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By: Name

: Zulfatun Nur Aliyah



Attendee's Number : 32



Travel report to East Java has been completed and authorized at: Day

: ……………………………………………………..


: ……………………………………………………..


Zulfatun Nur Aliyah

Knowing, Homeroom Teacher




NIP. ………………………..

NIP. ………………………..


FOREWORD Our gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of His grace, taufik and guidance to us all so that the 2019 Study Tour program in Lamongan Regency and Malang City of East Java Province can be implemented and resolved properly. This study tour report was prepared as a form of our written accountability during the implementation of the study tour in Lamongan Regency and Malang City of East Java Province from 8th to 11th December 2019 . The purpose of the preparation of this report is to provide an overview and information about the study tour program that we have carried out in Lamongan Regency and Malang City of East Java Province . But we are aware that this study tour report is far from perfect. Therefore, constructive suggestions and criticisms are very welcome. Banjarnegara, 16th January 2019




VALIDITY SHEET ..................................................................................................................ii FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ iv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 1 1.1.

Background .................................................................................................................. 1


Purpose......................................................................................................................... 1


Time and Place of Study Tour Activities..................................................................... 1


Study Tour Participants ............................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER II CONTENT AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................... 4 2.1.

Study Tour Trip Report ................................................................................................ 4


Objects Visited ............................................................................................................. 4


WBL ..................................................................................................................... 4


Apple Picking Agro .............................................................................................. 5


Jatim Park 2 .......................................................................................................... 5


Transportation Museum ........................................................................................ 6


Mahajaya .............................................................................................................. 7

CHAPTER III CLOSING ....................................................................................................... 8 3.1.

Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 8


Suggestion .................................................................................................................... 8

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 9 ATTACHMENT ..................................................................................................................... 10



1.1. Background Giving lessons to students not only in the form of the material alone and within the scope of the school, but also the need for activities that invite students directly involved in all areas in accordance with the disciplines of science being pursued. Aside from being an effort to increase student competency, the activity is also an activity to refresh the mind, so students do not feel bored in participating in learning activities. Therefore, the school issues a policy regarding these activities to be carried out by each class VIII . This activity is often referred to as the Study Tour . The activity of holding a Study Tour has the following objectives: 1. To provide direct experience to students regarding matters relating to learning . 2. To test and explore students' abilities in obtaining as much useful information as possible. 3. For comparative studies on the natural environment and recreation . 4. To broaden horizons related to the development of the environment. and 5 . To enrich the treasury of science in order to improve student competence. 1.2. Purpose Report writing of the Field Work Lecture (KKL) has a purpose, including: 1. To explain tourism in the Lamongan Marine Tourism (WBL) ; 2. To explain the tours in the Apple Garden ; 3. To explain the tour in Jatim Park 2 ; 4. To explain tours at the Angkut Museum ; 5. To explain tours in Mahajaya .

1.3. Time and Place of Study Tour Activities Study Tour of SMP N 1 Purwanegara 2019 to East Java held on Sunday till Wednesday June 8th-11th December 2019. The details of the place and time of the Study Tour activity are: DAY 1 (Sunday, 8th December 2019) 15:30 WIB : Participant Checking (Departure Ceremony) 16:30 WIB : Travel to Lamongan 1

20.00 WIB : Dinner (meal and prayer) 22:30 WIB : Continue the Journey to Lamongan

DAY 2 (Monday, 9th December 2019) 07.00 WIB : Arrive At Lamongan 08.00 WIB : Transit, Bath, Rest, Breakfast 09.00 WIB : Tour in WBL 13.00 WIB : Break 14.00 WIB : Trip To Batu Malang 18.30 WIB : Dinner 20.30 WIB : Check In Hotel Batu Wonderland 21.00 WIB : Rest

DAY 3 (Tuesday, 10th December 2019) 06.30 WIB : Breakfast and Preparation for Check Out the Hotel 09.00 WIB : Travel to Agro Pick Apples 10.30 WIB : Arrive At the Spot Visits 11.30 WIB : Break 12.00 WIB : Travel to Jatim Park 2 12.30 WIB : Tour in Jatim Park 2 15.00 WIB : Travel to Angkut Museum 16.00 WIB : Tour in Angkut Museum 19.30 WIB : Break 21.00 WIB : Continue the Journey to Go Home In Banjarnegara

DAY 4 (Wednesday, 11th December 2019) 04.30 WIB : Arrive In Banjarnegara 2

1.4. Study Tour Participants Participants in the Study Tour are all grade VII students of SMP N 1 Purwanegara, totaling 274 students. As well as being swelled by 18 teachers, 6 health workers, 6 tour guides. On the bus that I was riding in, there were 43 grade VII students, 2 teachers (Ms. Karsiati and Ms. Fransiska), 1 school employee, 1 health worker (Datus), and 1 tour guide (Jamil).




Study Tour Trip Report The study tour was attended by 274 students in grade VIII and several Teachers. Study tour using the services of Bintang Mulia Bureau located at St. Bumi Godean Gg. Bumi Godean II Number 7, Sari Mulyo, Tawangsari, Wonosobo SubDistrict,


District with four Tour


(TL). Transport



the Bus Teguh Muda, the buses are colored blue as much as 6 pieces. The bus is quite comfortable, equipped with several LCDs, bed lights, Full music, Full AC, cellphone charge, wifi and comfortable seating and can entertain the passengers. The Study Tour group gathered at SMP N 1 Purwanegara ceremony yard on Sunday, 8th December 2019 at 15.30 WIB. After all participants deemed complete, immediate briefing and prayers led by Representative Teacher of Study Tour, Mr. Taufik and Mr. Akhir . The group left at 15.30 WIB, heading to WBL . Entering the first day, Monday, 9th December 2019, the first day of the Study Tour group at WBL, Study Tour participants conducted activities to visit Bahari Lamongan Tourism and Check In Hotel . Then the second day on December 10th, 2019 did a Check Out Hotel and visit to the Agro Pick Apple continued with lunch. After completion, continue the visit to Jatim Park 2 and then proceed to the Transport Museum.


Objects Visited

2.2.1. WBL Lamongan Marine Tourism is famous for its giant crab statue. Lamongan Marine Tourism or commonly abbreviated as WBL is located at St. Raya Paciran, Paciran, Sub-district Paciran, Lamongan Regency. WBL was built at the Tanjung Kodok Beach location. This tour has an area of around 11 hectares and was first opened on November 14, 2014. Wisata Bahari Lamongan or commonly called (WBL) is managed by the company PT Bumi Lamongan. (Liputan6.com, 2019) Get off the bus, I crossed the road to WBL. Before entering the WBL, we took a group photo in front of the WBL entrance. After that Antree enters WBL. This queue is done to put a sign in the form of a bracelet as proof of admission. When I entered 4

the WBL, I saw many animals such as cows, camels, zebras, and many more. I headed for the bridge to see the scenery and take photos with friends. After crossing the bridge, I boarded a jet coaster ride. I felt an amazing experience. The feeling when the jet coaster started running, I started screaming out of fear. But not entirely afraid because there is a sense of excitement. I hope that time the game ends soon. However, 4 rounds of this game feels like spinning more than 10 times. After the game had completely stopped, I felt grateful and happy. Even so, I do not give up when riding the game again. Then I enjoyed the next game, bumper car . Bumper car is a game in the form of a small car that is controlled by one person. It is a new experience for me to control this car. I feel very happy because I did it together with the teacher. My loud laughter could not be forgotten until now because of the amazing impression. After that I entered the ghost hospital. Starting when Teacher Edi invited me and my friends to try this vehicle. At that time, I was afraid because of the appearance of the dolls and the sound of background sounds that made me shocked and spontaneous screaming at the top of my lungs. I held on tight to the teacher. Not only me, other friends do the same. We hold hands like a train that goes on strike. After leaving the ghost hospital, I and my friends left the WBL to go to the bus and get ready for the next trip to Batu Malang. 2.2.2. Apple Picking Agro Apple Picking Agro Tourism is the result of the combined Makmur Abadi Farmer Group. This apple picking place is located on Street Diponegoro Number 24, Tulungrejo, Batu (hot.liputan6.com, 2019). Towards the agro pick apple place, after getting off the bus, my friends and I boarded the public transportation first for about 15 minutes. Arriving at the Apple Picking Agro area, I rushed into the apple orchard and picked apples directly. I really enjoyed this trip. Where you can feel harvesting apples with your own hands and feel the freshness of apples that have just been picked from the tree. I brought out an apple worth Rp. 40,000 to take home and enjoy again with my family at home. 2.2.3. Jatim Park 2 Jatim Park 2 is the first tourist destination in Batu. This area is a child friendly one. There are three tourist areas that are part of Jatim Park 2, namely Batu Secret Zoo, Mu Seum Satwa, and Eco Green Park ( travel.kompas.com , 2019). 5

Before entering Jatim Park 2, I along with a Study Tour group took a selfie photo in front of the entrance. Hoping for that photo to be a memorable memory of this middle school period. Still imagine the smile of Mr. / Mrs. Teacher, and laughter separated from friends when invited to take pictures. I really miss that moment of togetherness. Before entering, we antree to get an entrance bracelet. We have to queue at two points. Upon entering, we were greeted by dead animals that had been preserved. My feeling when I saw this felt strange and many questions that arise in my mind why they are preserved. It turned out that after a few steps through it, I began to think it needed to be done. So that animals that have died and are rare can still be seen by the nation's next generation and not only hear stories and sightings of 2-dimensional photographs. Out of the animal museum, we were directed to Batu Screet Zoo. But there I got lost and by chance we met with a guide from the bureau so that it was directed to the right path . Until I entered the Screet Zoo, I found animals that were still alive. Here I feel sorry for the existence of those who are locked up and unable to feel the wild. In addition, here I found a lot of game rides, but I decided to skip it because I was tired of walking for a long time. 2.2.4. Transportation Museum Museum Angkut is a museum of transportation and modern tourist attractions located in Batu City, East Java, about 20 km from Malang City. The museum is located in an area of 3.8 hectares on the slopes of Mount Panderman and has more than 300 collections of traditional to modern types of transportation. The museum is divided into several zones which are decorated in a landscape setting model of buildings from the continents of Asia, Europe to America. In the Sunda Kelapa and Batavia Zone which is a Replica of the Sunda Kelapa Harbor, it is decorated by several ancient transportation such as pedicabs and miniature ships. The European zone is also set as if it were on the streets of cities in France with ancient European cars. (id.wikipedia.org, 2019) At the Angkut Museum, I felt very tired because fatigue had run a very long time and that day also visited many places. There is actually a lot of education that I can get. As a means of transportation from those that are still powered by animals or humans to those that are powered by engines. Early in this transport museum, unique antique vehicles greeted earlier. I've never met them before. There are also trains that are like in fairy tales. I really want to 6

ride but there is written the words "It is prohibited to step on or climb" . I hurried around the place and looked for a way out because it was very late and wanted to rest immediately. Even so, the experience at the Transport Museum remains unforgettable and exciting. 2.2.5. Mahajaya At Mahajaya I buy souvenirs to take home. There are so many available there. From T-shirts, brooches, key chains, to snacks typical of the city of Batu Malang. Not much I bought, my mind still wanted to go home soon.



3.1. Conclusion I am very grateful to SMP N 1 Purwanegara for organizing study tour activities. I also thank the Bintang Mulia bureau and the accompanying teacher for their excellent service and facilities. 3.2. Suggestion I hope that SMP N 1 Purwanegara can continue to carry out study tour activities to add experience and new insights for students.



Liputan6.com. (2019). Jalan-Jalan ke Wisata Bahari Lamongan, Ada Apa Saja?. Accessed from


lamongan-ada-apa-saja, on January 11th, 2020, at 20:15 WIB. Hot.liputan6.com. (2019). Rekomendasi Wisata Petik Apel Batu Malang, Cocok untuk Liburan




https://hot.liputan6.com/read/4054969/rekomendasi-wisata-petik-apel-batu-malangcocok-untuk-liburan-keluarga, on January 11th, 2020, at 20.22 WIB. Travel.kompas.com. (2019). Itinerary Kota Batu, Pilihan Tempat Wisata 1 Day Trip Bersama Anak.



https://travel.kompas.com/read/2019/12/26/105500527/itinerary-kota-batu-pilihantempat-wisata-1-day-trip-bersama-anak?page=all, on January 11th, 2020, at 20.30 WIB. Wikipedia.






https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_Angkut, on January 11th, 2020, at 20.48 WIB.



Take a photo with the homeroom teacher on the hotel page.

Lamongan Marine Tourism Images accessed from https://tempatwisataindonesia.id/wisata-bahari-lamongan/ On 11/01/2020, 21:00 WIB .


East Java Park 2 Images accessed from https://infobanknews.com/ on 11/01/2020, 21.18 WIB.

Tourism Agro Pick Apples Images accessed from https://ihategreenjello.com/pesona-keindahan-wisata-petik-ape/ on 11/01/2020, 21.21 WIB.


Transportation Museum Images accessed from https://travelspromo.com/promo-tempat-wisata/tiket-masuk-museumangkut-malang/ on 11/01/2020, 21.25 WIB.

Mahajaya Images accessed from https://mahajaya.id/ on 11/01/2020, 21.25 WIB.