11 You do \n߃ sNøq  D A1

Hmtcm Znhkhpw Ipd®v hm°pIƒ am{Xw \∂mbn tI´pw ]d™pw ]cnioen°pI

You come here

\n߃ ChnsS hcq

You achieve something

\n߃ Fs¥¶nepw t\Sq

You act fast

\n߃ thKØn¬ {]h¿Øn°q

You act in a film

D A2

\n߃ sNømdp≠v F∂coXnbnep≈ Hc¿∞hpw Cu hmNI߃°p≠v . 61mw t]Pv t\m°pI.

\n߃ Hcp kn\nabn¬ A`n\bn°q

You aim at the bird.

\n߃ ]£nsb D∂wsh°q

You aim for the IAS

\n߃ sFGF n\v e£ywsh°q

You allow him to study English

\n߃ Abmsf CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°m≥ A\phZn°q

You answer his questions

\n߃ AbmfpsS tNmZy߃°v DØcw ]dbq

You arrive in time

\n߃ kabØn\v FØnt®cq

 D A3

You ask for some money

\n߃ Ipd®v ]WØn\v tNmZn°q

You attack him at night

\n߃ Abmsf cm{Xnbn¬ B{Ian°q

You bathe tomorrow

\n߃ \msf Ipfn°q

You beat him

\n߃ Abmsf ASn°q

You bend down

\n߃ Ip\nbq

You bend him D A4

\n߃ Ahs\ hfbv°q

You bend this rod

\n߃ Cu Iºv hfbv°q

You bite the cake

\n߃ sIbv°v ISn°q

You boil this egg

\n߃ Cu ap´ ]pgpßq

You boil this water

\n߃ Cu sh≈w Xnf∏n°q

You bomb his house D A5

\n߃ AbmfpsS ho´n¬ t_mw_nSq

You bore into the ground

\n߃ \neØn\p≈nte°v Xpfbv°q

You bring it here (D®mcWw

{i≤n°pI) \n߃

AXv ChnsS sIm≠phcq

You build a gate

\n߃ Hcp sKbv‰v \n¿Ωn°q

You butcher

\n߃ Ad°q

You buy a pen D A6

\n߃ Hcp t]\ hmßn°q

You call him

\n߃ Abmsf hnfn°q

You carry a bag

\n߃ Hcp _mKv hln°q

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


You catch that bird

\n߃ B ]£nsb ]nSn°q

You celebrate this victory

\n߃ Cu hnPbw BtLmjn°q

You clean that plate D A7

\n߃ B ]vsfbv‰v hrØnbm°q

You climb on the window

\n߃ P\ent∑¬ Ibdq

You close that room

\n߃ B apdn ASbv°q

You continue your writing

\n߃ \nßfpsS FgpØv XpScq

You cook some food

\n߃ Ipd®v `£Ww ]mNIw sNøp

 D A8

You create a new world

\n߃ Hcp ]pXnb temIw krjvSn°q

You cross that river

\n߃ B ]pg IS°q

You cry for sometime

\n߃ Ipd®v t\ctØ°v Icbq

You cure this disease

\n߃ Cu tcmKwNnIn’n®vt`Zs∏SpØq

You cut that thread

\n߃ B \qev apdn°q D A9

You dance till morning

\n߃ cmhnsehsc \rØwsNøq

You deliver a speech

\n߃ {]kwKn°q

You deliver this mail

\n߃ Cu X]m¬ Dcp∏Sn sIm≠psImSp°q

You desire

\n߃ B{Kln°q

You dirty that place

\n߃ B ÿew hrØntISm°q

You dislike

\n߃ shdp°q

D A10

You do it fast

\n߃ AXv s]´∂v sNøq

You draw a picture

\n߃ Hcp Nn{Xw hcbv°q

You dress

\n߃ hkv{Xw [cn°q

 D A11

You drink some water

\n߃ Ipd®v sh≈w IpSn°q

You drive that car

\n߃ B Im¿ HmSn°q

You drop him in the town

\n߃ Abmsf ]´WØn¬ hnSq (CSq)

You dry this mat

\n߃ Cu ]mb DW°q

You eat in that plate

D A12

\n߃ B ]vsfbv‰n¬ \n∂pw `£Ww Ign°q

You enquire about him

\n߃ Abmsf°pdn®v At\zjn°q

You explain what happened

F¥mWv kw`hn®Xv F∂v \n߃ hniZoIcn°q

You explode

\n߃ s]m´nsØdn°q

You expose them

\n߃ Ahsc Xpd∂pIm´q

You express your opinion

\n߃ \nßfpsS A`n{]mbw {]ISn∏n°q

You face it with courage

\n߃ [ocXtbmsS AXns\ A`napJoIcn°q ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


You faint

\n߃ At_m[mhÿbnemIq

You fall down D A13

\n߃ \neØv hogq

You feel his pulse

\n߃ AbmfpsS lrZbanSn∏v sXm´v t\m°q

You fight for your rights

\n߃ \nßfpsS AhImi߃°mbn bp≤wsNøq

You fight him

\n߃ AbmtfmSv ASn]nSnIqSq

You find him

\n߃ Abmsf Is≠Øq

You finish this work

\n߃ Cu sXmgn¬ apgpan∏n°q

You fire him

\n߃ Abmsf ]ncn®v hnSq

You fish from that pond

\n߃ B IpfØn¬ \n∂pw a’yw ]nSn°q

You flow

\n߃ HgpIq

 D A14

You fly

\n߃ ]d°q

You follow him

\n߃ Abmsf ]n¥pScq

You follow his advice

\n߃ AbmfpsS D]tZiw A\pkcn°q

You frighten him

\n߃ Abmsf `bs∏SpØq

You gain some profit

\n߃ Ipd®p em`w t\Sq

You get in D A15

\n߃ AIØv IS°q

You get out

\n߃ ]pdØv IS°q

You go to Trivandrum

\n߃ Xncph\¥]pctØ°v t]mIq

You grow

\n߃ hfcq

You grow some plants

\n߃ Ipd®v sNSnIƒ hf¿Øq

You growl

\n߃ apcfq

D A16

You handle this problem

\n߃ Cu {]iv\w ssIImcywsNøq

You hang him

\n߃ Abmsf Xq°q

You hang the dress on this line

\n߃ hkv{Xw Cu Abbn¬ Xq°nbnSq

You harass him

\n߃ Abmsf ]oUn∏n°q

You hate

\n߃ shdp°q

You hit him

\n߃ Abmsf CSn°q

You howl

\n߃ \nehnfn°q

You howl

\n߃ HmenbnSq

You hurt them

\n߃ Ahsc apdnth¬∏n°q \n߃ Ahsc thZ\n∏n°q

You imagine a bird

\n߃ Hcp ]£nsb k¶¬∏n°q

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


You inform everybody

\n߃ F√mhtcbpw hnhcw Adnbn°q

You iron his dress

\n߃ AbmfpsS hkv{Xw CkvXncnbnSq

 D A17

You join that club

\n߃ B Ivf∫n¬ tNcq

You joke for sometime

\n߃ Ipd®v t\cw Xami]dbq

You jump into this pond

\n߃ Cu IpfØnte°v NmSq

You laugh

\n߃ Nncn°q

You lead

\n߃ \bn°q

You lean on that wall

\n߃ B Npacn¬ Nmcq

You lend him some money

\n߃ Ipd®v ]Ww Abmƒ°v ISwsImSp°q

You lend D A18

\n߃ ISw\¬Iq

You like

\n߃ CjvSs∏Sq

You live

\n߃ Pohn°q

You load that vehicle

\n߃ B hml\w temUvsNøq

You look at that car

\n߃ B Imdns\ t\m°q

You love

\n߃ kvt\ln°q

You market these products

\n߃ Cu DXv]∂߃ hn]W\wsNøq

You measure this height

\n߃ Cu Dbcw Af°q

You milk

\n߃ Id°q

D A19

You mix the ingrediants

\n߃ tNcphIƒ Ie¿Øq

You mix with everybody

\n߃ F√mhtcmSpw H∏wtNcq

You move to that side

\n߃ B hitØ°v \oßq

You open every window

\n߃ F√m P\epw Xpd°q

You paint his face

\n߃ AbmfpsS apJw s]bv‚ v ASn°q

You paste it on the wall

\n߃ B Npacn¬ AXv H´n°q

You pick him from his house

\n߃ AbmfpsS ho´n¬ \n∂pw Abmsf FSp°q

You place it on the wall

\n߃ CXv Npacn¬ sh°q

You point

\n߃ hnc¬ Nq≠q

You pray D A20

\n߃ {]m¿∞n°q

You promise

\n߃ hm°v \¬Iq

You pull me out

\n߃ Fs∂ ]pdtØ°v hens®Sp°q

You punish him

\n߃ Abmsf in£n°q

You push it out



You question them

\n߃ Ahsc tNmZyw sNøq

You read it loud

\n߃ CXv D®Øn¬ hmbn°q

You remove his name

\n߃ AbmfpsS t]cv Hgnhm°q

You repair this cycle

\n߃ Cu ssk°nƒ \∂m°q

You rescue D A21

\n߃ c£n°q

You resign

\n߃ cmPnsh°q

You ride

\n߃ khmcnsNøq

You ring

\n߃ aWnbSn°q

You rob

\n߃ tamjvSn°q

You roll on the ground

\n߃ \neØv Dcpfq

You roll this mat

\n߃ Cu ]mb Npcp´q

You row that boat

\n߃ B tXmWn Xpgbq

You rub this on your back

\n߃ CXv \nßfpsS ]pdØv ]pc´q

You run to your house

\n߃ \nßfpsS ho´nte°v HmSq

You save him D A22

\n߃ Abmsf c£n°q

You save some money

\n߃ Ipd®v ]Ww kw`cn°q

You say it loudly

\n߃ CXv D®Øn¬ ]dbq

You scratch his back

\n߃ AbmfpsS ]pdw sNmdnbq

You scribble

\n߃ IpØn°qdn°q

You search online

\n߃ C‚¿s\‰n¬ Xncbq

You see it

\n߃ AXv ImWq

You sell that toy

\n߃ B Ifnt°m∏v hn¬°q

You send it to him

\n߃ CXv Abmƒ°v Ab°q

You shoot him

\n߃ Abmsf shSnsh°q

You shout at him

 D A23

\n߃ AbmtfmSv H®sh°q

You shut up your mouth

\n߃ \nßfpsS hmb ASbv°q

You sit and watch

\n߃ Ccp∂v ho£n°q

You smile

\n߃ aμlkn°q

You speak to him

\n߃ AbmtfmSv kwkmcn°q

You spit

\n߃ Xp∏q

You stab

\n߃ IØnsIm≠v IpØq

You stand here

\n߃ ChnsS \n¬°q

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


You start a dialogue

\n߃ Hcp kw`mjWw Bcw`n°q

You stay in this house

\n߃ Cu ho´n¬ Xmakn°q

You stitch it fast

\n߃ AXv s]´∂v Xp∂q

You study for your exam

\n߃ \nßfpsS ]co£bv°v ]Tn°q

You sweep your roomD A24

\n߃ \nßfpsS apdn XqØv hmcq

You swim on that side

\n߃ B hiØv \o¥q

You switch off your radio

\n߃ \nßfpsS tdUntbm kzn®v Hm^vsNøq

You switch on your radio

\n߃ \nßfpsS tdUntbm kzn®v Hm¨sNøq

You take care of him You take him

\n߃ Absf FSp°q

You talk to him

\n߃ AbmtfmSv kwkmcn°q

You teach me

\n߃ Fs∂ ]Tn∏n°q

You tease

\n߃ Xami]d™v ieys∏SpØq

You test that theory

\n߃ B s]mXpXØzw ]cntim[n°q

You think about it D A25

\n߃ AXns\°pdn®v BtemNn°q

You throw it

\n߃ AXv Fdnbq

You tie him up

\n߃ Abmsf sI´nbnSq

You travel

\n߃ bm{XsNøq

You type

\n߃ ssS∏vsNøq

You wait for me

\n߃ Fs∂ ImØv \n¬°q

You walk on this side

\n߃ Cu hiØv \S°q

You wash your hands

\n߃ \nßfpsS ssIIƒ IgpIq

You water this plant

\n߃ Cu sNSn \\bv°q

You weep

\n߃ Gßn°cbq

You welcome him

\n߃ Abmsf kzmKXw sNøq

You win a lottery D A26

\n߃ Hcp tem´dn hnPbn°q

You work till night

\n߃ cm{Xnhsc sXmgn¬sNøq

You worry

\n߃ a\ v hnjan°q

You write a book

\n߃ Hcp ]pkvXIw FgpXq




 D B1

tNmZy߃ D≠m°¬ What

F¥v ?


GXv ?



From where

FhnsS \n∂v?


F¥n\v ?






Bcv ?

How many

F{X FÆw?

CMvKvfnjn¬ s]mXphmbn D]tbmKn°p∂ tNmZyßfmWv Ch. Ch ]Tn®m¬Øs∂ an° tNmZyßfpw CMvKvfnjn¬ tNmZn°m≥ Bhpw.


How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v

How much


Is it

Aßns\ BsWm?

Isn’t it

Aßns\ At√?

Am I

Rm≥ BsWm?

Aren’t I

Rm≥ At√?

Is he?

Abmƒ BsWm?

Isn’t he?

Abmƒ At√?

Is she?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) BsWm?

Isn’t she?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) At√?

Are you?

\n߃ BsWm?

Aren’t you?

\n߃ At√?

Are they?

Ah¿ BsWm?

Aren’t they?

Ah¿ At√?

Are we?

R߃ BsWm?

Aren’t we?

R߃ At√?

Was it?

Aßns\ Bbncp∂pshm?

Wasn’t it?


Was I?

Rm≥ Bbncp∂pshm?

Wasn’t I?

Rm≥ Bbncp∂nt√?

Was he?

Abmƒ Bbncp∂pshm?

Wasn’t he?

Abmƒ Bbncp∂nt√?

Was she?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Bbncp∂pshm?

Wasn’t she?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Bbncp∂nt√?

Were you?

\n߃ Bbncp∂pshm?

Weren’t you? \n߃ Bbncp∂nt√?

Were they?

Ah¿ Bbncp∂pshm?

Weren’t they? Ah¿ Bbncp∂nt√?

Were we?

R߃ Bbncp∂pshm?

Weren’t we? R߃ Bbncp∂nt√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Common WORDS km[mcW hm°pIƒ.


D B2

Ch {]tXyIn®v Hcp hymIcW{Iaa\pkcn®√ ChnsS \¬Inbn´p≈Xv. s]mXphmbn D]tbmKn°ptºmgp≈ A¿∞amWv \¬Inbn´p≈Xv. hmIycN\bv°v A\pkrXambn A¿∞Øn¬ am‰w kw`hn°mw. Achievement: t\´w

Dress: hkv { Xw

Acting: A`n\bw

Drink: ]m\obw

Action: {]h¿Ø\w

Drop: hogvN, CS¬

Aim: e£yw

Drying: DW°¬

Alive: Poh\p≈.

Eating: `£Ww Ign°¬

Allowing: A\phZn°¬, A\phZn°p∂p

Enquiry: At\zjWw

Answer: DØcw

Explanation: hniZoIcWw

Arrival: FØnt®c¬

Explosion: s]m´nsØdn

Ask: tNmZn°pI

Expression: {]ISn∏n°¬, apJ`mhw

Attack: B{Iaw

Facing: t\cnS¬

Bath: Ipfn

Fainting: XeNp‰¬, t_m[wsIS¬

Beat: ASn

Fall: hogvN

Bend: hfhv Bending: hf°¬

Feeling: tXm∂¬, tXm∂p∂p

Bite: ISn

Fight: bp≤w, ASnIqS¬

Bringing: sIm≠v hc¬, tIm≠phc∂p

Finding: I≠p]nSn°¬, I≠p]nSpØw

Butchering: Ad°¬

Fire: Xo, shSnsh∏v

Building: sI´¬

Firing: shSnsh∏v, ]ncn®v hnS¬

Buying: hmßn°¬, hmßn°p∂p

Fish: ao≥ ]nSn°pI

Call: hnfn Calling: hnfn°¬

Fishing: ao≥ ]nSpØw

Carrying: hln°¬

Flow: Hgp°v

Catch: ]nSpØw, ]nSn°pI Catching: ]nSn°¬

Flight: ]d°¬

Cleaning: ipNnbm°¬

Following: ]n≥XpSc¬

Climb: Ib‰w, Ibd¬

Fright: `bw

Closure: AS°¬

Gain: em`w, t\´w

Coming: hchv

Getting: In´¬

Continual: XpS¿®bmbp≈

Getting in: AIØv IS°¬

Cooking: ]mNIw sNø¬

Getting out: ]pdØv IS°¬

Crossing: adp]pdtØ°v IS°¬

Going: t]mI¬

Cry: Ic®n¬

Growth: hf¿®

Cure: t`Zs∏Spج

Growl: apcĨ

Cut: apdnhv. Cutting: apdn°¬

Handling: ssIImcyw sNø¬

Dance: \rØwsNø¬

Hanging: Xq°¬

Delivery: sIm≠ps°mSp°¬

Harassment: ]oUn∏n°¬

Desire: B{Klw

Hate: hntcm[w

Dirt: Agp°v

Hitting: CSn°¬

Dislike: CjvSt°Sv

Howl: Hmen

Drawing: hcbv°¬


-44Imagination: k¶¬]w

Running: Hm´w

Information: hnhcw

Saving: c£s∏Spج

Ironing: CkvXncnbnS¬

Saying: ]db¬

Joining: tNc¬

Scratch: sNmdnbpI Scratching: sNmdn®n¬

Joke: Xami Joking: Xami]db¬

Search, Searching: Xnc®n¬

Jump: Nm´w

Seeing: ImW¬

Knowledge: hn⁄m\w, hnhcw

Sending: Ab°¬

Laughter: Nncn

Shot: shSn Shooting: shSnsh°¬, shSnsh∏v

Leaning: Nmc¬

Shout: H® Shouting: H®sh°¬

Lending: ISw sImSp°¬

Shutting: AS®nS¬

Like: CjvSw

Sitting: Ccn°¬

Live (ssehv): Poh\p≈ Live (enhv): Pohn°I

Smile: aμlmkw Smiling: aμlkn°p∂p

Load: Nc°v, `mcw

Speech: {]kwKw Speaking: {]kwKn°¬

Loss: \jvSw Losing: \jvSs∏S¬

Spit: Xp∏pI, Xp∏¬ Spitting: Xp∏¬

Love: kvt\lw

Stab: IØnsIm≠v IpØpI Stabbing: Ipج

Measurement: Afhv

Stand: \n¬°pI; \ne]mSv Standing: \n¬]v

Milking: Id°¬, Id°p∂p

Starting: XpS߬

Mix: Ie¿ØpI

Stay, Staying: Xmakn°¬

Move: am‰w Movement: Ne\w

Stitch, Stitching: Xp∂¬

Placing: sh°¬

Study: ]T\w Studying: ]Tn°¬, ]Tn°p∂p

Pointing: Nq≠n°m´¬

Sweeping: ASn®phmc¬

Prayer: {]m¿∞\

Swim: \o¥pI Swimming: \o¥¬, \o¥p∂p

Promise: hm°v \¬I¬

Taking: FSp°¬, FSp°p∂p

Pull: hen Pulling: henhv

Talk: kwkmcw Talking: kwkmcn°¬, kwkmcn°p∂p

Punishment: in£

Teaching: ]Tn∏n°¬, ]Tn∏n°p∂p

Push: X≈¬, X≈pI Pushing: X≈¬

Teasing: (D]{ZhIcambn) Ifnbm°¬, Ifnbm°p∂p

Putting: CS¬

Thought: Nn¥ Thinking: Nn¥, Nn¥n°¬

Question: tNmZyw Questioning: tNmZyw sNø¬

Throw: FdnbpI Throwing: Fdnb¬

Race: Hm´∏¥bw

Travel: bm{X Travelling: bm{XsNø¬, bm{XsNøp∂p

Reading: hmb\, hmbn°¬

Wait: ImØp\n¬]v Waiting: ImØp\n¬°¬

Removal: am‰nsh°¬

Walk: \S°pI, \S°¬ Walking: \S°¬

Repair: \∂m°pI Repairing: \∂m°¬

Wash, Washing: IgpI¬

Rescue, Rescuing: c£n°¬

Watering: \\bv°¬

Resignation: cmPnsh°¬

Weeping: Gßn°c®n¬

Riding: khmcnsNø¬

Welcome, Welcoming: kzmKXwsNø¬

Ringing: aWnbSn°¬

Winning: Pbn°¬

Robbery: tamjWw, tamjvSn°¬

Work: ]Wn Working: ]WnsbSp°¬

Rolling: Dcpf¬

Worry: hnjan°pI Worrying: hnjan°¬

Rowing: Xpgb¬

Writing: FgpØv, FgpX¬

Rubbing: ]pc´¬, Dcb¬

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


#14 KpWta∑bp≈ CMvKvfnjv hmb\m ioew hf¿ØnsbSp°m≥ C∂v temIØns‚ ]e Zn°nepw BfpIƒ CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°p∂p≠v. Ah¿ kwkmcn°p∂Xpw, D]tbmKn°p∂Xpamb CMvKvfnjv ]et∏mgpw AhcpsS {]tZinI `mjIfpsS kmaqlnI ]cnanXnIƒ Dƒs°m≈p∂hbmWv . AXn\m¬ Xs∂ CMv K v f njns‚ bYm¿∞ aqeyßfpw, KpWta∑bpw A\p`hn®dnbWsa¶n¬, CMvKvf≠n¬ D≠mbncp∂ CMvKvfnjv Xs∂ kzmbØam°Ww. C∂v CMvKvf≠nepw, CMvKvfnjn\v kmh[m\w aqeyt®mjWw kw`hn®vsIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. ImcWw, CMvKvfnjnt\mSv bmtXmcpIqdpw C√mØ ]pdwcmPy°m¿ C∂v CMvKvf≠n¬ \nd™v s]cpInsIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. Fsavdn°≥ CMvKvfnjns\ A\pIcn°p∂Xv, s]mXpsh Hcp B¿`mSm\p`hw am{Xambncn°pw. hnIvt‰mdnFv≥ ImeL´Ønse CMvKvf≠nse CMvKvfnjnep≠mbncp∂ ]e temeamb KpWta∑bpw IcpXn°q´nbpw, A√msXbpw Fsav d n°≥ CMv K v f njn¬ \n∂pw am‰s∏´n´p≠v . am{Xhpa√, Fsavdn°≥ CMvKvfnjv F∂v C∂v ]dbs∏Sp∂Xv, temIsaºmSpap≈ CMvKvfnjv hwiPc√Øh¿°v F¥v Ak`yhpw ]dbm\p≈ Hcp D]m[nbpwIqSnbmbn A[:∏Xn®ncn°p∂p. \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv C∂v C¥ybn¬ k¿°m¿ kv°qfpIfn¬ H´pap°menepw e`ya√Xs∂. kzImcy CMv K v f njv aoUnbw kv I qfpIfn¬, NneXn¬ tamian√mØ CMv K v f njv \nehmcw \ne\n¿Øp∂p≠v. F∂m¬ CXymZn kvIqfpIfn¬ ]Tn°Wsa¶n¬ ho´n¬ \√ kmºØnI \nehmcw BhiyamWv. km[mcW P\߃°v \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjnte°v Im¬sh∏v \SØm≥ Cu {KŸw Hcp ]cn[nhsc klmbn°pw. F∂m¬, CtXmsSm∏w, ho´n¬ Hcp CMvKvfnjv ]{Xw hcpØWw F∂p≈Xv AXy¥mt]£nXamb ImcyamWv. Cßns\ Hcp Bibw {]tZinI`mjm ]{X߃ ]dbn√Xs∂. ImcWw, P\߃ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn®m¬, {]tZinI`mjm ]{X°mcpw, kn\na°mcpw, kmwkv°mcnI t\Xm°fmbn kzbw Gs‰SpØ ]Zhnbn¬ \n∂pw Hgnhm°s∏Spw. sNdp∏w apX¬ Xs∂ ]gbIme CMvKvfnjv FgpØpImcpsS t\mhepIƒ hmbn°p∂Xv, CMvKvfnjv ]cn⁄m\w hf¿Øm≥ D]Icn°pw. ]gbIme, CMvKvf≠ns\ ]›mØeam°nbn´p≈ CMvKvfnjv kn\naIƒ ImWp∂Xv hfsc \√XmWv. Enid Blyton F∂ XqenIm\maap≈ FgpØpImcnbpsS t\mhepIƒ sNdp{]mb°mcn¬ CMvKvfnjv hmb\m ioew hf¿ØnsbSp°m≥ D]Icn°pw. CMvKvfnjns‚ bYm¿∞ KpWta∑ CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°¬ t\mhepIfnepw a‰v FgpØpIfnepw ImWmhp∂XmWv. Oscar Wilde, Somerset Maugham, Charles Dickens, Walter Scott, RL Stevenson, Lewis Carroll, Arthur Conan Doyle, G. B Shaw, Jane Austen t]mep≈ FgpØpImcpsS krjv S nIƒ hmbn°p∂Xv Ie¿∏v ]pcfmØ CMvKvfnjv kwkv°mcØns‚ temeamb kmaqlnI Bibhn\nab tImUpIsf°pdn®v Adnhv t\Sm≥ hfsc klmbnt®°mw. F∂m¬ Ch CMv K v f njv ]Tn®v XpSßp∂h¿°v hmbn®v XpSßWsa¶n¬ hy‡amb am¿§\n¿t±iw BhiyamWv. As√¶n¬ hfsc I´nIqSnb {KŸßƒ hmbn°m≥ Hcpsº´m¬ CMv K v f njv hmb\tbmSpff {]Xn]Øn aßnt∏mhpw. Accent AYh kwkmcssienbn¬ Hcp ]cn[nbn¬ Ihn™v Imcyan√. ImcWw, CMvKv≠ntem,

As√¶n¬ Fsavdn°bntem, Ipd®v Imew F¥v tPmensNbvXmepw, B \m´nse kwkmc ssien kzmbØamhpw. CXv \s√mcp t\´amWv. F∂m¬, D®mcW ip≤nbpw, sX‰n√mØ hmIycN\bpw, CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°vkpw a‰pw hmbn®p≈ ]›mØehpwa‰pan√msX shdpw Accent sIm≠vam{Xw CMvKvfnjv ]cn⁄m\amhn√. F∂m¬ CMvKvfnjv ]cn⁄m\an√mØhcn¬ aXn∏pfhm°m≥ CXv DXIpw. F∂m¬ ]et∏mgpw, CsXm∂pans√¶nepw Accent am{Xw kzmbØam°ns°m≠v ]ecpw HXpßp∂p. CMv K v f njns‚ ta¬∏c∏v am{Xta Ch¿°v A\p`hn®dnbm≥ km[n°pIbp≈p. CXpt]mepw hensbmcpImcyamsW¶nepw, CXn¬ am{Xw HXpßn\n¬t°≠Imcyan√.



MAKING SENTENCES hmIy߃ D≠m°¬ VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS had developed this method of learning English sentence-making without complicated grammar rules in the year 2002. It was more or less perfected by the year 2007. Using this technique, which need only a couple of days to understand, we have been able to successfully teach English to many students. It may be mentioned that this technique is not foolproof or currently at its optimum level of perfection. However, it is quite effective in making the learning process fast and easy. It is suggested that reading, listening and exposure to a good English-speaking ambience is the best method for learning quality English. © All rights are reserved with regard to this technique.


bmtXmcphn[ k¶o¿Æßfmb hymIcW \nbaßfpw D]tbmKn°msX, CMv K v f njv hmIy cN\ ]Tn∏n°p∂ Cu ]≤Xn 2002¬ hnIvt‰mdnAx C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv hnIkn∏ns®SpØn´p≠v . 2007 Bbt∏mtg°pw CXv GXm≠v ]cn]q¿ÆXbn¬ FØn®p. a\ nem°m≥ shdpw c≠v Znhk߃ am{Xw Bhiyap≈, Cu am¿§w D]tbmKn®v sIm≠v, Iptd BfpIsf hnPbIcambn CMvKvfnjv ]Tn∏n°m≥ Bbn´p≠v. Cu am¿§Øn¬ bmtXmcp sXt‰m ]nitIm C√m F∂v Xo¿Øp ]dbm≥ Bhn√. am{Xhpa√, CXv C\nbpw hf¿ØnsbSp°m\pw Bhn√ F∂pw ]dbm≥ Bhn√. F∂m¬ hfsc s]s´∂v CMv K v f njv ]Tn°m≥ Cu ]≤Xn hfsc Imcy£aamWv . CtXmsSm∏w ChnsS {]kv X mhnt°≠ Imcyw, KpW\nehmcap≈ CMv K v f njv ]Tn°m≥ G‰hpw \√ am¿§w, \√ \nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv kmlnXy cN\Iƒ hmbn°pIbpw, \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv kw`mjWw tIƒ°pIbpw, \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv kmaqlnIm¥co£Øn¬ CS]gIpIbpw sNøpIsb∂XmWv . © All rights are reserved with regard to this technique.

Hmtcm tImfØnepw, Hcp {]tXyIXcw A¿∞w/A¿∞߃ cNnt°≠p∂ hm°pIfmWv LS\sNbv X v h®ncn°p∂Xv (t]Pv 50 ImWpI). Hmtcm tImfhpambn Hmtcm {]tXyI hmIycN\m k{ºZmbw _‘s∏SpØnbn´p≠v . CXv a\ nem°nbm¬ hmIycN\ Ffp∏amhpw. XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ Imcy߃ Ct∏mƒ hmbn®v a\ nemt°Ww F∂n√. (t]Pv 40 I≠Xn\v tijw, t]Pv 61 apX¬ ]T\w Bcw`n°pI. Hmtcm tImfhpw ]Tn°m≥ XpSßp∂Xn\v apºmbn, B tImfsØ°pdn®v Cu B≤ymbØn¬ ]d™ncn°p∂ Imcyw am{Xw hmbn°pI. hmbn®n´v a\ nembns√¶nepw {]iv\an√. 61mw ]Tn®v XpSßptºmƒ Xms\ Imcy߃ a\ nemIm≥ km[yXbp≠v .

Some common words to use in all the columns for practise: I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor

COLUMN No: One A I come: Rm≥ hcmdp≠v . You come: \n߃ hcmdp≠v . We come: R߃ hcmdp≠v . They come: Ah¿ hcmdp≠v . My brothers come: Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdp≠v . The teachers come: So®¿am¿ hcmdp≠v . The doctors come: tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcmdp≠v . COLUMN No: One B He comes: Abmƒ hcmdp≠v . She comes: Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcmdp≠v . It comes:AXv hcmdp≠v / CXv hcmdp≠v . Kevin comes: sIhv n ≥ hcmdp≠v The teacher comes: So®¿ hcmdp≠v . The doctor comes: tUmIv S ¿ hcmdp≠v . This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-47COLUMN No: Two c≠m- a sØ tImf- Ø nse hm°n- t \mSv will/shall, can, may/might, must/should XpS- ß nb hm°pIƒ D]- t bm- K n®v ]Tn- ° p- I . Will:sNøpw, kw`hn°pw.

Can: Ignbpw, ]‰pw.

May: sNbv t X°pw, kw`hnt®°pw

Must/Should:sNøWw, kw`hn°Ww.

COLUMN No: Three A: ing aq∂m- a sØ tImf- Ø nse hm°n- t \mSv I



They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors


He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor XpS- ß nb hm°pIƒ D]- t bm- K n®v ]Tn- ° p- I .


I I am: Rm≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Rm≥ sNøpIbmWv . I was: Rm≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Rm≥ sNøpIbmbncp∂p.

Plurals _lphN\߃ They are: Ah¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Ah¿ sNøpIbmWv . They were: Ah¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Ah¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. We are: R߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /R߃ sNøpIbmWv . We were: R߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./R߃ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. You are: \n߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /\n߃ sNøpIbmWv . You were: \n߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./\n߃ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. The teachers are: So®¿am¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /So®¿am¿ sNøpIbmWv . The teachers were: S o ® ¿ a m ¿ s N b v X p s I m ≠ n c n ° p I b m b n c p ∂ p . / S o ® ¿ a m ¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. The doctors are: t U m I v S ¿ a m ¿ s N b v X p s I m ≠ n c n ° p I b m W v . / t U m I v S ¿ a m ¿ sNøpIbmWv . The doctors were: tUmIv S ¿am¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./tUmIv S ¿am¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. My brothers are: F s ‚ k t l m Z c ∑ m ¿ s N b v X p s I m ≠ n c n ° p I b m W v . / F s ‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ sNøpIbmWv . My brothers were: Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Singulars GIhN\߃ He is: Abmƒ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Abmƒ sNøpIbmWv . He was: Abmƒ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Abmƒ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. She is: Abmƒ (kv { Xo) sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Abmƒ (kv { Xo) sNøpIbmWv . She was: Abmƒ ( k v { X o ) sNbvXpsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Abmƒ (kv{Xo) sNøpIbmbncp∂p. Kevin is: sIhv n ≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /sIhv n ≥ sNøpIbmWv . Kevin was: sIhv n ≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./sIhv n ≥ sNøpIbmbncp∂p.

The teacher is: So®¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /So®¿ sNøpIbmWv . The teacher was: So®¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./So®¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. The doctor is: tUmIv S ¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /tUmIv S ¿ sNøpIbmWv . The doctor was: tUmIvS¿ sNbvXpsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./tUmIvS¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p.

COLUMN No: Three

Item two aq∂mw tImfØnse ASpØ hmIycN\ XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®mWv . Will be sNøp∂Xmbncn°pw May be sNøpIbmbncn°mw

Can be sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmImw Must be sNbv X p sIm≠ncn°pIbmImw

COLUMN No: Three

Item three aq∂mw tImfØnse ASpØ hmIycN\ XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®mWv . I am They are We are You are He is She is

Rm≥ BWv Ah¿ BWv R߃ BWv \n߃ BWv Abmƒ BWv Abmƒ (kv { Xo) BWv

I was Rm≥ Bbncp∂p They were Ah¿ Bbncp∂p We were R߃ Bbncp∂p You were \n߃ Bbncp∂p He was Abmƒ Bbncp∂p She was Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Bbncp∂p

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-49COLUMN No: Four \mem- a sØ tImf- Ø nse hm°v I They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor XpS- ß nb hm°pIƒ°v ]n∂n¬ as‰mcp hm°pw CSbn¬ hbv ° msX D]- t bm- K n- ° p- I . Direct t\cn´v

COLUMN No:Five A©m- a sØ tImf- Ø nse hm°n- t \mSv Have/Has, Had XpS- ß n- b - hm- ° pIƒ D]- t bm- K n- ° p- I . Have/Has F∂m¬ D≠v F∂v s]mXphmbn a\ nem°pI, Has F∂ hm°v GIh- N - \ - ß - t fm- S pw, Have F∂ hm°v _lph- N - \ - ß - t fm- S pw D]tbm- K n- ° p- I . Had F∂m¬ D≠mbncp∂p F∂pw s]mXphmbn a\ nem°pI, Could have: sNømambncp∂p Would have: sNøpambncp∂p Should have: sNtø≠Xmbncp∂p

Rs. 380 + Rs. 70 = Rs. 450 Buy directly fromBuy directly from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS for much discounted cost. Please send a message to 91 9656100722 via Telegram Messenger or Whatsapp. Or buy Online CLICK HERE

hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kv¬ \n∂pw Cu {KŸw t\cn´v hmßn®m¬, 380 cq]bv°v e`n°p∂XmWv. ]pkvXIw Ab°p∂ C\Øn¬ Registered Book postNm¿÷mbn 70 cq] thsdbpw th≠nhcpw. 91 9656100722 F∂ \ºdn¬ Telegram MessengeraptJs\tbm, WhatsappaptJs\tbm, AXpas√¶n¬, Cu˛sabv¬ aptJs\tbm hniZmwi߃ BcmbpI.

Cu ]pkvXIw Bhiyap≈h¿ ]pkvXIØns‚ hne VICTORIA INSTITUTIONSs‚ _m¶v F°u≠nte°v t\cn´v \nt£]n°pItbm, As√¶n¬ aWnHmUdmbn Ab°pItbm sNøpI. PayPal aptJs\bpw ]Ww Ab°mhp∂XmWv. hntZiØp≈h¿, sImdnb¿ Nm¿÷v IqSn Abt°≠XmWv . Bank: UNION BANK of INDIA A/c Name: VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS Current a/c no: 638401010011063 Branch Kuttiadi, Calicut (Kozhikode) district Pincode: 673508 IFSC: UBIN0563846 ]Ww Ab®Xns‚ hniZmwi߃ CusabveneqsStbm, Telegram Messenger App As√¶n¬ Whatsapp eqsStbm Adnbnt°≠XmWv. _m¶v s]bvsa‚ns‚ kv{Io≥tjm´v As√¶n¬ AXns‚ cioXnbpsS Nn{XwIqSn Ab®m¬ \√Xv. 9656100722 te°v ]pkvXIw km[mcW KXnbn¬, Registered Book postBbn´mWv Ab°pI.



Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................  E 0FULL


Cu ]´nI cq]Øn¬ hm°pIsf ASp°nh®v, bmtXmcp hymIcW \nbaßfpw D]tbmKn°msX hmIy cN\ \SØm\p≈ ]T\ ]≤XnbpsS ]I¿∏hImiw hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yj≥kv s‚ ]°¬ \nt£]n°s∏´n´p≈XmWv.

BZy Znhkßfn¬ Cu A≤ymbw ]Tnt°Wsa∂n√. F∂m¬ ]T\w XpSßnbm¬, Hmtcm Znhkhpw Cu ]´nIbnse 10 hcnIƒam{Xw ]Tn°pI. ]Øv ]Øv hoXap≈ HmUntbmIfpw, samØamb HmUntbmbpw, HmUntbm t^mƒUdn¬ ImWmhp∂XmWv. hm°pIfpsS s]mXphmb A¿∞߃ a\ nem°m≥, apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ DZmlcWw t\m°pI.  E 1

Achieve Achieves ...........t\Smdp≠v . ................



Achieved t\Sn


Act Acts Act ...........A`n\bn°mdp≠v . ................ ...........{]h¿Øn°mdp≠v . ................


Acted A`n\bn®p {]h¿Øn®p


Aim Aims Aim ...........e£ywhbv ° mdp≠v . ................


Aimed e£ywh®p


Allow Allows Allow ...........A\phZn°mdp≠v . ................


Allowed A\phZn®p


Answer Answers Answer ...........DØcw]dbmdp≠v . ................


Answered Answered DØcw]d™p

Arrive Arrives Arrive ...........FØnt®cmdp≠v . ................


Arrived FØnt®¿∂p


Ask Asks ...........tNmZn°mdp≠v . ................


Asked tNmZn®p


Attack Attacks Attack ...........B{Ian°mdp≠v . ................


Attacked B{Ian®p


Bathe Bathes ...........Ipfn°mdp≠v . ................



Bathed Ipfn®p


Beat Beats ...........ASn°mdp≠v . ...............



Beat ASn®p


Bend Bends ...........hfbv ° mdp≠v . ................ ...........hfbmdp≠v . ................



Bent hf®p hf™p


Bite Bites ...........ISn°mdp≠v . ................



Bit ISn®p


Boil Boils ...........Xnf∏n°mdp≠v . ................ ...........]pgpßmdp≠v . ................



Boiled Xnf∏n®p ]pgpßn



E 2

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Bomb Bombs Bomb ...........t_mw_nSmdp≠v . ................


Bombed t_mw_n´p


Bore Bores ...........Xpfbv ° mdp≠v . ................


Bored Xpf®p


Borrow Borrows Borrow ...........ISwhmßn°mdp≠v . ................


Borrowed ISwhmßn®p


Bring Brings Bring ...........sIm≠v h cmdp≠v . ................


Brought sIm≠ph∂p


Butcher Butchers ...........Ad°mdp≠v . ................



Butchered AdØp


Build Builds ...........sI´mdp≠v . ................



Built sI´n


Buy Buys Buy ...........hmßn°mdp≠v . ................


Bought hmßn®p


Call Calls ...........hnfn°mdp≠v . ................



Called hnfn®p


Carry Carries ...........hln°mdp≠v . ................



Carried hln®p


Catch Catches ...........]nSn°mdp≠v . ................



Caught ]nSn®p


Clean Cleans Clean ...........hrØnbm°mdp≠v . ................


Cleaned hrØnbm°n


Climb Climbs ...........Ibdmdp≠v . ................



Climbed Ibdn


Close Closes ...........ASbv ° mdp≠v . ................



Closed AS®p


Come Comes ...........hcmdp≠v . ................



Came h∂p


Continue Continues ...........XpScmdp≠v . ................



Continued XpS¿∂p


Cook Cooks Cook ...........]mNIwsNømdp≠v . ................


Cooked Cooked ]mNIwsNbv X p

Create Creates Create ...........krjv S n°mdp≠v . ................


Created krjvSn®p



 E 3



Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Cross Crosses Cross .....adphitØ°v IS°mdp≠v . ..


Crossed Crossed adphitØ°v I S∂p

Cry Cries ...........Icbmdp≠v . ................


Cried Ic™p


Cried E 4

Cure Cures Cure ..NnIn’n®v t`Zs∏SpØmdp≠v . ...


Cured Cured NnIn’n®pt`Zs∏SpØn

Cut Cuts ...........apdn°mdp≠v . ................


Cut apdn®p

Dance Dances Dance ..........\rØwsh°mdp≠v . ................


Danced Danced \rØwsNbv X p

Deliver Delivers Deliver ...FØn®psImSp°mdp≠v . ........


Delivered Delivered FØn®psImSpØp

Desire Desires Desire ...........B{Kln°mdp≠v . ................


Desired B{Kln®p

Dirty Dirties Dirty ...........hrØntISm°mdp≠v . ................


Dirtied Dirtied hrØntISm°n

Dislike Dislikes ...Cjv S s∏SmXncn°mdp≠v....



Disliked Disliked CjvSs∏SmXncp∂p

Do Does ...........sNømdp≠v . ................



Did sNbv X p


Draw Draws ...........hcbv ° mdp≠v . ................



Drew hc®p


Dress Dresses Dress ...........hkv { Xw[cn°mdp≠v . ................


Dressed Dressed hkv{Xw [cn®p

Drink Drinks ...IpSn°mdp≠v . .........


Drank IpSn®p

Drive Drives Drive ...........hml\wHmSn°mdp≠v . ................


Drove Driven hml\wHmSn®p

Drop Drops ...........XmsgCSmdp≠v . ................



Dropped Xmsgbn´p


Dry Dries ...........DW°mdp≠v . ................



Dried DW°n


Eat Eats ...........Xn∂mdp≠v . ................



Ate Xn∂p





E 5



This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Enquire Enquires Enquire ...........At\zjn°mdp≠v . ................


Enquired At\zjn®p


Explain Explains ...hniZoIcn°mdp≠v . .....



Explained hniZoIcn®p


Explode Explodes ..s]m´nsØdn°mdp≠v . .....



Exploded Exploded s]m´nsØdn®p

Expose Exposes Expose ...........Xpd∂pIm´mdp≠v . ................


Exposed Xpd∂pIm´n


Express Expresses Express ...........{]kv X mhn°mdp≠v . ................


Expressed {]kv X mhn®p


Face Faces ...........t\cnSmdp≠v . ................



Faced t\cn´p


Faint Faints ...t_m[wsISmdp≠v . ....



Fainted t_m[wsI´p


Fall Falls ...........hogmdp≠v . ................



Fell hoWp


Feel Feels ...........tXm∂mdp≠v . ................



Felt tXm∂n


Fight Fights ...........ASnIqSmdp≠v . ..............



Fought ASnIqSn


...........bp≤wsNømdp≠v . ................

 E 6

bp≤wsNbv X p

Find Finds Find ...........Is≠Ømdp≠v . ................


Found Is≠Øn


Finish Finishes Finish ...........apgphn°mdp≠v . ................


Finished apgphn®p


Fire Fires ...........]ncn®v h nSmdp≠v . .......


Fired ]ncn®vhn´p



 E 7

Fish Fishes Fish ...........a’yw]nSn°mdp≠v . ................


Fished a’yw]nSn®v


Flow Flows ...........HgpImdp≠v . ................



Flowed HgpIn


Fly Flies ...........]d°mdp≠v . ................



Flew ]d∂p


Follow Follows ...........]n¥pScmdp≠v . ................



Followed ]n¥pS¿∂p




Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Frighten Frightens Frighten ...........t]Sn∏n°mdp≠v . ................


Frightened t]Sn∏n®p


Gain Gains Gain ...........em`wt\Smdp≠v . ................


Gained em`wt\Sn


Get Gets ...........In´mdp≠v . ................



Got In´n


Get in Gets in ....AIØv I bdmdp≠v . ......

Get in

Getting in

Got in AIØv I bdn

Got in

Get out Gets out Get out ...........]pdØv I S°mdp≠v . ................

Getting out

Got out ]pdØv I S∂p

Got out

Give Gives ...........sImSp°mdp≠v . ................


Gave sImSpØp



...........Xcmdp≠v . ................


E 8

Go Goes ...........t]mImdp≠v . ................



Went t]mbn


Grow Grows ...........hfcmdp≠v . ................



Grew hf¿∂p


Growl Growls ...........apcfmdp≠v . ................



Growled apc≠p

Handle Handles Handle ...........ssIImcywsNømdp≠v . ................


Handled Handled ssIImcywsNbvXp

Hang Hangs ...........Xq°mdp≠v . ................


Hanged Xq°n


...........Xqßmdp≠v . ................




Harass Harasses Harass ...........]oUn∏n°mdp≠v . ................


Harassed ]oUn∏n®p


Hate Hates ...........shdp°mdp≠v . ................



Hated shdpØp


Have Has ...........D≠v . ................



Had D≠mbncp∂p


Hide Hides ...........Hfn°mdp≠v . ................ ...........Hfn∏n°mdp≠v . ................



Hid Hfn®p Hfn∏n®p


Hit Hits ...........CSn°mdp≠v . ................



Hit CSn®p


This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p


Howl Howls Howl ...........HmenbnSmdp≠v . ................ ...........\nehnfn°mdp≠v . ................



Hurt Hurts Hurt ...........apdnth¬∏n°mdp≠v . ................


Hurt apdnth¬∏n®p


Inform Informs Inform ...........hnhcw Adnbn°mdp≠v . ................


Informed hnhcwAdnbn®p


Iron Irons Iron ...........Ckv X ncnbnSmdp≠v . ................


Ironed CkvXncnbn´p


Join Joins ...........tNcmdp≠v . ................



Joined tN¿∂p


Joke Jokes Joke ...........Xmami]dbmdp≠v . ................


Joked Xami]d™p


Jump Jumps ...........NmSmdp≠v . ................



Jumped NmSn

Know Knows ...........Adnbp∂p≠v . ................



Knew Adn™p

Laugh Laughs ...........Nncn°mdp≠v . ................



Laughed Nncn®p

Lead Leads ...........\bn°mdp≠v . ................



Led \bn®p

Lean Leans ...........Nmcmdp≠v . ................



Leaned Nmcn

Lend Lends Lend ...........ISw\¬Imdp≠v . ................


Lent ISw\¬In


Like Likes Like ...........Cjv S s∏Smdp≠v . ................


Liked CjvSs∏´p



Lived Pohn®p


Load Loads Load ...........temUv s Nømdp≠v . ................


Loaded Loaded temUvsNbvXp

Look Looks ...........t\m°mdp≠v . ................


Looked t\m°n

...........hcmdp≠v . ................

Howled Hmenbn´p \nehnfn®p

 E 9

Jumped Known Laughed Led  E 10


...........Cjv S s∏Sp∂p................. Live Lives ...........Poh°mdp≠v . ................







Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Lose Loses Lose ...........\jv S s∏Smdp≠v . ................


Lost \jvSs∏´p


Love Loves Love ...........kv t \ln°mdp≠v . ................


Loved kv t \ln®p


Market Markets Market ...........hn]W\wsNømdp≠v . ................


Marketed Marketed hn]W\wsNbv X p

Measure Measures ...........Af°mdp≠v . ................



Measured Af∂p


Milk Milks ...........Id°mdp≠v . ................



Milked Id∂p


Mix Mixes ...........Ie¿Ømdp≠v . ................



Mixed Ie¿Øn


Move Moves ...........\o°mdp≠v . ................



Moved \o°n


Open Opens ...........Xpd°mdp≠v . ................



Opened Xpd∂p


Paint Paints Paint ...........s]bv ‚ Sn°mdp≠v . ................


Painted s]bv ‚ Sn®p


Paste Pastes ...........H´n°mdp≠v . ................



Pasted H´n®p


Pick Picks ...........s]dp°mdp≠v . ................



Picked s]dp°n


Place Places ...........shbv ° mdp≠v . ................



Placed sh®p


Point Points ...........Nq≠mdp≠v . ................



Pointed Nq≠n


Poke Pokes Poke ..IpØmdp≠v (ssIsIm≠v, hSnsIm≠v)....


Poked IpØn


Pray Prays Pray ...........{]m¿∞n°mdp≠v . ................


Prayed {]m¿∞n®p


Promise Promises Promise ...........hm°v \ ¬Imdp≠v . ................


Promised hm°v \ ¬In


Pull Pulls ...........hen°mdp≠v . ................


Pulled hen®p


...........kv t \ln°p∂p.................


 E 11

 E 12

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5







...........hcmdp≠v . ................


hcp∂p/ h∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p


Punish Punishes ...........in£n°mdp≠v . ................



Punished in£n®p


Push Pushes ...........D¥mdp≠v . ................



Pushed D¥n


Put Puts ...........CSmdp≠v . ................



Put C´p

Question Questions Question ...........tNmZywsNømdp≠v . ................


Questioned Questioned tNmZywsNbv X p

Race Races Race .....Hm´a’cwsNømdp≠v . ............


Raced Hm´a’cwsNbv X p


Read Reads ...........hmbn°mdp≠v . ................



Read hmbn®p


Remove Removes ...........am‰mdp≠v . ................



Removed Removed ÿm\Øv \ n∂v a m‰n

Repair Repairs ...........\∂m°mdp≠v . ................



Repaired \∂m°n


Rescue Rescues ...........c£n°mdp≠v . ................



Rescued c£n®p


Resign Resigns Resign ...........cmPnsh°mdp≠v . ................


Resigned cmPnsh®p


Ride Rides Ride ...........khmcnsNømdp≠v . ................


Rode khmcnsNbvXp


Ring Rings Ring ...........aWnbSn°mdp≠v . ................


Rang aWnbSn®p


Rob Robs Rob ...........tamjv S n°mdp≠v . ................


Robbed tamjvSn®p

Roll Rolls ...........Dcpfmdp≠v . ................


Rolled Dcp≠p


...........Dcp´mdp≠v . ................


E 13

Robbed Rolled


Row Rows ...........Xpgbmdp≠v . ................



Rowed Xpg™p


Rub Rubs ...........XShmdp≠v . ................



Rubbed XShn


...........]pc´mdp≠v . ................




Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Ran HmSn


Run Runs ...........HmSmdp≠v . ................



Save Saves ...........c£n°mdp≠v . ................



Saved c£n®p


Say Says ...........]dbmdp≠v . ................



Said ]d™p




Scratched am¥n

Scribble Scribbles Scribble ...........IpØn°pdn°mdp≠v . ................


Scribbled Scribbled IpØn°pdn®p

Search Searches ...........tXSmdp≠v . ................



Searched tXSn

See Sees ...........ImWmdp≠v . ................



Saw I≠p


Sell Sells ...........hn¬°mdp≠v . ................



Sold hn‰p


Send Sends ...........Ab°mdp≠v . ................



Sent Ab®p


Shoot Shoots Shoot ...........shSnsh°mdp≠v . ................


Shot shSnsh®p


Shout Shouts Shout ...........H®shbv ° mdp≠v . ................


Shouted H®h®p

Shut Shuts ...........ASbv ° mdp≠v . ................



Shut AS®p

Sit Sits ...........Ccn°mdp≠v . ................



Sat Ccp∂p


Smile Smiles Smile ...........aμlkn°mdp≠v . ................


Smiled aμlkn®p


Speak Speaks Speak ...........kwkmcn°mdp≠v . ................


Spoke kwkmcn®p


Spit Spits ...........Xp∏mdp≠v . ................


Spat Xp∏n



Stabbed IpØn


 E 14

...........]dbp∂p................. Scratch Scratches ...........am¥mdp≠v . ..............


Stab Stabs Stab ...........IpØmdp≠v (IØnsIm≠v ) .................



Shouted  E 15


This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Stand Stands ...........\n¬°mdp≠v . ................



Stood \n∂p

Start Starts ...........XpSßmdp≠v . ................



Started XpSßn


Stay Stays Stay ...........Xmakn°mdp≠v . ................


Stayed Xmakn®p


Stitch Stitches ...........Xp∂mdp≠v . ................



Stitched Xp∂n


Study Studies ...........]Tn°mdp≠v . ................



Studied ]Tn®p


Sweep Sweeps ...........Xq°mdp≠v . ................



Swept XqØp


Swim Swims ...........\o¥mdp≠v . ................



Swam \o¥n


Switch off Switches off Switch off ...........kzn®v Hm^m°mdp≠v.................

Switching off

Switched off Switched off kzn®vHm^m°n

Switch on Switches on Switch on ...........kzn®v HmWm°mdp≠v . ................

Switching on

Switched on Switched on kzn®v H mWm°n

Take Takes ...........FSp°mdp≠v . ................


Took FSpØp


Take care Takes care Take care ...........]cnNcn°mdp≠v . ................

Taking care

Took care ]cnNcn®p

Taken care

Talk Talks Talk ...........kwkmcn°mdp≠v . ................


Talked kwkmcn®p


Teach Teaches ...........]Tn∏n°mdp≠v . ................


Taught ]Tn∏n®p


Tease Teases Tease ...........Ifnbm°mdp≠v . ................


Teased Ifnbm°n


Test Tests Test ...........]cntim[n°mdp≠v . ................


Tested ]cntim[n®p


Think Thinks ...........Nn¥n°mdp≠v . ................



Thought Nn¥n®p


Throw Throws ...........Fdnbmdp≠v . ................



Threw Fdn™p






E 16

 E 17


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................

Tie Ties ...........sI´mdp≠v . ................




Tied sI´n

Travel Travels Travel ...........bm{XsNømdp≠v . ................


Travelled bm{XsNbvXp


Type Types Type ...........ssS∏v s Nømdp≠v . ................


Typed ssS∏vsNbvXp


Wait Waits Wait ...........ImØv \ n¬°mdp≠v . ................


Waited ImØv \ n∂p


Walk Walks ...........\S°mdp≠v . ................



Walked \S∂p


Want Wants ...........Bhiyap≠v . ...............



Wanted Bhiywh∂p


Wash Washes ...........IgpImdp≠v . ................



Washed IgpIn


Water Waters ...........\\bv ° mdp≠v . ................



Watered \\®p


Weep Weeps Weep ...........Gßn°cbmdp≠v . ................


Wept Gßn°c™p


Welcome Welcomes Welcome ...........kzmKXwsNømdp≠v . ................


Welcomed kzmKXwsNbv X p

Win Wins Win ...........hnPbn°mdp≠v . ................


Won hnPbn®p


Work Works Work ...........sXmgn¬sNømdp≠v . ................


Worked sXmgn¬sNbv X p


Worry Worries Worry ...........hnjan°mdp≠v . ................


Worried hnjan®p


Write Writes ...........FgpXmdp≠v . ................


Wrote FgpXn




 E 18


This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Sentence making: Column No:1A

 F 0FULL

hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 1Abnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Cu ]´nI cq]Øn¬ hm°pIsf ASp°nh®v, bmtXmcp hymIcW \nbaßfpw D]tbmKn°msX hmIy cN\ \SØm\p≈ ]T\ ]≤XnbpsS ]I¿∏hImiw hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yj≥kvs‚ ]°¬ \n£n]vXamWv.

I They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors

 F 1

They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors I come.

Rm≥ hcmdp≠v.

They come.

Ah¿ hcmdp≠v.

We come.

R߃ hcmdp≠v.

You come. \n߃ hcmdp≠v.(CXn\v, \n߃ hcq, Fs∂mcp A¿∞hpwIqSnbp≠v F∂v Hm¿°pI. t]Pv 36 t\m°pI) My brothers come. Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdp≠v. The teachers come. So®¿am¿ hcmdp≠v. The doctors come.

tUmIvS¿am¿ hcmdp≠v.

CtX hmIyw XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ coXnbn¬ \o´nbpw FgpXmw. Cßns\ sNøptºmƒ A¿∞w amdp∂n√. F∂m¬ Hcp Du∂¬ ht∂°mw. I come.

I do come.

Rm≥ hcmdp≠v.

They come.

They do come.

Ah¿ hcmdp≠v.

We come.

We do come.

R߃ hcmdp≠v.

You come.

You do come.

\n߃ hcmdp≠v.

My brothers come.

My brothers do come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdp≠v.

The teachers come.

The teachers do come.

So®¿am¿ hcmdp≠v.

The doctors come.

The doctors do come.

tUmIvS¿am¿ hcmdp≠v.

C\n \ap°v, CtX hmIysØ \ntj[cq]Øn¬ FgpXmw.  F 2

I come.

I do not come.

Rm≥ hcmdn√.

They come.

They do not come.

Ah¿ hcmdn√.

We come.

We do not come.

R߃ hcmdn√.

You come.

You do not come.

\n߃ hcmdn√.

My brothers come.

My brothers do not come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdn√.

The teachers come.

The teachers do not come.

So®¿am¿ hcmdn√.

The doctors come.

The doctors do not come.

tUmIvS¿am¿ hcmdn√.


-62do not F∂Xns\ don’t F∂pw Npcp°n FgpXmw.

I come.

I don’t come.

Rm≥ hcmdn√.

They come.

They don’t come.

Ah¿ hcmdn√.

We come.

We don’t come.

R߃ hcmdn√.

You come.

You don’t come.

\n߃ hcmdn√.

My brothers come.

My brothers don’t come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdn√.

The teachers come.

The teachers don’t come.

So®¿am¿ hcmdn√.

The doctors come.

The doctors don’t come.

tUmIvS¿am¿ hcmdn√.

C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßsf tNmZyhmIyßfmbn cq]s∏SpØmw. t\m°q

I come.

I do come.

Do I come?

Rm≥ hcmdpt≠m?

They come.

They do come.

Do they come?

Ah¿ hcmdpt≠m?

We come.

We do come.

Do we come?

R߃ hcmdpt≠m?

You come.

You do come.

Do you come?

\n߃ hcmdpt≠m?

My brothers come. My brothers do come.

Do my brothers come?Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdpt≠m?

The teachers come. The teachers do come.

Do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ hcmdpt≠m?

The doctors come.

Do the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿ hcmdpt≠m?

The doctors do come.

C\n \ap°v \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyßfnte°v \oßmw.

I come.

I don’t come.

Don’t I come?

Rm≥ hcmdnt√?

They come.

They don’t come.

Don’t they come?

Ah¿ hcmdnt√?

We come.

We don’t come.

Don’t we come?

R߃ hcmdnt√?

You come.

You don’t come.

Don’t you come?

\n߃ hcmdnt√?

My brothers come.

My brothers don’t come.

Don’t my brothers come? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcmdnt√?

The teachers come.

The teachers don’t come.

Don’t the teachers come? So®¿am¿ hcmdnt√?

The doctors come.

The doctors don’t come.

Don’t the doctors come? tUmIvS¿am¿ hcmdnt√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


C\n \ap°v Cu hmIy߃ IqSpX¬ hn]peamb tNmZyhm°pIfnte°v \o°mw. BZyw s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ Hcn°¬IqSn t\m°pI.  F 3


F¥v ?


GXv ?



From where FhnsS \n∂v? Why

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v ?







How many

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v How much


\ap°v BZyw I come F∂ hmIyw FSp°mw. CXpambn _‘s∏´v \mw c≠v hyXykvX tNmZy߃ cq]oIcn®n´p≠v. Do I come? F∂pw Don’t I come? F∂pw. CXn¬ Do I come? s‚ A¿∞w Rm≥ hcmdpt≠m?

F∂mWv. Cu Do I come?\v ap∂nembn, apIfn¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ Nne tNmZyhm°v tN¿Øvhbv°mw. At∏mƒ Do I come? XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ coXnbn¬ amdpw. t\m°pI. Where do I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where do I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why do I come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When do I come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How do I come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times do I come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time do I come?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much do I come?

Rm≥ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v Don’t I come? F∂ hmIysØ tNmZycq]Ønem°mw. Don’t I come? s‚ A¿∞w Rm≥ hcmdnt√? F∂mWv. Cu hmIyØn\v ap∂nembn s]mXphmb

tNmZyhm°pIfn¬ NneXv hbv°pI. t\m°q. Where don’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcmdn√?

From where don’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√?

Why don’t I come?

Rm≥ F¥vsIm≠v hcmdn√?

When don’t I come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ hcmdn√?

How don’t I come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcmdn√?

At what time don’t I come?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√?

s]mXphmb tNmZyßfn¬ F√mw F√mbnSØpw D]tbmKn°m≥ ]‰n√ F∂v Hm¿°pI. Cu ]≤Xn D]tbmKn®v sIm≠v tImfw I-Ase F√m hm°pItfbpw CtXt]mse D]tbmKn°mw.



BZyw \ap°v They F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mw. CXns‚ A¿∞w Ah¿ F∂mWv. Where do they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where do they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why do they come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When do they come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How do they come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times do they come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time do they come?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much do they come?

Ah¿ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v CtXtNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. Where don’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcmdn√?

From where don’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√?

Why don’t they come?

Ah¿ F¥vsIm≠v hcmdn√?

When don’t they come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ hcmdn√?

How don’t they come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcmdn√?

At what time don’t they come?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√?

ASpØ hm°v We AYhm R߃ Where do we come?

R߃ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where do we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why do we come?

R߃ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When do we come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How do we come?

R߃ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times do we come?

R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time do we come?

R߃ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much do we come?

R߃ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v CtXtNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. Where don’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS hcmdn√?

From where don’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√?

Why don’t we come?

R߃ F¥vsIm≠v hcmdn√?

When don’t we come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ hcmdn√?

How don’t we come?

R߃ Fßns\ hcmdn√?

At what time don’t we come?

R߃ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


ASpØXv, You F∂ ]ZamWv. A¿∞w \n߃ Where do you come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where do you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why do you come?

\n߃ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When do you come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How do you come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times do you come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time do you come?

\n߃ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much do you come?

\n߃ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

 F 4

C\n \ap°v CtXtNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. Where don’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcmdn√?

From where don’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√?

Why don’t you come?

\n߃ F¥vsIm≠v hcmdn√?

When don’t you come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ hcmdn√?

How don’t you come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcmdn√?

At what time don’t you come?

\n߃ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√?

ASpØ hm°v The teachers AYhm So®¿am¿ Where do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times do the teachers come? So®¿am¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v? At what time do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much do the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v CtXtNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. Where don’t the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ FhnsS hcmdn√?

From where don’t the teachers come? So®¿am¿ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√? Why don’t the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ F¥vsIm≠v hcmdn√?

When don’t the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ Ft∏mƒ hcmdn√?

How don’t the teachers come?

So®¿am¿ Fßns\ hcmdn√?

At what time don’t the teachers come? So®¿am¿ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√?

CtX coXnbn¬, The doctors, My brothers XpSßn ]ehn[ _lphN\ hm°pIfpw Cu hmIyßfn¬ {]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv . CtX coXnbn¬ tImfw IAse F√m hm°pIfpw hmIyßfmbpw, tNmZyßfmbpw am‰mw.


-66 F B0FULL

Sentence making: Column No:1B hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 1Bbnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v C\n \ap°v GIhN\hm°pIfnte°v \oßmw. He Abmƒ , She Abmƒ (kv { Xo), It AXv , CXv , My brother Fs‚ ktlmZc≥ , The teacher A≤ym]I≥ , The doctor tUmIv S ¿ , Kevin (Hcp hy‡nbpsS t]cv ) XpSßnb hm°pIƒ GIhN\߃ AYhm Singulars BWv.

GIhN\߃ tImfw 1B BWv. ChnsSbp≈ hm°v Comes BWv. XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ ]´nI t\m°pI. Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................ F B1


ChnsS s]mXphmbn D]tbmKn°m≥ t]mIp∂ hm°pIfmWv Ch: He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor.

He comes.

Abmƒ hcmdp≠v.

She comes.

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) hcmdp≠v.

It comes.

AXv hcmdp≠v.

Kevin comes.

sIhvn≥ hcmdp≠v.

The teacher comes. So®¿ hcmdp≠v. The doctor comes.

tUmIvS¿ hcmdp≠v.

CtX hmIyw XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ coXnbn¬ \o´nbpw FgpXmw. Cßns\ sNøptºmƒ A¿∞w amdp∂n√. F∂m¬ Hcp Du∂¬ ht∂°mw. does F∂ hm°v Cßns\ Ibdptºmƒ, comesse sF∂ A£cw A{]Xy£amIpw. He comes.

He does come.

Abmƒ hcmdp≠v.

She comes.

She does come.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcmdp≠v.

It comes.

It does come.

AXv hcmdp≠v.

Kevin comes.

Kevin does come.

sIhvn≥ hcmdp≠v.

The teacher comes.

The teacher does come.

So®¿ hcmdp≠v.

The doctor comes.

The doctor does come.

tUmIvS¿ hcmdp≠v.

C\n \ap°v, CtX hmIysØ \ntj[cq]Øn¬ FgpXmw.

He comes.

He does not come.

Abmƒ hcmdn√.

She comes.

She does not come.

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) hcmdn√.

It comes.

It does not come.

AXv hcmdn√.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Kevin comes.

Kevin does not come.

sIhvn≥ hcmdn√.

The teacher comes.

The teacher does not come.

So®¿ hcmdn√.

The doctor comes.

The doctor does not come.

tUmIvS¿ hcmdn√.

does not F∂Xns\ doesn’t F∂pw Npcp°n FgpXmw.

He comes.

He doesn’t come.

Abmƒ hcmdn√.

She comes.

She doesn’t come.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcmdn√.

It comes.

It doesn’t come.

AXv hcmdn√.

Kevin comes.

Kevin doesn’t come.

sIhvn≥ hcmdn√.

The teacher comes.

The teacher doesn’t come.

So®¿ hcmdn√.

The doctor comes.

The doctor doesn’t come.

tUmIvS¿ hcmdn√.

C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßsf tNmZyhmIyßfmbn cq]s∏SpØmw. t\m°q

F B2

He comes.

Does he come?

Abmƒ hcmdpt≠m?

She comes.

Does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcmdpt≠m?

It comes.

Does it come?

AXv hcmdpt≠m?

Kevin comes.

Does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ hcmdpt≠m?

The teacher comes.

Does the teacher come?

So®¿ hcmdpt≠m?

The doctor comes.

Does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ hcmdpt≠m?

\ntj[ cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyhm°pIƒ

He comes.

Doesn’t he come?

Abmƒ hcmdnt√?

She comes.

Doesn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcmdnt√?

It comes.

Doesn’t it come?

AXv hcmdnt√?

Kevin comes.

Doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ hcmdnt√?

The teacher comes.

Doesn’t the teacher come?

So®¿ hcmdnt√?

The doctor comes.

Doesn’t the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ hcmdnt√?

Cu c≠v cq]Ønepap≈ tNmZyhm°pIƒ t\m°q:

 F B3

He comes.

Does he come?

Doesn’t he come?

She comes.

Does she come?

Doesn’t she come?

It comes.

Does it come?

Doesn’t it come?

Kevin comes.

Does Kevin come?

Doesn’t Kevin come?

The teacher comes.

Does the teacher come?

Doesn’t the teacher come?

The doctor comes.

Does the doctor come?

Doesn’t the doctor come?



C\n \ap°v Cu hmIy߃ IqSpX¬ hn]peamb tNmZyhm°pIfnte°v \o°mw. BZyw s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ Hcn°¬IqSn t\m°pI. What?

F¥v ?


GXv ?



From where? FhnsS \n∂v? Why?

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v ?






Bcv ?

How many?

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v? How much


\ap°v BZyw He comes F∂ hmIyw FSp°mw. CXpambn _‘s∏´v \mw c≠v hyXykv X tNmZy߃ cq]oIcn®n´p≠v. Does he come? F∂pw Doesn’t she come? F∂pw. CXn¬ Does he come?s‚ A¿∞w Abmƒ

hcmdpt≠m? F∂mWv. Cu Does he come? \v ap∂n√mbn, apIfn¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ Nne tNmZyhm°v tN¿Øvhbv°mw. At∏mƒ Does he come? XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ coXnbn¬ amdpw. t\m°qI. Does he come?

Abmƒ hcmdpt≠m?

Where does he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcmdp≠v? Abmƒ FhnsSbmWv hcmdv?

From where does he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂vhcmdp≠v?Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmdv?

Why does he come?

Abmƒ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v? Abmƒ F¥n\mWv hcmdv?

When does he come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v? Abmƒ Ft∏mgmWv hcmdv?

How does he come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v? Abmƒ Fßns\bmWv hcmdv?

How many times does he come?

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyamWv hcmdv?

At what time does he come?

Abmƒ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v? Abmƒ F{XaWn°mWv hcmdv?

C\n \ap°v Doesn’t he come? F∂ hmIysØ tNmZycq]Ønem°mw. Doesn’t he come? s‚ A¿∞w Abmƒ hcmdnt√? F∂mWv. Cu hmIyØn\v ap∂nembn s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIfn¬ NneXv hbv°pI. t\m°q. Doesn’t he come?

Abmƒ hcmdnt√?

Where d oesn’t he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcmdn√? Abmƒ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where doesn’t he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂vhcmdn√?Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why doesn’t he come?

Abmƒ F¥vsIm≠v hcmdn√? Abmƒ F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When doesn’t he come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ hcmdn√? Abmƒ Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time doesn’t he come? Abmƒ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√? Abmƒ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

s]mXphmb tNmZyßfn¬ F√mw F√mbnSØpw D]tbmKn°m≥ ]‰n√ F∂v Hm¿°pI. Cu ]≤Xn D]tbmKn®v sIm≠v tImfw I-Bse F√m hm°pItfbpw CtX t]mse D]tbmKn°mw. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


C\n \ap°v She F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mw. CXns‚ A¿∞w Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F∂mWv. She comes.

She does come.

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) hcmdp≠v.

Does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcmdpt≠m?

Where does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much does she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v CtX tNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. She doesn’t come.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcmdn√.

Doesn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo)) hcmdnt√?

Where doesn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcmdn√?

From where doesn’t she come? Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√?Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv? Why doesn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥v s Im≠v hcmdn√?

When doesn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F t ∏ m ƒ h c m d n √ ? A b m ƒ F t ∏ m g m W v h c m Ø X v ?

At what time doesn’t she come? Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XaWn°v hcmdn√?Abmƒ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n \ap°v It F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mw. CXns‚ A¿∞w AXv / CXv F∂mWv. It comes.

It does come.

AXv hcmdp≠v.

Does it come?

AXv hcmdpt≠m?

Where does it come?

AXv FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where does it come?

AXv FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why does it come?

AXv F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When does it come?

AXv Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How does it come?

AXv Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times does it come?

AXv F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time does it come?

AXv F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much does it come?

AXv F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v CtX tNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. It doesn’t come.

AXv hcmdn√.

Doesn’t it come?

AXv hcmdnt√?

Where doesn’t it come?

AXv FhnsS hcmdn√? AXv FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where doesn’t it come?

AXv FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√? AXv FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why doesn’t it come?

AXv F¥v s Im≠v hcmdn√?

When doesn’t it come?

AXv F t ∏ m ƒ h c m d n √ ? AXv F t ∏ m g m W v h c m Ø X v ?

At what time doesn’t it come?

AXv F{XaWn°v hcmdn√? AXv F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv ? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


C\n \ap°v Kevin F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mw. CXv Hcp hy‡nbpsS t]cmWv. Kevin comes.

Kevin does come.

sIhvn≥ hcmdp≠v.

Does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ hcmdpt≠m?

Where does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v?

How much does Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

F B4

C\n \ap°v CtX tNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. Kevin doesn’t come.

sIhvn≥ hcmdn√.

Doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ hcmdnt√?

Where doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ FhnsS hcmdn√? sIhvn≥ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√? sIhvn≥ FhnsS\n∂mWv


Why doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F¥v s Im≠v hcmdn√?

When doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F t ∏ m ƒ h c m d n √ ? sIhvn≥ F t ∏ m g m W v h c m Ø X v ?

At what time doesn’t Kevin come?

sIhvn≥ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√? sIhvn≥ F{XamWn°mWv


C\n \ap°v The teacher F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mw. CXns‚ A¿∞w A≤ym]I≥ F∂mWv. The teacher comes.

The teacher does come.

A≤ym]I≥ hcmdp≠v.

Does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ hcmdpt≠m?

Where does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where does the teacher come? A≤ym]I≥ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v? Why does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time does the teacher come? A≤ym]I≥ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v? How much does the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \ap°v CtX tNmZyw \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. The teacher doesn’t come.

A≤ym]I≥ hcmdn√.

Doesn’t the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ hcmdnt√?

Where doesn’t the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ FhnsS hcmdn√? A≤ym]I≥ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where doesn’t the teacher come?A≤ym]I≥FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√? A≤ym]I≥FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv? Why doesn’t the teacher come? A≤ym]I≥ F¥v s Im≠v hcmdn√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-71When doesn’t the teacher come? A≤ym]I≥ F t ∏ m ƒ h c m d n √ ? At what time doesn’t the teacher come?A≤ym]I≥ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√? A≤ym]I≥ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n \ap°v The doctor (tUmIvS¿) F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mw. The doctor comes.

The doctor does come.

tUmIvS¿ hcmdp≠v.

Does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ hcmdpt≠m?

Where does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ FhnsS hcmdp≠v?

From where does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdp≠v?

Why does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ F¥n\v hcmdp≠v?

When does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ Ft∏mƒ hcmdp≠v?

How does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ Fßns\ hcmdp≠v?

How many times does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcmdp≠v?

At what time does the doctor come? tUmIvS¿ F{XaWn°v hcmdp≠v? How much does the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ F{XtØmfw hcmdp≠v?

C\n \a°p CtX tNmZyw \ntjZ cq]Øn¬ ]d™v t\m°mw. The doctor doesn’t come.

tUmIvS¿ hcmdn√.

Doesn’t the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ hcmdnt√? tUmIvS¿ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

Where doesn’t the doctor come?

tUmIvS¿ FhnsS hcmdn√? tUmIvS¿ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

From where doesn’t the doctor come?tUmIvS¿FhnsS\n∂pw hcmdn√? tUmIvS¿FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv? Why doesn’t the doctor come? tUmIvS¿ F¥v s Im≠v hcmdn√? tUmIvS¿ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv ? When doesn’t the doctor come? tUmIvS¿ F t ∏ m ƒ h c m d n √ ? tUmIvS¿ F t ∏ m g m W v h c m Ø X v ? At what time doesn’t the doctor come?tUmIvS¿ F{XaWn°v hcmdn√? tUmIvS¿ F{XamWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n tImfw 1Atebpw 1Btebpw hm°pIfmb come, comes F∂nhsb, I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor

XpSßnbhm°pIfpambn _‘n∏n°msX D]tbmKn°mw. t\m°pI: _lphN\ DØcamIm≥ km[yXbps≠¶n¬ Who come? F∂pw, GIhN\ DØcamIm≥ km[yXbps≠¶n¬ Who comes? F∂pw ]dbpI. Who come? Bsc√mw hcmdp≠v? Who comes? Bcv hcmdp≠v?



Sentence making: Column No: 2


hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 2se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p



...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Cu A≤ymbØn¬ \mw c≠mw tImfØnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v hmIy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]Tn°mw. Cu tImfØn¬ hm°pIƒ°v Hcp cq]tambp≈ F∂v a\ nem°pI. c≠m- a sØ tImf- Ø nse hm°n- t \mSv will/shall, can, may/might, must/should XpS- ß nb hm°pIƒ D]- t bm- K n®v ]Tn- ° p- I . Will:sNøpw, kw`hn°pw.

Can: Ignbpw, ]‰pw.

May: sNbv t X°pw, sNbv t X°mw, kw`hnt®°pw, kw`hnt®°mw Must/Should:sNøWw, kw`hn°Ww. I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor XpSßnb hm°pIƒ BWv D]tbmKnt°≠Xv . BZyw \ap°v Will D]tbmKn°mw. Cu hm°ns‚ A¿∞w sNøpw As√¶n¬ kw`hn°pw F∂mWv. c≠mw tImfØnse F∂hm°v CXnt\mSv D]tbmKn°mw. t\m°pI: G 1

I will come.

Rm≥ hcpw

They will come.

Ah¿ hcpw

We will come.

R߃ hcpw

You will come.

\n߃ hcpw

My brothers will come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcpw

The teachers will come.

A≤ym]I¿ hcpw/A≤ym]nIam¿ hcpw

The doctors will come.

tUmIv S ¿∑m¿ hcpw

He will come.

Abmƒ hcpw

She will come.

Abmƒ(kv { Xo) hcpw

It will come.

AXv hcpw

Kevin will come.

sIhv n ≥ hcpw

The teacher will come.

A≤ym]I≥ hcpw/ A≤ym]nI hcpw

The doctor will come.

tUmIv S ¿ hcpw

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


C\n Cu hmIyßsf \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ D]tbmKn°mw. BZyw ]q¿Æcq]Ønepw, ]n∂oSv AXv Npcp°nb cq]Ønepw. t\m°q: I will not come.

I won’t come.

Rm≥ hcn√.

They will not come.

They won’t come.

Ah¿ hcn√.

We will not come.

We won’t come.

R߃ hcn√.

You will not come.

You won’t come.

\n߃ hcn√.

My brothers will not come.

My brothers won’t come. Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcn√.

The teachers will not come.The teachers won’t come.A≤ym]I¿ hcn√./A≤ym]nIam¿ hcn√. The doctors will not come.

The doctors won’t come.

tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcn√.

He will not come.

He won’t come.

Abmƒ hcn√.

She will not come.

She won’t come.

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcn√.

It will not come.

It won’t come.

AXv hcn√.

Kevin will not come.

Kevin won’t come.

sIhv n ≥ hcn√.

The teacher will not come.

The teacher won’t come.A≤ym]I≥ hcn√./ A≤ym]nI hcn√.

The doctor will not come.

The doctor won’t come.

tUmIv S ¿ hcn√.

G 2 C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßsf tNmZyhmIyßfmbn cq]s∏SpØmw. t\m°q

I will come.

Will I come?

Rm≥ hcptam?

They will come.

Will they come?

Ah¿ hcptam?

We will come.

Will we come?

R߃ hcptam?

You will come.

Will you come?

\n߃ hcptam?

My brothers will come.

Will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcptam?

The teachers will come.

Will the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ hcptam?

The doctors will come.

Will the doctors come?

tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcptam?

He will come.

Will he come?

Abmƒ hcptam?

She will come.

Will she come?

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcptam?

It will come.

Will it come?

AXv hcptam?

Kevin will come.

Will Kevin come?

sIhv n ≥ hcptam?

The teacher will come.

Will the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ hcptam?

The doctor will come.

Will the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿ hcptam?



WillF∂ hm°ns‚ \nti[ cq]w Will not F∂mWv. Will not F∂ hm°ns\ Npcp°n∏dbp∂Xv Won’t F∂mWv. CXns‚ A¿∞w sNønt√, kw`hn°nt√ F∂mWv . C\n \ap°v \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyßfnte°v \oßmw.

I won’t come.

Won’t I come?

Rm≥ hcnt√?

They won’t come.

Won’t they come?

Ah¿ hcnt√?

We won’t come.

Won’t we come?

R߃ hcnt√?

You won’t come.

Won’t you come?

\n߃ hcnt√?

My brothers won’t come.

Won’t my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcnt√?

The teachers won’t come.

Won’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ hcnt√?

The doctors won’t come.

Won’t the doctors come?

tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcnt√?

He won’t come.

Won’t he come?

Abmƒ hcnt√?

She won’t come.

Won’t she come?

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcnt√?

It won’t come.

Won’t it come?

AXv hcnt√?

Keven won’t come.

Won’t Kevin come?

sIhv n ≥ hcnt√?

The teacher won’t come.

Won’t the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ hcnt√?

The doctor won’t come.

Won’t the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿ hcnt√?

C\n \ap°v apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ GXm\pw tNmZy߃°v ap∂n¬ s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv s Im≠v IqSpX¬ hn]peßfmb hm°y߃ krjv S n°mw.

 G 3

BZyw s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ Hcn°¬IqSn t\m°pI. What?

F¥v ?


GXv ?



From where? FhnsS \n∂v? Why?

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v ?







How many?

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v How much?


This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-75I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor BZyw I AYhm Rm≥ F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

I will come.

Will I come?

Will I come?

Rm≥ hcptam?

Rm≥ hcptam?

Where will I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw?

Why will I come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v hcpw? Rm≥ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcpw?

How will I come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will I come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw?

At what time will I come?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°v hcpw?

C\n \ap°v Will s‚ \ntj[ cq]w FSp°mw. AXv Won’t F∂mWv . Won’t sNøn√, kw`hn°n√. tNmZyambn CXv hcptºmƒ sNønt√, kw`hn°nt√? F∂v hcpw.

I won’t come.

Rm≥ hcn√.

Won’t I come?

Rm≥ hcnt√?

Where won’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√?

Why won’t I come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v hcn√? Rm≥ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√?

How many times won’t I come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√?

At what time won’t I come?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

C\n They F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

They will come.

Will they come?

Will they come?

Ah¿ hcptam?

Ah¿ hcptam?

Where will they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw?

Why will they come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v hcpw? Ah¿ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcpw?

How will they come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will they come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw?

At what time will they come?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°v hcpw?



C\n Wills‚ \ntj[hm°mb Won’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. They won’t come.

Ah¿ hcn√.

Won’t they come.

Ah¿ hcnt√?

Where won’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√?

Why won’t they come?

Ah¿ F¥v s Im≠v hcn√? Ah¿ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√?

How won’t they come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcn√?

How many times won’t they come? Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√? At what time won’t they come?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

C\n We F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

We will come.

Will we come?

Will we come?

\Ωƒ hcptam?

\Ωƒ hcptam?

Where will we come?

\Ωƒ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will we come?

\Ωƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw?

Why will we come?

\Ωƒ F¥n\v hcpw? \Ωƒ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcpw?

How will we come?

\Ωƒ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will we come?

\Ωƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw?

At what time will we come?

\Ωƒ F{XaWn°v hcpw?

C\n Wills‚ \ntj[hm°mb Won’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. We won’t come.

R߃ hcn√.

Won’t we come.

R߃ hcnt√?

Where won’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√?

Why won’t we come?

R߃ F¥v s Im≠v hcn√? R߃ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√?

How won’t we come?

R߃ Fßns\ hcn√?

How many times won’t we come? R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√? At what time won’t we come?

R߃ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-77C\n You F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. You F∂m¬ \n߃

You will come.

Will you come?

Will you come?

\n߃ hcptam?

\n߃ hcptam?

Where will you come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw?

Why will you come?

\n߃ F¥n\v hcpw? \n߃ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcpw?

How will you come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will you come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw?

At what time will you come?

\n߃ F{XaWn°v hcpw?

C\n Wills‚ \ntj[hm°mb Won’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. You won’t come.

\n߃ hcn√.

Won’t you come.

\n߃ hcnt√?

Where won’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√?

Why won’t you come?

\n߃ F¥v s Im≠v hcn√? \n߃ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√?

How won’t you come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcn√?

How many times won’t you come? \n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√? At what time won’t you come?

\n߃ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

C\n My brothersF∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. My brothers F∂m¬ Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿

My brothers will come.

Will my brothers come?

Will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcptam?

Where will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcptam?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw?

Why will my brothers come? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F¥n\v hcpw? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcpw? How will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw?

At what time will my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F{XaWn°v hcpw?



C\n Wills‚ \ntj[hm°mb Won’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. My brothers won’t come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcn√.

Won’t my brothers come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcnt√?

G 4

Where won’t my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√?

Why won’t my brothers come?Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F¥v s Im≠v hcn√? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√? How won’t my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ Fßns\ hcn√?

How many times won’t my brothers come? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√? At what time won’t my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

C\n The teachers F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. The teachers F∂m¬ A≤ym]I¿

The teachers will come.

Will the teachers come?

Will the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ hcptam?

Where will the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will the teachers come? Why will the teachers come? hcpw?

A≤ym]I¿ hcptam?

A≤ym]I¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw?

A≤ym]I¿ F¥n\v hcpw? A≤ym]I¿ F¥v ImcWØm¬

How will the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will the teachers come? A≤ym]I¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw? At what time will the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ F{XaWn°v hcpw?

C\n Wills‚ \ntj[hm°mb Won’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. The teachers won’t come.

A≤ym]I¿ hcn√.

Won’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ hcnt√?

Where won’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√?

Why won’t the teachers come? A≤ym]I¿ F¥v s Im≠v hcn√? Fs‚ A≤ym]I¿ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√? How won’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ Fßns\ hcn√?

How many times won’t the teachers come?A≤ym]I¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√? At what time won’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-79C\n He F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. He F∂m¬ Abmƒ

He will come.

Will he come?

Will he come?

Abmƒ hcptam?

Where will he come?

Abmƒ hcptam?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcpw?

From where will he come? Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcpw? Why will he come? Abmƒ F¥n\v hcpw? Abmƒ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcpw? How will he come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ hcpw?

How many times will he come?

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcpw?

At what time will he come? Abmƒ F{XaWn°v hcpw? C\n Wills‚ \ntj[hm°mb Won’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. He won’t come.

Abmƒ hcn√.

Won’t he come.

Abmƒ hcnt√?

Where won’t he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcn√?

From where won’t he come? Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√? Why won’t he come?Abmƒ F¥v s Im≠v hcn√? Abmƒ F¥v ImcWØm¬ hcn√? How won’t he come?


Abmƒ Fßns\ hcn√?

How many times won’t he come?

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√?

At what time won’t he come?

Abmƒ F{XaWn°v hcn√?

C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse ^yqU¬ `mjIfn¬ an° sXmgnepIƒ°pw \nehmcØI¿®bpw aqeytNmjWhpw kw`hn°p∂p. tUmIvS¿, k¿°m¿ sXmgn¬, sXmgnepSa, A≤ym]I≥/ A≤ym]nI XpSßnb sXmgnepIƒ/\nehmcw D≈h¿ km¿, amUw/taUw, At±lw, Ah¿ (ae_m¿ `mjbn¬: C߃, Hmcv , Hmev ) XpSßnbhmcmIptºmƒ, a‰v sXmgnepIm¿, ]et∏mgpw, \o, Ah≥, Ahƒ, Ah‰Iƒ (ae_m¿ `mj: C™n, Hm≥, Hmfv , sF‰n߃) XpSßnbhcpamIp∂p. Cu `oIcmhÿbn¬ \n∂pw c£t\Sm\mbn, hnZy¿∞nIƒ tUmIv S dpw, k¿°m¿ sXmgnepImcpw A≤ym]Icpw a‰pamIm\p≈ s\t´m´amWv . e£ßƒ Xs∂ apS°n, Hcp tUmIv S dmIpI F∂ PohnXe£yw Xs∂ hfcp∂Xv Cu `oa’amb kmaqloI Bibhn\nab tImUns‚ ^eamWv . F∂m¬, CXn\mhm≥ BImØh¿, Cu s]m√m∏n¬ \n∂pw c£bn√m F∂v hnNmcnt°≠Xn√. \√\nehmcap≈ CMv K v f njv ]Tn°pI. (C∂v C¥y≥ kv I qfpIfn¬ ]Tn∏n°p∂ CMv K v f njv ]Tn®n´v henbImcyan√. AXv an°hmdpw C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse ^yqU¬ `mjmtImUpIƒ \nt£]n®n´mWv C∂v ]Tn∏n°s∏Sp∂Xv ) . C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse `mjIfnse a\pjys\ XcwXmgv Ø p∂ hm°pIƒ kzoImcya√m F∂ \ne]mSv FSp°pI. \mSpw \m´pImcpw Xmt\ \nehmc Db¿®bnte°v \oßpw. C∂v CMv K fv ≠ n¬ Pohn°p∂ A\ytZi°mcn¬ hy‡amb hy‡nXz Db¿® ZriyamWv . F∂m¬ AhnSßfnse ]mcºcy Xt±ihmknIfpsS Ip´nIfn¬ hy‡nXzØn¬ aqeytNmjWw ]S¿∂v ]nSn®v s Im≠ncn°pIbmWv . ImcWw, Ah¿ C∂v hfcp∂Xpw, CS]gIp∂Xpw, Ahsc, \o, Ah≥, Ahƒ, Ah‰Iƒ F∂ coXnbn¬ kqNn∏n®v ]dbpIbpw ]cma¿in°pIbpw sNøp∂ A\y`mj°mcpsS CSbnemWv . A\y`mjIfn¬ Cßns\sbmcp ss]imNnIXbp≠v F∂Imcy F{X]d™mepw, CMv K v f njpIm¿°v a\ nemImØ hnUv V n AhÿbmWv C∂v D≈Xv . Ipd®v t]¿°v _lpam\w \¬tIWw F∂v \njv I ¿jn°p∂ `mjIfn¬, as‰mcp henb hn`mKw BfpIsf XcwXmgv t ØWw F∂ tImUpw \n¿_‘ambpw D≠mhpw F∂Imcyw B¿°pw a\ nemIp∂n√.



Sentence making: Column No: 2 Can


hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 2se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................

 G B1


C\n \ap°v c≠mw tImfØnse hm°pItfmsSm∏w Can F∂ ]Zw D]tbmKn®v hmIy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]Tn°mw. Will:sNøpw, kw`hn°pw.

Can: Ignbpw, ]‰pw.

May: sNbv t X°pw, sNbv t X°mw, kw`hnt®°pw, kw`hnt®°mw Must/Should:sNøWw, kw`hn°Ww. Can F∂m¬ Ignbpw, ]‰pw XpSßnb A¿∞ßfmWv . C\n \ap°v hmIy߃ D≠m°nt\m°mw. tImfw c≠nse Come F∂ hm°mWv ChnsS D]tbmKn°p∂Xv . I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor F∂nhbn¬ NneXpambn Come , CanF∂nh _‘n∏n®v hmIy߃ D≠m°mw.

I can come.

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

They can come.

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

We can come.

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

You can come.

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

My brothers can come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

The teachers can come.

So®¿am°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

The doctors can come.

tUmIv S ¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

He can come.

Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

She can come.

Abmƒ°v ( kv { Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpw

It can come.

AXn\v hcm≥ Ignbpw

Kevin can come.

sIhv n \v hcm≥ Ignbpw

The teacher can come.

So®¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

The doctor can come.

tUmIv S ¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpw

C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßfpsS \ntj[ cq]߃ t\m°mw. I cannot come.

I can’t come.

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

They cannot come.

They can’t come.

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

We cannot come.

We can’t come.

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

You cannot come.

You can’t come.

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

My brothers cannot come.My brothers can’t come. Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿°v hcm≥ Ignbn√. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


The teachers cannot come.

The teachers can’t come.

The doctors cannot come.

The doctors can’t come. tUmIv S ¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

He cannot come.

He can’t come.

She cannot come.

She can’t come.

It cannot come.

It can’t come.

AXn\v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

Kevin cannot come.

Kevin can’t come.

sIhv n \v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

The teacher cannot come.

The teacher can’t come.

So®¿°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

The doctor cannot come.

The doctor can’t come.

tUmIv S ¿°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

So®¿am°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbn√. Abmƒ°v (kv { Xo) hcm≥ Ignbn√.

G B2 C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßsf tNmZyhmIyßfmbn cq]s∏SpØmw. t\m°q

I can come.

Can I come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

They can come.

Can they come?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

We can come.

Can we come?

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

You can come.

Can you come?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

My brothers can come. Can my brothers come? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam? The teachers can come.

Can the teachers come?

The doctors can come.

Can the doctors come?

He can come.

Can he come?

She can come.

Can she come?

It can come.

Can it come?

AXn\v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Kevin can come.

Can Kevin come?

sIhv n \v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

The teacher can come.

Can the teacher come?

A≤ym]I\v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

The doctor can come.

Can the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

A≤ym]I¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam? tUmIv S ¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam? Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbptam? Abmƒ°v ( kv { Xo) hcm≥ Ignbptam?

C\n \ap°v \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyßfnte°v \oßmw. CanF∂ hm°ns‚ \nti[ cq]w Cannot F∂mWv . Cannot F∂ hm°ns\ Npcp°n∏dbp∂Xv Can’t F∂mWv . CXns‚ A¿∞w sNøm≥ Ignbn√, Bhn√ F∂mWv .

Can I come?

Can’t I come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can they come?

Can’t they come?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can we come?

Can’t we come?

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can you come?

Can’t you come?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can my brothers come? Can’t my brothers come? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√? Can the teachers come?

Can’t the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can the doctors come?

Can’t the doctors come?

tUmIv S ¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can he come?

Can’t he come?

Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can she come?

Can’t she come?

Abmƒ°v ( kv { Xo) hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can it come?


AXn\v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?


Can Kevin come?

Can’t Kevin come?

sIhv n \v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can the teacher come?

Can’t the teacher come?

A≤ym]I\v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Can the doctor come?

Can’t the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

C\n \ap°v apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ GXm\pw tNmZy߃°v ap∂n¬ s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv s Im≠v IqSpX¬ hn]peßfmb hm°y߃ krjv S n°mw.

BZyw s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ Hcn°¬IqSn t\m°pI. What?

F¥v ?


GXv ?



 B3

From where? FhnsS \n∂v? Why?

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v?







How many?

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v How much?


I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor BZyw I AYhm Rm≥ F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

I can come.

Can I come?

Can I come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can I come?

F\n°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

From where can I come?

F\n°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How can I come?

F\n°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can I come?

F\n°v F{X {]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw?

At what time can I come?

F\n°v F{X aWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

C\n \ap°v Cans‚ \ntj[ cq]w FSp°mw. AXv Can’t F∂mWv . Can’t Ignbn√, Bhn√. tNmZyambn CXv hcptºmƒ Ignbnt√, Bhnt√? F∂v hcpw. I can’t come.

Rm≥ hcn√.

Can’t I come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Where can’t I come?

F\n°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbn√?

From where can’t I come?

F\n°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

Why can’t I come?

F\n°v F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How many times can’t I come?

F\n°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbn√?

At what time can’t I come?

F\n°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

C\n They F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

They can come.

Can they come?

Can they come?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can they come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

From where can they come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How can they come?

Ah¿°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can they come?

Ah¿°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw?

At what time can they come?

Ah¿°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

C\n Cans‚ \ntj[hm°mb Can’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. They can’t come.

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

Can’t they come.

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Where can’t they come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbn√?

From where can’t they come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

Why can’t they come?

Ah¿°v F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How can’t they come?

Ah¿°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How many times can’t they come? Ah¿°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbn√? At what time can’t they come?

Ah¿°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

C\n We F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

We can come.

Can we come?

Can we come?

\ap°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

\ap°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can we come?

\ap°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

From where can we come?

\ap°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How can we come?

\ap°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can we come?

\ap°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw?

At what time can we come?

\ap°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?



C\n Cans‚ \ntj[hm°mb Can’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. We can’t come.

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

Can’t we come?

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbnt√?

Where can’t we come?

R߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbn√?

From where can’t we come? R߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbn√? Why can’t we come?

R߃°v F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How can’t we come?

R߃°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How many times can’t we come?

R߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbn√?

At what time can’t we come?

R߃°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

C\n You F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. You F∂m¬ \n߃

You can come.

Can you come?

Can you come?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can you come?

\n߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

From where can you come?

\n߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How can you come?

\n߃°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can you come?

\n߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw?

At what time can you come?

\n߃°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

C\n Cans‚ \ntj[hm°mb Can’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. You can’t come.

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbn√.

Can’t you come.

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbns√?

Where can’t you come?

\n߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbn√?

From where can’t you come?

\n߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

Why can’t you come?

\n߃°v F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How many times can’t you come? \n߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbn√? At what time can’t you come?

\n߃°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

 G B4

C\n The doctorsF∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. The doctors F∂m¬ tUmIvS¿am¿

The doctors can come.

Can the doctors come?

Can the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


From where can the doctors come? How can the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw? tUmIvS¿am¿°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw?

At what time can the doctors come?tUmIvS¿am¿°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

C\n Cans‚ \ntj[hm°mb Can’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. The doctors can’t come.

tUmIvS¿am¿°v hcm≥Ignbn√.

Can’t the doctors come.

tUmIvS¿am¿°v hcm≥ Ignbns√?

Where can’t the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v FhnsS hcm≥Ignbn√?

From where can’t the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥Ignbn√?

Why can’t the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥Ignbn√?

How many times can’t the doctors come? tUmIvS¿am¿°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥Ignbn√? At what time can’t the doctors come?

tUmIvS¿am¿°v F{XaWn°v hcm≥Ignbn√?

C\n His son F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. His son F∂m¬ AbmfpsS aI≥

His son can come.

Can his son come?

Can his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v hcm≥ Ignbptam?

AbmfpsS aI\v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

From where can his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How can his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can his son come? At what time can his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw? AbmfpsS aI\v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

C\n Cans‚ \ntj[hm°mb Can’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. His son can’t come. AbmfpsS aI\v hcm≥ Ignbn√. Can’t his son come? AbmfpsS aI\v hcm≥ Ignbns√? Where can’t his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbn√?

From where can’t his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

Why can’t his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How many times can’t his son come? At what time can’t his son come?

AbmfpsS aI\v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbn√?

AbmfpsS aI\v F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbn√?


-86C\n She F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. She F∂m¬ Abmƒ(kv{Xo)

She can come.

Can she come? Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Can she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbptam?

Where can she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpw?

From where can she come? Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpw? How can she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpw?

How many times can she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpw?

At what time can she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbpw?

C\n Cans‚ \ntj[hm°mb Can’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. She can’t come.

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbn√.

Can’t she come.

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbn√?

Where can’t she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbn√?

From where can’t she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

Why can’t she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How can’t she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbn√?

How many times can’t she come? Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbn√? At what time can’t she come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{XaWn°v hcm≥ Ignbn√?

RßsS Imense Nße sh´ns∏m´n°m≥..... (hbem¿ 1. FgpXnb, Hmtcm Xp≈nt®mcbn¬ \n∂pw Hcmbncwt]cpbcp∂p.... F∂Xn¬ \n∂pap≈ D±cWn) 2.

Ccpfn≥ Pcmbphnea¿∂ncn°ps∂mco IpSan\n {]m¿∞n®pW¿Øm≥ Hcp a{¥apt≠m? cma \ha{¥apt≠m....??? (a[pkq[\≥ \mb¿ FgpXnb, AKkvXy lrZbw F∂ IhnXbn¬ \n∂pap≈ D±cWn) c≠n\pw D≈ DØcw, IdIecmØ hnIvt‰mdnFv≥ ImeL´Ønse CMvKvfnjv BWv. tXm°pw, t_mw_pw, IØnbpw, sIm≈nsh∏pw, hn]v f h hmbmSnØhpw, PmYIfpw, D∏vkXym{Klßfpw, tImWIhpw, a‰pwa‰pa√.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-87 H 0FULL

Sentence making: Column No: 2


hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 2se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p



...........hcmdp≠v . ................


C\n \ap°v c≠mw tImfØnse hm°pItfmsSm∏w May F∂ ]Zw D]tbmKn®v hmIy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]Tn°mw. Will:sNøpw, kw`hn°pw.

Can: Ignbpw, ]‰pw.

May: sNbv t X°pw, sNbv t X°mw, kw`hnt®°pw, kw`hnt®°mw Must/Should:sNøWw, kw`hn°Ww. May F∂m¬ sNbv t X°pw, kw`hnt®°pw XpSßnb A¿∞ßfmWv . C\n \ap°v hmIy߃ D≠m°nt\m°mw. F∂m¬ ChnsS {i≤nt°≠p∂ Imcyw, May?tNmZyambn D]tbmKn®m¬, AXv A\phmZw tNmZn°p∂ A¿∞ambn amdmw. F∂ph®m¬, {]kv X mh\bmbn D]tbmKn°p∂ MaybpsS tNmZyamIWsa∂n√ May?Ft∏mgpw. tImfw c≠nse May F∂ hm°mWv ChnsS D]tbmKn°p∂Xv . I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor F∂nhbn¬ NneXpambn May, Come F∂nh _‘n∏n®v hmIy߃ D≠m°mw.  H 1

I may come.

Rm≥ ht∂°mw.

They may come.

Ah¿ ht∂°mw

We may come.

R߃ ht∂°mw

You may come.

\n߃ ht∂°mw (\n߃ ht∂mfq, Fs∂mcp A¿∞hpap≠v )

My brothers may come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ ht∂°mw

The teachers may come.

So®¿ ht∂°mw

The doctors may come.

tUmIv S ¿am¿ ht∂°mw

He may come.

Abmƒ ht∂°mw

She may come.

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) ht∂°mw

It may come.

AXv ht∂°mw

Kevin may come.

sIhv n ≥ ht∂°mw

The teacher may come.

So®¿ ht∂°mw

The doctor may come.

tUmIv S ¿ ht∂°mw

C\n \aq°v Cu hmIyßfpsS \ntj[ cq]w t\m°mw: I may not come.

Rm≥ ht∂°n√.

They may not come.

Ah¿ ht∂°n√.



We may not come.

R߃ ht∂°n√.

You may not come.

\n߃ ht∂°n√.

My brothers may not come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ ht∂°n√.

The teachers may not come.

So®¿am¿ ht∂°n√.

The doctors may not come.

tUmIv S ¿am¿ ht∂°n√.

He may not come.

Abmƒ ht∂°n√.

She may not come.

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) ht∂°n√.

It may not come.

AXv ht∂°n√.

Kevin may not come.

sIhv n ≥ ht∂°n√.

The teacher may not come.

So®¿ ht∂°n√.

The doctor may not come.

tUmIv S ¿ ht∂°n√.

 H 2 C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßsf tNmZyhmIyßfmbn cq]s∏SpØmw. ChnsS Adntb≠Xv, tNmZyambn D]tbmKn®v, AXns‚ DØcw e`n°ptºmƒ, {]kvXmh\bpsS A¿∞w amdp∂p≠v. tNmZyw A\phmZw Xcptam F∂ coXnbnemWv. At∏mƒ In´p∂ DØcw, A\phmZw \¬Inb coXnbnemWv.

May I come?

Rm≥ ht∂ms´?

Yes, you may come.

AsX, \n߃°v hcmw.

May they come?

Ah¿ ht∂ms´?

Yes, they may come.

AsX, Ah¿°v hcmw.

May we come?

R߃ ht∂ms´?

Yes, you may come.

AsX, \n߃°v hcmw.

May my brothers come? Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ ht∂ms´? Yes, your brothers may come. AsX, \nßfpsS ktlmZc∑m¿°v hcmw. May the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ ht∂ms´?

Yes, the teachers may come. AsX, A≤ym]I¿°v hcmw. May the doctors come?

tUmIv S ¿am¿ ht∂ms´?

Yes, the doctors may come. AsX, tUmIv S ¿am¿°v hcmw. May he come?

Abmƒ ht∂ms´?

Yes, he may come.

AsX, Abmƒ°v hcmw.

May she come?

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) ht∂ms´?

Yes, she may come.

AsX, Abmƒ°v ( kv { Xo) hcmw.

May it come?

AXv ht∂ms´?

Yes, it may come.

AsX, AXn\v hcmw.

May Kevin come?

sIhv n ≥ ht∂ms´?

Yes, Kevin may come.

AsX, sIhv n \v hcmw.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


May the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ ht∂ms´?

Yes, the teacher may come. AsX, A≤ym]I\v hcmw. May the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿ ht∂ms´?

Yes, the doctor may come. AsX, tUmIv S ¿°v hcmw. ChnsS {i≤nt°≠ Imcyw, shdpw {]kv X mh\bmbn hcp∂ Cu hmIyw tNmZyØn\v DØcambn hcptºmƒ, A¿∞Øn¬ sNdnsbmcp am‰w ImWn°pw F∂p≈XmWv  H 3

C\n \ap°v apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ hmIy߃ Ipd®v h enb hmIyßfmbn D]tbmKn°mw. t\m°q: I, They, We, You, My neighbour, He, She, It, Kate, The soldier, The boy

I may come in the morning after my prayer.

Rm≥ cmhnse Fs‚ {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. They may come in the morning after their prayer.

Ah¿ cmhnse AhcpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. We may come in the morning after our prayer.

R߃ cmhnse RßfpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. You may come in the morning after your prayer.

\n߃ cmhnse \nßfpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. \n߃ cmhnse \nßfpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂mfq. My neighbour may come in the morning after her prayer.

Fs‚ Ab¬hmkn, cmhnse AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. He may come in the morning after his prayer.

Abmƒ cmhnse AbmfpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. She may come in the morning after her prayer.

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) cmhnse AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. It may come in the morning after the rain.

AXv cmhnse agbv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. Kate may come in the morning after her prayer.

sIbv ‰ v , cmhnse AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. The soldier may come in the morning after his prayer.

]´mf°mc≥, cmhnse AbmfpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw. The boy may come in the morning after his prayer.

(B¨)Ip´n cmhnse AbmfpsS {]m¿∞\bv ° v tijw ht∂°mw.



Sentence making: Column No: 2 Must/Should hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 2se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5  H B0FULL



...........hcmdp≠v . ................






hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p




Cu A≤ymbØn¬ \ap°v c≠mw tImfØnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v hmIy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]Tn°mw. Cu tImfØn¬ hm°pIƒ°v Hcp cq]tabp≈p F∂v a\ nem°pI. c≠m- a sØ tImf- Ø nse hm°n- t \mSv will/shall, can, may/might, must/should XpS- ß nb hm°pIƒ D]- t bm- K n®v ]Tn- ° p- I . Will:sNøpw, kw`hn°pw.

Can: Ignbpw, ]‰pw.

May: sNbv t X°pw, sNbv t X°mw, kw`hnt®°pw, kw`hnt®°mw Must/Should:sNøWw, kw`hn°Ww. I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor XpSßnb hm°pIƒ BWv D]tbmKnt°≠Xv . \ap°v Must F∂ hm°pw, Should F∂ hm°pw D]tbmKn°mw. ChbpsS A¿∞w sNøWw As√¶n¬ kw`hn°Ww F∂mWv . c≠mw tImfØnse come F∂hm°v CXnt\mSv D]tbmKn°mw. t\m°pI: H B1

I must come.

Rm≥ hcWw.

They should come.

Ah¿ hcWw.

We must come.

R߃ hcWw.

You should come.

\n߃ hcWw.

My brothers must come.

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcWw.

The teachers should come. A≤ym]I¿ hcWw/A≤ym]nIam¿ hcWw. The doctors must come.

tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcWw.

He should come.

Abmƒ hcWw.

She must come.

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcWw.

It should come.

AXv hcWw.

Kevin must come.

sIhv n ≥ hcWw.

The teacher should come.

A≤ym]I≥ hcWw./A≤ym]nIhcWw.

The doctor must come.

tUmIv S ¿ hcWw.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


C\n Cu hmIyßsf \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ D]tbmKn°mw. BZyw ]q¿Æcq]Ønepw, ]n∂oSv AXv Npcp°nb cq]Ønepw. t\m°q: I must not come.

I mustn’t come.

Rm≥ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

They must not come.

They mustn’t come.

Ah¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

We must not come.

We mustn’t come.

R߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

You must not come.

You mustn’t come.

\n߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

My brothers must not come. My brothers mustn’t come. Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√. The teachers must not come. The teachers mustn’t come. A≤ym]I¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√. The doctors must not come.

The doctors mustn’t come. tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

He must not come.

He mustn’t come.

Abmƒ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

She must not come.

She mustn’t come.

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcm≥ ]mSn√.

It must not come.

It mustn’t come.

AXv hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Kevin must not come.

Kevin mustn’t come.

sIhv n ≥ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

The teacher must not come.

The teacher mustn’t come. A≤ym]I≥ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

The doctor must not come.

The doctor mustn’t come. tUmIv S ¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

H B2

C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßsf tNmZyhmIyßfmbn cq]s∏SpØmw. t\m°q

I must come.

Must I come?

Rm≥ hcWtam?

They should come.

Should they come?

Ah¿ hcWtam?

We must come.

Must we come?

R߃ hcWtam?

You should come.

Should you come?

\n߃ hcWtam?

My brothers must come.

Must my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcWtam?

The teachers should come. Should the teachers come?

A≤ym]I¿ hcWtam?

The doctors must come.

Must the doctors come?

tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcWtam?

He must come.

Should he come?

Abmƒ hcWtam?

She should come.

Must she come?

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcWtam?

It must come.

Should it come?

AXv hcWtam?

Kevin should come.

Must Kevin come?

sIhv n ≥ hcWtam?

The teacher must come.

Should the teacher come?

A≤ym]I≥ hcWtam?

The doctor should come.

Must the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿ hcWtam?



MustF∂ hm°ns‚ \ntj[ cq]w Must not F∂mWv . Must not F∂ hm°ns\ Npcp°n∏dbp∂Xv Mustn’t F∂mWv . Should F∂ hm°ns‚ \ntjZ cq]w Should not F∂mWv . Should not F∂ hm°ns\ Npcp°n∏dbp∂Xv Shouldn’t F∂mWv . Ch tNmZyambn hcptºmƒ, A¿∞w sNøm≥ ]mSnt√?, kw`hn°m≥ ]mSnt√? F∂mWv . C\n \ap°v \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyßfnte°v \oßmw.

I mustn’t come.

Mustn’t I come?

Rm≥ hcs≠?

They shouldn’t come.

Shouldn’t they come?

Ah¿ hcs≠?

We mustn’t come.

Mustn’t we come?

R߃ hcs≠?

You shouldn’t come.

Shouldn’t you come?

\n߃ hcs≠?

My brothers mustn’t come. Mustn’t my brothers come?

Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ hcs≠?

The teachers shouldn’t come. Shouldn’t the teachers come? A≤ym]I¿ hcs≠? The doctors mustn’t come. Mustn’t the doctors come?

tUmIv S ¿am¿ hcs≠?

He shouldn’t come.

Shouldn’t he come?

Abmƒ hcs≠?

She mustn’t come.

Mustn’t she come?

Abmƒ (kv { Xo) hcs≠?

It shouldn’t come.

Shouldn’t it come?

AXv hcs≠?

Kevin mustn’t come.

Mustn’t Kevin come?

sIhv n ≥ hcs≠?

The teacher shouldn’t come. Shouldn’t the teacher come? A≤ym]I≥ hcs≠? The doctor mustn’t come.

Mustn’t the doctor come?

tUmIv S ¿ hcs≠?

C\n \ap°v apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ GXm\pw tNmZy߃°v ap∂n¬ s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv s Im≠v IqSpX¬ hn]peßfmb hm°y߃ krjv S n°mw.  H B3

BZyw s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ Hcn°¬IqSn t\m°pI. What?

F¥v ?


GXv ?



From where? FhnsS \n∂v? Why?

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v ?






Bcv ?

How many?

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v? How much?


This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-93I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor BZyw I AYhm Rm≥ F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

I must come.

Must I come?

Should I come?

Rm≥ hcWtam?

Rm≥ hcWtam?

Where must I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw?

Why must I come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v hcWw?

How should I come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcWw?

How many times must I come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw?

At what time should I come?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°v hcWw?

C\n \ap°v Musts‚bpw Shoulds‚bpw \ntj[ cq]w FSp°mw. Mustn’t F∂pw Shouldn’t F∂pamWv Ah. Mustn’t/Shouldn’t F∂m¬ sNøcpXv , kw`hn°cpXv . tNmZyambn CXv hcptºmƒ sNøt≠?, kw`hn°t≠? F∂v hcpw. I mustn’t come.

Rm≥ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

I shouldn’t come.

Rm≥ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Mustn’t I come?

Rm≥ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Shouldn’t I come?

Rm≥ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Where mustn’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcm≥ ]mSn√?

From where shouldn’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

Why mustn’t I come?

Rm≥ F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

How many times shouldn’t I come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ ]mSn√?

At what time mustn’t I come?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

C\n They F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

They must come.

Must they come?

They must come.

Ah¿ hcWw.

They should come.

Ah¿ hcWw.

Must they come?

Ah¿ hcWtam?

Should they come?

Ah¿ hcWtam?

Where must they come?

Ah¿ hcWtam?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw?

Why must they come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v hcWw?

How many times should they come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw?

At what time must they come?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°v hcWw?



C\n Must/Shoulds‚ \ntj[hm°mb Mustn’t/Shouldn’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. They mustn’t come.

Mustn’t they come?

They mustn’t come.

Ah¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

They shouldn’t come.

Ah¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Mustn’t they come?

Ah¿ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Shouldn’t they come?

Ah¿ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Where mustn’t they come?

Ah¿ hcs≠?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcm≥ ]mSn√?

From where shouldn’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

Why mustn’t they come?

Ah¿ F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

How many times shouldn’t they come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ ]mSn√?

At what time mustn’t they come?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

C\n We F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw.

We must come.

Must we come?

We must come.

R߃ hcWw.

We should come.

R߃ hcWw.

Must we come?

R߃ hcWtam?

Should we come?

R߃ hcWtam?

 H B4

R߃ hcWtam?

Where must we come?

R߃ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw?

Why must we come?

R߃ F¥n\v hcWw?

How many times should we come? R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw? At what time must we come?

R߃ F{XaWn°v hcWw?

C\n Must/Shoulds‚ \ntj[hm°mb Mustn’t/Shouldn’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. We mustn’t come.

Mustn’t we come?

We mustn’t come.

R߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

We shouldn’t come.

R߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Mustn’t we come?

R߃ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Shouldn’t we come?

R߃ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Where mustn’t we come?

R߃ hcs≠?

R߃ FhnsS hcm≥ ]mSn√?

From where shouldn’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

Why mustn’t we come?

R߃ F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

How many times shouldn’t we come?

R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ ]mSn√?

At what time mustn’t we come?

R߃ F{XaWn°v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-95C\n You F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. You F∂m¬ \n߃

You must come.

Must you come?

You must come.

\n߃ hcWw.

You should come.

\n߃ hcWw.

Must you come?

\n߃ hcWtam?

Should you come?

\n߃ hcWtam?

Where must you come?

\n߃ hcWtam?

\n߃ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw?

Why must you come?

\n߃ F¥n\v hcWw?

How many times should you come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw?

At what time must you come?

\n߃ F{XaWn°v hcWw?

C\n Must/Shoulds‚ \ntj[hm°mb Mustn’t/Shouldn’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. You mustn’t come.

Mustn’t you come?

You mustn’t come.

\n߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

You shouldn’t come.

\n߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Mustn’t you come?

\n߃ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Shouldn’t you come?

\n߃ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Where mustn’t you come?

\n߃ hcs≠?

\n߃ FhnsS hcm≥ ]mSn√?

From where shouldn’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

Why mustn’t you come?

\n߃ F¥v sIm≠v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

How many times shouldn’t you come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ ]mSn√?

At what time mustn’t you come?

\n߃ F{XaWn°v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

C\n The carpenters F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. The carpenters F∂m¬ Bimcnam¿  H B5

The carpenters must come.

Must the carpenters come?

The carpenters must come.

Bimcnam¿ hcWw.

Bimcnam¿ hcWtam?

The carpenters should come. Bimcnam¿ hcWw. Must the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ hcWtam?

Should the carpenters come? Bimcnam¿ hcWtam? Where must the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should the carpenters come? Bimcnam¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw? Why must the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ F¥n\v hcWw?

How many times should the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw?

At what time must the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ F{XaWn°v hcWw?



C\n Must/Shoulds‚ \ntj[hm°mb Mustn’t/Shouldn’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. The carpenters mustn’t come.

Mustn’t the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ hcs≠?

The carpenters mustn’t come.

Bimcnam¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

The carpenters shouldn’t come.

Bimcnam¿ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Mustn’t the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Shouldn’t the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Where mustn’t the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ FhnsS hcm≥ ]mSn√?

From where shouldn’t the carpenters come? Bimcnam¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ ]mSn√? Why mustn’t the carpenters come?

Bimcnam¿ F¥v sIm≠v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

How many times shouldn’t the carpenters come? Bimcnam¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ ]mSn√? At what time mustn’t the carpenters come? Bimcnam¿ F{XaWn°v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

Those animals F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. Those animals F∂m¬ B arK߃ C\n

Those animals must come.

Must those animals come?

Those animals must come.

B arK߃ hcWw.

B arK߃ hcWtam?

Those animals should come. B arK߃ hcWw. Must those animals come?

B arK߃ hcWtam?

Should those animals come? B arK߃ hcWtam? Where must those animals come?

B arK߃ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should those animals come?

B arK߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw?

Why must those animals come?

B arK߃ F¥n\v hcWw?

How many times should those animals come?

B arK߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw?

At what time must those animals come?

B arK߃ F{XaWn°v hcWw?

C\n Must/Shoulds‚ \ntj[hm°mb Mustn’t/Shouldn’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw. Those animals mustn’t come.

Mustn’t those animals come? B arK߃ hcs≠?

Those animals mustn’t come.

B arK߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Those animals shouldn’t come.

B arK߃ hcm≥ ]mSn√.

Mustn’t those animals come?

B arK߃ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Shouldn’t those animals come?

B arK߃ hcm≥ ]mSns√?

Where mustn’t those animals come?

B arK߃ FhnsS hcm≥ ]mSn√?

From where shouldn’t those animals come?

B arK߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

Why mustn’t those animals come?

B arK߃ F¥v s Im≠v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

How many times shouldn’t those animals come? B arK߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ ]mSn√? At what time mustn’t those animals come?

B arK߃ F{XaWn°v hcm≥ ]mSn√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-97C\n He F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. He F∂m¬ Abmƒ

He must come.

Must he come?

He must come.

Abmƒ hcWw.

He should come.

Abmƒ hcWw.

Must he come?

Abmƒ hcWtam?

Should he come?

Abmƒ hcWtam?

Where must he come?

Abmƒ hcWtam?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcWw?

From where should he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcWw?

Why must he come?

Abmƒ F¥n\v hcWw?

How many times should he come? At what time must he come?

 H B6

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcWw? Abmƒ F{XaWn°v hcWw?

C\n Must/Shoulds‚ \ntj[hm°mb Mustn’t/Shouldn’t ChnsS D]tbmKn°mw.

`mjbnse tkm^vtSz¿ tImUpIƒ°v bmYm¿∞yØns‚ tImUpIfpambpw a\pjyt‚bpw, a‰v PohPmeßfptSbpw cq]I¬∏\mtImUpIfpambpw _‘s∏Sm\pw {]Xn{]h¿Øn°m\pw Bhpsa∂mWv tXm∂p∂Xv. `mjmtImUpIƒ°pw, hm°pIƒ°pw, bYm¿∞Øn¬ NneZn°pIfn¬ P\n‰n°v tImUpIsfhsc adnIS°m\mtb°mw. CXpambn _‘s∏´v IqSpX¬ hmbn°m\mbn, Cu FgpØpImcs‚Xs∂ {KŸßfmb 1. Codes of reality! What is language? 2. Software codes of life, language and reality 3. March of the evil empires; English versus the feudal languages(Ahkm\sØ A≤ymbw) XpSßnbh hmbn®v t\m°mhp∂XmWv.


-98 I0FULL

Sentence making: Column No: 3 hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 3se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p



...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Cu A≤ymbØn¬ \mw aq∂mw tImfØnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v hmIy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]Tn°mw. Cu tImfØn¬ hm°pIƒ ing t^manemWv D≈Xv. DZmlcWw: Coming. hcp∂p, h∂v s Im≠ncn°p∂p, h∂v s Im≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p XpSßnbh. \S∂psIm≠ncn°p∂p (sNøp∂p, sNøpIbmWv) F∂ cq]Ønepw, kw`hn®psIm≠ncp∂p, kw`hn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p (sNøpIbmbncp∂p) F∂ A¿∞߃ D≈ coXnbnepw hmIy߃ krjvSn°s∏Sp∂p.

Cu tImfØn¬ aq∂v hyXykvX hmIycN\Iƒ Cu t\mSvkn¬ \¬Inbn´p≠v.

Item one

 I 1




They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The technicians


He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor

I I am: Rm≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Rm≥ sNøpIbmWv . I was: Rm≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Rm≥ sNøpIbmbncp∂p.

Plurals _lphN\߃ They are: Ah¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Ah¿ sNøpIbmWv . They were: Ah¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Ah¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. We are: R߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /R߃ sNøpIbmWv . We were: R߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./R߃ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. You are: \n߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /\n߃ sNøpIbmWv . You were: \n߃ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./\n߃ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. The teachers are: So®¿am¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /So®¿am¿ sNøpIbmWv . The teachers were: S o ® ¿ a m ¿ s N b v X p s I m ≠ n c n ° p I b m b n c p ∂ p . / S o ® ¿ a m ¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-99The doctors are: t U m I v S ¿ a m ¿ s N b v X p s I m ≠ n c n ° p I b m W v . / t U m I v S ¿ a m ¿ sNøpIbmWv . The doctors were: tUmIv S ¿am¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./tUmIv S ¿am¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. My brothers are: F s ‚ k t l m Z c ∑ m ¿ s N b v X p s I m ≠ n c n ° p I b m W v . / F s ‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ sNøpIbmWv . My brothers were: Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Fs‚ ktlmZc∑m¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p.

Singulars GIhN\߃ He is: Abmƒ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Abmƒ sNøpIbmWv . He was: Abmƒ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Abmƒ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. She is: Abmƒ (kv { Xo) sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /Abmƒ (kv { Xo) sNøpIbmWv . She was: Abmƒ (kv{Xo) sNbvXpsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./Abmƒ (kv{Xo) sNøpIbmbncp∂p. Kevin is: sIhv n ≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /sIhv n ≥ sNøpIbmWv . Kevin was: sIhv n ≥ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./sIhv n ≥ sNøpIbmbncp∂p.

The teacher is: So®¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /So®¿ sNøpIbmWv . The teacher was: So®¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./So®¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. The doctor is: tUmIv S ¿ sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv . /tUmIv S ¿ sNøpIbmWv . The doctor was: tUmIvS¿ sNbvXpsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p./tUmIvS¿ sNøpIbmbncp∂p. CXn\v tijap≈Xv ASpØ A≤ymbØn¬ ]Tn°mw.

Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


 I 2

aq∂masØ tImfØnse hm°v Coming BWv. I am coming. Rm≥ hcnIbmWv. Rm≥ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. He is coming. Abmƒ hcnIbmWv. Abmƒ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. She is coming. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcnIbmWv. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. It is coming. AXv hcnIbmWv. AXv h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. They are coming. Ah¿ hcnIbmWv. Ah¿ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. We are coming. R߃ hcnIbmWv. R߃ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. You are coming. \n߃ hcnIbmWv. \n߃ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmWv.



C\n \ap°v CtX hmIy߃ tNmZycq]Øn¬ B°mw. Am I coming? Rm≥ hcnIbmtWm? Rm≥ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? Is he coming? Abmƒ hcnIbmtWm? Abmƒ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? Is she coming? Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcnIbmtWm? Abmƒ (kv{Xo) h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? Is it coming? AXv hcnIbmtWm? AXv h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? Are they coming? Ah¿ hcnIbmtWm? Ah¿ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? Are we coming? R߃ hcnIbmtWm? R߃ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? Are you coming? \n߃ hcnIbmtWm? \n߃ h∂v sIm≠ncn°pIbmtWm? C\n \ap°v Cu hmIy߃ AhbpsS \ntj[ cq]Øn¬ B°mw. t\m°q: I am coming.

I am not coming.

Rm≥ hcp∂n√.

He is coming.

He is not coming.

Abmƒ hcp∂n√.

She is coming.

She is not coming.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂n√.

It is coming.

It is not coming.

AXv hcp∂n√.

They are coming.

They are not coming.

Ah¿ hcp∂n√.

We are coming.

We are not coming.

R߃ hcp∂n√.

You are coming.

You are not coming.

\n߃ hcp∂n√.

C\n \ap°v Cu \ntj[ cq]Ønep≈ hmIyßsf Npcp°nsbgpXmw. t\m°q: I am not coming.

I am not coming.

He is not coming.

He isn’t coming.

She is not coming.

She isn’t coming.

It is not coming.

It isn’t coming.

They are not coming.

They aren’t coming.

We are not coming.

We aren’t coming.

You are not coming.

You aren’t coming.

C\n \ap°v CtX hmIy߃ tNmZycq]Øn¬ B°mw. I am not coming.

Aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ hcp∂nt√?

He isn’t coming.

Isn’t he coming?

Abmƒ hcp∂nt√?

She isn’t coming.

Isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂nt√?

It isn’t coming.

Isn’t it coming?

AXv hcp∂nt√?

They aren’t coming.

Aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ hcp∂nt√?

We aren’t coming.

Aren’t we coming?

R߃ hcp∂nt√?

You aren’t coming.

Aren’t you coming?

\n߃ hcp∂nt√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


C\n Hmtcm hmIyØns‚bpw hnhn[ tNmZycq]߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. s]mXphmb tNmZyßfpsS ]´nI ImWpI. What?

F¥v ?


GXv ?



 I 3

From where? FhnsS \n∂v? Why?

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v ?






Bcv ?

How many?

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v? How much?


I, They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors, He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor BZyw I AYhm Rm≥ F∂ hm°pambn _‘s∏SpØn hn]peamb tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. I am coming.

Rm≥ hcnIbmWv.

Am I coming?

Rm≥ hcnIbmtWm?

Where am I coming?

Rm≥ FhnsSbmWv hcp∂Xv?

From where am I coming?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcp∂Xv?

Why am I coming?

Rm≥ F¥n\mWv hcp∂Xv?

When am I coming?

Rm≥ Ft∏mgmWv hcp∂Xv?

How am I coming?

Rm≥ Fßns\bmWv hcp∂Xv?

How many times am I coming?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyamWv hcp∂Xv?

At what time am I coming?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°mWv hcp∂Xv?

C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]w FSp°mw. I am not coming.

Rm≥ hcp∂n√.

Aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ hcp∂nt√?

Where aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time aren’t I coming?

Rm≥ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?


-102C\n CtX tNmZycq]߃ She F∂ ]Zhpambn _‘s∏SpØn D]tbmKn°mw. She is coming.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcnIbmWv.

Is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcnIbmtWm?

Where is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsSbmWv hcp∂Xv?

From where is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂mWv hcp∂Xv?

Why is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\mWv hcp∂Xv?

When is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mgmWv hcp∂Xv?

How is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\bmWv hcp∂Xv?

How many times is she coming?

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyamWv hcp∂Xv?

At what time is she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XaWn°mWv hcp∂Xv?

C\n CXns‚ \ntjZcq]w FSp°mw. She is not coming.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂n√.

She isn’t coming.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂n√.

Isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂nt√?

Where isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time isn’t she coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n CtX tNmZycq]߃ The technician F∂ ]Zhpambn _‘s∏SpØn D]tbmKn°mw. The technician is coming.

sSIv\ojy≥ hcnIbmWv.

Is the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ hcnIbmtWm?

Where is the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ FhnsSbmWv hcp∂Xv?

From where is the technician coming? sSIv\ojy≥ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcp∂Xv? Why is the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ F¥n\mWv hcp∂Xv?

When is the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ Ft∏mgmWv hcp∂Xv?

How is the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ Fßns\bmWv hcp∂Xv?

How many times is the technician coming? sSIv\ojy≥ F{X{]mhiyamWv hcp∂Xv? At what time is the technician coming? sSIv\ojy≥ F{XaWn°mWv hcp∂Xv?

C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]w FSp°mw. The technician is not coming.

sSIv\ojy≥ hcp∂n√.

The technician isn’t coming.

sSIv\ojy≥ hcp∂n√.

Isn’t the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ hcp∂nt√?

Where isn’t the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where isn’t the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-103Why isn’t the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When isn’t the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time isn’t the technician coming?

sSIv\ojy≥ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n CtX tNmZycq]߃ They F∂ ]Zhpambn _‘s∏SpØn D]tbmKn°mw. They are coming.

Ah¿ hcnIbmWv.

Are they coming?

Ah¿ hcnIbmtWm?

Where are they coming?

Ah¿ FhnsSbmWv hcp∂Xv?

From where are they coming?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcp∂Xv?

Why are they coming?

Ah¿ F¥n\mWv hcp∂Xv?

When are they coming?

Ah¿ Ft∏mgmWv hcp∂Xv?

How are they coming?

Ah¿ Fßns\bmWv hcp∂Xv?

How many times are they coming?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyamWv hcp∂Xv?

At what time are they coming?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°mWv hcp∂Xv?

 I 4

C\n CXns‚ \ntjZcq]w FSp°mw. They are not coming.

Ah¿ hcp∂n√.

They aren’t coming.

Ah¿ hcp∂n√.

Aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ hcp∂nt√?

Where aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time aren’t they coming?

Ah¿ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n CtX tNmZycq]߃ The leaders F∂ ]Zhpambn _‘s∏SpØn D]tbmKn°mw. The leaders are coming.

t\Xm°ƒ hcnIbmWv.

Are the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ hcnIbmtWm?

Where are the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ FhnsSbmWv hcp∂Xv?

From where are the leaders coming? t\Xm°ƒ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcp∂Xv? Why are the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ F¥n\mWv hcp∂Xv?

When are the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ Ft∏mgmWv hcp∂Xv?

How are the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ Fßns\bmWv hcp∂Xv?

How many times are the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ F{X{]mhiyamWv hcp∂Xv?

At what time are the leaders coming? t\Xm°ƒ F{XaWn°mWv hcp∂Xv?


-104C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]w FSp°mw. The leaders are not coming.

t\Xm°ƒ hcp∂n√.

The leaders aren’t coming.

t\Xm°ƒ hcp∂n√.

Aren’t the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ hcp∂nt√?

Where aren’t the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where aren’t the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why aren’t the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When aren’t the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time aren’t the leaders coming?

t\Xm°ƒ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

C\n CtX tNmZycq]߃ You F∂ ]Zhpambn _‘s∏SpØn D]tbmKn°mw. You are coming.

\n߃ hcnIbmWv.

Are you coming?

\n߃ hcnIbmtWm?

Where are you coming?

\n߃ FhnsSbmWv hcp∂Xv?

From where are you coming?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcp∂Xv?

Why are you coming?

\n߃ F¥n\mWv hcp∂Xv?

When are you coming?

\n߃ Ft∏mgmWv hcp∂Xv?

How are you coming?

\n߃ Fßns\bmWv hcp∂Xv?

How many times are you coming?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyamWv hcp∂Xv?

At what time are you coming?

\n߃ F{XaWn°mWv hcp∂Xv?

C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]w FSp°mw. You are not coming.

\n߃ hcp∂n√.

You aren’t coming.

\n߃ hcp∂n√.

Aren’t you coming?

\n߃ hcp∂nt√?

Where aren’t you coming?

\n߃ FhnsSbmWv hcmØXv?

From where aren’t you coming?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂mWv hcmØXv?

Why aren’t you coming?

\n߃ F¥vsIm≠mWv hcmØXv?

When aren’t you coming?

\n߃ Ft∏mgmWv hcmØXv?

At what time aren’t you coming?

\n߃ F{XaWn°mWv hcmØXv?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Sentence making: Column No: 3 - Will

be I B0FULL

hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 3se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p



...........hcmdp≠v . ................


Cu A≤ymbØn¬ \mw aq∂mw tImfØnse hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v hmIy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]Tn°mw. Cu tImfØn¬ hm°pIƒ ing t^manemWv D≈Xv. DZmlcWw: Coming. hcp∂p, h∂v s Im≠ncn°p∂p, h∂v s Im≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p XpSßnbh. \S∂psIm≠ncn°p∂p (sNøp∂p, sNøpIbmWv) F∂ cq]Ønepw, kw`hn®psIm≠ncp∂p, kw`hn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p (sNøpIbmbncp∂p) F∂ A¿∞߃ D≈ coXnbnepw hmIy߃ krjvSn°s∏Sp∂p.

Item two

 I B1

aq∂mw tImfØnse ASpØ hmIycN\ XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®mWv . Will be sNøp∂Xmbncn°pw May be sNøpIbmbncn°mw

Can be sNbv X psIm≠ncn°pIbmImw Must be sNbv X p sIm≠ncn°pIbmImw

CXn¬, BZysØ Will be am{Xta Cu ]T\Øn¬ Dƒs∏SpØnbn´p≈p. F∂m¬, a‰p≈h CXn\v kam\ambn D]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv . Will be F∂ Cu hmIy{]tbmKw XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ h m ° p I t f m S p w , a q ∂ m w t I m f Ø n s e Coming t \ m S p w _ ‘ n ∏ n ® v h m I y ß ƒ D ≠ m ° n b X v ]cnioen°pI. I, He, She, They, We, You. I will be coming.

Rm≥ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will I be coming?

Rm≥ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

He will be coming.

Abmƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will he be coming?

Abmƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

She will be coming.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

They will be coming.

Ah¿ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will they be coming?

Ah¿ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

We will be coming.

R߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will we be coming?

R߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

You will be coming.

\n߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will you be coming?

\n߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?


-106C\n CXns‚ a‰v tNmZy߃ \ap°v ]Tn°mw. I will be coming.

Rm≥ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will I be coming?

Rm≥ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

Where will I be coming?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

From where will I be coming?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

Why will I be coming?

Rm≥ F¥n\v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

When will I be coming?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How will I be coming?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How many times will I be coming?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

He will be coming.

Abmƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw.

Will he be coming?

Abmƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

Where will he be coming?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

From where will he be coming?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

Why will he be coming?

Abmƒ F¥n\v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

When will he be coming?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How will he be coming?

Abmƒ Fßns\ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How many times will he be coming? Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcp∂Xmbncn°pw? She will be coming

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

Where will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

From where will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

Why will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

When will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How many times will she be coming?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?   I B2

They will be coming

Ah¿ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will they be coming?

Ah¿ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

Where will they be coming?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

From where will they be coming?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

Why will they be coming?

Ah¿ F¥n\v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

When will they be coming?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How will they be coming?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How many times will they be coming? Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcp∂Xmbncn°pw? We will be coming

R߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will we be coming?

R߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-107Where will we be coming?

R߃ FhnsS hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

From where will we be coming?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

Why will we be coming?

R߃ F¥n\v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

When will we be coming?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How will we be coming?

R߃ Fßns\ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How many times will we be coming? R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcp∂Xmbncn°pw? You will be coming

\n߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw

Will you be coming?

\n߃ hcp∂Xmbncn°ptam?

Where will you be coming?

\n߃ FhnsS hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

From where will you be coming?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

Why will you be coming?

\n߃ F¥n\v hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

When will you be coming?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How will you be coming?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?

How many times will you be coming? \n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcp∂Xmbncn°pw?


`mjm ]T\Ønse NXnhpIƒ CMvKvfnjv Adnbp∂h¿, Xßsf°mƒ Db¿∂ ÿm\ßfnepw, ]ZhnIfnepw D≈htcmSv at\mhocytØmSpw, A¥t mSpw, hy‡nXz [zwk\w G¬°msXbpw kwkmcn°m≥ CMvKvfnjv D]tbmKn°p∂p. ImcWw, CMvKvfnjn¬ Atßm´pw Ctßm´pw You, He, His, She, Her, Hers, They, Them XpSßnb ]Zßtfbp≈p. F∂m¬ Xßsf°mƒ Xmgv∂ ]Zhnbn¬ D≈h¿ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°p∂Xv Ah¿°v AtcmNIamb ImcyamWv. ImcWw, Ingnep≈h¿ CMvKvfnjn¬ kwkmcn®m¬, Ahsc \o, FtS, FSm, FSo, Xm≥ XpSßnb hm°pIfm¬ kwt_m[\sNøm≥ Bhn√. ImcWw, CMvKvfnjn¬ You F∂ ]Zta D≈q, c≠v Znibnte°pw. AXv t]mseXs∂, Ah¿ _lpam\kqNIamb km¿, Aßp∂v, At±lw, Ah¿, amUw, taVw, tN´≥, tN®n XpSßnb hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn°msX, He, His, She, Her, Hers, They, Them XpSßnb hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v XSnX∏pw. Ah¿°pw, at\mhocyhpw, A¥ pw, hy‡nXz h¿≤\hpw hcpw. aebmfØnse \o, Ah≥, Ahƒ, FtS, FSo, FSm XpSßnb hm°pIƒ Dt]mtbmKn®m¬ Iognep≈ Bƒ Nq≠bn¬ IpSpßnbamXncn BIpw. am{Xhpa√, \n¿_‘ambpw hnt[bXzhpw, A[aXzhpw, s]m≈bmb _lpam\hpw ImWnt® aXnbmIq. hmkv X hw Cßns\bmbncn°ptºmƒ, Iosgbp≈h¿ CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂Xv XSt™ aXnbmIq. CXn\v ]‰nb AShmWv, AXv Hcp hntZi `mjbmWv F∂v DcphnSp∂Xv . bYm¿∞Øn¬ GXv hntZi `mjbmWv C∂v tIcfØn¬ ASnt®¬∏n°s∏Sp∂Xv F∂v AdnbWsa¶n¬, t_mws_ kn\namtemIw C¥ybnse√mbnSØv \ n∂pw ]Ww ]ncns®SpØXn\v ]n∂nep≈ clky Icp\o°ßsf°pdn®p≈ hnhcw AdntbWw.



Sentence making: Column No: 3


hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 3se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................

 I C1


Item three

aq∂mw tImfØnse ASpØ hmIycN\ XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®mWv . ChnsS {i≤nt°≠p∂ Imcyw Cu hmIyßfn¬, aq∂mwtImfØn¬ D≈ hm°pIfmb Coming XpSßnb hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn°p∂n√ F∂p≈XmWv. F∂m¬, XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ hm°pIƒ s]mXphmbn D]tbmKn°p∂p≠v . C°mcWØm¬ Xs∂, CXv aq∂mwtImfØns‚ bYm¿∞`mKa√. I am Rm≥ BWv They are Ah¿ BWv We are R߃ BWv You are \n߃ BWv He is Abmƒ BWv She is Abmƒ (kv { Xn) BWv DZmlcWw t\m°pI: I am a doctorRm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmWv. I was a doctor Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂p.

I was Rm≥ Bbncp∂p They were Ah¿ Bbncp∂p We were R߃ Bbncp∂p You were \n߃ Bbncp∂p He was Abmƒ Bbncp∂p She was Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Bbncp∂p Am I a doctor? Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmtWm? Was I a doctor? Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncpt∂m?

He is a doctorAbmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmWv. He was a doctorAbmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂p.

Is he a doctor? Abmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmtWm? Was he a doctor? Abmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncpt∂m?

She is a doctorAbmƒ(kv { Xo) Hcp tUmIvSdmWv. Is she a doctor?Abmƒ(kv { Xo) Hcp tUmIvSdmtWm? She was a doctor Abmƒ ( k v { X o ) Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂p. Was she a doctor? Abmƒ ( k v { X o ) Hcp tUmIvSdmbncpt∂m?

They are doctors Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcmWv. They were doctors Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂p.

Are they doctors?Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcmtWm? Were they doctors?Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcmbncpt∂m?

You are a doctor\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSdmWv. You were a doctor\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂p.

Are you a doctor?\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSdmtWm? Were you a doctor?\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncpt∂m?

You are doctors\n߃ tUmIvS¿amcmWv. Are you doctors?\n߃ tUmIvS¿amcmtWm? You were doctors\n߃ Hcp tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂p. Were you doctors?\n߃ tUmIvS¿amcmbncpt∂m? We are doctors R߃ tUmIvS¿amcmWv. We were doctors R߃ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂p.

Are we doctors? R߃ tUmIvS¿amcmtWm? Were we doctors?R߃ tUmIvS¿amcmbncpt∂m?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-109C\n \ap°v Cu hm°pIfpsS \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ {]kvXmh\Ifpw tNmZyßfpw \n¿Ωn°mw. t\m°q:

I am not a doctorRm≥ Hcp tUmIvSd√. I was not a doctorRm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂n√.

Aren’t I a doctor? Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSds√? Wasn’t I a doctor? Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂nt√?

He is not a doctorAbmƒ Hcp tUmIvSd√. Isn’t he a doctor? Abmƒ Hcp tUmIvSds√? He was not a doctorAbmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂n√. Wasn’t he a doctor? Abmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂nt√? She is not a doctor Abmƒ(kv { Xo) Hcp tUmIvSd√. Isn’t she a doctor?Abmƒ(kv { Xo) Hcp tUmIvSds√? She was not a doctorAbmƒ(kv { Xo)Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂n√.Wasn’t she a doctor?Abmƒ(kv { Xo) Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂nt√?

They are not doctorsAh¿ tUmIvS¿amc√. Aren’t they doctors?Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amct√? They were not doctorsAh¿ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂n√. Weren’t they doctors?Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂nt√? You are not a doctor\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSd√. Aren’t you a doctor?\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSds√? You were not a doctor\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂n√.Weren’t you a doctor?\n߃ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂nt√? You are not doctors\n߃ tUmIvS¿amc√. Aren’t you doctors?\n߃ ttUmIvS¿amcs√? You were not doctors\n߃ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂n√. Weren’t you doctors?\n߃ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂nt√? We are not doctorsR߃ tUmIvS¿amcmWv. We were not doctorsR߃ tUmIvSdmbncp∂n√.

Aren’t we doctors? R߃ tUmIvS¿amcs√? Weren’t we doctors?R߃ tUmIvS¿amcmbncp∂nt√?

Id]pcfmØ CMvKvfnjv (Pristine-English) `mj, a\pjykaqlßfn¬ AXnKw`ocamb kzmX{¥y߃ kzta[bm hym]n∏n°pw. Fsavdn°≥ sFIy\mSpIfn¬ hfscb[nIw kzmX{¥yw D≠mbncp∂Xmbn ]e¿°pw A\p`hs∏´ncp∂p. AXns‚ bYm¿∞ImcWw, B cmPyw CMvKvf≠ns‚ Hcp hepXm°s∏´ ]Xn∏mbn Iptd°mew \Sn®ncn∂p F∂Xv sIm≠mWv. F∂m¬ C\nbtßm´v, B {]tZiØv AcmPIXzhpw, ]nSn∏vtISpw, Imcy£aX°pdhpw, hy‡amb e£yt_m[an√mbvabpw a‰pamWv A\p`hs∏SpI. ImcWw, C∂v Fsavdn°≥ sFIy\mSpIfn¬, CMvKvfnjv shdpsamcp s]mXp`mjbmbn XcwXmWvsIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. AhnSp≈ P\°q´ßƒ kv]m\njv, s{^©v, tPvsa≥, ssN\okv, Xangv, sImdnb≥, Pm∏\okv, aebmfw, lnμn, kpeq XpSßn a‰\h[n ^yqU¬ Nphbp≈ `mjIfmWv AhcpsS kzImcyXbn¬ kwkmcn°p∂Xv. F∂ncp∂m¬, s]mXphmbp≈ CMv K v f njv `mjm A¥co£w Cu cmPyØn\v IqtdImewIqSn, aXn∏pfhm°p∂ {]Xn—mb \¬Intb°mw. \nehmcap≈ CMv K v f njneqsS at‰Xv cmPyØn\pw CXpt]msetbm, CXnt\°mƒ A∏pdtam, KpW\nehmcØnte°v Dbcm\mIpw.

`mjsb∂ Bibhn\nab tkm^vtSzdn¬, kmaqlnI LS\bpsS tImUpIƒ BteJ\w sNøs∏´n´p≠v . Hmtcm `mj kwkmcn°p∂ P\°q´ßfpw, B `mjbn¬ cq]I¬∏\ sNøs∏´n´p≈ kmaqlnI LS\bv°v A\pcq]amb coXnbn¬ kmaqlnIhpw, hy‡n]chpw, IpSpw_]chpw sXmgn¬]chpw a‰pamb _‘߃ kzta[bm {Ias∏SpØs∏Sp∂p. kaqlsØ GWnt]mse cq]I¬∏\sNøpIbpw, apIfnep≈htcmSv, Bflaqeyw \jvSs∏SmsX Bibhn\nabw \SØm≥ hm°pIfn¬ kuIcyan√mØ `mj kwkmcn°p∂ P\°q´ßfn¬, DtZymKÿ AgnaXnbpw, DtZymKÿ [m¿jvTyhpw kzm`mhnIw am{XamWv. Btcbpw Ip‰w ]d™n´v Imcyan√. March of the Evil Empires: English versus the feudal languages


-110C\n \ap°v I F∂ hm°pambn _‘∏n®v Cu hmIysØ ]ecq]Øn¬ D]tbmKn°mw. t\m°q:

I am

Rm≥ BWv

Am I?

I am a barber.

Rm≥ Hcp _m¿_¿ BWv Am I a barber?

  I C2

Rm≥ BtWm? Rm≥ Hcp _m¿_¿ BtWm?

apIfnesØ c≠v hmIyßfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂Xv t]mse, Xmsgbp≈ hmIy߃ a\ nem°pI. I am a beautician.

Rm≥ Hcp _yq´oj\mWv

Am I a beautician?

I am a bellboy.

Rm≥ Hcp bellboy BWv

Am I a bellboy?

I am a boy.

Rm≥ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbmWv

Am I a boy?

I am a businessman.

Rm≥ Hcp hym]mcnbmWv

Am I a businessman?

I am a conductor.

Rm≥ Hcp I≠IvSdmWv

Am I a conductor?

I am a doctor.

Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmWv

Am I a doctor?

I am a draftsman.

Rm≥ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\mWv

Am I a draftsman?

I am a driver.

Rm≥ Hcp ss{UhdmWv

Am I a driver?

I am a film director.

Rm≥ Hcp kn\nam kwhn[mbI\mWv

Am I a film director?

I am a film producer.

Rm≥ kn\nam \n¿ΩmXmhmWv

Am I a film producer?

I am a gentleman.

Rm≥ Hcp am\y\mWv

Am I a gentleman?

I am a good man.

Rm≥ Hcp \√a\pjy\mWv

Am I a good man?

I am a handsome man.

Rm≥ Hcp kpapJ\mWv

Am I a handsome man?

I am a kind man.

Rm≥ Hcp ImcpWyhm\mWv

Am I a kind man?

I am a learned man.

Rm≥ Hcp ]Tn∏p≈ BfmWv

Am I a learned man?

I am a lorry driver.

Rm≥ Hcp temdn ss{UhdmWv

Am I a lorry driver?

I am a mathematician.

Rm≥ Hcp KWnX⁄\mWv

Am I a mathematician?

I am a painter.

Rm≥ Hcp s]bn‚dmWv

Am I a painter?

I am a physicist.

Rm≥ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\mWv

Am I a physicist?

I am a priest.

Rm≥ Hcp sshZnI\mWv (]mXncn)

Am I a priest?

I am a sick man.

Rm≥ Hcp tcmKnbmWv

Am I a sick man?

I am a strong man.

Rm≥ Hcp i‡\mb a\pjy\mWv

Am I a strong man?

I am a student.

Rm≥ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbmWv

Am I a student?

I am a teacher.

Rm≥ Hcp A≤ym]I\mWv

Am I a teacher?

I am a technician.

Rm≥ Hcp sSIv\ojy\mWv

Am I a technician?

I am a terrible man.

Rm≥ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\mWv

Am I a terrible man?

I am a waiter.

Rm≥ Hcp shbv‰dmWv

Am I a waiter?

I am a wicked man.

Rm≥ Hcp ZpjvS\mWv

Am I a wicked man?

I am a writer.

Rm≥ Hcp FgpØpImc\mWv

Am I a writer?

I am a young man.

Rm≥ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\mWv

Am I a young man?

I am alright.

F\n°v {]iv\sam∂pan√.

Am I alright?

I am an actor.

Rm≥ Hcp A`nt\XmhmWv

Am I an actor?

I am an architect.

Rm≥ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰mWv

Am I an architect?

I am an officer.

Rm≥ Hcp Hm^vnkdmWv

Am I an officer?

I am angry with you.

Rm≥ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnemWv

Am I angry with you?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-111I am big.

Rm≥ hepXmWv

Am I big?

I am dead.

Rm≥ acn®ncn°pIbmWv

Am I dead?

I am good.

Rm≥ \√XmWv. (\√bmfmWv)

Am I good?

I am great.

Rm≥ alm\mWv

Am I great?

I am happy.

Rm≥ kt¥mjhm\mWv

Am I happy?

I am hungry.

Rm≥ hni∂ncn°pIbmWv

Am I hungry?

I am ill.

Rm≥ tcmKmhÿbnemWv

Am I ill?

I am in London.

Rm≥ e≠\nemWv

Am I in London?

I am inside the room.

Rm≥ apdn°IØmWv

Am I inside the room?

I am intelligent.

Rm≥ _p≤nam\mWv

Am I intelligent?

I am outside the room.

Rm≥ apdn°v ]pdØmWv

Am I outside the room?

I am playing

Rm≥ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv

Am I playing?

I am poor.

Rm≥ ]mhamWv (]mhs∏´h\mWv)

Am I poor?

I am responsible for this.

Rm≥ CXn\pØchmZnbmWv.

Am I responsible for this?

I am rich.

Rm≥ ]W°mc\mWv

Am I rich?

I am right.

Rm≥ icnbmWv

Am I right?

I am sad.

Rm≥ ZpxJnX\mWv

Am I sad?

I am short.

Rm≥ s]m°wIpd™ BfmWv

Am I short?

I am sick.

Rm≥ tcmKnbmWv

Am I sick?

I am small.

Rm≥ sNdpXmWv

Am I small?

I am tall.

Rm≥ s]m°w IqSnb BfmWv

Am I tall?

I am the head of this office. Rm\mWv Cu Hm^nkns‚ Xeh≥

Am I the head of this office?

I am thirsty.

Rm≥ Zmln®ncn°pIbmWv

Am I thirsty?

I am tired.

Rm≥ £oWnX\mWv

Am I tired?

I am very frightened.

Rm≥ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbmWv

Am I very frightened?

I am wet.

Rm≥ \\™ncn°pIbmWv.

Am I wet?

I am wrong.

Rm≥ sX‰mWv(Rm≥ ]d™Xv sX‰mWv) Am I wrong?

 I C3

C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyw \n¿Ωn°mw. BZyw tNmZyw. AXn\v tijw AXns‚ {lkzcq]w.

Am I not a beautician?

Aren’t I a beautician?

Rm≥ Hcp _yq´oj\s√?

Am I not a bellboy?

Aren’t I a bellboy?

Rm≥ Hcp bellboy As√?

Am I not a boy?

Aren’t I a boy?

Rm≥ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbs√?

Am I not a businessman?

Aren’t I a businessman? Rm≥ Hcp hym]mcnbs√?

Am I not a conductor?

Aren’t I a conductor?

Rm≥ Hcp I≠IvSds√?

Am I not a doctor?

Aren’t I a doctor?

Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSds√?

Am I not a draftsman?

Aren’t I a draftsman?

Rm≥ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\s√?

Am I not a driver?

Aren’t I a driver?

Rm≥ Hcp ss{Uhds√?

Am I not a film director?

Aren’t I a film director?Rm≥ Hcp kn\nam kwhn[mbI\s√?

Am I not a film producer?

Aren’t I a film producer? Rm≥ kn\nam \n¿ΩmXmhs√?



Am I not a gentleman?

Aren’t I a gentleman?

Rm≥ Hcp am\y\s√?

Am I not a good man?

Aren’t I a good man?

Rm≥ Hcp \√a\pjy\s√?

Am I not a handsome man?Aren’t I a handsome man? Rm≥ Hcp kpapJ\mb a\pjy\s√? Am I not a kind man?

Aren’t I a kind man?

Am I not a learned man?

Aren’t I a learned man? Rm≥ Hcp ]Tn∏p≈ Bfs√?

Am I not a lorry driver?

Aren’t I a lorry driver?

Am I not a mathematician?

Aren’t I a mathematician? Rm≥ Hcp KWnX⁄\s√?

Am I not a painter?

Aren’t I a painter?

Rm≥ Hcp s]bn‚ds√?

Am I not a physicist?

Aren’t I a physicist?

Rm≥ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\s√?

Am I not a priest?

Aren’t I a priest?

Rm≥ Hcp sshZnI\s√?

Am I not a sick man?

Aren’t I a sick man?

Rm≥ Hcp tcmKnbs√?

Am I not a strong man?

Aren’t I a strong man? Rm≥ Hcp i‡\mb a\pjy\s√?

Am I not a student?

Aren’t I a student?

Rm≥ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbs√?

Am I not a teacher?

Aren’t I a teacher?

Rm≥ Hcp A≤ym]I\s√?

Am I not a technician?

Aren’t I a technician?

Rm≥ Hcp sSIv\ojy\s√?

Am I not a terrible man?

Aren’t I a terrible man?Rm≥ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\s√?

Am I not a waiter?

Aren’t I a waiter?

Rm≥ Hcp shbv‰ds√?

Am I not a wicked man?

Aren’t I a wicked man?

Rm≥ Hcp ZpjvS\s√?

Am I not a writer?

Aren’t I a writer?

Rm≥ Hcp FgpØpImc\s√?

Am I not a young man?

Aren’t I a young man?

Rm≥ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\s√?

Am I not alright?

Aren’t I alright?

F\n°v {]iv\sam∂pan√t√m?

Am I not an actor?

Aren’t I an actor?

Rm≥ Hcp A`nt\Xmhs√?

Am I not an architect?

Aren’t I an architect?

Rm≥ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰s√?

Am I not an officer?

Aren’t I an officer?

Rm≥ Hcp Hm^vnkds√?

Am I not angry with you?

Aren’t I angry with you?

Rm≥ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnes√?

Am I not big?

Aren’t I big?

Rm≥ hepXs√?

Am I not dead?

Aren’t I dead?

Rm≥ acn®ncn°pIbs√?

Am I not good?

Aren’t I good?

Rm≥ \√Xs√?

Am I not great?

Aren’t I great?

Rm≥ alm\s√?

Am I not happy?

Aren’t I happy?

Rm≥ kt¥mjhm\s√?

Am I not hungry?

Aren’t I hungry?

Rm≥ hni∂ncn°pIbs√?

Am I not ill?

Aren’t I ill?

Rm≥ tcmKmhÿbnes√?

Am I not in London?

Aren’t I in London?

Rm≥ e≠\nes√?

Am I not inside the room?

Aren’t I inside the room? Rm≥ apdn°IØs√?

Am I not intelligent?

Aren’t I intelligent?

Am I not outside the room?

Aren’t I outside the room? Rm≥ apdn°v ]pdØs√?

Rm≥ Hcp temdn ss{Uhds√?

Rm≥ _p≤nam\s√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Id]pcfmØ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°pIsb∂Xv Bflhocyhpw hy‡nXzaqeyhpw \ntj[n°s∏Sp∂ a\pjykaqlßfpsS c£mam¿§amWv ⁄m\Øn\mbv Ipºnƒ \o´p∂ ]qhns‚ PmXntNmZn°p∂p thymaknwlmk\w, Pohs‚ \oXn°nc°p∂ {]mhns‚ PmXIw t\m°p∂p ssZXy\ymbmk\w...... a[pkq[\≥ \mb¿ FgpXnb \mdmWØv {`m¥≥ F∂ IhnXbn¬ \n∂pap≈ D±cWn.

C¥y≥ D]`qJ≠Øn¬ PmXnhyhÿbpw, P∑nIpSnbm≥ _‘ßfpw, a\pjys\ A[aÿm\Ønem°p∂Xpw a‰pamb Imcy߃, {]mtZinI `mjbnse D®\oNXz tImUpIfneqsSbmWv km[ns®SpØXv. BfpIsf am\knIambpw kmaqlnIambpw \new]cnim°m≥ aebmfØn¬ D]tbmKn®ncp∂ hm°pIƒ BWv, \o, Ah≥, sNdp°≥, Ahƒ, Ah‰Iƒ, FSm, FtS, FSo, F¥mSm, F¥mSo XpSßnbh. ae_m¿ `mjbn¬, C™n, Hm≥, Hmfv, sN°≥, s]Æv , FSm, FSo, FtSm, F¥ms\, F¥msf, sF‰n߃ XpSßnb hm°pIfpw CtXImcyw \n¿Δln°p∂p. shdpw Hcp \osbt∂m, C™nsbt∂m D≈ kwt_m[\Ifm¬, BfpIfpsS hnebpw, am\pjnI aqeyhpw Xd]‰n°m\mhpw. ]e sXmgnepItfbpw, sXmgnepImtcbpw aqeyap≈ ÿm\ßfn¬\n∂pw IpØnadn®nSm\pw, IpØnt\mhn°m\pw a‰pw CXymZn hm°pIƒ aXnbmIpw. Cßns\, IøneIs∏Sp∂ BfpIsf IpSp°nbnSm≥ ]≠vImew apX¬ P∑nam¿ Hcp D]IcWambn D]tbmKn®ncp∂ `mjIƒ ]Tn°p∂Xnt\°mƒ F{Xtbm\√Xv , CXymZn Bhiy߃°mbn D]IcWambn D]tbmKn°m≥ tImUpIƒ C√mØ Id]pcfmØ CMvKvfnjv `mj ]Tn°p∂XmWv. hy‡nXzw XnI®pw arZpehpw, AtXkabw Db¿∂ am\knI\nehmcw ]pe¿Øp∂Xpamb P\kaqlsØ hf¿Øm\mbn CMv K v f njns\ Cu \m´n¬ hf¿tØ≠XmWv . CMv K v f njv Adn™XvsIm≠v am{Xw Imcyan√. adn®v, s]mXpP\w, AXpw Cu \m´nse kmºØnIambn ]nt∂m´v X≈s∏´ P\hn`mKw \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv ]cn⁄m\w ssI°em°Ww. CMvKvfnjv `cWw Cu \m´n¬ CMv K v f njv ]cn⁄m\w hf¿Øm≥ hfsc {]bXv \ n®ncps∂¶nepw, Cu `mj ssI°em°nb BfpIƒ CXv a‰p≈h¿°v e`n°mXncn°m\mWv {]bXv\n®Xv. ImcWw, \√\nehmcap≈Xpw CMvKvfnjv IvfmknIvkv \nd™ncn°p∂Xpamb CMvKvfnjv ]Tn®m¬ Adnbmw, AXv Hcp Aaqeyamb `mjm tkm^v t SzdmWv F∂ Imcyw. kmºØnIambn Xmsg\n¬°p∂h¿ CMv K v f njv ]Tn°m≥ Xp\n™m¬ Ahsc hfsc IcpXn°q´nbp≈ Icp\o°ßfm¬, AXn¬ \n∂pw ]n¥ncn∏n°m\mWv, ChnSp≈ `cW kwhn[m\߃ {ian°p∂Xv. Am I not playing?

Aren’t I playing?

Am I not poor?

Aren’t I poor?

Am I not responsible for this?

Aren’t I responsible for this? Rm≥ CXn\pØchmZnbs√?

Am I not rich?

Aren’t I rich?

Rm≥ ]W°mc\s√?

Am I not right?

Aren’t I right?

Rm≥ icnbs√?

Am I not sad?

Aren’t I sad?

Rm≥ ZpxJnX\s√?

Am I not short?

Aren’t I short?

Am I not sick?

Aren’t I sick?

Rm≥ tcmKnbs√?

Am I not small?

Aren’t I small?

Rm≥ sNdpXs√?

Am I not tall?

Aren’t I tall?

Rm≥ s]m°wIqSnb Bfs√?

Rm≥ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbs√? Rm≥ ]mhas√?

Rm≥ s]m°wIpd™ Bfs√?

Am I not the head of this office? Aren’t I the head of this office? Am I not thirsty?

Aren’t I thirsty?

Rm≥ Zmln®ncn°pIbs√?

Am I not tired?

Aren’t I tired?

Rm≥ £oWnX\s√?

Am I not very frightened?

Aren’t I very frightened? Rm≥ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbs√?



Am I not wet?

Aren’t I wet?

Rm≥ \\™cn°pIbs√?

Am I not wrong?

Aren’t I wrong?

Rm≥ ]d™Xv sX‰s√?

C\n Ign™t]Pn¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ hmIy߃ He(Abmƒ) F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn®v ]Tn°mw. He is

Abmƒ BWv

He is an officer. Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkdmWv

Is he?

Abmƒ BtWm?

Is he an officer?

Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkdmtWm?  J 0FULL

 J 1

He is a wicked man.

Abmƒ Hcp ZpjvS\mWv

Is he a wicked man? Abmƒ Hcp ZpjvS\mtWm?

He is a writer. Abmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\mWv Is he a writer? Abmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\mtWm?

apIfnesØ c≠v hmIyßfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂Xv t]mse, Xmsgbp≈ hmIy߃ a\ nem°pI. He is a barber.

Abmƒ Hcp _m¿_dmWv

Is he a barber?

He is a beautician.

Abmƒ Hcp _yq´oj\mWv

Is he a beautician?

He is a bellboy.

Abmƒ Hcp bellboy BWv

Is he a bellboy?

He is a boy.

Abmƒ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbmWv

Is he a boy?

He is a businessman.

Abmƒ Hcp hym]mcnbmWv

Is he a businessman?

He is a conductor.

Abmƒ Hcp I≠IvSdmWv

Is he a conductor?

He is a doctor.

Abmƒ Hcp tUmIvSdmWv

Is he a doctor?

He is a draftsman.

Abmƒ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\mWv

Is he a draftsman?

He is a driver.

Abmƒ Hcp ss{UhdmWv

Is he a driver?

He is a film director.

Abmƒ Hcp kn\nam kwhn[mbI\mWv Is he a film director?

He is a film producer.

Abmƒ kn\nam \n¿ΩmmXmhmWv

Is he a film producer?

He is a gentleman.

Abmƒ Hcp am\y\mWv

Is he a gentleman?

He is a good man.

Abmƒ Hcp \√ a\pjy\mWv

Is he a good man?

He is a handsome man.

Abmƒ Hcp kpapJ\mWv

Is he a handsome man?

He is a kind man.

Abmƒ Hcp ImcpWyhm\mWv

Is he a kind man?

He is a learned man.

Abmƒ Hcp ]Tn∏p≈ BfmWv

Is he a learned man?

He is a lorry driver.

Abmƒ Hcp temdn ss{UhdmWv

Is he a lorry driver?

He is a mathematician.

Abmƒ Hcp KWnX⁄\mWv

Is he a mathematician?

He is a painter.

Abmƒ Hcp s]bn‚dmWv

Is he a painter?

He is a physicist.

Abmƒ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\mWv

Is he a physicist?

He is a priest.

Abmƒ Hcp sshZnI\mWv (]mXncn)

Is he a priest?

He is a sick man.

Abmƒ Hcp tcmKnbmWv

Is he a sick man?

He is a strong man.

Abmƒ Hcp i‡\mb a\pjy\mWv

Is he a strong man?

He is a student.

Abmƒ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbmWv

Is he a student?

He is a teacher.

Abmƒ Hcp A≤ym]I\mWv

Is he a teacher?

He is a technician.

Abmƒ Hcp sSIv\ojy\mWv

Is he a technician?

He is a terrible man.

Abmƒ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\mWv

Is he a terrible man?

He is a waiter.

Abmƒ Hcp shbv‰dmWv

Is he a waiter?

He is a young man.

Abmƒ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\mWv

Is he a young man?

He is alright.

Abmƒ°v {]iv\sam∂an√.

Is he alright?

He is an actor.

Abmƒ Hcp A`nt\XmhmWv

Is he an actor?

He is an architect.

Abmƒ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰mWv

Is he an architect?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-115He is an officer.

Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkdmWv

Is he an officer?

He is angry with you.

Abmƒ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnemWv

Is he angry with you?

He is big.

Abmƒ hepXmWv

Is he big?

He is dead.

Abmƒ acn®ncn°pIbmWv

Is he dead?

He is good.

Abmƒ \√XmWv. (\√bmfmWv)

Is he good?

He is great.

Abmƒ alm\mWv

Is he great?

He is happy.

Abmƒ kt¥mjhm\mWv

Is he happy?

He is hungry.

Abmƒ hni∂ncn°pIbmWv

Is he hungry?

He is ill.

Abmƒ tcmKmhÿbnemWv

Is he ill?

He is in London.

Abmƒ e≠\nemWv

Is he in London?

He is inside the room.

Abmƒ apdn°IØmWv

Is he inside the room?

He is intelligent.

Abmƒ _p≤nam\mWv

Is he intelligent?

He is outside the room.

Abmƒ apdn°v ]pdØmWv

Is he outside the room?

He is playing

Abmƒ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv

Is he playing?

He is poor.

Abmƒ ]mhamWv (]mhs∏´h\mWv)

Is he poor?

He is responsible for this. Abmƒ CXn\pØchmZnbmWv.

Is he responsible for this?

He is rich.

Abmƒ ]W°mc\mWv

Is he rich?

He is right.

Abmƒ icnbmWv

Is he right?

He is sad.

Abmƒ ZpxJnX\mWv

Is he sad?

He is short.

Abmƒ s]m°wIpd™ BfmWv

Is he short?

He is sick.

Abmƒ°v tcmKamWv

Is he sick?

He is small.

Abmƒ sNdpXmWv

Is he small?

He is tall.

Abmƒ s]m°wIqSnb BfmWv

Is he tall?

He is thirsty.

Abmƒ Zmln®ncn°pIbmWv

Is he thirsty?

He is tired.

Abmƒ £oWnX\mWv

Is he tired?

He is very frightened.

Abmƒ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbmWv

Is he very frightened?

He is wet.

Abmƒ \\™cn°pIbmWv.

Is he wet?

He is J 2wrong.

Abmƒ sX‰mWv(Abmƒ ]d™Xv sX‰mWv)

Is he wrong?

He is the head of this office. AbmfmWv Cu Hm^vnkns‚ Xeh≥ Is he the head of this office? C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZyw \n¿Ωn°mw.

Is he not a beautician?

Isn’t he a beautician?

Abmƒ Hcp _yq´oj\s√?

Is he not a bellboy?

Isn’t he a bellboy?

Abmƒ Hcp bellboy As√?

Is he not a boy?

Isn’t he a boy?

Abmƒ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbs√?

Is he not a businessman?

Isn’t he a businessman? Abmƒ Hcp hym]mcnbs√?

Is he not a conductor?

Isn’t he a conductor?

Abmƒ Hcp I≠IvSds√?

Is he not a doctor?

Isn’t he a doctor?

Abmƒ Hcp tUmIvSds√?

Is he not a draftsman?

Isn’t he a draftsman?

Abmƒ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\s√?

Is he not a driver?

Isn’t he a driver?

Abmƒ Hcp ss{Uhds√?

Is he not a film director?

Isn’t he a film director?Abmƒ Hcp kn\nam kwhn[mbI\s√?



Is he not a film producer?

Isn’t he a film producer? Abmƒ Hcp kn\nam \n¿ΩmmXmhs√?

Is he not a gentleman?

Isn’t he a gentleman?

Abmƒ Hcp am\y\s√?

Is he not a good man?

Isn’t he a good man?

Abmƒ Hcp \√a\pjy\s√?

Is he not a handsome man? Isn’t he a handsome man?Abmƒ Hcp kpapJ\mba\pjy\s√? Is he not a kind man?

Isn’t he a kind man?

Is he not a learned man?

Isn’t he a learned man? Abmƒ Hcp ]Tn∏p≈ Bfs√?

Is he not a lorry driver?

Isn’t he a lorry driver?

Is he not a mathematician?

Isn’t he a mathematician? Abmƒ Hcp KWnX⁄\s√?

Is he not a painter?

Isn’t he a painter?

Is he not a physicist?

Isn’t he a physicist?

Is he not a priest?

Isn’t he a priest?

Abmƒ Hcp sshZnI\s√?

Is he not a sick man?

Isn’t he a sick man?

Abmƒ Hcp tcmKnbs√?

Is he not a strong man?

Isn’t he a strong man? Abmƒ Hcp i‡\mb a\pjy\s√?

Is he not a student?

Isn’t he a student?

Abmƒ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbs√?

Is he not a teacher?

Isn’t he a teacher?

Abmƒ Hcp A≤ym]I\s√?

Is he not a technician?

Isn’t he a technician?

Abmƒ Hcp sSIv\ojy\s√?

Is he not a terrible man?

Abmƒ Hcp temdn ss{Uhds√?

Abmƒ Hcp s]bn‚ds√? Abmƒ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\s√?

Isn’t he a terrible man? Abmƒ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\s√?

Is he not a waiter?

Isn’t he a waiter?

Abmƒ Hcp shbv‰ds√?

Is he not a wicked man?

Isn’t he a wicked man?

Abmƒ Hcp ZpjvS\s√?

Is he not a writer?

Isn’t he a writer?

Abmƒ Hcp FgpØpImc\s√?

Is he not a young man?

Isn’t he a young man?

Abmƒ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\s√?

Is he not an actor?

Isn’t he an actor?

Abmƒ Hcp A`nt\Xmhs√?

Is he not an architect?

Isn’t he an architect?

Abmƒ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰s√?

Is he not an officer?

Isn’t he an officer?

Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkds√?

Is he not angry with you?

Isn’t he angry with you? Abmƒ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnes√?

Is he not big?

Isn’t he big?

Abmƒ hepXs√?

Is he not dead?

Isn’t he dead?

Abmƒ acn®ncn°pIbs√?

Is he not good?

Isn’t he good?

Abmƒ \√Xs√?

Is he not great?

Isn’t he great?

Abmƒ alm\s√?

Is he not happy?

Isn’t he happy?

Abmƒ kt¥mjhm\s√?

Is he not hungry?

Isn’t he hungry?

Abmƒ hni∂ncn°pIbs√?

Is he not ill?

Isn’t he ill?

Abmƒ tcmKmhÿbnes√?

Is he not in London?

Isn’t he in London?

Abmƒ e≠\nes√?

Is he not inside the room?

Isn’t he inside the room? Abmƒ apdn°IØs√?

Is he not intelligent?

Isn’t he intelligent?

Is he not outside the room?

Isn’t he outside the room? Abmƒ apdn°v ]pdØs√?

Abmƒ _p≤nam\s√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Is he not playing?

Isn’t he playing?

Is he not poor?

Isn’t he poor?

Is he not responsible for this?

Isn’t he responsible for this? Abmƒ CXn\pØchmZnbs√?

Is he not rich?

Isn’t he rich?

Abmƒ ]W°mc\s√?

Is he not right?

Isn’t he right?

Abmƒ icnbs√?

Is he not sad?

Isn’t he sad?

Abmƒ ZpxJnX\s√?

Is he not short?

Isn’t he short?

Is he not sick?

Isn’t he sick?

Abmƒ°v tcmKas√?

Is he not small?

Isn’t he small?

Abmƒ sNdpXs√?

Is he not tall?

Isn’t he tall?

Abmƒ s]m°wIqSnb Bfs√?

Abmƒ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbs√? Abmƒ ]mhas√?

Abmƒ s]m°wIpd™ Bfs√?

Is he not the head of this office? Isn’t he the head of this office? Is he not thirsty?

Isn’t he thirsty?

Abmƒ Zmln®ncn°pIbs√?

Is he not tired?

Isn’t he tired?

Abmƒ £oWnX\s√?

Is he not very frightened?

Isn’t he very frightened? Abmƒ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbs√?

Is he not wet?

Isn’t he wet?

Abmƒ \\™ncn°pIbs√?

Is he not wrong?

Isn’t he wrong?

Abmƒ ]d™Xv sX‰s√?  J B0FULL

J B1

C\n \ap°v apIfn¬ sImSpØncn°p∂ hmIy߃ They (Ah¿) F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn®v ]Tn°mw. They are

Ah¿ BWv

Are they?

They are gentlemen.

Ah¿ am\ycmWv

Are they gentlemen?

Ah¿ BtWm? Ah¿ am\ycmtWm?

apIfnesØ c≠v hmIyßfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂Xv t]mse, Xmsgbp≈ hmIy߃ a\ nem°pI. They are gentlemen.

Ah¿ am\ycmWv

Are they gentlemen?

They are barbers

Ah¿ _m¿_¿amcmWv.

Are they barbers?

They are beauticians

Ah¿ _yq´oj∑mcmWv

Are they beauticians?

They are bellboys

Ah¿ bellboy amcmWv.

Are they bellboys?

They are boys

Ah¿ (B¨)Ip´nIfmWv

Are they boys?

They are businessmen. Ah¿ hym]mcnIfmWv .

Are they businessmen?

They are conductors

Ah¿ I≠IvS¿amcmWv

Are they conductors?

They are doctors

Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcmWv.

Are they doctors?

They are draftsmen.

Ah¿ {Um^vSvkvam∑mcmWv.

Are they draftsmen?

They are drivers.

Ah¿ ss{Uh¿amcmWv .

Are they drivers?

They are film directors. Ah¿ kn\nam kwhn[mbIcmWv

Are they film directors?

They are film producers. Ah¿ kn\nam \n¿ΩmXm°fmWv

Are they film producers?

They are good men.

Are they good men?

Ah¿ \√ a\pjycmWv

They are handsome men.Ah¿ kpapJ∑mcmWv

Are they handsome men?

They are kind men.

Ah¿ ImcpWyhm∑mcmWv

Are they kind men?

They are learned men.

Ah¿ ]Tn∏p≈hcmWv

Are they learned men?


-118They are lorry drivers.

Ah¿ temdn ss{Uh¿amcmWv.

Are they lorry drivers?

They are mathematicians. Ah¿ KWnX⁄cmWv.

Are they mathematicians?

They are painters.

Ah¿ s]bn‚¿amcmWv.

Are they painters?

They are physicists.

Ah¿ Du¿÷X{¥⁄cmWv.

Are they physicists?

They are priests.

Ah¿ sshZnIcmWv. (]mXncn)

Are they priests?

They are sick men.

Ah¿ tcmKnIfmWv.

Are they sick men?

They are strong men.

Ah¿ i‡cmb a\pjycmWv.

Are they strong men?

They are students.

Ah¿ hnZym¿∞nIfmWv .

Are they students?

They are teachers.

Ah¿ A≤ym]IcmWv.

Are they teachers?

They are technicians.

Ah¿ sSIv\ojy∑mcmWv.

Are they technicians?

They are terrible men.

Ah¿ `b¶c∑mcb a\pjycmWv.

Are they terrible men?

They are waiters.

Ah¿ shb‰¿amcmWv.

Are they waiters?

They are wicked men.

Ah¿ ZpjvScmWv.

Are they wicked men?

They are writers.

Ah¿ FgpØpImcmWv .

Are they writers?

They are young men.

Ah¿ sNdp∏°mcmWv.

Are they young men?

They are alright.

Ah¿°v {]iv\sam∂pan√.

Are they alright?

They are actors.

Ah¿ \S∑mcmWv.

Are they actors?

They are architects.

Ah¿ B¿°nsSIv‰vamcmWv.

Are they architects?

They are officers.

Ah¿ Hm^vnk¿amcmWv.

Are they officers?

J B2

They are angry with you. Ah¿ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnemWv

Are they angry with you?

They are big.


Are they big?

They are dead.

Ah¿ acn®ncn°pIbmWv

Are they dead?

They are good.

Ah¿ \√hcmWv.

Are they good?

They are great.

Ah¿ alm∑mcmWv.

Are they great?

They are happy.

Ah¿ kt¥mjhm∑mcmWv.

Are they happy?

They are hungry.

Ah¿ hni∂ncn°pIbmWv

Are they hungry?

They are ill.

Ah¿ tcmKmhÿbnemWv

Are they ill?

They are in London.

Ah¿ e≠\nemWv

Are they in London?


They are inside the room.Ah¿ apdn°IØmWv

Are they inside the room?

They are intelligent.

Are they intelligent?

Ah¿ _p≤nam∑mcmWv

They are outside the room. Ah¿ apdn°v ]pdØmWv

Are they outside the room?

They are playing

Ah¿ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv Are they playing?

They are poor.

Ah¿ ]mhamWv (]mhs∏´hcmWv) Are they poor?

They are responsible for this. Ah¿ CXn\pØchmZnIfmWv. Are they responsible for this? They are rich.

Ah¿ ]W°mcmWv

Are they rich?

They are right.

Ah¿ icnbmWv

Are they right?

They are sad.

Ah¿ ZpxJnXcmWv

Are they sad?

They are short.

Ah¿ s]m°wIpd™ BfpIfmWv Are they short?

They are sick.

Ah¿ tcmKnIfmWv

Are they sick?

They are small.

Ah¿ sNdnbhcmWv

Are they small?

They are tall.

Ah¿ Dbcap≈hcmWv

Are they tall?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-119They are thirsty.

Ah¿ Zmln®ncn°pIbmWv

Are they thirsty?

They are tired.

Ah¿ £oWnXcmWv

Are they tired?

They are very frightened.Ah¿ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbmWv

Are they very frightened?

They are wet.

Are they wet?

They are wrong.

Ah¿ \\™ncn°pIbmWv .

Ah¿ sX‰mWv(Ah¿ ]d™Xv sX‰mWv) Are they wrong?

 J C1


C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZy߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. Are they not gentlemen? Aren’t they gentlemen?

Ah¿ am\y∑mcs√?

Are they not barbers?

Ah¿ _m¿_¿amcs√?.

Aren’t they barbers?

Are they not beauticians? Aren’t they beauticians?

Ah¿ _yq´oj∑mcs√?

Are they not bellboys?

Aren’t they bellboys?

Ah¿ bellboy amcs√?

Are they not boys?

Aren’t they boys?

Ah¿ (B¨)Ip´nIfs√?

Are they not businessmen? Aren’t they businessmen?

Ah¿ hym]mcnIfs√?

Are they not conductors? Aren’t they conductors?

Ah¿ I≠IvS¿amcs√?

Are they not doctors?

Ah¿ tUmIvS¿amcs√?

Aren’t they doctors?

Are they not draftsmen? Aren’t they draftsmen?

Ah¿ {Um^vSvkvam∑mcs√?

Are they not drivers?

Ah¿ ss{Uh¿amcs√?

Aren’t they drivers?

Are they not film directors? Aren’t they film directors?

Ah¿ kn\nam kwhn[mbIcs√?v

Are they not film producers? Aren’t they film producers?

Ah¿ kn\nam \n¿amXm°fs√?

Are they not good men? Aren’t they good men?

Ah¿ \√ a\pjycs√?

Are they not handsome men? Aren’t they handsome men? Are they not kind men?

Aren’t they kind men?

Ah¿ kpapJcs√?

Ah¿ ImcpWyhm∑mcs√?

Are they not learned men?Aren’t they learned men?

Ah¿ ]Tn∏p≈hcs√?v

Are they not lorry drivers?Aren’t they lorry drivers?

Ah¿ temdn ss{Uh¿amcs√?

Are they not mathematicians? Aren’t they mathematicians? Are they not painters?

Aren’t they painters?

Ah¿ KWnX⁄cs√?

Ah¿ s]bn‚¿amcs√?

Are they not physicists? Aren’t they physicists?

Ah¿ Du¿÷X{¥⁄cs√?

Are they not priests?

Aren’t they priests?

Ah¿ sshZnIcs√?

Are they not sick men?

Aren’t they sick men?

Ah¿ tcmKa≈ BfpIfs√?

Are they not strong men?Aren’t they strong men?

Ah¿ i‡cmb a\pjycs√?

Are they not students?

Aren’t they students?

Ah¿ hnZym¿∞nIfs√?

Are they not teachers?

Aren’t they teachers?

Ah¿ A≤ym]Ics√?

Are they not technicians? Aren’t they technicians?

Ah¿ sSIv \ ojy∑mcs√?

Are they not terrible men? Aren’t they terrible men?

Ah¿ `b¶ccmb a\pjycs√?

Are they not waiters?

Ah¿ shbv‰¿amcs√?

Aren’t they waiters?

Are they not wicked men? Aren’t they wicked men?

Ah¿ ZpjvScs√?

Are they not writers?

Ah¿ FgpØpImcs√?

Aren’t they writers?

Are they not young men? Aren’t they young men?

Ah¿ sNdp∏°mcs√?

Are they not actors?

Ah¿ \S∑mcs√?

Aren’t they actors?

Are they not architects? Aren’t they architects?

Ah¿ B¿°nsSIv‰vamcs√?

Are they not officers?

Ah¿ Hm^vnk¿amcs√?

Aren’t they officers? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-120J C2

Are they not angry with you? Aren’t they angry with you? Ah¿ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnes√? Are they not big?

Aren’t they big?


Are they not dead?

Aren’t they dead?

Ah¿ acn®ncn°pIbs√?

Are they not good?

Aren’t they good?

Ah¿ \√hcs√?

Are they not great?

Aren’t they great?

Ah¿ alm∑mcs√?

Are they not happy?

Aren’t they happy?

Ah¿ kt¥mjhm∑mcs√?

Are they not hungry?

Aren’t they hungry?

Ah¿ hni∂ncn°pIbs√?

Are they not ill?

Aren’t they ill?

Ah¿ tcmKmhÿbnes√?

Are they not in London? Aren’t they in London?


Ah¿ e≠\nes√?

Are they not inside the room? Aren’t they inside the room?Ah¿ apdn°IØs√? Are they not intelligent? Aren’t they intelligent?

Ah¿ _p≤nam∑mcs√?

Are they not outside the room? Aren’t they outside the room?

Ah¿ apdn°v ]pdØs√?

Are they not playing?

Aren’t they playing?

Ah¿ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbs√?v

Are they not poor?

Aren’t they poor?

Ah¿ ]mhs∏´hcs√?

Are they not responsible for this? Aren’t they responsible for this? Ah¿ CXn\pØchmZnIfs√? Are they not rich?

Aren’t they rich?

Ah¿ ]W°mcs√?

Are they not right?

Aren’t they right?

Ah¿ ]d™Xv icnbs√?

Are they not sad?

Aren’t they sad?

Ah¿ ZpxJnXcs√?

Are they not short?

Aren’t they short?

Ah¿ s]m°wIpd™ BfpIfs√?

Are they not sick?

Aren’t they sick?

Ah¿ tcmKas√?

Are they not small?

Aren’t they small?

Ah¿ sNdnbhcs√?

Are they not tall?

Aren’t they tall?

Ah¿ Dbcap≈hcs√?

Are they not thirsty?

Aren’t they thirsty?

Ah¿ Zmln®ncn°pIbs√?

Are they not tired?

Aren’t they tired?

Ah¿ £oWnXcs√?

Are they not very frightened? Aren’t they very frightened?

Ah¿ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbs√?v

Are they not wet?

Aren’t they wet?

Ah¿ \\™ncn°pIbs√?

Are they not wrong?

Aren’t they wrong?

Ah¿ ]d™Xv sX‰s√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-121K 0FULL

Sentence making: Column No: 3 hmIy߃ krjvSn°¬: tImfw 3se hm°pIƒ D]tbmKn®v Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................

 K 1


Cu ]´nI cq]Øn¬ hm°pIsf ASp°nh®v, bmtXmcp hymIcW \nbaßfpw D]tbmKn°msX hmIycN\ \SØm\p≈ ]T\]≤XnbpsS ]I¿∏hImiw hnIvt‰mdnA: C≥Ãn‰yqj≥kvs‚ ]°¬ \n£n]vXamWv.

I was a beautician. Rm≥ Hcp _yq´oj\mbncp∂p Was I a beautician? Rm≥ Hcp _yq´oj\mbncp∂pthm? I was a bellboy.

Rm≥ Hcp bellboy Bbncp∂p Was I a bellboy?

Rm≥ Hcp bellboy Bbncp∂pthm?

apIfn¬ \¬Inbn´p≈ coXnbn¬ A¿∞w a\ nem°pI. I was a boy.

Rm≥ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbmbncp∂p

Was I a boy?

I was a businessman.

Rm≥ Hcp hym]mcnbmbncp∂p

Was I a businessman?

I was a conductor.

Rm≥ Hcp I≠IvSdmbncp∂p

Was I a conductor?

I was a doctor.

Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂p

Was I a doctor?

I was a draftsman.

Rm≥ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\mbncp∂p

Was I a draftsman?

I was a driver.

Rm≥ Hcp ss{Uhdmbncp∂p

Was I a driver?

I was a film director.

Rm≥ Hcp kn\nam kwhn[mbI\mbncp∂p

I was a film producer.

Rm≥ kn\nam \n¿ΩmXmhmbncp∂p

Was I a film producer?

I was a gentleman.

Rm≥ Hcp am\y\mbncp∂p

Was I a gentleman?

I was a good man.

Rm≥ Hcp \√a\pjy\mbncp∂p

Was I a good man?

I was a handsome man.

Rm≥ Hcp kpapJ\mbncp∂p

Was I a handsome man?

I was a kind man.

Rm≥ Hcp ImcpWyhm\mbncp∂p

Was I a kind man?

I was a learned man.

Rm≥ Hcp hnhcaq≈ Bfmbncp∂p

Was I a learned man?

I was a lorry driver.

Rm≥ Hcp temdn ss{Uhdmbncp∂p

Was I a lorry driver?

I was a mathematician.

Rm≥ Hcp KWnX⁄\mbncp∂p

Was I a mathematician?

I was a painter.

Rm≥ Hcp s]bn‚dmbncp∂p

Was I a painter?

I was a physicist.

Rm≥ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\mbncp∂p

Was I a physicist?

I was a priest.

Rm≥ Hcp sshZnI\mbncp∂p

Was I a priest?

Was I a film director?

K 2

He was a sick man.

Abmƒ Hcp tcmKmhÿbnep≈ Bfmbncp∂p

Was he a sick man?

He was a strong man.

Abmƒ Hcp i‡\mb a\pjy\mbncp∂p

Was he a strong man?

He was a student.

Abmƒ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbmbncp∂p

Was he a student?

He was a teacher.

Abmƒ Hcp A≤ym]I\mbncp∂p

Was he a teacher?

He was a technician.

Abmƒ Hcp sSIv\ojy\mbncp∂p

Was he a technician?

He was a terrible man.

Abmƒ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\mbncp∂p

Was he a terrible man?


-122He was a waiter.

Abmƒ Hcp shbv‰dmbncp∂p

Was he a waiter?

He was a young man.

Abmƒ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\mbncp∂p

Was he a young man?

He was an actor.

Abmƒ Hcp A`nt\Xmhmbncp∂p

Was he an actor?

He was an architect.

Abmƒ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰mbncp∂p

Was he an architect?

He was an officer.

Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkdmbncp∂p

Was he an officer?

He was angry with you.

Abmƒ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnembncp∂p Was he angry with you?

He was big.


He was dead.

Abmƒ acn®ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

Was he dead?

He was good.

Abmƒ \√Xmbncp∂p

Was he good?

He was great.

Abmƒ alm\mbncp∂p

Was he great?

Was he big?


They were happy.

Ah¿ kt¥mjhm∑mcmbncp∂p

Were they happy?

They were hungry.

Ah¿ hni∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

Were they hungry?

They were ill.

Ah¿ tcmKmhÿbnembncp∂p

Were they ill?

They were in London.

Ah¿ e≠\nembncp∂p

Were they in London?

 K 3

They were inside the room. Ah¿ apdn°IØmbncp∂p

Were they inside the room?

They were intelligent.

Were they intelligent?

Ah¿ _p≤nam∑mcmbncp∂p

They were outside the room. Ah¿ apdn°v ]pdØmbncp∂p Were they outside the room? They were playing

Ah¿ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

They were poor.

Ah¿ ]mhs∏´hcmbncp∂p

Were they playing?

Were they poor?

They were responsible for this.Ah¿ CXn\pØchmZnIfmbncp∂pWere they responsible for this? They were rich.

Ah¿ ]W°mcmbncp∂p

Were they rich?

They were right.

Ah¿ icnbmbncp∂p

Were they right?

They were sad.

Ah¿ ZpxJnXcmbncp∂p

Were they sad?

They were short.

Ah¿ s]m°wIpd™hcmbncp∂p Were they short?

They were sick.

Ah¿ tcmKmhÿbnep≈hcmbncp∂p

They were small.

Ah¿ sNdnbhcmbncp∂p

Were they small?

They were tall.

Ah¿ Dbcap≈hcmbncp∂p

Were they tall?

They were thirsty.

Ah¿ Zmln®ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

Were they thirsty?

They were tired.

Ah¿ £oWnXcmbncp∂p

Were they tired?

Were they sick?

They were very frightened. Ah¿ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂p Were they very frightened? They were wet. They were wrong.

Ah¿ \\™ncn°pIbmbncp∂p Ah¿ ]d™Xv sX‰mbncp∂p

Were they wet? Were they wrong?  K B0FULL

 K B1

C\n \ap°v apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ hmIyßfpsS \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ tNmZy߃ FSp°mw: Was I a boy?

Rm≥ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a boy?

Rm≥ Hcp (B¨)Ip´nbmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a businessman?

Rm≥ Hcp hym]mcnbmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a businessman?

Rm≥ Hcp hym]mcnbmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a conductor?

Rm≥ Hcp I≠IvSdmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a conductor?

Rm≥ Hcp I≠IvSdmbncp∂nt√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-123Was I a doctor?

Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a doctor?

Rm≥ Hcp tUmIvSdmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a draftsman?

Rm≥ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a draftsman?

Rm≥ Hcp {Um^vSvkvam\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a driver?

Rm≥ Hcp ss{Uhdmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a driver?

Rm≥ Hcp ss{Uhdmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a film director?

Rm≥ Hcp kn\namkwhn[mbI\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a film director?

Rm≥ Hcp kn\namkwhn[mbI\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a film producer?

Rm≥ kn\nam \n¿ΩmmXmhmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a film producer?

Rm≥ kn\nam \n¿mΩXmhmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a gentleman?

Rm≥ Hcp am\y\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a gentleman?

Rm≥ Hcp am\y\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a good man?

Rm≥ Hcp \√a\pjy\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a good man?

Rm≥ Hcp \√a\pjy\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a handsome man?

Rm≥ Hcp kpapJ\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a handsome man?

Rm≥ Hcp kpapJ\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a kind man?

Rm≥ Hcp ImcpWyhm\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a kind man?

Rm≥ Hcp ImcpWyhm\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a learned man?

Rm≥ Hcp ]Tn∏p≈ Bfmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a learned man?

Rm≥ Hcp ]Tn∏p≈ Bfmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a lorry driver?

Rm≥ Hcp temdn ss{Uhdmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a lorry driver?

Rm≥ Hcp temdn ss{Uhdmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a mathematician?

Rm≥ Hcp KWnX⁄\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a mathematician?

Rm≥ Hcp KWnX⁄\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a painter?

Rm≥ Hcp s]bv‚dmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a painter?

Rm≥ Hcp s]bv‚dmbncp∂nt√?

Was I a physicist?

Rm≥ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a physicist?

Rm≥ Hcp Du¿÷X{¥⁄\mbncp∂nt√?

Was I a priest?

Rm≥ Hcp sshZnI\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t I a priest?

Rm≥ Hcp sshZnI\mbncp∂nt√?

Was he a sick man?

Abmƒ tcmKmhÿbnep≈ Hcp Bfmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a sick man?

Abmƒ tcmKmhÿbnep≈ Hcp Bfmbncp∂nt√?

Was he a strong man?

Abmƒ i‡\mb Hcp a\pjy\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a strong man?

Abmƒ i‡\mb Hcp a\pjy\mbncp∂nt√? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

K B2

-124Was he a student?

Abmƒ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a student?

Abmƒ Hcp hnZym¿∞nbmbncp∂nt√?

Was he a teacher?

Abmƒ Hcp A≤ym]I\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a teacher?

Abmƒ Hcp A≤ym]I\mbncp∂nt√?

Was he a technician?

Abmƒ Hcp sSIv\ojy\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a technician?

Abmƒ Hcp sSIv\ojy\mbncp∂nt√?

Was he a terrible man?

Abmƒ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a terrible man?

Abmƒ Hcp `b¶c\mb a\pjy\mbncp∂nt√?

Was he a waiter?

Abmƒ Hcp shbv‰dmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a waiter?

Abmƒ Hcp shbv‰dmbncp∂nt√?

Was he a young man?

Abmƒ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he a young man?

Abmƒ Hcp sNdp∏°mc\mbncp∂nt√?

Was he an actor?

Abmƒ Hcp A`nt\Xmhmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he an actor?

Abmƒ Hcp A`nt\Xmhmbncp∂nt√?

Was he an architect?

Abmƒ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he an architect?

Abmƒ Hcp B¿°nsSIv‰mbncp∂nt√?

Was he an officer?

Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkdmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he an officer?

Abmƒ Hcp Hm^vnkdmbncp∂nt√?

Was he angry with you?

Abmƒ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnembncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he angry with you?

Abmƒ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnembncp∂nt√?

Was he big?

Abmƒ hepXmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he big?

Abmƒ hepXmbncp∂nt√?

Was he dead?

Abmƒ acn®ncn°pIbmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he dead?

Abmƒ acn®ncn°pIbmbncp∂nt√?

Was he good?

Abmƒ \√Xmbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he good?

Abmƒ \√Xmbncp∂nt√?

Was he great?

Abmƒ alm\mbncpt∂m?

Wasn’t he great?

Abmƒ alm\mbncp∂nt√?

Were they happy?

Ah¿ kt¥mjhm∑mcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they happy?

Ah¿ kt¥mjhm∑mcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they hungry?

Ah¿ hni∂ncn°pIbmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they hungry?

Ah¿ hni∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂nt√?

Were they ill?

Ah¿ tcmKmhÿbnembncpt∂m?

Weren’t they ill?

Ah¿ tcmKmhÿbnembncp∂nt√?

K B3

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-125Were they in London?

Ah¿ e≠\nembncpt∂m?

Weren’t they in London?

Ah¿ e≠\nembncp∂nt√?

Were they inside the room?

Ah¿ apdn°IØmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they inside the room?

Ah¿ apdn°IØmbncp∂nt√?

Were they intelligent?

Ah¿ _p≤nam∑mcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they intelligent?

Ah¿ _p≤nam∑mcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they outside the room?

Ah¿ apdn°v ]pdØmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they outside the room? Ah¿ apdn°v ]pdØmbncp∂nt√? Were they playing?

Ah¿ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they playing?

Ah¿ Ifn®psIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂nt√?

Were they poor?

Ah¿ ]mhs∏´hcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they poor?

Ah¿ ]mhs∏´hcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they responsible for this?

Ah¿ CXn\pØchmZnIfmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they responsible for this? Ah¿ CXn\pØchmZnIfmbncp∂nt√? Were they rich?

Ah¿ ]W°mcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they rich?

Ah¿ ]W°mcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they right?

Ah¿ icnbmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they right?

Ah¿ icnbmbncp∂nt√?

Were they sad?

Ah¿ ZpxJnXcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they sad?

Ah¿ ZpxJnXcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they short?

Ah¿ s]m°wIpd™ BfpIfmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they short?

Ah¿ s]m°wIpd™ BfpIfmbncp∂nt√?

Were they sick?

Ah¿ tcmKap≈hcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they sick?

Ah¿ tcmKap≈hcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they small?

Ah¿ sNdnbhcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they small?

Ah¿ sNdnbhcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they tall?

Ah¿ Dbcap≈hcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they tall?

Ah¿ Dbcap≈hcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they thirsty?

Ah¿ Zmln®ncn°pIbmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they thirsty?

Ah¿ Zmln®ncn°pIbmbncp∂nt√?

Were they tired?

Ah¿ £oWnXcmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they tired?

Ah¿ £oWnXcmbncp∂nt√?

Were they very frightened?

Ah¿ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they very frightened?

Ah¿ hfsc `b∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂nt√? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-126Were they wet?

Ah¿ \\™ncn°pIbmbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they wet?

Ah¿ \\™ncn°pIbmbncp∂nt√?

Were they wrong?

Ah¿ ]d™Xv sX‰mbncpt∂m?

Weren’t they wrong?

Ah¿ ]d™Xv sX‰mbncp∂nt√?

BZyambn CMv•njv kwkmcn°ptºmgpfhmIp∂ a\ Ω¿±w


CMv•njv bYm¿∞Øn¬ hfsc efnXamb Hcp `mjbmWv. shdp 26 A£cßtf Cu `mjbn¬ D≈p. Iºyq´dpIfnse kmt¶XnIhnZy ]ptcmKan°ptºmƒ Iºyq´dpIƒ D]tbmKn°m≥ IqSpX¬ IqSpX¬ Ffp∏amhpw F∂Xp t]mse, `mjIfpsSbpw ImcyØn¬ hfsc D∂X \nehmcØnseØnbXn\m¬, hfsc BbmkclnXambn D]tbmKn°m≥ ]‰p∂ Hcp `mjbmWv CMv•njv. F∂m¬ Cu efnXamb `mj BZyambn ssIImcyw sNøm≥ HcpsºSp∂ Hcp hy‡n°v, Hcp \qX\ Iºyq´¿ BZyambn D]tbmKn°p∂ Hcmƒ°p≠mhp∂ AsX kt¶mNw, A\p`hs∏Spw. ImcWw, C¥y≥ `mjIƒ°v ]e Imcyßfnepw ISIhncp≤amb LS\bmWv Cu `mjbv°p≈Xv. DZmlcWØn\v, Hcmƒ \ntXys\ tN´≥ Ft∂m tN®n Ft∂m, km¿ Ft∂m, amjv Ft∂m amVw Ft∂m at‰m kwt_m[\ sNøp∂ Hcmsf s]s´∂v you F∂v kwt_m[\ sNøpIbpw, Abmƒ Xncn®pw AtX t]mse Xs∂ you F∂v kwt_m[\sNøpIbpw sNøptºmƒ, c≠v Iq´¿°pw icn°pw Hcp sR´¬ Xs∂ kw`hnt®°mw. kmaqlnIambn Xmgv a bnencn°p∂ Hcmƒ CMv • njv kwkmcn°ptºmƒ B BfpsS hy‡nXzØn¬Xs∂ Hcp Db¿sØgpt∂¬∏v kw`hn°pw. CXv BZyambn A\p`hs∏Sptºmƒ Hcp Akzmÿyhpw sS≥j\pw D≠mhpw. Cu am\knI A\p`hw a‰v C¥y≥ `mjIƒ kwkmcn°ptºmƒ A\p`hs∏Sn√. F∂m¬ C¥y≥ `mjIfnse Db¿∂ hm°pIfm¬ (km¿, Xm¶ƒ, At±lw etc.) Ae¶cn°s∏Sptºmgp≠mIp∂ am\knI D∑mZØn¬ \n∂pw CXv XnI®pw hyXykvXamb Hc\p`hamWv CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°ptºmƒ D≠mhpI. kaqlØnse F√mcpwXs∂ \√ \nehmcap≈ CMv•njv kwkmcn°pIbmsW¶n¬ B kaqlØn\v Hcp Fgpt∂¬∏v kw`hn®Xmbn ImWmw. hmkvXhw ]dbpIbmsW¶n¬ Cu \m´nse s]mXpP\߃ _r´njv \nehmcap≈ CMv•njv kwkmcn°pIbmsW¶n¬ Cu \mSv Fsavdn°sb°mƒ (America) Db¿∂ \nehmcap≈ Hcp tZiambnØocpw. P\ßfpsS \nehmcw A{Xam{Xw Dbcpw. GsXmcmƒ°pw Db¿∂ hy‡nXzw ssIhcpw. BcpwXs∂ \obpw, Ah\pw, Ahfpw, Ah‰Ifpw, sN°\pw s]Æpw a‰pambn \nesIm≈pItbm, Db¿∂pw XmWpw sIm≠ncn°pItbm sNøn√. kaqlØnse ]e hntZzjßfpw, hntcm[ßfpw IpSn∏Ibpw shdp∏pw Ad∏pw ]mchbv∏pw XmgvØn∏dbepw a‰pw A{]Xy£amhpIbpw sNøpw.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-127L 0FULL

Sentence making: Column No: 4

Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


 L 1

\memw tImfØnse hm°nt\mSv

I They, We, You, My brothers, The teachers, The doctors He, She, It, Kevin, The teacher, The doctor XpS- ß nb hm°pIƒ°v ]n∂n¬ as‰mcp hm°pw CSbn¬ hbv ° msX D]- t bm- K n- ° p- I . Direct apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ DZmlcWØn¬, hm°v CameF∂mWv . A¿∞w h∂p. Cu tImfØnse as‰√m hm°pIfptSbpw A¿∞w CXv t]mseXs∂bmWv . C\n CameF∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°p∂ coXn t\m°pI.

I came. They came. We came. You came. The teachers came. The workers came. He came. She came. The carpenter came. The postman came.

Rm≥ h∂p. Ah¿ h∂p. R߃ h∂p. \n߃ h∂p. So®¿am¿ h∂p. sXmgnemfnIƒ h∂p. Abmƒ h∂p. Abmƒ (kv { Xo) h∂p. Bimcn h∂p. t]mÃv a m≥ h∂p.

c≠mw tImfØnse hm°nt\mSv did tN¿Øv s Im≠v Cu hmIyßsf \o´nsbgpXmw. ChbpsS A¿∞Øn¬ am‰w hcp∂n√. Cu did Xncn®n´v , tNmZyhmIy߃ D≠m°mw. t\m°q.

I came. I did come. Did I come? They came. They did come. Did they come? We came. We did come. Did we come? You came. You did come. Did you come? The teachers came. The teachers did come. Did the teachers come? The workers came. The workers did come. Did the workers come? He came. He did come. Did he come? She came. She did come. Did she come? The carpenter came. The carpenter did come. Did the carpenter come? The postman came. The postman did come. Did the postman come?


Rm≥ ht∂m? Ah¿ ht∂m? R߃ ht∂m? \n߃ ht∂m? A≤ym]I¿ ht∂m? sXmgnemfnIƒ ht∂m? Abmƒ ht∂m? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) ht∂m? Bimcn ht∂m? t]mÃv a m≥ ht∂m?

-128C\n Cu Hmtcm tNmZyØnt\mSpw a‰v s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿°mw. t\m°q:

BZyw s]mXphmb tNmZyhm°pIƒ Hcn°¬IqSn t\m°pI. What

F¥v ?


GXv ?



L 2

From where FhnsS \n∂v? Why

F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v ?






Bcv ?

How many

F{X FÆw?

How many times? F{X {]mhiyw? At what time? F{X aWn°v? How much


Did I come? Where did I come? From where did I come? Why did I come? When did I come? How many times did I come? How did I come? At what time did I come?

Rm≥ ht∂m? Rm≥ FhnsS h∂p? Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? Rm≥ F¥n\v h∂p? Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ h∂p? Rm≥ F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? Rm≥ Fßns\ h∂p? Rm≥ F{XaWn°v h∂p?

Did they come? Ah¿ ht∂m? Where did they come? Ah¿ FhnsS h∂p? From where did they come? Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? Why did they come? Ah¿ F¥n\v h∂p? When did they come? Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ h∂p? How many times did they come? Ah¿ F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? How did they come? Ah¿ Fßns\ h∂p? At what time did they come? Ah¿ F{XaWn°v h∂p? Did we come? R߃ Where did we come? R߃ From where did we come? R߃ Why did we come? R߃ When did we come? R߃ How many times did we come? R߃ How did we come? R߃ At what time did we come? R߃

ht∂m? FhnsS h∂p? FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? F¥n\v h∂p? Ft∏mƒ h∂p? F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? Fßns\ h∂p? F{XaWn°v h∂p?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Did you come? \n߃ ht∂m? Where did you come? \n߃ FhnsS h∂p? From where did you come? \n߃ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? Why did you come? \n߃ F¥n\v h∂p? When did you come? \n߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂p? How many times did you come? \n߃ F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? How did you come? \n߃ Fßns\ h∂p? At what time did you come? \n߃ F{XaWn°v h∂p? Did he come? Abmƒ Where did he come? Abmƒ From where did he come? Abmƒ Why did he come? Abmƒ When did he come? Abmƒ How many times did he come? Abmƒ How did he come? Abmƒ At what time did he come? Abmƒ

ht∂m? FhnsS h∂p? FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? F¥n\v h∂p? Ft∏mƒ h∂p? F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? Fßns\ h∂p? F{XaWn°v h∂p?

Did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) ht∂m? Where did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) FhnsS h∂p? From where did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? Why did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) F¥n\v h∂p? When did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Ft∏mƒ h∂p? How many times did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? How did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Fßns\ h∂p? At what time did she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) F{XaWn°v h∂p? Did Sindhu come? kn‘p ht∂m? Where did Sindhu come? kn‘p FhnsS h∂p? From where did Sindhu come? kn‘p FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? Why did Sindhu come? kn‘p F¥n\v h∂p? When did Sindhu come? kn‘p Ft∏mƒ h∂p? How many times did Sindhu come? kn‘p F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? How did Sindhu come? kn‘p Fßns\ h∂p? At what time did Sindhu come? kn‘p F{XaWn°v h∂p? Did it come? Where did it come? Fron where did it come? Why did it come? When did it come? How many times did it come? How did it come? At what time did it come?

AXv ht∂m? AXv FhnsS h∂p? AXv FhnsS\n∂pw h∂p? AXv F¥n\v h∂p? AXv Ft∏mƒ h∂p? AXv F{X {]mhiyw h∂p? AXv Fßns\ h∂p? AXv F{XaWn°v h∂p?


-130C\n \ap°v Cu hmIyßfpsS \ntj[cq]߃ \n¿Ωn°mw. t\m°q:

Didn’t I come? Where didn’t I come? Fron where didn’t I come? Why didn’t I come? When didn’t I come? At what time didn’t I come?

L 3

Rm≥ h∂ns√? Rm≥ FhnsS h∂n√? Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? Rm≥ F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? Rm≥ F{XaWn°v h∂n√?

Didn’t they come? Ah¿ h∂ns√? Where didn’t they come? Ah¿ FhnsS h∂n√? Fron where didn’t they come? Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? Why didn’t they come? Ah¿ F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? When didn’t they come? Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? At what time didn’t they come? Ah¿ F{XaWn°v h∂n√? Didn’t we come? Where didn’t we come? Fron where didn’t we come? Why didn’t we come? When didn’t we come? At what time didn’t we come?

R߃ h∂ns√? R߃ FhnsS h∂n√? R߃ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? R߃ F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? R߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? R߃ F{XaWn°v h∂n√?

Didn’t you come? \n߃ Where didn’t you come? \n߃ Fron where didn’t you come? \n߃ Why didn’t you come? \n߃ When didn’t you come? \n߃ At what time didn’t you come? \n߃ Didn’t he come? Where didn’t he come? Fron where didn’t he come? Why didn’t he come? When didn’t he come? At what time didn’t he come?

h∂ns√? FhnsS h∂n√? FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? F{XaWn°v h∂n√?

Abmƒ h∂ns√? Abmƒ FhnsS h∂n√? Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? Abmƒ F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? Abmƒ F{XaWn°v h∂n√?

Didn’t she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Where didn’t she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Fron where didn’t she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) Why didn’t she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) When didn’t she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo) At what time didn’t she come? Abmƒ (kv { Xo)

h∂ns√? FhnsS h∂n√? FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? F{XaWn°v h∂n√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Didn’t Jane come? sPbv ≥ h∂ns√? Where didn’t Jane come? sPbv ≥ FhnsS h∂n√? Fron where didn’t Jane come? sPbv ≥ FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? Why didn’t Jane come? sPbv ≥ F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? When didn’t Jane come? sPbv ≥ Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? At what time didn’t Jane come? sPbv ≥ F{XaWn°v h∂n√? Didn’t it come? Where didn’t it come? Fron where didn’t it come? Why didn’t it come? When didn’t it come? At what time didn’t it come?


AXv h∂ns√? AXv FhnsS h∂n√? AXv FhnsS\n∂pw h∂n√? AXv F¥v s Im≠v h∂n√? AXv Ft∏mƒ h∂n√? AXv F{XaWn°v h∂n√?

hml\w HmSn°p∂Xnse CMv K v f njv acymZIƒ km[mcWhm°pIfn¬ henb Bƒ ˛ sNdnb Bƒ F∂ [z\n \nc¥cw kqNn∏n®v sIm≠ncn°mØ `mjbmWv CMv K v f njv . AXn\m¬ Xs∂ a‰p≈hsc \nc¥cw Xd]‰n°Ww F∂ am\knI`mhw Ie¿∏n√mØ CMv K v f njv (Pristine-English) s]cpam‰ßfn¬ C√Xs∂. 1. A\mhiyambn tlmWSn®v ap∂nse hml\sØ D]{Zhw sNømXncn°pI. 2. ap∂n¬ \n∂pw, as‰mcp hml\sØ Hmh¿sSbv°v sNbvXvsIm≠v, Hcp hml\w hcp∂Xv ImWptºmƒ, B hml\Øn\v kuIcyambn IS∂pt]mImhp∂hn[Øn¬, kz¥w hml\Øns‚ thKX Ipdbv ° pItbm, kz¥w hml\w \n¿ØpItbm sNøpI. CXn\v ]Icw, AXns\ \n¿Øn®v Xncn®v t]mIm≥ th≠n kz¥w hml\Øns‚ thKX Iq´p∂Xv kmaqlnI A]I¿jXm t_m[Øns‚ {]Xn^e\amWv . Ie¿∏n√mØ CMv K v f njv ]Tn®m¬ Cu A]I¿jXmt_m[w Xms\ am™v t]mIpw. 3. kz¥w hml\sØ as‰mcphml\w Hmh¿sSbv ° v sNøptºmƒ, B hml\Øn\v kuIcyambn IS∂pt]mImhp∂hn[Øn¬, kz¥w hml\Øns‚ thKX Ipdbv ° pI. 4. ap∂n¬\n∂pw as‰mcphml\w Ib‰w Ibdnhcptºmƒ, B hml\Øn\v kuIcyambn Ib‰w Ibdnhcmhp∂ hn[Øn¬, Xmsg°p \oßp∂ kz¥w hml\Øns‚ thKXbn¬ am‰whcpØpIbpw, kz¥w hml\Øns‚ ÿm\w Ibdnhcp∂ hml\Øn\v ÿekuIcyw \¬°p∂ coXnbn¬ am‰pIbpw sNøpI. 5. ap∂nse hml\sØ Hmh¿sSbv ° v sNøm\mbn kz¥w hml\w hetØmSv \o°p∂Xn\v ap≥]mbn, ]n∂n¬ \n∂pw kz¥w hml\sØ as‰s¥¶nepw hml\w Hmh¿sSbv ° v sNøp∂pt≠m F∂v t\m°n, C√m F∂v Dd∏phcpØpI. 6. GXv hml\Øn\pw Ft∏mgpw s]s´t∂m, A√msXtbm, s{_°v CSm\p≈ AhImiw D≠v . ]n∂nse hml\w, ap∂nse hml\Øns‚ 2 sks°s≠¶nepw ZqcØnte HmSn°mhq. ap∂nse hml\w F{Xs]s´∂v s{_bv ° n´mepw, 2 sks°≠n\p≈n¬ ]n∂nse hml\w s{_bv ° nSm\mhWw. CXmWv CMv K v f njv cmjv { Sßfnse hml\w HmSn°p∂Xnse N´w. F∂m¬ tdmUn¬ \\hps≠¶ntem, As√¶n¬ as‰s¥¶nepw ImcWØmtem, hgpX¬ Ds≠¶n¬ ]n∂nse hml\w 4 sks°t≠m, AXn¬ IqSpXtem ]n∂nemWv HmSnt°≠Xv . ap∂n¬ t]mIp∂ hml\w s]s´∂v s{_bv ° n´m¬ 2 sks°≠n\p≈n¬ kz¥w hml\w \n¿Øm≥ BhmØh¿ hml\w HmSn°cpXv . 136mw t]Pn¬ XpScpw....... ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Sentence making: Column No: 5


Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................


C\n \ap°v tImfw \º¿ 5te°v IS°mw. Cu tImfØn¬ A©v hm°v cq]ßfmWv {]Xn]mZn°s∏Sp∂Xv. Ah Xmsgs°mSpØncn°p∂p. Have Dw Has Dw D≠v F∂ A¿∞ambn a\ nem°pI. Has F∂ hm°v GIh-N-\-ß-tfm-Spw, Have F∂ hm°v _lph-N-\-ß-tfm-Spw I t\mSpw IqSnbmWv D]tbm-Knt°≠Xv. I have a cow:

F\n°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

They have a cow:

Ah¿°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

We have a cow:

R߃°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

You have a cow:

\n߃°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

He has a cow:

Abmƒ°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

She has a cow:

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Hcp ]iphp≠v

M 1

Had F∂m¬ D≠mbncp∂p F∂pw A¿∞w a\- n-em-°p-I. Have/Has, Had F∂o hm°pIfpsS A¿∞w th¿Xncn®v a\ nem°m≥ Cu hmIy߃ {i≤n°pI: I have a cow:

F\n°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

I had a cow:

F\n°v Hcp ]iphp≠mbncp∂p.

They have a cow:

Ah¿°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

They had a cow:

Ah¿°v Hcp ]iphp≠mbncp∂p.

We have a cow:

R߃°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

We had a cow:

R߃°v Hcp ]iphp≠mbncp∂p.

You have a cow:

\n߃°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

You had a cow:

\n߃°v Hcp ]iphp≠mbncp∂p.

He has a cow:

Abmƒ°v Hcp ]iphp≠v

He had a cow:

Abmƒ°v Hcp ]iphp≠mbncp∂p.

She has a cow:

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Hcp ]iphp≠v

She had a cow:

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Hcp ]iphp≠mbncp∂p.

a‰v aq∂v hm°vcq]߃ ASpØ A≤ymbØn¬ ]Tn°mw.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


\ap°v apIfn¬ \¬Inbncn°p∂ aq∂v hmIyßfn¬ Htcm hmIvcq]hpw hyXykvXambn hm°pIƒ cNn®v ]Tn°mw. hfsc Ffp∏Øn¬ Imcyw a\ nemIpw. A©mw tImfØnse hm°vcq]w come BWv. [\memw tImfØntebpw A©mw tImfØntebpw hm°pIƒ H∂mWv F∂v Nnehm°pIfpsS ImcyØn¬ ImWpsa¶nepw, F√m hm°pIfptSbpw ImcyØn¬ Cßns\ Bbncnt°Ww F∂n√]. {i≤n°pI: GIhN\ßfpsS IqsS has BWv hcnI. a‰p≈ Ahkcßfn¬ have Dw. I have come

Have I come?

Rm≥ h∂n´pt≠m?

They have come Ah¿ h∂n´p≠v

Have they come?

Ah¿ h∂n´pt≠m?

We have come

R߃ h∂n´p≠v

Have we come?

R߃ h∂n´pt≠m?

You have come

\n߃ h∂n´p≠v

Have you come?

\n߃ h∂n´pt≠m?

The birds have come ]£nIƒ h∂n´p≠v

Have the birds come?

]£nIƒ h∂n´pt≠m?

He has come

Abmƒ h∂n´p≠v

Has he come?

Abmƒ h∂n´pt≠m?

She has come

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) h∂n´p≠v

Has she come?

It has come

AXv h∂n´p≠v

Has it come?

Rm≥ h∂n´p≠v

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) h∂n´pt≠m? AXv h∂n´pt≠m?

M 2

C\n \ap°v Cu Hmtcm tNmZytØbpw a‰p tNmZyhm°pIfpambn _‘s∏SpØmw . tNmZyhm°pIƒ t\m°q:

Where? From where? Why? When? How? How many times? At what time?

FhnsS? FhnsS \n∂v? F¥n\v? F¥vsIm≠v? Ft∏mƒ? Fßns\? F{X {]mhiyw? F{XaWn°v?

Have I come?

Rm≥ h∂n´pt≠m?

Where have I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS h∂n´p≠v?

From where have I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠v?

Why have I come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠v?

When have I come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠v?

How have I come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠v?

How many times have I come?

Rm≥ F{X {]mhiyw h∂n´p≠v?



-134Have they come?

Ah¿ h∂n´pt≠m?

Where have they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS h∂n´p≠v?

From where have they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠v?

Why have they come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠v?

When have they come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠v?

How have they come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠v?

How many times have they come?

Ah¿ F{X {]mhiyw h∂n´p≠v?

Have we come?

R߃ h∂n´pt≠m?

Where have we come?

R߃ FhnsS h∂n´p≠v?

From where have we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠v?

Why have we come?

R߃ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠v?

When have we come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠v?

How have we come?

R߃ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠v?

How many times have we come?

R߃ F{X {]mhiyw h∂n´p≠v?

Have you come?

\n߃ h∂n´pt≠m?

Where have you come?

\n߃ FhnsS h∂n´p≠v?

From where have you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠v?

Why have you come?

\n߃ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠v?

When have you come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠v?

How have you come?

\n߃ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠v?

How many times have you come?

\n߃ F{X {]mhiyw h∂n´p≠v?

Has he come?

Abmƒ h∂n´pt≠m?

Where has he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS h∂n´p≠v?

From where has he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠v?

Why has he come?

Abmƒ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠v?

When has he come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠v?

How has he come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠v?

How many times has he come?

Abmƒ F{X {]mhiyw h∂n´p≠v?

Has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) h∂n´pt≠m?

Where has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS h∂n´p≠v?

From where has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠v?

Why has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\v h∂n´p≠v?

When has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠v?

How has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ h∂n´p≠v?

How many times has she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X {]mhiyw h∂n´p≠v?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-135C\n Cu hmIyßfpsS \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ hmIyßfpw tNmZyßfpw t\m°mw. I have not come.

I haven’t come.

Haven’t I come?

Rm≥ h∂n´nt√?

They have not come.

They haven’t come.

Haven’t they come?

Ah¿ h∂n´nt√?

We have not come.

We haven’t come.

Haven’t we come?

R߃ h∂n´nt√?

You have not come.

You haven’t come.

Haven’t you come?

\n߃ h∂n´nt√?

Rm≥ h∂n´n√.

M 3

Ah¿ h∂n´n√.

R߃ h∂n´n√.

\n߃ h∂n´n√.

The birds have not come. The birds haven’t come. ]£nIƒ h∂n´n√. Haven’t the birds come?

]£nIƒ h∂n´nt√?

He has not come.

He hasn’t come.

Hasn’t he come?

Abmƒ h∂n´nt√?

She has not come.

She hasn’t come.

Hasn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) h∂n´nt√?

It has not come.

It hasn’t come

Hasn’t it come?

AXv h∂n´nt√?

Abmƒ h∂n´n√.

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) h∂n´n√.

AXv h∂n´n√.

C\n \ap°v Cu Hmtcm tNmZysØbpw a‰p tNmZyhm°pIfpambn _‘s∏SpØmw . tNmZyhm°pIƒ t\m°q:



From where?



F¥n\v? F¥v sIm≠v?





How many times?

F{X {]mhiyw?

At what time?


Haven’t I come?

Rm≥ h∂n´nt√?

Where haven’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS h∂n´n√?

From where haven’t I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´n√?

Why haven’t I come?

Rm≥ F¥vsIm≠v h∂n´n√?

When haven’t I come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´n√?



-136Haven’t they come?

Ah¿ h∂n´nt√?

Where haven’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS h∂n´n√?

From where haven’t they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´n√?

Why haven’t they come?

Ah¿ F¥vsIm≠v h∂n´n√?

When haven’t they come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´n√?

Haven’t we come?

R߃ h∂n´nt√?

Where haven’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS h∂n´n√?

From where haven’t we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´n√?

Why haven’t we come?

R߃ F¥vsIm≠v h∂n´n√?

When haven’t we come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´n√?

Haven’t you come?

\n߃ h∂n´nt√?

Where haven’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS h∂n´n√?

From where haven’t you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´n√?

Why haven’t you come?

\n߃ F¥vsIm≠v h∂n´n√?

When haven’t you come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´n√?

Hasn’t he come?

Abmƒ h∂n´nt√?

Where hasn’t he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS h∂n´n√?

From where hasn’t he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´n√?

Why hasn’t he come?

Abmƒ F¥vsIm≠v h∂n´n√?

When hasn’t he come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´n√?

Hasn’t she come?

Abmƒ (kv{Xo) h∂n´nt√?

Where hasn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS h∂n´n√?

From where hasn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´n√?

Why hasn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥vsIm≠v h∂n´n√?

When hasn’t she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ h∂n´n√?

hml\w HmSn°p∂Xnse CMv K v f njv acymZIƒ 131mw t]Pn¬ \n∂pap≈ XpS¿®.....

7. tdmUv PMv j \pIfnte°v ]e Zninbn¬\n∂pw Htckabw hml\߃ IbdnhcnIbmsW¶n¬, heØv \ n∂v hcp∂ hml\Øn\mWv , ap≥KW\. 8. ap∂nse hml\sØ `bs∏SpØp∂ coXnbn¬, ]n∂nse hml\w ASp∏n°pItbm, Hmh¿sSbv ° v sNøm≥ HcpsºSpItbm sNøcpXv . 9. C¥y≥ tdmUpIfn¬ ap∂nse hml\Øns‚ CSØv h iØv I qSn Hmh¿sSbv ° v sNøcpXv . 10. cm{XnImeßfn¬ hml\w HmSn°ptºmƒ, slUvsse‰v D]tbmKw ap∂n¬\n∂pw hcp∂ hml\߃°pw, Im¬\Sbm{X°m¿°pw hnjaX D≠m°n√m F∂v Dd∏v hcpØpI. 11. Im¬\Sbm{X°msc sR´n∏n°p∂ coXnbn¬ hml\Øn\v thKX Iq´pItbm, \ne\n¿ØpItbm sNøcpXv . 138mw t]Pn¬ XpScpw....... This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


C\n \ap°v had F∂hm°v FSp°mw. A¿∞w: D≠mbncp∂p. I had come

Rm≥ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p.

He had come

Abmƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p.

She had come

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p.

They had come

Ah¿ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p.

We had come

R߃ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p.

You had come

\n߃ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p.


CXns‚ s]mXphmb tNmZycq]߃ t\m°q: Where had I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

From where had I come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Why had I come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

When had I come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How had I come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How many times had I come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How much had I come?

Rm≥ F{XtØmfw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Where had they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

From where had they come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Why had they come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

When had they come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How had they come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How many times had they come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How much had they come?

Ah¿ F{XtØmfw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Where had we come?

R߃ FhnsS h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

From where had we come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Why had we come?

R߃ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

When had we come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How had we come?

R߃ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How many times had we come?

R߃ F{X{]mhiyw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How much had we come?

R߃ F{XtØmfw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Where had you come?

\n߃ FhnsS h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

From where had you come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Why had you come?

\n߃ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

When had you come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How had you come?

\n߃ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How many times had you come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How much had you come?

\n߃ F{XtØmfw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-138Where had he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

From where had he come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Why had he come?

Abmƒ F¥n\v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

When had he come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How had he come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How many times had he come?

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How much had he come?

Abmƒ F{XtØmfw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Where had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

From where had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

Why had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\v h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

When had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How many times had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

How much had she come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw h∂n´p≠mbncp∂p?

hml\w HmSn°p∂Xnse CMv K v f njv acymZIƒ (136mw t]Pn¬ \n∂pap≈ XpS¿®.....) 12. Im¬\Sbm{X°m¿ tdmUv adnIS°m≥ t\m°p∂Xv ImWpIbmsW¶n¬, Ah¿°v kuIcyw \¬Im≥ ]‰psa¶n¬ sNøpI. 13. AßmSnIfneqsStbm, As√¶n¬ tdmUcnIn¬ ISIfp≈ tdmUpIfneqsStbm kz¥w hml\w IS∂pt]mIptºmƒ, hml\ thKX Ipdbv ° pI. A\mhiyambn tlmWSn°msX, hml\w kq£n®v HmSn°pI. 14. tdmUn¬ \mb, ]q®, AÆm≥ XpSßnb sNdnb arKßfpw, a‰v henb arKßfpw Ds≠¶n¬, hml\ thKX Ipdbv ° pI. Ahbv ° v ]cnt°¬°mXncn°m≥ {i≤n°pI. 15. ]n∂ntebpw ap∂ntebpw hml\Øn\v btXmcp ap∂dnbn∏pw, kn·epw \¬°msX, s]s´∂v hml\Øns‚ Zniam‰cpXv . ap∂dnbn∏pw, kn·epw \¬Inbm¬ am{Xwt]mc. adn®v , hml\w as‰mcp Znibnte°v IS°ptºmƒ, a‰v hml\߃t°m, Im¬\Sbm{X°m¿t°m, GsX¶nepw arK߃t°m, AkuIcyap≠mIpsa¶n¬, AXvIqSn IW°nseSpØv, AXv Hgnhm°ns°m≠vthWw kz¥w hml\Øns‚ Zniamt‰≠Xv . 16. hml\߃ tdmUn¬ Fs¥¶nepw ImcWØm¬ \nc\ncbmbn ]Xps° t]mIp∂ Ahkcßfn¬, CcpN{Ihml\߃ Dƒs∏sSbp≈ F√m hml\ßfpw H∂n\v ]n∂n¬ H∂mbn, \ncbmbn apt∂m´v \oßp∂XmWv DØaw. Cu Ahkcßfn¬ ap∂nse hml\sØ CSØphiØv IqSntbm, heØv hiØv IqSntbm, adnIS∂v apt∂m´v \oßp∂Xv ^yqU¬ `mjIfn¬, [ockmlknIXbmbpw Ignhpw a‰pambn \n¿ΔNn°s∏Sm≥ km[yXbps≠¶nepw, CMv K v f njn¬ `mjmtImUpIfn¬ CXv Imcyamb aqeyh¿≤\hv \¬In√. am{Xhpa√, CXv \ncØnse hml\KXmKXw XS s∏SpØms\ kmlbn°q. ap≥KW\m]cambn apt∂m´v \oßm\p≈ at\mss[cyamWv hf¿ØnsbSpt°≠Xv. AXv hf¿ØnsbSp°m≥ A{X Ffp∏ap≈ Imcya√. F∂m¬ aqeyap≈XmWv. AtXkabw, Hmh¿kvam´mIm≥ B¿°pw Ffp∏amWv. 17. ap∂nse hml\tam, Btfm tdmUns‚ adphitØ°v IS°m≥ {ian°ptºmƒ, Kw`ocambn tlmWSn®v s Im≠v kz¥w hml\w AXnthKØn¬ ]d∏n®v h ∂v Ahsc sR´n∏n°p∂Xv , ^yqU¬ `mjIfn¬ Xmgv ∂ \nehmcßfn¬ s]´pt]mbhcn¬ am\kntIm√mkhpw, aq√yh¿≤\hv kzcq]n®p F∂ anYym[mcWbpw \¬Ip∂ImcyamsW¶nepw, CMvKvfnjn¬ CXymZnImcy߃ \¬Im\p≈ `mjm tImUpIƒ hncfamWv . This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Sentence making: Column No: 5 Could have N 0FULL Col 1A

Col 1B

Col 2

Col 3A

Col 4

Col 5








hcp∂p/ h∂vsIm≠ncn°p∂p h∂p hcnIbmbncp∂p h∂vsIm≠ncn°pIbmbncp∂p

...........hcmdp≠v . ................

Could have: Would have: Should have:


sNømambncp∂p sNøpambncp∂p sNtø≠Xmbncp∂p

 N 1

BZyw Could have FSp°mw. I could have come. Could I have come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p. F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

He could have come. Could he have come?

Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p. Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

She could have come. Could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p. Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

They could have come Could they have come?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p. Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

We could have come. Could we have come?

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p. R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

You could have come. Could you have come?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p. \n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

 N 2

C{Xbpw ]Tn®t√m! C\n, Hmtcm tNmZyhmIytØmSpw a‰v tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv t\m°mw! Could I have come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

Where could I have come?


FhnsS Ignbpambncp∂p?

From where could I have come?


FhnsS\n∂v Ignbpambncp∂p?

Why could I have come?

F\n°v F¥n\v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

When could I have come?

F\n°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How could I have come?

F\n°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How many times could I have come?


F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How much could I have come?


F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?


-140Could he have come?

Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

Where could he have come?

Abmƒ°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

From where could he have come?

Abmƒ°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

Why could he have come?

Abmƒ°vv F¥n\v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

When could he have come?

Abmƒ°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How could he have come?

Abmƒ°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How many times could he have come?


F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How much could he have come?


F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

Could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

Where could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

From where could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

Why could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F¥n\v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

When could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How many times could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How much could she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

N 3

Could they have come?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

Where could they have come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

From where could they have come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

Why could they have come?

Ah¿°v F¥n\v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

When could they have come?

Ah¿°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How could they have come?

Ah¿°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How many times could they have come?

Ah¿°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How much could they have come?


Could we have come?

R߃°v hcm≥Ignbpambncpt∂m?

Where could we have come?

R߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

From where could we have come?

R߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

Why could we have come?

R߃°v F¥n\v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

When could we have come?

R߃°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How could we have come?

R߃°vv Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How many times could we have come?

R߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How much could we have come?

R߃°v F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

Could you have come?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncpt∂m?

Where could you have come?

\n߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

From where could you have come?

\n߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-141Why could you have come?

\n߃°vv F¥n\v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

When could you have come?

\n߃°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How could you have come?

\n߃°vv Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How many times could you have come?

\n߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

How much could you have come?

\n߃°vv F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂p?

C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ hmIyßfpw tNmZyßfpw ]Tn°mw.

 N 4

I could not have come. Couldn’t I have come?

I couldn’t have come. F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√. F\n°v hcm≥Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

He could not have come. Couldn’t he have come?

He couldn’t have come. Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√. Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

She could not have come. Couldn’t she have come?

She couldn’t have come. Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√. Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

They could not have come Couldn’t they have come?

They couldn’t have come. Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√. Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

We could not have come. Couldn’t we have come?

We couldn’t have come. R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√. R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

You could not have come. Couldn’t you have come?

You couldn’t have come. \n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√. \n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

C{Xbpw ]Tn®t√m! C\n, Hmtcm tNmZyhmIytØmSpw a‰v tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv t\m°mw! Couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

Where couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

From where couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Why couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

When couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How many times couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How much couldn’t I have come?

F\n°v F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

Where couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

From where couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Why couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

When couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How many times couldn’t they have come? Ah¿°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√? How much couldn’t they have come?

Ah¿°v F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-142N 5

Couldn’t we have come?

R߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

Where couldn’t we have come?

R߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

From where couldn’t we have come?

R߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Why couldn’t we come?

R߃°v F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

When couldn’t we come?

R߃°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How couldn’t we come?

R߃°vv Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How many times couldn’t we have come?

R߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How much couldn’t we have come?

R߃°v F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Couldn’t you have come?

\n߃°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

Where couldn’t you have come?

\n߃°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

From where couldn’t you have come?

\n߃°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Why couldn’t you come?

\n߃°v F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

When couldn’t you come?

\n߃°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How couldn’t you come?

\n߃°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How many times couldn’t you have come? \n߃°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√? How much couldn’t you have come?

\n߃°v F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

Where couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

From where couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Why couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

When couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How many times couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How much couldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂nt√?

Where couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

From where couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

Why couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

When couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

How many times couldn’t she have come? Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√? How much couldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw hcm≥ Ignbpambncp∂n√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-143O 0FULL

 O 1

Column No: 5 Would have

C\n Would have FSp°mw. I would have come. Would I have come?

Rm≥ hcpambncp∂p. Rm≥ hcpambncp∂pthm?

He would have come. Would he have come?

Abmƒ hcpambncp∂p. Abmƒ hcpambncp∂pthm?

She would have come. Would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcpambncp∂p. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcpambncp∂pthm?

They would have come Would they have come?

Ah¿ hcpambncp∂p. Ah¿ hcpambncp∂pthm?

We would have come. Would we have come?

R߃ hcpambncp∂p. R߃ hcpambncp∂pthm?

You would have come. Would you have come?

\n߃ hcpambncp∂p. \n߃ hcpambncp∂pthm?

C{Xbpw ]Tn®t√m! C\n, Hmtcm tNmZyhmIytØmSpw a‰v tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv t\m°mw! Would I have come?

Rm≥ hcpambncp∂pthm?

Where would I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcpambncp∂p?

From where would I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcpambncp∂p?

Why would I have come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v hcpambncp∂p?

When would I have come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ hcpambncp∂p?

How would I have come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcpambncp∂p?

How many times would I have come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcpambncp∂p?

How much would I have come?

Rm≥ F{XtØmfw hcpambncp∂p?

Would he have come?

Abmƒ hcpambncp∂pthm?

Where would he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcpambncp∂p?

From where would he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcpambncp∂p?

Why would he have come?

Abmƒ F¥n\v hcpambncp∂p?

When would he have come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ hcpambncp∂p?

How would he have come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ hcpambncp∂p?

How many times would he have come?

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcpambncp∂p?

How much would he have come?

Abmƒ F{XtØmfw hcpambncp∂p? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-144Where would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcpambncp∂pthm?  O 2 Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcpambncp∂p?

From where would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcpambncp∂p?

Why would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\v hcpambncp∂p?

When would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcpambncp∂p?

How would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcpambncp∂p?

How many times would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcpambncp∂p?

How much would she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw hcpambncp∂p?

Would they have come?

Ah¿ hcpambncp∂pthm?

Where would they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcpambncp∂p?

From where would they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcpambncp∂p?

Why would they have come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v hcpambncp∂p?

When would they have come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ hcpambncp∂p?

How would they have come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcpambncp∂p?

How many times would they have come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcpambncp∂p?

How much would they have come?

Ah¿ F{XtØmfw hcpambncp∂p?

Would we have come?

R߃ hcpambncp∂pthm?

Where would we have come?

R߃ FhnsS hcpambncp∂p?

From where would we have come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcpambncp∂p?

Why would we have come?

R߃ F¥n\v hcpambncp∂p?

When would we have come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ hcpambncp∂p?

How would we have come?

R߃ Fßns\ hcpambncp∂p?

How many times would we have come?

R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcpambncp∂p?

How much would we have come?

R߃ F{XtØmfw hcpambncp∂p?

Would you have come?

\n߃ hcpambncp∂pthm?

Where would you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcpambncp∂p?

From where would you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcpambncp∂p?

Why would you have come?

\n߃ F¥n\v hcpambncp∂p?

When would you have come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ hcpambncp∂p?

How would you have come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcpambncp∂p?

How many times would you have come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcpambncp∂p?

How much would you have come?

\n߃ F{XtØmfw hcpambncp∂p?

Would she have come?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-145 O 3

C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ hmIyßfpw tNmZyßfpw ]Tn°mw. I would not have come. Wouldn’t I have come?

I wouldn’t have come. Rm≥ hcn√mbncp∂p. Rm≥ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

He would not have come. Wouldn’t he have come?

He wouldn’t have come. Abmƒ hcn√mbncp∂p. Abmƒ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

She would not have come. Wouldn’t she have come?

She wouldn’t have come. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcn√mbncp∂p. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

They would not have come Wouldn’t they have come?

They wouldn’t have come. Ah¿ hcn√mbncp∂p. Ah¿ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

We would not have come. Wouldn’t we have come?

We wouldn’t have come. R߃ hcn√mbncp∂p. R߃ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

You would not have come. Wouldn’t you have come?

You wouldn’t have come. \n߃ hcn√mbncp∂p. \n߃ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

C{Xbpw ]Tn®t√m! C\n, Hmtcm tNmZyhmIytØmSpw a‰v tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv t\m°mw! Wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

Where wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcn√mbncp∂p?

From where wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√mbncp∂p?

Why wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ F¥vsIm≠v hcn√mbncp∂p?

When wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How many times wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√mbncp∂p?

How much wouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ F{XtØmfw hcn√mbncp∂p?

Wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

Where wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcn√mbncp∂p?

From where wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√mbncp∂p?

Why wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ F¥vsIm≠v hcn√mbncp∂p?

When wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How many times wouldn’t they have come? Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√mbncp∂p? How much wouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ F{XtØmfw hcn√mbncp∂p?


-146 O 4

Wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

Where wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ FhnsS hcn√mbncp∂p?

From where wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√mbncp∂p?

Why wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ F¥vsIm≠v hcn√mbncp∂p?

When wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ Fßns\ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How many times wouldn’t we have come? R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√mbncp∂p? How much wouldn’t we have come?

R߃ F{XtØmfw hcn√mbncp∂p?

Wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

Where wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcn√mbncp∂p?

From where wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcn√mbncp∂p?

Why wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ F¥vsIm≠v hcn√mbncp∂p?

When wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How many times wouldn’t you have come? \n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcn√mbncp∂p? How much wouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ F{XtØmfw hcn√mbncp∂p?

Wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

Where wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcn√mbncp∂p?

From where wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v FhnsS\n∂v hcn√mbncp∂p?

Why wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v F¥vsIm≠v hcn√mbncp∂p?

When wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v Ft∏mƒ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v Fßns\ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How many times wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v F{X{]mhiyw hcn√mbncp∂p?

How much wouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ°v F{XtØmfw hcn√mbncp∂p?

Wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcn√mbncp∂pthm?

Where wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcn√mbncp∂p?

From where wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcn√mbncp∂p?

Why wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥vsIm≠v hcn√mbncp∂p?

When wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcn√mbncp∂p?

How many times wouldn’t she have come? How much wouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcn√mbncp∂p? Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw hcn√mbncp∂p?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-147P 0FULL

 P 1

Column No: 5 Should have

C\n Should have FSp°mw. A¿∞w: sNtø≠Xmbncp∂p. I should have come. Should I have come?

Rm≥ htc≠Xmbncp∂p. Rm≥ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

He should have come. Should he have come?

Abmƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p. Abmƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

She should have come. Should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) htc≠Xmbncp∂p. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

They should have come Should they have come?

Ah¿ htc≠Xmbncp∂p. Ah¿ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

We should have come. Should we have come?

R߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂p. R߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

You should have come. Should you have come?

\n߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂p. \n߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

C{Xbpw ]Tn®t√m! C\n, Hmtcm tNmZyhmIytØmSpw a‰v tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv t\m°mw! Should I have come?

Rm≥ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

Where should I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

From where should I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Why should I have come?

Rm≥ F¥n\v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

When should I have come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How should I have come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How many times should I have come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How much should I have come?

Rm≥ F{XtØmfw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Should he have come?

Abmƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

Where should he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

From where should he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Why should he have come?

Abmƒ F¥n\v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

When should he have come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How should he have come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How many times should he have come?

Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How much should he have come?

Abmƒ F{XtØmfw htc≠Xmbncp∂p? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-148Where should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?  P 2 Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

From where should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Why should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥n\v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

When should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How many times should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How much should she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Should they have come?

Ah¿ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

Where should they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

From where should they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Why should they have come?

Ah¿ F¥n\v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

When should they have come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How should they have come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How many times should they have come?

Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How much should they have come?

Ah¿ F{XtØmfw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Should we have come?

R߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

Where should we have come?

R߃ FhnsS htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

From where should we have come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Why should we have come?

R߃ F¥n\v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

When should we have come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How should we have come?

R߃ Fßns\ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How many times should we have come?

R߃ F{X{]mhiyw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How much should we have come?

R߃ F{XtØmfw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Should you have come?

\n߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂pthm?

Where should you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

From where should you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Why should you have come?

\n߃ F¥n\v htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

When should you have come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How should you have come?

\n߃ Fßns\ htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How many times should you have come?

\n߃ F{X{]mhiyw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

How much should you have come?

\n߃ F{XtØmfw htc≠Xmbncp∂p?

Should she have come?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-149C\n CXns‚ \ntj[cq]Ønep≈ hmIyßfpw tNmZyßfpw ]Tn°mw.

 P 3

I should not have come. Shouldn’t I have come?

I shouldn’t have come. Rm≥ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p. Rm≥ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

He should not have come. Shouldn’t he have come?

He shouldn’t have come. Abmƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p. Abmƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

She should not have come. Shouldn’t she have come?

She shouldn’t have come. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

They should not have come Shouldn’t they have come?

They shouldn’t have come. Ah¿ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p. Ah¿ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

We should not have come. Shouldn’t we have come?

We shouldn’t have come. R߃ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p. R߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

You should not have come. Shouldn’t you have come?

You shouldn’t have come. \n߃ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p. \n߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

C{Xbpw ]Tn®t√m! C\n, Hmtcm tNmZyhmIytØmSpw a‰v tNmZyhm°pIƒ tN¿Øv t\m°mw! Shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

Where shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

From where shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Why shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

When shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ Ft∏mƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ Fßns\ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How many times shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How much shouldn’t I have come?

Rm≥ F{XtØmfw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

Where shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

From where shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Why shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

When shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ Ft∏mƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ Fßns\ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How many times shouldn’t they have come? Ah¿ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p? How much shouldn’t they have come?

Ah¿ F{XtØmfw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?


-150 P 4

Shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

Where shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ FhnsS hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

From where shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Why shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

When shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ Ft∏mƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ Fßns\ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How many times shouldn’t we have come? R߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p? How much shouldn’t we have come?

R߃ F{XtØmfw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

Where shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

From where shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Why shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

When shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ Ft∏mƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ Fßns\ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How many times shouldn’t you have come? \n߃ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p? How much shouldn’t you have come?

\n߃ F{XtØmfw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

Where shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

From where shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Why shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

When shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ Ft∏mƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ Fßns\ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How many times shouldn’t he have come? Abmƒ F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p? How much shouldn’t he have come?

Abmƒ F{XtØmfw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) htc≠Xmbncp∂nt√?

Where shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

From where shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) FhnsS\n∂v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

Why shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F¥vsIm≠v hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

When shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Ft∏mƒ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fßns\ hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

How many times shouldn’t she have come? Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{X{]mhiyw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p? How much shouldn’t she have come?

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) F{XtØmfw hcm≥]mSn√mbncp∂p?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.



Nursery Rhymes SING A SONG OF SIX PENCE Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; V C1 Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Now wasn’t that a dainty dish To set before the King? The King was in his counting house Counting out his money; The Queen was in the parlour Eating bread and honey. The maid was in the garden Hanging out the clothes; When down came a blackbird And pecked off her nose.

Stuck a feather in his hat And called it macaroni. Pony: s]m°wIpd™ IpXnc. Dandy: BUw_c {]ob\mb. Stallion: B¨IpXnc. Million: ]Øpe£w.

SOLOMON GRUNDY V C3 Solomon Grundy, Born on Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday; This is the end of Soloman Grundy.

Christen: PvRm\kv\m\w sNøn°pI. Worse: IqSpX¬ KpcpXcambn. Rye: bqtdm∏n¬ s{_Uv D≠m°m≥ D]tbmKn°p∂ Hcp JIMMY DRIVER V C4 [m\yw. Pie: s]mcn® A∏w. Queen: dmWn (D®mcWw Early in the morning {i≤n°pI). Maid: the°mcn. Peck: sIm°v s Im≠v Down the station sImØpI

YANKEE DOODLE Yankee Doodle went to town V C2 A-riding on a pony Stuck a feather in his hat And called it macaroni. Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy. Father and I went down to camp Along with Captain Gooding And there we saw the men and boys As thick as hasty pudding. Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy There was Captain Washington Upon a slapping stallion A-giving orders to his men I guess there was a million. Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy Yankee Doodle went to town A-riding on a pony;

See the engine drivers All in a row Look at Jimmy driver Driving his engine Up, up, chup, chup, Off we go.

AEROPLANE, AEROPLANE V C5 Aeroplane, aeroplane, Up in the sky. Please take me with you, Wherever you fly. Over the clouds, Oh, so high. Let’s meet the rainbow In the sky. LUCY LOCKET V C6 Lucy Locket lost her pocket, Kitty Fisher found it; Not a penny was there in it, Only ribbon round it. V C7

IT’S RAINING, IT’S POURING It’s raining, it’s pouring; The old man is snoring. Bumped his head And went to bed And he couldn’t get up in the morning.


-152Row, row, row your boat V C8 Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. V C9

THIRTY DAYS Thirty days hath September, April, June and November February alone has twenty-eight days, All the rest have thirty-one Leap year coming once in four February then has one day more.

Leap year: A[nh¿jw V C10

WEE WILLIE WINKIE Wee Willie Winkie Runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs In his nightgown. Rapping at the windows, Crying through the lock, “Are the children all in bed? For, its past eight o’clock.”

MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB V C11 Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little lamb; Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow. Now, everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went; Now everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, School one day, school one day; It followed her to school one day, Which was against the rule. It made the children laugh and shout, Laugh and shout, laugh and shout; It made the children laugh and shout, To see a lamb at school. And so the teacher turned it out, Turned it out. turned it out; And so the teacher turned it out, But still it lingered near. And waited patiently about, Patiently about, patiently about; And waited patiently about, Till Mary did appear.

“Why does the lamb love Mary so?” Love Mary so? love Mary so? “Why does the lamb love Mary so?” The eager children cry. “Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,” Loves her so, loves her so; “Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,” The teacher did reply. V C12

ORANGE IS A LEMON Orange is a lemon Sold for a penny All the schoolgirls are so many The grass is green And the rose is red Remember me when I am Dead, dead, dead. V C13

POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON Polly put the kettle on Kettle on, kettle on Polly put the kettle on Lets all have tea. V C14

BA, BA BLACKSHEEP Ba, ba blacksheep Have you any wool? Yes, sir, Yes, sir Three bags full, One for my master, One for my dame And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. V C15

ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE One, two, three, four, five, Once l caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then l let it go again. “Why did you let it go?” “Because it bit my finger so.” “Which finger did it bite?” This little finger on my right. I HEAR THUNDER I hear thunder, I hear thunder, Oh, do you? Oh, do you?

V C16

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-153V C22

Pit a patter, Rain drops, Pit a patter, Rain drops, I am wet too. I am wet too. V C17

PEASE PUDDING HOT Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold, Pease pudding in the pot, nine days old. Some like it hot, some like it cold. Some like it in the pot nine days old.

V C18

THE MULBERRY BUSH Here we go round the Mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the Mulberry bush, On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we brush our teeth, Brush our teeth, brush our teeth, This is the way we brush our teeth, On a cold and frosty morning.

Old King Cole was a merry old soul Old King Cole was a merry old soul And a merry old soul was he; He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl And he called for his fiddlers three. Every fiddler he had a fiddle, And a very fine fiddle had he; Oh there's none so rare, as can compare With King Cole and his fiddlers three. A TISKET, A TASKET V C23 A tisket, a tasket A green and yellow basket, I wrote a letter to my love, And on the way, l dropped it. I dropped it, l dropped it, My green and yellow basket. Someone must have picked it up And put it in their pocket. Star light, star bright V C24 Star light, star bright, The first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.

V C19

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. V C20

V C25

TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!

One, two One, two, Buckle my shoe; Three, four, Open the door; Five, six, Pick up sticks; Seven, eight, Lay them straight: Nine, ten, A big, fat hen.

When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!

V C21

Then the traveller in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He wouldn’t see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!

Goosey goosey gander Goosey goosey gander, Whither shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady's chamber. There I met an old man Who wouldn't say his prayers, So I took him by his left leg And threw him down the stairs.


-154Q 0FULL

#20 Situations kμ¿`߃  Q 1

1 Yesterday, when I was going to Cochin, I got a call from Delhi. My boss wanted me to cancel my trip and take care of the pending work. I wanted to continue my journey. However, he insisted that I should go back. C∂se Rm≥ sIm®nbnte°v t]mIptºmƒ, U¬lnbn¬ \n∂pw F\n°v Hcp t^m¨hnfnIn´n. Rm≥ Fs‚ bm{X d±m°Wsa∂pw, apSßn°nS°p∂ sXmgnen¬ {i≤n°Wsa∂pw Fs‚ sXmgnepSa Bhiys∏´p. F\n°v Fs‚ bm{X XpScWsa∂p≠mbncp∂p. F∂m¬, Rm≥ Xncn®v t]mIWsa∂v Abmƒ \n¿_‘n®p. 2 This year it is very hot. Last year, we had a lot of rain in December. I think there is something wrong with the climate. If rains don’t come in time, the rivers will go dry. Cu h¿jw \√ Djv W amWv . Ign™ h¿jw, Unkw_dn¬ \ap°v Iqsdb[nIw agbp≠mbncp∂p. Imemhÿbn¬ Ft¥m ]niIv D≠v F∂mWv F\n°v tXm∂p∂Xv. bYmkabw ag hcns√¶n¬, ]pgIƒ hc≠pt]mIpw. 3 My aim is to become a doctor. My parents also want me to become a doctor. They want me to go to Britain after becoming a doctor. They feel that life in Britain will be very easy. Hcp tUmIv S dmIpI F∂XmWv Fs‚ e£yw. Rm≥ Hcp tUmIv S dmIm\mWv Fs‚ amXm]nXm°fpw B{Kln°p∂Xv. Hcp tUmIvSdmbXn\v tijw, _r´Wnte°v Rm≥ t]mIWw F∂v Ah¿ B{Kln°p∂p. _r´Wn¬ PohnXw hfsc Ffp∏ambnc°pw F∂v Ah¿°v tXm∂p∂p. 4 His sister got married last month. After she left the place, his house has become very quiet. He has no one to talk to at home. So he is always going to the library. AbmfpsS ktlmZcn Ign™amkw hnhmlnXbmbn. Abmƒ (kv{Xo) AhnSw hn´v t]mbXn\v tijw, AbmfpsS hoSv hfsc \ni_v≤ambn´p≠v. ho´n¬ Abmƒ°v kwkmcn°m≥ BcpwXs∂bn√. AXpsIm≠v Abmƒ Ft∏mgpw hmb\imebnte°v t]mIp∂p. Q 2 5 He asked me what I wanted. Actually, I wanted to tell him the truth. But then, I had a feeling that he would get angry if I told him everything. So I simply told him that I was hungry. F\n°v F¥mWv th≠Xv F∂v Abmƒ Ft∂mSv tNmZn®p. hmkvXhØn¬, F\n°v AbmtfmSv kXyw ]dbWsa∂p≠mbncp∂p. F∂m¬, AbmtfmSv F√mw ]d™m¬ Abmƒ°v tIm]whcpw Fs∂mcp tXm∂¬ F\n°p≠mbncp∂p. AXvsIm≠v, F\n°v hni°p∂p F∂vam{Xw Rm≥ AbmtfmSv ]d™p. 6 Many people are happy that he did not get the prize. Some of them are jealous. Others don’t like him. His friends also don’t like to see him win a prize. Abmƒ°v kΩm\w e`n°mØXn¬ ]e BfpIfpw k¥pjv S cmWv . Ahcn¬ Nne¿°v AkqbbmWv . a‰p≈h¿°v Abmsf CjvSa√. Abmƒ Hcp kΩm\w t\Sp∂Xv ImWm≥ AbmfpsS kplrØp°fpw Cjv S s∏Sp∂n√. 7 It is not easy to stop corruption in this nation. It is in everyone’s blood. People like to get things done fast. The officials will do it only if they get some bribe. Cu cmjv{SØn¬ AgnaXn \n¿Øem°m≥ Ffp∏a√. CXv F√mcptSbpw c‡Øn¬ D≠v. Imcy߃ thKØn¬ \SØn°n´m≥ P\߃ CjvSs∏Sp∂p. Ah¿°v Fs¥¶nepw ssI°qen e`n®m¬ am{Xta DtZymKÿ¿ AXv sNøp≈p. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-1558 I don’t think it is correct to say that India was better under the British rule. You can’t be serious. The British were enslaving us. They forced us to study English. C¥y _r´njv `cWØn\v Iognembncp∂p IqSpX¬ sa®ambncp∂Xv F∂v ]dbp∂Xv icnbmsW∂v F\n°v tXm∂p∂n√. \n߃ Kuch_p≤ntbmsS ]d™XmIm≥ km[yXbn√. _r´njpIm¿ \sΩ ASnaIfm°pIbmbncp∂p. Ah¿ \sΩ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°m≥ \n¿_‘n®p. 9 We are Indians. This is our culture. We behave like this. If you don’t like our culture, you can move away. \mw C¥y°mcmWv. CXmWv \ΩpsS kwkvImcw. \mw Cßns\ s]cpamdp∂p. \n߃°v \ΩpsS kwkvImcw CjvSs∏Sp∂n√msb¶n¬, \n߃°v (as‰mcp ÿetØ°v) amdnt∏mImw. 10 Why should I form a queue? I will stand here, in any position that I like. If you want to stand in a queue, you can do that. You can’t force me to stand in a queue. Rm≥ F¥n\v Hcp Iyq cq]oIcn°Ww. Rm≥ ChnsS \n¬°pw, F\n°v CjvSap≈ GsXmcp ÿm\Øpw. \n߃°v Hcp Iyqhn¬ \n¬°Wsa∂v B{Klaps≠¶n¬, \n߃°v Aßns\ sNømw. Fs∂ Hcp Iyqhn¬ \n¬°m≥ \n߃°v kΩ¿±w sNepØm\hn√. Q 3

11 Our culture is the greatest in the world. We are the greatest thinkers in the world. All big nations depend on us to run their industries. Without us, even the NASA will not be able to function. \ΩpsS kwkvImcamWv temIØn¬ G‰hpw alØmbXv. \ΩfmWv temIØn¬h®v G‰hpw alØmb Nn¥I¿. AhcpsS hyhkmb߃ \SØm\mbn F√m h≥cmjv{Sßfpw \Ωsf B{ibn°p∂p. 12 You are telling me that English is good. What is so good about English? It is just another language like Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi. Just because the British ruled the world, everyone studies English. CMvKvfnjv \√XmWv F∂v \n߃ Ft∂mSv ]dbp∂p. CMvKvfnjn¬ F¥mWv \√Xmbn´p≈Xv? aebmfw, Xangv, lnμn XpSßnb `mjIƒt]mse as‰mcp `mjam{XamWv CMvKvfnjv. _r´njpIm¿ temIw hmWXn\m¬ am{Xw F√mcpw CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°p∂p. 13 Why did your father call you yesterday? I had a feeling that he was very angry. He told me in an angry voice to call you. That is why I ran to tell you. \nßfpsS A—≥ \nßsf F¥n\mWv C∂se hnfn®Xv? Abmƒ tZjyØnemWv Fs∂mcp tXm∂¬ F\n°p≠mbn. Hcp tIm]mIpeamb kzcØn¬ Abmƒ Ft∂mSv \nßsf hnfn°m≥ ]d™p. AXv sIm≠mWv \nßtfmSv ]dbm\mbn Rm≥ HmSnbXv. 14 You can’t come and boss over us. You are not the leader here. We have our own supervisors to manage us. You better not interfere with our work. \n߃°v h∂v RßfpsSta¬ bPam\\mIm≥ Ignbn√. \n߃ ChnSpsØ t\Xmh√. Rßsf amt\Pv sNøm\mbn RßfpsS kz¥w ta¬t\m´°m¿ R߃°p≠v. \n߃ RßfpsS sXmgnen¬ CSs]SmXncn°p∂XmWv \√Xv. 15 They told me that you were a good man. That is why I came to you. If you can help me, I would be very grateful to you. May I request you to help me? \n߃ Hcp \√ a\pjy\mWv F∂v RßtfmSv Ah¿ ]d™p. AXv sIm≠mWv Rm≥ \nßfpsS ASpØv h∂Xv. \n߃°v Fs∂ klmbn°m≥ ]‰psa¶n¬, Rm≥ \nßtfmSv hfsc IrX⁄\mbncn°pw. Fs∂ klmbn°m\mbn Rm≥ \nßtfmSv A`y¿∞n°s´? Q 4 16 Did you ever wonder what the problem with him is? He never comes out. He is always sitting inside his room. Sometimes, he even locks the door from inside. Abmƒ°p≈ {]iv\sa¥mWv F∂v \n߃ Ft∏msg¶nepw Nn¥n®n´pt≠m? Abmƒ Hcn°epw ]pdØv hcmdn√. Abmƒ kZmkabhpw AbmfpsS apdn°IØv Ccn∏mWv. Nnet∏msfms°, Abmƒ hmXn¬ AIØv \n∂v ]q´nbnSmdpw D≠v. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-15617 They are in a tense mood. Some of them are praying to god. I do not know what the problem is. Maybe it is something to do with their house. Ah¿ hfsc kL¿jmhÿbnemWv . Ahcn¬ Nne¿ ssZhtØmSv {]m¿∞n°pIbmWv . F¥mWv {]iv\sa∂v F\n°v Adnbn√. AhcpsS Krlhpambn _‘s∏´ Fs¥¶nepw Btb°mw. 18 I was in Manantody in the morning. That is why you could not meet me. When I came home, my son told me that you had come. Can you come again tomorrow? cmhnse Rm≥ am\¥hmSnbn¬ Bbncp∂p. AXpsIm≠mWv \n߃°v Fs∂ I≠vap´m≥ BImXncp∂Xv. Rm≥ ho´n¬ h∂t∏mƒ, \n߃ h∂ncp∂psh∂v Fs‚ aI≥ Ft∂mSv ]d™p. \n߃°v \msf ho≠pw hcm≥ Ignbptam? 19 Why can’t you work properly? He gave you this job in good faith. You should not break his faith in you. If you do this job perfectly, he will give you more work. \n߃°v F¥vsIm≠v icnbmbn sXmgn¬ sNbvXpIqSm? DØahnizmkØnemWv Abmƒ \n߃°v Cu sXmgn¬ X∂Xv. Abmƒ°v \nßfn¬ D≈ hnizmkw s]mfn°cpXv. \n߃ Cu sXmgn¬ icnbmbn sNøpIbmsW¶n¬, Abmƒ \n߃°v IqSpX¬ sXmgn¬ Xcpw. 20 Where were you yesterday? I had told you not to go anywhere. In fact, I wanted you to come with me to Calicut. However, your mother told me that you had gone to Sultan’s Battery. \n߃ C∂se FhnsSbmbncp∂p? FhnsSbpw t]mIcpXv F∂v Rm≥ \nßtfmSv ]d™n´p≠mbncp∂p. hmkv X hØn¬, \n߃ Ft∂msSm∏w tImgnt°mt´°v hcWw F∂v F\n°v B{Klap≠mbncp∂p. F∂m¬, \n߃ kpƒØm≥ _tØcnbnte°v t]mbn´p≠v F∂v \nßfpsS AΩ Ft∂mSv ]d™p. 21 Don’t try to fool me. I know what you are thinking. I am not a fool. If you do not want to join this program, you can go. Fs∂ hnVvVnbm°m≥ {ian°cpXv. \n߃ F¥mWv Nn¥n°p∂Xv F∂v F\n°v Adnbmw. Rm≥ Hcp hnVvVnb√. \n߃°v Cu ]≤Xnbn¬ tNcm≥ B{Klans√¶n¬, \n߃°v t]mImw. KpW\∏´nI: CXv CMvKvfnjn¬ Hcp {]tXyI coXnbnemWv DcphntS≠Xv. i_vZtcJm (audio) ss^epIƒ {ihn®v ]Tn°pI. CMvKvfnjn¬ \nXykw`mjWßfn¬ IW°pIq´epIƒ \SØptºmƒ, D]Imcs∏Spw.   zMultiplicationTables

Multiplication tables











































































































































































This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.



#23CMvKvfnjv {]kwK߃. Chbnse hm°pIfpsS D®mcWw {i≤n°pI. CXpt]mse ]dbm≥ ]Tn°pI. X¿÷abn¬ an° CMvKvfnjv hm°pIfpw AtX coXnbn¬ Xs∂bmWv X¿÷asNbvXn´p≈sX¶nepw, NnebnSsضnepw hmIyLS\bnepw, hm°pIfpsS t\cn´p≈ A¿∞Ønepw sNdnb hyXnbm\߃ X¿÷a krjvSn°p∂ ]ncnanXnIƒ°\pkrXambn kw`hn®n´p≠mtb°mw.

Q B1

The State of Our Nation \ΩpsS cmjv{SØns‚ Ahÿ My dear friends:

Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf It is nice to be able to stand here and speak a few words to you.

ChnsS \n∂psIm≠v GXm\pw hm°pIƒ \nßtfmSp kwkmcn°m≥ Ignbp∂Xv kt¥mjIcamb ImcyamWv . I want to speak to you about the terrible condition of our nation. It is true that our nation is developing. We are now a financially strong nation. There is enough and more foreign exchange in our coffers.

\ΩpsS cmPyØns‚ `bm\Iamb Ahÿsb°pdn®v \nßtfmSv kwkmcn°m≥ Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂p. \ΩpsS cmjv { Sw hf¿∂psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv F∂p≈Xv hmkv X hw Xs∂bmWv . C∂v \mw Hcp kmºØnIambn i‡amb cm{„amWv . AhiyØn\pw, AXne[nIhpw hntZi\mWyw \ΩpsS JP\mhpIfn¬ D≠v. Yet, where is the evidence of all this on the streets of this nation? The government is having a lot of money. But there is nothing an ordinary man of this nation can get from the nation.

F∂n´pw CXns‚sb√mw sXfnhv Cu cmjv{SØnse sXcphpIfn¬ FhnsSbmWv D≈Xv ? k¿°mcns‚

ssIhiw hfscb[nIw ]Ww D≠v. F∂m¬ Cu cmPyØnse Hcp km[mcW°mc\v, Cu cmPyØn¬ \n∂pw bmsXm∂pw e`n°m≥ C√Xs∂. There is no place a man can sit or relax in a town. No toilets. No safe drinking water. Everything has to be paid for. For the person, who cannot afford all this, there is nothing here.

Hcp ]´WØnepw, Hcp Bƒ°v Ccn°mt\m, hn{ian°mt\m, bmtXmcp CShpw C√. tSmbve‰pIƒ C√. kpc£nXamb IpSnsh≈w C√. F√mØn\pw ]Ww \¬tIWw. CXnt\m∂pw kmºØnIambn Ignhn√Ø Bƒ°v, ChnsS bmsXm∂pw C√. Most of the trees on the public roads have been cut down since we got our so-called independence. The heat on the roads on any day is unbearable. There is no shade to relax.

\ΩqsS kzmX{¥yw F∂p ]dbp∂Xv \ap°v e`n®Xv apX¬ s]mXp\ncØpIfnse an° acßfpw sh´nam‰s∏´n´p≠v . GsXmcp Znhkhpw sXcphpIfnse Djv W w AklyamWv . hn{ian°m≥ bmtXmcp XWepIfpw C√. If this is what we call freedom, it is a pitiable freedom.

CXns\bmWv \mw kzmX{¥yw F∂v hnfn°p∂sX¶n¬, CXv Hcp Zb A¿ln°p∂ kzmX{¥yw BWv.


-158The so-called democratic government of this nation has to provide free rest houses for the common person in towns and cities. It has to arrange for the free availability of good drinking water. There should be free school buses for children. There should be good conveniences in public offices, which people who visit the offices can use.

Cu cmjv{SØnse P\m[n]Xy k¿°m¿ F∂v hnf°s∏Sp∂ k¿°m¿, ]´Wßfnepw \Kcßfnepw km[mcW°mcmb hy‡nIƒ°v hn{ian°m\mbn kuP\y k{X߃ Hcp°nhbvt°≠XmWv. Ip´nIƒ°v kv I qfpIfn¬ t]mIm≥ kuP\y _ pIƒ D≠mbncnt°≠XmWv . k¿°m¿ Hm^vnkpIfn¬ hcp∂ BfpIƒ°v D]tbmKn°m\mbp≈ \√ kuIcy߃ B Hm^vnkpIfn¬ D≠mbncnt°≠XmWv. There are many more things that need to be mentioned. However, for the time being, I conclude.

C\nbpw ]eImcyßfpw kqNn∏nt°≠Xmbn´p≠v. F∂m¬ X¬°metØ°v, Rm≥ D]kwlcn°p∂p.

Space colonisation

Q B2

_lncmImiØv tImfWnIƒ sI´p∂Xns\°pdn®v My dear friends, Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, We are now entering a most momentous period in the history of mankind. NASA has declared that it will be able to establish contact with living beings on other planets, within a matter of two decades. \mw Ct∏mƒ a\pjyh¿§Øns‚ Ncn{XØn¬ G‰hpw {]m[m\yap≈ Hcp ImeL´Ønte°v \oßpIbmWv. shdpw c≠v ]Xn‰m≠n\p≈n¬, a‰v {Klßfnep≈ PohPmeßfpambn X߃°v _‘w ÿm]n°m≥ ]‰psa∂v \mk(NASA) {]Jym]n®n´p≠v It is time to ponder on the various possibilities with regard to this emerging scenario. What kind of living beings will be found on other planets? Would they be like plants, or will they be like the animals found on earth? Will there be beings who are similar to us, mankind? Will they have languages? How will we communicate with these beings? Cu DcpØncn™phcp∂ kw`hhnImkßfpsS hnhn[ km[yXIsf∏‰n Nn¥n°phm\p≈ kabambncn°p∂p. a‰v {Klßfn¬ F¥pXcw PohPmeßsfbmWv Is≠ØpI? Ah¿ kkyßsft∏msebmbncn°ptam, AtXm, Ah¿ `qanbn¬ D≈ arKßsft∏msebmbncn°ptam? a\pjysct∏msebp≈ PohnIƒ AhnSßfn¬ D≠mbncn°ptam? Ah¿°v `mjIƒ D≠mbncn°ptam? \mw Fßns\bmWv Cu PohPmeßfpambn Bibhn\nabw \SØpI? If we do come across human beings on other planets, how will our entry impact their social system? Will our entry bring in anything good to them, or will they be exploited by human beings. A\y{Klßfn¬ ap\pjysc Is≠ØpIbmsW¶n¬, \ΩpsS hchv AhcpsS kmaqlnI LS\sb Fßns\bmWv _m[n°pI? \ΩpsS hchv Ah¿°v Fs¥¶nepw KpWIcambImcyw \¬Iptam, AtXm, Ah¿ a\pjycm¬ NqjWw sNøs∏Sptam? As we all know, man is not known for being good to other human beings. For instance, in our own nation, around 80% of the population lives in a state of slavery and exploitation. Even in Wynad district in Kerala in South India, the tribal population has literally been suppressed and This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


exterminated. Many of them survive as domestic servants and other low-grade employees of the settler classes. A\ya\pjytcmSv \√coXnbn¬ s]cpamdp∂hcmbn´√ a\pjy¿ Adnbs∏Sp∂Xv , F∂Imcyw \aps°√mw Adnhp≈ImcyamWv. DZmlcWØn\v, \ΩpsS cmjv{SØn¬ Xs∂, P\kwJybpsS 80 iXam\tØmfw ASnaØØnepw, NqjWØnepw BWv Pohn°p∂Xv . Z£nW C¥ybnse tIcfØnse hb\mSv Pn√bn¬ t]mepw, h\hmknIƒ Aa¿Øs∏SpIbpw, ]pdwX≈s∏SpIbpw sNøs∏´n´p≠v. Ahcn¬ ]ecpw, IpSntb‰ h¿§Øns‚ ho´pthe°mcmbpw a‰v \nehmcw Ipd™ Poh\°mcpw Bbpw BWv \ne\n¬°p∂Xv. Continental Europeans have enslaved and exploited the people of South America and Africa. At the same time, in Asia, Africa and South America, the traditional social upper classes have kept the lower populations as social slaves. The only exception to this might be England, which during the times of English colonialism, liberated the enslaved populations in all nations, including those in the Indian subcontinent. `qJ≠ bqtdm∏pIm¿ Z£nW Fsavdn°bntebpw, B{^n°bntebpw, P\ßsf ASnas∏SpØpIbpw NqjWw sNøpIbpw sNbvXn´p≠v. AtX kabw Gjybntebpw, B{^n°bntebpw, Z£nW Fsavdn°bntebpw ]mcºcy A[n] h¿§ßƒ Xmsg°nSbnep≈ P\ßsf kmaqlnI ASnaIfmbn \ne\n¿Ønbn´p≠v. CXn¬\ns∂√mw Hgnhmbncn°p∂Xv CMvKvf≠v am{Xambncn°pw. CMvKvfnjv sImtfmWnb¬ ImeL´Øn¬, C¥y≥ D]Zzo]nse cmPy߃ Dƒs∏sS, F√m cmjv{Sßfntebpw ASnaØØn¬ \ne\n∂ncp∂ P\hn`mKßsf CMvKvf≠v tamNn∏n®p. From this background, we need to think of Space Colonisation. If feudal language nations build up colonies in other planets, the local populations there might end up in slavery. Cu Np‰p]mSn¬ \n∂psIm≠mWv \mw kv s ]bv k v tImfssWtkjs\°pdn®v Nn¥nt°≠Xv . ^yqU¬ `mjm cmjv { S߃ A\y{Klßfn¬ tImfWnIƒ ]SpØpb¿ØpIbmsW¶n¬, AhnSßfnse {]mtZinI P\߃ ASnaØØn¬ Ahkm\nt®°mw. My dear friends, I will conclude this talk of mine, by requesting you to ponder on this issue. Fs‚ {]ob kplrØp°sf, \nßtfmSv Cu hnjbsØ°pdn®v Nn¥n°phm≥ Bhiys∏´psIm≠v, Rm≥ Fs‚ hm°pIƒ D]kwlcn°p∂p. Q B3

Panchayats ]©mbØpIƒ My dear friends, Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, I will to speak to you about Panchayats. Even though it is mentioned that the concept of Local self-government is an old one, the fact is that local self governing panchayats were formed only a few years back. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv ]©mbØpIsf°pdn®v kwkmcn°pw. {]mtZinI kzbw`cW k¿°m¿ F∂Xns‚ Bibw ]gb H∂mWv F∂v ]dbs∏Sp∂ps≠¶nepw, {]mtZinI kzbw`cW ]©mbØpIƒ cq]oIrXambXv GXm\pw h¿j߃°v apºv am{XamWv. What I want to ask is about the utility of Panchayats. Do Panchayats serve any purpose? As it is there are two governments in India. One is the State government and the other is the Central ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


government. In India, government officials are generally corrupt. The administrative system is also quite corrupt. Having more government offices means more corruption. Moreover, public funds meant for developmental activities have to be diverted for the upkeep of government employees. ]©mbØpIfpsS D]tbmKsØ°pdn®mWv F\n°v tNmZn°m\p≈Xv . ]©mbØpIƒ Fs¥¶nepw BhiyIXsb tkhn°p∂pt≠m? As√¶n¬Xs∂ C∂v C¥ybn¬ c≠v k¿°mdpIƒ D≠v . H∂v kwÿm\ k¿°mcpw, as‰m∂v tI{μ k¿°mcpamWv . C¥ybn¬, s]mXphmbn t\m°nbm¬, k¿°m¿ DtZymKÿ¿ AgnaXn°mcmWv. `cW kwhn[m\hpw hfsc AgnaXnbp≈XmWv. am{Xhpa√, hnIk\ {]h¿Ø\߃°mbn IcpXs∏Sp∂ s]mXp[\w k¿°m¿ sXmgnemfnIsf \ne\n¿Øp∂Xn\mbn ZniXncn®vhntS≠Xmbpw hcp∂p. With the creation of Panchayats, we have one more government. And more offices connected to the district panchayat, block panchayat and grama panchayat. Each of these government offices creates more useless laws and rules, to make themselves busy. One of the major means to impose authority on people is imposing new taxes and licences. ]©mbØpIfpsS krjvSntbmSpIqSn, \ap°v Hcp k¿°m¿IqSn D≠v. Pn√m ]©mbØv, _vtfm°v ]©mbØv, {Kma]©mbØv F∂nhbpambn _‘s∏´ IqSpXembp≈ Imcymebßfpw. Cu Hmtcm k¿°m¿ Imcymebßfpw, kz¥ambn, sXmgn¬ Xnc°p≠m°m\mbn IqSpX¬ D]tbmK iq\yamb \nbaßfpw \n_‘\Ifpw krjvSn°pw. P\ßfpsSta¬ A[nImcw ASnt®¬∏n°m\mbn DXIp∂ apJyamb am¿§w ]pXpXmbp≈ Icßfpw, ssek≥kpIƒ ASnt®¬∏n°pIsb∂XmWv. However, a huge percentage of the governmental revenue is simply utilised for the pay, perks and pension of the newly-created official class employees. There are a lot of things that can be done by utilising these funds. Most of the villages and towns do not have proper toilets. It may be mentioned here that in England, almost all streets have at least two public toilets. What are required are good quality public convenience stations in all villages with various facilities. F∂m¬, k¿°m¿ hcpam\Øns‚ hensbmcp iXam\hpw shdpsX D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂Xv ]pXpXmbn krjvSn°s∏Sp∂ DtZymKÿ˛h¿§ sXmgnemfnIfpsS iºfhpw, a‰v B\pIqeyßfpw, s]≥j\pw th≠nbmWv. an° {Kma߃°pw, ]´W߃°pw D]tbmK{]Zamb tSmbve‰pIƒ C√. ChnsS FSpØp ]dbmhp∂ Imcyw CMvKvf≠n¬, an° sXcphpIfnepw, G‰hpw Ipd™Xv c≠v s]mXptSmbve‰pIƒ D≠v F∂p≈XmWv. F√m {Kmaßfnepw, hnhn[ kuIcyßfp≈ \√ \nehmcap≈ s]mXp I¨ho\nb≥kv tÃj\pIƒ BWv Bhiyw. Provision should be there for good quality, free drinking water, in all streets. There should be a good library and reading room in all panchayats and towns. The library building should be of very good quality and features. F√m sXcphpIfnepw, kuP\yamb IpSnsh≈Øn\mbp≈ kuIcyw D≠mbncnt°Ww. F√m ]©mbØpIfnepw ]´Wßfnepw KpWta∑bp≈ ]pkvXImebhpw hmb\imebpw D≠mbncnt°≠XmWv. ]pkvXImeb sI´nSw \√ KpWta∑bpw khntijXIfpw DffXmbncnt°Ww. There should be a good public-funded hospital with good conveniences in every panchayat. Some part of the riversides should be converted into good quality parks where people can relax in the evening hours. There should be a good play-ground in all villages and towns. s]mXp [\Øm¬ ^≠v sNøs∏Sp∂, F√m kuIcyßfpw D≈ Bip]{Xn F√m ]©mbØpIfnepw D≠mbncnt°Ww. ]pgtbmcßfpsS Nne `mK߃, P\߃°v sshIpt∂cthfIfn¬

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


hn{ian°m\p≈ \√ KpWta∑bp≈ ]m¿°pIfmbn amt‰Ww. F√m {Kmaßfnepw ]´Wßfnepw \√ \nehmcap≈ Ifn°f߃ D≠mbncnt°Ww. There should be facility for the members of the public to learn good quality English. Public funds should be spent in a manner that would be of use to the people. However, currently public funds are being wasted in creating more and more of useless government systems, which serve no specific utility. For, they are only duplicating the work done in one government office or other. My dear friends, I will conclude this talk of mine, by requesting you to think on this issue. s]mXpP\ßfn¬s∏´h¿°v \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°m\p≈ kuIcyw D≠mbncnt°Ww. P\߃°v D]Imc{]Zamb coXnbn¬ thWw s]mXp[\w Nnehmt°≠Xv . F∂m¬ C∂v s]mXp[\w, {]tXyIn®v D]tbmKw H∂pwXs∂bn√mØ, IqSpX¬ IqSpX¬ D]tbmKiq\yamb k¿°m¿ kwhn[m\߃ krjvSn°m\mWv D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂Xv. ImcWw, Ah Hcp k¿°m¿ ImcymebØntemat‰m, sNbvXvXo¿Ø ]Wn ho≠pw Bh¿Øn°pIam{XamWv sNøp∂Xv. Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, \nßtfmSv Cu hnjbsØ°pdn®v Nn¥n°phm≥ Bhiys∏´vsIm≠v Rm≥ Fs‚ Cu kwkmcw D]kwlcn°pw. Q B4

Thank you.

The forest wealth of our nation \ΩpsS cmjv{SØns‚ h\kºØv My dear friends, Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, I wish to speak to you about the forest wealth of our nation. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv \ΩpsS cmjv{SØns‚ h\kºØns\°pdn®v kwkmcn°m≥ B{Kln°p∂p. In 1947, when India was formed, the geographical area of this nation was filled with trees and other forest resources. Roadsides were lined with shade-trees. However, over the years, all this has been squandered by our nation. Huge areas of forest lands have been cleared. Many of them have been converted into residential or industrial layouts or locations. Others have been converted into wastelands. 1947¬, C¥ymcmPyw cq]oIrXambt∏mƒ, Cu `qanimkv { X]camb{]tZiw acßfpw a‰v h\hn`hßfpw \nd™Xmbncp∂p. sXcpthmcßfn¬ XW¬ac߃ \ncbmbn \n∂ncp∂p. F∂m¬, h¿j߃ Ign™t∏mtg°pw, Chsb√mw \ΩpsS cmjv{Sw ]mgmbn°gn™n´p≠v. h\`qanIfn¬ h≥{]tZi߃ sh´nhrØnbm°s∏´ncn°s∏´p. Chbn¬ ]eXpw, hmkÿeßfptStbm, hymhkmbnI{]tZißfptStbm teHu´pItfm, ÿm\ßtfm Bbn am‰s∏´n´p≠v . a‰p≈h Xcniv{]tZißfpw Bbn am‰s∏´n´p≠v. The traditional dwellers of the forest lands have been brought out into the open. Many of them have lost their complete footing in life, and have been left at the mercy of the crude social functioning. h\ßfn¬ ]mcºcyambn hkn®ncp∂h¿ ]pdsØSp°s∏´n´p≠v. Ahcn¬ ]e¿°pw, AhcpsS PohnXØns‚ ASnÿm\wXs∂ \jvSs∏SpIbpw, ]cp°≥ kmaqlnI \nehmc߃°v Ah¿ ASnas∏SpIbpw sNbvXn´p≠v.



It was the English rulers who set-up a department of forestry in the Indian peninsula. They also set-up forestry colleges in British-India. Not only were the trees and forests protected, but efforts were made to set-up scientifically designed forest regions. In Nilambur, a teak plantation was set up by Mr. Henry Coonolly, the Collector of the erstwhile Malabar district. C¥y≥ D]Zzo]n¬ Hcp t^mdkv{Sn Un∏m´vsa‚ v ÿm]n®Xv CMvKvfnjv `cWI¿Øm°fmbncp∂p. _r´njv ˛ C¥ybn¬ Ah¿ t^mdkv { Sn tImfPpIfpw ÿm]n®ncp∂p. acßfpw ImSpIfpw kwc£n°s∏SpIam{Xa√, imkv{Xobambn cq]I¬∏\sNbvX h\{]tZi߃ ÿm]n°m≥ th≠n A[zm\n°pIbpw sNbvXncp∂p. A∂v D≠mbncp∂ ae_m¿ Pn√bpsS IeIvSdmbncp∂ an. sl≥dn tImtWmfn, \neºqcn¬ Hcp tX°v actØm´w ]SpØpb¿Ønbncp∂p. After the formation of India, there has been no concern about the protection of forest wealth. The tribal populations also have no safety. Forest lands are quietly converted into privatelyowned plantations, by means of manipulations in the official records. The government officials in charge of these locations get huge monetary compensation for colluding with these thieves. In the name of development, road-building and electric-line setting-up, trees with hundreds of years’ age are brutally cut-down. The real aim of the people who do this heinous crime is to pocket huge amounts. For, such trees fetch a big price in the wood-mill and furniture industry. C¥y ÿm]nXambtXmSpIqSn, h\kºØv kwc£n°p∂Xn¬ bmtXmcp Xm¬∏cyhpw D≠mbn´n√. h\hmknIƒ°v bmtXmcp kwc£Whpw C√. HutZymKnI tcJIfn¬ Xncpج \SØn, h\`qanIƒ ]Xps° kzmImcy DSaÿXbnep≈ tXm´ßfmbn am‰s∏´psIm≠ncn°p∂p. Cu I≈∑mcpambn KpVmtemN\ \SØp∂Xn¬ \n∂pw, Cu {]tZißfpsS \n¿ΔlWm[nImcw D≈ k¿°m¿ DtZymKÿ¿°v h≥kmºØnI em`w e`n°p∂p. hnIk\w, tdmUv˛\n¿ΩmWw, sshZypXn sse≥ sIs´¬ XpSßnb ImcyßfpsS t]cn¬, \qdpIW°n\v h¿j߃ ]g°ap≈ ac߃ arKobambn sh´nam‰s∏Sp∂p. Cu Zpjv S IrXyw \SØp∂ BfpIfpsS bYm¿∞ e£yw h≥kwJyIƒ t]m°‰nem°pIsb∂XmWv . ImcWw, Cßns\bp≈ ac߃°v acan¬, Krtlm]IcW hyhkmbØn¬ henb hne e`n°pw. It is time for the people of our nation to question these things. For, forests and trees are bequeathed by nature and god. No man, whatever be his official position, has the right to collude or collaborate with people who are out to destroy these glorious legacies. In fact, the officials who have conspired to loot the national wealth have to be made to answer for this. They have to be made to replant the whole forest wealth of our nation, in the same form as it had been bequeathed to us by the rulers of British-India. P\߃ Cu Imcy߃ tNmZywsNøm≥ D≈ kabambn. ImcWw, h\ßfpw acßfpw {]IrXnbpw ssZhhpw \¬InbhbmWv . Cu Kw`ocßfmb ss]XrIßsf \in∏n°m≥ HcpsºSp∂ BfpItfmsSm∏w KqVmtemN\sNøm\pw, AhtcmSv klIcn°m\pw, bmtXmcp a\pjy\pw, Abmƒ GXv HutZymKnI ]Zhnbn¬ D≈ BfmsW¶nepw, AhImian√. hmkvXhØn¬, tZiob kºØv sIm≈bSn°m≥ KqVmtemN\ \SØnb DtZymKÿ¿ CXn\v DØcw ]dtb≠nbncn°p∂p. _r´njv˛C¥y≥ `cWI¿Øm°ƒ \ap°v AhImiambn hn´pX∂ AtX \nehmcØn¬, Cu apgph≥ h\kºØpw Ch¿ Xncn®v \´p]nSn∏nt°≠XmWv. My dear friends, I request you to think about these things. It is your duty before your god, to dare to ask for an adequate explanation from the government officials who had been in charge of our national wealth. They have the same responsibility that a security guard of a bank has, when it is found that someone has absconded with the bank’s money in the night-time, when he was in guard-duty therein. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, Cu Imcyßsf°pdn®v Nn¥n°m≥ Rm≥ \nßtfmSv Bhiys∏Sp∂p. \ΩpsS tZiob kºØns‚ \n¿ΔlWm[nImcw D≠mbncp∂ k¿°m¿ DtZymKÿcn¬ \n∂pw Hcp aXnbmb hniZoIcWw Bhiys∏Sm≥ D≈ ss[cyw ImWn°pIsb∂Xv, \nßfpsS ssZhØn≥ ap∂n¬ \n߃°p≈ I¿ØhyamWv. _m¶n¬ ]mdmhv Uyq´nbp≈ AhkcØn¬, Btcm _m¶ns‚ ]Whpambn apßnsb∂v Is≠Ønbm¬, B ]mdmhvImc\v AXn\p≈ DØchmZnXzØn\v Xp√yamb DØchmZnXzw Ch¿°pap≠v. Q B5

About English CMvKvfnjns\°pdn®v My dear friends, Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, I wish to speak to you about English. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv CMvKvfnjns\°pdn®v ]dbm≥ B{Kln°p∂p. English is a wonderful language. And quite easy to study. It has only 26 alphabets. In the first impression, one might feel that it is such a small language that it cannot do much. For, most Indian languages have much more alphabets and many more powerful words. English words do not have the power that words in Indian languages have. CMvKvfnjv Hcp AXnibIcamb `mjbmWv. am{Xhpa√, AXv ]Tn°m≥ hfsc Ffp∏hpamWv. AXn¬ 26 A£cßtfbp≈p. {]Ya aXn∏n¬, C{X sNdnb Hcp `mjbmbXn\m¬, AXn\v Imcyambn H∂pwXs∂ sNøm≥ Bhn√ Fs∂mcp tXm∂¬ hcmw. ImcWw, an° C¥y≥ `mjIƒ°pw CXnt\°mƒ en]nIfpw, hfscb[nIw i‡nbp≈ hm°pIfpw D≠v . C¥y≥ `mjIfnse hm°pIƒ°v D≈ i‡n CMvKvfnjv hm°pIƒ°v C√. Yet, it is not power in words that makes a society great. Simplicity and ease of use is what makes social communication easy. Not only communicating with others, but debating, discussing and such other things are much more comfortable and easy in English. I am not saying that these things are not possible in other languages. However, most other languages, including many European languages are feudal and hierarchical. F∂m¬, hm°pIfnse _ew A√ Hcp kaqlØns\ alØcam°p∂Xv . efnX `mhhpw, D]tbmKn°m\p≈ Ffp∏hpw BWv kmaqlnI {]h¿Ø\sØ BbmkclnXam°p∂Xv . a‰p≈htcmSv Bibhn\nabw \SØp∂Xn\v am{Xa√, kwhmZw \SØm\pw, N¿®sNøm\pw a‰pw G‰hpw kuIcy{]Zhpw, Ffp∏hpw CMvKvfnjnemWv. C°mcy߃ a‰v `mjIfn¬ Bhn√ F∂√, Rm≥ ]dbp∂Xv . F∂m¬, ]e bqtdm∏y≥ `mjIƒ AS°w, a‰v a n° `mjIfpw ^yqU¬ kz`mhap≈Xpw, D®\oNXzapffhbpamWv. A society reflects the personal dignity and quality of its people. This in turn is connected to the language and words used with regard to the people. Languages that discriminate and belittle people variously cannot create a great social set-up or nation. This is where English does make a very definite difference. Hcp kaqlw AXns‚ P\ßfpsS hy‡n]camb A¥ pw KpWta∑bpw {]Xn^en∏n°p∂p. CXmIs´, P\ßfpambn _‘s∏´v D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂ `mjbpw hm°pIfpw Bbn _‘s∏´v InS°p∂p. P\ßsf hnhn[ coXnbn¬ hnthN\w sNøp∂Xpw, sIm®m°p∂Xpamb `mjIƒ°v Hcp alØmb kmaqlnI LS\tbm cmjv{Stam krjvSn°m≥ Bhn√.



English is not a feudal language. In fact, it is a planar language. There are no higher-ups or lower beings in ordinary English words. English has words for the king, queen and other statutory functionaries. Yet, ordinary words that discriminate or degrade or ennoble a particular person or groups of persons are not required for ordinary communication in English. CMvKvfnjv Hcp ^yqU¬ `mjb√. hmkvXhØn¬, CXv Hcp ]c∂ `mjbmWv. s]mXphmb CMvKvfnjv hm°pIfn¬ henbhtcm sNdnbhtcm C√. cmPmhn\pw, dmWn°pw, a‰v `cWLS\m]camb HutZymKnI ÿm\w hln°p∂h¿°pw, CMvKvfnjn¬ hm°pIƒ D≠v. F∂m¬, GsX¶nepw Hcp hy‡nsbtbm, As√¶n¬ Bƒ°q´ßsftbm hnthN\w sNøp∂tXm, XcwXmgv Ø p∂tXm, As√¶n¬ Znhyam°p∂tXm Bb s]mXphmb hm°pIƒ CMv K v f njneqsSbp≈ km[mcW Bibhn\nabØn\v Bhiyan√. This is what makes English a great language. In fact, it is this sterling quality of English that had made it the language of a wonderful world empire. CXmWv CMvKvfnjns\ Hcp alØmb `mjbm°p∂Xv. hmkvXhØn¬, Cu D¬IrjvSamb KpWamWv CMvKvfnjns\ Hcp AXnibn∏n°p∂XcØnep≈ temI km{amPyØns‚ `mjbmbn am‰nbXv. It was Lord Macaulay who argued for the teaching of this wonderful language to the ordinary people of British-India. The rich people of British-India could study English on their own. It was the common man’s children who had no opportunity to study English. English East India Company decided to agree with Lord Macaulay. English education was given to many school children free of cost. In many places, the lower financial classes and other lower castes improved tremendously due to this. In fact, many lower caste individuals got into senior official positions without any reservations, due to this great magnanimity on the part of the East India Company. Lord Macaulay bmWv , Cu A¤pXIcamb `mj _r´njv ˛ C¥ybnse km[mcW P\ßsf ]Tn∏nt°Ww F∂v hmZn®Xv. _r´njv˛C¥ybnse ]W°m¿°v kz¥ambn CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°m≥ Bhpambncp∂p. km[mcW°mcs‚ a°ƒ°mWv CMvKvfnjv ]Tn°m\p≈ Ahkcw C√msX t]mbXv. CMvKvfnjv CuÃv C¥ym Iº\n Lord MacaulaytbmSv tbmPn°m≥ Xocpam\n®p. ]e kvIqƒ Ip´nIƒ°pw CMvKvfnjv hnZym`ymkw kuP\yambn \¬Is∏´p. Cu ImcWØm¬, ]ebnSØpw, kmºØnIambn ]nt∂m´p\n¬°p∂hcpw a‰v Xmgv∂ PmXn°mcpw AXnKw`ocambn A`nhr≤ns∏´p. hmkvXhØn¬, CuÃv C¥ym Iº\nbpsS Cu alØmb alma\kvIX ImcWw, ]e Xmgv∂ PmXn°mcmb hy‡nIƒ°pw, bmtXmcp kwhcWhpw C√msXXs∂ Db¿∂ HutZymKnI ]ZhnIƒ e`n®p. At the same time, the higher castes also benefited from the various social reforms which enabled them also to improve. AtXkabw, Ahsc Db¿®bnte°v \nßm≥ kuIcys∏SpØnb hnhn[Xcw kmaqlnI ]cnjvIcWßfneqsS Db¿∂PmXn°m¿°pw {]tbmP\w e`n®p. My dear friends, in my opinion we have to be grateful to our benefactors. Ingratitude is a very vile thing. Fs‚ {]obs∏´ kplrØp°sf, Fs‚ A`n{]mbØn¬, \mw \ap°v D]Imcw sNbvXhtcmSv \∂n(\μn)bp≈hcmbncnt°Ww. \∂ntISv (\μntISv) Hcp \oNamb ImcyamWv.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.



PROFESSIONS & Human relationships V 0FULL

 V 1



Grandmother, Grandma




Grandfather, Grandpa



















hml\w HmSn°p∂ Bƒ








\nb{¥n°p∂ Bƒ




b{¥w \∂m°p∂ Bƒ




Nmbw ASn°p∂ Bƒ




sh≈w hnXcWIpg¬ ÿm]n°p∂tXm, \∂m°p∂tXm Bb Bƒ

















`mcybpsS/`¿Ømhns‚ ktlmZcn, `mcy/ `¿ØrktlmZcs‚ `mcy







A≤ym]I≥ / A≤ym]nI


ssS∏v sNøp∂ Bƒ


`mcybpsS/`¿Ømhns‚ ktlmZc≥, `mcym /`¿ØrktlmZcnbpsS `¿Ømhv, ktlmZcnbpsS `¿Ømhv, Afnb≥

sXmgnemfn Sister




 V 2

Human Relationships


AΩmhs‚/AΩmhnbpsS aI≥/aIƒ


`mcybpsS/`¿Ømhns‚ A—≥


`mcybpsS/`¿Ømhns‚ AΩ


a\pjy≥, ]pcpj≥, `rXy≥ Nephew ktlmZcs‚/ktlmZcnbpsS ]p{X≥ Niece ktlmZcs‚/ktlmZcnbpsS ]p{Xn kv{Xo, `mcy, Zmkn






Ip™v, Ip´n




A—≥, ]nXmhv, ]mXncn


AΩ, amXmhv




^yqU¬ `mjm {]iv\w CMvKvfnjnse s]mssf‰vs\kv F∂ k¶¬∏w Hcp ^yqU¬ `mjm A¥co£Øn¬


English politeness in a feudal language ambience KALEIDOSCOPIC HUES English-Malayalam digital magazines‚ May 2015 e°Øn¬ \n∂pw FSpØn´p≈XmWv Cu

A≤ymbw. victoria.org.in ¬ \n∂pw Uu¨temUv sNøpI.

Cu FgpØpImc≥ `mjIfnse tImUpIsf°pdn®v \oco£W]T\߃ Iqsd h¿j߃°v apºvapX¬ \SØnØpSßnbn´p≈ hy‡nbmWv. 1989¬ CXv kw_‘n®v BZyambn Hcp ]pkvXIw (March of the Evil Empires: English versus the feudal languages) FgpXnbt∏mƒ, tkm^vt‰z¿ F∂ Bibk¶¬∏sØ°pdn®v Adnhn√mbncp∂p. F∂m¬ Cu ]pkv X Iw 2001HmSv IqSn ho≠pw hn]pes∏SpØnsbgpXptºmtg°pw, Iºyq´dpIsf°pdn®pw, tkm^vt‰zdns\°pdn®pw ]ehn[hnhcßfpw Cu FgpØpImc≥ t\Sn°gn™n´p≠mbncp∂p. `mjsbmcp tkm^v t ‰zdnt\mtSm, AXpas√¶n¬ Hcp tkm^v t ‰z¿ B]v f nt°jt\mtSmat‰m kmayXbp≈ Ft¥m H∂v BWv F∂v Cu FgpØpImc\v t_m[yap≠v. Cu hnjbsØ°pdn®v ]n∂oSv IqSpXembn kwkmcn°mw. Cu {]mhiysØ teJ\Øn¬ C¥y≥ `mjIfnse hn\b˛`hyXm tImUpIsf CMvKvfnjnse Politness F∂ k¶¬∏hpambn XmcXayw sNbvXv sIm≠v kwkmcn°mw. CMvKvfv≠n¬ \n∂pw h∂ CMvKvfnjn¬ Thank you, Please, Excuse me, I beg your pardon, Pardon, I‘m sorry, I regret, I appologise, Can I?, May I? XpSßnb {]tbmK߃ D≠v. {]YaZr„ymt\m°nbm¬, Chbvs°√mw Xs∂ aebmfØnepw, C¥ybnse a‰v ^yqU¬ `mjIfnepw Xp√yamb hm°pIƒ D≠v F∂ tXm∂¬ hcmw. F∂m¬ CXv icnb√. ImcWw, CMvKvfnjnse PolitnessF∂ k¶¬∏Ønt\mSv XmZmflyw D≈ Cu hm°pIƒ°v aebmfØnepw a‰v ^yqU¬ `mjIfnepw kmam\amb {]tbmK߃ C√Xs∂. BsIbp≈Xv, AXmXv ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ {]Ncn∏n°phm≥ shº¬sIm≈p∂ hy‡nIƒ, CMvKvfnjnse Hmtcm {]tbmKØn\pw Xp√yambXv F∂v sIm´ntLmjn®psIm≠v ]e hm°pIfpw, Hcp°n\n¿Øn°mWn°pIam{XamWv sNøp∂Xv . F∂m¬ Cu Hcp°n\n¿Øn°mWn°p∂ hm°pIsf, AhbpsS tImUv hn\ymkØneqsS t\m°nbm¬, XnI®pw hyXykv X ßfmb A¿∞hpw hy‡n_‘®cSpIfpw D≈hbmWv F∂v ImWmhp∂XmWv. Cu hm°pIfpsS tImUv\nehmcØnte°v IS°msXXs∂, CMvKvfnjnse Hmtcm hm°pItfmSpw _‘n∏n°s∏´ncn°p∂ Cu hm°pIƒ°v, B CMvKvfnjv hm°pIfpambp≈ hyXymksØ°pdn®v ChnsS {]Xn]mZn°mw. BZyw \ap°v CMv K v f njnse Thank you F∂ hm°v FSp°mw. aebmfØnse \∂n (\μn) F∂hm°mWv Thank you F∂ CMvKvfnjv hm°ns‚ A¿∞ambn D]tbmKn®vXpSßn°mWp∂Xv. Cu AhImihmZØn¬ Imcyamb{]iv\߃ D≠v. H∂maXmbn, P∑n IpSnbm\v Fs¥¶nepw Hcp D]Imcw sNbvXm¬, IpSnbm≥ P∑ntbmSv \∂n F∂v ]dbpambncpt∂m F∂Xv Xo¿®bn√. ImcWw, Aßns\sbmcp Iogzg°w D≠v F∂v tXm∂p∂n√. CMv K v f njnse appreciation F∂ hm°v A¿∞am°p∂ ImcyamWv {]iv\w. Xmsgbp≈hs‚ appreciation apIfnep≈h¿°v ]p√v hnebmWv F∂Xv Hcp {]iv\w. F∂m¬Imcy߃ Iptd°qSn k¶o¿ÆamWv . C∂p≈ Hu]NmcnIambn hnIkn∏ns®SpØ aebmfØn¬ \∂nsb∂ hm°v k¿Δ{X D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂p≠v, Hu]NmcnIambn. F∂m¬ CXv CMvKvfnjnse thank you F∂ {]tbmKØn\v ASpsØhnsSbpw FØp∂n√Xs∂. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-167Thank you F∂hm°v BfpIfpsS ÿm\am\߃°pw, sXmgn¬]ZhnIƒ°pw a‰v coXnbn¬

^yqU¬`mjIfn¬ hnthN\]cambn Z¿»n°s∏Sp∂ \nehmcß°pw AXoXambn D]tbmKn°mhp∂ Hcp {]tbmKamWv. DZmlcØn\v tlm´ense shbv‰tdmSpw, Iogv P oh\°mct\mSpw, ]Wn°mct\mSpw, a°tfmSpw, hnZym¿∞nItfmSpw, apXemfntbmSpw, AZym]It\mSpw, taeptZymKÿt\mSpw thank you Htct]mse D]tbmKn°mw. F∂m¬ \∂nsb∂ hm°v, tlm´ense shbv‰tdmSpw, IogvPoh\°mct\mSpw, ]Wn°mct\mSpw, a°tfmSpw hnZym¿∞ntbmSpw, a‰pw AhcpsS apIfn¬ D≈h¿ D]tbmKn®m¬, aebmfØnse a‰v `mjm hmIytImUpIfpambn XmZmfly{]iv\w DZn°pw. DZmlcWØn\v, apXemfn sXmgnemfntbmSv ]dbp∂p \o t]mbn Hcp Kvfmkv sh≈w sIm≠phcq. sXmgnemfn sh≈w sIm≠vh∂v sImSp°p∂p. At∏mƒ apXemfn ]dbp∂p \∂n. CMvKvfnjnse politness F∂ k¶¬∏w aebmfØnte°v ebn∏n°m\mbn hcpwImeßfn¬ Cu \∂n {]tbmKw km¿h{XnIam°m≥ Bsc¶nepw Hcpsº´mepw, aebmfØnse \o, \n߃, Xm¶ƒ, km¿ {]tbmKßfn¬ am‰w hcp∂n√ F∂v Hm¿t°Ww. AXn\m¬ Xs∂ Cusbmcp \∂n{]tbmKw shdpsamcp {]lk\w am{Xambncn°pw. CMvKvfnjn¬ thank youF∂p ]dbp∂Xn¬ ImcyambXpw, BgtadnbXpamb sshImcnI`mhw D≠v. F∂m¬ aebmfØn¬ thank you/\∂n F∂v Bsc¶nepw ]d™m¬ Imcyambn Fs¥¶nepw e`n® tXm∂¬ e`n°n√. ImcWw, henbh¿°v Fs¥¶nepw D]Imc{]ZambXv sNøp∂XnemWv, ^yqU¬ `mjmtImUpIƒ hne\¬IpI. A√msX ap°m¬ ss]kssIbnen√mØtXm, As√¶n¬ kmaqlnIambn hnebn√mØh¿t°m, D]Imcw sNøp∂Xn¬ aqeyan√. AhcpsS \∂ns°¥v hnebncn°p∂p. Ah¿ \¬tI≠Xv ]WamWv. AXn\v aqeyap≠v. ]≠v XncphnXmwIqdn¬ h®v Hcp IYtI´ncp∂p. kmbn∏n\v tdm´n¬ h®v Ft¥m sNdp klmbw sNbvXp, Hcmƒ. aebmfw ]Tn®v ]cnioen®psIm≠ncp∂ kmbn∏v tNmZn®p, ss]kthtWm, \μn thtWm F∂v. kmbn∏v Dt±in®Xv \∂nbmWv. F∂m¬ kmbn∏v ]Tn® aebmfw \μnsb∂ hm°mWv. CXns\ hm°pIƒ {]Imcap≈ D®mcWØn¬ kmbn∏v tNmZn®p \μn thtWm F∂v. Cu \μnsb¥mWv F∂v A]c\v a\ nembn√. \μnsb∂m¬ ss]ktb°mƒ henb Ft¥m BWv F∂v IcpXn, Abmƒ ]d™p, \μn aXn F∂v. At∏mƒ kmbn∏v ]d™p \μn, \μn. t]mbXv ]Ww. e`n®Xv \μn. kln°m≥ ]‰p∂Imcya√. k¿°m¿ t^mapIfnepw a‰pw \μnsb∂v ASn°pdn∏mbn hmbv®q I≠ncn°pw. Cu hm°n\v bmtXmcp A¿∞hpan√. bmtXmcpcoXnbnepw k¿°m¿ sXmgnemfnIƒ Fs¥¶nepw \∂nbp≠v F∂ tXm∂¬ DfhmIp∂ps≠¶n¬, AXv shdpsamcp tXm∂¬am{XamWv. shdpw {]lk\w am{Xw. C\n Please F∂ {]tbmKw t\m°mw. CXns‚ A¿∞w Zbhv sNbvXv Ft∂m Zbhmbn Ft∂m BWv F∂v aebmfØn¬ ]Tn∏n°p∂p. bYm¿∞Øn¬ Please F∂hm°n\v Zbhv sNbv X v Ft∂m Zbhmbn Ft∂m D≈ A¿∞a√ s]mXphmbn D≈Xv. DZmlcWØn\v AZym]It\mSv CMvKvfnjn¬ hnZym¿∞n ]dbp∂p ‘Please close the door ’ . C X n s ‚ A ¿ ∞ w Z b h v s N b v X v h m X n ¬ H ∂ v A S b v ° q F ∂ v X¿÷asNøp∂ps≠¶nepw, CXv CMvKvfnjn¬ hn\btØmSpIqSnbp≈ Hcp A`y¿∞\b√. adn®v politeness Ie¿∂ Hcp B⁄bmWv. Xs∂°mƒ ÿm\Øn¬ Db¿∂ HcmtfmSv CMvKvfnjn¬ Cßns\sbmcpImcyw Bhiys∏Sm\p≈ IqSpX¬ DØaamb hmNIw Can you please close the door? Ft∂m Could you please close the door? Ft∂m BWv. Ie¿∏n√mØ CMvKvfnjn¬ I¬∏\, B⁄, DØchv XpSßnbh please Ie¿∂mWv D]tbmKn°mdv. AXns‚ `mKambn pleaseF∂hm°v ChtbmsSm∏w D]tbmKn°s∏Spw. F∂m¬ C∂v, CMvKvf≠ns‚ ]mcºcy kmlnXyßfneqsS A√ ]ecpw CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂Xv . k¿°m¿ kv I qfpIfntebpw, a‰v an° sSIv à v _p°v ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


{]km[IcpsSbpw CMvKvfnjv ]mT]pkvXI߃ C∂v Xømdm°p∂Xv, CMvKvf≠ns‚ ]mcºcy kmlnXyßfpambn ]pe_‘w t]mepan√mØhcmWv. AXn\m¬ Xs∂ C∂v {]Npc{]Nmcw h∂v sIm≠ncn°p∂ CMv K v f njv an°hmdpw ^yqU¬ `mjIfpsS ]cp°≥ Nphbp≈XmWv . CXv ]Tn∏n°phm\pw ]Tn°m\pw ]mSp≈X√. C\n Sorry F∂ {]tbmKw t\m°mw. I am sorry F∂ hmIyw aebmfØn¬ Rm≥ tJZn°p∂p F∂mbn X¿÷asNbvXv hcp∂ps≠¶nepw, Fs¥¶nepw sXt‰m, A_≤tamsNbvXv t]mbvXn´v, Rm≥ tJZn°p∂p, F∂vIqSn∏d™m¬, A[nI{]kwKtam, Im\qtem at‰m Bbn tXm∂ntb°mw. AXn\m¬ Xs∂, I am sorry F∂ hmIysØ, £ant°Ww F∂mbn´mWv X¿÷asNøs∏Sp∂Xpw, tIƒ°p∂ Bƒ a\ nem°p∂Xpw. F∂m¬, CMvKvfnjn¬ Sorry F∂ {]tbmKw CXn¬\n∂pw sX√v hyXykvXamWv. C°mcyw sNbvXXn¬ F\n°v ZpxJap≠v F∂v kΩXn°p∂p. F∂m¬ CXn\v \n߃/km¿/\o £ant°Ww F∂ Hcp Zb\obamb A`y¿∞\ CXn¬ C√. ]dbp∂ Bƒ Xs‚ A]cm[w AwKoIcn°p∂p. F∂m¬ ^yqU¬ `mjIfn¬ Xmsg°nSbnep≈ Hcmƒ Cßns\ kz¥w hy‡nXzw _enb¿∏n°msX, X\n°v A]cm[t_m[w D≠v F∂v Adnbn°p∂Xv A[nI{]kwKamtb (Im\qemtb) a‰p≈h¿ ImWpIbp≈p. AXn\m¬ Xs∂, Sorry F∂v Hcmƒ ]d™m¬, Ft∂mSv £ant°Ww F∂v Xmsgbp≈ Bƒ apIfnse \nehmcØnep≈ BtfmSv At]£n°p∂Xmtb aebmfØn¬ a\ nem°pIbp≈p. Cßns\ sorry F∂ CMv K v f njv hm°v aebmfØn¬ ]d™m¬, CMv K v f njn¬ {]Xo£n°p∂ {]XnIcWa√ aebmfØn¬ e`n°pI. ]dbp∂ Bƒ XcwXmWXmbn ImWpIbpw, at‰bmƒ AbmfpsS ta¬ Ib¿Øv IbdpIbpamWv aebmfØn¬ kw`hn°pI. C\n as‰mcp hiw IqSnbp≠v. CMvKvfnjn¬ sorry F∂ ]Zw BtcmSpw D]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv. Iogv P oh\°mct\mSpw, a‰pw CXv {]tbmKn°mw. F∂m¬ aebmfØn¬ taeptZymKÿ≥ IogvPoh\°mct\mSpw AZym]I≥ hnZym¿∞ntbmSpw, amXmhv aIt\mSpw, apXemfn sXmgnemfntbmSpw a‰pw sorry F∂ {]tbmKw \SØnbm¬, B ]dbp∂ Bƒ°v am\knIambn Ft¥m Ignhv tISp≠v F∂ coXnbnemWv sorry e`n® Bfpw, Cu kw`mjWw tI´ a‰p≈hcpw IcpXpI. aebmfØnse ^yqU¬ `mjmtImUpIfn¬ apIfn¬ D≈h¿ Xmsgbp≈htcmSv sorry F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°m\p≈ kuIcyw C√msb∂v ]dbmhp∂XmWv . Hu]NmcnIambn £an°Ww Fs∂ms°∏dbmdps≠¶nepw. ]≠v I≠ImcyamWv. Db¿∂ ÿm\Øp≈ Hm^vnk¿ {]mbap≈ ]yqWnt\mSv kwkmcn°p∂Xn\nSbn¬, F¥ns\tbm]‰n∏d™v sorry F∂v ]d™p. DSs\ ]yq¨ sR´n. Abmƒ taeptZymKÿt\mSv ]d™p, ‘kmdv, Ft∂mSv sorry ]dbcpXv. AXv F\n°v Xmßm\mhn√’. ChnsS kw`hn®Xv , ]yq¨ AbmfpsS Hm^v n k¿ ]d™ hmNIw aebmfØnte°v X¿÷a sNbv X v , a\ nem°nbXv sIm≠mWv. Cßs\: ‘Xm¶ƒ Ft∂mSv £an°Ww’. CXv aebmf`mjmtImUpIfn¬ Imcy߃ ae°w adnbp∂ hmNIamWv. bPam\ tkhI\mb ]yqWn\v kln°m≥ ]‰p∂Imcya√. `mjIsf Hcp tkm^vt‰zdmbn ImWpIbpw, Ahbnse hm°pIsf Nne {]tXyIXcw tImUpIfpambn ImWpIbpw sNbvXm¬, ]e hm°pIƒ°pw hmIy߃°pw hyXykvXßfmb ZnimtImUpIfpw, _ehpw i‡nbpw, Imcy߃°v XpS°w Ipdn°m\pw, A¥yw kw`hn∏n°m\pw, Imcyßsf \n¿Øn°m\pw a‰pap≈ IgnhpIƒ D≠v F∂v ImWmhp∂XmWv. t\csØ kqNn∏n® F√m hm°pIfpw N¿®°v tbmPn®hbmsW¶nepw, ChnsS FSpØv ]dbm≥ B{Kln°p∂ hm°mWv apologise . CXns‚ A¿∞w £ambmN\w sNøpI, am∏v tNmZn°pI Fs∂ms°bmWv F∂v ]dbmdps≠¶nepw, bYm¿∞Øn¬ CMvKvfnjn¬ Cßnsb Hcp bmN\tbm,

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


am∏v tNmZn°tem H∂pw Xs∂bn√. kz¥w a\ n¬ Xm≥ sX‰mWv sNbvXXv F∂v a\ nem°n AXv kΩXn®v, {]mb›nØw sNøp∂ Hcp am\knImhÿbmWv, apologise F∂ hm°v sIm≠v Dt±in°p∂Xv. CXn\m¬ Xs∂ GXv \nebnep≈ alm\pw, F{XXs∂ XmsgbmWv F∂v aebmfw `mjmtImUpIƒ \n¿ΔNn°p∂ BtfmSpw apologise F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mhp∂XmWv. F∂m¬ Cßns\bp≈ I apologiseF∂ hmNIw aebmfØnepw a‰v AXpt]mep≈ ^yqU¬ `mjIfnepw X¿÷asNøm≥ A\phZn°cpXv F∂v am{Xw. ImcWw, {]knU‚ v Iv f n‚¨, tamWn° sehnkvIntbmSv I apologise F∂v ]d™p F∂v aebmf ]{X߃ dnt∏m´v sNbvXXv t]msebmIpw. aebmfØn¬ CXv, {]knU‚ v Ivfn‚≥, tamWn° sehvkvIntbmSv am∏v tNmZn®p F∂ cq]ØnemWv A®Sn®v hcnI. Cßns\bp≈ X¿÷a, C¥y≥ kmaqlnI LS\bn¬ Dbcßfn¬ \n¬°p∂h¿°v AtcmNIambn hcpw. Ah¿ CXns\m∂pw apXncn√. ImcWw, Cßns\sNbvXm¬ Nnet∏mƒ kmaqlnILS\ Xs∂ {]mtZinI `mjIfn¬ ae°w adnt™°pw. ChnsS FSpØv ]dtb≠p∂ Imcyw, CMvKvfnjv F∂ `mjm tkm^vt‰z¿, aebmfw t]mep≈ `mjm tkm^vt‰zdpIfn¬ \n∂pw XnI®pw hyXykvXamb H∂mWv, F∂mWv. CMvKvfnjv `mj hn`mh\w sNøp∂ kmaqlnI LS\, ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ hn`mh\w sNøp∂ kmaqlnI LS\bn¬ \n∂pw XnI®pw hn`n∂amWv. Cu Imcyw hniZoIcn°m\mbn, \ap°v Iºyq´dn¬ D]tbmKn°p∂ MS WordUpw Adobe InDesign \pw XmcXaywsNømw. Ch c≠pw ]pkv X Ißfpw teJ\ßfpw a‰pw Iºyq´dn¬ Unssk≥ sNøm\mbn D]tbmKn°p∂ tkm^v t ‰z¿ B]v f nt°j\pIfmWv . F∂ncp∂mepw, Chbv ° v Hmtcm∂pw t]Pv Unssk≥ sNøp∂Xv hyXykv X coXnbemWv . c≠neqsSbpw {]YaZrjv S ym Htct]mep≈ Unssk\pIƒ sNømsa∂v tXm∂msa¶nepw, bYm¿∞Øn¬ Unssk\pIƒ XΩn¬ hyXykvXX D≠mImw. ImcWw, Ch Hmtcm∂pw hyXykvX coXnbnemWv t^m¨SpItfbpw, sSIvÃvItfbpw, Nn{Xßtfbpw t]PpIfn¬ LS\sNøp∂Xv. CXv Hcp sNdnb DZmlcWw am{XamWv. `mjIfnse hyXyÿßfmb hmIy ˛ hm°v tImUpIƒ hyXykvXßfmb coXnbn¬ a\pjytcbpw, AhcpsS s]cpam‰ßtfbpw LS\sNøp∂p. To know more about these things, download Shrouded Satanism in Feudal Languages from victoria.org.in/eng

kmam\yambn s]mXp\ncØn¬ {i≤nt°≠p∂ Imcy߃ 1. s]mXptdmUnse Im¬\Sbm{X°m¿, hml\߃°v AkuIcyamIp∂ coXnbn¬ \n¬°pItbm, \S°pItbm, sNbvXv ss[cyw ImWn°m≥ apXnccpXv. 2. Im¿ t]mep≈ hml\ßfn¬ \n∂pw ]pdØndßptºmƒ, C¥y≥ tdmUpIfnemsW¶n¬, hml\Øns‚ heØv hiØp≈ tUm¿ Xpd°mXncn°m≥ {i≤n°pI. heØphisØ tUm¿ Xpd°Wsa¶n¬, ]n∂n¬ \n∂pw ap∂n¬ \n∂pw a‰v hml\߃ hcp∂n√ F∂v Dd∏v hcptØWw. 3. tdmUv hfbp∂ ÿeØv h®v ap∂nep≈ hml\sØ Hmh¿sSbv°v sNøcpXv. {]tXyIn®pw ap∂n¬\n∂pw hl\߃ hcp∂Xv ImWm≥ ]‰mØ CSØv Cßns\ Hcn°epw sNøcpXv. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-170R 0FULL

Miscellaneous words


 R 1

There. Cu hm°ns‚ s]mXphmb A¿∞w AhnsS F∂mWv. F∂m¬ ]e hmIycN\bnepw, Cu hm°v D]tbmKn°ptºmƒ Cßns\sbmcp A¿∞w hcmdn√. t\m°pI: There is a man standing outside. ]pdØv Hcmƒ \n¬∏p≠v. There was a man standing outside. ]pdØv Hcmƒ \n¬∏p≠mbncp∂p. There is a place I know, where we can go. \ap°v t]mI≥ ]‰p∂ Hcp ÿew F\n°dnbmw. There is a good doctor in Cochin. sIm®nbn¬ Hcp \√ tUmIvS¿ D≠v. There was a good doctor in Cochin. sIm®nbn¬ Hcp \√ tUmIvS¿ D≠mbncp∂p. There is a nice film running in that theatre. B Xob‰dn¬ Hcp \√ kn\na HmSp∂p≠v. There was a nice film running in that theatre. B Xob‰dn¬ Hcp \√ kn\na HmSp∂p≠mbncp∂p. There is a gun in his pocket. Be careful. AbmfpsS t]m°‰n¬ Hcp tXm°p≠v. kq£n°pI. There was a gun in his pocket. Be careful.AbmfpsS t]m°‰n¬ Hcp tXm°p≠mbncp∂p. kq£n°pI. There is no solution for this problem. Cu {]iv\Øn\v bmtXmcp ]cnlmchpw C√. There was no solution for this problem. Cu {]iv\Øn\v bmtXmcp ]cnlmchpw C√mbncp∂p. There is so much to do tomorrow. \msf sNøm≥ hfscb[nIw D≠v. There was so much to do tomorrow. \msf sNøm≥ hfscb[nIw D≠mbncp∂p. There is a river at the end of this road. Cu \ncØns‚ A¥yØn¬ Hcp ]pgbp≠v. There was a river at the end of this road. Cu \ncØns‚ A¥yØn¬ Hcp ]pgbp≠mbncp∂p. There are five people standing outside. ]pdØv A©v BfpIƒ \n¬°p∂p≠v. There were five people standing outside. ]pdØv A©v BfpIƒ \n¬°p∂p≠mbncp∂p. There are eighteen files inside this folder. Cu t^mƒUdn¬ ]Xns\´v ss^epIƒ D≠v. There were eighteen files inside this folder. Cu t^mƒUdn¬ ]Xns\´v ss^epIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are two eggs inside this basket. Cu sIm´bn¬ c≠v ap´ D≠v. There were two eggs inside this basket. Cu sIm´bn¬ c≠v ap´ D≠mbncp∂p. There are so many places to visit in Cannanore. IÆqcn¬ kμ¿»n°m≥ hfscb[nIw ÿe߃ D≠v. There were so many places to visit in Cannanore. IÆqcn¬ kμ¿»n°m≥ hfscb[nIw ÿe߃ D≠mbncp∂p.

There are hundreds of books inside that room. B apdn°IØv \qdv IW°n\v ]pkvXI߃ D≠v.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


There were hundreds of books inside that room. B apdn°IØv \qdv IW°n\v ]pkvXI߃ D≠mbncp∂p. There are patients waiting outside. ]pdØv tcmKnIƒ ImØv \n¬∏p≠v.

R 2

There were patients waiting outside. ]pdØv tcmKnIƒ ImØv \n¬∏p≠mbncp∂p. There are many things that he wants to teach you. \nßsf ]Tn∏n°m≥ Abmƒ B{Kln°p∂ ]e Imcyßfpw D≠v. There were many things that he wanted to teach you. \nßsf ]Tn∏n°m≥ Abmƒ B{Kln°p∂ ]e Imcyßfpw D≠mbncp∂p.

There are no holidays next week. ASpØ BgvN Ah[nIƒ C√. There were no holidays last week. Ign™ BgvN Ah[nIƒ C√mbncp∂p. There is a book on the table. tai∏pdØv Hcp ]pkvXIw D≠v. There was a book on the table. tai∏pdØv Hcp ]pkvXIw D≠mbncp∂p. There is a chance that he will come. Abmƒ hcpw F∂Xn\v Hcp km[yXbp≠v. There was a chance that he will come. Abmƒ hcpw F∂Xn\v Hcp km[yXbp≠mbncp∂p. There is a man in the town. ]´WØn¬ Hcp Bƒ D≠v. There was a man in the town. ]´WØn¬ Hcp Bƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There is a goat in the garden. tXm´Øn¬ Hcp BSv D≠v. There was a goat in the garden. tXm´Øn¬ Hcp BSv D≠mbncp∂p. There is a robber in the kitchen. ASp°fbn¬ Hcp I≈≥ D≠v. There was a robber in the kitchen. ASp°fbn¬ Hcp I≈≥ D≠mbncp∂p. There is a pen in his pocket. AbmfpsS t]m°‰n¬ Hcp t]\bp≠v. There was a pen in his pocket. AbmfpsS t]m°‰n¬ Hcp t]\bp≠mbncp∂p. There is a parrot on the windowsill. P\¬∏Snbn¬ Hcp XØbp≠v. There was a parrot on the windowsill. P\¬∏Snbn¬ Hcp XØbp≠mbncp∂p. There is a girl in school, who I like. Rm≥ CjvSs∏Sp∂ Hcp s]¨Ip´n kvIqfn¬ D≠v. There was a girl in school, who I like. Rm≥ CjvSs∏Sp∂ Hcp s]¨Ip´n kvIqfn¬ D≠mbncp∂p. There is a computer shop in the City Centre. kn‰n sk‚dn¬ Hcp Iºyq´¿ tjm∏v D≠v. There was a computer shop in the City Centre. kn‰n sk‚dn¬ Hcp Iºyq´¿ tjm∏v D≠mbncp∂p. There is a problem in this place. Cu ÿeØv Hcp {]iv\ap≠v. There was a problem in this place. Cu ÿeØv Hcp {]iv\ap≠mbncp∂p. There is no person who can solve this problem. Cu {]iv\w ]cnlcn°m≥ Ignbp∂ bmtXmcp hy‡nbpw C√.

There was no person who can solve this problem. Cu {]iv\w ]cnlcn°m≥ Ignbp∂ bmtXmcp hy‡nbpw C√mbncp∂p.

There is a teacher in my school, who is very good. hfsc \√ Ignhp≈ Hcp So®¿ Fs‚ kvIqfn¬ D≠v. There was a teacher in my school, who is very good. hfsc \√ Ignhp≈ Hcp So®¿ Fs‚ kvIqfn¬ D≠mbncp∂p.

There is this story going round. Cusbmcp IY Np‰n\S°p∂p≠v. There was this story going round. Cusbmcp IY Np‰n\S°p∂p≠mbncp∂p. There is a bump on the road. tdmUn\v apIfn¬ Hcp lºp≠v. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


There was a bump on the road. tdmUn\v apIfn¬ Hcp lºp≠mbncp∂p. There is a beautiful girl in my school. Fs‚ kvIqfn¬ kpμcnbmb Hcp s]¨Ip´nbp≠v. There was a beautiful girl in my school. Fs‚ kvIqfn¬ kpμcnbmb Hcp s]¨Ip´nbp≠mbncp∂p. There is my classmate standing at the bus stop. _tÃm∏n¬ Fs‚ kl]mTn \n¬°p∂p. There was my classmate standing at the bus stop. _ t à m ∏ n ¬ F s ‚ k l ] m T n \n¬°p∂p≠mbncp∂p.

 R 3

There is a good news coming. Hcp \√ hm¿Ø hcp∂p≠v. There was a good news coming. Hcp \√ hm¿Ø hcp∂p≠mbncp∂p. There is a good news that I want to tell you. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ B{Kln°p∂ Hcp \√ hm¿Øbp≠v .

There was a good news that I want to tell you. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ B{Kln°p∂ Hcp \√ hm¿Øbp≠mbncp∂p.

There is a new bus on this route. Cu dq´n¬ ]pXnb Hcp _ v D≠v. There was a new bus on this route. Cu dq´n¬ ]pXnb Hcp _ v D≠mbncp∂p. There is something that I want to tell you. \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂ Hcp Imcyap≠v. There

was something that I wanted to tell you. \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ Rm≥ B{Kln®ncp∂ Hcp


There cannot be any problem this time. Cu {]mhiyw bmtXmcp {]iv\hpw D≠mIm≥ km[yXbn√. There cannot be any disagreement about this. Cu ImcysØ°pdn®v bmtXmcp hntbmPn∏pw D≠mIm≥ km[yXbn√.

There is a train starting at 9 O’clock. 9 aWn°v Hcp Xoh≠n bm{XXpSßp∂p≠v. There was a train starting at 9 O’clock. 9 aWn°v Hcp Xoh≠n bm{XXpSßp∂p≠mbncp∂p. There is a story that I want to tell you. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ B{Kln°p∂ Hcp IYbp≠v. There was a story that I wanted to tell you. Rm≥ \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ B{Kln®ncp∂ Hcp IYbp≠mbncp∂p.

There is a new film in the theatre. Xob‰dn¬ Hcp ]pXnb kn\na D≠v. There was a new film in the theatre. Xob‰dn¬ Hcp ]pXnb kn\na D≠mbncp∂p. There is a tree in front of my house. Fs‚ ho´n\v ap∂n¬ Hcp acw D≠v. There was a tree in front of my house. Fs‚ ho´n\v ap∂n¬ Hcp acw D≠mbncp∂p. There is a shortage of staff in my office. Fs‚ Hm^vnkn¬ Poh\°mcpsS Hcp Zu¿e`yw D≠v. There was a shortage of staff in my office. Fs‚ Hm^v n kn¬ Poh\°mcpsS Hcp Zu¿e`yw D≠mbncp∂p.

There is a kind man in the hospital, who helps everybody. F√mhscbpw klmbn°p∂, IcpWbp≈ Hcp Bƒ Bip]{Xnbn¬ D≠v.

There was a kind man in the hospital, who helps everybody. F√mhscbpw klmbn°p∂, IcpWbp≈ Hcp Bƒ Bip]{Xnbn¬ D≠mbncp∂p.

There is a leak in the water can. sh≈Øns‚ I∂mkn¬ Hcp tNm¿®bp≠v. There was a leak in the water can. sh≈Øns‚ I∂mkn¬ Hcp tNm¿®bp≠mbncp∂p. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


There is a lot of goodwill for you. \nßtfmSv hfscb[nIw \√ aXn∏v \nehn¬ D≠v.

 R 4

There was a lot of goodwill for you. \nßtfmSv hfscb[nIw \√ aXn∏v \nehn¬ D≠mbncp∂p. There is a strange feeling in my mind. Fs‚ a\ n¬ Hcp hnNn{Xamb tXm∂¬ D≠v. There was a strange feeling in my mind. Fs‚ a\ n¬ Hcp hnNn{Xamb tXm∂¬ D≠mbncp∂p. There is a nice horse in his stable. AbmfpsS IpXncmebØn¬ Hcp \√ IpXncbp≠v. There was a nice horse in his stable. AbmfpsS IpXncmebØn¬ Hcp \√ IpXncbp≠mbncp∂p. There are a lot of things that I want to tell you. \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂ hfsc A[nIw Imcy߃ D≠v.

There were a lot of things that I want to tell you. \nßtfmSv ]dbm≥ Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂ hfsc A[nIw Imcy߃ D≠mbncp∂p.

There are a number of things about which I want to get an explanation from you. \nßfn¬\n∂pw hniZoIcWw e`n°m≥ Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂ Ipsd Imcy߃ D≠v.

There were a number of things about which I wanted to get an explanation from you. \nßfn¬\n∂pw hniZoIcWw e`n°m≥ Rm≥ B{Kln®ncp∂ Ipsd Imcy߃ D≠mbncp∂p.

There are only two teachers in this school. Cu kvIqfn¬ c≠v So®¿am¿ am{XamWv D≈Xv. There were only two teachers in this school. Cu kvIqfn¬ c≠v So®¿am¿ am{XamWv D≠mbncp∂Xv. There are certain things that I want to tell you. F\n°v \nßtfmSv GXm\pw Imcy߃ ]dbm\p≠v. There were certain things that I wanted to tell you. F\n°v \nßtfmSv GXm\pw Imcy߃ ]dbm\p≠mbncp∂p.

There are many factors that created this issue. Cu {]iv\w krjvSn® ]e LSIßfpw D≠v. There were many factors that created this issue. Cu {]iv\w krjvSn® ]e LSIßfpw D≠mbncp∂p. There are many parents who do not care about their children. AhcpsS a°sf°pdn®v {i≤n°mØ ]e amXm]nXm°fpw D≠v.

There were many parents who do not care about their children. AhcpsS a°sf°pdn®v {i≤n°mØ ]e amXm]nXm°fpw D≠mbncp∂p.

There are many children who do not get enough to eat. BhiyØn\v `£Ww Ign°m≥ In´mØ ]e Ip´nIfpw D≠v.

There were many children who do not get enough to eat. BhiyØn\v `£Ww Ign°m≥ In´mØ ]e Ip´nIfpw D≠mbncp∂p.

There are a number of issues about which I am not happy. F\n°v k¥pjvSnbn√mØ Ipsd Imcy߃ D≠v.

There were a number of issues about which I am not happy. F\n°v k¥pjvSnbn√mØ Ipsd Imcy߃ D≠mbncp∂p.

There are five fingers on my hand. Fs‚ Iøn¬ A©v hncepIƒ D≠v. There were five fingers on my hand. Fs‚ Iøn¬ A©v hncepIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are only two dogs in his house. AbmfpsS ho´n¬ c≠v \mbIƒ am{XamWv D≈Xv. There were only two dogs in his house. AbmfpsS ho´n¬ c≠v \mbIƒ am{XamWv D≠mbncp∂Xv. There are two persons waiting for you. c≠v BfpIƒ \nßsf ImØv\n¬°p∂p≠v.



There were two persons waiting for you. c≠v BfpIƒ \nßsf ImØv \n¬°p∂p≠mbncp∂p. There are only two pillows in this bed. Cu InS°bn¬ c≠v XebWIƒ am{Xsabp≈p. There were only two pillows in this bed. Cu InS°bn¬ c≠v XebWIƒ am{Xsa D≠mbncp∂p≈p. There are fifteen people in the hospital. Bip]{Xnbn¬ ]Xn\©v BfpIƒ D≠v. R 5 There were fifteen people in the hospital. Bip]{Xnbn¬ ]Xn\©v BfpIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are eighteen rabbits in this cage. Cu Iq´n¬ ]Xns\´v apbepIƒ D≠v. There were eighteen rabbits in this cage. Cu Iq´n¬ ]Xns\´v apbepIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are seven days in a week. Hcp BgvNbn¬ Ggv Znhkw D≠v. There are twelve months in a year. Hcp h¿jØn¬ ]{¥≠v amkw D≠v. There are 365 days in a year. Hcp h¿jØn¬ 365 Znhk߃ D≠v. There are a lot of actors in this film. Cu kn\nabn¬ Ipsd A`nt\Xm°ƒ D≠v. There were a lot of actors in this film. Cu kn\nabn¬ Ipsd A`nt\Xm°ƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are 500 pages to read. hmbn°m≥ 500 t]PpIƒ D≠v. There were 500 pages to read. hmbn°m≥ 500 t]PpIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are stools in the bed room. InS∏papdnbn¬ ÃqfpIƒ D≠v. There were stools in the bed room. InS∏papdnbn¬ ÃqfpIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are no glasses in the office room. Hm^vnkv apdnbn¬ •mkpIƒ C√. There were no glasses in the office room. Hm^vnkv apdnbn¬ •mkpIƒ C√mbncp∂p. There are no coconuts in the kitchen. ASp°fbn¬ tXß C√. There were no coconuts in the kitchen. ASp°fbn¬ tXß C√mbncp∂p. There are no medical shops in this town. Cu ]´WØn¬ saUn°¬ tjm∏pIƒ C√. There were no medical shops in this town. Cu ]´WØn¬ saUn°¬ tjm∏pIƒ C√mbncp∂p. There are a lot of teachers in this school. Cu kvIqfn¬ Ipsd A≤ym]I¿ D≠v. There were a lot of teachers in this school. Cu kvIqfn¬ Ipsd A≤ym]I¿ D≠mbncp∂p. There are boats on the other side. adp`mKØv tXmWnIƒ D≠v. There were boats on the other side. adp`mKØv tXmWnIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. There are policemen waiting in the corner. aqebn¬ t]meokpIm¿ ImØv \n¬∏p≠v. There were policemen waiting in the corner. aqebn¬ t]meokpIm¿ ImØv \n¬∏p≠mbncp∂p. There are too many problems here. ChnsS hfscb[nIw {]iv\߃ D≠v. There were too many problems here. ChnsS hfscb[nIw {]iv\߃ D≠mbncp∂p. There are a lot of things happening here. ChnsS Ipsd Imcy߃ kw`hn°p∂p≠v. There were a lot of things happening here. ChnsS Ipsd Imcy߃ kw`hn°p∂p≠mbncp∂p. There are pots full of liquor in the next room. ASpØ apdnbn¬ aZyw\nd® IpS߃ D≠v. There were pots full of liquor in the next room. ASpØ apdnbn¬ aZyw\nd® IpS߃ D≠mbncp∂p. You must reach there by tomorrow. \msftbmsS \n߃ AhnsS FØnbncn°Ww. He might come there in the morning. Abmƒ cmhnse AhnsS ht∂°mw. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

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They may need you there. Ah¿°v AhnsS \nßsf Bhiyw ht∂°mw. We can meet you there. R߃°v \nßsf AhnsS h®v I≠vap´mw. You can phone me from there. AhnsS \n∂v \n߃°v Fs∂ t^m¨sNømw.

She must be waiting for you there. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) \nßsf AhnsS ImØv \n¬∏p≠mhpw. It can’t have reached there by now. AXv Ct∏mtg°pw AhnsS FØnbncn°m≥ km[yXbn√. I can send you there, if you want. \n߃°v Xm¬∏cyaps≠¶n¬, F\n°v \nßsf AhntS°v Ab°mw. We will inform you if we need you there. R߃°v \nßsf AhnsS Bhiyaps≠¶n¬, R߃ \nßsf hnhcw Adnbn°pw.

I have come from there. Rm≥ AhnsS \n∂mWv h∂n´p≈Xv. It has died there. AXv AhnsS acn®n´p≠v. Will you come there? \n߃ AhnsS hcptam? Can’t you come there? \n߃°v AhnsS hcm≥ Ignbns√? May I see you there? Rm≥ \nßsf AhnsSh®v ImWs´? Should I call you from there? Rm≥ AhnsS\n∂v \nßsf hnfn°s´? Is he going to be there? Abmƒ AhnsSbmIm\mtWm t]mIp∂Xv? Has it arrived there? AXv AhnsS \n∂v FØnbn´pt≠m? Have they gone from there? Ah¿ AhnsS \n∂v t]mbn´pt≠m? HERE

 S 0FULL

S 1

Here is your book. CXm \nßfpsS ]pkvXIw. Here is a gun for you to keep. \n߃°v sh°ms\mcp tXm°nXm. Here is a chance to kill him. Abmsf sIm√ms\mcp AhkcanXm. Here is the man from the town. ]´WØn¬ \n∂pw D≈ Hcp BfnXm. Here is the goat that escaped. c£s∏´ B BSv CXm. Here is the robber who came to your house. \nßfpsS ho´nte°v h∂ I≈≥ CXm. Here is a pen for you to write. \n߃°v FgpXm≥ Hcp t]\ CXm. Here is the parrot that I saw yesterday. Rm≥ C∂se I≠ XØ CXm. Here is the girl who studies in my class. Fs‚ Ivfmkn¬ ]Tn°p∂ s]¨Ip´n CXm. Here is a computer shop. Hcp Iºyq´¿ tjm∏v CXm. Here is a problem for you to solve. \n߃°v ]cnlcn°m\mbn Hcp {]iv\w CXm. Here is a person who can solve this problem. Cu {]iv\w ]cnlcn°m≥ Ignbp∂ Hcp Bƒ CXm. Here is a teacher, who can teach you good English. \nßsf \√\nehmcap≈ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn∏n°m≥ Ignbp∂ Hcp A≤ym]I≥ CXm.

Here is a story for you to consider. \n߃°v ]cnKWn°m≥ Hcp IYbnXm. Here is the beautiful girl who lives next-door. ASpØho´n¬ Xmakn°p∂ kpμcnbmb s]¨Ip´n CXm. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Here is my classmate who was in the Gulf. Kƒ^nembncp∂ Fs‚ kl]mTnbnXm. Here is good news, which you will like. \n߃ CjvSs∏Sp∂ \√ hm¿ØbnXm.

 S 2

Here is the new bus on this route. Cu dq´nep≈ ]pXnb _ v CXm. Here is the place where I wanted to take you to. \nßsf sIm≠vt]mIm≥ Rm≥ B{Kln® ÿew CXm. Here is the train that starts at 9 O’clock. 9 aWn°v bm{X Bcw`n°p∂ Xoh≠n CXm. Here is the story, which I wanted you to see. \n߃ ImWWw F∂v Rm≥ B{Kln® IY CXm. Here is the new film poster. ]pXnb kn\nam t]mÿ CXm. Here is the kind man who helped me in hospital. Bip]{Xnbn¬ Fs∂ klmbn® IcpWbp≈ Bƒ CXm. Here is the leak, which caused the problem. Cu {]iv\w kw`hn∏n® tNm¿®bnXm. Here I feel strange. ChnsS F\n°v hnNn{Xambn A\p`hs∏Sp∂p. Here is the nice car that won the race. Cu Hm´∏¥bw Pbn® \√ IpXncbnXm. Here are a lot of things for you to copy. \n߃°v ]I¿Øm\mbn ChnsS Ipsd Imcy߃ D≠v. Here are the books you gave me. \n߃ F\n°v \¬Inb ]pkvXI߃ CXm. Here are the two teachers. CXm B c≠v A≤ym]I¿. Here are the things that I wanted you to see. \n߃ ImWWsa∂v Rm≥ B{Kln® km[\߃ CXm. Here are the parents who want to see you. \nßsf ImWm≥ B{Kln°p∂ amXm]nXm°ƒ CXm. Here are the children who are very poor. hfsc ]mhs∏´hcmb Ip´nIƒ CXm. Here are the books about which I spoke to you. \nßtfmSv GXv ]pkvXIßsf°pdn®mWv Rm≥ kwkmcn®ncp∂Xv, Ah CXm.

I will wait for you here. Rm≥ \n߃°mbn ChnsS ImØv \n¬°pw. What are you doing here? \n߃ ChnsS F¥mWv sNøp∂Xv? You have been sitting here since morning. cmhnse apX¬ \n߃ ChnsS Ccn°pIbmbncp∂p. She came here to see you today morning. \nßsf ImWm\mbn Abmƒ(kv{Xo) C∂v cmhnse ChnsS h∂p. It was here when I saw it. Rm≥ AXns\ ImWptºmƒ, AXv ChnsSbmbncp∂p. They can’t be far from here. Ah¿ ChnsS \n∂v A[nIw ZqcØmbncn°n√. We are not moving from here till you come. \n߃ hcp∂Xv hsc R߃ ChnsS \n∂pw \oßp∂n√. He is sure to come here in the night. cm{Xnbn¬ Abmƒ ChnsS hcpw F∂Xv Xo¿®bmWv. She said that she wants to put her dress here. Abmƒ°v ( kv { Xo) AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) hkv { Xw ChnsS CSWw(sh°Ww) F∂mWv B{Klw F∂v Abmƒ(kv{Xo) ]d™p. T 1


THAT AXv That is a nice film. AXv Hcp \√ kn\nabmWv. That bird is not a crow. B ]£nsbmcp Im°b√. That is something, which I will not discuss. Rm≥ N¿®sNømØ ImcyamWv AXv. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


That was something, which I will not discuss. Rm≥ N¿®sNømØ Imcyambncp∂p AXv. That should be done. AXv sNbvXncnt°Ww. That is not my problem. AXv Fs‚ {]iv\a√. That was not my problem. AXv Fs‚ {]iv\ambncp∂n√. That was done without my permission. AXv Fs‚ A\phmZan√msXbmWv sNbvXXv. That is our house. AXv RßfpsS hoSmWv. That was our house. AXv RßfpsS hoSmbncp∂p. That is a mango tree. AXv Hcp amhmWv. That was a mango tree. AXv Hcp amhmbncp∂p. That will be the end of all our problems. AXv \ΩpsS F√m {]iv\ßfptSbpw A¥yambncn°pw. That is my son. AXv Fs‚ aI\mWv. That is a lie. AXv Hcp IfhmWv. That was a lie. AXv Hcp Ifhmbncp∂p. That is a point for debate. N¿®vbv°v FSpt°≠p∂ Hcp kwKXnbmWv AXv. That was a point for debate. N¿®vbv°v FSpt°≠p∂ Hcp kwKXnbmbncp∂p AXv. That is where they feed the animals. arKßsf Ah¿ Xo‰p∂Xv AhnsS h®mWv. That was where they feed the animals. arKßsf Ah¿ Xo‰p∂Xv AhnsS h®mbncp∂p. That is not the way I see it. Rm≥ AXv ImWp∂Xv Aßns\b√. That was not the way I see it. Rm≥ AXv ImWp∂Xv Aßns\bmbncp∂n√. That is not the way to his house. AbmfpsS ho´nte°p≈ hgn AX√. That can really complicate the situation. kmlNcysØ AXn\v \n›bambpw k¶o¿Wam°m≥ Ignbpw. That might be the man we are looking for. \mw t\m°p∂ Bƒ CXmtb°mw. That will cost a lot of money. AXn\v hfsc hnehcpw. That is something I really want to buy. hmßn°m≥ Rm≥ icn°pw B{Kln°p∂ ImcyamWv AXv. Where is that tiny creature? B sNdnb P¥p FhnsSbmWv? Why should that disturb you? AXv \nßsf F¥n\v Akzÿ\m°Ww?

 T 2

Do you really want to kill that man? B a\pjys\ sIm√m≥ \n߃ icn°pw B{Kln°p∂pt≠m? Can’t you stop that talk? Cu kwkmcw \n߃°v \n¿Øn°qtS? Can you come with us to that river? B ]pgbnte°v \n߃°v RßtfmsSm∏w h∂pIqtS? Is he involved in that scam? B ]Wm]lcWØn¬ Abmƒ Dƒs∏´n´pt≠m? Has he been admitted in that hospital? Abmƒ B Bip]{Xnbn¬ FUvan‰v sNøs∏´n´pt≠m? He also has been infected by that terrible disease. B `b¶c tcmKØmepw Abmƒ tcmK_m[nX\mbn´p≠v.

I pity him for all that he had to suffer. Abmƒ A\p`hnt°≠nh∂n´p≈ F√mØn\pw Rm≥ AbmtfmSv klX]n°p∂p.

I want you to go back to that place. \n߃ B ÿetØ°v Xncn®v t]mIWw F∂mWv Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂Xv.



She can tell that to him again. Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) AXv AbmtfmSv ho≠pw ]dbmw. We are going to stop that game. \mw B Ifn \n¿Øm≥ t]mIpIbmWv. We told him that he was not welcome. Abmƒ kzmKX\√msb∂v R߃ AbmtfmSv ]d™p. I am aware that he is going to die. Abmƒ acn°m≥ t]mIpIbmWv F∂v Rm≥ t_m[hm\mWv. I want to catch that thief. F\n°v B I≈s\ ]nSn°m≥ B{Klap≠v. I may be wrong about that. AXns\°pdn®v Rm≥ (]d™Xv) sX‰mtb°mw. He should apologise for all that has happened. kw`hn®Xns\√mw, Abmƒ am∏v ]dtb≠XmWv. Is he interested in that business? B hym]mcØn¬ Abmƒ°v Xm¬∏cyapt≠m? Why should you support that party? \n߃ B ]vm´nsb(]m¿´nsb) F¥n\v ]n¥mßWw? May I request you to keep away from that issue? Cu hnjbØn¬ \n∂pw \n߃ hn´v\n¬°Ww F∂v Rm≥ \nßtfmSv Bhiys∏Ss´?

Has he come that way? Abmƒ B hgnh∂n´pt≠m? Did he get that job? Abmƒ°v B sXmgn¬ e`nt®m? He had to clean that room. Abmƒ°v B apdn hrØnbmt°≠Xmbn h∂p. He ate that sandwich. Abmƒ B km‚ vhn®v Xn∂p. I must warn you to keep that information to yourself. Cu hnhcw \nßfpsS ]°¬ Xs∂ sh°Ww F∂v Rm≥ \n߃°v ap∂dnbn∏v \¬tI≠XmWv.

There is that ghost. AXm B t{]Xw.  U 1



I want to know where I can get this from. CXv FhnsS\n∂pamWv F\n°v In´pI F∂v F\n°v AdntbWw.

I want to know from where I can get this. CXv FhnsS\n∂pamWv F\n°v In´pI F∂v F\n°v AdntbWw.

I want to know where I can get this. CXv FhnsS \n∂pw F\n°v In´pw F∂v F\n°v AdntbWw. In Sultan’s Battery, there is a nice hotel, where you can get good food. \n߃°v \√ `£Ww e`n°p∂ Hcp \√ tlm´¬, kpƒØm≥ _tØcnbn¬ D≠v.

This is where you will have to get down. ChnsSbmWv \n߃ Cdtß≠nhcnI. U 2

Why This is why you should not do this. CXv sIm≠mWv, \n߃ CXv sNøm≥ ]mSn√mØXv. I do not know why he shouted at me. Abmƒ Ft∂mSv H®sh®sX¥n\mWv F∂v F\n°v Adnbn√. They can’t understand why he died so suddenly. Abmƒ F¥vsIm≠mWv C{Xs]s´∂v acn®sX∂v Ah¿°v a\ nem°m≥ Ignbp∂n√.

No one knows why he acted so strangely. C{X hnNn{Xambn Abmƒ s]cpamdnbXv F¥v sIm≠mWv F∂v B¿°pw Adnbn√.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


You should ask him why he did not study hard. Abmƒ F¥vsIm≠mWv ITn\ambn ]Tn°mXncp∂Xv F∂v \n߃ AbmtfmSv tNmZn°Ww.

There is no reason why he failed to come on time. Abmƒ kabØn\v FØnt®cp∂Xn¬ ]cmPbs∏´Xn\v bmtXmcp ImcWhpw C√.

U 3


I was sleeping when he came inside. Abƒ AIØv h∂t∏mƒ Rm≥ DdßpIbmbncp∂p. They were studying when they heard a big bang outside the door. hmXnen\v ]pdØv Hcp i_vZw Ah¿ tI´t∏mƒ, Ah¿ ]Tn°pIbmbncp∂p.

He was sitting in his car, when they shot him. Ah¿ Abmsf shSnh®t∏mƒ, Abmƒ AbmfpsS Imdn\p≈n¬ Ccn°pIbmbncp∂p.

She was praying, when she saw a brilliant figure standing right in front of her. Abmƒ ( k v { X o ) {]m¿∞n°pIbmbncp∂p, At∏mgmWv Hcp Xnf°ap≈ cq]w, sXm´pap∂n¬ \n¬°p∂Xmbn Abmƒ (kv{Xo) I≠Xv.

He was teaching them how to drive, when the accident happened. Abmƒ Ahsc hml\w HmSn°m≥ ]Tn∏n°pIbmbncp∂p, At∏mgmWv A]ISw kw`hn®Xv.

We were coming outside the door, when they started to scream. R߃ hmXnen\v ]pdtØ°v hcnIbmbncp∂p, At∏mgmWv Ah¿ \nehnfn°m≥ XpSßnbXv.

She wept with joy, when she saw him alive. Absf Poht\msS Abmƒ(kv{Xo) I≠t∏mƒ, Abmƒ (kv{Xo) B\μw sIm≠v Ic™p.

We all stood up, when he entered the room. Abmƒ apdnbn¬ Ibdnbt∏mƒ, R߃ F√mhcpw Fgpt∂‰p. And

U 4

His brother and I are great friends. AbmfpsS ktlmZc\pw, Rm\pw henb kplrØp°fmWv. Ramesh and Rafi are coming here today. ctajpw dm^nbpw C∂v ChnsS hcp∂p≠v. Why should he and I go there? Abmfpw Rm\pw AhnsS F¥n\v t]mIWw? Where are Nazir and Peter going today? \kodpw, ]o‰dpw C∂v FhnsSbmWv t]mIp∂Xv? I saw Jack and his mother going to the shop. Jack°pw AbmfpsS AΩbpw ISbn¬ t]mIp∂Xv Rm≥ I≠p. Will you please call Kate and Robin, and tell them to come fast? \n߃ sIbv‰nt\bpw, tdm_nt\bpw H∂v hnfn®n´v, AhtcmSv thKØn¬ hcm≥ ]dbptam?

Bombay and Calcutta were wonderful places, some seventy years back. GXm≠v Fgp]Xv h¿j߃°v ap≥]v t_mws_bpw I¬°´bpw AXnibIcamb ÿeßfmbncp∂p. Susan and her mother were standing outside their house, when that big stone fell down from the sky. kqk\pw, AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) AΩbpw AhcpsS ho´n\v ]pdØv \n¬°pIbmbncp∂p, At∏mgmWv , BImiØn¬ \n∂pw, Hcp henb I√v \neØv hoWXv.

Or Who is worse, Bush or Obama? BcmWv IqSpX¬ tamiw, _pjvtjm, AtXm, H_matbm?



Please come in, or I will close the door. AIØv hcq, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ hmXn¬ ASbv°pw. Study hard or you will fail in the exam. ITn\ambn ]Tn°q, As√¶n¬ \n߃ ]co£bn¬ ]cmPbs∏Spw.

U 5

Send him some money, or he will be angry with you. Abmƒ°v Ipd®v ]Ww Ab°q, As√¶n¬ Abmƒ \nßtfmSv tZjyØnembncn°pw.

Take your hands out of your pocket or I will shoot. \nßfpsS t]m°‰n¬ \n∂pw \nßfpsS ssIIƒ ]pdØv FSp°pI, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ shSnsh°pw.

You should catch him fast, or he will escape. Abmsf \n߃ s]s´∂v ]nSnt°≠XmWv, As√¶n¬ Abmƒ c£s∏Spw.

Tell him to get up in the morning, or he will miss the bus. cmhnse Fgpt∂¬°m≥ AbmtfmSv ]dbq, As√¶n¬ Abmƒ _kv an v sNøpw.

She should marry me, or I will not help her anymore. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Fs∂ hnhmlw sNtøWw, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ Abmsf(kv{Xo) C\napX¬ klmbn°n√.

Than AXnt\°mƒ, CXnt\°mƒ

 U 6

I don’t know if this idea is better than the other. Cu Bibw at‰Xnt\°mƒ \√XmtWm F∂v F\n°v Adnbn√.

I am a better man than him. Abmsf°mƒ \√\nehmcap≈ Bƒ Rm\mWv. Science is better than history. imkv{Xw Ncn{XsØ°mƒ \√XmWv. Who told you that history is better than science? Ncn{Xw imkv{XtØ°mƒ \√XmWv F∂v \nßtfmSv BcmWv ]d™Xv?

Titanic was better than Jurassic Park. Ppdmkn°v ]vm°nt\°mƒ \√Xv ssS‰m\n°v Bbncp∂p. Who told you that Helen of Troy was more beautiful than Cleopatra? sle≥ Hm^v t{Smbv Ivfntbm]m‰vdsb°mƒ kpμcnbmbncp∂p F∂v \nßtfmSv BcmWv ]d™Xv?

He had more than a hundred people with him. AbmfpsSIqsS Hcp \qdpt]cn¬ IqSpX¬ BfpIƒ D≠mbncp∂p.

You are stronger than him. \n߃ Abmsf°mƒ i‡\mWv. Don’t you know that....? .... F∂v \n߃°v Adnbns√? Don’t you know that I will never forgive him?

 U 7

Abmƒ°v Rm≥ Hcn°epw am∏v sImSp°n√ F∂v \n߃°v Adnbns√?

Don’t you know that this is a famous place in history? CXv Ncn{XØn¬ Hcp {]kn≤amb ÿeamWv F∂v \n߃°v Adnbns√?

Don’t you know that no one will help them? Ahsc Bcpw klmbn°n√msb∂v \n߃°v Adnbns√?

Don’t you know that there is no solution for this problem? Cu {]iv\Øn\v bmtXmcp ]cnlmchpw C√msb∂v \n߃°v Adnbns√?

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-181U 8

Never Hcn°epw C√ I will never do it. Rm≥ AXv Hcn°epw sNøn√. He will never tell a lie. Abmƒ Hcn°epw Hcp Ifhv ]dbn√.

She can never pass that exam. Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) Hcn°epw B ]co£ ]mkmIm≥ Bhn√. We must never allow him to escape. \Ωƒ Abmsf c£s∏Sm≥ Hcn°epw A\phZn°cpXv. They may never come here. Ah¿ ChnsS Hcn°epw ht∂°n√. You should never go near him. \n߃ Hcn°epw AbmfpsS ASpØv t]mIcpXv.

Ever Ft∏msg¶nepw Will he ever pass that exam? Abmƒ Ft∏msg¶nepw B ]co£ ]mkmIptam? U 9 I don’t know if he will ever become a rich man. Abmƒ Ft∏msg¶nepw Hcp ]W°mc≥ Bhptam Fs∂\n°v Adnbn√.

Inside/outside AIØv/]pdØv Bring him inside. Abmsf AIØv sIm≠vhcq. Take him outside. Abmsf ]pdØv sIm≠vt]mIq. The bus is standing outside the gate. _ v sKbv‰n\v ]pdØv \n¬°p∂p. He went inside and never came back. Abmƒ AIØv t]mbn, F∂n´v Xncn®v h∂tXbn√. Can you come outside? \n߃°v ]pdØv hcm≥ Ignbptam? Don’t go inside. AIØv t]mIcpXv. As, So, Because

 W 1

 W 0FULL

As he was a rich man, I married him. Abmƒ ]W°mc\mbXv sIm≠v, Rm≥ Abmsf hnhmlw Ign®p.

He was a rich man, so I married him. Abmƒ ]W°mc\mbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v Rm≥ Abmsf hnhmlw Ign®p.

I married him, because he was a rich man. Rm≥ Abmsf hnhmlw Ign®p, ImcWw Abmƒ ]W°mc\mbncp∂p.

As he was a bad man, they beat him. Abmƒ Hcp tami°mc\mbXvsIm≠v, Ah¿ Abmsf ASn®p. He was a bad man, so they beat him. Abmƒ Hcp tami°mc\mbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v Ah¿ Abmsf ASn®p. They beat him, because he was a bad man. Ah¿ Abmsf ASn®p, ImcWw Abmƒ tami°mc\mbncp∂p. As he ran fast, he got the bus. Abmƒ thKØn¬ HmSnbXvsIm≠v, Abmƒ°v _ vIn´n. He ran fast, so he got the bus. Abmƒ thKØn¬ HmSn, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v _ vIn´n. He got the bus, because he ran fast. Abmƒ°v _ vIn´n, ImcWw Abmƒ thKØn¬ HmSn.



As she was lovely, everyone liked her. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) kuμcyhXnbmbncp∂XvsIm≠v, F√mcpw Abmsf(kv{Xo) CjvSs∏´p.

She was lovely, so everyone liked her. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) kuμcyhXnbmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v F√mcpw Abmsf(kv{Xo) CjvSs∏´p.

Everyone liked her, because she was lovely. F√mcpw Abmsf (kv{Xo) CjvSs∏´p, ImcWw Abmƒ(kv{Xo) kuμcyhXnbmbncp∂p.

As it was raining, I couldn’t go out. ags]øpIbmbncp∂XvsIm≠v, F\n°v ]pdØv t]mIm≥ Bbn√. It was raining, so I couldn’t go out. ags]øpIbmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v F\n°v ]pdØv t]mIm≥ Bbn√.

I couldn’t go out because it was raining. F \ n ° v ] p d Ø v t ] m I m ≥ B b n √ , I m c W w ags]øpIbmbncp∂p.

As he is always tired, he couldn’t do it. Abmƒ Ft∏mgpw £oWnX\mbncp∂XvsIm≠v, Abmƒ°v AXv sNøm≥ Bbn√.

He is always tired, so he couldn’t do it. Abmƒ Ft∏mgpw £oWnX\mWv, AXn\m¬, Abmƒ°v AXv sNøm≥ Bbn√.

He couldn’t do it because he is always tired. Abmƒ°v AXv sNøm≥ Bbn√, ImcWw Abmƒ Ft∏mgpw £oWnX\mbncp∂p.

He studied hard, so he passed. Abmƒ ITn\ambn ]Tn®p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ ]mkmbn. As he studied hard, he passed. Abmƒ ITn\ambn ]Tn®XvsIm≠v, Abmƒ ]mkmbn. He passed the exam, because he studied hard. Abmƒ ]co£ ]mkmbn, ImcWw Abmƒ ITn\ambn ]Tn®p.

He was nice, so everyone liked him. Abmƒ \√s]cpam‰ambncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v F√mcpw Abmsf Cjv S s∏´p.

As he was nice, everyone liked him. Abmƒ \√s]cpam‰ambncp∂Xv s Im≠v , F√mcpw Abmsf Cjv S s∏´p.

Everyone liked him, because he was nice. F√mcpw Abmsf Cjv S s∏´p, ImcWw Abmƒ \√s]cpam‰ambncp∂p.

He was on time, so he got the bus. Abmƒ IrXykabØmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v _ vIn´n. As he was on time, he got the bus. Abmƒ IrXykabØmbncp∂XvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v _ vIn´n. He got the bus, because he was on time. Abmƒ°v _ vIn´n, ImcWw Abmƒ IrXykabØmbncp∂p. He did it well, so he was given a tip.

 W 2

Abmƒ AXv \∂mbn sNbvXp, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v Hcp Sn∏v sImSp°s∏´p.

As he did it well, he was given a tip. Abmƒ AXv \∂mbn sNbvXXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v Hcp Sn∏v sImSp°s∏´p.

He was given a tip, because he did it well. Abmƒ°v Hcp Sn∏v sImSp°s∏´p, ImcWw Abmƒ AXv \∂mbn sNbvXp.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


Everyone liked him, so he was given a compliment. F√mcpw Abmsf CjvSs∏´p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v Hcp D]lmcw sImSp°s∏´p.

As everyone liked him, he was given a compliment. F√mcpw Abmsf CjvSs∏´XvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v Hcp D]lmcw sImSp°s∏´p.

He was given a compliment, because everyone liked him. Abmƒ°v Hcp D]lmcw sImSp°s∏´p, ImcWw F√mcpw Abmsf CjvSs∏´p.

He was hurt, so he cried. Abmƒ°v apdnth‰p (at\mhnjaw D≠mbn), AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ Ic™p. As he was hurt, he cried. Abmƒ°v apdnth‰XvsIm≠v (at\mhnjaw D≠mbXv sIm≠v),Abmƒ Ic™p. He cried, because he was hurt. Abmƒ Ic™p, ImcWw Abmƒ°v apdnth‰p (at\mhnjaw D≠mbn).

He shouted at them, so they pushed him out. Abmƒ AhtcmSv H®sh®p, AXvsIm≠v Ah¿ Abmsf ]pdtØ°v X≈nbn´p. As he shouted at them, they pushed him out. Abmƒ AhtcmSv H®sh®XvsIm≠v Ah¿ Abmsf ]pdtØ°v X≈nbn´p. They pushed him out, because he shouted at them. Ah¿ Abmsf ]pdtØ°v X≈nbn´p, ImcWw Abmƒ AhtcmSv H®sh®p. He was not careful, so he fell down. Abmƒ {i≤mephmbncp∂n√, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ \neØv hoWp. As he was not careful, he fell down.Abmƒ {i≤mephmbncp∂n√mØXvsIm≠v Abmƒ \neØv hoWp. He fell down, because he was not careful. Abmƒ \neØv hoWp, ImcWw Abmƒ {i≤mephmbncp∂n√.

He was frightened, so he refused to go out. Abmƒ `b∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ ]pdØvt]mIm≥ hnkΩXn®p.

As he was frightened, he refused to go out. Abmƒ `b∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂XvsIm≠v Abmƒ ]pdØvt]mIm≥ hnkΩXn®p.

He refused to go out, because he was frightened. Abmƒ ]pdØvt]mIm≥ hnkΩXn®p, ImcWw Abmƒ `b∂ncn°pIbmbncp∂p.

He was not strong, so he couldn’t lift the bag. Abmƒ i‡\mbncp∂n√, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v B k©n s]m°m\mbn√. As he was not strong, he couldn’t lift the bag. Abmƒ i‡\√mbncp∂XvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v B k©n s]m°m\mbn√. He couldn’t lift the bag, because he was not strong. Abmƒ°v B k©n s]m°m\mbn√, ImcWw Abmƒ i‡\mbncp∂n√. His eyes were weak, so he couldn’t read.

 W 3

AbmfpsS IÆpIƒ _elo\ßfmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v hmbn°m≥ Bbn√.

As his eyes were weak, he couldn’t read. AbmfpsS IÆpIƒ _elo\ßfmbncp∂XvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v hmbn°m≥ Bbn√.

He couldn’t read, because his eyes were weak. Abmƒ°v hmbn°m≥ Bbn√, ImcWw AbmfpsS IÆpIƒ _elo\ßfmbncp∂p.



He was weak in grammar, so his writings were full of mistakes. Abmƒ hymIcWØn¬ Zp¿∫e\mbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v AbmfpsS FgpØpIfn¬ apgph≥ ]niIpIfmbncp∂p.

As he was weak in grammar, his writings were full of mistakes. Abmƒ hymIcWØn¬ ]niIpIfmbncp∂p.





His writings were full of mistakes, because he was weak in grammar. AbmfpsS FgpØpIfn¬ apgph≥ Zp¿∫e\mbncp∂p.

]niIpIfmbncp∂p, ImcWw Abmƒ hymIcWØn¬

She was gentle, so she was not cared for. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) arZpeamb s]cpam‰°mcnbmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v, Abmƒ(kv{Xo) ]cnNcn°s∏´n√.

As she was gentle, she was not cared for. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) arZpeamb s]cpam‰°mcnbmbncp∂XvsIm≠v, Abmƒ(kv{Xo) ]cnNcn°s∏´n√.

She was not cared for, because she was gentle. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) ]cnNcn°s∏´n√, ImcWw Abmƒ(kv{Xo) arZpeamb s]cpam‰°mcnbmbncp∂p.

She got up late, so she had a headache. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) sshInsbgpt∂‰p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) XethZ\bp≠mbn.

As she got up late, she had a headache. Abmƒ(kv{Xo) sshInsbgpt∂‰XvsIm≠v Abmƒ°v (kv{Xo) XethZ\bp≠mbn.

She had a headache, because she got up late. Abmƒ°v (kv{Xo) XethZ\bp≠mbn, ImcWw Abmƒ(kv{Xo) sshInsbgpt∂‰p.

Her father was sick, so he couldn’t take her out. AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) ]nXmhn\v AkpJambncp∂p, AXv s Im≠v , Abmƒ°v Abmsf (kv { Xo) ]pdØv sIm≠pt]mIm≥ Bbn√.

As her father was sick, he couldn’t take her out. AbmfpsS ( k v { X o ) ]nXmhn\v AkpJambncp∂XvsIm≠v, Abmƒ°v Abmsf ( k v { X o ) ]pdØv sIm≠pt]mIm≥ Bbn√.

Her father couldn’t take her out, because he was sick. AbmfpsS (kv { Xo) ]nXmhn\v , Abmsf (kv { Xo) ]pdØv sIm≠pt]mIm≥ Bbn√, ImcWw Abmƒ°v AkpJambncp∂p.

The weather was hot, so everyone had to take a bath. NqSp≈ Imemhÿbmbncp∂p, AXvsIm≠v F√mhcpw Ipfnt°≠Xmbn h∂p.

As the weather was hot, everyone had to take a bath. NqSp≈ Imemhÿbmbncp∂XvsIm≠v F√mhcpw Ipfnt°≠Xmbn h∂p.

Everyone had to take a bath, because the weather was hot. F√mcpw Ipfnt°≠Xmbn h∂p, ImcWw NqSp≈ Imemhÿbmbncp.

They are arriving at 2 O’clock, so be at the airport to receive them. Ah¿ 2 aWn°mWv FØp∂Xv, AXvsIm≠v Ahsc hcth¬°m≥ Gbv¿t]m´vn¬ D≠mbncnt°Ww.

As they are arriving at 2 o’clock, be at the airport to receive them. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-185Ah¿ 2 aWn°v FØp∂XvsIm≠v Ahsc hcth¬°m≥ Gbv¿t]m´vn¬ D≠mbncnt°Ww.

Be at the airport to receive them, because they are arriving at 2 o’clock.

 W 4

Ahsc hcth¬°m≥ Gbv¿t]m´vn¬ D≠mbncnt°Ww, ImcWw Ah¿ 2 aWn°v FØp∂XmWv.

Your father is here, so be quiet. \nßfpsS ]nXmhv ChnsSbp≠v, AXvsIm≠v ASßnbncn°q. As your father is here, be quiet. \nßfpsS ]nXmhv ChnsSbp≈XvsIm≠v ASßnbncn°q. Be quiet, because your father is here. ASßnbncn°q, ImcWw \nßfpsS ]nXmhv ChnsSbp≠v. He lived violently, so he died violently. Abmƒ A{Iamk‡ambn Pohn®p, AXvsIm≠v A{IaØm¬ Abmƒ acn®p.

As he lived violently, he died violently. Abmƒ A{Iamk‡ambn Pohn®XvsIm≠v A{IaØm¬ Abmƒ acn®p.

He died violently, because he lived violently. A{IaØm¬ Abmƒ acn®p, ImcWw Abmƒ A{Iamk‡ambn Pohn®p

My sister married a rich man, so she is well off. Fs‚ ktlmZcn Hcp ]W°mcs\ hnhmlw Ign®p, AXvsIm≠v Abmƒ(kv{Xo) \√\nebnemWv.

As my sister married a rich man, she is well off. Fs‚ ktlmZcn Hcp ]W°mcs\ hnhmlw Ign®XvsIm≠v Abmƒ(kv{Xo) \√\nebnemWv.

My sister is well off, because she married a rich man. Fs‚ ktlmZcn \√\nebnemWv, ImcWw Abmƒ(kv{Xo) Hcp ]W°mcs\ hnhmlw Ign®p.

It rained heavily, so it is wet everywhere. ITn\ambn ags]bvXp, AXpsIm≠v, F√mbnShpw \\™ncn°p∂p. As it rained heavily, it is wet everywhere. ITn\ambn ags]bvXXpsIm≠v, F√mbnShpw \\™ncn°p∂p. It is wet everywhere, because it rained heavily.F√mbnShpw \\™ncn°p∂p, ImcWw ITn\ambn ags]bvXp He is a dangerous man, so keep away from him. Abmƒ Hcp A]ISImcnbmb BfmWv, AXvsIm≠v Abmfn¬\n∂pw hn´v\n¬°pI.

As he is a dangerous man, keep away from him. Abmƒ Hcp A]ISImcnbmb BfmbXvsIm≠v Abmfn¬\n∂pw hn´v\n¬°pI.

Keep away from him, because he is a dangerous man. Abmfn¬\n∂pw hn´v\n¬°pI, ImcWw Abmƒ Hcp A]ISImcnbmb BfmWv.

They can help you, so approach them with your problem. Ah¿°v \nßsf klmbn°m≥ Bhpw, AXvsIm≠v \nßfpsS {]iv\hpambn Ahsc kao]n°pI.

As they can help you, approach them with your problem. Ah¿°v \nßsf klmbn°m≥ Bhp∂XvsIm≠v \nßfpsS {]iv\hpambn Ahsc kao]n°pI.

Approach them with your problem, because they can help you. \nßfpsS {]iv\hpambn Ahsc kao]n°pI, ImcWw Ah¿°v \nßsf klmbn°m≥ Bhpw.




W B1


My sister and my brother are close to each other.Fs‚ ktlmZcnbpw, ktlmZc\pw XΩn¬ hfsc ASp∏amWv.

My friend and his mother came here today. Fs‚ kplrØpw AbmfpsS amXmhpw C∂v ChnsS h∂p. My friend and I went to Manhattan yesterday. Fs‚ kplrØpw Rm\pw C∂se sa≥lm‰\n¬ t]mbn. My sister and I are arriving there this evening. Fs‚ ktlmZcnbpw Rm\pw C∂v sshIpt∂cw AhnsS FØnt®cp∂XmWv.

My father and I are going for a movie tonight. Fs‚ ]nXmhpw Rm\pw C∂v cm{Xn Hcp kn\nabv°v t]mIpIbmWv.

The horse and its jockey are very good friends. B IpXncbpw AXns‚ tPvm°nbpw \√ kplrØp°fmWv. The dog and the cat make a lot of sound in the night. B ({]k‡amb) \mbbpw ]q®bpw cm{Xnbn¬ hfscb[nIw H®bp≠m°p∂p.

The squirrel and the rabbit are my pets. B ({]k‡amb) AÆm\pw apbepw Fs‚ hf¿Øp arKßfmWv.

You find him and inform me. \n߃ Abmsf Is≠Ønbn´v, Fs∂ hnhcw Adnbn°q. You approach him and ask him his opinion. \n߃ Abmsf kao]n°pI, F∂n´v AbmfpsS A`n{]mbw AbmtfmSv tNmZn°pI.

They are going to find him and torture him to death. Ah¿ Abmsf I≠p]nSn®n´v Abmsf acWwhsc ]oUn∏n°m≥ t]mIpIbmWv.

They can come here and collect the cheque. Ah¿°v ChnsS h∂n´v sN°v hmßn°m≥ Ignbpw. They will try to kidnap him and then try to force you. Ah¿ Abmsf X´ns°m≠vt]mIm≥ {ian°pw, F∂n´v \nßfpsS ta¬ kΩ¿±w sNepØm≥ {ian°pw.

The right and wrong of this is not my consideration. CXnse icnbpw sX‰pw Rm≥ ]cnKWn°p∂ Imcyßf√. I like comics of Phantom and Mandrake. F\n°v ^m‚Øns‚bpw am≥s{Ubv°ns‚bpw tIvman°pIƒ CjvSamWv.

I like mangoes and apples. F\n°v amßbpw applefpw CjvSamWv. I like my father and mother. F\n°v Fs‚ A—t\bpw AΩtbbpw CjvSamWv. We can go and buy some fish. \ap°v t]mbn Ipd®v a’yw hmßn°mw. We can open the fridge and find some food. \ap°v {^nUvPv Xpd°mw, F∂n´v Ipd®v `£Ww Is≠Ømw.

 W B2

We can take some money and go for a film. \ap°v Ipd®v ]Ww FSp°mw, F∂n´v Hcp kn\nabv°v t]mImw.

The robber took my TV and a few CDs.I≈≥ Fs‚ Sohnbpw Ipd®v koUnIfpw FSpØp. The police came here and asked a few questions.t]meokv ChnsS h∂p, F∂n´v Ipd®v tNmZy߃ tNmZn®p.

His gunman and his secretary accompanied the prime minister. {][m\a{¥nbpsS K¨am\pw AbmfpsS sk{I´dnbpw Abmsf A\pKan®p.

I came to collect my dress and my shoes. Fs‚ hkv{Xhpw Fs‚ jqkpw FSp°m\mWv Rm≥ h∂Xv .

I can’t fight with you and your friends. F\n°v \nßtfmSpw \nßfpsS kplrØp°tfmSpw ASnIqSm≥ Bhn√.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


I would really love to meet the boss and his wife. sXmgnepSatbbpw, AbmfpsS `mcytbbpw ImWm≥ Rm≥ hfscb[nIw B{Kln°p∂p.

There can be no doubt that both he and his friend did come here. Abmfpw AbmfpsS kplrØpw ChnsS h∂p F∂Xn\v bmtXmcp kwibhpw D≠mIm≥ Ignbn√.

It is disturbing that one cannot live without money and status. ]Whpw kmaqlnIA¥ pw C√msX Pohn°m≥ Bhn√sb∂Xv hnjan∏n°p∂ ImcyamWv.

Why can’t you and your brother talk it out? \nßfpw \nßfpsS ktlmZc\pw F¥vsIm≠v CXv kwkmcn®v Xo¿ØpIqSm?

What is the reason for this fight between him and his neighbour? Abmfpw AbmfpsS Ab¬°mc\pw XΩnep≈ Cu IelØn\v F¥mWv ImcWw?

Where can he have taken his wife and children? Abmƒ AbmfpsS `mcytbbpw Ip´nItfbpw FhnsS sIm≠pt]mbncn°m\mWv km[yX?

How can he be so cruel to his uncles and aunts? Abmƒ°v AbmfpsS AΩmh∑mtcmSpw, AΩmbnamtcmSpw Fßns\bmWv C{Xam{Xw {Iqc\mIm≥ IgnbpI?

Is it true that they are going to kill Veerappan and his associates? Ah¿ hoc∏t\bpw AbmfpsS Iq´mfnItfbpw sIm√m≥ t]mIpIbmWv F∂Xv icnbmtWm?

What do you think happened between James and his colleagues? sPbvwkn\pw AbmfpsS kl{]h¿ØI¿°pw CSbn¬ F¥v kw`hn®p F∂mWv \n߃°v tXm∂p∂Xv?  X 1  X 0FULL


H∂pIn¬ (CXv) As√¶n¬ (AXv) Either my father or my brother will come here tomorrow. H∂pIn¬, Fs‚ A—≥ As√¶n¬ Fs‚ ktlmZc≥ ChnsS \msf hcpw. Either hand over your gold chain, or get shot. H∂pIn¬ \nßfpsS kz¿ÆsNbv≥ FSpØvXcnI, As√¶n¬ shSnhbv°s∏SpI. You can either join for this course, or you can go home. H∂pIn¬ \n߃°v Cu tIm n\v tNcmw, As√¶n¬ \n߃°v hn´nte°v t]mImw. He can either come with me, or he can go with his friend. H∂pIn¬ Abmƒ°v Fs‚IqsS hcmw, As√¶n¬ Abmƒ°v AbmfpsS kplrØnt\msSm∏w t]mImw. She can either stay here and be safe, or she can get out and try her luck. H∂pIn¬ Abmƒ°v (kv{Xo) ChnsS Xmakn°pIbpw kpc£nXbmbncn°pIbpw sNømw, As√¶n¬ Abmƒ°v (kv{Xo) ]pdØv IS°pIbpw AbmfpsS (kv{Xo) `mKyw ]co£n°pIbpw sNømw. They will either kill him, or they will torture him. H∂pIn¬ Ah¿ Abmsf sIm√pw, As√¶n¬ Ah¿ Abmsf a¿±n°pw. You can either be a rich man here, or you can be poor in your hometown. H∂pIn¬ \n߃°v ChnsS Hcp ]W°mc\mImw, As√¶n¬ \n߃°v \nßfpsS kztZiob ]´WØn¬ ]mhs∏´h\mImw.


As√¶n¬ Give me your wallet, or I will kill you. \nßfpsS thmf‰v F\n°v \¬IpI, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ \nßsf sIm√pw.


-188He should pay the cost of the breakage, or we will put in a complaint. s]mfn™ km[\ßfpsS hne Abmƒ \¬tIWw As√¶n¬ R߃ ]cmXn \¬Ipw. They can come out now, or they will have to stay there for sometime. Ah¿°v Ct∏mƒ ]pdØv hcmw As√¶n¬ Ah¿ Ipd®v kabw AhnsS Xmaknt°≠Xmbn hcpw. He should join the army, or he may find it difficult to survive here. Abmƒ ]´mfØn¬ tNcWw, As√¶n¬ ChnsS \ne\n∂pt]mIm≥ Abmƒ hnjant®°pw. He should pay the money, or we will be forced to withdraw from the deal. Abmƒ ]Ww ASbv°Ww, As√¶n¬ R߃ DSºSnbn¬ \n∂pw ]n≥hmßm≥ \n¿_‘nXcmIpw. Open the door, or I will shoot you. hmXn¬ Xpd°q, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ shSnshbv°pw. Give me the knife, or I will call out. B IØn F\n°v Xcq, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ H®hbv°pw. Pay the pending bills, or we will not continue the service. ASbv°m≥ _m°nbmb _n√pIƒ ASbv°q, As√¶n¬ R߃ tkh\w XpScn√.


]s£, F∂m¬

 X 3

I want to help you, but I am very poor. F\n°v \nßsf klmbn°Wsa∂p≠v, ]s£ Rm≥ hfsc Zcn{Z\mWv.

I can call her, but her mother may take the phone. F\n°v Abmsf(kv{Xo) hnfn°m≥ Ignbpw, ]s£ AbmfpsS(kv{Xo) AΩ t^m¨ FSptØ°pw.

I will come here, but he may not come. Rm≥ ChnsS hcpw, ]s£ Abmƒ ht∂°n√.

We want to appear for the exam, but it is difficult to travel in the present conditions. R߃°v ]co£bv°v ]s¶Sp°m≥ B{Klap≠v, ]s£ Ct∏mgp≈ Ahÿbn¬, bm{XsNøm≥ {]bmkamWv.

We wish to appeal to the governor, but it may create more problems. KhWtdmSv At]£n°m≥ R߃ B{Kln°p∂p, ]s£ AXv IqSpX¬ {]iv\߃ krjvSnt®°pw.

We can meet him, but he may react in an unpredictable manner. \ap°v Abmsf t\cn´v ImWmw, ]s£ Abmƒ {]hN\mXoXambcoXnbn¬ {]XnIcnt®°mw.

They can attack now, but there is no guarantee about the results. Ah¿°v Ct∏mƒ B{Ian°mw, F∂m¬ ^esØ°pdn®v bmtXmcp Dd∏pan√.

They might see you tomorrow, but it may not help. Ah¿ \nßsf \msf t\cn´v It≠°mw, ]s£ AXv {]tbmP\w sNbvtX°n√.

They are good men, but that may not be enough. Ah¿ \√ a\pjycmWv, ]s£ AXv aXnbmtb°n√.

She is intelligent, but that is not enough to pass the exam.

 X 4

Abmƒ(kv{Xo) _p≤naXnbmWv, F∂m¬ ]co£]mkmIm≥ AXv aXnbmIn√.

She can come here, but she should not make a racket here. Abmƒ°v(kv{Xo) ChnsS hcmw, F∂m¬ Abmƒ(kv{Xo) ChnsS Hcp _lfw D≠m°cpXv.

The boy is reading nicely, but we don’t know if he can write as well. (B¨) Ip´n, \∂mbn hmbn°p∂p≠v, F∂m¬ Abmƒ°v \∂mbn FgpXm\pw Adnbptam F∂v R߃°v Adnbn√.

The child is sleeping now, but his fever may increase in the nighttime. Ip´n Ct∏mƒ DdßpIbmWv, F∂m¬ cm{Xnbn¬ AbmfpsS (Ip´nbpsS) ]\n IqSntb°mw. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


The teacher is new, but she is quite capable. So®¿ ]pXnb BfmWv, F∂m¬ Abmƒ (kv{Xo) \√ Ignhp≠v.

The minister was a good man, but the bureaucrats were horrible. a{¥n \√ Hcp a\pjy\mbncp∂p, F∂m¬ DtZymKÿ¿ `oIc∑mcmbncp∂p.

It is going to be a stormy session, but our members are ready for anything. CXv Hcp _lfm¥co£ap≈ ktΩf\w BIm≥t]mIpIbmWv, F∂m¬ RßfpsS AwK߃ F¥n\pw XømdmWv.

It could have been done in a far better manner, but he went on changing his plans. CXnt\°ƒ hfsc \√coXnbn¬ CXv sNømambncp∂p, F∂m¬ Abmƒ AbmfpsS ]≤XnIƒ am‰ns°mt≠bncp∂p.

What you have said is agreeable, but then we can’t say what would happen tomorrow. \n߃ ]d™Xv tbmPn°m≥ ]‰p∂ImcyamWv , F∂m¬ \msf F¥mWv kw`hn°m≥ t]mIp∂Xv F∂v R߃°v ]dbm≥ Bhn√.

It may be your version of the events, but we feel that it is not the only version. CXv kw`hßsf∏‰nbp≈ \nßfpsS hnhcWamtb°mw, F∂m¬ Cu hnhcWw am{Xa√ D≈Xv F∂mWv R߃°v tXm∂p∂Xv.

The horse was good, but it was given substandard training. B IpXnc \√Xmbncp∂p, F∂m¬ AXn\v \nehmcwIpd™ ]cnioe\amWv \¬InbXv.

The reading was not boring, but who has the time and inclination for such things nowadays? B hmb\ hnckambncp∂n√, F∂m¬ C°meØv B¿°mWv CXymZnImcy߃°v kabhpw Xm¬∏cyhpw D≈Xv?

Books by the author 01. MARCH of the EVIL EMPIRES; ENGLISH versus the FEUDAL LANGUAGES 02. The SHROUDED SATANISM in FEUDAL LANGUAGES! Tribulations and intractability of improving others!! 03. Codes of reality! What is language?

16. Horrendous India! A parade of facade in verbal codes!

04. Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages!

17. Hindi in Australia: Behold the future!

05. Obama as what? A different perspective on International Relationship

18. Teaching Hindi in Australia! What is dangerous about it?

06. The machinery of Homoeopathy

19. VEILED routes to resources in Computers & on the Internet, unVEILED!

07. Gandhi and his ‘Ji’; Grooming up of a fake

20. British sailors in Indian stinking jails!

08. Vintage English

21. What is different about pristine ENGLISH?


22. An urgent appeal for ENGLISH RACISM

10. Indian Culture! What is it exactly?

English & Vernacular mix

11. INDIAN MARRIED LIFE: The undercurrents! 12. MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!

1. Old Malayalam Film Songs’ Annotation

13. Idiocy of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act!

2. Dangers of making Malayalam the language of administration in Kerala 3. Writ Petition against Compulsory Malayalam Study


4. Words from Malabar Language


5. FENCE EATING the CROPS! A treatise on the bureaucratic loot & swindle of India. Commentaries attached to famous books 01. NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE 02. TRAVANCORE STATE MANUAL

Latest online writings by the author can be found on ved036.wordpress.com



^yqU¬ `mjmtImUpIfntes°mcp FØnt\m´w c≠v BfpIƒ. Hcmsf F√mhcpw km¿/Xm¶ƒ F∂v kwt_m[\ sNøp∂p. at‰ Bsf AtX BfpIƒ


\o F∂v kwt_m[\ sNøp∂p. BZysØ Bsf ]cma¿»n®v kwkmcn°ptºmƒ, F√mcpw, At±lw/ Ah¿ F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°p∂p. c≠masØ Bsf ]cma¿»n°ptºmƒ F√mcpw Abmsf°pdn®v, Ah≥ F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°p∂p. BZysØ BtfmSv, kmdns\¥mWv th≠Xv? F∂v tNmZn°ptºmƒ, c≠masØ BtfmSv, \ns\s°s¥Sm th≠Xv? (\n\s°s¥tS th≠Xv?) F∂v tNmZn°p∂p. Cßns\, C°q´¿ c≠vt]cpw t]meokv tÃj\n¬ sN√ptºmƒ, BZysØ Bƒ°v Ccn∏nSw e`n°p∂p. Abmƒ°v Nmbbpw a‰pw BZc]q¿Δw \¬Is∏Sp∂p.Abmƒ ]dbp∂ Imcy߃ t]meokpIm¿ hfsc {i≤tbmsS tIƒ°p∂p. as‰bmƒ°v Ccn°m≥ ]‰n√. Abmsfs¥¶nepw ]d™mepw, AXn\v hnebn√. F¥mSm \n\°v acymZbv°v \S∂pIqsS? F∂ coXnbn¬ t]meokpIm¿ tNmZn°p∂p. `mjbneqsS \¬Is∏Sp∂ hyXykv X ßfmb kmaqlnIm\p`hßfpw a‰pw a\pjy hy‡nXzØnepw, imcoc`mjbnepw hyXnNe\߃ hcpØp∂p≠v. am{Xhpa√, kmaqlnI LS\bnepw, `cWb{¥Ønepw CXns‚ kzm[o\w \ntj[mflIambn \ne\n¬°p∂p≠v. ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ°v , a\pjy_‘ßfn¬ ]eXcw ^e߃ krjv S n°m≥ Ignbpw. hnLSn∏n°p∂ B∏mbpw (Wedge), hy‡nXzßsf adn®nSp∂ DtØmeIambpw (Lever), ASn®a¿Øp∂ Np‰nIbmbpw (Hammer), kmaqlnI {]h¿Ø\ thKXbn¬ am‰ßƒ hcpØm≥ Ignbp∂ Knbdmbpw (Gear), hy‡nXzßsf FXn¿ZniIfn¬ ]ncn°m≥]‰p∂ _eambpw (Twisting torque), {]h¿Øn°m≥ ^yqU¬ `mjIƒ°v Bhpw. BfpIsf ]ncanUv cq]Øn¬ AWn\ncØm\pw a‰pw Ignbp∂ i‡amb tImUpIfpw ^yqU¬ `mjIfn¬ D≠v. CMvKvfnjnse \nc∂Xpw, XnI®pw efnXhpamb `mjmtImUpIfn¬ \n∂pw ho£n®m¬, ^yqU¬ `mjmA¥co£w XnI®pw k¶o¿Æhpw, ]e am\knI \nKqUXIfpw hn{`m¥nIfpw, sh{]mfßfpw, Bthißfpw, H®∏mSpIfpw, AanX [ocXIfpw, ]o°ncnØcßfpw, ]n∂n¬ \n∂vIpØepIfpw, NXnIfpw, AkqbIfpw, Ip‰w]d®nepw, XmgvØn∏dbepIfpw, Db¿Øn∏dbepIfpw, s]mß®w ]dbepIfpw a‰pwD≈ Hcp temIamWv. CXv hy‡nIfpsS Ip‰ambn ImtW≠Imcyan√. ImcWw, `mjbpsS tImUpIfmWv Chbv°v t{]cWmflIambn \ne\n¬°p∂Xv. kmaqlnI `mj amdptºmƒ, kaqlØns‚ cq]hpw, `mhhpw amdpw. Cu hnjbØn¬ Xm¬∏cyap≈h¿ 1. March of the evil empires; English versus the feudal langauges, 2. Shrouded satanism in feudal languagesF∂o {KŸßƒ hmbn°pI. A¥¿t±iobambn Adnbs∏´ncp∂ ÿe\ma߃ CMvKvfnjv kwkmcn°ptºmƒ, A¥¿t±iobambn, X B1

Ncn{XmXoXImewapX¬ D]tbmKn®ph∂ncp∂ ÿe\maßfmWv DNnXw. F∂m¬ \n¿_‘an√.



































Cape Comerin


Sultan’s Battery

kpƒØm≥ _tØcn














This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-191Y 1


#29 Act {]h¿Øn°q, A`n\bn°q

Answer the critics. hna¿iI¿°v DØcw\¬Iq

Act fast. thKØn¬ {]h¿Øn°q

Approach kao]n°q

Act a little better this time.

Approach him through his wife.

C{]mhiyw Ipd®v IqSn \∂mbn A`n\bn°q

Abmsf AbmfpsS `mcybneqsS kao]n°q

Act as if you don’t know him.

Approach the building carefully.

\n߃°v Abmsf A`n\bn°q


F ∂ c o X n b n ¬ sI´nSsØ kq£vaXtbmsS kao]n°q

Approach the bomb with due caution.

Act in a drama. Hcp \mSIØn¬ A`n\bn°q

aXnbmb IcpX¬\S]SnIfneqsS t_mw_ns\ kao]n°q

Act in a film. Hcp kn\nabn¬ A`n\bn°q

Approach them after informing them. Ahsc hnhcwAdnbn®Xn\v tijw Ahsc kao]n°q

Add tN¿°q

Approach the teachers only if they are in a good mood. Ah¿ \√at\m`hØn¬ BsW¶n¬ am{Xw

Add it fast. thKج tN¿°q

So®¿amsc kao]n°q

Add it to the milk. ]mente°v tN¿°q Add a little sugar to the tea.

Arrest FdÃvsNøpI

Nmbbnte°v Ipd®v ]©kmc tN¿°q

Arrest him. Abmsf FdÃvsNøq

Add some more. Ipd®vIqSn tN¿°q

Arrest the corrupt official.

Add this line to the note.

AgnaXn°mc\mb DtZymKÿs\ FdÃvsNøq

Ipdn∏nte°v Cu hmNIw IqSn tN¿°q

Arrest the pickpocket. t]m°‰Sn°mcs\ FdÃvsNøq Arrest those robbers. B I≈∑msc FdÃvsNøq

Aim e£yw hbv°q, D∂wsh°q

Arrest the protestors. {]Xntj[Isc FdÃvsNøq

Aim correctly. icnbmbn D∂wsh°q Aim for the heights. D∂Xßfnte°v e£ywhbv°q

Arrive FØnt®cq

Aim to become a doctor.

Arrive on time. kabØn\v FØnt®cq

Hcp tUmIvSdmIm≥ e£ywhbv°q

Arrive in style. \√ ssÃen¬ FØnt®cp

Aim at the bird. B ]£nsb e£ywsh°q

Arrive at 10 O’clock. 10 aWn°v FØnt®cq Arrive when he is there.

Allow A\phZn°q

Abmƒ AhnsS D≈t∏mƒ FØnt®cq

Allow him to go out.

Arrive in a good dress. Hcp \√ hkv { XØn¬

Abmsf ]pdØv t]mIm≥ A\phZn°q FØnt®cq

Allow the dog to come in. \mbsb AIØvhcm≥ A\phZn°q

Ask tNmZn°q

Allow the boy to play in the evening. (B¨)Ip´nsb sshIpt∂cw Ifn°m≥ A\phZn°q

Ask me anything. Ft∂mSv F¥pw tNmZn°q

Allow them to stay here.

Ask him one question. AbmtfmSv Hcp tNmZyw

Ahsc AhnsS Xmakn°m≥ A\phZn°q.


Allow her to study. A b m s f ( k v { X o ) ] T n ° m ≥ Ask them for a little help. Ipd®v klmbØn\v AhtcmSv tNmZn°q


Ask them the way. AhtcmSv hgn tNmZn°q Answer DØcw ]dbq

Ask him to take a bath.

Answer these questions.

AbmtfmSv H∂v Ipfn°m≥ Bhiys∏Sq

Cu tNmZy߃°v DØcw]dbq

Answer me correctly. F\n°v icnbmb DØcw\¬Iq Answer it fast. thKØn¬ AXn\v DØcw\¬Iq Answer him. Abmƒ°v DØcw\¬Iq ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-192Attack B{Ian°q

Boil Xnf∏n°pI

Attack him now. Abmsf Ct∏mƒ B{Ian°q

Y 2 Boil the water. sh≈w Xnf∏n°pI

Attack only at night. cm{Xnbn¬ am{Xw B{Ian°q

Boil the egg. ap´ ]pgpßpI

Attack through the gate. sKbv‰neqsS B{Ian°q

Boil the milk. ]m¬ Xnf∏n°pI

Attack at 12 O’clock. 12 aWn°v B{Ian°q Bomb t_mw_nSpI Bathe Ipfn°pI

Bomb the village. {KmaØn¬ t_mw_nSpI

Bathe in the morning. cmhnse Ipfn°pI

Bomb the building. sI´nSØnt∑¬ t_mw_nSpI

Bathe now. Ct∏mƒ Ipfn°pI Bathe in the shower. jhdn¬ Ipfn°pI

Bounce _u¨kv sNøpI

Bathe in the sea. ISen¬ Ipfn°pI

Bounce the ball. ]¥v _u¨kv sNøpI

Bathe if you feel hot.

Bounce it. AXv _u¨kv sNøpI

\n߃°v NqSv tXm∂p∂psh¶n¬ Ipfn°pI.

Beat ASn°pI Beat him. Abmsf ASn°pI Beat the cow. ]iphns\ ASn°pI Beat the teacher. A≤ym]Is\ ASn°pI. Beat till he cries. Abmƒ Icbp∂Xvhsc ASn°pI.

Break s]m´n°pI Break the stick. B hSn s]m´n°pI Break him. Abmsf s]mfn°pI Break the glass. Nn√v s]mfn°pI Break the windowpane. P\¬∏mfn s]mfn°pI

Beat her with a stick. Abmsf Hcp hSnsIm≠v Bring sIm≠vhcnI ASn°pI.

Bring it here.AXv ChnsS sIm≠vhcnI Begin Bcw`n°pI Begin again. ho≠pw Bcw`n°pI

Bring him inside. Abmsf AIØv sIm≠vhcnI Bring some food. Ipd®v `£Ww sIm≠vhcnI

Begin from here. ChnsS \n∂v Bcw`n°pI

Build sI´pI Begin your speech with a humorous story. \nßfpsS {]kwKw Hcp \¿Ω ckap≈ IYtbmSvIqSn Bcw`n°pI. Build a house. Hcp hoSv sI´pI Begin your studies again.

Build a bridge. Hcp ]mew sI´pI

\nßfpsS ]T\w ho≠pw Bcw`n°pI

Begin your story in a light mood.

Build your business with your efforts.

\nßfpsS {]bXv\Øm¬ \nßfsS IY Hcp efnXamb am\knImhÿbn¬ XpSßpI ]SpØpb¿ØpI



Build it. AXv sI´pI Bend hfbv°pI, hfbpI Bend this rod. Cu Iºv hfbv°pI

Buy hmßn°pI

Bend backwards. ]nt∂m´v hfbpI

Buy it. AXv hmßn°pI

Bend it. CXv hfbv°pI

Buy the car. Imdv hmßn°pI Buy a house. Hcp hoSv hmßn°pI

Bite ISn°pI

Buy after checking the quality.

Bite him. Abmsf ISn°pI

KpW\nehmcw ]cntim[n®Xn\v tijw hmßn°pI

Bite the cake. sIbv°v ISn°pI

Buy if you like it.

Bite the bone. F√v ISn°pI

\n߃°v AXv CjvSs∏SpIbmsW¶n¬ hmßn°pI

Bite carefully. kq£n®v ISn°pI Bite only if your teeth are strong. \nßfpsS ]√vIƒ i‡nbp≈hbmsW¶n¬ am{Xw ISn°pI This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-193Call hnfn°pI

Come hcq

Call me at night. Fs∂ cm{Xnbn¬ hnfn°pI

Y 3 Come here tomorrow. \msf ChnsS hcq

Call out loudly. D®Øn¬ hnfn°pI

Come with me. Ft∂msSm∏w hcq

Call him at 10 O’clock. Abmsf 10 aWn°v hnfn°pI Come inside. AIØv hcq Call the police. t]meokns\ hnfn°pI

Come and see the aquarium. h∂v FtIzdnbw ImWq

Call the airport and get the information.

Come and fight with me.

Fbv¿t∏m´n¬ hnfn®v, hnhcw kzcq]n°pI.

h∂v Ft∂msSm∏w bp≤w sNøq

Carry hln°q

Continue XpScq

Carry me. Fs∂ hln°q

Continue the story. IY XpScq

Carry this bag. Cu k©n hln°q

Continue your good work.

Carry a paper with you.

\nßfpsS \√ {]h¿Ø\w XpScq

Continue your writing. \nßfpsS FgpØv XpScq

\nßtfmsSm∏w Hcp ISemkv sIm≠v\S°q

Continue the game. Ifn XpScq Catch ]nSn°q

Continue the fight against evil.

Catch it. AXv ]nSn°q

ss]imNnIXbv°v FXncmbp≈ bp≤w XpScq

Catch them, when they are young. Ah¿ sNdp∏ambncn°ptºmƒ, Ahsc ]nSn°q

Cook ]mNIw sNøq

Catch the ball. ]¥v ]nSn°q

Cook this. CXv ]mNIw sNøq

Catch fish. a’yw ]nSn°q

Cook your food. \nßfpsS `£Ww ]mNIw sNøq

Catch him, before he can escape.

Cook this meat. Cu amwkw ]mNIw sNøq

Abmƒ°v c£s∏Sm≥ Bhp∂Xn\v apºv, Abmsf ]nSn°q

Cook these ducks. Cu XmdmhpIsf ]mNIw sNøq

Clean hrØnbm°q Clean this vessel. Cu ]m{Xw hrØnbm°q Clean it, before it starts stinking.

Create krjvSn°q Create a good novel. Hcp ]pXnb t\mh¬ krjvSn°q Create a new formula. Hcp ]pXnb t^mavpe krjvSn°q

CXv \mdp∂Xn\v apºv, CXv hrØnbm°q

Create a new appliance.

Clean the room. apdn hrØnbm°q

Hcp ]pXnb D]IcWw krjvSn°q

Clean your table. \nßfpsS tai hrØnbm°q Cross A∏pdtØ°v IS°q

Climb Ibdq

Cross the road carefully. tdmUv kq£n®v IS°q

Climb the mountain. ae Ibdq

Cross the river. ]pg IS°q

Climb these steps. Cu ]SnIƒ Ibdq

Cross the railway line. sdbv¬thsse≥ IS°q

Climb into the bed. InS°bnte°v Ibdq Climb into the vehicle. hml\Ønte°v Ibdq

Cross the bridge when you reach it. ]mew FØptºmƒ, AXv IS°q

Climb through the window. P\eneqsS Ibdq Cry Icbq Close ASbv°q

Cry if you want. \n߃°v thWsa¶n¬ Icbq

Close the window. P\¬ ASbv°q

Cry without sound. i_vZan√msX Icbq

Close this door. Cu hmXn¬ ASbv°q

Cry if you are feeling sad.

Close the file. ss^¬ ASbv°q

\n߃°v k¶Sw tXm∂p∂psh¶n¬ Icbq

Close the box. s]´n ASbv°q

Cry out if you get hurt. \n߃°v apdnth¬°pIbmsW¶n¬ D®Øn¬ Icbq

Close the room. hmXn¬ ASbv°q ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-194Cure NnIn’n®v t`Zs∏SpØq

Dress in yellow. a™ hkv{Xw [cn°pI

Cure him. Abmsf NnIn’n®v t`Zs∏SpØq

Y 4

Cure him if you can.

Drink ]m\obw IpSn°pI

\n߃°v Ignbpsa¶n¬ Abmsf NnIn’n®v t`Zs∏SpØq

Drink carefully. {i≤tbmsS IpSn°pI

Cure the disease. tcmKw NnIn’n®v t`Zs∏SpØq

Drink fruit juice. ^yq´v Ppkv IpSn°pI Cure these people. C u P \ ß s f N n I n ’ n ® v Drink water. sh≈w IpSn°pI t`Zs∏SpØq

Cure the poor patients first. BZyw ]mhs∏´ tcmKnIsf NnIn’n®v t`Zs∏SpØq

Drink sensibly. hnthItØmsS IpSn°pI Drink when you are thirsty. \n߃°v Zmln°ptºmƒ IpSn°pI

Cut apdn°q Cut the fish. a’yw apdn°q Cut the vegetables. ]®°dnIƒ apdn°q Cut the wood. XSn apdn°q Cut the tree. acw apdn°q Cut the meat. amwkw apdn°q Dance \rØw sNøq Dance with me. Ft∂msSm∏w \rØw sNøq Dance with music. kwKoXtØmsSm∏w \rØw sNøq Dance if you like. \n߃°v CjvSamsW¶n¬ \rØw sNøq

Dance with joy. B\μtØmsS \rØw sNøq

Drive hml\w HmSn°pI Drive me to my office. Fs∂ Fs‚ Hm^vnknte°v hml\w HmSn®v FØn°pI

Drive this car. Cu Im¿ HmSn°pI Drive carefully. kq£vaXtbmSpIqSn hml\w HmSn°pI Drive only if you have a licence. \n߃°v Hcp ssek≥kv Ds≠¶n¬ am{Xw hml\w HmSn°pI

Drive to the garage. KcmPnte°v hml\w HmSn°pI Drop CSpI, sIm≠v hnSpI Drop me at my office. Fs∂ Fs‚ Hm^vnkn¬ sIm≠v hnSpI Drop all your other engagements.

Deliver sIms≠Øn®v sImSp°q Deliver the mail. X∏mepcp∏Sn sIms≠Øn®v sImSp°q Deliver the money to him. Abmƒ°v ]Ww sIms≠Øn®v sImSp°q

Deliver this news carefully.

\nßfpsS as‰√m ]cn]mSnIfpw hnSpI

Drop the glass. Kvfmkv \neØv CSpI. Drop him in school. Abmsf kvIqfn¬ hnSpI

Drop this into the medicine. CXv acp∂n¬ CSpI

Cu hm¿Ø kp£n®v Adnbn°q

Draw hcbv°q Draw a picture. Hcp Nn{Xw hcbv°q Draw my portrait. Fs‚ OmbmNn{Xw hcbv°q Draw a cartoon. Hcp Im´vq¨ hcbv°q Draw if you have talent.

Dry DW°pI Dry it. CXv DW°pI Dry it in the sun. CXv shbneØv DW°pI Dry the clothes. hkv{X߃ DW°pI Dry it in the oven. CXv Avhv\n¬ DW°pI

\n߃°v Ignhps≠¶n¬ hcbv°q

Dry it carefully. CXv kq£vaXtbmsS DW°pI

Dress hkv{Xw [cn°pI

Eat Xn∂pI

Dress nicely. \∂mbn hkv{Xw [cn°pI

Eat with me. Ft∂msSm∏w `£Ww Ign°pI

Dress beautifully. kpμcambn hkv{Xw [cn°pI

Eat with pleasure. kpJambn Xn∂pI

Dress in your best. \nßfpsS G‰hpw \√ hkv { Xw Eat your food. \nßfpsS `£Ww Ign°pI [cn°pI Eat if you are hungry. \n߃°v hni°p∂ps≠¶n¬ Xn∂pI Dress up for the occasion. hntijmhkcØn\v A\ptbmPyambn hkv{Xw [cn°pI This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-195Exercise hymbmaw sNøpI

Find Is≠ØpI

Exercise regularly. \ntXys\ hymbmaw sNøpI

Y 5 Find and kill him. Abmsf Is≠Ønbn´v, sIm√pI

Exercise in the morning. cmhnse hymbmaw sNøpI Find the truth. kXyw Is≠ØpI Exercise after a good warm-up.

Find your friend. \nßfpsS kplrØns\ Is≠ØpI \∂mbn H∂v thmwA]v sNbv X Xn\v tijw hymbmaw Find the reason for this strange behaviour. sNøpI AbmfpsS hnNn{Xamb s]cpam‰Øns‚ ImcWw Exercise before your bath. Is≠ØpI \nßfpsS Ipfn°v aptº hymbmaw sNøpI Find your lost pen. \nßfpsS \jvSs∏´ t]\ Is≠ØpI Explain hniZoIcn°pI Explain yourself.

Finish apgpan∏n°pI

Explain it to your son.

Finish your food. \nßfpsS `£Ww Xn∂vXo¿°pI

\nßfpsS aI\v AXv hniZoIcn®v sImSp°pI.

Finish the story. IY apgpan∏n°pI

Explain your problems to the doctor. \nßfpsS {]iv\߃ hniZoIcn°pI



Finish the game fast. Ifn thKØn¬ apgpan∏n°pI Finish him. AbmfpsS IY Ign°pI

Explain the reasons.ImcW߃ hniZoIcn°pI

Finish it now. AXv Ct∏mƒ Xo¿°pI

Explain only when required. Fire shSnshbv°pI, ]ncn®vhnSpI

Bhiyap≈t∏mƒ am{Xw hniZoIcn°pI

Fire him. Abmsf ]ncn®vhnSpI Face A`napJoIcn°pI

Fire the gun. shSnsh°pI

Face your problems. \nßfpsS {]iv\ßsf A`napJoIcn°pI

Follow ]n¥pScpI, A\pkcn°pI

Face your enemies with courage. \nßfpsS i{Xp°sf [ocXtbmsS A`napJoIcn°pI

Follow the road. Cu tdmUv ]n¥pScpI

Face him. Abmsf t\cnSpI

Follow the rules. \nba߃ A\pkcn°pI

Face them without fear. `ban√msX Ahsc t\cnSpI Follow the car. Imdns\ ]n¥pScpI Follow them. Ahsc ]n¥pScpI Feel tXm∂pI, sXm´vt\m°pI, A\p`hn®dnbpI

Follow the path. Cu ]mX ]n¥pScpI

Feel it. AXv sXm´vt\m°pI Frighten `bs∏SpØpI

Feel the pulse. lrZbanSn∏v sXm´vt\m°pI

Feel the nice ambience. A¥co£w A\p`hn®dnbpI Frighten him. Abmsf `bs∏SpØpI Frighten them with sound. Feel the grace of god. Ahsc i_vZwsIm≠v `bs∏SpØpI

ssZhØns‚ Ir] A\p`hn®dnbpI

Frighten the enemies with your strength. \nßfpsS i‡nsIm≠v i{Xp°sf `bs∏SpØpI

Fight bp≤w sNøpI, ASn]nSnIqSpI

Frighten them when it is dark.

Fight only if you think you can win.

Ccp´mIptºmƒ Ahsc `bs∏SpØpI \n߃°v Pbn°m\mhpsa∂v \n߃°v tXm∂p∂ps≠¶n¬ Frighten the teachers with terrible stories. am{Xw bp≤w sNøpI. `bm\Iamb IYIƒsIm≠v So®¿amsc `bs∏SpØpI Fight him from a position of strength. i‡amb Hcp ÿm\Øv \n∂vsIm≠v AbmtfmSv bp≤w sNøpI

Get In´pI

Fight him with good weapons. \√ Bbp[w D]tbmKn®v AbmtfmSv bp≤w sNøpI.

Get him. Abmsf ]nSn°pI

Fight your enemies. \nßfpsS i{Xp°tfmSv bp≤w Get your money back. \nßfpsS ]Ww Xncn®v]nSn°pI sNøpI Get your bag out. \nßfpsS k©n ]pdsØSp°pI Fight the evil. ss]imNnIXtbmSv bp≤w sNøpI Get inside. AIØv IS°pI

Get away from him. Abmfn¬ \n∂pw c£s∏SpI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-196Get in AIØv IS°pI, AIØv IbdpI

Hand him to the police.

Get in the car. Imdn\IØv IbdpI

Abmsf t]meokn\v ssIam‰w sNøq

Get in through the window.

Y 6

Hand him the letter. Abmƒ°v B IØv \¬Iq.

P\eneqsS AIØv IbdpI

Handle Get out ]pdØv IS°q

Handle him carefully. Abmsf kq£n®v ssIImcyw sNøq

Get out of my house. Fs‚ hoSns‚ ]pdØv IS°q

Handle this case. Cu sIbvkv ssIImcyw sNøq

Get out of the car. Imdns‚ ]pdØv IS°q Get out through the window.

Hang Xq°q, Xqßq, BdnbnSq

P\eneqsS ]pdØv IS°q

Hang him in the morning.

Get out as fast as possible. F{Xbpw thKw ]pdØv IS°q

Get out of the way. hgnbn¬ \n∂pw amdq.

Abmsf cmhnse Xq°q

Hang it on the door. AXv hmXnent∑¬ Xq°nbnSq Hang the clothes on the line. XpWnIƒ Abbn¬ Xq°nbnSq

Get up Fgpt∂¬°q

Hang this picture in your room.

Get up fast. s]s´∂v Fgpt∂¬°q

Cu Nn{Xw \nßfpsS apdnbn¬ Xq°nbnSq

Get up in the morning. cmhnse Fgpt∂¬°q Get up and look at me. Fgpt∂‰n´v Fs∂ t\m°q Get up, man. a\pjym, Fgpt∂¬°q Get up and see the morning sun. Fgpt∂‰n´v {]`mX kqcys\ t\m°q.

Hang it carefully. AXv kq£n®v Xq°q Have A\p`hn°pI, sNøpI Have a drink. Hcp ]m\obw IpSn°q Have a nice time. Hcp \√ kabw A\p`hn°q Have a bath in the river. ]pgbn¬ H∂v Ipfn°q

Give \¬Iq, sImSp°q, Xcq

Have some food. Ipd®v `£Ww Ign°q

Give him a bath. Abmsf Ipfn∏n°q

Have some rest. Ipd®v hn{ian°q

Give me some money. F\n°v Ipd®v ]Ww Xcq Give your son a kiss.\nßfpsS aI\v Hcp apØw \¬Iq Hear tIƒ°q Give me some milk. F\n°v Ipd®v ]m¬ Xcq

Hear me first. BZyw Rm≥ ]dbp∂Xv tIƒ°q

Give me a matchbox. F\n°v Hcp Xos∏´n Xcq

Hear this speech. Cu {]kwKw tIƒ°q Hear the radio. tdUntbm tIƒ°q

Go t]mIq

Hear the news. hm¿Ø tIƒ°q

Go with him. AbmtfmsSm∏w t]mIq

Hear carefully. {i≤tbmsS tIƒ°q

Go carefully. kq£n®v t]mIq Go and kill him. t]mbn Abmsf sIm√q

Help klmbn°q

Go and get him. t]mbn Abmsf ]nSnIqSq

Help him. Abmsf klmbn°q

Go and get your things.

Help him to come down. Xmsghcm≥ Abmsf

t]mbn \nßfpsS km[\߃ FSp°q


Help me. Fs∂ klmbn°q Grow hfcq, hf¿Øq

Help the poor man. B ]mhw a\pjys\ klmbn°q

Grow up fast. thKØn¬ hfcq

Help the child. Ip´nsb klmbn°q

Let them grow. Ah¿ hfcs´ Hit CSn°q Hand ssIam‰w sNøq

Hit it on his face.CXv AbmfpsS apJØv CSn°q

Hand him your money.

Hit the ball. ]¥v ASn°q

\nßfpsS ]Ww Abmƒ°v ssIam‰w sNøq This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-197Hit out at the enemy. i{Xphn\v t\sc CSn°q Hit him without fear. t]Snbn√msX Abmsf CSn°q Hit her with this ball.Cu ]¥v sIm≠v Abmsf(kv{Xo) CSn°q

Inform his family. AbmfpsS IpSpw_sØ hnhcw Adnbn°q Y 7

Inform the danger. A]ISkm[yX Adnbn°q Iron CkvXncnbnSq

Hold ]nSn°q

Iron my coat. Fs‚ tIm´v CkvXncnbnSq

Hold him. Abmsf ]nSn°q

Iron the dress. hkv{Xw CkvXncnbnSq

Hold it. CXv ]nSn°q

Iron it carefully. AXv kq£n®v CkvXncnbnSq

Hold on. ]nSn®v \n¬°q Hold it till I come back. Rm≥ Xncn®p hcp∂Xvhsc CXv ]nSn°q

Iron the bed sheets. InS°hncn∏v CkvXncnbnSq Iron my daughter’s dress. Fs‚ aIfpsS hkv{Xw CkvXncnbnSq

Hold tight. Dd®v ]nSn°q Humiliate A]am\n°q

Join tNcq

Humiliate him. Ahs\ A]am\n°q Humiliate your enemy.\nßfpsS i{Xphns\ A]am\n°q

Humiliate the teacher. So®sd A]am\n°q Humiliate the minister. a{¥nsb A]am\n°q Humiliate his boss. A b m f p s S s X m g n e p S a s b A]am\n°q

Join me for a drink. aZyw IpSn°m≥ Ft∂msSm∏w tNcq Join the fun. D√mkØn¬ ]¶v tNcq Join the games. IfnIfn¬ ]¶vtNcq Join the party. ]vm´nbn¬ tNcq Judge hnebncpØpI

Hurry thKamIs´

Judge him by his deeds.

Hurry up thKØnem°q

AbmfpsS {]h¿Ø\Øm¬ Abmsf hnebncpØpI

Hurry and get in. thKØn¬ AIØv IS°q Hurry and come. thKØn¬ hcq

Judge his character.




Judge not, without information. hkvXpXmhnhcw C√msX hnebncpØcpXv

Hurt thZ\n∏n°q, apdnth¬∏n°q

Judge him from his dress.

Hurt him nicely. Abmsf icn°pw thZ\n∏n°q

AbmfpsS hkv{XØn¬ \n∂pw Abmsf hnebncpØpI

Hurt his legs. AbmfpsS ImepIƒ°v apdnth¬∏n°q Hurt his feelings. AbmfpsS a\ ns\ apdnth¬∏n°q Hurt his horse. AbmfpsS IpXncsb ]cnt°¬∏n°q Hurt his reputation. AbmfpsS bi n\v ]cnt°¬∏n°q

Jump NmSq Jump into the river. ]pgbnte°v NmSq Jump up. tatem´v NmSq Jump up with joy. kt¥mjØm¬ tatem´v NmSq Jump into the train. Xoh≠n°p≈nte°v NmSq

Imagine k¶¬∏n°q Imagine a horse. Hcp IpXncsb k¶¬∏n°q Imagine your favourite things.

Jump down. Xmtg°v NmSq

\nßfpsS {]obs∏´ Imcy߃ k¶¬∏n°q

Keep ssIhiw sh°q

Imagine that you are in a plane.

Keep this bag. Cu k©n ssIhiw sh°q

\n߃ Hcp ]vsfbv\nemsW∂v k¶¬∏n°q

Keep this money. Cu ]Ww ssIhiw sh°q

Inform hnhcw Adnbn°q

Laugh Nncn°q

Inform him. Abmsf hnhcw Adnbn°q

Laugh loudly. D®Øn¬ Nncn°q

Inform the police. t]menkvns\ hnhcw Adnbn°q

Laugh when you hear a good joke.

Inform everyone. F√mhtcbpw hnhcw Adnbn°q

\n߃ Hcp \√ Xami tIƒ°ptºmƒ Nncn°q

Laugh, man. Nncn°q, a\pjym ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-198Lead \bn°q

Lock ]q´nbnSq

Lead me from temptation.

Lock him up. Ahs\ ]q´nbnSq

{]tem`\ßfn¬\n∂pw Fs∂ \bn°q

Lock the door. hmXn¬ ]q´nbnSq

Lead us from danger. A]ISØn¬ \n∂pw Fs∂ \bn°q

Lead the people. P\ßsf \bn°q Lead us out of this place. Rßsf Cu ÿeØv\n∂pw ]pdtØ°v \bn°q

Y 8

Lock the gate. sKbv‰v ]q´nbnSq Lock it up. AXv ]q´nbnSq Look t\m°q Look at my face. Fs‚ apJtØ°v t\m°q

Lean Nmcq

Look at him. Abmsf t\m°q

Lean on the wall. Npacnt∑¬ Nmcq

Look behind you. \nßfpsS ]n∂n¬ t\m°q

Lean on the car. Imdnt∑¬ Nmcq Lean on the chair. Itkcta¬ Nmcq

Mark ASbmfs∏SpØq Mark this place. Cu ÿew ASbmfs∏SpØq

Leave hn´vt]mIq

Mark him. Abmsf t\m´anSq

Leave this place without sound. \ni_vZambn Cu ÿew hn´vt]mIq

Leave the school. Cu kvIqƒ hnSq Leave this job. Cu sXmgn¬ hnSq

Market hn]W\w sNøq Market your goods. \nßfpsS Nc°pIƒ hn]W\w sNøq

Leave her. Abmsf(kv{Xo) hn´vt]mIq

Market it after planning carefully. hfsc {i≤tbmSpIqSn hn]W\w sNøq

Lend ISw \¬Iq

Measure Af°q

Lend me some money. F\n°v Ipd®v ]Ww ISw Measure the land. `qan Af°q \¬Iq

Lend him your help. Abmƒ°v \nßfpsS klmbw \¬Iq

Measure the place. ÿew Af°q Measure him. Abmsf Af°q Measure the volume. hym]vXw Af°q

Light IØn°pI, shfn®w \¬IpI

Measure the length. \ofw Af°q

Light the candle. sagpIpXncn IØn°pI Light the fire. Xo IØn°pI

Milk Id°q Milk the cow. ]iphns\ Id°q

Live Pohn°pI Live in peace. kam[m\tØmsS Pohn°pI Live in this place. Cu ÿeØv Pohn°pI

Milk him nicely, if he is rich. Abmƒ ]W°mc\msW¶n¬, Abmsf \∂mbn Id°q

Live in a good place. Hcp \√bnSØv Pohn°pI Live with your family.

Mix Ie¿Øq

\nßfpsS IpSpw_tØmsSm∏w Pohn°pI

Mix it carefully. AXv kq£n®v Ie¿Øq

Live and let live.

Mix only with good people. \√ BfpIfpambn am{Xw CS]gIq

Pohn°pIbpw Pohn°m≥ A\phZn°pIbpw sNøpI

Load `mcw Ib‰q Load the gun. tXm°n¬ shSnbp≠ \ndbv°q

Mix the ingredients. tNcphIƒ Ie¿Øq Mix in good social circles. \√ kmaqlnI CSßfn¬ CS]gIq

Load the goods. Nc°v Ib‰q Load it fast. thKØn¬ AXv Ib‰q Load the lorry. temdnbn¬ Nc°v Ib‰q This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-199Move \oßq, \o°q

Place this letter inside. Cu IØv AIØv sh°q

Move on. apt∂m´v \oßq

Place a wreath on his body. AbmfpsS icocØnt∑¬ Hcp doØv sh°q

Move to the side. Hcp hitØ°v \oßq Move to your house. \nßfpsS ho´nte°v \oßq Move the vehicle. hml\w \o°q

Y 9

Point Nq≠n°mWn°q Point out the mistakes. sX‰pIƒ Nq≠n°mWn°q

Move it to one side. AXv Hcp hitØ°v \o°q

Point with your finger. \nßfpsS hnc¬sIm≠v Nq≠q

Open Xpd°q Open the door. hmXn¬ Xpd°q

Poke IpØq (hSn, hnc¬ XpSßnbhsIm≠v)

Open his box. AbmfpsS s]´n Xpd°q

Poke him with your finger. \nßfpsS hnc¬sIm≠v Abmsf IpØq

Open your book. \nßfpsS ]pkvXIw Xpd°q Open a bank account. Hcp _m¶v F°u≠v Xpd°q Open your heart. \nßfpsS lrZbw Xpd°q

Poke a stick at his side. AbmfpsS Hcp hiØv Hcp hSn IpØq Poke the animal with this. arKsØ CXvsIm≠v IpØq

Pain thZ\n∏n°q Pain him nicely. Abmsf \∂mbn hZ\n∏n°q

Pour Hgn°q Pour out the water. sh≈w ]pdØv Hgn°q

Paint s]bv‚ v ASn°q

Pour the dirty water out. Paint your house. \nßfpsS hoSv s]bv‚ v ASn°q Agp°vsh≈w ]pdØv Hgn°q Pour him some tea. Paint the car. Imdv s]bv‚ v ASn°q Abmƒ°v Ipd®v Nmb Hgn®psImSp°q Paint with a brush. Hcp {_jvsIm≠v s]bv‚ v ASn°q Paint the town red. \Kcw Nph∏v s]bv‚ v ASn°q

Promise hm°v\¬Iq Promise me. F\n°v hm°vXcq

Paste H´n°q Paste this label. Cu sebv_vƒ H´n°q

Promise that you will not disturb us again. Rßsf C\n ieys∏SpØn√msb∂v hm°v\¬Iq

Paste the dirt on his dress. AbmfpsS hkv{XØnt∑¬ Agp°v H´n°q

Promise that you will not come here again.

Pick s]dp°q, FSp°q

\n߃ C\nbpw ChnsS hcn√msb∂v hm°v \¬Iq

Promises should be kept. hmKvZm\߃ ]ment°≠XmWv.

Pick the child from his school. AbmfpsS(Ip´nbpsS) kv I qfn¬ \n∂pw Ip´nsb Pull hen°q FSp°q Pull him out. Abmsf ]pdtØ°v hens®Sp°q Pick up the mail. X∏m¬ Dcp∏Sn FSp°q Pull the trigger. Im©n hen°q Pick the box and keep it on the counter. Pull out of the place. B ÿeØv \n∂v ]pdØv IS°q s]´n FSp°q, F∂n´v AXv Iu≠dnt∑¬ sh°q Pull the door shut. hmXn¬ hen®v ASbv°q Pick him up. Abmsf FSp°q Pull the string. NcSv hen°q Place sh°q Place it carefully. AXv kq£n®v sh°q Place his body in the box. AbmfpsS icocw s]´nbn¬ sh°q ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-200Punish in£n°q

Y 10

Remove Agn®v sh°q, am‰q, Hgnhm°q

Punish him if he has done a wrong. Abmƒ Remove your slippers. \nßfpsS sNcn∏v Agn®v Fs¥¶nepw sX‰v sNbvXn´ps≠¶n¬ Abmsf in£n°q


Punish the wrongdoer. s X ‰ v s N b v X B s f Remove the label. sebv_vƒ am‰q in£n°q Remove him from this room. Abmsf Cu apdnbn¬ \n∂pw am‰q Punish only if you feel it would do good. AXv \∑ sNøpsa∂v \n߃°v tXm∂p∂psh¶n¬ Remove the dead body from my sight. am{Xw in£n°q arXicocw Fs‚ ZrjvSnbn¬ \n∂pw am‰q Punish her if she deserves. Abmƒ (kv{Xo) Remove the letter from the file. A¿ln°p∂psh¶n¬ Abmsf(kv{Xo) in£n°q ss^en¬ \n∂pw IØv am‰q Push X≈q Push it out. AXns\ ]pdtØ°v X≈q Push him out of the bus. Abmsf _ n\v ]pdtØ°v X≈q Push the car on to the road. Imdns\ tdmUnte°v X≈q

Repair tISv \∂m°q Repair the vehicle. hml\w \∂m°q Repair the damage. tISv]‰nbXv \∂m°q Repair my room. Fs‚ apdn \∂m°q Repair the machinery. b{¥w \∂m°q

Push and pull. hen°pIbpw X≈pIbpw sNøq Replace am‰n thsdm∂v sh°q Put CSpI, sh°pI Put this question to him. Cu tNmZyw AbmtfmSv tNmZn°q

Replace this book with another. Cu ]pkvXIwam‰n as‰m∂v sh°q

Put the fire out. Xo sISpØq

Rescue c£n°q

Put on a pleasant smile. Hcp {]k∂amb ]p©ncn apJØvsh°q

Rescue the sailor. \mhnIs\ c£n°q

Put on a good dress. Hcp \√ hkv{Xw [cn°q

Rescue him fast. Abmsf thKØn¬ c£n°q

Put up with him. AbmtfmsSm∏w H∏n®v\n¬°q

Rescue the dog from the water. \mbsb sh≈Øn¬\n∂pw c£n°q

Question tNmZyw sNøq

Resign cmPnsh°q

Question him. Abmsf tNmZyw sNøq

Resign from your post. \nßfpsS ÿm\Øv\n∂v cmPnsh°q

Question her carefully. Abmsf (kv{Xo) kq£n®v tNmZyw sNøq Questions and answers. tNmZyßfpw DØcßfpw

Resign fast and move out. s]s´∂v cmPnsh®v ]pdtØ°v IS°q Resign, or I will have you removed. cmPnsh°q, As√¶n¬ Rm≥ \nßsf am‰n∏n°pw

Read hmbn°q Read between the lines. hcIƒ°nSbn¬ hmbn°q Ride khmcn sNøq Read the small print. sNdnb A®Sn hmbn°q Ride on this horse. Cu IpXnc∏pdØv khmcn sNøq Read carefully. {i≤tbmsS hmbn°q Read it out loudly. AXv D®Øn¬ hmbn°q Read your book. \nßfpsS ]pkvXIw hmbn°q

Ride on a new motorcycle. Hcp ]pXnb tam´¿ ssk°nfn¬ khmcnsNøq Ride with me. Ft∂msSm∏w khmcnsNøq

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-201Ring aWnbSn°q

Save c£n°pI, ]Ww \nt£]n°pI

 Y 11

Ring the bell. s_√Sn°q

Save for the future. `mhnbnte°mbn ]Ww kzcq]n°pI

Ring me in the morning. cmhnse Fs∂ t^mWn¬ hnfn°q

Save your children. \nßfpsS Ip´nIsf c£n°q

Ring me, if there is any emergency. Fs¥¶nepw Save me from this man. Cu Bfn¬\n∂pw Fs∂ c£n°q AXymhiyw Ds≠¶n¬ Fs∂ t^m¨sNøq Save me from further distress. IqSpXembp≈ hnjaßfn¬ \n∂pw Fs∂ c£n°q

Rob tamjvSn°q Rob the bank. _m¶v sIm≈bSn°q Rob the rich. [\nIsc sIm≈bSn°q

Say ]dbq

Rob only if there is no other alternative. Say nothing to him. AbmtfmSv H∂pw ]dbcpXv a‰v bmtXmcp t]mwhgnbpw Cs√¶n¬ am{Xw Say your words. \nßfpsS hm°pIƒ ]dbq tamjvSn°q Say it loudly. AXv D®Øn¬ ]dbq Roll Dcpfq, Dcp´q

Say your prayers. \nßfpsS {]m¿∞\Iƒ ]dbq

Roll the mattress. ]mb Dcp´q (Npcp´q)

Say it to yourself. AXv \nßtfmSv Xs∂ ]dbq

Roll up your sleeves. \nßfpsS DSp∏ns‚ ssI Npcp´n°b‰q

Scratch am¥q

Roll on the floor. \neØv Dcpfq

Scratch me. Fs∂ am¥q Scratch his back. AbmfpsS ]pdw am¥q

Rotate Id°q (Np‰nØncn°q) Rotate the ball. ]¥v Id°q

Search Xncbq

Rotate the post between all the eligible Search for him. Abm°mbn Xncbq A¿lXbp≈ F√m candidates. DtZymKm¿∞nIfpsS CSbnepw ]Zhn amdnamdn \¬Iq Search for the missing man. ImWmsX t]mb Bbmƒ°mbn Xncbq Row Xpgbq Row your boat. \nßfpsS tXmWn Xpgbq Row on. Xpg™vsImt≠bncn°q

Search and you shall find. Xncbq, F¶n¬ \n߃ Is≠Øpw Search for the knife. IØn°mbn Xncbq Search for the truth. kXyØn\mbn Xncbq

Rub Dc°q (]pc´q) Rub on my back. Fs‚ ]pdØv ]pc´q Rub it in. AXv D≈nte°v ]pc´nIb‰q Rub this medicine on my knees. Cu acp∂v Fs‚ ap´nt∑¬ ]pc´q Run HmSq

See ImWq, t\m°q See if there is anything more to be done. IqSpXembn Fs¥¶nepw sNøm\pt≠m F∂v t\m°q See him off. Abmsf bm{Xbm°q See to his comforts. Abmƒ°v kuIcy߃ e`n°m\mbn {i≤n°q

Run out and play. ]pdtØ°v HmSq, F∂n´v Ifn°q See he is well fed. Abmƒ°v \√hWw `£Ww e`n°p∂p≠v F∂v Dd∏vhcpØq Run with me. Ft∂msSm∏w HmSq Run out of time. A \ p h Z n ® k a b w See he gets enough rest. Abmƒ°v BhiyØn\v hn{iaw e`n°p∂p≠v F∂v Dd∏vhcpØq Xo¿∂pt]mIpI Run the engine. b{¥w {]h¿Øn∏n°q Run the show. tjm \SØq ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-202Send Ab°q

Sit Ccn°q

Send him off. Absf ]d™b°q

Sit down. Ccn°q

Send it out. AXns\ ]pdØv Ab°q

Sit down and rest. Ccp∂n´v hn{ian°q

Send the message. ktμiw Ab°q

Sit in the middle. \Sphn¬ Ccn°q

Send for him. Abmƒ hcm\mbn Adnbn°q

Sit and hear this. Ccp∂n´v CXv tIƒ°q

Send an SOS. Hcp FkvHmFkv Ab°q

Sit and drink some tea. Ccn°q F∂n´v Ipd®v Nmb IpSn°q

Y 12

Shoot shSnsh°q Shoot the bird. ]£nsb shSnsh°q

Smile aμlkn°q

Shoot your enemies. \nßfpsS i{Xp°sf shSnsh°q Smile when you are happy. \n߃ kt¥mjhm\mbncn°ptºmƒ aμlkn°q Shoot with deliberate aim. Smile at him. AbmtfmSv aμlkn°q IcpXn°q´n D∂wsh®v shSnsh°q Smile cheerfully. kt¥mjtØmsS aμlkn°q Shoot carefully. {i≤tbmsS shSnsh°q Shoot in the air. BImitØ°v shSnsh°q

Smile in your mind. \nßfpsS a\ n¬ ]p©ncn°q

Shout H®sh°q

Speak ]dbq, kwkmcn°q

Shout loudly. D®Øn¬ H®sh°q

Speak out. Xpd∂v ]dbq

Shout at the boy. (B¨)Ip´ntbmSv H®sh°q

Speak clearly. hy‡ambn ]dbq

Shout at the teacher. So®tdmSv H®sh°q

Speak from your heart. \nßfpsS lrZbØn¬ \n∂pw kwkmcn°q

Shout into his ears. AbmfpsS sNhnbnte°v H®sh°q

Speak only the truth. kXyw am{Xw ]dbq

Speak directly to him. Shout with all your might. \nßfpsS Ignhvapgph\pw D]tbmKn®v H®sh°q AbmtfmSv t\cn´v kwkmcn°q Show ImWn°q Show him your strength. \nßfpsS i‡n Abmsf ImWn°q

Spit Xp∏q Spit it out. AXv ]pdtØ°v Xp∏q Spit on his face. AbmfpsS apJØv Xp∏q

Show the world what you can do. \n߃°v Spit out of the window. P\en\v ]pdØv Xp∏q F ¥ m W v s N ø m ≥ I g n b p I F ∂ v t e m I s Ø Spit carefully. {i≤tbmsS Xp∏q ImWn°q Show him to the door. Abmsf hmXnente°v Squeeze sRcp°q, ]ngnbq \bn°q (Abmsf ]pdØm°q) Squeeze his hands. AbmfpsS ssIIƒ sRcp°q Show your vehicle to the dealer. \nßfpsS hml\sØ Uoesd ImWn°q

Squeeze his neck. AbmfpsS IgpØv sRcp°q

Show your power. \nßfpsS i‡n {]ISn∏n°q

Squeeze out his life. AbmfpsS Poh≥ sRcp°n°fbq

Shut ASbv°q Shut up. an≠mXncn°q

Stab IØn, ITmc sIm≠v IpØq

Shut him up. AbmfpsS hmb AS∏n°q

Stab him with a knife. Abmsf Hcp IØnsIm≠v IpØq

Shut her in her room. A b m s f ( k v { X o ) Stab him in the back. Abmsf ]pdØv IpØq AbmfpsS (kv{Xo) apdnbn¬ ASbv°q Stab it when it comes out. Shut the door. hmXn¬ ASbv°q AXv ]pdØvhcptºmƒ AXns\ IpØq This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-203Stand \n¬°q

Sweep with a new broom. Hcp ]pXnb Nqev sIm≠v XqØvhmcq

Y 13

Stand up. Fgpt∂‰v \n¬°q

Sweep the floor. \new XqØphmcq

Stand out in the group. B kwLØn¬ thdn´v \n¬°q

Stand up and speak. Fgpt∂‰v \n∂n´v kwkmcn°q Swim \o¥q Stand in the middle. a[yØn¬ \n¬°q

Swim in the sea. ISen¬ \o¥q

Stand on the table. tai∏pdØv \n¬°q

Swim with me. Ft∂msSm∏w \o¥q Swim with your friend. \nßfpsS kplrØnt\msSm∏w \o¥q

Start Bcw`n°q

Swim away from the tides. XncIfn¬\n∂pw amdn \o¥q

Start early. t\csØ Bcw`n°q Start the movie. kn\na XpSßq Start your work. \nßfpsS sXmgn¬ Bcw`n°q

Switch off kzn®vHm^v sNøq

Start the game. Ifn Bcw`n°q

Switch off the light. sse‰v kzn®vHm^v sNøq

Start the car. Im¿ Ãm´vsNøq

Switch off the tube. Syq_v kzn®vHm^v sNøq Switch off the bulb. _ƒ_v kzn®vHm^v sNøq

Stay Xmakn°q

Switch off the headlight. slUvsse‰v kzn®vHm^v sNøq

Stay with me. Ft∂msSm∏w Xmakn°q Stay in my house. Fs‚ ho´n¬ Xmakn°q Stay out of this. CXn¬\n∂pw hn´p\n¬°q

Switch on kzn®vHm¨ sNøq

Stay in a good place. Hcp \√ ÿeØv Xmakn°q Switch on the light. sse‰v kzn®vHm¨ sNøq Stay in that flat. B ^vfm‰n¬ Xmakn°q

Switch on the tube. Syq_v kzn®vHm¨ sNøq Switch on the bulb. _ƒ_v kzn®vHm¨ sNøq

Stitch Xp∂q Stitch in time. X° kabØvXs∂ Xp∂q

Switch on the headlight. slUvssedvdv kzn®vHm¨ sNøq

Stitch a new shirt for me. F\n°vth≠n Hcp ]pXnb tjv´v Xp∂q

Take FSp°q

Stitch the torn part. Iodnb `mKw Xp∂q

Take it out. AXv ]pdtØ°v FSp°q

Stitch my bag. Fs‚ k©n Xp∂q

Take it down. AXv Xmtg°v FSp°q Take me to the bus stop. Fs∂ _tÃm∏nte°v sIm≠vt]mIq

Study ]Tn°q

Take me out for a ride. Fs∂ Hcp khmcn°v sIm≠vt]mIq

Study with me. Ft∂msSm∏w ]Tn°q Study for a long time. Iptd t\ctØ°v ]Tn°q Study in the night. cm{Xn ]Tn°q Study your lessons. \nßfpsS ]mT߃ ]Tn°q Study the map. am∏v ]Tn°q

Take care kq£n°q, {i≤n°q Take care of this problem. Take care if you want to live long. Take care of your health.

Sweep XqØphmcq (ASn®v hmcq)

Take care of this house.

Sweep the room. apdn Xq°q Sweep out the dirt and dust. Agp°pw s]mSnbpw ]dptØ°v XqØpIfbq


-204Talk kwkmcn°q

Think Nn¥n°q

Talk to my brother about it. Think Fs‚ ktlmZct\mSv AXns\°pdn®v kwkmcn°q Think Talk to him directly. AbmtfmSv t\cn´v kwkmcn°q Think Talk it out. AXv ]pdsØSp°q Think Talk loudly. D®Øn¬ kwkmcn°q Think Talk with him. AbmtfmSv kwkmcn°q

Y 14

for yourself. \n߃ kz¥ambn Nn¥n°q it out. AXns\°pdn®v Nn¥ns®Sp°q a little. Ipd®v Nn¥n°q loudly. D®Øn¬ Nn¥n°q carefully. {i≤tbmsS Nn¥n°q

Throw Fdnbq Teach ]Tn∏n°q Teach them a lesson. Ahsc Hcp ]mTw]Tn∏n°q Teach him some grammar. Abmsf Ipd®v hymIcWw ]Tn∏n°q Teach him how to fight. Abmsf bp≤wsNøm≥ ]Tn∏n°q Teach me English. Fs∂ CMvKvfnjv ]Tn∏n°q Teach him manners. Abmsf am\yamb s]cpam‰w ]Tn∏n°q Tell ]dbq Tell him to go. AbmtfmSv t]mIm≥ ]dbq Tell her to do it fast. AbmtfmSv (kv{Xo) AXv thKØn¬ sNøm≥ ]dbq Tell him of the danger. A]ISsØ°pdn®v AbmtfmSv ]dbq Tell your child to be careful. \nßfpsS Ip´ntbmSv kq£n°m≥ ]dbq Tell them not to do it. AXv sNøcpXv F∂v AhtcmSv ]dbq Test ]cntim[n°q Test your intelligence. \nßfpsS _p≤n ]cntim[n°q Test his loyalty. AbmfpsS Iqdv ]cntim[n°q Test the system. kwhn[m\w ]cntim[n°q Test it out. AXns\ ]cntim[n®v t\m°q Test his capacity. AbmfpsS Ignhv ]cntim[n°q Test his bravery. AbmfpsS ss[cyw ]cntim[n°q

Throw it out. AXv ]pdtØ°v Fdnbq Throw him this ball. Cu ]¥v Abmƒ°v Fdnbq Throw him out. Abmsf ]pdtØ°v Fdnbq Throw the case out. Cu tIkv ]pdtØ°v hens®dnbq Throw this box out of the window. Cu s]´n P\eneqsS ]pdtØ°v hens®dnbq Tie sI´q Tie him up. Abmsf sI´nbnSq Tie the cow. ]iphns\ sI´q Type ssS∏v sNøq Type it out. AXv ssS∏v sNbvsXSp°q Type it carefully. AXv {i≤tbmsS ssS∏vsNøq Understand a\ nem°q Understand what he said. Abmƒ ]d™Xv a\ nem°q Understand him. Abmsf a\ nem°q Understand his plight. AbmfpsS Ahÿ a\ nem°q Understand the truth. hmkvXhw a\ nem°q Wait ImØv\n¬°q Wait for him. Abmƒ°mbn ImØv\n¬°q Wait until dark. cm{Xnhsc ImØv\n¬°q Wait for some more time. Ipd®v kabwIqSn ImØv\n¬°q Wait for me. F\n°mbn ImØv\n¬°q Wait till the train comes. Xoh≠n hcp∂Xv hsc ImØv\n¬°q

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-205Walk \S°q

Win hnPbn°q

Y 15

Walk with me. Ft∂msSm∏w \S°q

Win the race. ]¥bw Pbn°q

Walk out. ]pdtØ°v \S°q

Win the competition. a’cw Pbn°q

Walk on the footpath. ^p´v]mØn¬ \S°q

Win the lottery. tem´dn hnPbn°q

Walk for sometime. Ipd®v t\ctØ°v \S°q

Win the prize. kΩm\w t\Sq

Walk and you will get some peace of mind. \S°q, \n߃°v Ipd®v a\ am[m\w e`n°pw

Work sXmgn¬sNøq Work hard. ITn\ambn sXmgn¬sNøq

Wash hkv{Xw IgpIq Wash all the clothes. F√m hkv{Xhpw IgpIq Wash the floor. \new IgpIq

Work with me. Ft∂msSm∏w sXmgn¬sNøq Work with pleasure. kt¥mjtØmsS sXmgn¬sNøq

Wash your face. \nßfpsS apJw IgpIq Wash away your problems with this drink. Write FgpXq Cu ]m\obwsIm≠v \nßfpsS {]iv\߃ Write an article. Hcp teJ\w FgpXq IgpIn°fbq Write for me. F\n°v th≠n FgpXq Water \\bv°q

Write a good letter. Hcp \√ IØv FgpXq

Water the plants. sNSnIƒ\\bv°q

Write a good speech. Hcp \√ {]kwKw FgpXq

Water the garden. tXm´w\\bv°q Welcome kzmKXw sNøq Welcome him. Abmsf kzmKXw sNøq Welcome him heartily. Abmsf lrZbwKaambn kzmKXw sNøq


Welcome her when she reaches here. Abmƒ (kv { Xo) ChnsS hcptºmƒ Abmsf (kv { Xo) FEELINGS kzmKXw sNøq Welcome the Monarch. cmPmhns\/dmWnsb kzmKXw sNøq Welcome the children. Ip´nIsf kzmKXw sNøq

Emotions Cold Hot Temper Sad Happy Angry Anger Sick, Ill Gloomy Unhappy Weak Cry Sleepy Tired


  V 205 feelingS

sshImcnIm\p`qXnIƒ hnImc߃ XWpØ, XWp∏v NqSp≈, NqSv tIm]w ZpxJnX≥, ZpxJnX, ZpxJmhÿ kt¥mjhm≥, kt¥mjhXn, kt¥mjmhÿ tZjyap≈ Ahÿ tZjyw tcmKmhÿ, tcmKn hnjmZmflIamb kt¥mjan√mØ _ean√mØ, £oWn® IcbpI Dd°ap≈ Ahÿ £oWnX≥, £oWnX


C¥ybnencp∂psIm≠v km[mcW°mc≥ KpW\nehmcap≈ #31 CMv K v f njv ]Tn°p∂Xnse kmaqlnI{]iv \ ߃ C∂v C¥ybn¬ shdpw 5% BfpIƒt° CMv•njv CMv•njv ]Tn°m\p≈ G‰hpw \√am¿§w CMv•njv Adnbp≈q. Cu 5% iXam\w hcp∂hcn¬ \∂mbn kwkmcn°p∂hcpsS IqsSbp≈ H´pap°m¬ BfpIfptSbpw B{Klw a‰p≈h¿°v klhmkamWv . AtXmtSm∏w \√\nehmcap≈ C M v • n j v ] c n ⁄ m \ w I n ´ c p X v F ∂ m W v . CMv • njv ¢mkn°pIfpw, Enid Blyton t]mep≈ AtXmsSm∏wXs∂ kaqlØnse D b ¿ ∂ FgpØpImcpsS, Ip´nIƒ°q≈ t\mhepIfpw a‰pw ÿm\ßfn¬ D≈hcpw CXvXs∂ Bhiys∏Sp∂p. h m b n ° e p w , C M v • n j v nursery rhyme a p I ƒ Cu hnNn{Xamb `mhØn\v ]n∂n¬ Hcp i‡amb t I ƒ ° e p w a ‰ p a m b I m c y ß f n e q s S b p a m W v . clkyap≠v. C¥y≥ `mjIƒ°v ITn\amb F∂m¬ C∂v C¥ybn¬ CXns\ms°bp≈ ^yqU¬ k z ` m h a p ≠ v . F ∂ p h ® m ¬ , A h kmlNcyw an°hmdpw km[mcW°m¿°n√. ]Icw hn`mh\wsNøp∂ kaqlnILS\, P∑n˛IpSnbm≥ \osbms° CMv•njv ]Tn®n´v F¥v sNøm\m? F∂v kmaqlnI_‘ tImUpIfptSXmWv .

]d™v A[nt£]n°p∂hcpsS ASnbnemWv Ah¿.

Db¿∂h¿ km¿, amVw, taVw, Xm¶ƒ, At±lw, A h ¿ ° v C M v • n j n s e k m a q l o I h y ‡ n X z Ah¿, Aßp∂v, \n߃ (ae_m¿) XpSßnbhcpw, kaXzsØ°pdn®v bmtXmcp [mcWbpan√. AsX X m s g b p ≈ h ¿ \ o ( C ™ n ) , X m ≥ , \ n ß ƒ kabw CXns\°pdn®v [mcWbp≈htcm, Chsc (XncphnXmwIq¿), Cbmƒ, Ah≥ (Hm≥), Ahƒ t_m[]q¿Δw sX‰n[cn∏n°pIbpw, CMv•njv \sΩ (Hmƒ), Ah‰Iƒ (sF‰n߃), sN°≥, s]Æv ]Tn∏n°cpXv , AXv hntZi`mjbmWv , CMv • njv Ad_n°Sen¬ FdnbWw Fs∂ms°bp≈ XpSßnbhcpw. hnVvVnØ߃ ]dbm≥ t{]cn∏n°pIbpw CXns\°pdn®v A[nIw ChnsS ]dbp∂n√. Cu Hcp sNøp∂p. F∂m¬ hmkv X hw t\sc adn®mWv . sNdnb DZmlcWw am{Xw \¬Imw: Bcpw Xs∂ Ahsc CMv•njv ]Tn∏n°m≥ At±lw Ahs\ ASn®p. Ah≥ At±lsØ Xm¬]cys∏Sp∂n√ F∂XmWv kXyw. ]ns∂ F¥v ASn®p. Cu hmIy߃ CMv•njn¬ He beat him Ad_n°Sepw a‰pw? F∂p am{XamWv. AXvt]mse, t]meokpIm¿ CMv•njv ]Tn°m≥ CMv•njv hymIcWw Ahs\ \∂mbn ASn®p. t]meokpIm¿ At±lsØ kzmbØam°Wtam? Nn¥n®pt\m°q. aebmfw \∂mbn ASn®p. c≠matØXv sX‰pw, BZytØXv kwkmcn°m≥ {ian°p∂ Hcmsf hymIcWw icnbpw BWv F∂ Hcp kqN\ hm°pIfn¬ D≠v. ]Tn°m≥ Xncn®v hn´m¬ D≈ IY. Abmƒ c≠v aebmfØn¬ kaqlØnse H´pan° tXß, F∂mtWm, AtXm c≠v tXßIƒ Ft∂m \nbaLS\Ifpw, acymZIfpw, kmaqlnI ]dbpI? c≠∏w thWsat∂mtWm, AtXm _‘ßfpw, IpSpw_ _‘ßfpw a‰v At\Iw c≠∏∑msc thWsat∂m ]dbpI? Imcyßfpw, Cu ss]imNnIamb Bibhn\nab hymIcWØneqsS CXv icns∏SpØm≥ Ipsd tImUpIfm¬ _m[n°s∏´ncn°p∂p. ]Tnt°≠n hcpw. F∂m¬ `mj]Tn°m≥ ChnsS°mWp∂ G‰phpw Zb\obamb Imcyw, _p≤n]q¿Δap≈ a‰v Ffp∏am¿§ßƒ Ct√? Cßns\ ]‰n°s∏Sp∂ P\߃Xs∂ Xm¶ƒ°v hymIcWw ]Tn®m¬ `mjbnse NneImcyßfn¬ CMv•njv th≠m, AXv hntZi `mjbmWv {]mhoWyw t\Smw. F∂m¬ `mj kwkmcn°m≥ Fs∂ms° XØ ]dbp∂Xpt]mse hcp∂h¿ hymIcW\nba߃°v ]n∂mse Bh¿Øn°p∂p F∂XmWv. CXn\v]Icw, t]mIp∂Xv A]ISamWv. aSp∏v hcmw. R߃°pw, RßfpsS Ip´nIƒ°pw \√\nehmcap≈ (CMv•≠nse \nehmcap≈) VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS Cd°nb Cu CMv•njv CMv • njv thWsa∂v ]dbm\p≈ ss[cyw Ah¿ ]Tn°m\p≈ ]≤Xn km[mcW°mc\v Ffp∏Øn¬ Cu `mj ]Tn°m\p≈ Hcp am¿§w Xpd∂pXcp∂p. ImWn°p∂n√. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-207CXv VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS Xs‚ kz¥w ChnsS ]Tn∏n°p∂ CMv•njnt\bpw _m[n®n´p≠v. A\p`h⁄m\Øns‚ ASnÿm\Øn¬ Hcp ImcywIqSn ]d™vsIm≠v Cu hnjbw {Ias∏SpØnbXmWv . `mjIsf∏‰nbpw, Ahbnse \n¿Ømw. _lpam\n°s∏tS≠ kv{XoIsf t]cn\v ]e tImUpIsf∏‰nbpw ]co£W˛\nco£W߃

I p s d I m e a m b n ]n∂n¬ amUw, taVw XpSßnb hm°pIƒ tN¿Øv \SØnb H c p hnfn®p ImWp∂p. CXv CMv•njns‚ coXnbmWv F∂v

hy‡nbmWv Cu Bƒ. ]e ]pkv X Ißfpw Cu ]ecpw hnNmcn°p∂p. F∂m¬ CXv icnb√. H∂maXmbn Madam F∂ hm°ns‚ D®mcWw Xs∂ hnjbßfn¬ FgpXnbn´p≠v. kam\ ÿm\ßfnep≈ hm°pIsf Hcp {]tXyI amUw Ft∂m taVw Ft∂m A√. am{Xhpa√, {IaØn¬ cq]s∏SpØn hmIy߃ cNn°m≥ CMv • njn¬ kv { XoIfpsS t]cn\v ]n∂n¬ Madam ]Tn°p∂ Bsf Xømdm°m\mWv Cu ]≤XnbpsS F∂ hm°v D]tbmKn°mdn√. F∂m¬ CMv•njn¬ Madam F ∂ h m ° v k v { X o I f p s S t ] c n \ v e£yw. ]n∂n¬hbv ° p∂Xv B kv { Xo Hcp {]tXyIXcw Cu am¿§w ]q¿Æambn F√mbnSØpw icnbmIptam Zp¿\S∏pImcn BWv F∂ kqN\bmWv \¬Ip∂Xv. F∂v ]dbm\mhn√, Ct∏mƒ. am{Xhpa√, Cu am¿§w Madam F ∂ hm°v Hcp t]cpt]mse sIm≠vam{Xw ]T\w aXnbm°m\pamhn√. ]Tn°p∂ D]tbmKn°p∂Xpw CtX A¿∞ØnemWv. hy‡n Ipsd CMv•njv FgpØpIƒ hmbn°pIbpw, CMv•njv nursery rhymes Ifpw a‰v ]m´pIfpw ]T\w XpSßp∂Xn\v apºv D®mcWsØ°pdn®v Hcp ]mSpIbpw sNøWw. Ipsd nursery rhymesIfpw hm°v . CMv • njv hm°pIƒ aebmf en]nIfn¬ AhbpsS i_vZhpw Dƒs]SpØnbn´p≠v .


D®mcWs؉v kw`hn°pw. ]mTy]≤Xnbn¬ FgpXnbm¬ DZmlcWØn\v Is F∂ hm°ns‚ D®mcWw Cukv

F∂pw, Was F∂Xns‚ D®mcWw hmkv F∂pw C\n as‰mcp Imcyw. CMv•njn¬ A√. ]Tn°ptºmƒ Cu Imcyw {]tXyIw t]cp]tbmKn°p∂Xns\ ]‰nbmWv. C¥y≥ {i≤n°pI. `mjIfn¬ CXpw, henb Bƒ ˛ sNdnb Bƒ F∂ tImUpIfpsS A S n ÿ m \ Ø n e m W v _ r ´ n j v C M v • n j v k w k m c s s i e n (accent) D]tbmKn°s∏Sp∂Xv . F∂m¬ CMv • njn¬ t]cv kzmbØam°m≥ _r´njv CMv•njv ]m´pIƒ tI´v D]tbmKn°ptºmƒ Cu tImtUm, a ‰ p ]Tn°pI. Ah C‚¿s\‰n¬ Youtube ¬ ImWm≥ _lpam\n°¬--˛A]am\n°¬ tImtUm C√. adn®v Ignbpw. AhbpsS hcnIƒ C‚¿s\‰n¬ search Hu]NmcnI _‘tam, ]cnNb°pdthm at‰m sNbvXm¬ Is≠Øm\mhpw. D≈hsc Mr. Ft∂m, Mrs . Ft∂m Miss . Ft∂m KpW\nehmcØn¬ Fsavdn°≥ (American) CMv•njv t]cn\v ap∂n¬ tN¿Øv hnfnt°≠XmWv. Hcp ImeØv _r´njv CMv•njn\v hfsc aebmfØn¬, Db¿∂hscbpw, A≤ym]Iscbpw, ASpØmbncp∂p. F∂m¬ ]pdØv\n∂pw, CMv•njv Xs∂ AdnbmØh¿, AanXambn {]mbØn¬ IqSnbhscbpwa‰pw km¿, amjv, tN´≥, H ´ p w Aßp∂v, tN®n, amVw, taVw XpSßnb hm°pIƒ Fsavdn°bn¬ IS∂pIqSnbXn\m¬, KpW\nehmcw t]cn\v ]n∂n¬ D]tbmKn®v hnfnt°≠XmWv . \ n t X y s \ X m g v ∂ p s I m ≠ n c n ° p ∂ H ∂ m W v Xmgv∂hscbpw, { ] m b w I p d ™ h s c b p w , Fsav d n°≥ CMv • njv . AXns\ kzmbØam°m≥ kmºØnIambn ]nt∂m°w \n¬°p∂hscbpw, {ian°cpXv. ]mcºcyambn CMv•njn¬ C√mØ ]e CXn¬ h∂p ho´nse ]Wn°mscbpw, a°sfbpw a‰pw \o, Xm≥, h r Ø n l o \ X I f p w Ah≥, Ahƒ, sN°≥, s]Æv, Ah‰Iƒ tNcp∂psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. t]mcmØXn\v X p S ß n b \ n e h m c w I p d ™ X p w , \ n e h m c w Fsavdn°≥ CMv•njnse kvs]√nßpIƒ ]et∏mgpw Ipdbv°p∂Xpamb hm°pIfm¬ B W v CMv•njv˛A£chnZym`ymkan√Ø BfpIfptSXn\v Xp√yamWv. Cu ]cm[o\XIƒ Imcy£aambn \n¿ΔNn°p∂Xv. Chsc shdpw t]cp hnfn°mw. \nb{¥n°phmt\m, XncpØmt\m F∂m¬ C¥ybnse C∂sØ CMv•njns‚ A[nImcs∏SpØnbn´p≈ Bcpw Xs∂ \nehnen√. \nehmcw Xmgv∂vh∂v Ct∏mƒ Cu {]iv\ßsf√mw



CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°¬ kmlnXyØn¬ \n∂pw From English Classical literature


_r´njv Iv f mkn°¬ kmlnXyImc∑mcn¬ A{KKWy\mWv Oscar Wilde . Ct±lØns‚ IrXnIƒ°v Znhyamsbmcp Imhyat\mlmcnXbp≠v . hm°pIƒ°v \ndw\¬Im\pw, Ahsbs°m≠v B\μ\rØw sNøn°m\pw, amkvacnIamb timIhnaqIX krjvSn°m\pw Ct±lØn\v Ignbpambncp∂p. Ct±lØns‚ Poems in Prose F∂ IrXnbnse Hcp sNdnb IYbmWv ChnsSsImSpØncn°p∂Xv. CMvKvfnjn¬ A¬]wam{Xw ⁄m\hpw, Hcfhphsc AXnt\mSv Ah⁄bpw, B `mjtbmSv henb IS∏mSv ImWn°mØXpamb BfpIƒ, CMv K v f njv Hcp kv t ]m°v ¨ `mjmcp]Øn¬ F√mbnSØpw btXmcp e°pweKm\pw C√msX D]tbmKn°p∂ Cu ImeL´Øn¬, CMvKvfnjv IvfmknIvkns‚ {]k‡n hfsc A[nIambn hfcp∂p. ImcWw, C∂v, F√mhcpw sXdnhm°pIfpw, Ak`y{]tbmKßfpw, D]tbmKn®v CMv K v f njv ⁄m\w Hcp Ipdp°phgnbneqsS {]ISn∏n°m\p≈ [rXnbnemWv . F∂m¬ CMv K v f njnse AKm[amb aqeyßfptSbpw, temeamb Bibhn\nab kwhn[m\ßfptSbpw, a\pjyt\mSpw, arKßtfmSpw D≈ am\yamb s]cpam‰ßfptSbpwa‰pw DdhnSamWv CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°¬ kmlnXyw. CXv ShakespearedpsS IrXnIfn¬ \n∂pw hyXykvXamWv. THE MASTER

 Z 1

Now when the darkness came over the earth Joseph of Arimathea, having lighted a torch of pinewood, passed down from the hill into the valley. For he had business in his own home. And kneeling on the flint stones of the Valley of Desolation he saw a young man who was naked and weeping. His hair was the colour of honey, and his body was as a white flower, but he had wounded his body with thorns and on his hair had he set ashes as a crown. And he who had great possessions said to the young man who was naked and weeping, ‘I do not wonder that your sorrow is so great, for surely He was a just man’. And the young man answered, ‘It is not for Him that I am weeping, but for myself. I too have changed water into wine, and I have healed the leper and given sight to the blind. I have walked upon the waters, and from the dwellers in the tombs I have cast out devils. I have fed the hungry in the desert where there was no food, and I have raised the dead from their narrow houses, and at my bidding, and before a great multitude, of people, a barren fig-tree withered away. All things that this man has done I have done also. And yet they have not crucified me.’ From: Poems in Prose.

\mY≥ `qanbn¬ Ccp´v h∂ptN¿∂t∏mƒ, Xs‚ ss]≥acw sIm≠p≈ Nq´ IØn®v, ldnaØnbbnse tPmk^v Ip∂n≥]pdØv \n∂v Xmgzcbnte°v \oßn. ImcWw Abmƒ°v kz¥w KrlØn¬ sNbvXpXo¿t°≠p∂ Imcy߃ D≠mbncp∂p. Bim`wKØns‚ Xmgzcbn¬, Xo°¬]md ]mInb \neØv ap´pIpØn\n¬°p∂, \·\pw, hne]n°p∂h\pamb Hcp bphmhns\, Abmƒ I≠p. AbmfpsS apSnIƒ°v tX\ns‚ \ndhpw, AbmfpsS icocw Hcp sh≈ ]q t]msebpambncp∂p, F∂m¬ Abmƒ AbmfpsS icocsØ apƒs®SnIƒ sIm≠v apdnth¬∏n°pIbpw, Nmcßsf Hcp IncoSambn shbv°pIbpw sNbvXncp∂p. \·\pw, hne]n®psIm≠ncp∂h\pamb B bpha\pjyt\mSv , hfscb[nIw Bkv X nIfp≈ Abmƒ ]d™p, ‘\nßfpsS ZpJw C{Xb[nIamWv F∂Xn¬ Rm≥ A¤pXs∏Sp∂n√, ImcWw Xo¿®bmbpw Abmƒ Hcp \oXnam\mbncp∂p’. At∏mƒ B bphmhv ]d™p, ‘Rm≥ hne]n°p∂Xv Bbmƒ°v th≠nb√, adn®v F\n°v th≠nbmWv. Rm\pw sh≈sØ ho™mbn am‰nbn´p≠v, Rm≥ IpjvStcmKnIsf kuJys∏SpØpIbpw IpcpS¿°v Imgv N \¬IpIbpw sNbv X n´p≠v . PeØns‚ apIƒ∏c∏neqsS Rm≥ \S∂n´p≠v , ihIpSocßfn¬ hkn°p∂hcn¬\n∂pw ]nimNns\ Rm≥ hen®v ]pdsØSpØn´p≠v. Blmcan√mXncp∂ acp`qanbn¬ Rm≥ hni°p∂hsc Du´nbn´p≠v , acn®hsc AhcpsS hoXnIpd™ hoSpIfn¬\n∂pw Rm≥ Db¿sØgpt∂¬∏n®n´p≠v, Fs‚ I¬]\tI´v, AXpw hensbmcp P\°q´Øns‚ ap∂n¬ h®pw, Hcp Dujc AØnacw hmSn°cn™pt]mbn. Cu Bƒ sNbvXsX√mw Rm\pw sNbvXn´p≠v. F∂n´pw, Ah¿ Fs∂ {Iqin®n√. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.


CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°¬ kmlnXyØn¬ \n∂pw From English Classical literature Oscar Wilde s‚ The House of Pomegranates F∂ sNdpIYm kamlmcØn¬ \ n ∂ p a p ≈ H c p I Y b m b The Young K ing ¬ \ n ∂ p s a S p Ø n ´ p ≈ X m W v

XmsgsImSpØncn°p∂ hcnIƒ. cmPmhv a‰v A\¥cmhIminIfn√msX acn®t∏mƒ, At±lØn\v A\y kv{Xobn¬ P\n® ]p{Xs\ cmPmhmbn A`ntjIw sNøm≥ sIm≠phcp∂p. cmPIobamb PohnXw Cu aI≥ BZyambn Adnbp∂p. A`ntjIw \S°p∂Xn\v Xte∂v cm{Xn, cmPIpamc≥ acWw (Death) , Zpcm{Klw (Avarice) , ]v t fKv (Plague) , Pzcw (Fever) F∂nh ]s¶SpØn´p≈ aq∂v Zp:kz]v\߃ ImWp∂p. Cu kz]v\ßfneqsS, cmPIobamb PohnX kuIcy߃°pa∏pdw, a‰v Zb\obamb bmYm¿∞y߃ Cu `qanbn¬ D≠v F∂ Imcyw cmPIpamc\v Adnhv e`n°p∂p. Xs‚ ku`mKy߃ krjvSn°m≥ ]ecpw IjvSs∏Sp∂p≠v F∂ Imcyw. A`ntjIZn\Øn¬, cmPIpamc≥, Hcp ]mhs∏´hs‚ hkv{Xw [cn®psIm≠pw, ssIbn¬ sNt¶men\v (sceptre) ]Icw Hcp hSn ]nSn®psIm≠pw, Np≈n°ºpIƒ sIm≠p≈ Hcp IocoSw [cn®p sIm≠pw ]≈nbnte°v hcp∂p. km[mcW P\߃ CXv I≠v cmPIpamct\mSv _lpam\an√msX s]cpamdpIbpw At±lsØ Ifnbm°pIbpw sNøp∂p. B`nPmXyw t]dp∂ {]`p°ƒ cmPyØn\v Ct±lw Hcp A]am\amsW∂v hymJym\n®v, Ct±lsØ sIm√m≥ HcpsºSp∂p. F∂m¬ ]≈n°IØv h®v kqcyIncW߃ cmPIpamcs\ s]mXnbpIbpw, {]IrXnbmsI hk¥]pjv]߃ sNmcnbpIbpw a‰pw sNøp∂p. Hcp Znhyamb i‡n cmPIpamcs\ IncoSaWnbn°p∂ {]XoXn DfhmIp∂p. P\ßfpw {]`p°fpw sR´nØcn®pt]mIp∂p.

Z B1


And when the Bishop had heard them he knit his brows, and said, ‘My son, I am an old man, and in the winter of my days, and I know that many evil things are done in the wide world. The fierce robbers come down from the mountains, and carry off the little children, and sell them to the Moors. The lions lie in wait for the caravans, and leap upon the camels. The wild boar roots up the corn in the valley, and the foxes gnaw the vines upon the hill. The pirates lay waste the seacoast and burn the ships of the fishermen, and take their nets from them. In the salt-marshes live the lepers; they have houses of wattled reeds, and none may come nigh them. The beggars wander through the cities, and eat their food with the dogs. Canst thou make these things not to be? Wilt thou take the leper for thy bedfellow, and set the beggar at thy board? Shall the lion do thy bidding, and the wild boar obey thee? Is not He who made misery wiser than thou art? _nj∏v CXv tI´pIgn™t∏mƒ, Abmƒ AbmfpsS ]pcnI߃ Db¿Øns°m≠v ]d™p, ‘Fs‚ aIs\, Rm≥ Hcp hm¿≤Iywh∂, Fs‚ PohnXØns‚ ssiXyImeØn¬ FØn \n¬°p∂ BfmWv . Cu hnimeamb temIØn¬ ]e ss]imNnIamb Imcyßfpw \SØs∏Sp∂p≠v F∂v F\n°dnbmw. D{K{Iucyap≈ I≈∑m¿ ]¿ΔXßfn¬\n∂pw Xmtg°v Cdßnh∂v, sNdnb Ip´nIsf ]nSn®v sIm≠pt]mbn k¶ch¿§ Ad_nIƒ°v v hn¬°p∂p. knwl߃ I®hS h≠nIsf°mØv \ n∂v H´IßfpsS ta¬ NmSnhngp∂p. Im´p]∂nIƒ Xmgzc{]tZißfnse [m\ys®SnIsf ]ngpsXSp°p∂p. Ipdp°∑m¿ Ip∂n≥]pdßfnse h≈nIƒ Im¿∂v N hbv ° p∂p. IS¬s°m≈°m¿ IS¬Øocßsf ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

-210Xcniv { ]tZißfmbn am‰pIbpw, ap°phcpsS I∏epIƒ IØn°pIbpw AhcpsS heIƒ Ahcn¬ \n∂pw FSp°pIbpw sNøp∂p. D∏pIe¿∂ NXp∏p \neßfn¬ Ipjv S tcmKnIƒ Pohn°p∂p ]p√pwCu‰bpw ta™ hoSpIfn¬ Ah¿ Pohn°p∂p, AhcpsS ASpØv Bcpw t]mIm\pw ]mSn√. ]´WßfneqsS bmNI¿ Ae™v Xncnbp∂p, Ah¿ \mbv°tfmsSm∏w `£Ww Ign°p∂p. CsX√mw C√mXm°m≥ Asßbv ° v Ignbptam ? Ipjv S tcmKnsb Aßv AßbpsS IqsS°nS∏pImc\mbn FSp°ptam ?, bmNIs\ AßtbmsSm∏w `£WwIgn°m\mbn CcpØptam ? knwl߃ AßbpsS sNm¬∏SnIƒ A\pkcn°ptam ? , Im´p]∂nIƒ Aßsb A\pkcn°ptam ? Cu ZpcnXßsf√mw krjvSn®h≥ Aßsb°mƒ ⁄m\nbs√? Z B2

Wherefore I praise thee not for this that thou hast done, but I bid thee rideback to the Palace and make thy face glad, and put on the raiment that beseemeth a king, and with the crown of gold I will crown thee, and the sceptre of pearl will I place in thy hand. And as for thy dreams, think no more of them. The burden of this world is too great for one man to bear, and the world’s sorrow too heavy for one heart to suffer.’

‘BIbm¬ Aßv sNbv X Cu ImcyØn\√ Rm≥ Aßsb {]iwkn°p∂Xv , ]Icw, Aßv B\μ hZ\tØmsS sIm´mcØnte°v khmcnsNbvXv t]mIm≥ Rm≥ AßtbmSv Bhiys∏Sp∂p. Hcp cmPmhn\v tbmPn® hkv { Xw [cn°q, Rm≥ s]m∂psIm≠p≈ IocoSw AßbpsS inc n¬ shbv ° pw, ]hngw sIm≠p≈ sNt¶m¬ AßbpsS ssIIfn¬ Rm≥ shbv ° pw. AßbpsS kz]v \ sØ°pdnt®m, Ahsb°pdn®v C\n Nn¥n°pItb th≠. Cu temIØns‚ ITn\`mcw Hcp H‰a\pjy\v Xmßmhp∂Xnt\°mfpw hepXmWv, temIØns‚ ZpcnXßfpw Hcp H‰lrZbØn\v A\p`hn°mhp∂Xnepw `mcap≈XmWv ’. Z B3 ‘Sayest thou that in this house?’ said the young King, and he strode past the Bishop, and climbed up the steps of the altar, and stood before the image of Christ.

‘Aßv Cu KrlØn¬\n∂psIm≠v Cßns\ ]dbp∂pthm,’ B bphcmPmhv tNmZn®p, F∂n´v At±lw _nj∏n\pa∏pdtØ°v \S∂p, AƒØmcbpsS ]SnIƒ Nhp´n Ibdn, IrkvXphns‚ cq]Øn\v ap∂n¬ \n∂p.  Z B4 He stood before the image of Christ, and on his right hand and on his left were the marvellous vessels of gold, the chalice with the yellow wine, and the vial with the holy oil. At±lw Irkv X phns‚ cq]Øn\v ap∂n¬ \n∂p. At±lØns‚ hetØssIIfnepw CSØpw, B›cyP\Iamb s]m∂psIm≠p≈ IpSßfpw, a™ ho™v \nd® ]m\]m{Xßfpw hnip≤Pew \nd® Nn√pIp∏nIfpw D≠mbncp∂p. Z B5 He knelt before the image of Christ, and the great candles burned brightly by the jewelled shrine, and the smoke of the incense curled in thin blue wreaths through the dome. He bowed his head in prayer, and the priests in their stiff copes crept away from the altar. At±lw IrkvXphns‚ cq]Øn\v ap∂n¬ ap´vIpØn \n∂p. cXv\m`cW߃ \nd™ B {iotImhnen¬ h≥ sagpIpXncnIƒ Bfn°Øn, kpK‘hkvXp°fn¬ \n∂pw Npcp≠ t\cnb \oe∏pI B aμncsØ amebWnbn®p. At±lw {]m¿∞\bn¬ XeIp\n®p, ISpw A¶nIƒ DSpØv \n∂ncp∂ sshZnI¿ AƒØmcbn¬\n∂pw `b∏mtSmsS Cg™p\oßn. Z B6 And suddenly a wild tumult came from the street outside, and in entered the nobles with drawn swords and nodding plumes and shields of polished steel. s]s´∂v ]pdwsXcphn¬ \n∂pw Hcp h\yamb tImemlew AItØ°v h∂p, Ddbn¬ \n∂pw Ducnb hmfpIfpw, Xebnse sXm∏nIfn¬ \n∂pw BSns°m≠ncn°p∂ XqhepIfpw, tX®v an\p°nb Dcp°v Iq´vtemlØns‚ ]cnNIfpambn B`nPmXywt]dp∂ {]`p°ƒ AIØph∂p.

This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.

-211‘Where is this dreamer of dreams?’ they cried. ‘Where is this King, who is apparelled like a beggar — this boy who brings shame upon our state? Surely we will slay him, for he is unworthy to rule over us.’

‘Cu In\m°ƒ kz]v \ w ImWp∂ Ah≥ FhnsS ?’, Ah¿ Bt{Imin®p. ‘Hcp sX≠nsbt∏mse DSp∏pSpØv \S°p∂ Cu cmPmshhnsS? ˛ \ΩpsS cmPyØnt∑¬ e÷ sNmcnbp∂ Cu Ip´nsbhnsS? Xo¿®bmbpw R߃ Ahs\ sIm√pw, ImcWw Ah≥ \sΩ `cn°m≥ A¿l\√ ’. Z B7 And the young King bowed his head again, and prayed, and when he had finished his prayer he rose up, and turning round he looked at them sadly. And lo! through the painted windows came the sunlight streaming upon him, and the sunbeams wove round him a tissued robe that was fairer than the robe that had been fashioned for his pleasure. The dead staff blossomed, and bare lilies that were whiter than pearls. The dry thorn blossomed, and bare roses that were redder than rubies. Whiter than fine pearls were the lilies, and their stems were of bright silver. Redder than male rubies  Z B8 were the roses, and their leaves were of beaten gold. B Ipamc\mb cmPmhv ho≠pw XeIp\n®p, {]m¿∞n®p, {]m¿∞\ Ign™t∏mƒ, At±lw Fgpt∂‰p, Np‰pw Xncn™v hyk\tØmsS t\m°n. At∏mƒ, A¤pXw ! B _lph¿Æ P\meIfneqsS kqcyshfn®w At±lØns‚ta¬ HgpInh∂v hoWp. kqcycivanIƒ, At±lØns‚ B\μØn\mbn cq]s∏SpØnbncp∂ DSbmStb°mƒ kpμchpw temehpw Bb ]pdwIp∏mbw At±lØn\v Np‰pw s\bv s XSpØp. Poh\n√mØ B hSn ]qhWn™ncn°p∂p, AXv ]hngßtf°mƒ shfp∏p≈ Bº¬∏q°ƒ t]dn. B DW°ap≈v ]q°pIbpw, amWnIy°√pIsf°mƒ Nph∂ ]\n\o¿∏q°ƒ t]dpIbpw sNbv X ncn°p∂p. AgtIdnb ]hngßtf°mƒ Xnf°w B Bº¬∏q°ƒ°p≠mbncp∂p, AhbpsS X≠pIƒ°v Xnfßp∂ sh≈n\ndambncp∂p. amWnIy߃°v tdmknt\°mfpw Nph∏mbncp∂p, AhbpsS CeIƒ ASn®v ]cØnb s]m∂psIm≠mbncp∂p.  Z B9 He stood there in the raiment of a king, and the gates of the jewelled shrine flew open, and from the crystal of the manyrayed monstrance shone a marvellous and mystical light. He stood there in a king’s raiment, and the Glory of God filled the place, and the saints in their carven niches seemed to move. In the fair raiment of a king he stood before them, and the organ pealed out its music, and the trumpeters blew upon their trumpets, and the singing boys sang. Hcp cmPmhns‚ DSbmS DSpØv s Im≠v At±lw AhnsS \n∂p, k¿Δm`cWmewIrXambncp∂ B {iotImhnens‚ IhmSw sImSp¶m‰pIWs° Xpd°s∏´p, ]eh¿Æ ss\thZy]m{XØns‚ kv^SnINn√v Hc¤pXIchpw, \nKqUhpamb Hcp h¿Æ{]`bn¬ Pzen®p \n∂p. At±lw Hcp cmPmhns‚ DSbmS DSpØvsIm≠v AhnsS \n∂p, B ÿeamsI ssZhabØm¬ \nd™p\n∂p, ]pWymf∑m¿ AhcpsS KplIWs°bp≈ amf߃°p≈n¬\n∂pw A\ßp∂ {]XoXnbpfhmbn. Hcp cmPmhns‚ If¶an√mØ DSp∏v DSpØvsIm≠vv At±lw AhcpsS ap∂n¬ \n∂p, HmKWpIƒ AhbpsS kwKoXw ]pdtØs°mgp°n, Ipg¬hnfn°m¿ Imlfw Db¿Øn, ]m´p]mSp∂ Ip´nIƒ kvXpXnKoX߃ ]mSn. Z B10 And the people fell upon their knees in awe, and the nobles sheathed their swords and did homage, and the Bishop’s face grew pale, and his hands trembled. ‘A greater than I hath crowned thee,’ he cried, and he knelt before him. And the young King came down from the high altar, and passed home through the midst of the people. But no man dared look upon his face, for it was like the face of an angel. Bcm[\bmepw, `bØmepw P\߃ AhcpsS Im¬ap´pIfn¬ hoWp, B`nPmXywt]dp∂ {]`pP\߃ AhcpsS hmfpIƒ Ddbn¬ XncpIn°b‰n, D]mk\mcq]Øn¬ hWßn\n∂p, _nj∏ns‚ apJw hnfdnshfp°pIbpw AbmfpsS ssIIƒ hnd°pIbpw sNbvXp. ‘Fs∂°mƒ hensbmcmƒ Aßsb IncoSaWnbn®ncn°p∂p ’ , Abmƒ D®Øn¬ hnfn®p ]d™psIm≠v At±lØns‚ ap∂n¬ ap´pIpØn\n∂p. B sNdp{]mbap≈ cmPmhv AƒØmcbn¬ \n∂pw Cdßnh∂p, P\a[yØneqsS kz`h\Ønte°v \oßn. F∂m¬ Bcpw Xs∂ At±lØns‚ apJØv t\m°m≥ ss[cys∏´n√, ImcWw AXv Hcp amemJbpsS apJwt]membncp∂p. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


CMvKvfnjv Ivfmkn°vkv:

tkmav¿sk‰v tamans‚ Moon and Sixpence¬ \n∂pw

This passage has been taken from Somerset Maugham’s Moon and Sixpence. It is a very powerful and equally brutal story of a person who relentlessly pursues the mysterious spurs that urges him from deep within his soul, to recreate mystic portrayals of something quite bizarre or intangible, which exists behind physical reality. As if he is commanded by something beyond human definition, to decode or to encode some mysterious codes into our physical world. He paints them on canvas. He has no care for what others speak or think of him. He exists beyond the defining confines of human appreciation, approval and accolades; and also beyond the restrains and restrictions that derision, scorn and sneers can impose. The story is quite brutal, in its human aspects. And quite readable for those who love English classics.  Z C1 And it was just that which had most disconcerted me in my dealings with him. When people say they do not care what others think of them, for the most part they deceive themselves. Generally they mean only that they will do as they choose, in the confidence that no one will know their vagaries; and at the utmost only that they are willing to act contrary to the opinion of the majority because they are supported by the approval of their neighbours. It is not difficult to be unconventional in the eyes of the world when your unconventionality is but the convention of your set. It affords you then an inordinate amount of self-esteem. You have the self-satisfaction of courage without the inconvenience of danger. But the desire for approbation is perhaps the most deeply seated instinct of civilised man. No one runs so hurriedly to the cover of respectability as the unconventional woman who has exposed herself to the slings and arrows of outraged propriety. I do not believe the people who tell me they do not care a row of pins for the opinion of their fellows. It is the bravado of ignorance. They mean only that they do not fear reproaches for peccadilloes which they are convinced none will discover. But here was a man who sincerely did not mind what people thought of him, and so convention had no hold on him; he was like a wrestler whose body is oiled; you could not get a grip on him; it gave him a freedom which was an outrage. Abmfpambn CS]gIptºmƒ, CXp Xs∂bmbncp∂p Fs∂ G‰hpw Ipg°nbImcyw. a‰p≈h¿ Xs∂∏‰n F¥mWv Nn¥n°p∂Xv F∂Xv X\n°v bmtXmcp{]iv\hpap≈ Imcya√msb∂v BfpIƒ ]dbptºmƒ, an°hmdpw Ah¿ AhscØs∂ kzbw I_fn∏n°pIbmWv sNøp∂Xv . km[mcWbmbn, Ah¿°v CjvSap≈Xv t]mse {]h¿Øn°pw F∂v Ah¿ ]dbptºmƒ, AhcpsS hyXnNen® s]cpam‰ßƒ a‰mcpw Adnbn√ F∂ DØa hnizmkØnemWv Ah¿. `qcn]£m`n{]mbØn\v FXncmbn Ah¿ {]h¿Øn°m≥ XømdmIp∂Xns‚ ImcWw, AhcpsS sXm´b¬h°Øp≈h¿ Ah¿°v ]n¥pW \¬Ip∂Xv sIm≠mWv. \nßfpsS Akm[cWXzw, \nßfpsS Iq´Øns‚ amaq¬ kz`mhamIptºmƒ, temIcpsS ap∂n¬ BNmchncp≤ambn {]h¿Øn°m≥ hfsc {]bmkap≈ Imcya√. CXv \n߃°v Afhn¬Ihn™ Bflm`nam\w \¬Ipw. AXymlnXØns‚ AkuIcyw C√msXXs∂ [ocXbpsS AflkwXr]v X n \n߃°v e`n°pw. F∂m¬ a‰p≈hcpsS AwKoImcw e`n°Wsa∂p≈ B{KlamWv ]cnjv I rX a\pjy\nse G‰hpw AKm[ambn A¥¿eo\ambncn°p∂ P∑hmk\. BNmchncp≤ambn {]h¿Øn®Xn\m¬ s]cpam‰N´ßƒ [n°cn°s∏´psh∂v Atcm]n°s∏´v IpØphm°pIfpsS icwG‰ kv { Xotb°mƒ, am\yXbpsS N´°qSnte°v HmSm≥ hy{KXIm´p∂ Bcpw Xs∂bn√. a‰p≈hcpsS A`n{]mbØn\v ]p√phnet]mepw \¬In√mF∂p ]dbp∂hsc F\n°v hnizmkan√. CXv A⁄Xbmep≈ ss[cyw am{XamWv. a‰mcpw Is≠Øn√m F∂v Ah¿°v ]q¿Æhnizmkap≈ AhcpsS A]cm[ßfpsStaep≈ \nμn°s∏SepIsf Ah¿°v t]Snbn√m Ft∂ CXn\v A¿∞ap≈p. F∂m¬, a‰p≈h¿ Xs∂°pdn®v F¥mWv Nn¥n°p∂Xv F∂Xns\°pdn®v Bflm¿∞ambn \nkwKX\mb Hcp a\pjy≥ CXm \n¬°p∂p. AXn\m¬Xs∂ bmtXmcp Iogvhg°ßƒ°pw Cbmsf A[o\s∏SpØm≥ Ign™n√. tZlw apgph≥ FÆ ]pc´nb Hcp a¬∏nSpØ°mcs\t∏msebmbncp∂p Cbmƒ. AbmfpsS ta¬ bmtXmcp ]nSpØhpw \n߃°v e`n°n√. AXv Hcp ISpØ [n°mcwt]mep≈ Hcp kzmX{¥yw Abmƒ°v \¬In. This book contains a system of teaching English without grammar rules, developed by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS around 2002.